Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 08, 1871, Image 3

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: Ji--a.' r
Railroad Tim TaIiIcm.
' t.A jt, .('' vfr.n t, '
UnNoUI'ta 1 Ml a mlFrla Mull I've
4 slum
hria " 10:W) mlKlmlrn ", 4:36 p m
Mull , ', 11:1.1 p mi FrlaKa . M ;p p m
fcrle Mull, ' " 12 Oi m . ,
r.Qiignnt Tr.iln 1'est arrives, si n.-t)0 a. n. ;
" 811 MOKUT DtTlStOX V. TJ B.AV."
Luii'mry t 11:50 a in At Suuburr . . t SS m
I l.i'
4 00 p m
lm ntrv 4i35 A. M I 1:M and 4:30 P. M. .
Irrtrf of .Suniury 11:30 A. M., BOO snil lMVi P. M
Imw tne; 10:411 A. M. ft-' iixl 10 P. M.
IrHM al OantrUfeaao A.M.. 4:40 ad T:46 1. M.
J I. J 'JJ.. I
SEWING MACHINES ara acknowledced in
ferior to An; other now manufactured. Mifcs
C. Dallas, Market street, thli place, I tlx agent
for tlio sale of tuera In tills and adjolnlnK coun
ties. Instructions In sewtnj frlveu free of charge
to all purchaser. A tot always on "hand. Call
and examlno them.
For TisMT. A bouse aud lot.
Apply at this
Tat public schools of this place havo all closed
after being open seven months. It is gratifying
to notice that there has been a morlied linprove
rofnt. Quite an Interest has been manifested on
the part ol teacher and directors. With a more
thorough grade we may evpect greater results.
TntsMKxnovs rush to ere
VeiUel, GafMiis Jt Co's.
the New Goods at
"Tn Regulator Boot and Shoe Store of N. F.
Llirhtucr, has baen romoved to the store room in
Pleuant's building, Market Square. Mr. Lli;lit
ncr intends to havo tlio Hook and Stationery aud
Boot and Shoe Stores combined, where lie will
endeavor to satisfy the public at cheaper rates
'than ever.
V.,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received at Llylit
iicr's, cheap fur cash
Runtiux Death.. The .Vt'tfonCni of last week
notions the death of Fro terlcK Wllhelm, the well
knowu liveryman of place, on Saturday
night of last week, caused by the rupture of the
aorta or largo nrt.-ry pro;eelIn; fnra the heart,
and the eou5cd.uent tilling up with blood of tbc
cavity of the chest.
Wcitzel, GasVlue & Co. a re closing out a choice
lot of Buckwheat Flour at 11.00 per suck.
Acc;ikstal Insurance tickets have of late be
coina an Indispensable article with travelers.
lut few persons think of entering a railroad
ear without uiehaiiing an Accidental Insurance !
to leaves with their family. It uliows a geuerous
ilhpoMlion In all porout buying them in thus
providing for their fariillien in case it' accident".
Jacob Sltiptnan, Eiq., agent, has iIkiu hand ;
.com tantly, und sells theui for any length of time j
desired. . I
TriitiHT aud Cassandra
G.nuin t Co'r.
Shawls al Wcitzsl, ,
Finr; at Ti'itiiVTvti.tB. A Ere occurred on
Thursdny night last tt Tarbutvlllc, which de
stroyed the dwelling und store of Mr. George
Barrel, and ths dwelling of Mi. Kuvable. A
portion of the fu rait .ire in the dwelliu-; or Mrs.
Kin'ab'e was raved, and sonic dry gnod from the
klorcof Mr. II was gut aul but Mr. li. lost all Ms
furniture. We did not lcarr. hnw the fire origi
nated, or whether there was any insurance on I lie
propoity of either of the sufferers. Muney Lu
minary. RuAit hi mind all "Willi Paper fold by Llghtm r,
nt the old emporium, is from stock nn hand,
mid b-:iug coiiM.intly added to, and being from
New York markets, Is cheaper aud better than
llie Philadelphia makes. All paper trimmed
frc; of charge.
That efOl.OM. There is a rinncr that the pub-1
llcatiou of the Auditor's Report! to be suppress
ed until after the Democratic primary election.
Should this bstue case, we will be uimble to lay j
it before our readers next week. It appears that )
tbc report is not altogether a is desired by some j
rand. dates. There Is something ::U.ptit It that has
created coiisiio.ratilc excitement among thn mem
bers of the Ring, within a w eek past. T.veu tho
resn't of the Connecticut clectiou did not create a
emllcupon their countenances.
New poods are being received r.t the Regulator
li ji t, bl.oe and Trunk Store, I'ie:ira!it's build'.tig.
blHieuiaker materials a speciality.
Fatal Accipknt. On Monday afternoon Inst,
nil accident occurred In the P; & K. R. R. vnrd,
tills place, which resulted lu the death of oilu of
the employee on that After the local
freight tr.vla lmd come In, the br.iki'unn got oat
of the caboose nud were standing on a ride track,
und as several locomotive were pasting at the
time, they did lo t notice the one coining up oil
'tlio track upon which they were standing until tt
was almost upon them. Two of the brakciaen
rseiiM'.d, while tlvn thlid, Mr: Aaron Searfous,
'si-,is knocked down und run over by tlie"Diuky"
aud a caboo..e, lacerating hi right leg frotf fctji
to I lie uakle, teurlnu the llc-h an I rrukng t lu
u teriible iiiaiiuer. He Ka 1'riMi.hl to towu for
s'.irglei'.l treatuicut,' und lull on the pave
incut ut Dr. F. L. llaupl 's nl'ice, uuaecouipaulcd
ty uny of the i.ttiivr of the road, and being a
ttraneer lu tl:e, and having no boardlug
bouiu hi-ie, lia was place I upon a settee en tha
pavement, tin I miii usblntance riiiderrd by Dr.
Hani t as lie could give uulil Uui company's phyai
ciau Dr. A i ' t K- arrive 1, who tock hiui la charge.
TUn wouu l were, however, of -a swlous a
rlmrrfcie.r for uuy operation, and proved fatal
ubuiit two hours after bis arrival. His reiuaiu
were taken to W.iuo tl.,tiou. Cllntou vouuty,
wU,-ro ha l-.iv.i a wife und ti chUdrca la
uiouin bis lo-i. Mr. eVarfua was aluiott au
entile struurr here, and It was thought very
lnliu:aau on the part of tin olltcUls In the yard,
tu have him sent bare aud uot any oua accoia.
pinrlu,' him to inuke provitinu fur Lis keeping,
or eelug be was proptrly raicd for. Hav
In; li 'i n left Uhu Ike tldu wuik helplcks, he
kindly lukeii i;of and rn.d foi by stranger
wUukii uit bi bo .is or bei lecntue
iiuui, until Mr. J tuie M Deiilt, fciht cluk iu
the y4id, bcid wf ths areldeut ha ruin al uute
to bis all i4 jioeund for Ilia tullurcr
4 pU"( Oder.! ew:i.d li eiit4 hi. Wit
b-lt liuild ixtitltiiiliic eui.iiaibl bit lb SblijKi
of Kutlruid ( Kiiipaiil.t .v t bu pl ies In r
i f are! Inils to lluir i4 'piuin, unit It orrui lj
ii tbat H n.ui. w.r uMk .-j ull, fmuUUsd fuf
surli pui,., U u'.4 be .t-u iui.f.Mti4
luall luiimli I tu fcjow i,,i Ui..j b4 a pUi
pn-itdid for lb' ib iw t'4M 14 stlitt, al.,!! $y
1 1 on lUilr isuiar boons. it.n i(viu a
liiiiiilxr il IU iij'l .).it uf I tiiiv4l vU m
itnlUily Hln.Ud, bad ' biwid ''t lh
t-utlU, at i i.i, f4 if IU l" I, likif lliwif
u,m .llt iLvitt lii U4 4-l, tlMt'lurf l -'
voue iMi i-a.. ku, la ih4 t4 , l!it
IJfml j b lli.ll U nl .il, kkj brb lt I41t
4U an i-tH-vl it Us mi U l auavi toss, if 4
p.tM. i, im UN 1 1 1.Ws t.n I ! IUklUrlV - w,
i. u, M li a .ilt iMkMllisi
iUMHI Ul Wit b4 (JM.4) iaM, M
i V! .., w.l('i I t i.'b luipmt) v, I a.-1
'it J ' l l") ll( 1 'li I , ,t I f I
rinrniTXTAin ahb jh WASHrJrnTOw, D. C.-TnKtn
Rbcrptiom it MXIoifO TMPt. The Pennsyl
vania Kepubilcan. Association hold Aaalr racep
tlon on Thursday, the 80th ulty at Masonic Tem
pie, and !t w 111 Alt respects" a brilliant Affair.
Tb large -danciaa hall dmd boon bountifully
dceoratod with bunting flags of the different na
tlonnllllos, and portraits of eminent men. Cm ires
of canary birds, Were hnntr at rcgnlar Intervals
along the walls, whose sons ""mingled with the
strnlus of .enchanting music. At U.30 o'clock,
President Grunt hnd .VIco President Cntfax nr
tlrcd, and. were escorted by the commute to the
rccr) t o i room. At 0.45 the distinguished guests
came fnain the rccqpllon room luto the dancing
ball, and marched to the east end of the room
In the following order, while tlio baud played
"Hull to the Chief " President Grant and Dr.
S. Keller, president f the association i VIco
PresldentColfaX and Hon. J. Vf. Douglass, depu
ty commissioner of internal roveuuo Senator
Cameron nnd Hon. W. D. Kelley j Senator Kel
ley, of Oregon, and Hon. Ionnrd Myers. - At
the cast end tf the hall a platform had been
erected, ntd opoij this the visitors were seated.
Over whera tlio President, Vice PresUeut, and
Mr. Cameron were seated was suspended a beau
tiful life like pletare of eenator Cameron, nearly
full life size, executed by Beudorm Brnlllcrs, of
Baltimore, Md., which was flanked on either
side by portraits of President Grant, Vice Presl
Colfax, Thuddeus Stevens, and other distinguish
V'd PemiBylvanlans. '
As soon as all the Invited guests became seated
uppu t)i pint form tU president of the associa
tion Introduced Colonel V". McMlchael, who de
livered the address of welcome.
. Hon. V. D..?icUej replied a ft ficnt and ap
propriate speech on behalf of the visitors.
; 'After iU: KcHey' had flnkhed, Seujitor. Cam
eron was called for, and said thot there Was tio
oue In Pcnotylvuula that did not know that he
sever made a speech. His life, he raid, had been
oue of action i he wu not born with it klft for
speaking, and be had never cultivated It. Ho
was, he said, thankful for this and other expres
sions of the kindness of the people of Pennsylva
nia. .
Mr. Keller, the President of the niiocintion,
then said that they had received a telegram from
ono of Fenpsylvaula's i'.lu-tiious sons, that ho
desired to read. It Is a follows i
''Ptiii.AnruMiu, Ti., March SO, 1ST!.
"IK. .Viireus Tajijtirt, Vhairman y' Cominittet of
Arrangimtntt r ...
'Regret I can not attend. : Represent me.
I howeVer.ln th following toat t Pennsylvania
I slm g:ue victory and vitality to the Ki publie in
j lSOO, 1S'.'4, und lCH, by coueilUition and linr-
nioiiy nmon; the Kepublk-an. ' hhe will give
victory Hiid vitality to the Republic in lSTi.' by
following the same unfailing ftar. - -
J. W.' roTtNET." '
After the reading of ths dhpstch, the band
p!nyed n niareli, and the company formed and
tiled Kround the Hilt, and after a lew moments
devoted to promenading, the daueing commenced
and was continued until a laU hour.
The company was iu point of numbers as well
I as In all other particulars n success t and In IU
I closing cnteitaiumiut the Pennsylvania, Assucla-
iion lias fully sustained the reputation It has
earned forliing soirees eoTuplete and elegant In
all their appointment.
Ileceplion Committee I). 8. Keller, D. R. B.
Ncun, J. . Douglass, Chas. Ct. Evans, Sam.
Houston, I.' E. Michener, J. A. Doyle, R. M.
Jones, Wm. M. lrcloud.
Commjltec on Arraugemciits Wm. Marcus
Taggart, L. Harrison, J. II. L. Eager, Thos. B.
PeuU'ks, (James Cross. : - !.
Master of Cercmonh-s A. A. Shi.-elcr. - i
Fluor Committee R. A. McMurr.iy, I". R.
Chapman, J. C. Qucin, A. Roifriguc, E. W. It.
Phillips, ff. V. burtiMi, W: 11. Turner, W. W.
Youug, li. A. Cobuugh.
Covvcit. FROCBrniNfis. Srsiit RT, April 4ili.
1ST1. Council met, Chief Uurgcss Helm la thu j
chair. Members jiK.cnt, , tireennugli, Hill,
Bourne, Wllvcrt, Lightuer, Frlliug, Reiin, Pur
sel, Cooper and Cadwullader. Miuutes ol last
meeting read approved. ,
. The Chief Burgess nppoiuted tha following
committee to serve for the ensuing year, viz :
Finance Committee. Win. I., Ueo.
Hill and TbosMjooper. '" -.-:
Pavement and Sidewalks. J. W. Frlllng, T.
j Cooper and Geo. Cadwntlnder.
Streets and alleys. J. Bourne, X. F. Llghtncr
and Geo. Harrison." ' ' '
P.lwr Bank. Emaunel Wllvcrt, J. Bourne nud
Thos. Purscl.
Grave Yard. Juo. Bourne, Geo. Harrison and
Jacob Renu. If
Borough Charter and Borough Ordlnaucc.
Geo. ii'M, J. W. Filling und Jacob Renn.
Bridges and Highways. N. F.. I.ighlner, E. I
Wllvert uod Geo. Cadwullader.. t .... j
The report of Auditors of Sunbury School Dis
trict was ordered to be read, nnd on motion 11c
eepud. On motion, littoli td, that the School
Directors be requested to make out a full state
incut of the translations of tbe financial condi
tion of the Board, Mm amount vf bonds Isued
and unpaid, and amounts of Indebted ncn, aud
amounts outstanding, and One on Vustice's
Deckel bolonglng to the School fund, and have
same published ou or before tbe first of May
l' -tUion of ct'.isens ofilic Corough of Sunbury
to o;cn Und Mreet, was pri.ente.l and entered to
to read- On motion referred to committee ou
streets nnd itlleys.
Bill of Wm. T. Loglemau for 10 for letting
water out of Baslu. On motion, referred to tha
committee ou river bauk.
Bill of E. C. Eisaly for 110 HO for hauling
ground. On motion, referred to tbe Chief Bur
gess for Investigation.
E. Masser Bucher was elected Treasurer, and
Solomon Weaver Tal Collector for tbe ciuulug
Oa tuotieo, JfrsniMtt, Tsst tha following taxes
be levied for tbe year 171, Upon tb touuty as.
cessment and Valuation for this yur 1 poor tax
at the rate of 5 mill road lux at the rat of 10
mills, and borgugb tal al the rat uf 10 mill
upou taeh dollar of sueb valualle. 1
Op ta'.lv, adJoara4.
J. K. Xturta, Oerk.
Aoocr oTaitr .weeks ago a man called at ike
resbleuc vf air. Jobn Purscl, of Lima Ridge,
about mlduVt'bt apd Informed bin that bl bro
ther living boar Mlrrtll was al tha point uf
death and requested fall Immediate prrseucs. II
said that ka ejul4 nut go rryr4 wwiuiug. Early
iirxl morulug b wl uul lor MUlull ud fouud
bU trotter lu bll usual stale uf l eal' th II tutu
weut lu LmporU, buUivnu ovuul ),!' (tUitU lu
.no busiuv allr wbWfe b ilun4 tu bU
brut Urn. lie li ft bl bielUi Y.oUWki l miitt
t4 rctura buma i4 slue ibn t b nut brcu
beard fiuM. bVafib bo btrii luada bi4l liutiaei'
up loth pnul bat Un twuivt L.ui, aud
lb iMi palbfal apuivbriUii4 ' alMUtuwl
f.uas all tba Ueaitiktsaw that be bo immtu foul,
ly da!l Ilb. iJMit'-j Hkifi,
Wtttsa II. foaai su, , of lb law tria f
apiogu, Fuitosb a Hiau, uf butuio, s. v.,
br4 lit dwlb la lb ", tintf iij
far," mi 11 klvUi uf k.b. 1, la b mU aiU
4l at hs liautbuig, va lb U4a Hull
Uu.4. IU al U..y baoaa u4 lit.if
ImiuwI, k4 Wa a If U4 fblUiea. II ks'd
laas'ikt tw-s-M b) b l4Ui luitim
I wutpaki, auMkoaiiid u liu.ioAi, abkb aus ut
114 bUMi 1st. 1b Ut ul Mi. tbb
UH bi aV'lh lu il::'l'l kui r, l I 1
Ihckhdurism Two 2scaxkb8 'B(:ht. On
Mouday night two bl-eakert at L6mlst Gap the
Locust Gap Improvements Co.'i (Graeher. Kem
pl A Co., lessee) ahd the' Locust Mtfchrmmlt
Imp. Co.'s wora burnt W tno ground. They
stood aliout 70, foot apart, on opposite ffles of
the N. C. R.,WU nnd, were Idle, tlm former hat
ing been stormed on Saturday on account of some
dlsagreemeut about page, slid the latter Kr
over a yenr, owing to th coal nceesslble from
the openings near It being worked out. At about
1 1 o'clock the Watchman nt Oracbef, Kempt it
Co.'s breaker discovered flames Issuing from the
roof of the I.ocn-t Mt. Summit Imp. Co.'s e.ntbic
house, and pnve the ntarm, Kefora anything
could bo dona, however, to stay the ravages of
the devouring element, It communicated tr the
breaker' And from tbenea' to tHb bne' opposite,
and eo'bri both wero enveloped In one vast shjet
cf flame.
t The loss Is estimated at (59,000, ns follows i
qip Company, $j0,000 I Summit Company, 120,
000) Graeber, KempledcCo., (on eoal of which
there was some 1,8'JO tons In the breaker nnd
machinery), ?10,OiK). The Gnp Co.'s breaker
was Insured (o.tjie umoiigtf tl,000, in the fol
lowing companies i Home of Ki w York, f 5,C0j
Etate of Pcnifylvanla, $J,?00 1 Stand:ird of Nw
York, t3,100 j l.yeomlng, 2,600. We under
stand the BnmmU O'eA brenker ws,limreJ, but
lu what situi we have been naabln to leuili. ;
The perpetrator was not discovered, and it Is
not probable that he will be, .nit hough we are
informed Jbat the waUhmau saw a i:iau wlioui
he took lo be a resident of the pliuv, nud who Is
known to baar Messru. firuiur Jt:rVj' o III will,
pass the engine house about half mi hour previ
ous to the breaking out of the lire,- but not sus
pecting anything he did not follow nor t;ike spe
elat pains to rccKgnlai! him. .S7iimoiji ri!i2.
Dn. E. UoDur, formerly of thin ittee, died at
Lewisburg, Pa.,outlic 'J'i nil. lij was recent
ly a surgeon lu the V. 8. Vavy bat had resigned
on account of Ill-health.
Rcgututor Uoot, Shbe, Trunk und Leather
Store consolidated with the Book Store. Call
one and nil. New goods at low raU-s.
N. Fkkrkk l.ioiitstn.
- List of iettrrs remaining lu the Sunbury Pool
Olllee, March 1, 1J7I :
Jacob Ac!. Charles Llndsey.
Thomas ltlorel. 1 Mis. John S. Mojer.' -
0. K. Boyer. ; lih Mary M. Messtier.
Mist Alice HicU. Tbumaa McNauglit. .
1. V. Criswoil. Mrs. Robert A. Packer.
Mrs. Jani"M Campbell. J. . Stroll.
W. H. Dewees.
Miss Surah Strong.
P. 1). Shis!ur.
Lloyd Thomas.
J. Tatter.. -
Mrs. Mary Wolf.
.1. W. Wi rthiin.ton.
Neit Williams.
Mrs. John Wenck.
Vr.. Harriet WelU.
Peter Wannes.
Mrs. Surah Younsr.
Mr. George Young.
F. P. Delbough,
.Simou Kidman.
Alexander Fox.
Ohcur Foii-t.
Clms. II. Ferguson.
George Uewlilte. .;.
Edwin A. Iloll'mau.
II. li. Ilotl'man.
Ceo. K. Mcllwain.
William KiluacU.
Vernon Kemp.
Robert Luhou. 1 "'-
, J. M. Bostia.v, P.
N. F. Lightuer's Regulator. 1 Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Leather and Shoe Findings.
Orricrns On Saturday evening
last, P. 8. It. Rover, actliig as District Depu
ty Grand Muster, Installed the following oflicers
of Eunbuiy Lodge, No. 203, 1. O. of 0. F. "to serve
during the ensuing term :
N. G. lTcnry II. Conrad.
V. G. Calvin Woodcock.' ' !
Secretary A. N. Biico. ,
A. S. R. W. Jynt.
Treus. E. M. Bucher.
GrxTS fine Fieneh Calf, Box-too Coots, ititeh
cd bottom, at tho Regulator. .
, Kt VlKWi,-Tbe stercoicop views f Meita
E. and II. T. Anthony & Co., No. 5'ij Broadway
New York, nre considered the finest In the coun
try. The views ur of the grandest in the world
und are well finished. Tie new Aitwj of
Yosemite ore excellent, while thoMj of the late
war are not 'aurpksstd. Families ran obtain
them by sending for a ciieulur to select froid
nnden't to them by exbe?. '
ErronTS nro being made lo organise a Divi
tlon of Sons of Tvuiporanea lu tbi place.
All Rubber Wear, ut manufacturer' prices,
at the Regulator. '
LvMnr.RM.ry: nrXietV.y awaiting a rise In
the river to float lui-Ir ruft's to llie lower markets.
A srLKNDtD lot of Hats have just been opened
nt S. Faut's Hat As Cap Store, on Market Square.
Tbe Spring styles nre beauties, and every young
man should have one.
i Humloi'K, Spuiilsh, and slaughter sole leather
at tho Regtilator.
1 vru.iL of our merciuiuts have reee'.vixl their
I spring goods which make u beautiful dbplay.
j Twenty new buildings are now lu proems of
1 construction In dlflVrent quarters of tbe borough
, of Milt ou und Us Euburbs.
j W'r. are Indebted to Hon. Frank .Jordan, Secre
j tary of tie Commonwealth, for kpecuil favors.
I Hoots and Shoe for the cuiumuully, at popu
j lar prlcis, at tbe Regulator.
!. PitiNTiso Ou iCi IUmovkp The irtiiucrar
ofllce bus been removed to the Masonic Hull
Building, und the lnnoeratit ihmnl n the j
frame building mi the eovner of TtrlrJ und C'hei
nul streets, lu tlw ollico formerly occupied by
Esquire Sbiudrl. ' j
Rkmovai P. M. Sbiudel, Esq., has moved
Jils ofllce Into Dr. Eyster's new fraiii buildlu";,
on Third treet below Chestnut meet.
JfT received, a uuuibrr of popular fronts and
Freuch calf sklut, at the Regulator.
A. N. Hate r, t'si., has moved Ids cltlee Into
tbe Masonic Hall Buildines, where he will here
after devote b: whold attention to bis law aud
Justice ofBe.
A. J, Min tn, of th firm of Lesher & Milter,
In tha mercantile butlnust at Northumberland,
has disposed of bll Interest to bis partner, II.
lusher, wba eniitliiiies tha buslaess In lb boot t
butldlny, en Queen street
Woukksv art now engojed In learla down
th aid Wavr ILhim, preparatory 10 putting
up Druiuhcllcr' bot-d.
. . - . , . 11 - . i .- 1 1 1 1
Tilt Sjtf iU on IU Danville, I.u'.Ua A
Wilkes Burr Railroad has b.u wltbdraau,
A HOI kli Uot I Ulng rri'i-teii b) Ik D. II.
A W, Railroad Company al lb Juuclioa of that
ruad and Hi P. Jt E., b toara.
Wa lienor make a griuf misloke tbn buu
a upi'os tiilwr pwipUi oubt lu b w arc
uugbl lu ball iu babUt, war Uas, our )!,
aud ui via.
An ausura maa bs sj bis baibr fttr'rat
llui( ptfbls ukut'ba. Tb UiUr u4 b iti)'ut
a ii k'it s.a.ikK attaliu ai Ub U
eur .r.
'lK't npftl au tuj it:imai to Uar fiuU In
ou yiUt. I.Ik Ab H-'4iaiiir t'uuiputtu4
I'alaarti fill., alllilu will Ub &, tal
It labia tsior II14.I ok lilbl In L (.
A U mw Ul-.r Ik Ui4ttt' 1st lasai
4l lb till o( Hauk('thU "My, bitu
Star 4kk. .11. Y. fiOUif b4 Ua U It
tlty durlkf lb pl ( pki.b4l4 bl kprug
tsk k i( gut-it, abkb ai w lU-( w m! l
lb MtwawO. tiui. A Mr. t)iiiuj aiaMnilr
ovcbl 'Udl4 4l4tuk, bK Nt kJ L
lv l"fli'i ! tf 4 biowLI Ult
, Editor! Table fc
Birrsil1tnll MtrflrcTli. Woin.n.-The April num
ber of thlt popular mmdrnl -monthly Is on our
table,' Ailed to overBhwmg 'wrfb -benntlfirl new
music and intwsflhi? rahdirtrf.1 - A rhnrmliignew
song entlttod.-"That Little Church around the
enrnor." by ' i(6vn, Is iiinong thu musical con
tents of this- n limner, mid r alone wmth many
times tbc prlve f tb , liwgaaiiic. InKrcM
Ing stories nnd editorials. Instructive uni
fies n ttinniwl tnptesyMn Iatet "news trt the
world of Music, Ac, are given, luriiilag a month
tv which no persoa Inti-restud. lu music can af
.rtnd tn lie Wkhont. Il4.Ku. from tlia. exten
sive music publishing Iioumi of S. Brainnrd A
Rons, Ciuvelnnd, O. hi the low price of f l.tsi per
nnniim. . Specimen copies, with full catalogue of
musio nnd miiBlc hooks, will be si i t fv e
U aiy nllrest durlirr. the prenent mcijlli.
Address, 8. Itrniunrd & Hons, Cleveland, O.
: GonKT for Aprtt Is also on our table. It pomes
promptly nnd Is always welcoias among the la
dies y-lintoolt for It as nafralU as tlio season.
The present number contains tho nsnal vnrlety.
that makes It Interesting nslhu Lalv's Hook.
. Nrw ScsdaT 8!llooL Mi-sic. The PltAitt. Is
theiitlc of nil entire new collection of beautiful
Sundav Behool tnuMcJust piiU!t?.Jici) by 8. Brain
nrd Sons, Cleveland, f-.'very sons In Th. fV'irJ
Is new, fresh nnd sparkling, and by the best
writers In the country. ' It Is pronounced bt all
who have examined it the rf .ind most attracUvt
collection of Sunday School music ever published.
Specimen pages w ill be sent fret, or a simile copy
mailed for 8.1 cents. Trery on biten'ted in
Sunday School music should examine 7'Af VraH.
Address, S. Brninard Pons, Publishers, Clevs
land, Ohio. . , ' '
TtiR Atlantic Monthly," for Avril comes' to
ns with Us usual amount of literary matter by
many of the beet wrVU-r in this country. Amon
the articles lira a. number not only Interesting,
but useful. "Our eves und how to take earn of
them," No. IV, by Henry William'', M. D., Is or
that character. ''Count Rumford," (Sir Kon.l.
Thompson,) by F.Jmund Qnlucy Is nn Interesting
hl.storlcal sketch of a distinguished American,
n iicnum u oiKinrnmp, me ju:o.ui.on in. mi ,
sides wnhllrb Loyalists., and res tied the trreater
part of i,is life In Europe, whoro by bis pluloso- j
; hlcl nnd rnjoarchc. he acquired eruat mil- ,
nenee. mi mo t nu oe.uiui uuc hum iu.i ui
interest. ,
A Nkw HevLTn JornNAL. llmUS and IfafH !
li the title of n netvttenlth Magazine, of 44 panes
royal octavo, just Ivaucd in very neat form by
W. If. De Puy & Brother. 8rv Rroadway, New j
York. Tha "piilillshcis promise a hlcli-tone,l. '
practical health Journal. The first number now
before us has a varied und Inviting table of con
tents. It furnishes a grent variety of miscel
laneous "facts, bints, remediesf etc.," for thtf
family circle. Price 11.50 per nr.iui?.
DusIuchs Xoticcs.
Wiiat'i) t:ic Usb. Why pay more than is ne
cessary I Tho goods nre Just as line, the work
Just as carefully done, the (It Just ns perfect, and
the prices ninny per cent, lower. Then why not
buy of Wnatakor A Browa.
V. II. MiLi.P.R.of theEtcelsion Boot and Shoe
Stoic is constantly receiving new supplies of nil
kinds of Boots und Shoos of every variety. His
sialic is lurger Hum ever. It ls'jiiiit the place to
make n good selection.
New Piano Stool at 4 and ffi, just received
nt the M ualc Store of II. B. Masser. All kiuds
of music und musical Instruments ordered and
sold at t)ie lowest prices. Genuine Italian
Strings, and all other articles In his ilus war
ranted of the besf quality. .
The Croquet Shoe, a novelty, elegant and com
foi table, at Jhe Regulator.
Pianos anij Groans. The subscriber, ag'iit
for the best Pianos und Organs In the world, will I
guarantee them Tor live years and sell tbe cheap
er than any traveling agent can afford them. But
flrst-i'lnss niukers employ no iuch agents. , II. B. '
Massor. i , ; ' . .. ' ' j
Tni? Music store of n. tt. Mascr tins b'icn re- i
opened, und some one will he constantly in at- j
tendance. New music,. Viollo strings, Picture j
framce, Pa'.utljugs Chromos and Lithogrsphs, j
will be furnished nt the Very lowest prices. Pi
anos, Organs and other musical instrument'. 1
are not only warratod inquivlityjbuttobo much
cheaper than any rld by lrruBponsible trawling I
pedlarj. '" j
SitOKMAKxns' imiterUls for manufacturing, nt i
thu Regulator.
Closing Pjiici:s or DkIIaven lino., 4'J S
Trmui STiir.cT, I'niLitiEi piiiv. 3 o'cIock, f. M
Ap.i) n, 1371.
I C. K O'sof S1
" " "Ii2
I " " '61
! " " '05
, I116 116'
.n-- ,iu?
ma jn,s
1 11. 1115'
ittm in?;
'65, new......
V; 89 Tear t) per cent. Cy...-,....ill4 J15; j
- 'it(i' unt.r
Silver llOCij 10H
I'nion Pacific R. R. Ut M. Uotirt..'&UJ iUt'1
Csntral I'aciltc P.. R Jo.r0 ItJiH)
I'nton Pacillc Land Grant Bonds..i7'J5 "S
Kor the Relief and Cure of the Krriuif and
L'Bt'orluniitP. on Prineij'lej of Christian PliUan
thrnpy. F-says on thn Errors of Youth, and llie
Xullics of A:rc. iu relation to Jlpt aukiaub nud Si
cijii. I'.Ml.i. Willi aanitary aid ,be atllitie ,
K'-nt free, in sealed envelopes. AddreSn, HOW
ARD ASSOCIATION, Bo P, Philadelphia.
Pi. nmy7.' V tv.
On the !HHh Ult., hy Ke. M. L. btiiiidel, Mr.
DastRi. G. Kt'TX, of Vpper Augusta twp., Nor
thumberland county, to Miss Amelia K kj rmkh,
of fce'.lniirrove, Snyder county, I'oriiu'rly ol Vpptr
An j'ut i lo nbip.
fiuubury Ot'uiu A t'rtxtnvo 9ltrkt.
ce'iiKi:cri:u weskj.v vr un sork;oKa.
GiitlM Cboloi WblU WlieaU...! (1 M
Rest Amber, Wiutm- 1 4i
i oru. - .... tk
Rye. I of
OalH, (uJ lb.) 4!
Iii l Aiu'icr, Winter, per sock ii Oi
" " " " burial 8 iX
Com Mint, pc' wt.,..,
llt'TTHII link
l'eiinfytvaiitu Hull..
IHuia Pr 'town
Mil Dru-d ll.vf, r lb....
huioWmt illilloo.
' Vetiuoa
l.iaiw-j er Ih ,
rMHUll.WbUs rib, lb
" Trout
Cod .
KrrU Mmd :
Vkoi:T4bi xt 'I uruip, r bushel
ririiife - ,,, ,
beam, ijii.irl
Daiati Pai lTS Drlid- Apr,u, per
" nierrb-., .,.,
l ,irni)--4i tiarul. s
jftctu bliftlbdiuiitft.
J0. lL l l.l( V0.t
Nottlli trulls ftfrtlt !!
Mrkt, l'klUlrMM,
btifibey bat wiwimmI 0rl-iU MiMbaul
'4lluiu.g v.4ablibiiMl.
oi bt'.b vi'U l a wtuki o
t ia l mlbs, I MMUklit aud tti-tt, MMt.
4 I...IU Ut llt.1 IMIIb- llutfM kl Ikl I M
.h4 b. t'uik. abi'V, at , M.r.a l u.k
k la Ik ihuM tb;..iMbi M)hm, at SkMt ho.
lufk4 U.1I l.iui.
pk'l I kub Cb .4 G .U.
J"" I. al 41 H It
f.Mua t a I 4
K .(I. 1 tit .
tto "Slrtjcftistmcntfl.
sew 9ii:at ixiior. , , ( .
THE undersigned respectfully Informs the citi
zens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they baT
opened a r- !'-' ! : ti i ' )'
!meat .sii6r,
In Dewa'fs hiiildlmr.on flic north side of Market
Sipini-e, twodoors Iroin the railroad, were thi-v
will krji a eonsji uit supfyy -of hsbest of Heef",
Pork, Miittnn, ic., nt wholesale or retail, nt the
lowest prices and of thn first quality . A wagon
will be run to sup.ily customers every morning,
(c xei-pt Sundays.) The best of incut will found
nt their shop. Oive as a ca!! anil s iiilv
selves. ,J
oet. miii lsr.p. tr.
Ti) Uic Coninnmity at Large!
4 t
I have this day purchased the entire Ho?V,
good will aiKl llNtuic of llii Kega'.nlor Hoot,
Mine, 1 rank, Lent her and r limine More, of J. rt,
Angle, and will continue the bjMm? at its i're- !
sent location, comer room, llaupl s hnn Front,
Market Street, .Susuvitv, r.t.
AYIicii having established nrrnngn.'iiU with
the leading Manufacturers of t lie country, I pro
poc supplying tlie market with n elai i-l '.v-.vk
of ot rili. if Ii-,1 reputation fur durability aiiil lla'tib,
at prices that inn.t c'.iilm pupuiar'ty. A 'pe
eialty will be made In lb" furiiiflilng oi 'Slioc
makers mati iials for mnnufactiiritig.
Your patronage h sollc'.ti'd.
N. f. l.TtlHTNEH.
Bniibury, Jan. it. tHTI.
TIGIITY acres of Improved land in the
section of hinth"rn Mii-hitaa. within live
seph county, within two miles of the Rnl'lrond
miles oi me town or l !irc I'.lvers,' in r',. i,-
M.ition, goiiil buildings, out homes. ' laric, or-
clmrd. soil, rich sniidv loam, school hoMii: and
p),,,,.,.,,, will, K.,tt;iip lndiepntabl.", tin
(onw ,. , wll,.rtt) f , remainder In clover s..d.
A sp:in of horses, calilc hn. train and farming
nleiiMls, Ac, will be sold with this
balance In
Price t70 per acre. f-",UOT In ca'h, tli
time pavuients or rt'o. A pp. v to
' Thi-ee Rivers, Mich,
Sunbury, IVnn'a.
Sunbury, Mr.rcb 11, IS7I. '
f.iTsiz lo.v.Cu i.K "ji'i7Xi. i:uv.
F A IAj A K D W I N T IJ U S T Y L V. 3,
.tIIK?t I,
Iter larL'e ii"ortmeut of
hat a:ti) KONNKT FKAMKS.
A lare variety of Iriniiiii:
id nnd untrliumed
i-s Ho-ierv, hem-
llcercbiefHkld and
i buttons, ifuinnrc
II. U, Ladies' and children
el itched lue.! and liuun liuiiiil
lisle Gloves Cirri-n, rti-s iuttuna, guipure
laces. frintr.-H. ladle' necktie:;, i.iV.Yuncv ribbons
. .... . .
i. im, i,..!, i,i.,.,'..... r.-i,... .f i
e. Alnrgeassoitmeutof
Tt i mTMj i i iTrnvc
An endless variety of Notion, and good,
uiuully kept lu a first-clnss millinery store.
CrLMits' Collar, Cull's, XecktitS, llandkor-
. . .!.. f.
Thecitlzens of Sunourr nnd vicinity, generally,
are Invited tu cull nu t ae
this spieuai t iiiklii-
Sunbury, Oct. 20, Is"
A OoIot and Dressing that will not Eura
tlis Hair or Injure t'ne Head.
It makes Hair soft and fins, renoring
iU natural oolor without dyeing, by
imparting tt healthy nnd vigorous
rsr.iii oxlt r J. B. Dosu,
425 HutDi EiEtm St., PMlaia.
Price 81.00, largo bottlea.
None genuine without ray nignnturo,
and I put toy name to no goods that
are not of surpassing excellence.
Hj orl j' A lleiuperlj ' Excelsior GuZ
leryorAri, Third hre t,
Kuubiiry, Vn.
MR. 1IYERLY bus Intely added to hit already
well cftublished reputation, the services of
Mr. M. R. Heniierly whot. repulatioii as a plio
toirra)hie operator, stands unrivaled in thit url i
of the country, and hi leattcr they will curry ou !
th phulofrrupliie Imde, at tbc id -Maud under:
the firm iianie of Pycrly A Ilcniperly V Kxeelrlor ,
Gallery of Art, nt whos-o establishment the pub- j
lie wili be cheerfully aceommndaled throughout i
he whole line of photography.
' iror fbototrr iptis cf uil stylus nnd wan rani;-
Inp froii tbu vin.iU lion to the life hio portrait.
"iXXV Mrtttra wich r.IXcw Flour and Fcea Store!
oftnees cT fn'sh, nnd rlurahl'.liy cannot be ex-
celled, KO.t i BverKy-IIciiiH-r;". ... TM, ,.vlov
For llie LeiiiLninilt 1 boinirr:.p, now so popu- I It. M . 1 Si I I
lar In all oui laru'e cities, and kiioa lin; tbu pi-eu- ( Corner of Fourth and Market btrcbt,
li.lV cft'eet if lliftit hnd shade, and the 1'iivortia of j SCNUCIIY, PLNN'A,
the old Geriuau Kembraudt, go lo byarly , Jn(lt nnvi K KirBnd I eed ftore. whcio
ii Heiupcrly. 1 ba will k-p constaiitlv 011 hinnt, 11 fj-nerul
If you hay an old p! M'.e you want copied ; aonnient of the be,t brand, of
noil eiil.iri;e.i 10 uuy viKn, luiU' -i'iimhi imi, nan r
color, India iuk or ciuyou, UL it lo Utterly it ,
If you want a f.aina of any .Lo ""1 ut ""J
..!.. ..-... .1 ,.. It .-l.,l.
l'riev, or UUJT Sll.u JJU ui ikii u. ii.-.u.i'iri .1
u,, l l .i,.- ,. l.u.l- t ,!...r lin 11, I,.,.U '11 li,;.!
For Albums rn to Pverly A; Ileinpi-ilv, .
Formiuare Fianic made to order !o to llyerly
& lI.uiiiH'rlv, lu short, for auvtliliiK In the photo.
Kruphic line, tpj tu Itycriy i llem;il, aud )iu
will be suitvd.
Feb. Ilh7t. 1
Thf!itVIl VHI f aiMlkweiAat,
aad sMiiii4 k aupiuui ia mOimI 11U1
Hitfac w Tiriitama Aarav-IHoM.
fmttUmm 'I ar liMt frl rVnivi.a Cyrvf-
OWAillWl. fir i r PISkMllMK toMkUr,
mi. ,Mf m., a tv'. f
fsuul l Uuim ttwiin i. j
luli)M, I
fpi'r". fiki.Utp birvlvlor il.llii Uta ,
1 tt. I. H"tr aad W. J. V m...i, hi Ik ;
(.nielli, of la,.Uu ll.iail, (XUit b Wtu,
tTI.) 41mo)i by tuuiaul MiM.i. 1
to bio bl:, 1
W. J. ttuLt bill MM.
buul.f, Ub II, ll f
OH BAI.U. " '
rilM'll V A l l 111 I' I "I t i l la !'; of
1 a..M,4 ul Ik i t , in lb 1
ruklb w aki.liuit, v '' ''' nr. 1 4 I
b,i4 dk.iiiaa1 I, '"i ' I'.
1 a banid, UI it lu U1, , lit H.
Ua, I 4 a Vtsil .1.
.1, u il b"''' 1
, ,1 ui, 1, .m.
rjt.Vo Jllili'xrtisfjnxivJs.'
Sunbury Cattle Insurance
' -: 1 . Company
J umber of Policies, i
Amouut of Property Insurrd, . .- , , g.V.J,Pir,,oo
Auiuuul of Prcmliim Notes in f.irce, t;(4,xl,oy
Amount loaned nt Interest, : , . tV.00.VH)
Amount In Tr!nurer'a builds, . f loiMi.on
Ainonnt due from AkciiIk, f.J.jU.l'r,
Amount dun from otber sources,
Availuble Cnpilnl, J . . 5 r.'.l.'.'uO.HS
Iuurc j or.r CuUU".
INSC15E with n responsible nnd perfectly re
liable t'oinpai'j. Insure whero your losses
will be paid rompl'v. .
PANY. Hence, Un'lks other Companies, you tire sure
of bulng paid prsnpt:y for ml 1om-s, if insured
lu thin Company,
lli'lng mntuitt, our expensee nro tc-ii, nnd our
! Charter is Perpelu il. i e pay lumes by all kind
i of neei.leiils by ib-ath, (excepting lu r.inj of
j epidemics.) hy t'jclt, tr., Ac. W pay prompt
! ly. No r :d t.'1-e proceedings to bt.-in yoai
j money in ease ol los.
j .cnrly IJt.OOO rI! on I' tiIo:iv
' since Oftfii.ilzixt Itut.
I Look nt the li-t of l.uKe pnhl on Cow.-, n!i.:;c j
' -t " , . . this Con'panyc
I M ncnnliiL'er, Sunbury, Pa..
I O Illlgcrt. Nortliuuibuiliiinl..
George Eekeit, u .. .
' S B I Mac. "
1,1 O !
.. --10.011
...:;o.ih.i i' :
...4i".,i'0 I i
.. i'WO i
.. .KI.HO
...4'i.nO i
...W',!"! I
..0,iiU I
...iV'.W) !
...4.),H) i
....VI.'KI :
...-ri.on ;
...4J,i,u i
...411.00 '
.. 40.IMI I
,...4il,'KI ! ,
...40,l't !
...411 (HI i
... .Will i
....10,00 I
... 40.IV.I :
.. :s,h 1
...40,lsi i
...40,00 i
...e0,0il :
...uO,0() !
...10,00 i
Cl.arks Uollek, M't Cnmnji...
1 f;""'-'"5 S,J?F'-'
Cath.irjiie WuuuiT, WatiiiTown
' Ctsotft Hxir, Nortl.!inib-.r!ii!ul
' Juerili t'nyder, Smil'iui v..
t J W ll.issler, "
! Minor Cady. Dcw.irf
; Cithnnue Muitz, SIiuiuoklM
Francis Burlier, Sunbury
Samuel B Price, Upper Ltli'.gii .
Jcu ph I'cpprn, Mt Curmel
Vnlthin beliolly, "
j r ruucis Mct.iirty. "
I Maria Kramer, Watsoiitown..
; Joseph Nicely, Jr.. Dcwart
I J A liC Qitigglr. l'lne, Clinton co
! R Riimugu, Slienan loali, Sihulliiil e
J 8 Tbnrp. Shamoklu
j Thomas Wnrdrops, MlCannel
, N A Lnndenslaccr, Heriulnn
Rachel Cramer, Fibber's Ferry
G L Rengan, Ohcnaiiduuli, treiiuyikill eo.
Jacob fliine. " . " ...
! Jacob Stoltr., " "
i 11 I) linwer, llerndoii,
I lico B Lalir, Georiretwu
( John It Ossmiui. huniiirv
W It Wallace, Noilhuiiibc'tland
i It 8 Graluini, "
Rebecca Koblc, Georgetown
I J ''"'J' W "J1.1'11';'?; N '?',";V "'
i 1 tf p'"- Ll,,m' . ?L"'' ' "n ' f C" "
! LewU GM.-rbaiit. l aurel Run, Luxcrne a
I li'r.J 1.llm'' Nthuinbcrluud
..4o.(i :
' i. -V , 2 1
j ' Krolin, Sunbury
! Anilrew Ilea v. ttirai
, 40,00
Andrew Ilculy, Girardsville, heluiy Ikill co.. 40,00
: Patrick Furgeson, Mt Cr.rmel.
40.00 ;
10,00 '
4li,00 ,
.... 4'i,00 !
40,00 1
27ion 1
ao,o;i :
20,00 !
i Martin Uelam, S!i, nan toa city
' ,T"1"1 l)l"",' A-Ilbl"1' Schuy.klll eo...
Anthony McLanghliii, GIraiilsvillo..
i Lluymuu S Hny, Mahanoy Plane
j :;;Lk".:;:V
J D Focht. t ottsviile
Erast us Sober, Point twp
! A Llppencott, Wat.-ontown
,.40,oo :
.v. ...nil ..,1..... . i,i.i
, UrT , . . Ti v. , , ,'.. 1 " '
! R S All.iei-itu.u, SiiydeltiMu Sll.Ot) ,
! Nathan I!io-s, Lerwick, Columbia co .-7.0(l
! J .V C P. yulL'ticPine Stn'n Clinton i; l!d !ofs,-10.!!) i
J Charles W HuMaril, Rupert, Columbia co... t0,U0 .
John ro"''ttiniiii, WiitBoutown 40,00 ;
Patrick Hw-tcr, Mt Curmel 40.00
Ibmnns Met. Paxicos W.OO
R McClosUv, Lock Ilt'co IIH.OO
HON. A. JORDAN, President.
C. A. Rr.IMENSNYDEIl, See';,-, Saubury.
Ki-Gor. Jiuncs Pollock, Hon. C. J. ISrnntr,
Solomon r-.troh, Wtu. Biindie, Kolnnian Siiii".
John A. fchifsltr, Dr. p. T., Dr. David
Wal Iron.
Mcrrh 11, 1ST). ly.
No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Haviiijr, tarpely Increased their PLATED tVAUK
Department, cull special attention to their
Hock ol
! comrrislnp. beside their uual line of Pine
Wares of high irrndeK, a most couipli to
iihoi lineut of
reliable in quality, and offered ut 1 xcce.iiiiiy low
prices. A full Hue. of
expressly made for their retail sales aud furnish
ed in sinicle dozeu or iu complete nth, put up iu
Rosewood and Walnut Cases.
All kooU i-old on their own merits nt fixed
prices, attached in plaiu tii;ure lu each artielo.
January, 14, loTl. 1.
, 1 TflV
of fV.l Jijtids. tl llie v. 1) li,wet uiaibet prievs.
tuubu., 11. ii'- l.-t !'
.rv ... - "
LbDi'Ua VAataoOotJ,
44 .0ilTU 't Lk'tU bC, A
bprlnj tttds,
borlu ( !!,
'r'l.itii r lUti.
B ilsier and Plllo,
( ounttrpkUM,
' 1 iu foriablt,
I-11 lug Mitr(,
t ALL AMI ki t 1 UF
M ut vm tlr Mtttlrrait,
1 b 1 l ti d vr aiu-td for a!.
hL ll.-rmr Intciilluli i ilni kit tutl
. IU. aUl brriMkt ".'..
,.- ....I . 1,1 I...U. IU uui. MlW'ttl.ult.
, ...I. ... ....... . 1.. ..... MlU'i.l.itll.
ti'i hi u b-i)iet t !.-" il
ki tu i.4.
MKb tlb, l7l -bik,
I It II 111 II4I'II.
K l MlllkJ llMk. M W, IlkU blik.,
t akiM, t'l,
Hp., A ' 4)V.
Xla ki.M ft 4
kkkkit, Ui.b ". I '
4 Uk. al . t "
Ilk -v lU'Mb'ilh -r, a 1 a
Jnst opened nt the store of
Messrs. LtSIIEU k MILtER, '
' ; In Scott's Building on QUEEN STREXT,
Comiirlalrg si! ths T and Winter fitv'.o of
Lndies press (Inortu, Wooleu Goods Ac., Cloths,
Cnslmer' ats'l. Gntlemens' Goods gsneraliy.
which will nil be old nt great bargains.
of all kinds cad of every description.
Unfcnswnrc. GIaa-e and WU-low-Warc.
for Men. Women nnd Children.
FI.OCR AND FEED or all kinds, Is eon stent; y
, . kept on hnn I Tbrj wj: al pnruba
nl the highest tn.iihrt Klye, and will exchange
goo:N for Cisls.
The public nre Invlt -d to call and etnro'.ne enr
extensive ami fluent of Goods before purehsslng
elfewhere, nud bcf..;:e convinced that Goods cau
bnuglil lun -i t'u.iti eircwheia at our eslublUU-
Norlh'd, R. Jt. 17, lS70.-ly.
'cDstourXAT11? MWt SiocV
Work i the Fine8t Good8
oftheverX ATheNeWeStS,ylM5
brst character. Wa
eJJt workman
Easy rules for A . , ..
JP v ship; tho
measurementX V
prices, 4o., sentX-" yaF;,.
froo to any part of Jfc ty,
America, and good fits Tt
Gents' Furnishing
N a a .
Ruooa8. wrappers & all
tlf kinds for afl sea.
viiimiMi n wataaasa
9on8. White
Shirts a
asiuilisiiiiiyx aiy
ly lovvprices.X J,
Sixth & Market Sts. .
; STi:Ki:.iifOlPi)ai,
! 1 fc IJ. T. AXTUOXY ct CO.,
531 If roailviny, Xcw York,
I Invite the attention of the Trade to their extou
t alve iissorrnierit of the above ifoods, of their own
publication, manufacture nnd Importation. Aluo
n;;v; vir.'.vs of YOiEMiTC.
H. t H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
iOl Htoad-ity, New York.
Opposite MctropoUInn Motel,
twi'OBTr.nn t;x mamtactitiKH!! or
lMiotogrnphlc Muterip.Is
March 4th, 1871. ly.
Pouth Fourth Street, below the Railroad,
Ibe pvescit t'ne of endless fashions and Innn
merablc fty'cs require, the most dressy person to
I ne on inc nieri th oruer 10 -Kwp peace wun tn
tiine." The ti ifnlsomely iirrayed lady, as sho
! saunters nloiiiMlie street with nprelty and latest
fashion bat upon lar liead, is indeed an attractiva
j object to look upon. Minn M. L. Gotsler, the
1 popular Milliner, on Fourth "Slreel, .leiow the S.
. n. I.., caters to please ar. catisty au ner
t-tif tinners. In tier store are eer;9 of the latest
modes In nil'inery extiuil, uch as
Sash Ribbons, Oinanitiitii, Feathers, Flower,
and numerous mlicr apparel for ladies' wrs'r.
Call and see them as tliev liavolust been i
ceived. M. L. COSSLER.
0t. "3, 1.U
! THOliAS IM.PL'Y, 1
!T Souih 5;eco:d ftwei, nbovo Chestnut.'
Il.iv In ju-i oi-eue l, with. 1 laiiie nnd wiCl; 4
i. ecVcled lo-k if Kcr.-ij.:; and Domestic'
M Ciinn-tlnffs. of iol: "ly'rs and riualltles.' or.
5 Also, Oil Chilli". MuUlusfS tiif.Kvttf, Rue, I
" Mats, Blair liU, r., .'., a'l of whtoc'
J10 will sell vcrv elieiji for easli.
P. J. S'ltWAUT DF.I'l'Y, ts not at W3
60 ;rh Hovoad Ktre, t s bjt, with Tlioiua Depuy
l"co. "i, lbil. 3m.
F87l I07i.
Siic. e-it.u ; t i Ibe MiUiiir Lumber Co.,
S tec vi Saw & Pinning Mill.
an I lu-t ti'.te d It up with th. laic-t Improved Ma
tliiiiiiv, nre now pn pan-t 10 nil all or4ci
toe ii 1 1 biuib of IHLLiiVllt 11. l'INt,
lUit'uU ANDbll.l .U f.U.
DlMlK. Mlifl.lMMiit.
IILIlh, hill I i lil'.h a. ltl.l'Ur.T
at lb viy lowe-i pile,. A i;nwk l:ii
on baud, Jiru4 lo.
Amplu fm'i.ltii. lot kbippltif l' Pu'iruid 01,
ntYMffl. r f- rNc.n..
buuburyt Pa., "iiiu.i lii, 1171 a 11.
Xt irrltwl if (.usmU.
MIS' It, I VI. 11 1. At H'H KlUllt'.
Mibi li.ikir, bCXbl HY, JV.u'a.,
JitSl ui-ul, ajlaie, ku nlM.eiil if
V Hull t LU. ua GOOI'p,
ab I "I IL. Uu.l .lii U -U aud ...
; 'HBi"l I-' V
: g'li li 'l tkllf l4il".
ltj )rtmtMlM. k uibi)iar
I an I IH., As.
. k .uoklkusi or
I.AMKsi1 Mini) i:N (itls
Iimill t 'i'4l.
, i 11 I, 4li. t 'HI
!k I. IU, l ,,, fl...i
1 1 . f .u." , 1 .4 'i kji ., I tv ii I
I .
Ak Ikl Ul ii, Ii 1 t t i !
Ci,. k,,.i. .
l.lilil ! " ' V
Mkl uui wwlkai.4u.a
rf tt i'i '
.. ,111. 1. j.,. . 1
I tolwiii .1-4
I I 'i t SI, !'