Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 13, 1871, Image 3

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    xmbxtrg American.
SUNBURY", MAY 13, 1871,
Kailroad Time Tabled.
K. C. R. W. East. I P. & E. R. U. Whit.
Buflklo Ex l're 8:35 a m Erie Mall, l're 4:55 a m
KrPj "10:20 IRlmlra " " 4:33 pra
aSmlraMaU 10:65 " Erie Ex. " 0:50 "
ajrla " "18:05 " I
Aoooramodatlon Train loares Sunbury for Bal
timore at 6:00 a. m.
The Bunbury Accommodation lonrea Harrls-
Bt 8:00 ' m Ant rrlve" 81 8uubur7 ot
Bnnburyat 11:50 a tn'At Bunbury 0:55 a m
4:40 p mi 4:00 pm
D. n. W. R. R.
Leare Sunbury 5:55 a. m., 4:35 and 6:50 p. m.
. Bunbury 10:00 a m, 6:g0aud 11:05 pm.
ftoctil Affairs.
Tus rains during Inst week have swollen the
river and caused a rise of several feet, which had
the effect of renewing tho rafting operations, and
Inrgo amouut of. timber and logs were floated
down the river within the last two weeks.
Lost. On Sunday evening last, on Walnut
street, a child's gold neck chain with a small bell
attached. The finder will bo suitably rewarded
. by leaving It with Edward Morris, on Wuluut
Hiram Yocno, Esq., of Northumberland, Is
i engaged In furnishing brick for Clement's new
't buildings on Market Square, this place, which
are of an excellent qnullty.
. A choice brand of family flour at Kirby's.
Salt your roso bushes, and by so doing you
will destroy the mischievous slugs that make
such sad havoc with the leaves at flowering time.
A handful of salt around each wilt do the busl
- ness. It will also help about keeping down the
. weeds. It Is also good fur plum trees, but must
bo applied before vegetation starts or It may
preve futal to the plants.
A New Ice Cream Saloon. Mr. Jos. Bucher
Is now fitting up a soorr. far tils-daughter, on
Third street, below Market street, for an ice
cream saloou .which will be opeued In the course
of a week.
Violim School. Mr. F. K. Hill, of this place,
has been prevailed upon by a number of young
men to give instructions In violin playing, and
will open a school for that purpose as soon as a
suflicient number of scholars can be obtained.
All who desire to take lessons are requested to
meet la the Bunbury Orchcstrn room, on Monday
eveuing next, for tho purpose of organizing the
class. Mr. Hill is au excellent musician and bus
but few superiors lu violin playing. Those who
de&irc to be instructed should not overlook thin
fuvorablo opportunity.
. uoticed on Tuesday evening last, an extra
.ttuched to tho fast line going north, cou-
some of tho scum society of Philadelphia
3 for Cauadu, to witness the prize tight
.ouk place ou Thursday, the 11th Inst.,
Mace und Coburn. They were probably
t looking set of roughs that have
ugh this place for u long lime.
some BAiinuu Ciiaiii. Mr. Charles
Bun r i.l '"tf Jllfl opened a new Barber khop,
adjoin! lhc Clement U" has procured one
of tv
handsomest barber chairs lu this section
ofuntry. hue it Is beautiful, It 1b also con-
,4ulent, und one is utmost tempted to take a nnp
while undergoing the operation of a clcau shave
at the hands of a urst-class barber.
TiiBhnn lsomely fitted up ladies' eating and ice
cream saloon, on Third street, next door to
Kccse's Hotel, was opeued on Tuesday tveulng
lakt. This saloon Is furnished In the best style,
nud ladies and gentlemen will llnd servants al
ways ready to servo up the very best of the sea
son. Mrs. Reese, who Is superintending the
saloon, is au excellent caterer, uud those who
desire to procure bivalves, enuie, fish, or ice
cream of the best quality, will Cud Reese's sa
loon the place to be serve J.
Tn most accommodating Insurance Agent we
know of, U Jacob Shlpman, ticket agcut at this
place, who has the salo of the Travelers Insu
rance tickets. By leaving the direction with him
to whom tickets are to be sent, by the parties
"juying when cnterlug the cam, they aie certain
to reach their place of dcstiualiou. As parlies
invariably send their tickets to their families by
mail before entering cars, it Is a great accommo
dation to only hand the direction over to him.
The sale of these Insurance tickets have become
quite populur during his.adiniiii.itration as agent.
A Disoustiho Bcana. Oa Tnosdny afternoon,
man and woman were discovered on the river
bank In Cake's addition, In a beastly state Of In-
How to Build vr a Tows. The best way to
build up a town Is for every business man In the
place to advertise his business In the columns of
toxtcatton. Complaint Wat made before Esquire tho local paper, and thus present an array of bu.
Beard who sent Conslrfble Boughner after them.
They were brought to the Bqulrcs' ofllce abont
7 o'clock In the evening, In a wagon, being too
mnch under the Influence of "benzine" to walk.
Wbtle being hauled through the streets the wa
gon was followed by a lot of brtys who were at
tracted by the oaths and frnutlc gyratloi of the
woman In the wagon. As tho wagon stopped In
front of the Squires' ofllce a large crowd of men
and boys gathered around to witness the most
disgusting sight probably ever witnessed In this
town. The man, who gave his name as Frauk
Hower, was scarcely able to move w hile Ms com
panion was determined to give the spectators a
specimen of her pugilistic abilities, was going
through the crowd uttering oaths, and clenching
elness houses equal to the number of honses onl
the street. It draws ' trad to the town, draws
emigrants to the town, drws prodnce to the
town, draws money to the town. If a loan wants
to buy anything, ho goes where he soes the most
men trying to sell that article. If he wants to
sell anything, he goes where the most men are
buying. If a man wants to buy groceries or tell
produce, be goes to the business man that ad
vertises, for he knows where to find him and
what he has to sell.
Fob about ten days past a suspicions-looking
bundle has been observed In the sink of the out
building In the rear of the Court House, by per
sons who had occaslou to go to that place ; and
her fists like a manlao. Her appearance was ' "'"rmng, curiosity geiung tue Dcttcr
more like a demon from the lower regions than j of B coul,,e Eentleincn they fished it out and, to
that of a woman. Degraded and debauched by i V,clr horror' al''Trea fcmala child, of about
strong drink, lower even than the brute creation. I fonr montU' Brwtli, wrapped In an apron. The
Every one who saw her irhastly face could not I ncws ofU,e flnain8 of ,b' cUm prend rapidly,
heln but svmnathizo with those who will nerslst ! ttnd tuo c"izcD wcr0 J"8" Indignant at tho out
in partaking of the poisonous stimulants that are
fast bringing thcin to the same level. They were
both committed to prison to reflect on their sad
couditlon. If we had a lock up, such vagrants
could be committed at once, without waiting for
a commitment.
Northern Central Railway-Dividend, tc
A semi-annual dividend of three per cent, on the
capital stock of this company, was declared on
the 20th of March, poyablo on the 25th ult. We
learn that the business of tho road is steadily on
the Increase, and that Its net revenuo for tho
first three months of the present year Is about
145,000, 'In excess of that for tho corresponding
mouths, of last year. The new road of several
miles buHlat a very great cxponse, to streugthen
the track aid avoid the heavy, grado In entering
Baltimore, will be ready for use lu the course of
a few days. Tho Baltimore and Potom.-.c rail
road, forming a direct connection of tho North
ern Central with Washington City will be com
pleted during the present year, with the excep
tion of the tunnel at Baltimore, on .which opera
tions have been commenced and will be prosecu
ted with great vigor to completion early next
No. 1 and 3 snore mackcral, pickled salmon
aud white fish nt Kirby's, all fish wurranted.
Pompprct Manor Clmetert.-TIiIs new Ceme
tery which has Just becu laid out In burial lots,
is located on an eminence, known as the Cuke
farm, about ouc-half of a mile cast of Suu
bury. This grouud has beeu well selected, for
there is probably none more suitable for that
purpose lu this vicinity. Being on au eminence,
and enclosed with a neat fence, it presents an
appearance which will nt once attract the utteu
ilon of every one as a desirable place for the in
terment of those who have fought life's battle.
The lots are now offered for sale, as will be seen
by nu advertisement iu another column. We
learn that a number have already been sold to
diuereut parties who Intend taking up their
friends iu the cemetery lu town, and have them
burled in the new cemetery. The old cemetery,
will, iu a few years, be tilled up, and wo are
happy to see that provisions have thus been made 1 J E- Torrlngton, N.
for the future increase of mortality in this uluee. I ton and Jaredlrvin
rage committed by the unnatural parents. A
Jury was summoned, a ferdlct rendered In ac
cordance with the above facts, and the remains
of the child properly disposed of by the borough
authorities. MiMlcburg rost.
Accidents at the Mines. Thomas Gorgllla,
a Polish boy, nged about 13 yoars, had his right
arm above the elbow crushed to such an extent
as to require amputation, while uncoupling drift
cars nt the Ilenry Cluy colliery on Friday. The
operation was performed by Dr. E. 8. Robins,
assisted by Dr. R. L. Wright. The Unfortunate
boy Is doing well.
On Monday Emil Farshcnow, a miner employ
ed at tho Bear Valley Colliery, received a fracture
of the left fore-arm by some top falling upon It.
Dr. C. W. Weaver was called and set the broken
limb. Shamokiu Herald.
Boots and Shoes for the community, at popu
lar prices, at the Regulator.
Smash Up Ou Thursday last, a locomotive
on the Shamokiu Division, N. C. R. W., ran off
the track near the weigh scales this side of Shu
mokln, and some 15 coal cars were completely
. Breaker Bvrned. We learn that the Margie
Franklin coal breaker, owned by the Enterprise
CoaTCO., near Shamokiu, was burned down on
Wednesday night lust. It is supposed to huve
been the work of incendiaries.
Bridoe Lpttino. The Commissioners give
notice that proposals will be received at their
office on the 24th Inst.; for the erection of five
county bridges, one iu Sunbury, one near Joseph
Gass', one near Geo. Seller's, iu Lower Augusta
township, ouo nenr Eli Lork, In Washington
township, nnd one near Nagle Esbach's saw
mill, in Turbut township.
5,000 Rolls Wall Taper Just received at Light
ner's, cheap for cash.
Decoration Dat. A meeting of Col. James
Cameron Post, No. 105, G. A. R., waB held last
week, nt which the following committee was ap
pointed to make arrangements : A. N. Brico,
F. Lightner.C. D. Whar-
The ladies are to prepare
fhoio who desire choice lots should not delay in luc uowers, and to have the little girls ready for
purchasing as curly as possible.
Within a few years past a number of adver
tisemeuts bavj been copied out of the American
by other papers, without authority, and bills were
afterwards presented for collection. We have
been asked a number of times whether a publish- I
ci could compel by law tho payment of such
advert batnuuu. Fur lUO bCUetlt Of thOSO Who
have had their advertisements copied out of any
papers und published by other papers without '
authority, we state that there Is no law that will
compel thcin to pay. A publisher has no more
right than any other business man, and If he
copies advertisements from his neighbors' paper
without authority he does It at his own risk, and
cannot enforce payment by law.
N. F. I.ightuer's Regulator. Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Leather aud fihoc Fiudlugs.
Hip ! Hip ! ! Hurrah ! ! ! The Banbury Ama
teur Dramatic Club, uuder the auspices of Sun
bury Lodge, No. 1U4, I. O. of G. T., Intend giv
ing the people a rare treat, in the shupo of a Dra
matic Entertainment, in a few weeks, for the
bcuetit of the Lodge of Good Templars. The
Club is composed of the nio;t tulcuted Amateur
performers of which Sunbury can boast, aud It
Is their purpose to give our citizens something
grand, novel aud iutcresting, which ull can ap
preciate aud udmlre. Further particulars hereafter.
. Business Karen, i , -
e ,
Go and see the beautiful took of Good nt
Miss L. Wels'er's Millinery Sire, on Market Bt.
They an not surpassed anywore.
AW endless rarlety or bflts and shoes are
constantly kept np for the wblcsale and retail
trade at W. n. Miller's Exce.lbr store. Coun
try merchants can save mnie by purchasing
at his establishment, and will tt a better article
thau in the city.
Tbb spring trade bas now flrly opened at 8.
Faust's Hat and Cap store, o Market Square.
Coilntry merchants find it a feat ndVmt.ige to
buy their stock of Mr. Faust,ing cheaper and
better quality than those brouht from the cities.
Call and examine the Bprlng tricty.
Select BenooL. Miss Magic J. Martiu will
open a select school for younilndies at the resi
dence of her father, on Broaway, commencing
on Monday, the 5th of Jane. Terms moderate.
The fine spring suits from te Merchant Tailor
shop of J. E. Schncfl'er, oppoo the Central Ho
tel, are constantly keeping iip nn excitement
among men, and Is giving hm a lnrgo amount
of custom. Ills stock of goos is admired bv all
who call to see him.
A riNB assortment of caned goods, English
and American Pickles and saces. Foreign and
domestic dried and green fiu:, at Kirby's.
If yon want a flue assortnent of plain and
fancy groceries to select frm, go to Kirby's,
Brlght's new building, on Market square, all
goods delivered within the bontigh free of charge.
All Rubber Wear, at mmufucturors' prices,
at tbo Regulator.
Just received, a nnmber of popular fronts and
French calf skins, at the Regulator.
t-ENTs' fine Ficnch Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch
ed bottom, at the Regulator.
8 pounds 15e white sugar Tor $1.00, at Weltzel,
Gasklus & Co's.
. Rcgulutor Boot, Shoe, Trunk and Leather
Store consolidated with thi Book Store. Call
one and all. New goods at low rates.
N. Iehhee Liohtnkr.
Shoemakers' materials fa manufacturing, at
the Regulator.
The Croquet Shoe, a novety, elegant and com
fortable, at the Regulator.
SEWING MACHINES nn acknowledged su
perior to any other now nanufuctured. Miss
C. Dallus, Market street, ths place, Is the agent
for the sale of them in this ind adjoining coun
ties. Instructions In sewluggiven free of chai t;a
to nil piy-chascrs. A lot alvays on hand. Cull
nd examine them. j
Closing Prices op deIKvbn & tiuo., 40 S. j
Third Street, Philadelphia. 3 o'clocn, p. m.
May 10, 1871.
U. S. 0'sof '81 11C; 117
" " '63 lli 111
" " '64 110?, IU
" " '65 '.11UV111
" " '05, n.-w 113 lU'i
" " '67, " 113 lloi;
" " '63 us;.; iio6
" 5's, 10-40's. lOH'i urns
V. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy 115' 115'i
wold ,m;.f nis
Pilver 1M6V10S
Union Pucillc R. R. 1st M. Bouds.. ViyV V-ti
Central Parlne R. R 'l0-J' llKi'd
Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds.. 8JJ Hi
noi vrv AccoiiXT or i.kk
To Widow ireckert's estnte, S7 04
" Andrew Dilty's account, 41 63
' To Widow R itz's account, 1W5 20
" Interest nn above to April 1st, 1971, 1113
Abn. Ilingaman's account, 8&J 53
' " Interest on above to April 1, 1871, 10 Uu
" Hannah Hiniraiuua't account, aoi't
April 1.1S71, ' 22100
" Isaac Hnbb's account, 7 55
" Exoneration of Win. Hcckcrt from tax, 05
" ' Geo. Long, 90
" " llemry Kemblc, 68
" " Henry Kmrel, 10
" " BeuJ. Brossions, 10
" Abram Doney, 1 87
" " John Messner, 84
" " Ephraiin Conrad, 20
" " Jacob Rotharmcl, 68
' " Casper Tschopp, 1 61
" Rilcv Weaver, 63
" Collection and Auditing Fees, 63 84
By bal. of Isaac Lenkcr's account from
1 3GS,
" Tax to be collected by Augustus
Uadtnau, lbTl,
" Tn to b collected by Jacob Wit-
uier, 171,
ttoJ CO
C103 87
400 13
4T5 C?
1 1,075 C7
By balance, 1 143 01
We. the undersigned Auditors, do certify thut
tne aix?e it correct.
WM. H. BORDNEK, V Auditors.
April a;t, 1871.-ot.
107f. 1071.
muss, BOWEN &
Successors to thu Sunbury Lumber Co.,
Sterna Saw & Flailing 2X111,
and just fitted it up with the latest improved Ma
chinery, are now prepared to till all orders
tor all kind of HILL TIMBER. PISE,
i HI.lMIi,ll Ill.llSA HKKKr.T
i at the very !owe:-t prices. A large stock alj
I ou hand, b.-n 1 for prices.
Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or
i Canal,
Sunbury. Pa.. February Wh. lTl. I'.'U.
Lava Just received an lmmerj(ia stock of
and ars pscparcJ to get up suits nt short notico and guaranteed to Gtor no sate.
BLACK, BROWN AND BLUE CLOTHS, Double width, 33 and upwurda.
11 wool "Ou., aud upwards.
VESTING3 at all price. '
KENTUCKY" JEANS 30c, ftDd syvrarfj.
TWEEDS CSc, and upward
COTTONADE3 18.;, and upward
They liavo alio made arrangement with Xh
Cclolipated. drilling House
Wanamaker & Brown, Pliil'a,
nnd ar prepared to furnish suits at their prices, only adding tho cent of expressago.
If the gooda do not gi?o satisfaction upon arrival w will return them freo of charge.
A ftll line of mplcs for customers to ssleet from.
Special attention atrcntion paid tv
And the highest cah prices paid for Mnr.tisa. At a meeting of the Di
rector of the Northumberland Bridge Company,
at tbe Vaukirk House, lu Northumberland, ou
Monday last, the following otllcers were elected :
Presi.leut, Jno. Tupirurt ; Trcas., Win. Porsylb j
Malingers, Amos K. Kapp, Win. I. Greeuoti:h,
Wiu. L. Dcwart, Joi-cpb Priestly, W. T. Foroytli
a4 Marks B. Priealy. Tbe usual annual dlu
uer s served. A resolution was passed roduc
lug the ruie of toll about oue-half during the
coulhiuauecof the Agricultural Fair, at Suubury,
next f.ill.
Wk learn that several persons were relieved of
their pocket books on Saturday la&t, ut the clrcns
grounds, by pickpockets. 8i veral green chaps,
betting ou "three card inonle," were Ueeced out
of their bard earnings by profcttiouale. One
party, wo urc informed, lol some eighty dollars,
liaviiu; rUked d'mu to the bottom of the pocket,
aui then nuly gut to see the sbuw lliruuisb the
kin loess of a frieud w ho loaned bliii uti extra'
d'tliur. Had b read the papers regularly, It
wimlj probably not have cul him oue-founli
tbe uumuul, uud be would have beru a wiser
A Cm C'tis or I' Ou 8.iturduy
liioiiimg last, Thomas liariugi r, sou of KcilW-u
(, of I l-r August towusblp started
trum ho;;te to i-uiae lu tusu ( be proceeded to the
ri.-i aud got Into it ram'iijmg to eolus up
iu il us us the il.iui. tuini liiue alter starling
t'if r.moc was luiiu I tloatlu d'lisu the river eoif
t.uiili g his nut sialcli Ha lu.ulu liuiuedulely,
al u llu liver, but up tu this writluguui'lue
bus been discovered of bis hereabout. It is
sn ...,, I Hut lc It lluut ul llir luiur, ud US the
w.ilrr in tUc liter wus l.igU uud Ike vuriuul
struii.', Us .. uu.thle tu In .Wo the sbure. Mr.
lirtittigrr .s U ul 'l )ui of sge. lis s
)uaug m.iu ul giud uiuiul b.tiu, subcr u4
laJu.lil. us, lm butts lai.s rlivlcuf duuJs
lu 11. ..i.ii.s oilli Ul. etlii' ivd urtta.
hiu.o tu ubuta s Uuru ibul lbs bujy
ul itt. Iiuituger u lu iul lu tUs IXsi, silt M.
.SsJ.) Ul.
Tusijiu ,.r Vli.-b Uic.Uis of lbs (i.
A. K sis bisliy mk4.d lu wiukutg tUc tr si-
,4.vl..u. .. llu Slll.g til Upu it
gl4 'l Hit H tulMluUt tt ku UU Jum.g I Us I.U
I. t.:l.l..n. be tl4IS.tS tltiil.14 luia VUl U UIUSSSJ
tU His iHb I.I M4), Su4 mf H"I'M t'lkul Itl
Us 1.41 1 w! 4ut. Jfc-u u lbs bo)slulUe
fttatUi J. t'.lusT, lis. .s Is )vu tikslv4jts) I uu4b-
SI, t.H I ) 'Ul SUM I v.4Usll, lltsie Is )USI
iisi au.i.i.i.j, u )w l.iu.1 1 i.ui,
tit. U ut4 bkvtltsf 1 ta4-a, IUs It bsiw
s4 J1'-' 1t Ik utkSt Iwtttitt n
llMlSl Ktt4 I! tM W4k ua
ajst 4 i itiusi . .
Tuat t94,000. There are none more busy Just
now than the numbers of the Rlug. Every clfort
will be made to keep their friends in power about
tbe Court House. Much money is spent, and
collectors ure being wailed on to fork over, au
indleatiou that the funds are getting short. It
would be an excclleut thing (o have a law pass
ed to allow them to levy two taxes annually.
The umount required to electioneer with uow,
inut-t be enormous, as we notice every house In
the eoal reglou Is belug visited to urgu out their
full vote. Jt has bueu asked whether the "strik
ing" miners are uot well paid, and whether uuy
of them know bow the fiM.OiW were uksorbed
lust year.
Beef tougue at Kirby's. .
Tux New f kmcikut. The cemetery on Cuke's
farm, tweuty Uve acres In extent, recently laid
out on the high ground uoiib-cust of our bo
ruutflt, uutl ut-ui tU l'uluwls luutl, bus bceu
enclosed aud lulj out lu lots 10 by 1J reel In siio,
which ure uow ready fur sale. The price of it
lot Is moderate 115. We understand thut the
buiid-ome mouumeul for E. Y. bright, which is
uow being Uulshed by Daugheity, will be moved
to the lit cemetery ut lue end of Ibis week. It
will be the Ursi pdt up iu the eurlosure, aud will
l.o doubt be rapidly followed by others. 6Val(.
Von diicd and smoked meals, go to Kirby's.
Ourrulcuiptirary of the Uativille InU'.U.jcuftr,
like Nebuchaduecsar uudlh tditur of the Jtilu
iu, t uu see uo virtue iu grass, uud suggest lltul
lb ruiuuious, belonging to wo of our reilttsy
rumpaules, should Ut4 be permitted lo put wu a
LliVery of giecu. Our lUlil uelghbor, cspe-
tiuily, tiled bve uu fti ou Ihul scr. It
wuuld re-iili couslitiuble euHltuliuu, uud tulis
of pb.ispbule lu luuke Ihul pluce a "vrrduul
luau," luuue seuse, ahutctvr uilgbt be suid uf
il lu suulucf,
Xltutiu lietmoa n Cuscoku. A few
uf Ikes wlibruUd gup niss tuu be kit ul
less Ihuu au:esi 1 1 ins, bjr-4llug ua U. It
klussur, suiii,
Ufa ii.m. Ou Fust f iiT.ty ulliiuuuu, tlruugus
tuuimuied suwule I ) diueuli.g tiiuisolf In lb lb Wiuy 1. 1 lb Lu. s,eu lb utbi U
ul lb nvr. il us a m i ll ug4 mu.
'II' HsiSK. b l t-IHe of llou,
i U. rkvi bus u.u ituiu4 lit lb fiuul luuut
lu lb sttusbuUiliug, eud assl 4uu lu hi lului.l
l uskueti lltkf - I be ll. tUsUuUal, )
4 by a t if utubuiUi , u4 un.w U4 It Ml.
( ks Itsol, KM I kvsuut tisM, kN.
ks4uj t4 tu Mm., mI lietiHtutt, aba
U wm fsu.a m u al i.
the occasion. A good drum corps will be nrovi
ded for the ceremonies, nud the Sunbury Orches
tra will be luvited. We will give more particu
lars next week.
Pike Escapes We examined on Tuesday
last, tho modal of Touiuu Winner's Patent Firo
Escaoesnd Trucks and which are the
most useful Inventions now lu existence for thn '
saving of human life and valuable property from
destruction by Hrc. The ladders are constructed
so us to reach the highest window of a building,
and a bucket at thu top brought to the relief of 1
the person in danger, and the truck on which
the luddcr rests then withdrawn from the flro
and the rescued lowered to the ground. The
ladders are made firm and sufficiently strong to
bear six or eight persons at a time. These lad
ders are intended for fire departnieut3, hotel
keepers, public balls, &c, and us they are simply
constructed, can bo brought into service In a
few minutes, they will, no doubt, come Into
general use iu our fire departments at least. The
invention Is new, And as far us we ure able to
judge, is very simple iu its construction. A few
persons only are required to work it , and may be in
many instances, as indispensable in a towu as a
steam fire engine. As there has been much said
iu regaid to organizing a hook and ladder com
pany In this place, we would suggest that the
parties interested w ill examine these ladders be
fore purchasing, and we have ao doubt that they
will be adopted.
Fres-h fish at Kirby's.
Tub Poinpfri t Manor Cemetery company have
libera lly donated to each of the churches iu town
ten shares ofttock, which nt Its par value will be
worth HoO a share.
Gxn. II. L. Cake was In towu on Monday last.
His residence Is now In Philadelphia.
Sous of tho carpet stolen from Bt. Matthew's
(Episcopal) Church, two weeks ago, was dis
covered secieted In a stable lu this place, aud
was returned to the church.
Enchanted Hash, performing at this place
last week, wu understand, hatluj soiuu piiulera'
bills, and left town.
Five trains of coal are run over the Shamokiu
Division of the N. C. K. K. daily, to this place.
Coal Is shipped from this poiut to Philadelphia
by canal.
Till uewest bonuet U called the "Cougrees."
i'ushiouablo imllluers say it ue style uow comes
out every two hours.
Joun MzokMEH, formerly of Sunbury, has beeu
uppoiuted Postmaster at Hummel' Wharf, Buy
dur comity, vice Juhu Iloll'iuau, resigned.
I'usi suutlower if there I any place about
jour bouse where water is thrown out, and like
ly lu become luuluriuus. This pluul hut the
power of ubsoibiug luulaiia uud puriljlug the
All lb bonurls of the season ar niodlaVa.
llou of thu gipsy ol collage hu. Their
brim are either luruej up or linleuted, tilled
ttith rut be or buudcuux, or left pUiu lu be tilled
by friA.ll.' of hair us lb lust or faucy of the
weurtr uiuy alUul.
Tua fuct thut au Individual i seea about lb
buur uf luidulgbl lu caruesl luuversuliuu wild a
Uwp post, tspUiuiug why everybody uugbl lu
t.H..s bit 'I 'lopl'ii bill, Is uu pruf that he U a
bood 'IciupUr.
1 1 Is ulj Ihul luubiltly lu kleep iudleule lot
pulled Ittulib, ami l)r. Hull adtiMi pel scut af-
a.tled lu thut uy lu "gil up aud dust" out tf
lutir pissaut assueUIUMis. Mi uuder If aui
Uu'itug usvr bin auulda b a upiuf
Islitcdy tu U.b tusu.
H ua Pkuft uu iu Cui at u fua. kWiu ou
l.u ku Wuuj kuuklug a tuielul iuieiulluu,
unl. is l k ...lyuli.( euyuviusiuita l
sV.iu go lu tbui b fw a slk,
eV'Ui u lu tLui.b fit a luk,
a.. u u iitf iu gum a iiuud,
svuu uu lli.'s luulls lu UtSUli,
sV'tuu u.u llti lu r lUa (usbluus,
a.iius au lkt.1 lu kulut I U.u Utsiiski,
a.u.s ..i i ' iu t a a lut.i,
tout gu ILtis lu lIM,
autu a tU.i iu d" u4 W'J,
itt Ibst Ui auuttsx 11mm la but IteMbj 4ual4
Iku4 la SaWtoa Asliwa) e IkMt ( la Uikes
For the Relief and Cure. of the Errinir and
Unl'ortunate. on Principles of Christian Philan
thropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, nnd the
Follies of Age, in relation to Mahmaoe and Sii
cial Evils, with sanitary Hid for the iitlliuc-,
Sent free, In sealed envelopes. Address, HOW
ARD. ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia
Pa. . ina7,'7o-ly.
Work is
of the very
btst character.
Easy rules for
In Suubury, May 4th, 1871, by K:v. Ci. W.
Hemperly, Mr. James M. Gosslish, of Northum
berland, to Miss Kits M. Weavek, of Sunbary.
Suubury Urtvlu V I'roducc Harkn!.
Gbais Choice White Wheat fl 60 :
Best Amber, Winter 1 50 :
torn 8'J ;
Bye 1 0(1 I
Oats, (82 lbs.) SO
Best Amber, Winter, per sack 2 00 !
" " " " barrel 8 SD
Corn Meal, per cwt , a .VI !
Pennsylvania Roll t,5 ;
F.nos Per 1ozen lfl '
Meats Dried Beef, per lb SfHio-J i
Smoked Mutton lo(iU !
Lard per lb lr, I
Ftsu Salt White Fish, per lb 15
" Trout "
Cod " 8
Fresh Shad 4UQ.CO
Vegetables Turuip, per bushel 7
Potatoes " 1 10
Onions " " 1 iK
Bean, " quart 15(j.iS
Homliiv, " " 13
Dried Fruits Dried Apples, per !b li!f. 11
readies, " L'tKitiiti
" Cherries, " lo(;.."i
" Bluekberiies 1-J
M Rasplwrrles yo
The Largest Stock
the Finest Goods;
Tlic Newest Styles;
the Best
ship ; the
"WT Greatest
Drices. &.O.. sent Xi "i
free to any part of
America, and good fits.
1R Xcents' F
;Boy. Under
ic Q Vkind
ChUdreu'sX .
Wear at y ?
astonishingX vT
ly low prices. JLxi
Wrappers &
Wear of all
. for all sea
sons. .White
Sizth & Market Stc.
AT 1 213
iOcto bbtrttscmcnta
la Dewart's KtiiidiiiR, Market Sqtiaie,
Sr.NBl'Ry, PA.,
where will be found a new supply ot goods, con.
Muting or MlUluery an tuuey linihH,
Also, CniLUKEN'S 1IAT9,
for girl and boys.
Flowers of the luteal aud huniMomeit stjles.
Sash Kibbous, plain uud Bcured. La. lie's
PM-neers, Luce Colur, Llm-n Uilurs uud Culls
lor Ludie aud t bililrru, L'r.k hel collars.
Necktie tor Ladies uud lienl i Ul.'.t style,
ailk Hack Looiiu, a article, lilovcs
Including Kids, aud Ladu-s' Bucksklu cloves.
llaiiilkerchisNs. All kind it I rlimiiliitf.
Kiubruidrry Putterus, llokiiry lr li.s,
i.iit's aud C'biidrcu. Nuts l'':ue aud pi'iu
t bliruons, Zrpbyrt uud Yarus.uod a eeuerul
Vurtrly of Nutiuu.
lauukrulliir past putrouir, tlm b.iix llit
lb iUuluy uf bsr ihuIs will wrrita eouiiuuaiu
ul lb same. lUHullH LAAlll o.
A(.ril M, lull.
bl'UlXliANI hl'MMKIl.
FItLNtll .M liUMDil.V (.(H)IS
of every (rude, jus our4 it lb
THO. i. RtUTT,
t iKsuw o J, u. fcuk, fwurtb kinl, U.uw
bl'NUlHV, fkNS'A.
Uallowa aba eVsire fushluiiatb elutbluif
laud In tudsr, alii tull si lb uU..w pUiu uud
tlululus lbs issll sslr.Ud su It, ubd Ut Hull
suits UiuU kp la Ibt UUsI il. t 41 uu I be
vuuiut-4. lllua. U. Nit I'.
Wu , UTI.
Wni. II. lll'lwaii.
I'l.AIM A OHNAMr M At. I'AIS U lt,
llvra)lMi kurlll'a) I (Ntrilli I'kt
Hut . a.a aad (iauwutul f-l.i,,
Uiuuu.f u4 luptf kuiiUiua d.s lu I.H
bw4 wk'Uuuaku kuuuusf, u4 al IU sUuii.i
butWa. Ui4s aMi4 aU wiihiy aUti4u)
riii it, tin
l -'-- F.D. Jiit-l linblished by lr. l.EWIK. 'J.'rti , 1 bird Lilition. THE MEIuCAl. COM
radic il cure olicr:n:it(riha;a.or Seminal Weak
ness, luvoinutaiy Losses, Impotence,
Mental and Pbjvli-al Inciipacity, Impediment to
Marriace, etc., and the Venereal and Syphilitic
MaladiVH with plaiu and clear diieetiiins fur the
speedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, (innorrluru,
Ulii-ls, Strictures, and all diseases of the skin,
such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Hoil. Belch
es and Pimples on lhc lace and body. lYnkmp.
lion,!cpi.y, mid Fits, induced "by self-inlal-gelire
or seetil'.tl extravairance.
Tlie ci-h liratcd author in this adinirublo Tren
tUe, clearly denionsi rales, from u forty year's ill pracllcc, that the alai uiiiiL' coni-eq'iii nee
of helf-abiisc may be radically cured ; puir.tinif
nut a mode of cure ut once simple, certain, and, by ineuue of which every sulli-rcr. nn
matter what his couilillon in.iv li , can be effec
tually rurej, cheaply, privately, ami radii-ally.
l-tf This l.ook should In- in the h..nd of every
youth, und every man lu the land.
Sent under seal. In a plain envelope. Price, VI
rents. Address, UK. LEWIS, No. T Heuch street,
New York.
ha (K oa Land atxl it daily reiving the largest nnd best selected
ever olTfred for sala in thfa tora, conaliting of an enormous assortment of
which be had rund? to his own ortlcr, in the latest styles of fashion and best mannar oi
workmanship, an imruunca
Stock of Hats and Caps for
iNCLrrrnis'o atliIu the vi:uy latent
and a maguiCccnt assortment of
1VA1.T1IAV1 U lit IIKN.
No. 003 Chea'nut Street, Philadelphia,
ru now prepared In Uii Itrdctk l.r the
(ilAl'lM.. W.U.TMA.M VATClIi:s,
un Ur tli. ir own KU.ii.ii. t.e, lu either
1 Karttt .ol4 or 'uiu MUrr kiufn,
(.Vtf i.irl ..ul.its tulil bij w.) W. l. h. s uiratly ewe. I In line fl ilnh,
Vatn-ty uf lle, uud uecurutt lime kc pla;r ni i.i
tl's. VS'e mule In the low
price ut which a ivuli) koim! Uattti uiuy uuw U
bud. I'lruaei arutl tit for l'rtt l.lal.
Older rce-ln-d Irons ull peiuts.
Ii.mmi. sent 4 . O. II. , uli U'l i.r.s.
Hr.ll t'I'.li I k. M'.m.nii wile ub.tnl buvr
vri udvui.l.iu piMscss, 4 by a pit. nil ur
iuucr. JAMf f AIIUVni. A to.
t.j i i.tstbui aiu.i, I'ii. i.
A 1 1 a t'i. ini Juu ii i
Doots und Slioeo!
HO IlltUI li,
lbii4 bsmsI, ut.t VI uu, i nu.ii a.iubuiy, I.,
Is a Ji liiu . uijuulu- lulu
iiuitlo A S 1 MllllKH
of I J. .. I ll-ll .u si lb it.. .11 I U.4U. All
bis sIikV IS I'l His III) U.I, aUl'1, Is Uaudl bp
lii lbs l.l.-l ll J sl)k ul IU in. I lusiuuL
liiii... U .u.iiu4 d il. uulif uli4 .l.oi..
'I I. uii.L u.u bit, 1.4 t ,4 uul I s u. Ill Ll
sl u k ui.4 a uk Jiuu'b p i" 1. .is p. 11 . b .... ...s
Ui. Uoal I'ltiil I isH.
awu , iu.
jMiHi l'4s)M(ikH ... iU,a-.
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
comprising all tho novelties of llio season.
"Eiite and Fancy Slhirf s,
cC3 ScO.
lkinj connccfpil with ionic of tho largcot housea in the cities, and buyiug all his gooda
fur cash, he is cunblod to olli r
thnn ntty of his conniclitois here or elsewhere
Give him a call, examine his Goods and hear his ustnuitihin loir prices.
TTntlei' tbo new Hotel, on Third street, SUNBURY, PA.
ISAAC li. STAlTI'l ll,
watch us, ji:wi:luy,
Its vrlh rsct'oiid M.K or.ol'urr,
An ortiii. ut .if Wiiteb. ., Ji e!ry, S;lver and
rii.tcl ure ciii.-lai lly .111 hau l.
Ki ..i'riiij; of W itches and Jewelry promptly
i tti ml. d l. I April l.V.Tl-ly.
Qakerynnd Confectionery
lu Ibe new I .11.11:.,; s It.ilniiiL' the t' .sl
I'lll.i , i.p .inte Hm U..- l,
H I .X II I It V , I'l.NX'A,
J list ii'i.u.l a 1 ir.' jss.iitineiil of a:l kind of
.f ii iy d.eil I t, !i.
tteiy ui.ii'iii u- K-JiiiUis i I Ii .u u4
Uul.y 1 h ... I n 1 1. .1 ) is .lb ull n ... is
ol hilr.Aii. I IM, l.l "K, I LA
111 Sa, ami ais. 1 ki pi uu
bunt ui.d iiiuuufud 'jiv4
oulul ibi; Kl blub4
ul I .i.ul.
All lilntU of Vaney Calif
b4 ui -.e.l l u til) I.4W1 ii.s r.i...lji.l.
ly uu b iiidui.d iu iuuiu tun d lo ui Ut
. Hills, I truing I alius, lullil.U
au I .au. is ul 11 . si....i..l uiUe a.
Ail li. Lis I. ft ul lb ai ii
OJ Il.s Ik 1 .4, 14 t
fcls I'-.s. i,
apme ati! kiiu fioist au4 a.euuj, i;
nu 1 .ib piiu4 uiuuiUiu.
iiui.kul l.'i pusl I l."uj t ii. t
Sit. Uli u l bu.U.IM, Ui l4lii..bll H kit till,
tuutiuu Ik kuut.
Uuik lb, tail.
lkfiMt ailii Haiblisaa.
l I. W lusua S.I...I.4 Uel....u t
b.4 l kl'1'lliu.i Ut iil'.ku H .
ultil ,an WtikH au mi, hstaiKMi, r
'uu 1: iti.ii r.i
Jlammoth Moot & Shoe StorG
i.i i Mii.i.i:n.
In C. D. Smith's K..I.UI, (Jueen Nn tl, or do
K11-1 nl ihu 1' Odlre,
r..r l'.'.iuiiu I'. u, 1;.. Li 1.1 M:"..'f'k l'.H l and
H, ..- It 'll. T'i V llle si l.l, 'leul I .1.1 :il !.
Lu J '.cm Ii (if li.u.i., i-i lo LU Sll.Ur'., ou'.f
J I 1 til p. r
I", r K.k.14, nnd O.iil. is, l.l l. urt pi.ssl.
t V ii 1 , s'.i tu l.'i Mi r's, mi t,'.. 1. K'ru.t,
I .1 u!' km.. I ii'iiu '. uu l f 1. .its, t-il at
L.l m:.:.i'j.
..r I ."..-' iIimii O .rs, sv flue tiuil
III.. I .it I I Mi l. !.
I'nr n kn. ru l.l I I.i! Hell's M..l, J.) aud (.1
ainii.e t 1 M. u s Uil: .i.uii iinii .
f.ii .11. il. 11. lii t'.' .ii.) rii e I'.i.-, euli
and rljlllll.r l.l Mi. "I ' I.h-W U-li.c j ui. b i.i.. a;
f if lu ft Uisl t.uss, ul IU
I. iu.-sl pliers.
juu. t, "ii M' s. 't" -ir.
,rul.k rif l w.iy A S Mions
A liiusliiasi
al il
(t ll I 0,-A 1 U.J. ..1 1.
i. u 114 lutsiui al. b. u' l
bi any ot
k I u.u l
s.l uf ui t iu r t-i.iiu1 ur sp.i.iuiis ur uu.l
U,, ... . (.n.L.ul l...l... ill. Iiuv.s, ul 1 ..-
II klaksbi.t ..l..l..p, H.,11 I C.UMV,
(. Ail iui I'iui.J U.. ,U. a lli.s u Ul.l
b d.u.l Uk lu lb I u.l !..- 1 llml ul I l.o U,
iu lt sin littaa.
Luast Ukua lap , Ai iil I), 'il.- at,
i.fUll I'uKl'.ui b u l.l
4 lie .'. SI Ike
il. I lail iUia.
ku at
l kk'.a 1 i-r 1
Ju.l if -i. J aud
m. av uf
ki' lAauJS
' wav