Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 01, 1871, Image 2

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H, B. MAHtft,
SVJiUKT, APRIL 1, 1871.
1 .... i. ! !iL .! I -. !
"Tim Fit Kit Trad J.bAoue. This
la'irua oraanized In Now York, by British
.ng-nl, and kept. P f Hrilish gold I cinini iyr .pcraon!l iuoUw i, ud to appear
milking extraordinary effort to induce l(l tjic iif,ht pfjjtt imya.rjjul crifiQ U-iaJm
Americans to give p mnnuRu-turing. and pnMiblo for him to conceal a spirit of vin
ihus brcome dependent' on' England for ,i:ctivcnesi which is Vat front adding force
' ninny of our most important articles.. , "We ;
have received a pictorial sheet evidently
cot uu iu Great Britain, and no doubt cx-
lenslvcly circulated by the Tngue, entitled
" Fttifc'Piclorfl rajrW-Jialf paper and
half placard, Illustrated on the donor eido
nlth a large central engraving, loutitlod i
;UJ. B. Protection Hospital," representkig
fnclo l?am, aud Horace Greeley with a I
sickly looking infant on ,bis lap to repre-
int tho Tariff. There aro several other
- figures in the ptctnre, showing some of the
. articles of manufacture protected by tho
taridi The object is to show that Amcri
.' can Industry requires continual protection
"and Is unjust hud oppressive to the con-,
tnmcf.' 'Tho margin Is tilled with ndver-
tiotncnU of British ani other niauufac-
turcrs aud insurance coiupanics-r-and tho
nvliote thing" is clearly ofBrit8li origin.
; English hiiinulhcturers autt American Free
' Traders to bring our people under the j oke
of foreign bondage,
.'. ' iTheso Free Traders endeavor to make
their dupes believe" that the amount of
' taritTaqspseei on each article euh a nces tho
, price .to that extant The1 know tltis to bo
Jalso, and yet thoy urge it as an argument.
, The tariff first put on muslins was about
'. fcii cents. - Years afterwards our manufac
. turcs had so 'unproved , that, they sold , the
tame muslin something less than the tariff,
' and even undersold the1 English in their
' own' markets. , And when a Free trader
UloJ to make a farmer believe that bo was
v taxed six cunts a yard for the shirt he bad
:on, the farmer replied he could not exactly
understand how that could be as bo only
paid six cents Tor the muslin.' ' '
, Aud the same could be said of nails, upon
'.which there 'was a tariff of 3 Jets, per
' pound, yet theso nails were made and sold
' by our manufacturers at 3 cts. or less than
the tariff, and .had not the English adopted
.our improved machinery, which our tariff
brought into cxietcucc, we would have un
dersold them iu London or Birmingham.
The same could be said of screws, and
niauy other articles of American make.
Even now, we'eupply Europe with clocks
and fecal .oil lumps cheaper than they can
, tnako 4;Ucin, notwithstanding their cheap
.'labor. - - " -. -m
THAT S04.000. 5Text week the Audi
tor's Report will no dnbt-nuike its appear-
; ance in the Ring organ, the Democrat. Wo
shall endeavor to lay it before the readers
of tlie American on the following week.
This forthcoming repGut is ' probably
more anxiously looked for than any ever
issued in this county, from the fact that
t'ue taxes were enormously high for a few
years past on account tho exhorbitant
chnrges made by those who are in the Ring,
nud who regulate our county matters.
.Jt isa notable fact that but few outside
of tho Kiug havo been ablu to procure
contracts or jobs, which, the couuty pays
for. The whole has been managed to be
kept within their own circle, and as will be
seen by the Report about to appear, they
have generally charged exhorbitant prices
iu order to absorb the large amount of tax
.levied upon the jieoplc.
In addition to tho charges made for con
tracts for bridges and all other matters. of
tho county, the Commissioners' charges aro
: n'so very exhorbitant, and extra clerks
were cmnlovcd to licln to absorb tho fund.
But as the people aro all well awiuii that
uo new buildiugs or extra expenses were
rcqvirod the last two years, they will, no
doubt, feci that there is something "rot
ten iu Dcuraark" that requires explana
tion from the oillcers. Iu other counties
the Commissioners only charge for one
or two days iu tho week, but wo find
ours to charge iull time, although they
have a clerk to truiwicl the business, aud
sometimes additional clerks. There is
also another matter which will need looking
niter, and that is the largo amount of am -
collected taxes, which in manv instances
liuve It i n. (olti lid and is iu tl.e hands i f
collectors. Whi ther or not, ilioo collec
tors speculate ou tho money, is not.kuown,
but M-obablv it ould 1. num.. I. i
UM.-rtuiu fioiii some of lla-m, whethur they
. ' . . "
wero at any expmnw in procuring tho ap-
poiutmeut n eollti-tors, and were allowed
to umke use of the money to iv-iiuburse
UuiiuhUss. The amount uucol'.cttcd-lhi
. . .
car unoiquiiosslarguuslast, Uinesomu
Jftt.tssi less, by which It imiy ho presumed
that the couuty rxpensi fur the past jc-u
. V .10 ia uideiubly tyajr th.iu lie kovIcjh
Jsorne of tho" on doubt would
iry willlitj t' suppress tho inillii-atloa of
tho llBp'trt, uiiiil aiu r the primary election, t ,,u '," Report was uu-
trlt . iw-,-111-1 I i tayorul.lo he. would hi Ha wholu uutitr
UU COUUI iNSMlUjp bo dollf.ftS S.MIU. ft.,, ' It had I.-, . i thou-ht b. t lodU.i.i.s
are appn-heinhd llial it will Uut uuet ilM j t!u subject until ilw n-pport of the eoinini..
upprobaiiuu of many of iho iViuoerntiu i sioticuuld be ma Jo, lot this had uotsuiu-d
tujiaytrs, aud that it may uv thd iudu-1 f0".10', ll "U,J ,,aVk! i;i U lU t
emo ..rdWeatiiii, o.,u-.,r tl ir caudid m s I V"1 "il,l"r. Viu'1 'l l' U',", r'lur" 1
... ... " ' ' rt.iuiin.iust tl, U ,,, uiul.lii'j ll HKi-th,
I Uu isiididates Tor Momiiiutiou not ulu. I Mud hu Mr. bad uo dooubi tint
(twilblhy UinK, a i'ii ir!aiuly ury H r. lltt-' vr I" rl would t an nlimtkl tompUiu
-iUUiiU, 'o khubUi m dilUiU-.l ,,Vl "uu l'i I vl) ll.ii! H.i! halor had Said.
ksveihe eo.u.,UUu - k..iy thal'ilulr' n't" 1 '" ,4 ' f n', J 'l-l!t l" pT"1'1'?
. .. , . . i f l i i"t ww umd if ini luliil bud
riputaliou J'aio.ulrvdl-)f..iihu-lHiiU!i.krtoiiW V..ui il,t i-ouutry, and It i.
ti e liiiij. ; leuiif d l r 1 1.. .iwur from M iwehiueiu
, -m ii i . . .,...,n
tie hon.i of il . 7. i
aa. .1 iLu, i . '
s ii in u inii d incri ly f srt Ihal l.
mimIIm "U4l ol Hhi raiikul riy." iU
l uuij.lmauu.J iu4.
tV ti lillj llu) (J. II I CM
t -
y m uiwmii iU lUiu.h nu4 Anwin-w
f HuMii..HMni HM-liu t h tuia.
IU ItlltMi. 111,1.,1.1 w. . . . i
M " I'ly J'liltlMMI . l ., (, Uu,
Sbnatoii Summer's SrEEcn. We giro
below an abstniKfc of tho .great pocch of.
Senator Buirjnrr, $n the Sail Domingo Ques
tion dcllvcietl jffl" iho U. S. Senatd en Mon
day last, in! the j presence 'of tlio largest
audience ever seen in tho galleries, cloak
rooms arid oft th floor of the chamber of
tho U. 8. Senate. Tho speech is a bitter
attack upon the administration, and while
Mr. Sumnerjls xccwinglyjinxious to dis
to ilia arraignment of the President nnd
his advisers. Other ofliuinte were included
In hi sweeping censure ; but the President
nnd Secretary were tho persons at whom ho
iPartieularly aimed, and against them was
directod, the full force of bif scathing dc-
nn.!nion ond rebuke. "We -havo only
for anopsia of bisch)ftiks, but the
.1pr .iU gc0 ... ..w toublrsh etiouflh
of tho substance of the speech lo form ah
intelligent opinion whole. What
effect, If any, it produced upon the Sonate,
will only bo clehrly ascertained when a Vote
is taken on the question, after the report of
tho Commissioners shall have been submit
ted and considered. "We give also the
brief rejoinder of Senator Morton, who will
unquestionably take an early opportunity
to reply at length. . .
Mr.-Sumner submitted a resolution in
ndditiou to those previously offered by him j
to come in as the seventh of tho . series, as
follows : . t
lleavlcetl That, whatever may be the title
to the territory uutlcran unratified treaty,
it is positive that nt'ier tne failure of the
treaty in Urn .Senate nil pretext of title
censed, so Unit our Government is nil re
epu'sts a stranger to the territory, without
exeuM . or . apology for i. an .interference
against its enemies, ; foreign or :domestic ;
and, lhercforo,any belligerent intervention
or act of war on tho coast of au Domingo,
after the failure of the Dominican treaty in
the fioimto, is unauthorized violence utterly
without support in law or ruason, and pro
ceeding directly from that kingly peroga
tive which is disowned by the Constitution
-of the United states.. , :. ;.
. lie then called for the reading of his
resolutions, which .having;, been done ho
took the floor and delivered a speech of
four hours' length, which is thus condensed
iq the telegraphic synopsis :
Mr. iSuinuer reviewed at length the
history, of the circumstances-connected with
the proposed acquisition ot'Skm lMmingo,
.denominating the actiou of the adminstra-
,tiun a -shocking wro;xg nu injustice and
outrago upon. tUfl -people ot tne uslanu. lie
said the -story of Xaboth's vineyard wur
revived.1 Tho necotialions were null nnd
void, ' because they were conducted under
Baeawas a usurping dictator.
. n . ii ......... .
lie contrasted unfavorably the attitlude of
Spain, aud the United States in the negotia
tions for annexation. . .
Mr. Sumner continued on his point at
length, and then moved his attention to
Rnez, picturing bim as a needy, iuuerupu
lous adventurer, a monivcchiat orarepubli
cau according to hi. interest, nud .the. be
trayed of his country, llo denominated
General Grant to plot with Bae. for the
destruction of the liberties of his country.
The conduct of Sceretury Fish, were se
verely animadverted upon by Mr. Sumuer,
as also was conduct of Socretary Robeson.
Their acts wore acts of war, o,nd iu lla
grant violation of the. Constitution... He
was suprisod that Socretary Fish did not
resign sooner lhau become a party to the
erent wrong which hud been committed.
-Force was the .principal plenipotentiary
used iu the whoie matter. Mr. Sumner, on
this poiut, quoted corpi jusly l'rom . the
instiuctious to our naval commanders to
prove that in beach of international and
constitutional. law-, JSaez was maintained in
power hy our guos,. which, at the same
time, menaced the. black republic
liayti. ...
, Iu conclusion Mr. Sumner charged tho
Prihidont wiih a total disregard of great
principles. lie announced that ho bhauld
make an effort to reconcile liayti nnd
Dominica nnd established Utwiquility
throughout the island.. 4 le liqped the
1'refciUi nt would unite in uch .a measure
of peace nud good .will, i ''lie .that ruleth
his spirit 4 ureator than he. that taketh u
oilj.;' And so the President, puling bis
1 lrt in suhjeotion to the humane prinei-
pies of international law nnd the Cowjiilu-
lion of his country, will bo greater than if
lie had taken all the island of the se a. Ho
said that now while they wurc talking
about the outiages in tl.e bouth it was well
to think of these outrages of which he had
been speaking.. While we wero talking
about the Ku Klux in the South, we must
not forget the worthy Ku Klux which the
Prcsideut has put himself at tbu head of.
tSclinatjon, j if the President -had be
stowed Imlf lhcmtl,halt'lhe personal efloit
in boliuit' of the Soutiicru Uuioiiits, us he
has in tho attempt to gel hold ou the half
1 ot a little ibluud we would not
I stories that now come ii to us
have the
from the
South. Applausu and hisses,!
Tliu V ii-u Preitliint s.i:d if disorder was
repented tlit-.-'iilleriea would bv cleared.
W. . lHI, MliU lit' l.llllllil'l 1 Ulll ll'l
i lutend to sivuu the nuestiiu of annexation
I Jk-relhro, tho object was r..r no other pi. r.
i e than tocliiirgo the Pii hldi nt of tho
) I'nit. U Stat, s aud lit least two of his cabi.
: net with liijt criuirs and misdemeanors,
' l 'wld be um-U bs wiihout preparation to
i J,iu'n,l' . tbo long details of the
I many counts tho Senator had brought
UmuiiKt tlu..'i.l. ni n.l I.., f Mr. M,
(.would iioluttunini it. nor was itreally ueci j
I aO' u '",-h it hud been ln-ard Uiore.
I ,Uu,LMl';. lt"'l uu.aik. t; Uiake
1 today lr or luallt Iho acquisition of)
Han IKjuiUI'M, It had been dciidud to
cml a ii'iiiuiiM.ioii to the Iblaiul. .mil
i "Uhoiigh he had been Urnngly in favor o
( l,(1g li H l-liiiil. Intnl. Mil -.ltll
''J'l ..f Slii.Uier t.uti
i " M"il NmtTiiy i l Poi- jiu Alt iii.
"''- Ul Uu tl l.n-1 l.oduia i.i.(
nrhitumuni t , !.u. ii; r. iih lbs o mil
" ibu l..iuiiiUam, Hie ll.tylu u govt iu-
, liMiut, hi i 'l.i(i..ii if ll.o Uw i f iiiiimi,
I tukd iim f.. ..ij4 i mi r4 tl.v Ii rfiinry
; i-i I jiiuj uiul liiii.i.l.t.l him uiiit n,i,u
J-tu-l i.4 ur 1.1 -tlintiwi Hiiti
UM r u wu'tju
l,hl ll 4 I. i 1 1 J U MH lil.lll,,
a.iruU IU,il m ii U.m.,. .h.4
Hull. -U 11,41 IX4..l44IUl( )tlV 0
" i. i w)il. .ri.-. U uv,Vt i
crimes. Noone need tell him that the Sena
tor is a friend ofliborty when ho spends hi
(imo id tha effort' to' put the Ieincratic
party In power, for to destroy 1e Presi
dent l to dtstroy thd great jtrwtf of which.
)ie Is the head. Applnuso.l nj ;
i Mr.' Howe then toor the ifloor "and pro
cecded to answer Mr. Sunincr arraign
ment if the '-rewifleiiti'- Without -fvrocd-Ing
far.hcyieled to amotion to ndjotun,aud
at 4:au M. tho ftonaie aujourneU.
LATE advices from Missis.ilpp rejircst
the anarchy prevailing tlicrc'ns extending
over alt thoT5taTc1 Fiftfen scTioo! nouses'
"were Trnrned ; In ten ' days in the eastern
part of the State, nnd superintendent nnd
teachers havo been compelled . to. fly for
their lives.' Next to a Republican voter, a
school-house seems to be the chief objtct of
ivate of tho Ku-Klux, a peculiarity which
has always distinguished the Democratic
party in the South. - The purpose of break
ing up tho school system, which was never
made cofnmou throughout the whota State
nnlil the Republicans camo into power
there, is freely avowed by the leaders of the
new rebellion. In addition to the informa
tion which we pubilsh of additional outra
ges in that State, wo havo information by
mail which leads us to . conclude, what in
deed we have already suspected aud cs.
pressed, that Gov. Alcorn has little wish
(or design) to suppress the Ku-Klux iu Mis
sissippi, but is largely responsible for the
demoralization of thu party which iclceted
him as an exponent of republican jirind
ples. ' .' ' . '
The inpeachment trial of Gov. Ilosden,
of Korth Carolina, was jirought to a close
an, Wednesday last, when voto was taken,
and he was found guilty on six of tl.e eight
charges preferred against him.- Tho result
was to be expected, ns tho Senate is in the
hands of the democracy. Tho offence of
Gov. Ilolden, is well stated by tho J'iys
thus loyalty, the faithful administration
of his duties, the protection of tho loyal puo
pie of tho State, the suppression of the Ku-
klux, the arming of the negro militia, and
a persistent opposition to the rebel IX'
niociacy '" 1 " .
TnE San-Dominoo Commission; The
three commissioners landed at Charleston,
early Sunday morning, 'aud at once started
for Washington where they nrrivedon Mon
day nicht. Xcxt day they had an Inter
view with the President and Secretary Fish.
The Prcsideut, it was understood, will
communicate the report of tho Commis-
siners to both houses of Congress without
any recommendation, which fill cause the
report to be laid upon the table and printed,
I anJ govor to December. Perhaps this Is
i 1 i. . .i; 1 1 ; ..r :t
the best present disposition of it.
The Object of the FkeeTkadeiis.
The Free Trade League of 2fcw York hiivo
sent a memorial to Congress protesting
against taking the duty off Tea aud Coffee,
which enters luto general consumption
among all classes, and recommends taking
the duty off foreigu manufacturers that
enter into competition with our labor and
industry. This shows the foreign origiu of
Free Trade, and any paper or party that I
advocates such a policy, are enemies to the
labor and productive industry of tlio Uni
ted Slates, f
A TETrriox signed by several thousand
citizens of Cumberland county, among ,
whomo are many of the best citizens of iho
couuty, has been presented to Governor
Geary, praying him to pa rdon Dr. Schoep
pe. Tho Governor has ' referred nil tho
I papers in tho case, to tho Attorney Gene
ral, to make a report thereon.
A'liiLL to extend tbo term of County
Treasurers from two to threo years has
been introduced iuto the Legislature of
this State. " ;
. Riven Oi"ERAnoN,-Tbo Lock Haven
liejjHlilkun, 4ys. sinoo our Inst isuu the
the luinberiug operations ou the river havo
continued unnbabed. .The rain on Wednes
day uiulit brouuht ui the water some ei-'U-
I teen inches, and hrougUt down the logs in
large numbers, the uoyni tilled up -1 A.
M., when the log catchers took llieir posi
tious above it and succeded in securing
qu te a largo numlter of Lock Havcu logs.
Since then the woilc of lusorting nud rait
ing out from both the uper nud lower booms
has been steadily pushed forward, nud wc
learn the work will bo continued us lung
as the present low water remains.
The water iu tho rross-cut eaual will bo
let in to-day, aud, we leant that it is pro
posed to 0eu up navigation uu the Penn
sylvania ( anal on Saturday next.
The liald Faglo boom tilled up ou .Mon
day last, nud il w eHtimaU'd that fully ll,
lK)t.000 feet of logs has been secured then!.
There are yi t miiny logs Ixlonyin to
this locality lo coiuo down. . Iu lucl, it is
cKtiuinU'd that uot one-third of onu com-pli-niei.t
have niado tboir appeiirauce. I
From present indication it loots a il'au
advance of tl Hr Ihoiiand 4'oet will bit
made to tho pneo Of board at the opening
t navigation, but this, however, deieinlh
wholly ou tho chances of securing
lois are Jet t couiu down,
i'liu exm cUilioiu of U lnmU-.rmenalon'
the lici-cli L'lvttk were not fuily n ali.i-d
tluring the liikl fiikhel. The water loll too
quickly leu vile.', iho lager porti.n of llieir
lo iu the small htrtxiuu. Kivurul "Jams"
we io agnlii r-Mji.iHd iu iliiinaiu the lat
ter pai l of lite pai wuik.
A Su tui'Ku r AVuitK. A R-tluw chum
in tn hu I'l'tnu New Voifc, wat oinrittiiiH
in tlii ttiuuly durinii iliu nkt H Vi-rui
vt t, uud uwuuiud I t tfjcco a buuilr t4'
x i-iiiik imt t'.tr rrmii Scliutt i rove, llu hud
u lottery whuiiitt umt c.ui iid thu nt-i-t kuuy
ittiai-iiiiu u ith him i an I t in ihtu him id
till lilllklu d ktllliUl-M HU llU !ltU ttioll.
llu told lujki U at (I. mid tlio aiivliii-
t r ' tuU ul uiiuu d.'.l.lf hi rixo 4ild klloW
whutliu uttiild utt. Th ill lit U ilitiuu
mi re la I) hhin-d ti.iiu Nt Vuik ly m
iin . ii ..K.u , tin. .IwriK r t..u!. i . uiy
l.y.1,;tillli!....,.0,.!Uf. vm.
.ui.i tt in to utiii in Minim luiu ki-iii. .tiib
1a i Jt.m uu Imiiii iitu.Uil ihui tlulUr nn4
.1. ,ur. ....... .k 'ill fci: l i . .I .
Ill I i"iMllill)(.ll.,lk; Jll.Nl.tU .win ) ,
' i... ..I.l. .1. ; . . . i i r .
i.oilij iiiiim, lUttkU'l tVlkll lf ll.lll
ilull.m mi, drrw dii. kvttin unit Ulu', (iliu
ttUItt MhIIII, mm ltl. kilk ; AU tlu Ml
ul.i.iv ul .Uir.iu hy iu-..
mi x.iurd.iy lit.i. nud Mu .,V1.4 'jr.
-lilUy .4l.4u4 uhiii.,ih,.,w luim la
Lull tl.. i.i In...... ! W U.-u i iu--4 lu Ml
l.a l ..lUr..l..l ll- .i,v. .1..".
Ithuul CUH KiMtt l I
t nun 14.1IU tlMlltU. JUo
u.'U . 4. a 4.iU.t, Uiti . ., ,ril.a kim niiu. l lr'Ui Urn ,4liJi,f Hit.
IIMU, 4 v4 il U.H.U.f Uj i U ' I'lt'l Utw .HU,
l llli.itw! M, In )ilt,U lol.j 'MU. Ilul.h t
tu. w hi 1J.0 ;,,i )4i i, 1.1 ii.4i . ' ,li"uii4ir'M.i.Miiu4..ii(j.,.i,i..,,,
II NtJl.. )., .,t UUj,m .w mu. j H.-.U...J k l-Uiu I .1 ll.v 1 ......,. 1,1 . 1 IU
i- t wl'n k. IU ,l.,ii ,k v.l.,1. 4 l,it n,ii.-. i,. u I . iMtuirir i4li l.. Um .il.i..MU I li-r li
ll.w til'" Ui -i Him .)t.l4 Wit U ' Iu4. Mil .4 li AiMtut-Jy. I h L,u-
it 1 r .11 1. 1 u jiir.i. u'iji i.f U ty, u 1 1 ., iu u ii i I. 1.i'i,uIm i..
'U-4 It'-n'i I 4- t .u-.l , .(. uili4 iviHi-wurtoM w lti
ronr.iuM news.
London, March 20. AlUbe mayors of
the various arroudmwments and lUe depu
ties in Pari Uaued a proclanintldu4o the
people last evening, setting -forth that to
save the rcpublio without the lUrther effu
sion of blood, they. th4 aaldnnayors and
deputies, order tu Oommciul 'elections to
Hike place, to-day (Sunday, Ua nlyety
niemuers are to ba eicoiea m u commune.
Havre. March 25. The. revolutionary.
emissaries sent to this City by Uio 4'aris tu-
tmrgcnuaoribc purpose vt ercaiuig; aisav
frctlorf among the people nud innneneing a
rising have- beeu arnwud nud impruouod
by the government.
Lyons, j Mitroh 2w Tlio disturbances
which lately agitated .the city have ceased,
nnd perfect order has again Leen restored.
Tbo urcfeet. who was held a nrisoner bv
Uiu revolutionists, tins been reieasea. jno
further demonstrations have been attembt-
. . . . ------ .- . ,
cd by the reds aud the disturbances which
agitated tlie city previous to-ttio esraoiisn
ment of the commune, have not becu renew
cd. .,
Paris.. March 2C Mnrnutir. The olec
tinns arc progressing quietly nd tlie uost
perfect order and decorum w observed by
tho cltixcns. ' The work of removing barri
cades commenced this morning. A num
ber have been already removed and the
work still progresses.
Paris, March 1 r. M. The revolu
tionary movement is being strengthened by
additions nnd reiuforccnients to" tho ranks
of the insurgents. The lenders of the reds
have determined on the adoption of a bold
nnd forcible policy, and an attack on. Ver
sailles lias riuen deemed on.
The population of Uoulogno are greatly
excited over the events in the metropolis,
aud tl rough public meetings express a de
sire to bavq the communistic revolutionists
put down, the authorities have consc
queutly sent messengers to Versailles pfler
iig the Government the the services of a
Inrge force, -Ulcered by the best citizens of
Boulogne, to march direct to Paris, and
summari y end by force of arms tho dis
graceful disorders that U;oro coHtinue.
The Government has accepted 'ihe offer,
and probably within twenty-four hours
fifty thousand men will bo en -route to Paris.
Paris, March 2d Morning. The Jour
nol dm JJilat objects to the proclamation
ordering elections for to-day ; that the peo
ple cannot nltcnd the polls. - X time lias
been given them, nor is the sincerity of tlie
measure assured. The official organ of the
insurgents prints a mauilesto signed by
lianvier and x lourens, strongly maintain
the right of municipal autonomy as a Jo-
fense njrainst nrbitarn dolitieaf encroach'
cment, aud demanding the creattug of an
nrmy to bo composed only of Xatioual
Guards. The Central ltepublican t'om
mitte lias released Clmiizy aud Lanjoureau.
Lumjok, March 2i3::i() A. m. Order
has been restored at Lyons, and the prefect
of tbo department has been released.
Vkksaillks, Mandi 10, via Londou
March 20 t. I. M. A proclamation to the
prefects assures them that order conquers
disorder, nnd Unit the republic triumphs
over anarchy. ' Pienrd praises tho troops
ami marines under General tocsms tor
their patriotism nnd courage in restoring
order nt l.vons.
Paris, March 201 p. M. All is quiet
nnd the city is resuming its normal appear-
ante, ihe barricades still remain in tho
streets, but the cannon which wero mouut-
ed upon them nre withdrawn or turned
iu wards.. 'Ihe voting comtnenccd this
iiu.i mill:, uuu is iiimv ijiiiuur iriii; uu.
l ncre are lew voters. Alio list oi candi
dates endorsed by the Central Committee I
has-been extensively distributed.
The election passed oil" without disorder.
nnd the cit.y w now perfectly quiet. In a
pvool.inK.tion just itmcd the Central He
iublicnn Committee resigns its functions,
nnd yields to the 'newly elected municipal
government. General Ctinuzy on being
i'l IVn lnl't Y'l.tysniUi'tt Ailtiitrnl S.i.
set has disbanded the loyal battalions under
rmumnnil. nnrl toi .whim Ii Vni-anitli.a
At uuielting to-day of theltepubliciiu Left in
the Afitnibly, it was, resolved to support
the government ns long as it remained tro
to the JUpul.hc. - '
London, March 27 &:.10 A. M. Iho
fx-Kmpiror visits Qiieeu Victoria at Wind -
sor Castle to-duv, . ,
AdinimlSoiselhasiTturr.edto Vcmni'li-ii.
ll. in ("ill I V imhl' nc t r. tl.. l... I...J I
Z Zi . 'V.. V
The AsHcmblo. hns voted a resolution to
give public funerals to Generals Leromte
and Clement Thomas, and providing t-tr
the adoption of their cliildivn by lltv Mate.
A special dispatch to tlio 'J tints, from
VersaillcB, says General Vinoy insists on
Httackiug Paris, aud placards 'have appear- i
eu iu i'aris nitnouneuig Uiat tho cllorls of
tne dupiiiies iroin that city nt conciliation!
i.u Miiraruit iu olTuuiou iu uievu-
' PARIS, M'arch -"S.
The result of Iho Communial elections
ij.,,i ,.., ..., n., .. ...
..'.a . vt.i naniiiiiiiiui .llvi l.llllll
dates reported by the ('cutral Hevolutiou
ary Committee nre greatly iu the majority,
the committee claimiug the election uf
seventy-live out of a total of ninety-two
candidates elected to the Council. This :
overwhelming majority for the Commuuists
establishes more firmly tho power nnd
authority of the revolutionists. Tho elec- j
tions, ou tho whole, passed nil' very quietly,
and no dcmoii.itrniious or disorders were
indulged at the polls. A great numlter of j
properly qualilied voters abhlahlld from
vol in and ditl not visit the polls.
N l'.ltAILI.I. AUITII 2(1. M. I liters tH
Ill rvivint of ft foirtintitilration Iroin Si-
innn-K riiniiiiiiin nn oth'r by Hfrnumy to
nssiitt tlm Kri'iu-li gownnm-m hi mijinn-ss-ln-4
the ri'vohitimmry .H'.uii-Iisiil-i'h in I'm is.
M. Thii-is, however, nt-tin;; undi-r tho in
Ntrurtiitii.i of tilt) Ai'lnhly,' Ims tritu.-init-tud
tn 'i.-.iiiiirik u tlfilinitliun i f tlie .tid
ull'cr, H.l.liii llial tlio ovi'i'iini.-iii would
liiHlimio itctivo iisviimir. n-.iiiii-t ihu in-iiti-'.'i'iittt
If ilii-Hfdi!tt.ii'Uuii4 did nut r.iUMj
within a liiiiiittf n-r:l,
Tho Kovi-riiiuiMil hu.-t dutcrmin. - on ni:ik
ni it i.itr.-rliil clHut li snhiluo tlio distur
blunt in tho iMpilul, und iinli-ioi tint Iti-il.t
kiuifiidfr within li'W diiVk mnl il!siho
tliitit oi-imiuititui und iif ally din rf
kt.- wliic h have Um f ir Ihui d.-Uy.-d ty
riiikitii of in rum l.i.Uit'i.ofat nnd i-niiMihi.
ntlmiit Qcliii'' 011 tint iruvi-riiiiii nt will thi n
j lu Inkt-ii, nn J a ImhI)- !' lr knih.-it-iitly
kirnii' in i'.niiKi ktiit'i'iin win in iii.
titt.l.v.i lit I'ui.k to l t.tck und vuhduu l!iu
I.OMWI.V, M ir. h 2H.
!Ilis x-F:nirtfMf Nihiii.n vikiud IK-r
.il.ijiklt tjllt-ru ii-li.-in ill lliti... l,li.-.
"Ti' r V, .' 7 '"
. V " lh"r ll; v..,-.
i .i.. .. ii'i... . .. . : ..... . .
...... ...... ..w... ... ...ll.-, v IVIU'Vllllil
uiy h i iiu iimu iu t-niivi-i4tiiii tuu
Hi r M:ttt-ly, uti. r whlrlihit i4t'lt lly t.W
hi ih-. ii-iiii. ' iiu i.liii uii uiul iliinlii
r i iNi-MMii irt-iiiid tha vic-r niH-nir
ilit-iii"i i"iiiiii4 rhHi t, mul Im iti!..ic
ui'i ir.ti.iv in t,,u vi-iIk jjr.iuu.U w.i il.u
r""1' li.a
vi ,
., lk. 4 u" 1,1 1 w '
, ' . ,h .-'"''y )'"; I hwn
" li..Ml...M l.:., l,,i
I'Uli.l I..I.......I U .m U.1.4 lv;.uUu .
; wi ..uu '.i... 1 v.i', uu w uri.i
t'4. .
in.i.l u 4 .1 .ui 1 U4 lu ui lik.. lint
MI4-r ty
largest and most important cities of France,
and-that tho-todorntion thusfm-mwiehmirtv
bo IHe -sBpTema povoTttinglpowe'r " or tbo
nation, and shoold 'bk'inveslfed with all the
legislative and -executive pbwer and au
thority necessary for the exercise of their
office. s- t, H I . i f'
j Indon, March 28.
Tlie extradition ofFrcnch prisoners..
which wns suddenly stopped under nn or
der issued by the German government, will
shortly recommence
1 1 ' ( j ' ( l A "in, iMnrcn xa.
city Is quiet wd orderly this morn
ing.. -.Tho .Bourse lias been, reopened .and
Liisiness in some measure resumed. At
tho cnmmlriwl tlefctldn oA Sunday a' total
of 180,(WQ votes were cast, or which 120,000
wcro for the candidates of tho Central
Revolutionary Committee.. -...
. Velkaillks, March 28.
A nrowinff fcclina or dissatisfaction with
the government of M.;Thlors, as now con
stituted, exists nmoiw tho incmbcrs of tlie
party of the right, and a movement is now
in progress among them which will in all
probability culminate in a proposal for the
formation ot a new ministry.
, Control oftlr' Inurgeut.
London, March 29. At noon yesterday
l'ans was quiet, and tne nisurgcut com
mittee etill retained nil the important posi
tions. Scholcher has resigned.
The committee dismissed twenty-five offi
cials in the Department of Finance for dis
obedience. Tho Vri da l'cuplc opposes the
election of a commander-in-chief of the
National Guard as dangerous nnd useless,
nnd urges the deposition ot tho Assembly.
Tho Vcrite says the committee are liin
dcring seed and corn sent iroin America
from reachinsi farmers.
Tho J'ranvain, Vtbate, tittcly and Verite
blame the inaction and reaction of the As
sembly. ' Tho commune was proclaimed iu
Place Hotel do Ville at 4 o'clock yesterday
atiemoon, speeches wero made oy mem
hers of the communial, but . were quite
inaudible at a little distance. The ap
proaches to the place were ullud by an
enormous crowd of Nationals, who often
raised their caps on the point of their
bayonets, at tlie same zealously cheering
the republic.
Sixty guns had been collected iu tlie
place, and salvos of artillery, were repeat
edly in-ta.
IIoiminLE Death Man Suffocated
in a Josiah. 'J. Thotuas. a
farmer residin g in Locust township, Co-
i lunibla county, came lo his death ou the
i Kith inst.." untler the foltowiutr melancholy
. . ' ..
eirrtiiiininiices. i.iseoveriii u urigitt
in his Smoke-house nbout 5 o'clock In
morning, ho arose, called to his son (a half
grown boy) to lollow him, aud hastcued
out. Upon opening tho door he found
that a piece of meat bad fallen ou the tire,
aud in his eagerness to snatch it from the
.llames ho failed to prop open tbo door
which being provided with a spring-lock
j (luiv shut, and ho was locked iu. The smoke
i was so dense that he bccamc-suffocated aud
, fell nsaiust the door in Mich manner that
when the boy arrived tie was unable t
I fore jt P,.Ut The door was chopped
' Uovvn ( t,.. ti. umtoj b,vorts 0f wifu allii
J son the unforuuato man was dragged out
i in ntl nsensible condition. He returned
t0 consciousness during tho forenoon, and
iiTe,j nbout two hours being able to bid
j)is family farewell nnd give some direction
Hbout ti)0 settlement of his estate. He
f WiW ae,i ajj0Ul 5a years. 5tamoJkiu lhr
A Catholic school is being erected nt
Lock Haven.
ihto SiJbcrtisctHfnts.
lteport of "Xirxt .Nntlouul Bank or
Rf port of the conlitioa of "Th Flrit Niitiouol
' P,tt,,1'h01f. ?u'-r'"
! Ml4rc" JMn ls'1-
lv tua tion u buHluctt
i RE30l"RCKS.
l:n. ll'c"unti.....
- - f,; ;Z"
a SccurUlM on hand...
! oihpr Ptw. Min.t unit Moi1i:.u;m...
. Du from Ki-a-cuiiug and , Ki-ie
, 00 dX) On
Voo On
ll.WU ou
: Vue fnjnu.tlr N-ntoiinl H;inkk..
i'7.cyo o
ctliur U.mkHiid ILii kcr...
at, '-'52 oi
, Bankine
Huiifp, olli-r Rfitl Krtalr,
K.iriiituic nnd litttnrt-s..
: Ciirrenl Kxpum-i and Tuxes Paid
, Cu'-U Iit-nis, lncludiug .'.;uu;
, Proust Aceount
I Hills of utli'T Nalloniil Manks
! Fr:o-tio:i:il Currcuoy, Including Nick
I i-.ii
HU7 by
2.1IH l0
94S bt
U. a. Lefi:il Tco-Jer N'uti-B
70,000 no
Tlt,315 85
, rr!tnl Ptmk raid in 12(10.000 W
I Hnrplui fund SM.lWl
1 ls'ouiit, r.xetmngi', Ji(tnil, and
1 1T",it.""d L.w". ., V Mi3 l'
.iiuoimi oanit rircaiuiioa ouimuiuiI
173.2S.I 00
ti.ll' W
3.4HI) Is
20r,-JO'J IX.
iAoi V'.'
ia,;.tui m
11. HU t?
l.VJJ 78
tt.-tli- It. ink rtri'Uhktinii utiutatnlin ..
ltivlitivtds I 'Bid
1 1 1 . 1 i V i 1 1 it : l 1 (U-poiU ,
I'nlteJ Slutr ii-Hif-
I), lllHul 1, h. lUbui HiiiK' OiIhtk..
Cu!itrui-lon ucoutit
(lite to Natlomil lt:llik
Due to alter U.mks :iut yuiikfr
Coi'Kir ttr N'oKini vnritiAhii, net.
I, Briiimi-l .1. l,.n.-l..,r, ('ibirr of "Tlit) Fir.'t
Nuti'iiia! Bank of bunliurtr," il &Vmtily twt-iir
that I In' utiove oi ittir,. ni U nuo, to U ltl uf
1 n,v knott IMire ami bill. f.
(Hi-jmil.l el,
J. VM KEH, Cuttl. r
tuini l nu I ftitii'rilMr.t btlo.e um, tbi jlli
dHV of Mar.-ti, A. H.. t iVI.
(tiiiriK- l.) ). ItOuKkt'LU.F.R, Notary rublls.
tl.liv.i tTrT I
. K l KF.FKI-I.K't, I
liKKKNul'.ill, ?'
U' K Kit,
II' VI .f 1.. ., ' I
.. .'t. n,. ii.. nr. r r.i-i.r..., 1
um 1 iiuvl v:. ... Ihrttljri.
J. It. PAl
flutilitiiT, Aril I, 1-iTl.
MM. Ml'UIUY. 4. KlrMKM. UU. 1 UC.
Wholo.tta ri-!tli hi
(itt.' wii.l B. U xil plat Una ry,
I'rlullun, Urwlux wl MnwIIIm
IVtiitorii' Ciirtl.-t, I'lij-tT Ihis At,'., Vu.
Tho iVK truttd
Corry, Upvummio Durnlii 0U
ll) ut. luinj.
kt-4 . r,.nrl It u i:y .! tMU' ui f
m fcKi '. I i-1 1 1 y bum lw i.l ki ;U4,ll
nl I uu!, c.ii.-ul.x .i,.i l f.r ...ily tuv, m
1. i..iritj. !.'. Vi.i.ft 'i I kll uiImi
l.u I It lu lUif 4U'i) kJ fc.'i' nt Ut't
Al)k u t4 J. lln U'l y mut kM' hi
lloom No. D.
ll . ,. . , . ... i.J .
m-.U IM14 kiml, ik-kiW-ri, I m.
ii ' 1 !'.
1 1:
BLACIv GROS GRAIN SILKS, $1.25 nnd upward."; -t ' .- '
RICH lHACK.TAlfEKTAS, $1.25 to $3. i s. r,- - -..t i ;
"WIDE G Wt.Tor travtslina! mid Promcnndo Suits, iVom 8 OlffiOc
.. I'ppiilarjSt vies l'L AID DRESS
25 to 50c. ' '
.HEAVYI WEIXE TABLE LINEN, 85c, 40c,'446,:60c5.,r- r
WHITE TIQUES, 14c, 18c, 20c. ,)MJIf, ,.f , , .
HEAVY-' 23e,0J,.371c. ' . , , , ' :
KID GLOVES, 'from $1 to $2.50. -J
Japanese Kobcs, $10.50.
I'lQUE TRIMMING, nt about half tho u'suel pricea, 25c, 30c,' 3ic, and
40c, per iiccc 'of ten jardd. ' .;',! "
ifllem-stUchod Lhicn Ganibiio llandkerchlefd, $1.25, 1.3?J aud 1.50 tcr
dozen, t 1'; ; ; , '
Heavy Wide Sash Ribbon, 75c cr yard.
PRINTED CASHMERE SIIALLS, $4 aud upward. u 1 1 . ..
Scarlet Cloth Table Covers, $1.25. . .
Piano Covers, $3.50; a -, . ' '
Red Lion Alpacas, from 25c up.
. - ..! . - , . .1.35,10,$1.G0, .
Superfine and Extra Superfine INGRAIN Carpeta,- fi-om,7oc to $1.35.
85jP Country Custom Soliuttcd.' ' "
33 right's New.lBuildin'g;
has now ou hand art! i; .daily
ever offered for sale in this tOTvn, consinting of an cuoruioua assortment of
which he had uiadti to hii own order, in tha
, ..,... , i workmanship
Stock of Hats
urul a tunguili.'rnt fiM.trlniflrit of
Gent's Furnishing Goods
comprising all tlio novelties of tlio scr.scn.
WMio and IPano SIiis?f s,
sea., sza. r:
lk-in,; ennnpottd w ith sonift of i!im Lirf nl housi tho cities, and buy in all his good
for t-Hbli, hu ik t nubli 4 to otli r
GREATER IDUCEMlillSrTS any of hi. uoiutirlitors here or c lsowhi rr.
Ciyo Li in it rail, rtiiuuna lii OouJj aud hit astonu,hing .)w priori.
Under thencwHotal. on T3iir J ttrcct. SUXOUIIY. FA
"lirJI. J. WOI.VIHTOV, All.tmry nl
II taw. olil.v, J liir.l .l.n-1, 1-1 Uiuii' in'tlU
l I'luiurnl lluuxi, '.' lliKr, mii bury,
Muivli li.MI., IVil. Ijr.
tH U. NT 11 I t TR.
I lt rlUft-uu4 S t or. ol urr)(
An uMuiliu.iit i f WjUIi. , Jettiilry, Mlvrt' m.J
l 4 it an i.i-i....iy v.. ii.ui.i,
1m ritki "' Wl'l. mil I Jv . ii.iul!y
kiu.ia.ii lu. 1 vnii 1. i;i it.
bakery and Confectionery
lii lli i i- l.iildlii ailjulnliiu .im ful
Inllr ii) mii ilio k.4,
M I U j' II V , I i: A ,
J41'4 Mill.'.' 4" 1... I... 11, 1 ..I all Lu.. if
, ult.f . jr due ,i i .
tri Mii.u... kin. i i.. ml 1 I,.- '!(. ,4
f ltUf)...i" l.JI kill, all kii.4k
i lnu t. I l.t r-K, I LA
t 111,.-., au I ul'U k I I 1,4
ls.M b4 .aa .ut .mil
k4 w. Hi- I . i t. -,.! t
Vl k i"4'-
AU UU W of rnoy Calton
w4 w.4..ii'i n 1 1 i.k.,i. Mktum, j
UM biaJ.Kl UMU ,lilc.. I . f J
ui ! iHi.k. mul 1
i, rauil.K
14, 1 11 .1 V ,.. . I in 1. .
A.I utl.ia I. II al lUt Hl .lM
I ( .. Iu. I l--., .f a!
.... 1 1 k
(i-.U.'k kl.. Ml a ... I.i.kl ktl kk,kJ
lUakklk. .41 lull wiji,, I 1.444 H
I .Z?"' '
w.k i!, n
GOODS, foe lisacs.autLcluldrcu, .cotu
. . ,.'
TOWELS, 10c, 15c, 20c.'
' t- ; , . . .
rceivin the largoHt nnd heit ack-ctcd
hilost stylr of fiihhion aud h-.-at tnanuar of
au iinm.-uc
and Caps for
f LOUIS A.M ( ISSIUt ltl Si
l'UK.VCll AND JxiMlXnc t.ooi
of t ty cruilf, J.1.1 i,vin., u the
6ui-isir 10 J. 11. II. 1 k. J'uiiU s.irki. til.i
kL'XUl UV, ltA.
j (.nilli in. n Ml... iK'-iii l.i.l,ii...lile r I, .. lo rik r. u ill i ul liv utmtk i.u-u ..1
rv.iMIMM (Ii w-!l ku.i. u.1 u . k, u4 !.,.. l: .
fkU MmU U la L ll'i)i. tall a. 1. It
I .i,ill.o fill. I.. .SUM
I rli 1 1 l l, I T-.t.
' rimi 1 1:1 uiti 11
.Mammoth I!oul siiuo Mur
! Ill Mil I l It,
I4 l U. S.ul. !.' I..-.I.I, It. ,.. MM. I, CI 4
1 .i ..I ii.- r.-t fin ,
MKllll Mill UIJIM", IISN'.I.
V.'l I .,..1 1 I... (., t , ., I 1 Jli 1', I,..,! .
kt t..4v. I .. uiv ...,!, It.a. I .1, a, t
Yu. I'ui.ilii.,1 1,..,,, u,il.,i 11,,,, , u
Ul.. Ill I-, ......
k- . 1, . . . ... .. .. . .
t U. 1- an . m 1 'i. . , kl ...'! Kr. .. .
Hi- .
tl w
1 1 , I 1 li.
. l,i ,1 l . , 1,
... ku
. I ii
Ii .
I 1...
.U.' I.
1M1 ". -I I I kil l.
I a. I ku. i, i.1 1,.., , .
k I k I kl .. .1 ( ai. a..u l.k m
f. I ..)lt I " k I.. IU 11.4 a .1
k'.J - 1.. I il Hi. .-4 kk I Iki
...!.,. 11 M..44U t m
I klMi
1 .1 k.'W -if
r - ....
ki 1 Ik -tt k
ti rk'a0M ,
k.k. .