Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 11, 1871, Image 3

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SUNBUHY, MARCI! 11, 1870.
ltnilroad Time Tft1Ici.
BulTiIo Kx. l'v S:S m Trie Mnll Pvn 4:f.S m
V.rin " 10:30 mil'.lmlr " " 4:35 p m
Mull " H:lpm;F.rie 10x " (1:40 pm
Krle Mull, " lirtSnml
Emigrant Train Went arrive. M 11:00 . m.
burthury t H:M In At Sunlmry -M m
' 4:)iin: " 4:00pm
mty.l'.s. hm etohTitiiies-barre r. r.
lmv Sunbtir.v ftiM A. M I .1:80 : ! M.
Jrrnv n .Sunftnrv 1l::i0 A. M., : mil ll:0o P. M,
Iran Ponciir i0:4S A. M. :U0 mid 10 P. M.
trritw at PanWHr :10 A. M.. 4-40 nnd 7:46 P. M.
(ir.o. V. Kowem. Co., 40 Park How, N. Y.,
fl. M. l'ETTLSoii.t. fc Co., 87 Tiuk Row, N. T.,
V. W. Sn.rr. Co., Tribune ttuildinirs. N. T.,
lire the boIc apcnt. for this puper In t hut city.
fecal tfitirs.
Tut OHOVEU .t HAKF.Ii nnd the SINGF.K
SEWING MACHINES arc ncknowlrdired su
perior to any other now ninnufuclurod. Mis
C. Dul'mf, Market Mrcct. this plncc. Is the spent
for the Bale of them In thin iiiul adjoining coun
ties. Instructions in ppw ine (riven free of charge
to all purchasers. A lot always on hand. Call
lid examine them.
X. F. Milliner's Regulator. Boots, Shoes,
Trunk, Leather Mil Shoe Findings.
IIkv. D. II. Clark will deliver the third lecture
in the coarse upon I.ilier.'il Christianity, In the
Unitarian church, Xoithnniljcrland, Sunday
evenini;, March 12th. Suliject : "The. Liberal
Christian View of ClirK."
LRCTrnr. Tii'ire will he a lecture in the Court
House on Sunday, 12th Inst., afternoon and even
ing, hy Mrs. Steai n, the eclehrated trance speak
er, nt 2'i and T'J o'clock P. M.. As usual the
sahject of the lecture will be selei-te 1 hy a cora
inittes c'iojcu hy tie!"..oe. Diminutions of
character after lecture.
To Orn 9rn""utiv::ii.s. As a nmntr of our
i ahscrilvrs arc f-h:iinrin their residence, to iu
mir the delivery of tli-Jr paper-, they will .WIrc
us hy leavlni notice : t this nfiiee. Our suliscritiers
rc-idin'j 1:; the couatry will please stute to Mini
pi)-tiillic'j the p iper l. now unlit, nnd the pos.t
o'.llca to which tin y de-ire it hcrc.iftcr sent.
Orit frienrl OHh-rion of Philadelphia treated
lis to a sample ot Bundiou' Patent l'ulisli. II
li n p-vrfact le.ilher pro'.'i vatlo'l. Evjry f.miily
ouylit to have it.
Messu-. '.1 veil on .t I', h.iu p ircliised
th'j S'inhnry Piuvpii it Mill, aal have prncurcd
the scrvle.'s of Mr. lliid''V.'an as liiuiiufacturer.
Th 1'iten l to 111.1tn1l.1ct ire none tli? pure.-.!
and liclie-t.
An elderly ir-utl'irtiu in st.'pp'"-o:r the cus
ut 'VYat'oiitowp, on Thursluv evening la.-i, fell
across the couplin!; aa d had lii'lcj badly enidicd.
Mil. M. A. Xice'.y. of IVwart. hid his hand
hcriously barnal on Thursday of last week In i:n
dc ivorini to v.u:n linked o'.l. lie h is an Insur
ance policy which e ni'.l'S hhn to ?." a week.
arfiEMVisnas1 materials t ir m innfac
the Regulator.
uring, at
Diss'iu. tiun. In another column w ill he found
t lie dissolution of partnership between S. li. Buy
er and W. J. Wiilveilon,. Esrs. Mr. Rover will
remain in the old ollice, while Mr. Wiilveilon
will re ivive to an o!H;i; in another pirt of the
same building.
Sfici:ii:. Miss L. F. I'age'.y ofjShamolilii town
ship, this conn' y, and well known in this place,
committed suicide by drowning herself in a pond
of water, on Thursday evening of last W'ek. at
Hloonilleld, Perry county, Pa., where she lias
lately been unending the ac.i.l-iiT. She was
highly rc-p- etc 1 by all who knew her. No cause
is assigned for ile net of self-dent ruction.
Xi'Mr.uuiS'i Hot s'.. We perceive that a num
ber of houses on Market street have been num
bered. The numbers arc entirety too small, nnd
b esid 'i hei ng unauthorized by any ordinance, can
tu of no praelie il value, luas-ivich as many will
refuse to accept the numbers designate! by a
stranger, and an unaiithorize I person.
Vinr.. On Monday evening last, about b o'clock
the oil house of the N. (',. It. V". Co., at the lower
part of this horoiigli was discovered to be on lire,
when an alarm wis given. The new steamer
was soon brought into scrviee and worked ud
liiir.iM". Th tire had got too uiaih under head
way before the lire company reaehi 1 the place 4c
save the building, uii.l the in, use t .iretlror with
live barrels of oil and a lot M" waste were entirily
i'i.,:-u::n !. The stea'i:er done good terviee in
l.eepin:; t lit- li:e -c.) pie-.i (I !o prevent itsf pread
ingto ini '.hlioiing !eii:.liiies. Tl.c liie is sup
'ose! io have, o: i;,::i:ilej I'lo'.i a love in the
Tin: fro piet rihoe, a mitehy
foit.tble, at the Regulator. i and coin-
Amiesl'iii. On Wellies, lay cvudng last, a
Mr. Win. St mil, a le.i.leat of Front street, huv
ing linbi!).' 1 tD'i nrieli uf fie during the
day, am i el himself 1 breaking up the furiii
iiireuf hi? b iai'.iinj iiiislre-s. wle n . Hue of the
ne'e, bl'.ii iMiile-ted uu' iin-l il'i.iiu't uniliinlv
oud.iei, i heieii on William alleinpt to deinnl- j
1-lisoiiieof ih lr hea ls uitii stKii'-s, for which i
l.e w.i. pioicplly airesiil by constable l'urscl j
ai. 1 I'i.ii'ed b, hiud the bars of llnul de Heller ou j
Sccieid -I reel.
Ara sp.-eial e'e. ili.a beM at S' lrtLniiilierlan I 1
a Tiies.l .v nf hist ii.i k, t Met Uuigen id !..tu!i I., till tint v.u ancy occasioned by j
I a i, iiiuv il i t t . H. N.u.ih to Mi.iiniikln, A. 11
i.ii, (i.ep.) w.i. uleiiei i.y .1 iii.ij.ii ily, over
Win. II. M'ligau. (llna.J The ii. couneil or- I
una. ! I.y -eirciing Win. II. la Uhnir us their i
l'c 1 1 nl ;
V. Lull
.ul, and M. fa.
i t .
f the graduates
lie, that of our
Wi: le 1.
f.f I lie I, .,
in. -nn.' I la I. an '
I . II Me.lil .ii I
Hull I. ii II I A.
iii.uiv I. i.M. 1 1 ii.'ii
li.. .li.'-.e,
I.I be e'.i
id 11. 1. place, lit.
I l'i lit ir of the f.lel
ii-' 1 t lioliurs. III.
I. .'t i ffl.
- 1. 1 wi.r iul uf.
i n". O.t Ili.elVrs
lint be .1.1 I III . I Hit!. II . I
I'e III;; He i u in d -f I , in.'
ilil'l. eel, itl, .UlUl II it I li I
d .Hi. ii. I pi' j 1 1. lu ii ii .
1 u l.ti.i. Wc e
I ll til. .11. 1., ,1
, U lii.n - ...
,.f : a ,.i.
Al l 11 .I I" I
l the It J..1..I
ll,'l itl.l.ite bill, IIImjII bl. .IJl'C, ...
i.l i.4 i .in .j I. lii j li kouui., and
In... wf . j . ju hi. ins If. M
iW-1, .1 11.1,11,14, lUlll.' I'll!,
I I ... is,, II 1 lit
lu I'.. I 1 n't '. 1
U., 1 1, .ii a ' . li e
li iji. t ili 1 .11.. 1 4m, ,,
1 v ,1., li 1 1 i a I ,.irl, in
III ,1)1
l!.- ..'4 ' I I1'!- I liM' il, I b..vt lltal Slilll
ii. iii i. .1 tifOii, 11.. y 1 1. 1. 1 it i111.i1k.11
I .1 i . .. . I 1.,.. 11.1 .1. 11 !..t u i lui. AuijIUi 1
.1 1. ...1 In ..1 li-k,li, .f C. .11,111 ul In,
I . . I, II. 4 1.1-I 1 !. 1 1. ,1 iu, l.i Hi 11. Mi
ilw.'it.'U -l l .s .'.ili, a 1.. 1 ) 1 )wai.4 U dis i
tl. II I" a I I I' ! ' . I' I, l.fc, Itr ,4 1 Lj
li)j "Il n.t.",l. i. ., .1.4 lU I Kill ) ul
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.1 II 1 "1 t I, I 1
1 1 lal 1 1,1 ) l il)
A 8aS IrsstRAHcB CoMrAitT. Vi'a hud occa
sion to coll at th6 office of tho Guardian Fire nnd
Marin Insurance company, No. 61 Walnut St.,
Philadelphia, durlnp; n late visit to that city,
where we wore shown by tho obliging Secretary
nf the company, Col. Charles M. Ollbe.rson, how
tho large business operations of that company
were transacted. And for tho benefit of many
who hold policies lu this vicinity, we would state
that the books end all papers of their transac
tions were handed to us for Inspection, which
privilege Is granted every policy holder in the
company. Anion;; the policy holders we found the
names of the principal business men on Chestnut
street, nnd many of the othor principal streets In
tho city an evidence that where the company Is
best kuown they are patronized the best, nnd that
business men generally have entire coulldcncc In
their home company. The receipts show that all
losses arc most promptly adjusted, whether ut
home or lu I ho remotest State. Their agents
appear to be of t he most active, and the company
Is destined soon to be one of the leadlni estab
lishments In the Stated Their authorized capital
IsfSOO.noo IHI and the paid up capital Is 1SS,
000 00. The usscts during la-t year were fW..
470 S5, while their liabilities were only $8,800.
Since the first of January their bunincss has fiecn
largely on the increase. During the month of
February, the amount received to date for poli
cies issued amounted to $3,523 SO while there
Were no losses. The olTlecrs are selected from
the best businessmen, nnd arc eentlcmen whonrc
not only obliging but men of wealth who eivc
their whole attention to conducting the affairs of
the company without salary. Wu left tho ollice
fully convinced that It Is not only good policy to
support home Insurance companies, but that the
Guardian Fire nnd Murine Insurance Company
Is a safe nnd well conducted jnstiti'tiou.
BttAMOKtx Items. We copy tho following from
the Shamokiu Herald of this week:
An nt tempt was made on Monday night to wreck
n passenger train on the Shenandoah branch of
the Philadelphia & Heading R. !., ut u point
about midway between Shenandoah and Maha
noy Tlaiie, by placing railroad tie upon the track.
Luckily the obstruction was discovered by the
engineer lu time to enable him to reverse his en
gine nnd avert a catastrophe. -There Is on em
bankment at the point where the ohsl ruction was
placed, of some 30 feet. The would-be murder
ers were not discovered.
XonTlllMlUllll.ANDCofMY Coal T u.iio The
iimouiit of coal khipped from our county fur Feb
ruary Is M,50t t.-iti, iind for I he year 03,01)3. tons.
i This H a gain of l,.'i.V.I tons for the month of this
year, and 11,700 tons for thi season.
Hut little, if any coal Is now being shipped cast,
except some lump and M. !!: t from the Mt.
t.'iiniu.l collieries.
j Nearly all the coal mined is iiotv sent over the
I X. C II. W., but the seareiiy nfc-ur-! and i.ruei ',
: will nliliiTe s.iine of the co'.lierirs to stnp, and the
others to run only a poi liun of lie lime.
! Act inr.M at mi: Minks. .!oh;i Cunningham,
a miner, van severely banicl nbur.t the face nnd i
! hau ls hy un explo-i..n i.f lii'i -dainp in the Daniel
j Weo-.i'. r tlujie, on Friday. He i.-unmarried. A j
j man by tho name of Maguirc, who was Mauding
j near him, was knocked down by the coacuosion,
but escaped Willi a few bruises.
I Roots and Shots for the commun'.ir, at popu
i htr prices, nt tin: Regulator.
Rokcloh Of riT.iis or Mr. Caumcl. The fol
lowing Is a list of the officers of Ml. C.irmc.l bo
lough. A permanent organisation as nll'ccted
on Wednesday evening of last week :
Chief Burgess. Henry T. John.
Council. Win. Sterling, Dr. It. Gulick, Mi
chael Hiukel, Isaac llollistcr, John F. Hcinleh,
David Harris.
Secretary. II. D. Rotliermel.
Street Commissioner. Frank Persing.
Street Committee. Win. Sterling, Dr. II. Gu
iick, Isaac Holllster.
Borough Treasurer. Henry Hile.
On motion adjourned to meet nt the call of the
Chief Burgess to appoint polite ufflfer for en
suing year.
Ji st receive I, n number of popular fronts of
I Ficiilu icalf sklus, nt the Reguliitor.
Accitiknts at hie Miscs. On Friday after
noon of last week, as Juhn Krakoskie, a PolUli
nian employed as a laborer t tuc huek Ridge
Colliery, was nsccmling an inclined vliin inside
the mine, 1-e was met by a train of live loaded
care, and being uuablc to escape, was drawn un
der the wheels and crushed to death, all the curs
but one, which was stopped by bis body, passing
over him. An inquest was held by Ksq. Cald
well, on Saturday, and a vrrdiot rendered exon
erating the Company and their employees from
all blame. Deceased was aged about 40yeiirs.
At ihu Etcclsior Co'liuy ui Mniiday, while en
gaged in liauling dirt, Dennis Flood fell in some
manner in starting oil' Willi a load, lielttiiu the
dump" and the timbers of the sehute, and was
j injured about the breast and body lo such an ex
! tent ns to eausn his denlh within a f'-w liouin.
j lie was aged ubout 40, and h aven a wife nud
I two children. Shtunvlciu Vitui", .Vhvi 2ii.
j 1 am prepared to give liisiiranee to all who wiMi
! their tiusincss done with reliable and prompt
paying coiiij.iiuits. Insurance against Fire and
Lightning by 1.. M. Yoder, Agent, Suiioury, 1'.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Fiyinire, wife of
the late Adam Fryniire, who was killed hi the
ace'.deiit at W.itsontown, ref lived siuh a shoek
to her nervous system from that event, ns to
throw her into a mieccssloii nf s;-asms succeed
ing each other so rapidly, nnd oi'cucii violence us
to cause great fears fur her safely. Ve lc;u
that she U iww much belier. Mrs. I ryiuli.-'i.
ue.ikure of tiillieiion i. ludnd heavy, nud she h.i.
the tyinp.ilU) of all. ' (.... ii,.t.
j Tuk 11 in inixn. In a ivport lately made by
I Col. giiiiptuii, 1'icsiib nl of the H. A !.. It. .,
I that geiitlein.iii say. j "'the grading Is luiw ul
I iiiii.t all ciimpli lid, and niu't of ihc bridge, com
pleted III! I Up. beVClllerll lld till, I. U
fiit of the Fusqui ham. a Kiler linilgu i. up, liav
liiL', ufur I lie lir.llu Wuik i. dune, but nlie
anj und tit'.y IVet lo le put up, mid till, will, 1
j fn 1 coiill but, be up mi l euiiipli ii J ,y the lime
'uc I ail It lain on the Lulaiicu uf Hi" load. '1 lie
' all been euuliacled fur nud pail d. Un i.
1, nud by Ihu l .uiili uf July 1 think the line
will be opcu fur bnuiui.a."
TiUt line llieit I. .uiii greul iaic.
iy of iiiiiui), U in 1.1 U luipilud after. Tiie
payer Ule l.oiu.i,,' u,ii,u I j UlmW wbal hit
j tti 11 ip.iii- fur llij loiiii.y ;u kuUi a.h uu
: iii.'i iiiuu. uim.iii.l ol 11. 1. 11. ) t"C la M.11.
Bi.i.U a Her ll. I null 111 II kick, I be report W ill t-c
1 I .ablt.hili, When all lll la tiluliUed In Irani Hit
j but. lu Htr 1. lie, il tlmuld lm ciiiialiit
I l.kC H.I' til.llld Jill) H I ml M4 olll.tlll.v U,' 1,
1 I ol . J Ml. I tUl.l.iilt 'ii, No. ',i), li. A It
! I lid luilufcil :j Ollli lit lll. (U.icd III .1111) III..
tll.U. II.. I. III! ut I .! Ill l. UU III Klih Ull I
I I mi 11 bder. - Juiiii J. huiiili.
I K, V. I .iiiuu 11.1I1.1 - It. n. Id le In k.
J I II II ami I J t . I ..II I. fcluu
i U lUul - A N II. 11.
tVu.ltif Vta.l.l -N. V lUl.ll.n
I'lli. il u I In IK,).- U ut. II Hail.
II.U..I ul IUn liuald I l. HtailvMl.
fcsig't. Majot. - t.44UMl aikl. U.
WaaH.I Wl'l. I ft. I it J.lil t. .U
i..4. ...liu.l.- a. f. ti.i.'l.l.
I'axulv k.uliutt. -linad, 'utsj
IU , .ii tt .agl,ui . .i Imiio
.1 iui b . ii i
Bi.xbukt, MAitcn d, ltttl.
Contcir. PncicFEnixos. SrEciAL Meeting.
Council met, Chief Rnrgcss Moore In Ilia chair,
members present, Clement, Itournc, Itarrtnon,
Rohrbnch, Grectiotigh, Hoover, Tarnsll and
On mollon of OrenncMigh the rending of min
utes of Inst meeting was dispensed Willi.
On motion of Clement It was ordered that a
borough bend bo Issued to (ieo. Welscr, for!,.
03, tho amount of borough orders held by him.
Order granted in favor of Fdwnrd F.Uley for
ft), for hauling tree and Stenm Fire Engine.
On motion tho proposition of Bunbury Steam
Fire Knirine Company mbmlMpd to council, .Ian.
3d, 1871, was accepted, a set of keys to Engine
House to bs left In possession of the Chief Rur-
Order granted for month of January and vie for
month February, of (SO each, in favor of Sun
bury Steam Fire Engine Company.
One motion a committee of three, the Chief
Hurgess to be one, was nppolu ted to Inspect the
new Engine House.
Committee firecnough, Varncl, Moore.
On million orders as follows, were granted :
To Muore ,t Disslnirer for sundries, JA.Ofi.
To (ieorge Hostlan for removing fence, 3.25.
To Alfred Klaus ttovc, l'ipc, Coal Bucket,
CsC, $oM.7o.
To John B. Packci-janioiint of taxes to be crcd
ito.l on borough bo-ids, $14 ).U5.
To W. I. Orecnouirh, niiiouiit of tas to be
credited on bond-, fii",.
To Jacob Ynungmnn, Castings, Mouldings, Ac.
To John Clark, Blacksmith mirk, fO.QI.
To X. F. Murtz, Overseer of Poor and Janitor
for council, $70.
To .T. E. Torrington, services as clerk, station
ary, Ac, 32.
To Win. Snyder, stone for ciossings and wells,
To Samuel llnslcy, molting grave yard, $1.1.
Mo David Rockefeller, grading ntrtcts, Ac,
To Abraham Brewer, assisting Rockefeller us
above, $:J5.
ToJ. M. Bartholomew, hauling coal for En
gine, 81.
On million adjourned to meet on Monday eve..
March 0th, 1B71.
J. E. ToisuinciTon, Clerk.
StNlifiiT, Milieu 7lh, 1S71.
Council met at tha Steam Fire Engine House,
nt 7 o'clock, P. M., it being the regular stated
night of meeting.
The first business being that of orgaiiU'mg the
ucw council. The following named persons ns
Burgesses an I Couneilinen were duly sworn, and
their oaths of ollice Hied, viz ! Chief Hui'(f0bs,
l'uilicl Ileini i 2nd Uurgcss, Will. I. (ireenougli ;
As;t. Burgesses, kaiuuucl Wilveit, John Bourne
and (ieorge Hill. ( cuneiliiien, X. V. Llghtner,
J. W. Fi lling, Jacob Reiin and Thus. puru),
Town Clerk, J. K. Reefer.
Hill of James Heard. Es ., for ?H.'M for ser
vices in swearing council, bills, Ac, for the venr
ending March 7th, 1S71. On motion an
wns granted for the same. ;
On motion an order f..r .TJ.'J,1 in ftvor of'
rreiieneK jierrn, was granien tor services as
Overseer ol the poor for West Ward.
On motion an ordi r for S-M in favor of Daniel
Druckeiiiiller. for services as Overseer of llie
Poor for West Ward.
t)u motion ot John lJourno a committee of
tluee was appointed to j rui urc I'uruiture for use
Petition presented to couin il for their appro
val to open Und street, which was read.
Un motion adjoin lie 1.
J. K. Ki.Ki, Clerk.
Wr find the following deserved complimentary
notice of one of our townsmen in the Snitlttii
Tratutriit of tho ,1th inst., published at Pliilda- j
dclphiu. Mr. Gosslcr has been doing a lively
business in this part of the count y,of lute for the
Guardian Fire and Marine Insurance Company
of that city.
As F.NEUi.Eiic HlbiMESn Man. Our CHccincd
anil genial Iriend, Isaac S. (iossler, ot Siinbiirv,
XorthuuH.erlnnd county. Pa., general agent of
the Guardian Fire and Marine Insurance Compa
ny, of this city, paid us a visit yesterday. May
his beaming countenance be the token of pros
perity as ii is of his success heretofore in the
ll.ilrs of "Ibe Guardians." which com nan v. we,
are happy to say, is siiceceiling beyond the c'xpee-
tations of his numerous friends and well-wishers,
Noticb. The meiiibersof Hie N'orthnuirier'.iind I
county Agricultural fcvielety. will meet hi tin- 1
Court House nt Sniibury, March IS, 1N71, nt 9
o'clock. P. M., lo make arrangements for the
nest I'iil'-.
I libf.JI.Uin, frx'y.
A tti M ion. To all "'Vioiii it may (Ohtmt. This
istouskyour munition to ibe matters of Life
Insurance. Why w ill j.,u delay a matter of such
I great importance wheu by a few cents saved from
) your Income and Invested in Life Insurance you
I can provide against want in old age, or in case
j of early death, (ihu nunieriiu. accidents shows
how uncertain life 1?,) jn:i can mahe a sure pro
vision fur those dependent on you. If eliarily
begins nl liuni", then all w ho can, should insure, 1
by so doing they provide for themselves anil arc i
not a burden 011 liny ci.iniiiuiiily. Those who '
wish to be benefitted by hisiirarcc tluiul.l euli j
and examine the merits and see the indiiei uieiits '
iillercd J.y the MirtipolltiiM Jut uruncc Co. uf New
Voids. 1
All Information in regard to Insurance jiviu
'.111 pleasure. i
1.. M. YODF.Ii, Agent. j
Ollicu near the Court Huuse, bunbury, Fa.
Wilur's Tukle. I
Tiik I.Ai'T'k Fiiirsn koii Mmrii, liti..v '
rhariiiiiig country vene, "At ihu Mill," form '
the steelpliitu lu thit iiuihI.i r. '1 Ueeolored Fukli-
J .. ...c .....I,...., 1,1,. 1 r,j,-,, uilll IHU MOOll I'lUS,
giving a variety of Hie latest fashion,'
nuiM ne invaiiiiiiiie in llie i niies. . j l iie of
liiines lor Kill, and one lor boys supply all
that cm beiindi'd for chil.ln 11 ; and ut pmiern .
for null g.ii'iiiinl are .upplie I ii.lly and clieaplj ,
n i,l I. i 11 U eoulil be more eoin eiik-ui. Ihu iiu'is'ie
i Kila -Wbeeli r'. ''lu'e l." s.a io n.eloib on or
orcan iKcoinp.'iii.iiien:. 'I he reading matter of
"'l lie Lady', ri'einl.'' iiniiul iiu. it. Iiiell
ler. Ml., I...uins. lei Is oil m it II 'Him Morv i
ofaTViy." Floici,ie t en y s "tUiler hwen' i.
I one ol her lovelie.i pm in. ; the ailnili .ilile toi v '
iot f.niiniill.i" it, coiiilkdiU. 'Ilirdn.,' and
"How ll Happened" aie linly tkeiel.i t., and u
I Iriiiitliillnu liom Film I'nlku. nud Mome Ue- !
I iniikable I'ietiin.'" are exec, ilingly Inierinllng.
'Hie l.i-le I'm- l.un y wmk 1) .imply j-rcvi,iit for
! iiiul Ihu Fditiu'. il. .i 1 1 111 . 11 1 I. our of the inont
I fcllrueliiu un. I alualiltf leulure. of tin. n ,ij ,,.
line. All en, llei.l pile,, t-i.lx) tt
1 (bicli also include, it Ul kleel rilgj .11 ill . ) '
I Four Co lie., ll. Inn col lea (and 01m lulu.k
"'Ihe Lily's tiienl1' un.l th0 haiuiibiy 1
I Fn uiiii; I'o. i" tan.', one enr.u .ne, ) tt. 1'u'i. ,
liilnd by lie.uoii .V I'liei.oii, Fliil.i.i.lihia. hiu- !
, .)u iiiiiu'.ei. lor .al. ul all ll.t s iliMlual .,iea. 1
!'. I 11 I', lb 1. is. lor let. been
. lull J. (lie 1 lulu lll.ii.ii.ta ., llo. UulliUr
eoliiliiill. e l. lib a li.ilul.oiiiu aletj !atu cntiliij)
( "I lull 1. ml htelnkt I llio" lima I
1. ni.u 1 he u.ual 1. dun d i-i.ln.iu pi.iid, cunlaiu- 1
. in.; .it Usui', j I u. luu Alphabet, llu.Ud I
. Ill 1 "t 1'iM," a wo.l iiniaiiii j
I p. an ol I' lo... u,4 1111 .u.iou
. alirtt ol la-liloluihli; lo4uili...
I Wuk 1 1. 1 a it 11.. 1,1 ail kc li.uiul its
j uiual lainii uf lauiyaiid u..lul ..i. I m.
""Ill Inlaid'. l.. I I11H0.I..I1 iluiul.. tin,,. 1
I luiim i ttuinl iiiiiiiiiin ( ,, iu.hl.iu 1 iI.ilIi.u', ,
j 1 lull. in.-, tniu d ie i. .u. lot u.aSiu 1 tikbiuil-
j tint ta.kil I I4K lluUllig .iikl, .IC, l.
) V k l.4i i...n.J 1.1 U..tit. t'iiilp.4 It,). I
yi..,. .. kwi.i, I , llisll Uaul.Ully l.i
"' "' ' ' liuldc nu4 Uu. I . Mai. Hal .i
It'.l. 1 ml.111,,1,4 lull ., ,m, A im U, la, '
aual tu.k.l, Fal..,, HloiW, llaLola. m.ii, I.. 4.. Li.ollluliul.ul Aalvit, t.. i
.am, li.Usa, 1. 1 kill.. l lUu.k, U.uu k '.,i
F-ilaiasa, .4...WS, t b.,., U.ioi.t, -,, '
' 1 .' . ,'liiii I isot 4u.ll 1.1 l.i iki i.iiu,.
1 U-w. Ikait lusj ,41 ,i, ,i, u4 t.l
l.i,.t.. feul u a,J ,u p.).! i.i.ii, k i.uU
I uil ti ,..1,. k.u., iw .11 1.,
4 I t Ml I t 4 1.1 Mil .
""ini It I
Murder nt Sit. 'nii'3.
Mt. Caiimi i,, Matxh 7ih, l';71.
Mr.ssiis. EniTims i
Our town has bei-n thrown
Into a great stale, of excitement, by the pcrpilrn
tlon of the. most icvoblng crime ever known in
the history of the Conl Regions. The partieulais
n in nr ns I have learned, arc ns follows i
At or about hall-past I o o'clock, on Srter party of men (!) attacked the.
house of David William on the lower end offdm
niokln street, and tired volley nller vnlliy it I the
western end of the buililiiur. and diirinif the noise
wecusloned by the. Ill iag a pain t nt the door mi
the eastern end of the building Wns kicKi'd In,
and a keg of powder placed In the room, a match
was applied and in n moment that portion ol tlr
bouse became u ruin, brinirin: hi i nwi
other furniture to tin' ground. Foitunnl. very
few of the inmates occupied that portion of the
building, and only two of them came down w!ih
the ruins, one of them escaped unhurt, tin ol h: r.
George llotl'inan, was nioriiiPy wniin.led. I lull
man was shot in the thioui, th bill p.'.fing en
tirely through and coining nut nt the top of his
head". He was asleep when shot, and sprang out
upon the Hour, where be lay until the explosion
took place, a lew minutes afterwards, ainl as be
fore sailed, went down with the ruin-., lie v,is
picked up a short time ufleriviml. and Ihert but
a short time. He leaves a wife nud two childicn
nt or near Sliatuoli lu.
JlofTinnn had served his country failhrilly lu
the lute rebellion, spending three years nud hav
ing been wounded twice, during his term offer
vice. The man tint, fell down with the ruin with
Holiiniin, had been standing behind theidriuncy
to protect himself from the bullets which were
coming through the house, and when I lie powder
exploded, be came through to the lower Hour in
a liurrv, the chimney keeping him company.
The object tle y had in view in directing the lire
nt the western end of the bni'illng was, no doubt,
to compel the Inmates to seek t belter in the east
ern end, directly over the powder, and send Hum
all into elernlty. Th rn wc o about twenty per
sons, including women nnd children in the LuiilO
ing. nt the time of the explosion.
The w hole all'air lusted but a f:iv minutes, an 1
hy the time some of the citizens arrived on the
spot, not a sign of one of tin; attacking party
could be seen. The party mnking the. attack
must have been very silent lu their preparations,
as tho people living in the neighborhood did not
hear anything of the ullair until daylight next
The same night a bullet was fired through the
house of Samuel Smeltz p.ib.siiig between him and
Ms son in bed.
The bouse of David Williams Is kept as a
Iioarilini' hnue, for the men employed nt the
"Coal .Iolililaiu Colliery," F. Roads ii. Co., and
is being worked on the co-operative plan.
A few evenings ago a young tn in named Con
nor was shot In the thigh by a boyiiamt-d Tucs!'
er. The boy Tiiesher works at Roads', nnd he
nits Connor attempted to strike him with a
"lilack Jack, "and he drew bis pistol and w ound
ed him slightly In the thigh.
Our Borough Is now pal ruled nightly by Watch
men, it bring the only measure we can take to
insure safety.
The Coroner's Jury got through with their du
ties on Monday afternoon nt tlve o'clock, in the
matter of the death of Hoffmnn, and their ver
dict was in luconlnnco with the faeis. Xo ar
rests have been made, nor is there, the slightest
clue to tho pcrieiralors of the foul deed. The
citizens are beginning alarmed, ami there is a
reign of terror. How long mut these things i
fiTNTS One Fieuch Calf, Bos-toe Boots, stitch.
cd liottom, at the Ree uh.t or.
UusJlK'SS XotiMin.
Tin: KAriTiiiji .iKH. It has been though! that
the recent earthquake did not visit riiiladelphia,
but either it or somebody very like it must have
hit Oak Hall. If we may jadize. from the upheav
ing nf mountains, of flue clothing there, and the
swallowing up of low price, which has been
noticed at Wamimnker A Prown's.
I.noi: out for the Spring styles of Tiootr and
Shoo at the Excelsior. W. H. Miller is al
ready prepar:n,i. to laying in the largest stock
ever brought brie. Can't go amiss at his Store
to get the latest style us well as the best mate
rial, livery kind of men's, women's and children's
make on hand.
Ir you want a cheap and good suit of clothes
made up, go to J. E. Smlck, who is now selling
out to make room for bis Spring stock, Kvery
style of goods on ban 1, nnd which will be made
up to order ut the shortest notice.
l'l iso Stools. A new and handsome nrtltlc,
covered with hair-cloth and n p, green and red,
Just received, and for sale very .Uap by II. B.
Masser. Price, Sti.
l'nsos and Oiioanj. The subscriber, agent
' t,1P H'!,t ' 'alios and Organs in the world, will
j guarantee them for live years and sell the cheap
er than any traveling ngeut can all'ord them, llut
first-dads nuditrs cmj loy uo such agents. H. H.
T"K new styles of hats nt S. Faust 'slorc are
admired by everybody. He keeps a splendid as
sortment to select from, and all of good quality
and the latest styles.
A nirsinAiu.K unsiniiNCK, located iji one cf the
principal streets in the Horout of Sunbury, is
olfcred for sale on the most reasonable terms.
Apply nt this ofi'ice.
Cum o l'ltn i:s or
Tuiitn iTi:i:rr, l'lill.Ai
March 8, lsri.
IH:IUvi: .V
Hp.o., 10 t".
cloiK, r. v.
11. v.: n.-.v-
II'.", Il'.' j
111', IP!
IClv. 1 U'
110 -j f-tl
UU 111
111', lll
llf'a 1011' ,
114 114',
I.M.lj 10S
isltll K40
V'iiI lll'il)
IT. S. fi's of
" " 'lit
" 'li.'i
" " his, new
" " 'b7, '
it 11
' .Vs. lo-io's.'.'!!.'!.'.'"'.'!".'
I'. S. lit) Year tl per cent. I y.
I iiiuu l'ludiir It. I!, l-i M. V..
I eiiiml I'aiiiie 11. It ....
L'ulon l-'iicitic l.uii l liiaut Ho. ids.
ntlV.l:l fAXITAKY AIM ASt( 1 ATRiN.
furtl.e IMIel' nud Cure id' the Kriliiir mid
I' iit.jrtun.iii-. 011 Pilm '.pli. i.f Cliri-ti.ui riiilmi- I
th ropy, l.-ijs uu the i.f Y0111I1, 11ml tlm
l-'ollli s i.f av, in reL.timi to M iliii i..t and .su.
III!. t lis, u it t S:illilllV nil ,,r llie lllllll.e ,
tint tree, in seii'il mi il, .).. Addiv-s, llliW
AUi AS.-UC1 U'll, lin). 1', I'hlliid-'phm
'"J- Iil.i7,'7 l v.
Hll Ihe '-'slli nil., nt (lie re.ideuee of tin lni.le'.
roller, t 1,1. II biiydi r, ly I te . J. r'. 1 imp,
Mr. Ii.ii.iu tst : Ul IMi ul buckt.aiu,Cyluiiil)i.i Co.,
Im Mi. Mai 111: mm 10.11.
On llie Ju l In-l., In llie .41111', Ml. Ann.
I V to Mil-. Ji sit Kl Juki ., uil ut 1 1. lull., 11.
. 'V! . '
Huuburj taralu A I'rutlurr lurkt.
1 kkf s : ei vi rnki 1 n, 1111 e t,i him.iu.
.klk-4'hidev M l.l'r W Ii il...
lii -l Am' n, V. iu i r ...
I ul 11
It vi
I I , la, :i'.' II,.. )
it. .1 Am' e, l ml, 1, ,.
i I
is I
' .ll I.
Imi lel
t .11, . .1, s r 1 .1 ,
tit urn -Sn Iui
I'. .11..11 mi'i lii,:i .
I l.t. a - I', I t. 1111
vim.- lo .u li i, 11 1.1
Ihuih.i d l il'll li
lulu I.
I 4 kit- p. 1 lu
I-1. 11 - ji ll I.110 I nt-, p. 1 ll.
" 'll-ill "
I .s '
i..4 l . I ...
ko4l4IH4. I .... 1 J , I tui I., I
1'. , ' .
II... ... " '
IL- ... " ., .1.1
II .... ,.'
1 1
1 uo .
I 11 1 1
lot. 4l In II !
4 Ml ., t-
1.4 I...,
I 4 .lin 1
I I H . I. I
rostoniAT'1' Largest Stock
Jl thc Finest Goods;
of the very
the Best
brst cimrnclfr.
Easy rules Tor
prices, &c, sent
free to any part of
America, and good fit
Gents' Furnishing
Goods. Wrappers &.
Under-Wear of all
kinds for all sea
sons. White
Wear at ftf
Shirts a
astonishing- y,f
ly low prioes.N jgj
Sixth Si Market Stc.
New Flour and Feed Store!)
. 1
IC, . Till KSIO,
Corner of Fourth and Market Street,
Has Just opened a Flour and Feed Store, where
he will keep constantly on hand, a general
assort nient ol the best brands of
P L O U K,
' Bl'TTF.K.
of all kinds, nt the Terv lowest market prices.
Sunbnry, Feb. 11. IMTl'.-tf.
The PEW7VMV Strum nukes tliewciV slronr,
uJ expels disease Oy supplying the blood wlih
eiATtTKK'a Own Vitsmzino Aoent 1U0S.
Canflmt. lie mire tou jet Peruvian Syrup.
' Fiiiiiplilcts free. J. V. lUNSMUKi;. rropuetor,
No. .".S Pev Si.. New York. ..
Kiild by DriiHpsw generally.
is orrEitiso
Drut', FainU, OiU&c.
ji'st orrxicn
Y G O O D S.
ca.ssimi:kf.s axbv i.ottis,
i.h ncry kind i f
FtiiiriuN and lkiMi:nc- Drt (ludiis,
Ci i.ji el leu of e'.ei y b ind.
Klll, Mellt.
und clerilliini; ill llie lirneery lliiu.
II VliOW Alir. of every diaci iptiuu a o.t un
tnt!e.k turit iy of cutlery.
tl.'KKN.siV AUK of every uiity nud ipu!i:y.
HiililM MI Mldl'S ul the l.t U1auuf.11 lure. '
lu ll,. I . ..nil v. I
W AI.I. I' A I'l l! uu ri.lr4 ..nilmi lit .u.lul.U
fur mil H.miii..
N il l In S.S i.f ei.i) dm ii limn I
KiKSII Mil I. AM) MH'll l H, MSli,
libl Oil.!! i.f ll.a I.f I iil.l!lll.
K'.l uf link mil U uU .it tin ii'jr j
i.ovLvr ritu LS
A a l.-
i. Ital
tiu. ul.l fnf Ca.h,
ii I'll lui. uu 11'.
I .1.1 1 e U.I us
.. put. Ii.iu 1 1 41. i.U. lid.
t kt.k-t,.
II. S. I Mil
Jin, '(').
kiiu'iur. ,
. m't r 11 !
'II r. uu. I i.i.'m .1 r
... tlu'i , ill I. .tin, ll.t f t
4 u .l.ll;, ll.l Un) k.
u 114 ii Ami-WUI) a
1.1 I
MI NT "llol
ll, 1 1. kl .. I. ... U ll,,
r ,n .1., 1 ... 4 . .1 11 1., 11,
. i . f 4 1 u.ii...t . .-i 1
I , . . , ll ... I ... A ' ..Ik. . 1
I - ... j . . . I . I I ,.. ' 1 I
ul, ...u 1 1 M .1 1 il
1 . 11 1, ..- 1 '.. 1
I ll.a I . .1 .1 II . I,
11 i'l l'i. , .4 1 1 1. ,
". V a . : m
II. I ,4
I Im 11. 1 ., 1 i a.i
., I . ) 1 1.1
n 1 i ft.
i... .a,,.., 1 . 1 .. ,. v .
1 ..I m. .1 a.l 1, ,
. I 11 I (.11 I , ll .1,
lM 4 " Uli
S. IIwzfrlW !i:u'iti7 inf.t (-'ppncil n first cl'ifS fofnlilislitiiutit in Monro ft l"lisir)!;ur'i!
lnilJings Thinl Stn-cl, lu'lmv Market, heUvctti Mark-1 yjviro tnnl the 'i't Ollice,
llesiK-ctfully invitcB the pn'jltc to cnll nnJ examine liia uiiminoth stock of
His Ku.tily M:t(lo Clothin" are all rwv'e to liis own onlcr. in the l:it;st etylu uf fHshlon
and best nittmiur of wnrkitianship, nnd equal to custom work.
lin keeps jt nrn nsaoitnifint of all the 'rniint sitylcs, nml t'tshwcim, mid hits made iw
rangoDietitt to recciru ijo? Goods from the city every wit -If.
Any person in nfcnil of anything in his lino w ill find it to foiir irteret to give hin- a
call and hear hi prices lxln'e purolmniuj eisowherc
twecn Miti'kft Squnre and the Post OfTlce,
AVi propose- to sell for 11.1;.
reduction of lj to '2n pi c cent
, fnf e.vdi.
i (foods, i'iiihru-i'H MLKS. I )II 1 ( ,Ot )1
& ABIES,' QQA'm A.jVB 3.'HA'WIiS5
Our stock of Foreign and Domtslie Dry Good isrylaie. nnd with a view to 11
peedy disposal ofit, wo hnve MAIiKED DOWN till the prices to a liim-e so low that
this in unipiestionahiy the time lor great barn ins in Dry Good.
We offer Bleached Muslins at the following low figures.
Four tpiarler Xcv York mills. 20 cu.,
per jard ; tour tpuirter Jtavoe, :'0 eta., per
ii;m's.... i r.,,, is: .,1. ... ,. ..... .1 ; 1
per .vr
Hill Si
Jlllli-eillHl 1 . I,. Ill , A Vis., J r, 1 ,11,1. .
! loiirtli Mioo 1' iv, l.i cts., per yuiJ : Imir
i Coventry, li cts., ht yard ; Coventry
1 l Uu,,,. -S m i- vnr.l : lour f.u.rtSi
Nasliua H. IS ceiit.-t per j'ard : l'eiir l nir;h
AppIcUui 1', 1J cents pi t yard ; tour tonrlh
11 irnsliui'e;, 11 ei tits )nr .itil ; . ii.trnsiiiii.' in iviu
j Sheitine; uj cents per yard ; LM lileaclicd
Cj ( aliol, .'-' cents w yai.l.
I lih-acliod Canton Flniini Is from 1." toi2; I'uhli m hi d Cantmi Flannels from 12 to
1 ill ; Wool and Cotton i'lanuels, ti-om -Jj; , 1 411 ; nil Wol llantii Is. i to r.n ; li.d n!
' Wool Flannels 25 to 55 ; Gii.'.-liuinr., -5 to 55 ; 'l'iid in 15 lo ; I'up' r ('anilities, li
( 'nliiivd Cambrics 1-'; a lien:; line l tn 1.' I
LADIES' jl.vr.Molt.M. KKM 7.". to X'.OO.
i liADIFV FELT VKlltTS, li r.i e-li.tiO. I 4.(h.
i I.Al'lL'S- MIAJ.I.S, from 51.35 to 12..V'
WiU'uualie i"0 yard p. .1
kpoolk, 8 clu ; Ciai V.' 1 . V
.Ion, S
')'. a'l 1
AI MX A Nil HA Kill tSI.HVF.S All, IMirilllS, .SZ.IIII,
' ,Ios( pl.ine S atnli ss Kid (ili-v
1 Glovi s, - l.oo. All (he Kid I.
s, v.'.J i ; I.iiipn -
M s are eil
l l I .1 11 41 . Ill hlhlili 'll I
, ft lii ll ll linln' ill ill! Ill I
I tin 111 .
i l. Mo Hiuild i
; h-aein;- ;
1 full line m iioii:i:y,
I f Iaiiui Ik und I'laukels, .Net'. 111, I
Ciii jii t, and liavu iu,w, 111 e', W a lull
.11 k
I Our Dress GooJ Dt'p.irtn'f nt includes very clioico selections, in British a"J
! lTlia Red 3kjyon illpacas
no 1,11.11.111111 t i he Mi lii r in Hi 1) ii .)
lint h.,. 1...1 ilm pi i,e tuiuin ihu i'ljuv.:
Uriah! arkl llalMUaf,
j. 1 . m.11 11 a 0.,
IIWICIAKKV HSr I if ' UK StW i'llh
B ll'l.l ,
hoMlW 14-44 III klrVVli l4-U
. I..
I 11.
I I I .1 I ... tl,
. I
I .
I'.i tl . ,
I . 1 ,1 I .ii.
. I I 11., 1
'. I '
. .. I v .. I , - . 1
'. . 14 li.. 1 I .
1 1. . . 1. I 4 .1. I
( V. kl t'lf, 41MI 1
1 Ll
I 4
.1 s.
Sim bury, Tn.
cositnieitein? SATl'liDA Y. I b et m hi r 17. 1S70.
nt it
( 1 l- s-locl; cl'
I'l roii'ti ami 1 iiuiiesti,' Drv
)s, MNF.N, 1 It l !.! Y. (i 1 .( )V E. Will Tl.
I.AI'I I'S.v (.IIM'S I.MiFinv.Mtll. Alio,
per janl ; four qttarlei 'nnistitta, i-'O ct'.,
y.ui'l : Fruit of the J.ooin, IS cts., per yard ;
1 .n s...., ...... 1.1..,,. 11; ,.ic ,M.e 1 1 f,.ur
. 1 1 1 . - ... J'- A i. l'. J ...... ......
Muril. uei:il 1.. 1.', cii., per yam ; tour iouiiu
r cts.. per jard.
Visiu, 1 V.. C' f
1 III J" I
1; f i;:r fo-J-'li
I ; l.n:r luttnh
Ailuniie A., lie
1 11 111 1 Pef .11'
Iinlian 01
lUMi W ,
VJ eenis pi r nrd ; i
v,r i-ir
llleiUlied I tl."l
'a!thain, lieetit; g lj ecnts per yard ; Uleacii-
L'i Hi yard epouls, (n ;
vt ; M;u ,;i,
Chu'r H -J'kl van
ti ;lt'il tl l l Ills
Kid Glovii, il.a-'i. Yideltee Kid
il lin y up iui' t her pair pu n in
11 i'iil th. nii'Mie stui k i liirh is i -ul
fi't. iitiuii In our department rm
ili.illk III
all i 1 '
I. unit Oil ( U.tln,. Wc luaki'i 11 ki cialil v in
ut . ill fc. i.k i. und ipiaiiticn eiy luiviupiiii
1 1 I 1 nn I 1. ran I in thi. t .Ml KK..14
til will Ui i ll' 11 tJ N U' iWKNTY I'LH
I , II. HI 1 1 XI I. A ..
I 144 1. r I Mr H, touutiuri. I'M
I UI N( II AMI ;hM1 .MIC l.ooji
id n. 414.I1, Jual i. i.i4 l tli
MUilllAM lAIHu; HloP
1 110.
.. l 1 1
I, J II l
4, V i..k ..v,
kl N .I1 1.
i t Mk A.
. I . b . .1
I .1 I.
kill t
. . ! I li . 1 4 1 1 1 .1 .
I l IllMl'
.'. . Ik I k I a
i, , in s4 I '
i li.
4 kr, 1 , , . Vi.,,
i'i imii 1 4
4 Wit W
IMk IkjaW if