mhmi American. 6UNBTJRY, MARCH 4, 1870. Hnllroad Time Table. r' EAST I AVKST. BuflMo Ex. I've 1M ml Eric Mull I've 4:115 a. m Rna " " W:i!M"ilf " : P m Wail " im P rn, Erie fc)t " 6:10 i in llrle Mull, " 2 ml .-. .Emigrant Train West nrrives nt 11:09 . m. SHAMOK1J DIVISION1 N. O H. W. . teavt I JrrtM Hunbury at 11:60 s m At Suntiury 9 M tn ii 4:4(1 m " 4:01) pm Wmil, HmiTffiiTwiIIES-BAffiE R. E. Uitvt Sunbmy-6:SI A,M S:f.O '"l :20 P- M. differ nt Simfcuiy 11:30 A. M., :U0 am I 11:06 P. M. Wm Dirni-ifi 10:45 A. M. :30 snrt 1" P. M. trrive at Vanvillrb-.W A. M.. 4:10 anil 7:4ft 1. M. Geo. P. Howell A Co., 40 Park Row, N. Y., 8. M. 1'cTtENOii.L fc Co., E7 Park Row, ;. V., nuil X7. VT. Sn.nrn & Co., Trilmnc HulMlnei. N. Y., are the olc ngents for this paper In that city. $ oral Sffairs. Tick GRQVF.K & BAKER nml the BINULK SEWING MACI1INKS tiro acknowledged su perior to nn? otVr now manufactured. Miss C. Pullim, Market street, this place, Is the agent for tho talc of them In this nnd niljolninK coun ties. Instructions In scwlnir given free of charge to all purchasers. A lot always on hand. Call ind examine them. N. F. Mghtncr's Regulator. Boots, Shoes, Trnnks, Leather and Shoe Finding. Notice to Postmastf.hs Postmasters return ing letters or papers addressed to persons who "have moved away, should explain if potsiblc, what become of the person addressed, or what Is his present post olllec address. It is not sufficient to i-ny that the letter or paper u uncalled for, or is not lifted. The reason of its not being taken out should also be givcu, or, if a letter, should be sent to the proper address. SnoRVAKKns- materials for manufacturing, nt the Regulator. Juugu Woods, of Wiillamspoit, has been lioldii.g a speciul term of court the past week in ttib place. Judge Klwell, of Bloomsburg, will preside at tho regular March term, in p'.ace of Judge Jordan, who, though recovering from his recent illness, is not yet able to resume his duties. Tur. bill presented In the House of Represen tatives, nt Harrisburg, for the passage of no net to Incorporate the Sellnsgrovo and North Branch railroad eomany has been objected otrthc calan- j der by Mr. Albright member of the JIuusc. j Call Received. Rev. M. Rhodes, palter of tho J English Evangelical Lutheran church of Leba- I lion, formerly paster of the Lutheran church at I this place, recently received a unanimous call from the Lutheran church of Omaha City, In Nebraska, olleriug hint a salary of t2,000, Mr. Rhodes, however, fe'.t it his duty to remain in his present field of labor. ' Tnc Croquet Shoe, a uovelty, elegant aud com fortable, at the Regulator. A Locomotive, a few days since, took off the head of one of the hogs running at large. Tho owner, no doubt, will now kd'p thein tip, as this Bnnimary way of abating n nuisance Is more prompt and perhaps more effective tbuu the. acts of tho High Constable. Nt MnruLNO the Hotsrs. Some of our citizens have bee n called upon to have their lniuseB num bered by an individual. This thing, If done, should be done by the Borough authorities, ns some mlglit refuse or neglect to perform tlmir part. Besides, some one should be nppoiutcd to designate the numbers, and then a sullleieiit luiiiiber of giided metal figures could be procured at a small cost, and the numbers could be put up Say any one.with metal figures or by jaintiugthem. Mr. HmtM Diuksimcu has sol I the 33 foct lot at of his residence to J. F. Shaffer, together with the front part of his building whit h w ill be Ki,.ve,l for a b.tek building on Mr. ShaClr'a lot. Mr. Driesbach has contracted fur a new biiek building on ihc Corner, flouting on second street nud centre alley. I All Rubber Wear, ut manufacturers' prices, t.i the Regulator. Man Killed. On last Friday evening about 11 o'clock, the body of a tiinu was discovered ly nz si !r; i.r the P. & E. Railroad track near I. T. Cleme'it's Ka.ih Taeiory, In the upper end of this iioi.) i!i, h t vlis ,t hole knocked in bib head and (in iir:n hnk . Coroner Gcusoy was notllied, v.! o ton!; the holy iu charge, nnd 1'i.B iict nioni In H mi bquest over It. A time book was found in !.!- person with the name of Andrew t-tine wiihiiiit. The utine person had been In several (1 ii:il.i;i" p'.'icci a short time prevh is, but ns he I;.l t be lutotie.tted, they refused him 11 ; i' r. TV' Jury ren lerod a verdict that he was n.l ei:t.;''v hilled l v one of the tralus passim' ! out tho r.ii:road at that poluv lug tibjjl h'.s p.'i'.'On I b'ootf iVoltl. There was uolh- wLcie be baJled ; lti'.vt.orn, nt the g'llat' inish, and slaiiglit.-r sole leather, Tnnfror!er lt:qnet on Mr. Adam Fry mire of Milton, who was killed Wulsontown, oiithe 'Jld of Fehru-uy, rendered a verditt that became to his death by being thrown from thecals and breaking bis neck. The Jury fuither state that the cars were thrown off the truck on account of a broken rail. The rail having been broken near tb; fuiiit of eonaei t!on by a 4raiu going rut wird ju-t pievio is to thu accident, nud the ulght v it 'limn n m l having suthVient lime to examine thi.t part of the I oa I before the Erie Hail train past!:i' uvstwnid. The Jury etusuro the Rail iojI company tor not kt-tpli K employees sulll cli ut o-.i the roa I to dl-eover breakages. Tli ( r' jury lu the accident of Alexan der Rall'iiur, noticed In our l.tii lue, rendered a Uirdiel lie e nne to his death by uecldui t filling from a ,a able of S. F. l.lgltuers' aud breaking LU luck. Boon and St.ot fur I ho community, at poje.i. Ur pile., at I ha Rgul.tor. Tui I'.-v. V ('lurch, of lit: V. llvuint, pator c f the M. E. pine. fr the last Ihreg year, bft nu 'I hm -it iy I t. t t' .Mhu Aiiiiual Coufeieiiec, wl.l. li iiurls nt I'.trli.' , Pa., oil tun bill hut , wl.ers hi ivpieu, iieioi,,ni In ci..l'.ln, t,, l, 1 4ifn re 1 1 j a'u '. r cLi-iiU. Mr. 1. 1 .tut, duiiiig ' 'l ! lillll lit ill ill ih.'.lp ill tl,i, l .11 tUt, Il.tS M,U i.c ! HI of all 11 1 l nun iii Willi 1,1 in , .I Ills li .irt ! U MHIell liurilli. I. III. Idea . tun.; I ii. i.r I It. it. I .i. a inu.i i,f iLu i,, ,t druil- I it 5 1 it deal i f Iii, linn ,, n,0 i.i.r. U of Ibit ollitn ii .1 V "-lit 'ulu t.l l,t ,,.il,U . lie r ti i ,il , u l.aic .. J.iUll, i..1i.!j v'a 1 1. 1 Ii til I I I l.o l! m . I'KI. It I I Ii v l..,li .. I -in !' 1 III II I. i u il.ll II jj l,la i iu. ' I a gibe i.i 1 1 1 1. 1 ,'. iii. I u ll.u "i.i L!ii u:.. I," Ik I ' uu '. I int., i. J uilin.1 I'll I. . .1 u4 ii H' I " W Ml.. I k. ihiIM IIM. , f. I oil l. .s.,l.'...lli I' I .a ii . I. ii .i .4 . .1.' 1 lt 1 I bis t Ull 4 I, 1 1 1 4 I . 1. . I i 1. "ti a tf Hi 1t fi ef, . j U itt' tuit I I Lis "4 I1 , 1 u I in, li 4 I 1 irll. , 11..1U, Hill , -. Lg J ...1-1 ..l luu. b 11.11.111.(1 1.,u, tk H ' -. Hit!, L ,t .!. .bl 4 , U h' titi kt Um I 1. I. ' I t.tif Nl.l I'll l"W Mil. Ed. T- DntTMirRLKiMhe present proprietor of the WeaTer ITouse, which lias been known by the travelling public Tor the Inst three-fourths of a cer.tnry the BIgn ct the Buck, Intends ter.f Ing down that old structure by tho first of April, for the purpose of giving plncei to a large hotel, when litis) well known old establishment wilt be numbered among the things of the pnst. The present frnme building was erected about 80 years age by Jonns Weaver, who emigrated to this sec tion from Berks county about thnt time, and re mained In the hands of the Wcnver family until purchased by the present proprietor, seven years ago. There has been but lllte chamro made in tho "Id structure In all this long term of 80 years. Its original color was red, (a favorite- color wo suppose, In thoso early days,) nnd In ivout, nt n proper distance from the house, stood the old sign of antiquated design, swinging upon hinges In a square frnme, fixed on the top of a high post, npon which was painted what was supposed to be a Buck, but to such n degree of perfection had the art of painting been brought Iu thoso pri meval days, that the skillful nillst, iu his effort to produce a buck, suddenly, nnd cunningly brought forth a drumndcrry with elephant's legs, nnd the nntlcrs and tall of a deer attached. This nondescript device was removed about 20 years ago, when an addition was built, nnd the origi nal part was repainted. Iu connection with the old public honsea which are passing nwny before, tho march of time and progress, wo must make mention of Battalion day tho day of glngcr-bccr nnd ginger-bread when the bold militia captain strutted with lofty bearing nnd loftier pluuio, In front of his fierce command, which went through the evolutions mi titaire under his Instructions, with the grace and alacrity of a drove of oxen, amidst a storm of old shoes, stones, bones, nnd the shouts and hoots of a crowd of rascally boys. Battalion day was a great day tho day on which all old feuds were settled by tho strength of knuckles. Crowds, lu which the demon of whisky Impatiently slum bered, would suddenly become Uoculent as a swarm of bees, and the remit of the sudden and Inexplicable embrace would be numerous black cycB, sAi'nl nnd bloody uoses, and it host of other evils entirely too numerous to mention.- The llddle nnd the dance were tho usual ad juncts of Ihc battalion, and were a right nice fea ture of the occasion. Tho only dance known or practiced, was the old French-four, which resem bled the Indian Bnakc dance. People n-w-a-days, know nothing about politeness they don't ; why, lu those days If a lady was asked to dance nud refused, she was instantly ncektU, and hauled forth, and her pedal arrangements immediately went into operation like a streak of greased lightning. We say people iu these degenerate days hasn't the least idea of manners. There were no rest less uiU-Jloircrs those days its ir. these no, no ! nil danced all danced perforce of good brccdin'. The man who could make the most noiso with Ills feet, regardless of tune or time, was regarded as skillful but the man who could get through with the creates! variety of bodily cirations, and j throw himself ns high as the ceiling, and give 40 I hideous yells, was considered far superior to any j one else, and his fume t'eiit abroad. When n sot of dancers was ou the floor in full operation, the tiolse and clatter resembled that of the pitman in a saw-inill-lhc whole sceue j crlVcting a sight ridiculous in the extreme. The customs, nnd manners, and condition of this community and vicinity, have changed since 'his style of dandus was iu c.ijue, nnd the last of the old land-marks associated with battalious nud kindred matters of days gouo by, will soon be superceded by the largest nnd most commodi ous hotel iu this place. Mr. Drumlieller, the gen tlemanly proprietor of the Weaver Housc,through his adaptability to Ms profession, Las hud re maikable nieccss In this place. Ilis lutended building will be COxlOO in depth and breadth"; Three stories, 12, 11, and 12 In hcighth, with sa loon below. It will be put up In the most ap proved modem style. The estimated cost is Sl.S.UOO. Eil Is an enterprising man, aud a useful citizeu j and through his new establishment, fa vorable location, and pleasing deportment, will command the liou's share of public patruange. Tiik JUiLito vn Accidhnt at Watsontowv. We copy below from the Watsontown Ueeord of last week, further particulars of the railroad nctident which occurred ou Thursday morning hist, at Watsontown, of which we gave a notice lu our last issue. The Jlecord 6avs: There were eis cars In the train four P. & E., throutrh cars for Erie, and two N". C, through cars for Rochester, N. Y. The greater number of the killed an I wounded were occupants of one of tho N. C. cars, which was hurled down the embank ment with such ioleme ami In such a manner as to completely tear off its roof nnd almost en tirely demolish its inivr arrangement. Adam Fiymire, of MUon, 4ht only person killed, had his luck broken and hii low ,t Jaw considerably fractured. He was going to Williampo't lu company with h': brolhcr-iu-Uiw. Thos. Stutto son. His body was Immediately taken back to Milton. The only occupants of the sleeping ear were a gntlemen, bis wife and twj children, all of whom escaped without injury, although the car was badly wrecked. The two rear cars were thrown from the truck, bnt fortunately they did no" go over ih embankment. Many of the ofil- 1 ecrs cd' the road vlsrtcd ihe scene of the disarter. j A w reck train from Wiiliamspoil soon arrived j nud Miceiedint! In clearing mid repairing Hie j track, so lliiit trains are now running aeeor ling 1 to their regular schedule Dr. J. W. L'owman, ; P. i E. R. R. Surgeon, ut thU place, waspronipt I ly 011 the it rouu 1, mlini.iUtiTing to the wants of j the wounded. He wus Joiurd iu his huinane i . I forth by other, hu I by Ur. Politick, j of Wllliaui-poii, nnd .V.cClc.ny, of Mi'.ton. lm mediately uflor lliu uecldcnt three of the wound c I were l.iUuu to the reidcii" of the Misses llitrr, I one to Mr. Robert McICee's, and ouo to tho I Forscuiau Home, where they ro now receiving I all the ullvulloii thut the solicitude of thu kind I hearted Ltdics of this town cau suggest. This (1 1 1 1 iy) Ulorulng they are rvported couvalesceiil. All tie othere eon'lniied their Journey. The fol lowing a list of the killed and wounded s Adam Frytnlie, Milton, killed. Dennis Co. Ban, Itull.ilo, N. y wi'iiuly bruised and burned. Muiou P. Peek, hllii-t;i.iive, ciuuiy Injured in b.iek. Philip HUy, K,K In !. r, N. i'., iiil.iiially Injiired. II. .nice Hover, Milt. .11, head and wrist. Win. Yoliut, Mill , back an.) lie,., I. Klli, II, y. man ir .lu coiiduetor, t.-veuly lejiiiid in b... k and tije. 11. i,J 1111I11 W.-K, IbiNaua, S. V., If. id aud leg- I h,i. A. (.owill, cwitik, S. V., lu bead. Win. l ollliu, (colored) I rt.b lieka burg, it., slinlit cut on miu. Autliew JuiiUihKi, Jiiiui slow li, N. V.. w.itiii.lfd iu Uu k. J.tiiit II ..kI, Noll It till 1. K..UI, .,,i 1 1,1 lu .... Win. Mn,, I 111. 1. 1.i, aeveru lul lu bead and bitiutd liiiii!,lt r. Waller t'r kei, 1 uii.i.irior llaillniora 1. J 1 n if car, No. I, ill I. .111 I. Win. M. PiilleKoii, t iiliiii, brut-id hip. I I sal I M. l.eiii.ui, Uui4, S. V., itil ubutu 1 i--, m., hull 111 bul k, 1.. . k and I' ll I,U, t. A . I 1 11 , 1 111I011, I'a., Ii ., l, lop, slioitlilt r urn! II. i.h. J. M. M.tili, 11,'ii I. .)!,. nk, Pa., cut lit l.'-ud and lu. W. Jis ucviii, aiut ui tai. L 4'it ) iJ-i l, brad. lit klu ur, kUn h I'll I, l"7l. V ' ', I to k. .,ur I1.1t.1l l"r. A, I', I UiW b.i filum. (in III lli u uf I' 1) IiU, liil lm li. lieU Hit- l.i.l , III till IUuJll.' tjf l'l. I .f I'diuiukl t Hil lttlUlit t t Its lllHia I Uf.uiib ui.ia 1 u jueiLggf i.K.n.i.., Bb4 kuikei). i I, Miiio l.-ibalw . UUlll.!.. I.I ).k Is, In. I'.uixvil, B bl ii.uuitui( 1 niit. v lui itb.1 ir. I Uik i.4 .u till, lu lUt bulliliu ,l , i. ftknr, .( , ult 1 1., yn, ,U, u( M4ik. $ifl, U.I I, (uuu. , gll uUJ.,i Uu, ! wlMk.,a kkig,4. W W.X . W I Otin List Dch. We have tried to get an an swer to ome of our appeals, but there seems to be but little heed tuken. The Plymouth Star thus addresses Its readers, and, as our case Is somewhat slmllnr, we ask a perusal t "Hear us for our debts, nnd get ready, that yon mny pay ; trust us, we have need, as yon have long been trusted acknowledge your Indebtedness, nnd dive Into your pockets that you mny ptvmptly fork out. If there he any among you a single patron that don't owe US something, then to him we say, step asldo, consider yourself a gen tleman. If the rest wish to know why wo dun them, this Is our answer. Not that we care about ourselves, but our creditors do. Would you rather that wo went to gnal, nnd you go free, than pay onr debts nnd keep us moving T As we agreed, we have worked for you as we con tracted, wo have furnished the paper to you but ns you don't pay us, wo dun you. Here nro nifrcenieuts for job work, contracts for subscrip tions, promises for long credit, aud duns for de ferred paymont. Who Is there so Ignorant that he don't take a pnper ? If any, he need not speak, for wo don't mean him t Who Is there so green that don't advertise T If any, let hint slide, he ain't the chup either. Who 1 there so mean thut he don't pay tho printer 1 It any, let him speak, for he's the man wo'ra after ? List ok I.itTirits Rkmaimmi in Si ndiky P. O., MAiicn 1, 1871. Mr. A. W. Blrd-ell, Mr. II. II. Bartholomew, Mr. J. F. Culp, Mr. John Co martli, Mr. Francis Colgan, Mr. John Conklln, Mr. J. W. MeClery, Mr. U. 8. Clark, Mr. Charles Evans, Mr. Robert Fox, Mr. David Cilllii, Mr. Thomas Ghannon, Mr. Geo. W.Gray, Mr. Har ry Hudson, Rev. L. L. Ilaughawaut, Mr. Sam uel Hess, Mi Mngulo J. Haupt, Mr. Jacob Ilarmcn, Miss Bella Kniss, Miss Lou Klino, Jliss Sarah J. Reefer, Miss Lucy A. Krefer, Mr. Wil liam Kelly, Miss Annie Lenlg, Mrs. Mary M Laymcistcr, Mr. Charlie Meyers, Mr. James T Mills, Mr. P. H. Miller, Mr. P. 8. Martz, Mis Alice Nfcidifcf, Mr. John K. Roelel, Mr. John P. Roth, Mr. Gilbert R ltz, Mr. George Kienn, Mr. 8. R. Real, Mr. Henry Poke, Sir. James M. Itamsdell, Mr. John S. Snyder, 2, Miss Malluda Snyder, Miss Diana Ehipe, Mr. Louis Smith, Miss Maggie Shlers, Mr. George Simpson, Mrs. Mary E. Shipe, Mr. Richard F. Sterner, Emily A. Tempser, Mr. R. Terry, Miss Mary Wu'.f, Mrs. James Wilkinson, Mr. Joseph Wetzler, Mr. Harris E. Weitell, Mr. Uveal V- Wagner, MisB Sarah Wart. J. M. HOSTIAN, P. M. CorriT PitocKKoiMjs. Sf.vm.itT, Feb. 27, '71. Thc Adjourned Court met nt 10 o'clock. Hon. James Gamble, ot the Lycoming Di.-uict, pre siding, and Associates, Nicely nnd Shipmun, present. Tipstaves, J. L. Russe! and Sebastian Boughner. Isaac Mayer fc Co. vs I'.iilmnn A Brother. Summons In case. No. 107, August Term, lSilO. Jury returned verdict for plain till for fl'jS.70. Ira T. Clement vs Schneider. Summons in debt. No. lOd, January Term, S71. On mo tion, judgment entered for want of an appear ance for tl20.S4. Catharine Oyster vs George Conrad. Feigned issue. Some lime ago Je.-:so Sheet? nsMgned the uhove plaintiff a note or noies, and alterwurds Geo. Conrad, who held a judgment against said Sheets, attached money in bands of plaintiff. Aftion was brought, and verdict rendered in favor of plaintiff. Edwaid Eiscly vs Henry Eaumgardner. Ap peal. This suit was commonced lu 196$. Ver dict in favor of plaintiff for 578.07. D. Angst vs William Dunn and Thomas Dunn. No. lGii, August Term, 100. Appeal. Angst sued for wages. Jt'ST received, a number of popular fronts of French calfskins, at tho Regulator. SnERji r's Sli:s. The theritr is advertising the following properties for sale ou Monday Monday loth. Two lots and dwelling house in Mt. Carmel borough, the property of Oauiel b. Herb. Two lots nnd house lu Cumerou twp., Ihe pro perty of John Lynch. A house and lot in Mt. Carmel borough, the property of J. L. Maize. A tract of land in Delaware township tho pro perty of I). C. Weik. The one-fourth Interest of n tract of laud In Lo jit Augusta twp., the property of J. J. Miipe. A house and lot of ground In the borough of Sunbury, the property of Abraham Lytic. A tavern, house und three lots of ground In the town of Trevorton, the property of II. B. Weaker. A frame house and lot of ground la Tiirbut towned.lp, the property of William Haupt. Two vacant lots iu the borough of Mt. Carmel, the property of Geo. Ii. nildn th. A tract of Ian 1 in Shamoliin twp., tho proper ty of A. Verger and Jacob Ve.iger. On Saturday t!i llth ibiy of Muich. A house and lot in Upper Augusta twp., tto property of MilUr F. Graves. A tract of land in Le'awaro township, with I dwelling house, &:., ths property of Daniel Up" . degiatr. Noticb. The members of the Northumberland county Agricult irtl s.ici.ty, will niael iu the Court IIouss nl tuiibuiy, .March 11!, 1S7I, nt V oV'lock, P, M., to U111U4 itrraiigeuienls for the next lair. T1I03. BAKr., Pec'y. Gr.r IssiTiro. Wc have lately note I a num ber of accl .lent, lu which n-veral permis weie killed aud a uiimber Injured. Thuii ueeid -nts should seriously remind all who ure travelling of I ho Importance of securing au Insurance policy. For 11 small sum Invc.ud lu ease of death the snug miu of Jo.OOJ will be paid Id the legal hell of the parly, and for tin Injury a weekly comien nation of J-'l U paid, ull for '.'0 cents Investment. Annual policies are Ivmu J dally by J, ShiymuB, Agent, at this place, for a number of the lat In- companies lu cxhteuce. Cksti' Uii Flench t oTf, but Uu Boats, Mitsli. ed bulloui, at the Kegululor. Who IU ..,r a Liiii k I.iul I-LM (urn uier puny uf Gpin, e..ui.i,i,K of a wu lutu a it, I kIiI ai-l li.iiil levi 11 yer, u, tl. runt li Hut lll.iv"f llel inure, Ci iwtoi J euuulv, u.ii.. VV.-I 1.1 I. ......I.... . .. .1 I 1'ure, uiau vii.ic-.l t I1..1.I111,' lu cams er.i littl (!lilu,'tl tiliont .iur vui, lu In I L,eu Irll 111 Hm n,a uti.iul mile ml of the Milui,!', 1,11 i iil. ,( (,).,c, ia, j,,,! ja,s, J i.Ver. 1 l. tlio Iiaulliij 1 li ke I Ul Hie etiilil mill l.n.k tl to In lame, ', m. lUinijruuM Kive no neruuiil uf Itulf, uui liut tier jrvt tui.v. , u Itu 111 jrvuH l. ll.o geueiid l.ii.r..,u 1 lUal ll.e t lol l 414 11 ( UU114 to li t (i),.U, m,4 H. ii lUejr klule U fiuiu ..u.e Iji.illy u4 Ut-uu.lug lii4 ,t It UH It lu Ike .4 kbute tUlt I. 'IUim.i bu tuinibi Uiuurulnn fuller Ii4 ueiilier b..iu Ibe .utUeiillui uf Ibi Una in..)) lul la Ike tlicotijf ut lUt.r lut tl.1,4, Will our kilui.fcs i, t( runeurj hW,f t j,,..ll,:o I y,.,i, AuwrrW. 1u V' r,' JuM.Hid .Kli.lUI Iryl.Ur uf hf ul b UtH l'Jc lm ltl, It 1,1 m 1. a I; Uiu llie Ilk in tb uf Waub. H will oi.uiu ag u. law 'Itut ft l.Jli.(( auIUr, Iu4bti Ml Ubitk4 l.laallalloba, a 1,4 Ul Ua aW4 at lb lo (a la uf tg tl k,4 iM u,ij of ix Mr. C'AnjfBL Itkmh. A correspondent fiotn Mt. Carmel Inform 111 that a new Screen manu factory, has been established In that place by James Greenwood, Esq., formerly of (ho firm of G 1 ecu wood, Gllmore & Larimer. Mr. Green wood Is an energetic man, nnd will no doubt do a thriving business In his new locution. Tna now School nousc nt Mt. Carmel Is near ly completed, Its co-f is about C0,000, nnd will bo an ornament to thnt place. Mt. Cakmkl Bi-ill'ino aud Loah Association. Tills Association Is eta: ting out under the most favorable auspices. At a meeting on the 23.1 of February, 10 shares were sold nt an nvcr nge of $04 each. Tl Is Assoclut ion will, no doubt bo a vast bencllt to that town, ns It will Insptro many hard worhirg men without property, to Invest hi this Association to procure a home, which they can readily secure by paying about the same amount monthly dues, which they are uow paying for rent. The following Is a list of ofllccrs for the present yenr, their term cf cillec expiring on the first Monday lu July. President John B. Reed. Vice President. D. J. Lewis. Treasurer. Samuel A' BcrgttreEser. Secretary. II. V. Rotheruu l. Ctrectors. Wm. Sterling, Joseph, Thomas Morton, H. .11. rnliims, Henry Hill Samuel Marjdou, P. T. Burke, Henry T. John and Dr. Henry Gulkk. Auditors. I). Y. Giiham, Gould r.ud W. A. Urowu. A N'Aiinow Esi :ait.. On Wednesday morning last, Isaac Vincent nnd son, in attempting to cross tho Railroad, nt the lower Planing Mill, In a two-horse wagon, ahead of the 0:12 passenger train, barely escaped being caught by the en gine. Tills ahcuid serve in i wr. ruing to others not to crops till Railroad when they sec a L-nlu approaching. FiVifituiiloirn J.'ecord. OH Wednesday Inst, ut three o clock, a land 1 slide occurred on t'uo Cattawissn extension, be tween the residence of John Fr!U and a Mr. Billman, near Fenny Hill, which instantly killed aiaonrer ny me name 01 Kienara urennan, a , native of Ireland. It, appear that about eih-j teen men were working on a side ide hill cut when ed, which buried a tall trom tun slope oceurre Rrcnunti. The rest fortunately escaped, one or two only receiving slight injuries. T!'.i.'e.-i(ji. iCCOl'il. luni.iMiAsu iitMiui. iiin.irs. ii u rcpoit-' ea mill some 01 1:10 ien,;ing inemncru ol the .'ling propone Inviting Weii'Ul Philips to deliver n lec ture in tho Court House, before that honorable body. Prompted by the tender feelings they en tertain for the fair sex for whom it is well known they have the hichert regard the cub ject they have FeleeUd, will be 'Woman's Rights.' As it U known that the lecturer's charge arc high, the tax-payers of the rmnty can '.oik out for an Increase of the amount c lunged ns miscel laneous items, which now absorbs t'.icui f M,(.!jd, Cc'Tiiaaiikatt-; .rou n:n AM"i'.;cAV. A Sllt!SiAT1! PlsrsTNTATSON or A II AT TO A Minis I r.u. On Saturday cvml'i,' last, the hiirii lv esteemed paster. Rev. V". W. F.vaiH, of the M. F. Church, of this place, was subjected to n most nu'recable surprise lit his residence 011 Arch ft. The members of the fnnbury Orchestra. :: scmbVid to make a present nt ion of a fine sl'l; hat ns a token or the esem, and respect which thev entertained fot him. The affair was of course kept from the Pastor's knowledge, by previous ar rangements to receive a serenade by the Orches tra. About 0 o'clock, they repaired t i his resi dence and a ft or p'avinj In front of the house, they accepted an Invitation into the parlor. Af ter nlnyintr a favorite piece of music, Mr. F.m'l Wilvert stnted that Ihe Orchestra had learned with great regret that he and family were about In be transferred to another Held of labor In (oil's cause, and before partinir with him they wbdicd to u'tve him some recognition of Ihe hU-h. esteem they entertained for him. ns n Minister of the (iospcl, nnd a private citizen- As .. token of their retrard. he h id tho honor to prj sent to him, on their behalf, a line silk bat, thousrh not .a token of (treat value ho hoped U, would be received, not only ns n tribute of re spect. but ns a maik of confidence nr.rt esteem. they bad in his integrity of character nn1 exem plary conduct ns a citizen and a Clurvmer.. Mr. ) Kvnns having been taken n lionet bcr by surprise, said that It entirely unmanned him, nnd that ' such a tribute, of respect was unexpected hut was ' hiyhly aprireciated j that he was happv to kno.v that be had soma friends imi; of his flock. ' He said h" would receive It, hut that it w is with I emotions of heart which ho was unable to cx-i press at this time, that he thanked them for so : kind nn offerin-r. A'thoni;h he would part with ! them now, thev wonld never be fore-otleu iu his prayers to his Father in Heaven, and hope! that. . they would nil meet in ilmi celc.-Minl throuti above : wncre t'lere !s mni li pleasant, r ruiR c. ! The Orchestra (lion plavel 'Mldniubt Hours" by rei'ie-t, nud Iheu biddinsr bim eood night, , and all wishlnir him nnd family a safe journey, : tlicy parted for the evening. I SiT.CTATOIt. ; I F'.ii! Tim Amf:::cax. j A C'urloiiN PLonoi.ieiioii. j Cakktown, Fen. 7th, 1S71. I Mra. its. Ei'iTons: j On Saturday evening hist, a rumbling nn'se which no one ran exactly l!lu. trait! or describe, was benrd by a number of per- . sons piisslne; tlm Court Hou.e. The ntino- plien, i;l the lime was quite heavy nnd it inijl.t have been Ihe passage of a meteor through the nir be yoml the range of virion or the mutteilng of a : young earth. piuKe. ijoine of those who witi-cs-i the scene declare that the temple nl Ju-t Ice i haunted. F. veral who were anxious to inves tig.le this stringe nlVnir, say that were clattering of horses feel Inside t he bi.lldie.g and ' that the flrucl lire shook until ihe Inured door. I Hew open. As tlicy went to enter the building a I Mr:iu;,fl appar.u.iu iip-pcarr.l neinre tn.'iit cov 1 ere I in the li ibiliini nls of a felilule wllli b. r bead closely bound up, who spoke to as fol Ions 1 "Hell, and what Is it yo be u filler, is it ineself sure, ye lia itl'iher bi.tln lin'. lias i t Hi. lily O'llranyraii a lit lit to Li, k aflle r (hem IbriH tlio i-iuid dolhirs," nnd lUe ti.uu'o iippiirition v.mi.-lii j fioin their slglii and the noise cease I. Altera 1.1 ox' cio-.e ei..oiiii illon of this t-!iaiige piieiiiniieuoii, there up-carid a bright light on the celling, along the 1,1 of ulUees In the build ing, when larnu capital letters Were observed, wlitcU read Unit : NiNMY rnrr. tuhi saiii poLlahs. An Lis Witne.-s IIunIiichs ,olitTi. Sruiso Fiolii.iue tin r nly ut l!ie FiiiwhIiuii of Mi M..A. Uin.lrr, llul, N. V. lor. I'.lt veulli i :;:c:zx:lZ! 'C"; f.dl lu -'ill) lu I' d e.tll ! Prti ial .litem! hi I. of Aiiio.i lli;li.n i ,v l o. 1 in U mi ut I nn I 1. :.. Fe.ilher inul H I !in ; i-au pun Iiii.u f mi' .1 tin It. a, 1 ,i a live-1! uiriit , II V. lelilb S. , ' ', Fnrua u, M.r.!n-T, W'.ll ell. lilt", ft! el In I , II M t,l tl.e HI''. I il.l ., it Hot. -Tin v nre t.ii I ..11 iIk!t .:,.!'ie. y I. UVU nil I le.l of Ii, I 1,' re,; I, ull I II . I nil iiiw aulla on 1 1. :w 1 i-J 1 tl.. y 1:1 il,,.,i..r ttur Iheui to 11 .11. m. Il l.l., 4 l.t,,i.e to rlu: ha thrm, uu I -. tin: on, 1...1I1 r ' ie.1 If )."i rlnilid l i 111 ut W.111.1111.1U1 r .V In .:i'., Ojb ll.ill, !.. re I,.,).' ,',,n i, in., In J i,..'.'t rll k( 1 1 . tit. It., I ,,! I til), wiy il..i, l.iiiiH Oi.l (,i I'..' h,i.i,ij .1,1.. , I',' U aul lu- m He i w. n. w.r u hi u4y pitttiiii 11 1., mi,,- in thu l.n(, i tui. cl liltioy til hria. I ui.'l f 1 iim'.i .,1 I.,, M..11 10 j.l U laliel u ..1 I a II. v li.l Hull' II. tU tteiy kin I ol in. 11 , ib'i i I , I.. Ji.u a luaka uu bai.4. I I Ir ) 4 aui 4 I t - l mi ul il il. J l J k. a,..,.., a u 1 U u , mi I.. 4 wm iu iuviii 101 ii.a a'in t..a, itny I ut oo4a oa bu4, au4 lab, b I t loa4. ap In vi lal a Iba bo. ! n-4Ut. fua i.i.. A ut u4 b4u4.ia aiiuia, auaii4 aub bali tl' Ik a I ., (iieit aw4 i4. Jal laaaltal, ak4 M r a ia tka fey II Waaau. rl I PU!08 and Oiioanh. Tho subip.rlbcr, agent for tho best Pianos and Orgnni In (he world, will guarantee them for five years and sell tho cheap er than any traveling agent can afford them. But flrst-class makers employ no such ugouts. H. B. Musser: Tim new styles of hats nt S. Faust's store are admired by everybody. He koeps a splendid as sortment to select from, and ull of good quality and the lateM styles. A nrniAri.B klside.vcb, located ou one of the principal streets In the Borough of Sunbury, Is offered for sale ou tho most reasonable terms. Apply at this office. ( i.osino Pi!icE3 or DcIIavb Una., 40 8. Timtn Stiikbt, PniLAoni.riiiA. S o'clock, p. u. rcbrtinry 21, 1871. c's or '.'.'l . '0!. " 'tl ! . " -.-. . " .-,, 114Viill4"tf 111 W na iiij.niM : 1 1 1 J . : 1 11 ?i llUV 110?- ino;iio; illOJs'lIlW 'Uo, llO-s lid ii:;i, lllj;- Ttili.'.j .108 .'.Hi) i:q , 1 71 5 7;i Le'.T Ii (( " r,'s. 10-40''c!.'.'."!.'.'" t. SO Year tl per cent. Goll Cy., Silver Cnioii Pacific R. K. 1st .M. Bonds. Central I'.K'ilie R. R L'uion I'.u iiie Laud Grant Bonds. KUWAItU SANITARY All) ASSOCIATION. For the Kelh.l nud Cure of the Erring nnd I'nfortunnte. on Principles of Chvistlan Philan thropy. E-says on the Errors of Youth, aud tha Follies of A". In relation to Maukiao" rtv! So C'IaI. E ils, witlt sanitary aid lor tho i!linc -, Ksnt, tre". In si.ah d cr.cloios. Address, HOW ARO ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. Pa. Iiay7,'70lv. :-(inrriWJ).C3. Oil the 7th nit., by the Rev. Jacob F. Wiim pole,Mr. LkviU. hi:Ar:r.,ot Delavnrc township, imd Miss Mauy E. MosiLiirii, of Muucy creik, Lycoming county. On the ISth ult., bv the same. Mr. Dallas B. j Savamr and Miss Mauv C. Mincemovfh, I Turbotviile. both of 1 I; . i ,.'.1. At his ivdt'ei re In .; tor, Feb. 2-M, 171, I d M, 1 moulli I iiiov.AS ,Mi i.i,, ng and V) il:.y-'. In Milton, o-vthe Mh ii-t., Mrs. F.LIZABET't i HOVGFNKObLiuR, uhd 71 years, 10 month's.' and l'i days. , I In Anthonv twp., Montour county, on the 20ih ! nil., M Alt! KIT A bSVULK, tied 17 ycaii, 6 , lnoiiins una 11.1 vl . tie fiimbitrj' l:-itin i !'r; I coitrxCTaD wcskj.t ut i;n.: 4 orKiNosn. Chain Choice While Wh-:i'. P.. -I Ani'.i r, W inter ( orn live o.its (a-d lbs.) Reft Amber, Winter, p-r sack.. " barrel Corn, p r cut.. EfT-ra New 1 o '. Pennsylvc.iilii Roil F.oos Per loz. n Mkaw Drnd Reef, lb Smoked Mailtm ' Venifon LAi:n per lb I tsu White FUh, per lb " Tiout " Co l " Fresh r.ui.l VcorTAUi.tb Ttiniips. per bu I t! Polat'V'S " " Onions " " l'.c-.ins, .-juart Hominy. " " TIkied FR'.'iTi Dried Ai p'.es. per IU.... " l''a !:;:s, " .... r.o ...1 40 Si ... i 00 ! 15 ..." p.) ,...S vi) 40 u0 ..js,',i.;:o ,.pi(J 1-J .lOfa-lS ....50 .1 0(1 .1 O'l ...1: is 1 i -,u( :;o ; UK oil". 0(1 ' " ( i:eiri s, ' " Liiteliberries U.i- p'li rrU'S (Inw.s AriTrs per barrel. ..3 blM'i. 0l READY-MADE f.A CLOTHING. Tho Largest Stock iiusiom tho Finest Good3: Work is ofthovcrX ThrXnmtStylu; the Best hftt phnmcteF. Workman Easy rules forh.p;tha moasurementX Crf3tfst prices, &.o., scnt" Vnrir- iree to any part ct JSL4 ty, America, and good fits "O Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers & V 1 1 in 1, Boys unuer-wear 01 ail &. fla kinds for all sca- I'hiMrfuA .tn, wihita Wear at 1.-T..U! d3lullllllll.- mm IvIoworicesA IJ Specialty OAK HALL, Sisth & JIarict Sts. PHILADELPHIA. , Hour ami recti sioj II. IV. Till IS ItfS, (0.1,1 1 uf K,,iirtli .01.1 .i;-v.h h'.io.t, HSirilV, I'fVV.l, II i t t i.,eee I .1 Kl.'iir an. I Fee I lit .re, wlitiu Uli '.II k. e I H.-l III) IV oil li.tll,l, II ;elill4l u.i-.'ionio I ol ll.e I.. I III. m I ol r L O XT K , V I ' V 1 OF EVKltV DIM KU'TION, I'UlAlul'. i l.l it, 111'! I Lit. I i.i.rt, 1 i:.,rt hi 1 ! t u l biu.K. M . lit. til , I at II. j t I. 1 1. I- 1 y I c.l lu.tik. I I'lK.a t. II. Taj Mau.lf 4a H .'.1 t.f a 1 L- u. o.. a I a U u it. Me I b e . 1 1 a i ioi 1 . i-a, doe (eaa kiii t I ,ll. 1, , trt fiii -t. ky Ul 4I. . I Uf tu, 1. , t I fklll4..ll a i lui um JMiailMHIIIlllWIUlB IIIIIIIIIIM .1 OT wmw QmmEQ mom S. rierzfelflur hnving just ripened a flr?t clnn cstiil)lialnn;'ntln Mo.ira & PiMdnijer'i Buildings Third Struct, bulow Market, botwtun MurL'tt uare aud thu Poet Office, TI mTT"." r-a e . ani"tm. v. m im Reftpcc'.fully Invites the public to call and FOR MEN, BOYS, 3E3LLl3PiS A S TKUNKS, YAliJSE, &c, &c. ITia Hcndy JTado ClotUins nro all to his own onlrr, in t'.ie lalust stylo of fashion and htst tununcr of workiuauship, and equal t cutoai .vcjic. IN HATS & CAPS AND GENT rUHNlSIIINa WOODS, he keeps r lnr;:( air?rfr.i'!nt t f nil the loadiuci tj les. r.:iJ ris'.ilor.a, and has made af rangciuunts to rcceiva new Goods fiotn tho ciiy every week. HE TvILL SELL ALL LOWE .5 1 i. v - Any r('rs",n in need of anything in hia lino will fiud U to t' call aud hear his prices before purohatiaj; t'cnvhtic. TlTul'IZZlBZlZirL tween MaiV.i:t Squarft and tho Post Office, Jy yt sa iie-ajmiiuui-f 'w a.'.p.i.iii:ii-iuiirwcau. miiAiwjL-iaTsgrgyecyjT -v-ivf-L. j. '-r 1BAEG1I1S S ! a.t TPiai: jsnnw york store, Wc propose to sell for 3 J Javs romnii'iicins S.VTlTIiD.VY. Pocviibcr IT, 1ST0, nt a mhtttinti ol'l'i to 00 per cvtit. fur (Moh. Oat- f toi U of Foreign nifl Donvftin Dry (ioml.i. embraces SlI.Ks. MiFs.S (;o LINKX. 1IOSIKKV. rLVJX "WHITE I CiOODS, LACKS & JiMJiUODlEKlKS, Ottv r.tntk of Foreign .ind Domestic Jrv floods is very lnrc, nml ivitii a view to & f;vit1y (;i-p(.?r.l of it. v.c l;:-.vo MAliKKl) J'UWX r.ll tin- nets to a figure so low that this is utuiui .siioiiiiLly the t;n;i f ir ;.'Vt :it bargains in Jry Cuotls. V c olTer Bleached Muslins Four fttnrter X"cw York mills, 20 -cts.. i per yiifil ; four tpm'tor Davoc, 20 els., per yanl ; Fruit of tho Lot, 111, IS i ts., per yard ; HiirSenipi r I.h 111, IS ci pci Viinl : i Iliil Semper Mem, l'i cts., per yanl ; four ; fourth Mioo Fly, 13 cts.. per yani ; four f.untl. Social L. 121 cts., per yurU ; four fouitU i Coventry, 12 cts., peryurd ; j Coventry t? tls .. per yard. i I 1 D.HW, Co .-(".ils per yanl ; four fmrtli X'as'.itn E, 20 ccpls prryav.l; four fourth i Xahu:i K. is cents jer yard ; fotir fourth Allan lie A.. 1(5 e.nis per yard ; four fourth ' Appli -ton F, 12V cents per var.l ; four fourth Indian Oivhaul V, 12 ceu:.i per yard ; : llirnsburir, 11 cents per yiml ; 1 llanislmnr 10 cent per yard; 2) 1 1' I'tica S'.ii-fthijr 02 cfi.U per yard ; 2J liicaehed 'Wxihani, Mieeuiii.; do cciiis peryarU ; 131each ; cd Cuboi, 22 cents per vard. 1 llleai bed Canton l l iV.n. 's friMii 15 to 22: I'lil'ii . eh -1 Caufou riann. ls from 12 t u ool iiiul Led ton 1 lanneis, trom id Flannels 2"i to ."i" ; Cin.-'i im-i, 2" Co..i'e l Camhlies 12; Cul'icei lined t12i. LA WES' FAIVOitA!. ,SK 1 K'i'S 7o to : , Vl.lh' FELT l-KIUTS, from f :l.00, ( 4.0,1. I LADIES' SMALLS, foiu 1.'J5 to 12.J0. 1 T L Willim atic 200 v.ird hpools. !i eti ; Coales 2nd yard spools, ft cU ; Clark's 2o cti ; CiuVfit l). X. T. nil clor, 8 cts ; Mar Alpact lhaids, 0 yard I) ci upooU, t BEST SIXTEEN DOVE COU5ETS, NINETY CENT?, ALEXAXIIttA Kill liMJYES Ml cnUJUS, M. Josepbilie S. iili.le Kid filovi-s.f2.2o; l.lovti, M.0. All Uu: lvi.l loves are "', :i tia-y 1 xi bati-e. In Mi.;il'..,n to lb - iiboe 11 L'taliniiH upon iu:i' celled by none l!i ibij market, wo wu nlieiili..ti lo t'-U- 1!. J-arlloeitt cto biaem-uK'U bm- el ll 1F!U', clows i: and I Flannel and Ula. ibels, ..,ii,.iih, Ca:..l j Cuipvl, au l have now, m Mocl; .1 full hue ol ' Our Dress Uocd L'.'iJ.'.rt'iiCit mriiiJes e I'tiatliiit t 1 'a an I li.i I 1; no Ii , ll. pi , , 1 i:Turi l'i i( c 1 ,V II trliil' m JM). I . S . a l l II A .. II TiUlA' I'M uu; MW r oil i m. S aill( Tvulli Mrvtl, lt'la Hrlal, I'klUUrlitkia), aL.ialUt b. ohu. li.l ciata Mnbaal 1 ..i .ni.a I .ui,. i.o,i.n.i. 11. 1 t., .1.1. ,. 4 gi.e aaxiilui. lu,.Vn I 1." It. I .?'!!.. ia at.ii V ii' ol in I- a I li'.it l. bs. 4 liotiin. il.Mt. ol ll. j au I St I ..ik, l.i. 1 , i t 1 .uitl l 1.. k e ' Ob .a II" m 'I I ..l.Mla kly o -l (bill ti t' I. Va I ..w t-i. I fr.ltlal ttii.. I k,eail lai.a ka t . Ub I bit. 4 li -l.. ' Jbu, I IIH114111 ftoaaif kJ kj aW a I-?? v 1 fc-;'' li -Oi 1." .' , , - MM LM y- A &i hrrS.S ..A examine lus tnamtnotli " cf A5D CUlLDltE. 1 HIS GOODS AT THE PIUC 4 - ir laturaut .to give hlta THE T'Xj S. IIERZFBLDEU. f-unbury, Pa. LADIES aV: OEXT I'XDEUWAUD. A'.3,, at the following low jGgur per v:iri ; (onr qtuvrtcr W'arnsiitta, i20 ct., ; to U) : n'l s in I tieis. 2 to i0 ; lieu fit to C3 ;', li to 23 ; l'apcr Cambrics, 12$ rra am "EVT'EfT?! - .1 r 7T f . JL'ti. StTK! 2oi1 vard cent. F.mpr. M Kid (i'tO' id, tl.2 Vi.btt.-e Kid rip uini'.'.it r pair jovcu 111 loiliivtic hi." k ba h is u- cARraiEinvS, ... nut! IiU Me m.;l:c 11 ;e.iiu:ty 111 ail k;u.U and ipi.tliu. v.-y Iww iu l';f , . . . .... r....i very finite sciLxrons, in anj rrc,ii.r, I tlr.Cat DiiiluilllMO ! .r in t vi-rv iea'. t to nn I brand io tl mi.k. t AW ,.i. m r.ig' Mill U- 1 IFIFKN I lU lS I V K .i.1 FLU 1 . ii. 1 nn 1. a ., Iiulltllu4. narlrl hlrr-i-l. huutury. I 4 I UIII (Ml I HMHI HIM il'KMll AMI HMIilC I't'i'l'l I.I l HIV t , . If. I' l . I 4 I Ue4 MLIUlUNr I'.MI.oi; ilH'' t init. I. r 1. b4aoaaa I li 4 11. r ., t ,- t,. a. 1.. i, o I cf . kl SWkltl, I I SH'A. I alw iii,u I...I.1. 0.1 t -i1' 1 ta , K I.. ,1 11, 1,1 , I tin. .. in I t r 4 iiiueii. I1. t I i. ..i.l.l. W . o 4 b.te I ' I tt It lu l-a b.i-t. ) I ' be) t-.i.o.. 1 lie 4 0 "k I f I .t at ltu I ' 4 ti..M. .ii H 1 'akor ti e . I