Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 29, 1871, Image 1

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rvBtMaxD stxbt unuil T i
Sarit WTLTS2T, Proprietor,
At tl.0 la AdvaM.
II not wltaU ttontka
gwlitrtjto Jfrf Mm H JrVsstibs.
ComnoTRB with thlt tabllhnMnt U aa exteit
IwNKW JOBOrHC,oonUlnlnj variety of
pliua aad funcy type (quid to ao? wtbllhron
b tb interior of tb But, for which the patron-
eg OI um puoim rtspvcuuiij
W Law, offlee, door No. 5, Sod floor, Hsupt'l
Block, nunr Miller' 8bo Star, Buabury, .
March 85th, 18U.1J. : i
SB. DOVER, Attorney t Lsw. No.
S and 8, Bocond Floor Bright' Bullrllosj
Bnabnty, P. Professional buslnes nttended
to.ln thecourti of Northurnberliind aud adjoining
rour.tir. Clalmi promptly collected. Contulta
tlon can be had In tha Gorman language.
March 5th, 1871. lt , , , ... L
JERKniA.II BJfi'tfElt, Attorney at
Law, Bunburr, Pa. All professional bust.
iimi Intrusted to hli care will receive prompt at
tention la this and adjoining counties. Can be
consulted both In English and German. Alto,
tUlrlct Attorney ef Northumberland eounty.
i NO. 14 F0C0T ATBSfCt,
Notary Public, nitrtarg. Pa.
Jan. is, iviv. ly. .
h. HARKI.R CO, Market Street,
Dealert la Drug, Medicine, Palnte, on,
YJts, Vftrnlrtists, Lkjnor,
Pocket Book, Dairies, Ac.
Too t co,
SF. WOLVERTOSf, Attorney at Law.
Market Square, SUNBCRT.PA. Profettlon
al busins in thie and adjoining countiet prompt
,y attended to. .
DR. A. R. N.4VIDOE, respoetfully an
nonnces himself at Phyelclnn and Surgeon
to tie citizen of Sunbury and vicinity, having lo
cated himself permanently on Market street, near.
Yr opposite the Falrmouut Hotel, where be cun
be consulted at all honrt when not professionally
engagsd. aplSt-ly
GTV. ZIEVIiER. Attorney at Law, uorth
fide of Public Square, on door east of
the old Bunk building, 8CNBCRT, PA. Collec
tion! and nil professional businesi promptly at
tended to In the court of Northumberland and
adjoining counties. eptl5-C6
CA. REIMF.SIYERl Attorney at
Law, RCNBCRY, PA. All business en
trusted to hi care attended to promptly and with
diligence. apl27-C7
J NO. HAT CLEMENT, Attorney at Law,
BCNBURT, PA. Collection! aud all pro
fessiornl business rromptly nttBnded to. uich31-3
L. B. XA1B.
BRl'NER HAKE, Attm-niTi and Lonn
sellors nt Law. M'SBCRY. PA. Office on
r'urstnnt street, west of the S. C. and P. & E.
Railroad Depot, lu tlie bulldiug lately occupied
bv F. Lazarus, Esq. Collcctlou? and all profess
ional business promptly attended to In Norttium
brland and adjeining coitntins. apUO-f'8
HH. MANSER, Attorney at Law, Bl'N-
BURY, PA. Collection attended to In
the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apl 10-C9
l, AMarner at Law. SUNBURY. PA. Of
fice in Hatipt' new bulldlug, ccoud floor. Kn
trance on Market Square. JauVGS
AN. Bit ICE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury,
Pa. Olllee In Masonle Halt Building.
Collections of claims, writings, and all kiud of
legal builncss attended to carefully and with
dispatch. j April 8, 1871. ly.
; arbs.
antTTkacixe COAL !
Retail dealer In every variety of
All kinds of Grain taken lu exchange for Coal.
Ordcn solicited and filler' promptly. febl-71.
Ornc with nA, Faobxt A Co.,
. Order left at SeasholU A Bro'n., otllc Market
Btrect, will receive prompt attention. Country
custom respectfully eolicitcd.
Feb. 4, 171 tf.
WE arc selling Rims, Hn-Vee. Hobi. Spring,
Cnnvase, Bolt, Clir-, A-'ei. tc, very
Lr.rge Block nt A CO.
triinbury, Mnrch SO, 1S69.
J &hijiers and Wbolciale and Retail Dealer lu
L'jf" Sol Agent, wtstward, at tb elbratJ
IJurv Clav toal. Janl9 C8
rpnE bent of riding and driving horses alway!
A. on band to serve customer!.
Order lelt at tu Central Hotel, for vehicles.
will receive prompt attention.
Nov. ft, le'.J.
In Ainijxon'i Building, Markti Sqiutrt,
Sl'hBCRT, P..,
1 prepared tn do sll kind! of work pertalnlnB
to IK'Uiixliy. II keeps coustautly on haud
a I a rue assortment of Tcclb. and other Deutal
uiat. rUl, from wlilcli be will be able to select,
ml iiirti lb wants of hi eu.loiners.
All wik wdiranted to glvit!ftlou,oi else
the luouey vcfan lei.
Tb very l.e.t Mouth Wash nd Tooth-Powder
kei't ou baud.
ilit rt'leieui' r lb nitmeroas ptroni for
twin l'. bus worked for lit last twelv year.
BiKi'mry, April St,
FIHIE uiidrr'rnnl bavin coiiur.-tej lb Coal
JL hi!.lnr with hiM!iiv FU'l K A (iKAIN
tr.tJr. I t'l.pircl la tupl'ly fautliie withtU
VI.UY uivror (OIL,
heap roil r.iNii.
Txt, Bi.ivs nd Nul, .tsutly oa hand. Grain
tkiu lucxohaug fbrCua).'
Suubnry, Jsii. 1, t7o. -it.
lieu mrku. tMortii iaaa.
Ilr, l.l(w u4 ArcUvttl
. Autrh, Pulla4::ybU, Aswls, ,TS,Uil
BnlariiiM, "
Few Toil,
t 14, kill
4, tax
Vuuku.s A N, i.ik
lUuutrl, M
muuI, L"lua,
l.tM'k usi. Ikl4uey,
fiabkiiJ 'it4. if-hla,
II diia, r '.
II tiU'M t, IU'llw t,
f ,i ii (u: t m , Y"'i
V. ti.l ub J.'i II i ,
( ,.ut i.M ",
V j. Ii, H i .nt,
lv l-U'.
Ml lJ?
I m
A 4t4 vlti)l Of tStsM1 faivlell!
oft la , uvto ; Jeslanrantfi. i
ttnt ts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER
WORTH,' Piwrir1)n Term! pet day, 13.60. '
April 15, 1871 ly '
Proprietor, Bhamokln Street, Trevorton!,
Northumberland eonnty, Pa. Tb tabltf 1 np
plied with the beet the market afford, flood
tabling and attentive ostler. Jan. 21, "71
TTOOVF.R flOITNE, Third Street, at tha
AX -depot, BUNBl'RY, PA., Wm. RttlR, pro-
trlctor. Warm meal served up at all hour,
ish, Fowl and Oame. Freih Oyster con
unttr on hand and erved lu every ityl. Th
best of wines and liquor at the Br -i;':
fFamllle will be supplied with oyster
done np In any style, by leavlbg order nt ths
Bar. " .-v, I" NoT.5,10-ly.
Chettnnt Street, a lew door rota th IVpot.
;,. .. .. .' Bvhocrt, Fa., .
HAS open ft Retnrant and Eating Hotu,
for the accommodation oflh public.
Warm meal ran be had all hours. All kinds of
game, Btfr, t., terved np at thort notice. HI
bai liupplled with the beatllqnor In market. No
pain ipared to please, and term moderate.
Sunbury, 6eptember, 4th 1809. ly.
JOSEPH BACIfER Inform th cttlxen f 8nn
bury and the public generally, that he ha
opened a LAQF.R BEER SALOON nt the above
place. Th best of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquor
will be kept. Also Oysters, Ac, coustautly rv
ed up to customer.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Nortli'd
County, Pa., at th Station of the N. C. U. W.
. Cboic wine and eigars at the bar.
The table is supplied with the beet the market
affordi. Good itubling and attentive ostlers.
KLECKNER, Pjoprictor. So. S12 and HU
Market Btrect, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Termi, 82 per day. He respectfully solicit your
Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second
Streets, opposite the Court House, Suubnry,
Pa. May28,'70.
THOMAS A. It ALL, Proprietor,
Sunbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Meals served Rt all hours, at short notice. The
bet of Llqnon at the Bar. The Table 1 sup
plied with the best and latest In the markets. At
tentive servants. Terms nrodera'te. Patranay e
LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having Just refitted the above Saloon for tlio
accomodation of the public, is now prepared to
serVc 'J'.s friends with the best lefretlmients, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other mult
'o. 730, 733, 7S4 A 727 P(n Sf.,
(ox mi Braortin
Centrally located, connecting with all the City
Passenger Railway Cart, from all the
Depots In the City.
Excellent Aceoimnodotiona for Tra
veller. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert! every .
evening in the bummer and
Winter Garden.
KirOrrAwfrton Concert Evtry Afternoon. JEJ
riMB Ijuum' rbstaurawt tdb bbt or
Ofllcs of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery.
Jnne4, lS70.-ly.
Second Street, opposite Ike Court House, SUN
Resiectfiilly Invite the attention of Retailer
and other, that he ba on hand, and will cou
stautly keep all kind of
Consisting of Pure Brandit: Cognlae, Cherry,
Giuger, Rocbelleand Otard.
WbUklei: pure Rye Copper-nitlllUd, Mo"n
gahela, Apple aud Nectar.
"Wine: Champagne Wlue, Sherry, Tort and
Crab CUer, Champagne Cider, N. E. Ram,
Brown Stout and Scotch Ale.
And all other Liquor which can b found In
the city markets, which will be sold at Whole
sale aud Retail. Every artiel guara-Wd as
represented. Also, a large lot or DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, alwnyi ou haud.
F Order prompt I J attended m, and public
pulrouag respectfully (ollcltej
Suubnry, July 1, 1600. ly.
i: II. Couley, t Co.
HAS received nw assort uwu of all kinds of
Ilardwa.-, t'ntlery, Meehaaiet1 Tools, Ac.,
of ml 4f rluLtont. Also Wasruo Maker' Mt
lUls. Hubs. Klws. 8pokei. .Ito, aU kinds of
Lautber fur Bhociuaker' and Baddler'. Evry.
thlnii lu lb llaruwara lino can b found abU h
will be sold lu a ran be bought of any oih.r
establlthuieul la th country. Call and thwr
tok. .
k huuhury, Dec.
rpilt tadertiKned raving ret4 (hop en
1 Iblrd strent. tiearl uinoit th Ctnlral
Holrl, It prepared t manufacture all kinds of
HIHITH anu eilOr.t lu tu latest yi. n.s
sioek Is of th ver bl qu.lllv In the msrktl
Having lost tb largMl purtlun of hi ready uid
iiwk by lb lai tt; t will hereaftsr eon Hue
himself eluttly to mauufactuilug.
'lb public tie lusilwl U call aud (lamia bl
Mm k, and (tuad tuelr lliuuag.
Icrui feaaonabl. Rl lni da at ioit
ttotiai. sti-I pu!.
uitbuiy, June II, 170.
.4lt Mnel mm4 Hs
fiSUIOHStlB Millissst Oook, OgSIBSUT,
kv Just bee lul l
Uaiksl Itrosl, (We ! tf Oeailuit't
l.tiuiy eUxn,
fcU.tUL'UV, fA.
- ..... ..I. . a u U .1
Th llt Uyi 4 thf T'tma-liig, Fieurk
sai liuMui llAww. laee. Mi -. Ivk
l'k-i Cbisa, lolUi. ('ulO, Juiin O.uits,
1 a Ui iutf of usksf SitUiU.
lit SuukicIIwI tjUk U 4iUMl hwik, k
f-,lil i.) H.
. ctiiisu or rvrrfcuNi
f sVsMiirtMt.
Tk ls4 la ! 8kif d UrtlUf l su.
Iui mni4w4'IM aii t 4
T)lAf .lrfiW IMktxiaf.s4sa,
af,ffi,'fl5!7?v?Mfff,? w e;
, ... '.,!,-;; 1-,,., ...... , v .... ; y
IU D U II , I , II 13 W t-yZSf
IX H Tl I k ' Vmt?Z5i-fm
mm i mm i ,rrr.ti r n n
, Jjr JUL JL s
Marine Insurance Agency
L. IwdL YODER, . ..
Near tub Court House, Sunbury, Fa.
'I .; COMPANY" ' .;
or ...
Offlc S19 Broadway. Asaetts in proportion to
Ltabtlltle Inrger.thiin any other Company.
Examine the merit of this sterling Company.
It Registry System and Division of Policies.
' L. M. VODER, 8rclAl Agent,
Insurance Company,
,9,782,035 09.
L. J. Hendee, President. J. Goodmow, Scc'y.
Wm. B. Clnrk, Ass't Scc'y.
" KM. YODEU, Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
AMMetM, Jan. lt, 1871, 8210.08S 12.
CHAS. DORRANCE. President.
L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vlco President.
R. C. SMITH, Secretary.
L. M. VODER, Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
Pottsville Fire Insurance
T. ALSTADT, President.
L. M. VODER, Agent.
Sunbury, Pa.
Co ah Cstpitl,
$350,000 00.
HON. O. NOBLE, President.
JOHN P. VINCENT, Vice Presldeut.
M. RUSH WARNER, Hecrelary,
11. W. NOBLE, Treasurer.
8. 8. SMITH, Special Agcut.
Hon. O. Noble,
linn. J. P. Vincent,
M. Harllcr,
Capt. J. b. Richards,
Jauirs 11. Nelll,
F. II. Gibhf,
H. W. Noble,
Hiram Dnfttt,
It! -hard 'Hrlen,
Hon. (1. I). Dclumatcr,
II. S. Southiird.
John W. Hammond,
John Fcitig,
linn. B. Marvin,
Win. B. btcrriitt.
llenrv lUwIe,
t. T. Churchill,
C. Kuclrban,
C. M. Reed, Jr..
Capt. D. r. Dobbins,
L. M. YODER, Agonl,
Sunuuuv, Pa.
Insurance Company,
111 West Fourth Street.
Cttnh CplUI. 1, 000,000 00.
J. B. BENNETT, Presljent.
J. II. BEAT I IK, bet iry.
J. J. UfcllNK, bupl. or A jciiile.
Apyltrillou for lusurisuc protuptljr allesdtd
L. M. YODER, Aui,
SuxBtttv, Pa.
WILLUMapt)hT, ftSS'A.
lueor purslod 109. Cash fsp lal, f i JU.OuO,
jnii winrr. Pic.ia.ui.
st. Vs. UlUslfsioJi, Vmi.
Thm Orlgtsial I IsjtOstiaa t MiMS
r l'BltiajwlW
lsi fulUf Imu4 l Ik lussiy iHtiira
klat iUu by Uc'iluiitK fiM.
i stsMist ut , ru. 1st, T.
( I ., 1-1 v W
Imsj U k4 f A(tl, I HI w
Lk im fust MMl((. H
I.UBU MS OiuB I i,klsU. A'1! 00
H M kVMi u,
III. tt-Mltalti,
rrt itt u
twiun ruictM, r! Ds!is. riM wia.
14, 4 fll t 4. k
U m Vti'l-ll, ltt,
VW, 14.
V'xl uu
ll JVJ tkl
-qr. JOrrS8TCftT,7
I'hvsiclan of this celerirated Tnstltntlnn, h
discovered the most Certnm, epnedy( pleasant and
effectual remedv In the-world for all . i. v
Wenkncsa of the Buck or Limb, Strlctnres,
AITectlons of Kidneys and Bluddcr, Involun
tary Dlschiiiftc, Impotency, General Debili
ty, Ncrvotisne, '. Dyt-pepsy, Lnuirnor, Low
Spirits, Confusion of Jildis, : Palpitutlon of
the Heart, Timidity, Trvmhlinirs, Dimness
of Bight or Giddiness, Diaente of tha Head,
Throat, No nr Skin, Affect Ions of Liver, Lunjrs,
Stomuuh or Bowds tbee terrible Disorder
arising from the Solitary ilublts f Youth those
secret and solitary practices more, filial to their
rlctlin than the song ol Syrens to tho Mariner
of Ulysses, blllitlnc their most brilliant hope
o anticipations, renUcrinj marrUpe, etc., Impos
sible. . IOUNOMEN
especlnTly, who huve bccoiuc the victims of Sec
tary Vice, that dreadful mid destructive .habit
which nnnttnUy' sweep! tot an untimely grave
thousands of young rami af the most exalted
tnlents and' firlllinnt lntrHU, who might other
wise hav! tVlmmed tiaieiiius Senates with the
thunders of olnn,ucncc, er waked to ecstacy tbe
living Ijto, may call with full couHdencc. .
Married Persons or Yonni; Men contemplatlntt
mnrrloe. a-are of Physical Weakness, (f.oss
of Procrentlve Power Imiotency), Nervous Ex
citability, P.-klpitnllua, Ortranle Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or suy ; other Distiimlilleution,
speedily relieved.
He who place himself under the care of Dr. J.
may relii;lously connde In his honor as a gentle
man, and confidently rely twon his skill as a Pb
Impotency, Loes of Power, Immediately Cured
and full Visor Restored.
. This Distressing Affectlim which retiders LlTc
in Ise ruble aud unirriugc Impossible is the penalty
paid by the victims of Improper Indulgences.
Young . persons are too apt to commit excesses
from ho, teifis aware of t bo dreadful conscqenccs
th;it muy cuoiio. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into
improper habits tlinn by tbe prudent I Besides
being deprived the pleasures of hculthy oflVprln,
the most serious and destructive symptoms to both
body nnd mind nrise. Tlic system becomes de
ruined, the Physical aud Motital Functions
Weakened, Lofs of Proere.itive Power, Nervous
Irritabiiil', Dyspepsia, Pnlpitiiti'in of the Heart,
Indigestion, Cnusliuitlonal Debility, a WusthiK
of tbe Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay aud
Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month after month,
takintr pollutions and injurious compounds,
should npply Immediately.
Member df the Royal (,'ollcpe of Surpeonl, Lon
don, Graduated from one of the uo,t eminent
Colleges lu the United States, nuc tho fe'eatcr
part of whose lie has been spent in the. hospitals
of London, f rls, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere,
has effected somu of tho most astonishing cures
that were ever known ( many troubled wiiuriug
Ing 'n the head and when asleep, grout
nervousness, being nlarmcd St sudden sounds,
bashfulncss, with frequent blnshln";, attended
sometimes with derangement of miud, were cured
Dr. J. addresses all tlione who have Injured
themselves by improper ludulcence and solitary
hnbits, wbirli ruin both body and mind, unlitting
Ibem lor eilher business, study, society or mar
riage. 'I iiebk are some of the sad and melancholy
cU'ects produced by early habits of youth, via:
Weakness of the Back tud Limbp, Pains in the
Back nnd Head, Dimness of fc";;ht, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of ti.o Heart, Dysjicpsy,
Nervous lrrilubility, Derangement of l)iiri"tivc
Functions, Gcucral Debility, Symptoms of Con
sumption, ike.
Mestau.t The fearful effects on the mind
re much t be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
tusion of Ideas, Depression of bpiritn, Evll
ForebOilingf, Aversion to Society, Self-Dist -st,
Loc of Soiitude, Timidity, ce., are some of the
tvils produeeJ.
Thol'1nim of persons of all ages can now
judge what is the cause of their declining health,
loHnir the'.r vigor, becoming, weak, pule, nervous
aud emaciated, hiving a singular appearance
about the ivoe, cottghuud symptoms ul consump
Who have injured themselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged lu wheu alone, a bublt frequently
learned from evil companions, or nt school, the
ertetts of which arc nightly felt, even when
aslceu, and If not cured, renders marriage impos
sible, aud destroys both ulud aud body, should
apply iiiiuicdiuUl.v.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, the darling of his parents, should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life, by tbe consequence of deviating from tbe
path of nature und indulging in a certain secret
habit. Sui h persons mi st, liefijre contemplating
rellcrt that a sound in hid and body are the mot
necessary requisites to promote couuubliil happi
ness, ludecd without lb-se, the Journey through
lite li.'eoiiK t u weury pilgrimage tho prospect
hourly rHvki n to tho view 1 tbe miud becomes
shaduaed wit li de.pir and tilled with the melan
choly relit i '.ion, that tbe happiuess of auothcr
bccuiues bllt'ed with ouron.
When tli ni'.sguided rnd Imprudent votary of
phafure Hud tha. be has l:nhilu. the evd of
tills pain lul diseuse, U '. )) olteu hup)mus that au
iil tlui.d ttu.e of khume, or of ill.eovery,
deters hlin I'ruin applying to h'su who, from
cdueatlou und r.sieelulUitv, lau ilouc l-fiaud
him, ib layiii tilt the loust.tntlonal syiuptoius u(
this horrid u.eae make their ttppearauie, Ui U
as u'.eeruti'd sore lliioul, diseased nose, !;. nr I
t'a'un iu the hiad aud limbs, dhuutL tf
deuliKKS, ii'i.Us ou tuu shin hours und arms, i
bloli h. uii His bead, lut e and evlr. milks, pr.v
gressluK with Irigbtlul rupldity, till at Ut th
jHtlute uf the inonlh or the hours of the niv fall
lii, and the binu uf Ibis uafiil diseasu iM-ooim
victims to this tunl' l d M. thrombi fiillinv
into llm lianJs of Uuuisut or unskillful t'UK-
'I tsUKiib, is ho, if iu use of thut deadly I'oi.
11, Merur', Ac., de.iroy lb. euii.iumsuu and
liieaoahln ol mrluh, Ur tU uuliau) .ulkrsr
laoutU a. r inoiilU I4kui( lUlt nosiou tir tu-
Jurtous vo.iiiuiul, anil luilral if keluK rt.toteil
lo a r ntW4l ol l.iie t Igor ami ii.itiue, In ilei
uulr Uwv him llli rulue-l llralih lu slh uter
List K lllii UIMulutauiul.
'lu sueii, llieirlura, t'r. JuilM.TOS pledge him
self ! ireMir lb uuwt lukUdsbl korcev, u4
from bis ckUiislte I r jillc sud uUil allows m
lb Kreul lli'ltals irf Kurxiv, hu4 Hi Ui.t lu
this country, , 14 , ugUuJ, ( ruec, I'llUdulfhia
aud etssabui. Is us'ltl lu ull. r lb uui er
Uiu, sxly aud tli-ftual ivmsdy lu tb world
ful all dlKUM of tu''ud un.
1U. JUIUaluM,
urVli., kt. T, . rUr.l'tKU K HIKKKT.
U.tiiuoat., U. I'.
l- ft h.iud il l uiut hum Haliiuiur is.t. u
dou llolH lb VulVSSi 4 It Uut lu vtwnut
nud auiHir.
Itt' Su Mlri mired nults hMhI, aud
tuutslulbf a 1 1 Stub IU Ul UMd ou lbs tl. f
suits Miilttist sbtMtd lt s's sad scud itku
ul llltUM.UUIll 0.tUlt4 UJ(4'Ms.
tutr sis so lu.u) I'iii, Ik.iuluii nod
HuilltiMs lut'Utw tditi,ii4 ltu.s.ll
'h)4.iuiis, tuttiust lSl luiulu, tlta luuHU
ul So suttt'4uuU ) Uil lulu Ibsis (wan,
Ibul Jt.blt.iuU UWStt IMMSSUIt IU U(
a uorrn uojcei 01 cuuiium riiuim, nil uemn puis lucnllcca III ItulaS IU Uloie tllUU kindly (!
t, M.r1.' .L" I""1""1 ";" votion lor her welfare. Tho kulghls some-
him to ' trtitt I iidiMtivvmlt ouulty fioin whruco ,...-,i. i v... n........ ...
uo trawiu-r ivtun..." Uuw Kv lUuit ,lv.t'' , V' K'
It Is a melancholy fa. t thut thousands HIE ' r tliree years ho did uol trust hiiuaolf
.u iy luiu uuitoiuiud aiiit bt ituU-Uvvr. '( Uivo tluu. Ut iuttl tslWJ hi at.
Llt;?"'t " V14"""" w ...u sMJ'i'u.uaUliie,iuakl.eisls.Uii)iU
' itMmahMK)t l-rillK rMKM. ' J"!' U 'ls"jl J'
Tb. u..u, ,hu...-d, u..4 .t ibU .i4l.U.k. I 1' la ..
Su.fl, ,..( ,iu, ...f, su4 lbs ...u.. . im. UuUs Utt l4 U4 Uul liv4 W,ti
Miuut s..iy. it,.,.tu. (iSbnu.1 b ix.
.1... ...... I I l.y II ... . I I I II..
ti- ...4 utu) otL.i ,; w ix v !.. ssd s.t.uWI ulU i,t U,
aim I'tsgtiM irilPlir iHifi
A u U ' J 1 a
, 29,. 1871; r :;.1;
-; Iffcrt; jjoctrs.
Uelng Vp sm1 Coming Down,
This Is a simple thing, 'tl tnio,
And longs like thesenre never nice
And vet we'll try and scatter through
A pinch of two of (food ndvlec.
Then listen, pompons rrkend) and learn
" Never to boast of much renown
For Fortune' wheel W on tbe turn,
, And some go op, nud om coma down.
: We know' vart amount of stock,
A vast amount of pride insure t
- Ent fate bus picked so many locks.
We would'nt like to warrant yours. .
Remember then, and never snorn
' The one whose hand I hard aud. brown )
For li I llkuly to fco p,
Aud you are likely to com down.
Our live are full of chnnce and chans;s, '
And ehenec. you know. Is never sure ;
And 'twere dmtrino new and strangt, '
. That place high are moat seenre,
And though th Bekle od may smlic,
. "And wield tho sceptre and th crown.
TI only for )! while , , ,,,.,, ,
' ' Then B. goes up nnd A. come downi
Tho world for you arid me my friends.
Hath somel hiug more than pounds and pence;
Then let me humbly recommend
A little use of common sense.
Thus lay all prldo of place aside,
And have a care on whom you frown
For fear you'll sou him goiug up
Wheu you are only coming down.
'Now, doctor, there was fi queer thirti;
happened to a student in my class in tlic
seminary. I don't suppose that you arc
much interested in a love story, but 1
would just like to toll you thin ont because
I think you daro not apply your woman's
rights principles to it in every part. .The
ories often lull when practically applied,
yon know.'
'Go ot, Hu, go on ; I'd like to hear the
story. And as for rny prtnclplfs, they'll
bear applying anywhere," and the doctor
rubbed his bauds together confidently.
'This friend of mine, Henry Gilbert,'
said llu, 'was like myself, poor. A. long
time ago, when he was a boy, the son of a
poor widow, the lot on which he lived join
nd at tho back the lot on which lived a Mr.
Morton, at that timo it thriving merchant,
now the principal capitalist in that part of
the country. As there was a back yard
between the lots, my friend wns tho "con
slant playmate from earliest childhood of
Jennie Morton. He built her playhouses
out of old boards, he moulded clay bricks
for her use, and carved tiuy lo& out of pine
blocks for her amusement. As he grew
larger, ami as Jennie's father grew richer,
tiud came to live in greater style, Henry
gvnr Tnorc shy. Hut by all tho unspoken,
lati"Uiie of the eyes tho two never tailed to
make .Kir unchanging regard known to
each other. . , '
'ilenry went t? college early. At vaca
tion lime the two Jnet. But tho growing
difference in their social position could not
but bo Cult. Jounio's frionda Sesrt of a tif
ferent race from his tjwh. Her parents
never thought of iuvitin him to their en
tertainments. And if they .had. a rusty
coat and a lack of money to spend on kid
gloves would have eflectually kept ..Jtlh'.
away. He was proud. This appai'ciit
neglect stung him. It is truo that Jennie
Morton was all tho more kind. But his
quick and foolish pride mnde him fancy
that e detected pity in her kiuducss.
And yet all this made "him determined to
place himself in a postion in which he could
ask her equal. But you do not under
stand, doctor, as 1 do, how irresistible is
this conviction of duty in regard to the
ministry. Under that pressure my friend
settled tt that he must preach And now
there was liefore him a good ten years of
poverty at least. What should bo do about
it? '
'In his extremity ho took advice ot a
favorite tli'eologlcal professor. The pro
fessor advised him not to seek the hand of
a rich girl, tine would not bu suited to the
trials of a minister's life. But finding that
Henry was firm in his opiuiou tbat this
sound general principle did not in the least
apply to this particular case, tho professor
proceeded to touch the loudcrvst chord VA
the young man's heart. Ho told him that
it would' be ungenerous, and iu souto sense
dishouoruble for him to tako a woman deli
cately brought up into the povurtv aud
trials Incident to a minister's lite. If you
understood, sir, how morbid his souse of
honor is, you would not wonder at the im
pression this suggestion mado utxm him.
To give up the ministry was in his miud
to bu a traitor to Uod. To witi her, if he
could, was to treat uugeuurously her whoae
happiuess was dearer to lain a thousand
times than hit own.'
'1 hope lie did not givo her up,' s&M the
'Yes, ho gave her up, lu a double spirit
of ineditcvttl tulf-sncrilke. Jooking to
wards the ministry, hu surrendered his
low a some of the lil monks sauritlcvd
love, ambition aud till other thiugt tu vuu-
1 acltit'e. Iaikillg at her happiuess, lis
to xUtu lo In home. But liavius citulu-
tiled Ulld svUlel liilltasilf l'i' liiue Uiotillis
! over a church, lucre w as uo rcuiou why he
; khouldu'l go to i-V his uiotliur agaiu. Aud
. tliu villiao' tha si-ht uf tlia old
1 ul'l t" 'w Hlik, Hie ol tlMt oia
ih;uuoi-iiuuso Biu inn iiiurvii nivisvtt
thousand incumile that he Itad born eu
deavonug to Uiulsli. The gHiditi walks,
aud t.iully llm applm trie, tltalaia the
tuost uuclmuvaMu ot' bsliUliUrk, revived
lis) old pai'U wuU uuduuiuuliud iHiwur.
11 piued UU rouill at bigllt. IU I'xtkutl
out ul Ifiu new huuksi uf hi ricls Uvighbur,
lie vhah d uudcr the rvslrainl of the vov
uut to think aguiii of Junuu Morton, ll
sti llu old slury ol lust u wlt.i t hluk
tho svujIJ sulnltstil, but svhu buds it all at
omealHiul ltiuuM the tiunury of him.
1 Uj ul auosf how lbs tuoif miuht have
; kiiUchI, but it vtiss all el ootu iwi.i4 liuiu
I StlllloUl.
1 ' I'Uie Mtlse4 Liu a tumor tltai Jcimio
' wit alrvady lit Uiii'tlt4 wiiit olat'ulousl
: 1'iaiMM, tsUu Ur Mini' uiiu,i lu
' lu busius. Aud lu4i'4 i'oliiuat I'warswti
, ul iu and out of Mr. !orUiu'n(uiy
nvouibii, u4 lUe luilmr aua toluvur
Lis suit.
Jiwui ) Ut4 Udt 4 U Liiu. kow
, au iu ! simu .tus iu
I tk lU It 1 I... L '..Ll lAl'B t . lu 1 1 w
out the (Mtstfl tbal tUbii sis tu k lit
J, a )l4it j4 uitloU she
44 -Uuu ovil4 U4
i .V
i N Rerlea, Vol. S, No. 6.
! Old Scries, Vol.l, N. 32.
1 'For when lie called, after Jennlo had
dclcrmiued on this course, lie found her
so Hill of kindness that he hardly knew
how to behave with moderation. And so
he fell to Haltering her, and flattering him
self nt the same time tbat he knew the ins
nnd outs of a girl's heart, and he compli
mented hrr on the ninny oilers she had re
ceived. ' i ' ' .
'And I tell you what,' he proceeded,
'there are plcuty of others who would lay
their he.nds at your feet, if they were only
your equals. There's tbat young parson,
Gilbort, I think tliey call him, who is visit
ing hisraolherin the unpairjtctl and thread
bant looking little bouse that stands behind
this one. I've actunlly seen that fellow, In
iia rusty, musty coat, stop and luo.k alter
you on tho street, and every uight wheu I
go home he is sitting at tlio window thut
looks over this way. The poor fool fs In
lovo with you. Only think of it I And I
chuckle to myself when 1 see ultu, and say,
Don't you wish you could reach so high r
4 declaro if ltuojr.
'In that one speech, -Colonel Pearson
ttashed his chances to pieces. He could
not account for tho sudden return of winter
in Jennie Morton's manner. And all his !
sunshine was powerlese to dispel It, or to
bring back the least approach of spring. j
"Poor Jennie I You can imagine, doctor, :
how she paced the lloor all thtit night. She i
began to understand something of tho 1
courage of Hcni-y Gilbert's heart, and
something of tho inaujiness of his motives.
All uight long she watched the light burn
ing in the room in the widow's house ; aud
ail night, long she debated the matter until
her head nclicd. She could teach but. ono
conclusion ; Henry was to leave the day
after to-iuorrow. If any communication
should ever be opened between them, she
must begin it. It was as if she had seen
him drilling awny forever, and must throw
him a rope. I thiuk even such a woman's
rights man as yourself would hardly justify
her, however, in taking any step of tho
'1 certainly should,' said the doctor.
'But she could uot lind a way site had
no rope to throw. Again the colonel,
meaning to do anything elso but that,
opened the way. At tho breakfast-table
the next morning sho received from him a
mnguiticent valentine. All at onco she saw
her metlKid. It was St. Valcntiuo's day.
The ropo was in her hand. Bxcusing her
self from breakfast she hastened to her
room. .
'To send a valentine to the faithful lover
was tho uppermost thought. But how '(
She dare not write her name, for after all
she might ollend his prejudices or his pride
by so direct nu approach. She went lo
fumbling a drawer lor stationery. Sho drew
out a littlo pine boat that Henry had whit
tled for her many years beiore. He hnd
named it 'Hope,' but the Combined wisdom
of the little boy and girl could uot succeed
iu spelling the name correctly. And here
was tbe little boat that he had given her,
saying often afterward that it was the boat
that tliey were going to sail in some day.
Tlio misspelt uamo had been the subject of!
many a laugu Between tnctn. ,.row out.
1 luusiu'i bo beuiliiiemrtU
'It did not take Jennie long to draw an
exact likeness of tho littlo emit. And that
there might bo no mistake about i!, sho
spelled the name as it was on the side of
the boat : 'Hoap.' There was not another
word iu the valentine. Sealing it up, she
hurried out witli it arid dropped it in the
poRlofttce. No merchant sending all his
fortune to see in one frail bark ever watched
tlio departure nnd trembled fur the result of
the venture as she did. Spain did nut pray
half so ardently when the invincible Arma
da sailed. It. was unuttered prayer an
uuutterablo prayer. For heart and hope
were tho lading of tho little picture-boat
tbat sailed out that day, with no other wind
but her wish es iu its,sails.
'She sat down sit Her wiudow utitil she
saw Henry Gilbert pass the next street
corner on his morning walk to the post
otfico. Three minutes after he went home,
ho went home, evidently iu a great state of
excitement, with her valentine open iu his
hand. Alter a while lie went back again
toward tho postothce, aud returned. He
hnd taken a reply !
'Jeunie ngaiu sought the oflicc. There
were puoplo all around with thobo hideous
thlrigS they tii.ll comic valentines open in
their haud. And they actually seemed to
think them funny 1 She had a reply. It
did not take hor long to lind her room aud
to on it. There was another picture of
a bunt, but tho its side lead 'Ilex
pair.' A ;.tl these vords were added ;
'Vmir boat is tho plcasantcst, but under
btandittg there was no vacant place upon
it, 1 have Oven oo igwt to take (misshlju in
this. Slowly tho uicauing forced itself tipou
her. Henry had feitr thut sho whom he
thi'oyht engaged wus enqueuing with him.
1 think, doctor, you will hardly justify
her in proceeding further with tho corixs
poniloni o V
'Why not? Hasn't a woman ut much
rliiht to make herself understood in bucb a
matter as a man V Aud when tbe social
ailvaiiiagis are on her side the burden of
makiug the advances often falls lipon her.
ilauy wofneu Uo il ludircclly and are uol
'Well, you know I'm conservative, doc
tor, but I'm glad you're cousistent. Sho
did st nd uuoihrr valeutiue. I am afraid
I the lrain)4 this figure of .'tcu about tho
' bttat. Hut wbeu everything in the world
dewudtoQ Miia metaphor, it w ill not do to
i be histidl'Jiis. Jennie drew aua'.u the little
; Utat wit t tha misspelt nam. Aud this
time added live voiJi. 'ibc mailer's
I piuco ii vacuiit !'
! 'And quit late lu the afternuoou the re
, ilv was tell at tlut disor i 'I am an applicant
lor the vacant place, if you will laksthal of
masior'i mate '' 1
'Good,' rriuJ the doctor ; 'l alwnyi ad
vocated giving woman every liberty iu tbe)
iiiaikrs. 1
'Uut 1 will stump you vl, doctor,' said
llularl. '! list utUkt Gou-tb aasloUxt-
imu lu iho vilUao, and my uu-ud uctit,
; noi iu hear Guiiuh, but to sue Mi Jctuiio
'Moituiisia ilistatusi. Kuiiivliow, in the
j ktuptlat.tiou iif revived hoii,be had ul
lltousiltl of stluM ti Ilia hous lu ug Iter yet.
' IU It.'! i'o!i)u4 Ui di jMituru au4 ha4
, throw u sis ay I si Tuple. Kitotsinj how
uiueli uiMtai;iiiii ha uuuld have lu t'titl u4
! stub, U Ihuughl. l he lboualit al all, that
lie luuat 'tkt:i with tauliuu, llul
. konui iiuu) alUr lb Uiinr iw mh di-
I outvied thu l illoll lullilly wllltoul Jt.UUl.1
au.aly 11U4UU1.4 upou him. , "'-J . at
1 liuiuu wiiui4 for linn. IU near llm
h.-ttlol th (.ItuitU lu ultUih Mm Isvluiu
ualttU,au4iy tttiUol l.Ui tlu.wi
I' uiUi. '(u a tout u Mul wiy. llul at
i iltoui,hl of Jeuui waiHi'K hoi! it Utntit
loaiur of li au4 uvatb. if the I uan
U4 Uu o a Im. otsuul uot I sve Umu
! U.UISI loUUl OU WbilUsl i int. lie iv-'f
4 the ti u4, lui tsut i lit tt I'isat lilUin)
lu tt Itlk, Mti bu n .i ,M
Jtboi btW M 'atst' t,'ba IU
'11 4 rVl I leW.t,' hH
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m l s.oi Has. on 4H.w J.eo
doctor, vehemcully. You see I eland by
my principles.'
'But If 1 tell the story out I am 'aftnid
you would not,' said Hubert.
Why, isn't it UoneV' .1 -i . -., .
'1 beg your pardon, doctor, for Uavrrsg
used a little craft. I had much at stake.
I have disguised this story in III detail.
Hut It is true. I niri the hero ' '. -
The doctor looked quickly towarsl his
(laughter. Her head was brnt low over her
book. Hor long hnir hung about it like a
curtalu, shutting tt nil view of tbe fece.
The doctor walked to the other window
and looked nut. irurbcrt-fratlike a niguiniy.
Alter a minute Dr. Hood spoke: :
'.Cornelia!' ..: (
Sho lifted a face thaVwas aflame. Tears
glistened in her eyes, and I doubt dot there
was a prayer 1n lier heart. '' '
Youarnabrav girl. I bail other plans.
You have a richt to choose for' Yourself.
God bless you both. But It's a groat pity
Hit not a lawysr.,. Ho pleads aowelL'
ho aayins, be uut on his hat and walkvt
out, leaving the young aiintaler and his
neirotnen alone. , . - !
lluchsnan and Jwcktoa. .
Col. Forney, in his anecdotes of publle
men, relates tbe, following: Shortly after
Mr. Buchanan's rctcrn from Russia in
1S31, to which he had been sent by Pre
sident Jackson in 1832, nud Immediately
following bis election to the Seuate of thi
United Slate by tho Legislature of Penn
sylvania, to fill tho uuexpircd term vt
Wn. Wilkios. resigned, who,. In this turn,
was sent to succeed Buchfufn in the a.-ytno
foreign mission, Buchanan called upon Old
Hickory with a fair English lady, whom ho
de8iredto present to the liead of tha Ameri
can nation. Leaving her in tho reception
room down stairs, he asceuded to the
President's private J;uartra and found
General Jacksnn utTbhaved, unkempt, in
his dressing-gown, with his slippered Ret
ou tho feridcr .before a. btasitig w.ood Are,
smoking a corn-cop pipe of tbe old South
ern school.
He stated his object, when the General
said ho would be very glad to meet the
handsome acquaintance of the new baehi
clor Senator. Mr. Buchanan waa always
careful of his personal appearance, and, id
some respects, was a sort ot masculine
Miss Fribble, addicted to spotless cravat
and huge collars; ra'.hcr proud of a small
foot foi a nan of his largo stature, and
lo the last of his life what tho ladiea
would call "a very good figure." Hav
ing just returned front a Visit to the
fashionable continental circles, after two
years , of ihrroufth intercourse with' tho
etiquette of one of the stateliest courts ia
F.tu'opc, he was somewhat shocked at the
Idea of tlic President meeting the eminent
English lady in such a guise, and ventur
ed to ask if he did not intend to change hit
attire, whereupon the old warrior rose,
with his long pipe In, his hand, and deliber
ately knocking ti e out of tho bowl,
nt.l In Itta rViiifidt l.JJt.,,U'tii x niutt tu
givo yon a little piece of advice, which I
hope you will remember. I knew a man
once who mado his fortune by attending
to his on business. Tell the lady I will
see her presently." ...
The man who became Presdent in 185Q
was fond of saying that this remark of An.
drew Jackson humiliated him more then
any rebuke he had evr received. He
walked down stairs to meet his lair charge,
and in a short lime President Jackson en
tered the room, dressed in a full suit o
black, cleanly shaved, with his stubborn
Whito hair forced back from his remark
ablo face, and advaucing to tho beautifu.
Britisher saluted her with almost kingly
grace. As she left the AVhito House sbo
exclaimed to her escort, "Your republican
President is the royal model of a gentle
man." A Stouy or two Legislators. A
Parkersburj (West Virginia) paper says
that several members of the Legislature took
the cars at Grafton late on tho evening of
the t'th ultimo, for Wheeling, and among"
th? number was u Mr. G.,of somewhat
largo proportions physically, and a Mr. IX,,
of proportioual undersize. These two, the
sUil wu t t Mr. G. nud the smooth-faced littlu
Mr. ., took a berth together, it seems, iu,
a aleepiug car. The littlu mnn laid behind,
nnd the good-ualurcd, waggish Mr. G. be
for?. . ,
Mr. D. was steeping and snoring furious
ly. Mr. G., more resiles, uuder legislative
burdeus, soon rose, ami was sitting by tbo
stove, when an elderly lady came aboard
and desired a berth. , . -
'All right, nsadarrV eald G. 'I took a
berth with tnv sou, and you can occupy uiy
place in that berth where my Utile boy is
sleeping. '
Tukiug Mr. G. at his Word, the lady dis
robed aud lay down with the boy.
Alter a quite rrpose of some time, tha
boy, Mr. Ii., became restless from some
cause, aud began to kick , round to the au
IV) ani of the old lady, to, in a maternal
umnner, sue patted hlin on the back and
huid t
'Lie still, sonny ; pa said I might sleep
along with you."
'Thunder and lightuing !' cried th legU
latur. 'Who are you V I'm no boy ; I am
a member of tbo West Virginia Legist
luix !'
It Is sail! that the old lady iwooord, and
could not be brought to till 1). promised G.
should be liuaehtal.
U saiMii tbat tho thing shall not rest
titer. What action tbo Legislature will
lake for the proutiiju of in Uiuity re
iitalus to be sees.
TasTK Not lrunk I Young 1110 did
you ever sioii in ihiitk how uaible that
vturJ souuil V DM you tver think tshai
niiiery yu brought upou your fnudi whtu
you uuntileil )our wuuhooU by gettluj
drunk. I'tutkt How the tsorj rio in
lli tui ol loving svilti. Jlow it twakv I he
lu art of a iiiotU r Wi. How 11 iru)
llm liiipt of a fuilu r, au4 brtugi khstua
ml n 1 ntttli Uhiii iUi, iuokl hr
him u lo kau uuulnst lite oiur ol' on
liivutliy buuw. IU iuutl rwail) tu tuil
lulu lite Ua I'I'Ltll. uiioniMkluus m lu U10
upliruatliiitd fait.. 1 h vtiu , vtiiU atlnittf
lusill, U ul thu aio.toW luhuar !' bu-Utn-1
btoisU 1 - tut ibt-y ut'Ut not. lie
t diuttk 1 Im I iiliiiii llu) awausof iu
um fur iuiuur whilst In family U t4iviu
r bls l, li.rltHJi 0 t t'ttiliiMt. iNuuk I
IliS KpUlaUoU Is gulUg- Molt I lit lliaswls,
oitu by oltt), i Is lot) It. is) lulitsUUs, Uo
ko iuuii iu ttt i4V uuUuutu4 ku4 u
ll, vuss, U.S. fuf luH U Im SIS,
Wb, b l-uvb tb !! vl ) tb U
i.f bst'l
t bat V bl I sil but ksUtstO sVttlt,
M l, s'i lb u, I0.4 w m ssltt
u.t4 Us lb I bt'.uisKt futM ys
A s4suiUuti U KWrl rjts'4
rio .iii lo TbtOBo
m m is ti0rsH -
rtiM, in