; Applying" Manure ea the ft-arrew. 1 liavo lung been vl. inking of sending yea nn account of my success in applying niH-bjk-o for corn o the fin row, after the sod ( is turned uuclor.' And here let me say that , I have dona burying manure, for its tend eney la dqwuwrd. . The lt four years I lmvopui Mie fcnnlrro on the furrow, and harrowed thoroughly ; nnd have never hud n poor crop of com, oals, or rye ; once on ly in that time I .rid 4 Ibe ground and the r-orn was a failure.'. No piolo ringing on ftW farm. . " ' i -I do not think full plowing the best ns a general thing. I usually have a large pile of stable manure, which gets in tlw way by the middle of winter rk1 i manngo to nave enough plowed in the fall lo vse up what manure we draw in winter 5 the rest re mains until the irostlsout in spring ; then plow and spread over tho rest of the Hold, and harrow all together. One year ago we plowed Oftf wholo Held manured tiftlT of it iu winter and th cst in May-. After the drought hud set in it was so dry that tho manure drew up in front of the harrow so much that I had to stop the horses oncn io ten rods to unload. I concluded then that 1 should have ore failere with manuro on tho top, unless it rained soon, but R rain come, and when wo hoed the rirst time the manure drew up in frontof the cultiva tor ; second and third time, we used a plow ; the last hoeing very little manure to be seen ; but such a crop of corn and pump kins Ims not been raised in my neighbor hood for years. Ouo corner ol' the lot, a three-cm uereil piece, was sowed Witn cow- tnon Yankee Corn for the COWS, it crew SO t ... . ... 1 . . . I thick and stout that a man could hardlv get through it ; a good part of it measured over ten fact high. In mauuring on tl top in such a dry season as the past will not fail, when will it V Aud let nie say here ; First tay land i. good corn land. Second I manure about lorty cords to the acre, with clear inuuuro the bono manure put in the bottom of the drop-back of the cows daily, which ab sorbs the liquid, aud the whole is thrown out under the barn. No straw is used hero for litter, only in the yard ; remains until alter haying, aud is put on tho meadows. Third, when the com ground is thus lilted, 1 take the plaster sower nnd go over tho piece, bowing euough t-) make the maniire or soil wmie, tnroo or t'Uu1 ousiieis to tno acre , this holds the manure. 1 then make out three or four inches both ways, and put for corns in a hill. . When this is all done early success is certain. Cor. C'otm try Gentlonun. Trkatmest of Sprains. Sprainsaro usually very painful, aud are accompanied with a high degree of iutWiiumnlion and soreness. The indications arc to secure perfect rest of the injured part, and to re duce the inflammation. The inflamma tion may be reduced by cold wet compres ses, renewed as ofteu as they become warm. When tire patient has a great deal of vita lity and there is a high degree of inflam mation, the injured part muy be immersed in cold water, or a stream of cold water inny be poured over it until tho pain and soreness has been partially removed, when the cold compresses should bo applied. When there is much pain nnd tenderness and but little heat, hot fomentations, fol lowed by cold compresses, are preferable. When the inflammation and soreness have subsided, friction is useful to promote absorption and strengthen the part. Great care should be exercised about using the injured part until the strength is restored, ns it then requires but every little to sprain it again. A second sprain is more diffi cult to cure then luo first. Herald of JItaUh. , Manuring Corn. J. F. Larence, in The Vermont Farimr, says: "In raising com, 1 always break up my laud late in the fall,and sproad upon it the composted man ure, made by drawing muck into my yards toe full previous, covering it slightly "with rolled iurl upon which my catlle are kept during pleasant weather in winter.nnd nights during the next summer. This system is mush cheaper and better for the laud than manuring in the hill, nnd the freezing aud tba-winj? of winter and spring carry the strength ol the manuro into the sodea just deep enough fur the corn the nest summer. Iu spring time, I put a lar;c spoonful of super-phosphate into tho hid, and I never have failed to raise good corn. The saving of exjicnso iu handling over manure in busy spring time will almost pay the expense of tho supper-phosphate, mid I have always raised better corn with my manuro spread in tho tall than if spread iii tho spring when it is often dried too much to be of value to l he corn, if not for all the future, by the hot sunshine and dryiug winds of'Juue nyd J uly. unioni3 ?hctcl)cs. Wur he left. Mr. Dieksou, a colored barber in one of iho large I towns of Mass achusalta, was one morning Miaviugone of his customers, a rccctablo citizen, when a ronvcraalloii occurred between them respecting Mr. Dirkftou's former con ueeiiouu with u colored church iu the jilace. "I believe you aro connected with thi church iu I'-hn street, Mr. Dickson?" said the customer. "No, Mil, not at all." "Why, nio you not African church'f" a member of the .Not ills year, siih." "Why did you li-avo lln-ir communion, Mr. Dickson, if 1 may bu iniiuiiU'il to luk'r'1 "Why I Ml yoa, sal 1 Mr. Dick on, strapping a eoiiravo rii'r on t'-c jalm - -f lil-s liniiil," it was i-i.s li kit ilis. I lin.-d tint church in t ilt. 1 plb ten dollar toward dc lal d preacliiu' ol'tlu tuo-M-l i'c Ins year, und d. pcopli ull call nut llnid di r liicl.son. 1-t soi 10 I )i ar luy lii-i-in" ii'-l gixiJ, and I only gib litu dollars. 1 Hit vcur ilm church tioonlo call 1110 Mr. Lickr.oti, 1ms nuor hurt you, ml "No" sir' m- luh rubly well." . sail, tij llnrpytnr I Hel vcrry poof, kit'kness in my faintly an 1 pibitoffiu lur nu. liiii'. Well, aitr, niter ilal thy rail uio 0!n Nii'tr lii.koij, attt 4 1 Kil' i-in!" So sa Iilif Mr. Ilii soil brushed tu. W'UK i ha.r au.i lit.) g-llleleiriai di'Mtrt-tl, Veil aiillslit-d Milh Ilia rittsoit Hl.y Mr. 1'tk.l.s.iu U It di i hiiich. A Ml ACKOl'AHIi iiV.-".VuSf, Ren- tViueu," ftunl a 1 tri-ttii-iin licturer to a aoiut-M lial li 1 nay 1 tend wliolmd "llM-ri-d Ml fill) tl lila Mniiii in MU IImsIciii tllUt;!!. I.nxf would iu A .yixMi llm aU4i4 aioiy AU 114 liivos- wul mUti lliuir ban Is." iSiu Uiiihs tf llrn ilis it r (irtswul 1 1 . bily tbt up, sin! lUru was k kuddiu liusll wl Bit ioiy di Ililull4llnlia. '1'I.M U 1 1 uii r Win) 011 with Lis ohjIumJ ul'i't r(4s UiiuuUa, lwu o-mis liivauiiiHis luJil4uil lruk util, ' wUiv a (L M'ifK (' 1 "Hum ou,"w4Ui s iy. ui'l iikI iiilin I !! U.I ii MiUluii. I iUiii lit know In" si'auy lUvk. tUJ. lllVSSIUl." VoU llil.hl b aiJ it I ill iit " Him tluitMg lli k' twi, ll4k 4 li.J'.suap. Ii t thariniaj UJf pl)ti. 1.1. ni 11 - I lu a-J.uikcsi. I Ik M-i.ti' Kan di mnU Im. kw I . ' nil ti Ut ly iM," Aj i'i -1 1 h. 1 .ml I'll IMS- J --4 I will." Hi SQcMnil. . lIKNIiY T. HCLNBOLD'H ' COMPOUND FLUID EXTItACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLa Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Orape Juice. Tor Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Bilious Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Headache, Costiveness, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Mlncrnle or Deleterious Drugs. nn These Fills nre the moil delightfully pleasant pnrgntlvc, superseding castor oil, salts, mngnc lu, ete. There la nothing more acceptable to the etomach. They give tone, smd cause rolthcr nansea nor gripping pains. They nre composed of the jttittt ingrtdimtt. After a few days' nse of them, such nn lovlgoMtlon of the entire sys tem takes plnco as to appear miraculous to the weak nnd enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. II. T. Hclmlibld's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pill are not sugfi.r-eonted, from the fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, hut pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the dcire'. effect. The Catawba Orape Pills, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate IbMr being sugar-conlcd. Price fifty cents per cox. II EN ft Y T. HELnBOLU M HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Ilnlrl Extract MMrsaparlll Will radically exterminate from the syftem Scro fula, Syphilis,' Fever Soros, fleers, Sore Eves, Sore Lcirs. Sore Month. Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Discuses, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings i. .. T." .. - " I. 4. U 111 T- . . .. - .. from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer- oils Aitectuitis, odes, mcKcts, uinndular owcl.- I Intra. iltrht Rll-pnt. Uikh. Ti.tt.il Humi.r nfall Vi-nds, Chronic Rheumatism, IHspcpsiu, and nil diseases that bare been established in the system for year. li Being prepared expressly for tho above Com plaints. Us blood-purfying properties are greater thr.n any other preparation of Sarsaparilln. It gives tho complexion n rb-ar aud healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health nnd Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing nil chronic constitutional diseases arising from nn Impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable aud effectual kuown remedy lor the cure of pains nnd swelling of the Dones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, r.rystpeiua and all scaly eruptions or lit skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price, $1.51) per name. HENRT T. nELMBOI.D'S COMBNTMATRD FLI in KXTRACT Itl'CHf, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has enred every ease of Diabetes in which It has been given. Irritation of the neck of the Blad der and Intlamation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration nf the Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of the prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Caleulns, Gravel, Briekdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, nsd for En feebled aud Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms 1 Indis position to exertion. Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wukofnlness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hi t Hands, Fltihhing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the face, pulid Countenance, Universal lassitude of tho Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the aires of eighteen to twcuty-tlvc, and from thirty-tivo to fifty-live or In tho decline or change of life after confine ment or labor pnius ; indwelling lu children. .. IWmbold's Extract Bucha Is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and ira deuces in Life, impurities of tho Blood, etc., superseding copaiba In affectations rbr which it Is used, aud syphilitic affections iu these dis eases used lu couuectlou with Helmbcld's Rose Wash. LADIES, In many atfectaiious peculiar to Ladles, the Extract Huehu is tmcquulcd by any other reme dy as in chlorosis or retention, Irregularity, palafiilness or suppression of customary cvaeua tious, ulecraled or sehlrus state of thu Uterus. Leucorrllneu or Whiles, kterilily, and for all complaints iucident to the sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of di.-sipatlon. It is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent physi cians and midv.ives tor cnO cbled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes end all ages (attend ed with any of the abotc dUrntes or symptoms.) H. T. IIFLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., In ull their flakes, at little expense, llttls or no change in diet, 110 Inconvenience, and do expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, und gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing an. I Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Puiu anj l.illurantii'ii, so frs iUt nt in this class of ditcai'es, and o.vpcUiog all t'olsouous mutter. '1 lioiisaiids wlio have been the victims of lu comietcut persons, uud wio have paid heavy Tuts to be cured In a klKrt time, have found they hae been deceived, and that the Poison" has, by the use of "ponerful tislrlugcDts," been dried tip in the &) alum, to break ul lu u more aggra vated flrm, and H-rliap arti-r Marriuge. Le lU'lmbold's K1.tr.1ct Uuehil lor all Affec tions aud Diseases of th Uulsry Organs, wheth er exiotnig in Male or female, from whatever originating, and 110 nuttl r how long staudiug. 1'tico, one dollar and Uliy cents per but lie. IIENKf T. ntlLMIlOI.D'S IMPROVED ROSE W AMI I cannot l-e surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be j found Ihe only snc!rie ivine ly In every species I of t.'utant-ous Am--lion. It i-. dl.v eiadicati I I'linpirii, Hots, Scorbutic Dryuess, Indurations or the I iitain-oiis .Mcm'irum-, etc., illMtls Ki-J- ne -s mid Liciplei.t liiduina(iiii, IIIvks, Itash, l Mil IMlchcs, Diyiic-sol ecalp or Skin, rro Itilm, and all rniiuxi-s fur whlcli Salves or Oiut liiciut are o.t-d 1 roturcs the WIu to a stuto ot I'Uiily und nllii-., uml In -11 rr a rmillnurl li'-.i,Uiy uetiiHi lu tbu tnii 1 i f it vessels, oil which ili'iu.U I lie a.'rei-ulitj cl. ji.u-n uud ilia, i-iiy nt OiiM'lrlMiii so nun b suui-bt uud art ml re I, 11 hoaeNi-r i.ilu.il'li- as r iii.-.ly f 1 r esi'lin deficts of the .M11, II. T. Ili lliibobl's Rosa Vuh li.i Ion-' ,ululiil iu piiiirliile i-lal'.ii In uiiUnimd rd 4liiiiigi', by 1 .,.-.. nu.iMk, Mbii-li rtu Ill"lu li il'l A i,.tu ni iu mi ui-ru Ilxeaud t i.uk ' 1 1 i liaiuclir, e -iuiniitiig In an li - giiul fm ui 11I4 Hi -i. 1 i .1 1. 1. -nl r' lUiies. Bale ly aud F.lUcui-y -llii- h.iaiu,lile ki-c.iiimuiiusiili 0 lis u.- ., a rre.i rf.iinu nu I I;. ln.L.-r uf Iba Com pl- lull, li U an aleellunl l.utli.n fur iUhti.m, 1 1 a .li'lllie Vilmu, 11111 a au ln)i-e ll -il lur Kit uf Hi 11 I i luarv lirua'. aruiu I Hum uf uilialiK j iib (In- Lstrdiis tim-liu. l, Usial III I'UIU'1U tl.ii.ifarilla. and l i lal liisi-a Pi!U. Its such Uisi-sm-s as r-.iu mm ud. d. rauuwt U suijuissn I. PiUo, u dvllaf ni Duii.i . Fall au4 MiU.li diis-Uwus ateutsiiaay H b I . lUM. 1.. i.ivi.a of ll.s uiu-l rixi,il Ca4 teilabla iiiaiaci.-i lusblsliul iM iuiliiu4i, aub buu di4i 1 1 lk 'i..,uu ut lisiua SHU.KI. aud i. sid uf uii.iasj ufcjiuaid imiiii. alis 41.4 i.l.iu U.Ull4uf liiu,,. umi. ut slwS mi llulM Ik. kl'jlMil -UI.C Illiiu4,ug (luUlll.l 'b,.i. Uus, I Uhiui.ii, auiiau.., sis. .iauit ,( bas ill III ll..ll,. g a. I, l-Klill.-uil. u IL, u, ,. iiis Mau.su I au ibis its U.i ti. blS BIIUUs l as kUbdald Plr.lMlkM.S, an 1 a4 . U U bfi.i ii ww b tiiia.au.. 7 I ... ! llt-Nt-a T. lllawlM' tssUa fr; IK iiifij U at,) auiiivM, ai'fi fIMM bU fsll.'U, (..lai.iuiM wpasi4 u lastly ia. tl t in., ...is ..wk.is 4j4ii I. it us fut u i-., U v- ul.u.s lunj . Iu.ii.Wi4. Ii ' v."! SU4 I u...it. i. s UiHfl M, T IL.iu.U14 t li4 al I"''M ' liiiflt Mi4..l H,i4, M a-v.ll '(".Ik 4im4, I kUJvli.i,H.. I a. iiw4..s M i'.kuiiSi Kl aislf 1 r ii n't - wf 1. 1 is feccllanrotts. 8unbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Inanred, 1 .1 868,815,00 Amount of Premium Note la fores, 84,918,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned at Interest, 18000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, $1000,00 Amount due from Ageuts, 8300,15 Amount due from other sources, 1720,09 Available Capital, 139,889 95 Inare yon Cattle. INSURE with a responsible and perfectly re liable Company. Insure whero your losses huble Company w 11 1 be paid promptly. THIS 13 A COM- PANT, nencc, tinliko other Companies, you arc sura of being pnld promptly for all losses, if Insured In this Company. OCR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LF.S3 THAN THOSE OF ANT OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses, aro less, and our Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds tt -accidents ly death, (excepting hi cases of epidemics,) by theft, Ac., &c. Wo pay prompt ly. No red. tape proceeding to obtain your money in case- of loss. ! Xcarlr 93,000 paid on Cows alone wince Organization. Look at tho list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. M Hennlngcr, Snubury, Pa 133, D Hllgert, Northumberland 50, George Eckert, " 40, 8 B Dodge, " 80, Charles Bollck, Mt Carrael 30, Esubeus Sipplc. " ....40, Catharine Wagner, Watsontowu 46, George Heir, Northumberland .. 50, Jacob Snyder, Sunbury R!i,33 J W Basslcr, " ....... 60, Minor l ndy, ucwnrt no, Catharine Martz, Shamokln 40, Frauds llucher, Snnbury 30, Samuel M Price, Upper Lehigh 60, Joseph Deppeu, Mt Cnrtncl 50, Matthias Scholly, 40, Francis McCarty, " 50, Mnrln Kramer, VVatsontown 4-", Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwart 40, J & R C Qulggle, Pine, CUnton eo 40, R Rnmago, Shenandoah, behuglkill co 40, J S Than), Shamokln 40, Thomns Wardrops, Mt Carrael 45, N A LoHdcnslogcr, nerndon, 40, Rachel Cramer,' Fisher's Ferry 40, O L Reagan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, ...'...40, Jacob Stoltz, " D II Bower, Henidon, Geo B Lahr, Georgetown..... John H Ossman, Sunbury W B Wallace, Northumberland... 40, 0, 40, 40, 30, H 8 Grnlmm, " 50, Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40, : Philip Winterstein, Watsontowu 40, G 8 Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Osterhnnt, Laurel Ruu, Luzerne Co.. .40, Marv J Hine, Northumberland 40, B F Krohn, Snubury 40, Andrew Healy, Glrardsville, Schuylkill co.. 40, Pntrick Furgeson, Mt Cnrmcl 40, Martin Delauev, Shcnnndoah city 14, John Dane, Ashlau.l, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Glrardsville 40, Lluyman 8 Hay, Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Ravcu Run 40, lfnvt Want-tier, HerwirK.v.... ....in ...a,, J"D Focht, Pottvnic;.........i .S0, Erastus Bolwr, Point twp,... m, A LiuiiencoU. Watsontowu.... i u, Mari Kramer, Watson'ud loss pd last sutn,40, 1 r Llppencotv, walsontowa u su, 11 8 AuiBierman.,uydertown .....SO, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co B7, J CRQuiggle,PIiie Bta'n Clinton 0 2d loss,40, Charles W Hazzard, Rupert, Columbia c...40, John Fogleman, Watsontown...... 40, l'atrlck Hester, Mt funnel o, Thomas Metz, Paxlnos 30, I. McC'losky, Lock naven 134, uun. A. jukiiai, rresiaout, , A. REIMENSNYDER, 8ec"y, Suubury. DIRECTORS 1 Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Bruner, Solomon Stroh. Wm. Uf indie.' Soloman Shipe, John A. Bhissler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David uldron. ' . - - March 11, 1971. ly. TIME IN NOSEY ! 1 ALL Wall Paper and Border, told by me wil ba trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, , BT TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, ft? which I hart the exclusive rleht to use Id Buubur and vicinity. buvs uioury, time aud labor, by Duyiug oi X. t'ERKEE l.ICiltTNEIt, Dealer In Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Muile, Ac.. Ac., dir. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality. Ulauk, MentoraaduMi Pasj nooks la eudlesa variety, )ust racclved. HOOK BINDING done to order. Persona will save ex eosc by Icavuif their order lor tiaJinj wilt! we. PlCTl'ltK rUlNEN ofallslvs, rut Irons tha MualdlMfal very low rules. OVAI. Syl'ARS 1'KAMtS alway ou hand. AI.UUMS, 1IUACKCTS, GOLD PEN?, 4c, Ac, Ac. A lar and well selected stock of Toys alway on hand. Aaylbiug ( on hand protaptly m lined. Uargaia lur easb. Call at H. rtKUKE LIUHTSrR'l Hook blurs, Hl(i of Foley' Guld Psa, Viarkst suars, Hut bu r, P. unbury, August fllh, 170. J. W. WASlllNUTON i tslMKU UIIIUI U MIIOI. II. I4 peruiaitswl'stiuii of Iba Iowa W. ikulius lb Uusl,' but at U saw Mote rtiii4r Inal lb wlghty trulls lu aeasutia. tl) spi4su liUuut luauiliwiUig au uucviulutla. bis kumiml uf tauiiy aud aisiUiiuu. Just la. my )wu etfii 1 Uu wy busiuss mm lu line (iia' lislf his IUi-iUi.s thus lur llil, bass I stuud Uku lbs t vur sb.'i 4y atwr 4,aa4 kilii altar ulybl, au4 'ib4 lbs thaip biua flMiutiif sisarl, au4 wilkia that lul ut lima siubiaiwd bs Iba MityUy M4 uf Dial utsiillul laiiiud ka I suais4 u'l) fiy bull lu t' suu'iy (iu tuuiuim (iiiwa u4 tuuLetba lutii ksmia uubUtiy bb'-uuiv iu uui (xiiiH. i4 aud use Ikst aio Had) lu sliai tUiu i etfU llsise isi4is4 IbuUMuj IblllS ur MM. I uiua tUs )wi u, JuM tat turn la lb mat. Iui-SSIS sl)S IvaJj 14 vi k, (.u.u-aa uf slisiauusi. Uitt )"U kail tut Ins, sueuil-wl t akusil 4 )uii, ut (siluuii, sutob u4 ! l.l-US Iks k.ll Willi allUlUI skill, lu Iks "a. I.S I aU isimi i I J su4 Iba suatwtsiaf. Ms auik W kU., kui ! W k-ik. Muss 4-u I au 4 uui skuf lu (t Uis4 M Ik !. ul sLi.i -uul 4w li M t4 4 U SW be 4wu ut siss suul4 k. A ik.um I ail Ibsl 4sui4 Te k' lu m v us bi4 Ut k4- 4 hsj in kt lss4, kKf Msibut ist- f'i I, i4 a mom .i i s it Htwi 4) fcks'nl i'. -n f PRICES REDUCED. BOOTS a NllOEd Manafactore4 to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, . ons Filter Bpiuc Street, Banbury, . Penn'ax, la coDStantly mauufactnrlog ... Doots. Shoes & Gaiters, at surprisingly low prices. 1 ITIs atock omprlsea toe very east to maraet. nis long nr ience In the business has won for ' . biro a repntntlon . for . , . making first-' clasi work equal to any city manufacture. All work warrantee?. -TER9IM.MTRICTLV cash. . Tha prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. , Sunbury, March 4, 1871. TO TnE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant em ployment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare momeuts. Business new light and pro fitable. Persona of either sex easily earu from 50c. to 5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn neaTly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make this un paralleled offer i To such as aro not well satis tied, we will send tl to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, & valuable sample which will do to commence work on, aud a copy of Thi Feoile'$ Literary Companion one of the largest ana best family newspapers ptmnslied all sent free by mall. Reader, If yon want per mancut, prafltaole work, address . v. AI.LB.?( A CO., Augusta, Maine. April 15, 1871 8m. STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CnROMOS, FRAMES. E. stc II. T. AKTHON V etc CO., - SOI Broadway, New York, Invite the attentloa of the Trade te their exten sive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GitApnoscorES. NEW VIEWS OF TOSEMITE. E. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., 601 Brondway, New Tork, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, WrGKTHlS AND MANUrACTCBEHa Or Photographic Materials. March 4th, 187t.ty. ft I'll I. Ml FASHIOW SOW UEADV. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT BTS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer and ICHls;ucrof I-'anliloiis. The old established nud only rellnblo Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak mak ing Emporium. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale and Retail. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons and Sashes, Laces, Em broideries, Jet, Gilt, nud Pearl Jewelry. Evening dresses and suits, made iu the most fashionable style at short notice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. N. U. Orders bv mall, promptly attended to. Feb. 80. 1871. am. Furniture i furniture ! " A NEW STOKE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY HAVING opened a new Furniture Store at the above place, will constantly keep on hand, a large aud select assortment of FURNITURE, . Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch es, lounges l amcs, uureaus, lane-seated Chairs of all grades, Rocking nnd Kitchen Chairs, Wasbstands, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage, Looklng-Ulosses Window Shades, and In short, everything usually to be fouud In any well-kept Furniture Store, may be had at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict attention to tmsinsns, to merit the patronage of tbe public An Invitation is extended to all desiring anything lu the Hue or r urniture to can aud ei.uuliie mv slock. , I'ndcrlaklny; done iu all Its branches. HF Repairing doue at short notice. WM. NEGF.LT. Georgetown, June II, '70.-1 y. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Or. WALKER'S CiUFOXtNlA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands I TUST ARB SOT A TILK '!! FANCY DRINK SUOsaT Pear Uaas, Wklakar. i ruui Huillta ad Bafuaa l.laaars mn iJ.irU-i4 saaswrii. sa4 U flssssU Utls. rsllsd'Tualrs,"'A(RL. rs," Ktilmn,- a., tkal Irs II I. pi lis ta lu 4raksaass as rata, but sr a tra MrdKjac, aiaile trass iu k'ktlve lleul aa4 UrU sf Calibiaia. irea fraas alt AlcakulU Milsualaaia. Tks sis Us (iUIAf BI.OOI I'l'HiriLU aarf A I.1FH UlVlaU ru IN'irLKsu.rtiiV lisaavstor a. lailaralu( u( Us k.lB. srrj u-4 sllvkaas awusf aud risluiuw It s lUo4 lu a IksMLs i,aC.l.is. Ks esrsua rsa Uke Iksse Cillers sscuiilUf Is Crts Usa and rssssM luf esv.il. ICS) Willi (msaSursa lurars le.su.i ntkt4 Iks laaca S.S i.ul 4sslrai4 k S-U.IJ um r UMS MttS,SA4UHi tUsluigaus sl4 kijSkdUe kuial uf rsMir. VavlaSair.iai.iarr aad ( kreala I ksaa a. Ilsas aad Haul, Uiaariwlii, r lad.ausilva, atlllaas, ttsuiiiivui and luisi lulm ul I vim ailacaaraal Ika llUad. l-lssv, Uliiaasa. aud atladasr, li Ultisia k.a t.i uwun I:. ah iilas-aa. n tstMd If Inland hla4. - i (vi:t) fitfs4t i.f wi aisi I aluw UlKiMlsa Oieaua. litWklalA lU IM'ICItTIOX. I'.U a4, I's-s U lu. llui.jii., U,U, lthvws4 Ike tuui, ius:uis., ut.f iuui.us si it. tiiaskf i-adusuusks kiuuik, a.lluu. A li. St. I'ali-iutiia tl tu li..u. l-a.Mu,siii' 'I lu liu.(, I s-a la Ike Havuks u ika kma.fs.su4 a tsMsud ks auiial i uiluau.s Iks vCll isf u liu.s:. 1 I 1'li.vltlu u,. su iul Uul UUU.UIS Iks ks. kUI,iau4 luu.W.ekitk i4.uwuaualU4 sa--4 la muii it,. Iim.4 ,f aUu.uuiMs. au4 uruiuiM; asu kMi t tiuus k Iks au lull vl1 DluktalSk liU-u. lii...r4 kktsai, ruusu. sui, luj ks. I k-lults. l-vl.! k.s.l s. ku-i Wsiuu), s.uS liu4. luis li.kiMu. sUs. Ilsk, ktujak k-kuuJsws ul Ika I.U.. HiMi 44 iHSMsas ut Iks kkia. ul iswisi saia. i suis, ae kwsii Skf Hiuiki ut ul wv ) u m ua e Skull bM t SUS . tkus. H'SI.IS. k-u kuUI. ks sus .M4 ul w luv-l kMisuulvba si u-i UiUlllS uSwI. kiis.ss ik Vuiaisd kluud ek'StsiM ps 1.4 i.i uiMlkiUS kISlk t-a,k lusstui la luul... 1 1. Sums m .., ii siuw a uk- a tu au4 4 iwwi. 4 f4 Mau4i la i- iimi m-. a lutsukm, a4uwlu.sault. isnauuu k.ktiu k-.. u4 Um k- 14 4 ik. i..k. uias- .i . n. 4rus4is4 MtfHkia. Iluma, S9ssia uf su im. f r.uuuj. s.s isu. s 4-ut. ; S-4 4 Siauis4 t-l lull auu.u. ui ! f kus sw.ums iua4 s.s k. ii. s'u-s 4 U ia. I u,u e.u..u., - in ',. 4. V4UUU, CI.MI.W I. : iil.kkii I (J, l"wuU) a4 b ls i.-u , , . ku4 IS sm Is la- u. I tiilui 44TMI II 4U klll 4a Hliltl bc'tllHttttnt. V 4 . X a. J . XCar "suisnony in i nrir n vwscr r t Hi WHAT ARE THEY? IgE 51 lis, pj l i"4 v7 J i5 MS eJ f 5 " 1 3 I nfc 1-f I 7'i-1 'V .1-..- r Itlnmuattttrera. . ; HACUINU SHOP AMD IRON ' rOCWDRT. ' GEO. ROIIRBACII & 80K8, Sanitary, I wi'a, INFORM the puhlle that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, aad hating added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and haVe supplied themselves with New Lathee, Planing fend Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements.- With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to exeeute all order i v N1HW WORK. OB REPAIRING, I that may be given them, In 4 satisfactory man ner, t I . . Grates im wait auy Stove. IKON COLUMNS, for churches or other build- lugs, of all sizes. . , ' BRASS CASTINGS, &c. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, June IS, 1870. , FLORE.CKEVl. MAC II1XE. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krause's Thi aud Store Store, - , .- market Street, Naabary, Pa. The Florence Sewing Machine stands uneonal led for beauty aud durability being the best f amily (Sewing Macblue now ouered to tbe pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-Adjusting tentlon In the Shuttle t changes for the various Stitches made while the machine Is to motion. Its Stitches are the wonder of all for beauty ami flnlsh.being alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews light and heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The work will f.-ed ef.her right or left. Runeeuictly aud rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced in sewing across heavy seams. Its mo tions are nil positive no springs or cog wheels to get out or oraer. i ne Jiemmer turns wide and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical and will last a life lime. Every Famll should Have Oat. fcvery Machine warranted to substantiate all wc claim for it. It is the only Machine In the world that Is ca pable of making more than one stitch and having toe reverse feed motion. Call and examiue tbem, and the samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, Ac, without basting. It makes a gather and sews ft on a baud at one operation perfectly. Kach Machine is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept in order. Macblue Oil and Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH A BRO., Agents, ForNorth'd, Snvder, L'ulonond Montour Coun's. October 15, 18711. New Flour and Feed Store ! R. W. TIIt'RSTOX, Corner of Fourth and Market Strett, SCNBCnT, PENN'A, lias Just opened n Flour and Feed Store, where he will keep eon lantly on hnnd, a general assortment ol t te best brands of PLO XT , VEED OF EVERY DESCRIFTlON, POTATOF.9. Hit' IT, LUTTE11, KGGS. and . VEGETABLES of all kind', ut the very lowest market prices. Sunbury, Feb. 11, lS7l.-tf. El MllI.R AND PI.AMXG NIXES. Third Street, adjoining Pblla. & Erie It. IL, two Pijuares North of the Central Hotel, Kt'NBUKY, FA. IRA T. UlEMEXT, IS ptpurcd to furnish every description of lum ber reiiuired by tbe diuiauils of t tie public. Having ull tbe lutcst Improved machinery for manufacturing Luulier, he is now ready to Ull or ders uf all kiuds cf FI.OOIlING, SIDING, DOOPiS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE K AN DAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Srrnwl Work. Turn lug of every description promptly axreutcd. A'.koj X LlHun ASSOMTMrST tY ' RIL I. I.UMliKIt. HEMLOCK and PINK. Also, Shiugles, Pickets, l.slhe, Ac. Order, promptly filled, and chipped hv Kallroad or otherwise. IK A T. CLEMENT. dceliWVNHly Stove estaiu.1!Ti jfExr. MARKET 8TI1EF.T, SUNBURY, PA. AI.FKFJ) KltAUK, Proprietor. sl.'CCKSkOK TO SMITH 4 uCSTUIill. J HAVING purchased the above well known es . tublUlunenl, Mr. Krausn would rcsprct I al ly ii.lorin thu public that he now has on baud a large assort mi ni uf COOKIXd S T O V E S , 8eer's Cook Anti-Dust, Itcgulalnr or Revolving Top, Combination, Hukiurhauua and others, wbli-h are so arranged as io lie used for Cunl or WimhI, nnd are warrutiled to i-crl'onu satlslactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up 1,1 heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dilbjreiil kinds at Very low prices. Tluware or Eirrr lrrrillou kept riuislunlly ou hand. Ituortng and Snoutiug with the bc.l material, doue at slmrt uotice. REPAIRING allrlidrd to Willi di.patch. Coal Oil BLd Lamps constantly ou baud. Japan ware ufal 4.mls. tturo ouposit Conlev's bsr.lwure slurs. Give me a call. A. KK.U SU. I'l-IIJ rlll KY MA It 11 EE YAHU. riMB niider.ljns.1 havlug bout'hl Ilia tntlie 1 stiH-k of IMs.iuger A. lavlor, wimld inform Iba public that ba Is now ready ta do all kiudl of M AH II EE YIUIIK. m i iiasuu uau.i, ami manes id oraer at II I kllOH-r VflTfl IS. neuawtuls A' llrail-Niuaes). UZiA : irirst sttis. H(A.-Hp(X)U ANDM I.MXJWSILI.S Also,t'eoieliy Pu.ls lib liulvarilu-d pi aud all ul bur ft-ueing giusrally urd on Iruiili-iUs. Juha A.Taylor iH wuiiluuu In Ika suiplo)munt, al IIm old slaad ou M4ikc4M..auubury. i) M THE iL aTOVK MITIIOIT A r Al LT IU THE Cilt EAT IIALTI HOME riUtfLAtE IIEATEU, ILLI'MINATEU l-UMOND n it BURN IB. wanu rAKLOK AND UUUbtstS AUC WARMt-lt Ui ostt riur. IT Is Iba oaly I'm plan lUalui iaul ks 4 pi. Im 1 up ls4i, aa4 f'v fiiuit puiliua1 us sk Iiujujms, ul iaiuiu4 g4 u.14 Ike spuilw.ul. it la Ika uex Ibsuaie HuuUi auk lk w4 lUkiuul Mugusiua k afcuU fis4Ut kluiuiuul lt.43 sl Is i4.tiuu4, Ika sliluuul Uu kl is la, sm4 laW'titully Baiuu4, a4 ike lii.ls aW U.4 ul ike sl B.lkl ut tbsraal In lua Isaul- lull. ' tl la Iks tMsiy livl4 Itaalai Iba! Is Pa. I fiit Bill s-Ul al Im UuiuaI, uly IvSUl'uS t-liwa UU14 l eul l-'Ul k'-ui. I llbllM utip Ili.fUua ItuuUI Willi wBWkt 1111U4 UU4 4UUI4U4 (l.l. lltelkaukiis lii-ii I1mI Blib tkssVv (was, 'i'-4 euuaiul i-. ui U't u.hu, au4 euk uat Hu4..lu4 iu 4114 li.li tu I miu u-. la U4 it ss ifcx (.vui wiaiuui s.iiiu.-i4 lir. Iujie llV4, W-utut44 aw a.wv4 sk4 ,Ujf' IV l?tiuj, IIWII4 Mi.,4 4u4 HI'UTIMfi , If.-ilw-.. if J. lussaUt flUA ft. .lMllr, .ubsiv, Tvs-aV ;.4 U. rt .if ilsciUaiwous. "'1 '' "'MW pibn;. Bjeri 4 nemperiya fcxwetiiifov tinl. ' fterw 4f Art, Talr fttrt. 1 i t aabary. Pa, . . 7 "VTR- BTXRLT boa lately added to bit already ATA. well established reputation, tha services of Mr. M. K. llemperly whose reputation as a pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled In thi part of the country, and hereafter they will carry on tbe photographic trade, at the old stand under the arm name of Byerly Hempcrly's Excelsior Gallery of Art, at whose establishment the pub lic will be cheerfully accommodated throughout the whole lino of photography. For Photographs of all styles and sires rang ing from tbe small Gem to tbe lffe size portrait. Oo to Byerly ol Hetnpei-ly. For tbe beantlful porcelain picture which for softness of finish, and durability cannot be ex celled, go to Byerly & llemperly. -. For the Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar In nil oui large cities, and showing the pecu liar effect of light and shade, and tbe favorite of the old Germau Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly llemperly. . i ..... , If you have an old picture, you waut copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India luk or crayon, take It to Beverly 6c llemperly. If you want a frame of any size and at any price, or auy stylo go to Byerly & Hemperly's, nnd take a look at their Immense stock la that line. - For Albums go to Byerly & Hemperly. For square Frames made to order go to Byerly A llemperly, In short, for anything In the photo graphic line, go to Byerly & Ilcinpurly, aud yon will be suited. Feb. 85, 1S71. niRNITIIRF cu? w 1 w 1 1 Ba - MATTRESS, FEATHER, A9B BEDDIN0 WAKEB00K3, II NORTH TENTH BT., iirtk,nilliV; CHAMBER FL"RV1TLRE. Spring Beds, 1 Feathers, Spring Cots, iFesl'her Beds, Spring Mattresses, Bolsters and Pillows, Hair do. Counterpanes, Husk do. " IComfortables, Straw do. I Blankets, iQul'.ts. CALL AND SEE Tlt'K Woven Wire Mattrcas, The best bed ever offered for sale. H. B.--Our Intention Is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dealers with us, nnd orders will receive the same attention, and persons cau buy Just us cheap as if preseul at the store. March 4th, 1371. 3ra. JXO. E. NEATEIt aA CO., IIAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW TORK STORES, No. 3 South Tenth Street, below Market, Philadelphia, where they have opened a first-class Merehaul Tuiloring 'Establishment. Our Slock consists uf a itne assortment of Foreign dolus, Cassimeres and Vesting, select ed from the best Importing Houses of ibis City and New York, which we are prepared to make up In the most Fashionable Styles, at Short No tice rnd Moderate Terms. Special Bargains In Scotch Chlvot Good. .INO. I.. SLATER CO. Formerly with J. M. Zeiglcr. Dee. UlH, 170. m. NEW MEAT NIIOP. TnE undersigned respectfully Informs the citi zens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Pewa'l's building, on the north side of Market Square, two doors from the ra'.'road, were they will keep a consiaut supply of tbe best of Iteef, Pork, Million, Ac, at wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices nnd of the first quality . A waon will bu run to supply customers every morning, (except Suudays.) The best of meat will fouud at their shop. Give us a rail and salisfv your selves. REFFEW A BOWER. Oct. Iflth ISW. tf. Northern Central Hallway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON and after April 9, 1871, trains will ruu as follows 1 NORTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 4.30 a. m., arrive at Cauan diiigua 3.10 p. m., Syracuse 7.10 p. m., Roches ter 4.45 V: m., Buffalo 9.00 p. m., Suspension Bridge 9-o0 p. in., Niagara Falls 9.55 p. in. l.iuve Sunbury nt 4.30 p. ui. for Elmlra and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. Leave Sunbury nl 41.45 p. in. for Wllllamiport. SOUTHWARD. Leave Suubury at 2.115 a. r.i., arrive at Ilarris burg ft.l." a. 111., Maltlmore 9.15 a. m., Philudcl pil. U.50 a. ni., Washiuuioii city 1.10 p. ui. Leave Stfnbury at 10.fi5 a. in., arrive at Hr-r-rUburg 1XM p. 111., Balrlmore 0.15 p, m., Pblla dclibiu 5.o5 p. in., Watkitiglou lO.uO p. ui. l.i-ave Suubury, IO.L'0 a. in., arrive nt llartit burg 1.00 p. tn., Wu.hl'.igton 10.IH) p. in. Lenve Suubury at 18.05 a. m., arrive at Ilarr's bui i.'M a. in., Wasliington 7.00 a. n. tllAVoKIN DIVISION. usrwAitrt. Leave Suubury ut 4.40 p. m., arrive at Shame klu 5.55 p. m., Ml. t'aruiel U.40 p. ni. Leave huiibmy ( Aceommodallou,) at 11.50 a. ui., arrive ul Sbaiimkin 1.00 p. m. WrSTWARH. Iare Mt. Cnrnul at 8.05 a. ni., arrive at Shamokln 8.50 a. 111., Sunbury t).55 a. m. Lcava Shamoklu ( Aeeummiulalion,) at 8.45 p. ui., arrive ul Suubury 4. DO p. ni. F.iprc.s leave, diiilv leaving on Sunday, runs North only lo WllllauiHirt. Ad ui lur tralus leuvs da I y, eieept Sundays. A. It. Fiskk. Ei. H. Yutku, U.-ii'l. Sup't., Gru'l l'a.rii'r Ag't., liarilsnuig, ra. l-iillmoie, .Mil. " AtlAI AT THE OEII I'EACE." " T1MIE suSrrlber aneouuees lo the e'.tisene of L bunbuiy that, bavlug again erected bis DUE Alt aad CAKE F.aTAHLlSMKNT, ou I lie old place, wh"! It was reecully dealroy4 by Ore, ba U .ip.ihi prepared lo supply tlisiA with ail kiuds of Bread aud Ctkti, such us UllOWN BRE All, MILK hltKADi UlliAU UAKEI) oa the HEARTH, aud full Hue uf FANCY f AKFsTTea Huns, Hulls and Tlls- Alsu, all klmls of Confuctiou ailcs at his shop on Third slrsel. Ilaviui employed 4 nrst-rlass baker fmnt Ih4 elly, ha Is ptsnerud ta give gsnsral aallsfactlua Ik bis line ut business, and tfsireall W iie bint 4 trial. Urru.1 and Takes d'lUsrvd l (uslauici eveiy motuliig. Ill IRftM. An Le fireut buluua bus bwn put4 la son Bscliiiu aub tbe aouta bu.iusus, aud a Ladies' kaluusi litud up, wbure Ike bsl lie I'rvsui wtil be Hliud Up sisrj S'sulki duili4 Ike um(, WM. II.IUA8. uubuiy, June It, 1110. I'sUmIb, tHlaTsae. 4 1' El- sl'wk uf Oils uuttipflsluf Llasssl i s, 1 1,1, l uul Oil. kisb OH. aud I ul.ililUd4 till ui Euuiu.s kkd MibliiSil, VkiuUbus, laiass, 4lsiS un baud, a! lu i-in-ussl mull aio i. To tho I'uiiiiuunlly at Large! UUU( AT 1UK "llEQULATOR," I Ii4t4 Ikl4 4.1 puiibassd Iks Ml lie eta., uw4 aul aa4 tsluiae ul Ika keuiif b.u4, h-m, liuwk, laks sud fu.uu.4 kHua,u J. Ausie, au4 BUI swulluua IBs aus.uts as as pe- lumiuHi, ihmuu luna, leu4 t ln-4 klwl, V4iar fcnr, aCkHtat, i'A. k,4 Asllaf tulukilsksl 4"aa4uuuls b Iks tu4l44 u.sHuluiluiMe ul Ikk s. auiif, I iu u.4 k. , il 4 Iks w.ikit uuk 4 "s i'( vb k'.iski..kml i.uuLluui Kl 4uiskM.ll su4 Inns, I .. lil SkuH stuiut M-u-nO 4 s lu Ij Ui4 k U..J, 14 U ulut4 k4 tb.SHS -Silluu) lu k,uuuf.tk)45, f .si t.iiuvsss Is s-uu-i.J ' f. IIAU18I1 ss, ss 11, IKI , ' - iRikdJC RallrAoaTV U :'. irillHl ilAAHQHIHT.'ur IfarvJojr, 4prd GREAT TrttnnCTJJtt from the North and MortB-Weet for Phlls-Jetphav. N, T.,ftea4 lug, Potlrrlllev Tkmairo, Asiluni, ShAmokJn. Lebanon, Allentowo, Bnatoa,' Xphnta, Utta, Lancaster, Columbia, Ae., At. ... Trains leave Hsrrtsburr for KeW Tor, M'foV lowet At t.10, S.10, e. mi and 9.06 p. ., con necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, aud arriving at New. Y ark at '10,10 a. ro., J.50, and 10.00 p. m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the J.10 a. m.. train without change. : -j im Returning 1 Leave ITcW Tork at 9.00 . ,m., 19.05 noon and 6.00 p. tn.t Philadelphia at T.8U, 1.80 a. tn. nnd 8.80 p. m. 1 Bleeping Cars aerom pany tha 5.00 p. m. train from New Tork with out change. 1 1. 1 1 . Leave Uarrlsbarg for Beading. Poltsvlllt, Ta rn aqua, . Mlnersville, Ashlaud, , SUamokln, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a, m., 8.00 and 4.08 p. ra., stopirtng at Lebanon auA principal way stations the 4.05 p. to., train connecting for Philadalpbla, Pottsville and Co lumbia ouly. For PotUvlile, Behnylklll Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna. mm ruu u, leave narriSDurg at 4.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend ing for Allentown, Eaeton and New Tork at 5.00, 10.80 a. ro., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New Tork at 11.00 a. m., 1S.00 noon aud 6.00 p. m. and Allentown- at 7.20 a. m. 18.85 noon. 8.15, 4 B0 and 8.45 p. m. - Way Passenger Trnin leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., connecting with similar train on Fti Pennn. Railroad, returning from Reading at t.to) p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. tn. aud 2.31 p.'v m. Herndon at 10.00 a. m., Shatnoklu at 5.40 and . 11.15 a. m. ; Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and 13.4?. noon; Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. tn. and 1.20 p'. 3). Tamaqna at 8.85 a. in. and 8.10 p. m. for. Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg, Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Kallroad at 8.1C a. m. 'for Harrisburg, and 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Tremout. Reading Accommodation Tralu leaves Potts ville at 5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7.1)0 a. m. arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.80 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. ra., passing Read lug at 7.55 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville at 9.40 p.m. . rottstowu Accommodation Train leaves Polts town at 0.S0 a. tn., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. in. - Columbia Kallroad Trains leave Reading at i..va. in., anu 0.1a p. in. lor tplinita, uuv Lancaster, Culumbla, Ac. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomea Junction nt 7.15, 9.05 a. in., at 8.00 and 6.00 p. in. Returning, Wave Scliweuksville at 0.30,8.10 a. m., 13.50 noon and 4. :)0 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Readiug RaU Road. Colebrookdule Kaliroad Trains lenve Pottstowa at 9.40 a. in., I.15and 0.45 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 nnd 11.25 a. in., aud 8.03 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Ueadiug Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.80 a. 111., '.'.O.'nnrl 5.U3 p. m. returning, li-uve Downinglou nt 11.40 a. m., 19.45 noon and p. m. comieetiug with similar trains on Read ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leiive New York ut 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. m.. (the' 8.00 a. in. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsville nl M.OO a.m., leave Harrisburg, 3.10a; m., and 2.00 p. m.; leave Allentown at 8.45 p. m. leave Reading nt 7.15 a. in. and 10.05 p. m. for Hiirrihbu.g, at 5.1K) a. in. for New York, and at 9.40 a. iu. and 4.15 p. m. for Philadel'n. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets to and from all points at re duced rates. Uaggage checked through 1 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. .1. E. WOOTTEN, Ast. Supt. & Eng. Mach'ry: rhlladelphlM and Erie Railroad. SPRING TIME TABLE. On and after Mondav, April Sth, 1871, the Truiui ou tbe Philadelphia it Erie Rail Road will run as follows WESTWARD. Mull Train leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " ' arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunburv, " " art at Erie, ' Klmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " - " Suubnry, " ' arr at Lock 11 11 Ten, EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Eric, " " " Suubnry, " " arr at Phllade'.phU, Rrie Rxpress leaves Erie, " " " Sunburv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " Sunburv, " " urr at Philadelphia, Buffalo Express leaves Willuimsport, " " " Sunburv. " " arr at Miila-lAphla, 9.40 p m 4.55 a ni 7.40 p m 13.20 p nr fi.50 p ui 7.40 a tn f .30 a m 4.35 p m T.5J j) m 9.00 a ui 12.05 a m 6.50 a in 9.00 p ui 10.15 a m 5.3o p m 8.30 a m 11.00 a ni 5.30 p III 12.35 a in 2.30 a m U.-I0 a ro Kxjiress, Mail and Accumimnlntlon, east and west, connect at Cory nud all west bound traius; nnd Mall and Accomoditiou east nt Irvinctou Willi Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. IVM. A. BALDWIN, Gcu'l Sv.ip't. Lackawanna aud lilooinftburg Hall road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASMENGE, TRAINS. VIoiiduy, July lth, H7". kOUTHWAKD. l.uve. A.M. P.M. A.M. f.M. P.M Ci'ranriMi, Ilellivue, Taylorvllle, Irkawanns, Pitlslon, West Pittston, Wyoming, Maltby, Klngnion, A t st. W.Uarre ic'rs 15 U 30 5 :) 1 (H 8 '.'5 5 :.ri 1 0 ; 'J 42' 6 43 I 1 9 51 5 f.3 1 2 50 10 Kl I! 03 1 S V) b 0 0! 1 4 00 10 ! C 15 1 I 10 1 t 21 a 0 45 10 'j C S5 8 1 10 4 0 40 24 10 6 6 4 ', ; I 7 no- ' 7 07- k-'i I 7 25 I 7 40 15 7 60, 2 8 00, 4 15 7 ,J. 8 C7 8 14 8 Sft' 4 43 8 60 5 ! Plyiuoulh Juue., 1 Plymouth, I Nanliroke, I Hinlw k's, Milck.liluny, nick lerry. Beach lUveu, Bern Uk, Willow Crave, 111 lur Creek, Lime UU,, kiri Bloomnburg, Kupcrt, Calawissa, iUiiville, Cbulasky, 4r. 50 67 iU i 110 HI 10 It l amsma, its ti Narte'il, (arrlvs.)IO 4i 55j K0KTI1M AKD. Leave. A.M. I'. 11. Noitbuiubertaud, Cauitiiui, Cbulasky, Duuulie, Culaaissa, kuptil, Bioiaasbaif , k.p. I.lillt KidS, (trial ( ink, H'llluw 1'ntsi, B.I a li k. Ika. k llsvaa, liuk's It"), 8kKksklksy, lluul.uk'S, Suiu-..s, l'iiuuulk, l'iu.iM.ik Jaas , lU-IHWI, A VI. 111.,, Vwluil., ul l aUusj; Puits., l-4akaskk4 Ikailtsu, .i.awu, (siiltii fAVlUT HvlkU. k-H U lu bIimj. A Iu.ii..i a luM 14 L.i. 1.. I au4 k.t li s kwi si li ( 1 il 14 MusMk A I' si I kui bsauUJ.: Il I to is 1 Obn ta ai'u k'-.4s 8r hi -W I 4 II B,U .lit M 4kwi s-lt.J s4 Wsii raiM ..1 Ik? '' ! 84 ? 'tkaui. u ! 10 li 6 ?o j 1 t 27 I ! 3 11 W I IV 24 e II III J 4 IU II IS 2 11 40 u , 8 So A. M h-, 18 01 Ml i u 18 t 1 l :v M It j uO li is 1 II II I4 t on P. V. I Uk f 44 1 IU I l I tj T kk II iki f 1 ; t d IS ut LlJ;; 1 o 8 80 1 40 11 ik 4 I T IT l Ik I 1 l t' 8 i teni b 1 1 4u I 1.1 1 1 It I I 80 4k k u II 17 4 14 II II k 4 I 8 h li 11 4 I I 8 io, 8 M It It 4 ,8 Ik Ik i k 14 iu 4