Shmburn Mmmtaiu N. B. MASaLfl, It "J'wj... :"?V..i-l . . TiiK 'At'JMTtth'a lturoitT. Tbo long ; tiiolcl for Auditor's Report lias nt last "made. Its appvnraucc in the Itiuj? organ of last wwk. The lkmwrat publishes It with Mit iiriy comment, pro or con, believing tbtit tbo least wi'ut, llio less attention it would attract. Wo publish it in this issue find would ntk the taxpayers to give it a i-losc Investigation, and hoc for tlii-nisclves how their money is expended. As wo have, for n year pnst, repeatedly stated that the Ring had 04,000 uf dV.xca lo work nptm during 1970, and is otie of our cteiipo , ries, not long since, thought oirr calcula tions cfclrivvagant, we now find that with the figures before us, that wo were rather below that) above the mark in our estimate. The Auditor's Report makes the sum 89.", 653 33 instead of $04,000, or S 1,533 33 higher than we had stated. It appears wo were too low In the amount of tax levied for 1870. The Treasurer Is charged with the ?30,C33 09 of uncollected taxes for 1809 and provkvia years, and the amount of county duplicates for 1870, the sum of $33,010 43, making altogether $03,533 33 for couuty purposes alone to work on during the year 1370. Of this amount $54,001 58 has been expended, nud the balance of 11,402 21, is left in the hands of.Civorite collectors. ' Tho whole amount of .taxes 'remaining in the hands of collectors on tho 1st of January 1871, being as follows:: Amount of outstanding comi ty taxes for 1870 and previous years, $41,402 21 Amount of outstanding State taxes. for '70 and previous year?, 2,S44 40 Amount outstanding Militia tax for 1870, 1,077 00 TufeJ, S40,2-3 01 , 'It will be secu that -some of. the Accounts do not compare very favorably with , those of former years, being considerably higher, while others are somewbut .moderated, tearing that the taxpayer might object to them. The Commissioners .-sreortliug to the l)cmxrat, are tho most efficient oflleers the county ever had, but their excess of modesty does not prevent them from pre . Denting larger bills for their own yny, than any Commissioners ever did l.efore. "U'c find uue charging for three hundred, nud one days, twelve days less than there are wotk ing days in the year, Which twelve iflfcjte, we presume, ore included in the three weeks, or 121 days, when he was oil a jury to assess damages in the coal -region for Itailroad couipauieS. Thin would leave nine days of an oucess-not oxutilly account i'd for. His colleague from the upper end has charged for two hundred audtweuty-one days, aud had it not been that duties ; q'lired him on his farm, and fciocllonecring Lift fall, Lis number of days would probably havo reached those of Lis colleague who has to undergo the same trial to bu re-elected this fall. The list of these Commissioners Hgpearc. to-be .tho. a'ost liberal, having rc . turned only one hundred nud fifty-five days. lerlitii8liis conscience restrained him from returning time when he was alwent in the ! This, Mahouoys auctioneering ami attending to ; other duties. His presence however, was I not required much, us tho others generally ' transacted all the business. The incidental expenses are considered very .moderate, considering tho amount of tnciilcnhd &; vets transactions about the Court House. In closing up the report, the Auditors say, "that upon due examination of the expense books, the indebtedness of t!ie county, in unpaid couuty orders, is $27, i7i 70; the balauce of indebtedness to the Common wealth of Pennsylvania,, iu lieu of state taxes, unpaid p. per .State, Trea ourcr'u ltcport is $1,131 GO ; tho ani H.nt due John V. .Fiddler, former Treasurer, $2,130 01, and amount of an outstanding Homily or der issued lu 1802, is $725 all subject to reduction ly the outntuixdiiiy tuxes, u-.'tt.i cul kcttrt." l'robably it would .if the Auditors would havo ascertained what theso $27,578 70 orders were for, whether thoy wore for the miscellaneous account which is omitted, and were hold over for the purpose of not making the ex penditures of the county tvo .extravagant for the List year. When'tho taxpay.-rs.c xan'u;o. tliU report, they will no doubt ngn'e with us, that it is high thiv) to run out the old p V.Uicians who iu Biking for offloo from year to year, and j laeo new men in their stead. We feel con fident that every taxpayer will xperieiieu i u great change, and will not have t-r toil a THE lATtc RiOTfl. Tho troubles that havo raged for sometime in tho coal Region hare nt Inst culminated In riotous outrages, niiirderg, flowing up of coal pits, and tho calling out of the military forco to restore order. On Thursday and Friday Inst, v band of miners numberiug probably 1000 strong, armed with muskets, revolvers and clubs, visited several collories nt Scrnuton, and prevented the mints from being work ed.' In several instances coal breakers wero burned, and at ono of the mines three men wero killed and several wounded by tho rioters. Tho public has been led to believe that tho organinotion of miners kiiuwu-AB the W. B. A. had tho confidence nnd Bupport of all operatives employed in the mines. But these riots which have just occurred prove the contrary, lleing deter mined to no longer , to pleaso the leaders of the V. It. A. some of tho miners resumed work at the mines, when they were set upon' nnd beaten away by the tools of the leaders of the association. . Various IneRctfunl efforts had been mndo by 'resident (.lowen nud Governor Geary to .compromise tho difficulties, but they were nil thwarted by tho arbitrary conduct of the leaders of the V. 11. A. On tho part of the latter, it is claimed that they wished tho Association itself to vote on tho pro positions, but this was manifestly an after thought, as it is known that they have been hard nt work to induce tho laborers In the bituminous coal mines to join their organi zation, and by a universal strike compel adhesion to their demands. Some of those miners having beconio tired of their leaders, 1iavo therefore resumed .without arrangement, nnd the Association has precipitated a dreadful riot. Governor Geary, of .course, did no more than his duly in calling out the armed and uniform ed militia when called upon by tho local authorities, and while they remain inand order will prevail. Hut with a trade organization of sixty thousand resolute aud desperate iiicn, bent on forcing their de mands, we do not see how permanent peace can bo gaiued except by a compromise, un less, indeed, as is said, the operators con teuiplato the employment ot Chinese miners nnd waut the protection of bayonets and breech-loaders iu doing It. . AVo need not say that our sympathies are and have been strongly with tho great car riers whose interests have been largely in jured every year by both sides. Hut to al low prohibitory rates to bo levied under any circumstances is very questionable policy, n, it sets a dangerous preeedeut, too likely to be followed at sometime -when there could -not be so excuse for it ns nt present. TIIE SCKANTOHi KIOTN. MOH OC.TBAGJS AUD BLOODSHED Nix 5Icn tiillrri. OO VERXOlVsT'RQCLAMA T10X. a'oi.v;i.vL Takties axd Finance.- Secretary Iioutwell's monthly statement of the national debt sLows a payment nud re duction of $11,011,230 for tho month ot March ; nnd tho monthly report of the Sinking Fund Commissioners, shows n payment nnd reduction of our Slate debt during last month of $179,50(1,43. Such things Jiave become so common, they nre looked for by tho people ns n matter of .course, and public expectation is never disappointed. The. Democratic organs aro eternally scolding about the extravagance nud corruption of tho Republican party. also, has become' so common, ns hardly to excite remark or comment, or to be considered worthy of refutation, -they have fallen into the chronic bad habit of complaining and scolding, and do it they must nud will, regardless of the plainest facts, and iu utter ilefhtucu and contempt of the popular intelligence. Tut: Hous"e of '.Representatives at llar risburg has passed a bill to .prohibit the sale or gift of intoxicating liquors on elec tion days. It provides that "it shall not be lawful for any person in this Common wealth, whether licensed to sell lienors or unlicensed, to buy, sell or give away to bii used as u drink, any spirituous or malt liquors, or cider, or nny other sub vtaneo containii." alcohol, on nny part of nny day set apart or to bo sot apart forauy general or election by tho citizens iu or within auy of tho precincts, wards, towushipf, counties or other election di I v Vi ns or district iu the Commonwealth;" j nnd affixing a penalty of from teu to ono I hundred day a- lu tho couuty jail, and a lino of from twenty to live hundred dollars. I .The bill was amended so ns iu forco ' ouly until thu polls are closed iu thoeven I ing, and agreed t . Ai amended the vote j stood 01 for 25 against. I AVe hope that the Senate will pass the j bill promptly. Tho lhpuMicnus had nn tuihuhiastio motting at Wmdiingtou on Saturday even- month or two every year to pay his taxes j tug, at which Senator Morton, Vlco Prx'sl to keep In olllco men who care but litilo lor ; dent Colfax nnd Col. Forney wore Jlio the Interest of the eoplo us long as they ' peukcm. JVc-ddt'iit Grant ivm uWo pra ti re ulluH.'4 4ti fcittcu ul the puMio -crib j cut. Souwf the papers s;iy it was tho .tL'imsidvej. Wo thall puhluh eoino of the ; oputiiug of the campaign ol'iK72. Ifit wn, nuportwof past vears In-re-after. to show hat ! the oiieniu? W p-matiire. What wo need ut a dlfTerenco there U between tueu who worked for the iuu-it l of llie jHnpIc, nnd thoko who only work to help theicrelvri!. present U for all Republican otllclais to do llioia duty faithfully ,niul strictly regard the s of the x;oplo they repreacnt.aud tho eainpalgn f '72 uccd not b.: a long one, but ; will kuixlr be (i sueeir'ul our. Tin: editor of the Sliuogro-.o J'U.i vol tiuteeo his aid lu helping .to txeirno our I Couuiy ConiiniuiwMei iu kl.eir diillriiHy lu uphtttlng llwlil tHH,lJ0. llv wilt be, n.t doubt. nnliJ ilb Hueeefal lui u.-m iu upoioju.iij. r r tiai imomii oi jeii iuvh aud hi follower, uml as indicium, n l vim, sooii uftcr lunriu of 1'ivkldeut Lin coln's nt .-tiv. ilMUs, Uu ho , ,.; l(, KUiX M ft Jt.l,.rol (j,u.,ri, of Arbl i.imiUHii, -iu u..a-u iiiew -emu u no , fMUll u tlJ SUwU VUunk OU next juaev until ihu Mouthirii Confi deney wis joni ,y. uekuoled '(d." t .mm. - ... All tho important business of the Statu Iglnlaturo i practieully delavud until Ihu Coiiti ivuee Coiiimillei of llo feioiiate and Kiiumj ngiee upon a CuinrrotiiUe Apmir- tioiuilflit bill Tho ciMtl it-lticultu-ji ipr to Ui Jiuw TlU 1 Ui K-rallo Vl.icliiM Cniullt.e nu I at tint Coin I Ii.uujw, ihU .I.wc. on Mtid.iy kijr. I'ltMolm et RitKiUj I'miu w.i nol.'nd Vhsitl.lidng llj.i 4Ui4(4. 1'at II. u r, loluplrUUd ihv Molly M iw'Oi.u Uiin. nl of tho wrl. Wo t-'irik lluit lie y d. vi.h.l ti hold ilM-ir('oui(y (oiivtiiiinn oil Mm. il.ij thu n;H d.iy of Juut, (DWKTItH, ANullik.ll ll-Mulll fi ll HUI D UIM OVtll I U, K.i.l.l-11 illlKilfcii Mlill UkK ill'XI'lUU WIK 'titu ill ll. 1 I y. ui-iii'. Apnl lo. -An n tor iiitl ' I'oUbl I'loVrflll'f ' olu ll.l UH JOV rrd in iUi i'wiiith W ntii, Nm -II I vtn, mUio i'.i4Uli titilW liiuuiulti limn ' WHO WiU4l) p iliiol l' Litu. il t lliouxhl to U u i'mr ki'ivi of It uii.1. aud H at tins is U 'I l If tiMl IIOul H I'UO IKVUNOI IIUMO ScnANTOxi April 7. Within tho Inst twentv-four hours this cftv has been' tho sceno of moiv excitement tha'i has occusred for many years pnst. The suspension has culminated in riot nnd bloodshed. ... . X esterday somo Germans went to work In the Hampton mine, and soon after a pnity of miners belonging to tho Worktag mcn's Benevolent association concrroaated nt tho mouth of .tho shrtft, and demanded ttictr presence nt tho ton. Tins rcciucsi "wfta uot complied with, and after lounging arounti lorsoverai nours tnev linaiivuetiart- cd. Jnst niaht several hundred miners went to tho houses of the aforesaid miners who had resumed work, broke In their door nnd windows nnd committed the most wanton and diabolical outrage. k But their fury, as 1 subsequent events showed, hnd not been satiated, for this morning about 1,000 men marched in a body to tho mine of Hill & Fellows, lu llyilo l'ark, and prevented tho workmen from entering tho slope. The samo motley rnbblo then vistcd tho Tripp slope and de manded the men iu there be brought forth. Upon the appeamiico nt. the mouth of tho slope of a miner named Moore, several shots issued from the crowd nnd tho man fell. He was picked up by Colonel Morris, and while he was engaged in staunching the blood from his wound the mob threw coal, stones aud at her missiles, so that tho col onel was oblitwd to draw liis revolver nnd then dragged the unfortunate man out of their reach. A nosso of policemen arrived nt this juncture, and therowd gradually dWpereed, a portion going to ltockweii's snait in ino First ward and the rest going to reinforce a number who had gatherd In tho Twelfth ward for the purpose of making a raid upon the rolling mills nud mine So. 4. The old rockwell shaft was lired by the insurgeuts aud completely destroyed, to gether with three hundred tons of coal. Tho.crowd then went orl'w.ithi the avowed purpose of firing the Hampton breakcr,but up I j -the present time nothing has been done. '- Those who had resumed work aro now out, not daring to enter the mines un less protected by the authorities. The mayor nnd marshal have been uurumitting in their endeavors to quell the disturbances, but not being able to convene a quorum of the city councils, they have boen compelled to act upon their own limited authority, and the citizens have' responded freely to the call for aid to put down tho rioters. ti:oop3 asked i" on. At noon to-day Mayor Monies telegraph ed to G ovcrnor Geary for t roops,nnd roeeite nnauswor that they would reach here 2,000 in number, nt seveu o'clock l. M., iH-.tlhey .have not arrived ns yet. iloAiiwhile the -miuais wrcrunniiig wild, though no more destruction-of property has taken place up to. tins tune. ,. BKCTAt. VlOtliNt K. SciiAXToy, April '7. Three or four hundred miners inarched iu a body to the foUiiH mill this afternoon and sought out ono ot tho men, nnd after whipping him thoroughly they threw him iu tho creek, from which he was afterwards rescued. A large volume of smoke can ba seen in the direction of ono of the breakers, which is supposed to be on fire. HX MEN KILLIOJ AT TP-UT'S HUOI'E. "WiLKi-sBAnitK. April 7. -Private .in formation just received from Scrnuton says it is iutcuBoly excited. Six men wero kiilcd at Tripp's slope this morning Marshal Stevens is raising a posse, taking every other man ho meets. Gen. Osborne has called out the Fifteenth regiment, and other troops aro on their way. The IXdnware, Lackawanna and Western railroad has called out its engineers, -mechanics and firemen and are preparing for a tight. Several. companies are hero on their way ,to the sceue, and others aro forming. Ten thousands rounds of ball cartridges are expected hero to-night. Hverythlng in this vicinity is quiet, and no trouble is appre hended. CAUSE OF T1IK WOT. The riot wns caused by tho members of the Union interfering with somo (iermau miners who were quietly nt work at Tripp's mines. ' ARMVAL OF TROOPS. Scranton, April 7J0:35 r. ar-iSey-erals companies of troops have arrived bore and have been stationed nt the various minw eround the city. No futher riotous demonstrations havo taken place, though it Is expected thnt there will bo more trou ble before morning. JlAKiiuisuuna April, 8. Tho latest despatch from Scranton Repre sent all ouiet. Two companies of military has nrrived. The military companies of llarrinburg, white and colored, are under arms, directed by General Jordan, ready to proceed to the scene when ordered. SiHo Governor's latest despatch to-night is that everything is quiet iu Scrnuton. Ho has received a large numder of despatches from every portion of the Stato. including Shamokin and other towns in tho anthra cite region, tendering troops for the sup pression of the riot. Proclamation i'rviu Governor Geury. IlAituisiti'ita April 7, 1471. Pennsyl vania s; In the iiamo and by tho authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1, !o!m W. Geary, Governor ol l!oiud 'Common wealth ' A f UOCXAMATIoX. . ' H'Aor'iH.Tho recent supsonslon of work by the miner in the anthracite coal region of tho State, and the kubsequeut imposition by the trausporllug companies of prohibi tory rates have entailed great nnd manifest evils upon miners, operators, consumers, mauutucturcs and others : and M iictuj, All ellbru of the Kxcutive and tho friend of law and social order have failed to ImriuotiUu tho coutllctiug.lutmetit and bring about an autictiblu ailjui.liiie.ut ol'e. toliug dillleiiUies; and '' .IIVii mu, Tho recent inveltt;atioii before a commit leo of tho Keuuto ha tailed to provido n uy remedy fur agisting ri!, or to ueeomnlUh anvlhitii toward the de.livd tiduiktuiuut, ir to give prouilo ofrohevo to u snttuiiiiK K'opio ami: B uitiu, A iikiial In kiieli i.i-, the unnatural, aggravated and unUwt'ul cow illcl bvtwvuu labor aud vapitnl hu n-nnoied. lis lum uiiviml, iiibiiai'hiolllteeiu-uniid tho diktiuetiou ot Ino Kinl iiu eriy at tho viiy of Sv niu ton ami oila-r luec in tlio mining iuKUm i-l ilml viiinty, iud.iWKUiug jug Ihu !i.imi of inoh vioUiicu uu iLu pari ul' Ihu llillu ! nnd other, luilln r lWu.itaiW thu livt'o aw4 pn-i.ily il Uw-aUlditi( fitic (uu ami llio Umiioitti) subwriiii'ii of thu tm,iio.l tulU i -r piompi and mltieul remedii; now theitloiv.l John W. luiiry, li.iVel nor of lliw iUI I illlloolivellU!, i.y vniuu uf ilut Hmcr aiul awilioiiiy vukUiJia uhi by the C'oitktiuii'iii and lu4i,do he.vby ir-i'latiii and iiUri, , iul. Tlmi U U uiiUful f-r any it or ki-eUliuii of ui by t.oiK', Lmilrood or other transportation company, in nuuYcrsion 01 uiu oojecm 01 us creuiiuur to impose rntes of freight or transportation Intended to be and which are substantially prohibitory, or to combine with others to effect tho same ends, and thus create, pro long or aggravate exitlng evils. Third. That it is unlawful at all times nud under all "drentustnuccs, -for persons to assemble In a riotous or tumultous, and, under grievances either actual or pretended, to commit breaches of tho. pence, destroy properly or endanger or take tho lives Of others nnd thus subvert and nullify tho -laws nnd subject tho Rood namo of tho State to humiliation and reproach. , . Fourth, The reliabhj hifornmtion'liav ing been received that those riotous assem blages aro too largo and powerful to bo dispersed or suppressed by tho local authori ties of Sornnton. which havo called on mo for aid, I havo In voked -the military power of tne btato to suppress the riots and mobs at Scranton, nnd wherever else in tho Com monwealth such unlawful assemblages may be found: and under tho conviction that the time has come for ftcompletc settlement fcr tho present and future of tho unlawful complications and difficulties under which the people now suffer, I hare nlso ;invoked the civil uower of the State axatnst the rail road nnd fther transportation companies for tho misuse and privileges, and will enforce all the remedies authorized by tho laws ot the land, and I call upon nil mm tary organizations to hold themselves in readiness to -support tlia civil authorities whenever thereunto required, nnd upon all civil magistrates, officers and citizens, in their several spheres of action or influence, to sustain nnd enforce tho laws ngninst all offenders in nnvwise resnonsiblo for tho evils and wrongs under which wo now suf fer. Given under mv hand aud. the great -spaI of the State, at 'llarrisburg, this seventh day of April, in the year of our ;Lord ono thousands oicht hundred nnd seventy-one, aud of the Commonwealth the ninety-fifth. John W. Geary. Attest: V. Joiidon, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Paris, April 7 via TiOMon-, April 8. The ftahtin'2 is terrritlc. Tho Nationals on Thursday nicht reoccunied the barricade at Xcvilly, and itwas to-day fiercely attack ed by tho batteries ot tlio v crsniues nrniy. Tho 'Nationals defended the position with mitraluuses, which had been mounted on tho barriciide. Thcro wns a perfect rain of shells from iho Versailles batteries until hnlf-nast i in tho afternoon, when it be came apparent that a direct .assault w3 intended by the Government forces. This movement proved a ifiiiut, however, for instead of following it up tho Versailles troops udvanced upon both right nnd left Hanks of the barricade. There was for an hourft-rapid nnd etleclive firo of musketry nnd then the lighting increasing in inten sity, the Communists hnstilv advanced two fresh battalions of infantry," supported by eight guns. Crowds of women and children were in dangerous position near tlio Arc do Til ompe, watching with tho utmost anxiety the changing . scenes of tho battle-lield. Tho lire of tlio artillery has up-to this time spared tho tncriiife. The Nationals, resist tho advance of the Asseinblyists with determination, nnd will defend every inch of the streets should the Asseinblyists succeed in onteriugtho city. There is "a strong concentration of Nation als iu tlio Place Vendonic.and many pieces of artillery in the court yard of tho Palais Royal, and in front of tho Church of the Madeleine. ' ' The utmost bitterness towards the Ver sailles Govcnmentpcrvndos the public mind, but portion of Paris remote from the sceno of conflict are to all appearances -calm. TIIK l'AKIS HEIGN TKUUOH., April 8. Tho Commun ists continuo the reign of terror in Paris and the neighborhood. The indignities heaped upon religion have shocked all the decent portion of the com munity. Thero is a war against priests, and it is unsafe for one to be seen in Paris. All holies arc in MaeMahon. The Govern ment troops maintain tho positions cap lured from the, insurgents yesterday. No new attack has been made by either yet, and there is a strong desire nnunig the more substantial citizens to see Pavia again reoccupicd by the Germans. 'The loss iu the battles yesterday on both sides was quite large. XUiSrEKATK FICHTINO AROUND l'AKIS ON . Saturday. Thero was despcrato fighting around Paris on Saturday. Fort Valerien nnd tho advanced batteries of tho army of Ver sailles severally bombarded Porto Mailtot, their shells falling in tho camps at Klyses. An engagement took place at Vnllestil. and there were skirmishes at Uagneuxand llill iin :otrt. All tho southern forts havo resumed firiug, and tho government forces aro gain ing urouiul in front of Fort Jlountrongo and iliettne, and n decisive strugglo is ex pected nt the gnte. It is repoted thnt Thiers is nvcrse to forc ing nn entrance into Paris by fighting, nnd that he prefers to rcducp tho city by invest ment. London, April 13. Versailles advices stato that a forco of loyal NiiUiiuaU, iH.OOO strong, has been si cietly organized and equipped in Paris in the interest of tho Versailles govern ment. This forco is expected tv operate ngnnst tho insurgents within tho city, who will attack 'tho Hotel do Villu aud tho Insuigent position in tho Montninrtro dis trict, while tho Versailles troops will Him ultnneouslv advance on tho Insurgent bat teries nt Porte Maillot, and tnko thorn by storm. This simultaneous movement from dill' rout dir. c'.ions will I ave tho e ItW t of scutieriiw and dividina tho rebel fort, nud will thus render tho opHnition weaker at t-tioh of thu point of attack. It U staled I that tho Veriutilles guveruniuiit has made all preparations uud deuided Hint the Brand hbiuIi shall bo made to day, Weduokilny. Tm .Government is very -hoiwlul of the kiu;ers of llio uioveiuent. A Itemarliable Statement. .Wo alip Che- W.wwlnr nrtrclfl from tho Chicago Times of tho 13th instant, and must acknowledgo that it is ono of the most re markable statements ever Issued by a simi lar institution iu this country. A moments relloction will convince! the Tender that it will . bo to his Interest if he seeks Lira In surance to Invest iu one that dares and docs reject joor ww : i ' ; ' . IjIFE, i v ioor, health. in looking over the numerous statements mndo by Life Iusurance Companies doing business with us, wo have been forcibly impressed with the exhibit laid beforo tho people by Metropolitan - Of New York. till the stringent InwS governing life insurance iu that stato, wo may saieiy reiy on its ngures, and for the purpose of showing our readers, wo quote, as follows Number of policies issued in 1800, 2,030 : number : Issued in 1870. 0.113 : income in 170. 8500,000 ; assots Jauuary 1, 1871, $830,000 ; amount oi .uontn -cinims ruiiu in xoou, ci,wo , death claims palk iu 1&70,. $58,000. This shows that the risks have been selected ; in fact it has reJcclcd-ovcrlOd vpvlicfttioAS the past year I number equal to tho gross amount ot business none by many other companies. That it Is in a sound, healthy condition, no one who reads the above can doubt .' Messrs. Corb'ui, Gaffucy & Corbin, 429 Uliestnut street, well nnd favorably known as ono of the most eulerprising insurance firms of tho country aro its agents in this city, but tew records will bare comparison to theirs in the volume nnd sold character of tho business. l'hita. AmoC March 22, I Among tho largo number of "Metro politan" policy-holders in this borough and county wo aro pleased to include one of the editorial staff of the American. The ".registry" system fenturo of this Company tunkos it cspecinlly popular and unquestion ably secure. L. M. Voder, is district spe cial agent, and A..N. Ui-ieo solicitor. If you would iiisuto in n yorid company, select tho Metropolitan. Kjrs,l JUUK AT Lykejts, J-a. The Upper Dauphin Jlcytoer says: On Wednesday evening last, about half-past 7 o'clock, tiro was discovered issuing from the steam sash nnd door factory of Messrs. Doudcn & llichards. Having no firo npparalus, it was apparent that the factory could not be saved, nud efforts were thercforo directed to saving the lumber, etc., nnd to prevent tho dwelling on tho opposite sido of thu street from taking lire. Tho flames spread rapidly, and in a few minutes extended tho whale-longth wIHlio .building, and in less GEORGE McELlECE, Ei., In account with the County of Northiimbertiuid, from the flrl riny of Jnnnnry, A. D., 1370, to the lost day of Dcoember of the mime year, both dnys Inclu iVQ, respecting County stid Sliite Tiixo,-&c. - DR. ly To nmonnt of ouUtnndlnK Cottntv hx for 1808 and previous yenrs, . (30(188 09 To nmoiiDt of Clounty Duplicates for 1B70, ' To amount of outntnndltig Stnto TiiSen for 18G9 and prcrioni yenrs, To mount of Stnto Dupllcntus for '70 To amount of Mllitlii tnx Dupllrntc for ,1870, To cnh recd for Court flne, costs, e To cash ree'd for old bridges, . , . To ensh ree'd from Lower Auyusta for keeping flinnn-li Bnrldgc, ' ' To cash ree'd for l'liink, To cash ree'd for exonerated tnxes, To cah ree'd for tnxc on unseated Innds Tor 1888 nnd 109, ' To cush ree'd for taxes on scided lunds for 1808 nnd 18611, Sri10 43 239t 87 8037 07 2211 fiO 111 00 ' 89 00 - B5 00 2 81 240 44 230 62 (105060 80 . Balance In hands of Trcnau-rcr, (11320 41 CR. By amount of outstanding County taxes on tbo Unit, dnv of January. 1871. 41402 21 Bv ntnount of cxoncrulloiu allowed Cotloctors, . 1348 23 Hv amount of nor ccnloHR allowod Col lectors. C220 SO By amount of outstanding Stale luxes on t ho first day of January, 1870, 2844 40 By exonerations allowed Collectors, 28 20 Bv per ccntnire nllnn-ed Collectors, 144 23 By amount of outstanding Militia tux on the lli-nt dny of January, 1871, 1U77 00 By exonerations allowed Collectors, 09 50 By ninount of County orders paid, , 41037 73 Bv Treasurer's commission of 2', per "cent, on (41037 7!l 10-10 04 Balance, In hands of Treasurer, 11320 41 " (105000 30 GEORGE McKLIEC'E, Esq., Treasurer of Nor thumberlnnd county, In account with tho ainc, respecting State Tax on Personal property for tho year 1870, settled hi his account respecting County and State Taxes, Ac. .. t DR. . Slnlc Tax Duplicates fur 1370, C0:;7 07 Ushlnir Moronntlla Anni-nUer'a Ll. ' 38 10 By cash paid Mercantile Appraiser oa JnA . i. ' . I i .. ' ! il la . ?:"'. ,-... t i. . -i ' i . ; i -r , -.17.1 ' ' ' ! (6011 60 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY la account with the Commonwealth of 1'ennsvlvauhi, ro leetlng Natltnal Bank Tnx for 1870. ' DR. To amount f Duptlcnlrs for Ibo year 1870, as claimed by Auditor General, 18;j3 70 (10.19 70 Butanes In Tfensn nt' tiand-, . .tTR. , By nmonnt nrteollcMeuDupllcatp '"t made out, for wnnt of return of ns- . iossments by Asesor, appointed by Stnto authorities, By commission nlloa Oollcetors on (000, collected from First N'a'ttoiml Bank of Snnhnry, By Treasurer's commloslbii Of 1 per cent, on 6&70 00, Bulaucc In hands of Treasurer, (504 80 10&8 70 30 00 5 70 66-1 30 inan an nour tne macutactouv. about one hundred feet iu length, with all its machi nery,' toola, nud-avery large nmonnt of fin- lslieit work, was entirely ilestroyctl. J)ou demt Itichardsestimate their loss at SSOOO, upon which they have nn iusurauccc of 2000 in tho Lycoming Mutual and 81000 in the Jlilleriibiirg Company. A number ol cars in a coal train standing on tho sid ing wero considerable scorched before sulli cieut steam could be generated to haul them out of range of tho lire. Distressinq Accivknt. Tho Jlcijikr has the following: We have jnnt learucd of a most distressing accident which hap pened in Fishei'ville. F. rctterhoU', it car penter's apprentice, was repaidaga window on .the gable-:cnd of a building, tbo height of which was coneidcrublo, whuu, losing his hold, he fell to tho ground, and striking somo material below, dashed out one of his eyes nnd broke a leg. Ho is otherwise much bruised and injured, and his recov ery is extremely doubtful. Jle is quite a' young man, and had just commenced his apprenticeship. AlIHTOKS' KF.PO ItT. t-mi 07 Balance lu Treasurer's hands, CR. ,. By amount of State Tn for 1870, out standing on the Urst day of January, 1871, Hv exoncratlona allowed llollectora. of 'State Tax for 1870. Bv per .eiaitatfo nl.liiwvd.colU-s.ton.or 'S'.atc fiix ror-U'70, Balaueu iu hands of Treasurer, . , MS7 07 GEORGE McEl.lECE, Esq., Treasurer of Nor thumucrlund County, in account with tlio i same, tor Militia Tax of 1870. Dlt. To amount of Mi'Uia lax Duolieates for 1S70, 2211 ."iO (253 13 1S02 .13 . t 72 7 00 223 13 (ions 70 OUTSTANDING TAXES ter im hd previous years. yU Volff Xamti DintHctt ; State. Countjj llil'a. '05;WI.nko 'Sham bo '08;O F Martin 'Sunbnry " J Snvdcr i Milton WiPhillpUrnnk U Aug O W Snyder ,Cam?n " J Snyder Milton '08 J Lynch ICoal tp " i'D Knocblo 'Sham tp " iVhlllp Frank V Auij " ;j P Armstr'g Delaw'q 'C0ADKerchuer Lcwls " i Sam Sees Delaw'e " iChns Shell 'McEw " P W'lntcrst'n'Watson " C Hilliard Turbtp " 'J W Hess IChlllisq " Jos Johnson North'd flios Miller iPohtl ISbuin bo 125 fc: 11 71' 4 187 13 61 07 109 B7 118 R5 284 4Sj 677 85 u II Snyder iThos Burk 'Coal " jFrankBowcr Zcrbo " J Krisslinrcr : Jordan '70 Jos Elscly iSunbury " ItTas Golv-r iNortlr'd ! 110 04 2328 75, " jlVni Grady jtl'oin', 45 19 1109 78 ' lAaroBTro.xcl.tChiltia ,105 70 21KK) 901 Stitn'l Blair '-tMlltun '124 00! 852 48 108 41 651 S 29 13 45 8 60 65 89 1 IU 7t if2 eo im 78( 60 57 I 106 02' 57 22l 704 02i 130 0711078 63'i 131 88,1809 79 114 10 007 Oil 89 83,1197 95j 81 U3j 09 731 100 02 738 011 12 81 33!t 33 1 10 00! 37 67! 074 A Krlsslngcr Titrbut A R Trcon ;Vash Enoch Evert Watson 40 50 80 (HI 43 50 67 60 HI Delnw Lewis , Tur'Ue 101 65 1883 08 13 128 72 32 491 702 46 157 52 S0N0 00 107 61 1100 81 18 071 121 CO 50 40 1 240 S2 53 85 lO'.IO 18 77 721 032 49 133 00 1399 81100 50 21 50 2070 VA 1-0 00 28 00 2H0S 86 205 DO 20 51 ! 494 (Ml 105 50 04 50 55 50 58 6o 78 5o 63 60 25 00 24 60 57 5!) 83 50 (2211 50 (185 00 EXPENDITURES ANDUraOEIPTS.of Xor ihiuiilierlaiid County, from the -1st day of January, 1870, to .the.hirt day ot Dyciml'gr of the samo year, both days Inclusive : Orders. )U. 1 To ytatc Tax for 1870, as pqr btato Treasurer' .Ueport, Balance la Treasurer's hands, CR. By amount of Milltlu tax fur 1870 out "standing on the tirt day of January, 1871, Bv I'Mtimrutlnus allowed eolh-etor of ' Militia tax for 1870, Balauce In haiul of Treasurer, ' (2211 50 GEORGE McELlECE, Esq.. Treasurer of Nor thumberland l ounly, In Hi-count wrih the same, respecting Xalioual Ihuik Tax of ls70. ' DR. To amount of Dank tax Duplicates fur the year 1870, . . " 11 Iloll'man , " iKStahima-kr " -Mich Reader l EL MatchenlMcEwv " J H Knlss :U Aug " A Eckman jfltueh " J T Henner 'tsha pt " liar Snviler jShaiubo " iThos Burk ICoal " '11 McDonald1 Mt Cart "Jls'i-Ilolllster MtCarb; 7 05, " J Waglu-r :Cumcr 20 40j " IJIlKanltnrn U Mali 1 " KS Zartmaii,Jacks'ni CO 85 " :E11us SliafeV 'fjordan i 40 OS " Joseph Wert tl.o Mali 125 29 1017 81 102 00 " Z B Raker -Ll Mali: I 17 50 " Kranli Bower Zurlin ! HI 74: 097 42 71 50 " .Klias liessler L Aug 122 25 1242 b7 128 ot Totals, 017 20 72 50 64 57, 34 00 ! 54 00 50 ai 59 50 445 07 62 0 ) 1658 70 ' paid out of.County J'unds, 8:1978 JO Uridge Huilding, ao 1'ay, ro-j ro I .'1420 Sl-2 17 3ijiKS 07 'W4 Oil oiii oa V2H 00 22 U 70 '.ct el 12J 00 ,tiiJ.j M Mi 'J-' WW :io J00:l 7D 70-2 57 20-2 5U jltiO 50 171 00 21.41) .0(5 28 15 214 55 150 l: 42 " ' ltepairs, 21 " Jurors l'ay, ll " ftoad.Damatje-s, 17 " Coiuitablu & Tipstaves .8 " t.'oiirt Crier's ii v. 00 " C'uniiuouwbalth Costs, U " County l'riuling, 2 " Keeping Ilannali Suvan 0 I'rison lCxpenscs, 17 " Public lUiildingH, 4 " Fuel, 32 " Kleclion Expenses, 7 " Assessors l'ay, 11 " lnijuisltions,' ' 28 14 ltcgislrutiuu Jtjiperioua, 1 " Couuty Auditor's l'ay, 2'.i " Interest on Loans, 2 " l'hysiciau for Jail, 10 " Traveling Expenses, 4 " lercnaiuiise, 23 " Commissioners l'ay, J. lluusecker, fco.rj l..l-:. liucher, .752 50 1 .1002 50 Ji. Slenn. 3S7 50 44 Janitor' lay, 44 Clerk's l'ay, 44 Jury Connuissiquers l'ay, 44 Agricultural Society, 44 Auditingi'tiblio Iteconl, 44 Unseated Jjind Tax claims paid .for J. i". Fiedler, for mer Treasurer, 44 Stationery. 44 SheriirsJ evis, 14 l'roKocuiitig Attorney's Fees 4 Attorney, for County, iioverunifliit Mamps, Hefunding, lucideutul, Couuty tin pel iuteiulciit, 'li'.i, " " '70, Fox aud l'olecat Scalps, Itoad and lh-'ulgo Viewers, llnliinco ou Judgment. 21 44 Outslaudiug Drders I'aid, " Outstanding Male Tax for 1870, to Ui paid out of thu County Funds, ui per State Tn snirer's Hcim iI, 44 Treas'rs Com. oimll, 1537 73 UM0 Ul 44 Kxecnn uf lU-cvipti abovu l'x,petHlltUtV1, OtUVt 85 Balance In Treiwure' hand.-), ; ' .CR. By amount uf Natiuual BanK tax of . 1870 outstaiiiling-, ou llic tlrst uay of Jauuaiy, 1SI1, By per.centaj; allowed Collectors, .Treafturvr's bauds, . 1658 70 Treasurer, In ac- GEORGE MrELIECE. Esq., count with the Treasures of School Hoards Supervisors of Road and Overseers of 1'iKir ol' Townships, respecting Taxes on sealed aud unseated lands, for the year 1808 and ISOQ. DR. To amount ree'd for Road tax, .3001 Sx " ' School W., 2?98 r.4 " " " " Bounty tax, ,627 54 " 44 Poor i.iX, -.2565 30 ' 2844 40 41402 21 1977 00 Those marked with u star () have he.-n i paid lOnce auditine;. Ttiose marked with a dai: 1077 00 ' R"r (t;. partly paid. We, the undershrncd, Auditors of loithmn 00 50 ' hcrland County, State of lVnnsylvania, do eeiti 185 00 i fy that, In pursuance of the litn section of tim act. entitled. "An Act Reirulatin"- Counties au-l i Townships," ifcc, passed tlio 15th day ol' Apri!, j A. D., JH84, we met at the Commissioners ollli-e, : in tho Boiomili of tjunliury, ou the 21 day of : January, A. D., 1871, and adjourned from time '.to time, and did audit nud adjust and settle tl t several accounts required of us by law. agreeably lo the several acts of Assembly and supplements thereto, according to the hesl of our Juditmunta aud abllHIcs ; uud wc do further ccil'ily, that upon duo examination of the expense hooks, tin; Indebtedness of the County, in unpaid County Orders, is $27,578 70 ; the "balance ol' indebted ness to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in lieu of fc'tatc taxc. unpaid, as per Slate Treas urer's Report, is ?4,131 00 ; the amount due John F. Fiedler, former Treasurer, J2.150 lit, and amount of outstanding Bounty Order, Issued in 1S02, is $725, all subject to reduction by tlm j outstanding Taxes, when collected. In Witnks.s Wiikiikof, wc have hereunto si t : our bands and seals, at the i ftleo aforesaid, thi i itli dav of 1'ebnmrv, A. D., 1871. I " A. .1. GALLAIillER. i. s I JOHN HALtillAWOL'T, i. sj i JOSEPH EISKLV, u sj J1058 70 ; tvo 00 105.8 70 : . 30 00 .670 00 ; t'JMV 42 iitbi bbcrtiscntfrits. Bahuice indiauds of Treasurer, CR. By amount pal I lo Supervisors of , Roads, TreAsurcrs of School Uimrils, elc, as per re-.vipls, , By 5 per cent, commission ou tWU'.i 42 Uy Clerk's Fees, Balance In hands of Treasurer, 34 38 7011 -" 151 67 800 02 884 88 ire t'.W'.l3 4r .GEORtiK MnF.MECE, Ki., Tri-nsurcr, lu ac .count with Ngvtbinnberlund Cu-.iuty. DR. To Balance dne.on t.'ounly. State and Militia-taxes, lor.tUcyear lit. 0 ami .previous years, 11326 To I'alancc due ou Niitlonal Banking lor;1870, Win. II. IU.AXKS, I'l.AIN & OHXAMEXTAL PAlXTFIt, Ilorudon, ui'tli'd Couuty, I'u. Ol'SK, Ei.irn and Ornamental I'aiullnir, i:iiiuiL' and 1 ui cr lun-'lnu; done in Iho h- st woi kinaulike manner, and at the fhortest iikit'.cij. Ordcra solicited an J promptly uttended to. April 15, ISTl. 3m. L A l'IKltltr. ilOJ'.SK, Broad audi hesl nut us., Philadelphia, J. U. BL'TTKR WOKTII. Proprietor. Terms per day, :l.50. April 15, ltTl. ly. ClAI'TIOX, All landlords person or persons are hereby 14 8 02 1 300 00 UOO 00 3 3S 100 tK) 15 00 .CJti 82 (ill 30 17'JO 47 5.W 00 00 00 10 (51 20 50 67 40 11-2 30 UI2 4 5!) 52 450 CaJ 51U 25 Ud31 b3 412 14 or any other untitled nut to II or aid in iirneurinir uuy spirituous or mail ... i liiUors for my husband Daniel Michaels, of l.ow a Mahanov township, Northumberland count v. V70 00 ' A" lH!r!t,,"R found violating this notico i!t 110 OCalV Willi IO OIC luriuesi uaicu-. oi ioo ia. April 15, ? 11 SIM) 41 I Lower Malianoy twp. 71. M. C II V.Hi 41 110 41 Balauce in Treasurer's hands By balinc! lu Jiaiids of Treasurer, I1S0 41 STATEMENT of tho Eluamv of Northumber land fnuutv, on the lirsl day of January, A. V., Ili7l. DR. To a mount of uulstaudtn County or der for lS70aud previous yeurs, To amount of an outstanding llouuty order issued In ISO:.', To amount of Indebtedness! to btnte In lieu of Stair l.txt-t lor ls70and t'-e-vious years, unpaid as per ttuio Treosurvr's Reptirt, To amount da J..K, Fiedler, former Treasurer, us per AiniiluJa' Rcpoil, Balauer, 275 7S 7 1 725 00 4131 Gl CI 11037 1)3 At kStilt I I v V luvn i-uiv. ,1 H " J'-lot tut.H ,w li taut liool Ihu K l t 'tiwM ul i IviimUi Ktl lltVvktt fcttUi uiu j. il i ull i titiM -n.U..Hi -'4in- u 1 ' ).. l J. iHnnii 1 1 l4 u(w Xl.iuU 41 u4 it iu Mr. hlu ihmii'i tiolt toli4 1014 Ih Ju.uui, i Ml 4 ti ll.ll m bill ) j .. I.1M4 i'l Ll, tu.' iu nn, 'TU U U douU ol lw t-Veronol. i I.U thltal or olle I tn-ivu MHli H pivll I ity LtU riiS HI' txliMU lloM MoMoil 1 Il Ho y i -iw,l..f i4.oi 11. vy m ' , aun ulllt i itui.miul t sin il Wi-Uli'w of MilvtU it- U i or 1 ibiil ov,o. 1 o vaioi ol'liiiiu . oi t mi I ') iuj livoitt li iiwV rlu'ev. I) wiuittwj ,iod It I u H-nii 4 nt may U a;u' 'I i " " l"!".1 .! I. . II I . ... .... . K.I. it im r il ,Sf ml ij . !!.-.. I I i.i!4fa f"l iii,v o, vtnii mo Win -uiu 111 1 mum. Mil vit J.wcd i-Ut l'ii b'aj-llly. tM t t,, H J , , slnlmc ul' -Let 411 kt,4iiy do. t I ftl'U I In ll,, IS, I lt( U I. t l-4t L4l,ll ll i li o.iH U i U tr, (i.'V. l!o, Mill ) ilok l' l iktf t ixiilii uiei il, uud li U k4u.ita Ii4t ! HU 1 1.-4.41. t.lo 'W Sktf IttrruaUrif Mt Vrk ron villi:, April 0. Tlio coal break er of JeiiWius & 1'erry, nt I-ix-usi Kun, ;u buruetl la.l nllit. tliu work of incciuliurhn. A'iout tlu ,inio liiuo llm tabic of 11. A, Morlev & t'o., ut tbo Hunter coal brvaker, coulul.iliirf U ll inuliK, niul tliu blacksmith uml inirpeiiU rliopo t n'oril, Mlr.l. l A; t'o. siliuilt-il l I onoer pateli, loi-ttier with Hair nuiiru coiiituts, wi buriieil. All iliKtKi llr- H-nrw fauu'il by hiiiiiJIarU . Tbo orat'irirtiiny extraordinary piveautloiit in llil vtAilily for tliu k ifuly of ibuir proriv, Hrirt Ka Kluvisiu l kprvuiiiuit lu tni n-s;ioii. Tbt !" by Haw liro U lieuvy, but tUg ratt nitiouiit imiuul S'utiM liiary huiuo..n nil over llw country aro retoiuiif Uilui bitrnUt' t 'om'ry I V-i-fv'OoV lo Uiu (ollowiiiii trouUo iu llolMi l.OM Ol 4ptiU-, ruWfilllf of llul Lair loioiju u( lmuU or wuiwr, tiikk it'll. 54001 58 Uy Cash rvclvml front l o.lix-tors of Couuty '1m for IHtiiuud previous yours, Uy laoli rtKcUtitt fiom ( ullrelor of KUtu 'I sues uu fisou.i properly li.r lW aud pn utitits year, 11 y t Kilt rvcuivvd Irom I olltK-of gf MtUlut I a fir l.o, Hy C rc)ivd Iroui I'ouil Ism, euxu, X:, Uy I ob net Ut fur olil Hrld.t-s, U) t 4ll le.elw I IniM .or AllgllsU for kvupliu lUunua;e, Uy I'.i'H itswlvtkl lu I'hiuk, l t wk ItfilVid lot ..nlaU-.l Uto, Ul taW rwtikttU l"l T.i uu I id l-iu.U. i Ht tut) itl-vl for Ts on Ktoli 4 l4, 4U5S-) it tltl 3! m w I'll 6i ill 00 Ml 00 i Ul H M WW it era m ps4 I ( lUMSKf RiOlH4"'" rip.lilll Jlli 1 ! JviiN r. miii in, f4t iw Tixui.t 4 kitutitit KIIH HuiliiuiMkiUi4 I iuitl . T . . .. "... 1 i.. IuihU -iii, 'ti l Hi, 4WU Ua, mul I ,w(""u 'U 1 l.uionti iit-tl Mitits4iy iv (bill Hoi totilliMi ub4 U lfiv ioiti4lt kllbolit III J ii..r. t ihiowxI H IM1 I l Ull dii H;i .ll.liw. l ii ii u ; i-" -- i i-" ! ai! lioU It lil,4fU tV U it..i, It ovht n w, btf tcii a.ilj lluitt Uj U-llilH4 M tim (oil mIoi-I t.iiii 4 to I Ull'l U UK,4IK t I)k oulilif noil Ibe '! l'Jl il ivi t -oi l t.i.i Hit U 4, i l l I U ii f I-4-1 fi.liti, 4-1-1 l OR. By toin.iint of onuiaiullui; County liues lot It 70 and previous years, By umoMiit ul'milslandliitf ISIattt lau lor lil.o ami pmtlous y-.u, Uy iiiii!uuluuttniu!lnrf JllillUla for ll7ll, t in ".'3 01 4110'J 51 :'MI 40 J!)T7 W o-icra oi Kec. of County Assets abo lujrbl. cuil'S, fllii:i7 A3 Mi tUKl V., Kh., Trvaaiiror, In ae- i-ouul win lb I iiiiiuiuu.iUii ul IVnn.yH.i. ula, i.ttelmix UrutiM-s, Iho tlil day of January, A. 1'., IkM, to I lis lu.l day of Ihu t4uw iwir, btHU dais Uelu.h. Dl(. Tottiuouul nciiitil for l.mtiu tl -i-u- , li.r llm )' M'O, Itnii UU Tu amount n-tiltud for lUtluuraul I I- ei-iiM.-, lor liil, Toil IW Tu mm m ivi-'J lor .luu4 htwid 1.1- oig, lor U?u, I W tu in muouiil nittve l I'iuui It, lull, is of M, Ii u-l-iii All. ). I' ti' iit M4llus, IVmI ut i.4iiilmt lai.K, ,lii4iiu uttJ Ulllvaid lluvu.1. ii iu t ....... ti I i i i. $o to$10perl)ayM. ulin cni;ae:c lu our lieu lun-lucrs make from i.'i lo fill per day in their own localities. Full par- ticatlai j lid 'im-truclltiua scut free by mail. t Tho.-c In need of permanent, piulltablo work, I should eddress at once. ! UF.ORC.F. STINSON & CO.. I Portland, Mah.o. April 15, iv,i.-3.n. XVAV .MIM.l.MJtV CiOOU.H. Kprlug, IS71. Jl'ST opened a full line of Millinery Goods for iupeeiiou, tomprUiiii; a Urge' uud varied as. bortluelll of RlUUONti, b i ll VW COOPS, Fl.OWl'.RS, Trtntinl rml riilrliiiiud IImI. UOXNKTS& HONNK'f FUA.M1, an J every urllcle rsipilsita lu llie Mllllnciy bimi lie", wllil alt the latest uud itnlraba. uuwllie. of the seatoii. I.adio' and Chlldreu'l Hosiery, lieui-slitehe.l tueu aud liutil lluudkuichlels. kid ui:d II. !o liloves, L'orsela, llooy skill uud Ualuiorals. l).e buttons, yulpioo luei, Inline., luJitt' ueeklUs, toid laut-y nbbous It-r bows uud .i.h III ;reut tailrly. Real aud luittaliou hair clou liou, tiUes, i-uils and aMilebis. Mls I.. hltlS.l.KK, M.ukii Miv-l, buubaiy, Pa. Ap.l l', lull. M ) VI tu'lt &.J It. hi sl. inii'i.u.i.t nil ' si aud I 'if wul. i'u 1-0i-', M C't Bi fat uut. nuuoulMUMt U4 hi, li o.l II, J 1 I ii'Ul. lll.Ul-Sli'4 uu II 'h t ui tl) i-n.l i. iM,i.).m 1.4 lltsai, I tl l.Kl "4 UV, l4 i) W 4l. ku tll'JO M, ,i t 11 i..u IhjiH t - i t ul ti. I, Uf ai-l" l't Mlo' i;. iit i t li, ., Uj, lM. I vJ H ,,.J4l's U . l l. v4, I. . IAJ UO t M'l liv.tanf It.iii4 tl liis. ll'. Ul M.I. lit4IMt tt.-t ut Ivh. t, lil, il 0 1 1, li. -l. A li t ,1 1. 1 i.W 'III '1 1 1 -: WftllKINU tl.Abi,-Wu aiu n prtisiivd lu lui null all sUt' lth tuaislitnl i-iu- j U,)n.inl i;l holiie, Uu- vli.ilu ol lbs Inn or l-a J (lui ipallf InulilUiU. tluslUiss Wuw lll.lauj ru llCibie. I'. I '!. ol iillu r b tail.) iaiu llotit ' .Vh . Iu th Iwt renln;', i.n I a pi. sunt l-jl dev.Hnij Hun vlt.ilc Halt l-i lie -puis ami l,nl r.iui uvaitv lou. U ut in. ii. tbat all lni llos u.4nu n. a siii.1 al j.iH, and tialttii' bui.bru. ka Ui .kv Ho uu ..uulli Ii 4 i.lbr i l.i a an- in4 M.llsilli. j U.O, l'l m i iii lo pi) I'if l'i-- II' li'lu ol j iilOi,-. YuU l-iiu ul.os, a 4 a.bV saiui lo Un it III do In ! Miiik ihi, ui.. ul Ik, l4. i M. b. l ui.4 u l I .uo ail s. lit lli'i t' laad. t.1411 Jl.l, .h I..U i 4 l-i'l ) y I'4 'tM.t: ul ll.ii , Ili4tj4l I'tlbtl-isil li .14. 1, ).i4 i.-l Jni- 4, iniaii- i. I . 4 I I I S A I II , A.-.i.ila. Hi.ii-, Aitl H, l'l . ttorvurs) svlu. l4rhlMr, I tV ul i U. a i-ilikia.ifcl 14 i 11.1 , i u ! t.4 l il, i t l 1. 1 H. Illll 4i llrtli lillttl .1.. I, IU, 4 . I ...... I. i.. t I. , . . , HUM :. tin. .. .i 1.. loa.a In 4 u k.i It ! - bl I i . .;i . -, y 4 i '' f"i," i-l I. iW, ti .1.4 ... .