Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 08, 1871, Image 4
Script, Ilcnv to Make ax Osielkttii Unless A gren oiiiclettu is to bu mntle, a small fry ing van should bd umkI, no ns to iunuro thickness. Five or six rges will mnkn a (f(Kid sized otntilette. ..Boat them wt'lliwitli a fork or gybcuter; adJl , ;t, apoon of Milt ; put two ounces of butter iu tlr? frying part, n-jit-u molted, pour in the omelette, (hcnlcn epgs.) ntlr. with a spoon knntil it begins to ott, thm turn 'It 'hp nil Around the edge, and when U)s of n nit brown, it is dono. To tike it out, turn n hot plate over the omctattR, and turn the (inn upside down. Double Tt over like a turnover nnd serve hot.. ,lf not stililcloiitly done on the top, browii with a salnnmnder, or a hen ted shovel. To have omelet particularly line, itbolit ns many whites ns yolks should be used. A-frying pnn especially for ome lettes is a great convenience. If nono but large fryiug pan is available, tip it to ono side, so that the omelette will not spread entirely over the bottom. Omelettes arc called by the name of what is ridded to give them flavor, u ham or tongue omelet to ; a veal kidney omelette, which Is a great favorite with a French man, on account of its delicacy ; after the kidney is boiled, cut it into dice and beat with the eggs. In the snmo manner, ham, anchovies or tongue, shred small, makes a delicately flavored dish. Some add onion, paisley, or a clove of eschalot minced very liuely. Some add chopped oysters. To Remove Tight Rings. To remove tightly-titling rings from a linger without ; lmlu, (says the London Lancet) pass the ! . , xs . 7vi iiuu vi ivtivi is vrvtttj ats nsf rtt n rmrtinn rtt I hni f tun t tut no i.rt. i dcrneath the ring, and cveuly encircle the linger from bebw upward (as whipmakers bind lashes on) with the remainder, as far us the centre of the linger, then unwind tho striu from nbovo downward by taking hold of the end passed under the l ing, and it will be found that tho ring will gradually pass along the twine toward the tip of the linger. Kemkky ron A FkIox. Many persons lire liable to cxteretne sull'ering from felons on the linger. The following prescription is recommended as a sure cure lor the dis tressing ailment: "Take common rock salt, such as is used for salting dowti pork or beef, dry it in an oven, then pound it lino uud mix with spirits of turpentine in equal parts. Put it on a rag and wrap around the part atlcetcd and as it gets dry put on wore, and iu twenty-tour hours we are cured ; the felon is dead." It will do no harm to try it. To Clean Paint. Saw the tea leaves for a lew days, thcu steep them iu a tin pail or pan for half an hour, strain through a sieve and use the tea to wash all Varnished paint. Whiting is uuequaled for cleaning white paint. Take a small quantity on a damp tlanuel, rub lightly over the surface, and you will be surprised ul itselfecls. To Cleanse Blankets. Put two large spoonsful of borax, and a pint bowl oi soft soap, into a tub of cold water. When dis solved, put in a pair of blankets, and let them remain over night. .Next day, rub and drain them thoroughly in two waters, uud hang them to dry. Do not w ring them. Iron Rlst. This may be J removed by bait mixed with a li ttle lemon juice. Mildew. Remove mildew by dippiug in sour buttermilk and laying in the sun. REMOVING G UKASE FKOM SlLK. Apply a little mngutbia to the wrong side, and the UK) i s wul disappear. Ink Stains. Ink stains may sometimes be taken out by smearing with hot tallow, left on when tho stained articles go to the wash. Fruit Stains FiecziiiL' will lake out nil old fruit sLains. and sculilm" with boil ing water will remove thoo tbil have never been through the wash. "Wklnklisd Silk. It may be rendered nearly us beautiful as when new by spong- ' ing uio buriace witu a weak solution ot gumarahic or white glue j then iron ou the wrou'j side. tumorous Sketches. The Kaciielou Jcuort. A gentleman who is rather given to story telling relates the following : When I was a young man I sever al years in tho South, residing for a while at Port Hudson on the Mississippi river. V great deal of litigation was going ou there about that time, and it was uot al ways an easy matter to obtain a jury. One day I was summoned to act in that capaci ty, aud repaired to court to get excused. On my name bciug called I informed Lib honor, the judge, '.hat 1 was not a free holder, aud therefore not tpialilicd to serve "I am stopping for the timo beiug at Port Hudson." 'l'ou board at the hotel. I presume '?' 'I take my meaW, Imt 1 have rooms iu another part of the town, where I lodge," "Hit you keep bachelor's hail. "Vii, tsir.' 'ilo-.v long have you lived iu that man tor y "About six months." 'I think you are qualified,'' gravely re marked the judge ; "lor I have never knowu a tnau to keep bachelor's hall the length of lime you uame, w ho had not i.irt tuough in his room to make him a free- UoMcr ! The court J'xs not txtuso yuu.' A SixovLAit "Tail." linventiy love iek cwaiti watt r iii(!otirtUliihUuleinen. Mie had buiuIciI liim intu the utlor, unl mu ii.irkiiess only M-rveii lu eomvnl love. The luuttored wutUa renelieJ her tliu lHtroiiluJ ear, antl eontini; ainlilenly Inioine rjo.n ho UemanJiid to know .' Mary w l.u .. i.i. tiii ..til i .i i o"i uocer vaitmoiu ns a r.ineuv lor easiiug it ahe hu.l w ill. her. "ii . thtett .," ,,,,,, , ,, ,U1( ,,. T. ,w,llltalj-. u,w. WM.r, ' niUillblUij I)11V0 it out Im. long r.i.eipleelaliuloui.lK.iiud lielf," thuiiilretl lleit.iliiilin. eut !'' id p.ilroii.itf. , t.j iuse ..lug qiiulitka wliieb r. u. knutueil Alury, uu.l lluu autlo) vuee :j" John, IIUHW little") Ji llll I Ull it W tiful owL -TUt cut', gut a fiM, n it. trUU lUu i T I . i. ....... i i i .. i .i l..t-etl. JolnymvlLil I..u4er I III. I t;V-r. knutUeit Murv, uutl lluu autlo) vueu :i" v uiiiuuini ii, uiiiib iiui kcuru till! tiling out." 'lUu w loo utueh, ami John nt.vlu u leap fur the win l.nv, cinyin'uU) .mil liuiuu wilU him. "Mtunder, wlut u i at !" I tlto pitrunt, the i uiu, ul'ler tlielilit wus Inoultl ; "1 uevi r .tw auyililuji like il, aiul euiiluuuU it, iu tail ia uailu il lrta. I'lulli. " at Im vicw. u tlmttriuij Kin tnl fruiu Hw wiu.low.- .V, l', i'lVdy'in1. Vovm. MtN iioii'T v lr. -rt, )uuii Dwu, tloti'i Jj ii. )hH'i luatry Jiuj.I. s, . nor ankle, 1. 1. 1 niontii, n hmr.uuf mka, l.isr t wtli.ui'l ihma, ttu uut sliur. 1 luati Ul au.rai u' Iciiuuiiy uio vvry HMr tUtnk la lus lu, Matry tlai iftM liiiuys luck alW tKUitttUltly, r sjtmmiUtia. 4 S.uaill.i,l, ttiut aliou, kllti if llila Ut pIM 4 v.lilt kut lul xill'u, nr CVeli lit'.hy tu v, Hhy ilun t U i ilivia uii4 U )uur wy. tut wMuau-iit 1'iui t,f liii wbf a lioituu.ii. tkal sit t u Jual a.i, llmiu mu .i tn i, aud U'Miaim a bisr. I.iviu lutwi aiv '- tlli..: t tall lulu tjutiauU. Itvlll. ISK. L- lit I Lu IMlllll llMt iU S4lt- ly Uil.ti iI.d J. j Hi i, 4 ili. inaniiiuj, i m l 0u t .i i.ui4U 1 1 any anuunL Imi'i ! )'". tllH ltJ) fll U4.I tilling t!-.i I , 1 i i .. ...I i U. I ti Ii. . . - I I- t 4. itl, I V It ..I : HEXKY T. IIF.I.MnOMI'M COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Bllloni Affec tion, Sick or Nervous Heartache, Costlfencss, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Mineral or Deleterious brag. m These Pill are the most delightfully pleasant ptirgutlvc, superseding castor oil, mils, magne sia,, ctt. There Is nothing mora acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, nnd cuilse neither nausea nor gripping pain. They nrc composed of the .mm! intfrtttttnt: After a few days' uso of them, urh an luvigoriitlo.ii of the entire sys tern take place u to appear miraculous to the weak nnd enervated, whether arising from Im prudence, or disease. H. T. Helmhold's Com pound Fluid KM met Cntuwhn Grape Pill are not sugar-coated, from tho fuel thnt sugar-coated Plils do not dissolve, but pans through the slo nineh without dissolving, consequently do not produce the deslrei. eireet. Tho Cntuwbn (Jrnpe l'llls, being plensnnt in tuste nnd odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-contcd. Price fifty cents per box. IE II i:KY T. IIELMBOMI'M HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Fluid Extract NNrsjapnrills Will radically exterminate from themtemScro- ''. Syphilis, Fever Sores, n f 8klu Discuses, Salt Uhcum, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Night Sweats, Kash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, nnd all disease that have becu established In the system t. . - ' for yuan. TL Being prepared expressly for the above Com plaints, its blood-pnrfylng properties nre greater than any other preparation of Sarsnpurllla. It gives tho complexion a clear and healthy color nnd restores the Patient to A statu of Health nnd Purity. For Purifying tho Utood, removing nil cli ron le constitutional diseases arising from nn Impure state of the Blood, nnd the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pnins nnd swelling of the Uoucs, Ulcerations of the Throat nud Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price, $1.50 per itollie. m HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'U COXCENTlUTrD FI.t lD extract incur, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which it has been iriven. Irritation of the neek of the Blad der aud Intlamatlon of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Crine, Diseases of the prostrate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Deposit, and Mucous or miikv uiscnurires, nmt for En fcebled and Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms t India position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Mc mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, II t Hands. Flushing of the Bod Dry mors of t lie Skin, Erup tion on the laec, pnliu countennncc, Lulvereul lassitude of tho Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twcnty-llvc, and from thirty-live to tlfty-Hvo or In the decline or cliutigc or lite ; utter conuiiV' meiit or labor paius i bedwetting In children. HelinbuM's Extract Bitchu is Diuretic nud Blood-purifying, nnd cures all diseases arising from habilM of dissipation, and rxcrsKes and im- deuces in Life, impurities of the Blood, etc., tuprrsediug copaiba In ait'evtatlons for which it is Used, and syphilitic affections lu these dis eases used iu connection with Hclmbold's Ruse Wash. LADIES. . In many affectations peculiar to I.udies, the rxtruct Uiieliu is uncqualcd by any oilier reme dyas iu chlorosis or retention, irregularity, painfuliiess or suppression of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or schirus state of the Uterus, Lcurorrlliea or vt biles, sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arUing indiscretion or habits of dissolution. It, is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent physi cians and iiiidwives tor enfeebled and delicate coiietlltitious, oT both sexes and all ui;es (attend ed with uny of the above disrascs or symptoms.) 2D H. T. HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT UCCIUT CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCE.", HABITS OF DlbSIPATlON, ETC., in nil their stages, ut little i-xpcuse, litlla or no change in diet, no ineonvctilcuec, and uo expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to I'rlnale, thereby removing Obstruc tion.', Preventing nud Curing htrietures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain uud lullaiiialiou, so fre quent in this cla- of diseases, and Hl'clling ull Poisonous matter. 1 1musunds w ho have been the victims of In-comH-u-ut inr.ous, uud who have paid heavy fees to be cured iu a short time, have found they have been deceived, and tuiit the "Poison" has, b) thu u.e of "powerful ustrliigcnte," been dried up in the syateiii, to break out in a more aggra vated form", und K ilmps after Marriage. I so llelioiiolit s r.xtmet liueliu Tor all A trac tion, and Disease of the I'lilary Organs, wheth- er ettiiig iu Mule or female, from whatever I originating, and no matter how long standing. , price, oue dollar und llfty cents er bottle. 1L HLSHY T. lIELMIIOLD'tj IMPROVED KoSE U AMI cun in ! be s.irpa.d ns a Fare Wash, aud will b found the ouly sjwltle remedy in every .clci ofCutaueoits Alfeelioii. it speedily rradlciilcs Pliuplcr, tiotst Hcwrbutle Drvui.,, Iiiduralliin of thu Cutancou. Mumtiraue, etc., ili.ieU ItcJ-In-s. and liieiplci.t llillauiatloli, Ilnc, liatli, Mulh Patches, Dryness of Hculii or bkiu, Frot Uilt-s, aud all purpuses lor which halve or Glut mints are uwil i r tores the skiu to a state of i purity nud soft lie, aud (natures conlluuril ; iicuimy luiion in ine niie or us vci., on ! wuUu J1"'' uiublu I '( '",,1"l,1,M ft ' ulu rlrariiKss and tiva- 1. ..Il.rl.l I dr it a toll. 1 Apiwudi.L'e of lbs uioal tuinrl.t- ! dr it a '.oil. t Aj' of I I ' un.l l i.ugeuu.1 t b traeter, ! riV" "S' STT "! L l.h- V'J! m 1 tv un4 r.lUcuc) in. lnvaruibU ,, ,.., frruv. i.trucicr, voiiiouiing in ail prominent requkaltes, Kafu- riabla accompaniments and Uclmlai of the t uuipUtii.ii. It I an exeeilcul Lotion tut dit.ii-a of a bjplillllai Notuia, ami a. an Injic- H. .U f r if of lli I'rluary Orifuus, ai.lug tiuat liiibit wf tlu.iH4liua, Uad sw euuuaetl.m Klitlio Ir'str.iHs llin liu, lUraauarilln, aud l u- I. tsib4 ir I'llla, in such dlwusit a front, invudud, i.iim t U surjuist I. I'rlr, ou. dollar r ovttie. ID Fall and ripiell d rvi-tlous aeeoui(iau) Ik. Itir.lLllni. I u.iiu a ul lli. luusl iHiitl.U and lluui ilmin.l. r lnii.i.ii4 um ai'idU'tftkiM, auk bun dn Js ft tlfiu-auia ul l.tiurf allataavs, and Hp. ..tld of U,tJU uiMt.vUMl is Illllt I ittuls i u!44wr lituiis. uuuy uf wbit liaru Iruui tan blluHl auui'.ai aw. I tiding t'Rilui'itl I'biaUUu, t iaiK)iwt u, ai.ikaauHu, sh. I tt. -unu4'f Im B ! IM4II lu lawU kuullcallua) I. ih. u.-.l., las 4ua auA 4v lUa tftaa la. . L.s ml. I. uk .4.l4i4 uillkM, .ltd Jv( u.4 av-4 U Im i 4 by iitiut. Ilmr T. lllskl4 UMMlM fM sarltatM. IW tint l lu u) ad Haw. (loiat uLtLt- l.livi. ii..l.i..k l Ufa 41.4 lut la.1. taul4 by l'fti.4M i) !! A4i MUta It u.(i i"-'.i la vut.tivt.r t U'- I- lUliubulJ, (-- iU4 U4 I I., mill. It,,! ia,., , (t . II, lut . lta- ad I It. H itbuwt. So. ak4 llii4.), ... n l.u .i...uils M a, 4i i4, I I e I w Ik . .. ,.i it. i'a l I t lit. a. Iv lU'l f a. It' l.i. ti ... , . I . t a , M i I a I I Sisttllancoiw.. MAMMOTH CASH STORE, IM MARKET SQUARE. is orriHtxo BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, GttOCElUliS, HARDWARE, CEDARW ARE,' QUEEXSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Drugs, Paints, Oils Ac. JUST OPENED A NEW ASSORTMENT FRESH FROM THE t CITY. DRY GOODS. BLANKETS, OVERCOATING, CASSIMERF.S AND CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BILKS AND flLK POPLINS, ALPACAS, SnAWLS, with every kind of FoitEioN and Domestic Dry Goods. Groceries of every kind. Coffee, Tras. Sugar, Molnsscs, Flsb, Meat, und eTerythloe in the Grocery line. HARDWARE of every dlserlptlon and an endless variety of cutlery. QUEEXSWARE of every variety and quality. BOOTS AND SHOES orthe best manufactures in the Country. WALL PAPER an extra assortment suitable for any Rooms. NOTION8 of eTery dUcriptlous. FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, POINTS and OILS or the best quality. All of which will be sold at the very LOWEST PRICES. As these Roods havo bceu bought for cash, special Inducementi to purchasers are offered. Call aud exauilue the Immense Stock. II. Y. FIULIXU. Bunbury Nov. 6th, 1870. TIME IS MONEY tt ' ALL Wall PBper and Border, sold by me wll be trimmed ready for use, "WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, y tint TEOMAN'8 WALL TAPER TRIMMER, f ' Viy.; (, wka-h 1 lmethc exclusive right to use in Snnburv aud vleiuity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of N. I'EUREE IuIGIITF.It, Duller In Books, Stationery, Wall Payer, Mnaic, V.e., Ac, Ac. 6unduy School SLl'FLIES made a apeelullty. HInuk, Mtmeranduiu V I'smisj Uok in endless variety, Just received. HOOK BINDING done to order. Person will save exoeuac by leaviug their order for binding i with lue. inert UK K HAW EH of all lres, cut Irnm the Moulding at Very low rules. OVAL A. by LAKE I RAM Lb alwaya ou baud. ALUUMS, BUAC'KKTS, GOIJ) I'EX-?, Se., &c., Ae. A large and well selected stock of Toyalway n baud. Au.Mlting u.H ou ha4 j)rout4ly w dercd. Margalu for cash. I ail at N. FERHEE LIGHTSER'S Book Mrr, Sij:n of Foley's Gold IV n, MrUi bqusre, but bury, I'u. fuitburv, Augu.1 tJlh, S70, J. W. WASHINUTOX'S (iiinn ii Allium mioi. lb. old Kruiaornt"akuu'bf tua Iowa V' durltii. lb. ViaM, but at tb aaiu Urn ruu.klar laal lb. mlubtf tratk mailb. auiia bly ui4ta It bout uuiatffatlast au bauuifurta bl aiuitaitl of faulty aud aavbllioav. j ilui iw.uty year, ayo I betfua'ny busiue , eururr la thus pise. half By lllitluia thu far j tt.l, bv. I sluoat uooa tb. 4oof ut our bop I day atur aWy.aud aliiu aft aUbl, and .fiul in. sb.ip blaa ylswauaul mm, aaa wnnia tuat of tlina wbraca4 by lis mlaUiji fidd of ia. e v.i.l ful t.rbt4 baa I saavad ar.ily o.ry. buds la tb. a-uuiry (lu (vuiuuaa swrlaar.) aud In ubilii. tb. saWis lutit bablli ly suiiouua ta oaf mUuu add 4 a a Ibal mv ivad) lu aWi. Usui U aaaut Ibia kudi4 buu4ud ItlUtt Of MtuM. I i.uia abia )u .ba,Ml in )ams it U ! llil l sre lw) taauly M wiMb. fuicuuuai ut alliitiia.u, o hit. uu, btilr ui uu, tbawiHi )uu, aliuktf d. )uai, u laifuut., auuib a4 at. lau.tba bait wilb aittolk kill, U lb. '.Ut l-lt" uf taki lu. ttyia liMl la. avttuutvf, Wuik to Ota., Ho olaaa. Ml utk. SUu)!, duii'l Mu aiat uul sbui lu l SawtaJ Oil lb. U.i of alulttr Wvau it du U all H las b iwoa ut i.f muid ( 4 rbala. U all I Wat ttslu.ud 1 w lt k juul t aw-4 lu ba4. A la d. but ly4 bal Maiksi ali4- IM, I, lr j lull MX IMI-Msta , 1 f K f lltuil Utuaa, a tt, It.U. HU4i ft l..iM,tfctu, tl'Ja. Atta-aVa., I.IJT l.a. aaati I tia All. Kb!), M-isb att, M. ' I'M l(nlblTH k. f fab, IWU. Ay .7- i ,'V. tC -y-. ... WV5 IscclIartfOBg. PRICES REDUCED. IlOOTft N1IOC8 a Mnnnfaetured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHX W1XVER, Sprnte ftirt, Banbary, r ', Is eonstantly manufacturing Boots. Shoes & Gaiters. fttturprlslua-ly low price. Ills stock comprises the very best In market. Ills Inns; exper ience In the business hat won for him a reputation for making flrst clusa work equal to any city tnanafaotnre. All work warranted. TKRNM-HTRICTLY CASH. The prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, March 4, 1871. SI'RIXU FASHIOXS SOW ItEADV. RS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. V. C'JU. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT BTS., PHILADELPHIA. I in porter And Dnsiguer or FaaIiIoua. Tho old established and only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak mak ing Emporinm. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale and Retail. Fans, (1 loves, Ribbons and Bashes, Laces, Em broideries, Jet, Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. Evcuiutr dresses and suits, made in the most fashlonnble style at short notice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. N. D. Orders hv mall, promptly attended to. Feb. 26, 1871. 8m. FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOGDS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to the public that she has Just received, at her store lu Dcwart's Bulldlnir, large Supply of THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, trimmed nnd antrlmtncd, and of all colors, in cluding tho NEOPOLITAN, the latest and most fashionable thing out in hate. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. " Flowers of the latest and handsomest styles. Sash Ribbons, plain and figured. Ladle's Spencers, Lace Colars, Linen Colars nnd Culls for Ladies and Children, Crochet collars. Neckties for Ladles aud Gent's latest styles. Bilk Sack Loops, a superior article. Gloves Including Kids, and Ladies' Buckskin gloves. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of Trimming. Embroidery Patterns. Hosiery for Ladles, Gent's and Children. Nuts, Pique and pique trimmings. TRIMMING BILKS, Chignons, Zephyrs and Tarns, and a gcueral variety of Notions. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes that ' the quality of her goods will merit a continuance 'of the same. ELIZABETH LAZARVS. A CENT I JIAN'H WARD-ROBE. j A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, i merchant tailoring hov82, ' Third St., One Door Below Market St., Sunbury, Pa., i J. M. ZIEGLER, PitormcTOB. FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMEUES, ! CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VESTINGB, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA RIETY. Emhraclnsr evcrv nnnllty and styles that the ) New York and Philadelphia Markets afford, which will be madeup to order by the best of work ' men, warranted to tit and render eutire satisfuc- tlou. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest assortment In town. Embracing everything of Oentlntnen's wear of the latest styles. Call and seo my stock, alsothe latca fuBblons, before parchasing elsewhere. J. M. ZIKULER, (successor tn Thomas (i. Null,) I Third st., one door below Market, ! Bunbury, Jan. 15, 1470. j Asrlcultural Iuiplenieal, HOE'8 Grain Rakes, Steel nnd Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Mmv els, Manure aud Hay Forks, Grass uud Grnin j Scythes, Gralu Crudles, Cradle Flnircrs, Trace, I Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, (irind-stoncs, Fanying Mill Helves of all sizes and kinds, a largcassortmcnt of Red Wagon Haines, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. H. CON LEY A CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALUm-a CiUFOSJflA YINEGAE BITTERS TRXT ARK XOT A V1LK FANCY DRINK $ 4 Hundreds cf Thousand g if i T licar tttlnion)- lu their Wcatr- S. ir S o fit I Curullvo Elfirui. S 5 WHAT ARE THEY? r 2 y V ii iiSa Its' tJ34 Ms. J y R"S tam i ' -j I 0(1 TRXT ARK OT A V1LK j 2I atsiioaf l'or llasn, Whlaksy, t ruvt hulrli aad B.fueo I.lia.rdeirtd.splr.l sott eacd tJ vlaaMtlw lute, taUctl1..ntra," .pct.i. rs," " ralorara," ., Ibat Itsd It c Irr u w tfruaktaatrss aud rola, bat ara true Mrittrittr, aitil. (ivaiakskaUv l'.aU slid Uarl.uf (sllfurula, firea fraut all Alcabvll. feillaualaaia. list ara tb .JltKAT lll.OUI rlUlt'iail aad A 1.1 IT. UIYIU I'UlNtiri.KtHir: ct lszviuur aJ lavujuralut ttl Itu: aaUm, car) .t-. ciuT ail hiU4.uul (uttrt aud rvaaurtnu It lbu to a h alll cindlln. acrw caaifc! ttut. lilns-t ucfiCu t; tuC.rtc. ll 4 faatal Iwn aawca. (ll0 vMlt (lica Ursa Ian,iat4t aula, re" klid t'4 buar r fl; r4 by wral p. 1st a .r Uur MSM, d Ui tUlr.-aiu uaauM tyMi:4 vtal wf ral aU. fat laSuaaaikiutr aad Ckrai.! Lkr.aia. Ham aad I'ual. Lira.aiu( r l.4iueaiiaa,, Ut and luu ta.liu i I'atri. DlMaawakl lb lilacd, 1-lt.r, Ktdua,aad Iliad Jt r, l'-.a IJIii.ia ba kw.a ktuti luaoia (ul. kaih Llaaaaa. tit un4 ltlilali4 Hla4. fc-t Is irsavali rutail i.iikc-l Iww ailr.ilaiwaaa l)Va.ViSA OU Ml.r.HTIOX. t'csd a. I'al i U 11m IkealJaa. I an U.l l a.. ( 11 lk4, lUiata, ktfw t-iusiailua I ( lUa Hia'a lajua; 1 1 U.4 ali-iua, MJtua Altscat, la)HU-ll. I Ik. lit, i, ltawk-aua. at Ik I., fat ia lt Ngatu. ut k .ltuua,a4tLiHUa4 aaktf a-il t, tt-i.t-saa.aia Ik. aUHu;ta4 lia. tk fungtuau U-tatu.aiaaa4auu.slal U. I'l aMI.i'f aa4 Wa.,a), .Lkk Na4 laaa. aj aaaaail liauak tUa-a4 IUla4f ail lavatiUM., 4 aViaiUkf aa. Ii a 4 iui t It a akvia turn. fUUkaalN Hiutiata.iiaru.ka.T.ibt.f I ., auak.,kat. ui la. I talis, aWU.l baaak, Uas ltiaa, ;, lutal. SU. lua, kaf ta, aaau.laialk 1 Ikt I au, Uu ul aud ll4.llkkkUi,a4 lt Ual v aaltei' , a. a ItkaMll) Sag iaauatik4M.lkl lkaaaaaU swat kM l la aa. 4 laaau nt. aa ktlla 1 1 a. aui iila Ik. tM lit-t- tt ,1 ia. I sa.a.1 aatai. tlaaaa. Um Vliu44 I4aa4 aititf -. t.4 I t la a. mat I a. at. a. uataa. u. - aia ta I Uf , laa. I llakt MMU.lajtM Hlk t . a) kallaa.4 -4 tlagatafe 14 W. t .t- t .. aaaw M . kM at a tvai, elfai iuu aiu W4 ,wika f'iutbks4 fax t 4 H. k Mk .t .41 riM, vrata4ka ttuim, iwi4,u aaaaa4 m aatkJ favaukat. . 'U'- tl fe4 I lal M auUW, laJlwiMV I. ataa .H i.u kHlt, k4 I - k Ia4atla,kiiaaa, I . -k t -4 r t. u tl-kt , tt-tt iw. .. !. W. Uu'tJi tin, -. aj a4 Ul, I,..). I I s. . ... I.., k.4 kj4m a-a. tku..l. . .. a t i t I' I I'V '4 H l Mil i MACHINE UI OP AND IUO FOUNDRY. GEO. ROHRBACH A SONS, Maabarjr, 1 earn, INFORM tha public thnt they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machln. Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lnthos. Pinning and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they nre enabled to execute all orders NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, thnt may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Grates) to ault any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sixes. BRA8S CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Bunbnry, June 18, 1870. FLORENCE NF.WIKG MACHINE. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Kransc'i Tin aud 8tove Btore, market Street, Hnnbnry, Tn, The Florence Bewlnc Machine stand unequal led for beauty nnd durability ; belnK the best Family Bcwintr Machlue now offered to the pub lie. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-adjusting tentlou In the Shuttle) chautrcs for the various Siltcbc made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches are tho wonder of all for beauty and finish, being alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews lh;ht and heavy rubrics with equal fa cility. Tho work will feed either rleht or left. Runs quietly nnd rapidly. No dlmcu!ty exper ienced In sewing across heavy senms. Its mo tions nre nil positive j no sprlnirs or cotf wheels to eet out of order. Thu Heinuier turns wido and narrow, hem nud fell beautifully. It Is thoroughly practical aud wilt last a life time. Every Family nhoultl Have One. Every Machine warranted to subi-tuntiute all tve claim for It. It Is the only Machine in the world thnt is ca pable of making more than oue stitch nud having the reverse feed motion. Call and exuiuiue them, and the samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords Braids, Turks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, in., without busting. It inakrs a jrathcr and sews It ou a band at one operation perfectly. E.irh Machine I furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept iu order. Machine OU and Thread kept on hand at all timet. GEO. W. SMITH BRO., Ajrents, ForXorth'd, Snych-r, Vulounnd MoutourCoun's. October 15, 1870. I FALL AND WINTER Kew Arrival of Good. 4T MISS KATE BLACK'N NTORE, Market Square, SUNBURY, Penn'a., Just opensd, a'.lnrge assortment of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, consisting of the latest style of plaiu and plaid Koods, iu ull their varieties. DrcM Trlinmlutcs, Embroideries, NOTIONS, See. A OrNEUAL ASSORTMENT. OF LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. Clonts' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. An Invitation Is extended to all to call and se enre bargains. Sunbury, Nov. S, 1870. LIMBER AM) l'I.AM. .MIL.I.M. Third Street, adlolnlnjr Phila. A Erie R. R., two ' Squares North of the Central Hotel, UNHURT, FA. IRA T. CLEMEXT, IS prrpnred to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the publie. Having all the latest Improved machinery for iniiuiilaoturlnK Lunlicr, he is uow ready to till or ders of ull kluds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, WIUTTEU8, BAKU, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Serowl Work. Turn log of every description promptly executed. Also, A LA ROB ASSORTMENT Of HILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and VINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, I -at lie, Ar. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. deelU-CS:ly KTOvi; d: TIX EMTAni7lMHnENT. MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, FA. t ALFRED KRAUSE, rioprutor. tl tt XtaOR TO SMITH 4 OF-NTItrK. J I HA VINO purchased the above well known e . tiihlishmeiit, Mr. Kruu.e would respectful ly inlorni the pulillc that ho uow has on hand a I liirireaiwort int ul of COOKING STOVES, SN-cr's Cook Autl-Dust, ReKiilutor or Revolving i Top, Combination, tustiudiuuna and others, which ure so urrniieed us to he used for Coal or Wood, und ure warranted toiKrl'.iriii satisfactori ly or mi sale. HEATER of ull kinds put up to t lienl one or more rooms. MKATINti STOVEH of dill. reDl kind at very low prices. Tinware of Etery DeHcrlptlon kept ctnn.ta.utly uu hand. Riitlni; nud riiitlii); with the hft material, done ut short nut We, KKPAIRINt. utleii.lnl to wilb dispatch. Coal i (il ami LauiN roustuutly on baud. Japan ware of all kinds. tnr ipoaite Con'ey's hardwur ' .tore, (live me a call. A. KUAl'E. I apl'.'4-ly KI'XHl'UV n AUIII.E YAKU. I flMlK uudcrrlciiid li;tiiii; Istuijlil the entire -1. stock of DlMluuer .V. Tavlor, would Infurnt 1 the public that he la in ready to do all kuida of MAlllll.E UUKH. fins on Ituud, und make to order at MIOhT NOTKB- , 'fif5 JIuuiuet C llrMd'Hlttaea, UOOU AMI WISWIV Alao.Ctiuelsry Poata Willi Ualvasliod pip aud all other feuclug ginarally Uaad uo I atut lerlca. Jobu A.Taylor a ill cumIuim la tb. nipluywrnt, al lbol4uu4oa Marks4 MMHuubttTir. tuayt'lia TIIK OXI.V NTOVE MITHOl'T A FAII.T I THE (all EAT II ALT I. MO: I'lBEfLACK IIEITKR. UlUU'i. ILU'MIKATCU DIAMOND Ola bl'HER. Uf WBIfal TARLOH AM) CUASIBFH ARE WARkltU UV O.NK riKF. IT U lb aatly Fllpla liaiar thai bu a pav. favl Top Vaa4af, aad ha. Um pt.uM.ig mil. plualuliS, W fWHtlag g litlti lb jlti4taul. tl I lb only Ftieplac IliUr abb lb ultu! Dtagoaml UagaMua by bk'b graalrr illutailual lug puaf Is oUismmI, lb. apaituuul lb. ktor to lu, atv.1. tnWlii.lIt asitat.4, aud It. Hiala Ha lt, fad oft, yitat tt.lgbl of Ik rual In lb iva. tuat. tl I Ik an 1 1 Fu.pUaa IUli Ikal U per. (r aalf laajil u4 lata. bull.. f, mill laaaii blltbg aMla. It) IW.Hlf loal bom. I llUlb atuiy fuapbtva llaaltf a it It lfc.t I aifllug Ih g.latpiug il.14- I III lb unit l..W Uaat vita krp lata, gillug auMX4ll IMI lot aaba., mui lb' I wt Ita4tll. lb. li4 isabL al but a awl. la If I at ta lb kta. tail, lata lMm-H flia ' l'U U" ll, Itailt4 i4 I liaavivd .d ! kt- W ia kilUja). 1 lib A IO., UU 11 LHIIir tlklir, ktaltuae, at.. m r ts4l I 1Mb pvt.' If. Ill I If $ iVtllN, .t..w. Ayers Cathartic Pills, Tor an tfaa fmrpoM of a lauutUra Hadloia. Perhaps no on medi etas is s unlr.r.slly re quirwl br .vary body a a c.nlmruV, nur was ever any bofort to universal ly adKed Into ate. In every country and ainontf all classes, as this mild but .lllriant wingallva fill. The ilvtoat rea son Is, that It Is anion r , llulile and Tar more effw tual remedy than any other. Thoae who bava tried It, know that It cured tin-in ; thon. who hav not, know Hint It euret llralr nrlirhbnrt and frlt-ndt, anil all kuow that what it does once It tloet always that It never fails throiiKh any fault or neitlut'tof Its composition. W. have Uiousnmls upon thou sands of cerliltcntes uf their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures nre known tn every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to nil njoM and conditions in ull climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious driiR, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their suyar coating preierves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use lit any quantity. Tbey operate by their powerful Influence on tha Intnrankriarera to purify the blood and stimnlnto it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stnmaeh, bowel", liver, and other organs of the body, roitorlng their Irregular action to health, nnd bv correcting, whorever they cxlt, such derango lucnts ns are the flrst origin nrtlinease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which tlitsa Jlf rapidly cure: For Itr.tirniaitt or aTaalig.tlAB, Uatlra. aataa, Eiitnuruor antl l.oa of Atltat, they should be taken moderately to stimulate tho stum aeh antl reatora it hcnltliy "tone and action. For I.lrcr Cnmiilwltit and Its various symp toms, lllllasia llvMrfttcbr, Stick tt!tlrh, Jliaiiatllca. nr rcrai Mlchairaa, lllllou. folic and Illllona er, they should be Ju ditriously taken ft.r each ca.e, to correct the diseased action nr remove the obstruction which onus It. For ItvarnterT or IklarrhaCia, but ono mild dose it generally required. For Rhfnniatlatwar, Orarrl, lalnl tntloit af thai llrtart, Iuln la thai Hack and l.a)laa, they should lie continnouslv tnkea, as required, to change tho diseased action o'f the system. Willi such clianje those complaint disappear. For llroiv nnd Itronalcal Mwelllaga they should be taken In largo anil frequent doses to pro duce the cltci't of a drastic, purgo. For Nupprraalatn n largo ilo-e should be taken as It pro.lii.-ci the desired ctToet bv svmoathv. As a tUnnrr Hill, take ono or two fids to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An ot'i-aiional dote stiniulatps the stnmarb and l.owelt into healthy action, restores the aprtite, anil invigorntet the system. Hence it is often nil vantngcout where no sarinut derangement exlats. One wlin feeU lolemlilv ell, ollen Anils that a dose of theie I'ifia makes him feel rieeideilly Itetler, fWim their clcan-ing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. DR. J. C. ATER .C CO., Prnvtlral ChtmlH; lAtWF.Ll.. MASS., C. t. A. MnrcliSC, 1870.-ly. ' FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! 1 A NEW STORE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAIIANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM N EG ELY HAVING oK'iied a new Furniture Store nt the above place, will roiixtnutly keep on hand, a largo aud select assort men t of FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Snits, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Cune-Scuted Chairs of all grade. Rocking and Kitchen Chairs, Wusltamls, Bedsteads, Japanese, Collage, anil Half Cottage, Looking-tilussrs, Window Shades, nnd lu short, everything unutlly to be found in nny well-kept Ftirntiuie 8'ore, may bo had at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict ntteutinn to business, to merit the patronage of the public. An Invitation Is extended to nil desiring anything lu the line of Furniture to cull uud exauilue mv stock. Undertaking done In all Its branches. trif Repairing doua at short not lie. J WM. NKGELY. Georgetown, Jupe 11, '70.-ly. A GRAND" FALL oT'ENING or NEW STORE GOODS. A complete assortment of good are now being opened at MOORE & DISSINGER'S STORE, Haurt's Building, Market Street, BUNBURT, TENN'A. Conflating of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES, DREBS GOODS, Dry Goods of every variety, Notlous, Ladies' Shawls, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Uend.Made CIotliliiK, Woolen Blankets, Carpets, Oil Cloths, FRESH GROCERIES, Queensware, Willow-Ware, Glassware, Ac., 4c. Floor and Feed. Call and see their well selected stock of the very latest styles, fresh from the eastern cities. Prices are low. Tltey are determined to keep up their old nnttlo of Qt'tt K Sale and Shall Pkokjih. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods. MOOIIF- A DISSINGER. Sept. 21, 1870. Xorihorii i'eutrnl Railwaj. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. OH and after Jan. 1ft, 171, trains will ran at follows i NORTHWARD. ;.eavc Sunbury nl a. tn., arrive at I'anan daiguu ii-10 p. Ul., Syracuse 7.00 p. in., Roches ter 4.45. p. tn., Buffalo U.OO p. in., buspenslou llridge U.5D p. tn., Niagara Falls O.V p. m. Leave Sunbury at 4.3. p. m. for Elinira aud Bullitlo via F.rle Railway from Elmlra. Leave Suubury at G.4d p. in. for Williaiusport. SOUTHWARD. Lruvu Sunbury at a. in., arrive at Harrls burg.Vl.Sa. ui., lUltimore y.lSa. iu., Fhlladel phU U.50 a. ui., WushiiiKion city I M p. m. Leave Sunbury ut IO.Vi a. in., arrive at Har rl.liurg PJ.ftS p. m., Baltimore ti.t.S p. m., Phila delphia 5.35 p. m., Watbliigtou 10.00 p. lu. Leave Sunbury, lO.'-Ht a. ui., arrlv. at Harris burg 1.00 p. in., Wufhingtoii 5.35 p. in. Leave Suubury at VI VS a. in., arrive at Harris burg '-'.UO a. ui., Waabingtoii 7.00 a. in. Baltimore nrcauimodatiun leaves Sunbury 5.09 a. in., arrlv at llarri.buri; 7.45 a. m., Baltimore la.W p. in. SHAMOK1N DIVISION. ASIWAltl. Lar Buubnry at 44ft p. nt., arrive at baamo kln I.S6 p. ui., Mt. Cariuel 0.10 p, iu. Loava Suubury ( Aerommodatloo,) at It. SO a. m., arrlv at Sbamoklu I.UD p. iu. WIATWAKP. Leave Mt. Carmel at S OS a. m., arrlv at ttbaiunkin S.SO a. la., Suubury V.U a. an. Lenv. ebamokin ( AccoinauNlaliua,) 3.45 p. ni., arrl al bunbury 4 00 p. m. Exprrtt leavea dullv Leaving on Sunday, rum North ouly lo All other tralua lc.iv. dally, rierpl Sunday. A. H. Fiaar. Kn. . Yoraa, Gen'l. Dap'l., ii'l Fa.aau'r Ag'l-, HarrUburg, Fa. tUUuioir, Md. ""AUAI.VAT T11E otl rLAt'E. f pilC iabarlb.r auBouoe lo lb rttiwo of A. Muubuiy Ibat, bating again aiarled b't 0UE1U aad CAME IbTABLUMENT, U Iht old plae. bl. It wa racnlly tb.trnyrd by Ira, b la again pvra4 a tly Ihtut with all klud of bt4 aad I'uk, uk aa HKOWM HHE Alt, MILK bKKAII, tmKAH VAKLIloalb KE Ulll, ai.4 full Uu of FAM T CAKES. Tm a, Moll aad 1 aWU. Alao, l kind of Coitbvk,. art, al feat tbop aa biit) lia4. lUviug piuttd a ai.l trlavt baktr flam iba slljf, b kt piaiir4 la glv gaualai aatllaUtlloti la LU I tat f 'alaaa, aad Vaull la gl blut libtl. aad 4ll4 U tutioiiiti fii aaiaiullig. M C8EAM. Aa Ua Craaw baiuu bat ta.a4 aa'tbii au lb aiwtv baal.aat, and Ladlaa kVabua Iliad p, k)kl lb lw.4 V. ( iaut li b. atl4 f tnf ttaialag 4atf lb Hua. ' V II. U4 4b. Vuabuiy, inut , l:i. fatal, ll. i. AlllL tlaab Vf ti aaaatialkg Lilians U, Itaal Kit. Ilab 1U, aad I ablk. Lot M t-l.i ka4 N biaii), b, li.-.a, I ! w t'lt, ii 1 1. ax. I . s f lull lit . Iteadlnc itallroaat." RPR I NO' ARRANQIMElfV., ' . Afotulfty, April 3d, 1871. , GREAT TRUNK LINE from tb North and North-Wett for Philadelphia, N. Y., Rtwd lug, Pottsvllle, Tamaqnn, Ashland, Bhamokux, Lebanon, Allontown, Easton, Ephrata, Lltla, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trnln leave Harrisburg for New York,' a fol low i At 8.10, .10, a. m. and 8.00 p. tn., Con ner ling with tlinllar train on the Fenniylvnnbt Railroad, and arriving nt New York at 10,10 a. tn., 8.50, and 10.00 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cnrs accompany the 8.10 a. m., tram without change Returning t Leave New York at 0.00 a. m., 12.05 noon and 6.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.S0. U I - . tt .tn . .11 i . . o.ou m. ui. nnu e.ou p. in. oicping ;ar accom pnuy the 5.00 p. tn. train from New York with out cuatiKc. Leave Harrtsbnrg for Rending, Pottsvllle, Ta- ma.iua, Mincrsvillp, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Ibfluon and principal way stntions t the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvillo and Co Itimbia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna nnnroan, leave iinrrisnurg at 8.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend ing for Allentown, Enslon and New York at 5.00, 10.110 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York nt U.00 a. ut., 13.00 noon and 5.00 p. m. nud Allentown at 7.20 a. ui. 13.23 noon. 2.15, 4 an nnd 8.45 p. m. Way Passenger Train leave Philadelphia at 7.S0 a. tn., connecting with similar traiu on East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading at .2(J p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Potlsville at 0.00 a. rn. and 8.30 p, ni. Heradon at 10.00 a. in., Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and 13.43 noon; Muhunoy City at 7.51 a. m. and 1.30 p. ui. Tamuqna at 8.35 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrlsburgj &c. Leavo Pottsvllle via Schuylkill nnd Susiiae hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. forllarritbtirg, and 13.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Treinout. Rending Aecomlnodation Train leaves Potts vllle at 5.40 a. in., passes Reading nt 7. 'JO a. til arriving nt Philadelphia ut 10.30 a. in., returning leave? Philadelphia at 5.15 p. ni., jiassing Read lug at 7.65 p.m. arriving nt Poitsvilleat U.40 p.m. Pott-down Aecomlnodation Train lettves Potts town ut 6.1M a. ni., returning luives Philadelphia at 4.1.0 p. m. Coluivbia Kiillrnnd Trains leave Reading at 7. UO a. ni., and 0.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litli, Lancaster. Cohimbiu, Ac. Perklomen Rail Rond Trains leave Perkiomen Junctional 7.15, 11.05 a. m..nt 3.00 and COO p. m. Returning.lcuve Schwcuksville nt 0.30,8.10 a. m., 13.50 uoou antl 4.30 p. m. couuectiug with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdalc Railroad Train lenvc Pottstown' at 9.40a. m., 1.15aud 0.45 p. tn., returning leave Ml. 1'lcasaut at 7.00 uud 11.35 a. m., uud 3.00 p. m., courecliug with similar truius on Reading' Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave bridge port ut 8.30 a. ni., 2.05and 5.33 p. in. returning leave Dnwiiuigtou at li.40 a. m., 12.45 uoon uud' i.-'. p. in. connecting with similar trains on Head ing Railroad. Ou Suuaayt : Leate New York nt 5.00 p. tn., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. m. and 3.15 p. in., (the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsvllle at 8.U0 a.m., leave Harrikburg, 3.10a. in., and 2.00 p. m.; leuvu Allrntowu nt 8.45 p. m. leave Reading at 7.15 a. in. nnd 10.115 p. m. for Harrb-burg, at 5.00 a. m. for New York, and at U. I0 n. m. and 4.15 p. m. for Philadel'a. Commutation, Milruife, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to uud from all pointt at re duced rales. Baggage checked through i 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed ruck Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, As-t. Supt. 4 Eng. Maeh'ry. lliiludcltliia anil Erie Rullroud. WINTER TIME TABLE. On und after Mnnduv, Nov. 2 1 it, 1ST0, tha Train, on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Koud will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " urr at Erie, Eric Express leavet Philadephia, 9.40 p in 4.55 a m 7.40 p ui 12.20 .i ut 6.40 p ui 7.40 a ni'J a ut 4.r.5 p m 7.50 p tu 9.00 a m 12.05 a ra 8.50 a ut U.00 p in 10.20 a iu 5.30 p ia 8.15 a lu 11.05 a lu 6.30 p ra 12.35 a m 2.35 a m V.40 a m Punoury, " " an at Erie, Elmlra Mull leaves Philadelphia, " " Bmiburj, " " arr nt Lock Havea, EASTWARD. Mali Train leave Erie, " " Sunlmrv, ' " arr at Philadelphia, Eric Rxpress leaves Erie, " " Snnburv, ' " arr al Philadelphia, Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, " ' Suuhurv, " arr at Philadelphia, BufCilo Express leaves Williamsporl, ' Suiiliiirv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Express, Mail nnd AccomniotlHtlon ratt and west, connect at Corv nnd nil west bound trains and Mall and Accomod ion east nt Irviurton with Oil Creek aud Allegheuv River Railroad. R'M. A. BALDWIN, Geu'l Sup'l. Larkawannn uud RloouiNliurx Kali read. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mnnduy, July Lull, 170. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. f.M. P.M. Serantof , Bellcvuc, Tay'.orvlllo, Lackawanna, PIllHloB, Weal Pittston, ' Wyoming, Mallhy, I Kingston, A i St. I W.-Barr. c'rt. Plymouth June., t Plymouth, ' Nantlrok., 1 45 50 57 05 14 19 27 S5 V V 0 30 25 43 M Ki 1 00 1 0 1 IS 1 27 1 v.. 1 45 1 55 2 OU V 10 0 50 It) 10 00 10 ! io 4 15 T 45 10 10 0 21 6 85 40 45 00 07 25 4l' 50 7 55 8 07 8 14 8 20 8 43 8 50 8 67 9 02 V 06 0 15 25 V 80 V 118 45 10 08 24 10 HunliM-k , Sliiek.hinny, Hick's Frrry, Bench Haven, B.-rwlck. Willow Grove, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Blooiur.burg, Riiirit, Catawlssa, Danvlllt, Cbulasky, 4 15 5 15 5 23 8 00; 5 45 6 50, 6 57 02 I S3 10 18 10 S3 Lameroa, Noilu'd, (arrive.) 10 46 8 I); I i ! SOUTHWARD. Leave. ! A.M. P.M.! Northumberland, 10 )5 5 'Jo Cameron, , 6 '.'7: Cliulasky, ' ' 6 82 Dsavllls, 11 02 40 CalawUaa, la VI II Kuparl, l 2V 1 Hluomaburf, II 85 V, 11 40 30 . LIims Kldg, 40 Hilar Creek. 4o A. M.I Willow Gii, k5 rb-rwitk, II 01 15 I 10 Heat h llavan, 14 oa 7 06 Vw lluk't Fury, Tt I , 30 blrktblauy, $ T 25 15 Hualnck', Hi" 1 40 7 UO P. M S.mbM.kt, i I Ob T 41 1 10 - PilUioutb, i I 11 I 03 1 25 II 00 f, M Pl)ut..uib June , , T 5o II OA - at;!."; ,to '" MaUbt, 1 IT II 85 4 IT wtamtitig, ; t o 83 IU II ui I kl t wt Piitattaa, , 4i ou li t : rut.i. ; I Hi I (5 i w H 7 ti Uriaaaaaa, 'III lllll U I In Tat bit id., I VI I II U vl 4 bi ktatutu. lO I bo 14 16 4 bo ..i.t), (nlt II. I, ti II o 04 lUVlllT. HWIMU. lup'l. (J U I Uu llMiai'a Raj M bit lim.dt I aad IM ba.l. t... (JIM biat A ltil't M baauttful lHa.. (Jill Sl lllll! W all blula, Ul.l k II II I J.a A ll.WtV a(.i. I.Ii,hi Hill 11-4-1 r a. I 8' t -I t K M , .l a. ii i rtn i