THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS PUBLISHED JCVJCKY EM'L WTLVEHT, rroprietor, aussva's BiLnntai, markbt. .qcarb, ! At t)..SO In Advance. It sot paid wltbtn 6 Months 8. Wcrpttn taHlt or Ih lAon ris Month, rin-r-nrneo with this establishment It nil exten- ei-eNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of laln ana fancy type equal to any esinonsninenv n the Interior of the State, for which the patron age of the public U respectfully solicited. rofrssfotml. WIN. J. HOIVERTOS, Attorney a Law, n tllce, door No. 5, 2nd floor, Hnupt'. Block, near Miller's Shoe Store, Suubury, Fa. March 25th, 1871. ly. SB. ROVER, Attorney at Law. No.. 2 and 8, Second Floor Bright'. Building, Sunbuty, Pa. Professional business nttended to.ln theconrts of Northuinberlnnd and adjoining counties, tlnima rrompuy couecten. vjousuita tlon can be had In the German language. March 25th, 1871. lj. TKKEMIVIt 8WDER, Attorney at "J Law, Sunbury, Pa. All professional fcusl- jieas Intrusted to his care will receive prompt nt lentior. in this and adlolnlna counties. Can be consulted both In English and German. Also, District Attorncv of Northumberland county. Aue.20,i870.-iy. J NO. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 Fourth avincx, Notnrv Public. Pittsburg. Fa. Jau. 15, 1870. It. -f IS. NARKIif! A CO, Market Street, O SUNBURY, PA. ' Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Bonks, Dairies, Ac. " SF WOI.Vi:RTO, Attorney at Law. Market Square, SUN'BURY.PA. Profession al business in this and adjoining counties proinpt .y attended to. DR. A. IC. SAVIIM.E, respectfully an nounces himself as Physician and Surgeon to tins citizens of Suubury and vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Fairmount Hotel, where he can be consulted at all hours when not professionally ngag;d. apl24-ly GW. ZIF.GI.ER, Attorney at Law, north side of Public Square, one door -east of the old Bank building,. SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts cf Northumberland' and adjoining comities. 8cptl5-Gcl A. Ui:iui:VI)ER, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en trusted to his care attended to promptly and with diligence. apl27-67 .'XO.KAYCIF' " . apied all profess o in Northurn-apllO-69 Attorney at law, SUN Jollcctions attended to la nunibcrluad, Union, Snyder, ..mbia and Lycoming. apUO-09 . ROCKEFELLER. . LLOTD T. nOHRBACW- OCKEFELtER ROIIBBACir, Attorney, at Law, SUNBURY, PA.-Of-in Hnupt'. new building, .ecoad floor, fcn-r-.ce on Market Square. J"-68 4 j,-. BRICC, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, ii, "a. Ollice in i.-.nnjc Hall Buildiug. Collections or .iim, writings, .ni all kinds of legal v. attended to carefully and with dispatch. (April 8, 1871. ly. . . ANTHRACITE COAL ' "VALENTINE DIETZ, yuolesal. and jf-V Retail dealer in every "''J or ANTHRACITE COAL. "PfER WHARF, 6UNBUPr ENN'A All kinds of Gru taken lu "change for Coal. Order "olfclt A fllle" P""nPlT- tM-U. w s RH-DS- -c" -f'-t-'r- S. RIIOAnS fe CO., V RETAIL DEALERS OF ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, FSNN'A. Orricc with Haas, Fabelt Co., Orders left at Seasholt. A Bro's., office Market ftrcet, will receive prompt- attention. Country custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. COACHMAKERS. TTE are selling Rims, f" -Ves. habs. Springs, T Canvass, Bolts, Clip. Large Stock at . bunnury, .Maren uo, ioo. yO.ilA COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., V Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, FA. (LOWER WHARF. J . I" Sole Agents, westward, at the eelsbrated Henry Clay Coal. Janlit 6tt EXCHANGE LIVEItY. J. M. BAllTilOLOMEW, Prophiktor. FOTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Sumbary P. ririE best of riding and driving horse, alway. X on hand to serve customers. Orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt alteutioo. Nov. 5. lbVO. DENTISTRY. GEOItOE M. RENN, In Building, JtfarJUl Squart, Scmbi'rt, Fa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining in Dcniistrv. II keens constantly oa band a luiiia assortment of Teeth, aud atber Dental mt or Teem, aua siner vsuiai rhieb he will be able to select, material, from aud meet tbe wants of bis customers. All work warranted to Eivsiuicuon,or ois , ths money refunded. Th very bet Mouth Wo.ll and Tootn-Fowa.r. kept on hud. . (lis reference, are th numerous patrons for whuin h has worked fs th last twelv yssrs bui.burv, A pr IU Wl. SV.W COAL YARD. fI"HK under.lgiisd having eounteted th Coal 1. buslnos iiuhiseitiniv FLOUR A GRAIN tradf, U par4 to supply fauilUas WHO tb vhiy uwtor (oil, CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, Stov nd Nut, eans'anlly eo baoil. Grain ....change toUL 1. Sunbury, Jaw. 17'J tf. lACUH .UIFMAM. tHOMFSO p.a. tiro, Lll mm AectUesit INSURANCE AGENCY MIIIPHIN A IU HR, MAilKET bTHEE'r, M'NUL'ttV, I'A. COMPAN'lt. KkfUC.KN'TCD. N Aiuerieau, PUtl 'fbs. Assets, l,Ta.t VL.Unu, . !., ). 4uiirl " I. i.lUl l, " f ...s AN. Teik M U4IIUVX, " ...mIjI, .H,4a, ...tiuiu., M-nxy, V.4..kii.TfUiut'.Ithl4, It ..u., M (oik, It-.H-iJ, lialtlwti, USUI., 111, '. " la. ('4-. Talk, r lii auk A Uuiii. waiii Vvih, ku.uli. kjl.llt. 1, tul 1,1.1 I'D i; Ivj Ikl.issJ I . il 4 Si h I Ml .IJ .I,K.J . .1 I -J I"" i, I J l as as H 4i4 A,a.l 4 - lifct f (aut J...."- ..; i,w,ae .t Mmi A m., ei-'a Eatabllnhed In 184,0. ( TOICE 91 SO IX ADVANCE. ) Vioteh nub iirsfonnmts. T A IMK.ItltK IIO I'M Broad and Chest lj nut Ms.. PhlladeJphia, J. B. BUTTER. WORTH. Proprietor. Terms per day, 13.50. April 15, 1871. 1J TTKIOV HOT 1. 1.. Tnns. FOULDB. Sr U Proprietor, Shamokln Street, Trevorton Northumberland countv. Ph. The table Is sup Bllod with the best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 21, '71 HOOVER nOl'NF., Third Street, at the depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Rbesi, pro prietor. Harm meals served up at an Hours Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hnnd and served In every Btyle. The best of wines and Honors at the Bar. tifFaiullles will be supplied with oysters done op in any style, by leaving orders at the Bar. iNov.5,'vO-ly. RESTAURANT V EATING HOUSE. CHARLES ITZEL, Propristo. Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot Bphbert, Pa., HAS open a Restaurant and Eating Ilenss, for the accommodation ofthe public. Warm meals can be had all Ji9 urs. All kinds of game, fish, Ac, served nrr at short notice. His bai is supplied with the testliquor in market. No pains spared to pluasb, and terms moderate. ouumiry, September, 4tu ibuw. ly. NATIONAL, LAGER BEER SALOON, OK THIRD STREET, NEAR TH DEPOT, SUNBURY, FA. TOSErTI BACHER Informs the citizens of Sun- tf burv and the public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above place. The best of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, sc., constantly serv ed up to customers. XTATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS JlN WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Fa., at the Station ofthe N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. The table U supplied with the market affords. Gn'A J. CHAS. . 812 and 814 .ilLADELPHIA. ..sctfully solicits your -.GTON HOUSE, C- NEFF, noprietor, Corner of Market A Second .reets, opposite the Court House, Sunbury, r. May28,'70. HOTEL RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, at short notice. The best of Liquors at the Bar. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest In the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Fatranage solicited. HUJIMEL'S RESTAURANT, LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having just refitted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared t aervc Uln filcnda irUU fcU. w '-hTTlcntS, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all othe, ..i, quors. ' J. VALER'S wnTf R GARDEN AND HOTEL iVes. 700, T04, 704 A 727 Vint St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GARDEN HOTEL, (0 THE ECROPEAW PLAH) Centrally located, connecting with all ths City Passenger Railway Cars, from all the Depots in the City. Excellent Accommodation, for Tra veller. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts evsry evening in the Summer and Winter Garden. Orchestrion Concert Evyry Afttrnoon.t r?N LADIES' RESTAURANT THE BEST 0 REFRESHMENTS SERVED. Office of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery. June 4, 1870.-ly. LIQUOR STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully Invite th. attention of Retailer, and others, that he has on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cognluc, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Pistllled, Monn gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ( 'Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Fort and Claret. ' Crab Cider, Champagno Cider, N. Bum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found In th city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always oa hand. Utf Orders promptly attended and public p;ronag. respectfully ollclti Sunbury, July 8, 1889 ly. HARDWARE STORE, J. II. Conley, A Co. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA., II AS received a new assortment of all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanic' Tools, Ac, of ait descriptions. A1m Waguu Maker's Mate rials, Hubs, tilius, Biuaes. il.n, all ain't, of Leather for Shoemaker's and Saddler's. Every, thing In th Haruwar llueeaa be found which will oe sold as Is a can bs bought of auy other estabiUbmeat U th country. Call and se their Stt.CA. Bui.bury,De. il, 1M. TOH BALE. TWO VALUABLE LOTS oa th eorser f kWcoud aud CUMtuut strMts, In tb Ba. rough oi Sunbury, oil ahieh tbsr r erected a ltu,- dwelliug bimse, stabl and oulbnlldlng. lb beiuwlead, lal f Hugh ball., dve'd. Al.o, a Lot An Mirkst street, la lh Borough f kunbury, on liu h (here a dwelling boue. SUbl aud ouibutldlufs. Iikiuii at lh i.01c of I. F. w OLV KKTON, rb. u, len-ir AdiamuiiBla Uu engage lu our Hi bu.lue'S make ti lu (.tr day lu lbi oau l.iiin.. v'uil par. I cuiara bd lioirut k'ib ut lu bf uwli tUiualu U4 ol 1'' uiaUtui, piuUUbl. wig, Sltwuld 4dia t OkuhutlUSkOM Af O., fvit.ud, Uaiuf. April IS. 1T1 -But " HUM II UU'l , I '4 T tuulb h-' "u4 Miat, abuse t bliiut, ' 2 JS lilill H.L I illll I I " rnii- r I, ,.k s, is. P'4 tit uU4ot; M I, u ll .1 r a if., i.ii... w li t,,., iii, t'. -J,, A.' , a , -44- k..U kSOS, i, .ll i , , Uwi lul i . r -J .it ill fti I'l, Is o i l .,.lk !. ,k(, U( lbwoas i.f, yi. , iii -i 1 IL4I Air.i Al ul l teal, kar, J a ,. Ma.iM . SUNBUKY, PA., tbturliscmcttts. LIFE and FIRE AND Marine Insurance Agency OF Near the Court House, Sunbury, Ta. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. METROPOLITAN . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Ofnce 819 Broadway. A-seits In orouortlon to L.inoiiuies larger tnan any other Cnmpxny. Examine the merits of this stwrlinc; Company Its Registry System, and Division of Prufltn. L. M. YODER, Sppcial Agent, 8UKBUHT, Pa. -ETNA Insurance Company,' HARTFORD, CONN. s35,78,68S 09. Aaaetv, L. J. Hendee, President." J. Gnodmow. Sec'v. Wm. B. Clark, Ass't Sec'y. L. M. YODER, Ascnt, Sunbury, Pa. "WYOMING INSURANCE . PANY, WILKES-BARRE, PENN'A. COM- Asaets, Jan. 1st, 1871, 9219,09S 4S CIIAS. DORRANCE. Tiesldent. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice President. R. C. BMITH, Secretary. L. M. YODER, ARcnt, Sunbury, Pa. Fdttsville Fire Insurance COMPANY. LOSSES PXOMPTLr PAID. FMBlEAWraLW; eretary. t. M. YODER, A-cqt. Sunbury, Pa. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, or ERIE, PENN'A. Cash Capital, 9250,000 00. HON. O. NOBLE, Phesident. JOHN P. VINCENT, Vice Pnidetit. M. RUSH WARNER, Secretary, II. W. NOBLE. Treasurer. 8. S. SMITH, Special Ageut. TJIHECTOUS. Hon. O. Noble, John W. Hammond, John Feitig, Hon. S. Marvin, Wm. B. Sterrctt, Henry Rawlc, G. T. Churchill, C. Engleliart. C. M. Reed, Jr., Capt. D. P. Dobbins, L.M. Hon. J. P. Vincent, M. Ilartler, Cujt. J. S. Richards, Jainea II. N fill, F. II. Oil.l... II. W. Niible, Iliram l.i-c tt, KieliurJ O'Hrim, Hon. . U. lielamaler, U. S. Southard. YODER, Ag. ul. Sunbury, Pa. ANDES Insuranco Company, CINCINNATTI, OHIO, 118 West Fourth Street. FIRE AND MARINE. Cash Capital, tl, 000,000 00. J. B. BENNETT, Fresl Innt. J. H. BEATTIE, J. J. BERNE, ttupt. of Ak-eneles. Application, fur Insurance piumt!y attended to. la. M. YODER, ARt-nt, 61'NBUHY, iA. WXLLIAM3POHT FIRE IN"UHANCH COMl'ANV. WlLLUMPOHI, l'LSi'A. lutorpuialtd otf. fa.:ul, IO."i MQ. JiillM WIIITIf, l.t. . b W. lllUilloUN, a.. i y. Tit Orlftlol l lhlu.Mii totuiiau OI t'CMUejItMHl. Fv.i rHy U.u.4 t Ho t "I i j.y galufrl damage 0$ Llgblull., a .u . Tlss of smsis, .rail I '.. lu tti.k. ( M lu bn4 at A.culS, I.1UI.S UN ll-t UMIti 1 mi.i i, k4u.k t-wte-tMel., k K ills W , t',l,WUl f I'M I f.ll Hi 1 I -i i 4 tl !. o is - .1 ... U li -- li; a le g1uH.lls t'MJtt, rl (,li, t.ii .l Wf l . v , - , - . w - - LHL MiMSl SATURDAY -MORNING, MAY 13, 1871. BALTIMORE LOCK TAR. JOHNSTON, HOSPITAL. Physician of this celebrated Institution. Vina discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual reinedv In the world for ill DISEASES OF I.M I'RUDKNCE. . Venknoes of the Back or Li'mbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, lnvnlun- iiry Uisclinrgcs, im)oicncy, licncral Debill ty, NcrTousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Mens, Palpitation o the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness ot eight or Girtdineos, Disease of the Heart, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affectionsof Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels there terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices moro fatal to their victims than the song ot syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, bilghtiug their most brilliant hopes of auticipations, rendering marriage, &c, impos- 01010. 10UNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary vice, that dreadful and' destructive habit which nnnnaliy sweeps to an untimely grave tnoneanus oi yunne men oi tne mort exalted talents and Ciililant intellect, who mieht other. wise have entranced listenine Senates with tbe thunders of eloquence or wqked to ccstacy the uviug lyre, may cuu wuii tun cunuaunce. .MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating maniage, aware oi rnysioal weaKness, (Loss ot rrocreative fower itnpotcncy i, Nervous Ex cilabilily, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Di hi'.itv, or auy other Disqualification, speedily relreied. He who places himself nnder the care cf Dr. J. may religiously conlide in his honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely unon his skill asaPhv. eician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Jmpntency, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Vuor Restore 1. This DiMresjincr Arl'ectlon which renders Life miserable, ar.d marriage impossible is the peualty paid by the victims of Improper indulgences. loiinit persons are too apt to commit excesses from not beiug aware of the drendlul ennseqnucea that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by tho;;c falling into Improper habits thac by the piurtTt. 1 Besides bcinij deprived the pKisures of healthy offspring. the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body uiul mind uriSe. 1 he system becomes de- ni-ed, tbe rnysieal and iuuetmns Weakened. Loss of Froereative fower. Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, I'ulf.itati .n of the Heart, Indirection, Com titut'mil IleWlity, a Wustinjr of ilit Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO. DAYS. Persons ruined in health by nni.'arucl preten ders who keep tliein trilling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds. should uj ply immeili'it'ly. J'K. jjOll.NbTON, Member of the H .yiil Co.lege of Surgeons, Lon lon. Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United Mutes, and the greater .ai t of whose If j has ban spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and cisewheie, has tt:ce;c l some of tlif niort astonishiuir cus hat were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing in the head and Mrs wheu asleep, great nervonsiuss, hem; alu.-aiel at siid.lea soaud.-i, bahbliiliiess, with fref;teut bhuhiug, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediate'v. iAKE PARTICULAR NOTICr.. Dr; J. addresses all those who have Injure! themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary llnlii!.-. wliieh ruin L )tU body and mind, unlittiu them for either business, study, society or mar riure. 1 r.R?B are some of the sad and mclnncholy ellri-ts produced by early habits of youth, v!z : Weakness of the ihu k and Limbs. Paius 111 the CJiarV..V.'r',a. I. Dinuietis of Sight, Loss oi . Nervous lrii'tabiiitv, 'DemnlfVi'tiio'nf In ' btiivjW Vunctinns, General Debility. rA-ptoin. cf C?u sum iun, ,;. Mentai.h The f arful efTects on tbe mind are much to be dreaded Lost of Memory, t'.-ii-fuelnn of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evii Tiirebj lings, Aversion to tocieiy, bcif-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, o;c., are some of the evils produced. Tr.oi'SANns of persons of all ngei can nrw judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous aud emulated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough ami synijtoiua of cousuiup tion. yoUN'S MEN Who have injured thenseivos by a certain prac I...1..1.....I u.l...n ii,U' learned from evil conpanions, or at srhool, the ' elleuts of which a'e Diglitiy felt, even when asleep, and If not cired. rmdeis marriage impos. bible, and dcsiroys o:u iniud and body, bhouid upplv immedlateiy. What a i.ity th.u a young man, the hopeof his country, ll.e darl ng'of his parents, should be snutelici from all vrpeets and enjoyiiuuts ot life, by the con -eqi'iiCf i'f deviating from the oath of nature and iaduig'u.g in aeerlaiu secret bue-h person. mit, before ei'uteinpluiing AIUUAi !', ! iiaun. reflect that a s-uine mind aud body are the mon I uecesisarv remi-ilo1 to promoie eonnnuial hapi.i ness. linlivJ a-iiamit mesc, the journey tsruiiKh 1 life becomes a w.ury pilgrimage i Hie rro.-pect ) hourly darkiim lotlie view j the mini Lecneiics , ehu.toWt.-d lh dcji.iir aud lill. d with the- lueliiu eholy, the liappiuj of uuother becomes bikle.d vtiib imrow.i. A Cfc'KTAiN l)l.i:ASE. ! When tli ni-:.'iiii'':4 uud linprud.-nt votary of plcasuic li i k lli.'t lit aua imbibed the seeds of j this pitinf'ul dn-.ise. It too olleu happen that uu j ill ti-.t'.ed ciik ol sb.uiH'. or of discovery, d ten him Vui .) plying to tliosn who, fl-uui education a d r"p.-ctbiiity, e.m al-" befrii ui ' him, delii.MH '.id Ibe cousilt i-ui.J.'oiii, of till, borr.d disiiiM' i.ialie their c. e, u- b ! us ulc.-r.iltl re tliioat, dl--e.lcl nose, II. t pain in i' head aiul li.nt., iliuiiies of t-lit, ; ilealnes. noli - en iho tl.ui bone, uud ur.:e , blotches the le a l, lace an I evtrfiiiilies, po grliii! ith fiiuhlf'.il, till al la-t the alate ii the iiiii. nil or the limn ol ill" noi-e fad iu, uud ll.e victim i f thl uwlul di.i- bceoircs a b.liri. objecl nt eolliiluselHlioli, tin death pit a pcrol l bi dreidtul uil.-ninr, by seii.uug hi in is " luiW"V from luiico u. irtvellt-r ret ..i I - " j .1 i. a u't'i.tii. -Ii.'! U't that PIT. vi.liins l'i tH Icmble deiii, tniouub fallbig . li.o ihc bai.iU of lu'iioraiil or iiii.killlai fill;- : 'ItM'l.liS, ho, by iho u.t l thai ilcid y I'oi- , .., Mi rem, iVc, .ii-.u.iy Hi i-i.i.i.uioi,, uud lifipabic ol e.irilitf, fce. I' lu Ulill.tppt s.ilh n r ( u u.ih .ilur in.. . .h l.ikiig I'icii uoviou. ur lu ju'l"US l'..uiiund, ail. I int dul b. lug rt slolc I I, a renew U ol 1. 1.'. VlHoi air ll-ipplti. In d. -,Air lean- I ill Willi rained li.ailU to ,ih t i .ll i "lnl I. I 'l,i mi l.. I'. . . lore, l'i . J..Ist.m ple.lires him- ; elf to ieM-ive lu.- iiu-l lu'l'l ibit rs,.ciu V, and IniUI III" ello.i.Ue pliiilicu 'lid ntii l UUIoln in Hi tlo-pu il. ol t-urop , una the Ui- In iLl. coui.l'). u : H ii..aj. r a net, I'l.ilad. Iphia n t .t w hcif, u en .U.ed o lbr IU- u.o.l ci r Ul'l, ki l aud ,11-t in tl l. i..-) lu IU wurij , fei ull dita.t ol iii.pi a I- ' j , Mi. j, OirUK. S. T, . rUKHfUUK kTRfET. . sl. M. at, M. Ltlt bun I . le li-.i.i." from lla 1 1 in. .i.i .iii I. a lets del, I." u 111, f all I e,l..el If L.llll-' .ltt uII..U I.. e"N' ltui le.-.-iit I un t .ipai. m. t CO.' ill. I-4 'I .K-C I" .I...' U III, I. p . I'll- , it ..ii...:...iai. .. -aut.aitlaojUi.a i. m I., Ill I I.i Is 4 SI I I, . - I .1.1 l..ul .1 .t 111. 1. 14 '.-llil ! lit. . .t 111 11.) r . 1 . .. .iu..'1'K 1 l'i. i . l.i u.i,il.-l ll.'iii.i-tta 10 i ll; an I I -I..I III. I 1 I III , r-l 1 tl... Il 111 ...I al.o tial' I to. ) I ii, I. ) I..1 1. 1.. lb. II II l t . I -Il 111 .I..I.1 w.lli l.t l'i t'n l,..l t' II. ! I o.) ! I . a 11 .1 b.a I ,. .. t ) I1-.1.4 u In. I'" t siM.u.. ut- sr i.y I lir I III . I Us i.. il. 1 1. .14. .1. I" t ul ILl. . I vi .,l i,.ll. I il ll I I' l..l. i ... I II , J i .1 1.. .1 l. .iH I'll I U l' I" Ii, . i,n i.t I . I, l "I" I .11. I u ... I I I lU. 11 I 11 1- 1 '41- s .1 I i. - 111 Il.t4 .tl I -I... .1... I al.. 1 . 1 , 1- -. . . i 1.1. 1. . I .11, '' I'.H IU I- , ,.a a i.ttalitl tlt-it-t,l I, li S in U-iiMj ..l..l Isl ,'.. isi u JUtf mat j SPRIKG HAS COME. BT OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. Tho sunbeams lost for half a year. Slant through my pnne their morning rays X or HI T lion linvsicis cuiu una clear, The, cast blows lu Its thin blue haze. At first the snowdrop's bells are seen, Then close against I lie sheltering wall The tulip's horn of dusky ureen, The peony's dark unfolding ball. The dimly chnllccd crocus burns t . The long narcUsUs' blades appear The cone-beaked hyacinth returns To light her blut-ilamtd chaudelier. The willow's whistling lashes, wrung By the wild winds of tho gusty March, Wlib sallow leaflets lightly strung, Arc swaying by tbe lulled lurch. The elms have robed their slender spray With full-blown flowers and embryo leaf) Wide o'er the clasping arch of day Soars like a cloud tbeir hoary chief. See tbe proud tulip's flaunting cup, That flames in glory for an hour Behold it withering then look up How meek the forest monarch' (lower I When wake the violets, Winter die j When sprout the euu bads, Spring is near When lilacs blossom, bummer cries, "Bud, little loses 1 Spring is here." The. windows blush with fresh bouquets, Cut with the Muy-dew ou their Hps The radish all Us bloom displays, Piuk as Aurora's finger tips. Nor lets tbe flood of light that showers On beauty's changed corolla shades The walks are gay as bridal bowers With rows ot many petaied maids. The scarlet shell fish click and clash In the blue barrow where they slide) The boiseman, proud of streak aud splash, Creeps homeward from his murniugB's ride. Here comes the dcaleis' awkward string, ith neck in rope aud tall in knot Rougia rolls, with care-less country-swing, In luzy walk or slouching trot. Wild Ally from the mountain side, Doomed to the clo.-e and chafing thills, Lend me thy Jong, limning stride To beck with lliee tbey western bills I I hear the whirpering voice of Spring, - '1 lie thrush's I Ii rill , the robin's ciy, Like some poor bird with prUoued wing 'lhat mU and sings and longs to fly. O for one spot of living greeu One litlie iP'Jt where, leaves can grow To love uublamed, to walk unseen. To dreum above, to sleep below I Plaits HOW WE IHiSU THE "MAY BAS liETS. BY C. A. STEPHENS. Of nil the merry old Saxon sports our sturdy grcat-grui'idtuthci'S. brought over w ih them Irotu 'Slurry England, ' which th"e"V .UViywr,!i'1K year coulii compare with ii.-v.. ocuWugs, the ri ij b. miucV "AiiiJ?ii,L',' and the pretty, llower-crowucd Muy-quecn, iiml lust, but not least (in our owu times,) tlu '.May-biisknis, those lVolicsomo Ilit tuiiis iu tho gatlieriiir dusk I IVi liapH sonio of our town readers never huno a May-baske't, pussi'jly never heard ot such a tlnnj; 1 8oiry liirtliem 1 They've lost ii deal ol lun ; and lor their beuelii I'll try to explain it little. A May -basket is well, I hardly know how to describe it ; but 'tis something to be liuity on a ilvor. . Mude of paper generally, it. contains .almost, anything, by way of small present!!, you have a .mind to nut 11 . 11 together with your resoeels. b.-st wishes, ioe, perhaps. It is liunir .alter idiuk tit Hie door of auy body thu lt;injtr j fancies. Which done, thu .said hanger I anneal una scampers, ji i nuy, it s a KiioeKs ana scampers. Ji iiuv. glial dismacu to get cauglit by a girl, i j Mich a failure implies a lack of masculine I 'spunk. On the oilier baud, if thu hanger j ; be a girl, why, she l.illicr uiia'd to hi; ctiimlil. It ilivracea tlio boy iigaiti uot to catch tier. I A ml I lu lv.wai'il nl I'Mfoliiotr Ue I , lu-,tn : u,uLihtoud it (Irotu a boy"a 8lttlid-Hiut,) ! is, n uiei pariita cuu tnus agivv, u mas in the dark, aud the youug lady's bociety 1 homeward. - Ki;.,lit sorry am I that al! these jolly ens- j tiiiiia are passing uwuy. lhey are lliou-ht I u,c gulden. We tieiiibied ; he dietu't lnip iiot uuite Lciueel eiioiich tor tlie young 1 111 10 uoe us out, thuu gli, but ran od'l people ol tin gc.iii-ruiion, -too rouipihh and bouncing. And are we happier 111 our 'si ts,' with our colli nmls uiul airs of in liiiis'iviiee, than wlicu a whole village joined liiuiiU around its May-pole t ell, 1 hope we are. liul I still know a little rustic neighbor- 1 and rumpus w.ta aL..iit thai luuu ol hood, away back uinong liiu muuuuiiui, i niglit. Here -Moilicr i.yueli probably in. where ;i.i)cl the buys anil gills tievrr ! turiui-d him of the day ollhe uiotitb ; lor divaiui'd Unit the dear old May ganu s, j Hllcr a pauo lie s-imi u'tl. 'i 11st day o' M:i ! with 'banket' iu the vi-sptr, mo nut the 1 Little seiiili.ius ! I'd like- to p i hulel ot Via !' vi-ry pink of gentility. There 1 lovo to go i'ruyeriuily hoping ho woulilu't wail bai l, lur it um-iI to U' my hoine.Jaud wheu t il iur Uu- oiils lu cuinu back, which tin y May mollis conn round u t oul it ecrluiu ' ul dul, 111U rly nonplussed at liicir tail l.'uy I'iii-ikI uf mine, uud nice, and run aud urc to yet the least cle w l-ioui' w be't-a'jom.. ki'i iiiiiiiugt ' up uiul down, w ith 11 troup ol "l know u's Kit and Tom,' tanl Jits, Illctl'V ifllia h.llel behind lllt.llill- b" l' I 'but Vtl.el tlltl luuv c.J .J .llit.fc v tl-.ui.i .1 t uiii in 1, ii ii. will n 1 1 over a livi-rai! fence quirkei tbati iu can bay I n k Hi.l'iiisi.u. Si.iiie i inn , despite ail our d'Hil.iiiig and il i.lguig, we bring up on a bi', Uiul tut- eaiir;lit ill Wtatill plilit uud I lit 11 wv arc poki it mid pinched uiul l.i ii;; I ml ut. t'r, ruro, by 1I111I nl hard M-.iinpvriug we catch, uclu.illy Cillch, tbu Ilfjllc ail i-lf letting oil la 1-i'c IU. And then llm hollo: w I'l-il walk in the wuiiu May i-M iiiiig, w 11I1 1I.0 broad red pet ping lip over Ihe dai k, splUieclad lid- e ; in -4; i:.V voices 111 Hit) .iiamp isciow, 1111. 1 the w in jipuo t will iliiiuling IV0111 tlm w Ii tc h ilcs up in the lii ubby IJ lilc iiini.tiilic, wliell d. lio aixnidm to pi. launiif. p.iiii nuns, though, it was fi'iv''""; but r.'iiiiiutic. Ah! 1 ii' it iiu nil 1 1 a M iv iiiut win 11 llm kuiiiei I'uiii I"' uud 1 . if. I nl- or b ') iw hit Ii is It 4 b liow l W Ii, II lie'. It Veil - Uiltl ladle f) It Illakl S lue iin 11, 1 1 U.ii.W ol it t '. 1 wiiiiiui. r if iw i hii.e 1 1 it r tint gt i iuto siieli a , 1 ij and .' .1 s ll 1 U ( t A th. . was to.: fine l.nusa hi ll.e in ina.-ibo d win in w 114)1 mud I" I. an.; I'.i l. He Inn. 4 I lii 111 ilacwhil) out id ll it 11. 1. III. ; but lIl.UMl (J.'llig l-i llm I ) III I., s w. lei iii-ic 1 an mb pit piled kb.lll Ho- it .1. i of ll , 10 w is t a l and Jts and 1. .. In , 1 1 lull) I-..I.UU. 't li l i'uui ...1.. line ihjMtiall)' J. ' llm, Lit is l ! tl 4s l44l a. mm Ii a. 14 h il.'U s iu . k Was Ws-llli It g'l l iaili Willi . 1. . m. J I Ml 1 i . . ti. . , v, i t a imiui fLsifui U04. (Ii. H 'ue-, Ol b 4IUI UK III-'I )' tl il4 I I l 1.1,1 l. hi llm doi a nine mi-1 vol I.LW - , ... . . . . 1 . . . .mt a., in... Wll IM ll IMl'iSi "" W,""' ' "" - .mm, o. U so.tit4iit44U bk-ad wl U. laUiy s siisnu ( "w Merle, Vol. . K. m. 1 Old fteriea, Vol. SI, .' ti. him, was a bear, a t;ri.zly ono. Jt had been a lonjt time, too, since tio was a cud and he lmd forcotton all about how he ftlt then, I suppose. To this day I Jmre'nt quite- frot over my amotcetnpnt that be should have been the father of Lorelte. He was down on boys and all there 'silly quirks.' and had a lone standing antipathy to tue lunv-uasKei Dimness, itainer than to havo fallen into his hands, we would have taken 'Alvaradoe's Lean ' and risked it. . Put the sentiment which un?od us on to Diave these dangers was a strong one, strong enough to carry us through them. I remember lhat for a whole week before the May ntrlit in question we had been spending the nights together layiDg our plans. But it was a tough problem. Wo couldn't seem to manage it, till nloug to- wara inoitimg oi tno nijbt before Totn waked up all of a sudden. 'Kit, Kit.' whiHuercd ho. 'I've pot It now! I've just thought how we can do it.' 'How V exclaimed I, broad awaka at the happy announcement. a ou kiiow me r o a eorn-erirt. iinofc nr the buildings, in the. panleti ? Well, we'll nuug -cm, uiul cut round through the car- cn, air.otis the luac-lmshes and net into. the corn-crib. Yoa 2-uow tho little door in the end buttons on the outside and hasps on tho inside. We'll unbutton it. slip in, ood hasp it to ; and in the ni"ht so, eveu if they should cotu round into lha garden, they won't mistrust we're in there.' mat sjust the thing, loin.' 'Yes ; aud we'll run in there after every uuk, o gov tnree to nixug, you Know. i.hey'11 think we've run off down the road toward home, and chase on after ua. We can hear evervtliin throiich ttioso f-reat wide cracks in the crib. O, won't it be" luu to hear them talk and wonder where we went J" Fun alivo t We didn't sleen another wink t hat uk-ht, the thoughts of it were so excitm;;. The next evening was warm but moot. less. Just tho right sort.' said Tom. as wo were uiKtn a last look at the baskets, to see that llm 'lixin's' hud not lost out, and that tho pins were iu right for hauging them to the door. We wailed till ten o'clock however. It ould bo belter to leave the cider Lvnch go to bed, if he would, beiore getting too near, i'rom a safe di.utuce we kept watch; and when ut length a light had beeu seen to appear and shortly alter disappear from a window thought to beloii" to his bed room, we entered the. pron.iscs and made our way stealthily round to tho corn-crib. At that season it was nearly emptied of corn. We uu buttoned tlic door and crept in. It had rather a mousy smell, but, us Tom had predicted, was just tho place to make o'.t licud-quurters in. We li.xicned ; till was quiet. '.Now for it,' said Tom ; and leaving two ofthe baskets there in thu crib, we took Cad's and stole round to the door. Tom was to pin them on, and I was to knock ; we hud brought an old uiortar-pcstti for that purpose." All ready,' whispered Tom, pressing m tne piu. x n o puuuerous snocKS ir." i nnd iu.lhc crack ol u whip wo were nmud ' I,.,,. ,l ,7. T'C n' "' 'Vpv.u ' liut. tney came out at last. Cad, Jws, ituc I Ihur little W.- a s u ick e re 1 1 ' n lUt; reslU' wAl4U ,V0 J ! anu btiithereii. ..... . , 1 lin y wee woeful y at Mt, though aud by aim oy eame back, widdenug uud not a little cliaoiincd. 'ilav'nt Been.o tbi'rgof them,' said Joss. '.Nor a sound eii("r,' said Loittie. O, they're rouiJ somewhere,' said Cad, taking down lierU:sket. 'Lu'.'a eo in nn.l wait. They'll"0 Vu'"' . We let uieJ wiul sou,c time, though. Sit is iu word now,' whispered i'om. 'They iKUsli out the moiueut the pestle strike i"-'xt time.' b-at alter all hud for a long time been still we veiuunU rouud again with the secoud basket. i 'tiuess w've out-winded them,' said Tom- ''J'Oey.'re aU-d by this time. liut with tisj liict etmku ollhe peftle the ' door Ifcw open, and oul rushed all three cf 1 1. . irU m u Mini, (.'iiiiiiiio mil. iif n hrixlit litflil, though, they were unable to see us j quicK enougu. iougiiig uomtiexsiy iiuuk, i u0 sciailed away annum the lilacs, aud ' rcoamed the crib oneo mo;v, Old coue sprang out, burked, ami took a turn throiU'.li iiitcr Dun aud the girls, y. hu were chasing ' down the i'i'uU 11 "a ill 'A pivtty eiiiig ,have,' muttered Tom drawing ;t lung breath. Aiul just then tbe grint paternal voice) was licllil lielimuei inr u.MU Ins bed cliaiiibir wliut al i lut i 'w tin-11 11. inii,' u liikpcrtd Tom They'll hung uuother, 1 gnesa,' said Lor- ; Clio ; 1 iiiiviu l Intel liny yci.- ; 1,1 Tbe little 111 1 11 x iloubiits kuuw she had , 1 gnod leu. oil to li. I lit Ollst. lie ru liiu lailu r wa heard ordering them . inlo l lie) liouhc and l bed. I 'Tin lime', the rubb, r,' w hi.peivd Tom. ' 'I tlu ,H) Did Jock W till 't collie) out, or iVogu clllici ; lie diiiuail t.neilt il' I V u wjiuil m lull bi'.l lunir. T liif" was Uhi in in n at slake o 11111 lie time a 11 nbjei.t. 1 i'ht u uu trt moiing and paiapitiituui, we ! filgctl round l'r li.o third and Inst lime ; ! but tit i niii wt.lild pin nil tlifl lmki t, tne i door was opt in d witli a Jerk, and a ..tinu giap iiiiuii! Iiniu a bis!i ' iswb) hand. We spiuiig uwuy like vats, tiaTeit-d tin garde u uud tilled 1111.1 tlic 1 nb. N'.ti ai alUr , us 1. Mi 1 Ins uiiat ujif lu.-l enterexl with u., bui a suh k ou iuu n-c fioiiub. pe-ilo ' mtsiu bun iiiiiirutf 11 ; .ot .t tho ib.r to, ana basd ll. I'ul lb Ibus li4bj had tlia)i4 11. ; uud N. ', 1 loo, was now aoiiting al ll.e in he 'ii. uu. Into llm tt iu i fib !' .liwUU'd littl. IVu, r vs'iu in-" up. i 1 ni mi ci 11 er.b" it!iiiu.l In. f tiht r, IUllibilll i.l I Ibit. Uh Hit) leiiraUl'belsltls, 'Itold ' nl, !H"4i I itoi.l 'em !' VAw in lit h i it UeiW 1' gasp J FuM, 'aU'l Un linslasc ' Hit; girl didn't timiie out 1 111 t.l.e 1 oi.l 1 1 . An. I llu)'. liat'tJ IbucvuH, txi, ibN .'"" 11 il.. . U11.I 1.1 SUV. d i 'l. J vl. 4. a Ui ll.e "'l ""'U- 'Hall U lb ls,4f i4U- 1 lu slia.l .US lul l- "i 'il-"- " . . , m 1 VV Uis ' v4vl f" It l4i.U M"J I lv J.slu t SI VvtvM lae ..war. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or about 100 Words, make a Sqaaxo One week 4.0(5 9.00 2.tKi 8.00 l.oo S.cwsloo Two WMkaLSO J OT 8.50! 4.00' 8.00 11.00 la oo Tbrea S.OO 8.60 4.60 6.00i H.OOIS.OOHM no Four Flv. Bi Two mo's Three " 8ix Nine " One Togr 8.60 4.60. 5.50i 0.0010.0016.00 88.60 2.7S 5.00 6.60 7.00 18.00 17.00 85.00 8.00 '6.75 7.50 8.00 18.001 S.OO 87.60 8.83 7.60 8.50 0.00 80.00 .3.60 8.00 9.50 10.00 80.00 V5.00 40.0 :5.00 V. 00 11.00 ,8.00 "8.00 S6.00 50.00 . 10- I 00 15.00 46.10 75.00 i8.0018.0015.00 80.00 tO.00ni0.t0 $1.00 We kent ouiet : it wouldn't manil mat. iers to coniess now. 'Von-t talk, will ye ? Go fret tbe g-oad-etiek, Dan. 'I'll aiaie em ti!k. Dan broupht the goad, a long white-oak one, with a tearful brad, made lrom an old awl. We kuew that goad-stick and shud dered. Ton little tkites 1' crowVd Olrl 3n, V thrusting the goad in through the wide chinks, and prodding at random. lS if you won't talk I' Tr m got Uie first piicks, and squawked and screeched, in spite of uiujseu. 'Old Zack Edward's boy, if I live,'trjn tered the old wretch. 'Voice just like old Zack's.' J 'O. don't, father, don't hurt them aot' pleaded Jess from the window. 'You go to bed, gal. Now who's t'other one bradding recklessly into tho corner where I was crouching. Heavens I How I yelled I 'O ho,' laughed he, 'the old Deacon's son surcs the world. Alight have brought him up hotter,' braddiug stain. 'Take that, you Deacon's sou I liowdoes thattasto 1" aow uon't, lather, please don't ir cried Cad, coming iuto the garden. 'Go back, gal l Step I Cad vanished. SNow,' continued he, with a few farewell prods at us, you stay, here till morning. And with this pleasant good night Le left us, cribbed. - This was rather rough usage from a man whom we had fond hopes of making our father-in-law, certainly. But we had to stand it. We couldn't even get out of tho cuu , iur ii. was a sianeu oue, anu couldn't bo burst. And that old button was a most iucorruptible cue. Jv'OMnounlof lingering through tbe cracks coula stir it a barr's breadth 'Kit, we're in a dreadful scrape,' said Totn. . 'A dreadful scrape,' I. Several hours passed. We didn't say much ; we were profoundly taken down, andsut lookingat tiie stars through the crucks. Despite the general misery ofthe situation, Iwasdrop ping oil to sleep, when a whisper from Tola roused me. A little dusky liaure was stealiug out through the hiacs, stopping to usieti iu every btep. 'J l'i Jess,' said Tom. 'Lorette,' said I. And it was- JLorcUe. Tip-toeing noise lessly up to tho do-jr, she .hastily turned the button, then darted away through the garden and iuto the houie. It is ueedlesa to add that tho good turn (turn ofthe bulton) was lully -appreciated ; uud that we made ourselves sjurta forth vi ith. friisttllancxms. Soutt Billings on Hotel's. I don't know any business more flatter sonic than thu tavern business. There don't : stem to be anything to do but to stand in front of the register with a ien behind the car. ar.d see the guest enter the house ; I then yank a bell-mpe six or seven times , I t linn t..ll T..t,n l.l,nw tlw. .r.,rtl.,...n., ii:, .h h... jour dollars and tio Ct,nts nCxt mnrniiig froia the poor rlci'il of u traveler, and lei him nvnt is ,i. D.inol i . Z.1 . " K YoulXr A tlon a mild one ol about nine hoYels out Sf ten between tl)e Atlantic aud Pacific oceans, across the United S'Xs in . gtraiuht line. Vt)ur room is thirteen fect bV nine in ches by nine feet seven inches, paralleelo- granily. it in iiifr-niiri week, (oa usual), all the --Uj rooms are employed by tho lawyers Your room ., le uppernlost floor. Hie carpet is mgriv.i,, :iied wkh tho dust, kerosene ou aud iu-.n.ot9 uf j0Up generations. There is two pegs in the room to hitch coats onto one ot them brokedoil',' other pulled out and missing. The bureau has three lek,s and onebtv-k. The glass on the bureau swings on two pivnis, which have lost their grip. There is one towel on tho rack, thin but wet. The rain water iu the pitcher camo out of the Well. Tho soud is as totuh to wear as a whet- gtone. Ii is soentei with ciunatuou oil ... . . and variecuted with snots. There is three chairs, cane-seaters ; one is a lacker, aud all three is busted. There is a match-safe empty. There is no curtain to the w tudow, and there doi.t want to L'e any. Y ou cau't soo out, and who can see in V The bell rope is couin off about liz in ches this side oi the ceiling. 'I he bed is a modern slat-bottom, with two, one cotton and one hu-ik, and both harder and about as thick a a se-a b'scuit. You enter the bed sideways, and can feel every tint at once us easy a. ) ou could the libs of a gridiron. The bird is habited. You sleep some, but roll over a good deal. r ,.r breakfast you have a Cn!I. It'O Cl.l.el) too Clel lu Illelt liulUT i 1! ICQ polft- tors. Willi ll IcSelllllie Clllt S ll.fll h IW'O IUlU luiei- nukes in its jnuruey through ou oak il-t id, solid ; Ufsteak, ab out as thick ai a t-it-st r, ana tougii as m hi. uud . ear. iu bii-covered with plate., a few scare J to- leiith pn-kli . mi one it lh iu, aud U rtysiiub'is. l uu" kei.oii tbe oiln r. A p wit riiiaiuu ii'ttor with three tudtlei iu it, otic without ut.d pi'r 111 H. 'U0 Willi. ml any uiusiur.l, and on with two iuel.w of die. wiled llu.and oiiio viucar iu t girl, with on, linije around )"U laruist y, and wants lei kuo II juil want Miii.lher vuptd it'ili'sJ. Ycu.iy "No, ma 'uiu, 1 thank you,"aoa ruivli t'ai a )o.u 1 ba.r. '..u b.iveii'l sal cuoukIi ts 1) fsl pi.k- inyourtuih Kill isutiht i - tk.vasu.iiully.ei'iilone id ..sil.l.dtlifUi.d Ufilnv " liil.slid WltU l'i ivti'lil lluui Wi'ilbUs. lor lha pri'sliiiluni i-fba) ibisu """k ' I be bast, id' Ihv "d. eulUM oil llw n.l. H vuliil a tovii iblii uiii IJ uii.i'ief Uuw ii-uiciii ul sii.m.4 ly pulling he via., with haul I'lowni. I'"! l"'' '.in in, he v.'U.IUioil l-r U puifiw uf .lillliti.4!ll"l'4lilota ! pl.'M'.S' II J ll..r, uuUs- in as iii. r Ukm al Ui ii.T.u 1.1 attitiiij i. i SUM11.U ' '' '-ue. AliUi.l .l.,u.ali.i.' ."!" i"T.i i. .1 .lu.ul lia.l twist W ta.t . . il., m.i le.l SHU I'Iowihk, s a w lld lh bs.U.S lolll tfiule. L.i4iiiiiu4 ii- e-i'Jat 'he lisne. 11 u.- ...wii.4 i. .v"U.iaiii4 aua ibuwiaili ltU4 ll f MMMWs IH.IU-. l-l ai I.;. line irU-WU wta VtMaS !, (mil u um lw j .u w toants'e hi eoewu H4 M I.eyl,MallsikeaiW4 MP'' I m V