tltf r vilvmt. i ""on. I).. w Hi 'ix i.. j Vrj )ufu,rxr tut 5j, i87i..'',rr' -1; - i v !; M - -r That eoi,000. Since Uio toport of the ; XudUqrt! .1' published; WUjiy iaqvsTi-lps' nto ' -made to tho probablir ninonh. of itnxcg je(jujrpd ' fit' 1871. W tW h'ppenranccs it wilt .'not be nny less Urn a . 804,000. Last 'r.-fl there we're )?89,0W Win tho hnfids of 'fiivoritc collector nftJ & county taTleVie(l Weight' nHls wltldf 'nnibuntc'dto; ' , !fer comilji pi'ifbses njoho, ' ThUi jenr Vc tfiMi tho amount pf $41,402 2loutlaiilipn;, and the ;ftmotint levied i seven mill. 'The Jrnx pnyers hre no doubly puzzled t,6 know 'what Is, jlone yjlRUc1i. n .lnrgc' amount pf li.onf!y,,if Jliey will cxa'miujf, ihn Vcnoit ' they vilt find tbn lifter having in linnd 8,553 83 Inst yehfithnt there nre Mill jiVipaid c6uuty' orders ,'hmoiintifij!. to $27,' :D7S 5(,5 cvcral,of. '..those . prloi-.' nre ,,ny doubt Withheld . SO the people "cannot -. toll yrhafc flic real cSpcnscs 'wore dtirinff fcvit 'yctir.'y'Oiic ifor" cxtrit clcrkli in .thrfCorri!. l'luVione )' oflice, rind' nnother for Janitor's shiry of the jail nnd .ShcrilTs onicc. The -latter, office lint never been henrd of before, nnd is' nnpposod to hrive been created by lhc; WiftJV-" Therd .nifljf ,xs others of similar character,, kept back to prevent the report froin looking mdvo extra vngnnl. One glance ntthc cyrnditufrtf will convince niir :oue rtsbeiri v-xlravrtgantly 'htyh; ft ; Jtistanc bills fjr fuel, Polllc'i uil'TiiUy lAtlbury', Merchandise (?) er i i '' '.'' ;! ' A' la compelling tho Andilors to Itcmiz nTl brcTcj-s.wcmli? probably' fcivdXhp, public A better fcifliht into the workings ofotc yin' .'.'yiiiY BEnjors. d Wngreetuentji and' diiier oiice it opinion between the onl operators kin! miners were' developed at tha l&wM f Arbitration iri iisimi f W VonJay ; riiid Tuesday l;t atjlaiiclvpliiirik.,' In addition to t he .trouble peculiar to , the ; region1, tho staple quemtioWr -that arise in nearly nil eonflipis tafiywn labor' hud; chyjr'-cVrfite rtp for coiisideratfon. '. Otic thiii,' ai lcast eujrUt :to pelleU iu the coal regions that, no efr of minors hnvo n rihty by threats nnd yiokneev t prtivent other nii- ner' from working if they wish to lo bo. J vc." r ... j '!i 1 1 . :. j.; u. "' I SrKCB the iittlo "niager'hns ceased to haunt the'" editors of the 1 Jftirlhvmhrrland Covnty .jicmocnit, their ncfo'ii nystchl )M been' shocked; frbin,fr J,hat'.tbeiri:fn,;niy in the , South mihi get their justduca if, the Ki: IClili bill'Bhould'pnss X'-onreM tyliieii' j nppears '. io -caxm' corisifl'ehihlc'' anxiety, iu their pQxty..Tic 'oep iipa tcr, rible cackling, but Congress somehow Ap pears to pay no attention to thein. "What a pity that the I'rosident nnd-,Consicss don'tt rocognize tUiom, nnd relieve them fronV8neh terrible night dreams. I'; 'I The nrgumentof Franklin, 11. Gowen, Esq.l before .the Judiciary" Coiiiinittec .of tle iJcnftlo f Pennsylvania, furnishes an- able and interesting presentment! of the lews entertained on the cosl rucstim by liC railroad'; companies'. The magnitude of the interest they hve at stake; a'4. the. extent of the injury they rutlcr fwrni pro; .nanAiv.Tnrt. t.rA er forrlWv in- t i it. ui i ,i :v'M,n; .1,. if,;iTrV mnny oqualltics hs States. 'Therefore, in d.eaictf W his sUtcmmt that the ltallroad to rca80 M : wc n, r Mmm, j ompany aloue has three, hundred locr.m- nmnfJalli js thi8 power hr the Nation. lives, twenty thousand coal cars, twelve , Nor am 1-deterred from this conclumon- liundivd miles of single trackv n canal one ! by any cry of centralism, or it may be of hundred and eigU miles long, a foico cm-i i j.'P.Tjnllni. These nre , , from France, where this abuse lias become ployed of twelve thousand men, nnd a cni-: ft tmnnyf sbieca tho most distant com rying capacity equal to one hundred nnd.j imitiltios mm n tho details of udmlnietra eighty thousand tons of coal per week. . ' 'i tion to ' ccntril conlrbl.n Mnrki-iif you . . . .j. .... .. i . ; nlense. Uio distinction, Ut no swsli 'ty- , lT is a poor rule that don't work both i ways, and sineo Hie nitciisos us ,ol tiilcliiiiir iiilotliiicommisfiionci-s WciuiHe we ! loii'l get any "pap"' he wjll be. man enough, ' WC SUppOse IO llUlllll IliaU lie.lS Vryillg 0 defend tluJu, heesuHii he dots got the pap, Stiylct County Tribune.. ,. ".. j As tli(NorUmiuuerliuid'Ciuiily Ptiuocmt quotes tho .17.. which' niak. the sumo ; chargo against tts, we spall haVe to ask the;, ifcmorral to bo .caudid ftr oncc and say ; uliHtlifr tliov ioii-td.vr..iiclilui(iiiiiiiissioii.'' cr beeaiHo thov do ""ct the" uiul that era i.ecau,. tney co gti me pap tuui mat well sugared in tun-oargain. - ,t ... . i -t ' (:hi;kk ix tiik C'oai. Misiji. It, untlersttHid Umtd.jiiuiU) prowwi.tions. have . ""i m:dd U ll' ilit'M.pu oli'(lic gr ntttiul railroad lor Cliwvw ulor inaUirgcHciilc, tur woikiii j (lie Pi misylviCitiv uiiurs. Some, of tlte most lluuihlful iiiv.Ws iJ, lli'Aii ruilt'imds (U'uiuaiing iu. Xs'w Ioik) tire C'jnvinood Visit tlii i llieit AiiliuiiUu r Si.ureV fur Miiuly Unik. , (Uilld'ill liuii tpiu-t work of ih'i CliiiiMiu u in Alt'Kioliu s.iLi i bringing many H t.ueli oiu Iumuuh, '.tkruil litfiitLlii ttii, , , ,, , , ., ., , ' T UK Si Kl.Ki rioM(.Wu itliHorve tlmt siine of o:ir cxri:iiiL'i. kutd tlml a kill Itad puxm d both hioim's. r stiil.liiiliin'' . Hid upriu cHMiiiona.'... Such i not the fuel. . whUh is noUiug km lin n the rcgvueraliuu . Tho wihhsl oxi iQJuent pit-vail in Puis. A bill piikied tho llnum) ta Hint effi-ft, hut ' of liui iiiilion mxurdiu to the pi'oiuivH f ' and the inhabitants are Icuvtui; by thuii. tha .Sm:it atiniihtttl .. vnl odions political j thg. Jvclnraliou (. luili sMi(leiu.-a Tu khikIs. All the chiujclies ar5 .t liwil, but auuittilntiints U it, ouu 4' tiutut H4-iuliy . maiiUuiii tin i;i niblii: in iu unity UMd lhJ j thy war one the sacred cdlltces btill oiuilu adcadax Iu IjiKKrutt jiiuiy, ' ha hi llwM-riuhls.Hitf h is thilniuoiiid- ues, and tho Piicsta me dally being lubult- -"".'. ..- v. i Hva iu i.ii-.ii. aiiu "in wan luuu. avitiuia ooiuiiMtri aiir i nil ti'ivnor ; ilta ciHiiniiitJ'it bii.l arwinl w, InjiS, but, tlm Ikuaofratit adhsriiu t.t'llniir obiinwuiiin aiuiiidutiints. Dm bid 1 n In the ItauiNofllM cMiiiulib, sUni It wi'l, ua u mU. rsuuiia. uulmui lite kinuumts(ubiiii. don lh.:lr tvbothoua coursv.- oi.'saOMrif ItU'jiv, . 1. .. , 1 Tun ru.iisi.ri 1. yot I' at Wst ouu huuilrud sud twenty aiji4.i4 ; tnl nau-r balnsniu (Itu anUns 1 Piitti KiMit . ) thu l'bil.i4uliUia i'r't vusUi'U .thoiwi ij lilu l.i lv, Iu wiiii'Ji la. fil-J, jhhI' ut IwilHuUut ua loisl. apvtikSMsiKt IU lim iu lea trv ii(i.) its iiiUulaiM, HlilliavviUr Uo itm d It tasl, mUI lr ImiMi lusuiw lii", .Vl-j'it, lir iuM tiumlaic la IIhi Si ji., I stma, hil iluf.-1 ix Iciiy-ma Wsbanij ilni AIKImih 1111,1 ii l-Mi.'n. ;h.ihi- iIk k..i, niv.Ml' Nm! HakT ki i.tlMniii. u.iti M-ii:;ijn li,,(tl ii U Willtf, nib -I tli il. l.. Mi.rl ii lln . and Dhi rivi rt4ihir . pa r asti , i4 ihi n(".il hi Hhmii 4ii inv r,l, --! I, . vr ; esK.f iiaia all wmU r li tl- ir uil atuol hiirym lteniHv.- in tl Min i, U I Uu iff f 4ll,- kll.,:tl m, Hlilla iti: I .f iiiiJ'Ih, imt iln ratriidi do led rva Uk tvee this p 1 smion, Wit! s a mi tns. M Hid sUf .t Y spin. .iii-t ilw Wi-kinr up of tie no, ih.-y .-i ..f V Mi an.fis s wsii. is. t i lU-iSiwv-1 lui u. t .t itjirMwn, iw . tt'ii, u llai 1 Mi I tti.i Ir nil. 'I Iu t 1 ... r .i. .ui.) Ila Hfi i It) awtolna, ,nj 1 1. J-.. il ynf l ,! Im it e.tUli li.- iur.p4u.4 I1- eUi In M4 i.iM... pit.. I.I !h ( till 41.1, W, M l,C l4."io, .ni Ui'41( l .1. .. ,.. Ontnipsi rrom Senator Skinner's Bpoech of April 13. HMm nna.'IA . ... 1 I.. lit- .1.1 1. I A nu iuvpnmh yM'lHUU .III tills .IMlW - f nnvo uecn or ictknu of cofMUutiorial fcw. It Is insisted bnfat side tlt a coniiitioi of things exists liyvinin State nlfccting ttTo, liberty, propcrw, dud tl onioymcntS)f J'-quRl lliphtstjVhifch can tkrxVirreeted dtfly by the iiationfl nrjn. (M thk other ldu this statement is contfovcTteiiT nnd ft is" iirgued nlso that such intervention is incon sistent with the Constitution of lira United Slatr8.s (b boib queitlba, bvthcr of fact pr tn)V,4 cannot jiesitntcir iAioy mimt, masler pr'ineiples Whleh -are' 'triily On! lonal. ' TIhs JVclnratdn of lrifleihdcnc with tts Immortal trtitlis; rejrf noe'yanfct, tlc ("onstUAtlon" itself were' iritetpnhed always It" iwpjwr APaVrJ-f ''iiltcr (lbulHed tlm this Inter ftretatioti Was wyring, not even hi the days of .Slaverybut "it, is dottbly, triply wrong,-no that the' IVela rth)n of Inrfeiicndenec is nt last regarded, and that the Constitution nod only makes ?Slftr,ory Impossible, httt nssuirs the fcltizeh in th enjoyment Of Unal 'Rights. ' 1 do notqitote'thess texts, whether of the Jela ration 'or the OorustittHroii. Yon know thehl by hesrt. ' Ihitihey'nre'nolj-vair)' words, V ttnl ln themselves they fcro arntet with all tiecflful powers loearrj' thetn tntotjieentron: As In other days Slarery ga volt character totlnt.'otisfltution. filling it "with its own denial of K(j nnl ' Kights, nnd rorhoelling the National Oovernmenttobe' Its Instru ineiil. So now do t Inwst that T.lbvrly htusl glvo its rhhracter to the presenetf 'nnd com pelling tho NhtlonaHlwet-nnient to be "lt mArantit; )ncc the Xaljoii served Hlrfve fV; rtltd Hi this Sen;icc1ii'inist(rcd''tb; Stale ttightsr now it "wu'i-i .'service Libcrtyvith kindn'd devotion; evert o the 1 rtenfnl of $tnfo',Itfchjfs All this I insist is plaio ncr fcording fo rule's 'of. in'teviirctfttioii, ' sihipld tihd commanding. ';, ' ' '"..' '' ," , ' 1 V.Whnt makes us a nnttori ? ,Xot' 'ftrmicf , not fleets', not fortilleafinnsV 'lipl 'coinnjeree rohehing every shore abroad, not industry filling every vein n$ home; nor population wironging tne Highways ; none i these made oof 2sralioii, The national lift! of this Republic is fopnu fn the principle of Unity and in the Urtuiil-'-Rlghts'o'r alii Onr'pjople: ai-nclctrire hll of which Win. entf ling fin ' iintioiial fricha necessarily tilaqed iinder tho tnvat srtle- ghard-'oir. tliQ . JTiorr. '-;pt , tho . national tihlty lie assailed, and the h.a'.f ton will fcprjnji to its aerrnse., it tjic liuniuicst citizen m the remotest' VtlUsri '" bo 'Assailed ,:tn the enjoyment, of Kquat Rlghts.hnd thc.Natl(tri niitst do for that huniblcst citizen wha't ') would do fir itself. ; . And this is onl ' ac fcnrdirtg to thctortglnal.pVoniis'rspf the TWc laration of Independent"?; nnd "lbo .more repent promiscsof thteconstitiitional nihend' ments, thd' two concurilrrg in-; th '-sAtnc hnTionnl principles;.- ' '" ' t." " ' J )j y ou qiii-st ion' tho ' Vmdihg. character of thegreat Declaration? Tiifm do I invoke tlw! Constitutional Amendments. lJutj-on. cannot tiirn frrm,'clthcr; nnd each .csiab-i IjsheS 'beyond "ttca(lori the' boundaries 'of national pbwcr,making it coextensive with the nationnVnnity npd tho '.Eqtial JRlghts; of all origirihlly declared and'finbsequentry assured. , ? Whatever is hnuounced in the Declaration is essentially nntiorial, nnd so nlso is nil that is nssurcdv ' The ' principles of tho Deela ration; rc-eri forced by tho Con stitutional Amendments, cannot be allowed to sutt'er. ' Ueing common to all', Ihey niut Ijo undev tho sntcgiiard of all; nor can any .State set up its' weal system against the1 universal law. universal law. Kmullty-imnlles nniver- sah'tj'.; anrl what is irnlversat must lie no tionU If each .StntJ iskift to dotomino the protection of Kqual Kights, thea will protection vary according to the State, and Kqnai nigiits will prevail oniy according to Uio aocidcnt t locaniattfi ' tucws wm bo ns myny is piopol nmoaxus'.tiorany Intor- leronce oi any biihi.wiiiv nmiwra urai in chtHacter. Tho nation Will not enter tho State, t-xcepl for the saflfgrd 'of-rights'( HHIMHIIU 111 C1I;uucut. Illiu nrn- ,nry nr. th s r lika tl s inshine. wun ixneiiceni power, ami, the sunshine. Tor tlm coiini 'gocul ot nil. As well assail thft' sun because lU is i i i i.:.: : .1 : .1 1 ninm; Wmiiiiiog with patriotic care lUiU j iniiirimis ct'utraliaiu nutl, tlmt fatal iiiina-: liAlisui. which bave Utn llie .NcmoMs of 1 rnw,,N 1 hftilliiatwbvr ix-nlrahmn which w,,,luiv(0UC,iVin, lnotucUoi toeve.rycitisii, J ,tul that othrr iimi)eriiilini which, iinnke Knu:il ttiulila tlie Hunroioc law.lo Ui main- ' liLini'ri liir , lia miLioiml nrm in n b lHii ,tl t M-w,d.:.Uiitralism! I Mriiiin! Uivq mu the rftitl-nlisiii ol'lilcrlv. Ai'ive Me tlie illt" ' iorinlisiii of equal rigliif. And.' maj .tbirt imii"ia Cnptio). where wo am titw usMiinr ! "u3,7 I i';iX'J.l "XL "V i l..Ud.iauuediatcljtin.lhe ijuartera.ottua.Tiul. T,C." lllKIT'0? .i-P11" ftnl IWiwiHo, wlitchwill render Paris st.tnt.on Ml aAAttfifi temy. ' lmn.rtbjd to,th assault : of the Vcr- !-o lung as ."slavery endured a Slate wns gtviiiiatft ' tJt-'-.-T '. i; nr. ht x i allowed to plrty the 'turtle 'nnd,- Sheltered Vb'sV or V?il-1lr'. : lileil, Iim llitteiuiilein ol oor luiiioii., i i'uoi-mined. Vigor., itoun iilwero ib are tit vail ed on u liiil-lop, Willi poriuUoiM uing North : out paitHul'lliatowu, aud tho lidinbitauts' and South, I nnd .West, with spacious ; bud all sought shelter in the cellars, whew ('hamben iiu with nrchiug dome trovux d m.uiy of Uiwn, iiw:luJinj wmwu nudululd hy Uw iinuga of J jlx-rly; suehi ur ini)Mn ! reii', uvin', buiw4 i li de4liniT0W4UilH rial Republic; but in notlnug in in so truly,! nighl the fatioiialv from oiui, unknown ' iuiHM iid as in (hat UninUi-eta sovvn inuty i imw, lx tjuiy jianierKti iektm, au4 il''d pro- i wtiii-n risu line a uoum ciuwiittx uy im im ' .f 1 M.. ..... ' , . Nor mu i deterred by any , imily cry, The lii luiUimu party imit do it wink, ,: ..v (mil I' ri pi fii.j. gV . N ft. J HlllfcH HfT'l'W HIW HP y 'HIIWW. veil it il lufcwl.v ftMiiiun the usUHturiJAiiii - KjiiU; Hw pwuiaiitliirWhlUiiiial lU-s, hvmowul piiavjphs. W 'if I now aiuumuoi'. 1 1. Uve lkl-ie.dtww;i' .i.ul.v.ataljHa.iuIpa1.lgg the eie-r,,,, W.foU), Pugruu-JULi eai .c ahic . i,;iu 1 a , u.t evu U vWjuy r - If BchuylkiUi A. JV nUn, aialMway-wuv.'. , , flluJ (arayivUh,'(-f Iuiir.i; il'IW ' 1 111 .1 . .1 i "'llt(f f. ITiddilbull. uf C'4lUnU 04 U l'4Uwl' A tUvulaiai luiK.h wija llwre i a i ,iU o1Mr.toi" , ' sU.N.a4iiifar.itii. tlw lieuiiidieai ti.M t 0l,'J. t,f ,,aMlt.r.ii!,i.' W.-wiiui l..tM..ui.muiiioM. it,.,. MaUeUUu,tiuori,hu)1(., K,.4,)y J)Iat Nw.y j, 0i"' , . ' ' ' 1 .lulm ('iu'Ih-i, Jinn Uvuu, Ji4tu J, Will, l.tiiruil r piiiui r h.i liow lunily rMioa-l i iiiis, A lt se, John;p aul C. T, III l.lliu,Ml uu uuailUM tiliMV'UU.L MUM luu 'ls Um. i, I lliitif JdstU CbkMi tnlsv returned . In seal mi ilia U im Ii nl lint t'uiVsl iala 1 MtWlviiii- l'iiin, tut Hi UfU KiiM d 'II lug I lim p4iil lira. . I An spplii-inlon wa neeived 011 Mmi My ' nt tt. r"s'iry Ik imrtiiu ut, jrn Ht ' IVt.i-sl.uiv, l'is.l, tui an H"M.ry Jl.rttu ' i.-.liiilii,tiailtii. w.ii. tot rliibh.h.! 1 11 ll 1 mil oil. Toe ni piiif,iiti .n .i.4iiM by sniswupti iu i f li-niuililo,!,' sf Km 1 a ta.iid by fist: hoot aiit H Ins f.-r I Ike ua-'iM't ' I ,,... . . I d in tlmt "it). 1'1's j ptn-jitloii w.i. m.lJ.iVw,"'' i i "' "( a . 1 a iii.,4w.. Ai il f'L 'Ik l'(-iUol, ra. U4 t awi-,i aU.ut 1 uikai4 Km. ii.ia1.sw4) ,0.4 ihi ke Ui- tiii,M llmti 11 i tne 4 U. AH iM'ui' J t.te 1 '' 'af 'v i e4 'U suwii i iiitl.iu4 i n t lU i ukvs l.i..-sMii 4w it. a Hosgr 1 ktfiit ink, Suis a 'I i-iwtiM. I, nn,!! Immiiimii ,, . 1 lllll Ji.ll.,1 I UI.V I Li HI ll.,.U Th Fighting mi, Vmrim, rxnis, Snmlay, April 10-Noon.-Yester- ,1 . M.nvnW. n. I 1' 17" A - U4fc - uiimuhi MifcliWW.. wunuoJl-J irifc PnupltRie, Mticlk'conUhued ill ufn The Quarter of th CBniii r.lyswa tJi tery, fcatlyancd bj8ltells, wluih," Un MOi, llingtel. , fh klj n&Ths WiilJJBg dkupfed by4W-?j.Wica 8 j legation was struck by the frngmcat of a shell on baturtlay, but nevcrthek'ss Mr, AVashburno continues to reside in the Ave. nuo Josephine. I TV I I'V If JSnrricnrtes liave liccn owlere tboreeU It is reckoned that durinsr twodnvs the Versaillisls have lost 1000 killed ftnd ItoO w winded, ui i ;..( ,;;,wc h .'h-. k" 1 1 All persons are now allowed rto leatt tlie oityiwithont a permit, exceptmeo bctweoa the ftgcafif 19and40u( vnr i'nr-nuit a-iM The price Of provlsioSi is ' rising. . AII Katies except those opposite tlio-cbemyAu-c ojieti all day v . .rj lit. '.ifli ti -niija-ri U.Mi UBindwythn1 ditor wf 111 . rece, has been drrcstod. iThc eliarga is unknown. Not even his Wifq is )oroutUjd to visit him. There is a grate outcry at tlio nuinbordf nrradls,hnd no more will'takeptK'o without a report to tlic Communo.' i w.i wjt 1 n t 'Tit'ApHl'lu,hay0IHiflit.i;,rt tins'' been Jlring in'vAvious.dliTctonshll day, In the Champs EbjWs ii shell 'BlVuck' the Arch of Triumph... The Arch' bears the marks of much damage. It has been struck by thirty-three shell?. , Tho ChatujSs arc full bf pcoplcj.tho cariiogcS hnd (imttunuies are hinni jig, going tieat'Iy tip to the Arch.' ' ' ! . ThpstalUl 'are open,. and "Punch 'find Judy" Bltoys, Cxl)ihHe,. ' Crowds In holiday attire ar inovhig tonnd fro. tJroups arQ gnthefod nrbund.nnd nre: ephtlpually ?H nmiiig.the laippp'osts tlml iia'6 been struck, Tho pcoilo pay Viltle'attcmirjn to the, b(iin bhrdmcVit; saYO'Svhcni they', haf, the loud est report, br when they look' to sec if A shell is fulling. Thero is no interest manifested . .III Jj.llJ l id li: ,li.:ii i ' . MENlSTItU tVAHIH.T4NE'S rAMILVi ' Tl fnttiHy of Minister Wiwhbltriio haw ltfM'rtTlS. i ' 'i. tt 'Wi! 'Mill'.. ,. ' u-i- 'Itltantfcipald flint all tlie milway lines will b'ctitk)-nbm)W,' and a stato of siege declaimed. ' -Tliereire:iprt)VlBtotiB oiugh in Pari for Wily threr"WeckSii' v1'!! " . -'' isdtW tttbh'' -' . ' LoxiDOX, "Xprifliil 36'.A.-,M.-The weathev is wef, and vornble; if) the growing UP- .!nti, hi: 1 1 : isk.I t lr !ln I .CM:- : . .'1 M.i mUrtSIAXiMOVJiMKUTSiii; ' , -.n ' r.wmoi,'' April ili-A peoi!lVMefepntT;h t the-1 meg fronWersflrtllfs ay tlie Prus sian trenches on terrae('atliIttuouftiriotV occupied by (roVerhtnetit troojis", nnd Ix teent guns pointing towards Ports dtssv nnd Vanvrees hayd been placed in position nere-. MaeMahon succeeded in surround ing th insurgent troops at Asniercs with a BtrongtiH-cc Irom tlie ersnitles army. .'The conuonnding on; Sunday Was ' less continuous than for-several daysi' The Prussians are massing large reinforcemenls to their troops iu the vicinity of Paris.. ' A despatch, from Versailles says Mha Government gives Paris twenty -four hours to surrender, nnd Uio family of tlie Ameri can Miniqtf.-, Mr.j Washburne, havo left X'ariSj, . i vt ir l. i ( vi.i -t.: i.M. Thiers issued a circular ou the . even ing of the U&h, as folloy&J-'. r, i, ., . o The insurgents arc emptying their house and K.ingj.thct'.furaitQre.i Tlio- 4ovora meut ooDtinucs to temporize for the 1 pur pose of collecting a suit able force, nail also to allow the Parisians time to retloct. , The. insuigcnts.say wo shoot .prisonem, and i intend tho overthrow of tho republic and suppression of subsidies .of, .th? National Gunvds. .Tlicsc statcmenls are false. , .' Thcrs was some oannnnadiiig to-day,bul it was without result. ' Otherwise milfltary afliiirs were quiet,' aud nothing of .interest occurred, . . , ; . Tlic 'correspondence oi Uio , JiI)cniZtinc 2fsoys: .. "THE END ArfROAC'IIEi'.V . Tho aflkir at Asniercs was disastrous to the Communists,; whose lines were tilled with thcir.dead. The Versailles foreo aro witliiu una killymetcr of Portkks Ternes. A despatch trom Ncrsailles savs: -u The trial of the Comnitmist k ait'ca iftie proceed i ng. viuuuuux's wito lias scul r- iietiliou to Xliiui asking tha pardon of he husband. ' ... 1 . : TlUt PlGHTIXQ AT KECT tLY. i" LosnbN, 'April 104-Despatches from' iTSiimi' fivo sijinq pariieuiwrv resuming thu tight of yesterday nt, NcuHly. The iu- crssant fl: iitlug nt euliiy, wtiicii lastoa thmnghout Simdny irtght, nnd nil day Monday, wns followed by an ominous calm on Monday night, which was broken short- lv nftor ilnvliclit on Tuesdtiv rooming hi- tlm nisurpi nln The Conttict Raged nil day WltW little vaiilitco beina trained: bv leitln-f sidu.iuerv iivli ul-ground being obstinaUilyi'onteKtod,1 and both sidos ficbUng.withUirVioHl detev i:unmu.iy. tuwui-tts t ans, n sviug iho,uhu ...T 1 1...I 1..! . 1. : ..l. : .. . 1 1 i.ii.l i. ill. l.iil li'ini ll.i..! Ill tin. tviii.l rri... , I...IJI .. 'HIIWII .J...S .....I. . ,..V f.'.,.l.jt...W . liovciuuiept H'e dal.Uut tiiliuw tliw.v': tionnls, ill tuui lll)'l"'llll .,-! . ., 1 ' THE OH. TIIOI III.I si. M L' il Chlkk Aiuil 17.TLu Loiaal rr !t J ti.'uS h' rd lj. ft' 1" w U.2 luimiMhliwr. und'lleuiy Cuiliuiu, of l OlllltV iU Hot ieiiiill iluu. tinri;a W. IVIe. uf h. hultill. una in tho ilnlt ; Janus Kiul, pii.Iil4 i l W. )J. A , u pa.i.U 111 ; Jfim. A. St, a miliar, siikI ticiuu Oaeusj till iutrHivritaiic. ' - , . hal M-lecllou of umpire 'mihiI by iinaiiiiiiuii coiiwnt, ami 1,1.01. at mi. pn.l. d ahh. After h'irs1 Voim Ihu Ixurd a-rei d lip 11 1 J . . "'iloat' d b,lr. 1 'V . 1 ,Ul ! " il l.u.riiMi, 111 iau l.lwf I l.l!u.l,,?ri!.Mil, I..I hv Mr. I'ui.uh tl d'' Hot scit pi. I r . I I I '"A"V .l ttM.I M lllllhl lllil auer lllisiiJailj iuriii d itiiill lone A, m. lu siisruif M.Kiniii!?. Aninna Vott( an4 tmio il r o I Uj a IkIioiiJ Ltiw, auj dis.iv Ij hron. j i.J.. 4 su.iH 11. .1.4 Ju:iua. I ta aUuiu i4 any ivrnaMutati f.iau iiih 1 lU 11.1. t U. vip..i4ii4ie W lUsr Kniitle mian. U gi u.1 il iso.sik l.i ( 1 iakn U ant., 4 ita, lbs mimtm mnm twfmmim-9t hai nsionwili not consider themselves bound by the action cf the board of arbitration, but srillcontin no their attempts . at , IndepeudeTH cttlo mcnu J!..:;'V;'-- MAUCH CfttK VApril .17. udfeeEl weH baa accepted ths position of. umpire aftd baa telegraphed that he wid be hare to narrow. k miners intend ' to insist,' wpoo havlug th prices of the : coal at liabethpurt the basis for all the regions, demand live dollars. - - ... . 8rATSTOW,-'Aprlr-lT.Tho-propo8itlon of the miners to the compnpies was rejected thismornitifwiTbitxmiaiilci refused to enter into any compact with tho miners unlesliejt Kiili reBrmier rr'nTrkv.'t 8 cents jier diamond car. or without price nnd submit to arbitration afterwards. Not only has tho Dclawnre, Lackawanna and Western Company rejected the terms ofthc miners, but the Delaware nnd Hudson nnd the Lackn wanna .Irou and Coal Companies hnvo issued the same decision. POTXIHVH.I.K, April 17;Tho snbiect of arbitration -in - the- coftl dlmctiltt 'is the absorbing topic hero tonight, nndseems to meet with favor from' both operators and miners.. . The selectiou. of. Judge: Klwcll, of Columbia county, meets with general npprohnlion . A well informed nnd pro minent coal opcratoe hero stated tom'ght Hint the present coal difficult' was about ended', find that a speedy , 'riatimption of mining Would follow. .... ..' ' i ,r Max-cii. Chunk, April 10. -Tha meeting of the Hoard of Arbitration opend nt 0 o'clock this morning, and Is still In scssiou. It is nimord thnt JhdgeElwell.the umpire, has decided the question pf Interference nnd control of the mines in favor of the opera tors. .;.' '.,4 ' :!.'!.: '',, t .'J the noAixo ov AiiniTnATtoTS-mrtem.T ''" djF','bl!SUiirTON.. ; ..;.' V. ' Max'cu Cxtuxk, April 19.T-Tho JJoard of Arbitration ict this morniug at 9 o'clock. Tho decision of tho uinplro was given, very full coveting the entiro of interference by miners iu working mines.and was strongly (iccision was rraidercd the board ndjourncd to meet at the call of tlic peesident. - This vetoes resumption for tho present' in the Schuylkill region and parts of Lehigh "nnd Cnrbon,and there Is little prospect for work commencing at Scranton . or ot, Wilkes barro., ': ... . , . ., ,;,,. ',. The Wilkcsbnrre Coal and Iron (Jom pany's men will probably go to work this week. It is hard to say whether or not nny good it has' been accomplished , by this meeting of arbitrators- ' The ouly question submitted to the, umpire was that of in terfering with the working of mines. Locnl arbitration is minimr frrnnti.l . Ti .. bable that arranguments will soort lie made for resumnt onin one or'tnnt-n of iho .li. . tncts. - - I Oppressioii after eating, lieadacuo,, iiorv- l,u ucuoiiy, nrq mo cuucis pi, irKJieuon. One, or two at most, of Parsons' Purgativo Pills will give immediate relief. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment jnay be administered lo children with prefect suc cess, in cases of eroup,.,' whooping-cough, inlluenza, and nhnost any of tho diseases to which they nre liable. " '. : ' " ' M I M.l X EKYOOOIIS GEM F.KAt.I.Y. NEW STYLES' 0? ' " BONNETS. ,.. ,. ,v ,, HATS, :.'', ' . - PLOW KH8, ' . . i .'t : a.. L.' i FltAMES! .... .tiouruiuK and liriduJ t .rl J'.'i'Ulnt HitaiCsruiielM. ; Full line of MnnrniiiK Veils and Crape. lliVituy is triu Special' MI .TV r ! Kibbuns, OrnamcnUi, .unllicre,,. Glove;, I JlanaKeictilers ve.,.Ac. ., , ... ! rANcy coyns A.vp. jioiioxs.'. 1 12 .1100 ni. ij. uunrLMt: i -.' ""''-ii I :.! ' i s '-- '" '.''! . V:''"i'iV. . ""Jf:T!;,-;!-T7 .-.'.Notice t to .Creditors elito llicjuuderkiiudoii ,Nuie orjtook ue count, t nay up. im or iK'foi jha iirnt.dsTof. Mnyuext ft they ilosiro tq saw costs, sk uflcr ; mm nine tne accounts win Be left in Uio )mud of 0 Justlee (br speedy e61Iectlii.' . ..I ..iu ; .1 ;,.uie... . DAVID PKV. Kiuibuiy, April 20, 1871.-2'.. Stecjlxanics DrawlftSoiiooL All person wislitni; to tike Iesmns in 9Se.- (hnnlral Drawing, plcoe apply nt once to I the Mmlsnilgneil.' All necessary ln?lnuiient9'nmri inaunkii luinuiiea (rmlls. Terinssi r,w tscnly U-muiis, df one hour lor each lessim, pit fable In variably iii advance,,! J.or dednctiuu u'mitf for lunejos. by siholarj ., ., , . , . , . .. .." S.A.AhEX'AJvP'B. rnintmry; Aprrt 2'.', lSTiVt: riiUadrlplii fc UeMllu Rail Itonsl ..nt in ) ! - t'oinpnny.' 1 " 1 lo il' n .'Ol.vSSI'.W. toimkstreft: "' I'iiiladh.i'UU, April li, 1S7I-. A (jrvelil ineettinr iif thfl Ptocklioldcts uf he I'MI'iii. riilHn K llenitlin; Itnitrund t'oiiii'suy will lis lieldnt.iHIIoi)f the siil(t fomrnuiv, in the city 4 WilUd. lpbl,oallir.l)rhtlidliy 'ofMv.1MTI, at o'eba-k, P. M.,.wbwaa4 where tba j,4iit ncrreiiKiil nlerud lulo liy ilifrllnr.i nf.Msiiinters 1 il nit! 1 J'liaiwipliiu lUudin JiUwid t urn- ! iny. Slid tli Hoard of Director of tlie Nurtl.uru ' l.lbeiilMi A: Venn Township, l'iimpiiy, ! los llioeimsnlidatinu of I ha snid (Vimnaniei, mid ! Ihu UMirv-or of the Northern Libert ie A: XV 11 it I 'i t.MMt-llip Uriilrnud t'oaiiaay,4aU.4ba Phlladet-j HiUi.vy lt'.ntiii( U iilio4 l4HUtuy will be sua!' inlllcl in lbs MocUlioWvi, ami a l4u 1( lUif t ill person or hy piVJy, t.iki( fyr IU Ji;pi4.iM ' n-Ji-eiirtii of the Mine. '' . ' ' ' 3. Xf."3oS ?.-l,- Becrrt&arf ' ' 1 . ApiifJJk u:i.-i. Ti, 1 - . 1.1 I imiladrlyihia A ilea i lug U Hossi i 'v.. " v...... ' ' '.iiy, ,.;' , . . j ',1 .-, ;. ,:- 'AXXfUk er ' ; ,i 1.. .,; 'l.MM-! All U, lill, 1 1 A M' iai Musninil of Ik klarkl oidsr ut Hi I'liiUili'Vlii JUwtiui; itllr.iwl V.silpanj'will I'f ln'ld ii the i4Ucv of -iU ( iIM.ut. iv tlm i lly I if rti'"l'M:l, on t)ii'Vl4U 1I4.V uf Mh, JHT1, nl IV aVIiM'k, Sf,, 1rii pml wbsri! Hid j,,lul . iiKfv,iMil ilti-. Uio tf I'M Hrd f lii is oi I In) l'hilitaliiiiii V Ueadivs- lt.Olr.wirt CutStaiwy uad lb l rd ( Ulr-jetaas of la Lrlu- : a. 1 lUlliwiU Cu)ui4ii), i t Ida rata. ; mil Utli.u f llv ,iiil t'uii ..i..,iii4 lUr nii4r 1 uf 1 1 10 ljb:iniiii A Trviaoiil Iljji.w 1 1 oinbiuy 1 lain h riilUdi-lphla .t Hi iding R il!.-.. r..iU. ' js.iiy, Mill ba submitted to (U kutd BI.k uiul a tule t b.illoi Iu ioit or vsyl lakes liMiltWiluii iu iijtwiUia nl laa san.a. I J. W. JiiSka, kaiitay. 1 A piii ., 111:1. -u. ! MIM.M. si lMNU siTVF.r.H iT, UDXNKTS i'UlWIil tUAMaKVl'. kUm uUt( u4 lliUl iU 4 M4iuia. SAklt HlMMiai, f'KAfllt.a, tMiai.Ka, I tee uiul Trliiiuliik of ciery ai tetjf, , lull ili l j I Vi'l'liMNti , kiU Ahli IIJ.U-. U aiuns. a la s4MM.uM.t.'e I, lUUJ.SI.MMla, (Vt. -MltllkUl M 111 Mi MM ry " Msk) 1. ilivkf.i;u, MiSlikli-f fl'AIlt, M Mil HW.I'A. tfit u 1. 1. .... , iiK'uiini. i no mines, mm was strongly agnniHt the-miners." This is ' considrcij quite a point gained h'v the operators.. A Air tlm rIRI Ja A' KANO Marino In anpfe Neaji the Coubt House, Susbury-, Pa. M ETROPOUTAH-ltf E 1 rlSURANCE .111 'l.ll COMPAN BHuWH new yoiie'"-1101 "( I OOlen 010 Brondn!r.'!Ar'Hii'lif pnnmrtlotlUo l.taMllttn larjror tlina lint rHBw Company.' ' i F.innilne th MOrlW ef this storttna Gomrhny. Its Rpgintr Byntcm Sfl DtTlfKvn of Politics. :V:',;i'-'!' 1. VIEK, Special AgcuC 1 ' ' ! K .,' ,'l :M 1.' IllilM.t 1 lift: .'! ,:i . in n ,i,r .,1 i li J .' I - '.- .!,., ..IT ( v. .l-.j.n .TO: M'N. ... Jinn J IITI .'I Hi-'lt "1'lliJ ..IV. V V It M .-JH-l'J lo ..HARWdkri, CbX. -i;-iti I - Aels, .ii ,. i)V. L.i,l(ndee; President.'', , 3. Q'oedmew, 'Jlecty .. , ( IVm. B.' Oatk, Ass't Bee'jr,,, .; ' LM-.TODER, Agent, ' ,1ii.. 7 iS3(.l, t'Ui' l ': i -ntcj ijiui ; , ,nl in' -l t:.- . ..I 1c t , li .Vlli I-.'. t II i m WVOMiN4fi INSURANCE ' 'FANYY':; n i.-t WILKES-BAKBB, l'KNN'A. t l ! AftMCfe, Jan. 1st, 1S7I, $21,6?9 ?, - f : ,i. .i ." i. " I ..Hi !,. i-xt :: - f'H A8. DOHIIANCE, rrestdmitt' J n; m. V I.. II. PUOEMAKBK, " io PMldont. Hull 1L C. SMITHy Bcoretaryj ; !! li. .'. j j . " Ti.'-U iL YODEii,' Agent," 1 - ' ' ' " SUNHUKY,rA- i .-Hi- 1, '-........ .. ,,!, PrkttJTnll VHvA ' TltHiirflriftA OttSylUe XUSUTalliji COMPANY. : . r . ... , . . . ; ' LOSSES I'JIOMF.TLI PA D. F.-AUWAOT,-President.' '''" ritKKICH HAESEI.EY. ecrtar.': ... . i ... x Agenu ; ... . ..i. .... i scxMSttt va: i ; ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, ... .' '.'.: ' o' V ',. ERIE, l'EXN'A. nah Capital, 2SOyCP0O OO. . HON. O. NOBLE, PIwhknt; JOHN V. VINCENT, Vire President.' " M. HC8U WARNKH, B-. crcmrv, ' II. W. NOHI.K. Treasurer. " ' S. fi. SMITH. Spei-lnl Aghftt.' " ' 4 ''','1. HUtECTOttiC- ' ' IVn.:.. XoUe,. ; v. .Iiflui W. lliiiniuoiid, Jiiiiu l ertlir. 1W. J. P. Vincent, ..ri M. llnrtkr, 1 . 11 ,, Cupl. J. S. KichurtU, Jauies H Neill, 1. ... r :K..1I. Gibh., j.i : , 1 II. Wi Noble, ,;: Hiriira U.iL'Kitt, , 1 in . Kivknrd 0'ikio,;j ." Hon. ;. II. lielaiiiatcr, II. S. BautUrd. ll.iu. 8. Marvin, . T. t'UnrcliUV :. Einflilinrt.. ;:' ;.;,; m. youEtt, Agcui,"'': - , tiirNIlL-KYi Pw '! 1 -ANDES 11 1 Intsurance i Company, " CINCISNATTsi OHIO, ." " -- ' : ; it8Mjouitu succUv ' FIRE ANH'MARIJTE. ' ; ChmIi -upital.. ,m i ril.0OO.009 OO. V.. A ) : 3. B. BrrPTT, rretld.-nl'.;'' " ' ' , j: H. V!.VTTIE. 8eer. tnr. " 1 - - ' J. A. JKRafNE, Supt. nfA Jcncle'; 1 AjuiIUm lUaja- tut Iiisiiranoa uruaiialy alt soiled , . , .to-.,'. ,v , ' , . ',.'. T , .V,rvi'i ' J . 1.' I . . . ;, , , ,T"1"'!T,(.)T),!,t A9CBt, ' , &i Mil uv. Pa. . ,.1 . WILLI AMSPORT 11HK IXSl HANCR't'OMPNV; ' 11 . (' , WILUAlibPOKT, PESiX'A. In-aTar(ili)d 1SC9. ' CasIi ruj.llsVimO.iJUO, , JOHN WHITE, Prc'lti. m, . ... U. W.THOMI'aON.Swvr. 1. k Tha Orlainal Llaktlstlas: fmrnftmrnf . r I'risaiay lfsil. ?'vry Policy Itsurd by Ihi ('omjinny Iniirtei iiyaliikt da ins;,' by l.lbtnlin; a cty a tlxe. v4vatv or An,- srau, 1st, ST1. 'ssti Iu rlaiik. -ifMk JO i l,W 00 , l,Hal 00 1.000 00 'Vtl Ul hands uf Atftuts, Oil Hi. I Millfaf, , l.iin on Htovk CulUiaral. It. K, Komi, Hlllt n.-eilat.l. I'vrtoual I'lojiviVj, i uj 60 ' ' ' IIO.VU IS K.,u!u: PolUiat, fair tWUng, t'arentl Writ. H. s4 l't Paying, am uui Iraiurt . U M. VOMKIt, Agent,. ' rkituv,VA, Auill Si. UTI.-3, . . , 1 A rn:uH: not aa.aVaVt w Ij mu i. . I'lauj. j. a. hLiik.a. i VVOHTII. Piuwis. iMtae f' li.i ' ApiU ti, ll.-ly, Doott and 8hoepI awaj narrirn, . 1 till J feiitat, sliui alalia kii4, anuVvf , P' kli..'uU Siuguimi , illitl 1 A a ) toll U turn . .4 ..! anl4luti at Ik skin tail .ka. ' AH liUiki k sl II mi tl, ablt k U snada 11 1 l 11 Uii rui ia at Ik W4.a i.asm.vt TtlFEnd stiranc OT)RT, smwmmi VMa anatif aas Mutaij, 1 k M.L,ki Litil U iu aai ttSdt iM bk akS Ui. (nnkii 1, ,ii.a. 1 ak.ii, ai'S 1 H."invn ' 'rilUU'l ' 1 " -riii!ri5jniittr Large Nlockt Iletler Facllllleat tt opeudd n,Wff0. flit nnii tubetnitlal sssort- I .l M misii or jj . G DliESfiXiOOpV. mcstfes, hVliiie Gooflf itncy Caasimeron, CARPETS -AND OIL. CLOTHS. notickepritttol1rfttVifrtt: r QueeasirnrCy Wilton-Ware Olass wary,-fte.y tfcgv for Men and Boys. Each Hue fu'.l aud eomplet. ,.iviar Sttiiawtirtifoeifs iitj.'ifei y t rrtcsj io linlt iW liiuevr Cill ud AU kinds' of countfr produce taVca In ex- cimnge ror goods. - JLui'n Iron Building, ifarkg j9tret8unbiDjl f' . Sleil Assortment , , '1' I Or 1 It' f .;l. -rt'T- .. Ul 1 'I'll lll. VftV ' ' '."! I-'' j" '.it ' MERClIAT TAILOKINQ H0US3. ' Tiuiw-St. i Qm Doa. Hrx.w ALarkcv l: . , tST.v S U KJfVAXi PA., 1..! Every variety of PTIFYPTI Tfrtt Yirr IACCTXTT'TJT'a i'w. vxiuuit a a a a. a . a r,CLOTBi5, TESTIXGVAc. , , ,", t ef tlie finest grades,; sinbrMlng every, nnallry and stylet ttuil lite Now York and i'lilladclpliia Markets afford, which will do made ap to arcWi by tha best of workmen, .wurrairied Ao fit .and render cntira satisfaction. . i cmbrnrlng evcrjtUina; of Gentlemen's wear, all new nnd of the latest strlvsV ' A Inrjte iifock tins Just been opened; to.whiclr tlie 'citizens nre in vildto(illatMlxiuniiie. - i;,'-! ,x tu.i vi i ,v ........ , J. M. ZIF.GUER, . ' . Third Elfecl-, atic dofir below Market Square. Bunbnrj.iAprilSa, lBiln.! .- i . . Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. P JT Ui BPRUWeTliW TABI.Kni r 'y flnvaad. nfter Monday, Arrll 9th, 1J71, the Trnlm on tlie llduvleiiitiiik & Erie Kail Kvaa will run aa.-1'oUewai - t - v; , jr, ,js ;;, t p ia'-sci-- : WESTWARD; ' : . ' -ti''ir?eV',?,'i.-'. ? Frie.Expi'ess tenves PhllndblVhln,' -- "'13.20 p ta .-'.. -v.. -,n(ttr -- o.W'p m " " an nt Eric, A m Elmiia Mull Wvca.PblluiUlpUa, fc.SO a w j.."...", .V.'.w Sanbury,: -?'4.r.5pm tV. " ' ...nrf ' hoek Iliivon, 7.60 p m ' ' V EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, 0.00 a 111 " " .T iieinrr,44 .1 UHin :nrr.nt I'hiiafklfUIn,: O.ftoam Erie Bipress. ienves Eriti ' j.t- . - e.00 p m i'V ji,-"- Simhurr, A . ,. - i0.15 a in 'S '.-ianrat VliUadelvbln, . 1 , ft.SO p m Eijnira.MnU leaves ijauk. Haven, . ,:i 8.U0 a in 1 'tii-.'il . SunlHiry, r 1.1 11.00 n ni " " nrr arl'liilndclphln, 6.30 p ra Buflulo Express leave Wlll'winsiioi t, ViSJi a m ! !! . Kf V-fcwyl'W-l, HP a as : J v.-mv v ' arr nl 1'lillit.l.liilila 11 Jul a. Expresr, Mnilnd Areoniinotlr.tiotr, oast ns westfcnnnect at Cory aud all west bound tracts, and Mail and Accomodation est a Iniowtou wifh Oil Creoknad AUrffhrnv .'Kivcr . ' HrM.A..UAllN,. ' caf Bun's. , S"i in 1 II in TtnV MtW. WOMEN. rln? ehjnj'c' In' to $10 iiee dur tn their own Realities. Pull nnr ticulars mid iiistactlons Mit free by mail. Those in ueed t iieruiucnt, piolltable work, shoukt eddresa at esiee." UKUjtGE STINSOX & CO., '" ' Portlnnd, Maine. ..Aitt13,1S7l.-3in.' . . 5ew au.i.l.EKriooiil si r t" "'MpYingV I71i 1'',i''3 JUST catficd a fufl 'line 0 Millinery Goods for lUfUCj'-ion. comiirisluit nliir: aud varied as sortment of ' ;, . -U.A-i.i-is 6TR.VW GOODS, ..-t-tO a- '! .: i- j'iit n a fcJLKS, Tvl 111 111 oil rnit lut rimmed. fllaU, NN KTyfArltONNKT" fit AM and every rtllAiiii1i.ii.iiilt lie MfiliAt-ry l;ml iii'ss, wilh all ,tbc luteal tmd' deaimble uovulties saoU. j-.i.i : 9 .. . '. 1 Ladies' nnd Children ' Ilorlu'ry, liem-i'tUclied Wo, , aud linen llitudkerrbicfs. ; kid and 1 lisle Gtuve, A-'oreuls, ll.xi;i-Kkirl 4ind Ualiuorais. Dfuss buttons, guipure -laws, . friiaits, ladies' ucckUcs, nnd Inner ribbons lor bouw ami sashes In gioiil yariuiy. JUvtil and inuuitaoa hair clitj; noiis, frizes, culls and a wiit-hv. . jl -r . ii.n.-! ,: - ; :. i. 'MtiNi.ii. SliliiijiLEIl, Maikevnxx't, thiiiUniy, April 15, lap. . . TO THE WOUKIMJ C..Ui.-Wa ai; ow prepared ta fyrrilnli 11IL crassaj. a Kii toiiskoil .'in ployrucut ut U'lUie, lou uhuk of.ibo liunj or for tlie spais liiouitn'.i. llu-iuuAn lu'iv lij;httiud l'o- .TuteVelu by dcvotlnj; tlielr. uUole tiinc.tu. the bu.luoa.-r Boy and ti'ts. sim ncai'li us iM. Tlmt nil sec tljU houiu) niiij eud ih. ir Jd - uiauic. rtrtoiiB ot tit,iicr sx easily tarn .irptu druM, tuul U-t the biiklni'ss, v.o make this 1111-U puralleled oa?r t To sueh ji are not sidl.sulis .1 . 1 .. .. 1 . .. ... . . .. largest illy I bc fciiiillv qea.ipep pol.Hk nil M ill IrVcby mall. Kii'jl. r, if jou wanV tptr ninnent, nriu1ln!e win;li. aildross 11 ,,. : . ,.M.i('utu,Maluo. April j-v7ti-.1."-fltji. '" ' , WAI.T1IA.M UAKIIUt. I.CAlDWEt ' JEWELERS, f Mo, 9Q3 Chestnut Btreot, Ph0a4elphia, 1 am now prepared td fiU Crdcm for tli GENl'INE WALTUAU WATtllKS, Muder Ihelr own guarantee. In either IN liarat Cioia or Colu Kilt er i staea, ( . OlUf (ifUiUl Skit k M. ) Tbe Watch ssvally rienl In Sua flnUli, variety cf sly Is, ainfareuruU tluiekeepiiin iiials. tics. W tut ne puiu ular alUnlbMi la tba low price l wblih a isally 11 watch my nuts b liui. ... I IMeait a4i a IUr at lrlt l lal. tlrdsrs riH-clnd fnHu alt duls. li'Std w4 . I. li. ttteuf a44irw. I I XUl 1llh I S, sriU' W lit aUul kaj.i sniy aJiKulmju KMkvu,.f l a pitsvut pur I'tiawr, 1 . , . Kxt VUUWU I. A, tit.. . ktsi t kaalual slml, I'iilU, ApiU tl, 117 1. Jan I J,. t. Hsss. ll. Ul.UftH Pf.AiST (t ) PMXTVH, llerststtsai, kevlsi'4 ( awtttiy, I'su ,!l"i.?",j ri a'wr uiunirjuuuiiLii wrilinj. FuU mrUeuliU s , lO-i'VyU' cample which llt'do (n emumniin niirk mi' nrtd a ropy of T J J'4oiUfi'sliAaaM--oiie of the ml HOt eK, kW U4 lltualiwaUl ralMias, Ui.mii and l'af duw la IW Ut Wutk4iikiis atai.., a.4 A Ik tkutuvt autn. Hi4m 4Iuusn sad "1 viy aiicudid I Apid ti, 7I 'U. (til I IO. Ad Uaulw I as askai . pum ul imh kili Siaut kwt to Sii UI .! i 1.4 p.' UJO.4 mtp ..ill4ul,. ut MJ ll -MS Ivi Uv knUud llaliUI WUI... I., uf I-., si M.i.4iu. uauol.i., a Mtkuu.'i.y.J w.m! i , P All ia4. i.,u4 ti!jii f 1 1, 1. b.4l, ml. is t auk to Ik Una. at t.i.ul at il. l. I 14 Uli, III ft lM M . !( , m l, '! f b'M. nl UT.I It. Vis mtiamir ulritlw ? if: Jon II a'w tii a! Jni:. V- .-.., -.ii.--.:-. i iHK-'T'-t.f:J' I 7 "I . , .tfljlili. Hi;'.' i . , i ' -,3 ji'no ;. )', .!. ''; " ,v X'."i -.. i .. ')H urv i. ; , 't i.r the-mammothtork; . U1CVI1W 1' ' r-.'i-l.- ,i.tll)l .a -."i; :i..'t :iivii"'! l . ,- ,s . ... li-li'.Ui; "t,.:i.( 'a i .: . .' ti'l .j. )uf received and opened ' .i-t: '' ! . " . i ... ' , r.- i'jn; rmi'itl .1 i hi.) .i( J t -. :ff in. I i a .;i.i( Yrw 11 in iii i HI 1 T- a.1 V ; i, 1 . , tut if :....:. .'null A MAMMOTH STOCK OP GOOD. ' i V j .s n.'rt!-. 1 ' rui- ji :t .a ,Vi.; - t a ti ,"iA i-rM ;' tH ii X Wliloti h lias ' h V .O A IH .rf ,rr ' j . I an .'I nl - ." i "' -.".V .., : ! sl .-.Ll .' ' i' .:.iia .ji .a .i! i .--v;;:'i : :.. .vi1 sa .stm.'-f . v. t ' I ' ..iltt'.'f ' .' .- Ti- ., ii" t ,'infi.v'., , ,. . ' v.,-- i i, . .: ,I11 . ' and offers to ffrt Public at the very . . t ... .( ,v rt -y ....,. s ,:: LOWEST CASH Fft.C. -.. ' f ol ;'L:;V.,V ii t. I ; Ilaviiig established ref uJa5fvjr low. .... ' price sit . '' i JPJT X E X Xt I-UT O- o r.l-wTll thdenvor to rantntafn thai position.'. Uli-: -3 h t t i i H :- r'rwif rvV ft V 'a fx- irix-r. T-n-n ' COML ONE & ALL & LXA E TuE ) r ,r . ':- ,i-iijji 1 ; LAKO EST TOCrt; I ' ! A .' ill!"' . .IT "o :.' . 1 T "1 . ( ' OT:ST ASSORTMENT c: . ' ;r .t Mr. i, i . 'I LOWEST r ' a .V f.'il.'' .-..' .:- ' ' INTllECOUNTUV. .f'ri I ti 0 ... . 1 :.. for the brjre smimnt of imtrnnniro heretofore liestoivejl liynu mo. I will mdiuter b fiimbihiiii; the tiest pjiftilii nt t tt.?'toest prices 10 mitlt contlnnanei'of the snnn. '' ' II. Y. FRIUKCv ' April 15, 1ST1. , ,.P -s , , MURRAY 6i CO.. H'l". . I ' I' .'i . .t.'i . WlibU'wle IiciU'M hi OILS, omclilut ?etmol Stat'.onerv. ' i-1,i11. " w..m.. ! 1 rlMlUl " rappIiiR and Manilla PAPERS. IVmtcra' Curds, l'aiicr iJags, ic, Acv Tiia tkbrated Colry,, Itcioscito llurning Oil A ' '.alViavi on hnnd. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! rTaTlng'nlsg ojiened a we nre now prepared to supply Ibe cillsen. of kuubary mid tlctuitv wlili tho very b.-.i ualltv of t'oal, carefully prepared fur l.miily u.e, a roasiaiahlo prk.n. kuiaivss ami ail ',l.i wi Uait it 14 tlwf udvuiaat lu Kiv u. a m.H. KtKJ, W'IVttl. ' ' ' 1 I 1 I I ., CI1D5XSUT uiul )! i . 11 1 a tin 1 -i . 1 rr... Always 00 bund. Older lei't at our elllee hi Room No. 2, CLEMENT HOUSE BLOCK. . Will ka promptly aiiruitm o, Met ul It Tlalrts MS. Mttubury. I'm. AaiMtttUirsttar .Mallrt-. t)iiili H'ufidJ,,,,,,, Null E I. krisl.t rss, ll. il I. it. uf t , iiui.iliitifc4t ksitu bua i-i.if. 1,, n, 4u4ikI wa V Lima ul Abn.i.m l.. , lata ul Ml. I ...a., I ....uwa, N..n,Mii,,u,, I'a , di.uawd .Alt u, ! n. W-UiJ l sail l.UU an it.( ...l. . .. I,. i j,,, VHluVl fc hMialaal ll. k..n. , . j.r.cut tu. diti) uiwi.i..diw4 lot itu:ti'ii. stiMiv im.r, ... . , AJuiiiii.,1,,,,, All. .'. I I Kt..utk,'tp,,l tli l.ll -ut. VOU MALE, ptl till In I a u the .urr uf a ....! .i iu..Mk., i,.i., iM 1 u. a I4uk Ut MHuuir, u al k k IL.. c ,!(! , U'K ;lt' 1-im.mi, ltoa aad tik.i4u ... 1 ka bwui . .4, Ui. ui ii t, Uni4, 4.. 4Imi, a 1.4 uo V,k M...I, l ta a-.,,,,,! ul W.r, initl.ii ,4,, ia a.n. !.... , ' tl.l 4 VilM..lM.t. I ,..i. at tl.. k . , , I .. .. ... . ' ;.