gricullnral. Corn Cclttjre.-A farmer in the neigh boring county of Lancaster, gives his opin ions, in the Gerraantown Teteyraph, on corn culture, which arc doubtless in tho main correct. "As the period of spring planting is now approaching, when nil fanners will have to prepare for thecrops they desire tocultivatc through the season,! would respectfully urge upon farmers the continued profitableness of corn, tho great grain staple of the coun try. After all the, objections urged against the production of this grain; of the im mense amount of labor requisite in its culti vation; of the impoverishment of tho soil, and tho .unpromising and uncertain appear ance of the growing plants if tho spring should be cold and uackward, yet it must be acknowledged ttoat, next to grass, it is the greatest crop Of -the farmer, and far more certain in aU'ei-asou than wheat. The great product per norc of this crop, both in grain and in substantial provender lor cattle, must always, it -esonis to nie, make it the farmer's fitvorlie graiu upon which ho must mostly rely, llcuce, the methods of its cultivate must always be sought for by the enterprising farmer. That it requires a deep, rich soil, no olio will deny, and onenpon which lime has lately beou applied is generally fouud to produce a letter crop in conscqueucc. In this country -the frequent practice is to haul out manure iu the winter or spring and plow it under ; In'the autumn the corn is cut, and shocked in thick rows, separ ated by wide middles ; these middles or intervening space between rows shocks, are harrowod do'.vn tso as to allow the stalks to be turned undor by plow. This is thorougly pulverized by the narrow and drilled iu witli wheitt: Hrdjthe.'yield of wheat on our warm liincfctonejsoils is frequently as good as that obtained tho next season after the stalk-groimtl had been put iu with oats, and the manure applied previous to sowing with wheal. Where land hi too rich for the profitable production of oats, thu above plan has very much to recommend it, nny in time must become the'irueand common rotation of corn and wheat. As for oats itself, as our lands become more improved and richer, its culture will have to be abandon ed to poor farmers and more sterile lands. There are extensive tracts of naturally poor and mountainous land in the country, lil ted for the production of oats or buck wheat, and upon such lands they should bo grown, as they are grains hardly spited to rotate in soils rich enough for corn anfi wheat. As regards the depth to plow for corn, thcrois no question) I persumeso much disputad ntnoug fanners, br.t in my opin ion it altogether depends upon the depth of the coil. If that be foure inches deep yon need not plow it much deeper ; and if eight inches, your depth of plowing should be increased accordingly ; and if the soil wews a fool in depth that would be not too deep. As spring approaches let our farmers prepare their manures and fields for large average of this great American cereal for the season of 1871." Sprouting Swef.t I'otat jes. A New Jersy fanner gives the following directions for spoutiug sweet potatoes : "First, make a frame of boards if the ground bo col', or heavy, on the surface; if light or sandy, dig out to depth of eight or twelve inches from the bottom of the bed to the top of the frame in front, and 20 or 28 for back, to pivo a good slope for wator-slied four and half to live feet from front to back ; take good fresh stable man ure aud coarse hay bogliay is best ; first a layer of hay, then manual then repeat ; pack it well to oue foot iu deptu, wet it slightly, cover with three inches of sandy loam, lay in the potatoes if small, whok: if largo," cut iu two from end to end, with cutside down ; covcrwith one inch and a half of light sandy loam. Leave so till the potatoes begin to sprout, then cover with the same to three inches to insure good and plenty of fibrous roots; when the plauts are three inches high they are. ready to transplant to the hill or rows for growing. I use no water, puddling, or plaster in transplanting, and lose but few plants. Use glass or sash to give a quicker growth to the plants, as 1 lind euch worth more than those grown without; keep the teniporature in the frame from "i to W, if possible. 1 make my hot-beds from April 10th to 20th, according to the season ; get from 1,000 to 1,500 plants per barrel of seed." 8ip Sc. Joiiny Cake. To a rounded teaeuinul of sugar add oue teaspoonful of good gingei , und one of essence of lemon, and about one third of a teacupful of butter, or a piece the Bize of a large ej;j, melted. Dissolve one teaspoonful of soda in a teacup of flour, nnd then stii in meal until thu batter is quite still'; turn all into a square pie pan, and smooth it down with a poou. Do not bake too brown. Dklicatk Cake. The whites of four eggs well beaten, one cup white suger half cup butter, half-cup sweet milk, two cups tlour, one teaspooulul-creaiiiuf tartar, hulf tuupoouful fSOCUl. SltercU;tncou9. CoMft Tixo lMKi;ir. Tho following table is very convenient for computing in- crest as furus it poes ; J Six rr.u r.Ni. Multiply any given . number of dollars by the uun.bcr of days of, interest desired, cut oft the two right lininl figures and divide by six, the rifctilt is the true interest divide by nix, the result is the true interest (iu dollars und cents) ou tuch sum for such uvmbcr of days at six per cent. NINE PER l:MT - Multiply the tiiiiiti u.i , above uuil divide by nr lliu result wiil Uu tho interest id niiu! ju r t ent. TfcN ft It KM. Multiply the Kanie as above und divide by tl,i,tii (..'j-, ami the re sult will show the intrust at Uu j-r cent. Thu rule Is so timplo and ijiiu' iutui'iI iusf lu all Iniviins- Uft'tgfx.'llialt'Very batik- 1 t r, broker, men haul t ci, ik dii-uld post it up for rvli-rciHv. Theio being no iiiug a it fraction in it, theie i M atcely any liability to ei ior or mistake. !y nil lluraritlo.l. piit tan tlm ileniml iutoruiaiioit U obtained by u lew l:;uiv. Tiik N'.til MMitir.i turi nt of j:.t,U u J' UllsV Vtllliu unwind Ul J' Ipi.i.l Mini lea lived, Hint tit lew of tho ruinous I'liri i. jvv.iiluijj of Lite, iiih laUy l-ir kliiall nulla, th.i .i1Iim iiijj Krlidlulii I-1' '.'7. !-7t : .Null, IVuut I'kl In lXi. ; hli l.i.t.l and I'eUI'lllil Iroiu llS tOl'ilKl, IMU n od nulls; Kl alt 1 Ul p!ke, -J.'i iviilt -r kl':4 uliuvu 1"J unit ; N uuil t-l n.tiU, . min i ami l'i 1 1, 'J't uitl ki a U.vo lovl ii tils, bit' in Hail ; IV1 und id t in 1114 nud tii.nla, fWi etuis m r ki uli i I'fci 11 1, U; mill M Ui.l, 1 iu iii mill 1. 1, ul,. 7 11 ni ih r key itlemi l".l u.u. . ; i. 1, i,U fl n y t Ci 4 It'x'tU t's I111U l in ing, l.lsllij, t-.l-Hio, Unit; unit l..-t mil., lu I. :i 1. ui4 k 'i li i ll.e tin, 11. 1 1.. I ii,t -I ' 1 1 1 li.m- 1. 1., I 1 1 k, ,. 1 K .'.'ii tl -'l.l l 'l tt-wl'ttkt. t-. Ml 1 .1 t Ol"vV t '"'(, iir.xitY t. iiKi.Jinonrs COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA Csmnrmetlt Tnrts Fluid Ext met Rhubarb and " Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Julco. For Llvr r Complaint, Jaundice, Bllimu Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Headache, Costlvencss, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing uo Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. M Thcc Pills nrc tho most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, ct. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. Thty give tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They are composed of the flntft ingredient. After a few days' use of thci'n, such an invigoratlon of the entire sys tem takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak aud enervated, whether arising from im prudence or disease. II. T. Helmbold's Com pound Fluid Kxtrnct Catawba Grnpo Pill are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, hut pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired effect. The Catawba Grope Pills, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate thilr being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per box 11ENKV T. m;l.MHOMS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Fluid Instruct NiirNttinrillii Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Pore Eyes, Bore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skiu Diseases, Salt Hlietim, Cankers, Runnings, from the Ear, While Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of ull kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established iu the system tor years Being prepared oxprcssty for the above Com plaints, its blood-purfying properties are greater tban nny other preparation of Sarsnparilla. ft gives tho complexion a clear aud healthy cohw nud restores the Patient to u state of Health RT.d Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing nil chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, and the nifty Tellable and effectual known remedy for the 'cure of pains and swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, 'Pimples on'the Face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the Uin, aud beautifying the complexion. Price, St.50 per Bot'.te. IIENltr T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED IXl'ID EXTKACTBIOIII,-, THE GREAT DIURETIC, lias cured every case of Diabetes lu which it has been given. the neck of the Blad der oud Inhumation of '-the Kidneys, Ulceration oft'lie Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of the tprostrate Gland, Stoue iu the Bladder, Culrulim, -Gravel, Brickdust Deposit, aud Miiecusor Milky Discharges, and for En feebled ttlifl Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with K.c following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Tain iu thu Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion ou the face, pal Id Countenance, Uuiversal lassitude of the Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the uges of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-live to fifty-five or iu the decline or change of life ; after confine ment or labor pains ; bedwettiug lu children. Helmbold's Extract Buehu is Diuretic and PUid-pnrify4rg, tnid cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and im ilettees in Life, impurities of the Blood, etc., superseding copaiba in aO'vctatious fur which it is nscd, and syphilitic titlections in these dis eases used in connection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In many nir-.-ctii lions peculiar to Ladies, the Extract Bneliu is unequalcd by any other reme dy as iu chlorosis or retention irregularity, painfnlnces or snppressiou of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or schirns slate of the I'tcrns, LcuciutIIicu or Whiles, sterility, and for nil complaints incident to the sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It is pre scribed extensively by the mo.-i eminent physi cians and inidwivcs tor enfeebled anil delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (attend ed with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) II. T. HF-I MPOLIVS KXTKAfT lil'fHf CUKES UlSKAlKS ARISING FROM l.Ml'RU DENCfc, HAlina OK DISSIPATION, ETC., In ull their stae, at little expellee, little or uo change wi diet, 110 inconvenience, und no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strcuglh to Urinate, thcrct-y removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing .Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying I'ain nud In-tlnmation, so fre iiieirt in this class of diseases, and expelling all 1'oi-onous mutter. 'J housunds who have been the victims of In competent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured iu u short time, have found they have, been deceived, and that the 'Poison" has, by the use of "powerful astringents," beeu dried up in I lie system, to break out in a more aggra vated form, and perhaps alter .Marriage. Use Helinbold's Extract Diiehu for ull Affec tions and Diseases of the Uniary Organs, wheth er existing iu Male or female, from whatever origiuatiui;, and uo matter bow long stauding i'riee. oue dollar and lllty cents per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S lMl'UoVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed til a Kace Wash, and w ill be found the only specific remedy In every species of CutaiH'ons AlhxlSon. It speedily eradicates I'iniplcs, Spot. Siorliulic Dryness, Indurations ol the t lltaileolls .Meuilnane, etc., dispels Kelt- Dees and Incipient liillannitiiiii. Hives, Hash, Moth Patches, Dryness i sealp or skin, rroi Kites, and ull l-.u; "..s I n which Salves or Oiut- uiciiie ure li ed ; rc-loro the f kln to a state of iiiirl v und jI 1 111 s, and Injures coiiliuiied li.allby hi l lull l'i I lie liue of its vessels, ou uhich iIi h n,U the ti,'reeaMe i-ltarui'ss und viva city nl complexion so iiiueli sought and udiuired. Mni hiHii-M r 1 .tillable as a reim-dy fur exirling iMeeu of the, 11.1. H. Idbold's Rose Wa-li lias long sil' laiii-' l its principle 1 1 Vhh to untmuud ej p.iliuii iu'e, I v p-isse.tlug iiinlKie4 which ren tier H a Toili-i A p mliigc of thu niiisl SujicrU live and longi niil i liuraiier, combining In im i li caul luruiiila llci-e piuiiiiii. ul iviiliu . Safe ly aiid Ellleaey the lii:ni ilile aeeuuiiaiiiiui-uts nfil. um a u l'lei rvative nnd ItelV, htl of the l ine) ei.iiit.. it uh t IfKl.iu l'-r ili-ea-es of a Siphilllie .1 1 in e, nun as uu tiijcc. liull for itisclim ill Hie I I'llllliy Ol gUUs. Mlt'ltlg limn li.ibil of 1' 1-ilp.illnii, mi l lii e. Willi Ihe Exliai ta linelai, haisaparllla, uud C4- I.IH bit lil.l-.! PllU, ill puell di-easi-s II li'l-olll- iiieii,,,, 1. i:iii..i l-v siii.ivctd. IM. e, one dullar pel b UU. fall uinl ikii!l inelK'ii .M'euni(Kiii the iin ilii iiit-fe. 1 vl.l. ic j 1 I lie-ii:ii-I l. . ihtil.' nud ii-ILiblu ikul I.S.r ll. u,r!i. 1,1, u,,e ilii.u, Villi I. u II itlt ill -! Ihiel., mil tt lllisi; Hllueaeel, alul up ji. 1-1 .10,1s i muidw Ui .t 1. nie -ill uu-t rvci.iu 11,1 id itnty I. iters, in 111) ul Hluili-liu 1 1. nil Ihu li., 'ie-l siuii'i'i) iliel,l ln( t li.lurul 'i) ii. 1.1 lis, t ii 1 jtlui li, M.iloim 11, iu, 'I ,u pmpn, ,i till lulu 1 .-Kin 1 . , ii Hull publii in., a 11, i,u ui i i, i. ! ,.-,b 4 I 1 Iku lr.,111 ll,,' I.,, 1 11,-1 Ins UUU I. I ink .Sl4i l ild , 1 11, ill,, I,., w I ll-l Ii- I li" J lu I" I I.. I la , U t) ivllilli lUs. Itrur I , llrlsatoi'a tf muU lr IUri4t lltM-t, I lint I 1 1 an 4 I lnt. Vveui-i f mm tfti r tal, -II. . Ijl.ll 1. I lt .1 I i( Ill) ,..M, WU ) I) t..fc-i.i. t.ib i Aa.i.-s i.i, nil,,,. ll4U 11, lU (.Mill I- ,1 .1 I J . HI) t lUllJ, l, 1 Ml I U- 11.1 I. ..: ! 1 It I' i.l's Idug nui I I u.i il tk in I. . i.. N.,, ...n Hi-iiitt) S.a 1 il. 1. K. ,,..1. j ti. .ti. j sm, ( I . ,-, I ,..n f I .1, I' lil i I 'J l.l ., I 4. Ilia j. if I . 11 1 .1.. f , li.4.1, I It' 1 1 ! . ' l.l. I 1 I I . I I , It I t I l." I . tiscclhntcctts. F RIXIXG'S MAMMOTH CASH STORE, IM MARKET SQUARE. IS OFFCBINO BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CEDARWARE,' QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Drugs, Paints, OilsJ&c. JUST OPENED A NEW ASSORTMENT FRESH FROM TnE CITY. DRY GOODS. BLANKETS, OVERCOATING, CASSIMERES AND'ODOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND SILK POPLINS, ALFACAS, SHAWLS, with every kind of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Groceries of every kind, Coffee, Teas. Sugar, Molasses, Fish, Meat, and everything lu the Grocery Hue. HARDWARE of every discription and an endless variety of cutlery. QUEENSWARE of every variety aud quality. BOOTS AND SHOES of the best manufactures iu the Country. WALL PAPER an extra assortment suitable for any Rooms. NOTIONS of every diecriptions. FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES. POINTS und OILS of the best quality. All of which will be sold at tho very LOWEST PRICES. As these goods have been bought for eash, special Inducements to purchasers are offered. Cull uud examine tu Immense Stock. II. Y. I'KILIXU. Sunfcury Nov. Suit, 18T0. TIME IS MOXEV 1 1 A LL Wall Puper aud Uordcr, sold by me wil be trimmeil rcarty tor use, "WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, BY Till; YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, which 1 have the exclusive ritht to use in Suuburv und vicinity. Save money, time ana moor, by luyiirg or x. it: tut 1:1: i.njiiT.vtn, Dealer iu Books, Stationery, Wull Paper, Mnsre, Ac. Ac, Ac. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality. Ulaiik, .llfiiioruiiduiii A Vann Itoolia in endless variety, jui-t received. BOOK BINDING done to order. Persons will save excuse hy leaving tlu ir orders for b'.cdiug wkk uie. PICTI'KK I'KAMi: of all size, cut Irnin the Monlriingat very low rates. OV At. A SL .Kfc tKAMM always on baud. , ALUU.MS, RHACKETS, GOLD l'ENS, ! A large and well selected stock of Toys al way on baud. Anything not ou bund promptly ul tiered, iluri'ain-, tor cash, t all al N. rUUKEE LIGIITSER'S Book Store, ; Sign of Foley's Gold Pen, Mai Let Square, Sue bury, Pa. Sunbury, Aunut Otb, 110. J. WASHINfiTON'S 1 atii nii or. ; The old eriii.iiinil'")itii of the town We de, line tlm boui-l, but ul Urn saiHe lime ' t lie lulu Mv Irulli iii.ivIh) trj.inia. bly Kpokeii Miluuui iiiaiilfeliug an uuruiuluila- ' In.- aiiniuiit i-f Viiuiiy uud uuibitinu. Jul liuly ti-aia li'i'i I be .in my career In lliia pluee half iny lileliluu Unit tt l-enl, h ive I timi.l iisui the llmir of our sbi-p ; day uller uuil iiicbl utter ulilit, and applied l!i thai blue liliuiuiiig Mcvl, Mini will, In llml I ' ip.e ul tune eiiilu.iiiil bv lliu In It lit. V uf ' thai tkuilful eili.. Im! - I .liuli I mull) eeiy. ! binly iu the ciiuiiiry (In i-iiiiiiiinu paiUuii-) uud ; In ulillgv 111 J publle luteie.t lirreiu publuly ti our p.. In. ii. old and m- llil Mti ure ready In il.aie Hum all Utf Uu lline liuudltil IlioutaiiU limt-t 01 liiiiii. t niuu it In u ).'.! I'U 1.1, I..I ih ln.u I. lbs Uliil. tits ne alu al. 1)4 le.nt In Mmk. fuli-urnm or , iilleiuiMiu, to .tiiiii )ini, U.iir cut )iiu, tUaiiiia uu, ahi.kei tl , ti piu, or jt-ifiiiiie, t'tuiib uu-l si u.iLti ib b.iii miU miuiit! .Win, In lliu tiur I ill ' Ul 4tt( iu .lliu 1.1 .mi ids 1 uti.iuur. We itnik I i I Ii i.e. i.-il pltate to w nk. ' M.., J ,li I ii-i mlI uui ilmp In (ft "littid ou I Ih j ul jUnH- li.e.ii... its 4.1 nt tstll si . It vi u bs 1l .u1 ui tttr 1'x.ilil Ih. I A . I..11. . Ii all Ibitl 4-mii4 i 'I a 14 1 iti I be I'n.l as buM lit Lay 4. k m d'-t n'-.wi lKj-4, U.-if M irltt illMt. - K. , -0. (Oil IIHIMMtkt. I I I f. tit HI.I..4 Itiiat, r-. Vti, IImU. kpilatft, II t .situ, U-'iit, t i.-. .'. tn L..i.. t.. sill. 1 (.1.1-tii, I m hi 4 I I" m.i U I. i I ..I , a, a : .'. bttllimcmift. CCK.VAK t CO. A FULLUNE OF FALL & WINTER GOODS at JOHN ECKMAN & CO'S. Groceries, the best and cheapest In the market, at Eekman A Co'i. Oil-Cloth, Carpet and Carpet Chain at the vory lowest prices, at Eekman A Co'. UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTIONS Eekman & Oo's. of every description, at Hats nnd Cap, Boots and Shora, at Eekman St Co's. Stone-Ware, Wood-Ware and Wlllow-Wnre, nt Eekman & Co's. Hardware, Nails, Stilt, Fish, &c., at Eekman & Co's. Country Produce taken In exchange nt Eekman A Co'i. Don't forget the place, john eckman a co., Corner Fourth and Market Streets, scnburt, penn'a. Sunbnry, Dec. 1, 1870. FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOGDS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to the public that she has JUBt received, at her store In Dewart's Building, a large supply of THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, trimmed and urtUiiHtacd, and of all colors, In cluding the NEOPOLITAN, the lKteet and most fashionable thing out In hats. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest stvles. Sush Ribbons, plain and figured. Ladie's Spencers, Lace Colars, Linen Colurs and Cutfs for Ladies und Children, Crochtt collars. Neckties for Ladles and Gent's latest styles. Silk Sack Loops, a superior article. Gloves Including Kids, aud Ladles' Buckskin gloves. Huudkerchtef. All kimlsof Trimmings. Embroidery Tatlterns. Hosiery for Ladies, Gent's and Children. N4s, Plue and pique trimmings. TRIMMING SILKS, Chignons, Zephyrs and Tarni, and a general variety of Notions. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes that the ipialitv of her goods will merit a continuance of the same. ELIZABETH LAZARUS. A ii:XT KM AX'S WARD-ROBE. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING H0US3, Tiuro Sr., One Door Below Market St., Sunbury, Pa., J. M. ZIEGLER, Protoietoh. FREXXH& EXGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERT KIND, VESTINGS, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA R1ETT. Embracing every quality and styles that the New York and Philadelphia Markets alfonl, which will be madeup to order by the best of work mcu, warrunted to tit aud render entire satisfac tion. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest assortment lu town. Embracing everything of Gentlameu's wear of the latest styles. Call und see my stock, also the latest fashions, before purchasing elsewhere. J. M. ZIEGLER, (successor to Thomas G. Nott,) Third st., one door below Market, Suubury,Pa. Suubury, Jan. 15, 1S.U. Agrirultural InspleuientH, i-r OE'S Grain Rakes, f";cl nnd Iron Garden Rakes. Long and D Handle Spades, 8hor els, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass nud Grain Perthes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tnniriif and Log Chains, Griud-tinn, Fanning Mill Scivcs of ull sites and kinds, a large assortment f Red Wagon Hames, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale bv J. H. CON LEY & CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT Dr. WALKEK'3 C LIFOHjnA VINEGAE BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands 4 Besr tpsttmony to thctr Wooilcr fu'. Cunuive Kit'ecit. 4 a ISsWHAT ARE THEY? g 5 ST 1 TtTET AHE KOT A TItE a i - a i n d i m v ti S r n ll w T w it i ii is ni b If! lull jLM III , O I TtTET AHE KOT A VILE 5 j 3 & i? ti t u n n I m v it! ibwleef Poor Itan, WhisWt), l'ruui tsplrlls and Refuse Lleuura dociorttl.ijlecit sndivtct rntd tu I'lctMth little, called 1orict,-"-AppiUj. tr," .ctiortrt," tt., ttist Irt.t li e t:plcr in la ilruakDDiis sad rnla, but sre s Ireo t'il.cinc, mao fraia the Kcltvs r.ootssud Herbs i f t'it!;fornls, free Irnm all Alcubvllo Mliuulnnis. 'll.cyno lbs 1IIKAT ill.OUU ri ltll'lEU nutl A l.ll'K CMINU l-UINtlfl-Ks r-rl'Ct l.tnutuwr sfd Jmlorilor si (lis t.y.ltin.eiirrjlrg ult all pouwnous matter and rciturlng Uis I l"Od is s U14I1I.) ctudilU-a. ho pertva can ULi llieto tillers wcurtllii lu C.rcc tlvn and run sis lui.g oncll. tllO wliltis (ItCDftirau Inrurslln cut, -rut UU d tho tones sre kct dcsirajcd ty LilutrU icltta or other uieSLi. aud ltj .tsi .r,ui;t vtttud bt)titUI.-s Miini 1 1 rei.ilr. I'ttr luflusuaiitlorr nail I hrouls i:hranin Itsnt au4 liuui. 111 spriialu, vr lud.griilon, lllilaui. Ksailurui und lulu uitlli al rt stla Mttim ul ikv illutid, l iter, Ultlue) a, aud IllaUtlcr, llirt llliicis 1st Wta umM tueens. lul. butti Ulsraata sr n-itd It Vlllaltd illuod. wS.eli Itneuerslly rtiduced If litrsut uiclI t-l lUt- UIl'i sitva Oi sans. IltK'tlkll uu IMJUitHTION, aehu, I't... la ilii UiaUovit, tuuut,1 .al-l-.cti t-l Ui ivi. iut.:itht, at uf t rueuutius tf lUv u.uut. h, l lu.i. 14 i',j Uiiuik, b.Utiui Autt l-i, .,,uuta t. lit. l:, an,,ii tt tl.! I si.., 1't.u id I. j r.i.-. 1 t( Iks tlllt)l, sud s l uadred l-S kiU S. 1.. 1 talus, we III t ki.!.l.ct of i,.t . '. k t imi(.ii.u Hi kbiiustk kttd tUutulsls Uu I r iU!.tri.4 tumli, kick rwudtrlltiatuf ant' iUtt l tliti,iiii 1 . tluvd "I all iaiiuril.. aud lot, inlr i.t Ui i 4 , Uf lu 11. aktiUi ttt.w. IIU atilM HlatAK,liv.iivai.1iki,rlt I lurtnii, li.uultts, Sbtita, I ta-riit. t vtiuitt, llwiis. I ta ksktkt, Ult. IS tuiu. iU Iliad. kta I t. Iu;tlp t Ua. luk, kauib, I iaavkaaitittaif Um kiln, Uuvkis at4 tittiaats til uu lata, til tttltiii asata i aslwa. ' llutaJi Ui tk s4tailt4 at-l 4 11m aiiuiu la a S-"f lt.1 1 1 Ika sal til iktaa l l.tia fas bvUI It 11 a a l.l! Ik. Ssatl U It dsivkl vl tluif ssiatlta aS-au t iiiim Uta 1 11 mad uu4 aksaatM aa tt-4 Its ta siiuilias iMttsvua) tWtMtak u aia la I Ut.,.laa. I lav it -as t-l fcwa.i 1 tit ti.t. it a a. a -s lt4 it ufcuttt 4 at-4 slusaiali la tas ttti n.tnta U s, tl la l"al, a4 tw k-.iika sui u.i is itu. a hhi tix-4 kaia Sk4 ui kaMkad tka i,.ua. tHIMtf. 'IX, T4fl4usw UWUMa, ta,lak-a Siataat al a a-aa U it M aattavallr avaf- - 4 aat l-tavt4. t lull ataalinaa, taa4 aai.lsiif ui ttt.awi atvs4 aatk Ixlita, bilt4.d U hi laa kat ltiiil,lut.Mi,. . d a'rft. t tl kkll, rtf4 W t- UttHlkUat tUs, liartats aa4 Ua t9a.ta. Ia 1st al aal tt kaaaa, M l al k.a I vtt ir "t 411 IHIuftisit 4kH t4tlt nnnftidnrfrs. 'HP MACllINK: NIIOl AX1 irohi FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SON3, Manburj', lenn'a, INFORM tho public that they are to do all kinds or CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine 8hop In connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Plnulug nnd Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given tbem, in a satisfactory man ner. Gratea to suit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for chuTeheior other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &e. The PLOWS, already celffbrufted for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, June 18, 1870. FI.OItKXCK NEWI.0 MACHINE. fTlHIS celebrated Machine is now on exhibition JL next door to Kraubc's Tiu aud Stove Store, Market Street, Sunbury, Ta. The Florence Sewlna Machine stands unequal led for beauty nnd durability) beliiR the best Family Sewing Machine now otfered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-adjusting tention In the Shuttle ( cbuntcn for tho various Stitches mude while tho machine is in motion. Its Stitches arc the wonder of all for beauty and finish. belnir alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews llirht und heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. Tho work will feed either right or left. Kilns quietly nnd rapidly. No dilhcillty exper ienced in sewing across heavy seams. Its mo tions n-pe all (posh he j no sprintrs-OT h?ok wheels to get out of order. The Ilemuicr turns wide, and narrow, hem nnd fell beautifully. Il Is thoroughly practical und will last a life time. Every Family should Have Our. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for it. It is the only Machine lu the world that ! -capable ol making more than one r.itch aud having the reverse feed motion. Cull aud cxatuiue tuetn, and the samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOIL SHOWING. It Items, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, Ac., without basting. It makes a gather and sews It on a baud at one operation perfectly. Each Machine is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully iuslructad and every Machine warranted and kept in order. Machine Oil und Thread kept on kaud nt all times. GEO. tV. SMITH A BRO., Agents ForNorth'd, Snvrtcr, Uuiou and Montour Coun's. October 15, 167a N I l.l. I X li I 51 1 M.I till THE subscribers having tnkeu possession of the Sunbury Steum Mills, on AValnut street, and having repaired the same, are now prepared to tnunulurtnwr all brands of FLOUR AND FEED. They respectfully Invito tho citizens of this vicinity to give them a trial, as their facilities to make the best quality are equal to any lu the State. Their present retail prices are : Extra White Wheat Flour, per barrej, Ued Wheat Flour, per barrel, Corn Meal, per cwt. 8 00 t 00 2 50 Buckwheat Flour, per cwt. ii 25 Rye Chop, " 2 50 Kve A Corn, " 2 25 Oats & Corn Chop, ' S !!5 White Middlings, " 1! 50 Shorts, " ij 00 Bran, " 1 25 Corn, per Vnsl. 115 Oats. " 155 Orders are pts-pectfullv solicited and will re ceive prompt attention. " MOYER A KOLB. Sunbury, June IS, ISTO.-tf. i lMltEK AXI I'LAMXt. mM.lsj. Third Street, adjoining I'hila. A Erie U. B., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, 8L NBL IIT, PA. IRA T. TlEMEXT, IS prtparcd to famish every description fiT lim ber required by the deinunds of the public Having nil the luted improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now ready to till or ders wf all kinds of ! FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SIIVTTEfcS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VB K AND AS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Tam ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AHOE ASSORTMENT Or KILL LUMBKlt. HEMLOCK and FINE. Also, Shingles, Picksts, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly lilled, und shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. decl!.OS:ly Stove" sTt i is i7i is ii n ex t. MARKET STREKT, SUNBI RV, PA. ALFRED KRATSE, Tfopriftor. srct'ESSOR TO SMITH 4 GEMUIK.J HAVING purchased the above welt known cs tabllsliuienl, Mr. Krnuse would respectful ly iutorm the public that he now has ou baud a large iissoHHieut of COOKING STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Du, llcirulutor or Revolving Top, Combination, fcuqui-hannu and others, which are so arranged us to be iiwil for Coal or Wood, and are warranted lu perform satiafartorl ly or uo sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kiuds at very low prices. Tinware of Every OeNerlptlou kelit potmtitlitlv nil hand. Koofliu. uml Anotitlnif with the bent material, done at abort notice. REPAIRING attended to with dUputch. Coal Oil and Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware of all kinds. Store uppoaile Coult-y'a hardware store. Give tue a call. A. KKAl s-E. npl24-)y fkl XIll'IlY .lAltllLE YAltl. rpilE underalgiKil having bought the entire X stm-k of IHaaiuirrr A Tuvlor. would Iutorm the public that be is una irmly to no ail kluji i-r M tltlll.E U OltK. Has ou h ind, and makes to order at MIoUT NOTIt E. MouuiueutM 4' Ilrtttl-Houra, : rrf r STtir. ,IK)OH AMMtl.MHJn MLLM Alau.Cvuirtery Pti.ts with Galvanised pipe and all other fencing generally used 011 Cemeteries. Joliu A. Taylor a ill cunliuue in Hie eiuployiiii'iii, 1 at the old tlaad uu Market St.. Sunbury, uiay'J'Os I TIIK OVI.Y NTOYE UITIIOI T A ! .l l.T DiTIII. ( IIU.TI. .ttOttt: riltt l'1.14 E IIEAI t lt, imiu'ti I ILlfUMATKU M4MOND OAS MUtNtR. I wiinu I'AULOK AND (IIAMUKKS ARC WAUMLD I MY OSCVIRE. IT Is lbs only Flriplara Healer that has a par. foil fun kt'4i-r, aud lioa lioiu puilliig ur pltviuua, ur (iiiiillun Kits lula lbs apitiiitut. Il la lbs only rtleplsea lltuler a Ull Ilia patelil ! IliiiKiU4l Maasina by lilt U Kivult-r illuittiuul. ! lag il la nbuiutj, lb Milinei. Ika a u In, Itinle 1 llet I uall a-tliuxl, and lbs Iii4t Uu. I litti J o( IU gi4t wsifcbl ul lb sutl lu lbs iai I "lr. I la lk only r lla( US Uvular thai U I'.r j ft ft kill rta.b r aini buiuti, wtily ivuiiaa . tilii.jf uu.n lu latul) liiui b .ma. I li la lite oiil T r iitpUtk llsatsr IIB -lfsst silling aw4 d4iii lii4 sinla. I Ik la Iba wtil r In l'i at a lltstlll Willi lb4t t4a, gKiu auuu-Uut Iimmm aslata, au4 a-ilb-' ual Itb4tiia4 lbs siula IUI-la lu bmu I U l'l U a UK iit.l wibiual ll.iiiiiu.'i fu- LUtw iixtt.i, lui-iiii4 aa4 Is lt.i i4 a it J iw4.kl tit Iwi (tili-ia. 1 OtfctM to au4 l llf.Hr H HaKL M-.ilii.iuis. M4, ' -4t (Hit H fiPNtlUtt. Utt.kiiif, I'tt-a s Wm k it Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ron PTBinixo the blood, The reputation this ex cellent medicino enjoys. Is derived from its cures, muny of which are truly marvellous. Invctcrsto rases of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system seemed saturated tttth corruption, have been Euritlcd and cared by It. iTodiluui nlfcetionsand disonlers, which were nR Kravnted by the scrofu lous eontnuiinntinn until they were painfully afllicting, have been radically cured In such great numbers In almost every sec tion or the country, tlmt the public scarcely need to tie informed of its virtues or iifcs. Scrofulous poison is one of the most detractive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen und 11 n felt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling' or fatal diseases, without exciting n suspicion or its presence. Again. It seems to breed infection throughout the body, nnd then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liv.-r, or it shows -Its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul nleer tftinns on some part of the bodv. Hence the occa. sionnl use of a bottle of Ibis Sarnnparilln is ad visable, even when no nt-tive symptoms of disense appear. Persons nfllleteil with the following com- J Wms generally find immediate relief, ami. at ength, cure, by the use or this SAltNAPAItll,. I, A: if. Jinthnny 're, rose or MCryrtpela, Wirer. Salt Jihrum, Srafd Mirnd, JCinffworm, Sore tSyv, A'ni-r , nnd other eruptions or visible forms of Srrtifulout disease. Also in the more eoncpaled forms, as lysif-;isl(t, Jiroiifff-, Hrnrt lsr-nse, J-'lit, K;iteist Kinratiita, and the various t7rcroii aucslioris of the museu lur nnd nervous systems. fitihili or IVtirwnf nnd Memtrtat Tttaennr are cured by it, though a long time Is required-tor subduing these obFtiuiilemiiladicsbv nny medicine. Hut long cnntimied use of Ibis medicine will cure the complaint. Lrurnrrhtra or Whitrt, Vtrrine i'lrrrattnnHt nnd J-Wnitfr 7fertsrst are com nssnly soon relieved nnd iiltiniutelv cureil bv its purifying nnd invigorating enect. 'Minnie U'iree iiuns'for each euse tire found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis, llhrumntiiim nnd tlnut, when caused bv accumulation or extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also .(per f.'otntlatntti. Torpidittl, f 'ofiffnf Ion or Iiifam mat ivnof the Urrr, nnil.ntifiif irr, when arising, as they orten do, from the rankling poisons in Ilia blood. This SAItSAI'Allll.l.A Is n great re storer fur the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are I.n 11111 trt nnd I.lnllr, Itmpnn drtit, Mr-r-iils. nnd troubled with Arroa An jtrrhfimiunn or i-'miv, or nny of the affections symptomatic of nrrr-nfsnt, will find immediate relief nnd convincing evidence of its restorative, power upon trial. PREPARED BY Dr. JT. C. AYEH ak CO., Lowell, 3t aVkk-, Practical and Analytical ChtmiBta. SOLD 11V AM. DRlliUISTS EVERYWHERE. MarehSo, 18Tl).-1y. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! A XEW STOKE AT GEORGETOWN,. LOWER MA1IANOY Township, Northumberland County, l'a. WILLIAM NEGELY TTAVING opened a new Furniture Store at the XX. nbove place, will constantly keep on hand, a large and select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch- j es, J-.ouiMe Tables, Hutcsks, I'anr-aVed ChAirs -H nil 'grades. Rocking und Kitchen Chairs, Washstands, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage aud Half Cottage, Lookiug-Glasses, Window Shades, and in short, everything usually to be found iu any well-kept Furniture Store, may be had nt this establishment. Rspint', by fair dealing and strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of the public. An Invitation 1b extendsd to nil desiring anything in the line of Furniture to call and examine lin stock. I iitlcriakinK done In all its branches. triif Repairing done at short notice. WM. NEGELY. Goorgetown, June 11, '70.-ly. A G RAND" F At Ld PEN 1 NO OK NEW STORE GOODS. A complete assortment of goods are uow being opcued nt ilOORE & DISSINGER-S STORE, Hun t's Uuil. ling, Market Street, SVNHLRY, PENN'A. Consisting of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, DRESS GOODS, Dry Goods of every variety. Notions, Ladies' Sliuwls, Gent's Furjiisli'.Tij; Goodtt, Iteadj-nade Clotlilng. Woolen Blankets, Carpets, Oil Cloths, FRESH GROCERIES, Quecnsware, Willow-Ware, Glassware, Ac., Ac. Flour mttl I'eetl. Call and see their well selected stock f the very latest styles, fresh from the easteru cities. Prices are low. Tbey are determined lo keep up their old motto of tji tCK Sales ami Small Pkofith. All kiuds of country produce lakeu in ex change fur goods. MOOKF Jt lHSIXGER. Set. 24, 170. Xortlieru C'eutrul ICu'tlnrvj. WINTER ARRANGEMfiNT. ON nnd after Jan. Ut, 1871, trains will ruu as follows 1 NORTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 4.55 a. m.. arrive at Caiian daigua 3.10 p. in., Syracuse 7.00 p. 111., Roches ter 4.45 p. 111., liuli.ilo 0.1K) p. III., Suaprnsiou llridge 0.50 p. 111., Niagara Falls .55 p. m. Leave Sunbury ut 4.35 p. ui. for F.lmiia nud Buffalo via V'rii- Railn.iy from I'.linira. Leave Suuburv ot O.lil p. in. for WIIHamsport. SOI THIVAUD. Leave SuiiTinry at 2.35 n. in., arrive at Harris burg 5.15 a. m., llaltimore 0.15 a. 111., l'hilailcl phU 0.50 a. m., Washington city 1.50 p. m. Leave Sunbury nl 111.55 a. in. j nrrivo at Har risburg 12.55 p.'ni., Ualliinoie li. 15 p. in., Phila delphia 5.35 p. ni., Washington 10.00 p. in. Leave Minharv, 10. '.'0 u. 111., uriivti nt Harris hurg 1.00 p. 111.," Washington 5 35 p. m. Leave Sunbury at 12.05 a. ni.,ariive at Harris burg 2.30 a. 111., Washinutou 7.1K) a. ill. lialliinore accoinmodation Iravei Sunbury 5.09 a. in., arrive ut Harrisburg 7.45 11. ui., Uultimore 12. 3U p. tn. S1UMOKIN DIVISION. risTwtiui. Laat-a m 4.40 p, pi., arrive al Kttnnin. kin 5.!ii p. 111,, Mt. t'armel C.40 p. in. Leave Sunbury ( Act-ommodutiiui,) ut 11.50 a. m., ariive at Sluuuoki I. in p. in. wrsiWAiiti. Leave Mt. Curmel at 8.05 a. ni., arrive at Sh.tniiiltin 8.50 a. m., Sunbury 0.55 u. in. Leave bhamnkiil (Accoiiiniodullun,) at 2.45 p. in., arrive ut Sunbury 4.00 p. in. Kijirena Uavea dailv Lruvlug on Sunday, runs N'.irth only in WillUinipnrt. Ail other trains lrav daily, exeepl Sundays. A. It. Fimr.. Kn. S. I'm vi, lien'l. Sup't., Gcu'l Puaten'r Ag'l., llurrUburg, Pa. Uullinuie, Md. AtiAIN AT TIIK IM..K T 'HE auhai-iilier anununees lo tha citneiis of Suubury, having a.iiii erected his lIltlMlt aud t IKK EbTAlll.lSMl NT, ou Ih old place, whrra il was recently dwtroved by lira, bs U au'ulu preparett to ut.ily llieu) with all k lu Ja of Uit. id aud i'akca, sut-U as DltuWN II It r. l. Mil a, I UK A l, HUtAl) ItMH oti lh I1CAKTII, and a rati t.aa vt AM X ( AK M. Tva liuua, It'illt and 1 aula. Aim, all kinds ul t'uiifeelluu alba ul bis hup ou I bli J tllc l. Utiii ruipiu)vl Uial-clata baker from lbs lily, b Is pit Mi.4 lo li" f in .i I lalliUili.iU lu lili Hue ut buslusaa, aud tleailiiail 1st glia liiui liutl. liirad aud Caks tklivrt4 li cuaituwia tsiy ut-kuiuii. Ii K ( KKAU. Au t'ntm twluvu kas kt.u i.b4 Iu t-.u-awlluti Uk Ilia tliila bualutaa, u. a l.a li. ' kal.ou Ultvd bf, klui lb t.l l a I Ham kill la, ss4kl tf v7 stauag daiH.W b at-.taftt. Vial. II It 4 feuubUM, Juitf II, lid. I'MlaiU, rtU.ti. VCI I I. tl Hk lf tllla CHMMlslu I lia4 ml, t tut. fuk t ill. a4 iubn. .1.1.4 I' I l -i. wtd Watklitail, Vaifct-la, W at., siftr 1 aa4 al av iai. at Iteadfuir Itnilroittl. VT I N T E it1- Alt A N 0 E M E N T. KV Jbndrtt, flfpSltt, 1870. . GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and NorthAVcst. for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read Ing, Pottsville, Tamaqna, Ashlnnd, Sbjambiln, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Eplirata, LitU, Lancaster, Colombia, &c., Ac. Trains leave llarrisbura: for New York, as fot lor s : At 8.10, U.10,10.50 a. rn.,and 3.60 p. m., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania RalKond, and arriving nt New Yvk ih 10.10 n. m., U.50, 6.B0 and 10.00 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany tht 8.10 a. tn., trnlh without cha-nge. Rdtnvc'ing t Leave New Yerk at 0.00 a. m., 12.00 noon and 5.00 p. ni., Flillnftelphio, at 8.15 a. m. nni S.'M p. m. 1 Bleaplng Cars iicconipanv lug the 'S.'Oi? p. m. train from New York without change. Leave Harrisbtfrg for Reading, Pottsville,. Ta- maqua, Mincrsville, Ashland, Sbamokln, Allentown and TT.ifelphia at 8.10 a. m. 2.50 and 4.05 p. m., popping at Lebanon and principal way stntlorm ) the 4.05 p.m., train connecting for Phllnib rpti'ia, Posflllc nnd Co lumbia only. For PoftsVilte, fcrttaVrfc'ftl l'aven and Auourn, via Hclinylkill and SusqttchniiiT. Railroad, leave Hnrrlsburg nt 3.40 p. ni. East Pennsylvania Rftilronr) trains leave Read Ing for. Alien! own, Enslon and New York atS.Utf. 10.30 n. m., ia.45 Noon nnd 4.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 0.00 a. m.f 12.00 noon and 5.00 p. m. and Allentown at 7.20 ft. TP-. 12. '6 noon, 2.55, 4 20 nnd 8.45 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 n. m., connecting with similnr train on East Pcnna. liallnvid. returning from Reading at li.'it p. 111., stopidng nt all stations. Leave Pottsville at 0.00 n. 'm. and 3.10 J", in. Ilerudon at 10.15. m., .Shamokin nt 5.40 und 11.20 11. m. 1 Ashland nt 7.05 a. ni., nnd 125C noon: Miihunoy City nt 7.51 a. in. nnd 1.35 p. m. Tatnaqua nt H.33 n. m. ond 2.40 p. m. foi Pliiladelphiu, New Y'ork, Reading, Harrisburgv tfce. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad nt 8.15 a. in. for Harrisburg, aud 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Treniout. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Pottl vlllent 5.40 a. in., passes Reading nt 7.30 a. in', arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. in., returning leaver Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., passing Read ing at 7.25 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville at 0.10 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts- town al 7.00 a. ui., returning leaves Philadelphia ut 4.00 p. m Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m., and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litir, Lancaster, Columbia. Ac. Perklomen Rail Road Trains leave Pcrklomen Junction 111 7.45, 0.05 a. m.. at 3.00 and 5.30 p. m. Rcturnlng.leuve Schweuksville at 7.00,8.20 u. m., 12.50 noon end 4.30 p. m. connecting witli similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstown ot 0.40 a. 111., and 0.20 p. 111., returning leave Mt. Pleasant ut 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., connecting with similar trains nn Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains lenve rirldge port at 8.30 a. 111., 2.05and 5.02 p. m. returning, leave Dowuington nt 0.55 a. m., 12.45 noon and 5.15 p. in. connecting with similar trains on Read ing Railroad. On Huna.iyi : Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia ut 8.00 a. 111. and 3.15 p. in., (the 8.00 ,1. in. tram running only to Reading;) leave 1 pottsville at ti.nOn. ni., leave Harrishuri;, 3.10a. III., anil 4.O.1 '. in.; leave Allentown at 8.45 p. 111. leave Heading at 7.15 a. m. and 10.H5 p. iu. far Harrisburg, at 5.00 a. tn. for New York, and at 0.40 a. m. and 4.25 p. in. for Philadel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, lo uud from all poiuts at re duced rates. Baggage cheeked through : 100 Tounda Bag gage allowed each Passenger. U. A. NICOI.LS, Gctieinl Superintendent I'lilludeliihin iiimI Erie ICuilroacI. WINTER TIME TAltLE. On nud after Monday, Nov. 21tt, 1870, tho Traint on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road wiil ruu as folknis : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " sir at Eric, Erie Bxprewi Kve Philadcphln, " " " Sunbury, " " nn ut Erie, Elnilra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbiirv, " " air at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. M.iii Train leaves Erie, ' " " .Suuhurv, " " nrr at Philadelphia, Erie Itxpress leaves Erie, " " Sunbiirv, ' " arr at Pliilade'lpliia, Elnilra Mali leaves Lock Haven, " " " Suuburv, " " arr nt Philadelphia, Butnilo Ha press leaver Wiiliamsport, " " " Suuburv, " " arr at PliiladUphia, 0 40 p m 4.55 a m 7.40 p m 12.20 1 m C.40 p m 7.40 a m 0.3U a m 4.35 p in 7.50 p m 9.00 a ui IS. 05 a m G.f-,0 a m 8.00 p m 10.2D a in 5.30 p in 8.15 a 111 11.05 a ru 5.30 p in 12.35 n m 2.35 a m 0.40 a in Express. Mail and Accommodation, euat and wust. ctini' at Cory and all west bound trains, and Mail and Awinioil 'Hon cast at Irvineton with Oil Creek imd Allt-glieuv River Railroad. lYM.'A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. LnvVttiMannu uud ItluonihburK Italia road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, July ISth, 1S70. SOITIIWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Seranton, : 0 45 3 25 9 30 5 30 1 Oil ltellevue, C 5u 0 25 5 35 I 0 Tuylorvllle, 0 57 0 42 5 43 1 15 Lackawauua, 7 05 0 ',1 5 hi! I V7 Pittslon, 7 14 3 50 10 10 0 HE I SiS West Pittston, 7 10 10 5 0 08 1 45 Wyoming, 7 27 4 00 10 ti 15 1 55 Malthy, i 10 1 0 21 2 00 Kingston, & i st. . . . - jc W.-Hurre e'rs 4 15 7 45 10 6 J5 Plymouth June., j 10 4 ' 0 40 Plymouth, ' 7 55 4 24 10 5 6 4 Nanticoke, , 8 07 . ' 7 0i llunlock's, 8 14 ' 7 07 ! Sbieksbinnv, S an 4 55 ; 7 I Hick's Kerry, 8 43 ' 7 40 Reach Haven, 8 50 5 15 7 Ml' Berwick. 8 57 5 22 i 8 00 Willow Grove, V 02 UiiarCrerk, 0 05 Lime Rids, 0 15 ! 1 Espy, 5 45 llhi.iui.'.burg, 0 30 5 50 Kupcit, 0 as 5 57 fata ltd, 0 43 8 02 Danville, 10 08 C 23 ( liulHtk 10 ih ( niiitirou, u 2k Nuith'd, (arrive.) 10 45 0 55 NORTHWARD. A.M. P.M. Lravr. Northumberlaud, 10 25 lamrrint, Chulaiky, Dauvillt, 02, l'i 24 Kun, IJ Huu.iuhkurg, 1 S& Fp, tl 40 Lime,, llriiar t ie. k, Wllluw Gikve, Hrihi, 'J 01 Unik Haven, U oa lin k't t crry, I J U bkttk.hiiiiiy, jj lluulttk's, t'J 5a Naiiltcukti, I l'i I'lt lUiliitb, t I' 1 s in.iui U Juu , kiiiL.liui, A I 11. . ,,, W.-IUii, ,. ' 311 M-illbr, tt )uiuliiy, I 40 Mill I'ltl.ltal, Pl.l.1,,,1, , I U I atkaaauua, 'I a l t ille, btiit tiatilu, (siilta) t U i l 5 27 5 32 6 40 tt II II Hi tt 25 30 , 4is .v A. M. a 55 1 8 t.k 10 1 Vh -.1) 30 T 25 45 T 40 tl r. M T 48 T 10 I 114 1 Ji II Ull f. T So II 05 I iW T 40 II 15 4 ll) T 47 II fi 4 It k U t U II So 4 k 411 k tsi H 4 it 45 k oi II 41 4 k ka I Ull ti t in Ut k SI 14 I'T 4 !h to kti 14 l 4 5a 14 11 tl'l imm r net so, u (I II lo M.-.IS at's lot bilk tut JS I and -il lbs ktil. ko-'a. (1 It lu Muula 4 I'lasu.gti'i Iff Uaylilal I'.ns I li..l.. a 1 .j Hut kHIlk 1,1 all kn. la. ftttiaul I k.l al I Uu-is Jk I'.in.-i s a 4 I t ki.l il .-I U. i rl4 kit! It iw, i s4 lutil1 k ssit r at IU mt k . It. k, I f f 4tU . kfaja.J. .al i( m 1 ) kit tlA il