tistcIhncoKS. n(,tn,f.rtlnrcr,. finical. uilconbs iofcILinrons. To Stop Bleedino. It is eniil tbat bleeding 'from & wound on man or bciift may be etorrpnd by a mixture of wheat flour and comruou enlt, in tqunl parts poiUMlod on with a cloth. If the bleeding be profuse, use tt lttrga-qtmntity, uny from oue to three pints. It may bo loft on for liours, or even days if necessary. The per son who gave us this receipt says: "In this manner 1 fenved the lite of n, liorso which was bleeding from a wounded nrtery ; the dlceding ceased in flve.minutes after tho application. To Bake a Larch Fisn Whole. Cut olTllie head, and split tho llsh down nearly to tho tail ; prcpareaoiccdressiiug of bread, tiuttcr, popper and salt, moistened with a. little water. Till tho llsh with this dress ing, and bind it together with fmo cotton cord or trap, so as to confine it ; the bind ings may be three inches apart ; lay tho Muh ou a grate or a buko pan or a dripping pun and pour loutid a liltelc water and melted butter. Baste freuuentl y. A "good nized fish will bako in an hour, Sorve with the gravy of the Huh, drawn butter or oys ster sauce. Bock Fisn. Bock fish or bass hrc best, boiled plain, leaving on the head and tail. Boiled steadily for half an hour. Serve with drawn butter with hard boiled eggs iu i chopped tine. Stuvfed .Fish. Soak some bred in water,.uicl squcezo it fltr1., add a emnll onion chopped line, fried with butler till nearly done ; add to the ouion the bread.alt pep per, a little nutmeg, a little bvo'.h'Mic yolk ot one cc;g. Mir rannliv, coif-iff over clear tire ; when done, add a HtUy -parsley, chopped line. C-ut the hack-bony nut ol n two pound lisli, put the sUUliny if. its place nud sew it up with trussing "needle and pepper on the llsh, inside and outside, R lew pieces of butter under it in the pan, cover with a gill of broth, and bake in the oven. Ron? of Beef This 13 one of the most juicy of all the joints of beef, but is more "frequently etewed than roasted. As it is generally too large to ferve whole, cut as much from the rump end as will make a handsome roast, Alannge as tho sirloin. When boned, roll it into the form of a lillet of veal, and bake, Spanish Steak. Cut some tticm very fine and put into a frying pan with plenty of butter, boiling hot. When fried quite tender push to the back of the pan. Sea son a tender lion of beef with pepper and salt, put it on tho pan, and cook till done. Put the onions over it, and pour in the pan sutllcient boiliug water to make a rich gravy. Let all stew live minutes, aid serve. Beef Stewed with ONiONS.-Cut some tender beef iulo small pieces, aiul season Twth pepper and salt; slice some onions and add to it, with water enough in the stew nan to make a gravy. Let it fetew (.lowly till the beef is thoroughly cooked, then add Home pieces of butter rolled in tlour, cuotigh to make a rich gravy. Cold beef may bo cooked in tho same way, but the onions must then bo cooked before adding them to the meat. Add more water if it dries too last, but let it be boiling, when poured in. cj - 1 Sliswlls mesas. Becoininended antl T.uriorsed by oyer Sovom Hundred Doctoral DR. LAURENCE'S Ootnponnd Fhild Ejtract f TS1 O Q 1SL O O i TUE OIISXT HEALTH EESTOREB l Ktl Ceorat Qaaok Medicine Forraeio Artiad the Bottls. PlUfAREO SOLBLT tt Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Orgs ale CbwoWrt KOSKOO Btilkcs st the Root of riscaie by PCRIFY1XG THE DLOOD. Bcstoring the Liver and Kidneys ta a Itealtby Action, and Invigorating the Nervous Cys;eui. This 1 the Secret of its Wonderful Succecs la Curins Conenmptlon In Its early h?rs, E:rofe.:a, fy I'lii'is, Dype; si;i, Liver Complain., Cbronle unuLitU, Neiiraliva, Xervous Aibet'on, Ernptlinis of tlie Skin, llmuois, I.r-ts rf Vigor, Litent-es cf Kidney und I'mdder, and 1.11 D'.se.iicj ennsed by a bad st.ito of 1L0 BlocJ. It thoroughly eradicates every kin.1 of Ilnmor an 1 Ilii.i Taint, and restores Uc tuliic syttctu to a heaithy couditlcu. It is hrvond qacs'.lon tic riNE?T TO.flC IN THE WOULD. Thoesan-'.s h ive b' -n changed l y the s( t,' tliis Medicine tV..m weak, siek'y, suiiei lug cren tnris, to eu-onjr, bt:i' y, crij'Li;!y D.ea nud WuUl .'U. luv.ilhU cannot hesitate to j;ie It a tr;al. N-l tnedleli:? him obbi'in'd meh grri.t rfjala A'U it, lii. j'.r.'tly cvU'bratbd lonipjuiii. ro;t 1 Loiti;NiAL! f rota rby.iei.iL., t:. I'rii-.-i-t, .Mi-n h..M M A. SAC Lt luii v .!. im at P. . Edi'.oi.t, 500 AL- Price Oue Dullur Per lloltle. t'j-i su e u TLe I'rlsclpnl Driiui.t. in il.r Cr.iti.4 UIM an I U- .1 j'. ,Viuviea. On. t.isr!i- t't Sim Jlte I .! u to t.ln.i.vi Nu, yii, liVO.-'.y. I'mtsii Cttree all t'L'ti-N'l l L Hli I f I'UM'lTIii: ! I X M .W MO It I. A I ccorn j.row.v, i.nvi;u M.n.huv luunii Ni.i 1 iniLib. 1 l.n..t 1 i-, uu, c. w ii i iam ri.ri.v UA VI Si . ,. I i-i- ui 1. i .1 , i.,. t ii, b : (.. 1. , , i! f , f kltU wy MU4l H -.!, 1 Mil , -1,1 ,,f . I'KM 1 1 UK, 1 1 iii i.f p .1 ; -.i , i ...I-,'-. 1 4'. 1 t L-i-n ul ml , Kil. l.-.i I L f.l ll.ll, J.I li i 11... llai v 11 lut, (Vm U n. it I 1 I. , , U 4.1. 1 in .. . t .i. .1. j., - IV ki,l ..!. .. v . , I, '-. iVll( l. j II .- .1 . ll l I isl.i-, I - ki.. , i.u. in i-n 1, u , !b-i.-4 U . u.-i . 1 ; 1 . 1 "V I. . 1 l lli 1,1 , 1 II. I 1-4, t) 1 .1 li Mi. 1 1 1 1. I tt 1 1 .1.1 1 "it I J I .I...... It till 11 J I.I it ! ! 1 4 I l I. 1 I 4 l-i 1 IV l-li wl . 1 V ' . . . I . ' 4 I ttftllIN( 'Ji IV I- I . ' ' I 1.4 , .t .(. I . i, i 1 I.-... t- 4 bi Hi .. I I - . .,. I I . '. I ... I -I 4 J t J It'll I I ; K. ' u IIF.XKY T. HELltlltOMVN COXPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA PIIiLS. Component Parts Fluid Extrnrt Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Cntnwbn Grnpc Juice. For Liver Complaint, Jnu'.iilioe, Biliom Affec tions, Sick or Nervous 11 v.diirl-., Cordivencss, etc. Purely Ve:etnble, containing no Mercury, Jiiueral or Deleterious Drugs. These nils are the most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, suits, mairne sla, eta. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They glvo tone, and cauno neither nausea nor prlpTilnir pains. They are composed of the bienf ingmlientt. After 11 few days' use of them, such 1111 Invlporation of the entire sys tem tnki s place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. II. T. llelmhold's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape. I'ill ore not suirnr-coateri, Horn the fact that suirar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but pass thrmiL'h the slo mnch without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired elTect. The C'atawbn Grape Pills, beinjT plensunt in taste and odor, do not neccssltate thc-ir being ugar-coated. Price fifty cents jr oox. Y1ESRY T. IIELHlaOLirfl niHHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Fluid tract Kiirnrilla Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, I'leers, gore Eyes, fore beirs. Sore Mouth. Sore Head, Hronehitis, i Skin Diseases, Salt Rlieuin, Cankers, Runnings I from the l-.ar, lute Mrcllimrs, 1 uniors, 1 nncer 1 ous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, (jlniidtilitr Swell ! inirs, Niirlit Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all ; kinds. Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and U i diseases that have beeu established in the system for tear. IL. PetiiH prernrcrt expressly for the abovo Com plaints, its lilood-purfyinir properties arc treater than any oilier preparation of Knrsnparilla. It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color and rcMores the Patient to n date of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing all chronic crust It ifi-im 1 r"?casc s niisiiiic from an Impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effect mil known remedy for the cure of pains and swelliiie of the Hones, Ulcerations of the Throat und Less, blotches, Pimples on the Face, I'.ryMpelas and nil scaly eruptions ol the skin, anil tjesntilying the complexion, fries, per Bottle. M REMIT T. HELMBOI.D'9 CONCFNTK 1TEO rxtii) extract nicnc, THE C-P.EAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diubetcs In which it has been given. Irritation of the ucek of the Blad der and inllaniiition of t lie Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys und Bladder, retention of Urine, Dlsi uses ol t lie pros; rate Gland, Stone in the B'.iddi-i', Calculus, T.nr.'cl, liivkdlls-t Di posit, ami Mucous or Milky Discharges, aid for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of hoth sexes, attended with the fV'M-.iv'iiir cvniptniiis : indis position to exertion. Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror cf liisease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, full in the Back. Hit Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, K.rup tion on the face, palid C'tiuntenaiice, Universal ldi-situde of the .Muscular system, etc. Used by ptrt(ii '.Vein the iiifes cf eighteen to twenty-live, and from ".liirty-tive to fifty-five or in the decline or charge oi life ; after confine ment or labor pslru ; 'oeilwetiiuj; !u children. Mclmbold'e Extract Br.chn Is Dinretie and Blood-purifying, and cures nil diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and im deneee in Life, impurities of the Blood, etc., superseding copaiba In artectutlous for which it is ued, and syphilitic affections in these di ?hh' used in connection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In many affeetatiens peculiar to Ladies, the Extract Ruehu is uncqualed by any other retee dy as in chlorosis or retention, irregularity, piilnfuiness or suppression of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or seliirus state of thu Uterus, I Leucorril-r or Whiles, Jt-rility, and for a!l i eoinplultits Incident to t lis sex, whether arising j indiscretion or haliti of dissipation. It is pre scribed extensively by the mo-t eminent physl I cia-js and midwives tor enfi-i-bled ajd dallcate 1 constitutions, of both srxe? ami all ages (attend ed with at.y or ttie above diseases or symptoms.) H. T. nULMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCnH CUREH DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, llAtillo OF DISSIPATION, ETC., In all their stages, ut Utile expense, little or no change in diet, no Inconvenience, Hnd 11a expo sure. It cr.ir.es a frequent desire, and (jives stiiiip!: to Urinate, thereby removing Obstrue-ti- ns," Preventing and Curing Strictures of tho Lvetlira, Allaying Pa In and Inilamation, so fre r.uciit iu this class of diseases, nud expelling all Pl.-isOIlCl'.lli lll.lt t cj-. 'Jhnusaiids who have been the victims of In competent persons, and wh have paid heavy Ices to be cured In a short time, have found they have been deceived, nud that tho '"Poison" has, by ibe use of 'powerful astringents," i-eon dried up in the; system, to break out in a jr. ore aggra vated form, and perhaps ufier Marriage. t cc Helmbold's Extrai t Utich.i lor all Affec tions und Di-eaies of the Uuiary Organs, wheth er existing In Male or female, from whatever orlu.uutiug, snd no matter bow long standing. Price, one dollar and lilty cents j tr bottle. IITNT.r T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WAall cannot be snrpa!:-i-.l as n I'aee Wash, and wiilbc f-jniid tl:e i-iny . I'rfi.le rein. ly iu every spi-cie-, c-f t'iH.;ne'ei," AM', ition. Ii spedily eiadieatii. 1'iU'pii , rpul", S.-cn li.itie DiHH-.-s, Iinbuat'ou lift,..! t VauiMius Mi-n-lii.ini', i-ie., di -pels Red-lir-s and In it-'ei.' liilbuii.it i-j'i. Hives, R;i..!i, i M.rta P.it"hes, 1 byiH .-; ,d' ;:-':il ji or hMn, l'i -t I Itiii-s, nud ell purpM-es l. r ..liiv !i t-.i'v-. s or Dint . la- 1. lb urij u-. I ; r- -toiv the i!.iti to u -tato of I Hiily and f--.it iii-.h, ;i!t ih-nr- i i-uiiuui .1 1 . i ; 1 i 1 - 11. ti.iii to 1 he 1 1 - -1 1' ill tv. '.l!', 011 wbi, b ,'..-iu-ii.l- Ibe at ivr.i'iU; i-A-.ir.i--.-, and ivu ' i"ty "t eoliiile,iili n.l.i Ii o:vl.l nud adliiiud. Hut b.i.wwi s. 1I1. a. a i-ia. ly lur l-t!ng dit :h ( iiti- -bi 1, If. T . lb liuhoM's K.i-u Wu-lt . I . - s li. in.' fcii - L :i i ii.- I ii , t in i-i p!c 1 !, 1 in l'i a id i.tlin l j I I ill- .1.1. e, by 1 .4..i' i;i..iii.ie.i .l.i. Ii n u- ,l r ii .. I mli-t A-i.i n-i.i-j,, ilu H ost tviiii l.i. tlM- ,r. I uli.'elii .1 1 ...u.i-.-i. I, i nn ''ii in..' i i .11 1 ;i-,iin f.ir.iiul.i Hi i-.- 1 r..ii.i-. ..I i t i.i lu , f.ue. I nud Li'ii.i') I mi in :u i.il.li: a'-enii-; .unn.vl.U i, l 11. 1 -., , a IV , 1 ,-.,t,,,- !, I U 1 1 1- In - l-f '.le ( . ilij ' lull. : '.. .11 .k. v.. ilil l.i-tiull I'ii i-ili-t.,. - of a ( i-iii.'. N.il in.-, linn n an lnji e 11..11 l.r ilin-a 1.1' 1 b,- I ih. .ii, iirua. i-, ail-iu I. .-.II li.ll.il. ul' ii..-i,'. linn, nud in Ciililiri lit.u mil!, lb Liliai ! I..i.!..i, t! n..ii.iiul.i, .nulla. llba In. ipi- I'll!., 111 . n il 1I1-1 . -, liii.iu- I1KH1I1 .1, l-atilim le .ilp4Sed. P.ii'V, will llolliir per b;.n'. BD I'u I nu t tiplnl il ii- tl'iut -.'-. -uu, -iiiy li t 1. !' II 14. r I 1 I' I 1 1 I II V ma .1....1 1.1 I .1, ., i. id 1 11 -i, 1. 1 i : .1 .u 1 . i,f r-l-m.-ble su l le'l ibb: ii,-.-lc ill. in, a nh I, ,i,. I '1 4 ' ' .111 I np- t I . II ... ll. . ... I I, . 1.,,,. . n 1... Ii ,.-. ... I, !ii! 14 I I.. in I.I ('!.. I. , ,. it 1 1 I I.. Ji. hi l.iil, '1 ii,. I.,,,, I ., 1-11., II. ftl .1, .1111 II, 1 1 . 1 4.1 I li I I.. I ll .I.'i l HI in.- . 1 I - -I I In III II I .' I. ill, I , 1.1' I - . I.' I .1. I Ii . I . UU I .1 U. i .11 ... -ill. 4 i I , I. I I 1 'I 1 . . I II I I 1 ne tul 1. 1.1 .1 f . 1 1 U.41 . , u u J 1IU1 .1.. 1 lit tr i . Il Imi bulil linuulue l.l.lluit, j I', il .i!i .1 j II.IUK l.im 4I .. . , .11. L . ...I.I..- .1.4.. .... - ... 1 I'. 1H1..1411 ,.i.i. ...i,. r 1 1, .1 - . . . 1 L iv. i I .. .. 4 I ,1. ,, , :,.,, .ii. ...il... v ll in, I . Jl, !,u ..J, I . I I I.. .1.. I. - .4, ill I , Ii . I I . 1. . v 1 ii . U. J. . . .. - t ...4l4., I I I - 1 - II ., .,j-l, 'i 1 I I'lii 4 -1 , L I . I I . 1. . . I . tH l'i I'H-'I f . I 4 . U - I ii I'M ' .., .a 1, THE NUXIUHV CATTLE INSl'K ANCE COMPACT. Opficb 8. E. Con. Makxkt ScjuAmt, ScirnrntT Pa. INSURE YOUR CATTLE ! THE OSLV CO.HIMNY THAT PATS PROJIPTIiTi THIS Company rays ,ll losses by alt kinds of accident by death, (excepting In ease of epidemics,) by theft, Ac, Ac. They pay prompt ly. 10 red tape proceedings 10 ouiuin your money In case of loss. 1.00k at tne list or Losses paw wiitiin n months by this company 1 M. Hennlnger, Snnbnry, 1). Hiluert, Northumberland, S. 13, Dodge, George Eekert, " Charles ltolleh.Mt. Carmel. f 33 83 60 00 SO 00 40 00 SO 00 40 00 40 00 60 00 83 83 60 00 CO 00 jMissttis Sipplc, " Cnthnrlno Wagner, Wntsootovr Geo. licit, Northumberland Jacob Snvdcr, Suubury, J. W. Bassler, " Minor Cadv. Dcwnrt, Catharine Marts, Shamoklli, 40 00 fiO 00 oO 00 r rancis nueher, fciinbnry, Samuel Price. Upper Lebiirh. Application can be made . tte tores ofilce or to the different Local .Vgcnts. C. J. BltCNF.R, rretident. C. A. REiMENf n1vm?r, r7!e', Suubury. Directors Solomon 8trob,Vm. Brlndle, Clms. Martin Thomas Baldy and John A. Shissler. December 11th. ly. Agricultural Implements), HOE'S Grx'n Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Kakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shov els. Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes. 'C rain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, llreasl, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Selves of all sizes and kinds, a larue assortment of Ked Wagon Hames. for Plowing, Fiirui Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sUc by " J. H. COXLEY A CO. A VEXT I IIIAX'S U AItn-ltOIIK. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING II0US2, Third 1st., One Door Below Market Sr., Suxiiunv, Pa., J. M. ZIKGLBIi, T'ltorn'iEroR. FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VE8T1NG3, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA RIETY. Embracing every ipiality and styles that the New 1 01 k and Philadelphia Markets afford, which will be madeuptoorder by the best of work men, warranted to lit and inder eutirc satisfac tion. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largeft assortment iu town. Embracing everything of Gent luu. en's wear of the latest style. Cull and see my stock, also the latest fashions, before psrehasing elsew here. J. M. ZIEGLF.R, (sueeersor to Thomas G. Nott,) Third ft., one door below Market, Suubury, Fa. Snnhurv, Jan. 15, lb70. BISi:4I AM) FA MY CAKES. DAVID FRY, j 1 ESPECTFULLY informs thecitlxeusof Sun- ! A. bury and vicinity, that he will bake to 1 order all k inds or CAKES FOR BALLS, PARTIES, Ac. Familes are suiilicd with FP.ESI1 BREAD, 1 Twist, Rolls, Rusk, Tea Buns, itc, und also kept on hand und manufactured f"t of the best I inateriuls. 1 All orders left at bis Shop In Market S(Unre, onu door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery 1 Store, or at his Bakery on Spruce Street, between 1 1 ront und Second streets, will meet wltti prompt attention. BALLS AND EVENING PARTIES supplied wiili Cukes, Ice-Cream, &c, at tl shortest notice. Orders are respectfully solicited. DATID FRY. Buukury, Dee. 12, 18t'.S. TIM 13 IS 9I03EY J ! ALL Wall Papsr and Border, sl fcy sie wll be trimmrd ready for use, "WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, UT THR TEOMAS'S WALL PAPER TR1.MMHR, 'VV.i ;r 1 bj -St M A 1 (: 4-v K- , - V - J which I have the exclusive rla-lit to ue In Bunburv nud vicinity, tjave money, time and labor, by buying of x. i iiKitr.r. i.ic.iiT.i:it, Dealer lu Rooks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, iv.e., &c, txc, Hunday Pehool SUPPL1KS made a speciality. lUiiiih, Mi'iuormitluia A Vam llookM In eiidli-ss v.uleiy, Just received. ROOK BINDING done to order. Persons will save, expense by leaving their orders for LUidiug w.ih iue. i'it iu:r. ritiMr.N of all sizes, cut 11.1111 ibe Mouhlini; at very low lull". OVAL 4c hyUAi;E FKA M US always ou band. A I. HUMS, JillACKHTS, OOU ENS, &c, Ac, &c, A larire ami well selected sloek of Toysalaay 0:1 luu t. Anslhiiig uot 011 hand promptly 01 deled. Il u ju.u. for eush. l ull at N. Fl'-RRFE MllIITNER'8 Hook More, bign nf Ko'.i r's (iold Fen, Mulkel b.Uiire, bus bary, r.. l-.nut.iiry, Auf.iM f.th, 1ST0. J. W. WAxiMXtiTO.N'-S .ltM UAUItliU NIIOI', Thrt id. I pPrilliiiiel iy.l.iip ijf the town Y ii r 11-11 Hi.- I1..11 1, bii h iIik same time C' li.i.l. 1 1l1.1t the lnl lily L 1 1 It iiiIil- .n.M-iiii. I.ly "I'nU.ii l. ill. ...it iii.tnili ilinu an U111.UI11I j.tj. blr al.lulllil ul t.ttl'iy ulld llliiblliull, Ju l I4n. i..i. ,ir'.i I I.. '.hi my bn.ii.rss i.ir.i r in i... pbi. c half my lil.-iiu.u ll..,. 1 .4 r 1 u l, b.iti 1 .l,..id it 1 4... lb,.- U...I of mil nhiip.. d..y iil .-r d v, and ul l. aiu r nibl, au.l upp.t. 4 tbi- fillip l-lil.l jlh-lil -..Hi; -U'l, und Will. Ill ll.ll 4i.i .j 1. 1 llinu 1 ll.bi 11 . .1 l llm nil; Ill y I 4 I uf I I1.1t iv. 1.1 1 ul 1 11 I h 11, t.ti..ii.l iii-.tf!) -.i. lull i'l llm I.4..II) ill 1 .ilnl.i.t.l J-,tl inn 1 un. l'i i'1'il. .' II. -I j 1.1. K- 1-.I....I ite l.ti.in iib!i.)y .llllll.llll l- 111 tl.lt J .ll'tll.. Ilil illill :4'lt lll.il Ml! iltv 11 .1-1 1 to .li.tle tb. tit ail u. .llll llitvv l.ltLdu4 I 4.1 -. - 411.1 lll.lt 4 til' Iniiji . I 1. Lib' tt Li L. -4U I I" UM-, J-ttl 1 I li.tti I tl.U UtUS !,.. Ut -a!.' a 4.). I. I l Ll M ..1 k, full tliKII I't a.l 141- mi, t. .Into ).ni, li.til t Ut )iu, ll., lii'..t, ) . I , i.l '. . 4 -I . ' t .4.1, 4'f H I t .till.', l ull U t, ll I Ul I I..-. U..I ,,i VJ1II4 41.. 1.4 I, III 1 lac "mm f.ll ' 44I' atul.l lAlte .1)1.4 In ..ill llm crutl.'tllat. Vt i- ki.lk l-i I I ... , li.il I Ii .... Im at ..Ik. tt- l, liu.l I V-l '4. 1.141 441'' I I lll .Llltlr l UU ll.a I 4. i.f 4 1 ..il I U i-u.4 4u ll 4.1 Si ll uu Km 4 'i tt ..i ttvt tw-i-4 bv. 4 1 1....... 1, ud 1I14I a .1. ..i44ij 1 4 i,iia li 4 1 1 -1' as i.vi.4 lu Itakd. A U 4 1 ai.vte Kj -4, tt.i M4iv4 ti4, II. I I, lbi. ( Olt II l IUI It. " ' K b:i.j b.44., i. v. Ilati-t, l4ikj, If I .UI4U, ll-.l,, ll'J, A It. 1. , 4l I -.-n. ,1 ., Cult. i it (o. - i-i,, Miiik hi, f4w. 111 (laliVli ka,l f t,4i, 4, ' ECKNAN A CO. a fuuTmne or FALL S& WINTER GOODS At JOH2T ECKMAN & CO'B. Groceries, the be3t and cheapest tn the market, I - ..1- .. Ar fnta at Oil-Cloth, Cnrpct and Carpet Cbalu at the very lowest prices, at Eekuian & Cot. UMBRELLAS, UOS1ERT, and NOTIONS Eckman & Oo't. of erery description, at Hats and Capa, Boots and Slioos, at Eckmnu & Co's. Btoue-Ware, Wooa-Ware and Willow-Ware, at Eckman & Co's. Hardware, Naila, Suit, Fish, &c, at Eckmnu & Co's. Country Fro4ue taken la exchange at Eckman & Co's. Doa't forget the place, JOHN ECKMAN & CO., Coi'.ner Fourth and Market Streets, buxburt, penva. Snnbnry, Dec. 3, 1870. FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOGDS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS nnnounces to the public that she has .lust received, at her store In Dcwart's Building, a large supply of THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, trimmed aua ttr'triilimcd, and cf all colors. In cluding the . ),EOPOLITAN, the latest and atost fashionable thins; out Is hats. Ai-so, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest nnd handsomest styles. Bash Ribbons, rlain nnd uVtired. Ladio's Spencers, Lace Colurs, Linen Colars and Cuffs lor Panics ami muurcn, irocnei collars. Neckties for Ladies und Gent's latest styles. Silk Sack Loops, n superior article. Gloves Including Kids, and Ladies' Buckskin gloves. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of Trimmings. Embroiderv Patterns. Hosiery for Ladies, Gent's and Children. Nois, Pique and pi'iue trimmings. TRIMMING SILKS, Chignons, Zephyrs and Tarus, and a general variety of Notions. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes that the quality of her goods will merit a continuance I of the same. ELIZABETH LAZARUS. I KNOX FRUIT, FARM AND NURSERIES, XOW REIDV. I Our new Descriptive nnd Illustrated Catalogue, with Price litt for the Spring of 1S71, couluiuiiig I splendidly colored ' Cbroiuow of tbc Mai tha (White I Concord) Grape, pronounced by J. Knox and others the : most valuable grape produced since the introduc 1 tiou of the Concord j and the I Jucuiida ("Our X. 700") 1 Strawberry, with descriptions of all the lending I varieties of Smiill Fruits, new and old, with di j rections for planting, growing, and handing j them, and how we make from 1,000 to Hti.OOO per Acre j with the Jucnnda Strawberry. It Is very hand ! some and valuable book, gotten np nt a heavy expense, and will be seut to all applicants en closing 1U cents. FLOWERS. Our Descriptive Catalogue of Roses, Green- I house and Bedding Plants, Shrubs, Evergreens, 'etc., contaiulug desoriplions of many rare and beautiful Plums, is also ready, and will be seut ! -it - 11. r..- ft 10 uii nrimenuis 101 it i-ruip. K. CUMMING CO., Successors to J. Knox, Feb.,1871-lm. Pittsburg, Pa. A EHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKEK'3 CJ! LIFOHNIA YINEGAE BITTERS 4 Hundreds cf Thousands 1 i?5 Bcax tPittmony to fhtr WoaUvr tul Curutive i-ilccU. ARE THEY? c E TRXT AI'.K KOT A Vn.E FANCY DRINK. Matleof Poor Itatn, Wblnlirv. i mul Hiiirli eutl Ut'l'uau l.lQUom Uoili nd, ,i IrcJ suit .well eucd ta plfiso ll.o lute, ealk'J" Icn.ct, j.ptUz r," Ittetoren," e., Ikal Iced tie lirr'er ta to atrunkenntie au4 ruin, but tre a true itciliclnn, a.stlo from the Native l:uouau4 Iierb. vl Ciillluruia, f rre Iratn f II Alcalivllf MliMiilmiia. Thov are l!i (ill l.AV Itl.OOU IM l:ll'I.'.:t nuj A J II I' (ilVINU IMtlNt'IlM. i:oii ru.t lu-naitatur a.d luTlgjralor cf lliu J.yhli.i:i,tari)ii'4 vtT u!l iolsuuouit Biatur auil rci'ttrlnu 11. v tl otl la a hibltty riiitbtlea, j.'up. rttm caitla.e tbcte UUlcri cxeuruii 4 lit tl.fvc lluu anil i-cii.aioluiig uuit'alL tlUO willbe fivintfi-raa lururalle cue, rov.J.4 llitt turns a.'u itvi d44iro;i4 iy it.lutr.l putinu or niter utiai. , s::J I'.it tiul irjuu ua btiuuilue point ilirt'a.r. Vur luUuniaii.lcrr eudf hlonln l.'bfuit-n. Ilttn nud (itiiii, lJaiiv4t4lu, r I udiiti-iittuu, Jiillaua, Iti uiiili'til B4441 laivrutllit ul I etciat llUva.iia fl the llluutl, l.lttr, Uitlnt uu4 liladaler, ItirtMi UIuuim latti tv.-u tii.i iut'tHt4 lul. built l-i.iaat. in (clh4 ly tlilsnJ llluatd, wtiit !i u tj.-:icially 1 rvtlttt-ci; I y tta-riU4au.al i-I I.114 j:ki a.ilai (litjaiu.i. : -'M... .. I .-l, I It t 1- 4 ; r.e ii . I1UI UU IMllCl.xTION, RtaJ I., il. biniul-ur i, tfutl, i .n; i.ttt fc-f lt.e -. .t.4, v-.t.r 1 rucluttf i. tf llm t-li'tuarit, .1 i..j ll. ... a, U.ltuua uuc... I 4.1.1. 11 .. ', l. i t.i.r 41.. u 1 1 Ui I ai . I . 44 114 ii.e : . 4 1 l.u I.Ulii t4.4 a l. n 14.14 1 4 aHl4-f 4..1.I 41.' , i.r; it.e t Iu4.iih4 Pj.i.ia. ! lt.,;ult.U 11.41 t.U41.4ill 44.4 44414a. ie III . I 1.4 ...4 t..tii4Si at 1.1. ll . 4i4a, II. 144 ..4 144 !I4U;.4 4. U tlasm ibe i.it litwa 4 af all I4aia4ttl. t, 4w4 U I 4IIII4.I U4 l.lj.-. l an- I v I. 4.1.1 .JiM I .ill bUIH III lli BlU, I l..4i4., lilt l.li: li'Miult., 1-n.U I44., I ,wli, I In 1 lak, I It-tuti t. 1-a.t'a, I 1.44.4., ilit-U -W 14144.4, I a 4- I4ft4. wttl I J l., l-l J 4!,4 Hj., lull, tiull., I ,4ilu. 4..l 4 1 1 tUu l -l... li.l a l e i4 I'iaia. 41 I .4 4 ..ii, a. el .iatail k.t.,14 41 4.411.!., a4li 1.44fal.) I,,. M.J 4 .1 l. 4 VUt 41 IuIiIUIhI I' 1.44.4 I) II H.l.l ll ... 1. I ... I 1.4 I. l.U U S4. L 4. a, i.l . .a. 1. 4.4a IU. t.a,l 44... a lit. wit, vl 1m if a.l-44t ..4at. I....1.4J lia. ;i..,a-l l Wt ' -.4..V.I ) -14 f J at I l4-l.li. 1...1 1 j UUKU. '. ti.ll ILU. U I I -1 I . J I 14. I" 44. 4 4 l"4- I I.,.-. . 44 al- I -tt U aWttiti ..4 -4 tl,.K I IL. a .444, i-KIU-i ll .1 II 4. I ul, 4t )vat Ui4t , tail tail .S 1141- i...- U, ltv4 a .it tu.4 1-4 ll.llj i . 44, ... k .ll I. Ilv . '!. T4t'ea.4viU.i tltlllai-i, luiu i I-e i.a.44. a I aa. la..a 14.WM. a.'... at a-.aa..njr 4ai4v4. a i .-4 .k-uii4 I ai 11 0JI...44U., i.-J i.i.. t- 4itt- ai'tMnl aa.it i uu., ..iu4. a I. (. I... a 4ti4.k,iai..aM. . .t. A W4l4. It-H'.iW it - M.Ujttll iu, ll at i.t.4 t" tiili. 1-4 iax. ia-. tat, M at4 U '. wa44.. ewt, a, a-4a- IVi-W.l HI Ui aVltl,bUWI 4Jttf aVaVkJaaa OM 11,-11 kl fauw Mf.44a 4-.l. kl Il.a.'t,,, a a pl'ilattatt it e B ii WHAT 1 J M ------ " X X . f? 1 I -t" ""t4Sj, c 3 i Sib KsmM m icy f7w f!? Q - " j AriW ' III, MACHINE N1IUP AND IKOM FOl'XDRT. GEO. ROIIUBACU & SONS, Kuiibiiry-, 1 ean'a, F1FORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine 8hop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Mnthincs, with tho latest Improvements. With the nid of skillful mechanics, tbey are enabled to execute all orders of . NEW WORK Oil REPAIRING, that may be given them, lu a satisfactory man ner. Ciratr to suit any Stove. IKON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &e. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and win .always ue Kepi on nana. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbnry, Juno 18, 1870. FI.OK l'.Xt K SKW I X .11 At II I X E. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krause's Tin and Stove Store, market Street, Nnnnnrr, Pa. The Florence Sewing Machine stands unequal led for beauty und durability 1 being the best Family 8eving Machine now offered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-adjusting tentlon In the Shuttle 1 changes for the various Stitches made while the machine Is in motion. Its Stitches are the wonder of nil for beauty and finish, being alike 011 both sides of the fabric. It bcws light and heavy fabrics with epial fa cility. The work will feed either rinht or left. Runs quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced in sewing across heavy seams. Its mo tions are all positive j no spriiiL's or cog wheels to get out of order. The Heinmer turns wido and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is tl'.oi'ut'r;hly practical nnd will last e. Hfi lime. Eve.y Fairtaily should Have One-. Every Machine warranted to substantiate till we claim for It. It is tho only Machine in the world that Is ca pable of mnkin!! more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motiou. Call and examine them, and the samples ot work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, &c., without hasting. It makes n gather and sews it on a band at one operation iierfeetly. K.ieh .Machine is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra cuarire. Every purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept in order. Machine Oil and Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH & BRO Agents, For North'd. Snyder, Union and MoutourCoun's. October 1", 167a mu,i.i;i Mii.i.i;!! riHE subscribers havlns taken possession of .X. the tMinlmry Steam Mills, on milnut street, and having repaired the same, arc now prepared to uiauutuetui-tr nil brands ot FLOUR AND FEED. Thev respeetfullv Invite the citizens of this vicinity to iiivc.tbem a trial, iib their facilities to make the best quality arc equal to any in the i-tate. J heir present retail prices nre : Extra White Wheat Flour, per barrel, f 3 00 Red Wheat Flour, per barrel, 7 00 Corn Meal, per ewt. 3 50 Burk wheat Flour, per ewt. 11 Rve Chop, " 2 Rve at Corn, " 8 (Vats ,t Corn Chop, " 2 White Middlings, " 2 Shorts, K 2 Bran, " 1 Corn, per butb. 1 Oats, " C." Orders are respectfully solicited nnd will re eclve piompt attention. MOVER tfc KOLB. Snnonry, June IS, lS70.-tf. m:.hri:r ami i'i.am.v! mills. Third Street, ad.lolnlnc Philn. at Erie R. R., two Square North of the Central Hotel, BUNUURY, PA. IliA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to famish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. lliivlnir all the latest improved n'Bchincry for uinnufaeturlnjr Luuber, Lii cow ready to Ull or ders tf all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOOP.S, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn iug of every description promptly executed. Also, A L1ROE ASSOUTMF.ST OF HILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, ilcc. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped hv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. deeiy-GS:ly MTOVK "V TI YsTAlM.lSHMEVr. MARKET STREET, SUNBURf, TA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor, tuccxaaou to hmitu okntubh.J nAVING purchased the above v eil known es tablishment, Mr. Kriiuse would respectful ly lnlorin the publie llm: -be now ha on bund a lur;;e assortment of V OOK1XG 8 TOVES, Piveer's Cook Anli-Unst., 'RcKulntor or Revolvlni; Top, Combination, Rusqitrhamia anil others, which are sit iirritiir. d us to be used fur dial or Wood, nud arc warranted topiTl'orui satisfactori ly or no inle. IIEATKR6 of all kinds put up to heat one or mitiu rooms. HKM'JNG bTOYES of ditli reiit kinds nt very low prices. TiuMuro or l'.rry IOKt-rlllou kept etmstanlly on band. Roollin; und Kpoutins wilh the be4t iiiati-rial. done at sh.irl notice. RKPAIRINii attended to wilh dii-paleli. Coal Oil and Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware of till kinds. Mure nppu.ite Cunley's hardware tore. Give mu a vail. A. KKAl tE. aiIJ4-ly Nl'MllltV Vl AlUll.i: Y.tltl. T 111". iiiiili-r-lued b. .vim; boii.'ht the entire tuek of liioslinti r at Tivlor, vtuiild In Cur in the public that be 1. now lead) tu du nil kind id !l ikiii.i: WOIIH. l.fTl ll'te uu baud, and uiuke to order at l-r I I't'l' hllllltT Mil HE. . - Slouuitiritla) il llt-utl-.Htuueii, A Of KVKIIV kTVI.I. I '. ........ . a.' ...... .4. Y. 4T I'l'Ull A.MI ttl.M'Ull BIU.1 Alaii.l'eiiu-tery l'u.-U wilh GalvauUed pil-e and lltiilit.r li'iiciiitf tK iiel'tllv u.e.l ou l i-uu li ili.. Julia A.'la)loi ttill t-a mi i ii ue in Ibu uiuplnMiiiiil, at llieuld aland uu Murktl M .B.u.biiiy. uia)J OS uu: om.y hiovi: uinioi r .1 I II I T IS Till: l.lli: AT Ilil.TI MOUD t IIU4'L.4( 'K UC VI i:il, ILLl'Ul.MAIED MAMOND Oil tURNCR. t1 Ull 44 PARLOR AND lHAtlUl.lt. ARC WARMtt) uv t'Sii I'lur. IT la lb only I Hi J Ijiai lltalei Ibal hi r. la-i I I up I' ll .1. r, till I ll.'a; llijili ullllij m it. p.t.alult., t. a. tit 41 1 111 14 4,'-ia bit Ibe ..linn ul. ll I. llu; ulii 1 Ilij. ..I lltalal tt II It I lie ut l'l.i...iul M.4i,.lU4l I) In. 14 Hit ai. r I 1 1 111 1 I -iuj -4iial la 1 l-lllia J, llttl ap4llilt.44t 11.41 Dl-il If lit, 1. 1. ne t ill. lii.til) aaiiaid, ui.lll.a tiMlv ll.i. ll. it I ul lUti ,.i4l a.'.bl ul IU In Ilia naai. lu.l. ll U lb only fu iattj lltilirlbl I. l'v. a- Hail lf.it lit lit l.4. buiuti III. IU W44i 1U I tt I ' -1 J 144411 b.-.ti. I I. Jf Ut44li Jiiii.ii u-ij l.-n-.j. ii.-tir iiU i''t i llll. til. i Iiu44i'.ls' llati. It t. U. m.'f I ii .-m ll.-l.f Killi lbs J..JI it m, gitlii1 La4tl4.. iu.nu Iwl a t Uat, 4,4 'tu- Wl 4t,a.l.4- U i..l lUli. IK l4al4 Kill. ai l il II la lt- tv4.t ui.,.4,4l 44-It44. .4 llla 1144. lltatiai, Ii. I ia4 4 l 4U.rw.t4 a4-4 i.iatt't Ik t-ilftili'tit fc.tilj lO , , .uil 11 II6WT llkatr. It lla.K, Ui rattieii erne iii.tiuu, 4.aii. I f.-i,'. al.ti V4- l-ia ll Ufh La.l H)l. W . MOODY, M. I., (Successor to W. A. Bennett,) DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market Square, SCXBCHY, Pa. Opened n fresh and full assortment of DRtCiS AM) .MEIHCIXEN. unsurpassed tu purity and freshness, nnd kept constantly on hand. My stock will always be found complete In every article of merit In Medi cine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon promptness and nttcutlou to orders. Just re ceived SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Fancy Articles t My stock Is unusually large and embraces everything that can be found on a first-class Toilet Table, including American and genuine French and English PERFUMERY, Tomndes, nalr Oil, Ivory, Guttn Pcrcha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Ilulr Tooth, Null, Cloth and Paint Brushes, vc. PATENT MEDICINES. Embracing all tho most popular Preparations o the dav. nt manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana Secure nud Chewing Tobneco of the best brands. Puiuts, Oil, Glue, Glass, Putt)', VnrnisilteN, Ac. All mv Tinctures. Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations are manufactured by my- self,nud from the bet-l material ne can procure in Market. All mv preparations as I have above asserted, are made from the best material, nud upon honor I assert, thev arc ot ollieml ttrengtli. ror medical purposes, 1 keep ou nana tne very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. A full assortment or FANCY GOODS AND NOTION8. The attention of the ladies is called to the Ingredients to manufacture wax Bowers. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your owu mind. Alter a uuniDe.r or years- experience in tne practice of Medicine, he offers his Professional services to the citizens of Suubury. Private con sultations can be had between the hours of 10 and 12 a. m., nnd 4 and 6 p. m., nt his residence, in Briglit's brick row, second dour from the eust, Chestnut street. WM. W. MOODY. Sunbnry, Feb. 19, 1B70. Ayer's Hair Vij For restoring Gray Hair lo ils natural Vilalily and Color. A dressing ivnich Is at once ngroenlile, henlthy, utid eiicctiial for preserving tlio Faded or yrai hair. hair is soon reitortd to ils original ro'or with the gloss and freahnest of youlh. Thin hair is thick mm ened, fulling hair checked, Rod buM ncKS oflen, tliotij;?! not always, cured hy its usa. Nothing cnu restore tliu hair wher" the follii-los tiro destroyed, or tho glfitid.i ntropliied nnd decayed. But stieli i3 remain can he Fnvcd for tieefulness by this upplication. Iu.sieiul of fouling the hair with a pasty ssili mcnt, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tlm hair from turning gray or fniling oil', and consequently prevent baldness. -Free from those deleterious substances which ninku Home preparations dangeroim and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor cstu only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely lor a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. .Containing ueither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a gl utei ul perfume Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Cuemibt9, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. MnrcliSO, lSTO.-lj. Nurtlte.ru C'cnlrul Itallwitj. 'WINTER ARRANGEMENT. OS and after Jan. 1st, 1871, train will rnn as follows : NORTHWARD. Leave Punbtiry at 4.55 a. ni., arrive at Canan daigna 8.10 p. in., Pyrncuse 7.00 p. m., Roches ter 4.45 p. ni., Uulialo 0.00 p. ni., Ritspc-Ukioa ltrldge 9.50 p. in., Niagara Kails 0.55 p. in. l.eave Hiinhiiry ut 4.!15 p. ni. for Elinira and linllalo via Kri Uailwuy (roiu Elinira. Leave Suubury at ti.4o p. in. for Willlanwport. BOCT1HVAUD. Leave Sutibiu jr at 2.115 a. in., arrive at llnrris burg 5.15 a. in., Hultitnore 9.15 a. in., PhiUdel phU 9.50 a. ni., Wiinlniiiiiini city 1 50 p. in. Leave friuihiiry nt 10..m a. in., urrlvu at H.ir linLnrg 12.56 p. in., llaltiiii. r.i 0.15 p. m., l'liila delpbia 5.o5 j. lit., Wasbinulou 10.00 p. 111. Leave Sunbnry, 10. 20 u. in., arrive al llarr! burg 1 .(Hi p. in.,' Washington 5 i'.5 p. in. Leave s-unbiiry nt r-i.o.'i i. in., arrive ut Harrls bnrg 2.u0 a. in., Wasblnctoii 7.00 a. in. ltalliiiiiirc ai'i'.iiiini" l.itii'ii leaves Suubury S.Ofl a. in., arrive ut ll.u liburg 7.45 a. in., llultluiore 12.4.U p. iu. bllAMOKIN DIVISION, ruiwtni. Leave fiiiibari at 4. 10 p. in., arrive at Bhamo kln 5.55 p. in., Ml. ( iirmel C. I'l p. in. Leave t-iiiit. in v ( A.-.-ii.iii.odaliiu,J al ll.COa. ut., unite ul bbuiuol.iii I.iki p. in. VTSllVAllll. Lrave Mt. Ciinui l al M 05 a. m., arrive nl blt.t in. .I. I i S.50u. in., buiibiii v 9.54 a. in. 1 in ve til.iiiinii.iii ( At-eiiiiiintl.tlioii,) at 2.45 p. ir... arrive a. Siiiitmry 4.IKJ p. tu. pre leaves dailtr Leaving on buuday, ruu Km lb only In 'i.!l.iiiilitnt. Ail ol Iter Iritiua leave daily, t-lt-ept Hun ln). It. Klsklt. I n. is. Vol u, Cen'l. biip't., llurri.buiK, Pa. Uu'l l'ji n'r Ati't., llallluolt, M.l. AU1IV AT lilt'. Ul.lk l'I.A 11. T 11 If. subteribir Ninioiiners lo lit rillt-u of Baubuiy I bill, Is.t . itttf tt.ilil treated hi ii ii : u hiiu t lur. I'.sTAlil.lbMKNT, OU lb oil platu, ttbeio it ii n t-i til I Jf .Ifatruvti by tin-, It I. it,. tin pi. ..ti-J lo aiipl !y Ibcui illl il kluls of In i ad at It 4 Ckaa, UaU UUUWS Ull sll, Mil It bill Al, LIU VltllaKirtralbsllEAIllli, kill full Hub if t N X CAKM, Tt iif, (v.... ..! lai.lt, A k.l kiinl. ul I wiilt. Inif t. .tt l.. tb.'p U44 I b.l.l allttl. luting iiiipi. )c l a lii-l ti.t.a baker fn.m lb t.ll, k it 'H'4n4 I I k'i fiiiill aull.lui linu In bit In.w ul, a i.4 tiaa.lt!! lu fcn Unit IH.4. . II... 1 1 act I'ak.l ia.lttiel U tuloU.i ,Tif Uwl44l4U. . KIUKIM. An ItvCifi'n b.. -.14 bit l. u t4ni.t4 la l.ril.1444 ta K , U 44li4tw b.tiliit,,! au. a .a. lit' .1. .4. MIU I u, .i limb. . I l.alitain Oi.l ki aall.4 atp a') Ha lii. .4 4-1 i Mil ,.... .u. II. IU4. Ii.buit, J-t,a II, lt!u. I'MlMl), UiU. . M'l L at" cl l'b 1 4.44 J.I b l ll.i, u I i.l li. k U.I, ai.4 .lII... i.i U'l kaU-i at. W t4t.i..t4 ), V4 4,4-a, iataaa, at i 1 1. I, t i, al b p . - .' n tending Itatlroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Mwxday, Nov. 1st, 1S70. GREAT TRUNK LIKE from the North nd North-Weet for Philadelphia, N. T., Rm4 Intr, PotteviUe, Tamaqmt, Aeblnlid, Bbntriukla, Lebanon, Alloutowu, Easton, Ephrata, Lltin, Lnncnter, Columbbi, &e., &c. Trains lonvc UarriBbur); for New York, a fol lows i At 8.10, 8.10,10.50 n. m.,nnd 2.60 p.m., conncctlnK with alinlliir Trnius on th Petinsylviinla Kullrond,- mid nrrivltiir at New York ut 10.10 a. in., 8.50, S.G0 and 10.00 p m. respectively. Sleepinc Cur accompany tb 8.10 it. m., train without change. Kotunilni Lenve ew Xorlc nt 9.00 n. m., 12.00 noon nnd 5.60 p. m., Philadelphl. nt 8.18 ui. and a. 30 p. ui. i Kicupiui; (Jars nccouirnuT- linr tbo 0.00 p. m. train from New York without cbantre. Leiiva llarrisbtirir for Rondlntr, Pottnvllle, Ta- mniiin, Mincrdville, Aolilund, 8!niniokiu, Allentown und Philadelphiit at 8.10 a. nt. 2.50 nnd 4.05 p. in., Btoppitni; nt Lebanon nud priuclpul way Mntion t tho 4.05 p. m., train coiiiiuethiK for PlillndclphlH, Pottuville and C- lumuia omy. ror fottsvnie, Schuylkill JIavcn and Auburn, vin Schuylkill nnd Susiiucbunn Kullrond, leuve llnrrisburg nt 8.40 p. m. . E.-mt PeniiRylvniilii Hailroad trains leave Read lnp for Allentown, Enstou and New York nt 5.00. lO.iiOR. m., 12.45 Noon nnd 4.45 p. m. Rtfturnin(f, leave New York nt U.HO a. m., 12.00 noon na 6.00 p. in. nnd Allentown nt 7.0 a. in. la.iiS noon, 2.55, 4 20 nnd W.45 p. ni. "Wuy l'assenper Triiin leaves Philadelphia at 7.H0 a. in., connectinc with iiinllnr traiu ou Eust Penna. Railroad, rrturnlmr from Heading nt 0.20 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leuvo Pottsvllle nt U.0O a. 'm. nnd 3.10 p. m. Herndon nt 10.15 a. in., SUnnioklu nt 5.40 and 11.20 n. m. Ashland nt 7.05 a. m and 1250 noon; Mubiinoy City nt 7.51 n. tu. and 1.85 p. :u Tnniaiua at ti.'J'J a. in. mid 2.10, p. in. for Pliilaiklphiu, Nuw York, Itsndlui;, Harribburg, t&c. LeaTo -Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susqne liiuimi Knilrnnd at 8.15 a. m. fur Hanisbiirg, und 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Trenioiit. RendiHc; Accommoilntion Train leaves Potts, vllleat 5.40 a. m., paptes Rending at 7.o0 a. m. nrrlvini; nt Philadelphia ut 10.20 a. in., returning havci' Philadelphia at 4.45 P. m., bans'ins: Reaii- iuij nt 7.25 p.m. imivinjr at Pottsville at II.10 p.m. Pottstown AcromiiKiuation Train leaves IVtts town at 7.00 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia ut 4.00 p. m Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending nt 7.20 a. in., and U.15 p. m. for Ephruta, Litix, Luncahter, Columbia, ate. Perkioinen Kail Road Trains lsavc Perklomen Juuetionni7.45, 0.05a. m..at 3.00 and 5.30 p. in. Pketurnlug.lrave Sobwenksville nt 7.0O.H.20 n. m., 12.50 noon and 4.30 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Heading Kail Road. Colebruukilalf Railroad Trains lanve Pottstown at y.40 a. in., und 0.20 p. in., returning leave Mt. Fleasautat 7.00 and 11.25 n. m., connecting wilh similar trains on Iti-nding Railroad. Chefter Valley Railroad Train louve Bridge port ut b.UO a. in., 2.05and 5.02 p. in. ltjturninp, leave IJo.wmi'ton at 15.55 a. in., 12.45 uoon ami 5.15 p. in. i-ouueetiLg with similar trains on lluuii- iug KailroaJ. On Sundays i Leave New Yolk at 5.00 p. m.. Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and Li. 15 p. in., (the 8.00 u. in. liain riinuinp only to Heading;) leave Pottsville at h.00 a. in., leave' llarrisburg, 3.10a. in., aud 4.05 p. in. ; 'rave A1U nto u ut b.-I5 p. m. leave Reading nt 7.15 a. m. and 10.y5 p. iu. for Harrisburs, at 5.00 ii. ui. for New York, and at a.40 a. m. aHd 4.25 p. in. for Philudel'a. Commutation, Milenee, Seattou, School and Excursion Tickets, to aud fioui ull points ut in duced rates. H"iruue checked through : 100 Pounds Eos- gar bltwcd each Pat.seuj.er. U. A. MLUi-LS, Gixicml KiiiHirinteudent. I'liilHtlvIphin aud Eric Ralli-outl. x WINTER TIME TAISLK. On and after Mondav, Nov. 2Ut, 1S70, thfi Traim on tho Philadelphia A; Kile Ruii Road whl ruu as futiows i WESTWARD. Mnll Train leuves Pbiliuleipblii, " " Bunbuiy, " " arr at Erif, Kt'io Bipress leaves Pliiladepbla, " " ' buubtiry, " an nt Frio, Elralra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbnry, " " arr nt Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Mali Trnln leaves Eric, " " " Simhtirv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Eric Bicprcbs leaves Eri-, " " Sniiburv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Blmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " " tfunbury, " arr at. Philadelphia, Bullulo Express leaves Williamsport, " " ' Suubury, ' ' arr nt Philadi Iphia, 9.40 p m 4.55 u m 7.40 p in 12.20 a m 0.40 p in 7.10 a m ii 11.) a ni 4.H5 p in 7.50 j) in 0.00 a m 12.05 a rn 6.50 a in O.liO p iu 10.20 u ni 5. till p rn f!.15 u m 11.05 a m 5. ull p m 12.155 a ra 2.115 a m b.40 a m Express, 'Mail and Accommolatlon, eatt and west, connect nt Cory and all west bonne) traius, and Mail and Areomod "ion east at lrtinttuD with Oil Creek auJ Alleghruv River Railroud. VVM. A. UAI.DW1N, ticn'l Sup't. I.ackuwnuua laud IJIooiusburj; I.nil. roiul. SCMMER ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, July lrfth, 1970. 80L'TH WARD. Lrave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. r.M. ! fl 45 8 .5 9 510 5 1 b0 S Ii fat. 9 25 5 .... 1 08 ; 0 r. r ' 9 12 5 4:. 1 is 1 7 05 9 51 5 Mt 1 '27 ,7 11 J 50 10 in ti 08' 1 1-5 1 7 19 10 5 0 OS 1 45 1 7 27 4 00 10 1 fi 15 1 55 j ; 10 1 ti 21 2 oa ; 4 15 7 45 10 ' ; a a.. 'J K' i j 10 4 1 r. 4i.! i 7 S5 4 24 10 5 I G 4 1 8 07 i 7 00 t S IV I 7 07 i 8 29 4 5 1 7 2-N i 8 4:t , 7 40 j 8 50 5 15 ,7 611 8 57 5 22 ; b 00. j 9 02 j I j i 9 05 i j I 1 9 15 i 1 9 V.5 45. ' 9 80 5 50 i 9 8S. 5 57 1 9 48 tl 02 .10 1 0 i'ol 10 is: ; 10 2:1 ! Herantoo, Itnllevue, Taylorville, I.arknw.iiiiia, Pittston. West Plttston, Wyoming, Mall by, K illusion, at j St. W, -Han cr Plymouth June., Plymouth, Naiitici.Uc, HuiiltM ks, hhiekshiniiy, HickV Ferry, Ueiit-h ll.ivcu, Ibrwick, Willow Gro, ISriar Cret k, I. line Rlile, Kspv, Hi nt mi .burg, Rupert, Cila bsa, Palltllle, I bill. !'', Caiiiviiin, Noilli',1, tarrlve.) 10 4.' 5i' NORTH WARD. A.M. p.m.: LfaTa". N'orthiiinhcrluitJ, 10 25 5 20 Caineii'ii, 5 .71 tbui-ativ, ! ft t.t: Ii.tntili.-, 11 C2 5 4J. Cil.ttti,., U 24 11 Kiii'cit, ' 12 '-' ti in. llllll.llll IjUlf, 11 ffi (l P-l'Vi 11 4l 8" l.iltio lalilu'f, i II I'l 111 all II. ik, I ti 50 A. M.l . ii .i ii.ia, ' : ; Hrrn k, 12 f l' i fi pi lif.tiU ILitan, 12 IN 7 15 6 V' Ilia U ' l ii 14 I 1 , ti 80 fclmk.l.Uicy, i jj 7 k'5 45 HaiiMik'-, lit) T 40 7 in.' P. M ' Sauti.'. k-, , I ii 7 4 7 l-i l'i)ii.. i.c , 1 t in 7 vi 11 i'u P. K I'll 1111. ul b J ll'f., 1 1 I tO 11 I'.i - ki. .4-1.111, A j ai , , u, t t0 ,j .j, f ij W -114.1 I ) I, U ll , T 47 II S. 4 17 y 1,1.1 t, ' I My Jft 1 !.' ll-4 V'J Halt I'.ll.i J, . II .. I IU II U i '. ri.i.t.,1,, ' 1 " t ' it 1 11 47 4 .1 l.aik4tuin., ' I i 1 1 iiS 4 l.)i...ii., , 9 i'l tl U t'4 4 Ul U.1 .ti., 9 I" " I I ktlkt"f 1 (lllJ I 9 I 1 ' '.o 1 l ll in I li'vi iu. 1 "t 11 .i VIluis A I I . 1.1 ai a In M kll Ii ' . ,...!( .j il ... V I ,1 I ,' 1 il kttl. ( l I 4 I I I. tlaxil 4 I'ltlll., i'l I I .1,. Li.l I a. tt a l-ia.. I k It. la, t 1.1 t n ,' 1 1 1. A at. .. II'. I I 4 M, 1 t ..I 1.1 .4 l , l.. J Ii 1. . . 4 l 'La .l V. ..!