Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 01, 1871, Image 1

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n rvxuam Ictebt iatcmjat bt
JCXi WniVKHT, Proprietor-,
tutsan's nmcnoa, marks stjUAas,
At 91.90 la A-lvaae-e.
II ai paid wltsUa Hontha 3.
SvbteriptUmt tkm fot Uu than ttx ATontSt.
Cow-ntcTsn with thin establishment ti an exten
sive NEW JOB OFFICE, containing Variety of
ljjjrbwit IPeVartls, saalte Sqasra
t:. .-s. l L "? 8.00; 15.00
JL 1 0
Kaia and fancy type equal to any establishment
th Interior of the Bute, for which the patron
' aire of the public; l respectfully solicited.
i .-- i- - - -
)rofmionnI. -
TT Law. office, door No. 5, Snd floor Balgtit't
New Building, Biinbury, Pa.
March 85th, 1871. ly.
SB. BOTER. Attorney at Law. Nog.
S and S, Second Floor Bright' Building.
Sunbuiy, Fa. i Professional basinet attended
to,' In tlieconrt of Northumberland nud adjoining
. eour.tle. Clnlmii nromptly collected. Consultu
tion enn be had In the Gorman language. ...
March 25th, 1871. ly.
Law, Sunbury, Pa. - All professional busi
ness Intrusted to hit care will recelre prompt at
tention In this and adjoining counties, .Can be
-consulted both In English and German. Alio,
District Attorney of Northumberland county.
Aug.20,1870.-ly. ,
ftotary Public,
Pittsburg. Pa.
Jan. 15, 1870. ly.
JO. HARKIiK CO, Market Street,
Dealer In Drag, Medicine,- Paints Oils,
Glass, Viimlsbes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
, Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac.
SP. WOLVEKTOt, Attorney at Law.
Market Square, SUNBURT.PA. Profession'
al business In this and adjoining comities prompt
ly attended to.
nR. A. R. AVI1MJE, respectfully an
i.U nounccs himself as Physician and Surgeon
to tar cltlxensof Sunburynnd vicinity, having lo
cated himself permanently on Market street, near
ly opposite the Falrmount Hotel, where be can
be consulted at all hours when not professionally
ngaicsd. apl24-ly
GW. Zl KtlLEK, Attorney at Law, north
side of Public Square, one door east of
the old Bank bulldluR, Bt'NUL'UV, PA. Collec
tions and all professional business promptly at
tended to In the courts of Northumberland and
adjoining counties. si-pt 1 5-Ctl
AN. It It III, Arncy at Law, 6urry,
Pa. Olllee in comer room up stairs, of
' Maiipt's New Bullillifir, formerly occnpieil by G.
V. Hanpt, Esq. Collections of claims, writiiijrs
and all kinds of lesal basinest attended tts-eare-I
fully nud with dispute!). (April 2,'70-ly.
A. ItEIMEXNXYDElt. AUornev nt
. V Luw, SL'NUL'UVt PA. All buslmW en
Trusted to his care attended to promptly and with
diligence. ftpl27-67
JXO.K.iY CLEMENT, Attorueyot Lair,
SINBUKY, PA. Collections and all jmv business promptly attended to. ineli3t-C0
C. 1. lilll NKR. t. n. KASR.
BKCNER K KASE, Attorneys and Couu
sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. We on
Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & t.
Uailrond Depot, In the bulliling lately occupied
by F. Lnr-irus, Esq. Culled Ion's and nil profess
ional business promptly attended to la Northum
berland and mljolrirjj counties. apllO-OU
Hit. MANNER. Attorney at Law, SCX-
BURY, PA. Collections attended to in
the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and l.ycomiug. nplltMj!)
XV Attorneys at Luw, 8CNBUKY, PA. Of
fice in Haupt's new bulldiug, second Boor. En
trance on Market Square. j in4-0S
VALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale and
Retail dealer lu every vurloty of
All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Conl.
Orders solicited and tillort promptly. febl8-71.
Omen wtTn Haas, Faselt A Co.,
. Orders left nt Se.isholU & Bro's., office Market
Street, will receive prompt attention. Country
ciiMom respectfully solicited.
Sob. 4, 1H71. tf.
J Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
(loweb wnAfnr.)
; -ifSolo Agents, ytustward, at the celebrated
Henry Clay Coal. Jnl9-u0
: E X C 1 1 A Si K LI VERV.
Kuubury Pa.
rpHE bei.t ut riding and driving horses always
JL on hand to serve customers.
. Orders left t the Central Hotel, for vsblcles.
will receive prompt attention.
Nov. 5, 1870.
In Simpion't Iiuililiivj, Mwktt fyuart,
Sl'NUl'RY, P.,
1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining
to Dentistry. He keeps coustuutly on hand
a Urge assortmsut of Teeth, and other DeuUi
material, from which he will be able to select,
and mert the wauls of Ills customers-.
All work warranted to give sutinfuctlon, or ls
th money refjinlel.
Tb very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders
kept ou band.
Ills references are the numerous patrons for
whom be bus worked for tlx lust twelf year.
Sunbuiy, April iil, l'-3.
riHE undersigned huviug connected the Coal
Xbu.iues wilbhiaexteiiv F LOCK A GRAIN
tnine. Is nreuared to supply. feiAUlet with the
Egg, Stave and Nut, eonatuully on tind. OraU
taken la exchanitd fvr Coal. l'
6uubtiry, Jan. 15. U7Q. tf.
I'irv, Lire aud Aeetdaal
S. Amerlcau, PUllailelphU, Asset. J.Tli3,N0
Kuterprise, " kJi.M
Mhiuu, Nsw Turk, l,SW,titl
N. America sxW.MU
l..rill-r.l, " 1.4-ni.UK
.," aaJ,!)
JUtt'tir, " " to,oii
.MlUl, LoBi.U, M l,IIUU,Ul4
L)uuiui(, Mnuey. " a.Si.l.wsi
r ruktiu piiiuaaibu, " .,ti
lUwe. " .l.Wil
U. ttiuuh Hsc-'ktu H.a.H
i .....l........ N. luik. " 4,UD
. fcsia4 Mutual Lilt, - 1,kJ,iM)
LXi 'tl rA"i iflk UtuaU;,Wa,
Um pkiuM'. M.
ILd-OIII 4 t.ikt. r
i NM iwu.n . fs
uU44 t "I I!' ftb4t.ti
, tMtt t Ma i a !! (
TttVtllled in 18 iO. 1
ofcls itttt iliftlanranls.
U Proprietor, Shnmokln Street, Trevorton,
Northumberland county, Pa. The table Is sup
plied with the best the market affords. ' Good
stabling and attentive ostlers. Jnn.81,'71
HOOTER HOmEx Third Street, nt tho
depot, SUNBURY, FX, Wm., pro
prietor. Warm meafs served up at all hours.
Fish, Fowls and name. Fresh Oysters con
stantly on hand and served lu every style. The
best of wines and liquors at the Bar.
"Families will bo supplied with oysters
done tip la any style, by leaving orders at the
Bot. ' - Nov.6,'70-ly.
Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot.
SusncuY, Pa.,
HAS open a Restaurant and Eating House,
for the accommodation oftho public.
Warm meals ran be and all ho nrs. All kinds of
game, fish, Ac, served up nt short hotlce. His
bat Is supplied with the bertllquor In market. No
pains spared to please, and towns moderate. .
Sunbufy, September, 4lTi 18y. ly.
JOSEPH BACnER informs the citlrens of Sun
bury mid the public generally, that he has
opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the above
plane. The best of La err Beer, and Majt Liquors
will be kept. Also Oysters, Ac., couslautly serv
ed up to customers.
WALD, Proprietor, OoorgctowA North'd
Connty, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. K. W.
Choice wines amVeigarr at the bar.
The tablets supplied with tho best the market
affords. Good stabling and attentive oilers;.
LIRwltlSNY .HOtrSeTcm.. CIIA8.
KLECKNKR, Pjoprietor, Nos. 812 nud 814
Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, tS per day. Ho respectfully solicits your
M.VN, Proprietor, Front Street, between
Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Sunbury, Pa.
Sept- 24, 1870. ly.
Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second
Streets, opposite the Court loue, Sunbury,
P. v May28,'70.
THOMAS A. M UX, Proprietor,
Sunlmry St., west SU AMOK IN, PENN'A.
Meuls served at nil hours, ut short notice. The
Ves. cf Liquors nt the Bar. The Table Is sup
plied with the best and latest ill the markets. At
tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patronage
solicited. j
LOUIS II UM M EL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., SHAMOKIX, PENN'A.
Having Just refitted the ubove Saloon for the
accomodation of the public, in now prepared to
serve 'lis friends with the best lerreslimctitx, nnd
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt
L" a (kXvva k x "va BCevTi o t'S
K. M. BU KN'ilA.M, Proprietor, Corner Lacka
wanna and i'rsoklin Avenues, Bcrnntou, Pa., op
posite Delaware, Ijrcknwanna ft Wcsteru Deot.
Free carriages to couvcy guests to nnd from
Depot. Mar. 20, '70.-1 y.
J. VALEtt'S ...
Winter carden and hotel
Ao. 720, 722, 724 & 727 Tins 51.,
Centrally located, connecting with .lithe City
l'asseugcr Railway Cars, from all the
Depots In the City.
Excellent Accommodations for Tra
veller. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every
vtuing in the Summer and
, , Winter Garden.
Q&Orchtttrion Concert Evtry Afternoon..
Office of J. Valer's Fouutaiu Park Brewery.
June 4, 180.-ly.
Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN
BURY, PA., . . ..
UeviH-ctfuily invites the attention of Retailer
and others, tbut he has on Kitd, and will con
stantly keep all kinds of ,
Conslftlug of Pure Brandies: Cogniuc, Cherry,
Glmrer. Roehcllc uud Otard.
Whlsklesi.ture.Rye Copper-iistllled, Mon
gabela, Appio and Nectar.
Wiliest Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and
Crab CM.r, Champague Cider, N. E. Rum,
Brown Stout nnd Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquors which cau be found In
the city markets, which will be sold ut Whole
sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as
represented. Also, a large Kit of DEMIJOHNS
and DOTTLES, always ou hand.
t-7" Orders promptly atteuded , and public
patrounge respectfully solicited
Sunbury, July S, 1809. ly.
J. II. Coulej, k Co.
AS received a new assortmeui of ull kinds of
Hardware, Cutlery, Mechauici' Tools, Ac,
of all descriptions. Also Wuguu Maker's M ite
rials. Huh. Rims, ShWcs. Also, all kluds of
Leather fur Shoemaker' and Saddler's. Every
tbiug la th Harbwurit lluteao be found which
will X told a losr as enn o bought of auy other
tsubklsbmsul la the eouutry. Call and e their
Busbury, Dee. 11, HK19.
rTWE B4rsigne4 havlug si sited a shop on
X 'Ihlld street, uaarly opuustl the A'eulrul
Hotel, It prepared tx tuauufuclur all kluds of
BOOTS AND bllOKS lu lb lulet style. Ills
stock t of Jh very best taalky In lb utarkal.
lluviug lost !h4tj(tyl poa ko of bU ready wa4
ttoek bv tb U. t.i, b ill berwfwr aouaa
UIiiimII ticlusively to inuutfueturtbg.
lb publte r luvit4 loeall aud esamlo hit
ttuek, aud eltoud tbelr twtouaga.
Term retttouabla. itt-riirlng done al short
,otie. IWN DROrr.Ntll.
laubury, Jua 11, l7a .
LaUU Uaaaliaa4 llala
rssaioMABti MiLLiavav Gooii uiaatuuv,
k Just bee l-psu4 at
Maiktl Mieil, on 4jov ft Uwtiaait'l to)'
Iwliuuwy o,
lUNUUHt, rA.
ThlaUt)Upr Di Trimmlagt, f reach, i iiilauMM (a4Ui. tuia, veiia wiwt,
i4 a Ufa tuMl uf utbt; itifl.
It, sMtawtwa h lit tUllvaif batla, lb
w sil u tMu-h, aisoitie
curnxu tr u at tins
Isimi 4ltai
Tk l4W4 fcl iM,br m4 (issaitf to.
4u:is taiit4 4 Iss 44t4
Physician of this celebrated Institution, bas
discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and
effectual remedy In the world for all
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun
tary Discharges, Impotency, General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dvspepsy, Languor, Low
Bplrits, Confusion of Ida, Palpitation of
the Heart, Timidity, Tremblinirs, Dimness
of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of th Head,
Throat, Nose or Sk'ti, Affections of Liver, Lunes,
Stoinnch or Bowels-thef terrible Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal to their
victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners
of Ulysses blighting their most brilliant hopes
of anticipation, rendering marriage, &c., Impos
sible. rOUNGMEN
especially, who have become the tlctiui of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually awoep to an untimely grave
thousands of young men of the most exalted
talents and.brllUjijjt intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Penates with the
thunder of eloquence or waked to eestucy the
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married Persons or Yoitnir Men contemplatiuir
mitrrluve, aware of PhysUral Weakness, (Loss
of Procrcntlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility,, or auy other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
He who places himself under the car of Dr. J.
may relltriously eonlld.- lu his honor as a gen'llu
uion.anil conlldently rely uon his skill as a l'bv
sivian. '
Impotency, Lots of Power, immediately Cured
unci full Vltror Restored.
This Distressing Affection which renders Life
miserahlc nnd marriage Impossible is t lie penalty
paid by the Victims of improper Indulgences.
Young persons tula Xmy uyi. to excessca
from not being a ware ol' the dreadful conseqeuccs
that tuny cnxue. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation is lost sooner by trror1: falliuir. into
linpnrpcr ha lulu than by tho prudent I llinides
beinir deprived the pleasures of healthy oflsprim;,
the most serious and destructive symptoms lu bot h
botly mid mind arise. T' svstein becomes de
ranged, the Physical nnd Mental Functions
Weakened, Loss of Procreativo Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspcpxtu, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, it WiirtVing
of the Frame, Couch, Consumption, Decay nud
Persons ruined In health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month nfler month,
tsklnif poisonous nnd injurious compounds,
snouiu uppiv imrueainteir.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon
don, Graduated from one of the mot eminent
Colleges in the trailed States, nnd tho erciiter
part of vho.-e iTt 1 is .been s)H'tit In the hoitpltals
of London, Prls, rhitadv'-i?M and elsewhere,
has cll'eeted some of the most atunishiug cures
that were ever known j inuny trorHjlcd with ring
ing in the head and ears when asleep, great
nervotisuess, beliix ulurmcd at sudden soauds,
bushf'uliiess, with frequent blin-hlug, .irttended
sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured
iDe. J. addresses all those who have Injured
tLctr ;elves hyiproper indiilgenec unci solitary
habits, wlileli r .in both hotly and mind, unfitting
them lor either business, study, society or mar
riage. These are some of the sad and melancholy
effects produced by early habits of -outh, viz:
tVcukuets of the K'tu-k and Limbs. Pains in the
Bark nnd Head, Duunem of Sixht, Iamb of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy,
Nervous Irritability, Derauiremcnt of Dlirii-tlvo
Functious, General Debility, Symptoms of Con
sumption, &c. The fearful effects on the mind
are much t bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
fusion of fras, lH'prcsfion of Spirits, Evil
Forcbodlnfis, Aversu to Moelety, Self-Dislrunt,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, c., kic some of tbu
evils produced.
Tiiot sands of persons of all ages can now
Judtre what is the cause of their declining health,
losing their vigor, becoming, weak, lwle, nervous
and emaciated, having a singular appearance
about the eyes, cough uud symptoms of consump
Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged lu wheu alone, a habit frequently
learned from evil companions, or nt school, the
etlevts of which Pithily felt, even wheu
asleep, and if not cured, ri ndu'-s ivarriage Impos
sible, und destroys both mind uud body, should
apply immediately.
n hat a pity that a youns man, the hope of his
conutry, the durliug of bis pot,eiitn, should be
suatched from all prosiects uud 'enjoyments of
Ule, oy tue consequence ct uevlattug from I lie
path of naturo and indulging iu certain secret
habit. Such persons Mi'sv, lieforc contemplating
reflect that a sound iniud and ImhIj are the most
necessary reiuiiitrs to pnuuote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without thee, the journey through
life becomes a wtary pilirrlmai;e i the prospect
hourly darkens to the view the mind t eeome
shadowed with despair uud Illicit with the melan
choly reflection, that the huppiuco of auother
become LHtutecl Willi oiirowu.
Wheu th mlt;uli.ed ami iii.priideiil votary of
pleasure tluds tiiut liu has Imbibed the seeds of
this pulnlul Ularuxc, It too olteu liapiH-us that au
ill-timed sense of olmme, or dreail of discovery,
deter him from uppl.vlni; to lhe who, froiu
educiition and r '-iHc iuljim v, caii alone befriend
him, delaylm; till the eoni national symptom ot
this horrid tlieue make their apixarunee, such
as ulcerated sore throat, di-easei nose,
pains iu the head and limb, diiuues of siu'lit,
deul'uess, nodes on I lie shin bones uml arms,
blutchca on tho head, face and extremities, pro-
grtsMug wuu ii iirici i in rapuiuy, till at iut the
utlute of the mouth or the bones of the noce lull
tu, unit the vic tim of till uwlul diseuse Ucome
i horrid object of couimiierailoii, till death puts
A purliMl to hi dread) ill siitlerlm;, by seinliiiir
him to "that lie 'I'.ered Country from he uei
uo traveller returns."
It is uivluueholy fact that Ihousaud DIE
Victims to this '.erilfcla. tieuse, through fulling
luto th bauds t)f iLUoranl or uuskilllul 1'HK
TLNDEUS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol.
ton, Mercury, Jke., de.lroy the eoustllutlou, uud
iacuible ot eurluir, keep the unhappy utlcrer
laouth after month lukliii; llielr uiuiou or In
jurious com pounds, and lutvad uf being re.lorud
to a rtuewal or Igor aud llappiuco, lu des
pair Isav hhu with ruiued lleultu to sigh over
bis galling disaiululmoul.
To such, therefore, Dr. Johm.tow pledget hliu
Self to prvoerv lb uiisl luvlulable becreey, aud
from bis ekteuslv praeliu aud obwrvatloiit lu
the great Hospitals of Euroiw, and th nr.t In
this eouutry, vis i Enxlaud, ruuee, PbiladolphU
aud ! bete, U iiitblrd to olfer lb niot eer
taiu, spMtuy and ett-cluul reuiody lu th world
(of ail Uiav4M't of ImprUileiKv.
DH. JollSaloV,
orru r, no. t, . ki.iii.ku k mkekt.
btiTiHoaa, M. D.
Ltft haad Sid golug from B tliUu.we ttrwi. a le
liooir fioui the uoiuur, t'sit ut to ubaeiv uaui
aud aumlicr.
, trNo Utter relv HuIsm pvl paid u4
anUlalug a .lamu tu U) umkI no tb rvpiy. Per.
tout wmucg tbut.14 tirtl g, u4 mu4 puflMi
Wf 4lrtlMWewt duMXiUng )iuptuta,, .
lavi so utauy I'ait'i, Dvaitilug u4
WuithUs luipu.lvis adtettolug tk4iuwlv a
PbjttcUiis, utitlufc mtttsad (umtiig lk t4'U
uf all uo uuluiluiislisly (alt iuut their pur,
tbl Dr. Jkui t iImiu it snwsr) ta w e-
rvtall tulkiM yuW',llaUJ ml'k 1.4 Iti-liU'
a tb4 hto t'i4iitli w DlpluUM lw)t
hUd I hi, ulbe.
AlMitiH4Kr r HIK Pr4.
lkluau OkniMiula i4 at tkl t,,tabiltf
IMmI, )m IUf twl, au4 llM Ssuanw, lut
U'ltaal uf "al l'l,4lu., foiuMi4 b
Jobuotoa, sJ4i,i lj tk itM.Ui4i.i., -I lk
bx k4 UMaf utlw wai.. ut akuli
ki tV"4 saaut i4 sm Im4u IUd pubiw,
Ualtu W lu ii.g a a (loiuaut " U.t.n
a4 i"iiniii, a scUt-wut gaaioiMa a
14 tSLy 1 1
al IIK1S nrkkDILT l'kP
rawi i hrj - v
Tls not a new patent, aat bat long bnen lu use,
And many hav tried Its fair fame loabuM
And "let me describe It from hopper to till
The Beliebub Patent Slander-MllL
The young and trie Yild'eafi at once testify
To lu power in changing the truth to a lie, '
Or a lie to the truth, ns the pntron may will
So very couplet 1 the tlaodcr-MUI.
Thli ruachiif will workict In a social way,
Where the people may meet to talk or play ;
And the fairest of band may turn at will
The crank of the famous Slander-Mill.
It .can grind your character a One as cbaff.
While the millet chat, and dance, and laugh,
And the victim fecit a suddeu chill
At every turn of the Slnuder-MlII.
It crushes 'whit case a fori lady'i name,
And changes her grnee to stn and hme;
While the friendly irlnnre af pure good-will
I reduced to a blot by the Slander-Mill.
A man may think himself pnre a snow.
And train tils virtues to make them grow ;
But he I marked Jltnd with a visntre of III '
By a tingle turn of th Sluuder-Mlll.
The mother who toil for her babe nnd bread
With a soul at true at the star o'erhead.
Often TV.U the hungry mouth to All
By passing through the Slauder-MIII.
The father, whose wish that wife and child,
With himself, may pass on undetlled
To the Land of Rest when God shall will,
Jt ground to dust oy the Mander-Mill.
There Is nothing good, noble, wise or pure
That, passed through this mill, can long endure;
When Sntnu invented the thing or 111,
He KneW who would use the Slander-Mill.
So bring on yonr grist, ami have It ground
In the surest mill that was ever found t
Mrs, Grundy presides, and will take the toll,
Returning the chuff, bit reserves the soul.
In all our homes there' a mill at work t
'Tls the humuu Tougtie the Devil's clerk
no laittirully serve at hopper and till,
To feed the devouring 8laudcr-MllI.
And don.1 you know when you vyill pass
through this part of the country asain, Mr.
Vcrlcy?' .
lXo, I don't,' said the bid bachelor, de
cidedly. lie was something of a bear to answer so
crustily wlVen Barbara Smith btood in the
doorway, with the shadowy lashes droop
ing over tho soft brown eyes, and roses
melting into deep carmine on her rosy
cheeks, until her muslin dress was plain in
comparison. . .Such a prelty, big-eyed, lov
in liltlo Barbara as she was, in all the
blonde freshness of her. cihteeu summers,
and the sort sigh thr.t fluttered from her
lips as tho one-horse carriage drove away,
was checked instantly. Iiarbara had no
idea of becominp; a victim to unrequited
love, though the hnd rather- faneicd Mr.
Verley during his brief sojourn at her
father's house.
Air. Verley drove away through the ruil
ling green draperies of the summer lane3,
whistling sadly as he drove.
'I shall bo iu very good time for tho 12.30
train,' lie meditated to himself. 'Punc
tuality is the soul of business, and I never
Wf one of the behind-hand tribe, thank
Providence. Jlcsides, I think it wits be
coming duDgcrous to remain in that place
any longer. I am thirty-nine tomorrow,
and that is just twenty years too old for
me to go making a fool of myself. Fauey
me getting married 1 So you dou't Joseph
Verley, my friend.'
As lie settled himself comfortably in the
crowded tailway car, nnd opened the letter,
Uie 8ubject.agaiit occurred to bis ruiud
with curious persistence.
'TrUj letter of my poor brother's executor
came just in time, or I should certainly
have looted away more time than would
havo been sensible or profitable. Poor,
dear Harold ; I dou't see what on earth
possessed him to fall sick aud die on his
way home from Venice and leave his
daughter on my hands, too. Why could
he not have left a son instead of a daugh
ter? 1 never did uuderstaud a woman's
ways, aud what's more I dou't want to. I
it iu to meet her at -Specdville, and take her
homo with mo. '01' groaned Mr. Verley,
referring despairingly to his letter. ..And
what I'm goiug to do with tier when 1 get
thero I'd like to know ! I suppose she's a
great creaturo, with ringlets aud ribbons,
uud justds likely as not uu Italian lover
talking seutiiueut to her a creature that
reads Byron and keeps an album, and eats
Mlutc-pciicils am, chalk. I'll send her to a
boarding school, that's what Pit do with
my niece aud pcrliaps when, site has
graduated there the schoolmaster enu sug
gest some means of getting rid of her. Of
course she'll have a dozen largo trunks, and
a bonnet-box and a parrot's cage that's
tho way womcu geuer.tlly travel, I believe.
I am glad I am nut of the way of But Uira's
fascinations now.'
Mr. Verley looked out ef the car window,
in a tort of cilui desperaticu at the pro
pect before him. , Wtf
'1 enppose she'll vc'ibA r;V.uo, and m7
be a poodle dog, aud therV uo knowiu
what else. 1 dou't see why Harold wauteu
to die aud leave his daughter to my care
just uow. cSpeedvilleslaliou tweuty-vveu
miles further. I wish it was tweuty-tevin
huudred miles that's what I with.'
Aud with this vindictive scuiiuttul in
his imud, our heio lied a red silk Ivuudker
chlef over hi head, and tried Ut loao him-
Si inua ocrtt or uner, troubled dreams,
wherviu the viaioii of a tall ukeyouug Udy
figured couapicuoutly.
'Are we Here aliuadyf' hit tUiuiiwrvd,
Utudin to his ft et, a the emduetof bawl
ed out. 'Spvedvillo Mulaui,' and aolxiiig
umbrella, valine aud traveliug tltawl, alih
the butUlug hcwildvriueul prvultar to 10
ple ju arouavd I rout skx-p, h alightutf.
tHM.'dvtlUt waa ralluir a Urge-siAed vil
lage, aituated al lite JututiiiU of several
ratUays, with au liusilug AiMrtcMn
tioihiu tliucture for a Upui. luto the
building Mr. VerUy wullu.d. kMikiun rit;hl
aud kit tuf tlat )ouiii lady who guardian
khiu lie wa tu muiuo.
'if euurM,' Ims rvsuotidcd utvatally, 'ahe'll
be iu the kuukuut lor urn wotuwu are pi
vrbutllv curious.' , ,
liut lUmld Verity's duuhlw 4 uol
vu lite lunkiait fur ltr wu hi. Y twit the
vruad lucldout la lUi iuluj liaiu had
uUluod aud Dm pe'W Iu4 gat tbur dii-
arwut way, ums ouiv ruatiu4 ony4Ut
wl ImsiL,iu4 tsi Mr. Vsttry, a Un.u uUl
atau it Iw4 uU uuauuU aud apuka, and a
i iWvut I'Mikiuif euliiii autuaa, ailU a
I ubt Mad 1 44 luiUta tat Iwr In. ad, Ua
I tus-a vaie of ilte butidmrf. haitlwr ul llve
uuU Ut tu kM m Hf VsiWy, alVr a
' littm tniUkMt Utiuiiou, a,l.l,v4 biiu-
Ut ti uIussmI avawaa, aki a a busily
a" iUiuj Ua i4 itkasi truwtb-
'Ahem ! I was to meet iny Biece here
to-day' and I don't see her.'
'Your ulece, air ? what is her name ?'
'Ob I yes sir ; she has been here these
two hours, bless her dear heart ; she is
asleep nows'
'Asleep' ensned Mr. Verlev i but th
stewardess only answered him bv bustling
mto luuni wrpmrvTi-vnvriTitx uriDgtngoUl
wnas apiearea to oe a compact buudle
with a nink fura at nnn pnrl nf it an. I .
mass of long trailing embroidery at the
Joseph Verley recoiled as far as the anglo
ui me uoor woutu permit mm.
'Why it's a baby 1'
io oe sure it is. sir.' said llio woman.
'and as tine a little girl as ever 1 saw ; bless
iter sweet oiue eyes.'
'But isn't there a nurse or some such
person here, who would take charge of her !'
'Thero was a nurse brought her on, sir.
a queer, foreign-looking thing, with a yel-
iow skid bdu nair as oiaca as nignt, and
gold hoops in her ears ; but she talked and
lalked.somethiug about the next steamer
I couldu't understand her lingo, sir and
weut right back to Xew York on the two
o'clock train.'
Joseph Verley stood aghast, staring at
the rosy baby as it lay crowing in the wo-
man s arms, atta wondering which of his
iuckv stars uo Should call on to aid liiiu in
this unlooked-for emergency. A full-grown
young lauy niece would have beeu bad
cuough but a baby I
So this is my niece, he muttered. 'And
what am I going to do with her V .
He turned suddenly to the woman.
'What time does the next tralu for Winfield
leave 1"
'In an hour, sir.'
'Would you be kind enough to take care
of the child till theu V I suppose I must
take it home with me ; for I cuu't very well
drown it, or throw it under the car wheels.'
: 'She,' ejaculated the astonished stew
ardess. But Mr. Verlev rurned on his heels and
ctrode oxtt of the depot, scarcely able at
first to comprehend the disaster that had
Tho traiu was at tho depot when he re
turned and the woman awaited him with
the sleeping infant in her arms.
'Asleep, ehV commented Mr. Verley.
Well, that's lucky.'
'Where's the nurse, sir?' inquired the
'The nurse ? What nurse ?'
'.Why, I suppose you want to get a
curse !'
. '5ever.,oncc thought of it ! ejaculated
Joseph madly smiting his forehead. 'Here
give the thing to me quick, the train is
moving.'. ,
He had hardly time to spring on board
ns the locomotive gave an unearthy shriek,
while the baby followed suit vigorously.
lie slagged to his seat, holding tho" um
brella and the chilvfiu one hand, while iu
the oilier his valise swung backward and
'There 1 there, bless its little lieart 1' he
exclaimed, imitating the colored woman.
'We won't cry so we won't.'
But the baby evidently had an opinion
of her own ou the subject, and would cry
in spite of various blandishments practiced
oy mo ucwiidcrcd uncle sued as shaking
the umbrella handle, swinging his watch,
and trotting both knees.
People began to look uround reproach
fully ; youug men shrugged their shoulders
aud youDg ladies giggled.
Utush I hush I there's a darling ?' whis
pered Mr. Verley.
But still the baby wept and wailed, and
gnashed its gums, for of teeth it had but
two. Mr. Verley began to look around in
the car iu search of some matronly dame
of whom he could seek counsel, but iu vaiu.
Thure, were only three ladies iu the ear, and
they .$vero young, with round hats aud
dimple) cheeks.
'They don't know anything about it,'
groaueij Mr. Verley, in anguish of spirit.
OU!. why didn't I have common sense
enough to g o and get a nurse ? 1 suppose
there is no danger of a haby burstiug its
lungs , but 1 should thiuk if there was such
a contingency, this baby was lu a fair way
of meeting iu Well, roar away, my young
friend ; 1 can stand it as long as you can.'
Vain boast, as futile as vain, as Mr.
Verley very soon discovered. Tho buoy
not only ccied, but it screamed, it kicked,
it doubled irsultjjver iu more ways than a
contortionist's wiieet dreams could ima
gine, aud became apparently fraulic with
puhsiuu.' The iicrspiration broke out iu
huge beads on Joseph's brow ; his face
tluehed and still tho cars thundered on.
'What's to become of me f ho pondered,
holding desperately ou to the struggling in
l:tnt by tho tush that encircled its little
wuiut, and watching iu purple Tare with a
siecies of detestation. 'X don't wonder
Harold died. 1 shall die iu a week if this
thitii; goes on. And it seems so easy fur
Barbara Siuitli to take care of her little
brothers aud titters. If Barbara Smith
was here.'
And Verley pulled the baby up into a
silling posture with a sudden jerk.
I'll do it,' quoth Mr. Verley. 'I'll lake
the back express at four iu the morniug
aud gu straight there. Ah, you may slop
cry tug, you little hypocrite, but it won't do
auy good ; put not to bo caught twice la
the same trap.'
Barbara biuith was watering Iter tube,
roues lu tho bright tuusliiue, when he arrived-
ailh till uli aud babr,
'1 Hnr uie, Mr. VerUy,' Le ejaculated,
bluthiug 'celestial rosy red.' 'N hy, a hat
a twect tKtby.'.. , .
'Yes, very eeet, he responded, dryly.
U Is my meet) that I was to tuoel al Sin-ed.
Ville.' .
'Why, ! thought that she was a youug
"o did I, but It seems shew not. Ur
bara, what do you tuiiuae Uoughl lue
back V he addud. taktug very last lor
liar the baby would cry,
'I dou't tuow,' tulurd Barbara, rrliu
souiug still more. Pvrhuj you Ibrgut
Vt, 1 did.1
'W hat waa U said Barbara, ft IlllW
I lorgoi to ask you If you would marry
lli r
'Ikrar me, wd (hat all V said lU vouug
My, dt'iuurvly.
Uu,l that uouH -Say, IWrUtra, will
JoU '
'I'll think of It,' aatwvroJ Barbara,
'No, but Ml ui u. (Jukk-lUUby'S
aakiutf uii."
Mvil, IImiUi..'
lUitssm lud Uka lit liuta iblua la kr
arm, aud dtMiipiarvd tvkirt it kwi Uua
la uiwr U s aaiuiij )Ml.
A k kfraaids Mr. JowbH VttU
.m,k Um i Ik) tvluia Ualtt auk bit i&
aud bUvs, tk Laikt tl rvsUlOMft t4-4
t.Ult, u4 it ttaeaU i viacvu.ii''ta
iVab t
Ww Bertei, vl. S, X. .
OM ertft, Val.Sl, K: 10.
A New Chapter f Hlstorjr.
How California vat Kept from JSeing
Drawn inlo Hit Vorkz nf RJkXlwn.
A writer in a Chicago paper givr-e what
he claims has uever before beeu given to
the reading public, relative to the political
situation of California In the dark days of
ltitil. The writer proceeds to say :
Then, in 1601, State after Slate was
throVing off allegiance to the Uniou aud
joiuingthe unholy alliance which was to
perpetuate humuu bondage. Portress after
fortress on the Soutlwrn coast, was being
taken by force or stttretnlered by trcasou.
Priceless military it-ores in navy yards
and arsenals were, jbeiug destroyed, lest
they should fall into lie hands of the ene
my. Every departtfruat of government
contaiued llebcl spies, and the very air in
our JS'ational canitol seenicd loaded with
treason, when t hvr ra dim ana da n iu
good President, a faressage that cauae'd his
cheek to palo, aud his great heart to beat
quick with apprehension. This was the
message, snort aa it was ominous : "There
is treason op Alcatraz." Alcatraz is the
name of the island fort that guards the
Golden Gato, aud coinmauds the harbor
and city of San Fraueisco,
It is a rock of a lew acres in extent, ris
ing, iK-rhftpe, tifty leet abve tho Burlncc of
the water. The fort is the (iibraltcr of
America, as much stronger thau Sumter
or Pickens as solid rock is stronger than
brick and mortar. Its commander at this
lime was Albert Sidney Johnston. The
force under his commaud consisted of but
a few companies. The Pacific coast was
strongly Democratic. Its populatiou con
sisted largely of eminrauts from the slave
States, who retained au intensely Southern
feelitig and sympathy, embittered by the
fact that the great State of California had
beeu lost to slavery upon its admission into
the Union ten years before.
A few leading spirits had Ions been in
correspondence with the leaders in the
Itebellton. At their suggestion, more than
a year before. 1 lovd. theu Secretary of
War, had. unknowu to anv loval nersou
livios, transferred eiclifv thousand stand
of arms from the arseual at Troy to that of
jenicia, to oe used dv lue secessionists in
California when the plot should be ripe,
and the Rebel Dug uufurled. The nrocram-
uie of the traitors was this : To obtain
possession of Port Alcatraz. which would
give them control of tbe cjty of San Fran
cisco. Then with tbe amis that were
stored at Benicia. tbev could at once arm
and organize a force that would be irresisti
ble throughout the state.
It was a brilliant conception to train for
slavery the whole Puciiic toast, with- its
boundless resources, as Well as all the vast
region to the eastward, exteuding the Con
federacy unbroken from the Atlautic to the
Pacific seas. To insure the success of this
scheme. Albert Sidney Johnston was
placed in command of Port Alcatraz. It
was arranged that the leaders iu San Fran
cistSowith a force of picked men sufficient
for the purpose, eliould surprise and cap
ture thd fort. The details were all ar
ranged. They were waiting only for orders
from the llcbel Governmeut to strike the
fatal blow. The birds of the air carried
whisperings of this treason to loyal ears.
Mo time was to be lost. The mails were
then carried semi-monthly by steamer be
tween Mew York aud Sau Francisco. The
time was from three to four weeks. Thero
was theu no telegraph, no railroad even,
west of the Missouri river. There was,
however, a pony express ruuning from Sau
Francisco to St. Joseph, Mo., making the
distance in sixteen days. By this express
a message was instantly despatched, warn,
ing President Liucolu of the daugcr. The
message was duly received, and a hurried
consultation was held with two or three
members of bis cabinet. It was decided
that Johnston must be superseded by a loyal
otlicer. There was such an one at hand,
one whose loyaety aud integrity were per
fect and unqestiouable, a knight without
fear aud without reproach! It was Gener
al Sumner. ... ..... , . , ,
But how should he secure the command?
The fortress was six thousaud miles away
by the traveled route. It tbe least move
ment iu that direction was opeuly niado,
fleet coursers would carry the warning over
tbe plaius, and it would be too late. The
utiuoet secrecy was imperative. There
cuauced to be a government war steamer
in Mew York harbor. General Sumner was
at once ordered on board this vessel, aud
its commander directed to put at sea in
stantly, wiih sealed orders, which were to
be opened when one day out of port. These
orders directed him to lay upou the track
ol the outgoing California mail steamer,
look out tor the one which was to sail tbe
next day, put General Surauer on board of
her, and then cruise southward for a week
before returuiuc to port.
These orders vcre obeyed. The rebel
spits were bathed, and tlie gallant Sumner,
uukuspecled, was ou his way to assume
command of fontrai. Meauwhilo its
traitorous cotnmuuder Aud hicor)fbderaU'
uder Aud hiacourvderaue
awaiting their orders from
ucut by this ve ry leamer.
.ignal ou Toleuruph Hill
were imnatieDllv
the rebel goveruuieul
tu due time the signal ou luiourui
aunouoeed the mart steamer at the Guide u
Gate, Within the city all was expectation 1
aud excitement. The eager Ihuuaands who i
thronged the streets, exiiectaui of thrilling ,
news lioui their former homes so fur away, I
hardly uollced the nioiueutary iaue ef ii .
steamer a belt paiug Fort Aloiitraj, uor '
did they uoie the tiuy boat that ahot off
froiu htr able toward the itlauil, yel that
tiny btatl bum tuoru, to lUciu, than "Otaar
and bis fortune. '
It bore Guucral Sumuer, who lu a few
mluutes Iimk! Ulbm the traitur vomiuau '
ucr, ana, a nit superior iu raus, auu uuuer
tpeeiul Orders trim tho I'rvaidcut, auiu4
eoutmaud at tort Alcatraa, C'ahluruia
was aawd Wlju Lulon. It iHpU, view.
lug alar Ihe caruai ani iLivUUuti of aar,
so vauie to gase wtiti ho rvr fxnt tl
datkabyt luto whkb li kel sud u liter u-
pulout Ueasuu would l'4ve'T'bV4 l'"'U,
Aud, with palrtulisiu itaacacd by lite lu -
tptrvd eliMitauee of !urr kiug. mmt lips
uvutud tuuthvd wilt halloaud Mr. llwy
roiuiwed lluiir lkaUuee lu tba V'uUu ut
tin i r ttiiUet.
Tbuia.'liiith llxure was uu lutire loyal
Main lUau t'ultliuuU. It 'l Uuieuoe
ftutw Ibe hmum of totillui (otlMiia M lull
ic.rvMiiuuuu lu lite aiiuW uf IU I'uwu,
but lis t'a UiWau tiitaiut of g4! rvj'WuisU -
I .1 . I ... I ....... ,!... t.M..,.
. . i... 1 ... . . .1 k i- .J ci.
. - - - .
Hilary iuaati. .s .r
uf u.iiv U14.I) IIkii r al
VI ICHV'ICi HWIi . ' f
lu lU llvUl simi-a. All. h4u
J4iuiva aat rwt4 .""
. , . . .i 11.1.1 i.i I'm..
-W.--.- - wm"" " ' "
buia liJlK4'
la Ul VV-'-J a4 ull-M
K Uj uus-r rai-lu4j
rSuT aS 0O18.OO3O.eQ
r 2 s s: i8 w" :"
Bit " .(K .78: 7.80 8.00 18.0018 0O J7 60
Twonio's 7.6 9.W 9.0015 wiS m w W
Jam; 8.0: . ao 10.00 ao.oo is 66 S oc
Nlae "
'Oat Tear
.( o.w i .oo i .oo;wr4;oo7aoo
:.wia.oo itkoo o.Wi.ouieo.oQ;i;i.6o,
'kelhearlul 1st New Sesdaad.
SixtT-five rnlka fmm C!i, li stf jVi ia . t Si-
Station Of IloftthstorJt nnrt hM
(HI that imnMn
atid Intereetmg work of shecp-shearine.
, iiore is an account of the woolrsbedv a
(furious as those of the eulederos of South
America, but more rr-miUivn. t.,k
Shearer has a trapdoor close to htm, out
or which he pushes his sheep as soon asthe
fleece is off ; and there are little pens out
side, so thai the manager can notice wheth
er the poor animal has been too much cut
with the shears,' or badly shorn in any
other respect, and cart toll exactly which
shearer is to bin me. Before this plan waa
adopted, it wtrt hopeless to try to rind out
who was thcdcliBqutint, for o one would
acknowledge to the'' hast snip. A good
shearer can take off one hundred ; and
twenty fleeces iu a day, but Ihe average la
about eighty to each man. They get one
pound per hundred, and are found iu evry
thing, haviug ns much tea nud sugar.'tread
smi iiraiwo, as tnev cm 3-oonaniBu. and
I entirely to themselves" tliy work at
I lcast iburteeu hours out of IhStwwnty-four,
"(' witl1 uun large tiock aj this about
fifty thousand must take a good dM. iWa
next inspected the stables, -to which W
j no' were incessantly bringing armfula of
i rolll'd-up fleeces ; these were laid on tho
tables before the wool-sorters, who opened
thpjn out, and pronounced in a moment to
which oin mey uetongea ; two or three men
standing behind rolled them up again
ranidly, and put thorn ou a sort of shell d i
vided into compartments, which were each
labled, so that the quality and kind of each
wool could be told at a glance. There was
a constaut emptying of these . bins into
trucks, to be carried off to the press, Where
we followed to see the bales packed. The
fleeces ore tumbled in, and a- heavy screw,
press forces them down 'tilths bale which
is kept open in a large square frame is aa
full as it can hold. The top of canvas is
then put on, tightly sewn, four iron pins
are removed, and the sides of the frame fall
away, disclosing a most' symmetrical bale
reedy to be hoisted by a crane into t;be loft
above, where it has the brand of tbe sheep
painted on it, its weight, and to what class
the wool belongs. Of course everything
has to be done with great speed and system.
We wero much impressed by the silence in
shed not a sound was to be heard except
the click of the shears, and the wool-sorter's
decision, as he flings the fleece behind him,
given ouc, or at most two words. AU tbe
noise is outsido ; there the hubbub ah 1
dust, nud apparent confusion are great.
You can hear nothing but barking and
bleating, and this goes on from early rrt'orn
lng till dark. We peeped in at the' iron's
huts a long low, narrow building, with
two rows of "bunks" in one coin pat '.men t,
and a table with forms around it in anoth
er, and piles of tiu plates and panuikinsall
about. The kitchen was near, and wo
were Just in time ta see au enormous batch
of bread withdrawn from a huge brick
oven. The other commisariat arrange
ments were on the same scale.' Cold itea
is supplied all day long to the shearers, and
they appear to consume great quantities
of it. ..
.m Urn
Selections yqr- Hewspapers. Most
people think the.Sulcclions of suitable mat
ter for a newspaper the easiest part of tho
business, llott greet an error. To look?
over 60 exchange papers daily, frbmwhich
the question is not what shall, but shall
not be selected, it is no very easy task. If
every person who reads a uewspaper could
haye edited it, we should have less com
pltvtHs. Mot unfrequently it is the case
that an editor looks over his exchange pa
pers .for soir.ethiug intresting aud finds
tbsolr.tety nothing. Every dryer than a
contribution box yet something ' must bo
out and something must be in it, and he
does the best he can. To an editor who
has the least care in what he selects, the
writing he has do is the lcast part of bis
labor. ;-
.Every subscriber thinks the paper la
printed for his own benefit, and if there is
that svits him it must be good for nothing.'
As may subscribers as an editor has so
many tastes he has to consult. One wants
something very smart arid sound. Odo
likes anecdotes fun and frolic, and his next
door neighbor wonders that a man of
sense will put such stuff iu his paper.
Something spicy comes out and the editor
is a blackguard. Mext comes something
argumentative, and the editor is a dull fool.
Aud so, between. them nil, the poor fellow
gets the worst of lr. They never reflect
that what does not -lease them, will pleaso
the next man, but tboy -irsbt that tha
paper does not please th.'oi, it is good for
uothiug. .
A Sexsiblk Pkaye. A "nice young
man," who had chaugvd his mind for
another, asked his atSahccd of the evening
ol their appoiuted marriage if she would
release him from the engaroents. Sba re
plied in the presence of tho pn.rty absent
bled: "Vet, emphatically yes, and I an
to thankful, let us pray." When all kneel
etl down, the fair young girl in bridal robes,
prayed iu a firm voioo. She asked fur
' wuiiin m ut-ar rorr nun.
' """l J'T-rTr
M 1 lhank. VTiut,
? tueh a tickle hi
strength to bear her humilities, and. con
Have mercy on tins new wne.
.lOdjot mv deliver
us baud. I rum uoh
a pilible ciealure, 1 would stk Thy blets
iug upou this poor wile. Give her grace tu
War ibearuktum of tueb a husband. Keep
him from d- iu), and way he become s bet
ter man. Watch over me from tr Sfstsuj
approaching so nearly to ultir ruin. G.v
me klreiiuih to rvturu to tuy home, aud
Luvservo tuy sex from such uioa,"
m m i - - l
A Iuwvick's r . A itcryHs tuld st
tliu exiNMiM of a U'tial geuiltmait who was
foniiurly well kuowu iu Norwich, Ctmo. ,
who now uve ip Oalikoth. Ull IVilllll had
failod In butii ru aud told out, and having
! two or llireo unign rttte 'Diutr, bu4 given
( the at to ll.. Wwyr Itr colUsuUi-su
Httitli weut la il.a oili.a to rvctiv
, th prated. The amount coIIm.U4 was
, about k "l'tu"rr you've beau soua.
, nuiaU, Kmiih, fr I lake a greal iuisre!
u you. tluu'l t ltarira youat uiuult M I
' W'J.'U-- if I dida't sVt Mittuit itturett Its
' you " lUre re Imu.lnd hiuith 111. aud
Lt pl ilia Utlauiw. "Y-i auiiih, ikueay
yuu wlwu you a-r a by, aud I kuw )our
Ikthn you, aud I take a Kl"l dl vt
tuutewt ui you. Uoud uiutmug. Iowa au4
r uie a.a'u I'.'
hiuttU, tiviu tUly out ff KM Uisur,
aud ru-Aill uWinjiiullits' ' avails,
i Ui4 u ai alter ' " I i ii'k Uv4 yuu dldu I
, kuow uy Kraitdtathtr "
I - J tv--
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