SUNBUKY, FEBRUARY 25, 1870. Railroad Time TaMc. EAT. ! WEST. Bulfclo Ex.. !' J SS s m F.rle Mull Pvs 4J.S it m l'rio " " Ki:m Umir" " M p m mU UdSpm Eria Ex b:i0pm aiujsutu " - EmlgriiUa irnin mv. nrrirs nc aiiwn. SltAMOKTM DIVISION I. O fl. W. fruw I Arrit tfunbury at 11:M m'At Suntmry 0 M it m li ii 4:40 p Dl " 4:00 pm M ViUt, fLilZLOTTwiIIIS-BABUt: R. 8. Imw SMhiiry-t'.S.'l A. M l 8 nfi J C.l P. St. ,4rr, n .Valour 11:30 A. SI., CM nni I 11'. P. M. Uant Ionfil-10:4 A. M. 6.30 find 10 P. M. trriw ul )anoiUv-o:W A. M.. 4:40 and 7:45 P. M. Geo. P. KowelL A Co., 40 Pink Mow, N. I., & M. rEtrKSoiLL Co., 37 Park Ko.v, K. T., nnil V. TV. StiAnpr. & Co., Tribune Bul'dins. N. T., nru the sole agents for this pnper lu tluit citT. Tun GROVEK A BAKER and tin BIXGER SEWING MACHINES nro neknowlcdired su parlor to any other now manufnetured. Siifis C. D.illus, Market street, this place, It the n'ent for the sale of them In this arid ndiniiiliiK coun ties. Instructions lu tcwlug Riven free or charge to all purchasers. A lo. alvsjs on hand. Call nd aTjetniieem. Dedication. The Wcmeut of tho Unptlnt church, at WatRontowii, will bo dedicated to Al mighty Ood, on Sunday, the 2Cth lint. IUstlu pushed clergymen will b2 prescut. The public Is cordially luvitcd to attend. Wiiare happy to ttute that his honor Jadaio Jordan Is Improving in health, and hopes soon to be out again. Ila will not, however, be able to bol.l court during the MarchTenu. Jndpe lilivell, of Columbia county ia expected to preside. Blank Deeds, Notcf, Laases, Summons, Sub pniuas, Executions, and ull other Justices' blanks, ueatly prlutcd, are kept fr nt oillee. Tar. coruer stone of the Welsh Congregational Church, at Mt. Canncl this county, will be laid on the 7th of March, with Mnsotil: cerctEouie. The public are Invited to attend. l'.EV. D. II. Cr.Alilt, will deliver the second lec ture upon I.iMeral Christianity In the t'uitaiiau church, lu Northiunherhind, Sunday ovenini;, Keb. 20th. Subject : "The Liberal Ctrist.ii.i Conception of Gil." Gesw' line Ficuch C.ilf, HoX-tM Boot , stitch el bottom, at the Kgulator. NoTiCE. The members of the N'orthunib-. r'und sons in the c.-.ri, eight -en were more or less lu couniy Agricultural Society, will meet ia the j jured, and cue, Mr. Adam Frymiie, of Milton, Court House at Sunbuiy, March 13,1871, at 1 i was killed. Edward Gibson, of this place, a o'clock, P. M., to make arrangements for the :, was among the number, but was less next lair. injiued than any others, nnd relumed to this T HQS. BAKU, See'y. fhue on the inuil tiuiu. The Injuries of several noos. Within the lust month, a number of j liulf grown bogs have been running at large lu the neighborhood of Second aud Chestnut sir -ets, annoying the residents. Where is tho HL;h Con stable ? He might make a haul that would pay. Tn:: nuisance of rowdy toys ut the pest cfliee an depot still continues. C.uniot the railroad officials do something to abate the nuisance 1 Ws arc informed that a number of petty thefts have lately been committed l:t this p'.acj. Wu hope that an example will be made of the scoun drels sorn by giving them a deserved punishment, us it is the surest way to relieve the coniiuuuliy of these marauders and prowlers. N. F. Lightner's Regulator. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Leather and Shoe Findings. On Saturday night uu Iiishmun got on the train to po to llurrisbarg, and when the- conduc tor, Mr. Kveland, demanded hit ticket he refused to show it, and declined paying. Al -Hrsgiove station the conductor put him i ff the train. Par ing the night the Irishman umuscd himself by npsuttiug the Hove und tearing do'.vu the bar itud fixtures. On Sunday Morning last a war rant was issued and he was ruresic 1 nud comuilt tj to prison by P. M. Shin del, Rsq. Kn.vrit V.'EimiNr.. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young, of this place, celebrated the SMh anniver sary of their wedded life very appropriately, on our fellow townsman, Co!. A. C. Simpton, to the Saturday evenirg last. A number of invlt;d , 1'rt.rideuey of the Company, is n merited con. pli frieuds to witness the ceremonies of a silver wed- I incut to the manner in which, ha discharged the ding begun to u.-semMe about 8 o'clock, bringing duties of bin olllcu. '1 lie vote was the largcft that with them si.ver oll'ei ings. Au hour or two whs lia bten etist, since the orgun'ur.tioti of the eorpor pcut In social converse, when tho assembly was i aiiou, and the siguillcant fact that the Col. had no i:.tit.l lo a u.iifl biuntiful rejiast '.'uu L com-1 fppoa'.tiun, pcukk the wU known plaudli, 'well prised everything that the appetite could de.ire. done thou good nud fui:hl"ul servant.' The To:lts were made and responded to by many i atockho'idurs have, by a tinanlmoiis Vote, sliown who wished the happy couple happine and pros- : ther appiieia'.ioii of the ludoiuitablu energy nud Verity many decades to come. Tlu party : perscverencj of the man to whom they u.i) iu d.sper'-ed al a late hour, all Well plessed with the cvenln.r'b cut ott.iinnieut. Ltniss' Frneh Calf wall; nl the Regulator. ; it iU, gDod style, Os Tue; day morning las:, Mr. S. HeitMder, . sleeping lu 1.1.-. let. .re, on Third street, 1 awoke ju-t before daylight ant discovered a man i attempting lo work him-clf t'liongh tin veutila- ! torabocthe d or into his establishment. M.. 1 l!.,iiate au alarm wheu the o.i.iliel basli y ' with hew. It 1 a great pity that lie did not fetid a ball through the scamp to hi, a, as that 1 Is the oaly in, :l.ol to tu .l.e certaiu of dcticling . the right )...',. 'I he thief will mret wilU oi mu ' w..rmer r e. ;4lon on bis r. t cull. J Rg.-KB ims Nr''K. t;ii Wednesday uftfiii-oii, I Mr. Alexaud -r llulfn.gcr, ot C.i'..e's ud liti ui, ' while nl Mr. N. F. tiKhla.-i' uew ttA-! Lie. ::i t lii- i.:ee, f. !1 from the ..p.f the huiluiut; I t e i 1 rMii', and still. ir.g the il r sill t.eiow, Lieihngh.- iav!,,iinl knocked be u.,l holt lu 1 Lis b . I. .1 I . I ia.t .ally. I Mr.Rmdi : er was au iiu'u- tt!r young man. II ! l ui h.ic y iiior I lo town, and .,ik bcti, s .r- J..1 .11 t ae w ioli r, he Mil d e..rerly e.u il I liotiu h I t the i: l olt of l.. I llo.l v. Il I..,, 1.,.,-n I u l- b uly i it It mi hi- !:.. 1. 1 t a i eh,' iu-n, 1, . tlie a. I t 1, 4 ill llii ll.- , 1 foil. II.: lOIVit l, .1 : it ale ... ,.. Juii-.v III l .te UbiRioll. f llll. I. X N MM I,, U. I .. i'. - a I a.-. I i r l.... r, S'.i. I l.i-l ll.c lin-lll. . P., ..I M.i: i r In Ih ii ', h is b - i a I. K I lie l:...j. I. i I . , ' i ' I. ll i.l ' I I I I .'.oi !, :.l. t I u, I. -. So. I., i, I. I i. il I .!. I t'c il II,. i 1 .... i .do t tin n. i.: ' ( ill I'! ol ll. I i f .ho I... 1 i. I .j. ., t., I In li mi. a a: I I II. I: l I.. Oh .1 ... ,1 i. ...... ! HI I. .m at. in I hi II i.l to .1 Ii. i 4. Ah oil oiuv u'i ." -i. Im.iIii.,; was ji '.. lo I. r I y ibu S.h.o .11. I I ... l ill I Oil . ') t . f II. c ,11 ,,,, -,. I . I. 1 1 to i I' r., oik i. i 1 1 ll.f i I, i ,4,,! i, I I , . i , l. .1, .I U I I l. li J... I. I a, 1, , t.,.i.,a, U) to!. ti ... ,t ( , J.'1, l-, W. J. 'i eiv.l !. I, j, a, li . I'll Wl 'l I. I t - ! ' ..hie. J. .. K ,., h, Il C ll.l IW,M,I. .Ill if 4 NI.;iU.O. I'oi kilt a I -ol, . ,. 1.1 II, I III, ) al, a h.ll -II .4 I , on . . I Pi i.i I la ut, u ..u I ol II. ,i I I I U. N .u I ... , . . , II . I I -! I U 4.. .'.a .. t .t . I., ...', I, l, . I ll .411 i. , Li ' hi ,...11.1.., I . .. .I J .. a. la,. a., tt -.III . . a., 44I,U,. I, I l . v. a-i a ' I IHi. . i I I ', u i . . . I . a ., I . t.,l a,.t I 1 f J lajti, l,a) J. ill I .1 11 . .. I. . a, I 4t , ,t I I .la) II .Il i i ,.... nl ml i, I., a,,.i, a I tt-a M -' Ml tM4 in it u I '.4 ' Trt nnn.Torsnry of Wnshlntrton's birth flay was generally observed In this placo. Business places were n?arly oil closed. Tho main feature of the day was the parade of iho P. O. 8. of A., and two military companies from our neighbor ing town, Shatnokln,by Invitation of Camp Nol!, P. O. S. of A., of this place. As the time ap proached for arrival of the different tnilin, large crowds gathered about the depots. At 10 o'clock, the Shamoklu Valley train arrived, having on board theShamokln Guards, commanded by Cap tain Caldwell, numbering 60 men radk und flic, nnd theShaniokln Fenelbles,iiinmandedby Cap tain Jonei, unmboriiig SS men, nnd mem hem of camps of P. O. S. of A., from Slirtmoktn and Mt. C'armel. The trains on the P. & Erie II. It., also bronsjht a number ot visitors to town, which help ed to swell the crowd, mid added to the bustle and excitement of the ocaa-don. At 1 o'clock the pro cession for parade formed on Market Square, and marched through the principal streets. The nit lltary companies tvem much admired for their line, soldier-like appearance and demeanor. The Shamoklu Guards arc composed principally of ve terans, whose skill, and exercise In the manual of arms, was prc.itly admired by tho-io who arc with It. The Vcneibies are also a well drilled company, and are composed of good ma teria!. Tht behaviour of both these companies while here was highly coniinctidub.c, and lias won the highest o.teciu of all our citizens. In the evening a banquet was given by tho P. O. 8. of A., at the Augusta House, which was well at tended. Altogether the day passed off lu the most pleasant manner. Hut few driinkeu men were to be seen on our streets, and at an early hour in the evening, quiet reigned lu every part of tho town. TnE Croquet Shoe, a nnve'ty, elegant and com fortable, at the Kt'iriib'.tnr. Riit.r:oAr Accident. A dangerous accident occurred ubout 1 o'cleck. on Wednesday Inst, near Se'.lnsgrove station, on the N. C. Railway. An axle of one of the passenger :ar brjke, and threw the car o(l the track. A passenger named G. W. Friend, supposed to be- from Lanca,tcr ci ty, w as standing upon the platform, anil by some racans got partially under tho wood-work of tho car had his head b i l!y cut, nnd was otherwise injured. He Wat taken to Milltribarj; where medical treatment was administered. It is sup posed that he will recover from his lujurloe. No one else was Injured. K.uLiioATi AtvioFST. Onb Mas Kat.rr) anti A NvMUKHlNJcn:::!. On Thursday morning Inst, as the Buffalo Express train was proceeding northward, and when near YViitaou'.own, two pa S'l ger ears, or.c a sieving cir, were fud ienly pr'-cipltated over au embankment of WO or u0 feet, turning over reveral times, and lighting in an ex cavated pit on the ui.i.'ils. Out of nineteen pcr- others are said to be serious. Eliis Ilyinaii, the conductor, had several ribs broken, and was oth j erwUe injured, but not fatally. Tho wounded j paS"ngcrs were taken to Watsontowu for niedl ! eal t.'uatinei.t. The accident resulted from that fruitful source of witter accidents, n broken rail. I We trust the day is not far ditant wheu nothing but good ttjel ruils will spnu o'-ery railroad. Railhoai) Et.Ki'Tios. Tho Ktockholders of the Sunbury ifc l.ewbtown Railroad met ut the Keystone Hotal, on Tuesday the 14th hist., nnd elected the following olSreis to serve the ensuing term : President. A. C. Simpson. Plret tors. Mosos Stiecbt, F. J. Schoch, Wil liam Painter, James M. Sellers, Franklin Dnn dore, P. R. Walker nnd Andrew Rec.i. AceordiDg to the net of the Legislature, but seven Directors were elected in place of twelve, tho number heretofore. The new Directors are men of ability and Inthieuec and their election by tho stockholders, insures beyond a shadow of a doubt, the early completion of the road ; the tin- certainties of the past are now removed, nud ail : who feel an interest in the growth of our town I and county, will bj graiiilej with the result. j The retiring Directors, especially thoje residiug i:i our eotiulr, cau feel thai they have labored j honestly aud energetically, for the best iuterosts and its friends. The re-tleelioii of d-hted fi r tin: success which has dining the pud year uttundi:! too enterprise which, lu a fev months more, will connect Lewittuwa to Puu lury, causing our feitilo Valleys to .tremble be lit:.! !i tlie; lujofs of the '-iron l.or.'e," us he speeds on di.iwitg his load of v.iiuablj Ir.illli'. Col. bimi'son decei ve I lb; re-c!eetiou, und the occur renee i o;.e th it glta.s unlvei tal t.ilisI'..ciiou to evety live iiiaa in iho coui.ty. Al ihe aieitii g, a resolution was passed, thank ing the Preside;. t for the r.iithfal liUeli.uge uf hU duties during t lie past year. Upon the organization ofthe new board, J. G. P. Mdnd d was j pointed Treasun-r and J. M. I . Jjckou, bi cictaiy. .S'i.;(,.',t t'cuiy yViiiuiM1. S.ioi mm;i.i:;'- ta'ciial fr u-u'arjclui:i g, at tlu Recast ,r. 'i il i r t'.tl,0VJ. F. try thing i .piioted lu re ir 1 t i '.I. ..t i-'.'i, no.). Tl.t R.i gaic iil-pi.M-1 to keep ull i;i the daik i.i.lil iiecui-ity cuiiijt-is them to make a re; it. Thu lon.ier Trsajuri r Was iu I..WU a w, i :i i, eii leatoiii.g to Und out lew he Came slioit of al.out t I'SJi) In ther'-polt. H!al 1 ' le., th il la kei.'.la When, it ; gone to, llll I 14 .:nx. iii lo i ...l.c ii. the d-iici m y In older lo s.ive I I... 1 :rooi . ,1 p., J( aija-t that au. li t-iO"-, -I 1 , :.r pi the ll.n; , l!i ,t auioh..t e. 11.1. 1 Iv ! oil 1 Ii i i! b.a ii i.l ir.-l tin ler llic I... . I j ol mi li i ! , i i. H all tab: i 1 la.' : I u.i- d i l! at I. la ., il.,. T.i .wnt ri.ou.4 I fl ' u;.. I all- d .' i pall.i; i h. a !..,aii! . I " I " 1 I I I I .' Ill, hi 1.1 I . u.ti il Vhii uii I ( t ! o'flo k.Ulll.U w..tsec pit i'ii. pl.ii.: to. ill lii ... u. i I .0 iU, and I. .iil.ii,' l i ! ,!,. (in is.l.u Uy iiioiuliig a pally of n. ,i li .:.i I i. a l , I, i I., ,Cj j, ,,j i ' 1 I- ll.l. f, .1., I .ill the I i. J . I.) li, 1: a -.. -, I. oill I I. " I ' .i II.. II. a .ij. toil Ii ., I" . , . I o on .I, .a., t,i, au!i p!...e. tin s.1,,,1..) ,uli t'.n '' '" I I . i: i, i ' ,, , , h.i.i.j 4. l'"i' l, ,1 to I.. I-, rfh.ut tliit'i) i. .. . I ll lloV. , tol . r. (gt 11,.. I I . 1 I II I .1. .t ,ii I, ,ui ,u ., i, lh.iv. I!,, I w f i I l.i j ..1,1.4 A 'III'.) !. I'.' I i i.j i.. 1. 1 ! h. i, i..i I I I.J .It .' m.j I I . l.ul I -in la l lu m l to4. u.l I , I 40 t. l UI4 III '. i I I'. I I i, t al I I I.. , i...,. IjOlii S IWIJ-.-. U4'J l Itl . i ... ,.la i '.I.. I li i . h io: tf li o it. tt O l4 I .1 II. v I, I i 1.4 ..i I . 1 a! (', a. I, ... I i.ui.J l tl II i.iii ,l U U. I HI. t 1 ..4, , a, I ,( l 4. l I II l'-l 4 a,-, t.aa, 4.v.( B.- ,4tut t, 1.1 I. I I- ... 4 . 4 I 144 ,41.) t ,14 a)L.l4 4 k a, 1 1.. l.,i'M a.J u44, I (4 t lt aaa4 . ' tfl l a l I -'. i. U k .4 a..tlai4ata) 4tl4H.(. ' ! (Si v . 4 l ll U1H1 , I 11.1 I ,4. We copy ths following lift of applicant for Licenses ns matter of Information, nnd not ns a paying advertisement. Our readers eannot ex pect us to rocolva pay for anything that may b published In this papor that any of tho county officers may have control over, on account of our lnde.pendont orirse m exposing o;n or tho queer doings ubout the Court Housa, nnd end'.-a-oring to enVghtou' tho taxpayers of how their money Is expended. All county matters arc pub lished free in this paper while others receive pay for the same. OU STANDS. AustlnMuley Thomas Wnlnh. Thomas Tnbiu ,.. James Hurk Henjamin Knoust , Thomas Gibbous , II. I!. Usher Thomas 1'ottlds, Sr , Henry H. Hopp Franklin Sarije Henry Simmonds ('. V.' Sticker Charles Gariugcr A. Wald Thomas Koulds, Jr 1. O. Hillmau lleitz .t Peiirer John 11. Cooner Samuel Weaver Henry Haas Nathan Lantlcnstilager Abraham liothcrinel.... Keene & Wiest William Farrow Patrick .Hester Mt. Carmol township Mt. Carmol borougli Mt. Citrmnl township ....Mt. Curmel township , Zerbe ....Mt. Caruial township Washington Zcrlie Upper Augm-tn Lower Mahnnoy , Shamoklu borough Milton , Sunbury Lower Muhanoy Zerbe Jucksou Little Muhanoy Wutsouto'.vn Sunbury Snnb'.ny Jackson Lower Muliauoy Lower Mahanoy Siiainokin township ....Mt. l.'sriufl lovnslil) .Noith'imlierland Wntontow!i Little Mahauoy Zerbe Lower Mahanny bhamokiu townsliip Zerbe Zerbe Jordan Jordan Ml. Canned borough Montandou Nor'.huir.b'Jand Milton tSnul.uiy Sunbury Jordan Cameron Jordan Cuinuruu j,i Milton .bamoUiu township . Northumberland Noi'thuinbvriau'l Milton Jack m i) Snnbuiy bu.iburv 1 . J. M u..m John Forseman Conrad linker Henry II. Weaver Jesse Uyerly Thomas Nesbit Michael J. Powney Patrick II. C'urran Klias ShalTer Wiliiam Miaitci F. C. Kerb Charles llartinan George K. Aslilev II. K. Wetzel ". William T. Kiigleniau I r. Jrse h Kysler Klias Fagclv John Ki.cii!iail Aaron T. ( able C. li. Eoyr George W. lie!. I.. G. Slicker Jacob I.'MS'Miiing Kichard Jam s James 1). feia'.er Frank O"lonr.el J. Galen S;uilh Marv l!iymiie X. luiiuilicller Clirintinn Nell' Sni.buty .. Si.aiuoklg towiisl.ip ... blianioLin boroucli James F. Adiitns liennis M ii'.lens George Kikeit Mi'.tuu Vroxeil Noilbumberlaiid rtirbutvillu I P.itesman &. iieckel Pewait, I) dewuru twp Joel i. . Artmeu Henry J. Hecder I'.iiz ibeili Parker W'il.iam l-'idier Simon 0;p William Mc Andrew.. Henry Much Francis McCarthy..., Peter MePonnel... James Faderty Joseph Timmcs Jolin M. Ilutf Williatn M. Weaver.. John II. Conrad Isabella Parker Joliu Curtis John 1'.. PontT Thomas A. ifoll Jacob Sheets .I'ewurl, Delcware f.vp MelCwausvilie Coal Mil-.on Turb itvii e .Shnmokln borough Shamoklu bor.c.i,;!i ..'t. Carmel township ....Mt. Cifrui'd borough Shaniokin I'oiougli bhamokiu borough Mil; ;i bhamokiu borough Sliamokili L "rough Coal Sltaiiiokiii borough Shaniokin borough Shumokin borough .....isuuhui v hLW STANDS. Gercd Howerter Shamokln borough .Michael Graham Mt. C'nrinel boroi:j,U R F.ST A U It A N TS old s r an ps. P, P. Snl.fJ' W. P. Ilarr Win. W. HtitU Michael Kity Thomas Edwards.... Win. Gehiiiig Lewis Le lie Jacob Bright.... Abraham Lcrch Samuel Garingr W. A. FUher Chiit.ti.ina Iiahmer... C harles ltzel Frederick Wolf . (ieorge. K. Wells Mary McAndrew Lewis M:iru:t.. Marti') Gibbons J. P. Troxel John Sliuites Levi Kpler William L.ise. George Hack Milton ... Watsoutow u ...Milton Mt. Carmci borough hhauiokin borough ....Trevorton, Zerbe u p ...Trevortou, Zerbe twp Sunbury Mt. C'armel borough Sunbury Watsontowu Zc,l,e I S'.mh'.irv i Mill oil I Milton ."l.amokln borough ..SliuJFiokin borough 1 ...Mt. Carc.i'.l township Milt'.u i ShamoHin i.'rougli Hhan.oKin Lor.v.iuh Miamokin boroiiga Sliamokai Lory'igli NEW SI AND. John E. Eisunhart Shamoklu borough LIQUOR STOKES-olu stands. Cvrus 1'rowu Ml'.tci ft. P. Pavis... Mt. Curmel boron J. G. Arnold Thomas Rosser.. James Raii'eity... Samuel Hersh. .. Shaniokin borough Shamolviii borough Mt. Carmel township Nnw stand. iusmokia brouj;h Jlst received, a number of popular fronts of calf tkios, al Hit Regulator. On Tuesday cveulng ia.'t P. L. Ilrckenberg, ; E--q., lost the mate to tint liorsa whose death we j chronicled a few months sine,,, under the follow ing eircums'.nii-s. Mr. H.itkeuberg, iu c jmpa li y villi Mr. George Evans had lieenover to Dan ville on bur iuess, driving Mr. llackviibiir's ! match ponies and wro ru'.iirniiif , arriving at f , Mooreabarg on the read b ,tnu about 9 o'clock in 1 ' tl.t evening, (ju reaching a point a shoil dis- ! ; tanee this siile of Moore.bur were the road is j Viryeloselo the rnllroai trucu a freight tr.iiu I came along, aud, though the i.i if s nru not, in ' the day time, afia d o! the ears, the sparks and noise combined to frighten tbeui ttlettuu'.ly and t'.uy whielt l slid Imily, upsetting th i sleigh, and i ila.-ha g od up tho roa I toward Moorchui v.heie they r.. n Into u li'.lehlng post In front u one of the hotel-, and one uf the hoi nea s'.i li.iug tl. pott W IS killed l;i-t..ntiy. This is a S.l. u lo.i to Mr. lldikciibarg, u he h i. I J.i-t kot 1... new span of m.iteli poiiies in a Condition to travel well together, iiui liny ma !tf Uiut UCtileut j fauiii) holnt. Jii aV'iui I. : A Mi bii.i, I An litvr Pi V;: ee, a li i. storin in.i-on, iu ,Lt niiploy of Meijinu, M..loue, h oil . Co., i out i .ii tori f or bai' ih tiltn- loll of the I alt.iwiija K..i'.i..i I, .i, WllK-l Kt M ont.pnneiy St.itli.ii oil Tind y evuiii..; l.i-', I y J nn; fi.,:,i tho Ftp. e ., ir..!:i, u it I tl'-t pi '. I L.k Hai.i d. Lot au,;, t Mi.iil.iueiy, Mi. p., H..a leni.iot i. jj, i Kii ii...., l ,.t,:. hi i!.. . li am lu leaves 4 wi! u. l t'.l I ,u Phi'., t .11 i.., hi fu hla Iflll ill. Weill ,i for t,;ii; ou v . ; In . lay. Witney ufii'iey. Ail lUht, t t .4r, l B,UI!4'IJI'tli' J tvl. . i '-'i, uj sit i, l.t.r .d l.u'.L. i, 4l 1 1.0 'e; 1. .1 j. . Ill Ml ia 4, . ; Ii 4l tl.t 11. ,.l...t.. lioola 44 I fch I 141 pi. -v., 4l Ut i... ol Uu .4 ut. IU..U.IV, kl J opJ- W. uf.i ,.r ,n.Kit 1 1 tlw l,. ia Hjwii) e i.o.. 1 4 I' i 1 kl Ihtii . 1 1 1, , 111 ia. nt i a, tat l4l.ll : a. 1 t .. v 1 t . 4 I M.,a t tt, I US eial.,4l II. j. b ( . al la e I!, l-y . 41. U .is, r .., , 1 1 ,:.,, j ... ., a.i k. t.4 14 it t, l.t, 4 av..l4i.t U .1 1 J f I 14' 4 I .1-4 W .l4i b4u I w .4 IL I k.t k ll. Ul, III 'It W-lt it I. Li-It I .j,U 4. I, .4 4 la at I, 1 41. i. .ut I i-.t .i 1 u,ti, a,i.ii.. Ila II I ..,!.. L.,4ia, wt Ifc ,, I nl. , ,liur ,. tba I al,.-M t.1 a.iMV il.i,i, IJ,, a.4 al 4.l-a! S'ai-a , all 4.14 4,,) . lr,aa. Molts dwelling; boiises srti naa !e '. In this place. Although it Inrgo number have been cr cl" I with in a few years past, the dcinuud Is still not sup pUcl. Coal from the ITazleton Region are now shipped over tht Pauvlllc, Hazlcton and Wilkeeburre rtiil road. Mn. Augustus Sprlneman, of Frooburg, Pny der county, puichnned the Shannon property, on Market St., this place, last week, for the sun of fr..f)0d. The Junction House, kept by Pr. J.-is. Eytcr, has lately undergone; repairs. Tiia Pr. Incon stantly Improving his pruulscs, and Is c'.ctoml:i ed to make Ids g tests fus! comfoi ttiblo. A ir.o.e obliging landlord cannot be found. Via publish on the outside, of this It-jo the nrt Crantinc p"nslons to fioldlers and Bailors of the warof HI2, and widows of tlecs.iscd soldiers, itp moved Fib. Id, 1ST1. We nro Indebted for it to II. P. Wharton, Esq., or Washington, P. C. CocsTEiirniT ?10 Bills on the Farmer:.' ar d Manufacturers' National Bank of New York, vo In circulation. The note U poorly cXMCite 1, and may bo cosily detected. H Is prit.ted on heavy paper, and on the face the s'i. led lines ri:f Ti-y heavily cut. The back w is r. centre piece of Po Soto discovering tho Mississippi, and on tlic left of the arms of New York State. On the l iht side of tho contra piece Is fln igle and sl.ield. A single glance nl this latter will undeceive anyone upon whom it is endeavored to pats the hoi,-tis note. Acciucnt. A con of Mr. J. O'firlen, cf !h!s place, fell over the tmlnstcr of the stairway In the Third Ward school house on Monday it, a dis tance of 17 or 13 feet, nlhtlng on Kin head. Hj was taken up Insensible nud carried to his honu. Fears were entertained that it would prov; fatal, but we since learn that ha is doing weil. I) ih tiiiV luui'igtneir. Tub following romedy for croup Is goinir the rounds of the papers. It ! F!d to c'rj nltnot . , lnvtant relief, even la castss wh'r other remrd'-s have failed. It is nothing more than alispi,, tea. It seems at onco to cat the phl, , loose and reiiev the child. ' A deei-iou was given by the Suprei.e Court !n Philadelphia, week bufoie latt, t'aat the wordj "waving the right of e.ppea!,and of all valuation, nppointmeut, stay andexeuiptiitu law," t , it rej;.; lar promisory note, would not d'-.ttroy its uego tiablliiy. Currept.UilBucc, Mt. CAKiir-i., feb. 10, 137 . Mcs s. EsiTfir.s : Mi'st ofthe C'lier'.es have riin ! "r r'aee, at tbeill bulls ni 83 ;-.-r c ut. e;t- Jiug c:Vle "Cot-.l Ridge'' a i l the "Calodonla'' still an, but it is expected that tiiey will lusuinc on Moo Jay. It ih thought thai the ope'aMom wit1 be euuule 1 to continue work u:.'.l, the iivm' h ol May. The operator I err d i net antic. pale a lively Jvni.tud.i after a tew week or a n.ont a wot !, '.l:o Uktrket is pi-niiy well auppli.-d yet. . Sleighing continues cc?;icut, tuc Ui iu ic. wo liave had for'.he winter. Some (lililcuUv occurred on Tuedav, on the I'iiila.lelpbi.i and Leading Road, lulwoi A.-U-j ian-l aud this place, son;,-ta.-e c..;s and the employees lu the train, yuit'! a livey . I tjaia ensued, and it appears tint tlm p ,Jsen:"rs i tame out with the "lanreij of victory'' in their poj.-e.ia.o:i. I kuueve the vietorious party hails . from our town, whether it 1,-any c.editt t tKeUncn I urn ti'juble to say. Yours, For. ilT. C'Ar.vrL, Feb. !, lSTl- j Messrs. Erener.s : The quiet of our little town, a-..', alsot'.ie noso of one of tha Uorougli I'o.iee wa-. broken on Catu-day last. From i:ll we eo :l I learn, it appears' that a "lJlacx-leg'' was ; assaulted and beaten prctiy'y, and ono of the party engage I was art --'.-ed, and was being escoried to t! e leek up by ti c Foiiec, win n some other parties luterlrn d an. I rescued the prisoner, an I dining the sea. lie the Policeman received severe b.ow on tlie noi. It created qnite an excitement, i.d it ii. nurpiin ing that no more damage w.-is done, as ii Is aid ! that club and even pUtols were liiuihshed eiy eoiiHiiicunusi y. Uu Sunday the 'Blacklegs" had some dltl'.i iil ty down on the Railroad, and It is re; ortel fa vt one of them shot himself accidentally i:i til least. Unless some steps arc taken s;:ced:!.v to prevent these Mgl.ts ot almost daily, we u.ay i'X...ct tt hear of worse esse !'4.:j:trv. " 1 The organ of the W. It. A., the .lAon'f .r" di C'Uin.ena:;.: ::;:y sich ne:i i.:s that 1 1 . tar- 1 i-y, and it is ai-toi.l-bing that the ( Ci'.i-c-isot the W. !. A.. do not irtertcre an.! t'-..e::- ' vor lo have those nilnirs put an end to. Kv.-ry one oftue nll'oirs lilo that of the uII'.ii-h like that ol iv.tu'-ley uets h.:i.1iii the orgaulatli ui. Tlie e tt j..e of the Welsli Coog.e.aicual Ciiureh ni.l bo ibid with Masonic ceiemoniiv o i the fclU ot .Ma '.h. U if expected ll.ut there tvli! be qu.te a iurg a '..:i.uaiK:e cl' the IVateiuit y und . others to witr.e-s liie cen-n.miei. ' i Coal Ri'igH, Stiuitville in! foal ?!ountln still continue working. The Reli.iueo has mopp. d, I owing, to tho high rales of toll. j Yours, Ac For. U'.lsillfSS X-Jtiejcs, j To r.f in sc.iscn und in fasbicr., vltlt Jotu F. i SchueHer's Mreluint Tailor shop and procuie a : suit of clothes from liiui. He Is the individual ; who eateer for you nnd suarnntej ary style for. Tho Immense fale of Roots and bhocs al j W. 11. Millet's Excelsior Store, dining the I.'oli- ' lays, took every one by s.trptNe. hn alter buv ; was emi'.le.l, yet we Und Mr. Millers:!:: kifiang ! up the lar;e.-t supply in I .en. He his again i plen'uhe 1 lils, stock with tl. every h.v. in r i'.r- : kit, and all ot the latest styles. j I Piano H !" i.. A new a :1 litndsom article, ! i ivcrol witU !ue-c'.t.lh a.: ! reji, grim an I red, J.i-t reetitel, an I for tain very cheap by C Ii. j Maa.-ti. I'lieu, 'C. i Pianos ad Ok-iass. The f.nbericr, ne,-nt ; I for tile he-it I'ii'.uo., au.) Org..i:L in the vr..iiJ, will . r gii.irai.tee tiuu.i fur ovcyetois and ..e.l the cheap. er then any tn.veiing ugunt cm ai'.rd them. Hat li, at ehm noike en,; ley no s-t-. li II. U. I Tin: lie w il'es nf ,nt ! S. F i'1'i'i 'r re r-re a l:i.lrej ty i ie. it idy. lie it ;..a spieadij . l iiliij.jul t , a ii.i fio.n, und .l o. good quality nod t ue hit -I r it s. A inmu ii;::i.:mt, !i u I r.ti i.i-j uf the iiiie:;,.: ,t,.a l.i iho il ,r j..h of Mn.,h .it, oil 1'i.d fur s.i.e oil the Oiocl!).e I rtoi-. Al l "I i'ffle. li'ii",J l'.t.'i i r Ua.1. 4 '.!.. A r.h.i., 1' a. '1 iiiKU mil ; ., I'll 11.4 : .ri rm a. J t'c .1 ... c. n. I I . I .1 U 1 , 1 :". I . V. ".. .'j of ' I MP. I !: -4 : .ii , .i. " " O. Ill . 1:1 . " " '' I . ' I I I 1, " " 'l , h. I . 1 ... " " '..'. " II . If . " " II' I 1 ' " , I - , .'a I I 1 . I . t ' . : ,j . 1 u j . .1 ..1 . 1 v .11. 1 1 I I 1 I V I . I . . .1. I 1- I I i.i . . .! ., P. 11 I . M I) .. . "I ' I I . 0U4I P.. ol- I' H 1,1 , I 1 ..ion r .. I,- 1 .1. 1 in j .1 1 . . . 1 1 1 . a , I ... I I - '. .Ill . ' ' ..... Hi - .'. HlllMMI'1,1 Ull - - a. -I Vj I I -I P. a Ii .. I II11 . H ,!.,., I , ..I ail. I. ..''. a I I I . ,1 ... I - .. I t.a . . Ll la. Oil .' all I . I.. Ii I I I . T 1 ,. . , I . : - I I ..... 1 a . 1 1,1. , . I I.... I I.i. , - l . ,... Wi I X I '. I 1' '1, I . I' I 1 , I . .. . ... t 4r.a'.l v-a a aur. ln;m -4 .u r -t 41 I 4.1. !., o.a k I . it.. at ai-.l., k-'H i l 1 4 I .ia a.. . v a 4 4 J W '( , a- 4 H I it mt if i III I I k tl, III .lu al i - I. U .1 I. ! MOOII i.l i ll .ll, 4, , ,tM I U to onii 5 OOnRKCTKD WKCRI.T I1V nil C fcenitlKCF.R. Ouain Choice White Wheat t .10 Hi H Auiber, M'iuter J 40 oru 80 live j 00 Oats, (liV lbs.) 45 Best Atolier, Wilder, per :iok 2 00 " " " barrel 9 to Corn 'e:,l, p?r cwt., U SO York sr, re.uriylvi;uin Roll 40 llcos Per doz-i! r;0 Mr.Ats ;:i l i'r, r, i- lb i9r:io Smol.ed Mutton " Voubon i(m,4S J.aro per lb og V trill !:,L White risli, per lb ..15 " Trout " 15 Cod H Frc.hSlial VltarTAti.i.s Turnlns, pr biu-htl 50 P' " " 1 00 Ouin;: " (;u Bear", " quart liyMS Ho r.biy, " " 12 PniSD furna Dried Apple", per lb 1 sin.-14 " l'.yiehcs, " l!o',:;ii " Cherries, " VJle,1.5 ' lilarkbcriies " Baspbtriics ':) H'T-N A vri.'ri V"' barrel 3 .Vif.V, 00 Ufa bcrli3c:iicjrf3. V:'- V op SVERT PES CHIPT ION , irENP.YrETEKS, I On Third St., one door b'dow the Church, j SUNBfRY, PLNN'A. Tl'.vT crenel a largo'ftmer.t of PRY fUlOPS. such :i C! C.') .lmei es.Cs'lr,-...s. .uui-l;iis, (V.e., w uic a are Sold clienpcr t nai; cri r. ' A-.o, jt vunety ..I No.toas, L tdu:s!.:ril Lr.tif. , en, Hats auu Caps, ! ! -rJ'Wff-Z'TJn rr ' lx b Ah 1) Pit CM 1101,3 i cfa'.l ki vls. f.uh ns &IGAR3. C'J.' M.r.S, Tt..' S, K'iCTS. GOAL Oil, Mo'atact, Syntje., :t.'Vc.-l. l.: r l. ll.tms, Nuts, Dried ant eaoae l F. t.U , Prunes, l.;.i-ius, v,li''e-c, en:t .racl;eT, itni iu f.u! CV'-vethil.:; re :: i.l Wl j in t'-e' Gr'-.-'-vv ' llan.s, i-'r-::, C .. ,1 Ol', Crockcry-wiic tjut u-w." r G:.i-s-:..t. V.'iil.iW-.Viii'e, iVC ; 71. eh,:-! ri.!'L'R an t M i ..VI. in la I T-jbaera, C' .;: ". i.. and a varieu of j VOTH'N'-.. ' ' ALSO : A'l ki:,ds of Cahned'.t, at M cj lo-AU-t piiee. it;X)TS AXT) shot:. ; Uavl enlarge.: i:.v S:i-,ts t'T.:n n"d nvd it VI" 1 :-c-t.....s- C. T'si. :h U'.- ii.te:t i ty'.. - 1 i.tre.riage I w io pa. en in .e ? a:i. Irv Produce t .'. nsT'r;e '''.. 11 :.-it v'.rii. Icrr. V v. in, 1 ' n.y ! :';, ar.1 r it ly HUSKY VJ.Tfc'F:.. Wf READY-MADE vTho Lurrjcst Slock the Finest Good3; The Styles j cflhovcryX tho Best btjlcharnctcr. Vorkman- Easy rules for ship ; the rnoasupomont, prices, &c, sen! Varie freo to any part of ty. America, and nood fits ents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers & Under-Wear of di kinds for ail sca- .Asons. White Shirts e Specially. OAK HALL, Sizth b JLrlrct Sts. PHILADELPHIA. New Fi;mr antl I'ccd Store! M. V. T:i!'f?'iT-, Corner of Fourth ar.d M.irl; t 5 tree:, EUNBl'I'iV, PEVN'A. l.'r,s le.-t o:iined n I'loiraiol f 'i ? Urc. nhero l.ei:i k: ep eieisl iht.y on hi:.. I : .it.ui H4r..rtine!it ot the hel hr.ines of FLOTJK, n:i;i) or rvr.itY Drsciurnoy. :-'.Tf-i:s. liV TT."'!. Li.03, i.kd lh - v. re 1 -w t-t ,i.,i;l 11. H'. l'.-ti. r.i,i.r, .1 II... i f Mi. . at V eh. tll.i'l n v, t! " 't ... .4 - .mi H-tn n C I I . I l'. . . I III I t. I'r- I" 1 ... , ui4 - .I..-- , i.3n inn: FALL A S I ..T"' Mil ( IM I.V I j. 1'. la I. liS 1 . MIIMKI, M A! I.l. I -,'l'AI:! r .'.'. 11 ." p. . , i i . : V I - .Mi M A i , I 1 III Si 1 I i t A J" A ' 1' ,1.1 l .ii iiiii'iii r v i , i. 1 S l i i I 'll I K I ISO 1 1. n i I' 1 I. r I 1 1-4 14 .al i r,A Wr,rb 'a JtM r7r . .biiiirras Wear at ffl as:onisning- Iv low pricesA Xi! : I ' ' or S. HersTpidpc Imvitip Jttst fipried first diiM Mtttliahmeut In Moorg A D1slDi4ar r.uilJitis TliirJ Street, lx low Market, bctwcuii Iiuket fjciuure and the Tost OUlue, Kospoctfully lavitcs tho puUio to call and -roa iiEx, C073, lliif TRUNKS, VALISES, &c, &c. Ills rc-ftdy -i toi (Jiothiti2 arts tu tn h:t fr.vr. order, in ths stji of fitid bust tuunutf oi wurkiusr.isljip, aud cq -i.l to caat-.tta vvork. i:; hats & cats Ay.D or.KTs' rcrisirixo goods, !.f ket'j k a ivrt;e nwor'tnent of f " t'i lfaclintr sty!ns, and fasiiiouj, and has tcads up ..itij' t.ionis to tcctivc U(j'..' Goodi f.ou the city ccry vcwi. HE WILL SELL ALL HIS GOODS AT THE V.i ur i X. n- tui i. 12 Z-i L( A . . itm ny persiin in ncril orcnyihin i;i lu3 ; ca'l t.'ul Lac? Lis I ri,;;S beforo i l i j tivecri Market ij'iaie nnw tut Toil OiTios, BARGAIH ! ! a.t Ti-iiu 1t.ew ! AVf rrnpnaej to lor IV) inys cinv-tirir.? S ATI' HI) AY. Dotiombcr IT, 170, t a ; rptlu'-'itctl of 15 t.i ti:' fir t;t. fr cas'.i. Our Slark e.i' IVia ig!) nii'l llotne.-.tiei Irv I (io.-i.K unbtnoc:: S'-ILKS, DUHSS (-Ot )i)S, L1.XF.X, ifO.-l.lUV. bI.OVh', V1HT ' GOODS, LACLS &. LMIiiiOLiilUlLi, LAilKSii GiiMT fc V'Di.KV,' A. HE. Also, ! t TvT':;f': nr. tz' Our tri'd: of Foreign nrnl Donrrdic I)t'v Gno!la i3 very b.rtrs, anil with a vlt?w to a f.tx ! di.' pn.-nl oi' ,t, we. have .MAltKEli ull life pricti, to a tigure bo lovf that this ia ui!i;iR.wi;:.;;liiy tl.o '.'nve for t:".;'.' burytiiu in Dry (:iotls. ! We offer Dlcaciicd Muslins atthefolloviRglowfistircs, ! Four qtinrtrr New York mills, 20 tts., per ynril ; four qtiorti-r 'Wntnstitt.i, "0 eta., 1 iKT vanl ; lour quarter Davoe. -il els., per van! ; Fruit of tin; I.ootn, IS ets., per yard ; I llill'SemiHTMein. 1H els., per ytvj'J ; j IJill euqaT JUem, 10 ft., per yard; tour ; tiitii lli Mum Fly, 111 ets., per yard ; fm'.r I'otu't!. Nn-ial J.. 12j ets., per yard ; four fourth ; Covitury, 12 ets., per yard ; J Jovetitry S ct3.. per yard. i 1 T-cc. eeer.ts pi-r yard ; f fo'ir'lt Xar.liua E, 20 conU per yard ; four fourth ; X:islu::t 1!. H rents pery'tr,'. ; f.v.r fotutli .Mlar.iic A.. IU eet.l i per yard ; fur fourth ' t.iti 1', l jj ri-i,: i pt i jard ; lour loui lli India:'. t);vliaii W, 1- cent per yrtrd ; i : II ii.i.rliiiru', 1 1 ei uts per vi'nd ; 3 IJani du rg to ruil.s pi r ya;d ; -) Kleacitcti I' lira Sli.viiir; tiJ eiiiis per yard ; 2 Jliearb.ed a thai.), Siieeliii; i.j cents per yard ; JJleueh- rd (.'a'oi.t, . ills per v.ird. I );'i.udi. d C.-.i::.!'! I-'laVnrl ; f:r,m 1". tn 22 T"l'.l)!rfel-.r J Cint.m rianiiils from 12 til ilil ; tVn'il and I'l.niM' fr iin to ;u ; nil Wool i.aiitiiJ.-. -" t 00 ; lied nil I . ii.. 1 Fi:i!ii -t i.i . : i.iii.ii.tiii. . -J". to : ; TieUinj, ! j to -b ; l'aper CamUies, 12 t'lun'oio , 12; Co'.:." n in c, t.i U. T, A b' 1'5 i.'.Al.MHii.M. i I K'I'S I , t.i i I LAMES' Fl.T.T . KM !.T, 'Vo: i $:iA to 4 . 1 1.A.l'FS' MI ALLS, to 12.50. ! t-T) " f?z V'i'.V;!:iati2 '.' '0 vitnJ poo's. . cl ; CitiUs 'J.'-i yar.l f.pon'.a, c! ; Clark' 201) yard rnooU:, S cl : t ioiU's O. T. nil v."f, cl: ; V. Alpaeti li.'.i.Js, ii yatdi U ctUU. . i'iTtivTi ! ii .vrf: ALMXAXDUA KHI ilUWV.K ALL l.OI.UnS, .00. .1 ; loi'i. .-.ii.i". i'.l.l .'. t'..."i ; i ,1 ,,1 ,. i ; i 1. 1 ti.i 1..1I : . i-.i : t. . 1 n ,,!,, !: ,,.. ,!i :.!.,'. i, ,. i, ,t : i ." i '. i, ; .'.oi...!' ! i ." ; .i io 1 '.. c -Mm i I .: l I, o. ' '. ... i. , ..i - lv r r- c -.! r.-i.--:- -t I . A- duwe al. . - ' - , , . . i ' . i i. ,i i ,i ... ii' .. i i . !'' - :. t I S ; i 1 J ''!'. A . ! I l I.,"., t "..-l la II , . , i i ... a JMI. I , I i t I. .1 I .a., . . . '.',:. i,. , i 'I ! : . I i I- 1 I ... I St. .5 S.. u It luiCl, I. a lus n.n .. . i. i :. :. !.. t, . . . . .. i . u. i i ... :. ' "' ' . w I . ,' a i. f I tt'. t 4 aw Kl 14 tin . a examino bis mammoth stock of iiti mmm ato cnrxDrt2r. u ..1. Al - w - i fishlv'i Y.v.i vV.i ilr-.-i it '.o itz'.t lat'jroflt to giva Will s ulsovriicr?. e. nEr.zrBLDc. Canbq.-y, lit.- s I yoke: stoee, f .vt-!), ells'-A T C. . i."T7r rf TCTT1 ??r'i vivrTV cr.VT.. El. - ipni - It'l l ("'.vi. ?12". Videtti'P Kiii ii u.i. .' ';'!', ;. rio mi'i'.l... r pair eivi n it. . n .,: :i t-ur tL.ii. lie '.. i k hit ll . i . : ..l i,' t- (!- .. n:;;-.:! "-i li A JL JalJ LVJ .:..... ' ( '. '.. . i.ihl.e a :. i'.' '' ill ...I....: ti ,.l I j . u is Vf.y I. ill III p. -ce t i . ... i",t'-'l f:'' frc"! 1 1 . . 4 , ,-a i 't -r tZ -i i , ; I . .i: I i-i in' H, it'.- I AM p t .... iu t U i ! i ''''' i'V f-t' t I.. . i : : i i. a m.i tl I. US. '! ! -l' I. "4..ULUI, V llo.lil VnM I.VPII HIM in . '' ,.i I i'ii i I' . i.i id'i ' . I . I . t '' ' ' - ' ' '' '! 1 lios,. ,. mi I I', .If,.,' I ,...V P. t ., ..I. l a VI . .. , . I '.O.l.i , . . . .. I I I I la. I. hv I I , i .M. V. . fc A I a Jt K Hal .1 -, . tkall l 0 tn. 1IV