Netting Out (iitlliigw. ., Wo nro constantly licnrin pcoplo any tlmt tliey li.ivo no hick in making grnpo or other cuttinps grow hist na if "luck" lmd firry-tliing to tip with it. They fail iVhot glviV$ fluo attention to tho. matter ; in nUior'word, the cause in neglect nntl inrtif Ibrcncp. Tho old mlngo should never bo forgotten, apply it wheresoever wo may "A thing that is worth doing at all is worth doing well." Thuro should bo properly two cj3 l.o every cutting : thsn dig a trench sot the cuttings p.t an angle of 43 degrees, (at least six inches apart) so that the uppereyo shall bo even with tho ground and press tho earth f. round tho wood iinnly with the foot. If fs" tell' to mulch them with grass or straw, and if need bo water them occasion ally in the dryest weather. This is of course for tho farmer and nmnteur. Tho nur seryman propagateTn from a singlo cyo, stuck together as closely ns possible. ISomo varieties of tho grape nro propaga ted much moro freely than others, i or instanco tho Colcord, MaKit'avviiy, ITart ford IVolillc, Clinton, &c, take root rend ily ; while tho Delaware, liana and tho Telegraph nro diflicult to iropngato in open culluro unless great care is paid to them, a good portion of wood is used. Wc all know how easily currants nnd gooseberries arc thus gi dwu. Vo have hud both the latter to bear the year after setting out. Currants and goosbenies should be set out just where tliey are wis hed to stand permanently. If you prefer a --fc,'fcnt out nil tho eyes beneath tho surface of tho grouud ; if a 'bush, let tho eyes rcmn'm. These cuttings ought to bo planted from six to eight inches deep, and the earth pressed firmly around them. A large proportion of liowcring--s!ii"jte r.nn also bo propngated by cuttings and thisshould be known by all who have 'luck' in multiplying their stock in this way. 1crmuntoicn rdegi-iq.-lu Charcoal in tiik Dairy. The power ot nunc to aosoru tnc noxious rlSC3 llltd t orders IVoni Ihp ntmosnhern i, knnwn In I ouius nom uic nimospncic is known 10 every dairymtm, and this power extends nlso to nH Htrodnctions mace from milk, bo they cream, butter or cheese. Much ol'tho bad flavor in butter and cheese is not caus ed so much by anything derived from tlus cow, or the food which she cats, ns by the . odors imparled cither to the milk lifter it ie drawn, or to the cheese after it is made, and before it is put in tho clotli and vciukrcd impervious to Atmospheric inllucnces. llcnco tho necessity of the fjreatet efforts being made, not only to keep the dairy nnd every utensil used, ' in a stale of perfect cleanliness, but also tho attendants should 1)C in every way cleanly in person, and the nir kept pure and uncontaiuinalcd by any odors whatever. To do this, charcoal, finely powdered, is probably tho bestftndcliefirlc'-'S article that can bo used. It is capable, when fresh, of absorbing ninety times its own volume of ammonia or other gases, which can again be driven out of tho char coal by the application of heat. How much charcoal is necessary, and where it can best bo placed in the dairy, so as to absorb nil noxious gases, are points yet to bccBtablish- . cd by experience, and we only throw out the idea in order that dairymeu nray make n. note of it, and rind out for themselves, by experimenting, the best ways and means of employing charcoal as an absorbent lc flocrizerin the milk-room the cheese-room, or any oilier part of the dairy cstabltbh mcnt. liofton Cultivator. HoLLOW-IIonx. Tho discaso or symp tom of disease known as "hollow-horn'" m n common attendant of March winds, and is most serious in its effects on such cattlo ns are caught now iu poor condition. In past times it was thought : to cure or alleviate the disease by boring with a gim let near tho bass of the horns, to let out, it was thought, confined gas, which caused trouble. Occasionally also some stimulant would be introduced into the bored hoi.Tr. AVc saw it once recommended in some jour nal to pour a mixture of vinegar nnd pep per into the poor beliefs car, 'lo wake up her ideas,' as the writer said. Of late tho practice of boring has been less resorted lo, nnd deemed unnecessary, at leaf,t. In the Xcw York Farmers' Club lately, the matter being discussed, Dr. Trim ble expressed tho opinion that "tho disease resulted in great pain to the animal, in con sequence ot the generation and accumula tion of pas iu the horn ; that boring the horn and allowing tho gas to escape rcliuvcd the animal, aud that tho application of a mixture of black pepper, vinegar and salt pouriid in might bo a needed tonic' Dr. Crane said that during thirty years' cx- icriunco lie had not bored an animal's, ion's, and does not think it neosury. lie npplicB spirits of turncutinn to tho head, back of the horns, ami itali'ords "uuinctli:;te relief. It is much better to prevent this disease by taking good care of the cattle, ami if it comes, Ix sides other remedies, j-ivo imme diate attention to tiie comfort u! iheaninitil in shelter nnd lidding. JJuUinioi'v timi, To Kill I'uplap. SmouTv A writer in the Ciucinnntti Coxcitu replies to a man who wants lo know how to kill tho silver leafed poplar nnd its s;routr If he will pursue, the following plan, 1 will warrant the tree aud all iu (-piouu to die ; or at leant I killed mi'1, with a wilderness of hproutti, that had sprung up for twenty yards iu every direction : limlii! th- trts i list as you do iu ordinary deadening. t!'"'i with n tuiliilo or Ihlt htiek loosell tlm blllk iii iow i;.o ;irni(', houui tiiii cr u-ii uielies, tonkin", a potn li ull nioiuiil the tree, hihI lill much w ilh ouiuiiioii :,alt. I w ill warrant every root, brum h mid bj ioiit of tlm Irvu will ilie. The i ittloii inity ho iwrforiuu! l any Hum wlu-u will thl. Sit. Cin ink.--Take llir. ci til ,' tv null (. nl'ciiiiKtni'iii, i lovi s, wiuu r-iiieii, sj i ar luint, LH i'i'itiiiol uml Iviiiou, and tut with till oliiil. To t l iiK C'llAl l l l IIasd.-i.-.I'vj Haul In wi! with Imli.t lur i i.hi mill Uillio tvitli BWi.i t tii a iii at i i;.;ht. v Llitt run iiai MM. - J'nt a little Mark 'tr in toiiie cotton, illji In swiit ml an. I in 1 1 iii iiin i nr. t Ins iriiiiily 1 have ever ktinwn Hit ijuiilct UrMi.iiV t'U i.ui i'.-Ahiiiiii..ti r tt -it'l l i nn tie. fltilf a fllji ofim Ind lard U i. i;n..i ni ihi tiling, Apply I i tlm thml ilnd throutM t-lxili M'f'l-g.uitu'tl ah l.tid i.ii.I i ii,A'i d ktith r-i wiili nail.. Jluhg I'll l.lli III . . vl ,Uk.I ,(( lln.ul iu IW iKr. j'lrutlnii. j.i.i- I'll'. ( Ml r. - A L'""tl I bio 1" J id' It In. ( i.plul id Inrd, Mill p.vr r I iI.imii, I i t ( i y 'J I' itl'UpluU id lli.UI' i U l.llli' k.,ll, nud uiy ii ui"U:!i l-i In Id U. o i ;n.iln hi, l lUr, 'i bi luaLi riimih 1 1 ui t lor ou i in. .liu.ii b.4.. . pn . Mu iiub kly mid nu.. I" ' j, Iml klunilln; ,il all. 1 nr Iii. no. td ' ii.i til 4 II. piii mIihIu fill) id iid. It in ii .u y ..r t i y 'J i u j. ul II jui . ii I'tu I h i is rrn i. - U.,11 up l i klllU.I I I II ..tM. . ,1 IjH,,, ,.f ll,,ttli li"l tllwm, .ii.. I i..iji ll.iiu hi) I,' lln ii lull 4 iUiSi.U i uixil.t lUk tiMiu r lull ( Huiut H turithukd ti m l.l J'.r l ll'lliliU., llwlll.l.Ml Mllll I U.I I' 11 Id ..t ; in 'Iiu Kill kllU Willi H Iii. . ill I l I III j ill I l.r I- in.!. . 1 i ill ,l,i, 4 lid le M ill) llii Mill l ilii..,t I ,i 1,1 m in . iiicxky T. iiei,mhoii's COMPOUND FLUID -EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts Fltild Ext met Rhubarb nnd Fluid Extract Cntuwba Grapo Jtilco. For Liver Complaint, Jatindleo, Bilious Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Headache, Costivcncss, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs, Thcso Pills nro tlio most delightfully plcnsnnt purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, ct. There Is nothing moro acceptable to the itoinaeli. They give tone, nnd cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They nro composed ol' the Jlnnnt itigretlicut: After a few days' use of them, such nil Invigoratlon of tho cntiro sys tcm taken place ns to nppear miraculous to tho weak nud enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. II. T. Ilrlmnnld's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grapo Pill arc not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coaled Tills do not dissolve, hut pass through tho sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce tho desired effect. Tho Catawba Grapo Pills, lielmt pleasant in tasto iuuI eritJ", do not necessitate their being sugiir-coutcd. Prlco Ilfty cents per box. i wrm m J 1 m:nx t. iixLMnoLii'M . HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Fluid !vt tract Knrsaparlllu Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Scores, Ulcers, Snrc Eyes, Soro Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Kheiini, Cankers, Runnings from tho Kar, White fcwcllings, Tumors, Canccr- l ous All'cetlons, Node?, Rickets, Chiudiilar Swoli i lugs, Night 8 wen Is, Rash, Tetter, Humors cif nil kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, uud f.ll I diseases tint', rave been established in tlio system lor yeurs Being propnrei'. expressly for the nljovo Com plaints. Its blood-punying properties arc creator 11 ""'.I umei j'111'.iiaiiiiii l'l na i Mi'iu n in. n G1V09 ' complexion u cicnr aim ncamiy coior . .,.,..... ,im i.,t!imt to n ulnto T Health nnd Parity. For Purifying the blood, removing all ehrimie coastitutional d'scascs nrlfdnir from an impure state ol the Wood, nnd the only reliable and ell'cct ual known remedy for tho euro of pains and swelling of tho Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Less, DlotchcR, Phnplos on tho Face, F.rytdpclns and all scaly eruptions of the slhr, and beautifying tho complexion. Price, 1.50 per noiiie KEXRY T. IIELMnOLD'S ; Cosoi:nthati:i FM ID EXTRACT Itl'CIir, THE GUEAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which it has been given. Irritation of I he neck of the Hhid der nim Incarnation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and liladder, retention of Urine, !iseacs of the prostrate Claud, Ktone iu the Bladder, Calculus, (travel, Hrickdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for F.n feCMefl and Dclif ate . onslitutions of both sexes, attended with the following aymptomsi Indls positii:i to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Mo mory, Dilllculty of lirenthlug, Weak Nerves, Trcuihllng, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in tho Back, Itct Hands, Flushle.K of the Body, Dryness of the f kin, Erup tion on the face, palid Countenance, Universal lassitude of the Muscular system, etc. Used by portions from the aires of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-five, to fifty-live or iu the decline or change of life; after confine ment or labor pains ; b -dwetting in children. Helmbold's Extract Euelr.i is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, and cures nil diseases arising from hnbiH of dissipation, aud excesses and lm dences m Life, impurities of the Blood, etc., superseding copaiba in uil'eelatlons for which It Id iitr.;! mill uvt.l.UUiA nTllii.tiniii! lit tltosit .li- eases used iu c ttteclion with Hclmbold'a Rose Wash. LADIES. In many affectations peculiar to Ladles, the Extract Huehu is uncipuilfd by any other remo dy lis iu chlorosis or retention, Irregularity, patnfiilness or suppression, of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or sehlrus state of tho Uterus, LeucoiTlIma or Whites, Bterillty, and for all complaints Incident lo tho sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It Is pro scribed extensively by tho most eminent physi ciauaand mithvives lor enfeebled and delicate Wiuns, of bot-'i sexes and all aees attend ed with any of the uhuv.t diseases or syniptoms.) IT. T. ill'.i.Mr.ol.IVS F.XTIIACT BUC1IU CCKK8 DlSEAbKrt AKlhlNH FROM l.Ml'ltU DENCES, lI.VBITs OF DIpSll'ATlON, ETC., In all their stages, at little expense, IHllu or no change in diet, no ineoiivcnlouee, and no expo sure. H causes a froJiaenl. tluslre, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ruc tions, Pr.ivcntlT' u it. I Curing .Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and lullaniatioii, so fic- i lel.l ill Villi C'hlaS of di -C.SCS, lllld cXpelliug All 1'oisoiioua inat'cr. 'Ihoiisandi who I.avo I.ccu the victim nf In competent persons, nnd who have paid heavy fees to be cured ill u short lime, have found they have deceived, and thai tho 'poison" has, by lie.' iiso of "pOMoiiul Ubtringeutd," been dried up in the system, to break out in u uioru life.; .t valcd form, unl pcrhapi uficr MaiTiagc. Use Helnibelirs Extract Uuchil lor all AI'.Vc tioiisand Di-tvasas of tho L'ulary Organs, whi th er cxUiitig in Male or female, from whatever origiiintiii', nil 1 iiu matter Low long it. Hiding. Price, one UoiUr and Ilfty cents per buttle. 1a IIF.NUr T. HF.LMUOl.D'S lMl'HOVED ROSE WAMl cannot be surjinved ui a luca Wash, nud will bo tuiiinl the only i-i'i'i'iiic iviiitily In every seeies ot ( ulna- oii Aluiriicm. It spn. U!y t i idiearm I Pnniiles, Kiiots, sicorb'illc Drvm'ft.i. Iitdaratloiu I ike Ciit.iueoiM .Meiulniine, elc, iU-iicIh IteJ in mid Incipient Iiillum.ilion, lliviw, It:i,h, Moth I'.itehe-, lr.viii of ISnilpnr bkiu, Fro-i liile., and ii!l piiriMM.-s whieli t ilv- or Hint. Ili.'li' ttre il -e.l 1 letillv.l lllil hkill to a ht.llil of 1 nil' nn.! " .A m' nnd iiisiin'S cimtiinicd 1 1 . : t . 1 1 1 nriiu'.i n tho of Hi vu..,..: l wli'n'h dej'u'iii!.-; lite iiurenible e'f:iriies: and viva- '.t y ( li iii hi mi ni'i jli sought and adialrml. lioueiei V .il...i!.l.- io iiieiiinlv lor et ling .hi. In ul iltc kl.m, 11 . i. Il.'in'jo'.d'ii Kii WanU l..ri !.'. ,' s i. l.l'.n. I .l pnuelpiu elnliu to UnlkiUlid ..I p .tnei ..e, l. pi..--. i.l.iiilit. Wlih ll r. ll- .! r :t ,i 'I . il. t A; p int. : e of 1 1. o iiu.-t Puin'ilu. l:w ii nt 'niii'iii il eli. i led r, eiiin'iliiiiu; In un i.!VU.t f.ira.ul i liiuse p..,iiiiueiit le.piUilK, Hule. iv and l'.i.'.i.u ) I In- I, ii. ill. .blu iuci.iiiihiiiiiih.iiI, i.l il. Us - ;n A l'ri-iiv..tlv nnd l'ilKl'ir i f li... I ii.ii,. i iiniy II ! mi i!'i!u4:i L iiiiiii fur aire.iii-- uf a i"lii!iile a .iiv, uua u, i4 lnv. Iii. a fin' i!! ,.n , of I'm I rlii iry ('iaiiit, iirt.iiig Hum I. ii'.'.. of dim ipiitiiiii, ii.i.l iu i.aiiii'. Imu mill Hie I UM.Il It'll Ii 14 , t-n....u!'..i, uu. I I'll- i.imIu iii.m 1 IIU, 111 U.'U UIm.IU', lt li'l'lilll i. n.l. !, i. iiui,i n. miiim,:.,!. I'.i.t, oui. dollar 11 Fu'l a inn lit in, i.l i'I !i diieitlui nccuir.J my tHd t. lui. l .r i i t i,i iitil.l tt .1 lel'.ililo i li.iri.ri. r I f I i n ..pi IL .ilnm, win, l.u I,, i, hi ,i, , i, ;i,i,i J uu .. ..a., nn., up. tru p :J uu w .11, lu i rt i.r iliwub I riii. lill ll.l I. Ili l a. Iiu,,, ,.l Ulil .lini' Ili.lU lltM tiinwl .i..ii..i liii:la'iiiii4 t-iiiinui l I'lil.ii'liiim, I . lr' on II, jl ill 'inuii. IM. 1 tin piopj kluf ItMS iii 1. 1 il. nt, ..I 1 1 (lull i .ibiu. iilim Iii :iu i.vi4. I jii liv dn. tt"i J i 11 l. lima li. .i.t Dim I I.i. .lift i . I. It U. tUil.lild I'll 1. 1 1. 1 1 Inn., Mtt4 in I.. I II . ll.iU plu Ji tap I.) ltllu...l iIMttuM ifcuivl, I 4 mt't i-Uil'i HiUI uutll I l...i. . i .t:i.l tapaatil ill lnil )... Hul l t I'l " , I. I 1,1 . . ii. ' 1 lin I. u i. I. i lulm I.. i. i, .., . ... Jit,j ii ll-..if I II li.iu.ij, I" ., ,. II ..., ., lu. 1 ll. 4.1 ll. I, lktuilv.l4 !Ui Slit I I, . i ., II I.L. ,. M I J.u.lMl, ! 4 I ,.l l.. I.l l. l . '.,!, I ...rf.l s ii i r .n if.;i, r -i. i i.ii..ui, i. ... i . ii. ..i t.f t .... ... it. r i, ll.ia.ot, I I Jftisttllitncous. Ntiriii:oScoiN, . VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHR0M08, FRAMES. E. A II. T. ANTHtNV A CO., 501 Ilroud way, New York, Invito the attention of tho Trade t their exton slvo assortment of tho shove goods, of their own publication, manufacture nnd Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GRAPHOSCOPKS. NEW VIEWS OF TOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY A CO., 1 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, iMPOnTfius and MAStTAOTtinnns or Photographic Material. March 4th, 1871. ly. 1870. FALL AND WINTER 1S70. MILLINERY GOODS, South Fourth Ptrcet, below the Railroad, SUN BURY, l'KNN'A. The present aire of endless fashloni nnd Innu merable styles require tho most dressy person to be ou the nlcrt In order to "keep peace with the times." The handsomely nrrayed lady, as she snniitursrnlonjr tho street with n pretty nnd lntest fashlon lint tipon her head, Is Indeed nn attractive nbjnct to look upon. Mii-9 M. L. dossier, the popular atilljner, on Fourth Street, below tho S. V. R. It., cators to plcnso and satisfy nil her customers. In her storo nre tuvio of the latest niodee In millinery extant, such as v LONNETS, HATS, FRAMES, Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feather, Flowers, nnd numerous other npparel for ladles' wear. Cull nnd ecu them lis they have Just been tt ceived. ' . L. UOHSLEU. Oct. 2, 1873. FALL AND WINTER New Arrival of Cood.s, At EI ISM KATE HLACffH NTOKF., MaiVet Sinai-e, SUNBURY, Penn'u., Juttt oiHMioil, njlargc assortment of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, conslrtlng oftholate&t ttyles of plain nnd plaid poods, in all Their varieties, liross TrIuiV.iIiics, EiuhrolderlcH, NOTIONS, Ac. ! A GCNEKAI. ASSOHTMnXT. Or LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. Gents' Collars, Ncdc-tics, Hal Miotic, Handker chiefs and Glove. Porlrrwy, ToUelSonpu, Hair BrU6lios,Combs, clc. t An invitation Is extended to nil to call nnd se en ro bargains. . -Suiibury, Nov. 5, 1S70. DANIEL LESHER. .A.J.MILLER. EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS Just opened nt tho store of Messrs., LESnEtti MILLER, In Scott's Build!n,l oft QUEEN STREET, NORTHUMBERLAND, VENN' A, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRY tiOODS, Comprising all Ilia" Fall and Winter Styles of Ladies -Dress. Goods, Wooleu Goods &C., Cloths, Cussimeres ar.d Gcntlcmens' Goods generally, which will nil be sold at great bargains. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. of nil kinds and of every description. (luccuswurc, CiinsHwnrc nnd IV II-low-Warc. BOOTS AND SHOES for Men, Women.nnd Ciiildren. FLOUR AND FEED of ull kinds, Is constantly kept ou hand. They will also purchuso GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, nt the highest market price, and will exchange goods for Grain. The public nre invited to call and examine our extensive assortment of GooaB before purchasing elsewhere, and become convinced that Goods can bo bought lower than elueu hero at our establishment-. LF.SHER A MILLER. Noilh'J, Sept, 17, lS70.-ly. TIME IS itIOXEY t ! ALL Wall Paper and Border, sold by mc wll bo trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, HY TUB YEOMAN'S WALL TAPER TRIMMER. .0- 't.VV 3 t:f '.V; : IT.v which I have ihc cxlIiUvc right to uao la Bunburv uud viciniiy. e.ive money, tune nnd labor, by buying or X. ITKRI'E 1., Pcaler lu UooU.i, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, .c. tVc. tVe. Hiuid.iy Pi hmil tl rl'LU'.a limde a siK'eiality. ISIuiik, itlfiiiurHuttuui O: 1'hmm IIouLm In endless variety, Just rwelved. IKXK MINDING done to order. Persons will save eximuiu by K'.nlii;; Ihulr orders lor binding with lac pit rim: i kami.s ofullilz s, eul Innii the Moulding at Very low ran a. o V AL tV bljt AKL IKAMLa ulwuys ou band. M.UUMS, WtACKUTS, HOLD VEXS, &,!., &C, Sit!. A large nnd well nelei led kliwk of Toys nlway on Iii int. Anything iu4 ou baud proiuplly ol dercd. liutlius for iiioli. Cull ul N. I'tliltEF. LlGHTM U'H llouk More, Clga ot Foley's (iolti PiU. MurWU fcuunre, bus I.UI), I'll. r uubury, August r.iii, 1-7J. J. W. WAMUNUTON'S tat wit u vttitt.a niioi. l ln ul I .riimi.uilluip of llio limu Ws ilwlliiu Ilia Utul, lull ul lbs iiin IIUW i-. in, uli r lUi in It; lu y liulli uihi h.i-oiih. b ) .pukvll Wltlluul lll.llllfi -ling all UlltulululU bU iiiuuuiil ul Viiuily uml iiiiibillou. tin. I I. iil )aii ).. Ih'I'uii my liu.lui' I'witvr In Ibw .luii.-luitf Ui lililimii lbu liir .(mil, luiu tlMnl ll.ll Uiuaf u uur liup d i) ulUi Ua,auJ M,: lil sllil l.l.l.l, un I sppiM llio .hup b! utf lilcjinin tiicl, nud w il till, lUrilp mI.iIhu ij Inn siiiltrMi'ttl by llm uilbly told, lifi 1 1 .i.l I ul i ii..l lum I li-ii.l iu aily mi). Ih.i lu in v.iiiiijf (lu I'uiiiiiiuu iii.ium ) nud to ublltfs lbs puMIti IuWim.1 li.rim pul.luly ul.U'.i.i.i v li urn liituus u!4 ''d Uvl tli-tl lll lailt In (ballw Ihalil all KliillU lUllll l.ltud'4 llu.UMluJ llllll l'l b.ulll. I 1...1. luu 4 lla. ti, ju4 I liw U IU Illl H lll Hllktt lwd l'l WulW, luitU .'M U Ullvlll.M.4, ., ill,., Li la iu, uu, ).,U, It '.I-fc. llt. l.U, U -t llWIUtf, ,MIHU MU4 Ml I.U1 V Ibv b .11 Ullll vllUlU' .kill, lu lb ",4li il."ul lol.v iltlt) lu mil li.v ttt.ltMU.1. I Iiu .ik In I.IW4, Iu4 immim In ami, I iM'i iluil I it ll.l Mat .ln.. Ill ft '' IU. .ki. .in. il I U. 4iu lg 4 k. jl. U tan 11 n ut , i I twti.4 li A tS.b I, alt ll,.. ten JitMud 'u ,,in lb, ) 114 a, W.J.I l k.b I. i. t-,i . 1 V.ii. ! lil4, Ui.f M4IS4 tK fitlsfellantous. PRICES! REDUCED. ItOOTN A Nil OEM Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, . JOHN WILVER, Sprnco Ntrcct, rinubnry, Penn'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low price. Ills stock comprises tho very boot In market. HIsIonR exper ience In tho business lini won for liitn ft reputation for muklnt first class work equal to an; H? rinnifactnro. AU work warranted. TEKJIN---STUICTEY CASH. Tim prices of ropnirlnfr r also rcduceL JOHN WILVER. Sunbitry, Mnrch 4, 1871. NIMtINU FAKIIIUXN NOW READY, MRS. M. A. BINDER, ilOl, . N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. Importer biI IJenlRner orERNhlonn. Tho old estnblishcd mid only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dross and Clonk mak ing Emporium. , Elegantly trimmed Pnpr Tultcrns, Wholesale nnd Retail. Fans, Gloves, Rihltons nnd Sashes. Ibices, Em broideries, Jet, Gilt, and IVnrI Jewelry. Evening dresses nnd suits, mndo lu tho most fashionable stylo nt short notice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting tanght. N. H. Orders bv mall, proniilly attended to. Feb. 3. 1S71. 8m. FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to the public that she has just received, at her store In Dcwart's Hulldlng, a large supply of THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, (rimmed nnd uutrlmmcd, and of all colors, In cluding ho NEOPOLITA, Hie latest nnd most fashionable thing out lu hats. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls nnd boys. Flowers of the latest nnd Imndsomcst styles. Sash Ribbons, plain nnd figured. Ladie's Spencers, Lace Colars, Linen, Coiajs and Cutis for Ladies and Children, Vrnclict collars. Neckties f if ladies nnd Gent's latest styles. Silk Sack Loops, a superior article. Gloves Including Kids, nnd Ladies' Buckskin gloves. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of Trimmings. Embroidery Patterns. Hosiery for Ladies, Gent's and Children. Kots, Plyue nnd phjue trimmings. TRIMMING SILKS, Chignons, Zephyrs and Yarns, and a gcncri.1 variety of Notions. Thank fill for past patronags, she hopes that the quality of her goods will merit n rontiniiHiice ofthceumc. ELIZABETH LAZARUS. A UE.Vf EMAX'f WAItn-ROlIE. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING H0US7., Tiiikd St., One Dooii Below Market St., St'Ki;y, Pa., J. M. ZIEGL'ER, Piioeiiir.Ton. FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMEIIES, CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VESTINGS, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, LND1.K4 VA RIETY. Embracing every quality nnd stylos that the New York and Philadelphia Markets afford, wliich will be nindcup to order by the best of w ork men, warranted to lit and render entire satisfac tion . MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest assortment In town. Embracing everything of (ieiitlamcii's wear of the West styles. Call nud see my stork, nlso tho latest fashions, befJVc ptuchnsing elsewhere. J. M. ZIEGLER, (successor to Thomas G. Nott,) Third st., one door below Market, buubury,Pu. Sunbury, Jan. l.r), 13T0. AgrlruKural Iniplomoiitrt, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Pteel nnd Iron Garden Itakcs, Long nnd 1) Handle Spades, HIihv els, Manure anil Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Peyllie, Grain Cradles, Cradlo Vlngers, Tcai-c, lireast, Tongue nnd Lotf Chains, tiriud-stonrs, Fanning Mill Reives of nil sizes and kinds, u largo assortment of Hcil Wagon Humes, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. H. CONLEY & CO. A GREAT sV.tD.CAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAXSrr.'3 C X UTOENI A YINEG-AE BITTERS Tf tindrerln cf Thonaanda Dear l-pttmnnv In ttilr Wonder- Inl lllliiUlO l'.Uil. ggg WHAT. ARC THEY? f s T1TET AltE KOT A VILE FANCY DRINK. 4tloof Faor Mhmi, WbUkor, I'lam Mplrlia Bud Uel'uao l.lgnarSukonil,iplBeit la i Initio Ilia UM, ci.ll.ilM1uuKi ."".l lKUi. iu," luioren" c, lb-l bert ll.s I piltr un lo ItrunLe aucas suit tula, but ln a Irnu Vi!clw, aioiui froui llm Kutlvo KuuUaiid lUitaut CUKuiula, trco ram all Alcubwlla Hllatalaala. TUry ara lha tiUCAT UI.OOI) I'lUIKIUIt uad A 1.1 K talt) I'll I M1 1 1'I.U !"'" l:niuaUc n.4 lui iKuratur of IHuty.Wiii, c.iri jli.s i.ll all mUuuiou iMHUr unit fvtluilutf ti.ii I buil lo a httilil.) . uibtluii. Kuauiava can wlti) IUcm BlilnM uuuo,t lu ilirve llftu tvuisia I01.3 unwi'll. IIC0 UIU riven fi.r 1 1 lurvriMoraaiM-nnUil liu) bob. a ara but 4s.lrar4 br biluaral -ol u itt filhtr luiwua, anil llm iul iriiaiii ka.u4 t.tinllSMi uf rcnalr, t'ttt luUnuir.ii.iorr nnil ( braulu Lafama. Ilau, au4 (iwiu, In .h falu, air Iu4Iuv41umi lllllaaa, tlrmliU'ui and luiamiliitHt kVna DlM-aataal tku llluuil, l.l,i. Kliluiia, nail Ul44ir. ii" llliuia I Uta 101 ia.aa lul. kUili UlMHiaia ur Cauu4 l)r llilultd lltuad. wlnclibsuiiMally irvjuttjl) ' iliiaui.timi.1 Miiai l( Uraaua. Hlt.i'U'M.t till INPU.k-el I US', l'4 l.', I"tt!u . IUu SI.OUlllt:l, luuaU., iua Ca-l, liuiliuirf, tvar lnuttuu.t il I in I li.aixa, l4la.l. 1 1 Ika Uumk. biuuua AlUcia, I'aluUaUfll 4 Mia. Iliail, luluuui.4Uuu ut 'f Lung, lia la 1-1 OKUw, w k b!t!my, mil liuatljvU wllif k.u.lal f;u i.u.iua.aiti u- t,Ui,.fti.4.. ), U ) lutiS"H.U iiiv kli u.k,k u4 Uiautal l -f. kUlltti a4 lauartbs l.a4i Itai b laaai u vi.anliaUi 4 luii i 1 li, clai.iiiis l' M'tJ vl all Uaiiitui.., ka4 ImkuaUa u j., iiia a.-1 ibrui w It. a aula ,aua. IUU BUI SI 11111 Anf aJ,mi,Wa..1.Hti,ll lihau, Uif tt'bta, H!., I U. ba. I nlbiti,UJ..l i buiwlati, blu IVuu.,1, in.,14 ! -i, If.a I )t, kifil.t, Ua, luk, baaiU, M-atUUOu. yl iu. Ikla. Ilaaiaa ami tu.aa i-l lu l i a, vl i .aaui aia u, aaiuM, at Uuiallf 4i. t aa4 v.ula4 nul la iMM luk b t..a im vl Ikt.a I MUli. Uka bvilld U a,k i'i a lil tvbi lw lb. k..a iMiawaviwa) kl tat I Sal nil t iliti, bttaaa li, 4I4 Vlutal t. aaltl ual 14 It I Ik kalliaia bkiIU.a 11. l-i. I. I'a ,1 Ik la I nan-ka, I lk Ua m kt.i- 1 tii 11 lui fek4 a iual 4 1 4 alaaaMa u .a l.ik.i , II aU.alik.ka-L pa fit ka wa,a naauaaa avi M.l kaaia. .i ataa kka4 vaaa aa4 4a b.aa)b wj Uta ...ita a all balaa . l ib, VAI'Maaaiwiba, tiilUWM, taii.ta la . S.iM kl aa taaaaj aWaaaaW. waak.aa.ll aaail.. va a4 i.ka.1,4. I .1 I.ll jit ikaaa. K4kabai las ltiaU4 kia.k4 la., I . I , k- Wi J I . aa U, (aaai b-ata.a.i.iab.11, ,.itaawW Sa t. klbka. l'..tKk.tM. 1.1 aiJi4lM 4 ', tNa.Wi ta4 lata . 4, I fia al ., I ,H MHmllil'ai. u . I. I . I . , If vio bl ill. lu.i v, i st'il'ttUk 1 aunfaclnttrs. mac: 1 1 1 ii KNiio pTsDinojT' roi;xini , " 'GEO. TtOIIRBACII & S0X9, Mnnbnry, 1 rasn'M, INFORM tho public that they nro prepared to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and huvlnir ndded n new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, nnd hnve supplied themselves with New Lathes, Plnnlnff nd Borlnit Mnoblucs, with tho IntosHwproveinents. With the nld of skillfdl inccluinics, they are enabled to execute nil orders NKW WORK OR REPAIRING, tliat nuty bo given tlicm, Iu a satisfactory man ner. (Jrntcn to unit nnjr Stove. IR9N COLUMNS, for churches or other bulld- lugs, of all sine. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, hnve been, still further Improved, nnd will always be kept on bund. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Siinhury, Juno 13, 1870. . FlaOKKXCKNEWIXU MAC'IUXK. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krnusc's Tin and Stovo Store, Market SI reel, Nnitbnrj-, Pn. Tho F.torence Sewlna: Mnchlno stands uncqanl led for beauty nnd durability ( 1elntr tho best Family Sewlnir Machine now olfcrcd to the pub lic. TIIE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It lias sulf-ndjnstlnif tentlon In the Shuttle ) changes for the various Stitches lnudo while tho machine is In motion. Its Stitches are -U wqndcr of nil for licnnty nnd flnUh, being alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews liitht and heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The work will feed cither rlirht or left. Runs quietly nud rapidly. No dilllculty exper ienced In scwlun across heavy scams. Its mo tions are nil positive ( no springs or coif wheels to trot out of order. The Ilcinincr turns wide and nnrrow, hem and fell beautifully. It Is thoroughly practical and will last a life time. Every Fitmlly kIioiiM Hnve One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate ull we claim for It. It Is the only Machine In tho world that Is ca pable ol making more than one stitch nnd having the reverse feed motion. Call nnd examine them, nnd the samples ol wortw NO CHANGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, ConK llralds, Tucks, Quilts, Rinds, Gathers, iVc., without basting. It makes a (rather and sews it 011 a baud nt one operation ierfcctly. Each Machine Is furnished with a complete, set of tools, without extra charge. a Every purchaser fullv inslructodiiud every Machine wnrranled and kei4 Ik order. Muhiuc Oil nnd Thread kept ou hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH A HRO., A puis, ForNorth'd, Snyder, I'niouaiid Montour Conn's. October 15, 1S70. New Flour and Feed Stove 1 It. XV. TIU'liSTOX, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUXlfl'RV, PENN'A, lias just opened a Flour and Feed Store, where he will keep con tnntly ou hand, n geucrnl . assortment ol t ie best brands of ' IP L O TJ R, FEED OF EVEUY DESCKIVTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, 15UTTER. EGGS, nud VEGETABLES of all kimU', nt tho very lowest market prices. Suiibury, Feb. 11, 187t--tr. LI.MHER AX1 l'l.AMXU JIILI.S. Third Street, adjoining llilln. Ai Eric R. R.1, two Siiuuruu North of the Central llulel, SL'NBVRV, PA. IRA T. IrLEMKNT, IS pri-iiared to furnish every description orinm Imt rc'iuired by the deiiiands of the r.alilic.--1 laving nil the liitept luiliruYtid machinerr for uiunufai'turlng LmiVeV, hiis uow ri'ady to (ill or ders r all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, POORS, SUL'TTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn- ina; of every description promptly executed. Also, , . ' A I.Alir.n ASSOHTMENT OV ' HILL LUMBElt. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, 1 ..-it lie, ic. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Railroad or other Isc. IRA T. CLEM ENT. diiUMWily STOVE V TIX i:STAIlI.lMIJIKr. MARKET STREET, SUNKL'RV, PA. ALFltEl) KaXrSK, lVnprii tor. bl'l'(TSOH TO HMIT1I (ll'.NTIIKIt. J HAVING purchased the above. well known es tablishment, Mr. Km life would rcect ful ly inform the public that ho now bus on hand a large assortment of C'OOKIX G STOVKS, SH'Cr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolvlui; Top, Ciimbhiiilioii, Husiiuc hunnu uud i a lid's, which arc so amiuccd as in Ik used fur or Wond, mid are wnrranled toiK-rform satisfactori ly or no sale. 1IKATKHS of all kinds Ht up lo heat one or uniro riMims. HEATING bl'OVES of ditft-rcnl kiiu'is X very Ion prices. Tinware of tltrry IlewerlpHon kept constantly on hand. RiHitlng and Souiing with Ihc Ih-sv Kirtt rial, dour at short liolicc. REPAIRING ulteiiileil lv Willi dupalclu Coat Oil and liiupa eoiislaiilly on hand. Jut hi a waro of all kinds, btoru opposite Coiiley's bardwiiru store. Give me a cull. A. Kit Alb K. iipl-'4-ly bilMIl KY .MAUIILla VAItO. TIIK uiidt'rslgunl having bought Ilia riitliu stin k of liisaluger iV Taylor, would Inform t Lu public that he la now leuiiy to do all kinds of 7x MA HULK UOIIK. F.fy Has ou baud, and luskes to order nt l''f(!j! bllOIIT NOT KB. t l x MoiiuiurutM V llfMil-Sloiieai, fF.jLt J arvi.M. QiiHK)a ANmvixpowsu.i AlMi.Cvmctsry Posts llh li.ilvauls. d plw and Hllitllur fiut inn (fii'iiill uml uu t tun It Hi a. Jobu A.Taylor lll couliiiuu lu lUu einpliii ini-m. at llio old alaud ou Maikvt tSt.,Huubury. wayuS TIIK OXLV HTUVK UIIIIWl'T A 'Al l.T IM THi: 4alt:AT UlLTI. moiik uti:i'i.A i: iu.iTt:ii, juua-'s II.I VMIS.VTKU DIAMOND GAS UlKNtK. bl ttuii ii 1'AIU.OU AMI CIIAUtltlt AUK WARM HI Uf OSK HKK. IT U lh only birt plain IU.,ur h i a wr lail Top littler, uud Irvu limit pulrti if pltatioua, tar Vllllllllltl uu llilu lilt a .lllkt III. Il U I la uul) I lit). lata HuiUr abb Uu uli'u llla,iiiial Uab.ifiiM b) bit b biifcila llluniliial Ian uaar la laLtaiiiul, lbs aitailiu. nl (liat bluia Is lu, Inula ilWtlaall) aaliuvd, aud Ilia lualu Ha ll v4 ul lbs ajl.a, avl4,Ul ul llw iunl lb lli uaaf. lull. Il la lb uiilf rUaidaoa II. .tin Dial U ISr. r bill ft,d. r ud buM) kuiUll, uul IkallVS blllua laaai lu lattilj luul twais. It U llw uuly llt4a. lltalif bllb w fvkl illliiil auj tlami'lu siala. Il b) Iba u.l I ln.ia-a IliaUi- altb lUsdv-tu baaai, ul 11114 aHauiaul luuiu Iw a.bva, sad silk' wai .....i:uii lh b'ala llal.b. In bam uul. lu l i'l U la lbs st.illlliiiaa T. 4an IliaUl, lkaiH4 ba4 bu.u i,4 lliak.'ii Ua (an da i '.aa, emu 4., iku4U inarr pxvkit. lylilii .u.. M l Itafaslatt lllt k OrHIIIIIM, ubloll, I1' iu'. lau VI, I ltd - l Ayer's Cathartic Pills, for all th purposes of a Laxatlra Medlolne. Perhaps nn one mull eine Is ao universally re quired by everylHHly as a cathartic, nor was ever any bcrore so universal ly adopted Into use. In every country and among all clauses, as this mild but enlHont pm-jrntlva 11(1. The obvious ren Ann In. Ill . . t It I. ii m. a, liable and far more eo"oc. jxjk i ul ivmcdy thun any other. Those wha liavn- tried It, know that it enrsd tham ; tlm9 who Imvo not, know tliat It cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does onee it doe nlways tUnt It Bver mils tlirouirh any fnult or neprluctof Its cvmposilinn. We liavc ttiouannils upon thou snnds of certificates of their remnrknblo cures of tho following complaints, but such euros are known In every neighborhood, and we nood not publlali them. Adapted to all njrex mid eonditinns in nil climates; .f.rtialnlnir neither ealomcl or any deleterious dnig, they may be taken with Bsfety by nnykwly. Their suvar coating preserves Ilicra ever fresh and mnkes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any uantity. Thoy operate by their powerful influence on tha Internal vlsnera to purify the blood and stimulate It Into healthy action remove the obstructions of tho stomach, boa-els, liver, nnd otlwr organs of lira body, restoring their Irregular action to hoalth, anil by correcting, wherever 11 icy exist, such derange liiunts As are tho llrst origin of disease. Minute directions, ate given in the wrapper on the box, for llio following complaints, wluob those Jlff rapidly cure: . .. For l-aMMltt or llgrstlan, I.latlcaa. iraa. Laarsar nnd I.mta mt Apprtite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action. For I.lver C'omplaalol and its various svmp tnma, Illllona llrualurhr. Hick Hssilacbs, JuuHillcta or aWrrrn Mlcburaa, Illllona alle nnd Illllona lTra, they shojtid be Ju (keloualy taken fbr each cjiso, to correct the diseased action or remove the obntrnctinns which cause It. For Dyarntrrr or ISIasrrhoras, but oue mild doc is generally reiiiirel. Knr liraraaiMatlaaa,, wont. CtrftTfl. Palpla tiatlon aaf th Ileal rf, Iatln la thai Mlalat, Ilurb nnd Iiolna, tbey should Ik eoniinuously taken, as requlrnl, to eliange the diseased netionor Ika system. Willi such chango tlioso complaints uisapimu. Kor IroNay nnd Isroraalcol Nwrllinga they should Im' lnkii in Inrno and (rviueut doses to pro daec llic effect of a drastic pnrgo. Kor MUraaaloit a large dose should he Uikon ns it priHlaees the desired effect by syinpnthr. As a Dinner J'lll, lako ono or two I'lllt lo pro mote digits) inn and relieve the stomach. An oecnulmial iloso sthmibitns tlio stomach and bowels into hraltliy netlon, restores the appetite, and invigoriilcs the system. Hem e it is nil vnuUigeons whero nn 'serious ilerangi-ment exists. One who I'cels tnlenililv well, olten limls that adnso of these I'M makes him fccl tk-cidcilly better, from tlH'ir cleansing and rvioruling effect on the liigc live apparatus. JK. J. C. ATT! CO., rrartUnl ChcmUtt, l.O ULI,. MASS., V. S. A. Marchan, 1S70.-1.V. I'URaMTUltE JFUltXITUKE ! I A XV.XV STORK AT GEORGlfTOWX, LOWER MA1IANOY Toh nshlp, Northiinibciliind County, Fa. WILLIAM NKUELY HAVING oiiened n licwFitriiiiure Store at the above pla"C, will ronstnntly keep on baud, a large unit select assortment of FUltXITUK CoiaVTlslhg ofllnrlor and Chamber Suits, Couch es, lrfiunges 1 aides, llurcaiis, (.anc-bcateil Chairs of nil grades. Hocking and Kitchen Chub's, Withstand, Rcdsteails, Japanese, Cottage nud Half Cottage, Looking-Glasscs, Window Shades, and In short, everything usually to be found in uuy will-kept Furniture S'.orJ, luuy be had at this estalllskin.irt. Hoping, by iwlr rt nnil strict attention to business, to merit thu patronage of thepiilille. An Invitation is extended to oil desiring anything In the lino of Furniture to call unit examine mv slock. I'lidortnUiiis done lu nil Its branches. C i)m Rcpalrliij; done ul short noilir. WM. NKGKLV. . Georgetown, June 11, '?0.-ty. A (Ut AND FALL Ol'IINLNO OK NEW STOKE GOODS. A complete assortment of goods urc now being opened at MO0E it msSIXGEU'S tSTOKE, Haunt's lltiilding, Market Street, SCNHCRY, r-KNN'A. Collalslillg of CLOTHS AND CASSIV.EHKS, DRESS GOODS, Dry Goods of every Variety, Notions, Ladies' Sliauls, Gent's FuruUlilnjf (iihmIs, Itpnl)'-Malc Clothing. Woolen ISIaiikets, CarM-ls, Oil Cloths, FRKSIl GROCF.RIF.S, Qiieenswure, Willow-Ware, Glassware, Ac., Ate. I'lour mill IVril. C-all and sre their well selected stock of the vcrv luteal si vies, fnv-h from Ihc eastern cities. Frill's urn low. They arc determined to keep up their old motto of O.I HK .i.kb am Small Fkofits. All kinds of country pmiiuuu taken In ex chaiiL, for goods. MOORF iV; DJSINGF.R. Sept. 21, 1S70. Nurllicrii Coulrnl ItuilstHj'. WINTER AlIllANwl'NlKNT. 0 nnd after Jan. 1st, IK-,1, trains will run as follun : NORTH WARD. Leave Suulmry at 4..Vi a. in., ariive at dalgim p. .., I.-,..,.!,,.,, 7,1111 p, m., Uur lies, ter 4A-t p. IU., liiitlalu tl.Otl p. lu., usiensii)li llrldgc U..iO p. in., Niagara Falls tl.M p. m. Leave fiiubury at t.u.'i p. in. for Lliuini mid niittalo via Kric Hallway from F.lmlra. Leave MinUirv nt II. 40 p. in. for Willlnmsiort. SOl'TltWAUD. Leave Suiibury at a. in., nrrlve nt Harris bull,' A. l'l a. in., I'lallliuorc W. li a. m., I'hiiadel plil. tl.'ill n. m., Wasliiiiion city I. 'si p. in. Ikvc funliiiry at HI.Vi u. in., arrive at llnr rblmrg Vi.tti p. 'in., llnliliiiorti p. in., I'lilla dclpbia o.bA p. in., Washingtuii 10.1MJ p. m. Leave Snnbiiry, tn.'.'il a. in., arrive at Harris burg 1.00 p. m., Waslilnginti 5.3A p. m. Leave biinlniry at I'J.oAa. in., arrive at Iturrls burg a.IlO a. iu., Washington 7.U0 u. in. U.iltliiiorc urcnuiuiislatlon leaves tliiiibiiry &.UA a. m., arrive at llurrUbury 7.45 a. iu., tlulllmore 1J.UU p. m. SIIAMOKIN DIVISION, r ist win ii. I.ravn Suiibury at 4.40 p. in., arrive ul Shuniiv klu 6.U p. in., Ml. Ciiruiel 8. Ill p. in. Laave fcimhury ( Aeeniniumlnlkau,) nl ll.SOu. in., urrlw at bliaiuuklu I.IM p. ui, r.alSillU. lasive Ml. Cnru.ol at li.Oj a. in., arrive at bhautoktn H.iUI a. in., Hiiuuury tl.U a. in. Lauta bl.aiinJtlu ( Ariiiumiuibiiluii,) at 3.45 p. III., auha at buubury 4.U) p. lu. Fkprvaa Icuii-i dally Lt-avliig uu Suud-iy, tuns North only to llllanusirl. All oilu-r lialua UsiVa dally, c 14 Kuudays. A. It. Flat. Ki. . Vol kH, Gfii'l. bup'l., (iwu'l I'uaavu'r Ab'l., lluiil.liiii.', Fa. li.illiiHiiw, Mil. At.M AT TIIK lLA4 K. fllllR sulaacrlla-r biiiiuuiiiim lo tho tiliariis of L aubur Ib il, ball Ilia; agulu rva'laai bk UUIlAlt mw4 t'AHK tbf Alil.llVIKM', i hi llul old pluva, sham U Was rauilv ili.imi.d by lire, Us U aaalu m urid In supply Uu.ui Ub all klu la i.f bund sua t akis, w. b aa UltllWN llltlt All, klllb. bllkVll, UHkAII BAblDuulli. II kC VH I II. and a lull Uu ut mi V t' tbka, l.a tluua, ItitUa and 'I aula, Alan, uit killil. Ul t'uulka.lbali aina at bis li.'Miul thud alital. Itavliia iiiplu)t4 Hrt I ila.a bukrr funu I Its U. bf la pl,pal4 la ia ii'iitliil t.tll.laalita, tu bU llua ul biwuaaaa, aud laWiaaal! lu lia bbu 4 Gkal. Uu ad au4 I aktS 4Ulii-ra4 lu ikiliamia iisijf UUMIlUui. Il K I UK t XI. Am Ii I'lvaiu baLaai Las bl! uwuml lu liual bllb lbs abuta buaiuaaa, aud tJ" ' al.uu blU.I bp, Uaa Ika U la I lauiu i'l b avi,4 MP aual.iM duili.g IU. kss. Mil II II tla isuiibuii, J iua II, talo. iVII, ! An II. 'l-b kl I'lU a.Hu,iU;i.' Ibaaakt I'd, lial 111. u IMI, a4 lubit.-l an I 'II I'M t US Ua a it. I Ma I bail , 4(1. lab, a, b la a), Si aa Va) baa I, at lu a v a I kLM 4 lui Titilroabs. : ' ItiMMtlnff Itailroatl. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ti . -UsoitViy, Auril 5(1, 1871. G RFtAT TRU.'K LINE from the North nnd M-orth-WesI for Pliiliirtelnhin. N. V.. n i- Ing, Pottsvllle,, Ashland, Bhamokin, ....., n..t.ii,unn, rjision, .r.purnta, i-llli, Lancaster, Colunilila, ie., Asc. Tmlns leave llarrlsbunr for New Turk, iu f.,1. lows i At S.lO, S.10, n. in. and 9.00 p. m., eon ncctlng with similar trains on thn Feiinsvlvnniii Kailriaid. and arriving nt New York nt in in . m., 8.50, ni&10.00 p in. respectively. Blivplng (!nra nceouipany tho 8.10 a. in., train without change. :i ... Returning i Leave New ok at 0.00 n. m.. 12.05 noon uml 5.00 p. m., 1 Mlnifclrthla nt T.MO, 8.80 a. m. nnd 8.80 p. in. Sleeping Cars accom pany the R.00 p. m. train from Now Fork wiiU ont chnnge. .'.'"' Leave HarrlsburK Tor lreniii: c, Pottsvlik:, Ta mmpin, Minersville, Ashland, Slinmokln, Allcntown and I'hlhidelphln nt 8.10 a. m.j 2.00 and 4.05 p. in., Btoppiiur n Lelnuon nnd prluciiial way stations i the 4.0 nt. in., imln connecting for lMillndclphla, Fottsvillo and Co lumbia only. For Fottsvillo, Schuylkill n-ven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nud SusqucUanna aviiiiiimu, miH' jinrrisourg nt o.40 p. 111. , East l'cnnsylvnnla Rnllrond trains leave Read ing for Allcntown, Easton and New York at 5.00, 10.80 a. in., nnd 4.05 p. m. Returning, lenvo New York at 0.00 u. in., 12.00 noon and 5.00 p. m. nnd Allcntown nt 7.20 n. m. I a. 25 nnom .15, 4 20 nnd 8.45 p.m. . iuy rasseuger 1 raiu leaves Philadelphia at 7.S0 a. in., connecting with similar train on East l'enua. Railroad, returning from Reading ut 0.20 p. in., stopping at nil stations. Leave Fottsvillo at 0.00 a. m. and 2.30 p., m. Ilcrndon at 10.00 a, p., PlmmoWu nt ."MO-sT-d 11.15 a. in. Ashlhnfc nt 7.0- it. m., nnd 12.41! noonj Mnhanny City at 7.51 a. in. and 1.20 p. :n. Tamaiiia at 8.85 a. In. mid 2.10 p. in. for Fhlladelidiki, New York, Rending, llarrlsburg. &e. . Lcavo Poltsvlllo via Sihuylkill nnd Sir-qnc hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for llarrlsburg. un'. 12.05 noon, for I'lne-ijrvo nnd Trc'fndijt. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle at 5.40 n. in., passes Reading nt 7.80 a. m. arriving at Philadelphia ut 10.20 a. in., returning leaver Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Rend ing nt-7.55 p.m. arriving nt Poctsvllle nt H.40 p.m. Poltstown Accommodation Train leaves I'otts town ut O.I'.O a. in., returning luavos Fhlludelphla at 4.80 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.20 a. in., and 0.15 p. iu. for Kphrutu, Lltlx, Lancaster. Columbia. Ac. Perklomcn Rail Roiul Trains lcavo Pcrkiomeu Junctional 7.15, 0.05a. m., nt 3.00 and 11.00 p. in. Retiirniiig,lenvc SchwcnkbVille at 0.80,tt.l0n.ju., 12.50 noon and 4.80 p. in. connecting with simitar trains on Reading Rail Road. Cnlebrookdale iiallmad Trains leave Poltstown at 11.40 a. m., I.ISand 0.45 p. in., returning leave Mt. Plc.isnut at 7.00 nnd 11.25 a. in., nud 8.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains lcavo BrfiU'c port ul 8.1i0 u. m., 2.0.') a nil 5.82 p. in. returning, leave Downtiigton at 0.40 a. m.. 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting w it u similar trains ou Read ing Railroad. On f unoays ! lx-avc New York at 5.00 p. in., Plilladelplii.t at b.00 a. in. and 8.15 p. lu.. (the 8.00 a. in. train running only to Reading;) lcavo Pottsville at 8.00a. in., leave Hiirrlsburg, 8.10a. in., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allcntown nt Jv-15 p. in. leave f.iftflvatr- x. 7.15 iu :). and 10.H5 ji. in. fur HarrUbuig, iH DtllO u. 111. Tor New York, and at H.40 a. in. aud 4.15 p. m. for Fhiladera. Viiminatation, Mllea'i', Season, School and F..iairluu Tickets, to uud from all points at re duced rates. Baggage checked through i 100 Pounds I!ag gagu allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Siipt. oc Eng. Mach'ry. Fltllilelilila uad r.i ie ititilroail. WINTER TIME TABLE. On aud after Monday, Nov. 21st, 1870, Ilia Traiut uu the Philadelphia iX Kiic Kail Uoad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suiibury, " " ai r ut Erie, Eric Express leaves PhHadephia, " " " tMinburv, " " an nt Kric, Elmlra Mall leaves I"tTildelpl,ia, " " Saiiun-y, " " hit at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Mali Tliiln leaves lvrie, " " Itunliiiry, " " urriit Philadelphia, Erie Hxprcs leaves Erie, " " HiuiLurv, " ' arr at Philadelphia, Elmlni Mail leaves Lm-k ll.iven, " ' " .Suiibiirv, " " arr at Philiide'lphla, UulEilo FJipri'ss leaves WiHianisi'ort, " " Suiibury, " " " nrr nt Philadilpliia, 0. 40 p m i.!) a m 7.40 p in 12.20 a m .40 p in 1. Ill ll ut 11.80 a in 4.85 p Ul 7.50 p Ui '.1.00 a iu 12.05 a in 0..'i0 a in U.OU p in 10.20 a in 5.2 p iu S.15 a m 11.05 a III 5. oil p iu 12.85 a m 2.85 H la U.-IU a m Evprcss, Mnll ami. AceoiinniHlat Ion, v:tl and Uesi, eour.r at Coiyaud all west bound trains, and .Mail ami Accniuotl liou rust at Irvim iuu with Oil Creek Aud Allegln-uv River Railroad. t'M. A. BALDWIN, Gcn'l Sup'l. I.urkiiMitiiiiu nud IlIoonisbiirK Hull rotnl. SCMMFR ARHAXGEM F.NT OF FAr-.SKSCElf TRAIN'S. Monday, Jaly 1H1,, 170. SOl'THWAKD. Leave. 'A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. (SirantiMi, ' 0 4S 8 5 0 80 5 ::t1 1 (s) lli llevue, ' H Ml 0 '.'5 5 15 1 tiS T.iylorvilie, . II 57 0 (2 5 48 1 15 Lackawanna, 7 05 1 11 SI' 5 5.1 1 '. Pittstoii, I 7 14 S 50 10 III: li Ha I t.5 W Pltlston, ' 7 10 l'J 5. li 0 1 t5 Wyoinlng, i 7 '.'7 I 00 10 (i 15 1 .'5 Mallby, i I 10 0 21 2 t'd Kingston, & si. , , ..' , ,, 1n - . ... 2 10 W.-llarre c-rs! 4 ,s. 7 " ,0 ! 0 "J. Plvinoiilli June, ' 10 4 0 40 Plymouih, I T 55' 4 "A 10 5 0 15 Nam iii ike, ! M 07' i 7 HO: HunhkVs, j K 14. i 17 07 Miiik-lilnnv, 8 20 t b5; : 7 L.'i Hick's Ferrv, H 43 7 4(1 Heaeh Haven, 8 Ml K 15 1 7 ,' Ib ruick. a 57 5 2'i. I H 00 Willow Grove, I 0 02 I Briar Creek, ' 05 Lime Khlb'u, !t 15 Espy, III!! 1 45 HliKilili burg, I U 80' & fx I Itupi-It, ! U 8S. 5 57 ( al.isisaa, 1 ll 48 U 02 Danville, ', 10 lib 6 2a', 10 1H CnnieruH, IU 28 Noilb'd, (arrive.) 10 45' 0 S5: NORTH W 1A.M. A III). P.M.; Leave, NoitlminUrliiiul, 10 25 & & 20 1 aniiroii, lliilluaky, IV, n Ills, CitltittUaa, Kuiwrl, Hiuoin.liuri;, F'PVa Lima Uul, lit 11 t mk, Wlilitw lai, Ibialtk. llt Mtb Ual uu, lili'b'a Kill, bbickaUtbU), llalilia k'a, I I i ll 02 l'J I '4 20 II 85 1 1 40 I ft :r.' b 40 11 10 25' 80 IJ ;n A. M. f 5 . II 01 II OH 14 la 14 a l'l IN III lk I IUV I U lu Ml 80 t t'l 15 T 40 t 4a I Dal 7 ii' r. M.' 7 lo 7 V5 II im P. M t UU II 0 a S.tulit'i.k.., I'lliii.iulh, , li iia.iui t Jaur , 1 bllilialull, M I Si. 1 W b illy I i'l. I 1 M lu T I" M IS 1 41 II is 1 Ml I :i b Ual 1 1 :, , b Ua 1 1 s ; b 1111 b i. I I l i b iu II IS ; a I 4 !iu I M till.. I I t ' ; ,m.' Wuutina , Sal fit44.. b lu b in l b 5.. V l I., tf II I'lll'li.U, l.atbsaamia, I.i) Ilia, Ik IU 1 u. , b.laiuuai, (aliila) otviD r. iarii, ui (111 lu bl.aiia 4 il. I "J k' 'ka U'l Hm.,u'i bt VI bill Ii. . I . k .... (i Illu Vluauaaa lii......'a f 1 k..i.lal l'i a. I , a. . . H'H klalkb uf b'l I'til, luMUul 1 I i a . a, iiaaaiitaaa a. 4 LM.t aiaiil) . I V, 4,1 I' s at. 4 ii a it . i. 4 lis 1 k Il, I "il ! ' Ithj r. bi i., ..J U V '