Shmlntrj mcricaiu U. B. MASSER, , I. WILVERT. Editor... ...... Tkb tcOrnulzallon ol" fio Standing Cdm'mittvrs' of tlio United Stattfc . Senate took plnso Inst week. In mnVang the chan ges iu the committers, which lakes jilneu Avery two years, or nt tlio 'beginning' ol every new Congress, when old tnombeft retire anil now ones como in, t"hc ilon. Charles Sunnier of Mapsnchtist'tta, .was dropped ns chairman of lilie committee on Foreign rcltiticnre find the Hon. Simon Canierou of this Stale, appointed in his lilace, Mr. Sumner hits held tho position for somo twelve years with- signal ability, mid his removal Is attributed to the result of his disagreement with the 1'resideut and Secretary Fish, iu regard to tho removal of Minister Motley, and his opposition to the annexation of the San Domingo. It is alleged that thoro is tio social inter course hot wooa Mr. Sumner, with cither the (President or Secretary of Stale, and that tho public interests demand that tho chairman of tho Committee, on Foreign affairs- should be nt least on speaking terms with the two officers of tho Government. There appears to-be considerable fueling be tween tho parties 'which is to bo regretted. Mr. Sumner la ft statesman of undoubted ability, " and hi 'point of learning and in dustry has no superior in the Senate. Hut he is not deemed by mauy as a mfe. leader. With deep rooted predjudices and a deter mined will, he is often impracticnblo and headstrong. The position he held brought him constantly iircoutact with tho C'tibiuet. We think Mr. Sumner should have resigned if his personal relations with the President and Secretary wcro such ns to prevent social intercourse. Gen. Cameron, we un derstand does not desire the position, and Senator Morton of Indiana, who has no superior in Congress will succeed him. Thk Democrat and the Covsty Okkk kiis. We abscrve that our neighbors of tho Democrat nro already engaged in pulling tho county officers, and devote ft half a column to throw dust in the ryes of their-readers, to draw their attention rway from the forthcoming auditor's report. Tho lkntoceat is more generous to its friends than just to somo others,by classing all the officers together as belonging to the King. This wo should suppose is not very flatter ing to -several of those, officers, from tho tact that they have never before been sus pected ns belonging to the ltfng. Hut, wo presume the editors of tho Democrat iu or der to screen their particular friends of the King, have taken the good and bad together in order to cover up the defects of the latter. Their renders will no doubt look upon it as u decidedly rich joke, while the innocent portion of theso officers will have to grin him! benr it. Tho following rich paragraph isiutended to help the Commissioners out of . their dileuiua. "Across the hall, to the right, is located the County Commissioners' Office. Tho duties of this office are principally discharg ed by tho Commissioners' Clerk, J no. 'fnrusworth, Esq., under the control of the Commissioners, Martin E. Hui'lK.-r, Hastian Steppand Jacob Jlnmccker, all of whom nrc. honest, eobor and intelligent men, who look to tho interest and welfare of our county in tho performance of their responsible duties. We venture to say we have never had a more efficient and economical man ugement of the business of the county than nt the present time, which is creditable to the Commissioners as well at thuir clerk." How the above Will tally with tit? auditor's report, remains to be seen; and we would advise all (ho lax payors to compare the two together and judge for themselves. We are inclined to think that it had been better for the editors of the Ikmwntt, not to have been so hasty ,h it may make them feel rather cheap, when the public find that tho facts do not correspond with tl-.a asser tion. Thu ilusing paragraph w intended to cover up everything. Hut as the people are somewhat acquainted with tho trans lations of the offices of the county, they will no doubt see the pith of tho joke and treat it as such. It is ns follows : .Altogether, h better corps of County Offi vers have never gr.ieed our Court House, mid our oidy iWirv is that we may continue to do honor to our g; iind old party by ele vating to office equally gu;d men, in the Iuiuim" As a compensation for the t'uit.-riiig notice of our county officers by tho Pico, nut, we suggest that the next contract for fuvuisli'uitf iron bridges, he awarded to thu tditom ot that paH-r. ll'lho ('oniinlksioncis hhouKl bo ungrateful enough lu tiTusc them the King should nt once take action in the matter. f"o.Mitus.- Tho 1. ity li!t Coiigivsi. IttlllO ItJ un lllll nn the -llll ill:, I. ul U 'clock M. - tho I'liiiy-i-t con l Cniri'M, ill iiToi-il;im.i. wiili tho 11.1 iw un thu ub-jei-t, UKffiiiblcil iiiuitiiliii nly am r tin- till-juiiriiit!i-iit i f tlio i.. iiiu- iiiul jdotvilcil lo un uii-HiiiiiHlion. The ollh i t of 1L0 4.I1I lloiisc v. tro io e! .cl'il Lv ti c p w ono, n I ilitiw : lll.iiuc, Sj;,l,,r, lvhvtti.1 Mcl'lii umi, I Ink ; N. li. Oi-iUny, S foiita ul-riu ( . S. Ihii ton, h-mik.i 1 1 ; NV. S. Kill,;, I'uallll.isli f , K ti, liuth r, i l.iipl ilu. '1 ho luily -lli'tl t 'ii,;n kill tu ilistin iiliu u, ti .ti.i y L) thu Lit I licit it vH the liM in v h.. I, u' li.- M.tU, M l itl ( i p lt' liliil ulltl lite In, ul Id UUt Hi. (tN. .IaUc . J'uiilli, l'l I 1 ulilnAll Mntlii. c.niii') , 14 .;eutl, t.i.ut Mill aid In iff. Ubly klloMU l,r..llrll.,m ll, lnl,-, ll.t.1 U.l l nly n the lloiloii II ,u , Ihiniluir,', I'M lIlH fill !!!!. A k s.iii,siK timi'isv.- II. u I muiluiv leu if U IK tuptii ,ud mi lu. 1 11 1 4 itcv t t.c.-l..) t oli; I'j ll.u k iluii l'l lltU "I'ul.ll'W MlltlCll I Ku tUI4lt toiupuio.1 I Kill 4 ( Don i .1 I leu,.,, lUul, f II. ll.tUI,. Santo-I Vi'l-, I, I 4uUtl., . 1. I ll.t.l., ., I. S -.,, t., ,(., t.b ,,.. I, 1'. J, I. ,,!, Ul.jl., Willi. II. II l'.iu . Ui, l 1 , 1 h , Hot Vt.l4l,IJ 1 I. II I It. I. tll, ,j kl, 141.14 I ! ti". uoj . li lls.l-l), i i i . I ' l I.- i' I I P11.. St it I I i I Vo n 1 1,1. ii. tu Congressional. In . the Senate- oi Monday, Upon tho reference of the French spoliation bill to the Committee on Foreign Relations, Mr. "Sumner took occasion to CRll tho nt ten lion of tho Chairman of tho commlttuo to It, expressing the hopo that he would take charge ot the business and press it forward. Mr. 'Cameron very pro perly replied totho deposed Chairman, that ho would Ho tho best ho could with the matter, fcut ho thought it hardly fair for the late Chairman to expect the new committee to secure in one session a law which that Senator had failed to have passed in ten sessions. . In tho IIouso several bills were intro duced, one by Mr. ' Braxton for acquiring title to the Arlington estate, by the pay tntnt of $300,000 to tho devisees. Tho bill was tabled on motion of Mr. Butler by ft vote of 115 to 74. A concurrent resolution by Mr. l)awcs to adjourn on tho 15th with out day was adopted, 125 to 07. A joint resolution oll'ered by Mr. Farusworth pro viding that from and after its passage' no tax or duty shall bo levied or collected on foreign coal, was adopted, 132 to 57. On motion of Mr. Randall tea and eolleo were also placed on the free list, 121 to 49. A motion of Mr. 'Wilson, of Indiana, to sus pend tho rule and pass the joint resolution asserting the power of the Government to impose the enforcement of tho fifteenth article of the amendments to tho Constitu tion of the United State, and declaring tho thirteenth, furteenth and fifteenth articles of amendment to the Constitution duly ratified, was defeated for want of a two thirdti vote iu its favor the yeas being 103 aud the nays 75. As yet there are no signs of a resumption of the coal operation. Miners and labors by tho thousands are still idle throughout the coal regions of Pennsylvania. Added to thec nrc thousands of Mechanics and men in various avocations thrown out of employment by the stagnation induced by the suspension in mining nnd shipping of coal The l'iltstou Gazette of last week says : "The statement niads by Frnuklin H. Goweu, of tlie i'hiiftdolphia & Reading R. H. Company, to the legislature, is an able exposition of 'the history and progress of these suspensions, and should be carefully reviewed nnd understood, nnd by none should it be more carefully perused than oy tne workiiigmen ana miners. lule nn All-wise Providence seems to have distribu ted coal with a liberal hand, nnd evidently designed that it should be cheap, it does not seem natural that any combination should decree that it shall not bo sold at less than a certain price. Wo believe it to be in the very nature of things that coal should be as low, and governed by the same rules, viz., demand nnd supply, ns other staple commodities are, and whicli, in n growing country liko ours, with new markets opening almost daily, is not likely to dwindle down to a price" that will not pay the labor bestowed upon its production a l'uir remuneration. Hut it is evident that if coal is not to be governed in price by I supply nnd demand, but must be kept up toVcerlain price, despite of circumstances', its consumpt on cannot and will not in-I '"i . W1S? V0Uld- 1 P,1CU !n.usl things grow worse and worse as the mining population ol tne country increases troni year to year. That coal production has been greater than the demand is evident, and to remedy this ft would seem wise on the pari of the milling population to provide that a portion of their forces should seek other pursuits, nnd not insist that while there, is a superabundance of mining labor, coal must not be sold below any certain Jijnirc. The principle is one which the whole j world, if we except miners themselves, will I ever wage war against. It is sustained by I no precedent iu the history of trade. J The following are the appointments for I the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the I M. E. Church made at Carlisle on the 13th illit. Wim.!amsi'okt Disinter J. Curns, presiding elder, Post-office, Whhamsport, li. Willianisport Vino slrect, AV. lltirdcn ; Mulberry street, 1!. llinkle ; i'riee ehaoel, J. F. Ockermiin ; Thinl street, S. (.'. .Swul- low; dewberry, J. Is. l'ols'Tove ; t ireuit. i Hunter ; nut' to be htipnlicil ; Mtintours- I villi-, J. A. Hi-Tc ; Uu.ijla'tiville, 1). li. Mi- ; I C'lubkey ; Tivioli, J. (i. llet-k ; one to be j : mtnplii'il ; Muui-y, J. U. CuilUy ; W'tits-iu-' j town, J. V. Cslcwiuc, C. Y. lliirnlcy ; Mil- ton, NY. A. llouck, 1). ('. John, hup.; Lew- i ioburi.', V. Jlniljjson ; Milllinburi", ,1. A. , AYooilcool; ; usllllolluuu:l, J. V. Davis ; ; S.illailiibbinu;, (i. l.iody ; I'uoim N'nlU'y, to , bj bupiiliiil by J'. liird ; l'iolihh ( Vulro, 1 to be nupplidl by Y. An tub ; l.i'xi'tv 1 Icy, K. M. I. hilt-out ; Jersey Mime, J. A. I Alolick ; .lauicstown, 11. K. Kully ; Ureal ! Island, A. J:. Tnyliir; J.ock Haven. J. W. ! I luiuyley, .1. It. Kinjr, ?aip.; S.iltma, t'l'uMh- waite, oiiu lo Lu Ki'pplieil ; Jlviu-r, I!. II. I , ( olbuui ; Itriiovo, A. M. .'reiy,iit(in ; W est- j I port, .1. . liuthrock, sup. ; l.eiily, to be lllpplieil ; Siiiiieniiillouiurf, 1,. S. l.'rone, one ! lo tc huppiieil : riiipoiiMiii, . I. I., liiiiui ; I Caledonia, A. 11. lltniven ; . 1.. spottb ! woixl, pfiitidunt, nuil II. A. t'unau, l'io- Ilsour in llliaiio poll I liukiitnnt euiiiiary nn lulu r of Mulbui ry r.Hei-t tuarleily eouti reni'u ; J. 1. Itubb, i'l'iilossui' iu l'eu iiiiiiun eiiiiiiary,.. J., nii'iubui' ol ii!lada bui'i ipiurtci ly ruiili ii nee. J UNI ll.l.l:'uis icirT-- S, Harnett, pn- iil iio elder. pobt-ulliee, lllouiiisbiiro, l'l lilisyl vaniit ; 1 iiiu villi', St. I'.ntl'a, s, I r, -bjliimi ; I'auvill.:, 'Iriiiity, ti. V. C X'uiiIuhm'U ; Nwi tliuii.U il.tu'l, II. I". Mi-vi iu ; Wuiliiu louviilv, U. tl.ou, A. f-. Howuiiiii; liliiiiiiiaiiuie, II. II. I iwi r ; K.pv nud l.iohi btufl, N. VV. K-atu ; lianeille, !' i;. I lever i lU'littill. .1. tills., I'. I., Ill II motor; Jkirtiik. W, W. ; Heiwhk i I'uu.i.t, A. Iliilluiii, li. A. Muoi f ; lliiMiui- I iuu'lale, II. I. K llii ; 0110 lo li mlpplii d ; S'uhleiibiii-, II. II. l oiluei' ;Miii ktliimiy, l. V. M.lUr ; White. J tuvi'ti. J. A. IV - M'ivi r ; llnlmv Hun W. Y. Ileiso : W i-.uhi ily, .1. T. WiUoii ; ll a.i limi, I'.. II. 14 ion ; .liHiu.vilIc iiiul A nib iiii ol. I T. Siwiulx ; t 'Kin iili.uti, S. . i .ilbm ii, oiiu lo be ktipplii'il ; I ai m is.i, A. M. I.tlr; I luliu, ,1. p. Hii-wu, lino, I .tit : Miuittokiii, . h. Iiiu kiitcl .1111 ; l 1 un. Gi. 1, A. I'. I i..iimuiu- ; Moiiiii I inn. I, P. p. Ji,,r ; A.bUu.l, A. w. (hoi" ; 'l u ioii. .11, T. 11, 1 I,-,,, ; suiiii' l-'wll. II Mill lilt I. all ; .Mlllblllj, . I. 1 I liir'.e I N III. "I , ,, sUie ; I .I'.iMi,.., N lulli It) i. Ik li. 11 Akt... llll II. In f o l ilUlsu 1(0.111. ly l .oliltltti . . I u t lit ,,, i'i.iot,(,,iu i iilaiy 'iiii. Hhalin .H.UI', li.t luU r i. '1 unity 1 hut 1 li, l4ii)iKii ij 1 ily ioul, 11 1,11 , t Ui-ltu; I' 1,4. o.,l iiu-l lio I ali i lliii 1 1I1 ,il uii.t duub 1 toot In. U Wiu.itr. f Llm.iu bin Ink, 11 4 mull . I I J i.utl.l ,"H 1414, 1 1 bi In, I I ,.r jjIIum I ll' ll Ht ll.clt ill lll. l. ..(ll), M 41 lo.l.lvl 111 11,1) I, "' , Ml W It' ... , I i III U L U lll Ui.k. Pj 4. 11 In. m, (w U. 1 b! .oi lu .iiu I r. iiiil. in,.,,, n ,u 1 hii It 1, . 1 I., y r. t . U.4 i , 4jlt m tl! Dealer In "The Queer." When we published nn account of the arrest of four parties In this and Lebanon counties, on Thursday last, wo promised further developments. Since then tho offi cers of tho Secret Service- IMvision (Col. Whitely's) have arrested and placed in tho prison of this county Milton Zerger, knowen as tho "Flying Dutchman." Catharine Frnntz, Michael Kerns nnd Elins Iloll'mau, of MochanicBburg, ma a charge of dealing in and circulating counterfeit United States Treasury nnd National Hank notes. Michal Kerns and Catharine Frantiz had a hearing on Saturday before United States Commissioner John II. Briggs nnd were committed to prison in default of 85,000 bail each to answer nt tho next session of tho United States District Court iu Phil adelphia. Tho Flying 1 Hitchtnan was held in a similar amount, nnd Elias HoH'uinn will ha vo a hearing to-morrow. Ho has however, made a free and full confes sion in regard to his connection with the business. The evidence, wo learn, shows that thoso parties belong to nn organized gang of dealers in counterfeit notes,having purchased them in largo quantities from manufacturers aud dealers in New York and other places, and then sold them in smaller quantities to "shovel's of the queer" or parties who put them in circulation. "Tho Flying Dutchman" was indicted with Jerome Whitman and Win. M"Keever for highway robbery on oathc of Elias IloU'man. but while they were captured and tried, he managed to elude the officers until last week when ho was taken up by the police for drunkeiiuess. He will uo doubt have an opportunity to visit tho Eastern Penitentiary and spend some time. Catharine Frantz kept a sort of junk shop in the vicinity of State and has not borne the dest reputation imaginable. Sho was charged at one time with receiving stolen goods, but ns the evidence was not suffi cient to prove her guilt he escaped, and now appears in a new role, much to her surprise. Michael Kerns is tho proprietor of a hotel on railroad street, which has boon a resort for rough, "koniackers" and simi lar characters. lie was indicted at one r.f our courts for passing counterfeit fractional currency, but ;through some mitnuer or Other escaped conviction. Elias Hoffman is the parly who appear ed as prosecutor at the last session of court ngaiih-it Whitman and McKeever. in tne course ol the trial it was alleged by two of the witnesses for tho defense that Hoffman visited tho vicinity oi Alli son's hill to purchase counterfeit money from the parties mentioned, but ho stoutly protested his innocence. The whole party will be Ukeu to Phil adelphia at the next session of the U. S. District Court for trial. Js'o more arrests have bceu made since, but it is thought that others implicated in the transaction will be captured erelong. Jfurri?burj lUajmh. Outlawry in this South. two re ports were made in Congress on Friday last by tne investigating committee on sou! ti cru outrages. The majority report pre sents a sad state of ninth's in several of the southern States, where neither property nor lite is safe from the various bands of outlaws. The Union mon, especially north ern men, are Bingled out for murder or ex pulsion. The minority report utlouiplo to salve over most of thoso occurrences nud uses various flimsy inventions to show that they are exaggorttioiK), or at least not near ly so bad as teetilied to by the witnesses. I TSSSS TEw' ftj ,(fu r 1 troops to suppress outrages in the countie: In con miction with the question, Governor ngo Stalo troops to suppress outrages in the counties of Union nud York, iu that State, where he j reports that men are murdered or driven ; from their homes nightly, because of their j political opinion. As an evidence of the i condition of ntlairs, the facts are stated i that, on Monday, of last week, a company 1 of I'nited Slate troops that left Columbia j for York had the railroad torn up in their j front by n body of armed men, and were I obliged to inarch by the road. On Friday : last the Republican members of the Leg islature, now sitting, paid men t picket the road lending from the capital, because of well-grounded fears of a KuKlux raid upon their body. Missouri Ku Kiux. A new secret organization called the rder of tho Cru- -i:adcr-:, has been rstablisho iu Missouri, for the purpose of aiding Democratic principles. It is supposed to Ih; another name for the ' Ku Klux, but in justieu to tie; Demi tciMtie I papers iu that State, it should bo said that I they ileiiouuee it. The two wiiis of tlie i Kepuhlietin tarty sire now liuiteil iinti iu- i slrm-ttil by their un for lunate experience of: : lust l:ill, propose to make common can. ii"ainst their common cneinv. .Stauvation. We are iiifurnicil pays the Mini m' , Am rnul, by 11 Doctor of this l!orouo!t tliat be was appealed to by a poor wiuiiau thu wife of 11 miner -from Mt. I.alli'c, on Saturday, to visit her three children who wcro almost dead. The doctor consented, mid upon examining thu little ones be loutiil thai starvation was the malady that had sei.ed upon them, niul utmn inmiirv. leurneil that the familv l id been li 1112 im corn meal for marlV two! nii.nths. The doctor informed the woman that nntbiii but nouiishiii food would nave their live. Think of this, ye that have plenty and to spare. I New JlAMi'siiiiii: Pt.i'.i nox.-Tho New j i Vol k 'Vi'jiiia' sn : . ! Nt w Hampshire in ii!way lCei(iblican ! I on a Prchidi utial i lkelioii ; often clone 011 , ni.y other. Hu it has not omie Ik-moeratic I since, until yeslciday ; w hen we nivui , j to bavo lust the (iovt ruor, nil the l ull j jJl'itsuicll, the I'oilUeil, mid pi'tihaoly the; Seliati' ; w bile llto 1 louse is, only claimed! j lot' the lit publieaiiii l y 11 majority id Iimiii i 1 ', 11 tu twenty, iu 11 I'titly of owr three , ; htmilreil tin lubein. t III tile vol,' fl'tilil lli'i ; I llii! liepliblii aliil yaill OU lust i iir'n V He j 'Hal, hilti tin) iK-miH-rat e;.iin'ji;;o, it la t I Ik-moi ititic iaiiii ol J I7ii. j i Neiv I Limi hire him Hot bee mo D- ni i 1 iialie. Tin. vulii iiitiiuk maiiilv. il iml ' ' holly, Itipubliiuu uptiihy, Imiu of over I i'""H'hni'j mid llu coutiutpiu. ti iumplt. of i "Uteen tur, Ulid ll pilhUeatl dualiei lion. 1 "l" n" ' V '"" piaiii lr., liipior, uiel 1 1,11 ' "' ':" "'iGuu ly .suiiiiuei trouble, ' " ' by llio couiiiiu uieo o mnli itiue I p.lllic all! ..Veil ', Ull l if llio U Ul ii I to lit! le.llll ,1 ,l llllio lor S,'J, It l ti ll , In 1 11 uivi 11 u .1 mouth ltd 1011. . 't iu lake II I 'i' W.1II1U1J and ll.e.U .11. ul o I I - - ; DuuMM ii. Ho Thill ul ly, l.f I 1st Wet k i it fiilnii t iiitiu ic.uicti iiii, i. Ii-nr, It out l.l t. tow IJ, l. I'., Milk llloWllltl ill I Itl. 1101 ni lb, j lueu r ib.i l oioMnoj ' 1 In llllt. I. lilt 1 . lie, III lltOipaltV Ullll I .ill 1 nib. I lot II, kill l'l M liolll Mo It, Hi 1 1. lull .1 I ) i M. iiiu, M. ilo in , ss.iii .v 1 0., mi c.t 1 it UtlU. tkUllHl'll, Wi lli OUt ill II tilt ill bt .ll ; .i fiol. 11 it y 11 y ,. ul the In w lo i li , uud I i ll It .0 blli llm It. I. Ul Uj i t ike iili l, lie Uo it ! I 4pnt tl. ui d lb- III' It 4d till . t. Kill. I'l.lll ICtll.l l Mmpl'V, uud I Mil u 1 be oil.. 1 mi lu Imh ly liny, t ,ili v-', itl I' nr. wlt'i .i 4 i,'im I ti iiiuut 1 , I' i lib I in 1 lil ltl 1 li'l it I" so ecu it l.i , l .l. ( 4I1 !...,. Hit I" d) M 4 I. I . mil ! ., l'IOJ It, llio III. I.lll u Ull II . I-1 4 1 ll I ..I. I J.'l .1.4 mm 1 Iiii luml lip In J 411.41. 4 1 1. 11 ). .tl M,l !. i.iiutiMlly L.i,, 1 too l It ni'iiiilt J kl ' 1- 4l" lot IWI I t-4 I 4 l rORCKlX NEWS. London, Narch 14. Marclinl MacMahon has returned to Franco from Wiesbaden, Whore ho lias been on parol, Berlin, March 14. Tho following la nnounced as the route by whic h Emperor nnd Prince Impernl nnd staff will progress on their wny home wards. The route will lend through upxT Germany. Visits will bo paid by the royal cortege to Frankfort, Weimar Dres iden nnd Munich, nt each oS which cities illuminated and enthusiastic receptions will bo awarded them bv tho citizens. The journey to Berlin will bo made as direct as 'possible, this being rendered necessary by the. present state of tho Emperor's health. The Crown Prince of Saxony will remain in France during the German occupation, in Champagne. The Crown Prince's head quarters will bo at Compainne. Paris, March 14. The situation nt Monlmartrc is unchang ed. A section of the National Guards still continue to oppose tho authority of the Government nnd persist in their refusal to deliver their nrms. They still retain n number of cannon in their possession. Bkrlin, March 14. The official German CnzeHe, in nn ed itorial this morning, states that if tho French government does not immediately put a decided stop to those attacks which are being made on peaceful German inhab itants, and which are daily becoming more frequent, such reprisal will bo made by Germany as will have the desired effect. This is considered as simply just, to the German citzens who have suflered by the late riotous uprisings. A request which was lately submitted by Jules Favre ask ing that the Prussian requisition on the various towns and villages of France should now cease, has met with arefugal. London, March 14. The agrarian outrages in several of the districts in Ireland are gradually assuming a mote 'threatening find serious character. A Mr. Croetty, a landlord iu county Mayo, together with his servant, have been shot. Paris. March 13. Versailles has been evacuated by the Germans, nnd a French garrison installed. It has been ascertained that twenty Ger man soldiers were killed and sixty injured by the accident at Putcaux, on the North western railroad. All the French prisoners iu Belgium have been released, and they have gone" to their homes. The Radicals have posted placards urg ing the army not to light the people, but the appeal has been productive of no effect, Klv ll-nlic:il iimicrs li:ivt lieen sminri'Ssed. The. city is entirely quiet and without wgns j of the renewal of the recent agitation, which , i i... .I is coiuieiuiieii uv uiu cuiue Germany. March 13. H is announced that the Vl'n and 12 th Prussian Corps and Wurtemb rsrera vill lorm the Army of Occupation of that portion of France to be held by the Gennaus until tho conditions of the treaty of peace are fulfilled. London," March 13. Emperor William has Siit out on his return to licilin, accom panied by a large and brilliant suite of prince;, olliccri of the army and represen tatives of the German government. The party reached Epcrnuy nlnoon to-day, and weio received with great enthusiasm by returning troops, with whom the city was crowded. Sl'AlN. Madrid, March 11. Serious disturb ances have taken places in t!x provinces. At Alcanto an nrined niol) fired upon the mnvor and authorities, and tome lives were lost. In the elections the opposition is tri- umphin In consequence of the ilistmbeil fotate of the eouiiP v, the Kin-'s trip to meet the '3', Colleen is iK l'cricl. l ire in !ie Oil It) ;.;Juin. l'lTTsiii'isu, March 10. At an early hour this tiioiiitug n lire i'iii;iiialeil in the Jhill'ulo House, at lVtrolifimi Centre, Pa., which place) was composeil almost entirely of woollen bliililiuus. The Ihv spread across the street aiul on both sides as far south as Aiken's halt, and north to the bank of the creek, leaving the. American Hoti.-e stainl i n I'ifty-ei'jhl h'.iiUdins, dwellings and stores, bi sith's barns, Ac, were destroyed, the the sweeping five, acres ch ar. A i n : 1 1 1 the heaviest losers arc .las. Kulhci lord, hardware, entire stock and l.uiid'mi', bus -i,iNI) ; IVtl'iilcllin lion'!, ftll'lltUio and laulilne;, clO.'.MKI ; 11. L, neuter, v'l'o cuies, st.u k partly nvi'd cl.o) ); Owen (.Jallhi'v, liqu ii's, ti),U.).i. Til 0 entire lost is estimated at ??1 V.i.Uil'.i. Now llaiiipstliii-o 1 lci-tioii. Concop.I), March H. Tlie eleclion In the State of -New Hampshire lor t Invcrnor, i Kailroad C'utiimissioiin', three Cnnyivi'M- ! men, timl 111 etnln n el' tho l.eois;iture, look '. i place to-il.iy. 1 lie liepunuc.tns i-uppurteil 1 .l.nin-s 1'ikc and tlio 1), ni icrals J. lines II. istiui lor (..uvernor. I p tu 0 o clock p. 111. the election returns nlmw lartze ltcino eratio :ain-, niul the election of Weston is possible it' not probable. Hell, Democrat, is elected to I 'ouun in the -Jd dislrict. Manehester oives 1'ike, l.GTO : mid Wes- I Ion. 1,7(1.1 ; a.'iiu-t last year, snarns, liep., i 1 .Wl ; Ti del, Dem., '.HHI, nud l'lint III. 1 Manchester fiives Sievens, Kep., for I'tii- t-'l'efcs 1,-iIj.i, UIUI Hell, lllll.. l.i'.il. I nflV 1 iiht l unci hi ard IVtun lout up. Pike, 7,- ..'I; W isiou. S.uOl; I'ooper, J.abt r IMurm, lO'A Til K tobacconist of I 'uba have formed a hoeii ly for the protection of their ititi rests, Mu-HlV litis opened a bank lit WaiTi-ll-tou, 'a., but not in the way he used to open banks in Jm war. Till-: Xi v Oilcans ice Iin ti ry inns -in nmi biiies, each costins' Jr-.''.i.lii in ynlil, and tin is ! tin 11 tons of ice diily. 'llio Kater Is pimipi d litiiu the Mississippi, pun- lii tl, Ulltl lloi 11 iato blinks lltlt. 1- llii In h I Lit I, uud trtilvo by twi nly-four iiii!i'.i:i an a. toll I IIC IMI'KH . Tritiuli' ol' ltrM't-i. , Vlil liKs, Our Divine Master, iu bit i 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ii w 1 si It on and un I -I lilm -! Pl" i.b lice ( li lib li un. led lit. 111 i. iir mill, t out' V ui lby i bit'ibti, Win. M. S'tsbit, niul ! Will III is, Ily 111., nlliliillio ili'l'tlisa- , Hull, I.'l,,'.' No. . I I. Ol I I. P., I. .It lost 'it Mtnlli) .iii'l ctii-itU ol on 111I1 r, ni,. bis ib liiiki- I1.1 1 11 void IU our iiiitlsl ll. it iiiosi 1 i r it,iu,ii Gt th iti no' in. un ies, j III It I' It , I" ll I 1 ' - .!. ', l iii tint o, mil yitii.iiit.ii j 1 ol an All.iu.i l'l ., cb ic e, w e l.t.w ut l.tnii-1 bin tlll'lltlt "II Im tie 1 1 Oil 111 W lo j aie'l llio ittiit k ol loe ti ii I it inn, mi l w bo I1.1t a 1 kiitidt lily I ikt 11 ttu.iy ln'i.i lit our l It.yi t In .llii 1, .' "'. i.l, ' uu It 111I1 r lo ll't! I'ainii) I I 1 III it' t 1 .IN ll III l'l III ' I'll I' t.ll'l IV I) uip.i - 1 lb) to tin 11' bt nan On lit, and would I 4 . i . I tin ill In 1 1 lilt rtb.l lb 1 bill i llllif i.ilil.u He. Liol i tho widtiM, uud tin. I .iiiu 1 ol 1 iie li.ilit ! u. L't, H tl lb. il'tilef i t lht I ' il 4 o Is til IjS d ll, it.t. t t,,, ; It 1 ib, .pat v 1. 1 lion; i. . , i'1.40 I.t II 11 .11. t 1 in I it'll. 1 1 I M ill 1 It . u ti-.l b4tlau il itt'iii' 01 ' I'll ii.iny (K'i 414 I k i.'t '.'tl, '1 1. ,1 11., . I'D, .lulu ui uu lot lil.lttll ' plllU4tl ll, illl'l I 4 I' I I U. I'll tt nit 4 I lls ol ou; ib it in 1 1 i'i V li , .li oil I lol tliU'i i il , I. 4 II ll Cl. Ik P 1 1 M I M "... (Pohllehtd by request.) From the nttsbnrg Commerclnl of Mnr. 10, 71. THK HON. ltr,.J. l'ATTOX. TcfttlittniHT by the lltliburgh Bar CorrofepoiMleucc. rirrsnuKon, Miirch 8, 1871. Urn. S. ration I Dt.ah Bin i Tho rnidcrnlnod, member? of the Bench nud Bur of Pittsburgh, cutiuct nllow the necHsinn of your visit to our city to pnss without pxpiTsslntf the pleasure vrMeh It nflbrdu ns. Many of ut wens nt tho Bar, when you were on I lie ltench ns 1'fesUlent Judge of this District. Wc recull tho fnet Hint, although when you look your sent, now a third of a century ni0, you were the youujrcst uinu who ever occupied a Ju dicial position lu this State, you soon surmount ca any dillk-ultles arising from luexperlcncc, nnd that, on retiring from the Hench, you carried Willi you an unturuUhed reputation nud the re spect of tho whole community, who remember you ns onn who had ably viudieatcd the supre macy of thu laws nud maintained the cause of law and order. All our remluisrcnoe, personnl, social nnd pro fessional, of your term of judicial service m e of tho most ngreonble character. Tho urbnuitv of your manner, especially to those of us who were then juniors ut the Hnr, your Impartiality nud ability in tho discharge of your judicial duties. and the iitucncc of nny uttcmpt to pervert tho powers of your oQlee to paitizau or uellisU pur poses whiuh characterized your Judiciul career among us, and which served to render so agree able the social Intercourse between the members of the UeiK'h ami liar, ure known nnd remember ed w ith pleasure by us nil. Wc shall be moot happy to m cot you in nny so cial way that would be most ngrecuble to your self, in order that we may have, tin opportunity of testifying in person the respect nnd friendly regard which we Imvo never ceused to cutertniu for you. Yours, very lncc.rcly. M Hamilton, JauiM P Sterrctt, K 11 toilier. Kdwin 11 ISloWO, Jas Veeeh, Andrew hurke, J. P Penny, John M Kennedy, W V Augjiibaug'l,, J K P Dull', A 11 Miller, V U M Smith, J Ludwig Kocthen, K A Montoolh, David Reed, Hill Huruwin, John II Large, Khoj J Keenaii, 8 H 'Geyer, ilno 11 ilamptou, John Dalzell, (ieorge hhiras, Jr., M W Aeheson, Win L t'hallant, 8 Scuoyer, Jr., Robert Arthurs, James A Lowrie, W S Miller, M A Woodward, Jno Mellon, W rt Purvlanee, Ale.vM WnUon, David 11 Veeeh, Thos C Jack, II. P. Mueller, D T Watson, John II Itailley, C'hiis Magee, W K Jennings, K J Power, John (,'ovle, N W trailer, A , Pearson, H 1. McCullough, Joel 8 Higham, A Mcltride, H llrady Wilkin,' Joseph S Morrison, A P Morrison, Robert MrKnlglU, U L IS Feltcrman. lohu M Kiikpatriek, Thomas Mellon, Robert Hubb, Thos M Marshall, Samual A l'urviunce, David W Hell, II 11 t'annihan, A M Hronn, V W Hobb, Jacob 11 Miller, SU-phcu Woods, Jr., K T Oissidv, W l Moore, I' .S Fetterman, (i W Decamp, Uaird Patterson, K P Jouo-t, N P Fetterman, John N MeC'lowry, Alfred Kerr, William Hcardon, 11 11 McC'oninck, C V Tnvlor, II 1) (iainlile, . Ames Mcliregur, S f MetuudlesK, J K Kerr, J- '''l,,crso" s w H.Jn"' nan, Archibald lilakeley, A M StotliT, W C Moi-flaud. j Thos 11 Kerr, J W Me'.lowell. ; John l!a;ton. Gilbert M MeMaMers, John S Ferguson. J i Scihciitclt, li M Gibson, A W Weir, W Bakowoll, J 71 I'.aldwin, 1, P Stone, John A Wilson, Win. Owens, Jr.. A 8 Hell, Wm. H. Negley, John J Mileliel, PlTTlll'Hlill, M.VltCH 8, 1S71. 7"" f.'iiif.'tvi'.i 'f th lirnch unl Iiur of J'ilts- 1 have received with peculiar pleasure your very kind aud partial Idler. Nothing could be ) mure gratiiying lu bcuurcu by so I competent and dUtinguisted nbody ul gentlemen ! as the Urneu and liar ol I'Utsbuigh, Hint there 1 ve re matters connected w ith my humble judicial j career worthy of being held in friendly icinein- i '- " s p.c.saui ltlli:g was UUU4. in 4 , tuu niiii,:m,ik j ,'i I ilie laws it ti J tlu cause of public virtue luid or. d r, and th il Uuiv was nothing done lit a spirit of t art z.mship er sellislmess. Permit me to a hi one fact, to which I recur 'with borne degree ol pride, that in all the leu yours 1 was on the b.'i.i-ti there mitu not live cases in which the I 'rv diiUrctl from the rouit. 1 11 one ot these vx- c i.; eual cases the meat abililv and l oweiliil i-als of Judire Shaler nud Mr. Hamilton to t In- jury overpowered ilia logic of the court. Hut the court had its own wav iu the cud. And I think our friend. Judge Hamilton, would, now j thai the case has lung since been disposed of, j and thai new ligli'. has been thrown upon it, ad mit t I1.1t tin couit was right. . I When 1 came to PilUburgh, nt the age of t .vciity-lw-i), with a commission fiom General 1 J.u'koi'ti as district Attorney of the United Stales, ! when I thought ot my own inoperirnce, when I ' saw ariiiuid me such lueu as' James lios, Wil 1 kins, Shaier, Foiwurj, I'iddlu, !, Hurke, 1 Meieait and otheii, t lei! appalled ut the position ; 1 was 1 mane 111, an t utmost eiirauK iimiii Hie jierior- t,i mv duties, lint their kindness ' and eiicouiai-iiienl .".i int-pired me with eotill- 1 i deuce ; mil while .1 was still a mere yoiilh, their 1 im..r iiitr.loii 1IU&I..1- l litis trestiassin ou vou : but i I . 'f ,, ' ,.,.,:, ,, . . ,.. "..I LI I.I...H ,.' I III., till I I It. IM.1,1'11- 1 111 bean is tilled with irralitude hen 1 think ofthu i:,..i,.. ....- .i ti. i.a,,!,,,,..!, tuncli and 11. ir. While I reirret that the fchortnesii of my Slav I.erewtll prevent me from neceplinu your kind nvilalion. nothing' can prevent me from elieiish- invitation, nothing can preveul 1 in' It as one of the most valuable le-tiiuoul.ils 1 in? lite, uud M nucu handine; it down to my children. 1 am, very respectfully, your friend, Hi:nj. Pattun. JIDGh l'ATTO.V. The memoi rs of the PiU-buri;h bar have nn- ' ploii d thu occasion of u nvtMit visit of J.i.lne I'.tltou to this city to tender lilm a testimonial ol the ct initit ion and respect iu M hit li bis ch.u rtier I as a ,lii ltt and u mail are ulill held bv them, ' ' ii.orw Hum incut v one year, atl -r lilt r. iln n nl ! l:'oia the Presi h ncv of the Court of Common i of tlii ttmi ty. The kind Ut.nls nf tin' ! liii'llll.t Is ol the t. 11, ttMidel'id llllt r lite lapse of 1 nearly utpiailer of a century, cany with ihciu ; so'ld evidence "I .-ii.l and s.'ui nl un 1 ll In Jit le P. it 1 .111, u 1, 1. li ale will Ut tu' imj of in ; I iiitiou, i 1 llii'te d.!) In wtiieli tl.d H. of' ! Julii l il puiity and .itiU'O't!' in New Vmk . , 1 ::, is tn iii'4 t.i i; y V10 rej.iie.-, i t. 1, In bei.iij able In t.iy, lluil lit! I'tiiii.i'll.iiii i I'lliiiov hut .1I1..I1 .1 111 lie, if any, of il. jtitt . t i. ii.. lo ll.e I...I1 i l. .i.ul r for iinsiilllt'd puiity, 1 h o 1, in.; and atuiil) w lilch dlallliuitlii 1 our r.ti- I j Un j ' 't ic lr, tin il t il'. it d Itl Judex I'.ill.'U l u It iii'ii.ib'c in tin nieiiii.rrt ol I lie bur mi it uiu-t , j be tiiult-ltil U Ute !i.t lint of I Im recipient. l'r .111 the l'.ltbui''i I'oii.of M .1.I1 11, 171.1 I ji iuii: I'AiTiis". I In oar Imi. of ii-iii iii.i.v pubUiliul Ike inr- I j let poll. it 1,1c bitten lit meilll.t 1 1 of I he llfloll nn. I p tr nl Hut i.D an t Juds'ti I'.tltou, loiiuirly ; ol l'ie 11. Ite'.l he ..', but .tl pli.i iil lu N ol I huillbi l . I I .n I t'iniily. Il.t lill'tllu paid In Judbtt l'4Us0 ; ; .. Mt .l O' ' l.iwi l, ki d 4iki thai lit 1 111 tut it 1 1 y ,1 .in... tu u.a l i 1 . 14I 1. ts.utiblu uud tl... ; ttiikttiaht'l jfoLoi.t iu lltlt illy, cnuitii uiimj : I pi,l. i' lib- n l,t 11 be ...! nam ),.illll, but du ; ! 1, 1.. 1 l-l.i d l.oi... .1 l y lot r tl, lili.i't ti'ld It iullly in wftl ) I ui 11.04 In t.a-l' lit) .. l'4.1cil v 1 1. N' 'nlh K it l.t .. I) kii'ii li kll iiittnik no U. 1.1 .1 lo il'V lo in kI ll.ik iW Ui.ui, "i I utl, tks , mid !" l"f k 4. i"., liol't, A--., Ul 11.41 II I It lll'lt I lt4 If li'4 ttllltd li) 11,4 .' l' . I ILlt ll, (St. I, Ikt ) 4)lilb.Jtt 111 II 4 4,4 lil l'l f 1 I Si olio tl I 4' SVI J . .'Ul t I K'41 JiltiUli likily. Mil li li, 11.1 fclukWUulilt.1 Mtcllut. N 1 1 II I I nt it" k'""-, l'"tl kk tlrelloll l l utlltl .til Iki I "it Alla,U l ' Kill !' 411 .11 ll ll II.Ul".'!, 14 I.l U l-i 4 'I IU' II I ".'HI 4.14 1 1. to I .) 41 cm .,4, Mii'V ,1. I kl I, l'l 4' 1 14 l'l I '.1 li... I i ).-! Ill H . 4.U. ol. 14 t'4 . 1 ' tGl I " Dllt'4'4 I I bt'liUUtl ll. Oakery and Confectionery , In tho nrw building adjoining tho Tost Olleo, opposite the Dopot, S Vn Bt'KY, 1 K SUM, Just opene la Inrgo assortment of nil kinds of CONFECTION ARIES 6f every description. FRESH BREAD & CAKES every morning. Fanr.l'us will be supplied dally (Sundays cxcptrtcrV with nil Kiuds of BREAD, TWIST-, ttl'rtK., TEA DUNS, &c., nud also kept ou hand nnd manufactured out of the best brands of Flour. All kinds of Fancy Cakes not surpassed by nny city bnkcriu Constant ly on lianu anil mnnuiacuircu to oruer for Balls, Evening parties, Families and others nt the shortest notice. All orders left nt tho Storo opposite t he Depot, or ut his Bakery, ou Spruce Street between Frout and Second, will meet with prompt attention. Thankful for past patronage, 1 hope by strict attention to business, nud fuiuishiuj; the best, to continue the same. DAVID FRY. March 18th, 1871. SPItlXU FASHIONS MOW 11EAIV. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer nnd lcsliior of Fashions. The old established and only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak mak ing Emporium. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale nnd Retail. Fans, Qlovcs, Ribbon." nnd Sashes, I.aecs, Em broideries, Jet, Uill, nnd Pearl Jvwelry. Evening dresses nnd suits, made lu the most fashionable style nt short notice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. N. H. Orders by mail, promptly attended to. Feb. Jo, 1371. tim. Fo"rS A L E ! I, EIGHTY neres of improved land In the best jj section of Soulhei u Michigan, within live inllrs of the town of "Three Rivers," in St. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad Station, good buildings, out houses, large or chard, soil, rich Bandy loam, school houses nnd chtireha within sight title indisputable, ten acres are in wheat, the remainder in clover sod. A span of horses, cattle, hogs, grain and farming -utensils, Ac, will be sold with this property. Price S70 per acre, f 3,000 in cash, the balance iu time pavinetits of 500. Apply lo WM. A. MASSFR. Three Rivers, .Mich, or. H. It., Sunbary, P enn'a. Stiiibtiry, March 11, 1871. l)CNOllltlOll. rrMIE partnership heretofore existing between A. ri. 11. Rojer and W. J. Wolverlon, In the practice of law, has been this day, (March 1Mb, Dv?l,) di-isolvcd bv mutual convnt. S. It. HOY Eli, YV. J. WUI.VKRTON. Sunburv, March 11, ll'.TI. Sunbury Cattle Endurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FuH THE YEAR ENDlNfj JANUARY' 1st, 1S71. Number of Policies, "il'i. Amount of Properly Insure I, f.VJ.l'iri.tiO Amount of Premium Notes in force, f :4,'J1 J,Ull CA.S1 ASSETS. Amount loaned ut interest. Amount In Ticn-urer's hands, Amount due from Agents, Amount due (rum erfber touree., Auilai-le t'npilal, fustnro jour t'nttle i'ioO ', tT-ti 00 ;i'.i -ij'.l 'jS TNSUilE with a respousible tuul perfectly re 1 liiihl I 'tinmimv. insure where volM looses will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM- PANY. Hence, unlike oilier l omp inies, you are sure of buiiiii paid promptly for all looses, if insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANT E AV THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Heiiitf mutual, our expenses are less, nud ,'.ur ' Chaiter isP i of uecideut- pi c pay losses by all kind -bv death, ( eXeci'tint; .eases of eui Jemii . ) ly thcli, .e.. e. U c pay promiit- j ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money in case of loss. .'irlj 3,UUU iuil ou C onm 11I0110 niiivp 4trg;aiii.iilioii. Look fit the list of Losses paid oil Cows alone by this Company. M llenn'meer, Suutmry, Pa D Ililgert, Northuuibcrlaud George Eekerl, " S H D.idge, " Charles lio'.U k, Ml Carmel $:;:.(o . .0,tKI I 40.IKI :;o,no ! ;'.o,tni 40,(1(1 : ,..'. -ui,co ; ; ;;;:,:i:i rn.(Mi j Ikl.tlll : 40,00 ' :;o,tm ' .',0,00 I ."lll.HO 40,00 : to.mi , li.OO 10,lH) I Esubcus Sipple ' ,' , , ' vcoiue iimr, .oi 1 uaiiioe. :unn Jacob Snv.ler. Suiibui v. J YV H.iss'l. r, " ' Minor Only. Dewnit ' I ':,! ll-ll'UI, . " Mart, Sliamokiu . 1 Francis Hiuher, Sunbury.... I IJauiuel II Price, lpper l.cli ! Joseph Di ppc.n. Ml Carmel . Matthias Seliolly, Francis .Vlil.'sKty, I 1 ramis -uu "'I. Varla Kiau.t r, .i, u.... : l.l,v!'. ' r'r.!,,;H''1,! f ' J A R C IJui'.'ule, Pine, 1 iinlon in. .40,(10 : RRamaue, Shenandoah, Schu;;ll.ill co .... l.l,(KI 40.IKI 4.YOO .1 H I I, ,1. 0 s.l,:im,,l. in j Tliomiis U'ardropK, Mt l.armel N A L' nslMj.'i r, Hi radon 40,1 0 , Rachel Cntiner, Fi-hcr's Fen v 40 00 G I. Reaifan, SlielKimlo.ili, Sihuylkiil 10 .V.l.isi i.ieoti Mime, 40.O.I Jaettb Stollz, . 4". 00 ..ll'i.oo .40,00 ..40.IHI ; ..:io,uo 1 ...mi, mi 1 ..40,00 ..40,IKI . .4U,oo ,.40,00 ..40, INI .. I'l.OO . 40,IKI ..40,00 . .11,00 ...lO.IHI I.l I I . l'l, CO . 411,00 ...'7,00 . l.O.IHI ' ..'M,00 1 11 1 ll,.w, r, llerudoii, Geo II l.ahr, t cor uvu 11 . John II licsinan, Minbuiy W II Wallace, Ntirtliuuibeilautl 11 t Graham, " Ri'lti cci Koli'.e, Georijt'tiiw 11 Philip W uiiei'sii-in, . Usui, ton 11 G H Low, Lime lii.le;e, I 0I11111I1: 1 10 Lewi. I Islei liiiul. I.aiiit'l Run, l.luerntiio Mary J lime, N01 1 IiuiiiIk 1 land 11 K Krobn, ruubiiry Audit w llealy, Gir.ii'dsvllle, Scliui Ikill co Pull it k riu,;i .in, Ml Carmel '. Marlia lielaue), Miinaiidtiali 1 ily John ll.ui", A-lilaiid, S. 'mi Ikill 10 Anthony Ut I uubliii, ille l.l.'l) lliall ti Ut), tllll'.Olo) i l.o.i it Johnson, Raien liau D.tvi t Haiieliii, Hi 1 ui. k J D I'tit hl. t'oltsiillc l.i . tst in. bitl.t r, Point I vt j . A Lii'is'iieial, iV'.itsot'liiwii l'l, 00 I M m. 1 hi.tiin r,W tUoi''li,.l lo.' 1 .1 laM 4.1111, in, 00 J I' 1 Ipt" ut nil, W.ilMinlnw 11 40,00 li Viiimei 111.01, bni.leiuiwii .'.'oati S. ill, 111 IH0.4, Html, li, Ciilntubl.i rti '.'7,iHI j J tl I R l.iiiiiie.l'liie Sla'll I Union e ','d loss, to, 00 Ih.ulti W H.01 n l, It 11 pi it, Ciiliiiiilii.i in . lo.uo John r'oli iiMii, W .tlsiiiil.itui .ou Pal.ii k lli-l.r, Ml .Uinel 4.m 'I M. li, .i,oo ll Met lo.Ul, Pink ll.lf ll LU.UO lidS, A. JdUUAV, I'l.tlititl. I . A. lit IMl.SfcS 1 Dl R, Se.'), s..i.b o ' Dllil l 1 1'l.s 1 1 Ir 1 I. i.e. .Inn. 4 poll,., k, II 11. I . J. I iiintr, t- I'oliioa Mi dl, Will. Ill t It tl . N.U'intll Mope, John A. hie. lit, lt Ir 'I. kiib., lu I'.tiil W .11. yi..;.it ii, un.- tv. i PRICES REDUCED. iiou ik iV aii Itii4. lo 01 1. 1 41 I.UP VTI.V Itl DPI I D PUH l ' Jt)M It II I I It, tirMr fcifttti kuMlturii I'i'Hu'h. l ..... 11,11) 41. IU4I.0 lUIU. j Doots, 8hoca Cnltera, I lttl ll'lttt ) l4 4 plltft. ll'ttl'.tU I.....IU it Itt III j till lu It. .' k tl. l I "l.k t 4 I 4 l l .. III 1 'It' Ll" llll 1. 4 41 vt p ' 11441 m It , l'l ,l..t (.t I I im t mtt 4 ...ti -I k ( t,,i It) tl.4 i.( Ml 4t.t. It' I 4 1 . 4 '.l M 4.4 tili.l.l II KM .i I MM lit t tUM. I lt I u 14V ( .I.O. kl" " 'l I ' '. GS il,X I fc 1st I ,11 Mill. I !'! tttbcrtUcmtnls. DANIEL LE8HER. A. J. MILLER EXTItA GOOD BARGAINS Just opened nt the store of Messrs. LEIIER & MILLER, In Scott's Building on QUEEN STREET, NORTHUMBERLAND, VENN'A, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF IUY OOUUS, Comprising nil tho Fall nnd Winter Stvlcs of Lndles' Dress Goods, Woolen Goods &c., Cloths, Casimeics nr.d Gentlemcus' Goods geuerully. which will nil be sold nt great bargains. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. of nil kinds nnd of every description. (tnccnMwurc, ilnsmnrc and Wil low Ware. HOOTS AND SHOES far Men, Women nnd Children. FLOCK AND FEED of nil kinds, Is constuutly kept on haftd. They will nlso purehaso GRAIN 0 ALL KINDS, nt the highest market 'frf.'e, nnd will exchangi goods fur vJraln. The public nrc invited to rail nud examine our extensive assortment of Goorto t-efore purchasiu elsewhere, and become convinrcd hat Goods can be bought lower than elsewhere nt onr establish ment. LESHEH MILLER. North'd, Sept. 17, l?0.-ly. 1871. I87L FRYLIN&, BOWEN & ENGEL, tSticcessors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAYING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw 6c Planing Mill, and just lilted it up with the latest improved Ma chinerv, arc now prepared to till nil orders lor all kinds of HILL Tl.MHI'.K. PINE, HEMLOCK. OAK. ie. HOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK. WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS. m.IMM, Slit 11 1. KS A IIKAt KF.TN nt the very lowest prices. A large stock nlivuys ! on hand. Scud lor prices. I Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canal, l'RYI.ING, HOWES i ENGEL. j Sunbary. Pa., February ISth, 1S71. bin. j riti i:s i:i:in r.i J AT TUB ; Mammoth Boot & Shoe Slorc or i mii.e.i:i:, ' In C. H. Smith's Room, Queen Street, one duo , East of the Port Olliee, ! NORTHUMBERLAND, P ENN'A. For Elmir.t Hoots, pit to Eli Miller's Hoot and I Shoe Store. Tliev are sold, Hcst Calf at ?ll. For French Calf Hunts, e;o to Eli Miller's, only S'.l to ?11 per pair. For Hoots, S!o"S and Gaiters, at Invert I'os-i-ble prices, go to Eli Miller's, ou Queen Street. For all kinds of Gum Hoots and Shoes, tall at Eli Miller's. i For Ladle' Gum Overshoes, see line assort-f-liOCO," 1 : Wilt nt Eli Milie'-s. tluuoioo a" IsV.'1' ot' Oaldrcu's Shoes, iro aud ex- ; amaic. r a .iiiie. d inrce assoitiaeiu. a Hi. lie rltl an,(ii;.w .11 ine oina ana midi' ime, can ' ''tain'me Miller's stock befoie pttrchasini; ' clsrwlicre if you wish to get lirst-elass, at thd IU'M J 'I II ' l. an. 7, il-bc)). ;, .o.-ly. ! ' I MOW l lliJl. ' ISyt'rlj' A Ilcninerly'si ICscolstf or iJ- lrrj ol' Art, 'I'litrd Mri'fl, Siniuin j, I'll. MR. l'.YF.IM.Y has lately added lo his already , , . well established reputation, the si rvices of Mr. M. I!. 1 Ii-aipei 1 v wliote reputation as a 1 ti . 1 tivraphic operator, stamls unrivaled in this pari t-l the country, and Peri-after they will cany nn the phuioiaphk- trade, nl the old stand under the li I'll) uame of Itierly is; lleuiperlyV Excelsior Gallery ol Art, nl whose establishment the pub. lie will be cheerfully lueunimodated throughout tlie l:o',e line of l'li"t"e'in.hy. l'or Photographs of allt!es an p;7?o ranj; lni; from tlie sin. ill Gem to the lift: size port nut. (in to HycrlytV- llempeily. Kor the beautiful porcelain picture which f..r softness ol' linisU, I'tid durability cannot be ex celled, e:o to liycjiy i'i. llempeily. i'vr llie Rei.itii'au-.H pholo'rapli. now ,o pojui lar in all 010 larire cities, ,-,nd sliowlrij; the pciti liar c'Jeec of liijlil unit slia.le, ainl tlie favorite of tin.' old German Artist Rembrandt, (,'0 to l'ycrlv iV Hem per'.y. If you have an old picture you want coj i' 1 and enlarged to any size, ami colored oil, wni.'i color, India ink or i-ravuii, take it to Htieil) &. llemperly. It you want a frame of any siz.' and at nny pi ice, or any nylc co ) Hycriy .V 1 It niiperl) '.-, anil take a look a', t lieir imniuiisu sloek in that line. l'or .'.'.bums no t Hyt'ily A Hcmpcrly. l'or stjiiure Kiames made to order K" to Hyiriy 4t lletiipcrly, lu short, for miythin in the pimto L'raphie line, yo to ltyerly iV ilempcrly, and nu will lie mile. I. Ki ll, '.'.'i, ls7l. To the Community at Large! t HANGK AT T1IK "REGULATOR." I have this day purchased the entire stock, Pod will and llMiucs of the lietrul lt..o'. Mine, Trunk, Leather and l-'indim: Mori', of .1. s. Auijle, and will continue the business .,t its p., tent liK'iition, rumor room, H uipl'ii Iron l ion', M ARKKT SrpKl'.T, Sl'N'l'l'ltV, l'A. W hell Unviuu c.slalilished arran'eiu. 1,1 s win I In- lending iii.inul.utilit i.t of the iti.oili.., 1 pn post kUplylui; llie market Willi a cla-s m wm.. iifislnbiithed itput.ilioii fur durabiliiy an. I Unit.!., ill pi. ei" that 111 iml claim popularity. A s . ci.tlty will be made Iu the fui'iii-luiirf el feln.e m.ikcrt inali rial, tin 111.01111. 11 luring. u:ir p.illeliili;e it tuilciltd. N. p.'M'.R. hmibiny, Jan. Ul, 1ST1. r.U.i. it.M. V i. l pit Mll.l.lNKKV I.Htlll'H IllllllXtltt 4t4tal UU,. AMI KisiiiuMui r Mil 1 1 s. 1 k 1 liavu jiol lueu opt nud at Goo l.t, (.1 vi uu it, mis I.. vi:is.i:us stouk, Malkil btlet l, one duor . -t of ln'ni b.u I't con It-t'tlollt 1 V sltilt', MMIl'KV, PA The tl tl l let of lb, . 1 uiiiiiinus, ( it in ti .ill, I A Il.t I Ir, HI 1'biKil.., I4.1t, ltd. I. oli. Si S listpt, I l.i,'iii.!t, I't II. in, I nil-, Joiuiii, ui"l 4 hi,'i' iirittv nl itl lit r .t 1 l.t It . lu 1 oiti.t . 1 1.11 11 .1 Ii 11 1 M. Iiinii) biisiuto, tl.'. DUPn" 'm A ll Vii AND I'llllVG. iii ill! It, bi.ti, I.. A I -o 1 !,,. I I "l'l I Nli UP P VI II l,Vs ol' iteii .1. ti 11.,;. 1 . I in- ! . I., s of ,tii) mt in .1 lu -tk. r-.. 1i.11. t.l .ti a ii..,i t t 4 tu I.. I...' ,. i .b I MKW llltCX IIUV 8 POll K OPPNPD1 l i.O.l Mit. I, l, II .1. I 1 J'" ' ! " H" M MH IIV, PPNN'.V. Al. 41. lilt' IttM tl". k I til. kll. llll Gl'i.l II, ' ."I ' 4 1. ' I . Ill t, I...., I . t4ti. MtUUltll'lk. ill I I. (It i 4 1 1 I tl -It. 1.1 .. k, , 1 1 t 1 CO is II 't.l ti )l't t.l ... I l., . I t I t.l". I tl. C I l l. H .it IL I' ,11. ,U lu 4. ,4 l-l ,1.1,. i I It ! I'll SHU i . " . II , 1 , y 1 1 1 1 1 1 I- .1 1 1 i.l ill)