SUV BUST, SLPAII9871, a il -V ill ii' 1"'" ..a.t .J.Ji ntn KVIft BA-KJ!IHb th AlNOKt -swine- tiACHjNre iirf ifiktipwiMa 'ni PMmr in a tit nanr uuir lunuuiiLTLnrpu. .. juibb jfortkeaale of them ia tlrie end edjfrfnlnr conn We, tnatrontlonil In sewing glrtn Tree of tharge to all parcbsWt. j A loi tway e on land. Call ' tod examine them. r - - . .i I.' ; - . . : ' FotjBcsT. .A, kou:and lot Apply at lull 'offlee. t ,j - " '' '.'',,'' ' -' ? lHi'hfit been Introduced In theSeuateby Mr. Bnckalew, Incorporate; the Trorortna Mu .teal Inearanee Company, also one allowing the .Danftlle, Hailcton and Wllkesbarire Railroad 'Company to borrow $500,000.. . I - rm . Evbrtdost procoree their Traveler Inearanee ticket of J. Bhlpman, ticket ngont at thl plnce, before entering the care. He Insure Tor 24 honr or for nay length of time desired. , Attmftto Rob tux Kortucmbbaland Bakk. Another attempt to rob this Institution was mado on Tuesday . ntgtit, at about 11 o'clock. The wntchmaa hearing persons at work at the iloor, which was lined with Iron, tired foot er ' five' balls, .when the rogue tied. ' Several euspl 'clons characters had bacu obserrcd at the Bank 'during the day.. . ' ". ' - '. ", Tag new map of Northumberland county is .progressing. Those who have not already sub scribed should do so ut ouce to secure .a copy, m i Ricnixas English Opera Troupe onrlTomblua tlon, wiJglve two exhibitions at Wllluuiisport, ou the nights of 5th and 6th or May noxt. Mr. Shlpnian, ticket agent at this place, has 'keen anthorlied to sell excursion tickets, to a party of twenty-Arc or mora persons, who wish to see this renowned troupe. . i :. LircTCRe.-"A' trip to California," by W. I). Todd, Esq., M Washington. 'This lecture trill be delivered In the Court House, Friday evontog, May 5th, anil all who wish to obtain Information la respect to this beautiful country, now brought so near us, will do woll to go and hear the 1m prcsiious left upou the mlud of Mr. Todd, who lias but recently returned from this goldcu land. Admission S5 ccuts. 1 5,000 Rolls Wall Taper J us received at Llglit xor's, cheap for casli. , ... - Col. Jmuei Cameron Post, No. 10.1, G. A. R., will hold a special meotl'lt In the ofllce of A. N. Brlce, oil" Trldny evening, May 5th, Bt Vi o'clocl;, to make preparation for Decoration Day, and the erection of tomb stones to the graves of cur deceased soldiers." Brcic Beku will be on tap at Bitolicrs on Mon-il.-iy next, taking the place of the ,lght article in use during the winter. .Frtovisiovs. Butter is selling at St to 40 cts., aud eggs ut IS. At S'llusgrove, five miles be low, buttur U fiilllDir at 25 fit. nnd rcirs 14. ' " . ... . .. 4 Potatoes are scarce, and selling ut f 1.00 tofl.JO. I Elmfl nre lower and sell ht' 30 to 40 ctsf.' ' j Mv3ic. About 20 years ago, this pla;e cotild 1 taast of aa excellent Brass Band. Now, when ) we have at least three times as' much musical talent, we should be able to raise at least one gooJ band of u'.uiic. Mr. Ct vKK will deliver his sixth lecture upon ''Liberul' Christianity," in the Unitarlau Church of Northumberland, on Huinlaj' evening April SOth, 1871. BubJcct'Tho Future Life." Tue fancy Dress Goods ut Miss. Kute Blacks s!onrarc considered handsome and cheap. Ladles hrc invited to call and examiue lur line asrort tijeut. ' Fins.An tlunu of fire aroustd many ol the citif'.:M:!n the upper part of this town, early on Tuesday morning la'u. The alarm originated from fire being discovered at the ice house of ira T. Clement, near Race St. Uctweeu Front and Heeond sts. The fire Is supposed tn have been the work of nn incenfllnry who kiudlcd It near the I'rout dor.r. It had gained but little headway when discovtrd,nnd was toon extinguished with out doing much damage. ' ..('HrucitRoiinEHT. St. Matthew's (Episcopal) .'hurch and fchoo' house, in this place, was rob cd on Wcducsdny uirh'. last. The thieves took '-m the church, thVenrpcts 1n the "aisle, and ut in two n table cevfr end took a part, broke li.enlhn ulms chest utid took what small change as in !t, and left the following slip of writing ii the bili'.e forgive the Womlng That stole the carpet ' ir i stood in need of it bad a nut! I Live in Mil on my name is .Mary." 'From tha school house they took a TTantle oek and an engraving tn a frame, representing art e choir boys ia eurr dices. !lh an Inscription e O God belong- , ndcrnealh, We. Pruise g to Miss Hogarth, the principal of the school. hu villiaiis also left evidence of their vulgarity '.id villiuuly iu obseeue remaiks ou the bluek iard aud pieces of.tXper. A liberal reward will be puij for any luforina in leudiug to the discovery aud conviction of io offenders. Tun place mado Vacant by the great eonllagra- iu in this place about a year since, at the cor- 1 ro'V.irket and Tlilr.l streets, now prescuts a iureiii iippearauee. In place of the small ! ..Di'.ca bui' Kni.'i-.lli.i.e story brick building are I .upylng the epuee. Tl.o part already eoiuple i, on Third meet. It praronllng a basinet like j pc'iraiiee. 1 he 'Cleinet.t House" ou the eor- i , kept by Me srs. Tutl Di'l.iucy, is attract-1 ; a l.tiL'u share o. cuuoui. Cue of the room 1 i rcupied by (.'lias. L'erruv.t ut a barber snloou. o I'd nin'.i'i; rocm. arc onuphd by Mestr. h i .iy I'u,, as u slallmiery and paper slore, ' to are lining u lur'O hnirt'.. S. llertfelder ths upper lnilUlIip, has a tine ussorlwcut of , iy uu lc eiullilug. Th b.ilanca of the space jiini: Oai i up with bilck, wotkuien bi'lo now i'-y i-i.'.i.'e I, und It Is evpuclwt to have the' ule ruiiipiiU'l about the fist of 9'ptiubir a iiir rooms wi.i an ho ovcuplwl a ia i ii uml ilia scev.fl story fur ofllctt. cu i.iiiipli'Ud it will Ui ou. of lb fiui'sl ii. U'Uirii'i in tills U.i.uD'i, lor Mliivll tb fit t s aru lii.leliU l lu tho tu'.t'iprislng tplitttof I. T. t luiiiLt, r. II. Muvf and V. V. singer, l'f thl I'laeo. I i i. in at liut j iU C.ti KhUi's. ' uuiln4 In ojr Ul l-n U-t i, i, Hiiilik i . 1. . 1 t. XI ..I... I ilL ..I . . ... I I VI 11 I . 1.M i.t . B-tU,iU.ut.....l'.M,l.b.l4 i4ft l r el-et )i UU Vii 4tlM .ou to ink. titutiiiuutty. i ui!. lit u(Vue, be smI.I.u by lite .u dnnjliUi., r - MlM ii . i.i. u, .ii. ...! .if.- eu4 l-Ui by Hu. U.e but K 1 1. In . ir.-rflu' Ibe I'"" of MmI ullid. $ iuit.ut b .4e.Hvu, eu4 Ulug iwa)s f u4 willing l l Kill lb Mi, but b jUl ile. II .ui. Wne U,J.i fai'.i M lUll In.. Iw U tbe ieut. ui blue kMa, ewe bee, L. tht'e ut be Wfl lit. r"i Ue t.i.j.v , who tue 4 Je-.ultMUhh'Me4biWf - M. ' . "C,0aUa4WketmClhi.vlceiiitbei.s.htr Informed bytne arent that the American Prompt Patmbst. Mr. J. E. Smlck, who dle at this plftQftton Ctfc TtalottC, bW an Insnranek pnllry In tha American We. Insurance Co.. of Pbitad'olphla, t ttlWXnt f tl-000. On MorA As Ust the rmll this plce,Mf .soJefcQatsi ler, pijd Te,r I nc nrnnoni fa p. r . onMi iomii IstrntM-of1 Mr. Srt k'i eVVnto. hll irvUIence oT promptness fompnny li alwnyp frMTfnifntM 111 Mr Bemeifdx, itlthool (lis ifcrtlct IdsTired having to Jo tlirohgh. 'n rcyalair forninl of red tape baslnes. before thej rwcolve pay. We 1 Life le a prompt tn all other cases as In this In stance. The eompony Is doing an extraordinary large business, Judging from the large amount of policies issued, and appear to be perfectly re Mabie. Mr. Oossler hks taken a large number ef policies In this place and vicinity. i . ; , , . ,,. --t ' .. Tax Maatii,, ob Wbitb Cohcobo Obapb. II. B. Manser has received ft limited supply of these new and celcbrnted grape vines from Pitts burg, which he can furnish at less than the re tail turnery prices, if called for soon. They aro not only hardy end prolific as bearers, bot the fruit Is tweet, delicate and highly flavored, and Is pronounced by many of our most eminent fruit growers, the best grapo In the country. They are a seedling of the Cooeord, and have alt the good qualities of that grope besides merits of ! .their own, and are of a white and golden Huge In color.? . : -ll J- : !;..' Prists' usually sold for a suUllngt are 10 cti. at Wcttxel, Oasklnt & Co's. ' . ., . 1 Vis notice the old 'Weaver House,', hat boon torn down and tlio rubbish Is being cleared away for the foundutlouof -the new brick building, to be erected. Id Icnrlng down the . ouilding, a long disputed qXltStlon was settled, lr: wheth er tha .building was of logs, or frame weather boarded. Tho bulldlug was a fr ira-!, Oiled In with brick. - As the house had been erected more than a half a century ego, but few persons had auy idea of frame buildings being erected in those days, and the consequence was that a number of bets wcrelo.t. : Mr. DruDiUelU-'Hs hurrying up the new building as rapidly as possible. New Svmna Goods. A large assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods have Just been open ed at Miss. Elizabeth Lazarus store, on market square, which are not only huudsomc but very cheap. Ladies will make a note of this, and call aud examine them." . Accident to a Suowmas. On Sunday lust, as tho men employed ,hy J. B. Warner, were tak ing dowu tho canvass of Warner's Circus and Menagerie, on the enst side of tho Borough Hue, a poleaecldentty fell npon one of the men, break ing bis lig in two places. A place was at once secured for lilm at the Pacific Hotel, and money placed in the bunds of P. II, Mooro, sq., by Mr. defray his cxpeuses, together with his regular wages uutil he is ublc to work ugalu. We learn that the man Is poor nod has only bceu with this circus for a short time. It is certainly a very commendable- act- ou the part of Mr. Warner in thus provldiug for his men when in distress. Weilzel, Gatklns A Co. are selling 8 pounds of whito sugnr for $1.00. A vovo man named Brady P. McCormlck, at Watsoulowii, this county, lu helping himself to ft Hass of brandv nt llollopctcr's Drug Store, on Saturday, evening of lost weeft, made a nilktako iu tha bottle and drank about three ounces of laudanum, instead of brandy, and notwithstand ing the mikuke .was at oucu discovered, and every ill'ort made to save bis life, bo died, from the elfuets of the drug nbout 1 o'clock tho same night. Mr. McCormick was a son of Robert II. McConnick, formerly of McEwcntvllle, but now Fiilindelphin, and was said to be a young m;tn bf mttcb promise. .. ! Accident. TheMiddlct'iug Putt of last week, savs t Jeremiah Snyder, F-sij., of Sunbury, Mrs. Snyder and Miss Jaue Fuiith, the lntter resident in this Borough, met witli a slight accident, near this place, on Monday last, resulting, fortunate ly, lu'a fiiw scratches and the loss of a canary bird. It appears Mr. B. hod hired: a vicious horso out or one of the Sunbury liveries, and coining down "red hill," ubout three miles frpiA this place, the horse became unmanageable kicked furiously, threw himself down, brenking the shafts und overturning the buggy and spill ing the occupiMits headlong Into the publio high way. Capt. Parks und Benjamin Bachninn, who were near by, rendered prompt assistance and extricated the parties from their ttDj-leUant situation. . For dried aud smoked meats, go to Klrby't. Ol'R Iron Fvrxaces. Of all the many blast furnaces in our and vicinity, the small oue belonging to the Nutiouul Iron Co. alone Is in operation, and thU one came near blowing out one day lust week for waul of coal. The stop pogu of these furnace necessitate the throwiug out of employment hundreds of workmen, and leaving a vast amount of capital unproductive. I It hu been an cu forced stagnation, but now the ; nr. hlAwn s.ur l.nt llllli, Hlwiknll Irtn la miMcilc1 by , owuc'rli to ,)u, tUcm aguiu ,u bjMt tUe u uJvilllcc) tu a ulgU ! tigure. Althougli pig llou has advanced tome i ti per ton eluce they blew out, it 1 yet too low j the niuuufucturer say to tempt them to put I their furuae.s In blast. The Messrs. Groves : had, when they quit manufacturing Iron, tome four thousand tout of pig iron stored. This they have mostly ds.poted of nt the advanced rate, N.poted of ut the advanced rale, which In the ogsKgale, Is a clever rculIzu..oii of profit. M'liwu tbe fuiuuuu will bo bluwu In It would b bun to tell j robut!y uot for oine UiODlhl .V.. liitnvUU IiU'Mijitetr. 1'i;of. J. M. C'owasi lut Vtn Jcllverhi ft eourha of levturrs to Fry's Mull during tho j'ual wek, on PbruolorT, PsyeholnsTT, c. At Hie cloa ofench kelure lie rrfnriu:'l some txpvrl- ! uieiil In iiimiiii'rlMii, li lib will) iuur4 sucit- fully aeeouiplUlieJ than we Imvt enr wcu bo ' fort. Mskiiti; incu drunk ou tolj vatrr, cry, lauijli, sndH.-rruriuitt); otlii-r dlirVreiit ut ( III plunr while nnjer tl0 liiflueoee of inrs. , uiuiUiu, crcutel yrcut itiuu-eiutul to tbe sutlU ' rui'e. XbiMC liu br not srsu blui iliuulj dn a tlii (Kililtiy) evening, be will close bit I'Oiii.e uf lecture! In N lui'e. lilt Irrlurcs ura uot only u'nualns; but lu.lrui llve. Tb. IroU.ur Is hcUuow l.Jjftd to be oue of lb bat t'bieuolo gUls end mesiucrlr of I he lliuci. N. Y. tlfb'eif's Ki-yulutor. lioott, Bboee, Truuks, Leulbtr u.l bUne l'iui4Uit. l'i-lion, Our fuiiurr film I ruun4 be tvi reulluu shout khfulutf Ihtlr UitMit to 'x:r. of Idlest illit vesdvr. We eU tf.lly ( lilUt beiiij 0w'4 tijf lUe tliurxr. Tl uh Uu U not Id.lii )our seuieta eef I lis (irsMultd If tlmuiiiis, huIi.s kiui etliUe froiatbue wbont you kuuw to be responsible ! NS I fiiw .snir V .ubll.b. lu IbU Imu., tkf f .. ! pu4l u. AitV.r uf U.W,i.i lvif mi, : ii tu tk r.KiJiiluii of tbtlr bounlji luuj. Ibue ta wurfs.Bf 1t ebliti.too ""t"bHlie UulU4 bweulji eteuuul iu,u4V.luiM.4 imm, . . le lo u...- MC.I.blti 144 Uty4 . 110I11I. lu lb. u4ttl. lu tbie ii.i iiw ie.,t u l-i( u4 ib lH.,4. I'lb M etiv4i U .i 4l'. o b. lti.iliuiw) .in..m, tvii..ia aUuk. we j m- i 4 . 14 L """I'"''. w. tee k.M le abautukiu tveubv. I If Ike aUi b ti.. t will U uibu ) Ik kM iMm'it, aa th 4ta jof aeavia, Waaekit) ke Wubs4 MS fM't M l ria laat Bn AMORrN Ittoth. We copy the following Itemt from tho AamaMfiAralirtMsrrek. j BnooTtnq ArrBAf, on Monday afternoon Wai Cretrfa aihl CVstUlcs DoWny Interttf the ealooi Of Thot. noil, rf)aiterjtlnc and drinking re fused py, nhan ,n, elteoo4ion yuw4 wbicl resulted' In It oil's sbootlnir fjronla in the rlith arm,the baH entering' abVAij tire tlbow and Inflict Jag s seven aYth weesd. ! The tHlereVs r rested and htld to kali fbf appearance at he August Court, Iloli In the, turn, of 11,000 to aw wcrthe chars, of assault end battery with lutebt to kill, and Cronlit and Downey In $400.' each, for surety of the peace. " " '" k '""''' FATAtRJ.IC. AcbzcsNf, eal Crlddy.'ia few min ute alter 18 o'clock A. n-t William Madden, re siding at Fulton Station, was rnn over by the cars In attempting to 'pim'p Trom 'ft freight tralu eh tha N. C. R. W., In the vicinity of Locust Gap Junction, and received Injuries which caused his death within a few ho'uTa. ' " " , . Anluaoot wstbeid by sVlre Caldwell' on Friday, nnd a verdict rendered exonerating the railroad Company from blame. ; , .; ; Northumberland Covmr Com Tbadb. The coal trade In our region has become quite, lively. All tho collieries In the couuty, except Trovoi ton and one or two moro are now lu operation. All this coal Is transported over the N. C. R. W. This company la new rtonhifffcasi 7 to 8 coal train per day, hauling on nn average about 800 ear a day. Tho shipments on this road Up' to this time In tho month amount to near 00,000 tons, and for the entire month will run to, near 74,000 tons, the heaviest shipment ever made over this dlvlsiou of the N. CR.W. This coal Isprlnel ply conveyed to Elmlra, and Philadelphia, ' ' "' The Pehn'n Canal has been open for about two wecks,bnt Shipments by this outlet have not been heavy.'' . , .... ,. It la thought by the first of May a compromise between the mttiers, operators, And R. R. compa nies will be aHVctrd, nnd the tolls oh tha Reading and Lch'gh roads will be reduced to their former rate. . Buch a result Is greatly t6 be desired. On Snturday next the jnlners and operators of Northumberland tounly will Hold ifielr monthly meeting nt Bhnmokln, to determine the average price of coal for April. This win be the third ineeUug tii'dor the new srrangenKi.t. ' : Snowt i GinbraIj ANt Onb ix There are now some twenty different Circuses and Menageries traveling and exhibiting nt differ ent places throughout the United States, and out of that number none will compare with Fore-1'j ai i r ... i v ..I- jr. .i paugh's world-famed Zoological and Equestrian orgnuizutlon. We are happy to nnnonnee that Mr. Forcpaugh has consented tq give two exhi bitions nt Sunbury, on Saturday, May Gib, 1S71. ': Astho advertisements announco, this Is really tho "biggest thlug on wheel", in the shape of a Menaiicrie find Circus In'thc Cnitcd -States. Half a million dollars have been expended lu organi zing and equipping it j S75 men and horsey con itt'.nte the working foi-co , fi'-d lConbleif teats we used to exhibit under thirty massive iron dens (nearly doulQtlte iimnber any similar establish ment iu the world possesses) . eontuln the im mense collection of wld uulinols ; and the Circus is one of rare excellence, and Is held ffctcrft-a tent culirely seperutcd froip.tho Meuagerle...pne ticket for fifty cents, and! children twenty-five cents, admits to both exhibitions. . . The following statement of tho number of ani mal eagii possessed by the various Menagerie companies now traveling will prove the truth of the statement mat c, that Adam Forepangh's Is tho largest Wild Beast Show In America i Company. . ' Mcnaa. Cir. Cant: an Atnuurg. Van Ambnrg (Western). G. G. Grady. G. V. Bailey. Wotton .fc HalL'ht. .. 21 " ' 10 3 . -18 l 14 J . t' . 00 I. " ' 11 " " 8 . ' j u . 10 " 00 " 00 it , M Q ' " " 00 " " -8 " . " 10 ii ii 3 " 00 ' 00 00 " so animals, and 13 .Ncye'a .Circus.. . Ronton, Pprlntrer at Henderson James Kobiniou't Cole Orton's. , ' John Robinson's. ' Lake's Circus. Kincade's Circus. Bheldcnburgor'a. Hadeuburgsr'a. O'brien's. G. M. Kelley's Circu. P.. A. Oldeu's. J. K. Warner's. Htowe J; Sons. North American Circus. Northwestern Circus. ' ' Stone A Murray's Circu. ADAM FORRPACGH'S Barn urn A Co., 13 cages of eaees of wax-llcuies The above statement is copied from one of the most reliable Amusement parens lu the country, aud It will thus bo seen that Ad .in Forepaugh's Gigaulic Establishment takes the pole," aud Is ahead of anything Iu the Menagerie and Circus line In the Culled States. Ix another part of this issue will be found the advertisement of L. M. Torder, Insurance Agent nt this place. Mr. Yoder Is un experienced ugeut, aud now represents the principal Life and Fire ! lusnruuce Companies In this nnd other States ns will be secu by reference to his card. The coin. paulc are of the most responsible character. Thi Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York appears to be tho leading company In the United btates, ajid policies tire taken iu it when all others have becu doclliicd. A large number of these policies are held by our principal business men, who are providing for their families In the future, nhlch ia a, duty every man owes to those he leaves behind wkou shuttling olf till mortal coll. , MJvYialct iu always bi foeaa at lilt of fice, oue door rust of 11. Y. Friling't store, on VI ... I ... C..n- '' .1 . -T I .. ( ' .. . " rnvumi. , j b.uukr i:i have Uuck U.ieron lap on li first ; of May. I A Divllou of bunt of Temperance wnt on; uUcd ou Muuiljy wveuliiil lu.l, l lluil iluu' Hull J in tbillji-e,l). C. Wright Lrt lurer and Oruuitcr i of the ii. 1). of 8. of 1. of I'.i, with 13 chuiter ; uit uiWrs, at Sunbury Uivi.lnu No. Sj57. 1 The foliowintf iiUK-frw were ejected und lu.lull ! fd fur ''.be oretcnt term. V. f. :, lieo. i. Bucberi XV. V , James Varrai W, A. 1'., Jeeub fciliU i II. 8., ClutrUt II. Fantt i K. B. J. I'eekcr Iliut i P. B. Frank M. Farm ; T., Jacob O. Ui U., chJimiiuu ttlr'b i A. C.t Thulii... (J. Kelt t O. ti., Jacob . Mlltrr I. 0. Koloiuvu Mauti j Ch:ip. litv. O, W. lUinpvrly. ThU oidur u lu exls'.eai' tome yesrt ecu, and weare hsppy to tee It revive at a greM deal of tf good will bo doubt re.ull from tt. We i bcib It tuny Sourish and tueerod In uerom i I'lishlug tl-e fc-ooj ul'Jtel It luu tu fit. 1 I Mite FniiBKTii )n vm, duugulcr ot rioluuiiu luukliUigcr, of Uule fit(c'.y ten., im.1 wilb a filablfiil etcUiul, ou kalutdey Ul, lu kUi1llnj die will) roul uil. It tpui tb w (iuuiIuk Ibe uil lioiu tad eouUluing about Ihrv pints, end lUat the. blute t'ouiuiuiileatlnn with tbe oil lu lb cau, It J, t4lleiu( Ibe tiiiti 0r her pvluU tu4 tlutblng. 1 he, o.b oh Ui aruit 4 (MtWat ut iM bUy Wet buiued eltuost to fl'V, si It It Ittougbt tke c.uuot imiiir, btu.e Ibe ebote wt lu ly lui H tke U toJi-tUaii tVirWU. lua yiuMi'a4 Ituiikialiufl tt AtMMlaibta, whkh wut Ui a.ubuiy, Audi , tiwU4 ht. M. lUk, ts , U vol Jim, Bcivli, M.f l'f, l. It M).'u.d. the ueat uiutbiy UMttikg, el wkwh lt UMUt Iwi kte) eeilteelly ihuwM to alteud, will be kwJ i i, .1 eWk Y U. at !U kuub-kt. I AuauUe.i. Uel t'"bS twCV'f u4 te4 tlvui tbe U.itw. he bi iiie4 by e Um h-e, i, MtKi Uhhuu U . salt I I. ft ttAai.aW.fee.Um . atL I ft Cuts fto. ft, tea ThR Mottittatw Octtnn. Wosw.-Near White, Haven, on the tbp "wUtlfts of tbe Ncscopec ., nnd along the lino of tlio Lehigh Valley R. K. thtwisiit rwnrj been, lartebody bryeU loichrlJiiCAMrl-fcVls tiiliaiagi.v thd aid of two t snJUfrpRnge l iu arlndlngj pulverizing, and sendbig It, to market. It is very) pure, and MsWi'tielHrf tb-proVr h makes excel leBt pirttti erpeTjrBrir let "'I clotb, fw svttlclt pur pose it Is largoly used. The vein or ridge of this natural mineral pal tn(ttrly five milos In length, and aHkough easily, dug Aip.ghc aia piojrncnt to'inany'l on nlr or thrift to the otherwise barren aspect ot the- nl enntsln. 6'cran- .A large lira nm ffiH,cini,mB ii'li( beeukpown to exist on lands within- two miles of this place, MO a'djaeent to tho railroad, There are two kinds,' the yellow ind brortn, which wus tested somo years agq ana was pronounced a first class nitlcle. If somo entcrprkilng parties would establish mills for the grinding and, pulverizing, It wotfrtrcWpctisAt tliemry miudsnmely, be side give' employment to tnnny trtun ln this neighborhood. tta ,. , L I' ; , -p. . Trlbuto C Itcpcct.'. , . . . Halt, or Font AratsT LdWoEj Nc. CQ, 1. p. .oO.F.',. '. C ''V , EcnbI'HT, April loth, 1871. , Tho following preamble und reHolutione wore unanimously ailuopiea i 1 .-' WiiEKr.AB, It has pleased Almighty God In the dispensation of Hi Providence, to send the mes senger of death into our midst, nnd removed from us our worthy brother, P. O., JOHN K. bMiUtf., therefore, be it i i J.'ttolvetl, That in tho deoth of our brother, the Lodge has lost a fnitlifnl member, and the Order a Arm advocate of its principles. Hmolvnl, That while we bow lu meek submis sion to the deurce of tho Otunipotunt in tlio sud bereavemeut, it behooves us to so regulate our lives that we may ever be ready to meat death, and be prepared tq enter the (Iran Lnduu, above, there to Join hands in a happy and nnliroketi cir cle nreuud God's etornal throne. , JteKihvd, That the property of tho Lodge, (par ticularly bis photograph hanging in the Lodue room), be draped iu inourpiiig, and that the members wear thetsonl badge fofKlib space of thirty flays. n , .1 '. . Jteinkyti, Thntret deeply yinjiaWilze. wHli the widow and relativesjjf the deceased, aud a copy of these reiOlntfrnA; wlln-Iho" ileal 6f the Loditc atUwhed, be transmitted to the widow of tho tte ceased, and the resolutions be published in the paper of Buubury.. - - '' ' : B. F. Drkhit, j Com. GKOKon H,ji4., . . .. :t tditbr. Tabic. Homb and Health. The April number of this new Health Mnirazloe ' comes to us with a great 'nrlety of interesting artleles. The principle ones are on "Tho Teeth and Prevention of ,,1,,, Rt , ..Bathlnennd Bath, (," ''Bearing' BrtlW" ''right' IiiiehftT (JUmtratetl)," "Urlglu's Disease Vnlecliuloiill? Considered," What shall we do iu the Sick room!;' etc. There aro more t ban forty Kinal'.ur articles, Containing valuable hints ou health and for the home. Published at H. M ikt vcar, bv W. R. Ds Pur A Huonixu, 8u5-liraadWiiv; New Xork Tun Lady's Frii:nd, pob Mat, 1871. This is a superb number. The steel plate is a beautiful picture of the pride and glory of California tho matchless Yoseinito Valley with it wonderful towering walls. of rock, its waterfalls, and clear stream winding through. Of itself, this is worth many times tho price of the number. TUeu the colored Fushion plute Is of usual interest, us it presents us with actual portraits of distinguish ed personages the former Priuco Imperial of France, the Princess Alexandra, the ex-Kmprrss Eugenie,-the Princess LouUe. all, of course, at tired in the latest style. " Tho Fisherman," a lino wood-cut. Is such a picture ns one does not often sec; taking bold upon 'the heart with the weird fascination of its trng'.n pathos. Music "The Little Church Around tho Comer.'' Th" literary matter U Tory rivh, 'maintaining the high character of this inuguziuc. "My Method" is a strikingly original story. The powerful novcllettc, "One Woman's Experience," Is con tinued, and "A Summer Campaign" is a lively and nmnsiug sketch. Among the poetical Con tributors are Kila Wheeler, Miriam Kurlc and Mary J. MeCull. In fashions and fancy-work, as the ladies well know,' this magnzinu Is un excelled. Price 14.60 a year (which also laelmica a large steel cngravinc). Four copies, 10. Five copies (and one gratis), 8. 'The Lady's Friend' aud the 'Saturday bveuing Post7 (nnd one en graving), (4. Publishud Juy, Deacon A Peterson, Philadelphia.. SiiigU copici fur sale ly all .You-i !a'n, o n(i. i , A choice brand of family flour ut Kliby's. Xttxb assortment of cinncd goods, Engl'sh and American Pickles and s luces. Foreign r.d domestic dried and green fruit, at Kiiby's. (" No. 1 aud 2 shore mackcral, pickled salmon and white fish at Kiiby's, u!l fish warranted. Ir you want. (liio awoftuicr.t of plain, nud fancy (rpeerius to select fiom, go to KlrbyV, Bright's new building, on Market square, all goody, delivered within tho borough free of charge. FtM.fc htm to Ooii li.'iiiu--- thililriH" "boys," "yoVth,"; "men." 'fufclnniug v.tli the little fellow putting olf his petlicouta for his first suit, they go up to the luau who weighs t wo hun dred and forty, and fit them all exactly, out of their ready-made slock. No sized or shaped man or boy cannot ba suited at Wanauiakcr Si Browu'e OakT-uH. . . ! Tub Excelsior Boot niid Shoe -tore still take ! tho lead lu getting up a splendid assortment of ! Hoots and Miocs.. The l.xUilor has beoome tlie ! Br' uoot "" '"o Emporiufri lu this sjctl.m of country. We notice many of the countty mer chants buying therein prnierraee of city house, knowlnc thii'. the ttfu? ouuuot Le zenllcil liny- wliere.- New supplle jire eonstiintly nrrlvUij;, nnd tbe latent stylet aro alwayitup". on hand. - Aix Rubber Wear, at raaufactuivri' priws, at tho Ki-t'ulator. ' - , Uoots ami Shoes for the eoinm'inlty, nt popu lar rioos, at the K'i'ii'.ator. . Ji st reiclTtd, t) uQiaber f popnlnr fiojitt and French c4ilfklu, ol tlio Kz-gulalor. . . -' Joii-i S. Mjikmi has Jaht returned fioui tl. city wilb tlio larcjl, ehciipei-t and betl kto-k of Hprlug uud Bunmior C'loihlng that ha bevn brongbt to this lowu,or comity tbl prinf;. fall and toe Mia nt felmpeoit't liuUiUuf, lirkt ri uare, buubury, fw. I5 .'I. fiy.t1 flue. fiencU Calf, Bo-to Boots, ttltcU td bottom, nt thu IUfuhitor. . . , 8 poiimU l.'c white sugnr forfl.00, at Wcltscl, tiasklut it Co's. K.ululur Boot, Uhae, Trftuk and Leather Blore e.iUKilliluled with lha Book fctore. Call oue aud all. New yood at luw rule. . N. trauma LuiiiTun. ttuotutaeat' material lot uieeMaotunug, at the Heirulator. Tus C104U1I Shoe, a uutelty, elrgaut aud Coia fortable, at tbe Kefululor. t ui.iso fnut or ltll4x k Weo-.tOl Tmeu brats r, I'aiutwuuu. I wVioca, r. m. April IV, 7I. f. . ti'tof 'HI ,M. " 't M " '0. ')... it tl III I, lie, IU', 1 i'i ,113-, MJ'i IU'i IU', Ion1 , ll'-i I lu. ll', II- . ilii'i IU'. ll', HW w lli ilo , l"a luu1 'b V II f lUH'IMIK tl 0 Tl m i.ul. ty, ' ID 0't fo!4. feilt.f I.e.', I uuut uacl It. ft. ll M. Uoude. M', tVullal I'ailll ft. ft tMt. L'uiuu fecillu I.4U4 tileul kVa,.l t iimaiMHk AlUiH Uiii.V f ui tue tt ! I eu4 I wi oi ike k 11 to t4 I eluil.ea. ou fiiei. v I biutUe 1 ki- thiol'). ta) 1 imi lb i n H k xvib, e. loiik. of Ai, lu iv.4iwM li titeattue eu4 a.. 111 km, wuk teU4i m4 o lb. , awutlik., lu .) J. . 4li.M, IM k . ra- .,'' If Iii-I'kUiutiUi.lii a oirUi Slst luL.ot rontumi. iloii, Mr.'tt. BU1C1, futhe iKltli'-yekr-Af hlij ttg0' ' ,Vffcjf;io' ' ,.lr. J5r,tc rqcdlvfi ,bm trnluhig In Lewisburir, khi fqvorril Jcnis go Vy;nt,iq Philadelphia, nnd wae mndo'AsIs(arit Superintendent , of the IIouso of Refuge, and the prindlpal of the Reynolds BoW Graminar Bclwol, front wlvleh position he atnly restirned on ronnt of 1! health. ....... Kunbiiry Clralu -ak I'coilacq Market ' ' "cORRBCTEn WEKKLt lT It (LB ft ORHIXOKK. Giiain Cholw! White Wbeat.,.:...'..;....;...:..?! 60 Hen Amber, Winter.......; 1 50 Com.: 80 Rve.. 1 00 ' '" O'uts, ( lbs.) 50 Best Amber, Winter, per sack..., t Of) barrel 8 W) Corn Mcil. y:r cwt.,,. a t.O Bcttkk New York... I us Penusylvaniii Roll 40 F.rwli ?er;.i i IS MkaT Dried Uei'f, per lb..;.. MnokcJ Miit:on r. . 4. Venison I. inn tier lb 'tRi-il.'Wltit Pish, per.U)...'.i..A...., . . Cod " i. Fresh Shad v..... ..ADOsiH .'...S5 ..... .15 15 .. VBOBTim,i:s Turnips, per bushel... Potatoes " Onions' " " Henns; " quart....... Ilomlny, " " DniBD FhL ITb Dried Apples, per ft " lVitelK-s. " ' n-.errios, ' ? " BlRckhi:rri.!'.. " Rnspbevrjcs Gftur Afi'LEt per bitr.'si W 1 JO 1 JO 13fi8 12 l'JTU-l ..;..!i(lW,!5tl 1M(5 IS 'JO ioCi.i oo V- t1 ,5rJ 1871. 87!. LTJM BEn I FRYLING, B0WEN . & EH&EL, Silt sensors to tlie Sunbiiry Lumber Co., HAYING PL IICIUSED THE LAUGE Steam Saw Si Planing Mill, and lust fitted It up with tlio late-t Improved Mj cliinerv.'nre now prepareil to tilt nil orders for iill kinds of BILL TIMBER. PINT, HEMLOCK, OAK, eVc. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. . . SSDSiwC OF ALL KINDS. Hr.Mr.ocic; 'wniTE su yellow pine FLOORING, r-IHSGLES. PLASTERING , AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, . POOKfl. MOULDINGS. ItMI)S. KIICTTHtS A J?1CACKI:TS nt the very lowest pricuH. A large stuck always ou baud. " Stud for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Builruud or Canal, FRYLING. POWEN & KSGEL. Silubtiry, Pa., February 1Mb. 1X71. tini. READY-MADE ; CLOTHING. Tit A I AtVincf- fttitttt UU-IIVU1 X sfT WorkisXA V ' fk XTneNewfstStylMj ofthevcry2au ' Tvr... . t workman- C,.u ...lis. v.. a measurement, XJTXCreatest 3L prices, &o.f sent Ofarie- E free to any part ot ir ty. America, and good fits.X Tf? Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers & V ii i in i. ii Rnv unuer-w8iar oi ail i I kinds for all sea LliildrtU'lV ' .Nsnn, Whltn Wear at W . -TttB Y W astonlshina w IvIownricesA opeciauy OAK HALL, Ehth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Agricultural Implement, nOE'Stimln Rakiit, Steel nnil Iron ti.mleii lUki'S Loni; iili.t I) Hull. He ti.iti, t4 In -V M.uuir uml liny Forks, tin-s nml (irnin K. vtlie.j, Grain Cr.ullfs. t'raJli' FiiiL'i'is, Ti:ii. j "'J. T,!!fno u.",(1 L"if v1?' UilmUtimi'i', Kanuiiiir .Mill hiivis of uil larifii Hssrirtinunt of Ki'd Vnrrn Unmi'S, f ir l'iowiu Form Ikll, Cullinitrr-'lVtU. fr rul by J, 11. ii'iSJ MX Jk i'O. M.VLT1IAM WATtillS. t " 1 - 1 tn 11 JEWELEIliS, T.o. C02 Chostuut Street, I'hilsdelpLia, are uow pr"p;ir-nl to All Urd. for the CiKNUIXi: WALTIIAM WATCH MS, uuder tin Ir ovu u.n.iuUe, lu clltier lit Kwrttt .oIii wr t olu hiltt-r i , ( Vo eW iuWiMm ml I tij ui.) Hime Wali'be. Kieally txcel I'l tine fluUh, v.iilulf uf stylv, aud ui cuiule liuir krt- liii; iiiutl nr.. We luHe paiticuiur MiUullou to me luw pine at which a le.illy (jootl w.iiili umy Uow be hid. rirttw artitl lo u fur M lrlrt l.lal. Ur.lrl. rr.vU.d front ail niinl. Ii.m.iI, ,1 .l t , (j, 0. 10 illl)' udJly. H KI rrtlt'FH, sreurli.K to the ktueut buyer utiy adviiutugw pocu.d by a treaiil pur ebuecr. JAMlCtj k. t Al.UW tl.l. A Co., turt ( hr.luul tli c-t, fl.lls. April '.J, ISTl-Jia I- , , j TIIO)! l:t V, i 1.7 ft-Ulk ke.ou4 klivl,eka. Ckluul, 2 1 1-lilLAliFl.fltU f Hating jut ulwiit'l, with a Urife and wl C f! is.l J tixb of ronii-a aud Ikouvaiiu 3 M t ,u 1H1H, of ihi.l.u tl) ir HU I uua llUt. 'J 1 1.11,1 ll ( loth., 4llUlj., llfUf'tlil, KllK, T Mai., klatr It ' I., At , A'., all Uf WUl.b be HI . It 1 i li.' tor on. f - J. n I k V 4k I lrft Y, It ! t IM t.,iilb aw. oii4 Mtiei I 1 Ul, W lib 1 kjUt l. I u) rb. VS, . I . t.u. ttlU sUU. fltvto VAI.UAblk lull ua tha estate af a w..m4 eu I kiUul tllMU., lu lb lot gfc ut e-nU.1, uu ni. b lUm e. It I a bi. e.ii'lue' b'e, M.ll cad olouii.U..k Ike UuMmI, lete ul liwb -Ua, e'4 auit, el .i-l i..o, a lu urn Meikii eliMt, Ui Ike k-tve.k t 1, ou e bi. I in eiv e 4e v ..11. U.. elebie au4 n.lki.4-i.t Iviu.l. .1 Ik. i .u. 04 r. "i iuiuv. ear " rh 11, ii iiimL,;,GAsras CO., " K' ) 1 " av Ju"' received tin ihiincuiw slot-It of ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , and nre panrmrcd to get tip suits ftt short notice Rtirl gunr.iriteed to fit or Jto sale. BLACK, nnOW2T AND .BLUE CLOTHS, Dottblo width, C3 nnd upwards. ' . .. '.; . - '-. ' ' all wool 75c, and upwnrds. ... VESTixuS ftt all prices. I"' . iV--V ' ,; KENTUCKY JEANS 20c, and upward. .. .,.. n ' ; ,k .'.-.-.' ' . ' i: .' : ':- ... I '. . .! TWEEDSC2c, and upwards .. j r COTTONADE9 lac, and uptvards. . . : ' They have ulio made arrangements with the . 1 i . i . ' ' ' . ' i". ' ' ' ' ' '' A . .'. , .. .. ; ,. ,. .. : ' OF . . ... I'O Wanainaker & Brown, Piiil'a- . ... , ' ' . und nre prepnrcd to furulsh suits at their prices, .(u'y adcing tho cblof esprewnge. - . i ,. i ..... i . . if the goods e1 not givo satisfaction ujion arrival we'Vi'.'.li nturn tbeia free of harg. ... "" ' .' '.-I . i ... i.. ..' A full lino of samples for custoiricrt to select from. . . .ALL WOOL' SUITS' $13 AND UPWARDS. Special nttention fttrcntlou pttltl t' And the highest cash prioc paid fnr ' SPRING ! jAJT has now ou huud aud ii daily receiving lliu lurgist it id Uist selected STOCK SPRING' O-OOHS t ever ofletcd for aale iiTthla town, consiBting of an enormous aso:Uuoat of ' READY - MADE OjLOTIITIGh;, FOE MEN, BOYS & CHILDREN, which he h:id Hindu tu his own order, in the latent style of fanliiou aud befit iiiaiinor uf worktuatiship, tin imiucuce Stock of Hats and Caps for i-cr.tTii?rc Ai,ii Tim vr.itY mtkht riad a iiingniflceiit nssortuient of Gent's Furnishing Goods comprlsiug nil tlie novcltios of tho season. White and lancr aSMrSs, TRUNKS. VAMQE. IIMBKKIL:Ai9 IV'in cmnioi'tc'd jvitb eomc of tho larjuat houses ia tl-e ci!!u.-, nnd buying ait hia good for cttbli, he is iiuiWfd to otiiT GREATER INDUCEMENTS ttiHtt any of bin ivniH.'titurs btrv or il.i'u lii jv. Givo bin) a call, ' xtuiiir.u I is fioou nnd hoar his astonishing lon jhUvs. S. HERZFELDER. Under the neve Hotel, on Tltird street, S tlNSURY, PA. IMlkf' Ii. HI AI I t Tit, WATCHK8, JKWKLHY, 11 Aorth Net oiiU kit., r. f urrj , i I'lIILM'tU'lllA. j An n.surtiiioiii of Wairbre, Ji wtlry, riliv.r ami I'luurt V arc I'oii.'.iiil y on liuuil. Kepalriui; of alfhee U I Ji rli promptly : aiun.lril to. 1 1, l7l-l). I Bakery and Confectionery i In (he nt w t.iul.lii'S a.lj.iiiili( I lie Vl I ll!'i.i-,i..M.-il Ui.: llol, N I' Ml I II V , I I'. !k !w , Ju.l ipi-nc4 a I.iid ui.iiliuiul uf all kluJt i f CONFECTION ARIES l I Ui l) tllMillptloll. FIIESII EltEAD &c CAKES i t.i.y l.i.r .i.i.k. taiui.ii. will lu Uii.lt4 4iiiy ruaj tnacj) ib e'l kiuut ul liltr.Ali. IMIbI, III hK. IkA til Xt, at., a "I J kipt un burnt aiij Uiauulamuiv4 lulot tbu b.i Oi.uJ. . ul rloui. All Llad uf Tnucy Ottlitii Uot iuiu4 by mi) in t.Ln.11 rooiliti. ly uu bau4au uaauula.laK I In yju (o( Hall., tli'illie1 allU., I'ltUil'.i au4 utiiki. .1 iu-. tUoiu.t 11H.1I1 A.iul4n. UllollUe btoia bpMllt ll Ik I 4, ol at b. ikiku ), oil koiuie kliMl Wiethe fi-wl en4 kw4u4, will U...t 'IU LI Hull aiU'Ull'it.. '!M- yil.Oll'H.' loilaal J alu -ua .. I b - b Sill. I lat'otM, itoi I. ituk- tbe t.i tu Ihai.klvil I eiuuiioa l-i b Luulll.M lb. kauiti luviuritT M.i.k Iwtb, t Tt . Ul ti ft Al fit et klvnrt. tb l'u Al ft' t o lb ii.,4,vi-'', v . e'. 'li'l ( ! hseuniel it II ( I) ftleoi k I'Ui.l I lioatt SPRIG T i-xts STY LEPf. 7 t'l.ll l JIM AMI AKM 'St.Iti:! UlKMll AMI K)MKvriC GOODS of rivrv tfriido, Jui-t upciRil t lh MrltCMA.NT T.U'.OU SI10V o 1 MOM. (J. VOTT. h itic.ior a J. U. I'.vU, Vounb bliivl, below Mutkil. bl'.Niil'UV, I'l'NV'A. wl..t itc.lie liiahlouable clul'liul U.a.l" lo 01 Ji 1, ailt call at I In' ulK.v plaiuau.1 Lkuniiu II. 11 will SilicUJ, anil linit Milt lua.le tip hi tt Ih'i.i'! r talluu.tb iiniii.;. 4. THUS. C. MJ'I V- l. i,'l, lS'.U I'UUXH III III I I P r tut .Mitmiiiolli Hoot X Shuc Storo V l.l.l XII un. la C. It, Mnillli'. C.- iu, l. u.' Uml, One 4o4 I ...1 ol II.. 1'bil t'tll' ., v it 111 r Miu hi. an n, nvv't. Tvi k'.l..i. B 4., la l.i I 'l tli l.f't i" I " bb.x 'I iii ui. o.4, ! l I :i .1 to. k -i until Ulk. i, in 1 .1 Uiiui', aal I loll 1 .i 1 in koi Ituutt, hu'M aoii L.lltr., el b.. ol' b. 4kw, ku k t" u ui.a aunt. l.i.! k eat efl-'- bv,i.kfc4 '-. .H at '. tli.lti'.. .l l.i. ' eiu Of ", tuf etll U..H. .1 I. kl .., I ,,, . 1 tut. Ar t k.iiiu. 1 V kk4 fc 1 Mln.l'i la I a. .r.'. .l 1 ui ,i,ii..i. 1.1 iu. It 4 .e4 aboe line. Mil .ua n.iio I 4 iiii.i'ett-k Uiwi L4ii a.'.4 u l. 1. i ) a t ' t'l lo4 i i" J.I.VH kf Ve.-I. V.e'ow ttvt ll It U I 4 r-tubk i VviU.t tlMuit lt