Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 25, 1871, Image 1

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    7 ,rs-
mt-JLl l! 'LlJJl.JLl!!!L'ii-Jll.."il
EMTi "WILVERT, Proprietor,
At 9t.SU lu AlrniM?c.
II not paid wllliln 6 Mouths $2.
Subteriptiont taltn for len than nix Mont?u.
CowjntcTF.n witli tills establishment is an cKten
IreNEW JOB OFFICIO, containing a vnricty of
Slain nml fancy tvpe equnl to any estnbllsuincnt
1 tho Intsrlor of the State, for which the pi'""1
Hge of the public Is respectfully nolicitctl.
JCItKHIAII NXYIKll. Attorney nt
Lw, Sunbury, Pn. All profesniounl busl
lies fiitrustod to hit cure will receive prompt nt
tention In this anil adjoining counties. Can be
eonsnlted both In English and German. Also,
Dihtrict AttorneT of Northumberland county.
No. 144 FoURTn AVESUR,
Notary Public,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Jan. 15,1871). 1y.
J (i. 31 initl.F, CO, Market Street,
Dealers In Drujrs, Medicines, Taints, Oils,
Glat,s, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
Pocket Books, Dairies, &c. .
SI. VOLVEHTOX, Attorney at Law.
Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Profession
e.1 business in thit and adjoining counties prompt -.y
attended to.
D' It. A. It. S.4.VIDOK, respectfully an
nounces himself as Physician and Surgeon
to the citizensof Suubury and Ticinity, taavinir lo
cated himstil permanently on Market street, near
ly opposite the Fairmouut Hotel, where be can
be consulted at all hour when not proitBuionally
ncae;d. aplU-i-ly
rilliETIlt TEETH! .1. N. CKKSSl-NliKK,
JL Surgeon Dentist, BL'NBURY. PA. All work
carefully attended to and warranted. Am thank
ful to all for the kindness extended toward me
fcr giving mo their patronage In tho past,
atM hpe a continuance nud Increase of the same.
i?"Oflico, first door cast of Adams' Express
Otllce. apUO-69
GW. Zl EG EER, Attorney nt Law, north
side of Public Square, one door cast of
the old Bank building, SUNBURY, PA. Collec
tions and all professional business promptly at
tended to in the courts of NoriUutubcrlanrl and
adjoining counties. srpt 15-68
AN. BKICE, Attorney at Law, Sunbnry,
Pa. Oitieo lu corner room up stairs, of
Haunt's Nw Building, formerly occupied by G.
W. H;npt, Esq. Collections of claims, writings,
and all kinds nf legal business attended to care
fully and with dispatch. April 2,'70-ly.
C1 A. UF.IMEXSXYOER, Atfcrnoy "t
I Law, fcUNHUKY, PA. All businefs en
triitod to his care attended to promptly Rtid titli
diligence. apl27-C7
J. KAY CEEMENT. Attorney at Law,
BrNBURY, PA. Collections nnd all p;
f essiiiiial businens promptly attended to. incli31-t;0
c. J. nnrsr.n. L. n. kase.
BltlMCK V KANE. AttorncTt and Coun
sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Office on
Chestnut street, west of the N. C. aud P. A E.
Railroad Depot, In the buP.dir.j lately occupied
by Y. Lazarus, Esq. Collcctloi s and all-proftss-Sonal
business promptly attended to la Northum
berland and adjoining counties. rpllOaJO
i. b. norim. w. i. wolvehtos
at Law, on second floor in P-iight's new
oulldine, bUNBURY, PA. S. B. foyer and W.
J. Wolverton respectfully announce that they
have eutered into co-partnership in the practice of
their profession In Northumberland and adjoin
ing count lot.. Consultations can bo had in the
'Merman language. npl4-63
HII. MAKSElt, Attorney at Law, SUN-
BURY, PA. CollcoUons attended tt in
;ha counties of Northnmberiand, Union, 5nyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycominp. npllO-69
i)0(hefi:llkr a kohkbacii,
1 Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of
fice in HauptH new building, second floor. En
trance on Market Sqnaro. jan4-68
business fe'nrbs.
V Reluil dealer in every variety of
All kinds of firtii'i taken In exehnnp for Coal. fcolicited and filled promptly. fcMS-71.
W. S. KliOAPS. J. J'ACRSll UAA3.
xr n. uiioaiis v ro..
OrFir. wiTn Haas, FAfiEt.y & Co.,
. Orders left at ScaMiolu Bro's., office Market
Ptrcet, will receive prompt nttcutiou. Couutry
."ustom respectfully policited.
Feb. 1X71. tf.
Shippers aud Wholeralc and Retail Dealers in
(towpu wHAr.r.)
t'iST" f ole Ageuts, wwtwurd, at the celsbrnted
Henry Clay Coal. Janl'J ii
"" , II AXfirElAVEKY
Suubury Pa.
rIMIE best of riding aad driving horses always
1 on hand to serve customers.
Oidcrs left nt the Central Hotel, for vbie!ci.
will receive 'rrin. 1 1 atien.ion.
Nov. 5, 1n',0.
G J". O It G V. M. K E K X
Simmon's JiHthlin'L tf'trktt
Sr-Mirav, Pa.,
XS fr-fire I to d j all kinds of work pertalniar
l' Dentistry. H keeps couslaiiUy ou baud
a .arge. ax.'rtninat of Teeth, aud other Dental, fi"iu niiicbl e wi.l be able to seleot,
an l nteilll.e of his c.-tom "rs.
Ail iiU in irite.l t j (;ic ul.raoliou, or tlia
.lie iiinney refill) !!.
Tl'.i veiv he.t M .iti V:iili sml Tooth Towdtt s
i !l ou h.U'l.
llis refeiences Hie the punierous patrons f?r
Iiiiiii ha h.i worked l i tits Ijh lelvs years.
P iiiimi v, Aj.ii 1 , 1 MW.
M' ( Oil. YAllD.
MV1K e.u l-i
.'IK 11 u tli ii'iie I Ituvuiit C iRiie-'led the Coal
all l.i.eueu.ivn t'Lt1' H A OK.W S
,: i t, t Mi.'.llel t sup.iiy l4.1ll. ii with lbs
t riv in hi or niu,,
ii i i rou isn.
rTi bto.-s sti I Nut, con4U.ij tat&ud. Gt4:o
Sunnuiy, Jju, I'., l,'u. it.
l.tuU lilll M to.
I ire, I tt'w siuil
14,'UI'toH tlUK
Sltll'M i A IU Kit,
Mr amis hti'iiksiMin.
.' Ao . , . Ult'ti;, !, 4,ti.i ;
. Mi i : . M t
'....ii. a, Ywi St, " I t. -'l
'. i ei't' " " S-i'' .. I
hi .1.1 " a i
'i i j 4 ,v . 't,k " MJ.itJ'
I., io, " " IkeJ!
. ,.,.(.., t .0, I.1MI.UK4 ,
, :.u..)r. 4'm. ,, 'ji,ij'
. i ' ri .'..4..J.I.., i..,'i.t;
I . ki, . nm, " i S ft I
I . ii .i I, It u . i J, " tMi 1J
". ,.. " ' I ,. ll J
I.......S ' " I
.vi.ul (i,j., w l w
' I '( . II. . I
-.4.'. it f ' i.r ; mj i
I . ., . " Ml i I
I (iilMi I h '
tE.Htn1llAll.el 111 IS lO.
rmcE J1 50 I. ADVAXCE.
otcla rnxti !jcst;mnmt3.
ry x i o"x"h t e ET'nTortr KT)Txn8rsrT,
LJ Proprietor, Shnmokln Ftroct, Trevoiton,
Niiitliumbcrland county, Fa. The tubie Is sup
plied with the best the market affords. Oood
stabling and attentive oftlein. Jan. SI, '71
HOOVEIt IIOVSE, Third Street, at tho
depot, SwNBL'RIi, PA., 1V. Kekse, pro
prietor. arm meals servcil up nt all hours.
Fish, Fowls nnd Gamv.. Prch Oysters con
stantly on hand nnd served in eery style. The
beet of wines nnd liquors at the. Bar.
t.TFamilies will be supplied with oysters
done up iu any style, by leaving orders at the
Bur. Xov.r,'70-ly.
Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot.
Bcnbcbt, Pa.,
HAS open a Restaurant and Eating II0U6O,
for the accommodation ofthe pnbllc.
Warm menlican bo hadall hours. Allklndsof
came. ll(,h, ivrc. served up at enon nonce, jus
bat is supplied with the bestliquor in market
pains spared to plense,n1 terms moacrate
rjanoury, oepiniriwr, tin isw
JOSEPU BACIIER informs the citiiens of Sun
burv nnd the public generally, that he has
opened a LAUER BEER SALOON nt the above
place. Tho best of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors
will be kept. Also Oyxtert, &c, constantly serv
ed up to customers.
X WALD, .Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
Connty, Tn., at the Station .of the N. C. R. W.
Choice wines nnd cigars a', the bar. :
The tablets supplied with tne best ths mwkct
affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers.
KLECKSF.R. Paoprietor, Nos. 813 nnd 814
Market Street, above eighth, L'lliLADF.Ll'lliA.
Terms, 1 per day. He respectfully solicits your
MAN, Proprietor, Front Street, between
Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Sunbury, Pa.
Sept. 24, 1370. ly.
Proprietor. (. timer of Market tS Seeonil
Streets, opposite the Court House, Suubury,
Pa. .May2S,'7U.
THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor,
Sunbnry St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Meals served at all hours, nt short notice. The
best of Liquors at the Bur. The Table is sup
plied with tliebest and latest In the markets. At
tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patrnnage
LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietor,
Commrres St.. 6JIAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Xlavinp just refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of the pnblic, is now prepared ti
serve jis friends with the bet lefreshments, and
fresh Lacer Beer, Ale, Porter, end all other malt
J E. V. BURNHAM, Proprietor, Corner Lacka
wanna and Franklin Avenues, Seranton, Pa., op
posite Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Depot.
Free carriages to convey quests to and from
Depot. Mar. 6. '7Q.-ly.
Aot. 720, 722, 724 fc 727 Vint St.,
Centrally located, connecting with all tho City
Passenger Railway Cars, from all Hie
Depots in the City.
Excellent Accommodations Tor Tra
Grand Vocsl and Ir.strurccntal Concerts every
tvenim: in the Summer and
Winter Garden.
tT Orchestrion Concert Ei?ry Aft(rnoon.$
Office of J. Vuler's Fountain Park Brewery.
June 4, lS70.-ly.
I " L I Q I'OH S T O R E t
i Eeeond Ptrest, dj pobiie the Court Houee, BUN-
' BURY, PA.,
Respectfully Incites the attention of Retailers
1 and others, that he has on hand, ar.d will con
I slant iv keep all tinds of
! Consisting nf Fur Brandies: Crgniac, Cherry,
Gineer, Rocbnlle and Otsrd.
I Whiskies: Pure P.ys Copper-nistilletl, Monon
' gahela, Apple and Nectar.
I T.'inej: Chauipague W;ac, Sherry, F.'rt and
i Claret.
j Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Tum,
! Brown and Scotch" Ale.
I And all others Liquors which can be fi.unl in
the city markets, wtii' h will be S')!d at Whole,-
j sals and Il'lail. Every article gnvameed as
j represented. Also, larRe lot of DEMI JOHNS
I aud BOTTLES, always on baud.
j t if" Oiders promptly atteu led o, and publie
I patronage rwectlullv's'.ieiied
" C. NV.FF.
I Sunbnry, July 3, lbf.9. 1y.
J. II. C onlej , 4. o.
I I T AS received a new assortnieut of all kiuds of
: II
lliti'itwitre, Cutlsiy, Mi liauie' Tool, tS.e.,
of a, I feti'ii) ii'i.u. il.o War
: liais Hub", Hun., Spck.... i
iu Maker s Mate -
lno, kll kial of
; l.r.iiht- tf. '1 comaker's i:d Saddler's. Lveiv
1 thiui! in IU !!aru'A'.irs Inicciii rs Inun4 b;cli
: whl l e sold as lo a c.o L lo' i;bt of any oitijr
; ut !. the ccuutry. t s.i auj ses their
I bm.tmry.P.e. 11, IV.9
VDlers'netl latiii); ric(sit a sbnp a
I stieil, ns.iiiy oi ins t ti.itai
I II ,1.'
II 'it', . ir,tri'l I ui!iu.j. tuis til W.iiJ of
ilnOlb A N i tllin'.'i l.t llis Uttt iijn. fits
,!nck It of I ha wi yt 'l r,t .ilyln ll.s liitlrl,
I II ttij l.t l:.a UiKtt 1 ,. bit Ktly luailu
I tt ly Hi. nil lite, Li Mi'l lieiutlteT wutins
Lln tt.l i-1 r,ut,,. 1) I i iii.iiinUi'tiilll.
' " lis !iiii : aio ii. -ii I l t...l uu4 tOIUS ttls
I t.'t, m. I ttlcu I I'.n n I'.ili .nat.
I 'in i iwimiui-'s K' i.t'i ilone at sltoil
' boi M'.utrNtlt.
j ttaiibur f , .bat il, K. t
ui'.oiurs u utNuif,
WSl t l II 1.1-1-. lf
II OU 'k) AN II IU II Ul. si,
1 4 I'4;t'i I' i ' ,i .', Mi. in! Stua.k s.u'l..;.
VI 1. k.u It i f ll.-4 kl. 1 SI. -.t Ui4 Ik 1. 1 el4l
In III ! kill Ut4l.l4l II. t tk l-Vt!4.
tl I., i . ...( a .. w,i i.i,iiv O.iwts.s
lJ Il . ) ..I ,IW
It. It.u.
M A. S I I .
! HUOlUU, . V.
AU 04wU U.iilully (woaivosi sUi4
.ivwiyUy tiktsauistU.
Physician of this eclebroted Instllntlon.'bas
discovered the most certain, speedy, plensuut and
effectual remedy In the world for nil
Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun
tary Discharges, linpotency, General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low
Spirit'", Coufulon of Men's, Palpitation of
the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness
of Siirlit or Giddiness, Disease of the Head,
Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, I.iinpj,
Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders
arising frcm the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal to their
victims than the song of Syrtns to the Mariners
of Ulysses, blighting their most biillintit hopes
of anticipations, rendering, Ae., Impos
sible. iOFNGMFN
especially, who have hecoine the victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annunlly swueps to an untimely grave
thousands of yonnir men of the most exalted
talents and brilliant intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Semites with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to ecslacy tbe
living lyre, may call with full coutidoiicc.
Married Persons or Ynuii Men contemplating
marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss
of Procrcatlvc Puwer linpotency), Neivous Ex
citability, Palpitallou, Orgauie Weakness, Nor
tous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
He who places hlmlf tinder the care of Dr. J.
may religiously confide in his honor ns a gentle
man, and confidently rely uion Lis skill as a Phv
linpotency, Lofs of Power, Immediately Cured
and full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing Affection which renders Lifo
miserable nnd marriage Impossible is the penalty
paid by the victims of improper indulgences.
Young persons arc too apt to commit excesses
.from not bclngaware of tbe dreadful conseqeiices
that mny ensue. Now, who that understands
the subject, will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling Into
Improper habits thau by the prudent I Beside
being deprived the pleasure of hetihby offspring,
the most serious and destructive Fiuptuius lo both
body and mind arise. The system becomes de
ranged, tho Phyi''al and Mental Functions
Weakened, Loss of Prorreutivu Power, Nervous
Irritability. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigent iou, Constitutional Debility, n Wasting I
ol t lie t rame, Cougli, lonsuinpllou, Decay aud
Persons mined In health by iirKur.ncd preten
ders who keep thein trifling month after month,
taking poisonous nnd Injurious compounds,
shuuld applv Immediately.
Member of the Royal College, of Surgeons, Lon
don, Graduated from ouc ofthe most civiuent
Colleges in the United Stales, and the prenier
part of whose ife has been spent in the hospitals
of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere,
has elt'ected some of the most astonishing cars
that were sver known j many troubled with ring
ing in the hed and ears when asleep, pr. tt
nervousness, being alarmed nt sudden soum!,
bashfulucse, with frequent blushing, attended
sometimes with derangement of mind, wei cured
Dr. J. addresses ail tliose who have lujurwl
themselves by Improper indulgence aud solitary
habits, which ruin both body uud mind, unfitting
them for either business, study, society or iuur
riage. ,
Thesis arc some of the end and melarccl a'y
effects produced by early habits of youth, viz':
Weakness of the Back aud Limbs. Puinn In tu
Back and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of tbe Heart, I) ipepy,
Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Dttes'ive
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms if Con
sumption, &c.
MuNTAU.T--The ftorfrl cOus ou th? mind
are much to be dreaded Itoss of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Ev.l
Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, 4c, are son-.o of tho
evlis produced.
Tuors.iNns of persons of all nsres ei;i now
judne what is the cause of their declining healib,
losing their vigor, hecouilrg, wsak, pale, nervous
and emaciated, having n singular appearance
about the eves, cough and evroptoma of consump
tion. YOUNG Nf EN
Who have injured thcmelcrs l.y a certain prac
tice indulged In when nlor.e, a habit liivic. f.My
learned from evil compaui-ms, or at bchool, t!is
effects of which are nightly felt, even when
asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impos
sible, aud destroys both miud nnd bmiy, bhuuid
apply immediately.
What a pity that a niau, tbe hereof h'i
country, tlio darling of his parents, e'.ould 1c.
snatcheil from all prospects and enjoyments t I
life, by the rniiscquencu of deviating lum tbe
path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret I
Such perions mi-st, l efoieeouteiei laoii,; !
reflect that a sound min i and body are the mo?t
tceesfa"' requisites to pro:noio lnopi
pee. Litleed witboct lliexe, the journey lor nii'h
life becomes a weary pilgrimasj" ; the," pr.ini ect
hourly darkens to the view ; thy chid beeoiues
shadowed wi'.b despair and oiled with ilii iin:';tii
iholy retlection, that the hitppiiiosa of auuthjr
becumes biightcii niib ourown.
WLeu tb utisgulded and iicpnulen' vc'iryof
pleasure Muds tba. bs has Imbibed tbe k...:.i"s ni
this painful diseass, it too often rappcis ,t:i
ill-tuned sense of shame, or dread of disomy, ;
deters bim from uppljiai; to tlui'-e who, fm.i 1
edue.itiou end rrbpeclaldlity, can nl' lie t '.iV'ui:.: :
bim, delaying ll'.l the conni'.ulioiial tyiiiploiu-. of
this horrid dnease make their appec.r.n.ce, mi, Ii
as ulcerated ,tr ttroat, disease .1 !.., ti.'cU'in! '
pairs iu tbe Lead and liinlt, tliiniu of s' lit, .
deafness, noths on the stiin bones and, ,
blolebss on the licid, fa u and iaiivi.hch, ; n. 1
giessiiif: with frightful rapidity, till l.i-t tic '
palulo of thu mouth or lu b. ui . tl.ej-e i.ill :
iu, and the vk-t'.m of thi 'l'il d.. c. I., m.i .
s horiiil ohje'ct of euuiuiiserat Ion, t.!f dL.tth pi.!;. ,
a period to his dreadful suffering, by s mi ling
Ului to ' itisi L liilibeuvei C'l t. ijuut
f V,
uo traveller returus." ,
; li is a melancholy fitd th it l.-.' 'mn.!, p'r.
I VKturs to Huh tcriili'.d dim' me, l.ncili I'.iiliin; i
into the liautU of lnoiant or iu.-ki.iiuI l'lil.
'1XNUEU.S, who, b? tbe u.u t( Unit tlt.nliy l'i i- i
on, Meicury, Ac, tlolroy Hie c ' t -1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 ,
lucuiulilt of turiiii.', lii I lie 1111I1.0 v n r
muulU alter Intuitu taking llicir iiuiiniin or in
jurious CiiiiU'niiiiiix, autl 1 1 nl It. in.; ri - li.ic.l
to ii rout: will of 1 i lo Vlj-ur mi l II i in -., in ,1, ..
our leave b.lil Kt'U ri.ii.cj IKallu t j iU over .
lti jl-lllliii; tlliaHitutititiil.
Iu nu ll, tlicit lure, Ut. Juiisui.s lf L it bim. ,
mil to pit ici e Ilia uidhI lut nt.i':e c . i. ) , .mi
liolu Lis eMniitlv pi.ti lue ami nlm o.ili.mi i:i
, Urn ki-'. H Jl'.uls tl l.ui"ic, .ni t is c u i -1 In
tlo cuuiitiy, t;i i Liiluutl, 1 lulu , I l 1..1 Ii .j lii i
I Hint tit lit It', U SlMOifil lu lilt r llm nn.Kt r I -
I uio, i-cjjr ii4 Katvjy iu iu ni l ,
I il 4.1 iflkCuM, of litifru ! ii i .
I I'll. JtJIIVMllS,
i tiiriLr, no. 7, tt. mi.i'tui' K siiin.r.
hi i tiu.o.i , vi. 1 1.
I I tU Inn I till itli'il fitnn li.illin.. m .lo.l. .in
UulJS IlKlll Ut t,uib I 'ill Hut lu oi.i it u.tln i
i si. -I i.,iiit,i. r.
it" .Vi Uttirs isclv4 uiiliit hm.iii1 au I
j COlil-tluiUg 4 .1411 O Iti Ih It' t J f.l I i.i. 1' , . ) . I'. I -
i i: k 1 11 11.; Li i J i ti l.U uk" , a.l. i, 4 j u,l, 4 .
lf t 1 111... IOt.Hl J. ktlllll'l I t II, j 1 ... '
I Ibtis 4r . U.4U 14.1. , l ; 4...I
j VV. luii..ti 4iliiu. , l . . . . .
j l.)H' 4ll.. tl,... OilU ! I I ' t'. I "
ft I i u tmiutidiKuir lit. I ..iiii. i , .. i ,
l.4l III '.'o .4 tlkalbk II U I , .
Jib 14 i.Jf u IU 44 WU4fc44ii.ll4'
.14. I
I oil
i m41 n.a i iv4lu
t il. bit wUI
K ltl.4i4isT 01 IHi i.
1 bs IU) II.W4WIMU I 41 I.. .
S.ti.1, )4j kit! i, k4 i, i
w.lkWl 4lrf4l t'l4tU-t,. li t
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..Mti-Uifc. tUt
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I Ml It
deleft J)cffrj).
Pound dead 1 dciid and alone !
There was nobnily near, nobody near
When the Outcast died on her pillow of stone
No mother, no brother, no sister dear,
Not a friendly voice to soothe or cheer I
Not a watching eyo, nor a pitying tear,
Oh ! the city slept, when she ilied alone
Iu a roofless street, on u pillow of stone.
Mnnv n weary day went by,
While wretched. nnd worn she begged for bread,
Tired of life, and longing to lie
Peacefully down Willi tbe eilent dead ;
Hunger and' cold and scorn and pain,
Hand wasted her form nnd scared her bruin,
Till nt last on a bed of frozen frronn.l,
Willi a pillow of stone, was the Outcast found.
Found dead ! dead nnd alone,
On n pillow of stone, In tbe roo fless street j
Noiody heard her last faint tuoan.
Or knew when uer sad heart ceased to beat ;
No mourner lingered, with teurs or sighs,
But thu stars looked down with u.tvinir eves.
And the chiil v.JSs passed with n wailing sound I
O'er the lonely spot wh.'ie her form was
found. i
Found dead ! vet not nloue ;
There was somebody near wye, He was near
Who sv Herri no man to cast the first stone,
When an Ci'.cast 'errt shed, a repentant tear
Perhaps He hcl dd that grief c.rd despair.
Perhaps cu His feet fell her flouting luiir,
Toi-givci', and snatched from tho edge of tho pit,
With Rabab and Murv in Heaven to eit.
K cv
"Whv. of all thinss when rliil von rrct
home V" said the merry Mrs. 13elles, as she ; ueuevolence goes on, and that woman is
entered her cheerful parlor nt ten o'clock beginning to think' and feel for woman and
on Thanksgiving night, and found her hue- for the oppressed, nnd to call upon her
baud sittiug moodily alone, having just re- neighbors to lay their offering of sympathy
turned from a trip to .Now York, atid she j upon the alters of suflering hearts. Ed
shook him heartily by the hand, nnd left I ward, dear ns you are to me, dearer than
uer kiis ot true wilely nflccuon upon Ins
lip ; he still keeping his seat and looking as
it lie had run oil the track or bad his con
signment of merchandise sunk to the bot
tom of Lake Erie.
"I low long have you been here she
again asked, uot heeding his silence.
"An hour or two."
"Come down ou the Clippor ?"
The gentlemen nodded.
"JTeeu well?'' she continued, drawinc
ou ner gioves, unpinning tier snawl, and i
laying elf her hat. j
"Oh '" she exclaimed, shaking hacklier :
curls, how I wi;.h you had got home before j
night, that you might have gone with me j
to the t!o:iaiin:i party ; we had the nicest
time I would havj given cuythir.g if you I
bail been U.erc ; I have not teen a merrier 1
party thi3 many n day. Oh, I wii-h you
liad come sooutv.''
I'erhpps you had better save your ro-
grets, lor I an very suro 1 should uot have 1
gono hrv.l 1 hoen ? homo, and preail venture !
i tbiiiia nave liti'.'.u at r.ome Witli me : so 1
ave staid at home with ir.e ; so :
il you hsve l-ten so highly delighted with j
your party, mnc the het,!, t.f it. You kuow :
L am no friend to such doings." '
"but, KJ.vard, you could ti"t have help- j
ed being pleased to-nilit. Why my very
heart is llutiered with'joy just to lliii:: of!
it. Ketun.'.pi thanks to " the Heavenly!ier, by giving of cur jood gift to ihu j
poor anil needy.''
"The poor and needy," lie repealed with '
a sneer ; "is it I'arson Allen you call poor 1
a:.d lu idy, who-.e wife wears a heller bon
i;.:'. and eat better diutieis thau nine out of
every tt.n o! lua llotk ."
"-No, riot raiaon Alleti nahaw. Ed-
ward, c'o you thiuk i would talk about :
l'aisca Allen as poor and needy V" j
"Well, the Hev. C, Minor, with ten thou- ;
fcand at interest 'f " j
"X", no."
"Well, I fchnnt pucs again, for this !
whole system of donation parlies is a kind I
of fraud upon the public, and I nm very !
corry, indeed, that you have been indueed !
(because I wa3 absent,) to give your aid
and countenance to such things." :
All this was F.tiJ with a surly tone.
Mary, the light hearted, loving true and
'gent i.j! JJary, who had b. en at home for.r '
wjika as merry as a bird over her sum-1
""-f '-'J't, negleeiaig uo duly, and tiring of ;
no car", ciiui-ang up a ntue ; out tiioiiL'fi
i the tears swelled up her eyelids, tho smile i
could not leuye her brow, and love whis- '
peied iu lir-c ear, '"lie is weary and sleepv, '
. r.:..l wi'.s disappoint. nl that yor. tverc not at '
j l omu to welcome him when he came." So '
'she looked straight into the little door of.
; t.ic parlor stove, upon the glowing coals j
,'e, turiir.l into dead at lies, and thought
I I "W mu"li like the warm st love ot j
lu r own heart ;hey were jut that minute ; !
la love th:it had been warndti a whole ;
ri.'m full all eveiiin ;; a I iv ;!i:it had l.ven '
: sparkling aud r.uli.iling till all about her i
.a warmth ami lilaly to ho turned nud-j
, h nly i::to a -hi s tl'i hm-html'
i-'.ien .e to put it out instead i f adding freth
fuel to warm nud cheer Lis cold soul.
; lnt Mary was a M ii-ibln li'.l'e woman, ? .i 1
! vdio looked fctrnmht into I'e' slove .lo..!', 1
: P-i'le.l tin- toe of .er prelfy gait' r on llm
m ii in,', tunicd lier mania ju ilu' num. I
t .... i i i ... . n
mi l roura tin ner nee. v out lieer taM a
K.l.vafdr.el!es looked fctrai-ht into thrt 1
-love door loo, wi-hirg iu bi, beait tint
Ilu l. ;d !' Ij. i ii f ai li a pelillanl fool a to
bluil his iH-ai til'ul, loving wife for no earth
ly It avm, ,my f'i'.t 1 e la.d got hoii.n one
day Mioiii-i t'.ia.i he had piouiii,; and fiiiiul
ln i a donation pari v. IWH "hamr
it all, ' tlu.ujil bo to l iniboll'. "I.otv sli ill 1
ir t nut ul thu MTuim :" Thus thinking.
tbus livliug, lin y both lnokod into thu stove
door for live iiuimu it.
This won't do," thoiieht he. "I mut
rtniiH round fctniii) hotv ;" ninj be dn w Ins
lin-er ciiiU ibrt.u'.'h hit whi.kei k, and look
id u whole in.iiiiiu foiiutr; thin eleuiing
his voice Ivgau ill a m il l. in,. ;
"I don't kuoty but t urn in. il .,n k.ivii','e
on y.uir d.iiiit'i iii .irli. s, M iry but It hut
til.lV : ih-ii t:d la n.f, "I'll II "'iplti liumt
havii a iniuiktiir ll.c) lo pay biiiuuid
poy ejl, vl'hi .! .;,iig or liiuutliliug,
Ullti l;otc,' ,i t.lV tl,ol Ilu, t Utllo coin.
iniin.i y to n iitivti flu hi m H . ir bui., i,,
uu I ii ,!.iy i.. lit ity 1 1.. . i lul'y im-4 ti
lii ii' pot.ny I. t lmn i'.i. M iy .,: J ,i:u
ti . in ; in in ix iii.ii.- ; I n l, lVl. . ti,..,-. I
t ... . fill,.
I..,. k I 'n
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I. .;. i up
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dnn'. !;now who hardly) wiid 'lot its givo
the Willow Brown ft (loiuitioit paitv," nnd
nil suid 'agrucd,' nnd to work wo went.
Jivery man nnd woman we nicl said 'yos ;
slio mifsi'd my wife whon eho was siik,'
said Mr. Scott ; 'uho took earn of tny litfle
Ii;ni y when lie had his nrm hrokcu,' said
Mr. Joni'8 ; 'Mother Hrown, to lu stiro I'll
help,' responded Judpc Fry ; 'slit: linn put
the first idipon my ehildrrn, God bless her;'
'dear grand mother lh-own, I'll do all I can;'
said the fasliionablu Mrs. Grey ; 'aim was
with my little netlie, and laid her dear lit
tle ftinn into tlin colIin lielp Iter If yes
by liokey,' said tho roti;rh butclier, IIop-
i Kin, -one ouont to ii supported ly llm
j public, and never know want, for poor
widow as she been for Ht'tcen vi'fti t, she lias
I never let anybody want that she could
: help, and I've known her many a time,
when ishe was catniti2 bread with her
needle, a quarter a day nnd board herself
drop all and go and nurse two or three
days at a time, with those that where ton
poor to help her a mite, nnd now she has
them children to eai-e for. 5y liokey, I'll
give in my donation with a five bund.'
j "And so it went ; everybody willing to
j help thu widow in hor need, nnd wo f:ol up
the donation party for Iho widow for our
j Thanksgiving flight, nnd oh ! how glad our
i hearts have been made, in making the wid
j ow's cup to overflow with jov in retiiru-
jng tliauks to our Heavenly' Father by tiv
j ifig of our abundance to relieve the wants of
j the widow, pundtnnthcr aud orphaned lit
! tie ones. Yes, Fdwnrd, my heart has tlut
I tercd with iov : iov thtil thero was so much
of the angelic in huiiiau heart ; joy that in
life, even your frowu nnd colder words at
this moment of our nicetinsr could not ban
ish that heavenly guest from my heart,
that the aged widow's "God bless you,"
nnd her tear of gratitude had ushered in
there. 'Would tb,al every village nnd every
town r;culd use their thanksgiving as we
have done to-dny ; then indeed, would it
become a time of thanksgiving niid prayer,
acceptable alike to man ur.d Cod."
Edward Helles befit his head low unon
tne uana ot fns lovely aud loving wile, aud
a tear fell upon that wedding ring, nnd
washed all remembrance of the troubled
thought that but now hud caused it to
twirl upon that gentle finger, aud n deep
earnest "God bless you, my ilary," made
them again as one.
' " "
t'caxions to Soldiers of ISIS Text
ol'the Act ns I a Ir "onrrsn.
The following is Die text of the act grant
ing pensions to certain soldiers and sailors
ol'the war of 1812 and the widows of de
ceased soldiers, agreed upon by both houses,
aril approved by tho President:
JJa it cn-jcttd O'j the Sennit and Iltntiw. of
, J? : -yn s.. if irw of f, United Mutes of'
i America in Cony rest assitnbk'l. That the
i Secretary ofthe Interior be, at:d he ishere
; by iuK'uorizod and dime ted to place on the
piuiMi.n roll tile names of tho surviving of
ficer. and enlisted and drafted men, inelud
ii:g milifiauud volunteers, of the military
! and naval service ofthe United States who
! served sixty dtiya in the war with Great
Uritain of eighteen hundred and twelve,
! and were honorably discharged, nnd to
audi othecrs and soldiers as may have been
personally named in any resolution of Con-
gress for any tpecilie service in said war,
iniuougii toc:r term ol r.ervioo may have
oceti iess tbau sixty cays, and who at no
time during tho rebellion ngainrtt the au
thority of the United States adhered to the
cause of the enemies of tea government,
giving them aid and comfort, or e::ereised
iiaj lut tious m any oiuco whatever under
mitbority or pretended authority in
tiki to the United States, and who
slia.ltakij and subscribe an oath to sup-
port uie eon-muiiou l the l.niteu States,
and tlie surviving widows of such ollieers
and enlisted and drafted men ; provided
that mr!i widow shall have been married
peior to t);e tuaty of p aeo which tormina-
led faid war to au oliietT or enlisted or
ui.iueti iran. who servett as aiorrsaitl m i
said war, and shall not have remarried.
Sticlimi -'. 4-1 nd li it fnrtlur enacted. I
That this act shall not apply to any person
v, ho is receiving a pension at tho" rate of
tight dollars or more per month, uor to
nnv 1 ec trn receiving a pension K-ss thatt
eight dollars jK't-inoiiih, except for the dif -
n ieiiee iK iweeu me peii3inu now received
and eight I'olh.m jsr iiunitli. lVusious uu-
tier tf:i ; ua ibi.ll . 1 .j r.t the rate ot eight
dollais pr mot. ;h, .-:cept ay hen in provi
. ded wlieu a K'i'soii i i .cueiviug a pei.ion
! ' li i-s than eigbl dollars per month, and
; slialt be iiain to the persons untitled llierelo
; from and after tho pasaj:e t.f tbii net for
and daring ihu term of their natural live?.
Seel ion 1). -lnd li- it fur'Jicr en tt'd,
i That before the name of any iieitoii shall
be placed upon the peiikion roll under this
net, iiioof eliail be iiiatlo until r stieli rules
reeulaliniis as tlie S-eretsiy ol'the lllli'l'ior
may pivsrriU, Unit the applicant is tnti
fk tl to a 4iiioii under the piuvisimis of
llii.ii"t; aud any person who shall faUe
ly lako any uaili rt ijiiired to lt taken un-
, der the pmviMoiis ti ,U tti;t klmll Ut gud
l ly nt pcrgi.ry, and Hie een lary of tho lit
lerior t-1 . ., ll causi) to bo mi it ki n IVoni the
n niioii roll the iiauio of any im vn wbeii
t ver it shall apar, by prul satinfaetory
to bim, thai xuell Uimw Mas pu' upon tuell
1 roll lliioiigb ).iio ,,r irnKtlbU'til r t-pitmen l.t-
tl' ll .Ik to lbl I'Ut of ttt' U pel joll t.) u
flinoU under tie provi. it. of tins art.
i 1 he los j of a eel lillt a lo of Uii Initio sb;ill
le t ih pnve iho Hpplit'iiut of the l ie.:lts of'
ib.s mi, Ian uilu r proof of M-rvice )t r
, to run .1 n il i f uu hoiioiablo diM h.ii-u, if
k.ilnl.u lilt , HI ill In tli i in., I mi iHi'i. in.
.eiloit i. .li,,( it H luf !'! t oi.rd f,
'Mitt Hit! prut iti' lilt III t.eliolik lit! Ifn .III I
Il.o in ii i. an a. t iiuili .1 i a iu;.p!,.
io. .ii ti V 'An net l-i .i.ii,1 1 1,"
U oiott d July I m;', i i ;l.t, i ii I, un lit ii.,,
"I.I I I mi', illi I ol ii le'li. t 4 ii, 1 1 1 1 1 i , ami
I mi "I a i in I i i.i 1 1.. i " li at I I, p'i In. I,
i tiy I i m ti a. i r. Iniiii j l i ihm.i.,"
. I . I .... .1 JlHI I ll.l,; U b ll, ), ,J
k.4. .11, 41.4 t 'u a) Hi 4I' M lit IU11 ,,.
1 o. .1 ii, d I't rf I
, pi "), ttii it t;i
k i.ikj o i'.i!
.. 1 . I p; it a.
f 1 I li .. 411
I il l. b bill.
, I..
I I II. . I, loll' 11,4,1 ll,,)
I t.
I Uu
11 It 1 I 1 ' k li .!
. lie .1 .. 1 .1 i I 41, f n, t
"i ' I tt. .111 .
, ton gooci latia mere is eiioU''U lor nil, find I ;, ..i,,riT, ,i..n i " '
1. 1 1 01 iii 1, 1 111 i ui ),,!, , , o.J Into. , t ,
' thu nltl.,l i.ii.J II )kti kl , 41.. I
hi tk 114 il j . l 0 , u lo, . fiikii,, J(
4k4 t III 1 1. .tt I' U-tll.lMI ll.lkl
I.I. I lit 1
w .Series, Vol. 2, Xo. 49.
tn Series, Vol. .11, Xo. 18.
Kiasoii wliy 9Iarrla rrrou I.lvc
Dr. ITall, hi one of his "Health Tracts,"
gives tlio following reasons why marrino-o
is favorable to health :
Baehclorsure nlwaysin a staleof unreht;
they feel unsettled. If indoors after sup
per, thero is a sense of solitariness, induc
ing a sadness, if not settled melancholy,
with till its depressing influences ; and
many, many hours in the com -o of the year
are spent in gloomy inactivity, which is
adverse to a pood digestion and a vigorous
and liealfliy circulation. His own cham
ber or house being so uninviting, the bach
elor is inclined to seek diversion outside,
in suppers with friends, in clubs which aru i
introductories to iiifciiipeninco and licen- j
tiotisne..', or to those inure unblushing ns- !
sociatiotis, which, under the cover of dark- !
ness, load to speedy ruin of health r.nd j
morals 1 f.nd when these are gone, the way
dowwnrd 1 1 an untimely grave is rapid and j
certain. On the other' hand, marriage
long! hem a man's hie by its making home '
iuviiing ; by the of:eni'n inliienci s which I
it has upon tlio chiirncter nud tlieafl'ectiotis; :
by the cultivation of all tbe better ii.fling
of our nature, and in that proportion sa" i
ing from vice and crime. There can he no '
healhful dcvelopniout of the physical l'tinc- j
tious of our nature without tnt-.rriac ; it is j
necessary to tha perfect man, or Liviniiy
has anuouced that it was "not good for man I
to be alone.''
.Marriage gives a laudable and happv ob
ject iu life, the provision for wife nnifchil-'
ureti, tueir present eomlort nnd future we
ana Iigliten the burdens of life : tbus strew
ing flowers and casting suushine all along j
its pathway. " ,
Voltaire said, "The more married men !
you have the fewer crimes there will be. i
-Marriage renders a man more virtuous and i
more wise. An unmarried man is but half1
of a perfect being, and if. requires the other
half to makethiucs right ; and it cannot j
be expected that in this imperfect slate he '
enn keep tlio straight path of rectitude, any 1
more than a boat with one oar can keep a 1
straight course. Iu nine cases of tec, where i
married men become drunkards, or where !
they commit crime against the peace of
the community, the foundation of these acts ;
was laid while in a simile stale, or where !
the wife is, as is sometimes the case, an j
unsuitable mat,h. Marriage changes the ;
current of a man's feelings, and gives him j
a center for his thoughts, his affections, I
and his nets. Here is a home for the entire I
man, nnd the cotisel, the a flections, the ex- I
rmp!c, aud tbe interest of bis better half'
keep Kfri from erratic courses, and from
falling intoa thoueand temptations to which
lie would otherwise Uo exposed. Therefore, !
the friend to marriage is the friend to bo- '
eiety and to hi3 country." i
The first iliiH,
IX. Tatton met a fast youth on fchip- :
board who said gaily. "1 care for noth
ing but the llrst 'glass, hut when the first '
glass gels down it fe.-ki so lonely that I send i
down a second to keep it company, when
they begin quarreling with eechotbw, ond
1 send down a third to put things right, :
when they turn a::d ask lb.; inov coiner
what ho h is to do with their family mat
ters ; then goe9 down a fourth and fifth, I
and they all enter into a bae conspiracy :
to make me down druni:. "
The way of complete, safety is so plain
that lie whti never lets the first drop get :
down will never be drunk. Hut letting tbe :
lirst glass down ruins more than onc-tiftu '
of tha boys of the State. To-day I caf ic ,
across the ConuecticLt river iu a skiff; now ;
n it was so perilous to cross that
out. m
every five was lost, I never should hay;
ventured. No one in bio
seUhCj -.vfaild
venture. Lepially unwise is it to venture ;
upon tho perilous Hood of immoe'erate !
drinking. iVobodv means to he drunkard, j
The tippler says, "I am safe," tho 'J-un'.-ard
repels you wills, "X can drink or I cat', let '
it alone," and the dying tnobriale
! to his grave under the delusivn that be caa
! control his avmetite.
Voung man, venture not on that deceit
I ul title. Wine is a mocker, and who is
; deceived thereby is not wi.-e.
I.iek. Life is beautil'ullv compared to a
! fountain fo I by a tbotifp.nd si reams, that
i ncrish ,f one i , ilri,.,! It in r, ,;',...
twisted with a thoL-'and strings, thrt part
asunder if otic is broken.' l" ii nil
thoutrbtleis mortals ara .uiri"juded by
numerous danger::, which make il much
more strange that they eucape so).i:g tbau
they sometimes suddenly at last.
it e are CDCiiiniillHSL'd with nceiileiits evi i'v
! dav, f cruth the niouldeiing tenements
wtnef. we inhabit. The
coeds of disease
are planted in our constitutions bv luiur
j uu ca rin aim atmosphere, whence wo
draw our breath, are impivirnaied with
death. Heal'lt is made t operate t.-. its
own di'Ml llcUon. The food that imiTi.-hct
contains the cknit nis of ilei ay ; ti e rod
that nuima'.es it by viwi'viug iire ' i-m's to
wear il r.t by its own action. Jvvl. Imlts
iu ambit- Ii :iof::iM'f 1 nth. .V.,l iili.-iaud.
ing this i-t tbe fn.ili, . puh-.i!."' ; c :X. iim.1
- I
! fare, the cniovment in witnt'sMimr tbeir lmn.
-fitimcntand sympatln-; these are '
v.wti.3ivii.i.,Ltitia uioii ttiitagoiii7,e sorrow
oy tne uaii.V l'! ,'.i'.Mil" v J..1 os e) ., i.o.v
. litfle tlo we lay ;t to liea.t f e e 1 ur
! h'ictid and 1 ei.'li'joi t jk-iUIi among u,
bit l.T.- Kildoiu tint it i veu i- iu our
thought that niu i.luill, pt lliHjt, 'rive
the llet I'lUllllkk tkUlllitlg lu tlio WOlid !
Ci 1 1 in. irr 'i in: Wi.nxu IIcvp. - An
old fanner was out one liuu il.y 1 mkiug
over llis brmul aeuS, wiih 11 a uu t , let
boulder and a small J e nl i,,, 0lk.
I Tbey i s pietl a uu nL.hui k. '1 he dog yavs
ih. iMi uud tliuto I1.111 iiiio iv ttoitu wall,
w hue action lu.inedi I'a ly Coiihi kI d.
i The tht tttiultl dritv lliw w 1,0th im k iily
. out ll'. ill liin Mall, Itu l Il.o Vtiokthll
! would lake itu- tf. j Uu k. ! I.c o:d gi-i'.f
in id's tt u p.ttoy iit".n.g hih on ilu
ul ll.t) it....', tb.iulil hi) luntl If l) la '.11, r,
pull. 11.; loll.., : III I . mil ill Willi il.o tt.'
; sbote Ibg ib .', tt 11. , ler f'.i! i l.'.lell ill of liui k, . t ell do mild nit I. in ti nt 11.
'i.i U 11 t' i.m.l y u f. i.l .11 1, 1 I he old I11.ul
i.ti.i'k, hul lite M.. .... 'i.i.. k k.illw Iti ll; Iti
ll.j a nu 1, 111. , I j.'k U u I'totf, .in. I the tl k.!iii 11.1 l k,..t. Ill' )..!! ll t I',
lilt: ill 1, 1...1..1111 II , Ul. 11; I I.j silt'
Mo ul, I ..1 4 ij. ill , "Au.l 11,41 d .; ,1 1. t
ko ..t link tl it btil I1..1 lillt 1
S..L.1 I, ,
A tuis. 1 Luly ill luiKUtiiiii bs l.4r
.bit k SUtl lokt, , in l.l,,,J I'l .'lOtll; !,
4..1I i I t; It I. . u (e. I Ui. Jltf vl'iltli'M i
k' uautt..
1 I II 1 i It .II I I ri.iit, 4 k 'Id.. I ul I l.s M
'11 U .1.14 41 l..s . i' i i 11 .1.
ink, 1 1 v, I . m, it. ...1. 1.; , t'i'.'y
1 ol U M ollis 1.4 ' I t.1 11 'l l i,4i..'
Iimi to. 4 ki.k ! kll " i H rami I.I
H ) t t.l I lf l I
I OMncs, or nhotit 100 Words, mate a Srjcsre
One week 1
Two weeks 1
Threo " 2
Four " a
Five " -2
8q 2 Ho,
.00 9.00
3 Sl? 4 fJn
a.r.o jt.oo
!eol J.-col l col
H.00 h.dtl 15.00
8.001 1.00 lfl.OO
o.oo r.t.iw.'o.oo
io.oo is.posa.fio
19.00 I7..'5.00
13.00 lS.0fl!i7.r,0
lo.OO 'JO. 00 SO.liO
'J0.0l).ii5.00 4o.(iC
'.'8.00 KV00 50.00
S5.01I 4!.I0 75. ( 0
10.00 60.001.00
3. M
4. f.0
a. bo
II. 00
Two ino's
Three "
Six "
Nine "
One Year
0.50 10.0U
11.00 lU.CKi
1:1.00 I ".00
uo io.oo
00 12.00
Mkntai. Taxation a Cai:sk of Dys
I'Krsv.Dr. Millet, in bis work on Dys
pepsy, its causes and Iho proper treatment
to be pursued in ellecting if s cure, expresses
tho opinion thai brain labor is a prevail
ing cause of the disease. lip says :
"Mental anxiety and pecnlia'ry p.mbar
rassmenfs, such lis loss of proper! v by fire,
by failures iti business, or by bad debts, and
also domestic .troubles, disappointed affec
tions, nnd I he loss or tho treachery of
friends.' will frequently cause dyspepsy :
too closo and too uctito intellectual labor
is also a frequent cause. Editors, atUhors
nnd literary persons often engender dys
pepsy in this wav. Muehhrtin labor re
quires much blood at tlio brain, and an
ever-wor!:i::g intellect uses up so much of
both blood and nervous force that thero is
not enough remaining to do tho work of
"On the other hand, demnced digestion,
is sometimes produced by two little exer
chn of the brain. Persons are frequently
mrt with who have been in active business
life, and. h ivio'.r neeumulated enough to
satisfy their ambition, have retired from
business. INTow although the brains and
bodies retire from active life, yet tho poor
slomaches very often have their tasks iu
creased. Ifa man has been for a long lima
accustomed toeatitig heartily and working
hard, cither with body or bruin, he had
better not relax his working habits with
out at thu same time having a correspond
ing relaxation in his habits of eating. 'Ho
who will not work neither shall he rat' b
not only a Ihblo injunction, but a law of
the human constitution, tbe disoffedienco
of which is often attended with such de
arncpments of digestion nnd other bodily
infirmities na to render either property or
life of but little value."
A Lowell pardoner is marketing a fino
lot of lettuce raised under glass, hut with
out other heat than the sun's. At night
nnd during the coldest weather he covers
the beds with thick straw matting. Tha
piants occasionally freco, but he under
stands how to thaw them without injury,
and they go on growing again.
The seini-anuual interest of tho State
debt, amounting to over SOtiOO.OUO was
promptly paid cu the 1st of I't'ouarvby tho
Slate Treasurer.
A wniTE hoy asked a young negro what
he had such a ;,hort nose" fur ? "I specta
so. it won t poke itself iuto other people's
Tn.': kdics give as a reason forniarrying
for money, 't4;at they now seldom Cud any
thing ebe ia r. man' worth having.
A man was nrrestrd for drunkenness, on
Saturday, in llarrisbursr. Xot liking to
go to prison he made for the iiiver and
jumped in. He was fithcJ out aad taken
into custody.
$nmcrcu flutrli3.
Courting itw J.r S'iitictilt ics.
I made- the acquaintance- of a younnlady
once at a part v, who was rather good look
ing : and 1 being rather susceptible, of
course fell in love'
I accompanied tlie 3'onng lady home, but
had a very polite invitation front tho young
lady's lather to stay at. home 1 lint noth
ing daunted, I resolved to win Jane Ana
at all hazards. If anything, I rather liked
old H 's objections, for that made the
thing romantic, you know.
T-:s iTi'vt evening knowing that Jane
Ann vci-ld .be pt church, I borrowed a
horse ar.d crrriage from a friend, and went
there for the purnose of taking Jauo Ann
home after chuv'.h was over.
I am afraid I dA not pay mveh atten
tion to tlie sermon on that evening ; and I
thought, nt that time, it was the longest I
had ever listened to. Hut as everything
earthly has an end, so had the sermon; and I
thouuiit it the happiest moment of my lifo
when 1 assisted Jane Ann in my carriage.
We, of course, took the longest t oad to
Mr. 11 'a. possible, nnd an it was in tho
oppisite direction from my horse's home,
mid a ha had not had his supper, he did
not care much about going; but I at last
got him under way, and then gave my at
tention to my companion and commenced
conversation, which ran somewhat in this
way :
'LVar Janie. isn't this a beautiful
whoa, there ! Whete you going to;"
Tbe lift was addre'..-.ed to tlie horse, who
had sudtU-rdy taken a uction to turn around.
".jee bow Ucr.ciifui 'ho moon whoa,
there! Where iu Ihe diciitns are you go
i;;g ti ?"
1'h a horse was going square into tho
"Oh! Janie, Vv long wished for this
opportunity to whoa, there ' Confound
that lioise I 'fn long wished for tho op.
pofluiiily to ieli you how much I come
net of 1 1 r.t, ; o'l r.c'.-tuugcly.'r ! Where iu
the'i re u g '.tig to ? '
The horse was goin ; iato the fenc aain,
hul I iitiaighlciied him, ivvl commenced
a- ii-.i :
".'.'ye l"-ig wanted to teil yon, Jauie,
how nm 'h I l.ivo you come nut of that,
oil S'lii-uf-a-gmi 1 " U'hnt are vu turninj
i'r.Mi'i.I l.'r'. oli, J.ui'ie, if I thought
.hi v, hero thii ileiie.j arc you going f
M 'i 'a, ilifit! !--lot me hail' as well a
t'oiil'.j.iml that hiuo ! VI'".-., there ! I
love ) l - collie out i f tht.t !-I'J bo Jii r-
feet.- linn th .t la r.e ! Whoa, there !"
1 t.:i . 1 . 1 I it! ; the h,.r, turned squars
arm lal, up.i ttiug fhe e.iriia.'M and break
ing r. a 1 'o smutli, but fortunately not
lilii tin;; ,': : 1 : cr I. 1 Walked llJiiltl With
J.u.e, L.t 1 u '.I luiU.ed my iiH-ech.
The c.i ing- ' " .1 n o lo; ly d"llars to gt
it rt paiiitl, mill I ii.iteii l u.dulged la lb
luxtij i f iitlhti"; iu lutu kiprit.
Kursv lllut by III Ict-I.
An nnnitiug hit i.iuni mcurietl lately oa
a M.-Mttippi oieaoii r. Just licl't' Vtcks
but'; a I.11111IV g"l mi b.iid, on tneir May
I 1 I'. .it. i bii iii Ihu alit 11. 0'lii this paler
J in iU'U coin In. I j.l Im tvuu d tnjoy thu 1 1: y .
my "fa '.'."'.I kiiave,, Ou., and
fir this jaiipu.j sppl.'Vl til tl y .'I14iil4v
111. 1t t.j ftesiiier. 'I bs bui.iy t4
I . ,.1,.) Mi.;,;., ' I . I S'l I St I IS ri'ijltl'kt,
I : li', im lu ott t lid lintk. it ttei'u tottlc4
I'l.. 1. 1 H t.i iV :''! I I Iti I hliukliett by l'i
ll4 o lb.! 4 I'l't I . I I.I tl'.t.'.k . H4S
I.i. lot I i- I .it I i.i! lot 4 "f li. 1 ,'IHII.J hi
tt uu ill ll... ll lliklil in it . el, lot ! licit t'l
tit 111.111 I I In ) .... I ui.i' .11 ; t iii I ,t. I'l '4
t.L.ii la t.i t il'.i 1 I" .1 0 I 'th .1
In. i.e.e I.. It ..i. 1 t t- J .. t ll , a tot I. ur
lied l . l .t : .ia: I'. iiu i; 1..I1 'i i'u I . uy
I'Ct.ta itiu. 'l Itul )u kt In. ( si l.
i...,r bt hit i. 'ii ', l'ii 1 1 n 1. 1 by lli Inlni
ki 11 id' iu'i 1 ut ti e kup" Mvi. ki.d
4 llil.ll 111. ti Vl.k llf l.l I4U4 l.liu-
t. llt i .iiiuiiit ; tt.M k.ii 1 I 4s a Im
pu Ul. IU 4-1. Il.j le.l l I tl' LU. ltIS
l. . .t V ll "4 l' A 1 uti I Sli t
l.t. U.4IUC . o. i., 1, ii Li la lis
I l.l:, II ti I. . . r w '.. .11 .) i ' 1 1,
I i ii.i ii.i ' ' 1 'it ,.4. 1. .1 il. 1 1 .J
HU i,.i 4. tint I J "hi J.I.U," t k't. ft' Hi lot it
f' W.t lit , Ht.l kv e iss ti. I .l I
i tm nj
f.l IHKf It, ISSJ . f
M'"'.11 fjXf III b.eiS kk