amorous licftbca. nary conversation of every-day life, hiobI persons lire apt to use "cunt" or "slan" jilirnses. The poet here' does them tip m rhythm, with their meaning explained : The slang of our day is a pussle, Invented by uh, whocan tell 1 A drink is a ''smile" om "gnzzle i" A swindle to merely a "soil." One tell you tale yon can't "swaHer," lie tell yon "by thunder" 'tin true Ton bet him your lnst "bottom dollar," "By thunder," that's nil yon can do. They ai-k you "how goes it 1" on meeting, "Toko care of yourself Is ndien They substitute "beating" for cheating, And sometimes combine both the two. If foolish, your head Isn't level," Or, innv bo, "your head Isn't clear," Instead ol saying, "go to the devil," They tell yon, "'wa'li off on your enr." To praise you,' they say "you are bnlly t" For honest they nick-name yon "square," Although pleased to aiidursluud you folly, There's not many that way, "1 swear," While robbing they call "going through you," And "go for him" menus an attack, When fluanclal troubles come to you They say, "Oh, he's up on his back." "Fnsll oil" Is the new name for whisky, "Spondulix" cognomen for pelf, 'You've ueen there," when charged as too frisky) Well, "Yon know now it is yourself." And if reproof von should offer, They tell vou "that same is quite played," Bav, walk oir. you "big, dirty loafer," Or a largo "Mansard roof will be made. Then sometimes you're "cornered," or "euchor ed," That is, if you get in n "fix " They call you "galoot" if untutored In every galoot's knavish tricks. There are "that's what's the matter with Ilan nah" And "dead bents" on every side, If the skunks" will not niter their manners, 1 don't care a "cuss," "let 'ein slldo." All Drunk. A chaplain of tho State prison, an enthusiastic devotee of the tem perance reform, had the idea that moot of the convicts wore incaiceratcd because of the use of whisky. In his round ho met a sturdy man of many stripes, nud put the usual qucstiou to him : "Had whisky any thing to uo with bringing you here? Every thing, sir everything I" exclaimed the man. The chaplain wascuoouraged, and eagerly inquired how it was. "Well, sir, I will tell you how it was ; tho judge was drunk tho lawyers were all drunk, and tho jury was drunk, and so they fetched rue iu guilty 1" How to CATcn Tiiem. A Frenchman who had purchased a country seat was complaining of the want of birds in his gar don. ''Set some traps," replied an old olllcer, "and they'll come. 1 was once in Africa, and there was'nt supposed to be a woman within 200 miles. 1 hung a pair of earrings and a bracelet upon a tree, and next uiorniug I found two women under the brauehes." Marrying a Wife's Sister. -The Brit ish Commons have once more passed on tho propriety of a widower's marrying his deceased wile's sister. The legal nnd scrip tural expediency of such a union has been hotly debuted for half of this century, and possibly louger, and the pertinacity with which it is debated would almost warrant tin iuference that every Englishman wished to marry his sister-in-law. Tho action of the Commons is not iinal. Tiie Xew York Star advises peoplo to die now, as the undertakers arc aavertisiug "a whole funeral for 23." dcultimil. The Cultivation ok Raspberries. There is nothimr easier to "row t.hnn tho rasuberrv. and of all our small fruits it is ! the most wholesome and to be preferred. The blackberry may be as wholesome when i it is in prelection ; but the while it is a delicious fruit and niany to in outers, is positively injurious ' to a consweraoio proportion o: persons. It CODtains an acidity of a very peculiar and j powerful nature. It affects tho blood and i produees eruptions ; and peoplo subject to gout are prohibited from touching the fruit. Raspberries, on tho other baud, are nut merely innoxious but they are ex tremely wholesome and can bo eaten iu any desired quantity. Raspberry canes can be set out now atany time. They should be planted three feet apart in the row and the rows, three feet and a half to four llet apart. Cut down the canes to within six incites of the ground and set firmly. We prefer a rather moist Bpot fur them, and if in the shade a portiou of tint day, so much the better. They cau be planted under fruit-trees where scarcely nnyiliiug else will grow, and tho berry will prow, nnd the berry will be larger and finer. They like n cool, moist soil, kept so by liberal mulching witli leaves, light manure, or any trash, and if a foot in depth it is an ndvautagc. The caues which have been laid down over winter, should bo taken tin and lirmlv staked, but not before the hist week in this month, lu tying up the the caues care j annum oe uikuu UOl 10 lie top Closely, out to leave room to expand aud the new wood j to sprout freely. When extra caues are wauled, which sometimes sprout iu tho spaeo between the rows, mulchiug should ! bo delayed until these have crown a foot I or so, otherwise it will retard, ifnot entire- ly prevent the sprouting. lliobo who ilesitv i ltoieo IVuit of the Inrwst sio, mow tliu "Jloruet." This is equully proline, never failing to give us a crop ; but lltu caues must be iotttted through tho wiuler. thrmmituitu Tihjrijli. 1'rtl NIXO THE liLAl KlIKHlt Y. l'ersons havlni; ruliivated tho hlackoeny, uro ton sensed uf sullieiellt kuolod''C to uuderstatid llu IMCI. 111.. I.mif,.w I . ... tl " -" .w..v. nt , uilMT 1I1C lUUl'l LU "i the lateral branehe. are .u..,llr, uiiuiuoij nil small- ... u wuiaiu mo mryeki sijmj ueilles ana llio lut!i sl (lUitutity loo, cut buck tho U-ad- ing CUIUS to Hot exceed four feet ill k-tiuth. aud shorten-iu ulao tho tau-ral 'I'l. .. ...oi i c .... i.i al. tl.H l.r. a.l.l. ..f ih .....I '.i "'. " in 4 in m in in; iuuiiu iu. iiiereiiBAt more U-ariiiit rHiin,iiiid gi iirally to ri.ult la irru.l u Liin.niuii.ii 1 I... ........ I. 1 .... i r;1Twj nu.iiiui( '(,l'i 11 IS UOl UU lUoyt'tiu slioruii-in, wluro it li.i Utii 1'iU' li ti l-f!'-t, ujiv otun sou it lu si'iao Kr.lciis. lu July, thu youmi ul, whitH ly that tiuio lia u imu ovt r lite tnhs ol oi l, boar- U tain s, sl.ouM li ct i t -f . lxUlly tlut laural luaucln., U hi.I itavu llio U .l H.M lidlowiii jeiir'a t-rt'ii. UtrumitUiitn 'itxjrig.A. fiMf i ikw W Aiii-AsTlM. . an U niton tie sVpill U iiitf t.y JUr lint Ul lituu lt line I'la raliuii-tt nmy ct r,.,w-l our svt il n.r UMkiui tramuu , wi.h , uiipiy i uiku imn i-iuu.U id r.iu, b ti .aail4uil ll Ol llt;ut .uw n win ii.i iimi luaes IS KU lpUulyl diswdvixl, aiiply a UlbsH'sJU waw mtm . . , ,v in, if m una Sill ii watt a suit UiusU w ritu itd lUj, ex iU 'fail I Kl ti Sly iiuniiLuL .l...l.l i lis a.iii.i.1.,:.. u au'il.. . . -i ." .1.1 I .. - - - - m w wm mj sa a imvmiu usj IUI u I. il II i .11 .. 1 t I . ' . . l.t Wilid ol hm.'. uf S. soil Ml tu luii lii Ins .Humus, ..iu . i4 mhu,,, - in"".! vi btigjif Uw4btiiy tun La l-veiy liunily ou:;lit to have a few good j 1 utuiieous Atieetiou. it speedily eradicates rows ot raopbciries. Tho variety remiiring ! 'l,le. , Scorbutic Dryness, Indurations nurr1 vtlw "'UV'; . S': Jtis a l.vir berry ana very motluclive. Hut i..n. iw r a....i.!. m.i.! wiimmm-mmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmm V III.MtY T. UEEMBOE1VH COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Billons Affec tions, Hick or Nervous Headache, Costlvencss, etc. Pnrely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. These Pills are the most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, cts. There is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They are composed or the Jtrunt 'ingredient: After a few days' use of them, such an Invlgoration of tho cntiro sys tem takes place as to appenr miraculous to tho weak and enervated, whether arising from im prudence or disease. II. T. Helmbold's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pill are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sngar-coatcd Pills do not dissolve, but pass through tho sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired cirect. Tho Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant In tnsto and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price Ofty cents per uox. IE IIEMtY T. IIEE3IBOE1VS niGHLT CONCENTRATED COMPOUND f luid Extract Karsnpnrilla W1H radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings from the Eur, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds. Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, nnd all diseases that have been established in the system for years. Being prepared expressly for the above Com plaints, its uioou-puriying properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It gives tho complexion a clear nnd healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an Impure stute of the Blood, and the only reliable and ttrectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the 1 hront nnd Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas nud all scaly eruptions of the skin. and bcautifyiug tho complexlou. Price, $1.50 per ttoiue. nENRY T. IIELMBOLD'3 CONCENTHATEO FIX'II EXTRACT IttCHU, TIIE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of DInhetcs in which it tins been given. Irritation of "the neck of tho Blad der and inftaniatlon of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, reten tion of Urine, Diseases of the prostrate Gland, Slouc iu the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Deposit. nnd Mucous or Milky Discharges, njd for En- leeoieu ana uciicatc lonstitutlou ol both sexes, attended with the following symptoms i Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Puln In the Back. Hct Hands. I Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on me luce, pnnu countenance, luiversul i lussitune ot tne .Muscular system, etc. Lsea ny persons iront the nges or eighteen to "twenty-five, and from thlrty-tive to llfty-flve or In the decline or change ot life after confine ment or lubor pains bedwcttlug In children. Helmbold's Extract Bucbn Is Diuretic Bnd uiopn-puriiying, and cures ull diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and ini deuces in Life, impurities of the Blood, etc.. I superseding copaiba In uHcclutions fur which it is used, and syphilitic affections In these dis eases used in conucclion with Helmbold's Rose Wash LADIES. ilesomcwhen I ln mnny ntlcctations peculiar to Ladies, the strawberry 1 Ex,rnct Buehu Is unequalcd by any other rcme 1 i'houn liv ! t,va8 !n chlorosis or retention, irregularity, . c"u?1-". "J pninfulncss or suppression of customary evacuu- In rnnny affectations peculiar to Ladles, the tionl, uicerilted 6r schirus state of the Uterus. LeucorrlI.ea or Whiles, sterility, nnd for all complaints incident to tho sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It Is pre- scribed extensively by tho most eminent phvsl cinns and midwives tor enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all aires f attend cd with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM 1MPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., In all their stages, at little expense, lilllu or no change in diet, no ineouvenieuee, and no expo sure, it causes a frequuut desire, and gives strength to L rlnatc, thereby removing Ouslruc. Hons, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and lntlaiuution, so fre quent In tins class or diseases, uud expelllug all roisnnous matter, Thousands who have been the victims of In competent persons, and who have paid heavy iees to oe curcu in a euort lime, nave loutid they nave neen deceived, and Unit the 'Poison has by the use of "powerful astringents," been dried up in me system, to itrcaK out in a more aggra vated lornt, and iierhnns after Marriage. Use Helmbold's Extract Buehu for all Aflce- tiuns and Diseases of the Unlnry Organs, wheth er existing hi Male or female, from whulevtr originating, and uo matter how lung staudlug. rice, oue uonur una niiy cents per bottle TT EJ j HENR V T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face Wuh, and wlllbo found the only sH-eific remedy lit every species Biles, aud all purposes for which S.ilvcs or tllut tnciiis are used t re.iore. ttio sklu to a f...ic purity uud Soltuess, nud luaiires continued lu-ullliy iiclliin to lliu tlsMio of its Vesiels, on which dcM ud the ugn-iiable clearness and vlv i rilv of ciniiplcxioii so much soU'-ht and admired But hom v.r valuable as n remedy for itlmr defecU of the kin, II. T. Heliitltold's Hews VVali has long suMalued its principle claim to unbound cd puiroimi;v, by ksx-Iui qualities which rcU' tier 11 a toilet Appeuitago of the m.ul Buivtrlu .1.. I . .1 . . ... j ,i7J7l.; ly and Kineney Ills invariable uceoiupuniiueiil i "i n ua frc. rvutlvu and Uliv.hcr nHuiupleXlou. It is au excellent l.ol,lu for dlnarcs of Syphiliilc N ilure, and as uu Injcc. i 'ca' "' ,k" 1 ""O "iguus, arl-lag mil ll-iL.ll of dl..l.ulluu, Ued lu I'olilirctlnu r-",u.".". u"cuu. f,iiu. i . ' uuu.u.i, cumu be surnac.l. Ptuv. one dulUr I . ... l l. ...I ' r bollls. Full and HUi dliuillous eeeuuipsny I Us iliitiii'in4. fcvt li nisof lliu iiiu.1 re. noi. .11, 1 ..! ...ll..l.l lll.UUit.f luiul.llr l lilt all.iu, vliu llUU. iln.ll 1.1 lll .llMiuJ l.f thtll ilnvUS, HUd Up- ai4 i.l ;i,isj susolii Hrd ivrlineiilrssud rci-um. mi ud iloiy l.-iicit, umny of uluibais Irout lbs l.l,U..l ttiuiitsi inrludlutf Sllillirul I'bltli luus, . liOUH u, SlJls.liifU, I piojuiu. has in ....iU.llj iu.u Hljliuail ,ha u,. iH 1 k dw. 11.4 it , lltto tU ln.-t IIimI kl. ..lul. . ranlt ii,a.,i4 ri MlUn... nj an kut itutd u la Lull u, J uu L .iiin. i.. llrurj T, UrlMill4'sj !mmU ft MI l-. 1 U b aduius. Ihsis Iiuu uUi. n .u. I I """M l HUW4I4 Ul blf t rlj l, IU. A Jill MA kll.1. Iii. U. 1.- I r'""" Uw4s r. iiei,'j. ' lit , '-' I lM.I.. ' ' fc.-l A !', im sv. u ti.u.uas sl.ii.-i 1 ; I'!'! 1. lit.... r. i- n. tet - t- J, (i.u,.-ii $iscclitntons. MAMMOTH CASH STORE, MARKET SQUARE, it orFinnto BARGAINS IN DRTUOOD8, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CEDABVWARE QUEEXSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Drugs, Taints, OilsJ&c. JUST OPENED A NEW ASSORTMENT FRESH FROM THE CITY. DRY GOODS. BLANKETS, OVERCOATING, CASSIMERES AND CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, -6ILKS AND 8ILK TOPLINS, ALPACAS, SHAWLS, with every kind of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Groceries of every kind, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses. FUb. Meat. and everything in the Grocery Hue. HARDWARE of every diBcriptlon and an endless variety of cutlery. QUEENSWARE of every variety and quality. BOOTS AND SHOES of the best manufactures in tho Country. WALL PAPER an extra assortment suitable for any Rooms. NOTIONS of every discretions. FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES. P.iINTS and OILS of the best quality. All of which will be sold at the very LOWEST PRICES. As these goods have been bought for cash, special Inducements to purchasers are ottered. Call aud cxamlue the Immense stock. II. Y. FRILIXG. Sunbury Nov. 5th, 1870. TIME IS JIOXEY1! ALL Wall Paper and Border, sold by me wll be trimmed ready for use, 'WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, nr tns YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, ' which I have the exclusive right to use In Suuburv and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of Nm t i:kki;e lm.iitxek, Dealer lu Books, Stationery, Wall Papor, Music, Ac, (Sc., jcc. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality. ISltiuk, Memorandum A Vas Books in endless variety, Just received. BOOK BINDI.VO dono to order. Persons will sava ecuse by leaving thqlr orders for Wilding with me. I'lCTinK FKAMKS of all sizes, cut from the Mouldingat verv low rates. OVAL & fcQUAUE FRAMES always on hand. ALBUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD PEN'S, &.C., &c, &c. A large snd well selected stock of Toys nl way on hauJ. Anything not on hand promptly oi dered. Uargulus for cash, ( all at N. FERKF.E LIUHTN'Ell'S Book Store, 61gn of Foley's Gold Pen, Market Square, bus bury, Pa. fuubury, August 6th, 1870. J. W. WASHISGTOX'S tat tM) iiAniir.u niioi. The old perutaueiit' shop of the lowu We ilrcllliu U bou.l, but at thu Mill lime roiiiidcr Ibal lh lulghly truth uiaU svusoiia bly apoktu aitlioul iiwull'vaiiiig km uucoiuforia bl uniDUiit of vuully aud an.l.Hi.m. Ju.l ln.iy )rar sii'i t U'.u my bu.luess eurcr lu thu place half my lilillino thus lur prill, liavs I slul Umu llis Amir of our simp day IU day, aud ulgtil alter uliiht, nud spplied lbs siiuip blue (jleuiiilug sln-l, and ailkln Ikul luwe uf liuia inbruiuti by lbs lulgldy f.l Is of Ibal nei.llul puilud ku I hsiri urarly ery. lu lbs suuu'rjf (lu toiiiiuou wtluni'r) au4 lo ubllK u public Inlmi t IiumIh publicly auuouute lu our palrous uid auj u that mis run. It In sh4t llinu all S;uiu iIiimi tuu.lnd IbouMiid Iiuu- or touts, tuuf Uu -mi pbiwu, Jtl in l."W U lb um. Iiu al alu)s remit lu vik, fuituoi'M ut uiUru.x.u, luUa Jfuu, Llr tut )uu, li4M.fu uU, UllUksr ll) Ull, Of iMIlfUUH), lUJUU Ml4 luuss lbs kali .lk slli.l' kill, tu lks"elf I. .11 ' wl iilf Mix !' lustfii Ilia iiittuuitf, W ttulk la 4.: but p.a lu tttk. 61 "(S dun I gu put our k ti nil tksvsd om Iks Ui uf ululiljr Uu du It as ll SS It vau us d'Hs in f vuuld Imi. A b. U ail Iksl dWab4 1v Hit tue uitbil kwid Im Ims4. A Urn abut iKfU, mm Waikvt stress, t'4. 1. Isl Itttl llf t4KMla. " ' B Sllmi tllUM, , link, aluga, If I Illll, it, . Ii. tut Ui.s u.s st ( I'H.ll A kti. .i.wi, nut kit, ls. JiHHl it UMMNliia ka risa, t.Ma! '. .. :Xi t '.' :! rai$fcIIaneott8. ECKNAN A CO. A FULL LINK Of FAIX & WINTER GOODS at JOnN ECKMAN & CX)'S. Groceries, the best and cheapest In the market, at Eckmaa A Uo's. Oll-lloth, Carpet and Carpet Chain at the very lowest prices, at Eckmun s to's. UMURELLAS, UOS1ERY, gLoves and NOTIONS of every description, at Eckman & Oo's. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, at Eckman s Co s. Btone-Ware, Wood-Ware and Willow-Ware, at Eckman & Co s. ITardware, Nails, Salt, Fish, &c., at Eckman & Co's. Country rroduce taken In exchange at Eckman & Co's. Don't forget the place, john eckman & co., Corner Fourth and Market Streets sunbury, penn'a. Bnnbnry, Dec. 8, 1870. FRESH AUTUVAL OF GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to the public that she has Just received, at her store lu IX' wart's Building, a large supply ot THE LATE8T 8TYLE8 OF HATS, trimmed nnd untilmincd, aud of all colors, lu eluding the KEOPOLITAN, the latest and most fashionable thing out in huts. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girjs and boys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest styles. Sash Ribbons, plain and tlgured. Ladle's Spencers, Lace Colars, Linen C'olars and Cuffs Tor Ladies aud Llilldrcn, Lrocltet collars. Neckties for Ladies nnd (Jem's latest stvlce Silk Sack Loops, a siiwrlor article, tiloves Including Kids, and Ladies' Buckskin cloves. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of Trimmings. Embroidery Patterns. Hosiery for Ladles, Gent's and Children. Nets, Pique and pique trimmings. TRIMMING SILKS, Chignons, Zephyrs aud Yarns, and a general variety or Notions. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes that the quality of her goods will merit a continuance ol the same. tLlz.Atsh.lll LAAliLS, A EXT r MAX'S WAItn-KOHi:. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING HOUSZ, Third St., One Door Below Market St., Scnbury, Pa., J. M. ZIEGLER, Pnoi-uiEToa. FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VESTING8, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA RIETY. Embracing every quality nnd styles that the New lork und Philadelphia Markets atlord which will be madcup to order by the best of work men, warranted to tit and render eutire satisfac tlon. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest assortment ln town. Embracing everything of Gentlamen's wear of the latest styles. Call und see my stock, also the latest fashions, btloreparcbasiug r'sewhere. J. M. ZIEGLER, (successor to Thomas G. Nott,) Third st., one door below Market, buubury,Pa Dunbury, Jan. to, isil). Agricultural Implements, HOE'S Gruiu Rakea, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Lonir and D Handle Spades, Shov els, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Gram I rallies, i radio r lngers, Trace. Breast, Tongue nnd Log Chains, Grlnd-stoucs Funulug Mill Selves of all sizes and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Hames. for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. II. CUNLEY CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALEIE'3 O'LITOaJTIA VINEGAE BIITEES Ilandrcds of Thousands Besr tstlmony to thrlr Woaiicr. ful Curuliva tllctti. 8 5 Maauof t'oar It hui,, 1'iowi Hilrlis nud Ucluso l.luuurs Cilc r.l, ii lctU kTidtu-iLt cacd la 1usk llio ttsto, called llwuU4,"..jK.tU. crs," l:iiorr," sc., lust ld ILs i:prkr a la tlruakeoncss sad rola, bul srs s lina ftrCiclac, mailo froui IU Nbllv lloolssud liorutof Ckltforula, Irro frum nil Alrubvlla HiIuiuIuhiu. 'iUym lbs tilt F AT Hl.OOU 1't UIHlt nud A 1.11 C ;1V1NU PUINt li.cvntcr tnd lutlnursior uf Uui S;U;oi, carry leg uit ill uUubgls sisllcr sad rv.lortss Iks Llwod 10 L11I11.)' kliIiLoo. partua isu lot tbes Utwrt iccwbg tu t.rve lion sad runtsla lu( d trill. tltlO wuliHi .vnfurss UearsL I rv ;il4 t buu.s sra nul 4ctruy4 V inltHral -.Uku ir etlur luesns, sud Ik llst urssu su4 Uucdll. pwlui or rvnclr. ttmt luluininblary mid f'hreala l:hranin tUs Mud l.uM, ti)sraialul r l4;sturftus, lllllaaa, liviutlirul uud lalvrauliiiui t vine DlaruM'uul lb tlluad, Llr, ttldbria, aud lllutluar, H.iaa tlliivi lata Ihxu 1110.1 (uacxib ful. tomb lilaiaaas si uiuid 1 Vlllaicit fJtuuil, wlnvU It gkUbially yfwiut4 tjf ilusiu.tai.4ul vlit" Ulsrailvs Uisuus, liVw'-t-l IA 1kl IMXIirnTIOy. Tfsd scut , I alu l .It kt.ubi.Hts, twaalis, lajkiMMsf It i'ar l, tuuiWaa, kuwr I fuatalMia if lb ttuaiacU, Pud kiaiv' lu lb sl.iu.b, v.Uuu Aiivli, l u.n u a -l ln ll.atl, 1-a.aiu.aUvu af U tsi(. I'tialsU l'a wf t -j tuitp, s(.4kaulitd ulMf t-a-kiU jtaUMaa,sni U.att. ,,,. 4 ti).utula. Is fikturais lkaKiwau.fcb4MtaiulaU l'..i l r flllitai snd kvvk,ai4.k iu.4.1 lUaiuf aiauail 4 llibat) lu ilib.ni4 Utllu- uvf ail uai.aiiu.s, aa4 iluf aa U(u au I l :ul J l-t ulu.a ) U. rut hfcl IUut4kl,ltuili.a. KM.If4l I k.uu. bloukts, kcula, m ii,s. I inula. Uvila, I ., IUa( atuia... s'aol It. ad. lula I a, t-J-.o. f la. lUa, SitifW. a.aukill.uu uf tka lata, lata Sud lusuaMsvf laai a.a, i.iiih an n uiw4 St blMailf Su Uf aaa turtl 4 ual uf tut a) Sia la Skofl luua tf lb- M uf I bat. t us k-Ulls tl lalt aMIauk'fMi tk -ul loKidulvus tl lo.o) ewaiii aSaul. t U VlltalH tlm.4 '.l las t I IU b auiHiM kutal-HI latuaxik im tain is I uvylM. I tain aawai iWauaalt a. a lua a4 It uWwuai.4 04 aiM.-4 I las UM I iaut .i4..!, aa ai attau UI b , auua. kuc u t lk4 fata aa4 ba k. atuk u bw t, u ui .U i-.l. u , flk. Y4raa4.uu4 tlUMalNu kkuoj la itu) MaUasaf aastakf bVauuaaua, wa aate.if !- SlMiihaMtal. fa IhiI tVtuatMaa. Ia4 a..ltol la atMaiat sn.u s Watt. falaM la tvta w fm -at-ak.Mnaaa,. kao) tfuoo. i. WAtlla, rswHavkw. k kll.uia4'J ttV, aaas a4 Saaao). (mm ItaaiUa. tut, 4 a au4 k) uj..a a M ir"tl M 4U ta.WUkl 4i a444 aesvvHnT apt thpvj r-i X X i Mm nil smmw '-a si? MSP In O I THET AltE KOT A VILE S 3 j bll FANCY DRINK. 9U hxnxfactnxtn. inAAIHINK HllOI AND) I BOM POVKDRT. GEO. UOnRBACII SONS, Banbury, aum ' "PTTORM the public that they are prepared to X do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new narntne onop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes. Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to ezecato all orders of ' HEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Grates to auit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, or all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, e. Tho PLOWS, nlrcady celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and win always oe Kept on nana. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Bunbury, June 18, 1870. r LOR EX C K H E W IXO M ACII I X E. npiIlS celebrated Maehine Is now on exhibition JL next door to Krausc's Tin aud Stove Store, Market Street. K anbury, Pa. The Florence Sewing Machine stands uneanal led for beauty and durability ; being the best Family Sewing Machine now offered to the pub lic. TIIE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-adjusting tentlon In the Shuttle 1 changes for the various Stitches made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches arc the wonder of all for beauty and finish, being alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews light nnd heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The work will feed cither right or left. Kuns quietly and rapidly. No dimciilty exper ienced in sewing across heavy seams. Its mo tions are all positive ) no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. The Hummer turns wido and unrrow, hem nnd fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical aud will last a life time. Every Family hIioiiUI Have Ouc. Every Machine warranted to substantiate nil we claim for it. It ht the only Machine iu the world that Is ca pable ol making more than ouo stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and examine them, and the samples ol work. XO CIIAltGE FOR. SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Outliers, iVc., without basting. It makes a gather aud sews it on a hand ut one operation perfectly. Each Machine is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully Instructed and every Machine warranted nnd kept iu order. Machine Oil and Thread kept 011 hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH A B!?0., Agents, For North'd, ISnvik-r, Union and Montour Couu's. October 15, 170. MII.MVt.! MILM.Jlt fTMlE subscribers having taken possession of JL the Sunbury Steam .Mills, on Walnut street, and having repaired the same, are now prepared to mauuiueturer all brands of FLOUR AND FEED. Tltcy respectfully invite the citizens of this vicinity to give them n trial, as their facilities to make tho bunt quality are equal to any In the State. Their present retail prices are 1 Extra White Wheat Flour, per barrel, $S 00 Red Wheat Flour, per barrel, 7 00 Corn Meal, per cwt. 2 M) Buckwheat Flour, per cwt. 3 SIS Rvc Chop, " S !M) Rvc & Corn, " 8 i!5 tints & Corn Chop, " 2 25 White Middlings, " 2 50 Shorts, S 00 Bran, " 1 25 Corn, per bnsh. 1 15 Oats, " 05 Orders are respectfully solicited aud will re ceive prompt attention. MUltK ut iiUi.ll. Snnbiiiy, June 13, 1870.-tf. LimiElt AMI PI,1MU MILES. Third Street, adjoining Phila. A Erie R. R., two equates .onit 01 111c vcmrai iioici, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, 1 S prepared to furnish everv description of lnm L her required by tho demands of the public. Having all the latent improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now ready to till or ders vi an kiuus 01 FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil kinds of Oroa mental Scrowl Work. Turn- lug of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAHOB ASSOKTilKNT OF BILL LUMBER. nEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and chipped by Railroad or otnerwisc. nt. i . v.i.t.tltt i. deelJ.f.S:ly STOVE A TIX EST.1BEIKII.ME.T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KHAUSE, Proprietor. Isi icr.ssiiii TO SMITU OKVrUKH.J HAVING purchased the above well known cs. tiililislnneiit, Mr. Kraue would respectful. ly inform the public that he uow has on baud a large assori nient or COOKlXtt STOVES. Seer's funk Antl-DuM, Regulator or devolving Tp, f oinblnatioit, busqiiiliuuna und others, which are so nrntnged as to be used for foal or Wood, and are wariaiited to vi'l'iirm satisfactori ly or uo sale. HEATERS ol all kinds put up to heal one or more room.. HEATING STOVES of illllerent kinds at very low prices. Tiuwure ol' Every IeHeritlon kept constantly 011 hand. Roofing aud Spouting wun me im'-i iiiuieiiitl, dune ul sliorl notice. REPAIRING iitii-mlcd lo Willi dlupatch. Coal Oil and Lamps eou.t.iutly 011 band. Japan ware til' ull kinds. Mi ire i.uijK.ailu Conlcy's bantu aie .lure. iio ate a cnli. A. KKAL St, oplJf-ly n 1 it 1 it v ii a"i 11 . e v x 11 ir riHE uuderulgned having bought the entire .A. stiM-k of 1)1. aiue:fr T.tvlor. uniil.l iiifiiriu the public thai lie Is uow reaiiy lo do ull kluds of M.lltllI.E UOItli. If T t lias ou baud, uud makes 10 order at MIOUT KOTK K. .Tloumueula 4V lleaMl-Stoaea, IHXHt AMI 1VI.MHIW KILLS Alan.f eiiii tery Poals lib Galvunised plia) and all ul her fnueiliK g.uerall ummI 011 f mi t.rUa. J..UU A.layli.l mill coiiliuuit lu iu itiplniuietil, l III old Hand uu M.trki4 M.,Muubury, uiu)a Wl TIIE iI.Y NTOVE UIIIIUIT A I'll LT lTIIE alCKT ItiETIa MUUli IUi:iLAtE IIEATEU. DIDD'S ILLlslLtlTtD M4MOSD QX UtRMR. Bf Slll'l PAKI.OH AMI flUVlBtll ARC WARMED HY ONIC riKK. IT I lb only t'Kt'plut- ll.uiir thai has a fwr. fivt I up 4't4ui, u4 (ia Ii.iui pulllun uf n4 it.ialiiu, uf tuiiillu gas lulu Ik sparttwaul. It ki Ik only Kmi'lai ll.Mlur ak Ik iiui lUs..Uai klasaslu ky tslucfe cralvi llluuiiual 14 uaaf la fU.naad. Ik auitittucul laa ka Is lu, Ut.ita ik..lJai: aniM.d, aud ike litala IU lla4 uf IU 4 1 tat v.ut ul Ibtiuai iattUe imi lull. tl b Ika wtlf rtf.ola. lliMlcf Ikal U P.f. ft t kvlf f4 1 aud iMas baiuvi, tuiy taalt v kll.UM aatus III t as a 1.4 r SvMlf k'iti. Il U) Ika ai lli.plawe llaUl eilk )affaa slflluy suit llattifili. I lata. It la lua Mil f UaitUiw llaalaf uU Ike eaaiu koaa, slu.e sbsuaaul taaM Sue s.kaa. S4 Uk US labd.llkf Ikt lak llaU W ktt ual. I but 14 t k ) .wt utltfluat llaUtalaal fllSa taa-a U.aUf, Iu.lwa4 4 I Ultflulatt 4 tluHfk! to lalavl.u. tiaa 4 tu., M aa4 tl LJ0UT 'JIT4 r-f k. Vf (Oil ttlSTUatfi fattf'a. lahHtMll Ayer's Cherry . Pectoral, . For Disease of th Throt and Xitmn. suaa as Oouehs. Golds. Whoopina ' I ' Coush, lironohJWs, aafhma, and Oon sumption. Probably never before la the wbnle history of medieine, has snythlttg won so widely and sodeeply upon the conltdence of mankind, as this excellent remedy (brpulmoDarjeontplainta. Through a lone series of years, and among most of the rsces of men it has risen higher and higher la their estima tion, as It has become belter known. Its mtirorra charaeter and pewor to cure the various sffecllons of Hi lungs and Utront, have mode it known as s re liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease ami to young children, It Is at the same lime the most effect. ml remedy that eun be given for Incipient consumption, and Die dun genius affections of the throat and lungs. Asa pro. vision Rgitinst sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, nnd indoed as nil are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, oil should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled iitiii is thought in curable, still grest nuinltcrs of cases where the dis ease scented settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry rrrtontl. 80 complete Is Its master over the disorders of lite Lnnga and Throat, Jiat the most obstinate or them yield to it. When noth ing elne could reach them, under the Cherry Pec toral they subside and disapteor. Hlnffrrt and l'ublle Speaker- find great pro tection from it. A uli ,i n is always relieved and often wholly cured bv it. HmnrhUtu Is generally cured by taking the Chrrrif I'rrtnral In small anil frequent doses. Bo generally are Its virtues known that we need not publish the certilleates of them here, or do mora thnn snare the publio that Its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Actio, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever. Romittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, fto., and indeed ell the affeotions whioh arise from malarious, marsh, or miaamatio poisons. As Its name linnllcs. It floes Citrr. and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Ilismiith,' Aine, nnr any outer mineral or poiNnnous siinstanee whatever, it. in nowise injures sny pnticnt. The number and Importance of its cures in the ague dis tricts, nre litcrnllv bevond account, anil we believe without a parallel In the history of Ainic medicine. Our pride is gmlillcd by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected In nhslinnte esses, .and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclinintetl persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro tected by taking the AM'til CVHK daily. For JArer Unmplainft, arising from titrpldlty of the Liver, it is nn excellent remedy, stimulating the l.lver into heallhv sctlvitv. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it Is an excellent remedv, producing mnrtv trttlv re markable cures, where ether medicines had fulled. Prepared by Ph. .1. C. Avkr A Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. niicE, $t.oo run jiottlb. March20, 1870.-1J. FUKNITURE JFUKXITUKE ! ! A NEW STORE AT GEOHGETCnVX, LOWER MAHAXOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM IS EG ELY HAVING opened a new Furniture 8tore at the ttbove place, will rnnMnntiy keep on burnt, a large uud select assortment of FURNITURE, Compitsln? of Parlor and Chamber Snlts, Conch es, Lounges Tables, bureaus, (.'un-Seatvd Chairs of all irr.ides. Hocking and Kitchen Chairs, Washvtands, Kcilsteads, Japanese, Cottapt and Half Cottage, LiMikinii-Glasses, Window 8hades, and iu short, cvcrythinit usually to be found in nny well-kept Furnliuic ti'ore, may be had at this establishment. Hoping, by fair deallnsr und strict attention to business, to merit the patiouace of the public. An invitation Is extended to all desiring anything In the Hue of Furniture to call nnd examine mv stock. I'lKlrrtahlng done In all Its branches, td?"" Repairing douc at short notice. p-J VM. NEGELT. Georgetown, June 11, '70.-ly. a-CGitAXD All"6penTxg or NEW STORE GOODS. A complete assortment of goods are now being opened ut MOORE & DISSIXGER'S STORE, Haurt's Building, Market Street, 6UNBUKY, PENN'A. Consisting of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, DltF.SS GOODS, Dry Goods of every variety, Notions, Ladies' Shawls, Gent's Furnishing Goods, nrndy-Murle Clothing, Woolen Blankets, Carpets, Oil Cloths, FRESH GROCERIES, Queeusware, Willow-Ware, Glasware,c., Ac. Flour and Food. Call nnd see their well selected stock of the very latest styles, fresh from the eastern cities. Prices are low. They are determined to keep up their old mntlo of yi ii K and Svai.l PnoriTS. All kinds of country produce taken ln ex changi: for jjooji.. MOORF A PISSINGER. Pept. 81, 1S70. Sortueru. 1'eutrul ltallnuy. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON' nnd after Jan. 1st, 1ST!, trains will run as follows 1 NORTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 4.55 a. nt., arrive nl ('anan diliguu 3.10 p. III., Syracuse 7. (HI p. in., lim-lu s ter 4.45 p. ut., Buli.ilo U.tU) p. 111., Suiciiiou Bridge V.W p. in., Niagara Falls 0.55 p. lit. Leave Suiiliury at 4.35 p. 111. fur Eliuiiu and Bultitlo vhi Eli Hallway from Klinirt. Leave Siiuhuty ul b.40 p. in. lor Wllliamtport. fOUTHWAUU. Lean- Sunbury ul 2.u5 a. 111., arrive at Harrls burg 5.1S a. m., Biiltiiuoie 0.15 a. 111., Pbiludel phlh V.50 a. in., Wasltiuitiun city 1.50 p. m. Leave Sunbury at 10.55 a. m. arrie at llar rihbui'g l i. p. 111., Ilaltliiiorn 0.15 p. in., Phila delphia 5.35 p. in., Wasbiugton 10.00 p. 111. Leave Suubuty, 10.20 a. in., arrive ut Harris burg p. m., War-lilnirtou 5.35 p. 111. Leave Sunbury nl 12. 05 a. in., arrive at Harrls burg 2.30 a. in., u-liiuuKiii 7.00 a. lit. Buitiiuoru ueeoiniiiiHlatioii leaves Stiubury 5.08 a. in., arrlte ut H.irrUburg 7.45 a. ui., Ualtlutore 12.30 p. m. SI1AMOKIN DIVISION. ClSTWiKU. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. nt., arrive at Sliauia klu 5.55 p. 111., Sit. Camlet 0 40 p. m. Luuva Sunbury ( Accommodation,) at 11.60 a. ut., arilv at bUautukiu 1.00 p. ui. WKSIW'AUD. Iave Mt. Curmel at 8.05 a. ra., arrive at Shamokln a.50 a. ut., Sunbury U.55 a. ut. Leave Hhaiunkiii ( AifnintiiuilNtlou,) at 2. 45 p. ut., arm ul ttiiitliury 4.0U p. lit. Expresa leuvea daily lusat lug ou Sunday, runs Noith only la Wllllnui.aiit. Ail other irulua Uave dally, scr Sundays. A. K. t.s. Fit. . Yin su, Gni 'I. Mitp't., Geu'l pasM-u'r A'l., llurtiabiilg, Pa. Ualliuwu, Vld. AUAI AT TIIE I'E.M E. rpt aulaMfiiUr anaouaea lu lb ciliaaus uf X. HuuOui) 1u.1l, bailug aai.tlu rv'iwt bis Ull El l aad tail Ea l AULlsUL.vr, uti the eld place, Un U a ruily daalro)a4 by Bra, b la ag.tlu plr(an d lo aTy tkaut ail kltida ul lliead aud t'aks, lUiW iiUOWN ItltMH, M1LI. Ilk' alt, tlHt.AU HAKn ea lbs HE AHTII, sud full line wf fAVt V Ultt. 1 Buua, ttuii sud 1 al.ll. Alau, all kluds ul l'utfwltu Silis at bis shop uu Tblid aiiaaS. Ilalltm laipltla1 a ai.-laa baks' from lb till, ba is apalt4 U i (aualal sallalusllun Ui hi llii ol liuaiu, sad ! ail t sue hint e t'uL btaa4 aa4 (Vk aWIvr4 U tustosiKit ! aUuluMa. Ii K IHCAW. A ve ( ruut kaLal lu Uaa l.paj Ut eua. kautkaa sat Ike ! baaluaas, Sb4 LeduV auuu liud a, aaa. lb at Ua I taaat aiil be attttd ay u eiefcifc. dam. U U. M4., Jsae , 110. l-.lala, OllaTeie, A rVll..atw. tilt, UUMUtli) tll Oil, lassi fll. Ut Its, S4 ll.Wlla.a 04 m$ laakaa a4 Maaiaa, ValAat, r US) WaV 4 Syw (HW 4 iKtlT 4 ca t KeadfuK Itallroad. ..WIXTKB. ARRANGEMENT. .Monday, Xov. 1st, 1870. . --i GREAT TRUNK LrNRfrohl the North and XTriW k Wit. 2k. 1 1 .. .11 ..V Ix XT V n . IrtfT, Pottsvllle,, Ashlun3, ham kin, Lebanon, Allentown, Boston, Ephrata,l.ltl, 1 a nr. at i.r Cnl-ll. i ' Trains leave HarrlsbnrvfarKe Viwk. as fnl. lows 1 At 8.10, i.lo.10.50 a. m..and 1U0 a. m.. connecting -with similar ' TralustOu b Pennsylvania Railroad, and art-VlncCnt New Yerk at 10.10 a.m., 8.0O. 8.0 and 10.00 o m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the) 8.10 a. m., train without cliance. Uoturnlngt Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 18.00 noon nnd 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. in. and 8.30 p. m. 1 Sleeping Cars accompany ing the 6.00 p. m. train- from New Vork without change. Leave Hnrrisburg for Reading, Pottsvillb, Tn-. mnqua, MlncrsviUe, , Ashland, 8hamokinl Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m. 8.110 and 4.05 p. m., stopjiiug at Lebanon and principal way stations 1 the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle an Co lumbia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read lug for Allentown, Enston and New York at 5.00. IO 'JJln n lilje V. 14ie ..., ... .11., ...iu i.umj hdu -i.-mo. m. tteiurmi v. leave New York at 0.00 a. m., 13.00 noon and 6.00 p. tn. and Allentown at 7.20 a. in. 13.25 noon, 3.55, 4 SO and 8.45 p. 111. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m.. connecting with similar train on East Pcuna. Railroad, returning from Heading at 6.20 p. m., stopping nt all stations. Leave Potlsville at U.OO a. 'm. and 3.10 p. m. ilcritdon tit 10.15 a. m., Shamokln at 5.40 nnJ 11.20 a. in. 1 Ashland at. 7.U5 a. m., nud 125( noon; Maliitnoy City at 7.51 a. in. and 1.85 p. :n Titmaiiin at 8.3a a. m. nud 2.40 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harris burg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuvlklll and Susons-- liannii Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for Hurrisburg, uud 12.05 uoon, for Pine Grove and Treinont. Keauing Accommodation Train leaves Potts, vlllcnt 5.40 n. m., passes Reading ut T.liO a. in. arriving at Philadelphia ut 10.20 a. m., returning leaves Phlladeliihin at 4.45 p. nt., passing Rend ing at 7.25 p.m. arriving nt Potteville at 11.10 p.m. Pottslown Accoininodittlnn Train leuves Potts towu at 7.00 a. ni., returning leaves Philadelphia ut 4.00 p. m Columbia Rutlrond Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. 111., uud 0.15 p. nt. for F.phruta, Litlz, Lancuster. Coiuinhiii. iVc. Perklomcn Rail Koiul Trains leave Pcrklomen Junctional 7.45, B.05a. 111.. at 3.00 and 5.30 p. m. Returning,leave Scltwenksvllle nt a. ru., 12.50 noon and 4.30 p. tu. connectlnij with similar tralus on Reading Rail Road. Colcbrookdalc Railroad Trains leave PotUtowa nt 0.40 a. nt., und 0.20 p. ui., returning leave Mt. Pleilsant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., eonueeliug Willi similar trains on Rending Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave bridge port ut H.30 a. in., 2.05 aud 5.02 p. m. ret it ruin if, leave Dowmngtou at C.55 a. in., 12.15 noon una 5.15 p. m. connecting with similar tralus on Read ing itallroad. On Suiioays : Leave New York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.H0 a. m. aud 3.15 p. in., (the 8.00 n. lit. ten in running only to Reading;) leavo Pottsvllle at K.iHJ a. in., leave Hurrirburg. 3.10s nt., and 4.05 p. in.; leave Allentown nt 8.45 p. tn. leave Reading nt 7.15 a. ut. and 10.B5 p. lit. for Harrlsburg, ut 5.00 a. m. for New York, uud nt 0.40 a. in. aad 4.25 p. in. Tor Phihidcl'u. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points at re duced rates. Baggage checked through i 100 Touuda Bag gage allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, Gciioiul fcuiMM inti'ii'U'iit. Philiislelphia nud Erie Itallroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. On nnd after Monday, Nov. 21st. 1870, the Tralnt on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will rnu as follows 1 WESTWARD. Mall Trnln leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Erk, Kile Express leaves Philndephla, 0.40 p in 4.55 11 m 7.40 p m 12.20 a in C.40 p m 7.40 a in U.30 a ut 4.o5 p ui 7.50 p m 9 CO s m 12.05 a 111 6. to a lit 9.00 p in 10.20 a in 5.30 p in 8.15 u tu 11.05 a m Bunoury, " " nn ot Eric. Elmlra Mall leave Philadelphia, " " Sanhiirv. " " arr nt Lock Haven, Eastward. Mali Train leave Erie, . " " " Siitibury, " " nrrat l'hllndelphU, Eric Express leaves Erie, " " " Sunbiirv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Snuhurv, " " arr Ht Philadelphia, BnHtilo Express leaves Williaiiirpurt, " " Sunburv, " " arr ut Philadi'lphls, 5.30 p in 12.115 a m 2.35 a in 0.40 a in Express, Mall and Accommodation. cast and west, connect at Cory and all west bound tralus. and Mail and Accomod 'i ion cant at Irvinetou with ttil Creek aud Alieheuv River Railroad. KM. A. BALDWIN, Geu'l Sup't. Lacliaaauaa uud Uioumaburg I'nlla roud. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PAHSENGEB TRAINS. Vouday, July isth, 1870. SOUTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Srruntoti, Bellevue, Tay!orill, Lackawanna, Put. ton, We.t pulsion, Wvoiuing, Malil.r, 8 4.'. 0 5u 5T 3 25 V i 0 5 Si S :;5 5 43 5 53 6 03 6 OS ti 15 u : 6 35 1 00 1 01 1 15 1 .7 t :,5 1 45 1 .',5 2 bd 2 10 7 05 0 7 14 3 50 10 7 19 10 7 27 4 00 10 ; 10 4 15 7 45 10 Kingtnn, A ) W.-Harre t St. ; r r 1 Plymouth Juuc, 10 4 :i 10 40 45 Oil: 1.7 40 50 Ou ritiiouih, Naiilleol.e, fl Hillock's, Shli'knhiiinr, Hick's Ferry, Beucli Haveu, llemiek. Willow Grove, Hi Ur I'reik, Lime ltliige, Espy, Blooinnburg, KuHrt, (ntuwitia, Ititttiille, t, t'ameiiiu. 7 5.V 8 07 X II ! .'9 8 43 8 50 8 57 V 02 U 05 ! IS 9 -5 !l 30 3. tt 43 lo oa 10 H lo 2.1 4 S I 5 45 5 50 5 57. a 02 a 23 Soitk'd, (arrive.) 10 45 8 55 NORTHWARD. A.M. P.M.: Leave. Northumberland, Cauirrou, t, Duuvtllu, t juUii, kurl, llloouisburg, ry. Lint Kid, Hilar I'm. k, M llluw na, Hut 11 k, Irrdi a lUvon, link's t city, lUiUWiUluiiy, llsukai', Naulick, Plui.iuih, Piiuulk Jane Oil p. X 1,1 25 II uu P. 30 II Oi Via. 11... ? 4? II 85 t tult.liiy, at I fiiMia, finale, lttkaaaai,, lailtMllitk, Uiilllaa, SHUUIuU, (llla) I 80 I 1 ail! J UU 1 1 T a f 1 1 41 I II 88 14 14 Ul m Wi II 18 1111 PAV1U r K1 kit, 8u.'i. s 11 w kl.-.t a Masii-. ' 8us i SU4 lb . ar.a, 10 25 5 '.Nl : 5 K71 1 & 52 11 02 6 t I'J 21 8 II. 18 2V 8 Hi II 85 '.'5 U 40 8 811 1 4,1 8. Vi A.M. e 55 18 01 8 Ml 10 14 K 1 05 8 81X U U , 8 W !! " It, 44 14 5a T 411 1 I 05 I is I III 04 T i t (JUlii Uaw 1'iaSi neat's lui aaaUftlJ lta I l. CJ8H Lfclit W s.l Ha4, lasKs.l H4 I Xs ilmutitl. r44, i'LAIml 4ii a WJ NH-Tsal H-e U A K ,aaa a . W., U la U.S. 111 . 4 1 llMHru IT Im o) SO a