hxhxin mcritan. SIJNBURY7 MAUCFI Railroad Time Tablet. EAST BuuNsa Ex. I've W n Erie i " " V):80 a m Mtil " 11:1ft P m Mall. 12:05 ft in WKST. V.rtf Mali I've 46 am Elmlrit" " Hpm Krle Ex " 0:40 p m (jnugrnnt irnin vri arrives at ii:og a. m. gHAMOKIN DIVISION N. O n. W. Buiruiry at llifiO a ra At Sunlmry S'6S rn ' " 4:40 p mi " 4:00 pm Dkwm, mi etoTTwilkes-mrre b. r. Jrt Sun6iiB ,1:8.1 A. Ml SSO and (1:20 P. M. Srrdv of Sunburn 11:30 A. M-. 0:00 nnd 11:01 r. M, teiw Danville 10:40 A. 1U. :P0 find 10 1 M. trrfw al l)antie 0:10 A. INI.. 4:40 mid 7:4!. P. M. tm Affairs. Tim GKOVER A BAKEK and the SINGER SEWING MACHINES are acknowledged su perior to nny othsr now manvfmetuicd. Miss C. Dullus, Market street, Ikls Jiliicc, la the agent for the mile of them in this and Adjoining coun ties. Instructlqus In sewing Riven free of charge to all purchaser. A lot always ou linn'd. Call nd examine them. N. F. I.lghtner's Regulator. Boots, Shoes, Truulu, Leather and Shoe Findiugs. Thk Public schools In this borough will close the lust of this mouth. SritiNd plowing has been Inaugurated by many of the farmers in this county, within the last week. Travel on thn railroads is unusually brisk Jtift now. Du. A. C. Clark has lately been nppointcd Jail I'liyalclau by the County Commlmlnner.. Rkv. Ezra II. Yocuni, lately of this place, was admitted into full connection and elected to dea con's orders at the central Pennsylvania Confer ence of the M. F.. Church, held ut Carlisle last week. Mkssus. Fryllns, liowen & Kiifrcl arc adding more new machinery to their Steam Lumber Mill along the river. They Intend to make it the most complete Mill along the Susquehanna river. IV r. notice that the Stenin Kerry boat at thin place lias been put in excellent running order during the past winter, and bus again resumed It place on the basin, at this place, The Ferry Hotel on the opposite side uf the river, has been put in excellent order, by the propiietor. John Arnold, who intends to make il a llift-e'.afs hotl. Mr. Arnold is one of the most obliging landlords in this part of thy coun try, and ''knows how to keep a hotel." Ijooth and tdioes for the community, ut popu lar prices, at the Regulator. .1. 11. KncU'.i. after b"lng successfully engaged in the mercantile business In this place, for a ti umber of years, has retired fipm pie business to devote his timo exclusively to the lumber trade Messrs. S. O. Heed & Mother have token charge of the Stole and intend to replenish their stock of t'oo.ls. Kii.liui. On Tuesday morni.ig last, Sanl'orJ Miller, n bniheninn tn a freight train on the 1'. it E. R. R., being ou the top of a house ear, was I.nocked off in entering n bridge near Watsontown, taking off the top ol his head unci killing li i in instantly. Exi.vkhuo. The XvrthumUrliinJ Co., J),mo crat came to us l ist week enlarged to a nine col umn sheet, mil otherwise improve,!. We are plml to see such evidences of prosperity of our neighbors, and hope they may meet with pecunia ry siiccuss in their new enterprise. Foil Rent." A large brick house :th seven rooms, located ill a pleasant part of Hid borough of Suiibury, is offered for rent on easy ternn. Ap ply to Jacob O. Iieck, on Fourth street. Mu. 1). Fuy iu now engaged in converting the old Presbyterian church, on Third street, Into a Conceit Hall. A stage is b:ing creeled and seats arraug, d to make a neat a i pleasant r om fur that parjiose. Wi: ienrn that II. Neucr, the veteran butcher, lias leased, mid intends moving to Suiibury in a fc weeks. As Harry has always had a goo 1 icputation for Servian his customers with choice j meat, we have no doubt many of our citizens will be gla l to hear of bis returning. I Li P.I T. W. II. Reese of ;hi Hoover House, near Hie Depot intends lilting up the r Join now occu pied by the Democratic Uvurd oilier, for a Indie's I'cstauinnl a ter the lirM or April. A first -class la dles saloon has long been needed lu this place uud we feel confident that till Lieutenant Is just the inuu to establUli sueh a one. Jist received, a number of popular fronts nnl French calf tkius, at the Regulator. An ep:o,ion of ,i loccmolive took place at t'oa!prt, ou tho Lehigh nnd usifiiehunna Rajl ro.ij, on the 7th lust. The engineer, Mr. Jacab Wine brake, was instantly killed, and the tire man, Mr. Elija Voiit, was eriouhly injured. Mr. Vout i from this place, nud Is a sober and iiidu.tiioiis young man. 11 is m iry friends here hope lor his early recovery. All ei.-ons wanting Life Insurance will llnj it their advantage to Insure lu lh Metropolitan of New York. Policies are registered iu the Male Insurance Department, making them se cure bi yon ( doubt. Call and see. L. M. YUDEK, Agent, (ullee mar the t'ouit House, Siinburv, pa. TilK '' ""ST Ilin sB. The new Hotel on j Third ; I reel , recently creeled by Messrs. Moore V Dis-inger has been named the ( lenient House, ' iu l.oanr of our cntri-pi i.iug cltii-u. Ira T. Cle- j niiiil, I'.- i., The limn c wilt opi ned ou 1 bum- ; d;.)ol'l:ul week, by Me,i4. lull il JMaiicy, 1 roprietors, w luiare prepare I to euterlalli gurt. '1 he hon e h is bei u in ,l:y I irnUhed with entire I) new luriiiiiiic of Die iiio-t modern style. The r'xilni lire l.ile uud coinl'i liable, and Will re.ull l)eoiuaie it il h t li. : of cily li.it .-In. Tli" ro pileioia aru iteiilleiueii mil calculated for kei iug a public lioii-c,boing ol rlijjliig uud ueeoinodii till)!. ItiiM M ..uw.. -Ha t -iluida) ui'ht lal, rain i o.iiim n, 1 1 I ilii4 nl out midnight uud eoniiii. Ill itll lli.'lil, du I 1 1,,. ..leatir 1J.III of kuuilul. lie i.,iu I Ilia Hinvi'.t uM i niiw 4 tit tluall I nr, in,. I i in .lb ii, iiiii.el .uuj. (.e rm i 4 lb'' L. Il.e .,ter in i be river lose I r i( i II, in I on M ai 1 1 i in lining lull c drift. Wi. it. . ., mi ... Ilu n.il. r si,li,idi. litlli hc ui. I "k lor i I ,i.'e in i ii. ti i. piMf Joiiil,,, lii.miu,) I,) 1 1. 'Ho i, Jo iy inuu lu n, thiru, tU I.ji Iv ,. ni iil, ,...! i,,' u., ir luiutur, II, 1. Uof of Ih, j l Mil, In fit. i u tUt Sol I Item 1,1111,16 t I II. Ilk' I. Un I" I m it ii , .1,1, ij .li -.J lie ion -1 tot 1 i, I ' 'IM'I.,' lot new !, i I' I O il , 11 ,i iu l.) I , rpi ! I u'i Liul. of 1,1.. y I.. I. . , il II I t o li..: l.,o ll It t I I I Ol: I I I I I. I.I II .!! Iimiiu U OIIW pUk, kul Vll. J I: ..l.i : ., 1, 1...0 I ll.a i.u. l ' ii I i Ill I l I I ft-' b 41 . I of IUo to.i.t 1,' il Ill IU till. . ; 1 j t i.i.iiL.u.k I I. '"t 111.I41 1 ulit. It'll I I t 11' Tna Agricultural Society. of Northumberland county met at the Court House, In this place, on Monday last, at 1 o'clock. It was Boon discover ed that n general good feeling did not exist be tween the President nnd Secretary, and which culminated la two meetings, the President orga nised one In the Arbitration rooms pursuant to a resolution passed tit a late meeting of the old organization, calling for n new organization, Ac. They elected officers nud selected a committee of nlno to select a suitable place for holding the next county fair. The Secretary organized a meeting In the court room, wljleh decided on bold lug the next Fair ut Turbotvllle, and- also ap pointed an Executive commlttco of nlne.to pre pare, &c. This division shows cvldnuco of de cay. We hope that our farmer friends will take the matter in hand, nnd organize a society which will be moro general throughout the county and hold their fairs at points whore they will be more easy of access. We Lave not learned the officers of thc new societies. Orn neighbors of the Dtmorrat,n attempting to throw dust 111 the eyes of their raiders, t,o pre vent them from seeing what amount they receive anuually for a little advertising for tho county commissioners, in reply to our article on that subject week before last, say that "the contract price with this paper Democrat) for doing the county advertising for that year was $75,00, which Included the election proclamation." We arc aware that the election proclamation was In cluded In their contract, nnd we are also reliably Informed that there were f 09,00 paid cxtia to that office; for advertising the proclamation, to reconcile one of the editors of that paper who had become a little ramntint.becnusc. we had got n little counfy printing by ofileers who were dis posed to 6crvc the people and not party alone. Hemlock, Spanish, and slaughter tijlc leather at the Regulator. Cam. LiGiiTNEit, of tho "Packer Guards," of this place, having received orders from the Ad jutant General to hold an election lor officers of a militia company recently organized at Nor thuiuberland, attended to tho duties assigned him, on Monday evening last, at Johnsou's Hull, of that place, when tho following officers were elected, all of whom have been iu uctivc service: ('apt. James U. Slater. First Lieut. Wm. II. Morgan. Secoud Lieut. Dr. J. S. Maurcr. ' Lieutenants Starkloir and Blair acted as tellers of the election. ('apt. Lightner administered the oath of olllce to the ollleers elected. The company will be known us the "Northum berland Guards," and belong to 8th Div., N. G. of Pa. . I. O. or R. M. On Wednesday yeyiti; last, a new Tribe of I. ). of R. M., was instituted at Sliainokin, this county, called Shickalamy Tribe, No. U The cerompiiles e,f instituting the Tribe w ere performed by G. ('. pf R., Andrew J. Baker, of Philadelphia, ussisieu by I). D. S., Em'l Wil vcrt,olSunbury, nnd a number of members of Pbo-ho-mo-kin Tribe, No. 00. The following otlkwrs, y. ere installed, vir: Baehcin. John Kemp. P. S. A. F. Elms. J. S. Isaac Kirlin. C. of It. W. F. Smith. K. of W. Isnae Suiink. Prophet. S. Hirsh. The Tribe numbers twenty-three charter mem bers and bids fair to increase rapidly. It Is com posed of the very best material, and, no doubt, willsoon become one of the best tribes lu the State. R-iwca honor. iNSTiTt.Tr.n. Civllla degree Lodge, No. 50, of the daughters of Rebeca, I. O. of O. 1, was Installed by D. I). G. M., Johu M. Hiitl', ut Watsontown, on the Otli lust . The fol lowing olficcis were Installed : Pre. Thos. Carl, N". (i.; Sister E. G. Wycotr, V. G.j Sister A. 11. l.atsluu, Secy.; Sister R. F. Green, Treasurer. Ladies' Spring Hats, the latest style just re ceived at Miss L. Shissler's Millinery ritorc, Market Square, Banbury, Pa. All Rubber Wear, ut manufacturer' prices, at the Regulator. (Reported by A. X. Riiec, Esq.) Court I'roccodink. PtNnrnv, Monlait, Mahcii 13, 1ST!. The court of Quurter Sessions of Northumber land county, opened at ID o'clock. The Hon. A. Jordan, w ho has been conlincd to his home for some weuks, ventured out to be present at the tiist day's session, inasmuch us Judge Woods would not arrive iinlil Mouday evening. The Associates, Nicely nnd Sliipinau weru both pre sent. His Honor, Judge Jordan is still lecble, but Is looking very much bitter. His nppear nni e upon the bench is a source of general satis faction, for it is generally fell that what is done by him is well done, and with careful dispatch. The morning was taken up, first by tho swear ing in of hc Grand Jury, und then the swearing iu of the Coustahlea nud approving their bail, Ac, for the various Boroughs and towuships. I This look up the time till noon, when court ad journed till 9 o'clock, P. M. Iu the Interim, ut I 1 o'clock, the County Agricultural roiiely met j and the Sheriff sold mine of the properlv adver- i tbed. Paring the afternoon the i;iiciion of granting i li( enses to the tavern keepers of Turbutvillc, viz: Opp. rroxel and Hrlesbai h was taken up. Con siderable f. cling was manifested, and it remon strance signed by a large number of the people prisenled. The lutere.i-l shown iu tho matter may be Judged from the fact that four attorneys were employed, federal witn'sses were exam ined, und It was remarkable to see how reluc tantly they wuuld testify. Men dislike to my they driuk grog, or l.luy card-', orlounirc ou Sun- j dav. vet Use the perfurinai" nor.llnn tn 1 the evidence It looked as though the law bad In I every particular been violated. The giving of licences to these men was held over under ud viotiiicut. The tlinu fixed for hearing the whole lleense iueitloii U Thursday evening, at To'cloi k. The t'ouit lApre.Mid it.-f very detidedly iigiilin-l tbr wholesale violations (.f the licciue laws, and from the general demeanor of the court, it would look a though a l.uge number of applicants would bu refused. Tl e fullowln; additional butinex as transacted on Mtiiiday i On motion of p. H n keiibiirg, F.ij., John . Isuiiimers was appointed ! jaity I'uu.lable for the lloi out; h of Milton. W i-lid, iik A Co., vs. J. J. lUnch, Ou luo tiou, rule on di leudaiil to show cause Hliy the fel,inid I..UU lu tho iiIkiIO iii.u .liuilld not be sliu k il olf. t'ouit u pointed the following lip. l ues, I'bilip Funk, J4i'ob I'obla uud William Fllliuuii, for l -l .ik, uud for moud week, Win. 1'ur.il uud 1 1 mii- r. m ii tin. Coin. v. I.. M. talU4 -rr. and hit. Iluiind on r In u taut uf hh' r..r .Mj ,r4rttU,. ut UtXi et.iolia. H. li. liojrr, 4 Abiiibam .)lli-, Vt-u. ft. u( Mureli luim, 7. u muuiu iouiI 1l,ui 'iV liuiiuiiiy lol th Ii4.luj of the kdiniiU't In- "- 'II III .lllo ! Wm. t.n,.t. M.iii li. In.ii. k.,i,..,. , ,,. , I in ( ..lilt UMKilultJ U. LI ,..,,,,,, . nuuiimr, ,,, :,,,. J.ie. ll I , H .ll.'ui.f, ,u,,.ul u( l,u,y ,,u. . J .Lii M r-411.,1, s, Wj s ,uUl ,llm Ik-iM. Ou uiiAiuu, Lji win suit tutu. .4 i ui.1. l4c u4r. r si.4 It Uiu4 Jui iii.in .4 imi l.i Toesdat, Mahcii 14, 1871. TTis Honor, Judge Woods, of Lewtstpwn, on the bench. Com. tB James B. Shhltz. Assault nnd bat tery. In this case ft Mrs. ricbecca 8wcnk, of Rush township, was the prosecutor. It appeal's that Mr. Shnltz Is a landlord In Rosh townthlp, and hud rented to Mrs. Bwenk and her husband a house, and ton days beforo'the time of moving hud given them notico to leave. Ilu went to Swenk's house and read the notico to Mrs. SwcuV, who became somewhat nngry and order ed S'uultz out of the house. A bui. terous scene occurred about this time In which Rebecca pour ed out a liu full of hot water, when the gallant Shultz knocked It out of her hands. Sho made some demonstrations of resistance, when Shultz threw her down and pulled her hair, and did other ungalltint things. Mr. Swcnk win not present at this time. The ohildreu mude consid erable noise, and the neighbors were called In, and the matter was stopped. Tho jury brought In a verdict of guilty. Com. vs J. William Hess. Forgery. Mr. Muss is from Chllllsqu.iquc,and Is accused of forging a name to a ball boud. On motion continued, at the instance of tho Commonwealth. Rail in the sum of tl,O00 for appearance at next term. Com. vs George Ponv.itb. Felonious Assault. The scene of this disturb nice w is iu Northum berland, some time ngo. Several parties in Nor thumberland were with Demuth nt thn depot, among them, one Ivjkcrt a,ud a man by the name of Chirk. It appeared In evidence that they were Intoxicated, and wore acting In a very bois terous manner, brandishing knives, revolvers and other weapons. When the train arrived in the cvenlng,townrds midnight, a detective by the name of Rocbling, employed by the l.ackawaim R. R., Company, and commissioned by the. Gov ernor, stepped otrthc train, and finding a distur bance, ordered the parties to desist and clear tlte platform. It was then the parties made a felon ious assault upon Rocbling, the detective, uud It is said to kill. In self-derenco he tired his revolver. He then had the parties arrested and lodged In Jail. Judge Woods made a very forci ble charge to the jury ut the close, of the. evidence, and said that nny good citizen would have a right to demand pence of an excited and disor derly crowd, nnd that the prosecutor, even only an employee of Iho Company, would have a right to exact order and good behavior. If the said Demnth attacked Rocbling with a knife, the law Implied bis intention to kill, tho conse quence of the deed would follow the act, but If he only attacked him witli his fists the act would be simply nil assault and battery. Verdict, guil ty in manner and form, r.s he stands indicted. Coin, vs John Shields. Arson. True bill. Com. vs John Tt. Shultz. This Is tho case from Rush township, of nssiiuH nnd battery upon Mis. Swcnk. The court sentenced Shultz to pay a fine of So and costs of prosecution. Com. vs John Shields. Areon. This is a case, iu which Shields a few w eeks ago was put ofl'tho train at the Sellnsgrovc Station, for refusing to pay his fare and acting boisterously. After he was put ofl" he went into the depot to which is connected a dwelling house, and, kicking over tho stove and using violent threats asaiust the rail road authorities, so? fire to the house. It was discovered in time, and heforc the lire had made much headway was put out. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty. Com. vs Filling F.ekert nnd David Clark. Surety of the peace. The' sentence of the court In these cases, which arc associated with the Georue Demuth disturbance nt the Northumber land depot, was that Clark pay a fine oi $.5 and costs of prosecution, and enter bail for good be havior, in the sum of tl03 for one year, and that Eekert pay a line of ?5 nnd costs of prosecution, and cuter bull foi 8u00 for one year, for his good behavior. WEPtiEHuAY, Mahcii IS, 1S71. Clavel vs Clavel AHiib Subpa'na in Divorce nwa riled. Com. vii K:ias Shr.del, John A Scnulrifi F.rdmiin. Larcenev. K linger nnd Attachment awarded for witnesses. Com. vs Jonathan Charles. False Pretences. True bill. Com. va Charles Weaver. Larecncy. True bill. This is the boy who stole a tutu of money some time since from the Shoe storo of Gibson it Furnmn, In Suiibury. Com. vs Thomas Ray. Asfnult to kill. True bill. In the case above mentioned againstThomns Riy, one McWiHiums is prosecutor. Ho is the man who figured iu our ltirt courts in the bawdy house cases, from Jordan township. He is so me; an, mat alter tlie last term ot court, the of that township, notified him not to citizens come again Into the place, notw iihstiinding he had a wife and seven legitimate and three Illegi timate children, whom it would seem to be his duty to support. Hi has since been loafing about Suiibury, and attempting recently to raise a (li.-tuib.inee, J'c was soundly thrashed by Ray. Hence the roseeiition uuainst the defendant. Com. vs John Cochrane and Henry O'Rrii n.- Assault nnd battery. Hill ignored, and John O'Brien, prosecutor, to piv the costs ofproseeu- (.f i Com. vs Patrick Lavcy. Malicious mischief, j No bill, and prosecutor, Patrick Malum to pay I tho co-ts. Com. vs Mias Shade! and Pan'tyC K. Snyder. Ltrceiiey of a horse. True bill. Com. vs Joseph Conrad. Resisting a Consta ble. True bill. Com. vs (inbrlcl Shadcl. Burglary nnd I.ar cmy. Tr io bill. Com. vs Lewis Itueher uud Johu P. Poland. Assault to kill. Hill Ignored, uud prosecutor, George Oliphunt, to pay coi-ls. Overseers of Poor of Suiibury vs Overseers of Northumberland. Appeal from order of remo val of Kmiliudii Motl to Northumberland. Com. vs John Horn, Arson. True Bill. This case is from Mt. Curinel. Com. vs Kli.is Shudcl, John A. Klingcr und Scnara T. Kidinan. Larceny of threo heifers. True bill ut lust Sessions. This case cumo up for trial, uud took up all or Wednesday. It 1. suld that thu three heifers were stolen by thu above defendants from the uncle of Shndl. 6ha di I, one of the ubove defendants, was indicted at lat com I ou several churyi s, among them rape, robbeiy, &e. The larceny of the luileis occur nil at it place called Kliiigeistown, near the Schuylkill county line. Tin y Here well supplied with witnesses ou both side. Out would con. ; tr.iilK t His oilier, and lies ivim. due would seur that u certain Hilni-sa did Iml liear a yinid repu tulluii, uud another .aid he bad. Probably forty wlllie.scs Wi re siibpu nhd III the ci t oin. v. Wills Met .. null k. Laru'M. This U llm long Unwind geiitlemuii who Ulled his .iriil mill stoleu icimhIs from llm shop keiieisuf Him. bury, wits di li l ted, arre.led, uud bulged lu Jail, liberated on the small ttlid lualgiiiiicuul ball of t.'kXJ, Slid I lieu left for pall. Ullklluwu. Ill) S.I deull Willi tleinly by lbs grsud Jmy, as tin) fouud s.'uiu.l liiiu IIiii. liuu bills lor litretuy, bill II ll 1s gollt Hi it ,11,1. thu IU4ltir. " lie I. laud Juiy sieiuid to bate bono 4 sd.id lk '.i their Us lbiiulious daiinif lltr uioiulu.', upoi. a rill of lujuiitieul uj.iiu.i il, iuiH rvi.oi. I I'l'l' Au.fu.IJ I U.lllp, It bo Hfu.ed lu open I a public iiiad. u.) ta t iu and I ib.iiiii4 III. lloiioi, Ju,l'u W.11,.1.. tl. it lb, tiiul.l bi4 uu. Ija.kl llielll U.il tas lbs lllat'tr, klid Ilu) ltiit4 l In) toui4 Mot Kt a Umjoiil). U- i ut limit Ii. bl, kosienur, If s)iuj Ibil Ibtii Jul) Ha. tl lull IU. If UUU.Ur al, Up.'U S bl.l u4 if lb. ) f-ul4 U'4 IU till HuitM U lumtd. y umcb Ulisiid b I lis ssilsti4iuti, lit.) .il !- s4 ib'4 is. kl'l Com. vs Gabriel Shade!. Burglary and Larco ny. Prosceutor, Jacob Tobias. The defendent Is quite n young man, nnd tho scene of the theft was In Jordan township. He was accused of stealing threo hams, a shoulder nnd some other meat from a smoke, lionse.' The court lu their I chargo said that as a smoke house was not part ! of a dwelling house, breaking Into It would liot : be burglary ; tint If convicted of the second count j In the lmlletment It. would bo larceny only. lie- j fore the (irund Jury, It was sworn that nil the parlies tried nt this court, from this neighbor hood ore members of a gang nl thieves regularly organized with a President, ifee. Verdict guilty, ' on second counl, nna not of hn'glary. j Com. vs 8. B. Buyer. Aggravated assault and battery. True bill from last sessions. Verdict ' not guilty. j C?iii. vs Joseph Conrnd. Resisting Constable. Round ever to next sessions. j Coin. V Jonathan Charles. Obtained lumber1 under false pretences, Ontrlnl. j The homicide case will e'rmn off as soon nsthU is finished, and will go over into next week. i CorTcsponilcnfe. j Mt. Caiimel, March l;'i, 1871. Mr.ssns. Ens: On Wednesday, the 8th Inst., the corner stone of the Welsh congregational church was laid with masonic ceremonies. Every, thinir passed off pleasantly. Our little borough has become quiet niraiii, and It has been hoped that there may he no more acts ot violence committed for soma time to come. There Is a very strong Police force In the. borough : who appear determined to enforce the laws. It is to bo deplored that so many of our citi- i zens look with disfavor on the necessity of hav ing nlirht Police, asserting that the only object ' hud lu view, Is to protect "blacklegs." We would Infer from such talk that they arc then In favor of Inflicting such Injury as wiis in flicted on Hoffman or off lllncklegs. There is but little consistency about such men, ns they were loth to acknowledge that the W. It. A. had ' nnything to do with the late nlrnlr, and yet they sav oinnly that the Police force is to protect "Hlaeklcgs. Several of the Collieries were obliged to sus pend shipments for a low days.owing to the high water iu the slopes. I hey are all at work niraiu hut Coal R!dgi',whic.h wilfbe, ready u'lotit Friday to resume. "Caledonia" Oolliery started this week. All at work now except the "Reliance. "P." Gents' line Ficnch Calf, Hox-toe Boots, stitch ed bottom, at the Regulator, liusfncRs Notices. Tun Music store of H. B. Masser has been re opened, und some one will he constantly In nt- ; tendance. Xcw music, Violin strings. Picture ; frames, Paintings, Chromos and l.ithogi.'iphs, will be furnished nt the very lowest prices. Pi- j nnos, Organs nnd other musical Instruments, j will not only warranted iuqunlity.biittobc much i cheaper than uny sold by irresponsible traveling pedlars. Hohsi-s at Ptni.ic Kai.e. Fifteen head of j horses will wo sold at tho United States Hotel, I in Milton, on Saturday 25th inst. Sev'al pair, of these horses are closely mated. A credit of i sixty days will bo given, or two per cent, off for i cash. J. H. WILSON. . One IIi Nunr.ri per Ckst. Since the enlarge- ; ment of Oak Hall the largest clothing Iioubc in Philadelphia tho business has increased nearly a hundred per cent. It jiecms Imjiosslblt to build ; a house too large for a business conducted ou the I principle of fair dealing and small proCts. SiioEMAKnits- materials for manufacturing, at the Regulator. Look out for the Spring styles of Roots and . Shoos nt the Excelsior. W. H. Miller is nl- ! ready preparing to laying in the largest stock i ever brought here. Cau't go amiss at his Store ; to get the latest style as well us the best mate rial. Kvery kind of men's, women's and children's make ou hand. Closino Pbicku ok DkIIavcn A Buo., 4U S. Tllllll) STllEKT, PlIILAIiKI.lMlIA. B o'clock, l. H. Mnreh 8, 1871. I'. S. G's of '81 " " 'IV! " " Xi " " " " '05, new , " " '07, " " " 'US 'li.v.: nr.?; ipj'j li-Jij n n, li'j iiii'i na nu in iio in lit'. Ul' ios' it.y'.,' 114 111'., 111!-; Hl!j UlliJa Ins H;il) S4H 10-10's V. S. 30 Year ti per cent. Cy tiold Silver Union l'aeilie R. It. Ut M. Bonds.. Central l'aeilie R. P. L'nioii l'aeilie Land (ijai'd Honda.. Ilf.O tlfiO 745 700 T TOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION. i l Kor the Relief and Cure of the Errinir and i Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian :iiilaii- thropy. Kssays on the Lrrois of Vcuth, and the lollies of Aire. In relation to Mauiiiaoi: and So cial Evils, wiih sanitary aid for the utrlilrc , Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOW ARD ASSOCIATION, llox P, Philadelphia. Pa. mav7.'70-lv. 4ami.tg.C5. (, the 7th inst., nt the Reformed pursoiiuire, I in Turbotville, by Rev. Calvin S. (ierlmrd, Mr. '.i""1'- Skvukb and Mrs. Mahy Taxnkii, all of . oin u nioeriantl co , Pa. ! In Norihumberland, on the 'J?th lilt., WM. M. NKSU1T, proprietor of tlie Washington Hotel, aged about I'J years. In this pbicu on tho 10th inst., 8AMLKL STEllliLY. Lsij., uged about 40 years. In this place, ou the 111 lust., GEOROIE COUPKR. son of Thomas Cooper of this place. In this pluee, ou Wednesday hist, V. T. HRl.'N I'll, son ol C. J, it Louisa llruner, iu his 8lh yeur. In this place, on Wednesday Ubt, Mrs. NAN CY CASSK'l'T, uned til! veins. Nuubnry Urulu V Produce .Hurki't. CtillllECTril W KEKI.V IIY llll.r 0K11IM11'1I. filltis Choice Willie Wheat Hrst Amber, Winter Corn live Outs, (3a lbs.) liiM Auiber, Vinter, per mek .1 i. .. (,lirll. Corn Meal, per cwt., Ill TTKil New York IViiiim Iviinia Roll Funs Per lor.eii Ml.l Dried Ilu f, ht lb Smoked Minion ' Villi. ou I.AKIi per Hi r'lsll Salt While Kllll, per lb ' Trout " Cud " r're.h Shad VluCTiUM 'l'ui'liiis, pir bllnllel I'olatoes ' Onions " " lie. III., " IJU.lt I lloininy, " " Duii-u Km iis-l'U' d Appl. s, pir Hi.., ' 1 initio, " ... " ( bel l let,, ' ., " Ula. k' lii. S ' It tspUil I li s ItlltR A fflr. .i Imnel I .U 1 j; 1 (HI ...45 'j (Nl H INI r.o I IHI I 00 ....lj I'l ..i:iili ! ....Vol'i ' ia I FOU WALK. 'V UVil VAII'Xbli: l.li In ou lb corner of B, ...ill slid lb. .In nl .Iml. iu Ilia 11. i - tousli id uiibui t . ou I ill. It b. is si. riv.iid it I ii-. ! . loi j l.oii., .l .l.U mid oulb..ll,jlne, 1 bu I. 'iili. .1. 4 J, ll ol lluU IKlUt, ilii 'l Alio, (.,4 uu Sl4l.et tlHel, lu lb tfnlilllilll ut klibuiy, utt ttbuu Ibiis sis dsiliiiiit liM.it, tl.l.iS Slid WUltiltlldlKj'S. Ilt'iull Si III i llKs u m V ki'l VtHlKIs, ltd, II IS 4 II 44 HililHl.l M dciu bcrtiscmcnlo. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Jjy t!io Finest Goods; Work Is The Newest Styles; of the very tho Best bfstchnrnftcr. vWorkman- Easy rules for vship ; the measurement, . Greatest prices, &.O., sent xTnrie- free to any part of America, and good fits. JrS Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers 4 BoysN Under-Wear of all &. flj kinds for all sea- lllllluTll cnna Uklf. n t I i r" -m vi r -".. .' Wear at d3lUIII3IIIIIU- wiw IvIownricesA 11 Specialty OAK HALL, Sixth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. ;INcw riour and Feed Store! i li. IV. Till KSTOX, Corner of Fourth and Market Stroit, I SUNlifRV, ri'.XX'A, ' IVa.i just opened a f'lo-.ir and Feed Store, where he will keep constantly on hand, a general assortment of the best brands of jtr1 Xj O TLX 11 , rtEI) OK EVKHV OEiSCniPTION, l'OT.STor.S. Flit IT, I!CT TF.R, tiiGS, and YIXETABLES f nil kinds, Suiibury, l i nt the verv lowest market prices. li. 11, 171 -tf. AM lIJI.T.IHrltA A CO.'S, rurnit lire. latlroM., rrutlieris, und P.KUniNG WAKKROOM8, 41 North Tenth tit., lielow Arch, Phiiadt'phia. CIIAMUF.R FL'RM T URK. Spring Reds, Spiinir Cots, Spring Mattresses, 'Feather, ' Kesther Reds, ; Holders and Pill-jws, I 'olititerpanes, 'i. omfortalilcs, iilaliUets, C.'iii'.tx. Hair do. Husk Straw do. do.' CALL AND SKE 'I HE Wovon Wire J!a(fres, The best bed cvr oil'und for sale. X. 11. Our'iiiti'iition is to treat, all customers jo that they will become permanent dealers with us. and orders will receive the same attention, and persons can buyju?t as cheap as if present at I lie store. March 4lli, 1S71. Sin. FA S IS 1 X A IS L K SI 1 1. 1. 1 X K It V . FALL AND " vTxT Eli ST Y I. E S. I MISS I.. SIaIKSI.i:K, j MARKET "I'l'AIiK, SUNIH.'HY, PA. i Herlarire assort ment cf i MILI.IXEUY GOODS, j IiOXX ETS AX D HATS, i Rmno.No, FnATiiKfts, Fi-owkks, Eacks, j II AT AXD ISOXXET FRAMES. A lart'o variety of trimmed and tintrimmcd : Hats, Ladies' and cliil'lnn's Hosiery, bem ' stitched lace and linen Handkerchief", 'kid and ; lislo (iloves. Cornets, ilrf;i bullous, iruipure laces, fringes, ladies' uccklica, and i.inev ribbons j for bows and sahcs, in ureal variety. Real and . imitation liair chignons, fiizes, carls aud switch j C6. A large assortment of SEIl'l'ER PATTERXS, Zicnivits, Gi: it nan town Worn., &c An cudle-s variety of Notions and coods ! usually kept '.r. a Grid chus miliiinrv s;ore. CientS' Collars, Cull':;, Neckties! Ilitiulker- ents' Collars, Cull':;, Neckties, chiefs, &e. The eltizens of Sunbury and vicinity, ecnoially, arc invited lo call aud sou this bplenuid assoit mvu't. L. SII1SSLER. Sun'tury, Oct. 9, 1S70, jvjt:iaie.'s. Ko. D02 Chcutuut Street, Philadelphia. Havlnglarg. lv lncreas-,-1 their PLATI'D WARE Departnicul, call special attention to their Hn k ol SILVER I'LATEP GOODS, comprising, liesldes their i-ual line of pine I Males ot high grades, it inot couipic'.s aSMiituicut of t n: l.i: m .vui:s. PLATKD ON WII1TK METAL, reliuble lu oiialiiv. and otlcred at rxccediugly low prices. A full line of i PI ATPIl PnflW rOnKfi. I Afll FS. ijf'. AISO, I FINE TABLE CUTLERY, j ! cvprcsslv made for their re: ail sails, and furiiib. . '"'l '" ir"iiili ilorcns or In coinplele set., put up iu . ' UoM'Wood an I Walnut Cases. j ' All goods .old on tli. lr own uiciils at llxed .Ml i price., lill.ietic.l in I'ulill limine. 10 e.ii u pun ,1.11111. Ill Ti rf ni.lr des I . i o. n.i k l . Il; Il I'lll k,l.rr.'t, Ii i.uit t ifi'-is rw.t' I'lr.l.Me. Hie lull, t, Hel S ' II ' ihj "14 At IM "I I' I . '1.1 I I 6LI II il . I 'Li I K '. .,.,r.f o.rt. II, sua .,.!.. I,. I. u!'l t) Uri.K .'. t .... i -l-tu. gi .iui.iu uu.' mi, 4 I, b m mi; i Mini'. flllK ui..b tsii-ui'l if. I full lull. i ml Uii ( ! I t Sill, id Bai.Wui) K 1 !' ool) II. it 111.') I.st ol lli J MEAT M'i.', Ill K IIS'I I".. .1.1'. "II ll it . Illl . It of tl fe.ltt.iie, I SO .1 II . 1 1 oil! III. .l'loi'l, It, I. Iktl II,. Ol k.-i p l o.l lUl Mpi) l-l Ute I tl.flle.f, I'm It, il ..It 'ii, A , , tl t Ii uli "I l lull, ul Uu b.Si.l pin ' s -...,1 "I Ibi bl.l .(Ui , il A i..it iti-,1 ii, na. . Ill Im I uu i .upplv i tt .l.ili.i i i l. If (tti I U). I I I, I . I u.i.il mil IouiiJ tl ib.ir liu. t.iis . II Stid .! .1 It tl.UI krui a "xi r is ;H I iianuary, 1 1, ii.i iy. I tb t If OF 11W OaHII mQEM I S. llmrfldisr linvinr; just opoticil a firtit diiHSi ctn"'r.r;hir,int in Moore A DiBsIrrjer'f HuiMins Third Struct, "bolow Market, bulween Markst Stj:: autl the roitOfflco, Kespcctrully invitee tlio public lo call nnd FOU MEN. UOl.?, lllif TRUNKS. VALISES, &c, &c. His Heady Made Clotliing nrc nil made tr,.i;is own order, i:i tho latoat styla of aeliion nud bent uinnncr of workinnnRhi), nnd equal to tT.ato'n work, IX HATS & CAPS AXD GF.XTS' FTIRXISHIXO GOODS, ho keeps a l:u-;c nssortruont of all thn lending styles, nnd fashioni, and baa made ar rangemcnts to receive new ( ioods from tho cily every week. HE WILL SELL ALL HIS GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Auy person in need of anylhing in hi.i lino vrill find it to their interest to give biro call and hear Iub prices before purchacini; elsewhere Between Market Squaro nnd the Fost Office, rx BARGAINS ! ! A.T THE TEAV YORK STORE, We propone to sell for 30 l:iys comnii iicin SATURDAY. Dccfoibef 17, 170, at a, reduclioa oi lo to -i per cent, for c:i.4i. Our sfoil: of Fori in nnd Domestic Di v Goods; embnices SII.KS, DRESS GOODS. 1,1 N EX, If OS I EH Y. (J LOVES, WHITE GOOl S, LACES & EMlil'ODl EHlfcs, LA PI ES & GENT'S CX DERWARE. Also, I .J; ' Our block il i.- oreigji and D.nneHiii' Dry Gooil;; ia ve-y lariv, avid with a view to tt speeily disposal of it, we. have MARKED DOWN th'e ''.'icrs to a figure no low tha this is unquestionably the time, for great bargains iu Dry Goods. We offer Bleached Muslius at the following low figures, Four qtiarter New York wills, 20 cts., I per vnril lour iiuarter Davoe. 'JU els., per Hill .Semper Idem, IS cts., per Vdrd ; " fourth Shoo Fly, i:j cts., per yiii'd ; fntir Coventry, 12 cts., per yard ; j Covculry 1 i Davoe, wnts wr yard ; four fourth Nashua L, 20 cent? per yard ; four fourth Nashua 11, IS cmiis per yard ; four fourth Atlantic -V., Hi cents per yard ; four l'outth Appleton r, 121 cents pi t ya''d ; four fourth Indian Uivhatd V, 12 cents per yard ; j llari'isbuis, 11 cents pi.r yard ; llarrislmi-e; 10 cents per yard; 2.1 Lleacned Vtica Shei -tinj 02 cenls per yard ; 2j lileached Waiiham, Sin , tin lo cents per yard ; Uleach cd ( 'ahot, 22 cenls per yard. Jill-ached Canton Flannels from 15 to 22 ; Unbleached C.tntou Flannels from 12 to 20 ; Wool and Cotton Flannels, from 22' to lu ; ail 'Vool ilaiuicls. 2o to tiO ; Ked al Wool Flannels 2."i lo 55 ; iiinghatns, 2,i to "iO ; Ticking, lo to 2S ; l'ap'T Cambrics, 12 Colored CamhiicK 12; Calicos fine ti lo 121. LA ill i:.S' JKALMUUA L SK 1 UTS 7" to 2.00. LAD I KS' FLLT SKI11TS, Horn ?.00, to 4.00. LAI) IKS' S1IALLS. from SLaS to 12.3G Wiliiiiiatic Ci'iO yard spool!!. 5 tf! ; Conlec 200 yard r-poo!?. Sets; Clark' 200 yard tpoole, 8 els ; Clark's O. N. T, all colors, 8 cts ; Star Alpaca ilraids, 0 yards 9 cents. 15 EST SIXTEEN BONE COUSETS, NINETY CENTS, ALKXANMU KID UL0YES ALL IIOLORS, i JoM iihine S. anili hS Kid ( il.ivi s, J?2.2" ; J (ilovi s, sl.00. All the Kid 'low s alii guaranteed, il they rip another pair given ir. ' exehanee. In (iildition to the above (imitations iiimiii our dumi slie bli.ek which is ex celled by none in thi-t inarl.i t, we jracin.-'u lull line of 11(.1 Kit V , wo'ild CLO'lllS A TJ X) O A.SR IMlmS, Flauni lN and lllai.UetH, Noiiou", Ca.peM and Oil Cl.itlis. We make a speciality iu Carpet, and laito now, in stock it lull line of all guides and tpialilicd ery low iu pnec Our Dre?5G"od Dopartircnt includes vrry c!x;C'? Seiluitlcus, in o'.'. nnd French1 Fabiici. Tlia Red Xmoix iklpacas i ', wo gtntriintee to U mipeiior in every icipi tliul have not the priro given in the Hhovo CI NTOl'F F )U CASH JMI. I . till A l l lt A 0.. IUVLTAKI S' -M-' nt" IIIII Si W YC'UK. j B ll'ltl I No. t Koulli Irulli (lrt l. brlww j Mtsrlsfl, I'ltllittii liliU. ; t .l i t 1. 1 I III .1 la. Mi l.'b Illl 1.1. I I J . .. t'-ll.l I.I. it . i h. ii .,.i i. i f mi" !. i a i, .M. I, II I .1 I i .il.. i I. J.i I V I III.,'., . I 1 1 oin i i , .t I . ' i li... -I . . i I N. I ilk, lo. Il H 4 li'tllij I'l t I 11) .No- i i.p lu Hi in.-.i I. ' t oi) 4, .1 nr.iok 11. ei'.ud ll-i.lii.itu lint... 1 lsil Ituisiio " . It bit. 4 I. I. Jtl, I. ri 1 1 ii a 1 1 1 I..UMII ISillS I 4 ii'. It'll f t, s A cxatnirw Lis mainmolli ntotk oi A - fDClirLDUEX b. IIEIJZFELDEK. Sunbury, Fa. lAKGAMS ! ! per ynrd ; four qtmvter "Wniiifutta, 0 c.ts., van! ; j nut ol the Loom, lb cts., per yard ; Hill Siinprr Idem, lii cts.. per yard; four fiiuifh Social L. 12 1 t-is., per yard ; four fourth i! ct '.. per ya.'d. Fniircss Kid filovi s, '1.23. A'idettee Kid tall ei.n .' ial alti-miou to our di pai tmeof em ct to nnd brand in this mnikel. 1 hot w ill bo I'l t'TEFN T ' TV EN All Roods 1'EU NTY . II. It I I I' if I I. sV ., UrUlil'h Aru liulltluiK. .Uttrhrl Mrt rl, (tnubtir) , I . .OIII AMI rttHMIIIIIkl rUENCH AMI IhiMITIC til M ilbi ff eii ry n'rads, Jill o riu I .1 llm Ml.lil IIANT TAII.i'i; HlOl ir IIIUV U. 'HIT, Citw t.l is J 11 I k. "i i i U :i I'.t, ts,t M "k.l. H'MH Hi , I'VSN't It, i 1 l'.. u ttb.i d, .'ie U.l. ti.4l.iu 1 ,..4 1. ! . . 1. , .III l.ill al .1 .. 'Ill I I iLii.. , e s 11J t . amine II. 1 it.il tn... . ...a I.41. Il.t .1 II, 4,1,. l.. IU 111. I4I1 1 . , . i 4I1 I t ,..,.,,.. .1 , .' ti SUM t ,'l .. I"' A .,.'d... yl l I.e. t S'..t,a.s 4VI.