Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 13, 1871, Image 2

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    H. B. MA.SSER,
SUNBUHY, MAY 13, 1871.
TnE President bas issued a protlania-
t tion calling the attention ef the people of ,
the Uuited State, ana more patcuiny
; of thoso localities lately in rebellion,-to the
provisions of tho Enforcement Act recent
: ly passed by Congress, known the Ku-
Klux bin. Thi. aot "applies to all parte
' of the United Status, and will be euforced
' everywhere, to the exteut of the powers
vested in the Executive."
A canvass of the voters of the 4th ward
or .New Haven, Connecticut, was umiu on
Saturday, and G79 citizens were found who
have sworn, that they voted for Governor
Jewell at the late election. The number of
votes found iu the box, according to the
accouut on Saturday, was only 4U7, while
. the re-turn called fur COT. The names of
nearly all who voted for Mr. Jewell, as
given iu the return, have beeu obtained.
This seems to conllrm tho report that soma
of Mr. Jewell's votes were nbstiaeted from
the box.
The State Finances. When the Re
publicans came into power iu Pennsylvania
they found it burdened with -a debt of over
forty millions of dollars, a legacy of Bhani
pemncratie rule. AVhat has been accom
plished by the Republican parly, by ccono-
my'and good nianagement,notwlthstanding
the heavy expenses of a war and its conse
quent burdens, U shown by the following
Iteport of the Commissioners of the Sinking
Fund, which states that the total debt April
30, 1871, was 829,o0j,1S7 71 ah average re
duction of about a million a year since the
Republican party has been in power in the
State. The people appreciate this gratify
ing conditiou of the State finances, and
will be slow to hand its affairs over to a
party which has heretofore mismanaged
and-iucreased the burdens of tax-payers :
Iteport ortUe rouituUnlouera of the
Slukiutf Fund.
Office or Tim Commissionem. to tbb )
Pesha., J
.IlAnRisntito, May 1, 1871.
Balance It) Treasury April 80,Wl,5Utf 81
Applicable to the pay muni of over
due loans, relief notes, uuil Interest
XDZ.iHU oo
t78U,250 45
Amount of principal of loon of June
11, 16i0,payabltm demon 491,405 80
DEMOCRATIC Inconsistency. The
Democratic papers certainly show great
inconsistency iu advocating the repeal f
the income tax while, at the same time,
thy'eall for the taxation of uational bonds
All the exemption the bonds enjoy by law
(brjs the Chicago Post), is the provision
that no Slate or municipal corporation
shall levey taxes on . them ; but Congress
itself levies an in?omc tax on all incomes
from bonds exceeding 2,000 per annum,
and this tax is the one the Democratic
press insists shall bo repealed ! They
would tax tho bondholder by repealing the
only tax he pays I This is about as near a
common sense view of public affairs as they
tfcncrally reach. To demand taxation aud
urge its re: eal in the same issue is highly
characteristic of that party's method.
Among the choice bits of news we get
this w eck from Xew York is an account of
the murder of a peaceable and unoffendiug
merchant by a bullying rowdy. The oc
currence was outrageous. The merchant
was attempting by expostulation to pre
vent the rowdy from msulting ladies iu a
struct car. The Xew York -Sun says, as
the murderer is in tho Tammany ring, of
course he will not bo hung. Whether
Tammany will be able in this instance to
violate all justice and public safety, can
not yet DetolU. There is a great deal of
sympathy manifested by the merchants
and other friends of tho deceased. Low
Us the morals of New York are we cannot
think they are low enough to save this mur
derer from being made an example to justice.
5 percent, loan, act of Juue 11, 1849,
at 3 per cent, premium (11,890 03
5 per Ccut loan, act of Ma) 4, 1858,
b per cent, premium l&t,000 00
6 pr cent. lono, net of April S, 1808,
ut tl per cent, premium 16,000 00
5 iwr cent, loan, net of April 19,
1858, ut S per ccut. premium 10.000 00
6 percent, louu, net of May 15, 18CI,
ut a per cent, premium SCS,950 00
0 per cent, lonn, act of February 8,
18C7, ut 3 percent, premium 803,450 00
Loan Relief, act ut iluy 4, 1841, par 9 00
Tot.-l H,S10,399 02
rsTEKEtT MARisa i.itrrErNnf8.
ii percent, bund 1 112,000 00
6 per cent. bond , 5,3ti;i,W6 30
per csut. bauU 23,83J,150 00
Total .. !2.aU9,145 30
6 per cent, bond tl4fl,Si!7 80
W per ccut. bonds 9,148 50
Total 1155,970 30
Loan relief, act of May 4, 1841 198.374 00
Interest certiHcate unclaimed 4,448 38
Domestic crtdilor 44 67
Total 1100,808 05
Interest bearing indebtedness iJ,339,145 30
Debt ou which Interest ha been
Btopid 155,070 30
Debt bearing no Interest 100,800 05
Or the cities iu Massachusetts which
voted on the question of licensing the sale
' of ak aud beer, Worcester, La wrvnee Lyun,
Springfield, Great Harrington, Chelsea aud
Pitlbliuld decided iu favor, and Salem,
New Bedford, Greenfield aud CamUrida0
Bgaiust the license. Alo&t of the BintUl
towns where a vote was takeu refused to
license the sMc, but a large proportion of
the towns did not vote at all, and conse
quently the law is inoperative in them, as
tlwy are allowed the option of enforcing
'n law or not. The l'enusylvania Legis
lature is not disposed to al.ow our people
to vote in a similar manner.
TnosE woo tuok ..iJir upon
Canada will be perhaps nstonished to -tliat
she is the fourth man'1 u power in
the world, nnd 'WJ1 81. wi'h a
tomnge of oiO'JO tons. She stands ahead
ofcvew nation except Great Britain, the
Vuited States and 1'rauce.
Tub law forbidding the sale of intox
ieating liquor with ceitaiu limits of all
polls on election days, gives immense sat
isfaction to nil pnrtics. It is well kuown
that all the tiouble anil filiting during
elections, spring from the drunkenness of
disputants. All such laws are steps to
wards the final overthrow of the pure iu
tiuonco which cau be takeu without offume
to any party.
The Tiuuintioy AdmiiiUrutiou has dis
covered i new way to reduce taxation.
Thetrtx ,evy last year was over wviti
Pilib, while it hat Urn lixcil by ilu ,v.
tut administration at the rale i about bix
mi Is. This i a decided rediit tiom.f one
uuil, so far us the actual figures aie en
Veined, hut while reducing tilt) L.VV
lamn niiv liu.g has not provided for very
...... . j . .x,,L.,,. ii,.u uavo iKi. uuilioriKed
uud which must Lc met l,y u .liivel tax t
ovi.4U 111110 yr ouier. 11 eslimuUil
Well I'Npell.MH, the, tiiX 1
U)UU Ivuu il.u vl
lit '
levy would ml have
t..iii.,. in ti.;. ... . .
1J, inoclacy li:ia iii.le.tvoieii iu Xt-,v Vn'ik I
u, ..e.,.,ve Hie people, uud l,:t f.iled. ThU
e,t . mo oH'u, .l tV Vi.i-k Li-isUiiiiiv '
h.i.h,vn teinblycomiptlli:,! .,
cu:. ).-.!, ccived II) tin; Inline, l.y Ikmuiri'lu I
! i ivioiiii.- rau.u,-., ;.4v.
-n tan l ouil Ihius i Hiii' h.u reduced
I . me i,u ii aiuiilur pi iu. they uaul h:,Ve
!' Il.e'.r hi'iUuciiotu Coin Tammany Jjit!,
or vuu veu i T iiuiiauy Uiua ft-(u ihem?
Total debt April 13, IS71 jy,595,US7 71
Amount of dct releeined uml pur
chased siuce Not. 30, la70 l,51i,C74 19
Published in compliance with tecliuc 8, of the
act approved April 30, lb70.
V. JollA,
Secretary of Hie i.'ommonvMltU.
J. F. llAKTHAMrr,
Auditor Uvneral.
W. W. iRWIX,
State Treasurer,
Cotnmiftiontrt ufihe timking Fund.
TUm Treat) ft7e;md by the XligU
WAbiiiNTON, May 8.
Tho treaty was signed to-day by the
High Coininissiou, ut the Department of
Slate. The gentlemen, alter this was doue,
exchanged congratulations ou the result of
llieir Wbors. eviires.sillr till, lu.lii.f'llmt lln.u
had doirt the must they possibly could for
the peace ami honor of the two countries.
Although ,0 commissioners have been
cautious iu talkiug tu persons outside of
Uleit oVn circle, ii... r..u.,.i.. . !
be lound to be correct :
First. There are to be two boards of ar
bitration or commissions; to one will be
relerreu the Aluluiiia nnd other similar
claims, whV;h are recognized as National,
and to bo u.Ued on the principle of jc
sponsibiliiy foi su.;h depredations where
the Government!,;,, n(l exercised the ut
most d l.igcnce nut possible precaution to
prevent privateers t.Uig litted out iu its
ports to prey u.ion ll..; M)niercu of a pow
er with whom it was at j..ace.
fi,,,?,'".;',V".'.'ii,"n''' ' ",' Vl'o cognizance of
tho miscellaneous claim, ijriusu ami
American, co.iliued principanv to li e tier -od.
from the commet cement V,f
"" inning t Uese -ir., thi
St. Albans' claims fordaiuaBo I,. i,rlv
in that town by the Uuadians ,l but J,
claims for the IV man invasion of Canada
are to be admitted. As to the claims of
British subjects lor seizures i,tti,,
k Great Britain, through iis comi-.ussioiu.i-s'
iioeR not recognize them iu cases wVerecuclv
snliii'ft in. .1.- in, tl,..i.. .,; ..:i.. ;.. .i. ..
- i ""n; III IIIC50U11I,
as thereby they subjected themselves to all
vM aiid contingencies of war. All Iciti
mato claims for cottou will, however," be"
It has l o. i reported, without foundation,
that they will amount to Ihii teeu or more
millions, but this is consideied lobe u great
exaggeration, as they will not probably
amount to a million ol'dollmi,. There will
be no difficulty in ascertaining all the par
ticulars, as the Treasury lVpartmem, lias
dates of all the seizures of cotton, Ulu
names of tho owners thereof, and all the
particulars concerning the seizures. Tho
iiovii nnient is aware that a lull list of
British claims was rcceully published in
that couuiry, but it ulo has information
that inunv of them liave already beeu ad
justed, whiV olheis will not couiu within
the pto iiiions nl'thu treaty.
Among the claim which will ulso come
beloro IhiH board will he that of our Gov
t l imit ut erouingoul of the purchaiu of
MittH tre uj the L.iht f n,lie .lunoj H,,- war
uim which am sviacd by tho British nil
llionties. Ihere ug oilier lliihiellalleous
catltua w hich will come before, this second
boiinl. The San Ju.m qu. slion will W re
IcitiU to tlm arbiiraiiou of a fiieiuily ov
tuij;u, probably tho tiiiror of Brazil.
;au Imvo abolished
T Ke) fel t j
iHU litili 1.1' I
woikw iidiac, ill, w.ia lein,),,l by j
ii VWoiiviay ui-l.i ot last Wctk. ut i
Wisconsin and Mi. ,.
laiid juiy slum.
I ext. u.ivM Miachiuii khop
A h .M inn,, i,,.., i.r Ui,i.
Ilie lu
file, in,
Tl . riot at fjjile rv, Tuesday,
was i.r iuoju serious llun at lli.t uutaij'Hi-
Thurmn .,,;,, f ,IU l'iu, Kial.
Nl.Ho U tu.,,ir .'U10 SV.i.h.l..t..i,
tiaty," i,..,ui,i. ,i ,. r..i......i... i.T....
1 'mUiia liiui Uiua.
Niilillll Mill i:I.Aij CoiNTV COAL
TitAiii.'f lie shipim-iiU lion, our county
lor Apiil uuioina io "s.j.iii ioiin, uud for
season -.':iu,0j tons, iigaiintlio,Ktj tons for
the iiioiilh and U.i.hJJ loiialor Ihu season
last )ear. Lain ,,r the luoiah Ibis yeur
HAS! ton, uim for il.o st'itsoit i.,;i7 tons.
'1 ho follow inv collii ries oi nui-uouiily me
now ut w..i k l ,iu,i ion, k ar Vailey.ticoi je
J..U, Buinsi.l,., Umiel WtUi.r, Biu
Mouiiiain, Ueiny iu,v, lluik tii.lgi, link
. i'i v .auip, 1 olei.iis, I'.mI Moiiulaiu,
MiuiUillc, ( o., Iti.l,, and Cul, doiin.
I home other I'oliuias run occasionally,
j At a un ul luctliii;) sii. t'uiiui l
tlisiilcl n W. It. .. it a its ill i til, d that the
, iinii, i woikinu ut iho Mu.ii i mIU. ami foul
i Itn.L'u colli, iu, .houij uku a il.u.l mm,
in llu ir I'le.isi so us lo liivu wois. t,0
liiini is o ihu lUlunio tullliiy, ahull Is
I now I'liu. I ho ptoiuwiiiou was not i.,m, U
j mil, ihu mi u . Ii 1 1 in o siiiiinii to H
at..miiil. AH ,ju., , u, ri.lou Hllli
u iiMH Itt liuj Ktitnullw til. i. I. .. ,.
m.n.i. ami iiai..i..v.,cw,H V4IUM,
Jal lan ,H tVMsKlU,
..,..... i t,.,urt)t- U.un ltr.tii.'l
t til List awk Ihu t.r.siM t..u.,i, l .u.l
hut , , , i., ol ,
tl-l .. e,0w-. ! , , wlo'h,u. !
i pli ml ,i s'taul any uvw on. . iy wa,
' all llu Uui. I ku. , nt lh,v
tua u,i lu. ir isi.lnis u insaii'l uu...
ly tiiii. .1 .tti mu n.ii(,i i,j niUr to
tU 111 OI 1.4, I. ,u pl4,U4l , ii, ... i.IM n ,
that U is l -l.y I.. tl,.,,,
luu list ir L....J. i l . ,. , .,
ss...t..44 I "V wil hiUs U4,4, rt,.
Another Riot near Srrnntoa.
Scrantox, May 9. Intelligence WBi
orougni to scran ton mat a bloody encoun
ter had taken place in the vicinity of tho
Dodge Shaft, at two o'clock this afternoon.
I immediately started for the scene, and
found that a disturbance had taken place
I iu ft neiu autotniug ma Hampton mines.
I A number of laborers from Patagonia, Hyde
Park, Bolleview, and some other sections,
determined upon holding n meeting to dis-
cuss the situation of all'airs, and to ' deter
mine what line of conduct they should pur
sue uudur existiug circumstnuces.
the assault.
At two o'clock the laborers assembled in
the Held aforesaid, and were being address
ed by one of their number when a crowd
of frenzied WelBh females, backed by about
thirty men, came rushing upon them,
throwing stones at the laborers and calling
them ''blacklegs" and every oimrobrious
-epithet their unchaste tongues could utter.
riM... 1..I ,.! . i ;..- .. ,
aiiu iiiuoiein tuiu i ne 111 10 ucsibiuuu moveu
off, not wishing to molest them ; but they
were followed by the infuriated -crowd, who
continued to shower stones. Their cowardly
husbands in tho mcanlimo went to their
assistance, and urged them to persist iu
their attack.
The loborers finally turned upon thefr
assailants nnd returned the assault with
interest. Pistols were drawn and shots
tired, one of which look clR'Ct in the thigh
of William Gore, a miner. Gore Is a 'des
perate and notorious chnntcter. Tito fight
became general, men, women and boys
joining pell-mell in the onslaught. One of
the number got a blow in the ribs and fell
down 'inn, tit: another, named Louisa, the
daughter of Thomas Barrow, a miner, wa
badly cut on tho head. The miners every
w here tried to throw all the blame on the
laborers. The ntlack was brutal and cow
ardly on the part of the miners, the laborers
not being guilty of the slightest provoca
tion. The assault was of the most formid
able aud determined character.
Tho place of contlict was covered with
sticks and fragments of rocks. The labor
ers still beut ou bavin.' their mcctiutr. after
having dispersed their' assailants, proceed-
c-u to xtij;a- ouuii. ii'm ui inn disaster
to the V. B. A. men spread like wildlirc,
and tho crowd was rnnidlv augmented and
became fearfully determiued iu tho desire
u continue the attack, beeing the labor
ers approach iu their direction along the
railroad, they marched off toward llvdo
Park, but after proceeding a short distance
they turned and intercepted the laborers on
the railroad near the Briggs Shaft.
The miuers outnumbered the laborers aj
this point, ten to one, and, confident of
their superiority in this respect, fell upon
them in a merciless manner. It was at
one time feared that a general riot would
rusue, as the people began to pour down to
the scene in great numbers, but the labor
ers were so tew in number that but a feeble
resistance could be made against the mur
derous and overwhelming assault.
The miners had armed themselves with
pistols aud clubs, which they used with
murderous effect upon the laborers : and,
the women thinking it a good opportunity
to emulate the example of their sisters at
Patagonia, showered stones upon their
heads. Tho laborers, after discharging
their pistols without effect, fled up the rail
road toward tho Notch, but not until a
number of them had been wounded and
fallen into the hands of their persecutors.
who kicked aud beat them iua most brutal
mauuer. only leaving oil" when their victims
were covered with blood,when they thought
life was extinct.
Marihi.Q.JMoot the"hei"V;LeI: WJL8
youd recognition, blood streaming from his
ghastly wounds, and thrown upon the road
side to perish, lie lay here for some time,
moaning most piicoutily, without any one
to oiler him any ossistance, the miners ap
proaching; him betimes, turn looking upon j
him as an object of curiosity, and then j
turning away the only spark of tenderness
in their brutal hearts being a curso for the
"blackleg." Ho was at length picked up
by some inoti who happened to be passing
in a wagou, and takeu to his homeiu Belle
view. Another victim was Patrick White. lie
was shot iu tho head by a pistol ball, which
penetrated the forehead and lodged between
the tables ot the brain. Mot content with
this, they seized him and kicked him,
breaking thiee of his ribs and otherwise
maltreating him. Martin Gallagher was
also beaten iu a shocking manner, having
received severul terrible cuts in the head,
which were attended with great loss of
blood. Several other men were wounded,
but they cscacd through the swamp near
Bri.;ySi .Shall to the woods, some of them
die or await the approach of night to re
turn to their liotnes.
The Military.
About four o'clock the military rwiv. .l
intelligence that a riot was going on at
llydu Park, and a company was ordered
immediately to the scene of the disturbance
but they arrived too late, and could ouly
look ou as spectator. Thev took charge
of two of the in jured men, Pntrick White
and Martin (ialtighcr, and brought them
to their homes iu Bcllevicw. ix nun
'e altogether seriously, and it is feared
fatally injured ; also, two women. The
proceedings aud violeut demonstrations
did not end here.
A Mon Visit the Mixes.
A mob, consisting of ueitrly two liun
pcrsnus armed with clubs aud other wea
iioiim, visited Church's mines, Morris A
Weeks, uud by the Usual demonstrations
of violence, demanded '.ha men to leave the
works. The men, tliluklug that diweiioo
was the better part of valor, cumo out uud
we ii ullowed to go (juicily to their homes,
but not without Ihu ussiiruticj flout tho
crowd that liny must not return to lho
mines, un.j also iulot uiing lho proprietors
that not another tou should bu cul in those
Thiiek Miners Miudkuku.
St UANloN, pa., May lu. '1 ho bodies
of three murdered labours who found this
morning in a swuiup mar Brings shaft.
iHliing lhi liot Jesteiday, when the labor
n wuu routed, tht-y ihd into this sump,
followed by Ihu inliiiiated miners, wheio
bealeii uud kicked to death.
Martin McUmiiicII, who wit taken homu
in a wugmi, uud w ho then wus iua dmj
coudilmu, .i)s:- I inadu my way lo a
clump of lives ; 1 was followed uuj over
l lkell by seWII llu U, Who culled t'Ul, '"Vi'U
hull ; its,, st veu nu n struck luu
Willi billies mi, I L IL I,,., ii,u ,,.,.
bitilo ulU i war U c.iiuo hack und raised luu
up, and ssktd luu "1 ou'd 1 walk V" 1 liud
I i I on in) kiic.s, und as sisiii us iw saw
I wa so strong u kickid ihu Iu iLo in. m!i
sndiur; I knew not what bucouie of inu
unul 1 lound ui) sell si Lui.ui soifouiukj
U) IlKlalS.
I.Mtos IVewft Cross. Mexte.
City OK Mexico, April 80, via Havana,
May 0. Consul Skilton has returned to the
The Vera Crus railroad la finished to
Potrero station, and will roach Corevot In
An attempt at revoiuuau tn isinaioa
has been frustrated and the leaders Arrest
ed. A Protestant church has been dedicated
in the cily of Mexico. The building was
formerly a Catholic church edifice. It was
crowded with on immense audience.
Congress contains fifteen Iudcuendents.
who sometimes favor Juarez nnd at others
the fusionists. The fuslonists havo trf
umphed in city council nffairs, nnd tho
lreo ticket is naming seats. Juarez is
giving away in order to avoid a revolution
The State of Guerkro will vote for Diaz,
A breach iu the fusionist ranks is unvoida
The inaunuratlon of Juarez will cause a
revolution throughout the Uepublic. Tho
State of San Luis Potosi is furious for a
revolution, and the government is massing
troops m the neighboring State as a pre
cautionary measure. 1 he authorities auu
people of San Luis Potosi favor Lerdo.
The trasury is bankrupt. Lnrgo sums of
money have been squandered for electidn
eering purposes, and to fill tho pockets of
government employees. Saveilra, Minis
ter of JtiRtiee. was recalled on the 2otii inst.
Tho netv Minister of tliQ Interior, Velasco,
resigned on tho 253 rn. When 740 deputies
petitioned him to remain, Velasco consent
ed to rcmaiu temporarily, but demanded
that Uomrro, Minister Finance, and Mejia,
Minister of War, should hand iu their resig
nations. Romero, having been impeached
by the grand jury for abuse of authority,
must resign if Juarez is not re-elected.
Ho nevertheless retains his office, because
the army supports him. Sanchez Ochoa
is mentioned ns the new Minister of War,
nnd Mauucl Payus as Minister of the
(cto Abbcrtiscnmrf.
Report of 'First National Bank of
Retvort of the conditio! of "Tbe Plmt Nntlonnl
Bank of Banbury." at the Clots of business
AprU win, A. li., 1871. .
Loans and tllsconnls 12(1"?, 406 B8
U. 8. Bonds to socttro . irculation 200,000 00
TJ. 8. Bonds to ceeure Deposit 60,000 00
t " and Boouritios on IibikI... 700 00
Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortpagcs... 11,850 00
cue irora nuoeemiug ana Kcocrvo
Aftcnts 20,249 49
Due from other National Bunks 41,178 14
" " othor Banks and Bunkers... 19,089 95
" " U. 8. Uisbursinif Agent 8 58
Bnnklnir Ilotine, other Real Estitte,
Fumlture and fixtures 48,511 62
Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 4,109 43
Cash Items, including stamps, and
Protest Account 8,800 15
Bills of other National Bunks 8,197 00
Fractional Currency, including Nick
els 001 05
U. 8. Legal Tender Note 49,000 00
$735,215 71
Capital Block paid in J200,000 00
surplus runrt 27
Discount, Exchange, Interest, and
front anil Loss 50,429 25
Nutionul Bunk circulation otiUtnud-
Ing 178,204 00
Ptuto Bunk circulation, outstanding... 6.101 50
Dividends Unpaid 2,474 1 8
Individual deposits 207,828 99
United States Deposits 24.S47 19
Construction account 10,306 84
Due to National Banks 18,8.)3 28
Due to other Banks and Bankers 1,919 21
In Boon's Building on QUEEN STREET,
are now offering
Comfcrlslntr all the Bnrlng; and Bummer Rtvles
of Litdics' Dress Goods, White Goods &c., Cloths,
Cnssimerca ar.d Gcntlemens Goods generally,
which will all be sold at great bargains.
of all kinds and of every description.
Qneensware, Glannware and Willow-Ware.
for Men, Women and Children.
FLOUR AND FEED of all kinds, Is constantly
Kepi on nana, l ney win niso purcnu60
at the highest market price, and will exchange
goous lor urnln.
The public are Invited to call and examine our
extensive assort tnent of Goods before purchasing
elsewhere, nnd become convinced that Goods can
be bought lower tuan elsewhere at our establish
Norlh'd, Arrll 29, 1871.
Us Just received ami opened
Enforcing Hie I.awN In the Sonth
Troops Kent to Koulht'uroliun.
Washington, May C.
Tho rreshlont has taken Rteps to protect
the citizens of South Carolina from further
Ku-klus outrages, nnd to enforce tho exist
ing laws. Some days ago orders were qui
etly given through the War IX-partnient to
scud a 8tron hody of cavalry, a detach
ment of infantry nnd scvoral piect-s of artil
lery to uiiarieston nnd Uoiumina.tor use in
the counties where the civil authorities arc
powerless to give protection. and where tho
laws are icuored. A portion of these troops
were ordered from the West, nnd the re- i
niaindct from various points in the South.
By the present time, it is supposed, near
ly the whole of this miliary force have nr
rived within the borders of South Carolina,
ready to be used in enforcing the laws. A
company of cavalry was expected to rench
Charleston by Thursday morning, nnd
will proceed nt once to the comities in the
upper part of the Hate. Thisnction of the
Administration, in having sent troops to
tho locality wlicro the largest number of
disorders arc repo-ted, has caused some
surprise here, iu viw of the fact that but a
few days ngo a statement was made that
tho President did Lot think it would be
necessary to carry out the Ku-klux nill by
using the military. It is supposed, how'
ever, that danger was apprehended, and it
wns therefore proposed to have military
within reach if required. Southern Repub
licans now here are pleased, and say that
tho President litis acted in the right spirit
by thus early taking steps to carry out tho
recent law passed by Congress.
Dr.eor.ATioN of Soldieiis' Gravm.
Tho following circular has beeu issued by
Depart meut Coiumader Calhoun in reter
ence to the ceremonies of Decoration Day
on the 30th instant: mx';
uk&'WAumyTik Tiii: Rei-uhlic, 737
Sanaoni strert, li.;i , May 3. I'uu
CULAU. Comrades t The aOtli of May has
been set npart by tho National encamp
ment of the Urand Army of tho Republic,
as the day in eaeli year wheu the army of
the living is to meet in their .silent camping
grounds tho army of Uis tluad. 1 know
that in uvery spot in this department where
a Union Soldier sleeps, a loyal heart will be
found to do him honor, aiid with willing
hands r"trcv on tint patriot's grave the lirst
spriug llowci s of llu. land he died to Rave
and regenerate.
The Crand Army of tho Republic has
takeu on itself the daty of conducting,
wherever there is a posi, the memorial ser
vices on Decoration I!u-. It j4 requested
thut every comrade ut'eud on tho 30th
inst., nnd give one ilty to the comrades
I gone bclorc. The niiUia and other organ
izations Simula l-c invited to participate,
its well us the citizeiiM, t whom as soldiers
we owe so niui'h. Ask hat the schools iu
your vicinity bo closed for the day, that
the children may join wuliyim and learn
lessons of patriotism irar the Boldicr's
It is necessary to fullj recoul the names
of all soldiers, suitors and iu:riues burii-d
in the cemeteries you decorui', with full
particulars of service and dunk, und trans
mit thu snmii to tho Assign Adjutant
Ccnerul nt Pottsville. Vol Mill tiiid ac
coini anvinga form for Decontion Services.
which, , whenever practicajft'. vuu will
strictly follow.
lours, in 1'. (.. iX 1.,
A. K. Caliiocn, Cmh
Oillcial : Rout. R. Rt.Tj,
175,215 71
I, 8amuel J. Packer, Cashier of "The First
National Hunk of Suiibury," do solemnly swear
that the it dove statement Is true, to the bent of
mv knowledge uud belief.
Slimed, 8. J. PACKER, Cashier
Sworn to and subscribed beloro me, this tith
ditv of Mnv, A. D., 1S71.
I Signed,' F.M'L WILVERT, Notary Public.
Correct Attfs':
J. B. PACKER, Virictori.
Bunbury, May 13, 1871.
sraiNG stylesITats, BONNETS,
Mourning and Bridal flats and Bonnets.
DR. J. F. ( ASLOH ,
Ome nnd Residence, Walnut Street, between'
Third aud-Fourth street,
All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat
ed or optrated upon, such as Strabismus, (Cross
Eyes.) Cataract, (Blindness,) nnd all other di
seases relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or
Reel Feet,) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumors, &c.
Also tho cure of Ep ilrppy (or Falling Fits.l
Sunliiiry. May HI, 1S71.
roMrricET ji.ixok ceketery
This company Is now prepared to sell lots in
the new Cemetery, located on nn eminence about
one-fourth of a mile eant of Sunbury. The in
crease of the population of Sunbury, and conse
quent advance in the ratio of mortality, as well
as the limited facilities for the Interment of thoso
who haTe fought life's battle, have suggested the
orsriiniiatlon of the above named company.
Plan ot Cemetery may be seen nt the oUlce or
J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrbach.
Price of lots from 15 to 1 15, ueeording to loca
tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold.
May 13, 1871.-tf.
Sash Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers,
Laces and Trimmings of every variety.
Full line of
Notions, a full assortment. Gentlemen's
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac.
April 22, 1871.
Large Stock! Hotter Fucllltleal
Just opened a large, line nnd substantial assort
tneut of
I iik iUrti'iMi i, K.r.4iMi Asu
li l t U4IM1. I In. U , !; 4 jn,
.! '!l!..l.l. , l.y Uu, Ui, ,,,,,. ,u,j
I. i.l Ik sint t'l , K. ft ,, ,.
uu.iu j .ni :u!tf, ui, uuuil i., a4.
All 11...
i iu uu UUIHIU S4)
lti4l llm UUIiiUf iif MiuiU lu lli.ilo i.
('"ixilut ilirouh"ul thu touutry ikiit'U
ilii'u Uuiiilii.l, it ii. I i ,.( M k(Uit.
l!,t im l (.111, . lU nUtu , ,J t
it4 l,mi. ( in, t4k tjtxi.
ink tiiitiiMi iu.iuii"4i i.f il s iii.
tll" UlMUiur ill Wl.ull hlUtll 111 ll.M
iuuiij si in.du4.u4 uu.Ui IU uUUiu
is shutti Iu ib iliuity iiguiwmi
u.4 ly Its oi'tH UMi s.Hiut itts A44.lw
Market Street, one door'west of Geai hart's con
fectionery More,
Has opened her Spring auu Cmmor stock of
Slilllnery aud Fancy Uooda,
The latest tyli of Dress Trimmings, French
mi l Aiu'Tican lowers, Laces, llihlions, back
' loiqis, t'l-liiin'iis, Collars, Culfs, Jouvln (ilovtf,
J ... j .i larn.; variety of othrr articles.
in connection with tho Miliino-r '""iaess. she
carrier ou tu
in all its branches.
She Is n'so nger.t for the sale of IUmscy, Scott A
Co.'s Piitli rus.
Tlie ladles of Sunbury and vicinity are cor
dially invited to cull and cxmuluu her splendid
M.-.y 13. lSTl.
"OTICE Is hereby given, Mint the partnership
Xl heri'toforu exiotiur, of firm name of Weit-
i Z' l, Ua-Kiiis S Co., in the Mercantile business in
j the Huroucli of Sunbury, 1ms b?en dissolved by
initial cnseiii. me jionK accounts, Ac, urn
lull in the hands of C. B. Wcitzel, at Hie old
stand, who will (cttlu up tho partnership ac-
The Mercantile businebs of the above firm will
hereafter be continued at tho old Ktund, under
tlie Urin name of
May 13, 1S7l.-Ct.
Luckitwuuuu uutl KloontMburg Itull
Monday, May 1, 1871.
Leave. ,A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
whleh is hM
and offer to ths Publla at th Tsry
Ilavluz established a reputation for law
- prictn and
llousckeeplnf; goods I.. ,
Queensware, Wil'.ow-Wurc, Glassware, ic.,
A line stock of substantial
ReadyOIadc C'lotliing,
for Men and Boys. Each line full aud complete.
UT Substantial Goods a Specialty. J
Price to snlt the timet. . Call aud
see our Stock.
All kinds of country produce taken In ex
change for goods.
Haurt's Iron Rulldlui;, Market Street, Sunbury,
Ami I P'1 ivri '
A. A. U.
"Bun k" 1'oMKr.wv and 4;kkual
Bl'Tl-Klt. Suiuu time ugo Mm. pnim-ruy,
wil'o of the soiiitwliat U'ltariiui llrick"
I'oincroy, cni;it'i'il tlie nrrviccs f tli tinal
Butler as couiim'I fur llu- uii nii,e if procu
riuij a divorce IVmiii lier':iuli-itul. A snuu
iiit"l5rii k" In-Hid tliat liih will; liml iiuumi iI
Butler lie intrticU'i 1 1 is l iw, r to
tu timVau -i" e n i. l'l.iueri'V's I twyiT
wrotu t i Buil.r t'l una wimiifr it
cninroiniii ioUl Ih i id clod. Alu r mi
nuliinjr, his client Buili r rii'liid iha. it
could, I'mvi lul Mr. I'lmirrwy would yiay
Ills wilu tw.uiy tlioiu.tud dolhtri, will
uliiiiony. l'miH roy at nui'i im i oiUi1 tie
terms, uiul tlit is m ill, d, Mi. 1'jiu
troy n-kuiiiiuj; her uiuitleu U4iuc
West I'ittston,
Klntim, A I st.
W.-lturre er
Plymouth June.,
flick's Kerry,
lleaeli ll iven,
llriur Creek,
I. line Uide,
111. mm. burj.',
K ii pe it,
I ul.i
( bul.i.W) ,
0 ')
B 57
S.ri B0
u as
I u u
: o m
50 10 (HJ
1" ('.'
00 10 fj
10 lrj
5 40
5 ih
6 63
0 03
6 U
6 IS
o n:
U 1.1
7 35, 4 15 10 30, 0 40
1 00
1 (14
1 15
I S7
1 j.'i
1 45
1 55
a oo
a 10
Spleudid Agfeortiueut
Third St., Ose Dook Below Market
St., Sunbury, Pa.,
a. mr.uM:it. Iroricior.
Every vnrietv of
of tho fineft grades embrncinif every quality
and styles that the New York and Philadelphia
Markets utl'ord, which will be made up to order
by the best of workmen, warranted to lit and
reader entire satisfaction.
embrac'iiuf everything of Geuliemen's wear, all
new and of tbo latest styles. A lare stock has
Jut been opened, to which the citiaeus are In
vited to call and examine.
Third Street, one door below Market tjquare.
Sunbury, April '."J, 1371.
to all, will .
now open nt
Market Square, SUNBURY, Peun'u.,
Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, Ac.
Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker
chiefs and GIovch.
Perfumery, Toilet Soups, Hair I!rushes,Combi,
An Invitation U ex tended to all to call and se
cure barpiiiis.
April Uil, 1071.
Thankful for the largo amount of patron.iee
heretofore bestowed upon me, I will endeiiver hv
furnishini: the best goods ut the lowest prices to
merit a continuance of the same.
. ,. H. T. FRILING.
April 15, 1871.
Pay Up!
Pay Up!
to the undersigned on
01 i
I 7
H f."
8 3d
H i-i
I H 5i
I U isi
' t 10
1 'JO
W '.'7
1 U 3.5
I l 40
10 (15
10 15
10 21
4 4
10 47!
10 i5i
C 5.1
t! 55
7 1
7 17
7 35
Ni.jllltM. irrw. Ilk All A A
A.M. P. M.i
C.I UK lull,
t iiUtiut,
riluio Bisi.mri k I l'i rt'ivitv a ui.
liii iil urunl nl l.usi.uisi llmK rs in renv
uiluiit nt hi a rvu v l Ihu couuiry.
Tho local .( iiuii took iil.uii in Ken,
(Ui ky till S,iui, Tltu It. iiuliln uii.l i .
can ltd t ruiiUai ly luro iiu joiily, j Miuuiu.'buri;,
1 he r.iiiit'i' r of lo iin.iiiv i a in i. .l '-'I ).
piiiiur. .turn inmuy rv ooa-eil lo lintu
souiu Iriuh'. IVlUiiiui i liwu ii bu it I) (in,
uud Moiktd l thu i u' lliloj )u4is-
tiov. timry Ims uolitUd lho U tiishiluro
Uuil llm . ps(ti,,iiuii lit bill La Uioiiiu
law without hl kigivtuiiu,
Tim total p,pul.iii"ii of i he huin i sh,,
l"l Mil, ol lltt i, ii i .if m. tl, u I nl
vlt'oiuuihu, itJ.nyti M4.,3H,,M7,6J1.
Tlw Tuiiai lr. NVloli I. us lost Ins
Uuulilul tin si i, ul Uirv Mu 4u, sod
d lily Iu hsiiu ss, ll Is ium.s4.. lioin UU
or I'lii Mius. II Ihu Uor ,4l Us. d
Mi-l fill t uy4ll) t oil lillolt I'littd. Is, l.o
Mould l.intiui'l In" I hi iM4ii 1-Jjy,
1 1 j Mlti d sill UU oU.(.
( i4'1h d l auds Ii Viiy folllllioll ttlll,
ill. I isliu 1,1, lata iit't l III b III MSI. I.
Alt. dlo, i, J ,.. u ,l,.l)lni I ,.
Uu i I I (.''w d ' I Uv I'su.l t . i4 ll.iwsi
lutM da), md iUm ..ji id lii.
k lU I MiJw, Cti4 ftbtlt wid fw-
kwi( ik
10 45 6 IU
1! IT 4W
ill 41 15:
11 4ii U -Mi
II 53 So1
If w I btl
,14 10 4
I J S5 T t'51
14 1 t 11 X. M.
14 W T I ;
I 15 7 5 45' i
I 7 ' t no . m. r u.
I Hi uo t lo
I 4 to, T 5 11 iu I U
I I 1 iu 14 4 5 4 uu
I ' I I .... A ..L
i ' " 14 J.'i 4 15
i1 I t 41 4 5J -ik
14 15 1 54 U M 4 t
U IK 44 UU 15 4 ill
ki 41 U4 15 4 45
-' 14 II I U
I m K I 1m Ii 1
I 14 4 I 4-1 14
I b l In U I M
l.l.u. ,
S- ISI, k.
V.l'll II.IVCU,
liuk's Vtn),
Nik ktbliui) ,
I'-wulis k's,
f iiiuuulk,
Cl.' uuutb June.,
Kisj.iuu. 4 i si
tt.Uit 'r
n i.ii. If,
Hvt titlalus,
Ul. S4Saul.
' llilv,
(VIS4.IMK, lllf)
(MVID T. IttA'Sli, t-i1.
IH tu ll ,u
A LL persons indebted
ii Book ai count, are requeued to m.ike rai
ment on or before the tlist day of June next,
alter Hint dule all nccmiuW Mill be lilt In the
bauds of a Justice of tho Peace for Immediate
collection, uud uo uiiciliuinatioii made as to
ix ii i' i.t r.K ti: i7
rntr. vii: it athc extj ri:u
Is now offered fur sale by the undersigned ut
hi llimery or Reslsiiiaiit. This vinegar is
u not to toiitaiu any ucids jieiieraliy
aie Urrd to make it strong, an I Mttuhis
tiijurlmis. Wurraiiled pure, it ! the best urtiele
for di'iut'Atlc Use iu murket.
bold st sUolto.Ue uud mail. Apply In
JusEr-H UA14IER.
"uWury. M.IV 0. 171.
WM.SIlllUit. i. SLA) MSkKU. U. U. BLAl .
Wliolesal Dvuler In
Olliic U. 6. Ii.k.I bUl..neiy,
rriutluK, Urilui whi MmhIiu
I'rintcri" CunU, 1'jt Hugs, 4o., ic.
Tho IVVbittUd
Corry, Kerosoao llunilns Oil
lwj)a mi h.iuj.
lUvlu; slw uiuj
j Mr uo -ir ir i i u't y t. lUttUU t.f
Ul.bulf i4 kii'Iiilly IU Hit IU) Im' tUiiU)
ul 1 rrvftiti) iitiu4 ln i.tiui 1
irfMittbi ( tut, r ! tii4 uil uilitii
Itu4 U t4uUi u git u tli.
V" i' i"i'
As ilsl.4 lu lh .
, i. . . . i . ' .
tu H
- ... i ... U k . .u. . .
4'4 4U l.4 Sil l.M.Ui "4, W If, 4
IU A-.S i.; U.I, Is,!, 4 ,H- tb-4 4.1s d
v.v.slt t Al I4 mi " 4 4 1 Is
. . tUUi OlUJs
ilitllNk al, Oi. ti , our cm,i
ltOOlli No. a,
tl ium4 f att.i.4.4 tu.
IIC.HTV acres of Improved land lu the best
-J seetion of Southern Michlifiin, within live
miles ol the town of "Three Rivers," iu (-t. Jo
seph county, within two miles of the Railm.,.!
I Million, uod buildinu's, out hoiibes, larirc or
I chard, soil, rich saudy loam, school Iiuum s and
j cliurclis witlilu sicht title iiulisputable, ten
! acres are In wheat, the remainder in clover sod.
i A spun of horses, cattle, hos, irraln and farming
I utensils. 4e., will I hi sold with this urnnrrtv.
l'rice J70 per acre, 13,000 in cash, the balance iu
time payment of t.VK). Apply lo
VM. A. MAtfsER, Three Rivers, Mich,
II. B. MASSER, Suuburv, l'a.
Eunbury, Murch 11, 1S71.
Mechanics Drawing School.
All riersnns wishing to lake lessons In .Vft
4'hnulrul ItritVt lug. please apply at once .)
the undersiKiifd. All iiecessnry lii-niiineiils and
I11ateri.1l furiiUlii'd irrati. Terms fltf for twenty
l,'son, uf one hour lor each lcuu, payable I11
surinl'ly In l.nne. deduetiou made for
time lost by scholars.
8uiibiiry, April 82, ISTI.-'.'t.
AdiuiuUlrlor't oiirr.
J'ttal e AI'tvi,iH Hani, J,,,a...l.
N'llTK E l hereby clveu, Utter of Ad
miiil.lrutloii kdui, b.. 11 emoted l Ilia
uu.ler.iti'Hl 011 tin, EkI.iIs ut Ab.olnii Wau v,
lute ot Ml. I'anuel I.oioukIi, NorlliuinlH-rlmid
i'oiiuty, l'i., deerii.ed. All r.oll. iud bled l
tn I.l ratal Hiv ru'ine.l'd loiu.ikr,-y.
nun I and lb. Uuviutf tltiius lu (.rvsvut them
Jul) 4UlUciilieuU4 lur stttliiin-iil.
ui nkv iiii.r,
Adlllllilllatui .,
Ml. ('riuel Borough, April hiu IMl. 01.
niLi.iM:uv ctHtitsi t;t:iit ii.i.v.
srw iTTvi c or
no:; sets.
FLOW Fits,
MrwlMg hi ii7i4)l
ImI hI Mouart.
full llu of tl ,11111.11. ,!. kul l'i4w.
B.. U, ll'uuiiii eta, y'ulli.iB, tii"iS,
IIjuJs.i.UhU, Ac,
r !. uwui' 4:".
Uls U I . HR.
..4U FitH fet , tns iu Usuiu4, '..iittii.
liil a. It, l
Notlco to Gretlitort. .
I SS it. . 14-
s-l lu lh si4'. w.i h j. ut Uus4i s
'"S'.l. U ) Sf M ut Uvlvit I l.t t .1 4t u
l-l u. tl il II.,) 4..U l.t M -l. oil. I
lu 4.i 1 Us .....v l i.i t kit I Iks ki4a
w 4itu. M tJ
P4V1D nr.
n, ia m, in