Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 25, 1871, Image 4
ioftII.-titcou3. pisccIItntous. Stattirfaetttrcrs. jv (ailtoriba A Remedy Foil TlIlC.TTLEIn?ASr.. )':o liulo excitement exists nniou of litrils along the river counties with rcicrcnco to the caUU' disenso which prevails tliroii;;h out tho F.ustern States. An oll ami well known ilenler in Mock fays his neighbors and himself have ucil fur many years for the mouth disease in his catilc Vult nnd always Willi success, i'irst, sprinkle salt in the) mouth of the. animal, not repealing the dose more than three or four times; then use tine salt and burnt alum hi tlio same. In liutchtss county this cattle iliso.nso lins been somcivhat prevalent, and nil stock owners whose vattlo wtro nflertcd have used this remedy, which hns failed in only one case. The disono uf the hoof, which appears to be of a dill'ercut nature, has, in many cases, disappeared of itself when the animal has been removed or kept in a clean tin J dry btablo or yard. -Vbiiny (X. Y-) Argus. Homixy MfFFixs. Uavinj; vayhed a pint of small homiiicy through twoorthreo waters, pour boilini; water on it, cover and let it souk for several hours, 'then put il into a thick tuna pun wi'.h hall' pint of boil ing water, and Id it boil until no ft i .mm: h to mash ; drain it, and mix it well witli'a pint of white-corn meal or wheat lhur a little salt, and a pint ami nm -half of milk in which two tablespoon t'u's of bu'.ti r have been mulled. 'When the bu'ter ii nearly cold add lourtab!es)ooiifu!! of yea.' t. cover it, nnd set it in a warm placed until ury light, with the surliicc covered vwih hub bies. Huttcr some mutllu rintrs, set tii.m on a hot griddle, pour into each a portion of the mixture and bake llim brown 0:1 both sides. .Send them to I abb accordingly 11s they arc done, pull them open with your fingers and butter them quickly. To Make N ice Hoxnoxs. Take some fine lrcsh candied orange rii:u or citron, clear olf the stignr that critic re to it, cut it iuto inch sqiiuri ", slick singly on tlio j'ronii of a silver fork, or on osier twi.s, dip them into a liquid birley swzar, tind place them cm a .!i-.!i rubbed with the smallest possible fjiiai. lily of very pure s'llad Oil. 'When cold, put I lie in into tin boxes or canisters well-dried with pepper between each layer. Sat. ye for CiiArrnp i.irs and hands. , Take two ounces of white wax, oao j ounce of spermaceti, four ounces of oil of: almond.-, two ounces of English honev, : quarter ounce csseinc Ivrtrainot, or any ! other scout. Melt the wax ami r.peimac.cti; i then add the honev, and melt ail together, 1 nnd when hot. add the almond oil by de prees, stirring it till old. This issuperiiir : to glycerine for chapped hands, sunburns-, ; or any roughness on the skin. : Cvrt. Fort Fct.ovs The Logdon Luna: says there is nothing like the following for euro of follons : "as soon as tho jmlsation which indicates the dir. ae is leit, pot di rectly over the spot a (ly blister about, the size of your thumb nail, and It t it remain f..rsixho.;rs, at the expiration of which time, directly under the surfuea of tin blister may l seen the hi n, which cm instantly be takeu 0 u with tlio point of a needle or lance.'' Cure ron a Covuh A patient, who, for nearly two months, couVl not pass a niehl in quiet without large doses of laud anum, has been cured of a most hurosiu ' cough by suet boiled in milk. Cr.O(VET ri:?.- -These are a sort ofimnce meat ilumplimr. Ti.k some cold veal, chicken, lobster, or tender clod beef, chop ped hue. I'uta half a tablcsnoonil bmtcr in a saucepan on the lire. AVheu melted, put in a piece of ouion chopped fine : fry uttle ; add a l.iili'a tublcf-pcou Hour. AVIu-ii it browns pnt in tlio minced meat stir it fcteadily and add salt and pepper. Then add a gill and a-haif of broth nn-.l set the pun a tilth oil' the live to ?:iinnicr.-Chet; three stalks of paraely line, and mix iv. 0u the lire, stirrirg fatter all tlej tin-..-. Then break in two egg-., ttirring hict.-r ; in two or three minutes take it the lire and set it to cool. When the meat is cold -ii't some Hour on the board : take a limn or the nuuee thesize of an ei.'ur, or laraer roll it iu the line tlour, dip it iti a cup of beaten eg, drain and roll it in bread muni! ; have a quantity of boiling suet, or drippings in a frymgpan, and frv the croquettes in iliem for a couple of miuuUs, till (.brown. 1'i.t in a eolender, and kt the fat drain oil'. Hints rem ri:oTi Mmi:ni.s:;-.. TIktc is little .(anger that farmers and their wiv. s will take any too good care of themselves during cold weather. Thu lial-ility is in the opposite direction. The farmer ri-vs early, and hastens to his stables to feed the the stock, often very from the bitter cold ; Iho housewife hurriei to the kitchen where nothing can be touched without iV.oziii? her limnl-., and fhin-r. over tor miniites or hall an hour before. tilings g.-t warm. To s mi .. crent suil'er ing on a frosty morning is inevitable, where n o'hg,.d t o ex,.,s,. himself, hut u ..;.! usually nmke slicht p,..-i';or. I'.r comfort, hiiikmg they w.l ti,.-hui .Uiiip-, siuc.' they ai-e.-f 1 1,-;. f U!r.t;,..,i. '.r.d th.-rebv-touglun thems.-lv s mi,, in . i,-;;.i:;tv. litt'o ctr.' 11:1. 1 lor, ii,., ( h ,v,,Vei, v.i:: tender :his paiimil indu.atii'... roe. ..'.iiiit,' "n. -hary. Jl ihe c,u ...., i;(Vl. a j.air of thick woolen niit', us t 1,. uiind!iivej the cold s'ove-:h. r, h. r fri-id pump-handle, and g.-ttin,' thing- in ord.-r f r breakt-ist ; they !ii:iv It,. (,n!v h ilf niit tcn, lenviog her lingers li.e ; la !., Vl.,l( on Ik 1 Uet a pair i.f wo..:-n (,. , , ,,);, . 1 ul ofa picee ..f .-..,:..;.,.., 1:. ., tind k d-d wirli t.-li fi,.i ;,ii.,l,l ;,: ; pill about h 1 1" at lrr! 1 u:in:, .ll iv, .' j he man, an nil oveiv...,-, u,Ui:t ,. .,1,,,, 1: can. ; a j.-ih-of warm 1.1. 't, . w;.l .y no iuele;,- i the. labor .1 In., ne . i..,g ebon . We.iun ll.iiil. We rani igord tH ktopand l:.l.e ..iu . f ...M-, i,, , ,). trulli is (:. ' ;:; I ,,.,t ,., , iU. I'l tin . Ulld .Mil' s,eil-., . ...... 1 ;. .1 1 . ieh-il,'.. eon 1m., . .',u,, , . ,(.,. .J ai uuv lit inter I i s' iii- ll.. near tin- il.u l .t P L.1.1, 1 II i vi reo iU, II,.- , c.iii' .i l nil Iv 1 . .. 111, ,, siloplv 1 I .1 III., .1 1- li. I Ol . -. . V '. I ; : iliei tie 1. 1 -e s niiol. s! li .... 1 .or 1' .-i.H'i,i.i-. il. Ie. I U .1 1 ill, I I. 1 I ., , , J. , , "lie ll 11.11. I ,1.,U , I 4 I ll... I I i ... eel l le lll. r. .1 .i li-IV ' it t i I et l'll IH'lli.i.l..., ! : I i, I, ,.it- .; 1 ..iiiiuit i, i, 4. n,ul ,, , ,, ;;, ' III. mil U l.lil.e, ,,.. ., p (,,lt ,. ,, II il 'I I.- e I. . ll'.I.Ie, J .,Le I- lie ,, , . ... . .l.d.UIS Will Like .-.i- ,. u't III.. I t'n- I ! I .'"I Ull .,(' 1.., y , .i Ull '.111 I'OlU Ll III.'. ' I r . i.te.ii u w.oili . ,,, j ol lt. nl. II l rt e l ... i,i; . :'u: . ,1,. ru .1' ; i. , , ,, , t 1. i.r.4 iiw ' r . ..i I ii. n i i. n-.r I'.. . i.m ' . . i . 1 I .i.i.) Mel no- i-v i s I.J ' " A W ' 'I l . . I. , I , M . . ii. i. . r.ii , . . ,t , 1 ( I I 0. It I ' i t i , , . , -: 1 I ...J ., . J i ! 4 Tlii'. ., i i. , . I ! . .- 1 . y I , : i I .... ii I t . . i 'i in.Mtv t. nr.i.MnoMrs COMPOUND FLUID EXTKACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Compenent rurtii Tlniil Fxlrnet likubaib and Fluid Extraet latauba Grape Juice. Tor Liver Complaint, .Tnunillco, lllllona Affec tions, Sick or Nervous llemlnche, lostivencss, etc. Purely Veiretnble, coiitulnirj; no Mcrrury, Minerals or Deleterious Drills. Thfse Till" arc tim won clellphtfully plc.vant. piuxatlvc, nipcrsedlnit r:ilor oil, taltfl, m.igne sin, etc. Tlitrc l iioililn more arcoplubln to tin' sIoiiiikIi. Tiny fw lone, nml euufo ueitlier ii;o;hu nor grlppinir piiins. Tlic.v are compomt ol the finttt iuirtiliuittt. After n few d iva' use ol tUi in, sucli an lnvlgoration of the niliic sys tuin taUuft plaee as to npp(-:u-nilnieuloas to the cak nn.t eai i-vuti."l, wlivtlier nrHnjt fioia lm pi -.Kli'iieo or ilisM.EO. II. T. Helmhoht' Com pound riuij Kxtiaet C'alawl.n Oriij'C Till arc not sii-,'iir-cr.i.trJ, I'rom the loct Hint slicar-coali'd Pill- ilo not iliioolve. hut p-.i-s tlnoimh tlm sto n'.aeli wiihout tii-so!. in::, eonse'iiieully do not i-ro-.Uie-e the ih -ire.; ei!.-..-l. Hie luawba tiinpc I'll!.'', b. iinr pleasant in tasto an.l odor, do not ncc. ssitalf ihtli leing Ml'-ar-coatcd. i'll'.C fifir cenu per box. ten m:.tiT t. nr.i.tst'oi.n-.s m;in.v t'" ru (.nMpnuNii liui.l I',tr( Si.iv-ajtiirillit Will r.vj!-:illy rMuiii!.t.; iVoei t'i? s -O'ai Scrn-r-.!.i. . ; liiii.-. !' -r . I i-. Soio lvos, t- .-.e 1 l , 1 M"ai!i. Nu' t!.i'!. Lt jn'-h'ni.-, :!;i". I T - -, 'a!t J;l; -lat, ( .uil.i'i.-, Ki!m!ii!: I'r.i'.e. l'ie I'.ai. While tf" .lliiijr-, Tumor?. Cancer ous Ail, linn-, Ne'd. liiekt-'-. riaa.'oie.r SweV, ine, Nirlit !.:, Ite-is, Teller, llnniois of all Kind-, Cl'.ronie ltliciineitl-iii. llyf cp.-ia, all ilr-ec.-i s lint iunc cs'a!!.'i!..i in tin." system l.,r .urif. E A Pelns; pr,prc.t expressly for the tov Com plaitiH. its tloo. -vii ei'vin ej pro trtit i urn irreater t'li.niiny et'-'-r provo-.ition et f; M--ap:iiii;a. It (rives Hie con.p!. i'.,i a clear an I '.: ' Uhy color loul rf-lov.-s t' Patient to a Mate of Heap It and I'niiiy. I or I'm itvnor tlielilood. removing all chrome roustitiuional disea.-es ari--iirr from im taipure state of lln- Plood. and the only reiialile and eli'.'i lual loiov.-n remedy f..r H10 cure of pains ami s.vfliin;; el ll-r IIhiuf, Ulcerations of the . Tiooat nnd L-us. lHotcl.ts. I'iuip'.es on Hie Face, , l.rysipel.ia uiul nil sculy eiujiUnns of Hi skin, ant Ij.-autiiying Hie eiiaqkxiuu. Price, 81.50 , per iioi .e. 1IENRV T. IIKhMUOLD'S COSOlNTKATm n.l IO IlXTK.ttTIU CIll, THE HKEAT DIfKETIC, his cured every ca'e ol Diabetes hi uhirh it has eiven. Init.uinii of the neck of the Hiad h r and Inthiuuilioii of the Kidneys, I Iceratioii cf-l ? Kidneys nnd lila.hlcf',' let. liiion of I'liue, Piseas." of the prostrate Ciland, Stone iu the Uladd'T, Calculus, tirnvel, Hrickdust I.-.. -U , and Mec-'cs or Milky DNcliiirtfci, 113d for Ea-f.-eLled and Delienlp Con-tllutiuns of loth si-xi-s, ivttended -l'.h He. f .'l'uivin' syinpt uns : Indis-pui-ili'Ui to ier....n. l.'-s of l oner, l.o-s of Me mory, riit'.cniiv el' Dica'iiiii!.', . ak .Nerves, TfeinMiPL". i'.ct.h' ef Hi ,-:ic. akethln, . IUmiK '3 of Vi-i, . ' Pi Hie 11 k. 1 1, t Hand-, Flu-Mii:.'..! th- I!-.! -, l'-v;;.... .,f :-.-, l'.ie... l.uii mi Uic fi'v. i.'-'el C-.vire'ain;-!', Viil'.cr.-al i.i---li,e ie el l!1.-' Mas.- lt;.i;- s-.-t.-ni, ..ti-. L'f . ! l.y p-;-:-..:s t.,,,,. -;r:: ii-e'..r il.-l'imi to . i.ty iiv ', a. 1 i 1 i ir -r , ... i.j liuy-lie ov ' in the dec.iae or ).:. 11 sm ''d'e. ; aft.a-" conlluc 1 . 1 e i : t er laoor ; a.L.s i beuv eL.imr hi chiluicu. T-.-hnhoM's Kxfract Bucbu H Ulureiic aim ri.'.i.'.-l urifying, and eures r. 11 di-ca-es arisius Irom liabi:- ol ui-.-ipation. ami :.;:f', in: (Kivis 111 Life, iiep.iriii.s ef the Hiood, '?:c, ser.:rct:.u copaikt in ii-ctali.uis for wiiie.i i; is n-eel. and syptiilllie affectum- in th-'e c-t : i,.-td la cwaiiec,;.u with IJelmbold'a Waali. In many atl'-eta'.e r? peculiar to l..idie::, the l-'xtraet V e.lni is i n; pie.!, d I'.v any ot!i-r romc dy as in eluoro-is er r.-teiaionj Irregularity, puhifiiliiess or -upprcKslou of ciiitoniury cvacua tions, ule. ran d or M hiras stale of thu Vteius, .I.eiieiii-i-iPea or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, arldmr i:e..i-er. Hon or !i:iliis of ill-sipatiuil. It is pie f eriljcj i xicii-ively ly Hie mo.-t mluent phy.-l-e':o-.s aed mi.lwives im- t-nlVelilcd and ck-:ija!c C'.LslHutiJii-!, 'if l-.ulli feXis and all njei t'atttrna .d Willi UliV cf tile ulHile dl-S. iim-s or simiauuis.) II. T. H ELMRi 1LI1S EXTRACT RUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FR"M IMPRU DENCES, Il-MilTSOF Ils.i"ATIv, ETC., in all their Majj.-s, m litt'e ev ,.-ti v, liule or no ci.aije;e in diet, no inconvenience, and no expo sure. It cause 11 fr. pa nt di-iiv, end eives tt.x-.v.'Hi lo I'riij.ite, tie rel y rcinot in Ubs;:uc-tiuii-i, Pivieiit'ms ml Cueing Strirliues of ibc Ui.-liii.i, Allaying I'.iin an.l ii.llaiiiali.iu, so fie- ji:. nt In .his vla-s ef, and tspcl'.iiig all l'-'i-eiai'i.-i mailer. Thousands v ho have the ictiu.s cf in eonipeteid p.-i .ens. and who have piid l.avy I" e o.- I il. a !--rt ton -, have fi.m.d l ev leiie Ii-.mi de.-.-i.-.-.l, mid tint tn-i IVim-u" tr.-i. ! y ll.c of p.... enal 1 la... :its,'' b.-L-n diiid up hi the f.y- teio, to bleak o.,t in u mere iicuiii i.Oed f"i'a, and pnhap- Ma.r'vje. I II. in.b..l.r I xtriot Hi.cbii loi-"all Aff.c th im end 1 ii.-.L-1-e- 1.1 the I uiary nivalis, vli.-th-ir e. -til, i. in er I'etliulc, llolll whatever oii-iiii,u,i, nnd n Hauler ho-..- l.aie; Hnudiii. I'll, e, deller an I lii'tv e. ut.- per OjU.c. 1 HENRI T. HI l.M p. !.D' IMPROVED RoE V.'.:-ll 1 1 " -nri . ,, I .. iV.isb, i.i.. wlllle le 1.1 h - -:..;. -ei.liie li meay iii evt-ry sp.ei. ' of till ,1. s. 1,. Ait'.- ,:,.n. It -"; elilv .l.l.h.Ml.-! Plliiple-.. spui-. .Mileille Dry, 1,-., let trail .11. Of tltc I :. 111:. il- M- i.ii.i.iiM.. .ie., i. i-j.els Hi-J. lie end ineipii i.t li,H 11,1. ui. .11, Jli, ., R i-li, '(111 Pate t:er-,i j- , j, , ,,- lv i ti , H i.- : el 1 ,,. . , ; 1. i.i , - ,,, I. .. iii b .11 1: u-t-d : 1 -1 n . . : i . 1.1 t ) a i ,t ,.f I and -Ma. - , ..1, I e.l.uu-d ' ' 1 I ' I lb I. -I I'-. V. oH ' .' -li .1. : -1. . II. t:.-- .. .1 i v.i i- ' v I ' ei. 1 s .,i ... l,.;i I. !. .,, J , ;..,- I. I l l. ... .. 1 ,- ,x IK . -I. ., t he -., 1 1 , 1 1 . , I 1 1 tl ''iM', 1 1 . .,-il 1'... I. I..' - .1-1.111. I it- j . ;.' i.e , '., , . , t , ... ,,,.. 1. . 1 ' 1 '' '- '. ' M .1-4 ,!....:'.. wi.i.-Ii i.-a- I il 1 I ell l.iie I ti. I... -I Ml.., hi- '..i.-: .0 I.... .!..!. nil.' in ..n t.itl 1-. I. Hie. I . ..1,11 , (1. ; . ,1 ,t I V .. ,1 I Lille 1. ' , In. n . a, ..fiiueui. . I il .1-. - .i P.e-.-i ,,;iv. a. I ll 1. -la 1 ,,t' '".ip.- -'.!. ll l .01 1- 1 : . et 1 .) . ..4 I,, 1 " i I.e ' dl.le, .nm .. j.). ill e,-- II. 11 ..r i';..m .. - .-I Hie I 1111 ii Iii- ,1,., un.'iei. i l l 1.1'.... ..I ! -, .t... ..,. u ...,t,,e, t;,, v " "' " M 4 t ..- 1 ' ' n. 1 .- p. .., 1.1 1.:, ..:-... , , in ii.. "' ' '' ' -' ' ' ' 'l-'- ! P.: -, -.1 v 4w..i.r , f 1. I r. iii) i i i.i . . ,1... .. II.. ll i: -1. l ,.v . pillljf l.0 1 .si. ... . .( i:., ., ,-l i..,, .,.,iM i.-.i.,!!,. ' ' " ' ' ' " I ' ' "I i i, HI. I...... " -il ' . !. . i on., w 1 1,. i.i ' 1 "' ' - ' 'l ie U .....d 1 ' " 1 ' ' ' I .. . id l.i. ii a..- 1 1 I tic ' ' ' ! ' -4 . i.. Ie '.I I'l. ..... u. ., ' ' ' ' ! .' t... I . i I ' .ll -Ill - i -, I 'Ul I l e ill bi.l.F ,,,,,,. . J'.. . It ..Hum, l.M ... I ' I I .- . It, " - ' . , , . 1,1 " I I I. ' ' .. I THE M WIU KY CATTLE AXCK COJIPAXY. Orncs S. E. Con. Maukbt Squahr, StmnraT Pa. INSURE YOUll CATTLE ! TIIK OSLY COMPAW THAT PAIS l'llOJII'TI.Y. r'piIIS Coinpmiy pay nil losses hy nil kinds of 1. nceidents hv (IchIIi, (exceptlm? In case of i-piilemicB.) by theft, Ac, .fee. They pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money In case of loss. I.oek ut the list of Losses pnlil Hltliln six mouths by this company 1 M. llenninger, fhinbury, $33 S3 D. llilu'ert, Northlllnbsrlaild, Bl) (10 s. b. Dodire, " :;n 00 Heonre Kckvrt, " 40 00 ClMiies lloilehjMl. Cnrmel. SO 00 Kusstus fdpplr, " 40 00 Cutharine Wiurncr, Wntsontown 40 00 Deo. licit, N01 thntiihcrluud 50 00 Jacob tn der, Suubiiry, S3 113 .1. W. Ba'ssler, ' 60 00 Minor Only. Dewnrt, CO 00 CnthiniiiB Mnrtz, Hhamokln, " 40 00 Francis llticlier. Snnhury, f0 00 Samuel Price. I'ppcr I.c'high, 50 00 Applieation can he made nt the homa otBccor to tlitf Uillerent l.CH'ul Acrenl-. C.J. IIUCXF.K. rrniilent. C. A. Kkimf.vsnyokh, .sv.-'i, Snnliury. Pirccioi s Solomon Stroll, Win. Hrindle, Chae. Martin Thomas lialdy and John A. fchisokr. Deecnil er 11th. ly. AKrioiiiliirnl Iutilcinriit, T I OK'S drain Hakes, Steel nrrt Irn Harden l I l;ake, l.omr and I) Handle Spades, Sliov els. Manure nnd Hay Forks, Orass and tirnlu Scyihcs, (iraia Cradies, Cradle Fincers, Trace, Urea-!, ronirue and Loc t haiu, Cirind-stoucs, 1 l .iania.f Mill S.-tves of nil sizes nnd kinds, n 1 !ari:e u-soi I inriit cf Fed Wuiron Haines, for j I'lowinj, l iirni liells, Cuitivnrnr Tch, for snle I ly J. II. C'OM.KY A CO. I A tii:.T tJIAX'N tVAKI-KOItE. ' A MAMMOTH .STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING KOCH'S, Third St., Oxi: Dooit Bulow Market St., Scxucuy, Pa., J. M. ZIIXil.l'R, Puornirrou. FRENCH & ENGLISH CASMMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VESTINGS, ALL KINDS, riNEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA PIETY. F.intiraclng every riuiility nnd styles that the New York and Philadelphia. Markets afford, which will beniadenptoorder by the best of work men, warranted to lit and render entire satisfac tion. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The huirest assortment !n -town. Embracing cvirythinir of Geiitlumen's Wear of the latest styles. Call and see inv ttock, nleothe latett l'.uUiuiis, before nrcbneiug eHrwhore. J. M. ZIEGLER, (successor to Thomas (J. Nott.) Third St., one dour helow MaiUot, Suubury.Fa. Siinbury, Jan. IUTO. UKEAI) AM) I At V CAKE. DAVID FRY, 1ESrECTFULI.Y informs the citizens of Sun V bury nnc! vicinity, that ho will bake to order nil kinds of CAK Eh FOR RALLS. TARTIFS, Ac Famlles are sice-Ted with FRESH BREAD, Twist, Roils, Kiisk, Tea Runs, A:c, and also kept on baud and manufactured out of the best male rials. Ali orders left nt his Shop In Market, Square, n:'e door ent-t of Mis-i Anna rain'Lcr's Millinery Moro, or nt I. is Bakery (.a Spruce hi reel, between 1 ront aud Second meets, will meet wKh prompt aitenti'n. RALLS ANT) EVENING PARTIES supplied v illi Cukes, Ice-Cream, Ac, at .the shortest not ice. Orders arc rcfpectfully solicited. DAVID FRY. Puubury, Dec. 12, Hi 18. TIME IS JIOXEY 1 ! LI. Wall P.iprand Border, sold by mo wll t. be trimmed ready feruse, V.lTHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, n v tun YEOMAN'S WALL PAVER TR1MMEH, 9-- o if. ' '.Vi hich I have the exclusive richt to use in Suiibur 1 im I ieinity. J Save money, tiino and labor, by buy'iug of eV. I'f'.lCUI'.i: 9.IGIlT.Klt, I Dealer iu Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, I Ac. .Ve.,' .V.C. S.inday School SCl'l'l.ll.S made a sperialitj. I Ulaiik. MruinruiMiiim ,V VutH ltok ' . i i eii lleis vut iety, ju't received. I.OwK tINIil.Vli done to order. Person, will 1 save ex; --I...L' by liaviui,- llieir older! lor binding I e.t. n. e. a-icTinr. humiin of all si . ei t 1 1 mn tin. XI 01 1 I in ti at Terv low ' ' rates. OVAL i fl;lA ItE Fit AM Eh always on ; linnd. ' .U.HIWIS, IU! ACKKTS, (.OI.l) I'E.N S, ! .te., Ac, Ac. A I.irm? and w. II i. et. I t k of l ovsalwav .. i ban I. A.i)H.iii nol eu h . id pioinptly ol i ! ie iw 1. l'.i.t.oi.s '..r cash. Call at N. FlliREE LUlHTNER'iJ j 1 1I..OK hi. ire. i t"ell of F '.. lury, P... e.uii.urv. A ' He' 1 P. ii, M ukcl i'lare, bus u-t t'lh, ! . 1 J. W. V. AHM.VITO.VS i Liiivii iiiriti u siioi'. Tli- il 1 1 1 in itt'li.ip" ( f the lnwn, it. i lit lb: K.-.i.t, but ul Il.u all. tilll ... ie... Hi that the tni. hi v 1. ah in.iJ'... i ..a, in n. b ;. '.l.i.i .iilli .i.t n. .oi. I' ll, i .' i. bi.eou.fuiu. b c ui, i. .nm nf v.. nil y an I im. 1. .lion. Ju l la.i.iy ....i. i.j-.i U.'.oi my 1 ...i.erin lb. . lidif lay iiieiiiiiu ,.ii Lm Is: "1 ie si :lic list ul uir li.i. ... .1. r .. , .. I i . ;M, nu I kppiu-4 j III, l.lua Lli4l....', I . el. un I w.tlilu lUI , I. ...e l tlluu ,llit,i,.,, I,, t!. mi ;llly t.ilj. ( Hi a i v. ul l i-l . i i.mI I, me ( .,i.i , , I in .,.. ev, i y. ' I', "i lb ' .... i im i. ii.Ui.iu IuiiUUiv) ..lid . I" 'I' .'(lie .hi'.. ii.Ul.-.l I, I,IU ...bllely i '"'' " '' l-Oiui.. .i!i a i.4 utn ll.l u.r 1... I. I i tli....- II, in Kp J41. Hues buu Iic4 in .ii. t line or n...i, , , l I.i .1 .1 ) u.l J. ... , J...I , . (.,., I. mjS. II. I-. .ll.' ., , . , , ... U, lull iimll ul -in. i. i I . Li. . . i I. r ti 5 " -i , .l,rtiiiH u nil .,, ... i I i . . -. . .1 I . . I . . I i ... I,.. I 1 l l ' ...... I I ti I ll.sV. I lyl S v . .1 . ... l ' . I I . . .1 .!.!... , - I . . I . I. . U .1 U ,1 I . I ', I I I'll. I ..!- I I . " I I ! I i- u.-& ' -At v. 1 1XKJIAS CO. A FULL LINE OF FALL, & WINTER GOODS at JOHN ECKMAN & CO'S. Groceries, tha best and cheapest in His market, nt Eckrnan & Co's. Oil-CTotli, Carpet nnd Cnrpot Chain nt the very lowest prices, at Eckmnn & Co's. UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTIONS Eckmnn & Oo's. Roofit nnd Klioca, at Eckmnn & Co's. of every description, at I lints nnd Cup, Stone-Ware, Vooa-Wnre and 'Willow-Wiirf, ut Eckinau & Co't. Hardware, Nails, Salt, Fish, &c, at Eckrnan A Co's. Country Produce taken in exchange nt Eckmnn A Co's. Don'l forget ths place, JOHN ECKMAN & CO., Corner Fourth akd Market Streets, 8unburt, penn'a. Bunbnry, Dec 8, 1870. FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOGDS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to the public Hint she has .lust received, at her store In DewnrCs Buildinp, a "lurpc supply of THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, trimmed and uuti'unnicd, dud of all colors, In cluding the- NEOPOLITAN, the latest and most fashionable tiling out In huts. Also, CHILDREN'S II AT 3, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest styles. Sash Ribbons, plain and llirnrcd. Lndie's Spencers, Lace, Linen Colnrs and Cuffs for Ladies and Children, Crochet collars. Neckties for Ladies and 9ru:'a latest styles. Silk Sack Loops, a superior article. Gloves including Kids, and Ladies' Buckskin glomes. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of Ti iuuninirs. Embroidery Pntterns. Hosiery for Ladies, Gent's uud Children. No4s, Pique and pi.pue triinm.nrrs. TRIMMING SILK3, Chipnons. Zephyrs and Yarns, and a general variety of Notions. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes that the iiialitv of hr goods will merit a continunnce of the same. ELIZABETH LAZARUS. FRUIT, FARM AIMSEEIES, iOH' READY. Our new Descriptive nnd Illustrated Catalopnc, with Price list for tho Spring of 1571, coutniniuj,' plendidly colored Chromo of tho TfartUa (IVhltc Concord) Grape, prr.mrnccd by J. Knox and others the most valuable irrape produced since the lutroduc , tiou of the Concord ; and the Jucunda ("Oar No. 700") Strawberry, with descriptions of all the leading i varieties of Small Fruits, new and old, with di i rections for planting;, growing, and handing ! th. m, nnd how wc make from 91,000 to 2,000 per Acre : v-ith the Jucunda Strawberry. It is very hand 1 noun and vulu.ible book, gottr n up nt a heavy ! exprnse, und will bo sent to all applicants t-n-! clesinj; 10 centi. I FLOWERS. Our Descriptive Catalogue of Roses, Grcen ' and liediling Plants, Shrubs, Evergreens, ; etc., containlni; descriptions of many rare and i beautiful Plants, Is also ready, and will be s.-ut , to all replicants for ft cents. ! R. CU.MMINO & CO., Successors to J. Knox, i Feb.4,l71-lm. I'ittsbuij,', Fa. A GSEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALXES'S C-.LXFOXNIA VINEGAR BITTERS u tl u Hundreds cf Thousands Hear tcrtlninny to thrtr WoaUcr- fill u ru Live KL7i rti 0 - 1 5 t M a - c -s iH WHAT ARE THEY? Is V W o;i Tnrr arf. not a vil3 el FANCY DRINK lldo I'or Uubi, Wlilskry, 1'r.iul Kplrlis ill in i sit ni ipf? HfMt' IH8 li ?r rr HI siuu Keluo l.lquu?ii cociorvU, i;ttc4 snd .vat CUtU tu lilussd ttij luilc, CbtloU ' 'lublCk," AppeliZi sn," ' lUlorcr," 40., I!.I lend ll.c HrrKr ca la druulifiincii ud mlu, but -o ireo Mce.ii.lne, ntielo from itto Nsti.s Huoli sad Herb, ol Cs irone. frro tram all A It'ohwllo Miuiuliiitm. Ilcjrsie iho till KAY IIKIUII I't UIKIsltt and A I.I IK r.lUMl l'ltlM'llI.i:lcri ci l...M.t ,r i.l luTlyorutor c( INj SbU-ei, C4.r..n; utf ill .l...ouoi:j as4 rciturtui; tl.ii LtooU iv i. iKa'aliy cecililian. lop r,o titiuU lltcio W.tirn tccer: i,u,i lien And rrius'.b l. ni buw.ll. 9lUO WIUI.U I'.vcnforau, rrovld d 111 buavs sr3 la H,i,tlo;.d by u..i.,'t I ti.,!.ou er lltrr',1, sua l'a MUl ul.i . .t. 4 l .j',.11 g ili.l ef rv-alr. fur lnHuuiB-i.lnry and tbionic l k.un.n ll.ui Kva liuul,, u. I id ur-lluu, llllluua, Iteoiliiem Kud lu.elHilil. ii. li-iri llUen.isul lliv llli.uU, I It.r, Klilu. .., uu4 lllaalili-r, ci Illuria In. Ucu . .. .1 .u.v ful. b.h liUraat sis culuiI ly tliiuli l llluttd. ii..-l. i. utfttitnl:r I rwC-:..I I y e.isntimLl ul ...o iini.f ; i ii ii. g mi n. Uls'll'slt Ull IMIH.I hTHIV. luJ 'l.i-. llu Iti Hie isuulUt-ll, luusl... 'I 4lt r.fts i I li.l I 'it-i, wti ...., sm ir'Ui.wi. if iu tnu..i.( le.i..i. , .! lli.ulll, b.luu'k, I t'li.Ut. 4 f lb. li I. I. liis.uu uf ll Lui s., I is In l: j cf Co k Um ) i, tnj I ar.Cl.4 -iUt ) ... i,i,iW (Us vl.l I ), t 4. TU Ul..l-l 1!. . -u. .Uiiulftl4 . ' fi ll.i.i Im il, i.:.u i.J.-r il.. ef 'is.n.41'.. I UU.C) l l li. ui I.. ttuu4 kf I K..SI.U. a. s4 U..4I.U4 bw 1.1': . 1 . !.". ij.Uii. I lilt KK N Ulmt l I i a ... b., . -in f ,U l.lMinu, liiuuu... si t,.., ,b.j ... I ' ii.ii. Hut, i, i stl.-, l..t, V. wl -. l, ,.4 U,.t, i vi l,. It.. 1,11. ll, l.ll. I U.l,,ll. u. kl IL, I .11., II j... It 1.m cl u i.k , u iLiliifi l,u. if l ilbf W I.Ulll ., I'll .-4 ., J uul .1 l-l . k II l.fc.i I; lb, in x.1 lb... I' CM k H' t. .till 3- I i.. lb. V..U.U t.. J k. . ..,. .ii ...I ,. I- Sbl.l kkii.u. ibi. .b b ..b ,k I lM.f.U. ll i f. .. laWI il b. t-4 .. .WM-.U 1 . ei.b U Si- .,,.,.. M u. I. . 1.1 .bl U.l,b. UI U.l . bii k. i.4 SI. 4 1-4 k.t.k .IU4MVUI .1. I..I. . I'lki HUM s..( IIIIUMl, I ..iu.,; i . )-t-Ml Wf M.f ksulAa. l.--ll. 4l.IV 1 ..J I I I., I WKlSW, l.l ...(-, f IU vli.lil. .lHl4 I- S.4IM,, bilU4t-l ( i.!!, llll-,b) l t4J. ) lkl 11, l'i.,,l,kl I ' 11. I'I i U to, l-i -," -4 0 - Im Im., ii , 1.4 Mtotitk-- .....I, l-i -.. I- t U ln.vk.,1 4p mill i MACII1SIE tsllOI' AM IKOM FOVXDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SON3, Monitory, I nu'u, INFORM tho public Hint the? are prepared lo do all kinds of CASTINGS, nnd bavin aihled a now Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Lnthes. Plnnlup and Rorln? Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders 01 NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Orntca to suit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Tho PLOWS, already celebrated for thir su periority, have hesn still further Improved, and will always be kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbnry, iTrna 18, !ST(). FLOR i:C K S H IXG .MACHINE. rilHIS cclchrntcd Machine is now on exhibition J- next doar to Ktausc's Tin ol ' Btove Store, Rlnrkrt Strcol, Sunlmry, Vn. Tho Florence Srwlnc Machine stands nncqnal led for beauty and durability : bcintr tha best Family Sewing Machine now ollored to tlie pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-ndjustiuc tention in the Shuttle) clinnircs for the various Stitches ruad'j while the uiuchinc is iu motion. Its Stitches arc the wonder of nil for benuty and finish. beini; alike on both sides of the fabric. H sews licht nnd heavy fabrics with en,nul fc cillty. The work will feed cither ris;ht or left. Runs quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced iu sewinc across heavy seams. Its mo tions arc all positive ; no sp-ius or cos; wheels to irct out of order. The Hummer tin us wido and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical and will lst a lifu lime. Every I'uinily should Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all weclnitn for It. It Is the onlv Machine In the world that Is cn- pable ol making more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Cull and examlue them, nnd the ssmples cl work. NO CirAUGE TOll SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords. Uraids, Ttu ks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, dee., without ba.-lintr. It makes a cafher nnd sews it on a hand' at one operation perfectly. Each Machine is furnished wkh a complete ret of tools, without extra charte. Every purchaser fully instructed nnl every Machine warranted and kept in order. Machine Oil and Thread kept on hand at ail times. GEO. YV. SMITH A BRO., Arrents, ForNorlh'd, Hin der, L'liionand Montour Conn's. Ootober 15. lf?T0. .mi.M.vf.! m7.i.iV7Vi TnE subscribers having taken possession of the Siinbury Steam Mills, on Walnut street, nnd having repaired the same, arc now prepared to uiiiuiilaeturei all brands of FLOl R AND I EE11. They respectfully invite the eilhrn .f this vicinity to jjive them a trial, as tlicir facilities to make the best quality ore e.pml to any iu the State. Their present retail prices are : Extra White Wheat Flour, per tarrcl, Red Wheat Hour, per barrt'., Corn Meal, per cwt. Buckwheat Flour, per ewt. Rve Chop, ' Rye & Corn, " Oats ifc Corn Chop, White Middliufc-s, " Shorts, " Bran, " Com, cr buih. O.ltH, " ts 00 T on J 5 0 S 2ft 2 f)0 2 25 2 ti) 2 00 1 25 1 ir, cr. Orders are respectfully soliritsd nnd will re ceive prompt attention. MOVER & KOLB. Sunbnry, June IS. ISTO.-tf. LU1BE1C A.VU I'l.VMX. .MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Phiia. & Erie V. R., two Bqnarei North of the Central Hotel, SUNEI.T.Y, FA. IRA T. CI. EM EXT, 15 prepared to famish every description of !um bvr re'inired Ly the demauds f.f rhe public Havim; all the latest improved machinery for inauiif.,cturi,i;r Limber, he is uow leady to till or ders f all Linils of FLOOF.TNG, srDING, POORS, SIILTTERS, EASH, BLINDS MOl'LDINf,?, VE BANDAf, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Srrowl T 'ork. Tiirn iuj of every description promptly executed. Also, A Linen ASSOTITMFNT OV BILL I.UMT5ER. HV.Mt nCK nn.l Pi VP 41... SI, In. -Ull Pt,.l.-.,r. I.ut he, Aie. Orders promptlv tilled, an.l shipped bv P.ailroml or otherwise. 1HA T. CLEMEN! . d.,Ui-hs:iv i STOVE V TIX i;ST.HI.ISini'.T I MARK til STREET, Sl'NBCEV, FA. I ALFRED KR.U'SE, Proprietor. ; srccrssoniii tviTtt i onsTnrn.J nAVINil purchased the above we'd known es tablishment, Mr. Era Use would iepeetfe.l I ly inlorm the public that I.e uow hat on hand a large assoy men: rr COO K I X G S T O V E S , Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Ret:u'.ai..r or Revolving Top, Combination, SuniUe hauna and nther.-i. j which are so arrange ! a to be used for Coal or YS nod, and ate warranted to periorni satislaet in ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds pat up lo heat one or more rooms. HEATING bTOVEs ef didereut kind at very low prices. Tinware of Every leHcrlttiois kept on-liinllv on hand. Eoeilui; and Spouting wilh the be t iiiao rial, d ine at t.h,.rt in. lieu, REPAIklNli attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil nnd lamps c niMuiitly on hand. Japan wuie of nil kinds. Store o l-on'.u Cuiiky's lurdwaie store, (iive me a call. A. KRALsE. api'JI-ly KI XII1KV .Ulitlil.E Y.lltir. TIM1E unJer.ik'iii-1 Imvintr t.ouel.t the entire .V. si..1 li of Ih-c'iieer i'c T.ivlur, oull iufoiiu the public thnt la 1- ti ready t.. .l i alt kiiij (t , xv m an i.i: uttitit. In i n hau l, ai.J m.iW..-to or l.r at I Mlol'.r IojTU R. Nouuiiieutk) iV lleu.l-Sloiir, jt"yj I'lnnn nvir. 1 g.lHH.U .'..Ml 1.1'1 m j AHo.Crinttei y Po-l iill li.ilvjnin J Lpeai.! all Dill. -r lel.eil. j i, el;, latlv U.t-I Oil l i .11. t. I - i Jaliu A-Tavler i.l ciiiiniid in 'lie employ in. :-!, 1 H III.) old siiind en v.t-k . B'..Suiil m . ui.i) I'ts nu: iiM.r muu: Million a KM I.T IMIIIi: CHL 11 1111.11. J noun run i'i. u ii iim i l it, ! ii t it ii s iLLinriAii r WAMuND r,A8 VI KM R kl w mi il PAULOU ASH C II Milk l! 11 V UNr; Mill I T is ll.a ki. y I 1. :.' II. .il. I I I i p r.i'.lel, a.. I fire ll AKE ';:i i I. .s a ii. ...t puillau ur I .l.ii.s, ul ii.i'.iii.. 4-i l-ilo His ap i. Im. nl. Ill Ik' !.. 1 III p.m II. .Ill .1 i I !. ! m li.i'lial Uni.c I'y l. U t;.i itel I .. .. i .... I .k J "'t is u.;.a ... I, (! spall . l ll ! II 11., Ill .ei l ) H.-III..:, H 4 IL. ln-il ...i.KllU i.wi s-1!;!-! ( i ..-m. ,i. lai ...... loll . It i lli i.., I nil . IL itl u I'.r .l ik.l li.iu ,.l l..i I....I, HU.J , .11 I II, UUi'llll.'.l I ..I I. Ii u us ...i.y n.,.. ll.siif .iu sits. I ..4 i..i.p. -4 ... l ., IU, an.l ni..a. 11. ilil v.lli IL4. p tsss, lll.4 kU.44l Iwai4 l-J. asl, H4l4- utl l.i.4 1 'H lbs .lf li.u-i I. lii.u uitt. 1 Ul .1 M lis -.wt tl' It lit- 1 . Il.cisi, i.i.Hwt4 -.4 1 1 IKM4 tt4 Lu-, i'i i-i y l.t- i.i4WJ,kUHjOMI tin I IT. .-it..r .Hit k 4lVTHk t iM, 1 1 wn. x. moody, n. d., (Sticecssor to Vf. A. Bennett,) DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market Sqnarc, StXItl'RY, Pa. Opened n fresh and full assortment of DltlUS ASU JIEDICTXES. unsurpassed In pnrlty and freshness, and kept coustiintly on hand. My stock will always bo found complete In every article of merit In Medi cine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon promptness and atteution to orders. Just re ceived SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Faney Artlelc! My stock Is unusually large and embraces everything: that can be found ou a flrst-cluss Toilet Table, Including American and genuine French and English FERFUMERT, Tomndcs, Flair Oil, Ivory, Guttn Pereha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, nair Tooth, Nail, l. loin and 1'aiut urusues, ecc. TATENT MEDICINES. Embracing all the most popular Preparations o the day, nt manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana Secure and Chewing Tobacco of the best brands. I'aiulM, Oils, Glue, Gins, rutty, Yarnilies, Ve. All my Tinctures. Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations lire manufactured by my self.nnd fiom the best material ho can procure in Market. All my preparations as I have above nsertrd, nre in nil e from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they arc of nlUcial strength. For medical purpof , I keep on hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, thu I can procure. A full iisortniont of FANCY COOPS AND NOTIONS. The nt tent ion of the ladies is called to the Ingredients to manufacture wax flowers. Before purcl usiui; elsewhere, callnud convince your own mind. Alter a numW of years' exstptience In the practice of Medicine, he offers his Professional services to the citizens of Sunbnry. Private con sultations can be had between the hours of 10 and 1J a. in., nnd 4 and f. p. m., at his residence, in Hi flit's brick row, second door ftom the east, Chestnut street. WM. W. MOODY. Su ub ury, Feb. 10, 1S70. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, Ya? "DSpoawn of tho Throat nnd LunjTs, sucii as Ooufthn, CoHs, Whooping CuuKh. li ronchitif. Asthina, nnd Consumptioil. prc't-iirlv novrr or"tv In tho -lioM Htiry of mi'tii.'ii.c. :iiiy(riinif won -10 idfly ini'1 soMi't'lv Uhii tin' cinili'lfiif t' ol" luaiikiii'i a- thin t'Vcrlirnt UMnotlv tor iiilnnn:ti'y iiM!;iint. 7 liruiili a mm-it- oljcars, ami atnotii; nio-t o( llu r;cv ol in ii it ii.i'- riMMi li';:!.'r an, liihcrin ihcir irti inn tioii.n-v i( h is iM' lii iu rkuown. It- iiniiorin h u .if Irr aii'l jtowcr to curt tlit vai inis aiTt'ctt.Mi- ol' the tun..'- an I thruar, have mud. il known an a re-lulil-' jirnroflor nain.-t tlitni. W'hili. inlailLMl io r.nMcr lorins of ilwa-? ntnl to vm-jhj; chihlrt-ii, it a ut Hi1 iiinc tinip thv most dltn-tt'al r uiiMl that ran hv (.rivtMi tor iii'-ipiout fMii-iiinpf itifi, ami' the il in fTt'ious alVi'i tioi i.i (in) thiuatanil 1 111. Ah a prn vision apiiu-t nl U m artarUs 01 f roir. it .liuiild 1)0 Uvt on hanU 111 every tauiilvt nnd hkI'M'iI ;t all nu honn tiiiiiis Mihjwt U cold nnd rounds, all should b- iro -U'wO -widi thi-i unt-idoto for ttn-in. Alth.uph "UltiP'l i'oHsttmfttiMi is Mmtii;iu m curaole. .till Ri-oat mnnhcrs ot caen whfre tho dis en-0 't:in("i citlcd. have ln-vn romnli'tcly rurt'd, anil t'i p UiiMit r tu rod to sonnd hcalUi by ttm hrrrif I'trtorut. i imiptcte i.i it- mastery over the iI-ontr ftf the l.nns ami Throat, that tho moM ob-i inate of them yield to ir. Vtiiii uotti-iiiifel-e rould reach Iliem, under Uic t'hrrry Fvc to rat they Mih-tdo and Siiitjfrit taut J'ublic SjHakvrs And grout lr tcctioit from 1:. Asthma 'a always relieve! and often Mhollr cuivtl hy tt. Itronchtti ii p?iior.i!lv rnrd hy tnkimr tlie Chrrry i'rrtoi rrl 111 .-mail and fiv.-iui'iii. itofoi. ho rst'inHy are it .4 virliif" krin-vn that wo nocd not puhlUh tli t'ei tiiloaios of them hre, or do tnuro than Hs-mo Hie publio thut itd quulitH-d are fully in.niiUtniei. Ayer's Ague Cure, Fcr Fever and Atio. Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Koinittent Fevor, Dumb .jrne, Poric,lirt or Bih'ou Fever, Ac, nnil iudei ell tlie ntft'utiuni which sr.. so from cuU.irioas, iuar3ii, tr miaauutu poisons. A l; rnp iTr.lic, it dne? Cttr. p.nd t-ie nr. f:..l. I i.i-.iainiinr'cr Arrnir, Quinine, T.i-inmiri, Zme, nor any nther iiiiuc em ..r j.i-. vublmeo Mhntrver, it' in nriwinp iuiurcs .inv rutirnt. The nuti-.l.f r :nni import;! nee ol" it.s nn es in tlicn-jue dii-tvi.-i-.. me beyntif' Te-nr ur, nml .vo l.i'lio.ii without :i inralli'l in the hwievv r.f Ai.tic niedi.-ine. Our pride is pivitnled bv Ihe :i. Kiioh ietlpncnts wo ri'irive 1.1' iln- i-.-iiiiril rures f(l..ete. in nli-nn.-ue tnp., nnd w in rc oilier reniilio hail T-h.-.lly failed. rnari-liiiiriti'il itfrsoiiii, rithcr i-euient in, or truvelbiiEr Itnouirh'e liw-ntiriiw, ill Le rro t.rtcd by bikinc tin? AtlIT Cl'lir: ilnily. For l.ivrr I'umjttaintH, nrii.inv from ton.idtly of the le.vrr, it is an excellent reineily, jtmiulalins thi Liver into hi-althy seiivitv. Ki.r Itibou Di-MM-'lors nnd I.iver Complairits, it is sn exii'ilnt, .ro.lnrinir truly i rures, where oilier luoC.irineshatl fn'-lcii. t'ri '.an I bv . .1. :. Avi lt A Co., i'ladi.-nl eii l Ait il' tirsl Chemists, I. om ell, Mass., and sold nil luini.l the wurl.l. I'M ft:, $1.00 ITIt HOTTLE. Marcher., 1s.7H.-1t. - i orilu-rn i'iur:l It-.iilwuy. v; I S T E r. A P. RANG EM E X T . i OS and aft-r Jan. 1st, ls7l, trains w'll n u as folic .vs : ! NOIITHWAI.T. I.e..-.- S.mlmry .it t r.r a. in . an Ire at Ci nn ! daiiiiia 3.10 ;. ui., Syracuse 7. ml p. in., I'.uelies ! t-r 4.45 p. in., liiui.ilo tl.di p- S'.ipc:.sii..u I l'.ri.l;:e U..iO -p. in., Niagara Kail;- p. in. I "ave ii ! li'.ry at 4.e" p. in. f. r l.lluiiu anil I Bntl'alo via Kriv R:iiliiy from I'hr'r.i. Leave bunbui) nt O. io p. in. I'..r SutTllWAltli. I.e.ive Siinbury at 2.'y. a. ni., arrive at Hurt is t... . . i -. ... 1 1. . e . .... .... o t '. . im. i . .i.e. . l-.l.y ... .1, ..... .. . , ..111.. I tf.l .1. 1 11. 4U.1- '..II I, t . ... ,!. ... 1 . 1 .. I i.ui e-.ii. a. in., ii ...titiiiat'ii ii... i i. in, l.c.'ivs S'm.ry at lo.i,', a. in., anive a. Har- r'-li.ii-tf i-'....i p. in., 1'. tl' ini: it- li.Vi p. n.., 1 bila- dtlpbia 5.u5 p. in., V.ti..i.i; on iO.n0 p. in. J.e.ive tuiil.uiy, lt'.tlii a. in., ar:iv ut Jlanis- bur 1.00 P. in., V.'a-liirct'.ii 5.115 p. 111. I Leave t-nnl.ury at 12.1'j a. in., arilve at llarils j b'.ti' 2.j0 a. in., Wanhiiitci TeeU a. in. I l'...lli!iiore uee. .nun. .d. iii. m !i .ves Banbury 5. PS I n. in., an i.t ut Harris. miy 7. ID a in., U.iliiiuore j r.'.iio p. 111. illAMOKlN liIVllON-. risnviiii). L .ve S iii' iu y at IMp. in., an i. e at S'.iamo kin 5.5.i p. m., V.t. l aritiel 0.4H p. in. Lea. c r-iu.bui y t Aet .iiii.inKl..liju, ) at 11 50 a. Ut., ii.u.t at .-u...k.u l.uo p. u. Mi j l .... ui.. leave M:. Ciri i.l al S.ul a, in , artiee rl yii.iini.UIti s fei I,, ji,., uu' i y 'j 'i't a. l.l. l eave I A. 1 .iiit:.o...lUiit) at 2 15 p. in., aitive al i.ibuiv 4.'J.i p. In. 1 pi !. ... n. - l.c.vlt.g eii Si. u.l. iy, runs N..i t !i .eily t-i l. im u.ii. pni t . A Iii In r tiaiits li .v.; dally, exe. pl s in,!..v. A. II. r I I.K. ' I n. S. V.. I no', lli-n'l. . i 'I , litfii'l l a-nn'r , Ha .!.-!. ar,;, I'.l 1I..P.U.. n , MJ. Al.l tl Ull. til ls I I. l. T 'ilk. t. il. .!.' r I 1 ll.n eilliii e-f fraiiLi. y lU .1, li .1 11. ae.a.11 .'iv. u4 h.s llltl ll aud IHI. lilAll.lsllM', vi li.t i.'.4 pi, .i e. ni.a it wak i.-ei-iil'.ir iti-.troye-l bv R , hi: i. a ...u i. r i4 I" it I ) H.ciu it.ll. 1 kin-1, ,-f h. 1 1 1 I '4e, '. H. .11WN ' I'.i" At 1 1. K ""I Itllt M IIAkl ( ..u l'i.' Iir-'AI.IH, anj a 1..'! In. ol r'. . 1 IH l. H im, U " al..l I s. W. A ... Lilie Vi t ,lw.a- I, 1 ... al I.i .Il.'p "It I I. 1 4 . ' . I. II en i i ! Mi I 1 l:i.l .-i.i 1 1-11 ft 14 H t, li . p.l eul. 4 1 K' i KHI'l lal ..I. f 1. Il U I14 .! .iMt wl U.i'.iii, 4ii4 t..l.l lo k.ul 4 I a . i..jkll..iiJ,.ii..J la uit eie i .i.t) w.i.k i r. i ui. im. Ai I I l ft 4l. mhI I... I, . U VH 4 I lU f.ii !!. Uo4 : 1. .1 t ''"I Ii 1. . , I I 4 1,.' ..III l.llil Uj , )... IU. UM I 'l I .1. II t.,l bt Ml I 4 Uki I S.S.. '., 1 1.- S 4 M II il. Hill 4ll,, J4U (I, !' I'stllsl. Oil. 4s. 4 fill, ll' I til. I l.W4l( I In 4 ItCRdtiiK ICallroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Kov, Ut, 1870. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North Bud North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y.,Rend. Itif, roltsville, Tamuqns, Ashland, Bhamoklo, Lebnnoii, Allentoim, Enston, Ephrattt, Lltus, Lnncnster, Columbln, Ac., c. I'rnlns lenve HnrrisburK lor New York, as fol lows I At 3.10, 8.10,10.50 a. tn nnd 8.50 p.m., connectina with similar Trains on tho Pennsylvania ttuilroml, nnd nrrlvlnc; nt New Tor at 10.10 n. ni., 8.50, 5.50 nnd 0.00 p m. respectively. Sleeplna Cars accompany th 8.10 a. in., train without chance. Roturnine i Leave New Vork nt 9.00 a. m., 18.00 noon an.l 0.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. ru. nnd 8.30 p. m. Slcpluir Cars accompany ing the 5,00 p. m. tniin "from New York without chnnirc. Leave llnrrlsburg for Rendinc, Tottsville, Ta liinqua, MiuersMllc, Ashluud, Hhatnokiii, Alleutown nnd Philadelphia nt 8.70 . m. 2.50 and 4.05 p. m., stoppiiiK at LcLitron anl priueijol way slntions; tho 4.(15 p. m., train .....lulling iut riuiu.iciiiiui, roiisviiie and Co lumbia only. For Poitsvilln, Sehuvlkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill mid Susquehanna Railroad, leave Narrisl.nrjr nt 11.40 p. in. East Peuusjlvaniu Kaiiroa.1 tiuius lei.vo rlend lug fnr Allentown, F.aston nn.l N. .v York at 5.00. 10.30a. in., U45 Noon and 4.40 p. in. K. turning, leave New York nt 9.00 n. in., 1 noon oud 5.00 p. in. and Alletttmvn nt 7.20 n. m. l'i 55 uoon, 2.55, 4 20 nnd 8.45 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.K0 a. in., coiuiretiue with similar train ou East Pennn. It illroad, returning from IUaUing nt G.L0 p. in., stoppluir nt nil stations. Leave Potlsville nt '.LOO n. 'm. and S.10 p. m. llerudou at 10.15 n. m., Shainokiu nt 5.40 nn l 11.20 n. in. t Aihland nt 7.05 n. m., and 1250 uoon; Muhuooy t'ily at 7.51 a. in. and 1.85 p. -Ji Tninaqna nt S.l! a. in. nnd 2.40 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York, Heading, JJarrisburg, Leave Pottsvillo via Sehuvlkill and SusqHc hiiiinn Kailiond nt S.15 a. m. for llarruburg, anj 12.00 uoon, fur Pine Grove aud Trenmnt. llendiHi; Accoinuioilution 'J'rniu leuves Potts, villent 5.40 a.m., passes Hemlin nt 7.1.0 a. m. nrrivinir nt Philadelphia ut 10.20 a. ui., returnlui; leaves l'liiliulclphia nt 4.45 p. in., p.usiue Kenti Inp nt 7.25 p.m. arriving nt Potlsviile at V.lOp.iu. i'o'.tstnwn Aecomniodution Train leases Potts- iowii ut i.reu . r , rete-n ui' liav.-s Philndvlphia at 4.00 p. in . Columbia Kn'.lrnad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m., nun S." 5 p. tr.. fj- E;)!.ruta, Lltlz, Laiieastt-r. Coluinb'u. Ac. IVrkioinen Kail Ruad Trains leavu reiklomcu Junctinn at 7.45, 9.05a. 3.WJ and 5.30 p. m. Srbu -rt.L Iu ut r lUlU n n. j 1'J.ftO uoon and 4.80 p. in. eounectiui; with similar ii.inii, un ...-.lit. nit; r.J.1. i.oa.i. Coif brookdale Railroad Trains leave Puttstowa nt ll. to a. ra., and C.20 p. in., returnlui,' leave Ml. Pleasant til 7.00 and 11.25 n. in., connecting with similar trains on Kndinp li.-.ilroud. tlicster Valley Railro nl Trains leave LrUk'e pnrt ntti.oOn. in., 2.05..nd 5.02 u. m. rcturuinir. j l.-ivc Il....vnint'iou nt 8.55 a. ni., 12.45 noon nnd I 5.15 p. m.eonuceliug nith similar traiuson Kcml . hij! Kuiiioad. 1 Cn f-unanyi : Leave New York nt 5.00 p. in., I Philadelphia at 8.00 a. ni. and 8.15 p. ni.. (tlm I s.f.o a. ni. tr im running only to Keailiin;;) Uma I Pottsviiieat S.oOs. m., leave Hanis'nir, K.lun. i ni.,ttint 4.05 p. in.; Aileutnwa nt S.40 p. in. . leave Ucaiiing nt 7.15 a. in. an.l 10.05 p. i;.. fi r i Il.iri -ifhurp. nt 5.00 a. in. for Ne-.r York, and at . U.4U a. m. and 4.25 p. ni. for Pliiladel'ti. Commutr.thif , Mllmipe, t"'ason, bebool nm! Excursion Ti'.kets, to mid from all poiuls ul rc diuvd rates. Huijpiecc checked throin,-h : 100 Pounds P.nj gajj'i ailewcd each Pits render. ti. A. NICtU.LS, fJoncial Supe: intendent- Philu(Iclihi nnd trio Kuilroad. V-1NTET. TIME T.U'.LE. On nud iiftrr Monday, Nov. 21st, 170, ths Trains on the Philadelphia Erie Kail lload nhl run us follows i WESTWARD. Mn'l Train leaves Pliilae'.el'plihi, " ,: SiinLitry, " " nrr nt Erie, Erie Express leases PhiHdsphia, " " -Sui-ttiiy, " " nri at Eri, Elmha Mail leaves Pbilade':rl.""., i .. .i si anbury, " " arr at Lock li'nwn, r: AST'.: vi:o. MaU Tra:c leaves Erie, ' " " f-nrburr, " ' nrr at Philadelphia, Erie Bxprei-s Waves Erie, " ' " Stieburr. " " nrr at!:i, E'.tnir.t Mail '.eaves Lock Haven, " " " b-iubury, " " nrr at Phila.'v t'li'.a, T,xrr.-;s leaves Will.-ier;-; 9 40 p m 4.55 a m 7.40 p m 12.20 a in ('.40 p m 7.4 .1 a m t'.H'i a M 4.f.5 p m 7.50 p i'l C ''.0 a if; I'.'.'if. .1 M Call a ti: y.i.'o p ru 10. 2j a V. p ni a ie. a in . in a l.l .. 1;! ll.c'. 5. I it l'i.:::. rt. " " ' Snnli'llV, " " err nt r-:'.:.. l 'i: h'a, I i l er.-l r ie m. .lali.-n .t :r, 1 "t, conrtct ul ( or an! nil we-l b i.m:! tr..:n, nnl Mail and Acciuk.i 'ion e-i-l rt lrvi:.i!ou Willi Oil (aeek aud Al.efclic.v Kiver Ilailr. -d. R'M.A. B ALU WIN, (ii-u'l Stip't. I.nrkuti uiiuis uud lIoombur ICui! rouil. MM Ell ARRANGEMENT OV PA?:; E.Vd I'.R TRAINS. Monday, July 1Mb. IjTO. SOL'THWARl). Ita-e. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.V i, ; 6 4". 3 25 0 t: 5 1 iieiicvup, c f. t .1 :..i :. 1 t. : T.iy'o;i:ie, ti :i ; 5 i:j l l !, 7 t'5 0 M " ".:: I '.7 P'litstotv, i 7 "4 3 SO 10 K". C (:. I ! "Wi st I itts:on, 7 111 l l e 0 us 1 4'- 1 Wynruius, 7 27 4 00 10 rt ' '. 1 : Mnliby, : 10 . 0 21 2 inj I Ki ij.-t.iu, A i st. . .. , . - - rf . 2 1C ; Plvii .i;:!i Jai.c, 1 '0 4 it -to i 1'lrmoi.ih, 1 7 5" i Cl 10 5 rt 45 j '', S 0. I 7 or j ll.lilloek's, S 1 I i 7 1. Miioksl.'piiiT, J S 2'.i 4 ' 7 .' Ha-k's !'! ; v, 8 4 'j 7 4i. I Uracil Ha Ten, 8 Ml 5 15 7 5i I Iti-rwi, 8 !7 5 2 S ini Willow Crovtf, 0J I lin.ii t'r.-ek, H'l ! I i.iuie U.d0'c, HIS I I'-py, 25 R 4" Um,.ut b'.Hf, 1 9 Ho 5 ro i;i'ei', i 0 uv 5 57 ; t al'ai isi.1, 1 U 4'.) ll 0 ' I I '.. n . . 1 1 a. 10 1 ti 2j i ( I. ul... kv, HI is I nr.. , M ITS Noitli'd, (firnre.) 10 45 S 55 .NORTH W A.M. AUD. P. M. 1 .ve. I Ni.rlhiin.Ui: .11 1, 10 25 5 ".Si ( aiiit'toti, 5 '.'7 I ( I. .:..kv, 1 , 5 ;: j Ii.nui:.-, 11 u2 B 4w ( il . ..., ,14 24 I', t j li ip I, 12 2'.i li li ' 1. Hiunaiirg, 1 1 ?.. 2o 1 I . . 11 io 0 H i l.i!i. it: t,-, ii In .a I .r. , li ;. A. M- . v u .!. tnuit, e 1 in i' i-i, 12 01 .'.4 .1 1 ! pr.l, I. II 1111, ill I HI 1 ' 1 I II" Wi K..), .'4 U li ..1 ..ii...i!, X' S I I II. 1I.1. !, UK 7 Iv 1 1 C H I Nimm-t., I VS T i 7 1' f )ii.mIIi, I tl 111 7 - ! I 1" r. ?. ; I v 1 1 . nt. J ii.s , ,' . . I! . - - iw ;.4u.'(;!. 1 '""' I ...i. T I. 1 1 : 4 : ' ; 11 ..... .1;, 1 4' s . 1 1 '. W ... K.U.Im. II liellt.: 1.. ' fill ..u, I JU 11. t I 1 1 .T I 1 1 li.'i.uitii, t 1 a ; 1 -. 4 1 1 1 1 ai, ei 1 u 1: ui I w ! nu., lo id u 4 ' ' hivi.ui , (.: II) It U all . .4. l'i VIU T fcvt SI', si t ll Iw Mi4.ii A l'W,'.. I ( I W (1 h It I tk4 t( ,L il. s 4 11 la Uowit 41 t L I" -1 1 -I ' ' ' I I. .1 :t I'll tl l Mil u. w 1 .. I 4 ' r . ... . i... i-, ii , ., , . -i ... i .... , :, . . I M I .. Ji. , ,. I II I II I 1 1 k.s I Hlkl s-f s.l hU, i.i I.... ) I II I I Www. L fl ..II k ' I l'). wl . fv '. , I . i. . J I s i I . .. I r 1 aa.4 iis.i"i'k I , v Li I... -i . i Wi(Wic., Vt.b.w, VLkkUX i.i( 1 1 s..l . 1 , t I i - 4 . 1 i' . . 1 I , r i4i l"'i I. Ol, s. i . a srt m. 1. ti iv k'i - 1 1 tt I l Mltf . tf4 ttillT I" rr