Sunburn gimmcan. SUNBURY, APUIL IS, 1871, fairs. Tim OROVKR & BAKER and tho 8ISGKK SEWING MACHINES nro tieknowlcrtircd in pcrlor to any othnr now innnnfnctured. MIbs C. Dnllus, Market trcot, thte plnco, Is the agent lor tlio eulu of thorn In thU and adjulnln coun tlus. Instruction In sewln? lT?n rroc of clmrgo to all purchasers. A lot always on band. Cnll nd examine tlicm. Fob Re?Tt. A uoUo mid lot. Apply at thla OlIlcC. : TuBMKxnotri rush to sea WkIMbI, Oiisklns & Co'i. tlio New Goods at The Rov. D. H. Clark Will dollver tlio fifth lactura In tlie tourso upon Liberal Christianity, In tlio Unitarian Church of Northumberland, on Hundny ovcn'.nff, April lClh. Subject "Tho Traa Charon. 6,000 Roll Wall TNperJtist MeclveJ at I.lght n rs, uli fcr chsU. ,, .... Nsw pca, rudWiiwi and tomatoes aro now 6r fjuJ la tan liarri!orr markets. ilouM-siCK riding by ths Indies U becoming Xory fashionable, aud lsnn Invigorating exercise. Tits Bhoimnker shop of John Wllvcr, on Spruce street, thla place, was entered on M'cdnesdny nlgbt last, and a pair of new booti stolen. Tun flrst tlmniler atorin of the season passed over tilts pltico on Tuesday last. . For dried and smoked meats, go to Rlrby'a. J. E. Waiineh A Co.'sMeungurlo and Circus is advertised to exhibit at this place, on Saturday, the 22 J Inst. A GitiSD CoNCP.Kf will be piveu In tho Court House, on Saturday evening, tho 2'Jth lust., by tho Mendelsohn Trio, and tho Sunbury Orches tra, assisted by soma of the musical talent of this borough, for the benefit of the Sunday School of the Reformed church. Ladies of Northumber land have been invited, nnd nro expected to par ticipate In the cxerclfcs. It Is Intended to make this concert worthy In every respect the liberal pntroiiato of the public. Wc predict that it WiJl be the event of the season. . No. 1 and 2 shore inuckcral, pickled salmon an 1 white lh tit Kirby'o, nil warrautud. Nr.w A largo assortment of Hoots Khocs, Trunks, Valises, See., have Just been re ceived and being opened nt tho storo of Messrs. Gibson A Furinan, on Market street. Their tM-k Is largo nud well selected from the best houses In Vliilndelplila and New York. An In vltntion is extended to everybody to call and ex amine their ti.M.i.uniiul. litNUT Nr.rKi,who lately returned to this place w ith his family, has commenced the" butchering business and U now serving the citizens with tho bot quality of meat, Bologna sausage, Ac. Mr.Neuer is well known to the ritlrnsnsn first class butcher, and serves none but the bci-t beef that can be procured. of the firm of Moore it Dlsslngcr has just returned from the city with a lnrgu assortment of dry goods, groceries, notions, ready-made clothing, cassimercs, carpets, dress goods, Ac., which will bo sold nt the lowest prices. Call and ceo the handsome stock. Sixoxn arrival of Spring Goods at Weltsol, Giisklns & Co's. Wk notice that Geo. Reiinensnyder has been appointed clerk in tho Register & Recorder's of Jlce, la place of Erastus Hoffman, Esq., resigned. Mr. Rcluiensnyder it will he rcvollcrtc4 was dis charged from the Frotho'-atory's ofllce about a year ago to make room for a clerk brought from ' another county, who, it is said, Is bettor calcula ted for the Ring. Mr. Relinensr.yder is a worthy young man and well qualified for the position. Nf.w Loiigb. A new Masonic Lodge has re cently been organized ut Elysburg, and tho fol low lug officer Installed i John Miipninn, W.M. ; i t-'aniuel Mutchler, . W. 1 I.. I. ltololn, J. v J. C. Bobbins, Trcas. j Simon Vought, Sccr'y. I.aI'ibiikk IIorSK. Wo publish In another column the card of the'ierru Houaa, Kroad mid (.'Ik-stunt tin., VhilRdelphia. Tim'lcne Is a hotel, located ill the central bui-l-portion of tho city. The proprietor is an c xpfiieticcd landlord aud butlucsn nviu, who knows the w.inU of the t ravelins community nnd lit always ready to cntesr for them, while tlio cr ants arc uttcntive aud polite, making it tho moot deirablo place to rtoput in the city. N. F. I.lhtner's lU'ul.itor. Hoots, Slioej, TruuUs, Leather nnd Shoe Findings, Tub f'ofsTV Fair. We lmic not heard of any dibit being made on the part of our citizens to. wards nceuilni; the county fair at this place. ThU matter should ut once rccilvo attention, as we notice ft rone; efforts are being made In other towns Iu the county for It, hut as Suubury It the county seat uud tho moH accessible by railroad, I'. will only require our citizens to luuke the ef fort, nnd we would uri;a all to take an active Iu tercet Iu the inatter,und aid the members of the Incentive Coin mil tea In making out such propo sals for holding the County Fair here, that may prove inti. factory to the hole of tho Kxecutlve Committee. Sunbury poiieseS facilities that no other town In ihu county run boabt of, am) ear eltl..'ii will hi laehlii In e.iiteqirlte If this lair jjov anywhere else. Herf tongue at KlrbjrV, I'rch tit U ut Kliby's. oi.. lliixaioi , wc b. erve roiuci ont in the Jh i.iui in! in a r ird us a candidate lor Commit, tamer, In opposition to Ihe Unit; candidate. HiJ. a. ili..l La will sriva I ltd county fur ti) r iiuiiiiiii, willi lruvellii' ivpnres Included, iu-1 Head of iiW-l 5i an 1 extra traveling, tiptuto j l ild to the liiu eaadidale, who Maats to be ro- ile. 'ted. tii). thinks tlierv 1, uu economy Iu spilling up two iliy's work III the week Into I . fruj; iienl,, iu order 11 llold) Ollt of cm Ii pa it. We lliink mi loo, and ssBol. U all I i kpeiltie rd Uuel.un'e and builder, of (ooj Jajj- I limit, ll.ilo 1. uu leuttiu ! hi rousl souulil liol bi ueevpi, . 11,41 , flir lt w kit bv Iu l.ik.' a back Mr it, Mui..ire,y Is prlui Ipte Ibal " iilloiis of Hit d.)u..'r.iey luVSHtvsr lr,U ni out 'lj u.f caul phmMI "It ibm'l ." Ill 4U ill I h!I Wall '.. sultl bv .' III Or r, 111 ll ! Lo .mwul, U II4ISJ sioik on k. Nil, u't i" . Mi. .... ii, . , uii.,..i iu, awi utlUK lia.a i St Vik iuitik'l, I i Ii 4rr 4Utl UtUii ha I lite I'lil'.idi ;p:.U lU.ikt.. A! (Wt llutllu4 I ( ut ihrie, I. IMifc DllH dllikl. U U r) ie4 lottul Hut Hi. J.hU to..iuti, if itui u.4 p4li4 iii , Uki I it- U-ni 4mim d udu 4 llm il... Utl tJ l'bt nnU Ml nut UiUr4td, t4 lUll't tllt'l, Mrar b sVt-M, 'l I I oiJ ; 4 b..4 U u....i..H4 il tr 1 ifontl a il.Ukit, u4 lin;ntlU 14 U IMiM It tl V)Uvl4. til I I UK ltuf Via),1 Uar 1 U.xi'1 Dili u U) st tk4U'( lUU,, I CI. It I u s Uiin '4 Wllb4ss4 U ' I it ail i I l,t . . K j FtH AT Gkoboetowk. On Monday night, tho 8d Inst., Are bvoka .oift In the tannery of Mr. John Blngamnn, at Georgetown, this comity, which consumed the building toirethcr wltji a largo amount of , stuck' fn hand.' '.'It Is;'snpposcd that the Are originated from tho stove. i Loss about H,fi00; fully Insurod. .. i .., On Thursday about noon, nnd soon after tho mall train going south had passed Georgetown, tho largo barn of Mr. Tetcr Borrel was discover ed to bo on fire. The alarm was Immediately given, but bofore tho could reach tho spot the Ore had gulnad such headway that any attempt to save It was of no avail. There were some cattlo In It which were saved with much dif ficulty. The Tanning Implements, together with hay and gralu wore entirely oonsnmcd. The fire Is supposed to have originated from sparks of the locomotive. All the farming Implements be longed to Mr. Jacob Hlmo, who hnd lately ttoved on the farm, whoao loss Is estimated at about f500. Tho barn was Insured for $S00. Ik looking over tho Democrat of Ins week., we fiolleo the usual number of candidates announced for Dcmocratla honors. Although,' most of their names have appeared for many years past, nud nro familiar to crery household as ofBco seekers, who BtUI perslut In olferlu; their services to their country, nod pretend that they wcro strongly urged to do so, and had been selcetod as tho most competent persons to fill these ofllees. If tho goToromenl does not soon create more ofll ees so theso aspirants wifl have an opportunity to servo thoir country, much valuable talent and Important services will lie lost. Ir you want a flno assortment of plain nnd fancy groceries to select from, go to Klrby's, Brlght's new building, on Market square, all goods delivered wilhiu the borough free of charge. Siiamokix Itkms. -We glean 'tils Tdllowlng from tho Herald of this svfuk I . Mtaisn C'AsnAi.TiES.-On Thursday Thomas GrlOllh hud his left thigh badly crushed, three ribs and collar-bone broken and n severe gash cut In his head, by n fall of coal In J. Langdou A Co.'s Big Mountain tuuies. i . At the Cameron colliery on Friday, Reuben C. Krelger Was killed by a "slip" of coal of about three-fourths or a ton weight falling on him. Nohtulmiikiii. vno County CoAr.TnAPB. The amount of coal shipped from our county for March Is 5.S.2H5 tons, being a gain of t!,45l tons for the mouth and 10,1310 tons for season against the nmntli and season of 1ST0. Nearly nil this coal was transported over tho N. C. R. W. The following collieries are now running : Cameron, Hear Valley, Burnsiite, F. Gowen, Hlg Mt., Buck Ridge, Henry Clay, Hickory Swamp, Stuurtvillc, Coal Ridge, Coal Mt., Caledonia and Locust Gap. The principal portion of the coal mined In our p-gion Is rtill pai-sod over the N. C. It. W. to Suiibiny where It Is distributed to El nilra, Erie, Baltimore, I'hllndolphla, Wilmington nnd other points. The N. C. R. W. is making every effort possible to keep up a supply of cars nnd wc learn that this Company have mado ar rangements to hare a large number of I't uua. Central cars brought Into tho ShamoUIn trade. I A rrsR nssoitment of canned goods, English i and American Pickles and sauces. Foreign and I domestic dried and green fruit, at Klrby's. Buslucss N'(f'. EvKitvnopT is admiring the late Spring style of gentlemen's hat nt S. Faust's Hut Store, Market Square. Now l.s the lime to make a good selection as he has a largo assortment on hand of all the latest styles. He Is also well supplied with neck-tics, collars, nnd a general assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, which will be disposed of at reasonable rates. Mi-suns nt 8 cts. a yard at Wcltzcl, Gaskins A Co's. Tiieiu! appears to bo no end to the arrival of Furniture at B. L. R uiili-nbusli's Furniture Storo, In Masonic Hall buildings. Although cvcrylndy buy their stock there, his stock does not di minish from the fact that ho is daily receiving new ftock ,lml kccl,s P 'ls largo assortment It Is a notable fact, that those w ho procure articles at that placo will go there again, nnd generally purchase double the u mount than previous. Everything in the furuituio Una Is kpt ut this establishment. All the latest styles of Dress Goods at Weltzcl, (;ati;i,15 $ Cu't I A choice brand of family flour ut Kliby's. I Tim Exceltdor aud Shoo btore still takes ; i the lead in getting up a cplendid f tort men t of IliHjts and (Shoes. The Kxvelslor lins become tho j grent boot and shoe Emporium In this section of j eoiiiilry. We notice many of the country mer- chants buying there in preference of city houses, j ; knowing that tho stock cannot be excelled nny- ! j where. New supplies arc constantly arriving, I j nnd the luiet styles arc always kept on hand. Au. Uubber Wear, nt manufacturers' prices, nt the Kegulator. As Bi-st as A Ili:r. Wc notice that John V. Scluicffcr, Merchant Tailor, opposite the Central Hotel. Is continuity kvA busy making up suits for gentlemen. Koine of the bc't fitting garments ever seen In this vicinity were niailo up hy him, and lieuco lliere Is ulwuys rush to get work done with him. Call and see Vis stock of Kouds before purchaMiij,' cUvwhere. Ml.--.-t I.oi ist Is opening her Sprint; Millinery goods at her storo on .Market Square The Indies will bear la uilud to cull uud cxamlno her splendid stock. IlooTS and Shoes for tho r-ominuulty, at popu- lur prices, at the r.e-u'.ator. Ji'ST received, a nunib'A' of popular frouts and French calf skins, at Ihu Ucgulutor. i JonK B. hut jutt rcluriictl from the city I With the l.ui;it, elie.ipcr-t uud betl slock of j hpriue; uud ruioiiier Clothing that has been : brought to this lowu or county this sprlntf. Call and tcu lilut at blinp.ou' bulli'.lnp, Market , b'iure, eunbuiy, l'.i. ul-Vt. I tiia.itr Mudder I'i I ut & ,or i)et. at Wtjlsel, j O.i'Miu Jb I'u's. Vrr Wuk. "I would rather pay Uttlo I luoie liioner and get it ifuoj article." That la !. to be sure, but supiuse' villi rtr til I he i very betl nrllulv aud ud have lo puy a little mure I How tbeu I This U the rat with Wutni- inuker Si Browu's clotliln, It U "bet" us tU ; as "chaj-sl." ,NW u are UUn recilwd Hi Ihe ItegsUitor J Uool, bhoosud Trunk blois, I'leawtul's buildlmj. blioeUJaU-rs' SUatttUIS seillty. i Mu. Wlll UM ('. ClUUV.Ca.hlei of lUslkeoud . NhiIoiiuI B siik of Kile, tburu4 kt death Iu thai fatal tleepln car ut Stur lluuibureb. )1M wall kuonu aud Litihly Mlwimut U lbs tiijr 1 bt had reti lwl lor lu my years. He lisltl i au ae.'lfi ul Ant'd)' of lld,u.K la iheTiatvUrs In suiUv I'.Mit'uuy, bU.U will U I'sul abeu lu atutti y. sie Uled Ii lue Couipuii)' oftlce. I Tto 'luttUrt k4 (laid about KteU luud:4 ( Jiullar 4 Uy iu l-tK-HU U its tlkf boUi., j (ai d4lU u iury If tit v Id tut, lur iy woib-1 Uig duy tlue the I nupauf Ugas butluv4S. j Ut.' Hut iivutkl .If, Uws lo tWls.stlUli j 4 iKtiuiii, illiii lUuUior. ka(iU.u ltu.4, Mitts, 'liliuk. UK4 44U4 I 4 e s-utolUUl. 4 wtlU lbs Uuus IMv. fil ul tu4 ail' fttwdt sl low UUt. ! N. tuta l.tissb. j osittas' H'Ulil fw UMtjUtUil(, ftt ibe iWw4Wi. 1 ns ( i,s4 bltwe, ss.tlit . si(sk4 ss us., s t,( tt'Jt'U I In tills plactron the lath Inst., by Rev. O. .1, Burton, Mr. IlniMct: V. Wasiiiii knb ami Miss Katb 8. Moiitob, nil of this place. In this plnce, on FrhhiyTAprll 7th, Mr. JOHN K. SM1CK, nged 4(1 years, 10 months and 8 days. ' Mr. Smlck carried on the Merchant Tailoring business In this plnco for n number of years, ilur tug which time he nwido niaiiy friends thrnuglt his fair and honornblo dealings.., He was an ne. tlvemorrlbcr of different secret societies, nnd last May represented Fort Angnsta Lodge, No. 020, I. 0.,of O. F., In tlio. Grand Lodgo of Fcnnsyl- j Tanln, at I'hlladclphia. His remains Weru fol lowed to his lust rostlna, placo on Sunday last, by the members of the different Lodges of Odd Fallows, Encampment and Knights of Fythlas, nnd K large cnnooitrse of citizens. Mr. Smlck had the precaution to provldo for tils family by baVlng his Hie Insured to tho nmoinit of $3,000. This Is probably tho first luslanco where a death acciirrod is. this placo thnt lliu parties wcro in sured. Kuuburj' Urniii iV IroIurv Jlarkot. COURIXTKII wr.rKI.Y lit 1III.R Afini:IN3KR. GnAiN-'-ChoIcefrhltc Wheat.... .....ft 60 : Best Ainlx Winter 1 f0 . . . Com. ;.'.. So Kve 1 00 Oats, (3a Itr.i.) , r,0 Best Amber, Winter, per suck 2 00 " " " barrel 8 DO Corn Meal, per cwt 2 ,W Buttbu New York ;. 115 Pennsylvania Roll 40 Eoos Per down in .UKATH I'rieii urei, Krr 10 Smoked Mutton ;..Hi(il:3 1 ," Venison .40&4S r I I.Aiin per lb g ; I Fisu Salt White Fih, ier Hi " Trout " Cod " Fresh Shad ir, 15 0 ..... , 50 (ii) ....... ...1 00 lftlS 12 , Veoktaiilbs Turnips, per - bushel..... Pot at iKs " " Onions " " Beans, " quart. ....... llcnnlny, " ' Diiiku Fkljts Dried Apples, per tb. " Peachei, " . " Cherries, " , " Blackberries " Raspberries GitrRN Arn.r.s per barrel 20((l.ill 10.!- "i VVr ""! " iicto bbciiiocmcnts. AT THE. MAMMOTH STORE, has Just recelvtftl aud opened A MAMMOTH STOCK OF HOODS, i rbkli he liu SELECTED WITH GREAT CAltE n) offers to tb Public ut tlio very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Having ettabllnhed a reputotlou for low prices aud iFAIK DEALING to all, will endeavor to inuintnlii that jiotilloii, COM C O.N K A ALL & EXAMINE TIIK i !lAiu;kst STOCK, JlKST AyjORTMKNTifc IXIIlKCOfNTHV. t4tsfvi I'M Ik Ui( swans 4 Sliuf i Vu-itioUi Utuet4 kuit kst, ui wMim l) Ittiuukiiit lit Imm fotii l Ike tuw4 iitts It Hfili tvlim4t kf Ike tain u v. tkit iba rd is, I tf5 "p rilldclphl nnU Erie Itallroad. " " I ' WlTT EH TIME TABLE. On' and ltTter. MonflnV, Nov. Slst. 170, the Tnilm oh the i'hilndolpfi ft Gilo Rail Road will run us follows! "! . , .t i k -WE9TWArrr. Mall Tmtrl leavoe Flillhdelpli'a, " , i " Sunbury, " . .' arr at Erie, . . Eilo Kkp.-cso h-aves Phllndephla, ' "-ii " Hunbury, . '"'! an nt Erlo,' Elinlra Mali leaves Philadelphia, " . " " Sunbury, " - rr at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Eric, " Piinbiirv, u ".'nrfnt Millndclphla, Erie Exproas lnares Erie, . , , . " Sunbury, " ' " nraat Vhllartulphla, Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, ' :i r Banbury, ' arr utrhlladelphla, Butrulo Express leaves Wllllmneport, ...... ii bun bury, ' .. ! err nt FliihwKlphla, fl.40 p m 4.55 a m 7. in p in IS.'.tl p m t.-',) m T.'iO a ni If iil) a ni L8f.pi 'f.6(i p I p VI in 11.00 a m li.or a ii' (i.i.tia iu tl.l'O p 171 10.20 a m ft. 30 p m n.'M a iu H.f.O n in n.SO p m 12.;;5 a til 2.:'0 a ri 0.40 a m Express, Mull and Accommodation, ear-t nnd west, connect at Cory and nil west bound trains nnd .Mall and Accomod-'iion oast at Irvlneton with Oil Crock mid. AlU'irln-ny IUvnr Rallmul. tt'M. A. UALUWIN, - i ' 1 ' Gcn'l fMip t Nor tit or u t'ciitrnl Knilway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. . V- lis follow t NORTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 4.'.M) a. in., arrive at Caur.rt- ! dnigim "i.lO p. m'., Syracuse 7.10 p. ni., Uofln-s- tcr 4.40 p. iu., Buriitlo O.tlO p. m., Suspension , Bridge 0..'i0 p. in., Niagara Falls 0.5.') . in. ! L'.'avo Sunbury nt 4.o0 p. in. for Elmira and j Buffalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. ' Leave Sunbury ut (S.45 p. in. for Williain.-port. j SOUTHWARD. j Leave Sunhury at '2.'M a. m.. nrrive nt liar-rip- i burg ft.l.'i a. m., Baltimore tl.lS a, in., I'hiludcl- j t pliln 0.50 a. in., Washington city 1.10 p. in. I ) Leave Sunbury nt lO.ii.1 a. in., arrive at liar- ! rlsliurg I'J.fiS p.'m., Baltimori' ti.lo p. in;. IMilla- I i delphia 5.8.1 p. m., Washington 10.00 p. in. j I Leave Sunbury. 10.20 a. m.. arrive at Harris- , ! burg 1.00 p. ni.," Washington 10.00 p. in. j I Leave Siinlniry nt 12.05a. in.. arrive at Harris- j : burg 2.80 u. in. Washington 7.00 a. in. SI1A.MOKIN DIVISION. 1 j EASTWARD. j I,p,ive Suiiburv nt 4.40 p. in., arrive nt Shamo- kin 5.55 p. in., Mt. Carmel 11.40 p. in. ! Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) nt 11.50 n. i m., nrrive ut Sliainokin 1.00 p. in. WKS1WAI11). Leave Mt. Carmel at 8.03 a. m., arrive nt j Shnmokin 8.50 a. in., Sunbury 0.55 a. in. Leave Sli.'imokin (Accommodation,) nt 2.45 p. in., arrive at Sniihiny 4.00 p. in. I Express leaves dully Leaving on Sunday, runs North only to WlHiainsport. i ) It -Mbcr I rains leave dailv, except Sundays. ! A. n; TrAt. .. i"i. s. Yoi so. Gi'ii'l. Sup't., . Geu'l PiiHscn'r Ag'l.. Harrlslmrg, Pn. Ballmoie, Md. WM. MIT.IUI. J. FLAVMAXUU. W M. II. JII.Al K. MURRAY & CO., Wholesalo Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, OUlcc and Scliool btatlourry, ! I'rliitliis. WrappinK aud .MnuIIIn PAPERS, j Printers' Cards, Taper Bags, Ac, &c. I , The Ccli-brati-d j Corry, Kerosene Rurning Oil 1 nlwavs on hnnil. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Having also 0(ciie(l a . . . ( "If") y Ti jl A i JZ) we nrn now prejnred to supply the citizen of Sunhury mid vicinity with tho very lien nihility of Coal, carefully prepared for family use, nt reasonable prices. Funnels and all others will Hnd it to their advantage to give us u cull. EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and . .PEA, Alvravs oil hand. Orders left at our oftlce, in Koom No. 2, CLEMENT HOUSE BLOCK, Will bf! promptly attended to, Noullt Third Slretl, .Suubury, Pit. MUKBAY Si CO. April i, 1870-3UI. - AdruitilNt rator'N Vol Ice. k't'nte AjhjIcih Warcy, decerned. NOTICE is hereby given, Hint letters tt .VI Uiiuislrutlon havinc been granted to the j tindeiipicd on Iho F.alate tf Alikolein Warcy, I lute of Mt. Cnruicl borouli, Nortliiiuiberlaud I County, l'.i., deceased. All persons Indebted to sai l c.-Uitu ure requested to make Ininiedlateiiny- liicnt nud those havliiK claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. HEX It Y II1I.E, Administrator Mt. Carmel Uoroii;:li, April lh 1S71. Ut. JEWELERS, i No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ' Having larifily Increased their PLATED WAKE ' Department, cull special uttesllou to their ) slock ol SILVER PLATED GOODS, Comprising, betl.lei I heir utuul Hue of fine Wurcs of hitfli Krudes, a moil cotnpli l attortiiieul of TAIII.i: U A It I N. fl. ATKI) OS WHITK MKTAI., rellabU in quality, and uttered at exceedingly low prices. A full Hue of j PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, &U, FINE TABUS CUTLEUY, t j restlj tnajbi for Ihclr retail tulet, aud luiui-h-d in tlnuls d-iut or in complete sett, put up In llotvisoud and Witluul Cstcs. All gouds sold uu their owu tuerilt al ttucd : I neet, attached lit pltilu Uguirs hi each HiUtle. ; January, H, i rnon .H iiii v, '& T Kuuik fecund kiiMl, abuia Cltuluul, & v.. i'ii!Ht:iliuv C F Having Jutl oiwavd, llli lailte aud - .... i.; .11 SI -to J, t -A a. teUtUd slutk tit t'oruigii aud Itumrttw ' Csrutllnet, of thole titles aud uU.iUllt. tl... Oil M..H.. VI. .III..... I......... I. u Ii. " U its.aui, A,-,, .a of bkb It till Mill l) ilutli f"t e,U. I. -J. it kVV HIT lir l'l V. U u.4 al 1d aVulk SMetMid lliiatl but, UU lliutiws tt).u). rtu. , iu 'M. i FOH BAUU." " j rnu i 411'aui.k iii om ik ot..r tit i pupil h butaod sn4 lUMtuut stiuxt, u lb kw. ltM.kk ol auuiv, on kit It lltvie ar tici.d a Ui 4siiiug bust, titLut aifl tuiluiuiu,t. I Im i4ttd, UU vt lltk IMui, 4t'4. AUu. a tA uu Usikti tlii, In Us MuttMi,;!, I kiti.litti), m iiH Is llttts le StMiltm buatt, Mbl Oti4 Ob4bH4iti(t. lu iylie l tb o ' MU S iJi;S, fi , 1st 1 1 If iiaiuw ..1. ibcrtisfmcitls 1871. I87L LUMBER! FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Sucee-sors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING rCKCIIASKI) THE LA RGB Steam Sew & Planing Mill, rnd Just fltto.1 It np with the latest Improved Mu cbinerv, are lion' prcpnred to fill nil nnlers lor all kind-, or BILL TIMBER. I'IN'E, HEMLOCK. OAK. Ac. HO.MtlW. v KOCUH ANU SURFACED. SIDiriC OF AUL KEHDS. HEMLOCK. WHITE AND TEl.LOW FINE FLOORING,. SHINGLES, PLASTERING ND '"MINGLING LATH. BASH, " " noriRrf. mouldin;f: V r Kf.IMlK.NUlTTlKNA HfUfeT54 nt tho very lowest prices. A larc slock al'.viiys ou hand. Send fni prices. ' ' Amplo facllitict lor .shipping by Railroad or Canal, FRYLING. BOWEN A ENGEL. Sunbury, Fa., February llh. 1K71. Cm. READY-MADE CLOTHING. TU I ...1 Cl. (lib- Vtfra Finest Goods; Work is A Tilt Kmst Styles j rA the Best of the very best character. llfH , Easy rules forjh.p;tlie measurementX -w-ci-eatest prices, 4o:f sentVA Vnric. tree 10 any part ot JO ty. America, and good fits "K Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers & Under-Wear of all kinds for all sea sons. White Shirts a Specialty. 0AE HALL, Sixth. & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. - i To Ihe Community at Iorge! j CHAXGE AT TI1F. j "REGULATOR." I I Iihtp tills ilny piircliriscd tho entire stock, ; L'oo.l will and fixtures of the liouliitur Knot, Mior, Trunk, Leather itud Finding fctnrc, of J. S. Atitrlr, and will contitiua the luisiness at its ire- sent location, cornur room, IIniit'a Iron Front, j MAItKKT Sl'ItEKT, SfKHl UY, l'A. I When having cftabllshcd nrrnnijeiiic'iits wifli i the lending iiiiiiiiifactnriMS of the eonulrv, I i'r.- jw,jii)l)lyfni; the market with a class of work ut utablUhed reputation for durability and linlsh, ut irlccs that niii-t claim popularity. A spc- 1 olultv wiil Ih tuadu In the luriilfhlii' ul Phoc- ' ln"k,'rii nintiTluls for iniimifstcturltij;. Your putionaite is soltt'lted. N. F. MGI1TNF.R. Siinbiiry, Jan. SI, 171. FOR SALE! IT'KiHTV acres of improved land In thn best J section of Southern Michlirau, withlii five i miles of the town of 'Threo Rivers," In Sl. Jo J seph county, wlihlTI to miles of the Ka'.lroad j Station, gviotl l)iUcllnt;s, out houses, lnrj;e or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school liou.-cs uud I churcbs wiLhUj :siirht title indisputable, ten j lie res arc in wheat, the remainder Iu clover sod. A span of burses, cattle, lios, irrniu and f.u uilnif utensils, Ac., will lie sold with thl property. I I'ri.i! ?70 ppr acre. ?3,0t)0 In cash, tho balance iu ; time payments of 5500. Apply to j WM. A. massf.j:, I Three Kivers, Mich. I "r, II. I). MASSF.R. Sunbury. I'enu'a. Punbury, March U, 1871. xew mum. Ilyrrly & IIoniiterly'H l'sfclfilor dttl lcry or Art, Third Nlrect, Niiiibur)', I'm. Mil. HYEKI.Y has lately added to his already well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. It. llcinpeily whose reputation us n pho tographic oiierator, stands unrivaled in this part of the country, nud hereafter they w ill carry ou tho liluitiiniplile trade, ut tho old stand under the firm uumo of liyerly ifc lleniiierly's Excelsior (iiillery of Ait, nt whose rstahlisliincut Ihe pub lic will be cheerfully accommodated throughout the w hole lino of photography. lor Photographs of all tlylvs and slei ranii V 1 1 from Ihe tuiull (lem to the life s!:-.u portrait, tio to liyerly lleuipcrly. 'or I lie beautltul porcelain plcluro which for softness of finish, uud durability cnuntil be ex ci llcd, ifo to liyerly c lleiiierly. l or the Kcmbruudl photo(;rMih, now so popu lar In nil on I large r'tles, .md shoiu Ihe iieell- liar rllcc! of ll;til uud shade, und tin. la'ior'.'.e of the old tierinan Artist lieuihrandt, o 10 liyerly A: llcuierly. if you have an old picture you want copied aud enlarged to any tlzc, uud colored ol!, w iter etiiiir, luilia ink or crayon, lake 11 to lu-ycily .v: lli'inperly. If you want a frame of nny tU.i nud ut any price, or uny style l'ii In liyerly tt lleuipcrly't, aud take .1 look ut Ihclr Immense stock l:i that linn. for Albums k to liyerly lleuipcrly. Kortipiare r ianict m ule to urder lo liyerly tk lleiupi rly, In tlmrl, lot iiumIiIii; in the photo graphic line, to to llyorly it ilcinpi rly, and you will bo suited. r'tu. is'l. V FURNITURF. MATTRESS. FEATHER. t BCDDIHQ WltCROOMD, sxww n v tut . iu it. J t .1 I . 11HI I. Hi .1 U III I I M'M ins. HiltStlV ( ITAMbEU nilMll UK. Hpiinf Hi It, kfiiutf I trts, 1'iiiiH slaliruttet, Ifiir do. rtwlkera. Ki t i lu r Uuls, litililtrs aud fillows, t ouuli rpanst, ilu.k kHiwer do. t ouiluilublus, Uu, Ulltukiit, Tn " r i Chiltlren'iX X Ti sT Wear at y atonisning- T Iv low Drices.X Wa i ' : - guillt. , C UJ. ANU IK TDK H.inHii NUrM, Tks tual Um eter oiltned fof sal. N. It. Our IuUuiIoh U ll cutiouuxe to Ibal Ibtf "l lMtlu ptiui4Uul iltaltlt Willi us, and oidtit all) ive.tte Iks tiius s'l.aiu, and ptitous tail lnyjutl atcttipas (? rttvbl al Hie tloi. Mti.b ib, IStl -Sia. UMistllsiSlt fMIIK i4iiatitltii Iwotulute ttuHu- htl4a I St. k. Iwtti aud W. I. Him. .!.., Ix Ut ii..ti' u( Uis, Uott iLUair, (Uitk Kilt, 1 1 1 , 1 dul4 li ytulittfl stift.i.1. k Is, ! I ka. W, i mil lisin j.buM, Utok ii nn. weitzel, mum & CO., A It I! HLAC5K OltOS OH AtiV MI LK S, ?1.2.' nml upwuifl. inCH J5LACKTAVFKTAS,1. to 83. WIDIJ OH KY CtOODS, f'rr t ravolincr nn.l Promcnado Suits, from 80 to ,'iOe. ropular Btylcs J'LAID DliKSI GUOUS, ftT Miws niul children, from" 2" la TiOc. . . HEAVY WHITE TABLE SO'.;', 40e 44c', 50i-. WHITE VKjUErf, 14c, 18o, 20n. HEAVY WELTS, 25c, SOc, :?7Jc. KID GLOVES, from SI to $2.50. HEAVY LAUGE SIZK LIN EX TOWELS, 10e, l.c, 'J0o. - riQUE THI.MMIXG, at about half tlio nsud i.riccs, ii'ic, 30c, Coc, aiul 40c, jicr piece of ton yardrf. SPRING SHAWLS, 53 'to SIS. Hem Rtitciictt LiiVjn Cumbric Hnndkcixhicfs, $1.2"), 81-87 J and 1.50 por dozen. ; , Heavy Wido kJaslv Jbljon, 75c tier yard. PRINTED CASHMKHE SIIALLS, $1 and upwanl. bcarlct Cloth Ifille Covers, !i.2j. 1'iano Covers, $3.50. Red Lion Alpacas, from 25c ujv ELEGANT TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS, $1.35, $1.50, $1.00. SiiiM'linc and Extra Superfine IXGEA1X C.'arpclt, from A FULL LINK OT GKN'TS' rL'nNISIIlXG GOODS. S1M11XG CASS13IERES, IN ! JgT Country (.'ustom Solicited. A X E W S T OCR O V S T A V L E :OR O U E R I E S . i 13 right's ISTew 13uildiny, iKo. so. M;.?ks-t strati 8mbui:F Fa iff BE -A.17 lias now ou luuul and is daily receiving the largest nnd best selected STOCK OF1 SPRING ever ofii'tcd for salo in this town, consisting of nn euortnous assortment of EEADY - MADE CLOTPIIDTa, JrlEN, BOYS & CHILDREN,' uli itli lie had rondo to his own order, in the hi styles of f.taliiou nnd best tuanuur workmanship, an immeneu Stock of Hats INCLUDING ALT. TIIU Vr.ItY LATEST nnd a mngniOccnt nsnortinent 'of Gent's Furnishing Goods, comprising all the novelties of the season. Wlxitc and Fancy Shirts, cScC, ScC. liein cotinetUid with some of tho largest huiist'siu ihu cilL'H, !inl Inij lug till liii (joudi for nisli, he is enabled to oiler GREATER IND'HCEM EIST rVS than any of his competitors hero or t ! -e hi iv. tiivc him a cul, c:;ai:ii;iu h!j (looils nnd hear ills nrtetii -liiii IomT prices. G, HERZFELDER. Under tho new Hotel, on Third street, SUNBURY, PA. "lirJI. J. H'OI.VWITOX, Attorn, y n f liw, o'liee, ilimr No. 2iui tloor, ll.iupl's Uliiek, near Mill -i't bhoe M.ue, Sui.Liiit v, I'u. March aith, ItU. ly. 1V- U. t'l' WATCHES, JKWl'HiHY, I IS urtU Nfruutl Si., of. tt' Hurry , I'HII.AIIKLI Ul V. An nttoitiiieul of WatelK'i, J.' e!iy , t-.h i r and i'liiltd Wsru eoutliiully uu bund. Itepuiiinij of WuteUe and Jewelrv pioinplly attended to. April 1, liTl -ly. Dakeryand Confectionery Iu Ihu lien bulldliiK adjoin liiu I'io '.,l IMll.-i , nppo.Hu the I ft, HI' Ml I II v , n. A , Ju.l opeiu d a l.iri;i) u-.uitiiuiil of all kludi ul CONFUCTIONARItXS ul stuiy desuiipiuiu. FRKSII Illl E AD ic OAKS Sl lUiHUlut'. (similes alll ktf tu ;. dally kuila)S St. Iieled) Milk all tlttd-i ul IlKI AH, TtUal, l(t k, i: HI St, c,, aad situ kepi uu baud and Miuufutlm tuti IUu krtt krault t,t I lotll . ( AU kladsj of Tmnej Omhitii k.4 sulpt4 by kuf suy tktiit titutiakl If UU baud aud UbtaaUttKltMl l utdur I'I u-:t, i.ituil.4 (.lift, Vitlu.llts aud oik. It al Ibd .k.MUal k 4l.. All t-tJ'it It II tl Iks Mm, t u.itvlk fc ut t kit kWk'i 1, uu pU. Mlt k.a lluut Skd SVOtMtd, Uk t..MU4 kllattlUyM. 1kukli l4 tkii llutitk, I kf p kl till. I tlitkiiua Ut WtttluMt, ai fuifcitklua Iks WmI. Iw I St tk talks i luviiiiki W.i k 1Kb, It'l k.o $1. XEW STYLES, AT $125. I-IIS of and Caps for HTYLEH. ( i.onis c.iMMiiat:iti:M: rr.i:.t ji axi ihimkstio tioous nf en rv t:r.'tl", Ju l e-poiud ul tin M Kl'l'II ANT TAU.OU SlUJl' HI" I IIOM. li. OTf,' Succ.t.,r t J. II. I'. ili, Voji'.l, htrvsl, t-i- M-uki-U - m viit iiv, i .s:.v'.. Iriillrnie!! liu de.liu latblou iblu eliHlillU I luitili) l.iur.Ui, Mill 'all ul Uu .tin, ii plueu ami . etuiulue tb Mi ll vlc.ud tint k, aud ku Iktili I mis iiutda up Ut .ti, bi'e-t title. Ca I Mils' Is l'i.iiliee.l. I liHU. t' y.Otl- 1 he I I. ,l l'M. 0 - 1 I'ltU T.H KllH tl il tt ma Mtuuiuolh Hoot vV Shoo Storo i'r I I I HII l i lt. u ('. II. autilli't Knoiii, lii.ek hlrti-l, att dat r.wi oi ibs I'oti ion ., Mill Till WHIKLWII, 1'KNV.i. lur r'liulia Ibs4t, .i to Kit il ill.Vt Ho.. I sul .if fcioiu, I In ) ji.i tmd, Ii. .1 I air ul . lot I nut It I a. I liuott, Ii Li kiultl's, ul ' j III til ,l Wll. fur II !, Skii.t ul iiulltis, tl 'W.I p . I tiu .Ui, kw l I 'I tluii i t, uu IJ'.t. tt MUt4 fin til kinat ut tWHl Muut-ttt ttitt, r.i 1. 1 i't. lot l.-tdut' liUUt Oitltk -t. kt Ii4 ktfcajl I Hlti.l al I Mllllt. , all I II. I. uj i'UuiJlva't -'i.k , 4 t ' 4.U..US I il klil'i.' Ul . h.-'liJt.,l I. U a ' ik iii-i U-i tul sUa4 llns, ft I III I kU4 ttail. k d Mil. 1 1 tli-tk k Lit I Ul. btiln l.tttU.l. II )btt kltk It I I Kl'l, kl 1 1.1, uuil II Wl, 1, ' i I k I, 'III l. I SPRING stiu.k fl I'i. I U. I Mm .lt. tla. k I 4 I l'l ( I