Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 01, 1871, Image 3

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    iBinrouTitrirni ti, ift7t, ...
Rallfsaad Tlmt Table.
'- i't-AlT. ' o : I ' WEST. I i '
lrdo Ex. I'v t-M ft ntRrl Mall I've , ,411 nt
ii " " 10 -so ml Klinlr " ." . 4 .v p m
jfji -'" . ' - II Hpm Erie. Ex . ' .6:10 Jim
8itMll, MOSSml '
. Emlgrabt Tmia Weft arrives at 1100 a. m.
ItfftM 1. Arrive
UrMMBv AtSuuburr rw a m
4:40pml " ' 1.00 pm
leer Amtiir 4:3t A, M M and B:20 P. M. -ifiA
til SuiiJw o 1 30 A.M.. W snd U:0 P. M
Sat OaitvMIt W:G A. 31. t-M 4 10 P- M.
(U LtutvUltS:0 A. M.. 4:H sad f :6 P. M.
.... focal Affairs.
SEWING MACHINES r acknowledged tu
pcxlor to any othor now rannufitctured. Mis
0. Dallas, Marks! street, thli place, Is the agent
for tho sale of them, la this aud adjoining conn;
tlut. ' Instructions In sewing given free of charge
to all purchaser. A lot always on hand. Cult
and examine them. f". , . ',
Jcst received, a number of popular frouts and
French calf skins, at tha Regulator, . , ,
Rr. D. H. CtAitx will driver thn fourth lec
ture Ui the courso upon Liberal Chitsttunlty, at
tbe Unitarian Church, la Northumberland, ou
Sunday evening, AprlJ 2nd, 18T1. Subject 'The
liberal CUrUtluij View of Iltimau Nature.-
TREMEsnor rush to see the Ncw Goods at
Vfcitzci, uutkins s w i. i
For Rem. A house and lot.
Apply at this
Fbr IECtuRK. Prof. F. B. Dowd, the emi
nent Rosclcruclun Teacher and Lectnrcr, will de
liver, two lectures (free) in the Kunbury Opera
House, on Sunday next, April Sud, at and 7
o'clock, r. M. Subject of the afternoon lecture
will be "Religion and Its Adversaries," of tho
evening lecture, "Mnuhoodand Its Possibilities."
Let all who would hear a lecture of Ideas, (not
words,) attend these meetings.
Tub Hon. J. It. Packer, tn;'ploye4 a one of
the counsel of the caso of W. I. Circenough vs.
the Fulton Coal Company, spent all Ihi4 week
and part nf this. In this place. A there. was
nothiui; important before Congress renuirinir his
preseure, he did not return to Washington until
Wednesday last. '
Boots aud Shoes far the eoininuuKj, at popu
lar prices, at tbe Regulator.
New Furniture. A new lot of furniture has
Just beeu received at U. L. Rnudeubush's furni
ture store, Maiionlc building, Sunbury. Look
lug Glasses aud Wiudow Shades of the latest
tyles. Furniture, a large assortment of the
most Improved. A general oiitllt can be nro
carcd ut this establishment ouitaii'.u for Parlor,
Plulng Rooms, Illtvlien, lied Kuoms, Ofllccs, ifcc,
at tbe most (ecsonublu price. A call at the
etorc will convince all that It U the best assortment
yet brought to this place, . - 1
At tha monthly mcctlug of the Bnnbury Ac
rommodntion Saving Fuud and Loan Associa
tion, on Monday evening lat-t, $000 00 were sold
to tho highest bidder at the rate of ubout 20 per
ceut. interest.
Hemlock, Spaninb, and thuighler fvlo leather
at the Ki'guUtor. ' .
Trtu number miu, who is numbering some
of onr dwelling without any lawful authority,
and what Is worse, putting up small figures, and
these fometiines Wftjnjf end foremost, Is mill
Yursuing his business. He coutends that the Chief
Burgess' permission is equivalent an to order of
council, iiii'.l some people are foolish enough to
believe him.
The four new buildings uow in the course of
erection ul thu comer of Third and Market tts.,
by Mr. Ira T. Clement, will make a handsome
Improvement whon finished.
Tits Jury in tho ejeetiiieut suit of Wai. I.
G.-eeuough vs. the Fultou Coal Cpinpany, after
being out ubout 21 Houm, .cauie Into court for In
formation, but not bc.iug ublo to ugree, came in
nguiu and were finally discharged... The argu
uients of counsel, Hon. J. B. Packer and J. W.
t'oiulcy, Esq., for piuiutitf, and Judge Woodward
' and F. B. Gowtn, Esq., of Philadelphia, (or de
f jiijents, wore liateued to with cousiderublc Inter-
-.t n-l... .,..u'., I iit-nm.rtv wnrth cVfF 17011.-
(;0J. -
TliB base pieces for the llioutlineut of the UtC !
E. Y. Bright, E -iu., are complote.l aud may be
seen at the marble yard of W. M. Paugherty, on Square. The mouumeut when Unished
will be, perhaps, tho most beautiful Iu design, of t
uuv In this seetion of country. It cost wlll be I Auu.tor, Johu Swim Hard ; I leik, ii l.cllz. 1
, ... . . , Lewis Justico, Joint Mel uriund ; Constable,
l.!io.l. There is probably uo marb.e yard out- Fraukn Wol-( Asesoi., John Yerg, Siepheii
side the clly.whore bitter work U turned out.thatt , aUtia, John liariuuii Sup., Johu Yerg ; Abra
th it of Mr. D.iughcrtV. Better workers In mar- , bam Wertinau; Jud:r, I M Arthur ; lus.. An-j
bin cannot be found Anywhere than Mr. Daugh- I "l'T '
erty, and our old frleud, John A. luyior, wuose
tr.i,..i 11 -:. it-mo- nit.1 .1 k ii'iilti if. it annear i
da.j not JiniiiiUh any iu his udvuuccd years.
Tub Red Men's Hall iu Henry llanpt't nrw
brick buhdiug, ou Market street, bat beeu neat
ly titled up darliig the past week, by Shu bo-mo-kin
Tribe. No. O'.i. I. O. of R. M. The llull Is
.ouo of the be.i lu this place, aud every- i
1 Ui:i4 looks mat uud comfortable. Tbt inera-j
bcr. propose to dedicate II ou the lourili of July
next. Aitlie Hull -t .aul'.leully cupnciout fur large
bodie. of nieu I. meet iu, il wlll Uiukt a very i Bcllotli ii,rci-i.,'r, II U Ulslia, N Urower i Over
tuitublc for the Gitwt Council lu hold their i seers of Poor, Adam Keu.bul, Daulel lloisbue
t imi-uuuuu'. .eslou lu, which (jeneral'y meets lu
tb eouuiiy Uurlus; tho .uiuiutr soa. Aud t
thi. plaid is the most centra! III the State, and
e isy of acee.s by rail, uo better loeatlou could
l thoeu f'.r niittirgt uf Grand Linlgct.
Ox Jal-irlay last, a l.-h-.-ram w is reeelvsd t
thi. place to arrest a mail
oa llu arrival of IhJ luornl. i,' t ruin, for passing money ul bci niton, Pa. IW.Uolo
l' m ulu tho aiK-.l uud look bint belorslV
Uc-4id, Uo.MiiliiUId blut to pil.uu, belt
ha rvuiaiael until Moii.h.y luoimuK, wbvu It.
uk -a to Uat tU4 county by Moody,
of that piuyu. W. U lU,' that suit uuiHbt-r
uf tlic.u cuuuteikdurt buvo UUl) uvea gobbled
up lu ditf rei.i turi. uf ibl. tu;. Wt M- u
ss 111 UiM lint liiuk t clean s.osp nu4 clear
ihtiu ail otl. Wg ai. luluimed Ib.l IUsi. tit
s.n.lul !:. 4l su.pu-Uid ef .butluK lb ''iUf"
I I 4 bail Led lobe. Iiulu Ibis pise.
V tVWIIlltlSMi'.u l'4 deuUI ij Ik 4.1V,.rl,
. lpl lb l b 44 Iteslt. la uU
OS baluida) I tl, lie-.. 11.11, l, , uf iblt (ilsot,
HI, .1. a.
m to'tot iottllU.lall4..4iMd,au4u4lUi j lUlt .ij, 4,,,, a iu, J4jut..u
Dial, lu I .- Ut I'b.i4"i( ttiui, llw j b. b"4 I'iioIui., im ttuuuiu, tb. biiou., f U ui uf i-4 niiil.l4 Ut Mr. I bbsb.i , t.w... ul f.f, J-tu Wuib, Uk.t
i-ii-i- -t,.. tuboia I.... .b,:,. T .u,
lUv L,Ul.i bisttl 1 4 I ill. I lls ''. to-1 llV J lUlllb., llSWI,! '.U.S.I., lias
'IUj a.u;i.ui M-.s. 4 lb l.u -t lb I b.Js.1 I buu , ItU'f'. b-..w.l Ada.,
. ... .1 l-.,.i,iu... 11.. LkuAi.u ! 4 '' '1 H U-'MU '. J-bi
. - - - - - .
W.IS lliiu.b bsl ut tk)f, bt u.s.l..J
M.-4 tUbuu tujsll. lu. IN U lai.t.'-t
tbi kl.,.i , la il.4 tbt 4j sbl
tit tu4 'b. Ubib . iwb.4 Ik. tui u4
tbt ktl- Ut bb Mkm iiit b'Usy i
41 bit btf t
, Below wo pnbllsb the proceedings of tbe Ag
ricultural meeting fiqll n Hit Arbitration rooms
on the 13th ult., for' tho btneflt of onr farmur
friends, which we ropy from the QnttH of last
week. Had the officer notvJielllcctcd to furnish
ns with n copy ibr-Wr ls,t sbuc ns promised,
tlicy would have Ipsa published In our last weeltSs
pwnY) r V t rf
County met In the Arbitration room In the Comt
House, la BunVitt, r.iHc 13ttjjltn, ntcbttllng
to previous police, President John McFnrloud,
In the' fMlf'y T$er belnfe' thirty -tlx' rcgntM
prattnt, and answered to tbclr names.
It was, movod and adopted thai flit Executive
uoinmioee consist of 13 Bicmbars, n follow
1 .wntsontown borough,
8 Milton, N. IV., !
8 Milton, 8. W., '
4 Rush township,. ', mi
6 Upper Augusta, . ,
0 Chilllsquitqiie twp.,
7 Delaware township;1
8 Tin-but Township, .
U Pohlt township, , ;'
L. O. Btlcker.
J. H. MoCormlok.
Edward Urady.
(Jeorire Gaul.
Vf. S. foresmun.
Jo. Nicely, Rr.
Win. Wnldroii.
Thoutas Johnoii.
10 '6rtbtimbcrlnnd Borough,
. , Jos. bird.
:' Jos. Eyster.
11 Siihbiirv; W. W. : -1
14 Sunbury, E. 4V
13 Lewis totsyishlp,
14 Lower unhnuoy,
15 XtcEwensvllle, -14
Lowei! '.UKUFtai
, M. Bartholomew.
J. McFiirluud.
Pi ter Uorrol, Br.
O.' W.r Armstrong..
Lsmuol Shlpnran.
. Solomon Martz.
17 Mianirtkln lowii&lilp,
Slmujoki'i liurougti , S. John.
It was moved and Jopt4 that the Executive
Comnilttee meet at the Court House, IriSiiubury,
Monday,' March S0th.J871,'ht. One.oelock, fbr
the purpose of electing 'oiS oils' to servo during
Ou1 motion, Bdjonrued. ' ,vl "'. "'!;'' '" x
"- - ' 1 joix McFatttkjro, ' ,
' Attntt '; ' ' '. prwidenti'
John n. Vincenl, 1 ) . r'.n-n,- i
:. f - O. V. Armstrong, ' ...
Hl'sdi'ht'MatcYi 20, 1!)P1.
In pqrsaance xt tbe 'tfsoluflptj falling the
above Executive Committee to meet nt tho Court
House In Sunbury, oq Monday; Mareu' 20th, the
said CdmmUiec met nt said time and place. 1
e By'rosolutlon, Jarob M. Follmer was called to
the chair, Oiid Lemuel Shlpmau choson Secre
tary. The roll was railed and foUrtqcn of the
Comiplttce answered to their names. The fol
lowing1 olDcexs were elected for the nsnlDgyear i
Joseph Bird, President I John MeFurland, of
Dcwait, Vice President 6. W. Armstrong ; Re
cording Secretary ) Lcmool ,8hiprcun, Corres
ponding Secretary i J- H- McCormick, Treas.
'Joseph Bird, John MvFurlund, of Dewart, and
Edwanl Orwly, a commlttoe to oUoad tha iuutt
ing of the Statu Agricultural School to bu held In
Centre county, t , . f '
On motion, the President was directed to Issue
a call for, the Executive Committee to meet nt
the Court House, In tliu Borough or Sunbury, on
Saturday, April 29th, 1071, to receive proposals
aud tlx the time and place for holding the next
Agricultural Fulr of Northumberland couuty.
In pursuance .and by authority of the above
Kesolullon, I hereby Usuo my call for all parties
luter.s'ed to hand hi the';" proposuls previous to
or ul the ubove named time of meeting.
Joscru Bnto, President.
L-. Smruil, Ste'y.
Tin following are the township officers elected
nt the Vast Gcucra Election, for the diucrcnt
township offices In this couuty.
Vy rr.n Mahasot Constable, G. W. Hornbcr
gcr ; Assessors, Joseph Frger, Abrubaiu (jeist,
M 1) Paul i Supervisors, Geoigu Fetterolf, V D
Paul i Judge ol Election, John. Keillor ; Inspec
tors, Win Berglio'ic, Jacob M'assfr ; School 1)1
rertore, Joseph K .Ma.irer, Ellas Thomas ; Over
soers of Poor, paniel Snyjer, .Josejih K Maurer:
Treasurer, G. W. Horriuergcr ; Auditor, James
G Maurer; Clerk, James J Maurer.
Cameuox Crtustuble, John F j Asses
sors, C K Wfiklc, JG Ilauja, J F Kerstetterj
Supervisors, Peter Wcilsle, George Hornbcrger ;
Judge, D I) Kerstciler i Inspectors. Dnii'l llaupt,
Peti'i Welkle , School Directors, ilenrv Otto, C
11 Boycr, C K Welkle ; Overseers of Poor, J It
Iteker, G Z Smith; Trenthrer, John llaupt;
Auditor, Peter Sehleii't ; Cleik, John il Kramer.
Lowr.u Al OLbTA Constable, C A Conrad ; As
sessors, lli'tjry Ulooin, K S lletiitt, Joel Vordy ;
Sup., Thos Snydur, (iideon Wolf ; Judge. James
D Lyttlc Ins.', Matthias Conrad, Alex artman;
School Directors, 11 K Myers, S 1. Yordy ; Over
seers of Poor, Peter Dunkelberger, Henry P.eltz;
Auditor, T J Reun.
Tl'ubi't Constable, Abraham Kissinger ; As
sessors, William Wamrou, Jllcnaci ruriey, i.nas
Iloitcnstein ; Sup., Samuel Jacoby, David l ink ; ! Unucb uicdinui, but compact nnd heavy shoal
Judge, Solomon Baker ; Ins., Samuel Everett, J dcred ; bery pale yellow, covered with a whito
John Ditnkle ; School Directors, Win Wldenham- i bloom ; perhaps a trille smaller tlun tho Con
mcr, J W Huithr; O. of P., Jacob Slumm, cord; round, pulpy, but tweet us honey, witli
Mustek Ilorloeker Auditor, Peter J Criste. i only enough pf tho' foxy aroma to give il a char
JoHitAX Justice ot the Peace, David Winner ; I acli r j Juicy very good. I esteem it inoro
Cons., John P Troutmaii ; Assessors, G W Trout- 1 iii lily than any other white grnpe 1 have, tit it
man, John Tronxuiuu, Ellas bowers ; Sup., M I) ,us tint healthy habit and vigorous growth of its
Buhner, Join Kissinger, David Troiitninn, (the j lmrcnt, and promises io make un evellvuit white
two latter a tiu vole); Judge, M D Bobner ; Ins., ' wine. Hangs to the biiiicli'well, uud will ripen
II 11 Sbaille, David Geise ; School Directors, some days before the Concord. "-Geo. Husmasn.
Emanuel Bobner, Jacob Tobias; O. of P., Jos "One ofthc finest grapes I have ever ta.-ted."'
Williamson, Pete-r Bwnrtz ; Treasurer, Johu I Taos. Mecuan, f.'u'. liunUwr't MuntMij.
lloluier ; Auditor, Petel Troutmuu ; Cluik, Solo- I t is large iu lis berry anil bunch, more shoul
liiou Smeltz. i dered than the Concord ; pale yellow, Willi u doll-
Li i-ii.e M HA!oYJustlce, A B t.enkcr ; Con- calf bloom ; low soedr, and tUeso small, no pulp
stuuie, juun n inennrii ; Assessors, r.oas a i.en-
ker. 1 l Raker. John Ilensvl ; Su;iervisO-s, Win
Derr, F.lias I'eifer ; Judge, E D Raker ; Ins., I S
taller li votes laelil ; hehuol liireclors, Jonn
llensyl, Wm l Kuker; .Overseers of Poor, 1,1)
Raker, Samuel -DoriiMle ; Treas., Daniel Wuguci;
.M(.j-iirmnd, Levi Follmer ; Treasurer, G A
Wykott ; Auditor, Jared S llaruiau Clerk, U A
CeiAt Ju-iliee. Frank Strawser ; Con., Patrick
Ready Asocssors, Anthony Gillespie, Charles
Mart I, A A llinio, Hii)iervisors, Patrick Uurk,
Edward Rraiinau i Judge, Patrick yiilnn lus.,
Ik-niiis Dowmy, Frederick Albert i Bcluxd Di
rectors, Mutlitw Kearuey, (ieorge Kuli.brakur
Overseer, or Poor, Putiick Keurury Auditor,
Th"inus Fruueis.
Jai'Kxin Constable, I 0 Blllnmn i Assessors
E U, Pelur Buhner; Jacob Howert Hup.,
; David Buhner, Adam Z.irliuuu I Judge, Klius 6
. i... i n 11..11, ii it i ...,..,i,.i-r
Treas., 1 U 'fiwaleri Auditor, J U UUibu.U
ChiW, G W Ivoble. ,
Lui- MaiunuVJu.Hcs, Jabti M Lcnktr i
Con.., b.iiniiel It. A-ioi, Jacob Snyder,
Jr., Dav.d seller, Itt-in-vUle Wi'.itur :,
Jot bpatt, laau Plcblil Ju,i-e, TobU l.ollg I
u, taa. Us key, t -uW 'ihur.iout bebool
lliMtois, H M Uutib, J.oiib llepiier 0cr.rt rs
ol li .r, J iii.iIIijii Lower, kuitiuul hsil ( Aud-J
' llor, JueoU taloiin i Irrk, Hon), tmoluiau.
a.iiisu iosJulu, J.itiu I re.. I. r j Cutis., 1
! 0 II Itolliiiau Aucttor., II b lt lis, P Fci.ter, '
IHtUIUel ll'.bll blip., Juliu Daultil, b ti Rrilt
J folhce, A H I i"W I nil. . I iiruinm-iii'i, il A
1, reh.d Dir.-. t..r, U Ii LmI.Iiu, 1 IUdi
Ov.iseist '4 l'l, It 0 II .Mia il, Prtur t ti.Uf
lio-u-, A II licun , Audil.'i, JuliU r.l.lel,
I'.ilM -4 on.., 1'ali.l MllU-r A..wil, l! M
I.e-lu r, Vfi Hues, Li V MellS I Blip., 'I holUa.
J,.b...Hi,b..i lu. l Vill .rdi Judut, Plnlip GibU-msi
u. Ili-uiy SS siu,l-iut oUUKi bi buol,
J tiukju, lbsb ioUu.uu i UaiMii ol I'.sur.
Wm lii..l), J It lt.ji.ri AuJitui., Iboiwu It
Wdli., t jiu.. 'l t' -V.
I tri,u Ai i.l .l-l Phi lp Fisnk i At
.....!., U K'-Ui.., Ii- jV.'U liiiii'ii-r, JwUu
k.koull 1 bup., lskl H t-lpq, Geo luoio iuiaui
Jule, l-.dii Sis.lHli In.., Duttl It Vlullik,
' bulilU' I t ilUr t JI l'J...M, Jar, 4, I l.ull,
I J .b.i It kau. U .4 I Jul, Juuu tVii,
. xl .ilia lux 1 A u llor, Juku I i.uiilt.
Ul s 4tt 4 ..ilal..t, uum lt.ll.1 I A-M..-
I ..,;.. . uu.. .... laaluul .l.k !
U.J a .J ii.. ...... 1 ... .. .. 1 11 ...... Jk.v.
'.. It II 1.41 lu... I.IH.-. ".
11. ....... ul f.., KkM h-u..u.' W.u
ls 1 Imui At ....! , t uib, bwti
' ' . 1L ' . . u. .
it b. tt H1.u1 uu . ti.,'u.u lU.ui i
Ib4tjb. wtl Usst, U, ubt t ",, 1 Jtub
Martf t Pchool ulrectois, Henry J Ronn, Colo
man K Sober Overseer of Poor, Franc's Bower,
Lyman 8 Weaver TtiHeWr" War., Br. ; Aud
itor, Alfrod L Bastress ; Clerk, R J- Lnrman.
tntn.Msor AQtr Juttt''e N V vPurdy l Cona.j
Wm Stiver Assessor, 6 'Wl rr, Bij Rton, 8
II Rliter; Jos 8nyor, I'nrieWqe Bellnsl Judge,
Jonathan Rlshelj Ins., D Rnningardner, A Aln
mnn feVlisol Pllrpctors, J it JawleV; PWrrTorls;
Overseers of Poor, John M lUls'li-- ' Troxel ;
Auditor, James VArtcttlit.'' - "
Susn Jusfioc, Robbie H Cilthbsrtu Cons., Jo
Fnx Assessors, Jasper Hunthawout, J H Cal
e4t, Ssmnel Herder Sup., Aaron Sober, Abnu
hatrt F.ekman Judee, William Johnson t Ins.j
John Mensch,1 O P Pntton School Dlreetnrs,
Bnlomon Pensyl, Iwac HoMmnni Oearhart School
District Directors, C A Guliek, John grants, O
P Geurharf, UcnJ O Welch, Wm Faux ; Over
seen of Poor, I) C Campboll.'Wm. Clark ; Aud
itor, Edward Grady t Clerk, John Mettler.
Mt. Caiimrl J nt Ice, John Folpy ; Constable;
Andrew Martin) Assessors, Mtliow Calagcr.lVter
Ryan; Ins., Chna Cnnnhii'; HHrnireC Mcfnndrcw ;
School lilrectnrs, Patrick MitiO'.Tl'Chunch'llli
Overseers of Poor, -Austin Haley, Michael Cor
coran t Auditor, Dunlsl McCandrew.
i The following Borough ofllaers were elected at
llio same time as those of the townships : '-.
Mii.tox Chief Bitrgess. Thoma R null i Assistant-Burgess,
' Milton Hcrrt High Constable,
Undrew S Jordan ) Assessors, John Miller, Al
bert Cadwnlnrler, Williamson Marsh I Common
Coifiiril,. Softur i WTtnjfriCi'in
H'oi'iJ S L Finney ; O.vereriira of 1'nor, N W
Wm Strlne; A W Ilem v . Harris i Judges'of
F.lcction, N"W A C l.oi.gon ; S W Juiuc Jl
Miller i .Inspectors, N W -Jidiu M Caiwell, Jos
Ciilwcll; -SWMt f HifflVM, i'A ffnmmersi
School Directors, N W Lee M Morton 8 W
L L Hldloman ; C'onstahln, N W Johrt P Punl-ni-u-s,
8 W-Jolin P Summers Auditori, Thos
Merviiic, 1 year; Williamson Mnisli, !t years.
I iNpimtl JVHSiii.AXp Ghjef Bnrgiiii C'BtSmith,
fSmitli since resigned nnd A bin Veils elected ;
Counoll, lllrrtin irouiig, Vf T Forsythe, W H
Lclghow, James Tnole, AH Stone, lJeuJ Heekcrt;
Supervisors,. C B Ren n In gee, Edward Anthony;
Overseers nf Poor, Peter" VandMng, Alex Colt ;
Jfldtre, J D Sinter ; Inspeiiors, Wm II IdtrrlsWn,
W J OnskinS : School Directcrs, Jiisjx'r Gossler,
J O Tracy ; lllirh C'ohtab!e, Thos Jordan Con
stable, Joseph JoIiuon ; Assessors, J P Hllkrt,
Wm II Wnplc, John F Hi'dline.
. Sihmokin Bnrirc!', J H Zimmennan Conri
ell, Vnl Fagely, Wltli.r.gfon Lnk, U 8 Atff ker,
Iwuic May, Jos Tlmlncs, John K Campbell ; Jus.
tire, John Caldwell; Overseer of Poor;-William
Fugi-ly ; Judfe, Jonas L Gilger; Inspector, J W
YrtHfiir.'J Weaver vSehool Diroctor. i J John,
W W Wary: IMgli Constable, Isaac Folk; Con
stable, Win It Erdman i Auditor, Wm H Doiity ;
Assessors, Harrison lleniie, Levi Shoop, Daniel
Mt. Caiim!:;. Riirgcss, IT T John ; Cornell,
Wm Sterling, Michael finUle, David iinis,
Isaac yollUter, John 7clinrich, 7enry Guliek ;
Jutices. 11 D Rolliermel. D I Lewis i Oversceis
of Poof, Ahm Camp, Jonathan 7onver t Judge,
dolin melier ! inspectors, t runk rrrstng. yenrv
Tregcllas ; School. Directors, 7bnry lie, I S
McWil'.iains, Johulioup; itch Ciinstuble, EB
Stillwagner ; Constable, (i,M Wagner; Auditor.
Jot Gould s- Assessors, Dauiel Verb, Saniuej
Mni-sdcn, Mathias Scholly. . .
McEwESHVii.LE Burgess, I'phralm Everitt j
Council, ye.nry Wesuer, John P Beard, John
Roush, John T Derr, Aleni Mauser, Jus Gully )
Justice, i'iiiy Reeder ; Overseers of Poor, A
Gully, James P.odnrmcl ; Judges R W Liiwall;
Inseetors, K L Irwin, James Armstrong; School
Directors, F 11 Cruvcr, E 'Iru.ckeiniller ; igh
Constable, Jos Gold ; Auditor, G W Armstrong ;
Assessors, Wm B "Irwin, Hi Reader, Win Mont
gomery. ( '
TfKni-TVn.t.E Chief Burgess, Jno oof Coun
cil, Ttot llarr, Chas McLain, L Gurmiin, 11 &
Faber, James D Barr, If Rayp ; Overseers of
Poor, (eo P Knmp, Peter Wagner; Judge, David
Fowler; Inspectors, John C Lcwars, Edwin
Qulnn ; School Directors, George. Treon, Christ
Wagner; JUih Constable, Jus V" uj'lrr ; Con
stable, John Lamphar ; Auditor, A S Wugner ;
Assessors, Robert Fruit, I.awreuce Carman, J I)
Barr. .....
Watsostowh TlurgeM, riilllp Shay ; Coun
cil, Wm Wagner. F 11 Knight. 'E Osborne, Silas
Rnnibach, C O Baehinan, Jos ollopeter; Over
seers of Poor, John Foglcmun, John Ulrlch ;
Judge, Thos Barr ; Inspectors, J W' Messenger,
John Cooner ; School Directors, M O Ilert, S
Bradley, K Whitman ; 7igh Constable, S G
Plait; Constable, James Cuininings; Auditors,
J M Irwin ; Anaceors, Jos Everilt, Samuel Mil
ler, Johu Orr.
Tub Mauttia GnAPii WntTis Concord. The
Martha liils a want long felt for a lirst-elass
. 0'rapt. ., We subjoin a few testimonials iu
reference to its merits, aud might udd many
more :
' "The most promising of all the new seedlings."
"This new grape, grown from tho eed of the
Concord, by that enthusiastic horticulturist,
Samuel Miller, promises to he one ol the great
est acquisition to our list of real I V hardv and
i good grapes w hich Vayo lately come before , the
I- Dubiic I
"H has fruited with me the last extremely un
favorable season, and has stood the hardest test
nnv grane could he nut to. without Uiiiching.
wnrtn iLe name, una, as many exclaim un e.iiiug
it, 'sweet as honey, with a line plcy aroma ;
perfectly hardy and hi-ultliy. It L, ly a word, a
white Concord, with all llie excellencies of that
grape, and with merits uf its owu. S. Mli.LKK.
11. U. Musser, who Is an authorized ugeut for
C'uinmlngs A Co., of the "Knox nrterie,w t
Pilt.sburg, who are the sole proprietors of this
new grape, lias ordered a limited number of these
vines, which will be sold at the nursery prices.
Any other small fruit will bo ordered und sold on
the same terms, or !0 per cent, less thuu those of
tree pedlars, besides being warranted.
N. F. Llghtntr's Rrgnlator. Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Leather and Shoo Findings.
It I .xpected that tho money market will bt
niucb ra.ier alter tbt tlr.t of April.
Tut wutor wat let Into Hie Sui)a.hauu and
Tide Water Canal on Saturday last.
Wont cu tlta HkiU-oad ttildj;, at Stllnsgrore,
was resumed U'l wce!.
As att.ui4 at biijuway robbery wat made ou
tbt lltji ult ., on Valley road between
Troxelvllla and C'cbtrtvtl'.e, Snyder cuuuly.
Ik TTtiiMii k is taid l.i b a remedy for dyspep
sia. It should v druck ul Weals lu lieu uf eotleo
unt leu. ' 1
Or.ii.ii tuvt valy feiur week lorvlulb tbelr
f .vur uut iavor. -
Now it tb liiuv to r.-so I your yaid, tud Ul It
liuvv Uu btu.UI uf lb tuu.blut tad showers.
VVciliel, Gaskiu. 4 Co. aiv (jlo.lng out u chuirt
tut w( tJiif kb al Fluttr at i 1.04 uer.satk.
l) M-n lay of Ul mirk, tu ir li tltj cou.
vtyiuif II-J4. J. tL futkir, i rrUt,
ttu. IUU fiuiu lUi. pue Ul lluillobur, 5b Uillo.,
lu out buur su I tu ml.iuio.
Tiiiutr tu.l ( t.suudi4 Hhawlt at Wtlu.i,
Ga.slu. A to'..
Gtkit' Stit Ficiirh fulf, Uo loe lloolt, illub
tJ b-atuiu, ul the )i. ul.ilor,
Tiisk ti.iiujud lut'f upuu lUt sy p f.yof
piiiiH uu buu4u Ui. buutr uuiumu4 full.
lu abuui u.aiu tud euulluucj fur lutu ibt bWU
U uft tlutb flsbx, leudvll.ij' pidulltlLlUui kt
llwliwuMs t Wubt bt twult4.
Al t Rubber West, kt l!4abbl'ucl4Urs' pllkvt,
bt U U guUioi.
Mb. biis It. Ibbit, Jr., vt bt, a.bu., Vl ,
biu .tuuipima iu bin b kk4 Ut, J.a lb,
b.t sll., I b) l.s Ktal dl.. L.urf.
Its) kk. All. Le.l b.14 b b'U.lsl tr'"4'ul
..I M ... , 1 . I.... . . ...
Iu U' " I""
V"1 1 Sb'-l lu l -Is b4l J, f, twill, M.. ti.
''" r-.nb .luv. iblt t, Ut Ub l-
l "lt tw b Uiw.Wt iMsttjt tb bit tub4t
' itvti.tjftkli tt tMIl
3imfnT!rM' Harhli fccmifaia"f TWc
call at the Excelsior Boot, and Shot Store of W.
II Miller, and-piMw- piitr'-of bill thick soled
boots or shoes. - They are cheap,' aud will save
heavy doctor bills ('(
Titr property on "nlnnt street, this friaco, of
the lute Rev. J. V. Sltlndd,' wits 'recently taken
sil loftT1seJ ivldiuttld
Mrs. BenJ. Hendricks iyi lIrAi 0: Vf. Bhlndel,
erecpt tls9,torjer l;wWljM4ld jit p'ibllc
sale. , "...jj i. ,;.; !' "Wl
JTnk 'first W Aia list rn Wmocrfttle candldntes
1 aniiounred fii this week's J)nnotrcA. M. E.
BdcMMttBotimei kiwpcli" as a ramlVbf fuf ft
nomination forCountjr Commissioner, and proml
c,'dt elceled, tft tranoict fi itutitt "J the ole
' Mr. JonitCutr, of- Javksoii.'townslilp who
had hi font Yinuhsd .re!eh(Ty by'acnr on the
Zerbe Valley R., R.', had Ills leg amputated ou
th8 S3d;vtt.l Drs. Rakers performed the opera
tion. " . : V -.' i i
9. 'fl.' 8mhh ttits'been appointed Tost Master at
Green. JJrcr th'f '",' place of Rev. J.
Fi it.'.ijgcr,' rcVlguccV.' ' M r. PrW ii rigcV 'littend ii
moviogVo' Asiilnndj Schuylkill county.
- CorrtspiiiUcuw ..-. . j i
Mt. Cahmul, MAacn 2Sth, 1371.
Messrs. KriToaS i- : ' ... - .
A lodge af Good Templars
has been Instituted' In onr little borough within
the past wecu, and propilses to b.ii a strong and
Influential org.Tnlxatlon.' A great n
orE;aTiiziitn. .i Emu many oi our i
lendhig eitlxens and tlieir Ladies are taking nil
Interest in its wulfare, and Us suocc'ts cannot bu
doubted. There certainly is a wide tUld tn ac
tion li liu borough, ami we prophesy good re
sults from Its action iu our midst. When the
ladies take an luVerest ln.un onterprlsc,or organ
ization of any kind It 6';iiera.lly U a grand suc
cess. '
The Mt. Cannel Cornet Bind ha become one
of the Institutions of the ISormgh. nnd has on
several ncrnoloiis'treatcd the cUizjns to Pome of
their delicious nimlc. Their progress has beeu
wonderful Indeed, having ohly be;ii orga'jiiled
about two months, and received lint four leSs'ons
from lliclf teacher Mr. Dnsrh from Ashland.
Their prdnclciicy spenkt loudly of Mr. Dusch's
ability as a teacher. Tlieir rapid progress may
be partly attributed to the fuel, that quite a tiu:n
ber of them have been members ot bauds In other
loci lilies. .
i hero Is nothing new to report as regards the
coal trade In this section.
Much anxluty prevails to hear of the verjiet of
Z i
There vary few tiersous here that- think anv !
goodwill result from the Investigation, us the
Legislature Is powerless to pui;ish cither, party.
Ji is looked upon us a graud political farce.
. ,i , l ours, -. 1 For.
Lowr.u AuuVMA, Murch 29, 7'J71.'
Mr. Wilveht Is there much money In the
Trensury, or in tbe bands of favored collectors T
Why do you nsk such Impertinent questions I
Because, sir, I am an old tax-pnyer,'iind Mint
r. have n right to know irncrs th muitctj gott.
The candidate for the sullrages of the tax
payers next full tiro inaptly old lounger about
F.,n""' imi m iniK-ny uiu i....i.i;crj
mo loun House, niwnys ashing ror, ann n-civ-
lug olllce never e.-ith-llcd living on tho hard
working voter's subsi-.iiice. Must the 10,ooo j
voters of our county grow crny and be worn out nt
litsnl labor, to keep-u telnet fow huynllieial beg- j
gars in oflice for life f What has become of the
g.od old Democratic Jackson principle- of "rota- ;
lion in olllce"! Is all the menial capacity o '
the county enclosed between the Susquehanna on
tli West, and Sunbnrv Gut on the enstt
In an old A'.- T. Iji'tlgtr, Vol. 21, No. 4S. pago I
4. 1 llnd the following i Rule 0. "If yon h-ive
concluded to ro6 on a grand scale, become be- j
forehand nn active political partisan. Your zeal j
n a politician mat stand you In good stead if
brought to book, especially if your party happens
to be in po-o'er.' . "
Rule 7. "The safest way to peculate Is to get
nn olllce, nnd use tbe puh'lc money."
Of course, I do not wnnt to Insinuate that our i
candidates would think of adopting these N. Y. I
Rules for their guidance. Oh, no. "They servo .
tho public for the people' floojf.'" not for
mvney. "Jake." j
.(.' Bnsluess , Notices. j
Watches, Jewelry, Silver tnd. Plnttd Ware ;
constantly ou hand, at the old and reliable es- I
taluishment of Isaac K. Btuntler, 148 North
Second Street, Philadelphia. Read curd lu this i
Issue. .
8. llnnzrrLDEn, on Third etreot, ha Jnrt open- .'
ed a splendid assortment of Spring Clothing of
the latest styles,' which' aro'not turpassc l, for ,
either beauty or qnnllty. ; ) '
New Piano Stools at t4 and IB, Just rirclve.l ;
nt the Music Sturo of II. B. Masscr, All kinds
of niuslo and musical instruments ordered and ;
sold nt the lowest prices. Genuine Italian
Strings, ami all othor articles In tils lint war-j
Milled of the best quality. I
A sri.ESPiri assortment of ladles' spring hats'
tyt just been openod at MHss M. L. Gossler's
Millinery store on Fourth street. Ladies should
not forget to cull and take a look tit them.
', Where is It We hav hoard iau ask
wlieic IudcpcnJence HtH Is, hut WC 'ha?B never
' yet Diet one who did not know ,tbat the great Onk
llull clothing house of Wunnmnkcr A Brown is
nt tha south cast corner of Sixth and Market
streets, Philadelphia.
; Tub Croquet Shoe, novelty, elegant and com
fortable, at, the Regulator. .
Pianos and Qmoaks. Tho subscriber, agent
for the best Pianos und Organs In tbe world, will
guaruutee thepi for tlvoyoar aud sell tha cheap
er than any traveling agent can alford them. But
(Irht-class makers employ no tuch agtuts. .II. B.
Mntr. " ,'
Tin' Music store; of IT. D. Masse bat bet re-
n,.,l ....a .nm. 1.111 h. rnnslnl.tlv In lit.
tendance.' Ntw niutlc, Violin itrlngt, Picture
frames, Painting, Chromoa trod Lilbogrcphs,
w.iil be furnlsljed at tbt very lowest price. Pi- j
uno, Organs and other musical instruments, I
art uot only wurruuled ltiiUullty,hultobo much
cliauper tkun uuy told by Irrespou.ible traveling
a.. ... , . ,, .... ... mitrai ir "i.i '
Ike Regulator. '
. . ,0
LLOMNO PtiXCEt or UfUAVHN A tfrto., 40 S.
Tuntu Stki-kt, PtliMbburuiv .9 o'uIuck, r. M.
-Muroh UU, JbTl. '
C. B. B't of 'St..
" 'CL.
" " 'Ut..
ui'. n-.'i
nn; ni'
11U', lo,'
,110', 1 10
10T' I0li
uti; uvi
" 'lS, uew
tbitt tbb'
st.t tttbt.f .
" 5'. 10-40'vT
l. S. M Ycui I) per vcul. Cy
biliur ,
I u ion pueiuc U. il.' 1. M. BouJk.,
tuiitrul I'.icillo )i. R
1' Piieilli Laud I'lraul Bond...
tin no-;
liMjij inn
frptrhl jpclixts, :
(of b Kellul ullil Cum ill I lie tilling uud
I uluilUttuU. ou Frlmlplit uf l 1'l.iUu
Ibi. . Lu. v. lb. trior. u( Vuutb, and lb
t.iln. .uf Ate. lb i.-uliuu tu MtaaiAub tud bis
lL kviui, iUi tuuiury kkl fur Uiu .01 lie ,
bul lit. Ill cuc4 Ui..a. AJdlr., IlllNV.
AttU Aaeui lAlluS, IkiA f, 'iu.d. pl.U
m.t, li ly.
IWP'llilipl ll III il 11 II
t b
lu ll.l. plu.-.'. un Fod-.y, II14 ;'tib u'l , Mr.
( II tlil l'b UU K( 4bv4 d( va, a wuutbs tkd
vt 4a).
Mr, bcik . buowu lu Ult pail b( tuuii.
Ii bt b iis4 vlt.t b.bk lu lU busluM t a
pUliir, bttli'tf duu ibsi buik tit lb iluip4l
kuildikft w tki '..uiljf. Jl bit buiH.Iai lu
ul I
bll ku, 4.ii., tid U..4 k44.y fil.l. Ill
ln.i.l.,1 aeit 14 bl le.l 1 1- u t
btl busU U If t li muiuit ul I .un 4.
bkd vM
lu X .hIi .i..i,jU.4, Mib tWb, vl
fsk.1, At Ibt I . .I....Ll. u -vt.l k4 kt.HI
V. usauj,tbs4tl snublkt.
I OUt Umi4 mil tuut U ,
i b tikktJ, It ba tjWtb
r mmn to 'jifm'.
tcvarct't as cr oris.
1 M
Kunburt' :ralu V 1'roilucc Market.
eounrxTEH wekki.t nr iui.aaniut(N9in - r;
(ln Choice Wlille WlimU..,
.:!;! :'t Ami.', 'li)ter(.f
.$1 fin
1. ,.,.!....).. .I it
i orn
ryo ur
OaiR, (112 lb..)..;
, Best Amber, Winter, per sack...
. i i . ".barrel:.
Corn Meal, per cwt.,
Butter New York
Peniisylvnriln Roll..';
Kim Per dosi'ii ,
Meath Dried Beef, pur ll.i.i.
Smoked Mutton
,1 (Ml
...'1 10
a no
....'jr" :io
...lHrt 11
, 15
" Venison
LaiiI T lb
Fish Salt White Fish, per lb
" Trout " .-.
Fresh Shad
VRUKTAl'.t.RS Turnips, per bushel..
Potatoes " '
-1 ; . " ! II 'Onions " "
Beans, " quart
1 00
1 U0
..1.V7 If
Diiikd Fhuits Dried Apple, per tb 1'.2''i.l4
PejV:bis, ,," 2llr7i:,0
'' Cherries, 1 '.
Hiacklicrrlcs i
'rCft l'.W'bCfTles.. 20
Gmkri per barrel 3 50(5-5 00
1371. , 1871.
f ' t(U II AJAI ' LA AJ1IU J-A4a
Su-ceessors to the AiBnhury Lumber Co.,J
Stean Saw & 2?.TauiiiG; Mill,
ami Just fitted it up with the latest Improved Ma
chinery, lire now prepare ! to (III u'l orders
lor nil kinds oi P ILL TIMBER. PINE,
Rol till AND SURFACH).
nt the Very lnwtst prices,
A large stock always
ou hand. Send for rt ice.
Ample facllltits for blilj-plug by Railroad or
Sunbury, Pa., February 1Mb, 1N71. Gm.
NKW ilSK.VT fetlior.
rpiin 1
JL zem
undersigned respectfullv Informs theciti-
zens of Sunbury imd vicinity, that thev hare
In DoT-a't's buUdlng.on the north ride of Market 1
gnuair, two doors from the
railroad, were they
Wlll kw.p co,,SI;mt s,ir,,;v of the best of Beef,
Pork, Mutton, iVe.. ut wholesale or retail, nt the
lowest prices aud.of the lir-t quality . A wagon
will be run to supply eusLouiers every morning,
(except Sundays.) ' The best of men t will found
at their shop. Give us a call and isatisiv Your
Oct. 16th 1Sf.'.l. tr.
To the Comminiily at Large!
I hav this day purchased the entire slock,
good will and fixtures of the Regulator Hoot,
fc-hoe, Trunk, Leather and Finding More, of J. S.
Angle, and will continue the business ul its pre
sent lofuilon, Corner room, H.iupt's Iron Front,
Market Sthket, Suxiiury, 1'a.
-When having established nrrangemerts with
the leading munrtfactnivis of the counliy. 1 pro
pose supplying the luaiket With a class of Work
ofeslabiished rciiilaliMi for durability and finish,
at prices that must claim popularity. A spe
cialty wlll bo iiiado- In the I iinil-Jiing of Shoe
makers materials for uianufucturir.g.
Your patronage U Solicited. '
8unbtiry, Jan. 51, 1S71.
,S7 South Second Street, above Chestnut, 5 j
j' Haying Just opened, w iiha large and well
e. selected slock of Foreign nud Doiaestie
Cnrpctlngs, of choice stiles and qualities.!
rj Also, Oil Cloths. Mattings, Druggets, lings,!
i.Mais, Stair Rods, Ae., Jtc., nil of which'
he will sell verv cheap for cash.
P. S J. STEWART DEPUY. is uot at 253
Souih Second Street but, with Thomas Denny.
Feb. ii5, 1871 3:n.
17 IG1ITY acres of Improved land in the be.t
14 section of Soulhei 11 Michigan, within live
miles of the town of "Three Rivers," in St. Jo
seph county, within two tulles of the Railroad
Station, good buiidings, oat hons., large or
chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school Iio'isi h and
churcbs wilhiii sight title iiidisput.tble, ten
Hercs me In w heat, the remainder iu clover so I.
A span of horses, ctilllc, hogs, giuln und farming
utitnslls, Ac., will be sold with this property.
Pricu 70 per acre. (11,000 In rash, the balance iu
time payments of 1 500. Apply to
Thieo Itiveis, Mich,
n. B. MASSF.R.
Sunbury, Peun'u.
Bnnbury, March U, J871.
.TSSrt nill.i.ll.r.M,
ffer large assortment of
KumoNs, Featijeiis, Flowers, Laces,
A larga variety of trimmed and untrlmmcd
rr.... 1 ' 1 .1.11.1...'. ......
mill, 1. Il I. , L iiii'i , 1 v 1 , - - v w - . 1. - 1 - -
j Pitched lace and linen Handkerchiefs, Uid and
I 9f't i"vv, tnr.el, die, baautis,
-laces, fringes, ladies' neckiles, and r.incy ribbons
' l)r b()(,, ullll iuu-.a variety. Real and
; liuilallon hulr vhiguous, I', curls aud switi h-
1 A hug. ussortnieiit nt
ZErnntii, Okrnantown Wool, Ac.
Au tudltsa v.irii4y of Notlout mil good
usually kept lu a first class millinery lore,
(icntt C'ullura, C'utlt, Xecktiit, Uandkcr-
chU fa, J
Thtrlliteu.of Siuibury uu I kU-luUy, j.-aerallv, ,
art Invited to rail aud tjt this tpleuuid a. it- 1
Buuhury, Oct. Sfl, 1T0. 1
Dobbiiis JlIc
S 1 - kl
A Color and Drbttist; that will not Sara
Ut IUif or Ibjurt Ut U4,
It Uitktt IIir tuft bu4 fiuo, restoring
U BbturtJ color wiihout t);iub'i ly
liprltu4 ft tealiby nJ ilorout
it u ammii inliii at cm
lt(4t tttl J. b- UvtM't,
428 KflrH El2ulH St., rtillli
rrUtj t.fA bw tsuiti4.
N 'bb naeilub w.ifcoul my .l-i.tiuit,
u4 1 i4i uiy Ujiiw U b 1 (r.axl ittt
! butj u ttlr.UU4 UAviillU -b.
M Hennl'iu".T, Sunhurv, P.i
D Ililgrtl.'NortUuulblilsnd......
.... .60.00 '
40,00 .
, 40...0 ,
(iKwn hckert, . " , j ,
8 11 Dodgo,-., , " I .,,r....
Charles Itnlick, Mt Carmel..'
Esubeus Slpple, "
Calhaiinu Wutrni'r, Wntsontown
George Heir, Norlhumbt-rlaud
Jacob Snyder, Sunbury.....;..
J W B.issler, "
Minor Cndy, Dewart....
Catharine Muitz, Shainoklu
Frauds lhu lier, Sifnbury
Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh
Joseph Heppen, Mt Carmel
Matthias Seliol'y, . "
Francis McCurty, ,. ".
Maria Kramer, Wntsontown
Jo-cph Nicely', Jr., Dewart
J & K C Uuigiflc, Pine, Clinton co......
P. Hamiige, Sliennndoali, Schuglkill co.
J S Tliurp, Ehnmokin
'I liotuns Wurdrops, Mt Carmel
...40.00 i
.. 40,00
...40,00 '
...4.1.00 ,
.. .40,01)
...40 00 ,
,.,.50,00 I
...40,00 i
...40,00 j.
...40,00 .
.. .4;),oo
...511,00 i
...40.00 ,
...40.00 .
...40.00 ;
N A Loununsiaxer, liermlon,
Rachel CmMer, Fisher's Ferry
I U L Reagan, biieuanduuli, fachuyll.lll co.
j Jacob Shine-, "
I Jacob ftinHr. " "
j II D Bower, Hcrndnn,
Geo It Lahr, Georgetown.. ,..
t ,1 oh n H Oi.-man, Sunbury
! W 11 Wallace, Northumberland
11 8 Cruliair.,
: Rebecca Kol.lf, t-.SoTRctowii
! Philip iu'erstein, yntsoi:iowu....
1 U D LOW, UIHIV wwvfimwin vv..
i 1
wis Osti-rhaut. l.auitl Run, Luzerne eo,
40,00 :
40,1.11 ,
Mary J niu',.Nnithnnihe;luiv. . ..............
U F Kvohn, Stiiibiiry..;......Uf..ji
Andrew Healv,- Ginirdsviile, t.bu-li:i!l co
Patrick Furgeson, Mt Curuicl
Martin Delancv, Mieiiandoah city
John Dane, A-'hlan 1, Schuylkill co..
Anthony McLuiigliliii, GiiiirdsViHe .,
Lluymaii S llay.'.Mahanoy Plane.....
p Johnson, Raven Run
lnvid BuiU'her, Bel wick
14,00 ,
' ;
40,1 :i I
40,0'.' :
27.00 i
: ii
isliis Sober, Poiol lAp...
A Linricncoll. Walsontowu 40,00
Maria Kramer. Watson'n,2d losspd lust sum, 40,00
j J P Lippeneott, W:itontown :. 40.1K)
I K S Ammerman, Snydcrtown i... 20,0(1
i Nathan Bins. Berwick, f'oliioibia CQ 27,tK)
J k.C ittJuiiv.Pine Sta'n Clinton c 2d los,4o,00
Charles W ll.ia.ud, Uiipe.rt, Columbia eo...40,,K)
i John Fogloumn, Waisoutowu 40,00
Pi.trlek lle.-u r. Ml Carmel 4",00
Tliomas Metz. Paxinos : :i0,00
i 11 MeCioskv, Lock Haven 131,00
: " HON. A. JORDAN, PrttiJeut.
C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Sec y, Saubuiy.
F.x-Gov. James Pollock, lion. C. J. Brnnrr,
Solomon Stroll, Wm. Biindie, Solouiun Sliipc,
John A. Shissior, Dr. 1). T. Krebs, Ur. pavid
March 11, 1871. 1y.
lijoi ly V IIrniirIy H F.xci'lsilor Gal.
lcrj oFArt, Tliiril Street,
Nunbiiry, l'u.
MR. BYER1.Y has lately added to his already
well siab'.l.-dicd :eiitatlon, the services ol"
Mr. M. R. llcnii crlv whoi-e reputation ns a pun-
I tographie oicrator, stands unrivaled in this part ;
of the country, and hereafter they will carry ou '
t tic photographic trade, ut the old stand under
the liriu uuine ol'Byerly A Hcinperly's Excelsior
I Oallcry of Art, nt whose establishment the pub
I 11c will cheerfully accommodated throughout
1 ihi' VboIr line of photography. 1
For Photographs of all .ivies nnd sizes rang-.
lug from the small Cem to the life cuo poitrait.
Uo to Hyeriy.V llcmperly.
For the beauii.t'ul poreebiln picture which for
; softness of linisri, end dnr.ibiliiy cannot be ex
celled, go to Byerly Ac lieiiip.-riy. j
For the Cemliraiult plndogriiph, now so p..pu- :
1 lar ill nil 0111 large cities, mid t-liowlug the pecu- j
liar cllcvt of light mi l shade, and the fuvoiitu of
the old Uctiuuii Aitist KeinbraniU, go to Byerly
I A Henip'crly.
; If you Lave nn old picture yon want copied I
and enlarged to uny size, uud colored oil. wut.-r
I color, iiidia ink or "crayon, take il to Beverly fc
Ifyouvrant a frame of nny siz'i and at any
I priee. or anv stv'.e goto Hverly At llcniperlv'.
and taken lock ut their iiiiineuso stock iu that
For Album, go to Byerly A llcmperly.
FnrsUnre Fni'iies made to order g to Byerly
A HemiN'rly, iu short, for anything in tha photo
graphic line, go to llyerly A Ucuipcrly, uud you
will be tnP.e.L
Fell. S- 1M7I.
Manufactured to or !cr at
Sliruco Ntrt-rt, fciiuburj, Pcnu'a,
J. mauulactuiiiig
Doots, Shoes & Coitcr9,
. . ...
at surprisingly low prices. Ilia slock c uii ils
tbt very l.csi in murkit. Hi. long exper lu the b .Min-ss ha won for
biiu u riputn'.ion for
miikb ; liist-
, woik equal to any eliy m.inufuclare. All work
Tbt price of repairing are also reduced.
Buubury, March 1, 1S71.
ftntlXi UMIION sow IttAlU.
KS. M. A. blNUtil,
bis , PltlLM'KII lit A.
Iuitiurlrr Hint li-kUii r of fii-liloiiu.
'I i.ii u.d i.l sti.i-lii d au-l li.jb.i' Du.
Tiiuiinli.fc', I'at'ui I'jlUiu, Die., .tut Clu.ik iuk.
til f miimh 111 -11
Fn uai.l'y iiiiiiuiel I'aj-er P-illeru, Whole.tlt
and ll 1 1I1. . ,
tr'..i., i,.,.i., Klbbtix ..ul r-i-li.-s. 1. , Lib
bi.'i ml , J. i. 'IU, I'- J' vii..
:- ..... .1. .-.. ub.l .uu-, I" lu the utu.1
fa. I.l. uabl. .1)1. ul ii.UI. .
Pen. el 111 ol In. ..I alia..' laubl.
S. II. Ilnli I. I'V II. !', IOIMpll) bltuU.Ud 14.
b. Sd. lsj7.-i.iu.
fpitf I uii.H'bip bi.i"i"i. sslsiln lu
1 b. Ii U )! ;,d J- Vul.-M..ll, In int
1.1. ill.-, i.l l. b. Ui.u CU d -v, (Maicb WU,
1",''J" '"";'",;;; t.
W. J. IW-1.1 t-UTOM.
kukbui, Td.ieH IL I Wt
rcui ttAi.u.
V. i Vsl.l tul r U'l i- r..-s .
...,l u..l lb . I.. I " ' '
..Il ul
-bul., Ik UUU IUU '
,a .I.'-L IUul...ll.t..
1.1.4 a 1
'I k- I "U-- UumJ.
wis vl lU.k 4-', 4s
SI... . 1.4 ..a Uu.kM t "a
.1 A.oi.11. .... 4t H Ik." S't k
.. I.!. ..ULdwil. 1--.1 It tl IV-
f4 tl. tt i 44k.w .s
Sunbury Cattle Insurance
Company, '.i.i
Numhqc of Policies, '. ' ' 712.
Amount ol'l'iopetty tiisuTtil. "' ..'T 89,11 5,00
Aiuoinit of Pruuiluui Notes In fores, tt,"l'J,00
Ainotmt loaned ut Interest, ) t3 W0,r,0
Amnuiit In Treasurer's hands, , (10lK,00
Amoui.t due fiom, Agculs, ' . t:loo,95
Amount due from other sourcas, . . ??:.'0,00
Available Cnpitiil, .. . tC3,2oi',03
Injure foui- Cntllc.
IN5CRH with, a responsible an 1 perfectly re
liable Con'iwny. liiHUrs where your lof-'S
will be paid promptly.
PANY. ,.. ;
Hence, unlike other Companies, you nro sura
of hsing pall promptly for nil losses, if Insured
In I hi Company, .
Being mutual, our expenses., are less, and our
Chui tee Is Perpetual. , t 11 pay liwee by nil klul
olaccideiils by death, (excelling in cases of
epideinli's) by Uielt, Jtc.. Ac. We pay prompt
ly. ,.N rod l-.ipe proceedings to ubt lin your
money In cat t.l lo.
rav!y S3,OOt pniil on (' alone
bliife Isi'jjiiiiizntlou.
Look nt tho list of Lr.sts paid 011 Cows alone by
' ilcto ,bfocrtiecincnta
a mom 5tt.rKon A O.'S,
Fuoitucc, 3Irtltre, l'rathcr, nnd
.. .. - .'isuDiNy. Wakf.r6um9, . r
44NVlh fetithM., peJowArcb, rlilladeDla.
v, .. : , CHAMBER FURNITURE. . ;
prlng fieri,' ' fjetiitem. !. ;:, . . !
Hprlng-CXak ' ' ifeMher Be.1. . ,
Spring MattnsJM, ; . ol. ers and Ptilowm,
llnlr? d.-; ICouiiterpaiics, . '.
Husk. . do. , ., , . JComr.rUiblo '
Straw io. ' .?'ntiltct; '
'touts ;
: CALL A NO SEE TIIST ' .' ' '
u-. Woen IV Ire Kuttrw,
The best boil ctot oOVrrsd for sale. 1
N. B. Our Int. -M Ion Is to trent all cistotners
so tint Uiy irl Ijrcoine permanent aeaieis With
as, mi d tr iers wi. I receive the sune. NttonCinu,
mid p'fnuns (..iu )'.i.' jott as eheui us if pnis:.6
at the itoi e. ' . '
March 4tU, 1S71. Cm. ' ' ' '
The Lamest Stock
the Finest Goods ;
Work is
A The fewest Stylcsj
of the very
best character.
Easy rules for
prices, &c, sent
free to any part of
America, and good fits
eGents' Furnishing
Goods. Wrappers &
JK Under. Wear nf all
ltind8 for all sea
LUiiUllU a mmmhmb
sons. White
Wear iVy
eS h I r t s a
L .1 -L
asionisninn-x s.
IvIowDrioesA specialty,
Zlzia Si Market Sts.
New Flour and Teed Store I
Cornef W Fourth and Market Street,
Tins Just opened a t l.".n- and F;d Flore, w hero
be will keep constantly rn IjnnH, a general
assorlment ol the htt brands of
of til kinds, nt the very lowect market prices
Sunbury, Feb. 11. lsTl".-tf.
"No. 0C2 Chestnut SUoet, rhfladclphia.
Having l.-irge'y increased their PLATED WAR&
Department, call special uttetliou their
stock ot
comprising, besides their usual Hue of Flan
Wares of hi;rh grades, a most complet.
nsr.01 tment of
reliable in ipiulity, and offered at exceedingly lovr
prices. A full line of
expressly made for their retail sales, nnd furnl'h-
e.l lu siuglc unpens or 111 complete sets, put up la
! Rosewood and Walnut Cases.
) All goo-Is sold on their owu merits at fixed
I ppieei, attached iu plain tiguiot lo each ankle.
1 January, 14, le7l ly.
Keir Arrival of lioU,
Market Square, 6UNBUUT, Tena'a.,
Just opened, a large assortment of
consisting of tb-lut.s.t stvletof plalu and plkll
i ""i. iu " i'rir v.i.iuA.
lfctvAbtiti 1'tfl lit aaft I tbfftu
ltrcbs Trlimiitug, 1'mbrot Jerlr,
A Gi:M.UAu AoullIMt.T. (1
Cents' Collars, Nick-ties, Ilalf-hmt, Haudkti
rhlefs un l ti loves.
Perfumery, Toilet Soups, H..1r Bi ushtt.Couib,
An Invitation Ii txtctded to alUltall and
uro t..-gi.iii.
Sjut'i.ri, .NyV. 8, ISTV.
Tisi wmsslf t-4 i up 1 1 i ' bu'
tWU14lSIIS, tub t.UK WlH.'bs. U44 ht.mtm
MJ t'.4 l-urfu' II..
Vi-lii . tiiW I k A k-'V. PibLmsbist, Ruo,
fc. I kl Jr.. .-a. .'Ml 4. m . -I ' . .
Vtilt g.U4lt ItU-tM I. Us 1 1
jbo. turn. ati-u tk to.,
m, NoMtli Trull UU
HrtrLrl, riilU4rll4ia, b. i'k'l l-l.-.t W.i.bkkt
I ..1....1.M
I.. I ,1. 1. 1. ..1
.. k . ... ! I C H ' "' I 'I
I ,1 , . 1. . s I I."... I
1 I . ... 11 ..-II i.'H 4 I' "i i-
UUl . to ' ' I " ks.l-1 IU 4--kt
ul. n.. IU..U N.-1 ,1.1 hi I w, ! -u.
u r b.i
It 14 ! I v. .S
r Jxn l- tl llftJi (i
s 4 I kt t-Vt
(M btlt, lt4 - n
1 ttr 11 ! 4'7t,i?'5