tratlont. . He has niiMpted the simple policy of peace and kindness, good will and Integrity In dealing with thorn, first Inau gurated on this coutin6tt(by William Fenn. It is working out the most salutary results, and t believe I am justified In making tho Statement that at no time in the past within a hundred years have we been so nearly at peace with the Indian tribes of the conll noot as we are to-day. ICyou will review the history of our country in conucctlon with the Indian tribes, I believe you will be , able to bear witness to the correctness of ; this statement. The policy of the President Ms a policy of peace. Hit paths are paths 'of pea!6, and although for trying to preserve 1(lhe peace between two neighboring repub lic! he has been arraigned as a criminal, ot he has already been acquitted at the 'far of public opinion. Applause. Those ho have triod to impeach him of high Crimes and misdemeanors havo IMPEACHED THEMSELVES of supremo folly.. (Applause and laughter. . Somo two or three weeks ago we were beaten 'fu New Hampshire. Tho Democracy took great courage, niey said it was an evi ' (leuco of reaction, that the Republican ; party was dying, and that they were coming f into power. The truth was, it was the re sult of local causes, local dissensions of apathy brought by long success, of tho in- difference that results from continued tri umphs. There was in that defeat no ele ment of degeneracy on the part of the Ko .publicm party. But we have had another election in Connecticut. You havo doubt less heard of that. A voice, "Where is Sumner ?" We did not count very much on carrying Connecticut. It was hardly our year to do it. That State has been lose for a good whilo ; but the Republican a 'there determined to show the Democracy HJiA't they wcro reckoning without their tost' 'Iba't tho people of ' the country did "hot Intend to put this Government into the hands of that party that bo nearly brought tho llcpublic to rum. Wo have TRIUMPHED IX CONNECTICUT, and the elections in other States show that the Republican party, so far from being in a decaying or dying condition, is full of lusty life, and will ucliievc,a grand victory in 1872. Loud applause. Last year wo lost Indiana by a small majority. Tho de feat was the result of local causes, causes growing out of State questions, and was nowise connected with national politics. Rut that will not happen again in Indraft. If we had nn election to-morrow in Indiana I believe we shonld carry it by ton thousand majority. In 1872 tho State of Indiana will show that she has not yet forgotten the ser vices of her soldiers ; she has not .yet for gotten the glorious dead ; sho hn& not for gotten the principles of her great party, which alone can save the country ; she will show that sho has not yet forgotten that hero that led our arms to victory. Cheers. My friends, I have spoken to you longer than I Intended. There aro distinguished persons hero to-night whom you will be glad to hear. THE VICE TRESIDENT, a fellow-citizen and friend of mine . from Indiana, who long served tho State wUh great distinction in Congress, and who now presides over tho Senate of the United States with distinguished, ability and suc cess, x ou win be giaci to hear lrom mm, and to hear from other Republicans from Indiana, ame and eloquent who have iaith fully served their country for years. To my Indiana friends I again return mv thanks. To my fcllow-citizcus of Washington I ex press my inanKs lor tncir presence here to night. mmorns Fun in Court. Those who rarely of never visit courts of law. and who imuxino the judges to be austere meti with tho most ttignined visages and presences, clothed 'in tho gowns and wigs of oftlce, will be some what surprised to learn that occasionally the judicial ermine is ruffled by a zephyr of real wit and humor, or scintillations of jovialfun in repartee between judges and counsellors. A recent colloquy between a judge and an attorney is reported as follows: ' The attorney was arguing in favor of the proximity of a person's residenco to a church, and the reasons adduced were, of course, sucnas aro well kuown to all read ers, when the judge iuterruptcd him by Bavin-': "Mr. (J., I think if you lived next door to a church tor awhile, and experienced tho petty annoyances consequent upon it, you would not argue so vehemently iu favor of it." Attorney. 1 beg to disagree with your honor. I was bom and raised in a pitrsou ago, which was next to the village church, aud the happiest days of my life were spent iu that dwelling next to tho church. Juslieo S. There is much truth In your remarks, no doubt, sir ; but if you lived ueur a cuurcu uow in your maturity, as uu uow, 1 liiiuk you would experience nonio very uupicasuutana anuoymg inci uents occasionally. I can assure you, tiud it disagreeable at time. Attorney. 1 have no doubt you do, your uonor; out tuat Is easily exiiltuueu, 1 una- K ne, as your honor reside next to an vpixcopalius church, and you aro yourself a strict iTtBDyierian I This witty rejoiuder convulsed tho entire court with witty laughter, iu which till present Joined hut ly. A 1'LAlN Pitoi-osrriov. It is natural lor limit to indulge an nttito that affords hiiu jjleaauro. bo frequently in many canes lias been tlouo, that what at Unit was luuuceiil, ty constant Indulgence become vice. Jt has bu.ii to with l'utrii-k O'ltear don. aud he uow ituts in an uiiduai-uuco Int. for ft Justice oti the churgu of haibtual tlru likeness. 'Vou will iM'rsUt lit drinking, ttrV'juid Hut niHilrU). "l'uitli, you may well say that; I'd get thirsty lf didn't. 'Then you don't drink wln you are thirsty, but ouly iu tar that you umy bo tome or" "Vis sir." "And you think whiskey is Utter thau water IT" "It's, sir.'" "Hut do you think it's as good V' "O, yes, sir i tfuut you mil mis tlmu, kud tho whiskey kills iV.c i...,tritif i On ItUK'." "But whs, kills tho Impurilus hi the Whiskey T" .krj I ho Justin-. "Nothin1 at ult i Jmi nil (A. .WtV it. ',' ha r. .lid, lilmuplmnily 4 im very niis Ii as II U UJ tsuUislitd i.iui. Sitluu lluil aUniUUd ul uo Uuulul. Eiuoiu At, Vt!tiMr.-.iuiU.iws W J, SUiUbUi ft f,fia mM iVUw Uudr' Isks Mto.t upsiul slip Ml ll itm Umms i put llitN Uu k lulu iImi kuUW and lx4l Hif (is if Louts. 1 Um simiu lU h i', sod ttoml awsy until D unl d4. WlwU WSHtakJ, tak l-H Dm Ul, put life. MJ( lut S t'iudU 1.04, hvi I lH. Mil, tell uiiluu, half lUkiiul ui lUttl Mils- 4 lu ssur, suj ilui t uitsttt. ituit luuiy uuuuUs b4 wits U4. Uwisl m.i'.ir, IUIiiiw.i, tvlls tMWvustsit UUy flMV y dill IUUJ IM IfOK I Uf.Ulh, su4 Mill fr SI HENRY T. IIELftBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID - EXTRACT CATAWBA Component PartiFluid ExMct 'Rhubarb una Fluid Extract Catawba (J rape Juice. For Llrcr Complaint, Jaundice, Billons Affec tion, Blck or Nervous Hunrtacno, Costlveness, etc. Purely Vegetable, coikairiing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. ffil These Pills are the most delightfully pleasant purgative, supersefttng castor oil, salts, magne sia, eta. There Is tlOthlnr more acceptable to the stomach. TheV'fj'b'toHc. tihd cause neither nausea nor gripping pnliis. They are composed of Iho ftnttt ingredient. After a few days' use of them, such an lnvlgoratlon of the entire sys tem takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from lm nrudence or disease. H. T. Hclmbold's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pill are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, hut pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the doelrei. cllect. Hie catawoa urupe Pills, being pleasant In taste and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per box. HENRY T. HELnBOIiU'H HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Fluid Extract Saritaparllla Will radically exterminate from 'ilie system Scro fula. Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bore e.yes, Sore Lcifs, Sore Mouth, Soro Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Bait Kheum, Cankers, Runnings from cho Kur, White swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Night bwents, Kash, letter, Humors or all mils. Chronic Khenniatlsm, Dyspepsia, ana an diseases that have been established in the system for years. n-t... , t -i . rKM plaints. Its blood-purfylni? properties aro greater than any other preparation 01 TOTi'a'PRniia'. it I gives the complexion a clear and healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing nil chronic constitutional diseases arising from nn IiuduI-c state orthe Blood, and the onlv reliable irtid effectual known remedy for tho cure of pains and swelling of the Bones. Ulcerations of the ttTont and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Face, KryslDelas and all scaly eruptions or the skin, and beautifying the -complexion. Trice, tl.50 per Bottie. m HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S VJOWCSVtRATIiD nuiu extract Kicni, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been irlvcn. Irritation of the nerk of tho Blad der nnd Inflamntion of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys ana ulndacr, retention or Urine, Diseases or tbe prostrate l.lancl, btonc in the Bladder, Colenms, Gravel, Hrlckdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, for En feebled nnd Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms i Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of. He mory, uimcuny oi sreauuug, wean nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,' Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain la tho Back, Hot Hands, Flughinf! of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion ou the rare, pa lid Countenance, Vulversal lassitude of tbe Muscular system, etc Used by persons from the aces or eighteen to tweuty-five, nnd from thirty-live to fifty-flvo or In the decline or change or urei alter connns- meut or tubor paiue ; bed wetting In children. 115 ttclmbold's Extract Buchu Is Diuretic and Blood-purlfyini;, nnd cures all diseases arising from Habits ot dissipation, nnd excesses and nn- deuces in Life, impurities of tho Blood, etc. superseding copaiba in aTcctations for which It Is used, and syi'hllltlc affections In these dis eases used in connection with Hclmbold's Rose Wush. LADIES. In manv affectations peculiar to Ladies, tho Extract buchu Is unenualed by any other reme dy as in chlorosis or retention, irrccularlty, painfullness or suppression of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or scmrus stata or tliu Ulfcrus, Leucorrlloca or Whiles, sterility, and for nil complaints incident to the sex, whether arising Indiscretion or habits ot dissipation. J I Is pre scribed extensively by tho iMost em'.neut physl- elans and mid wives ror enfeebled nnd dellentc constitutions, of both sexox and all aires (attend ed wllli uny of the above dtsr.nses or symptoms.) H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURK9 DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU- DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION. ETC., In all their status, at little expense, little or no change Iu diet, no IncoiiYcnicueo, and no expo- sura. It caukes a Trv,uonl desire, aud Rives strength to Lrlmttfl, tlicreby removlnir Obstruc tion. I'revenllni' nnd Curimr Strictures of the Urethra, Allaylui; rain aud lullunmliou, so fro- (Uti)t in this class ol discuses, aud expelling all roisoiious manor . 1 housamls who have been the victims of In- competent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured In a short time. Have lound tucy have been deceived, and that tho "Poison" has. by the use of "powerful astrliiyeuts," beeu dried tip lu tbe system, to break out In a more aggra vated liiini, and iH-rliapj alter Marriage. Use Ilelmbold's Extract Buchu for all Affec tions and Diseases of ths Uuiury Organs, wheth er exlhtluir in Mala or female, from whutever orljciimlint;, and no matter how long standing. nice, ouo dollar aud nuy cents per bottle. JL MK.N'Hy T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WAHH Cannot be surnisstit r.s a Fucu Wash, nnd will Ix found t tic only secltlc remedy lu every species ol Cutaneous AUoction. It speedily cnuiieutes ltmples. Spots, Scorbutic Dryness, Indurations of I lie Cutaneous Mcuil.ruuc, etc., dispels Hed- ncs und inelplei t Iutlaiiiiilion, Hives, Kash, Miitli t'utchrs. Dryness of beulp or tklu. Frot Hites, aud all purposes for which Salves or Mnt menu are nsed reslurvs the sklu to a stats of purity aud softness, uud insures cuulluucj healthy sellou to tlio tlsue of lu vessels, on culi h dviwnds Iho aureeubls elemcss and viva city of coaiiilcxlou so much sought and admired. tint uowcvrr vamuoio us a rvmouy rr ttuiing defects 01 the skin, II. T. lleluittold's Hum Wash his lonii siuUliucd U piliiclplo claim to uiilxiuiid ad palrunuL'f, by ptsvialu3 qualities whUh reu dr U a Tollot Apn.:Jaife f lbs most SuperU live aad 4Jwui;uiiLii lUarui'tcf, toiubliitng lu so th'gSM Turmuis tuuss nrumlneul requisite, Bale- ty nnd EUleury-lHs tnvarutblo actDiuiniuliileulS ol Us usa as s Pruuirvutivs and lblnbvr of Ihu rtuipltUli. It U an tmcalleiit Lotion for dlacaxi uf a Kypblliltu Nuluiu, mii4 su inji Ituit fur disease ol lm rist Jus, aruiug ftum liatiits of uUaltulluu, ummI lu Miuaclluii Uhtbs kslraeis Uiivlin. tWrsHiwrilla. aud Cs. tswbs Ural's nils, is suuii aiswwss m utsutlMi, rsuuut bs surksad. 1'tks, owe duil&r J I buiiui. ID Fall ssJ Sl4b t-roitlous SviwsnMtUV tilt KtuiusMHiof tus must rusiMiusibU ssd islutl banti Ibiuwucj un apllttlM, atlU bs. ilxuu uf th'uauda iff litltirf wilaawsus, aud uu. witi4 oi su,uuu M.Jklll surtlumtasaud khuiis. muiulalury Utlvrs, iKaf ol sklulisra Irisut I Us bUltMt susiuw, Ituilu.Uuii iwisml lbtuUus, I .u'tJU'ia, S4trUMHt, Mti. 1I iioiluur Ims u, I iwuiii Mi Itw .!!ua w h luitts. tu i Im S' h4 l Lis Ir.MM Ika tuwi lu l atu4a SS Siauidud Sv.r4lUM, (ltd in but Vy4 Hi us f'l4 kji itrtiSislcs, Usury T. HslMsksiM's) Li ( WstrMltOMSt Ii4ll(is4 t tf ) addle. SmSsb lfH ul4.. s.uuuIh4 sa.iJ ut li simH. SV4J tf Uusul tiw , 4 J l. Liwis Uh kk. i-if. u..4s u. f. tuiu-Uiia's t4 sud IviX.vf Nit I Uim.Um s I W IvmIS Mi., I V.ii,. f ti.s' -4 t .-..!.. S.V m w,4,ir 1 tiSKlfalteOKS. . - .. Nlt.HtUNtUri.11, tv ' VIEWS, ALBUMS, CnROMOS, FRAMES. J E. fc II. T. ANTnONT OO., 501 Brossdwstjr, Mw Yrk. . InvKs the attentloa of ths Trade ts thHr extett slve assortment of the sbovs goods, of their own publication, manufacture and Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES sod . , ORAPnOBCOPIS. NEW VIEW8 OF T08EMITE. ' E. 4 n. T. ANTHONT A CO., 691 Broadway, New fork, . Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMTORTBRS MB MAHDrAOTUBSBS OF Fbotogrsptata Materials. ' ' torch 4th, 1871. ly. 1870. F&LL AND WINTER 1S70. MXLUNKBY GOODS, ' South Fourth Street, below tba ivllrcd, The present age of endless fashions and Innu merable styles require tbe most dressy person to be on ths alert in order to "keep peace with ths times."- Tho handsomely arrayed lady, she saunters along the street With a pretty and latest fashion bat npou her head, Is Indeed an attractive object -to look upon. Miss M. L. Gossler, ths popular MUUntr, on Fourth Ctrset, below the 8. V. R.. R.,. caters to please aud satisfy all her customers, in ncr store are some oi tne latest modes In millinery extant, such hs ' 1 BONNETS, HATS, FRAMES, 1 Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Flowers, and mimertms dftior apmirel for ladies' wear. i Call and ses them st they have just been se- cclvcd. ' , t M. 1 0O8SLER. ot.2a, 1870. a . YALJj AND WINTER ; New . Arrival sf dooslsv r , : ,' 'At i MISS KATE BUVX1 STORE, Market Square, BUNBURT, Penn'a., ! Just opened, sparge assortment of , , tuuivs vnuso uvuus, , consisting of the latest styles of plaTOTin 'pTold rooub, iu ii locir varieties. ; Dress Trlmsnlnca Enbrslderies, NOTIONS, &c. A OBNBBAL ASSORTMBHT. OF . i iArIES'-.WTX)LEN GOC80S. i Gonts' Collars, Ncck-tloe, Balf-hoss, Tlabdker- chiefs nnd Gloves., v. . i i Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, HalrBrnshM,Conibs, ' An Invitation Is extended to all so sail and ' cure bargains. ' eunnury, jnov. d, ibtu. - DANIEL LESHER. ' ; - ' A. J. MILLER. EXTRA-GOOD BARGAINS . Just opcued a the store of - Messrs. JLESIIER 4 MILLER, In Bcott's Bnilding on QUEEI STREET, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP . WW' CrOOIHs, rr 'OmprWnc nil the Fall and W4atr Styles of Lauics' Dress Goods, Woolen Goods oVc, Cloths, uisslroercs ana ticntl omens' uoous generally, which will all be sold at great bargains. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of nil kinds and of every description. 4uenwarc, UlnMware ssd Wll low-Wsire. BOOTS AND SIIOBS for Men, Women and Children. FLOUR AND FEED tf all Unas, Inconstantly kept on hand. Tbey will also purchase GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, at ths highest market price, and will exchange gooas tor urain. The nubile are Invited to call and examine onr extensive assortment of Goods before purchasing elsewhere, and become couvlnced that uoods can be bought lower than eisewners at our estaousn ment. LESHER MILLER, North'd, Sept. 17, 1870.-1 y. TIME IS MONEY 1 1 A LL Wnll Paper and Border, sold by me wll Xi. be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, BT TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, which I have the exclusive risht to vss la Buubur and vicinity. Have luouey, tims snd isoor, py oujinx 01 N. FEKKEE LIVIITNER. Dealer lu Books, Stationery, Wall Tspsr, Music, Ac, Ac, Ac Suudny School SUPPLIES mads a speciality. silastic, Mensorsmdam Jt I'sums Bssksi In endless variety, Just recelvsd. BOOK BINDING done to order. Persons will snve expeuseby leosiug their orders for binding wiiu me. PICTI'IIK FRAME ....! m..k iM..a Ihs ki .vistittnar ast Wsr lflM ruus. OVAL k SUCAKK Fit A sit 8 always baud. ALUUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD TENS, .., &o., Ac. A large snd well asleoled slack sfTsysslway on bund. Anything nut on haad promptly ot deted. pargalus for easb. Call at N. FEUREI UGIITNER'S Book Ktore, Sinn of Folsi's Quid Pa, Market Si.usrs, kus bury, Pa. stuubury, Augsst otn, isio. J. W. WAHiUNUTUNV t utitu UAMUKM mior. Tba t!4 MruuiM(u(skus 0 Iks toss. Wa dti-llu lbs bua.l. but at tk MUM tint couiUbr lual ths ailKbiy truth ssa)uo smsuu. bly sputtu wilbiwt lusullrMlus as saauaiMvs Lla aiuuuut ul tsasv and awbUltMi. Jsat Iwuwll' )v4is as" t ssr sasius saracf Ibis l4ai-ualf mt Utctluts I a US Iml pcut, h 'twd 'uu of uui sttuu-- da alUif duV. aud L 'Ut . KI" tal. aud aublii tbst .I.. ui hum uibi'l t ;(S vU-ai MJt ul I. .1 l-.l.l L...U 1 .kalzJ Sail Sf bud lu lb iwuitUt (lu HMntmm barisMtil UublUslbS bululS U.UJt SS Sltu l-ui isswimi vu uu iwiiuus uld aud ass that s is (Mtll tu suats IUms sll sssts) ISlss bittvtiss 'a us ItUUS Ut IMWt, I wm wb )ws flwMs, as W Is tbs asks- lut -as Sis slsS loadf W , luuu uf i,r)vM, U s , lu.U' eut tu, eSatuShia wu, UukU C V rvtt, wS SaafHtutj, futttk aud 4 tfft rvs br srti himk miu, s im 'jtw'1 i jr'.Ui !. tttit) It sua ths &. as uiui'S u4 iM U Mk. 4 mi f ', u Ihi tu ssad sa IksUwsol LlU- SrwaUM sW s) ss out SS si bs SWus us s 14 swuid u. A t Is sll Ituit as SWuMsd 'ts s's t I 4 ss au4 U s4 WW ftfortUtrxrottSt .'sww. MSisswiyw. tfusssvsfftjwwww' PRICEO REDUCED. OTS SIHOES MannflMstarsil to order st . GREATLY ti&OVCim PRICES, , iOtiH WILTER, Bsrsie BtrU Bmnhmry, , rsmn'st, Is constantly tnaaufaoturlnf ' Doots, Ohoes & Gaiters. at surprisingly low prices. His stock eomprises ths very best in market, his long exper tones In ths business has won for : him s reputation for making 0rst- i class , ' work equal to soy city mannfactors. All work warranted. . i TERIfSTRICTI.T CA8II. The prices, of repairing srs slso reduced. - JOHNWILVER. Bunbnry, March 4, 1871. ittfrNa FASHIONS NOW KEADT. MRS. M. A. BINDER, N. W. COR. BXEVENTH ArrD. CI1E8TNUT 8TS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer Met Destlprsier fFstshtosi. The old established and only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak mak- ine Kraporium. Elegantly trltnmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale ana Ketaii. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons and Sashes, Laces, Em' brolderlos. Jet. Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. Even In dresses and suits, msae id tne most fashionable style at short notice. Perfect system or uress cutting tangnt. N. B. Orders by mall, promptly attended to. Feb. 36. 1871. 0m. i TURNItUBE FURNITURE t ) a new stork . ; at GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, NoAhumberlatld County, Ts. WILLI Am NEGELY HAVING opened s newFurnltufiBtore st ths above place, will constantly keep on hand, a large ana select assortment or , FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Conch' ts, lounges i amea, Bureaus, ane-oeaiea Chairs of all gradss, RocMirg sad Rttchen Chairs, Washstands, , Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Ttalf Cottage, Look tog -Glasses, Window Shades, and In short, everything asually to bs found In any welt-kept Furnltnrs Store, may be bad at in is establishment. norflttt. ty fair deallnr and strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of the public. An invitation is extended to au desiring anyining In tbe line of rurnUurt to ojUI ns examlis vat stock. UnderlstklBK dons In all Us branches. tST Repairing dons st short notice. WM. NEGELT. Gcorgstown, Jnns 11, '70.-ly. . A CENT EJIAN'S WARD-ROBE. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING HOUSTI, TnniD St., Onb Door Below Market St., Sunbcrt, Pa., J. M. ZIEGLER, Pbopsiston. FRENCH Si ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERT KIND, VESTINGS, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA RIETY. Embracing every quality and styles that the New loric and rnuadcipnia Aiuriteis nnora which will be madenp to order by the best Of work' Ynm, warranted to SMand reader entire sutlsfac tlon. . i . ' MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest assortment In town. Embracing everything of Gentlamcn's wear of the latest styles. Call and see my stock, also ths latest fashions, so Tore purchasing elsewhere. if . M. ZIEGLER, Third St., one door below Market, Suubnry.ftU Banbury, Jan. la. 18TU. Anjrlcaltar! Implements), HOE'S Grain Rakes, 8tcel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Phov els, Manure and Huy Forks, Grass and Grain Kcytnes, vram uradies, uradie t mgers, 1 race, Breast. Tongue and Loe Chains, Grind-stones Fanulng Mill Solves or all slses snd kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Hames, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Tectb, for sale by J. it. uuai.s.1 tu. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WALEEB'S OXJPOXINIA YTNEGAE BITTERS - Hundreds of Thoasanda Vg 7 " Sesr Inatlmnny in tlwir woaaer. t w SS rul Cuntlvs LSaeu. S 2 i WHAT ARE THEY? s Udr roar Uta, WSIskar, l'rM,l Hlrlls and BeAia l.lars MtorS, sptesd saSswcl. iatd ta lsuslks tssts, clM " Tssks, AsacUs. s is," Kwurm, thst SMd IU tiuw ea Is Sraahsaasss aad rata, bat sra a ms MIcum, auoa fross the Nstlve Uaeu sad Bsrbs t CslUonua. ! frwas all AlaobvlU Milasalaaia. Tk ss Iks URIAf ULO ri'BiriXx aa4 a life SUVJXU rHIIICtrLXsHtrSMt II vst aa tuTSjaMMsW thsSjstsss.sarrjlss all folsMas SisMst aa4 rasliirlin tke kl4 W s atsllky ssaSltlaa. kt wia tsasak nssaa irs asserSlLf ta Sirs. tlaa aa4 rsaala Isat wawsn. tS wuls slvsaswsa laxu-MSs WM, sravUWS Ika soass are at Sssurs4 k stlastsi yglssa sr SUM BssaM,sa4IM vtulorguu) sak4 bu4vli ttalr raaalr. Vo laaaasasMorr ssd tbrwaiU Bbaaasa Haas sad tioal, lSsal ladilta, IUUsmmu atailnausaadlsuastttft Htsaasss at Ika II td. I4vr, KUusis. aad ladsav, luas Ulnars t Sssa smms fat. hsMh PlMSHi ar iu ) Tlilaisd attaod. wkMS to fsaataliy rsdsssd V Ssisagsasat M im tll v-mm urn, lilaPklaU , sSBItigttTIUN. sab, I . Is Iks Skoals, tki1 aUssss l Iks Skl, lilsilaaas, twi tnitaliM ! Ut I U-wk. sS UjM. Is Iks staata, Sis Sll ll, I sialtMSfS I Iks lUwl, li lias situs 4 Iks Laaas, fsia la Ik s)iis ul tks, tu4stS iw sl Si MgluSM, Sis Ik tStta tr TS iWiigMU Ik Su-mS sS MSaslsiS tks us SUUim s4 !, nkls K4-tflkslisMMlu4 satssf la stssa4 su Stood f U latiHUUK sad ai,Miig m us, sit iiM w Iks skM massi. SSkltltlH Wlst4bCsV(M,TkM.slt kurtsti. kM iwIm. I astali. Sous. I as ksasua, ssus wm, ksaus Msaa, Iws tt'.ttMf Ut. IUM, S. tMtri.oUirs af Ik Skks, lluwi, S4 lH l IS tStk, i MM M kSk IUMil 4 t S4 uutU4 4l IKfli i a ssw utm kg im s U um susms. w ku s SmS MM UI MIUMI ux MI UjisS.Um Ul IkslS m Saisssd JimJ iImwm r-s S-4 a kBMkM kWl'S SWMk UH SAUt I I Sbpi, urn Urtt M M4I kxut kMi I S4 U Mi.slud 1 X Q arsamr m s E M .4r .risr" esm.. If H m. el I THIT ASB KOT A TILS 1 1 ( 1 FANCY DRINK. M s4 asu ta ts C'0" a Uk.f..J( k4 t i aoliss Sft Isl lu SMgtkSvd fV 4 M b.Mk ul kk Ht. " SIM -. ris, vtrtsMMkMituiiiH, as Squmu W S f a.-n . Skl.j SkS' S t M M SimUmi, iJw.''f Mllasaky BalsadnAA gai fc ljai, Aw SV ' - - - srasax' -mivaBW Varm sysasmg saa'msissam was asBff SSrSV Sigla.ttlHH, 114 sd Sis sik. 4, VttSSS, f-mMmt, s l lkvMSSt ' s4 sm swa, Iiwmi, let a x a t r-i w.i, k. i wS' ,ru If n MtUdi y ili s nvmfactvttt. MAJINE SHOP AND IRON . ..... '' ',' FOUNDRY. ., , GEO. ROHRBACH SONS, -' : SastbSirVs, teas'a. - " ' r.,r. . ' r ., INFORM the public thatWiey are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, ad,bavlng added new macoina onop in connection, wnn tneir Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes. Planing and Boring Machines, with lbs latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In s satisfactory man ner. Urates) to anlt mjt Stsvs. - IRON COLUMNS, for chnrches or other bulld- . Ings, or all sites. , , BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. . Ths PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINEB. Snnbury, Jnns 18, 1870. " fiiHIS celctrkted a'cWne Is now on exhibition -B next door to Kraiise's tm nd Btors Btore ;..iS w , k Hstrket 8(rt, Banbary, Ft. Ths Florence Sewlnr Machine stands Unequal led for beauty and durability fakelng ths best Family Sewing- Machine now offered to ths pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED t It has self-sdJnstlnK tentlon in tbs Shuttle i changes for tho various Stitches mads while ths machine Is In motion. '' Hs Btitchefe are the wonder of all for beantf and finish, being alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews light and heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The work will feed either right or left. Runs quietly sod rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced In sewing; across heavy seams. Its mo tions are all nosltlve t no snrlnirs or coir wheels 4e tt out of order. The Hemmer turns wide and narrow, nem ana wi eeaewntiy. It 1 thoroughly practical and will last s life time. Every Family shoald IIstTe One. Kvery Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Is the only Machine In ths world that ts ca pable oi making; mors than one stitch and having the reveres feed motion. Call snd examine theat, snd ths samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. T. TTm. V-lt. nm.Am Tl Am iiiii (en., wiiui, ui.iii., i urtij uii.b, umda, uatners, c, witnout Dastinr. It makes a eothcr and sews It on a band at one operation perfectly. Each Machine la furnished with s complete set oi tools, witnout extra cnaree. tvery purcnaaer rally instructed and every Mnc'hiue warranted and kept In order. Machine Oil ana llircnd kept on band at all times. GEO. W. SMITH BRO.. Aewits, For North'd, Snyder, Union and Mou tour 'Conn's Uctobcr l New Flour and Feed Store ! R. W. TIIIHHTON, Corner of Fourth and Market Btrett, SUNBURY, FF.NN'A, - Has Just opened s Flour and Feed Store, where be will keep con tantiy on nanu, a gonerai assortment ot t ie best brands of FLO TJ FEED OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, " FRCIT, BUTTER, ' EGGS, and VEGETABLES of all kinds, at the very lowest market prices. Bunbury, reb. 11, 187l.-tr. LUMBER AND PI.AMNU HI ELS. Third Street, adjoining Fhlla. A Erie R. R., two Squares North or the uentrai notei, BUNBURT, FA. lit A T. CLEMENT. 1 9 prepared to furnish every description oflura JL ber rulred cy the demands of the public.-. Having all tbe latest improved machinery for manufacturing LnHHt he Is now ready to fill or ders or all kinds ol FLOORISO, BIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BABII, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Pwiwl Work. Turn lug of every description promptly sxccattd: Al A LSHOS ASSOHTMKNT O BILL LUMBER. IIEMLOCK and FINE. Also, Shingles, Fleksts, Ijithe. Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad orotnerwise. iiia lvmucti. decl0-8:ly MTOVE V TIN EMTABEIMII9IENT. MARKET STREET, BUNBURT, FA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Tropristor. sl'CCSSSOB TO SMITE a 0BJITUBK. J TT AVING purchased ths above well known tt- tabllsbment, Mr. Krauss would rpeetiui ly latorm tbs public that us now has on hand targ assortment of COOKING STOVES, Bpeer's Conk Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to bs used for Cool or Wood, snd srs warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HRATERS of all kinds put up to heat ons or mors iwxns. iikatimu bTUVKB of different kinds st very low price. Tlawareaffltrry Iarltloti kept constantly on Sud. Roofing snd Spouting with th Iwst material, JdHs at short nolle. REPAIRING atlofided ftJ with dUiwtch. Cms! Oil and Lamp consUtttly cU haud. Jln wars of all kind. Btors ouposlts Con ley's harlwars slur. UIvs imt calL A. kkAtet, aplM-ly ML'NBIUY M1BBLE YARD. mile amkmlifiisd havtnr bouvhl ths SnMr X. stark of Disalnrer A Taylor, would Inhrrrk ths nubile that hs I now ready to do all kind rf! " MAHBLE WUKH. UVl Has as hand, ssd aisks to order st SHORT NOTICB- MasMeata ft Ilead-Ntastea, t SWTSV SVTtS. DOOR AMD TTINDOW B1LIJ8 Also.Catrf Fust wak Ualvaulssd v'ss snd sUothar fraUig gurlly used on CsuwtBrU-. Juhs ATaylor will sontiuu is lu iiiiW)ioul, st ths old Maud sa klsikat at., Suuburf . autyV as TUB ONLY NTOVK WITIIVl'T A rAI'LT. IN THE iiHKAT MALTI NORK IlKKrLAte 1IE4TEK, UIUU'8 ILLUMINATED DIAMOND flil L'aXIa. ST VSK M TAaUia AMD (UAUBKUS ARC WARMED a OH riKR. IT U Iks saly Ftrtpl liaxltr Isal has s sar. fm iu rt4vr, aud ft f'uia purltug ur s duios, M SMllllug gS tuts lbs kltlM.ut. ll Is Iks Mil Vuiis Uii auk lb plk Hgsal Mst)as by sbkk gitr Ulua.Ul lay jwaor ts wMaikcd, Iks stitutut ts Stu, It as. ska aaWtaatlf wmJ, sad Iks lrts IU 4 Iks i'sai wsikt of Iks twal la lbs ls- ll I Ik aaly Flrak-laea MsJtsf that la s Fsr. Wt SVW t4n aad tH k .', Mt ssi SIMM la I utf la ''' soia. lbs ky ffl t ttl fea 8-aaiwa sud tiuiulv !' ks will I i.ivH4 iixtsl aisa Ik i4) ll Is Us tinixf ui II i ik tuts. i,lkbss4ul iuuui M tlliK, Sad SUS St Ikdiu4 tk il U.I.I U bi wmI. IS U-l U IS Ik fiMt Mlkiu tUuiutS Iks. tdts l't, Im'IwIs4 S4 IS Uttvtwl Bk4 tfskl 14 III. sf iu., ts ts4 II UtiMT ITIllf. a.ii,.,. u j. ratals kf tUts- I alKlUSH, tUi, rs's- . n iMi. ir tettllanton. NEW HRM' j , atyerfy s Hemnrly't peellr Gavl. lery sr Art, Tklrst ilVrcsyi, ,,'..:...'. 'it ;,;jv-' TifBi. BTBRLT has Utely added to blsStresdy JjX vMllisrtabllsbed reputation, tbs ssrvlceS of Mr. M. R. Hemperly whose reputation as pho tographic operator, stands nnrivsled In this part tof the, country, and hereafter they will carry on Itho rhoto raphlc trade, at ths old stand under (the irm nams of Byerly dt Hemperiy's IxoeMor uauery or at wnoss establishment tbs pub lic WHI&s iebeerfully accommodated throughout me wiime line qr pnoiogrnpny. i For Fhotwraphs Of all styles and sites ranr- Ing from ths small i Gem to ths life site portrait. Uo to Byerly Hemperly. '' For the beantlfnl potcelatai ptcturs which for softnsss of finish, and dnrabHKy cannot bs .ex celled, go to Byerly aYHemperfyi- l' "j ' . ror tne Kemornnai pnotograpn,1 iw so popq ar In all out large cities, and showing the pecu liar effect of light and shade, snd the favorite of the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly k itemperiy. ' If yon have an old picture yon wsnt copied snd enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India Ink or crayon, take It to Beyerly A Hemperly. If you want a frame of any slsa and at any nrlnfl. or an stvla iro to Bverlv A Hemnerlv's. and take s look at their Immense stock In that Wins. For Albums go to Byerly A Hemperly. For square Frames made to order go to Byerly A Bomporly, In short, for anvthing In the photo grarmic line, ro o cyeriy ec uempuny, ana you will be sultedT , , , . . . Feb. 85, 1871. Furniture, MATTRESS, FEATHER, ' in BEssnra waxeroohs, v41 l KOBT5 TINTH ST., CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Feathers, Spring Cots, ' . Festher Beds, Spring Mattresses, Bolsters snd Pillows, Hair do. iiuMmverpanes, ' Onmfortablcs, Blankets, Ilnsk Straw iQullts. CALL AND SEE THE Woven Wire Mattress, The best bed ever offered for sale. N. B. Our Intention Is to treat all customers to that they will become permanent dealers with nt. and orders will receive the same attention. snd persons can buy Just asfeeapns if present at the store. . March 4th, 1871. 3m. J NO. I,. SLATER fc CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW TORK STORES, ITCH Booth Testth Street, below Market, Philadelphia, whore they have opened o first-class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. Our btock consists nr s tins assortment or Foreign Cloths, Cnsslmeres nnd Vesttngs, select ed from tbe best Importing Houses of this City and New Tork, which wc are prepared to make p lu tbe most Fashionable (Stylos, at Short no tice and Moderate Terms. Special Bargains in Scotch Cblvot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER CO. Formerly with i. M. Zeigter. Dee. Slth, 18T0. om. NEW MEAT WHOP. rTOTE undersigned respectfully Informs theeltl 1 sens of Sunbury aud vicinity, that thsy bavs opened s . MEAT olUJl , In Dc wart's buildig,on the north tide of Market Square, two doors from the railroad, were thry will keep a constant supply of ths best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ac, at wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices nnd of the first quality . A wagon wlM be run to supply customers every tnornlug, (except Sundays.) The bei of meat will found at their (hop. UIv us a call and satisfy your selves. REFFEW A BOWER. Oct. 16th I860. if. Northersi Central Hallway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON snd after April 9, 1871, trains will rnn ss followst NORTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 4.80 a. m., arrive at Canan- daigua 8.10 p. in., Syracuse 7.10 p. m., Roches ter 4.45 p. m., Buffalo 9.00 p. m.. 8us(ension BrMlre 9.50 p. m.. Niairnra Falls D.Ni p. m. Leave Sunbury at 4.30 p. m. for Elmlrs and Buffalo via Erl Railway from Elinlra. Leave Sunbury at 0,45 p. m. for Willlamsport. SOUTHWARD. Lce Bunbnry at 3.35 a. m., arrive at Harris burg 5.15 a. m., Baltimore 9.15 a. m., Philadel phia 9.50 a. m., WashliiKiun city 1.10 p. in. Leave Sunbury at 10.55 n. m., arrive at flir rlsburg 13.55 p. nt., Baltimore 6.15 p. m., Phila delphia 5.35 p. m., Washington 10.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury, 10.30 a. in., arrive at Harris burs 1.00 P. in.. Wnslilnirton 10.00 p. in. Leave Sunbury at 13.05 a. in., arrive at Harris- burg S.30 s. m., waohtiiKloo T.ort nt m. BHAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWARD. Leavs Sunbury st 4.40 p. m., arrlvs at Blisnio- kln 5.55 p. ui., Mt. Carinei 6.40 p. m. Leave Bunbury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a, m., arrive al bhamokin 1.00 p. iu. wsstwahd. Leavs Mt. Carmel at 8.05 a. m., srrivs st Hl,.tnnk in ft AH a. m Muiihurv 0J !L1 A. m. Leavs bhumokin (Accommodation,) at 9.45 p? m., arrlv at bunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves dallv leaving on Sunday, runs North only to Wllllamspnrt. All other train laavs dally, nccpt Sunday A. R. Fiskb. ki. b. Yoi'ss, . . ,1 u t II L A..,. UV11 . OU t., Wit W 4H ... Ilarrlsburg, Fs. Bullmore, Md. AUAIX AT THE OLD PLACE. fTIHE subrrlbr announce to ths cltlsens of JL Sunbury that, having again erected his BREAD sasl CAKE EBTABLISMENT, on Ihs old rises, where It wss recently declroysd by fir, k I again prrd ts supply ibsia with sll kind or bread and teases, sueu ss BROWN BREAD. .; BREAD. BREAD BAKED on Ihs HEARTH, and a full Ufa- of FANCY CAKES, Tea Buns, Rolls and TwMt. ANw, all klud sf CoureclUm- arles al hi shop on Tklrd HrA Having snipluyad s aVsV14 ekr front Ihs city, b Is rprd la glvs gVu'Sal salUractloa la bis llus of buslusM, and dMirstsU ts glvs hlui a trial. Bread sad Cakes dsllvsrsd ts aslorur vry ncwalug. Ill CREAM A I..a Crsam Salnaa ka twa snstisd la son salloa with lbs sbovs bosluosa. snd s LaJIrs' aaltHW lllsd US wkar Iks Ul r Craw will bs srvsd sp Sry svsaisg ur(1" JJ1 usksry, Juas U, 170. ralataTtHLs. T. A FT Li. stuck sf Otis soaiprblsg Llaassd tHi, twi on, rak ou, aad LubrU-alluf INI rut BumIms sad Uashlusry, Vsisktb, Islaat, la.,.sahaa,atbYITiC0.pi Ta tbe C'ommunl.v at Large! CiiAMUl AT TUI RBOUlsATORsM I ks I Ms dy yurvksavd Iks suilis slutk, s.mI odl aad BAliS k kVUU a4, (iw, 1 1 abk, UtiUtf and VWdlkg swtk, ut t. a. As is, sad UI twottftbS Ihs butm. al k i smI biMsiwa, smii hmk, iislt's liut thi, sltkksr aiaskr, aHaalaT, 1'a. ks bstlsg iWk.UJ a i silk tks ln4lk wua(itwttM of ths swuut!, t W r-s'i''is ib miS4 sus stka W k I 4uuk4 m jHiuttua Um dxiabiiui 4 Soak, Sl ) Ikt Swt slaua kfcmUi4f. A ! tlll Ul U k Ik IwlMbsWf al9ku Sti kMlsial lui k..fcUklHj. l r"s4s a mim4. sj Hum kin s,Ki.-ir s ll l'l ' ReauilBK Rallrostd. . ' . SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Mm&tytApr& Zd, 1871. , GREAT TRUNK LINE from ths North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. T., Raadi Ing, Fottsvllle, Tsmaquo, Ashland, Bhamokin; Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, dts dfcs. in Train leavs Harriabnrg for New Tork, as fol lows i At S.10, 8.10, a, m. and 8.00 p. m., con necting With similar trains on the Pennsvlvanls Railroad, sod Arriving st New Tork st io.IO s. m. 8.50, ssd 10A0 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany ths 1.10 a. uu, train without change. - i. . - Returning 1 Xsars new Tork at 9.00 s. m., 19.05 noon and 5.00 pr., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8.80 a. m. nnd 8.80 p.'ro.VWeping Cars accom pany ths 5.00 p. m. train front New York with out change. . . . '. Leave HarHshnr' for TtnAitlvi'1' Vnttsvlltn. T- tiaqna, MlnersvllU, ' Ashland, "'Bhamokin, Aiientown and fhlladelpbla at 7.10 a. m., 8.00 and 4.05 D. ta.. toDnlna1 at LrbKnVin and 1prlncl)nl way stAUons ths 4.05 p. tri.i fain conbtctrng for Philadelphia, Pottsvlllo nkd Co Mtmblh bnly. For Fottsvllle, Schuylkill Have and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, teave-Harrlsburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Ready ing for AllentoWrt, Easton and New York at 5.00, iw.ou a. uu, ana .vo ru.ijn, Koturning, leave New York at 0.00 s. m., T8j00 noon aud 5.00 p. m. and Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 13.35 noon, 8.15, 4 SO and 8.45 p. ta. - ' Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., connecting with similar ttaittatf East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading et C SC p. m., stopping at nil stations. . Leave Potlsville at 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 u! rn nerndon at 10.00 s. m., Shamokln at 5.40 and' 11.15 s.,mt .Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and 13.41 boon) llahsboy Utwat 7.51 k. m. and 1.80 p. rzi. lamaqua st s.5 ov mi KnH llO 'p, 'in. foV fblladelphla, New York, HcccTnp, UBoebunji. dkc. Leave Pottsvills Tla Schuylkill and Basqas' hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. forllarrlsburg, and 12.05 noon, for Pins Grovs and Tremont. - Reading Accommodation Train leaves Fotts vllle at 5.40 a. m., passes Reading nt 7.30 a. m. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Read-, lng at 7.55 p.m. arriving at Pottsville at 9.40 p.m. Pottttown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 6.30 s. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading a 7.20 a. m., and 8.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. ; Pcrkloraen Rail Road Trains leav Perklomeo Junction nt 7.15, 9.05 a. m., at 8.00 aud 0.00 p. m. Beturning,luuve Bchwenksvill st 8.30,8.10 a. m.v 18.50 noon and 4.80 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstowa at 9.40 a. m., 1.15aud 6.45 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.U5 a. m., aud 8.00 p. m., connecting with similar traius ou Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leavo Bridge port at 8.80 a. m., 2.05 and 5.32 p. m. returning, leave Downlngton at 6.40 a. m., 13.45 noon and 4.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Read- lug Kaiiroan. On Sundays i Leave New York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. us. and 3.15 p. iu.. (the 8.00 a. ni. train running only to Rending;) leave Pottsville at 8.00a. m., leave Ilnrrlnbnve, 3.10a. m., and 3.00 p. m.; leave Allrntowu nt 8.45 p. mt leave Heading at 7.15 a. m. and lU.wi p. in. for Harrisburg, at 5.00 a. m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. iu. and 4.15 p. m. for Philadrfa. Commutation, MUeairr, Benson, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all poluts at re duced rates. Bagrug checked thrnngh i 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passeniccr. 4. E. V OOITE.V, Asst. Supt. A Eng. Mach'ry. t Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and aftsr Mondav. Nov. Slst. 1870. ths Trains on ths Philadelphia A Erl Rail Road wUl ran at follow i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, 0.40 p m 4.65 a m 7.40 p m 13.00 p in 6.50 p in 7.40 a m 9.30 a m 4.35 p m 7.50 p m " " - Bunbnry, arr at Erie, Erie Bxpress leavea Philadcphla, Sunbury. an at Eric, Elralra Mall leaves Philadelphia, ' " . 6a u bury, arr at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Mali Train leave Erie, 9.00 a m 13.05 a m 6.50 a a 9.00 n in, 10.30 a n 5.30 p ra. 8.30 a lii 11.50 am 5.30 p m " Sunbury, rrat Philadelphia. Erl Bxprass leav Erie, " Hunburv, srr st Philadelphia, Elinlra Mall leave Lock Haven, " bunbury, arr at Philadelphia, Buffalo Express leaves Willlamsport, 13.35 a m 3.30 a irt 9.40 a m enuoury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Express, Mall and Accommodation, cast nnd west, connect at Cory and nil west hound trains,' and Mall aud Accomodation cast at Irvineton with Oil Creek aud Allegheny River linllrnad. WM. Jt. BA1.U IM, tien'l Sup't. I.ackawatMia nnd Bloontabarg Rail rond. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mouday, Jaly 18th, 18T0. SOUTHWARD. Lsav. A.M. P.M. A.M. P. M.-P.M. Scrauton, Bcllevur, Taylorvlll, Lackawanna, Plttston, West Pitlstoo, Wyoming, Maltby, Kingston, A ) St. W.-Barr ( e'r Plymouth Juur., Fiytnonth, Nsntlrokf, Hunlork't, Mhlekshlnny, Hick's Ferry, Beach lUvso, Berwick, Willow Grove, BrUri'rrsk, l.lms Rldg, Espy, Bloomsburg, Rupert, Catawissa, Daavlll, Cbalasky, 6 45 8 16 9 SO 5 SO 1 00 5 35 1 08 5 43 1 15 5 AS 1 27 50 67 : 05' 14' 19 9 25 9 t2 I 9 M 50 10 10 1 35 1 45 1 65 3 00 3 10 10 5 4 00 10' 871 4 15; 7 45 10 6 35 0 40 ' 6 45 7 OOi 7 07 7 25 7 40, 7 60 8 00 10 4 84 10 7 55 8 0T 8 14! 8 S9' 8 48 8 50 47 t 031 06 9 151 9 86' 9 801 9 38 9 48 io o; 10 ll 4 63 I 15' 8 38 5 45 60, 7I OS 85 .amroa, 110 8S North'd, (arrlvsO.lO 4i U NORTHWARD. 'A.M. r.M. Lssvs. Nortkumbsrlssd, Canwrou,, rtvUI, CaUbktas, Hupvrt, Btuviusuurg, EPi l.lun Rldgs, Briar Ctksk, Willusr UiS'S, Bvrwltk, aarh llavts, llbrk Isrty, klsksklasy, Huulork's, NaatUks, PIutouik, Fljrmuuik Jaas., ahiMstua, A I sl. W.lkwit (s'rs a. lib j, Wtuaiiug, wt rsiusa. tlllta. .kaka, ikitsia. I tw II 11 I IS 06 II 41 4 tl I 14 II kk 40 It II ol 4 ss I 60 It It 4 I 66 II 80 I 04) !, (SMM), UAVIMT. SWlkll, ar't. i I ,10 35, A So 6 17 I 13 lit 08' 8 49 113 34 U jl3 89 18 ,11 86 IU It 40 t SU . 40 t 60 A. H., 65 "'-' II 01 IM I lu 18 OS 1 OS K llS 18, I 60 18 U 1 40 1 00 r.M I M 1 t io i ii i iu t t ii ot) r, M I I 1 tl II 04 I 80 I 80( 1 40 ll 16 4 III I I I I II II H I II I I SO I 81 1 SS 1 1 in 4 IS I I 4 I 4-1 I IS I I "I I HI 9 , OU ta 61 mm A lUlksi't M WkUs U-wd kd t la wa,. set. GO ts M."l lasskjujsi's M SMuufsl la UM tkils ul sll 646, -utMn$ 6rt st Mum ! V . SA AUkiil t' ad fail rl- s a-- ta .ii4 k4 M aJw '4i 4 r .-...k Sw, 11 I I' f I It.f, J: