Sroitarg American. t, WII.VERT. Editors. SUUBUltY, MA11C1T 4, 1371. -1 Tnffi editors of tlio Democrat nro ngnin nt tbelr old tricks, trying to divert, the nt tention of tlio taxpayers from tho forth coming Auditor's Report, find publish false fttntomcnts to ricconiplish their object. In last week's issue they say : "that a few years 'ago the County Commissioners wore com .pclled to publish the General Election pro clamation in tho American for which the taxpayers of the county were charged about ' One third more than was paid the Detnocrul Tor publishing the sauio proclamation, to gether with the Auditors Report, Bridge notices, notice of appeals, Court l'roolama tions, &c." At that time it was the duty of the Sheriff to publish the Proclamations the same ns now, and paid for the same. Tho Sheriff of that year was a man who could entertain more than ono idea in his head, nnd for tlio benefit of the taxpayers he had tho proclamation published in pa pers of both parties. "Wo had given in a proposal to tlio Commissioners that same year at about 10 per cent, less than the Democrat, for the county printing, which wac thrown aside, and the contract award ed to tho Democrat at a higher figure, by two of the Commissioners, so when the proclamation was published in the A MiiKi can, we were undtlr no rotriclious as to the price, mid told the Sheriff, that to charge our full rales it would amount to 813s, but we would ngfpe to publish it at half rates and he paid us the i:Gi,00. We remember loo, that one of tho editotsof the Democrat raved considerably about it, and even omitted through ignorance or in adver tance to publish the Court Proclamations, which was part of his contract threatened to throw up his contract and denounced some of his fellow Democrats ns frauds upon the party. The -Election proclama tion contained as much lnnUory.f not more, than all the other county advertizing to gether. AVe fiud that tho county printing for that year cost SUSl 00, and as we re ceived but sixty nine dollars, being about one-tiflh of the amount paid by the county, it is an easy matter to judge who received the most. The Democrat says '"that the Commis sioners have ceased to entrust the owners of that paper (Amekicax) with anything in the advertising line." Thr.t fact will not be disputed. Since tho '"Ring"' has been formed, nud a fjw men in it run the ollices, j we have seen proper to expose their schemes in Uccciug the taxpayers of the-connly out of thousands of dollars. The Riug, would as a matter of course, cast -oil' un I compen sate those who were ready uud willing to cover up their sins. Bince the Sheriff's rrothonotary, Column sion-jr's, and two .years ago tha Treasurer's cilices were merged into one grnud business operation for tho transaction of their affairs of the county, we did not expect to see the county printing given to any but such papers as the Democrat. Even the Democratic Guard bus been Ignored, nnd others substituted. In fiiet It appears to us that there i an attempt on the part of the Ring to crush all psnera that .1 i i t ....... - ; ..p.i... TJnff and co.nnlv with their wish. , ,J keeping from the taxpayers of the couuty, the nefarious conduct about the county offices. TnE Tahikf ox Coal. A number of ! tho bungling Democratic Tree Trade edi tors, some through iguoraiicc and others v- 1 1 . t j liijjh tai'ill", aud of course denounce the doctrine of protection. Xow, tho fact is, there is no tariif whatever on Anthracite Coal, which is on the free list. The only coal that pays n duty, is bituminous coal, and tliut coal is now selliug iu Xew York ud Philadelphia, .at the same price at which it was sold three mouths siucc, uot withstaudin tho risj iu aulhracito coal caused by the strike of the miners. Such f.icts we think, should open the eyes of those who to readily s-wuliow the btupid nsertion of iyuonnit and designing free traders. In the laco of these tact,, these five trade newspapers have nothing to eay against tho combination of the miners to keep up prices, because they mostly vote their ticket, but endeavor to make their render believe, the Peiiblknu party aud tho tiiridl causi d thu rise in coal. Mil. Dl'cKalkiv chairman of the Senate committee to invest 'uto tin; Slate Priiitini uccouui nus nu'.vie a lieporl llial colitullis j .1 - 1 .. . . . many curious uud pariieultu'a. ! He bay aiuouj oilier thin, that accord- iiy tu the coutract for composition and Vre work, the Public Prinliu,' has in the year 1STU only reached a lit tie over e':i,i.'0i, J'ur work, lor which uccordiu;,' to ilie u-.uul uiaiket or ruliu,; r:ite 1. ou-ht to have ntelved over t3ii,tKJD. Vet tho 1'uliHc Pritilcr U orow jri riili out of tho public I'rililin. lio alao btale.i that the Mipi rill toiideiil luVer ScruliniiK u'.iy of the aecotiiils, but ullow,:'.!! tl.t b:i;.i u roiii- teil without an lull .I.n it or any I ,..) ;.,i.e- ' . ... . r . i. - , noil ti t'.it ir ruiiii ii i. .in it i . i i. i ,.i. Lii.f tiorteiutr.t of ll.o lilla I'M .eiited. 1 he Money is of eo ii 1,0 iiiiolii ooi of il.u opera tiolK, Oil I sit I' 1 et lliu leilos of ll.o culilr.M I uiU us fuinisliiu )'iiH r, LUnLk, ainl other Jol which m lo to pay, Go.'lli a t iIS I 'I I. ' I I t II AN -The Pti iitt' on Tu-'l.iy itticiti a Li., rpoiii.dby t it .r V. i in, wl;ir!i jo- id llott '.! .iwlfe,., tlO '. I juto il.c Vniu i Mates . i , i-e f,r t!,:,e )'.ir ! I We ll ? I ly I, 1 ; I, uil s.i in i uih'wi ; J. l-; soy, Is i tiir; t ,ko t kill's, bi fkAkoil ol dlsaloMily 1 1 i ll ,, , 4 u, .(.. t, ,. no. Krc lit!' Ud lo Iki .lvo onu build. k. I do!lj , bo, ,I 'l l.ii, m ill tu ...i I 1,1 u lo boUl four I'.o.ii,.,, liu I1.1W Ui it lul u p.i.. .l wt .l.t Woanty lu l.i. Ii tin y . ; niiiilv.. I, by r 4 Up I'.ti ii-i lliil only oi ly oil if (In i'hl) tu ,;oiu 1,1 1 ,.uik,n I mil IU VI 1. V T.- 7 ,t , 1 ' " l' uil'u'' l'i pel .mi..,4i... ,.i, , It V.l i.4 U.i.'.r i. . lu' b..,.fcVi in- .itL. h.t iii si 11 ' uv U a it j " f Mlflll J, !'l4 'Al ll ( TnE Centeknial Celeuiiation. General Cameron, who Is indcfatigablo In whatever ho undertakes, says tho Harris bvrg IWcgraph, lias succeeded In getting finally through tho Senate the House bill providing for a centennial exhibition in Philadelphia In 1870. Mr. Coukling, of New York, exhausted all the arts of Parlia mentary warfare against the bill in vain. We have no special interest in the commer cial rivalry between New York and Phila delphiain fact we think there is no real rivalry between them Is'ew York possess ing advantages in a commercial way that it is simply impossible for Philadelphia ever to acquire. But then iu manufactures Philadelphia leads Xew York, and each should be satisfied with its position. Xevv York should not have opposed the passage of the bill designating Philadelphia- as tho site of the centennial celebration, many circumstances concurring to make it the more appropriate place .; r.nd Philadelphia, on the other hand, bed better cease to con test tho palm of commercial superiority with Xew York. General Cameron has fully redeemed his promise to carry the centennial bill through the Senate iu spito of Xew York opposition, nud tho contro versy between tlio two cities having been terminated in favor of Philadelphia by a vote of both houses of the National legis lature, we do not see the necessity of say ing much more on the subject. Fok ono thing the free traders deserve credit, ays the i'MUulcljthia Inquirer, and that is, to permit no opportunity to pass without pressing their suicidal policy on the public attention iu tho most specious forms. The present coal strike, which has as much to do with the tariff ns 1iad the erection of Tentcrden Steeple with the for mation of the Goodwin tSands, is seized upon by the foes of American industry as a lever ta their cause. "Abolish tho duty on Xova Scotia coal," they cry "and re duce tho present prices." Xow, tho coal of the little Canadian province is all of the bituminous quality and unlit for the uses to which anthracite, tho special product of lu" ,U"L1'. ,: u . T t ,, , . . ,. and two others badly injured. In all 3d Pennsylvania a mines, is applied. But thia ! buildings, mostly dwellings, were destroy, makes little difference to tlio friends of'td. In one instance a 'one-story frame foreign industries. If tlie protac.tionihls house was lifted froin it? foundation, with were one-half as earnest in pressing their il? w.ul';l'ts; "'! carried into the air, , ,, , , i where it was turned completely over and Views on every occasion when the balance hlu.k.(1 t0 ll)u RnH1(i, bottom up, folly 100 of loreign trade is proved to bo against us, I yards from where it stood, kiliiugoneof its nud wo niado the debtors of Europe, an i occupants, a man and seriously wounding .jtiicieut protective tariff would have been ! a, wo,n:l V.nJ cllikl Thl! flirm ? Mc f , , , i the wharf boat verc enappod and tne boat enacted long ago. ,hr mor B'fno tlistam.c aU(1 e. ' " T" i"i i . i landed on a bar. Coal barges and flats Tin. Supreme Couit oi i ennsylvanm, at , weruak!0 iWn from moorin-s and carried by Nisi Prius, Judge Sharswood delivering ' wind down stream ; one, striking the on- j the opinion, has just made an important I decision in reference to the liabilities of safe I i . . , ., . ' deposit companies as regards the contents , 01 sale rented or leased irom tlietn unuer 1 the customary regulations. The court held j that a safe deposit company could not be j made garnishes iu an attachment execution ) issued to levy upon the contents of a safe j rented or leased from it, since such con- ! tents are iu the actual possession of tho rcu- j tor ofilin R ifo nml In nnt Wn tonncil.xl iu ol t,lio sale, and liae not been deposited , vith,or UcmiBed to the company. T be court ! ruys mm n rcnicu iaie, uuuer uic aiiacu- ' nieut act of June 10, 1830, is not a debt due to tho renter, or a deposit of money made by him, or goods or chattels pawned, pledg ed or demised. MIAMOKIN LOAL UEOtO.V.-U is Siiamokin Coal Uf.giox. It not correct, as slated by the city papers, that ' . ' , i s raiseu I the Northern Central Hail way ha its toll, and that 1100 cars with the last j coal from Shauiokiu had been bliippcd. ; From 000 to 700 cars come into this place j daily fur distribution to diiVcrent puiuts, DrTiiRwivTiivii-Tnfin,, ; ! a while a Democrat press (in the South at j leant) acknowlultjcs the fact of outrages and and murders coinmitti d iu that region. The Abbeville 1'rcss (outh Carolina), for in- ; wt''o uinigevu into p.iUou oy women ana , I bovs. The Xiilional duards have siiecced-, says. 1 in ( blainin from vaiious ciuarlers 10S can- "1 hey are neither to bejustilied, excused, j 011i nntraille use, aud 5 howitzers, nor palliated. Uhey arealike lawless, nor . On iva linn the prnclaination of the Gov unauthonzed, and impolitic. Lawless they j t.n,mcnt the indignation of the people was are. because ihcy tiuas-uss the highest : nianilesled, and they declared they would obligations which we owe lo God aud mail- ' ,-o.isL Hm i nirv with rilled cannon. iiiiouii.iiiiy-.eii, ucuauno Lull imuiu, illll- 1 .. : 1 out their coumuI, a whole COllllllUnil V 111 i the bitter consequences otthe act of the - recUlcfcs tew impolitic, because they inaua; urate a rein ol violence which is destructive ol'every interest of (society. "lietttr liu; veriest ih spotism whichever crushed out the spirit of free people than this lawlcs.1 tiuatcliy, which makes the the lives and property of the citizen the sport ol'every reckless marauder. Between Mich a state of llanos aud the milliiary we choose the huttr. Sooner than this, let the tuto He. remanded to the territorial coiuli- : uo.i, 01 -uiiiiluiis a coiiqeoicu prvwucc by the sirou,' arm ofmihtaiy law." Can t.iat suite ot society bo ultoothor pe aceful and delihtfid v, hich in declared bv tho IK nioeritiie mvks tu bo worn, ilmn ...tit, I... IV.,1 1. I.l 'J f I. I... 1.. "" ue-;ioii.nii .- v au 11 uu jiiueij ""ajjiuary wnn.a iinjK-1 nieu to. invoke " the strong arm ol military law "a a s"Ll 1 u!il 1 , . , . ' " . .... . .i.i-i - oi-., ii i.ue jeoojin uoiu llial i.-!.in J are ei he. U lieved, lire even more ' iiihuiiiaii iu sonie lespi cti then the Rebela ' ot'll.e United State. Il is alleged that tliey J h tNe comuielired 1 iu u' 1 1 1 pnsoiib H ho are 1 sitsj'ee'.ed ofadeilio t nel.liow ledD tin il' j all. . laiu e t ,, and that they have late j ly 1.11111 a woniim for nittiupltiit; to pi r- , "ooe i i r nu ; unu, v. no a it h ii in i , to i . . . . : km ii r. .v.oul'i aliocll.m wiaml loll- ' ''' '"'' can-..-, and Ua y will loud lo make the vs liolo cil ili.i J Woi l i leioiev ill t tit tout- pkto k.uppi'k-'-iioii of Ihc Cuban leU r.ioit. i 'I UK lit look it I'ood ',r lllk! lopubliiall I piny ut tho inAt ivi.eial ilktiioii. 'i'l.o dualist hiiruit.ny jivaiU, ui.d litem 1 n. In lo ei i .U lo the ii. tenuis jol'lbe pally W .-ill ii.lilitlvli'.ly llM 1 1 i pi unj U.iiii 1 ii a,l i ,ht IW Mltoil.iv l.t l ubi.i ,10 it .oinpli iu tail. Pi tins 1 U .il.ii I. ,iij, HXUill Howlli'M. - l i'l"'. ! llii. li el. lic -aiu I1..U l.t 'lie; Win. I ..b l.i...,.,t, tu I.,,. ,.i ) 1 hi 1 .nt ol ll.o siiti, i:i..,i,i l.i,l.r, in , l I. .11 I Id I', all U , a l'ill. I, I Inn In,- i 1.1 il u Mu.t ! I 1, 1,1, , i(du.i; Aiiiltiiw ti. t ur- tin, Aiitutli-r 1,1 liiiv u, uuJ Joow tV.i 1141) 1 1 r Lit si il illj ill tlui XmuiL Mint fcliotl il.ltf III'.ii i4 Mnonl tall Um Hi.. 14,1 tkil, I 11. lit I Mill, (j,, ,4,f l 4,,,j U14lu u., a)t lllt l.l OL..i.lil. In I,..! I. ,,ll,..4l., L .111 ' V- Wall Iliu. Meeting or tho State Central Com nilltec.' ZIeadq'rs Rep. Statu Cm. Com., Philadelphia, Feb. 21, 1871. At a meeting of tho Republican Flato Central Committee, held this day, tlio fol lowing resolutions were unanimously adopted': Jicsoh-crf, That tho timo for tho meeting of the Republican State Convent ion bo nnd the same is hereby postponed until Wed nesday, trie 17th day of May next, and that tho delegates who mav bo elected thereto bo ana they are hereby requested to assemble nt the hull of tho House of Rep resentatives, llarrisburg, at 12 o'clock noon on wild day. Ifcsohcl, That Mahlon II. Dickinson, Esq., of Philadelphia, bo appointed chair man of tho Stato Central Committee, in place of the Hon. John Covode, Oeeensed. Jlceolvctl, That the Republican State Central Committeo heartily endorses tho action of tlio Republican members of the Legislature in supporting tho bill pending for the calling of a convention to revise and amend the constitution of the State. Urmkcd, By tho Republican State Cen tral Committee that we endorse tho action of the Philadelphia members of tho com lHittec in -nppnving tho passage of bills to govern the city of Philadelphia by commis sioners to be named by thn legislature. Mahlon II. Dickinson, Chairman George W. Hamursly, ) M. S. QCAY, Secretaries. .Tap. W. M. Kewi.ix, Hextiy H. Ring it am, Ttrewurer. Six llonr Fearful ltnvBgcn C'ltien and Town Ic aslaled Advices from Memphis give some par ticulars of the terrible tornado which passed over a portion of the Memphis and Charles ton railroad on Friday, demolishing churches and houses at the towns -orGrund Junction, Pocahontas nnd Somervillu, and uprooting ami tearing down trees for inilea. i ji iieieun, -nil., uiu wuiu uiuw .v mui; 1.111 a..i. .1... i i.i.... i i from 3 to 9 r. M., prostrating telegraph lines and fences lor miles ; uprooting trees, carrying them high into the air; demolish ing and razing to the ground dwellings, churches, barns, warehouse and stores, and doing immense damage. The tin roof of a large warehouse on the bank of the -river was carried into the air and lauded on the oppsite bide of the river, two hundred yards from shore: distance 1 11 .. v 1 1. 1.1 .1 posite shore, sank. The Steamer George , lll:LU W!.'s, I'augia in me hurricane, and it was with greatest efforts that bhe ,..,...,,,,, f,,?,,, i,,.;,,,,,,,,,,,,! The town ol''s l'oint, Missiipiii. and apolecn, Arkansas, below, were also , vim ed and s.n.nar dama-cs lepmtcsl. It , passed Iron, Helena to Poeohontas at the ! rate of sixty nules mi hour, destroying i twenty-two' houses in liftccn minutes. As I was tho case at Helena, one house was turned over, but nohodv injured. Anotlr. r l! n . 1 i : . r . i i : . , I v':lH "llLU "oin 118 louuuaiion and carrieU 5ntj ymal, 1I.lU.llu AlU)Uu,r wa8 nearly demolished, the occupants escaping mrougii a window. ' 1. . n...l 1...I.&. o C.H ni.l.n ... 11. n I ... nlr ol the tornado were destroyed, and several persons badly injured. I lie loss is estima te' at c0,00o. 'in luka number ofhotises were deiuoli.slied and one warehouse oppo site Helena, owned by Governor Alcorn, valued at tJ.i.UdO, were utterly demolished. As yet, with the exception of the one re - ported at Helena, no loss oflife is mention- j Later advices from Helena renort loss to property by the tornado on Friday at not less than from tf2S0,0U0 to i;3U0,O00. Tlie IeircN?ioii in l'urls. I.ONJ-'OX, Alarcli 1. A despatch irom Paris savs last Hi-lit a lee!in' of m-ofound demession and bitter irritation prevailed Xown'i IJtJX the humbler classes of tho city. l'landers, and mitrailh.iwo suns placed in position in Hue L'hapelle. Three cannon " r - .. , i wo rrus.sutu oiiieeis were oe.i.t-ieii in '.L.. iotv in idiiin rh.lliK. li:ii-!v I'si-nni'il vithVlu ' ' ' Another despatch, dated on the afternoon ! ol l-elmiary 'J(, states that the National I tiuaids had e;meclilr..ted at the llolol do 1 ilie, the 1 uiloncs. and the Leow Muitai ra i aim have asui-a t ou marciiea 10 oiuer tit lie marched to quarter and deposit their arms. The Prussian Solders may visit the Juivrc, iii.tsiiuirh ns they cau enter from the Tuillerii s so as to not to be fein by the in u ople. There is certainly ft 11 insulheieiit Number of I'lvnch Troops to htippivss a nun-f outside tlie line ol ilomarcalion. a despatch of the 2Sih hians that iv pro- chnuutioit was iued by the tioverinneiit, i iieelariii'4 that the rioli.i s of Sunday will bo ' promptly punished. This prompt, nclion ; Jti-iihiiiiees, ".n eiieeii,o 111 l.iuslo: a nuuaiuciiei; ot iins The pr. s are unaiiiuious iu call'm upon ll... , I.. ... .';,, I,, .1... i'.eii.tra'.iotiii were made ou Monday uight in soino pails ol the tily, lint weie com- pnatively il.sigliilicuut uud us edily sup- i.neil. A lai'o nuiu'.Ksr of nnueil .ou aves crowite.l tlio l.oulevai'kl .Moutmai lie uud were very loud in deiiuucialioii of the Prus: ians. The Zouave oworo u ivist iiilty at all hazarils, and threatened to attack the Hotel de Yillu 011 U edm clav moiiiiiig, but it is supposed lliul there Mill be 101 nit. I" a -s. mil uny of Ibe public bllildill.-s. 'J'wii b 'lUail.-li of the National I i Oil!', I I. Ill- '.l to r I'll 11 lll'lllx, and t .'IJ. l'.tl ' llioy ib'lli d ol dvi joll Tllitii.i V la ilisarin them. I'Al.lf, 1 k b. "J-i - Evi llillg. The i I V i II lliillll, llll.l ll.o ihsli left W bah ll.o ln. Ill'llj ll'.t. I..I l l O. rlipy live ll. t. lled. I tu r 1 it oh nr.' e ret leil in .Moiilinai'iiY, I'x'lli V Hie, uud Iji t liapt lie, an I lit. 10 me linipiietii.g iiiiil niis -1 m i. illy. All iiof.l lul i'v t tlitii in, b'tkvj been t.ll.i II by ll.o nuilioi ila . oi't.i iai. i e.Niiii i vTit cur 'in, in u i ; JtJ.W... 1 I'AI I-, 1'. I. -. T, i.t I..111.I.M!, I'.b. .'. . All oilli I. tl In. In e, ki.'li. i liy 'ii 4id, colt. I. mi Urn i 'ii. nine of tbo 1 1, in.t.n ti'i. ..I i. a, t , uuil nun 'inn . 1I..1I 11. e itu.iii'. a .a Is . 11 pioluiii li l air tl.iN . t it.ili.. nnd li. iji, it., I.., lit oil ll.e I Ii in ll kh 1 .1. Int. li' are lon.i..'. 'i be l III l. HI. u ol lilt) to I II.. to li.l'J I'M! l It ll ' pl IkA.' p.t I J to .lte la ill., t M. Pol ur 'it 1 In r his In kit uMkUI.C U M o .ut . I I 1,1 me III sill thai I,. . 1.1I J uit 11. tlu lUU- ll.lli I..I l.k.k 4 ti.lloeil I k. r til ILj Salt, ,11 tl I oi ni, . liu: lit in. an xt I ton r I' .r.s ou t in. I iy, iel uitti OktUi U 1 ijr iniUHilult 1 u,.oii ll. tvdtt 41 '.I 1 t Jt 4. V, ''US'l'l it.K 'rt.ll.. Uti .ii K' I I & ! "s 1 .t liv, uj tl UUV uti the question of tho ratification of tho troaty of peace will commence immediately. Tlio Parisian nrmy will occupy the left Hank of the Heine. No French men in un iform are to be allowed to enter the German portion of tho city, which will be surround ed by barricades. There was much patriotic agitation on Sunday niinht in consequence of tho report of the iminediato entry of tho Germans, nnd the National Guard erected ramparts in tho Champs Elyscs to repel tho enemy. There was, however, no disturbance. At midnight on Sunday quiet was restored, but on Monday morning thecity wasagain agitated. Crowds surrounded the notices signed ty M. Pleard, and which were placarded iu various parts of the city, appealing for the preservation of order and dignity. The crowd also invaded the prison of Saint Polo gie, and freed two command ants of the "srml. All tho nimers, even tho ultra radicals. recommend non-resistance to the entry of tho Germans. All tho papers will abstain from publication during the occupation of the city. It is believed there will bo no contliet. Paris, Feb. 23. Tho Paine say, that the question of the entry of tho German army into Paris lias occupied the negotia tors ten times longer than those of the negotiators ten times longer than those, of the territorial cession and the indemnity. Many citizens have purchased a weeke supply of provisions to avoid nppeariug in the streets during the German term of oc cupation. The Policeman drowned in the Seine by the enraged crowd on Sunday proves to have been an employe under the Napoleo nic Prelect Pielri, nnd to have been mur dered in consequence of his acts in that capacity. Parisians believe that the Germans are to enter the city with the intention to pro voke n contliet which will give color to more exactions. London, Feb. SR. Mediation has been offered nnd accepted in the Snanish-Eyn . . .. ... . ..- . . - . imn Diiiieuuy anu a peaccaolo solution is anticipated. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS OF TUB TREATY. London, Feb. 28. Tlio evening edition of the Tintt contains n special despatch from Versailles to-day, giving the follow- j ing additional rartkulais of the treaty of: peace diirned on Sunday : "The fortified cities of Luneville, Nancy, end Relfort nro left to Prance ; Longwy'Thiouvillu, Metz, Saarhruck, and the iron districts go to Uer-manj-." The Timm special also says : -Rothschild Promises to jiay tho entire Indemnity to ('crsnany within a year. Iy which thetier r.ian army of nccupatiou will be got rid of at the end of that time. Prince Frederick Charles is to he (lovcr nov of the Champagne, headquarters at Klienr.s. Tlie Emperor William will merely naps ! roimh Paris and his new possessions oi throu rotffe for Pcr'in. C'ALironNiAN'snre enthusiastic over the reported discovery of valuable tlcpusilfj tf i twrax east ol tlie fncrra Nevada. I An advertisement of cod-liver oil winds ! ur; "Piitients who Imvc hpa tnken it. ran take, no ntlicr ." a inml ill r'nnl'pKHinn. A . ,. . , k , . j ,vh() wng b b j , w , ? , j , j '8,Jlh ' , , J . 1 E Pennsylvania and P.eadmg railroad companies hae issued orders fur the free transportation ol supplies for the Trench. rrM - T r .1 . 1 i 1 iiiu i resmi utuu .uur.iny issued H jiro- clamation discontinuing thu discriuiiiiating J duties on nierchauilise imported from Por- iiigui, inai couimy ii-.ivnif previously taKcu I Himtlt.t fl ( IfVI I,, 11, fl.Pil i i lllt.,vtu f lt 1. i Jus country. The bill providing for the celebration of tho centennial anniversary of American Independence in lf-'7ii. in the city of l'hil- : il 1 ill! ! iviuwoil tbn lTnitmt Ssturoa Smmtfi I ' , ,..-....... u Saturdav. with Mr tMinmt r's amend - : lui'tit. Thai thu noviieriiment hhall not bu held responsible for any expenses incurred. 1 Tim.- iii.o.n.iiaiir.'iniiiiMfitn fivii in Uie world are iu this State, the mines f ; whA fupply the inarket with millions of tn"H annually, and appear to be iuexhaust- 1 I .According to tho ).uhhhed rctunm of i rcviva is winch have jHTvailed iu every ; county in Iowa, over 10. turn persons have , U re.inihU ioter. ' A correr.pondent of the Philadelphia Jt- eiuircr, wining lroru l'ottsville, suvs the miner thretiten the Heading ltailroad, and that the Company has re-doubled il pre cautious iu consequence. iSonie attempt have been made to ill row train oil' the truck, and the Company oiler a heavy re ward for the perpetrators. About two o'clock on Saturday morniii'' u baud of marked men cutered tho jail at , t-,..mbr,.t 1. .. .,,,,1 r.,.c n nrkli,.r iv.o.. .1 , 1.. ..e.i. . 1 m. . 1 '.Z -T, . I viV", a c,,lv,i niimi n'mi t, aL.,it,n ,; tlu! ,)iirt f the law-brahers was with the view ol , p,-,, vent in:; the trial of tho accused in the L'ltitetl States Court. Till: St.y.e Normal School atlilooinshurL'. Prof. Carver, I 1 I ils seccoud autiivcrary, on V.VliK-day.l last week. J , ... DHA'lll OK UllONAS II. I! I'll ROWS. - Intelligence was received ou JwUndnv of the death al ie oiite of Thomas 1 . Hi,,-. ro, in the 07ih year of his age. The tutd t Vent wa not eulirely unexpecUd to hit, friends, an hit. health had been Very nercea rious for wit ks past. The dec used was wuh ly nnd popularly knowu throughout tho Male, and has held Various positions of trust lLtiil honoi'. llo wan Sferiinrv of I bo ColiniioiiwcHllh. under Governor Rimer. 1 ri 'in iP.'io to JSJD, uuil slate SuHriuti'ti delll of Colli moil N liool.i tor fhl et) Veil It). For .1 iiiiiubi r tor yetir he wan editor of i'tiiu.t.vniii'ii MhhiI Jnni'iinl, conducting il with limiUi d nl.ilisy. More iteiiuly be wa President of tho lVuuiyU iiiiia Agi icullural College iii Centre county. Hi remains will be coiivoyo d In Lancaster for inter ment. the funeral taking pl.tco on YVcdnckday iii iiuiii. it i likely the head and clerk of the ililf. ieiit Slato IV l arlinelils will P 11 lieipatc in the lliueral oleiitiii. StnU ."O 1110 1. 1 m i 11 I ildj tbtrlhfuicnta Mil IV I.Oti. '1 Ill I" toi l. 1 .,-.,.' t bt ii bv eiko nolle lit h, y .'I 11,1 Ur a u:',' in I lie -ii,..ui baUUU rik. r.oll l'i - l'.lli .1 J..11I, n, l;, 4 ., I ol l.iuinl bv, III. i.l. l.l.llkld. 1 I..: ot 111 I. 141 li'i.l..llo 1-0 i.m .ml, nut ,i..piiiy, p.t) . Ii. ti.., 101 1 I 1 1." lb.- .1, oliie.,t lt l.l te iiitH.t.4 I" I'l'TFIt If. hNVDHi, lUMt Lit KIM. tel.. II, WI.-5I. MUltNOY tV MIltUI 11 111.. KOtlk (U) V. i 1 l , , p. 1 I 1 u 1 ' a (II. 1 l. V... '. .' K.. in 'ut 4 iluttl, I'eo tmruit, Wine 11 it, i. . 1' 11.. m.h VI, 1, 1 In, ul liu Unltttiior ,,. 1,1 I' oi. . I 1 .a,,, jii, tti.l Ui hi ni l l H"' o 1 y, la lUv til t.1' o ,, i.i. 11. . ; ' a ul llttish, ll, l l , ttluu ..itl l.i l. l.ll.lttjliv ,. !!.,!, I .1 i;. li.,,1 KI411 kui t( I ' I I' I'LL .1. . M.J 4 I l. ,.kJ I.. Ill t'4 I Cslt.l-4Mf I .. . I 1 It . i I .1 lo. ..,. ,. iu U.n. .1.4 . I' . Ol,, l 01 l , .1 . ... I 41,) , Iu L t"bo.LU- I ,i, .1 i'., ., ..... . ,ii4 iu, itiot' 1 ul lUu I. I .1.1 I Si. . .. ll iil.4 I u.LH.l.) lulu IL.., I I: l,ltU llt.lli 1(4.114 i'.'....i.y, . .,!'., II I 1-. il.. Mo kltou!. is. SI I 4 ) .1 1 I lu ui l, 1 iu ji ttki Iw Mm U u I. Jtvll'U Ut Ibkl .4 l I.! III fi alrst. 1.. I ',1 tbbfrtiscmcnt. PRICES REDUCED. BOOTS AN HO EH Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN WILYER, Sprue Street, Simbiiry, Pcin'n, Is constnntly miinufucturtng Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, at lurprlslnitly low prices. stork comprises the very best in market. Ilia Umg exper ience in the business tins won for biui a reputation for making ilret- ClllUS work equal to any city mnnufacturo. All work warranted. TEItM8-STKICTI.Y CAN II. The prices of repairing are cho reduced. JOHN WILVER. Snnbnry, March 4, IfiTt. A 91 ON IIIM.lIOK A: C'O.'N, Furniture, fflatlroH, I'eul Iters, and BEDDING WAUEKOOMS, 44 North Tenth St., Below Arch, I'hlladelphia. CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spr'.n; Bcdn, Spring Cot, fprlnjj Mattrcies, Feathers, l'eptlier Beds, IVilfters and Tlllowj, Con ntvr) wi lies, C'oiufort.tblus, lilankets, Ilalr do. Husk Straw do. do. tjui:ti. CALL AND SEE THE Woven Viro Mullreiis, The best bed evr otl'ercd for sale. N. B. Our intention Is to treat all euftomcra so tliut they will become perinanent dealers with U8, and orders will receive the nam attention, and persons tan buy Just ns cheap as if prcdeuV ut the ftore. March 4th, 1ST1. Sin. nti:ki:onoii.s, VIEW'S, ALBUMS, CiiUOMOS, FRAMES. i:. II. T. ANTHOX V A CO., 591 Itrouliv), Xew York, Invite tlio attention of the Trade t their exten sive assortment of the above (roods, of their own publication, Manufacture, uud importation. Also IUIOTO LANTERN' SLIDES nnd GiiAnioscorcs. NEW VIEWS OF TOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY &. CO., Mil Broadway, New York, OppotitC Metropolitan Hotel, ivronTr.rts ami maxufacichhim op I"IiotO(r,rii;iliic .llutci'iatx. March 4th, 1871. ly. XEtV riiiji. Bj erly & lleiiiperl.v'H KxceNior Cul Icrj ol' Arl, Third Mroot, fiuiibiu'j, Iu. " TH' BYERLY 1,:IS 1:l,ul-v "l,Jc1 " hu "''cdy tS,X.,wJ," r,st,lbli!i1,""1 "n'tation. the sci viees of iti. iv. jiemj'ei i, h iiupu ieHii:tLiwu n a puo tourrapliic operator, stands unrivaled in this part of the country, and hereafter thev will cany i :i I the I'Lototrrii'hlc trade, at the old stall I uniler ! the tnu name of Iiyerly Vi llpiupcrly's txcelaior iiallery of Art, at whose clalilihiuent the iub- Ju will he eheerlully accommodated throutrhout the whle line of photoirraehv. For Photographs of all styles Hiid (iecs ranp ltitT from the xinall (Jem to tho life size portrait, tio to liytrlyiV lleinperly. For the beautiful porcelain pleturo which for softness of uubh. and durability caunot be ex celled, go to Iiyerly V lleinperly. For the Heuibruticlt pliolojcraph, now so popu lar iu ail otu IkI'vic cities, and Hhon ini; the pecu liar cllivt of licht und shade, and the favorite of the old (ieriuan Artist Kciubraudt, go to Iiyerly iS lleiuperly. Ifyuu hiivc au old picture yon want copied and enlarged to any size, uud colored oil, water color, India iuk or crayon, tuke it to Uyerly & lieiuivrly. If you want a frame of any siie and nt any price, or any style go to Uyerly i Ileiniierly's, and take a look ut their iiimieiitc stock in thai line. For Albums po to Uyerly &. Ilemperly. For square Flumes made to order pi 1 Byerly ! .nai.hi,. 111..".. m itvo iv & ii-miriv. n, ,i vou e llrmperlv, In sbort, lor anuliln;; in tlie photo ! will he Rniie,i. ' I Feb. 2;, 1671. i kvimvi i itiniiv vnu itrim- I lis. M. a! lilNlJi'lt j xl ' 1101, j n. v. toil. FXtVKNTU AND CHESTNUT ! l'lliLAUKLri-il A. lIld 1)v , rl, . , 'i i,e old c-tab.i-hed aad only reliable Die-s Triiiuuing. Paper Paiteru, Dress and Cloak mak- ing Kiiiporiain. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale and llclail. Pans, (iiovcs, r.ihbons nnd Sishcs. Laces, Era broideries, Jet, Hill, and IVarl Jewelry. Evening dresses and Mills, made iu the mo&t fashionable htyle at slioit uolir-e. Perfect system of Uresst tilling taught. N. li. iJr.leis bv mail, promptly ulteuJe.1 to. Feb. litl, IsTl. uiu. 7tAI.Il K' ilitl.l' n.WINti sold my farin on account of hit in liability to iee it my pcrotial attention, oi:,glo 11 pie's of my otll business, lam compelled to sell my stock nud farming imple nieias, Vi hit h 1 will oiler ut Public sale, ou the prutiiiscs in Lower August 1. on Thursdny, Klurcti Dili, A. I. IH71, at tlcveu o'clock a. in. of tlmt dav, to wit : HOUSES. 'E filt.W MA 11 11, leu year oi l, out of a 1 ',or"u1,1,rJ Virgin U Canadian mare. I sh(" '? " iT4, .V'"'! '". w"' ;'s 1 u''."''' "'- oNL l Ul.l, oul ol t;ie nunc. Cm: Tear j ol I Yi Iniiay 15, l7t. 1 ONE bOltiiLL Htl;sE. 1 u. t. ii. 1 .M.iiii, catti.i:. I ONE i.EAIK Al KtKNEY COW. yield. f.oBi ; ten to Write pounds of batli 1 per wiek, vtpev I led lo be flesh 111 May !) lull bl.'Oj Aliltruev , bull. 1 Mil Vhl'.l litlllll ItlMMON ('(IV.ft, ex- j peetedlo be lre.h in A pi '.I ly tall bioud AUuiuey . bull. ONF- l-UADF. ALl'EltN'I Y llF.IFni5, inontbs old, i'V'ielvd lu be 1 1 in June bv t li. I iilu.l Ald-.tu-v l ull. 1 WO IILJl je.irc'.J. Crado Alder- iiNK IU LI., CliAl'K .M.IH IlNVy, cne old. My triad.- re In, in one ball to litl. iii ix. tut'Lltit blood ol ll.e I'.'-t -io,i iu tlio coiinliv. I SIILLP. j (On wlili (urn laini.s.) Mioni.;!y ii.ii. ) willi I lliu ilus-111 ulii'ii I,. I on, buiuliLd 1 101 1 luciily live pounds, ul, 1 lU.'t slir.p tcjkcil , lai tear, k'kkku p..ii,. U ..I wool vai'li. IUH.S. TWO POIVS inn lApoiUd to l.;iv i-t in'b, uiid. i.c, il uii.ilU'J lo bo lu.l I blo.KlClu-.l-r biles. 1 J'UI'LTUV. I A lol if tl.e inn I Willi fl Cl'IVri FoVM S. tclkuiioii ol till AIIM AI'OUIU.V I Iill tl.M'i ,l,i.i 11 It ttr Hi it k Bpalii.b, klld It f. i'ii..,i .1 ttiili iu lu.! ittu naiiuJ, Uttiilitk, I'lwsou, 1V1'. PAltMl.VG IMPLLMKNTK. 'i,i l'i.."., one II.1.1..W, 1 1 oul I ir, k , l . k'n.s I uiiiv.tii.i , u lo b 1.0 W.1,.11 uud I'"'., II,.) 1 .1.1.1. I., i ul'li, IL.t, 4 I'-k'l I I !, 4 i i..'ik ll 1 v It.. I.' , u not Wliil Mot, K"ik., IliUt, . lt"t , I ..1 it 1 .ii'-i, it ii.- iii a 111 1 rid.", b.yiiitt, 4 tio .-ul d,iw, it Ai..o' .01.I ii.iii..-, llaud I r.'bt., A, ....,, At.., a lol ol ' ILsii I., I'. 411k., . ,.i.t. loii, .i "i-s U.ttl Uttk , M.tti'llkti, Ifi.r Lf 11. u.i lol I. I 1 011,. it, in. l.l Loltv kit I, I.011 1 1 411 .--.t' 1 olin L..I.U H tlli, 4 11,1.1 14 tk tlkkj tpilnj all, 4 lot ut kn.U Uttiuktt, ttiti t.itk.1 ImuMu lUiUst. t tl l Us' SrW bill Sawn I, tiAl " I Hillkril lil'X ttS t 4IU K'.ii.t 'I Ul lb. ! I C Kll.t... I 4,. t. 1 1 ll lo, Jl It .1 ul m.i 1, i, I Itl 1. .a, I. ll. i ) U,l ILtlt . I I .i.lui I 1.. I' ll.l k'.'llou k.1 111 t'U4U' i . ), UUk I mH,l .IkUU Ll lillH, 4i ,UU 1 lit ..ik-. nunw tiiki, Koiioi iit ia k4 "HI LOW IIVliMi."U lb. Ul of lU iKul 1 IU ). l. ls-4 I'.lJ IL SklllM wl IU Itk.U.I.I. llf. 41. I. til i tl.l lt.t Jul Hut . t4klV uoOfci I bit 11-1.11 iS. I il ) ailt'l UIU .Li ilbul uat4iuu, lu II Id, L'l u4 lwt ly, . ' . L. 4 Ui wt In ! 11. a. iL.itt I k kilil . M 11 II M. TUONAN WEI'tY, 37 South Second Etrcct, ahovo aicstant, rillLADELPIIIA. ' Invlng Just opened, with a lnrji? and well o- selected stock of Forelirn and Domestic CnrpctlnRs, of ehnlec styles and qnalliics. Also, Oil Cloths. Mattlnirs, Drnirffctrf, Ruirs, iMiits.Stair Rods, &c.,4o., all of which no win null ery cheap for catli. r. a.j. bt'ewaut DEPUY. !s not at 253 South Second Sireet but, with Thoinus Pepuy. Feb. 25, 1N71. Sin. DoTibins Vegetable A Color and Dressing that will not Earn the Hair or Injure the Head. It makes Ilair soft and fine, restoring its natural color without dyeing, by imparting a healthy and vigorous growth. IT 13 ALTOGETHER CNLIKR AM OTOES, tSSSASia OXLT T I. B. Dobdiws, m Nortt lm St, Riilafla. Frio 11.00, large bottles. SOLD EVERVWHEBE. None pennine without my signature, nd I put my name to no goods that re not of surpassing excellence. 1371. 1871. mine, boweh & engel, Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., IIAVINli PL'ItCHAEn THE LARGE Steam Saw & Plnnirg Mill, and Just lined it up w ith the latest Improved Ma chinery, are now prepared to till all orders lor all kind of lill.l.TIMHKll. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK. A-c. HoUUl.S. KOL'lill AM) SL'KFAl T.l. G.DSNC OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK, WHITE AND YELLOW TINE FLOOKINO, HUNfiLKS, PLASTERING AND siiin;lin; LATH. SASH, HOOKS. MOT LIiIN'iiS. HM.r.,l, NIIlTTTLEiM & HKACKKTS nt the very lowxst price. A large flock always ou hand. Send for) iiee. Amjile facilities tjz tbii ptr.g y ilaihcii or Canal, FP.YblNC IIOWEN" A EN CEL. Sunbury, Pa., February 1 !!h, Wl. Otu. nticrs i:i:i'cld at Ttir; Mammotli Uoot & Shoe Store or 1:1.1 iii.s.r.r:, Iu C. B. Smith's Iionin, Queen Street, ono doo Etit nrthc Post Ofiiee, NORTHUMLEIiLANH, VENN' A. For EUn'u-.i liools. go to E'.i Miller's Pout aud ! Shoe Store. Tlicy are told, lkxt Calf at i0. For French Culf Hoots, 0 to Eli Miiier's, only j S'J to HI per pair. For Hoots, ihoes and Gaiters, nt lowest possi- 1 ble prices, no In Kit Miller's, on Queen Street. For all kinfis of Cum Boots and Shoes, cr.ll at Ell Miller's. For L'olie' fiuni Overshoes, see fine csrort- I tnent at Eli Miliers. For all kinds of Children's Shoe, go and tl- I amine Eli Miller's large assortment,. For anything in lie Boot and (J'noe line, call and examine Eli Miller's stock before purchasing elsewhere if you wish to get Urnt-cUiss, at the lowest pl iefM. Jan. 1, '71-bep. J, 7U.-IV. DANIEL LESIIEIt. A. J. MILLER KXTP.A GOOD 13 A KG A INS Jart opened at the store of Messiw. LKS1IKH & MILLEII, In Scott's liuilding 011 QUEEN" S'l I'.EET, N O It T II L M B K 1 1 L A N 1 ), PENN'A, A LARGE ASS5KTMIiXT OF OliY ;obs. Comprising all the Fail and Winter Styles nf Ladies' Dress Uouds, Woolen floods An., Cli l!is, t'assiuieres ait'.l ("o-nl ieuieii.' tloo.Is uciierai'y. which will all be sold at gre.,t lurg:iiti. GltOCEKIKS AM) PROVISION'S, of iill kinds and of every description. luccn swnrc. ;ii-Mv;irf aud tVil- law-Ware. BOOTS AVI) SHOES f'-r Men, Wi'ineu and Children. Fl.OCr. AND FEED of all kiu.N, is eon':Mitly kept 011 hand. They will also purchase CHAIN OK ALL KIN I, at the highest market piie, and will exchange fur but:;, The public are invited to call and rsrm'ne fnr cxtt'a-ivw asoitita ol of (,i,o K In lore p'i- l. i-ing el-ertbeie, mi l l.-e.;ue ciiviaee,l 1 bat tiood- c.01 be bought lower tii incut. cNctt Iteie u .ar establisb . M ILI.Eil. I.FlMlF.K Til.-' v. Nor.l A 'd. s-pt. GRAND FALL OPENING NEW STOKE GOODS. A complete SM'ftiiiciil of goods arc now being opened al MUGUF. & IHSSIXGEKS STORP., Il.tU)t' lbiildinc. Market St re-, el'NUTKY, PF.NN'A. C.insitliiii; of cloths am i aimi:i;ks, ivut coons. Dry Goods ol i-vny .iib"v, N..tioii, Ladivs' buawls, i.' .l's K.niiiLiii l. .ods, Itrttli-.luklf (lotltlni;, M'oo'.tti H'.ioLi 1-, C.irpfi, Od Clollit, TliFMl l.lliCtl'.i, QuidinvtalD, W i.lo-V. ari', lila.swale, A.'., iic. I lour ti it tl li'i'tl. (all nud toe ll'.lr w.-l! ...In'i.d tin, k if Ti'l V l.t' t tl V 1. I. sit Ifulll lb. k..Si, til i't 1, , I I'.u .'t 111.1 l..u. '1 ln' itiu .1. l.:i u.111 ,1 to Li'.,' iij. 1 ilitiir l,.I iit 'iio 1 1 it k Su Aku butl L 1'soriTj. All kindt of c .111 try ptoduie l..Utii In tt rbai.4 'ur eui.dt. v.iioKr a ii-fe!k;ru. JiipCSl, I 'il'. Miill S' l'.l V I lUhl JOIIX F Alt Lilt A, : 714 Aicli fl.. 1, Mil.Ilnof li t ll .H-li, btlt'jo i "U 4U 1 hill ttlnl., U.OJ14 6Wu, I 1 ll.l. U'H l 111, ! Imp nisr, MntiuUclulk l tti.d I't-ttlif la I lll.Jt td (44..IJ ul I l V H list fol I.4.I.. ' i. J ( liL llau' W (a. II4IIU4' rul.trff d, t l sJ lin..tit w.y ol.l 41,1 u.'ktu MU tMl t'UH '.l, Mi.J 1.41111 lnit'ii I 4 ni) lium nl l.i..l.d kUi I. Lt Ul k.1 411 ll. 1 M "k Vt ..w- , In. I I..... I nt I ti. 'I . , 41. 4 I. 1.4 I 1.1 .11 U' 1 I ki l'i lt' l.'l !. IU u, I ".i I LuiLlt 'I H't II U.I Ul ,1.l.4.1.Ul4. I ' kJjtl fi'u.i.t. H 4H i. r...t .t u., ' I l ' tt..k.H..lkl.l .1 4U. I Ijruit, lul I 4 Ut 111 L.i l'4'. I .' .1" . II1III.1 4 ' i t -I i i ..ttt 4u ul.i i..tki4t.u I II" It I I H' ? " - 4..t.U, ,tw lklitVt)t.UlKsk4 l4tU'l ...i. Til l Mian, kkjl 14. mm cUj bbctiisctneirts. PALL ANU WINTER Sew Arrlvnl or Good), AT MISS KATE m,AtK'N RTORE Market Square 6UNBURY, ronn'a. Just opened, allnnre assortment of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, consisting orthe latest stylet of plain n4 flald ponds, lu'all their varietlos. Urea Trimmings, Embroideries. NOTIONS, &e. A OrWERAC ASPORTTKST. O LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. dents' Collars, Ncck-tles, Half-hose, Ilandker ciilefs and (ilovt s. l'urfuniury, Toilet Soaps, Ilalr Bruehos, Combs, etc. An invitation Is extesiled to all to call and to euro bargain. Sunbury, Nov. 6, 1870. FOK SALE. TWO VALUABLR LOTS on the corner of Second nnd Chestnut streets, In the Bo rough of Sunbury, on which there arc erected a large dwelling house, stable and outbuildings. The haineitettd, late or Hugh Bellas, dee'd. Also, a Lot on Market street, In the ltorongh of Sunbury, on which there are a dwelling house, stable and outbuildings. Inquire nt the office of 8. 1". WOLVEUTON, Feb. 11, 1871. tf. Administrator. PUBLIC BALE or Ynlnublc IVrNonnl Property. Will be sold on tlie premises of John Fry, la Cppcr Augusta twp., North'd cotintv, Pa., on TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1ST1, the following pro perty, to wit : Three .Uilcli ('own, one of which is fresh, a Two-norse Wagon, Sleds, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, one Cutting Box Hay Forks, Kakcs, kc. A lot of Kye Straw. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. One Bureau, Tabic.", Chairs, Benches. Barreis, Butter Churn, nud other articles too numerous to mention. Also, live and Seed I'otatoes. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, a. in., oT said duy, when the conditions will be mndc known by JOHN FRY. A. J. Srnoir, Auctioneer. Feb. 11, 1HTI.-M. To the Community at Large! CHANCF. AT THE "REGULATOR." I have this day purchased the entire stock, pood will und fixtures of the Regulator Hoot, Shoe, Trunk. Leather and Finding Store, of J. 8. Ang, and will continue the business nt its pre sent location, eorn'-r room, Haupt's Iron Front, Market Street, Strxr.rnv, Pa. When having established arrangements with 1 tlie leading man il'ae'.vrers of he country, I pro- pose supplying .-.(. niutuei wu.i a eiass oi wors of esiai. ished reputation for durability and tiliish, at prices that iim-l claim ) opulariiy. A se cialty will be made in tlio furnishing of Shoe makers mclei'iais for niaiiul'.ietiiiing. Your valrouao i solicited. N. F. LIOIITNCR. Sunbniy, Jan. SI, 1ST1. Wi: OFFER FOR SA LE, AT PAR, Tin: New Masonic Temple Loan, Itcnrins 7 3-10 Interest, P.edeomablu after five (5) and w ithin twer.ty-OD9 (-1) years. ZntcrcHt I'ajutjic Jsavcli und Sopt. The lbvids arc rcgiftereJ, and will be issued iu sums to suit. QEEit&im 40 South Third Street, PJiilsnJcIpJiIa. Slock ESougM anil SoKl ou Com iiiir.sioa. Cold niul Cioveriintonts bought and sold. Ac. co ints received and Intert ullowe.1, subject to i l?iL:;.i loans. j Jan. 7, '71 Feb. SC, 'T i FALL AND "WIXTER MILLINERY I.ui' ltoauciN uud, I 4 o I FAB!IIOAli!.n Mil MNfllT fiOOPS, OEXlT.iI.LT, j have jet b.'t-u opened at j MlS L. WELSER'S STOKE, j Market Street, one door west of (icarhart's eoa- I fretionery stoic, I KL'NlU'llV, PA. I The latest s-! v1"' of Ilre.-s Tritiiiohi'js. F.'neb ; atid American Klow r:,, lli'u-oiis, Sarii j loops, ( lilgur.ns. Collar-, I ll:l-, .1 Oil i in CluVej, ' and a laru'e variety if n'lrT articles. I In coii'.uvtioti with the Millinery btisi'ie5?, flu I c o r'e s i.n ibe MiLvS MAKING AND FITTING, iu ail its branehe. A's-i tlie CUTTING i)F PATTERNS j of every ('.escrii t'.on. j The ladies of Sunbury mil n i t y eos- dia'.lv iii'.iied to Call atid exaii.lne h-T J ie.aiW 1 sloeK. IKo. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, IIiiwhi; lnr-jfly hiprcaf,l tlti-ir PLA'l I'.H WAT'.u lVl'.iri'.itiiit, call sp. i-lal -.ilti ntion 10 tbeir St. 'I ii ol SILVEP. TLATED GCOE3, t jtiipri.-itnf, bi'sl.b-s Ul ir iistial line of Hti Wares or liii;b (rind-., a most cjn li lo llS-ottllll-tll ..f T ill 1. 1' V ltl S. TLATFIl ON WlUTi: .Vi'TAI., ri liable In iiia)li , uud oir.r. d X. o:.fu llj lo pne.'S. A lull liu ut PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, iC. i ", FINE TAIiLE CUTLEKY, upr. 111.1 I" lor tt.. ir u lail s.i'i ai:d l'uri.lsh id In' il, . nt ur in i'iiiii '1 Ic a. Is, 1 ul up iu and Walnut 4. .t-t .-. A.I told ou lb. a tittii at (Wed i:'i.-'-s, allatl..-d in plain lijuik'. lj t.i. li .tili.irt. J 0111.111, 11, ln.- ly. KEW GHOL'E It V KTOHE OPL'iS ED 1 lilr I Mi.'i 1, u. l ibu r 1 1 Jinn l!.m llultl, M N IU' l! Y, PL.VN'A. Au roll. tl W'W ,".'. of ..II ki ...!. of Cruel. II. .L.p .1,41 : bii(! in Co "1 XI. ..1 t'lU.K, I ll'., Kttksm, Miouttit-rk, iiu I iu f ilH lti)ll'.,i u. k. I I li. i , ' 4. II 1 . 11 k' ) i.l 'p'ii I 1 1. ' ; ," I", l''' I 1 ' Uttil I ,f t.i.i 4I1.I tktilill.r li" la. U l f I' 1 Hi li'.l I lull lo tilt il,...p I. r f4-lt. lo b ,'411 I III., lu l ttj.msil i b I '. s I I. .trj ' ll -,,t 4.1.. I.l.s. J UlLti AN l'i Kb. I Ib'l. !, IsTti-if. ni. l fci A I I' tt .1 1' kt t,..i t'-.l t'l ' tti n-4 ny, 1 1-' - 4 .'4 O'l I 1 Ol II s . l 1 ' 4 jts tt..ui l Ut,.. Jk l)t.tilvl t I'. .. A ,. 41, t.l k.t ttt'i 1 I T L.t . ' k.k.,411 4l Mw 'l 4) I'U.., . s lu. ,..... lllk,' illfiiraiil ,;tM i'Mi4ui w si H is Iv I t4 ". I IVbl Ui' U t II I A ..!.. If i.Ltiult I.i It. tt if I'M If,