im.,1 mh" ii THE SUNBURY AMIilUCAN, 18 PUBLISHED EVKlftr SATtTRIHAT BT EM'L WILVERT, jProprlotor," MAssnn's m-n.rros, aukkt rUAitE, At fl.l0 In AilTaucc. It not paid wlthla ft Months 99. Snbseriptinni Mtn for Ust than tit Month. CoTdTTFi) with till establishment l an cxton lveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plftln nntl fancy type equal to any cstubli linient in the Intvrlor "of the State, for which the patron OR3 of the public is respectfully solicited. ilroff3sian;tI. WMI. J. W'OliVKUTOS, Attorney a Law. oiiice, floor No. 5, 2nd floor. Ilnnpt't Block. near Miller's Shoo Store, Suubury, Fa. March !ili, H7L ly. CM IS. C 3 ami I tJOYF.K. Attorney nt Law. Non. Second lloor llrisht ISnildinir, Hunbuiv. Pu. rrolelonal business nttcnilc.l to.ln tin-court" of Northumberland and adjoining cmii-tici. Cuiims woinptly collected. Consulta tion can he had in the Herman language. , March, l-ob ly. J"i:RKMIAII KY.KK, Attorney nt L-i-.v, bunh-i.-y, i'.i. All professional h.tsl-m-si Intrusted to his earn will receive prompt nt ti'iilinn In thi ami adjoinlm; co-untie.. Can bo consulted both ill F.n:;lldi and liernmn. AlfO, District Attoriicv of Norlhivnbcr'uind covlnty. Aif:.S0,lS7.).-'lT. J A'l TOUNEY AT LAW, No. 11 I FoCilT'.l AVENUE Notary Public, Fittsbnre;. 1'ft. Jan". lj. 1ST,). 1y. J . JIAKSiS.R V 0, Market Street, T SUNHVUT, PA. Healers in limits, Medicines, Paint'. Oils, Jhiss. Virnishe. Liquors, Tobacco, Cie;:irs, ?ocl;et Hook", Dairies &c cT i. WOI.VE'S TOcS. Attorney nt Law. O. Market Square, SCNHL'HY.PA. Profession al business in thUaad adjoining counties prompt V alt -nilc I to. A. 81. WAYIiMiE. respectfully iin ) noii'K'es himself as Phy-ic'ian an 1 t-nritron ;o t:i- citb-.insof Simlmi y ami vicinity, having lo ate.l himself permuncnt'y on Market ptrcet, near ti;..iii .-the I'airinotint Hotel, where he can he.ii.--lti-d at all noun when uot professionally "F TVT TR TT u Y J Jj U It 1 II W 1IM IJLUiLlI i:taTlliahea In lS.IO. ( ritlCE 91 CO IX ADVANCE. ) SUXUUUY,' PA., SATUUDAY MOIINIXG, MAY 20, 1871. t New Nerlr. Vo!. a. Xo. 9. I Old Kcrlen, Vol. 31, No. 23. ott Is :tnb jcstuttntnt3. TA""IlTi:nE Elbl'E, Broad nndt hest- nut ft.. Philadelphia, J. B. UUTTEPv- WO It Til. 11-oprietor. April 15, 1ST1. ly Terms per day, $3.50. T-TXIOS HOTEL. TIIOJ. FOt'LDS, Sr., J Proprietor, Shainoin Street, Trevorlon, Northnintierland county, Pa. The table Is ?np plle.l ilh tlio best tlin market nllorls. UooJ Rtabliiid unci attentive. o.tler Jan.2l,'71 HOOVEi! HOrSE. Tli'vl Street, at the depot. SL'NUCKY, PA., Wm. Rnrsi:, iro piiitor. Warm meals. nerved np lit all lioiirn. Fish, FowU and (i.imc. Fresh Oyster con otantly on hand ami Mtrve.l In every ttyle. The best of wlue and liipiors nt the liar. jyjPl'iimiilrn will ho supplied with oyster done up lu any style, by leavimr orders rit the par. iNov.,ri70-lv. KEMTAlliANT A EATISM IIOl'SE. CHARLES IT.EI., ritoi'HiRTOR. Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot. Si'sucnT, Ya., HAS open a Hestanrnnt nn,1 T itinn; Ilouse, for the nccommodatiou oftho public. Warm mealt ran bo had all ho nrs All kinds of came, flsjh. c, served up nt short notice. His Inn is supplied with the b.-tliquor in market. No pain; spared to please, and terms moderate. Sunbury, September, 4 1 It 1SW9. ly. NATIONAL LAGEKKEEU SALOON, es inxr.n stiikkt, thb rnPOT, EUNIJVP.Y, TA. TOSF.PII BAC1IF.R informs the cltirens of Snn li'.ir,. nn.l llin mililie e-enerallv. that he has ti:-:- upu-i-iy opened a LAGF.R HEER SALOON nt the above - - 1 "1 place. The best or J.airer Beer, and -Man L.iquors V. 7,1 Kt,k.?:rt, Attorney at, north , k , Als0 (,VBtcrB &C., constantly serv- G H" Public i9.',viirn, one doW Cat ol . c,i Un to customers. , 'Mine, S'JNBi'HY, PA. Collre.- tho .old Bank 'onal basiness promptly at-! ;TTI'?AL HOTEL. ACGl'STl'S lions a -id all proic 0f Northumbcrirnd and I Al'iviii) lV.onrictor, Georgetown North'd tolled to in the eour septi.S-fti j 'y al (!,;r;l;!oU of the N. C. R. W. .tdjoinin.i,' euu!i.;. s. winfg .lMi, e, (, ;i,e bur. "-T- ?iirVlK: Um,M-v "l T-e table l- supplied with the bet t!o market ( . La SUSURY? PA -All ' 1" I aflurd : .tabling and attentive othr.. tr k'-1 to his cars attended to promptly ! V , Y.i.V.V II :EN V HISK, 0.t.""C"AS- Uilto-tiec. I'JT kv-CKNEK, P-toprietor, Vos. 81S end !.'$ vv(l;i,Y('l!,i;MKST, Attorney at Law, ! t.... J-Wl, ttbove eltihth, PHILADELPHIA. .1 " vV-v:ii-'lY. P..-Col!eeti..:is and all pro- iv ,. nc. h''- lc "espeeiuuiy soiicrs your Jlcb SbbfrHscmfiits. LIFE end FIRS AND Marine Insurance Agency OF Near the CorRTlIot su, Hi-NitritY, Pa. MALTIJIOKS: LOt;i P.. JOIIN&VON, HOSPITAL COMPANIES REPRESENTED. INSURANCE METROPOLITAN LIFE COMPAXl 2sE'V Y0111C. Office S10 Broadway. AM-ettj In proportion to Liabilities larger than any other Cniiip,ny, Examine the merits of this st ! linir Company. Its Registry System, and Division of Prufite. L. M. YODi:U, SptLial ARont, Scnuvuy, Pa. I'hii-ici'in Of tills eelebnited Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy. pleiiMiint and i cUe-ctUal r. ui.idv in the Woild lor nil iJif-KAsT.! OK IMPni:iENC,F. Weakne'S of Hie. Ilmk rr 1,'nubi, t n-lclnre?, I A r.rci',.ns of Kidney; mi.i I-!;!'ii'.er, Involan t '.ry Pi -charges, Impi.tency, General Di-iiill-'v. Nei-tnarlu-.i. D vsi. i pi.y, L'iititr. Low t-J iiit (Valu-d"?! i' Ideas, Palpiialiou i,f I the lieait, Timi i'.iy, 'i'l'eir.l.lines, )1iii;h".h ol bi,'-ht or Gi l hi'.e.,.i, of tiio Head, TLroat. Nive or f;i.!n, Air.'div.Hof Liier. L-:iiLrs, M-miacli or I. oval. in:; temliia Di-oi.brs nrisiii.-: IV.-ni tbe ;li.l:''irr lia''i!-; of Y-eii h iliosc i J s-.!ri-it. and Holil.iry j rtictices tin re fatal to their i j vie! mis than t:ic ih-hi; Syrens to the Marinei'o of L', l.-l'iyi.llni! Ihelf iniert brilliant K'.p.-H . of antk i; uliui- , rcz J.-. hie; tii.u;i,'p;e, ite., ini oc- ! Mbie. " j ! 1 Ol'N'i V.I.N tiipe: 'aMy, vho I- ir beco.j.c !li virr'.-.r. r'f So'l- ' taryViie, tiat ilivadi'ul tin I tje.sirnetive i to ; 1 1 i.i.ih.ieiy (.Tave i.; : t' i xalte 1 v'.ii rdiihl oilier ''i .'.i s -with I'm 1 I i v .tacy the iiec. r,u!:;e jSTNA Insurance Company, nARTFORD, CONN. ANMCtS, L.J 95,7S2.6r.5 09. Ilendee, rrest.letit. J. Goodmow, Gc'y. Wm. B. Clark, Ass't See'y. L. M. YODER, Agent, Scnbury, Pa. fesdoral l.u-dnitw prompt c. uavsE't. j i.e!h-rs at Law. SCNISCP.Y P. y attttide.lto. melilJl-tj'j j L. n. KASE. I Attorievs and Coun- ; t'hcstmtl street, we.-t ol tKe - ana r. i'..i:-..... i n..n.,t. iii the bail liner lately occupied by V. i.e.?. mis, i!j. C-iU'elions and all protest- '.inal le.isia-bs invimt'.v attended to is Nortii'.r.n ! be..-: in 1 nad jidj.uuiiu' eoiuti. . Ill li Tf t. 3JAfr!;r:i!, Attorney nt Law, t-UN-jTA BURY, PA. Collection ntt'.'iid'd to in th eounties of Norf.i.tmbeiiand, Union, Snyder, Montour, Colauibi.i ;..djCO'!iiSJ:Jl,IiiL 1 w i7 M." IMK-KBFBIAISkT LI.OV i T. HoHttKACn. ii,... iii Huai.i's new bnil.lin!r, teco.i.1 tiv.'.Kv on Market Staarc. Market c. Terms, v! pf I patronage. TASHINUTON SIOj.. n eet:, opposite the Court N'EFF, V i. i i .., r M ukei & Sec'ld House, tstttibury, May-'8,'7U. HOTEL A It EST A l' KANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, rimiburv St., west S11AMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals se'ive 1 at all hours, at short notice. The bcrt of at the Bar. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest in the markets. At tentive serv.iiits. Terms moderate. Patranage solicited. Hour. Lu- an4-64 i f,'VV.. Attorney at Law. rninbii!' Oluce in Maeoii'c Hail lSuiMlnff.. i l-oil.etlon of claims wiitii.cs aad all of j U-'-al ba-'iiier-s a!;on.ied to crei'aily and with dispatcli. !; April ti, 1.1. ly. HfJI 31 EL'H I'.HT A Ml A NT, LO U IS 1 1 U M M EL, Proprietor. Cominercs St.. SIIAMOKIN, PENN'A. Ilti vinir just retltted the above Saloon for the aceoniodation of the public, Is now prepared tit tervt ' friends with the best letreshmeuts, and Ire h L.i-C.r Leer, Alt, Porter, aud all other malt tpiors. 1VJNTER ARIEN AN HOTEL JVc:. 120, 7L'4 i 727 Vim St., I'lilLAPELFHI A. TVYOMINCJ IKSUrtANCE COM PANY, WILKES-BAURE, PENN'A. A Sun. 1st, IS7S, l?2:9,CCH IS CHAS. DORRANCF,, Pl-eslil-nt. ' L. 1. SHOEMAKER, Vice Piesii-rt. K. C fcMITIl, S:eretary. L. M. YODKU, ARii'nt, Suxbuky, Pa. i.h'.eh annu.iliy th i'is.-iiv'.i tf v talent i mid In il'.Iunt I'll v.')- have uti,uic--d li:,'... tliai.iha.s fil'eli; ::: .'ee e." B'.ins Ivre, u:iy A II with f MAH-lilAor,. ?'anl Pcr---'tw t Vo'iu; r.-i cosiUiuplatly.: m irtiaj-e, nnarc of .Physlcii We.ilnie::.-., (Lim c.f Pi oercal ivi; i' .', irfi; o! .!). Neriou-. K ctt.ibll'ay, i'.i. l':;;'i!::e SVea.n ss, N r vir.i" lull!'.:;;,-, (,r any L'.'.at PL-iiiaUUcatloii, s; eedily relb veJ. l'e Win) p'.iee.s himself under tliej care of Dr. J. nv.y re'iuioaly eoniide in lii.s hoi.or e.s a gentle man, aud cotitilvHtly rely uoon bis -.kill Pit v. rician. oruANk: weakn e. . Iaiprt'tiey. Lo r. of Power, imme.! .i'.e'y CureJ i;ud full Vi .r lest... re I. 'i liis l'i.trj-i.i A uecii.m wbie'n render.'. Life miserable mid ir.ti ri..;e iiu o-rl','. I- ila. p. Mil! v r lid by the vi'liui . , L.iproper induo'.-i i 1 ottli;; 1 '1 are loo.ajtto ( e.-i:. --.-i i s i iVoia hoi be'.i'iw.u . ol i .e 1 i.-.i-.l :u 1 eons- j -iiLes Ith it e.iey ea -ti'. Nov, v l:o t'.' i::i iei ...:i l. J the t.-.ibj..-.-t vi'.i j-ref.-ud i. deny that t:) : p r.v:-i I of p;-oci..-iti'e.i b sooner by the.--' r.i!l;..-: u,; iiujiour lm.'otiia,i ly til- pn-.K-i.t I !.. -1 !,-.-. j li.-i;.- .h-prive. 1 1 u ph-.,s!.ie..ol b-ulthyod'-piusr. J the t-i-.vt i ei'ee.i-. ind lU-.-tl-i'-tive ;i.i i-oi - to!..-, Ill b ly a:i-l lain ' .i:-i.-e. The syst'-m ..-f..i,.'s ile I, the PI .' ;.'. il in. I M" ntal l'-.oielioiis V.'-ak-iie-!. Li .-s if i'rei-reatlve l',,K,-r, Nervo is Init.ildiity, Jrj '-.-,.-ia, p.i!p':i..ti-.:i of th - ll -ait, I.illKC.tii.ii, C'.u-tiiutlotial Hebli'dy, a W.tstiuij j o.' Hi.: I'i .iii.f , Coii'-li, C'o;:s.i!ii: tion, Decay ami Select 3octnt. SEl.tJM. V,'e arc sowln.', daily sowing, Coiif.tless seeds of 'noil and 111, Scalte'ed on Mm- level lowland, Cast uhoti the windy hill ; Eci'ds that sink In rich brown furrows, Soft with Heaven's eracious rain Seed, thai te-t upon lli surface OJ the dry u;ij Willing idaiu. Seeds Unit Tall amid the silliness Of the lonely nioiiid iln ejen ) .Veils east oat 1 i crowded places, '1 1 1). I. tell iiniler loot of men j Kee ls by idle beaits foirotlen, Finn at random on the air, e -t! by laithlul souls remembered, Sown In tears and love nu.l player j Seeds that lie uiiehanped, unrjuk-kciiid, Lli'oicss on the teemlm; mould ; Eieds thut live mid (slow ami UouiIbIi Vi iiea the so-Aer's hand is cold. Py a Mlii.-pcr sow we blessings, By a breath we scatter tn'e, In o n- woids and looks and nctloLS Lie the reeds o'.'dtulh mid lilo, The.ti w'.io kno-.vest all our tvsahuens, Leave us not to so-.v alone! Bl I thine anel.s trnard the furrows V del Hi" rceious trrain Is sown, Till the lieldb arc cruwned with (lory, pilled Willi mellow, n.eliel nuis Filled with fruit of iile ei.rnal From the feeds we sowed iu tears. Che.-fc the forward thoughts and passions,' ftt.iV t'lu 1. a...'y, liL(.uie..s hands, Le-t Hie trei-ms ol sin and sorrow Mar .mi- fair anj plearant lands. Fa! her, help each weak endeavor, M::l: each f.i'.ia.'al eli'oit blest, Ti l TVi.ic l.aive-t shall b? garacre.!, A-.i.l v.e eii'.or h:!o le-t. How Coudticloi N lire Hulucd. A repentant railroad detective, who 1ms now' oinbiiikLd in a nur.j rispui.-tublu tall iiii:, nnikes tlio fullmvino interi-tiiig exposu of thi! irmmior in wliicU innocent ruilioud men are ruined : Up to tliu coiuuu'iiccnicnt of lli prtsc-iit ytnr i inivo -jc-cn cinphjyc-a an it iaiiio:il (icR-cuve. iiavinj; lotinu a inure hut: employment, nnd by wny of titnancu the imt-t, L lev! desirous of innkiua soil) niiitini lo Hint clnss id nun that I hav 1 vil ADVERTISING SCHEDULK W Lines, or u'wnt 100 Words, woke a SqnaM n u 1 8' 8 8'1 4 e1 KcrdU col Onevfeek 1.W Con a.50 8.0-1 5.&0 8.U0T5 00 Two weeks VBO J.0.T 8.V 4.00 8.0011.0018 00 Three " 8.00 8.S0 4.50 8.00 0.00 18.0080.00 Four ' li.50 4.50 B..1)')' U.O0 10am is oodq f.n Five 3.75 S.0O 8.50 T.OOJS.OO 17.00 a'-.OO S,1" " 00 (1.75 7.50 8.00 Lt.OO 1S.(X) 27.50 iwoirjo's 3.!i5 7.50 S.OO 0.0u.l5.o-iat.tii.iKi a.6(l 8.00' 0.50 10.00 itt.U0tt.00'4o.0C' o.uo; tt.ojii.uojit.(io:-d8.ou M cooo.oo 0.00 10.00 18.00 15.00:S5.OU 41.10 75.00 :.oo i-j.oo i o.oo ao.ooj w.oo uo.i i 1 .00 Three " Six Nine Ouc Year the donr. Looking up I aw a lady enter, bho was dreswd Jusst as 1 had last acvn tny .widoir. I LairroMt! to oiler her a neat, think ing it wa some one of the family, wheu I caught the expression of her face. It was livid ntid death like; but the- features wero those of my widow. I was spell bout:d with astonishment. Sho walked in h.. ouut : ,"),,,lU,-' "ml fli"a' one arm ou it, regard -. i-. i lisedly. I was breuthlts with ai'- sDiii.. ! flfl' a "iionieiit, but recovering myself . " 1 1 (stopped forward as if ft ndd ....i.... ,,j ,..v m.-s ,n nun wim 1 nave 1 ,. 1, ., i , i ... , r , , - leretofore aided, unjiiMlv in many ; ,Y " U '''o s1': ''r ht-'ad aud moved away. illilyiii-Jncivinu'iileiv'liictsiiftlu- wu.kll ''-' ptessiou ol her eyes wa lire and inosof that i.iisciiimiloun L-atiL' kn r.vii na 1 '."! 1 "c' billJ ua l'illiu " words ! rr"11'1 tivf?,t as to-o-u Hie vjea . ,... . ..... - vv t u uu li I 1JU 1J11 VII 01 our ranmau oiiieials to tlio initHLiee of condeiniiinv imiuci-nl iik.ii upon 'the word ! of such as now belong to Hint ;;u:ii;. Any 1 railroad company c.;:i n-c.jti ivin tiiat iiiue- 1:1c keep to my courtship wheu uvea tho dead warned uio ngiint it "As my shadowy visitaut moved away I planted down at her feet. Even iu doutli fche had iiie.-rvi-d her identity. Thcro was u ho e iu her btockiti''." j tenths of i-onduelois aetuned of dishonctty are accused unjustly. The piati is, when a contract to vforV on I a road is taken, to Hi st select a victim ; to ' ' " " "-"r I suppose at once that he i.suiltv, ati.l, to j " 10 Maee Tni: Best Farvbrs. Mr. I eiliier tiud or m.-tnulircturu to is- ; Lecchet says: 'A uiau wLois uot uruart Uiblish the. premises. A niiraele nlouu can ; 'i"1'.-" to run a elore is uot smart inougU save him. Xhe reputation of the men cot 1 l" ru" ft f:iri- Farmers aro not to bo to ivaieh li'nn is nt stiike, and they feel that i "l:ido out of what is left fitter lawyers, doc it is incumbent tincm them to briti -r him 111 ll,rai iiinislers, and uiercliants ro sorted I Rtiilly of fraudulent pntcliees. ' , and picked out. And if a man fails ou a I One duiloe is to pt.t emu to usk a enndue- j Su"d farm it is not likely that he will euc ! tor to chunire a bill for iiccominodaUon, 1 vc0'1 ul n stori' i for it requires more talent I while another witnit-a the operation iu;d j l" Uca Uiriviiij; farmer than to bo aa aver j swears and swears technically true that ""f llt;ri-'haiit.i The ono cause of gteatest i he saw the comlr.etor receive the money, ; taihire is thodispruporlioii between a mau'a j and neither return or punch i. ticket.' An- ' I'""1.1 allJ ll!s t'11!1'1-11- A farmer7 capital tiner plan is to luiy two tickets at llu one ; "10 mcu moor nnu 111s money., ji 110 oilicc in dav, present one to the con- j 1,:ls llU!u cash, ho must have no more land ckiclor nd rt l.uu H.e oilier, reporlinej that i tlliin thoroughly well uiauai-e by hia tho conslnetor to-.!; it but did not punch it. ; own l'i'W-'Uiil livbot. Livery acre beyond In the mt.inwhile the. unsold ticket is ivcn . tl;'lt. fll! iucunibrance. Ouu aero welt I'i the can liderate. who will start the next wor';ed is more prol: table than twenty acres siviiiiinei.i over. ) i is tins piecu or lane, by firmer that have cot the capital to work: it thut keeps so many poor, fiumll farms nre better lhau lare ones, simply beo.iuso they are better .suited to tlie average capital of common farmers. Lurije farms with large capital are belter thau small oucb. 1i.1v on 11. e tame truiu lor the same place, and prew.Lt the ticket sold the day before I the conductor, who, if he docs Uot notice J " i the tiate, is trapped. It is a very sueeess- SiitL, ..2 n.iI::iJIi.i Ot-' GlJ2HlttJ. 1 iul t,M us u hiiU&i bulh ClJauclors aud A .t;v Yoik correspoiideiit "jivts the j utttut. fvll id Uillir 1 1:1(1-1 S.I illo rlisi iii 1 .,f li. iu- 1 1 1 ' A III itlinr di ill r.-i la (hio ..l-nvnl ftr..tlot-Q K l into 11 oamOiiin; cbtabl.o.l,neiit.and the crowd around the conductors, calling at 1' hundred acres ol laud 111 tho pos ways ami inihs of polished looking oiicy for liekets, and oiieriiiL' money for .session of a man who has'iuily capital to j;eiiiu n:e!i called "ropers in :" dillercui, points on the road. The one who -No one can obluiu admittance to a first pas for the point furthest off will niitnaiic to get the ticket from the conductor that belongs to the one payiiij; for the neatest point. Some of the ii'ing then get oil at the lirst siaiion, leuvin-' all the tickets iu l- A Ctrnr. V.RI:.NTKi IN TWO DAY;'. : class 'lie U' liult-sa he is iiilrnd.iced, and riiii-l in health by unlca; a-.-d pi-.teu- heueo I he door is carci'uiiv guarded. How- ! ;l.-r- v.ho ki. pt'i..-u trill-:;- month ai't.-r ti.ontli, i tyi.r secure they may he i'miir loeal h.p.-r- i lahim; (...l-oioiis n, hijiuioas cemp-.-ur. Is. : m ilmrc is a 'lian.-r of (.o.W-1. i shua.u itpp.y fWVjO j. ! Merchauis frequently l;.:d it imiM.itant lo M. ii.bci- of th- leVval'i Jiiee iVi-ur-eons Lou- j iHc!i their clerks, and a detecine might .lea, Graduate! from one of the ii'.o. t eminent ; thus ililel'itre w.tll lile ilitel''-.sts of the Hi- I Col.e.-s i i t'i;.- Ci II t'tates, and the i r-at. r sU'.utinll. UilL lutrodaetioli i.S U-il dill'.eult i t'M'-t of w'.f.:-e il'e liaii b"i a f-eer.t in 11; - ho'lii'.-iN . to miiv mho woo l.i nu.or.e Itwl..!..! j! ..e.. - : it ro persons UiU:i:;ii:;-, and 1:1 sou:-.' c-.ti-'-S , l even hoariiuig, at the Ih.l.1, who are ' : stock and develope ten acres, leads to ono . of two things either that ho pays taxes oa oiii! hundred and niuety acres which bo does not use, or, us iu morer commonly the case, he spreads his small capitul out over the whole two hundred acres ; and Hie hands of one or two. who to the whole i l'iat it s e? mm tnai it is like a spoouluiol distance, giviua up the Ion- tickets, and ; K'Jn" l' Hie Urand I 'rainc, i'i AXTlUt ACITE COAL! ! VALKN'TINK 5ii:'I7., Vho'.eale and; dealer in every varl .y 01" ; ANTHRACITE COAL, Ui'LT.R V.HAt.t, tl-UNUURi", Pi-NN'A. J b kin '.s of ii i .i.n taken in ex;-'.:a:if;r for foal. Ori-i-s sol'.e.te I aa ! ri. t-rjly-. .'.,'';,i5it w.' s. ui.o.u.s. J- r.vr::-:.-. UAiS. V lli'Viil. i.K.'.l.V.HS OF ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNUURT, PENN'A. OrrtcK wiru Haas, Fai;vi.t & Co., nr.',. Wit at Seaslt.i'tr !)ro's.,o:;'.eeM irkrt f-ltre-t. wi'l reeive -ro:r. eai-toai resD.-ell'u'.l V so.iel I'eb. 1. 1-71. tf.. 1 "VAfMMA51S:RS. j WE are s-eliLii Riais, "e. l-uhf. Spring, Canvas,, 1-ts, V"y 1 Larr;.: f toek at C O.N... I A. t O. , biiuoiiry. March r0MSl.: j C"-0 ii.! OAI.Y VOALI (iRANT UROS., i J thippers a-a l Wholesale a.;.! Retail D-alers In . V.'HiTK AND itrn AMI COAL, .SUNlllT.Y.rA. j ( v. n:;r.) i W Sole Agents, westward, at the celehrnted ! liui. v ( lav (. oal. janlOi'..'. i I t l.tU iui. ution. Country WINTER G A H DEN n OT EL, i (ON THE Kl Korr..N I'l.AK) i Centrally located, csnnectinc with all the City I Passenger Railway Cars, from all the I L'epots in the City. ! Excellent Ai.-coiMioJ:ttoii Tor Tra- vt-;icrs. Grand Vocal m l I jstninicntnl Concerts overy evcaiut: in the Summer and Winter Garden. t-Orfifffron Concert Enry Afternoon. riNB-l.A 'lies' HKSTAC11AST TUB 11E3T OF UI'.I UL-V.IMKNTS SI.KVKn. Office of J. Vaier's i'ouutaiu l'.u li Brewery. June 4, U70.-ly. Pottsvillo Fire Insurance COMPANY. LOSSES rnOMl'TI.Y PAW. T. A i.ST AUT, lTU-IHUK HArFI l tY, S?cnt.irv. L. M. YODKIt, Agi'in. SuNii' RV, Pa. of Joupti, i'.-i., I'hila.le'ijil.ia mi I i hut ede.-ted Hone of the luo.-t it.'.:i-h'.!i;' nil": lntf in the h; a.l ami e.M's usleej., m-. at 1 'tnp.oyfd t- lead strangel s to tin se p.uci ln-iv.v.i :i'.evi. iK-liis ahirau-d nt fud.l.-n eoaads, ' ol rum. '1 hese uictl arc calii d 'ropers in.' ba-.!ii'iiiiies-, with ' frequent b.ii-:-.i!i':, aitei.elc 1 , They are handsomely dressed, and have j ''.i:iie wiilideran;.-,e.iientol' miuil, , re euic 1 I that easy and elegant air which marks tho ! laiaiediaU-ly. , '.. .v,,..,,, lYilijAii id the world.' 'I hey notice thu i "l Avt 1 AMR I LAI. -.01. a. ! tu.rival!l C1)WCU. semi t-ach new comer, mid ! i-i . o. Ul..l:e.-.a a. i mo-e w no i..ou inj.iu' i i .. ... , - , .... .. , . e . . :.. -. , ...i ... i i i. l ..... theneivei- b r.noioiHi' ia 111- e-.u-c an 1 :.o.';larv I " '"'J luu '"iier e.inuiv signs oi v.eaiin, I iiiimts m panics vtimin i nuun, mim u-'iiu iiablts.'wh-eh mm both liodv and i-ilu'-l. luii'.ilaie; ' the net is at once spread, l ust comes the j all in my power for them, have bei-u to the sr'.al smile aiul the wmur.ig coiiversaUon. 1 hxecutive, and m one case have succeeded The "roper iu" of course a business neni 1 iu having reinstated a. mail whom 1 believe IKIIUIilp ,1.1. r'IWlti 1.111.3 .13 11 I1I1I1V1. 11..1111. i the eoiiiiuetors. Here a case is made, and the conductors canuot make it satisfactory ! oiplaiiatiun. '1 hese are a Pjw of the nafarious and ras- : cally schemes used by detectives. I do Hot say that eoiuluetois, as n class, are any ' more honest than any other class; but really dishonest oues are often iu the 'ring,' j and are seldom reported. These are fuels, j and 1 could, were it exiietlietit, give you I or mar- i A LI'S INSURANCE CO.MPA: or LF.IE, PENN'A. the:a for idlu-r basiiicis, ttady, ..,eic liar.e. '1 ME'-B are some of the fr.,1 and melancholy effect pioiie-ed by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness ol' ihe bac k and Liuihs, l'.ons m tin; I;.. !; and 1'ial. Piniue-.s ol ti;:l.l, Lo.-s of Miu ca'..r l-ie.ver, Ua-.'-on ..!' t!:-- ; ;'i; y, N-l-vi Ii .a'.-. i'U iy. l'eiaec.ii -nt if I :.- . - l'au l;-'. is, (iciiiial IVoi.ity, S i:i tviaii of Cou vjrii !: " Mi;.N1.viiV The feaifal ellVcls oa the uund are laue.i to be die.nle.l Lose of .Memory, Con fiiidun of Lb as, Del n:.ion of (spirits, Lv.l-l'eul.-i In;';, A w.S.onto So.-Iety, t.-if-li..-'.i.s', Love of t oiiiade. Timidity, Ac., are sonic of the ' i!s pr 'daee.l. TiioIi aM' of i rr-.-.r.s of all n-.'e.- can now in due what w ihe cause of I heir hea'lii, 'lo.ii-.ij their lior, heeoaiiiikt. Kl aL, paie, nervous a 1 1 emaciated, li.i-1-.:- a fhm'ular appearance al vat tho eye.;, cot';;hua.l symptoias ol eoii-uiup- Aud I now lake au- i.. I.., , i..i i.. i other slop in tho vinuicatiou of those - '-irm may be a ijeh uiau's playthiug. lie. wronued liirough tl-.e public prints. Let ' ll'";s n,,u li:s &o'Mi-i. fits ground themanaoers of-railroads see and think, 1 l!Vl-'s lrot that un evil may be remedied. Let them j lirst select honorable men for this responn- , ble position and then treat them as tutu. How to 1'iCi.i: a IIc.-iiAND. Above a'l things, if a wiio wishes to make home at tractive to la r mate let her keeiwi sharp i eve on the conk : liolhins; makes a male Ciisli Cayllnl, flC50,Ot0 0. J. M. BAirniOLOMKVi', 1'KOPP.iETOK. POTUTil bTREET, ABoVE MARKET, Nt:uLiry Pa. -.7 horses always rpiIE best of ii Unit and .Irivin I ...I li-ini to sei ve cti:.loai-i .. ilr lers left at the Cen'.r d Hotel, for Vehicles, will rreeive promi latteutiou. I N..v. 5. 70. t (lEOKfiE M. KEN'N, in Simeon's UuihUnj, Market S-juarr, j f-jNiii-KV, Pa., i 1p.epaied lo do all kind of work pertaining to lieuti-try. Ha keeps constantly on hand a !a rev ai-soii i'i -nt or Teeth, and other Uciital, fioni wliieh he will be able to select, j aud la - t the wauls of hi c.i-toin- is. A'-l W...U w airaiiiei to i,'ivet.itlsaetlou,or else the n f i.i h !. Ti e v.-iy b.-t M ialh Wabh anlTsoth-Vowders U. i.t oa h'ia I. . lli r. lereaem are the uuicerou putront lor wlioai h i has worked f..rthlast tweiro Tear, ts.i ibaty, April 1.1, 1 i.d. ri:U fAI."YAl. an 1 i -l-'ii -1 haviin; eo i-.o-ct-I the Coal .... . . . l i urn ,. .:! IIV s V.llll -vt ......... trite, i prep.iri-1 to upp y i uai.n w.imuc IIIMS' t'OK CASH. LIQl' 11 T O K E I CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Ftrrct, oppobila the Court House, SUN lU ity, PA., , ., 1 Rispeetfallv Inviies the attentiou of Retailers and oih -is, that he has oa UauJ, and will con- i ktautlv ke'i i.'i ki-idsof ! 1 OREil.N AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Coiisi-lin-.: of Pure Hraudus: Cogniac, Cherry, ! Glmrer, Roe'aelle and Otaid. I Whi.-kies-. Pare Rye Copper-t'lstiUed, Mo"u- ' ejahela, Apple and Nectar. I PURE HOLLAND GIN I lYlnre: CUampaitae Vina, Bherry, Tort and Caret. . C.ab Cider, Champ '.e,ue Cidor, t.. Ram, (j., Blown Moat mi.i rcicn -mo. bTO.MACH AND WAR BITTERS, And all others Lbpiors which can bo found In the city markets, which will be Hold ul Whole sale and Rettdl. Every artielo puaranteed as icpren-nte l. Also, a laie lot of DEMIJOHNS and ItoTTLES, ulwayt oa hand. Iff Orders promptlj attended o, ud pubue patronuite respeciiuiiy io.icnw HON. O. NOBLE, P:trs:i,:;. JOHN P. VINCENT, Vice Pre ..i U-ut. M. RU&H WARNER, Secretaiy, 11. V. NOltl.K. Treasurer. IS. S. SMITH, Agent. witecTosm. V,"l o have la1 lice iii.luiio-d h itne 1 troi-. Cll'-els el V. VOUNG V EN :r-:.l t'.ieai.-cive-. l.-y a certain pi'.ie a vhen :! -ue, a ire.'.i.-i.tiy .11 i. -.-a! :.ue as, t: ..I school, ihe ell are. i m ' . 1 1 i le'.i. ev.a win. a .isl. a la 1 if lo i! -11'. ,. but. 1 !' I t care 1, r ss I.., I l.o a l. i la on lac Uapj--1 an 1 bo ij', r iioa.d Hon. O. Noble, John W. Hiimi-aor..I, John Puti.;, Hon. 8. Marvin, Wm. B. tterielt, Henry Rau le, (i. T. ChurehUl, C. Kuttleliart. O. M. Reel, Jr., D. P. DuLblns, L. M. cer.t, Hon. J. P. VI V. Hart - r, C.ii t. J. M Ri.-V. it James II. "..!. V. 11. Gib!' . II. V. -. Jlir am !.. ; it, lli-'aai.l I.'!. .-'I. Hon. G. 11. I' - a : 11. 8. S-Mt YODi:n, A;; -n bUNlSVRV, j'' ; j -o! 1 l.alj.. y tia: ioi. of i...f.lic a: . tachi..:' rei.e .trr, r.v. r. NF.rr. Euubury, July 3, lStil). ly. ir i:akiwake NTOIIE, J. II. I'ouloy, A I'o. MARKET STltEET, SUN BURY, TA.. AS received a new assoitmeui of all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, Meehauie-- tools, ive., of ail tb-M-riplious. Ao W .ifou Maker aiaie ilals. Hubs, Rims, t)oks. Alo, all kinds of I .rather for Mioeniaker'e and ba-ldler'. Kvery thiui; in the Han-ware llaec.iu bo found which will be .old a lo a can be boui'lit of any othur FitalillaliiUKUi lalUecounliy. Cll aud to their utoeii. Su-b iry, Dec. 11, 1 iVJ. ANDES Insurance Company, CINCTNN ATTI. OHIO, 111 We-t I'o Street. FIRE AND MAUIXB. I'Hkb CMpltul, rp'ii: Lb..- r VOH SALE. VWO VALU ALLE LOTS on the corner of rVomd Chesiimt stroets, la the no- i ol r inoury, on meu u'-i1 am . t ...... a .... i iu- I .. 1 iIi'im uuil outbaildl.iC. love mil ul, eoiisiauiiy on u.iua. ui.uu l,i,':ii.itiAd, lalo ol llaetl ueua, uee a. i ii.. n in lLi'liiiiiue luf i J. M. ( Vti WALL A PUR h'.ui'.mv, J.m. l-'i, li. '. -" JA i.iii-M i:. Ilri, uixt l'( NIHIMi A iai:ki:i' vault: r. t oMPAN:r. i.i i-i :. A e in. Pa.. . I :. i. r ii , . " l .'1 i! I I I, "It V 'l ', N .. . .. .a 1 ..1 1. ...Ik.:...'. N. Y-'lIt" H .a. i .. " I 1... .1 ., I .-'it .11, la... a M , t , u.i.'i i- V i -. i lebU, I;.....-, ".. . .. ii .ii I, II... " J, Pu... " 'Il ls.,,, " I ... .. ,. I n i .i , Vail., S l a .11 i Vu.. n o ' ' -W. S i .- il, V ' It. Si t .i ; . i I M ll I l'e (. L t AlM.04l. t I,... I, .1 kl ... V I' iuomi-jos utha. Ai-ilJ.-ut It! Hit, L'M'.ritV, 1'A. '.IVsEN i n. Also, Lot tt Mjiki l tliitt, lu the lloiouith of buaburv, oil mba li there ate dcllinx hoae, tlabla aaJ oulbulldini;-- ln-pilie "ie i like of S. P. WOLVtU lO.S, Feb. II. 1M.-tr. 'H.'ll'iLi'i; MEN, WOMFN, J. B. PF.NNFTT, Pre I lent. J. It. 11KAT l!K, Seci tare. J. J. ULUSL, hapl. of Ae.. ..ei. s. AppUeiillou for lusiiraiife pio.u;ly to. utten e I I Vi ii .1 a .ly ll .it a yo-a.r; m:i, the liopcol Ii i - ; 1 i .-a.-! ,-y, ihe'il.i; : a; ".f h parents, should I.e. ( i pro pee!, ami clijoyiiicrn., .',;ieaie of deviating li'oiu the i.i ii. iui-e,; iV in a eerlaia M.i.ivt '.:-,!! s-i, b. lore cunt, lapiati..:; MAIlRIAlil-'., Hit a oni! 1 i..!m-I and holy are the niiisl , i. i , I,-; ii iu.-, to eouau!-lal hai'l'i- i :: ss. I.i1. . I iviih.. at il-.e t'a.' journey l .irouclt ,;1e li .'...Hi. s a I....IV ..grimace i the ! 1:: ally 1..1. ..'!.. lo the Vie' i the 11101.1 I .-C.lIK . : !..:.iii'.. ..I w.tu -.!.-pail an I li. e.l v. Ml tue u'.el.iu eaolv r. i'.e. ilo i. i.'-.u tae h.ii.i ia.-si of aii'-th : l e. I li-lii. I M 111. o'.ll-o" it. a (. KRTAIN lUMIAiriL V.'le a ;ui-,ei.:de.l :u:J iaipi a.ici.t Votary t p'.e.ii.are li.ul.. lie llil.l lllllnlie.l ilie m-i- b ul l.ii, p.iii.'.u: Ji.-i.i .', it loo oiua li..ppeiii that all 1:1 i ... .1 s.ii.-e i t 1-.1..11IC. i i ilifa-l of ill i'oi a;. ,ii.i. i.iia in :n marline' M I It.- - i who, fio.n e l-a. i.iioii a-, i r. pivl..l-i;uy, can a'aeu- b. !'r:e:i.: ' h.i.i, .vi:. . i ' tl.i the -...iin..lioaal ymj-l'ims id I ta'a, 1....I-. 1 i;;' make their, saeii I .. , ;..'r. -e I ore di. ens- . it...', lo" -l ura I ' p:.i . ; in t' e b .i I aa I nail -, di.aiu .. of .-'e.!.', I .!.!!! -ii '.: on Ua' shin ii-ioes an I ar:.i.-, ' I lie- i a t i - li-.ul, face a. id '.li.-aiai. s, pm ! uii--i.i.- wail ripiiiiy, tut nt la-t lite I a!;;!-' of '.h.' mouth or the boiiea ol tin none fa. I , 1.., a!id lie- x.clim ol liils- afai .11- - i-e I, a b-illi l ol eolli'lli-' lalioa, till'.l I'. Us .1 p- l!-d I" Ids llle.l.lf.ll sllllella-.', b.V h 1-lliltt ban I.i - .ai I'll oa r. dtt-utiiry from la m- i. i ti'..n l. r t ai a-. ll is ,i ,. an, lioly l' , . I-1..U . 1. 1 tl.i I--, no e ,1. . ii.lo le li ,1. 1 . ol i ;u. I i I 'l lis Dl.iis, 1,,., by li a , r... , .'.i- i, nr, C-e., .le-l'-e. i t i a. la. , 1. ' ,' ami !;i'.o8 now to tail: business, ihe , eouveri-atioii then exlcuds to the woiidei ltd j sights oilerud by thu city, and perhaps be i fore aii-itiiet eveiiinj; lias passed, the strau ; i;.r ii ieinly to survey limiiilway by r;f.s- h;-,hl. lie is fond i f ndveiiture, which si i c.-mpattioit will ivudtr niore attiaetive. 'I :-..e 1:1.1 i-i-ll nut. 1 ni'i'l l-.i l- ni.rl n lieliiV ! J , ........ : ud.'Ls to the exliiliration of the walk. They enter into the spirit of the hour, and coii- ; vi l jii ou Ihe s'.ranuie and invsU iious world ol "last hie," which r-.ll dee, ire to see, ul- , luuiuii U'.vuarelo enter. 1 here is a I ,.T....,i,, ,..,....., ,i;-...,...,....i. .i ,, 01. l,u in. nun . s:ianL;el;..scinatiouovcrhaii.n:,'the forbid- . ,,an nu (iii)m.,-S) iil.Kcivid; if Hitre is den c iniui'.s ol society. The re- j niivthini; that will make him swear (and ih is to lin se tilings with luMlalioii, and x,uViS generally is, inv dear vuunn ladv. ul ; )eL with lias lonoin.i; which isiialural, and, tUotiU his U-mpi-r seemed so uiiHclic when j at l.iol, Ins companion intiiiialis thai he j . Was a-wooim;). is a cold plate wilh hot i possesses some knowledtti: of tin m. Slid- . meat, or a hot one with his ciieese. Nej;Vet . lii-niy he stops bi.-l'oie ail i levant, privnle j f this urn t is unpardonable. A-jniii. il ' house, i-eitiarkiue;, as he tlm-M so, "L wish ,.IV Mt be pnssilile to oive him d.iiniii s, i to call on a friend; wiil you iici-nmpnny i,ut it is easv lo avoid monotony l-.v a ea.x- me '" "Ci rtaiuly, ' is Hie leply, iindaiier st rin,!j t tlM diior, nlu-y t-uier an cUimiu and sjiaeious parlor, wiu-iv si vend entle uieii are enjoying the tn -i'.-pa;n is or con versation. In a few musical bi-ti is heard ami miu iti supper, and this dispels all memory of the 'friend' who was to be been. Thu "roper in" iiitiniulcH Unit lin y had heller accept the iuvilalioii, aud I in-) hud in the next room a table oiiitirim; w ith siivir plate and laden with teiiipiiit dishes, lu common with Ihe rest, llu-y en joy tin! luxurious far.-, and llu-u wine is served and nil dunk free I v of '.he spaikiiu-' aruiino is a cood business for all men who conduct it on business principles, aud have capital nccordiuo; to the size of their liirms. If a man iIik s not undersiand hia business, he will fail, whether he be a far mer, lawyer, miuister or merchant. If a man attempts to run a mine, a manufac tory, a bank, or a I.irai without capital, ho will fail alike in all or any of them, but uo sooner iu one lhau another ol theiu. 'Farming for amusement is another and entirely dillereut thing. .Some men prefer dops mid horses, some landscapes, fiurdens and fancy greenhouses, and others fancy farms, as a means of agreeably ependiuy; their money and occupj -rag touir leisure. Iul sillily of the ; aud il is ipiile astonishine; how ihe minister man can lie subjULratid and nn-uai-d by a judi I clous varialion of his nu als. 'J he creature j may be alleyorieally picttireil. lihlly li d by a lair lady with a wedding rini: throiili his palate. Indeed, there are a thoiiNiiid ways lo lead him, if women would show a ; lit tie tact, with which they are so lalsi ly ' credited. Opposition, contradiction, makes him lurious ; he slumps, he roars, and be ; conies aitii.ccllu r dangerous. Vlniias. ilieat liim uiidtr'.y, (J wile, and yon'sh.V.l ! wind him around vour inarii.iee liii-:i r. I Tur. TKNMsi:ic AViLD Man. The Jackson, Tennessi e, Wluj, s lys : We learn that between Nd-by and Crainsville, on what is call-id 1'iiiey", in JiicNairy county, a. stianoe and rrihtl'ul beine; has bien ob served for several weeks. lie is said to bi seven feet lii.;h, and po'.-sessed of grout; niuculur power, ilis eyes arc usually laiLTe, and tiery red; his hair hangs iu a laughed and muttered mass of jut below his waist, and btaid reaches below bis middle. His entire body is covered with hair, and his whole aspect is must frliiful. lis slums the siejlit of men, but npproaches with wild and horrid screams of delight every woman who is uuaeeoiiipauied by ii man. He bomctiiiKS with great precau tion approaches hi tisi E; and should he sen u man, lutisawav v.iili iislouithintT swilt iiess, li apinu the tallest fi uce with the easo ofa deer, delVuiy alike the pnrsuit of m-jii and dos. lie lias li ihleiied i-cveral wo 1 iiu-ii by attenipting to carry Iheui o.f, ua ' well as by his horrid anpei't, arid tho , w ho'ie coun try around is iucoiisterua i iii in. The citizens arc now ieourin; tho , woods, and are ileteliiiiued tithef to cap ; ture or Chive oil' the motif ter. junicrr.s jl'-rirbes. I'tntc C ;i';:;ot aud other brands ot chum- ; have seen wives miss ilu-ir chance of kiain- pa;,ue tiulil tne di hei.'.us (h linimi lias . j!,.. what they have set tlicir e)i s mi a A, Laugh 1-nOT. One day, near tho clote ol I be lale uncivil war, tin- twonrnuea putsiiu il, when siuo iih uii-1 ea y victory await tin-ill ill r.Uo!l:eruii'i i t'.oii. Tactl Mu ll women, 1 say, have not even instuul. Birds of, fur instant-; (not lo be rude), would net in u more ..uguciou uiau- Ucr.--C 'e.(iOl-'S iolll'ilil'. that 1 1 I.. M. YODi:n. A-.-nt, Si Niii uv, r.v. i' ii . l... e a le.i. ir 1. ii J.!.-.. '. si: .; la'. ! VXLLIAMSPOllT riUE IXM'UANCi: IDMI'ANV, WlLLlAMi.l l'M . I LNN A. lneorpoiali'4 1-'J. t'-"' ' -'1 ' ' ' thsJ.O 'O 'lo sii.-n, l; I se' I l I I I . I llOi.l 1.1. I l I III I Iul 1!. I i i.i- - 1 1 , ! J.i e,. I.. . ' I.i, I. .pre IV 1 ..i ail u.ii.1. Uio.l-aU.N HI '1 i:.i.n.-ii i. a i.u ll ll.- l. 4 1 .1 1 I'iil. 14 , 1 lie ,, P..1- I i.n and II. ill l'l'l .- ill I' I' a. tor ii-i.i.ih; He . i i. o'. ma. or la mp, ..r. h. ai.d i.i -i i 1 ". I. lar, i tot. . . ! Li 1 - V : : I ..a I 1I..I ;.oie-s, i., ,i, I.i I 1 i it'i i on t ilea. la l ' ; 1..U -i i' ; - j I .11.1 ill I I . en '! .e, r. Ji.lISM .N p:e 1 -. l.lia-.,- 111.- ll..-: lull -1 h. ' 1-e en I V, an I , -, i- 111 '..HI .111.1 , Ii i' .1 l.m.s l.l -oil. 1. 1- ol l.ui.'pe, a. id $." tosrlO iter Day who e.iaas;.-in "ur I.. bu.liie i m.iW J ll "in t5 I i thi lid da IU Hi- I oii l--eiliin. l udpir- I ll I i i ll.l.'U ...s I. ul ll 1 ' mail. lie. flu nitl ol lii.Ailcul, (nuUlabie (tuik, -Uuuld 1.'.I0 l o... . liLulii.r. STISSOS A ( O . IVitUud, Malue. i t9 OrlliiuMl I tkli!"!"-. "!' ". A ill IV !' .'! .-3ji. ! IVMMijliiUi ( JilHN WHII K. I'i. U. w. Hlour.-JN, . I l l. r. e.'y. In A ( ii kt m in. i i 1 ki.4 u ui I It. ul i ,.-i li 'id ii m ii...,; o t -ll". e 1 k .ii .iu I u. led 1... il.ii J i I "i ll.. - il 1.1 l V l 'l 1 a.l Lll r aiui.til . liltlMiH Ul l'lV, a e.miU bi-.-i.ii 4 en. I, uh.i CUeiluul, rlllLAI'Ll.l'UI II i.b u I i.i i-i . ..--1, m ix l-nii u. I'niio lnui.l t. i I. .i. el I .ip.1.1,. I..... In. I 4 .11. tl il I l. i.i .a ii I I .11 1. U Kb I I' no -lie ( line i ) .c an t ipi.i 11., . tl.llili. , Din. W I lie;-. it.., ill., ml ul i to i ii i .i-ii r - j. ii.ivAi i iiiir, u not ai .'is em. lit s. ... .4 an, ( lial, milt I U wio iKy ) t.b. ; i. )! 4 n. J ! K.a.all a-U.a, l L'H MAIIIUM Vt A1W, l, -run. W I lh Is Lai.., Z Um m l a'. U of Annli, i l.uam uh I Hit ll'Ul'il'i , i ., ialH oil klutt, iwA.UlaU, h h toon w, lent Utaiiab., f.ll iSAl Ftwlit, I V ka i. 4. I ll.Al tt HfU V Hot 11,. U-ll.itj.. taf, I k Mm A li.nii'i. !. (t II 14 Myi4 lttA ' M USAiwl P'M '4 it -it H f ,uiubl f.ilkiii, .k K il.". L. 1. tOl't i. i ki but ut, '4 A HI M, in- e.l ,ii,' binll. a V. .. u. In ii.. a. I' .e. l''- I ' 1.1 . ., 1. I. I I .1 1 I, I -.1. ' ll I I'I. J ' ' ; : I , i :( i I , i... hi i. , u t. . 1 . i 1 1 I 'i ill !.''! I'li'l I ',. ll in, I I I I ' I,. .1 V- I . -1 1 1 ' 1- I l.l '(. ... - J .ll, I.. II, - .1 '. I II 1, -I 1 1 I ... 1 ... .. t aii 10 VI , H - Ua.. .. Lump.-, a. id Ihe in-l ie 1.4 .....l.l, I l.iliee, I'l.i. l I. ., lli.l , I, e . I I i on I 14 i li. -,-1 .'. r III. I s it . tu d i in. I u the A-i..d i l liilpl' l I. tie,-. HI Ji'!iV;-tN, crru p, no. 7, i. lin n i hick .stu::kt. II, I 111 il.t, M. i' I.. .1 h..ii I ' I fri in P ill ..ion- -I,.-. 1. a li in . a . I iii.ii tin: i"li.i. i.i. not I ' o is ua ue' I ii ..i.i.,'' . ; i , i .i. i i Sir I nut. . .-..! i .-. I v.. i .i, 1.... a i .l ip i" I- a . i ...i ii. " , ... r-1- ...I., a . I -i -..!.'. ll I l .1.' .. e, li t ! I 4 p i.i.. 4 .ll i lll.l . .). I '. ll -lb I- .ie;'.l.i-. 'til. iu lit-it I'. 41.., I'. an I , li .1 H Ili.lOI' ll U.e ... , t I. .ii- a ..a I l aii In. I He I 'a I'i I 41 . I I. ) I .ll !.. Ui '1 l-i ' -I I.. ll . l.o -1 I I. I ll l.l 1- I I'I 1 1 1. 1 ,iin.i a i) i . . a i . H III HI if i 'II IF. I'ltrsi. .1 l. . ivl - I l'.i. I' 1 ib 1 . ii, ai.d I ...I I. ..I. i I o- ..iie.u. - I ii I , a I 1 ..... ... . l .!. ' ' I I I ' ' - ' .. I ai.d .'- '' 1 i I - a I I , I, 4 .-IU l .'- I. ' ...1 11 -., o. i I I .i' I an. ll I , I. I ala-.l- la I.. . 1 I .1 ... I . I I. I .1 I I. Ill It all) . I- I. r-ioi l, l-l. b MloUVilil Us lull power, when tlley lliljoilin Hi,, umd tunes tllluue;!! slieel tui;itdiiy ; lo ihe room upsiaiiis. Hi re a iiiiuiher id i i1(.y know that a i-i-rlai't lino of conduct is ociitlcineii are play inj cauls, ami at the i hure to aii 'er him, ami yet they v.illn.iy head of the nioui the clerk is selling circu lar jiiiH.i s "f ivory or metal, called 'couu U ls,' t-.u-li ii which is sliiiiiiKil ilh it value lioin i-'i up to S lot). Voll pi rceive,' i-'.l) s the dee iy, "ihat we have inui'id the tem ple of fortune, ts.inie of tin- iin n uh nit us w ill, Li tore 1110111111-;. make thousands, w hile others w ill losa-. No o:;e should play w h i has not tint nerve to U-ar a loss, and if he bears il boldly il uillenme hat k ii;;ain. Toriuin- aiwiiis lavots tho Imld.' The visi- : tor somi m-i s men who coiiiuu lued with a il-..". n counli is, a in ;t little tune t I tie (i. rU u nil ttlty or a Iniinlii -I, and i li.uee--tiii l.l ililo :r. e liii.u k. and " to li'V his tin 1. ; he i lillii'i s a J.i t ill mid w ins. i'h.s mii - pi'iM-s hi. n ulli he I I'll n ii-'ilill, and il-laill wins. Tin -v ti-iins In- nu at l.s o.ue n.'iio tin. I wins a still'er mil i. T ins, sliani.ati him l-i an ill. i' tin-. ue, am! I e 1 1 .,. s, T'el li.ijis,' say si tj.e ll ii lid, 'liil'lllllii I Inrlaior. .i ill ml t"p h. re V ; Hue o'-ra Inst,' s iys llii- u liui, and aatu lie Uill-i. lie IIOW b. i-.illl. s I'M'll- ilinl i-iiiiinitli-s the j, line. Iu l, i d il ll ii.iii-ist itiipnssiiile lo bleak oil until (he 1'iiniiis ale , cl"i d at iipi'i'oai h ol d in. lie m uh Willi ihe I' lnk.'a um pr-i-pi. Ua' I- i a la d, and liioU him. If lb" w iu iii r b i'i l. Tli; iu t-li-iU'.-i- and pi. a to ; i -.p. in ui a , an I li he u .ni h.u k l-i l.'.t hull I lu I conn ions ol a in n an I p.iAi r lut apM lite. I la vin art 11 1 d at lit ri-on lu- -'ik lil in lam ; but ".! at last l' .iii.i in di. um id I ho tu.'i il pile 1 1 wiiiliii. lli i ii. l niln no u lui ue ' ti nu wiin iu- d iu-' an I null slid il-i p. r i M lli-lli, l.l, lllid '.Iul I." Itid I. i .1. sii o at il li.ll Uliui ll" Il4 I- .u lo d ;i i ..u I I... n .ui. i ibie b-r iiiiisiiu. ; ln i ..-, tt tin l la lla 11 a-', imp. .ill d III o-'t I'i eon. .in. II lot , Ii l-il ,;o i lilo'l '. I-' b - l- I I ill l lie i am i I.uIim illll ill I lie Mm" linn . t'.il.iilM.Mj tl.i .l- e i, it III IV I'.' til III ll Ua I -lie HI IU IOV l.l- l"lihid V nil, men. I l l am m il pn l, li " i ll.-, .. i nil ill I ii. I II. oil I'll I.' ' . I Hi. ,i . i i-si U- mi Ii oi inn i I I'i-ir tlii;i, I... r ., i in ! i -l i-.a il l-- foil ll' I ll-ll Vtp.'l III k p. Illdil'l, 1-..I'.. li al li. h ia i I . till ii I tl. in ii i I b oi I l'-' Hue .it ihu ban ii ' I i. i w in iw a-l" It III ill- ' "I H'u 4.1. Aft. llui 'i"I Hi' t'S h--.t t- Kl'l SU-t ha)( 1. 1 lu HSAA-, U i UiutA oJ W iiib M Lnuwuf. A IJuehelov.-. C.Uol A VVrulas IVuAil liie Head. , The recent startlim,' n it! ilionn made by a b-.i;Hinalural ii;oiKy iu a ueiy.tib. i .ti litv.s iys Hie New Oilial.s i' i-i, has caused many ol ur spii ..ual beln-vi rs to rake ll 1 1 their reuiillisci liei "f onostly i sil.ui'.s. The nnml lemalsat lo i-l thi so is Uiililslud by a bachelor Hu n t of the IV pufle , lo v, ii.ini he has unbiu.Ji ll d the one si l t. I he lias between the llMH.J end Um d. ad. l i-tl hr. iw," our f.'.eii-l, "how a evaded Ihe widow Wtimii 1 t 'l'.o.ud inio tin clover p.ii.h many a Imi ; year a 1 iniii' I.IU..SJ..I li von, how. vi r, lint it iiai like ti .11 lis J in'y lii.llloiit tn lili'i' b.i -.1.1 l.o in. Hi., II hi' ill l.l. si l.idi il by Uio lapse of I, mo. My l-'ie I T lh.ll U.. ill. ful iit.lo.v had bici.ine a ivcolle..'. i ui, ita ii'Ull.ilu.V Wits none, and my nun I re eardtU ll w till Hie i pi. 1 1 inli lot n ilh wl.l. ll ae ..ii. Uiiii 1'ioii upon u I' tiitilill po -liue. I'eihape I hi mi illipri l 'lis Weie nihil. ui. i ii-ui ihe i-iu uiosi iin i- of In r ile.llll, W ! .It ll IK C4I li .1 1,111' h.L.1 li.ll'.illj. Bill do liel U lu Vi- mlu en I- l-'l J llu ll' deser ll ii. -..i ,i.'i.i' i I it i l b. r l.l t li. lien, lil.d i l., I ill ll ho bh'Hl.d il t Collti Hi ll a in, ..I to. ll I Undid p till I Hi' nl. 'th. r. It llih.t. d me ..ittll, Ulul I lib. I. ul lis dveil Pi 1.1.) li. I t . I. Ul in tllMU 'U I U ;u lo l .i.lit 'h "I ,! Jj a. . ll.i .ill. " 1 lino lial wei.t bylioiil ll.e ini'o w lull, d Iul' uii-hr Um 'inl". .1.1. ..I ll.ii, u bi.aail. .1 I II o ti li iv lean i.iu r i. i Li that i v. ul 1 Vo S -I II- r i K-ni, M h. ii ..ui . v. uuu "" :" ' ' " Udif.i.ii.l. I d.dn I ('"y "'" h.r lul lie i. Ii t... 111. '' " .st. ,a.l.d but tot IhH l-ll' lU-4lM lUt III , - . "Via rftll. . Ud I'lsJlOd th .. l -li (t'Ul ( lliol "I t4tl.l. t fc-l ' ' ' ,,,,1,111. iliil. sul tU.4 U. !' ksiv.iy t4 1 iiiim-4 IU;4U U.4 u Uleulltl !. "iii were ci.uii'otil.iuj; each oilier, and exchano- llir; iirtillerv compliments as opportunity otieivd. A bniiih, in thu n.-r-lormance of his duty, wascnoaoed iu nmu. tiiiti; the p'.tu of which he haJ charoe. llo ws oidcied-to direct his lire upon u n bei i battery, and had Imuled his pi( ee, aud was ; just iiady to discliur.:-" it, win n ll e rebels, i'nuiia disieeaid ol ihe properties of Ulli i most painful to contemplate, turned then ! lire di.cctly liim ii luiii. Like a pri.dc.ut ' iriaii aud a eoood ofliccr ISmith itieouLiiieut lv ll.d, tnai shelved himself iu a bomb pini.f. Now, you know, hinitlt is rather tall, aud n. itch space is rcipuiivd L-r tho ae cor.iui"ihitioil ot Ins person. But by dm. ol hard b.juei.ill he stowed liiiuselt uway, bl.iel.l.n 4 i Vi I) pal l ot his body ( ieept ouu 1 ml ; I'll re w ;.s i"i In lp t. -r il h:d Ui tviiirti!l expo"eil. i ' n. ral Lee, reeoiinoilet ..o the worn of ihe I'ui.'u at my, c.ibt u fiance llpoli Ihe p. .f..ill by t-uiitii s fpiu. Alii r naiino m ui . u.s. a, i.o c i. led i 'i r ee .luetSuiij that attracted Ins clone Ri'lllttUV. '.. in.l in'e a lii-ld-fchiM," said ho tu ji.l '..el- ul.lll.l.ll by. 'l lil.'U e;h llui ;.a.s ho lookid l.'Uf bllil (.ini, si. , and at lat, lu"i.raih' ki'-ai., ini. I, ra.ily : T c-tii I make it out." llui soldier Ik.s the iHintcd bl llu liilsli r..Ui obied. ud I kid, ruilmr c iii. i. ipiu-ui'. "fhatr why, llui i a man', loot ! ' hal !" cr;td lh Oellf Ml. " A man foot," itirtstsd ll.a oldier. ' Vint d u t ii-e.iu that any m .rial iu.iu I n a (."'I hsu ihiAtf " Hslautta t'a ivntta- b.e cliti 'ii.HH. ' t iii.iii iy 1 di, fleneral ; li' . r lie in i in ruita llu rj'rs adm du ili..usits " ' Iho ten. ml iliflF, 4 'll,ll- l.lllllillw ' Ti the I oiud !' ara h ml un viih litl !! ", '"" ,f., a-, d'Bliti liutl gi...U" li s us. I if L f ' Jt 1 1 X llo much J.4 U Uaia " laqulial a .sol t'oia i-f c W.'ttms-ii ..I a a ihf tinasa .iititiii4" iv. Ita..u4 ih f , bt 4i4a1 .iftbisa,"