TllSJii AlflTV or V,m,-Look Oct Ton Mick ox fnriT Turks IVovr. Mice br vd rapid'y, and il may m t be generally known t hit an iipivanse number of tlic:u nic tii:f.nll-,-J.'.iMyi-(l, in nuliia.n, by the liilir.y; oT rh-i la-nnml Willi venter nud i.s'i:. This i" ot'.o of Nature's mod. -if clux'k'nj tho multipiieuiiou cf those posts to a de'eo that w.h'UI iM ikc them wowa tlv.oi the fi;'3 bl ' V wv t. Hut the past autumn mid inter, thus far, have been in many parte f'f tho cnuhTry ilnprcctlcutciHy dry. Wis hour from amnu seeiions of to profit n lack of water in oiMorns nnd wells, that much anxiety is toit for the result. In onie titles l he fountains are so ctunpU tcly dried no thnt lar;o vva. tiit! vatrols are? j runtii?d to watch against couiiiiraiioiis. j With tho ubove) SV.ris in mind, it will l- j well loi" ail having frail nml ..thcr trcs to look out that tl cy aie not eirdled bj tho j nvco Hint still l.tiuow iu tiie dry anil. We j will rciiH-inbt r, iiono' twelve or lll'.ccii f yenis, nl'lui" such a dry nu'.utnn, there; I were ! uudreil:i . f tlmuanmla of fruit tree j L'irJ!'d nml destroyed soon after tho fuel i r.t a 'y fail of snow! Iu many cmu'S lare ' on'oai'iis wen? ruined. iie'o seldom, if: ever, j;naw a bare, trep, or one arov.iul which the snow is firmly trampled. The' simplest proiccthn, therefore, against their 1 nvais, is to fill;, r keep the snow cleared ; away from any tree or .shrub in -.hinder, or to trample, il linnly ihrwi around I he trunk i as soon as :t falls." To Icve a light mow i n round a live for it day or ni'ol will fur nish a .".!'..! ever for the depredators to : work under. Tarred prt per pi t lroiuid a tree, and cxb'iidinir unlcoi tr.iee iiu l.i Iron, the .i'jiin.1. rod held by n r.'ri'iu', if a further sau -unn; won!, ;.,-J'.-i.!iiis; f r all vaU'ai)!'! lii" i1.. t:.-cr. Inc ri.:i:s felt, Batumi...! with C 'i'l-'.ar, cm he botiltl '' inches wide f ir o lo 7 ictus a yaui, in la rue ies, and :-.i-.'u yard v.'iil cut g as in , laaka six piec?s for lives not mors than (ij . iiu lies in dia'iiiier, ar twelve pieces for i trocs ass tii.-.u three ineiies i'l dniiiieter. 1 .l;i cr'fo?i I'.TiVfr''nV j Tatxt ion r.vnjt Bt'iLDiMo. The 1 follre.'i;ig is fp'iii the Cr.iuaixe Maunnl of I lb.- Unitid i'uik's Afuiv : 1 J,-i..-u-Ts J'.'iuisvdve 10 ft'S. of! elic'.'aa ia 10 pi.l'.'as oi ii.i!:iiii; water, a.l-' diu u.) aa-.Kv.i oi'-ial. r.iti'. .Mix lo.s da- ! tiovt .vitii an .n. ipi.mti'y ol'paint prepar ed iu tl.v ni r. The paiiil. is j teji: ...iiw.-1 ..a-.! ! :uv. !: . 1 hie . '.L'd on my stnble (on ua.hioc:! , ;i".l ib.! acivn .il the weather iy as r a M- iv, but sunnily pieep lible. ' . '.,'( !;.'. liissolve i i :"- i:i ea Ions ol'w iier ; let Ii Mift'l-z ii f.v.i ot tlireo 1 .a ; inns fioni the botlon; ; vs,' i! ;. for toe ami . i;:.i;ti it l tho cansiso i:c y ef nfciiiary wliiio ve.ti. hvur.iul.e rt:nct;i niual ,n ipi.n.iily to llie linV.i us.-J, ami i t el( an .j.'.ml ealioii" ol wash. M;r : ii :V. o'untly to prevent tita sand fivui set tiiat'. 'The walls s'iu!d first Vv i-cu v'.eatu.l "f ; list ai:J ihijrouhiy wet iVor.i the iio.i; ol'a wr.teiin.'-pot, vud ihc"WH:b apt tiled (in the '..111,11 way) aier," be-i;itun at i ao ton, laying on ih"cua't horizontally i ami linibhiu it veiiiealty. iietorc lea villi; the work at any time, ' fuiisli tin: course o n ictint iu ties wall, to: prevent mailing a iii.'uk in the color vhere i ill" t-o couiM! to a joint in the wall, 10 ' jivcvcut tnakioir a maik in th color where ll'.e t'.vo uuiirHiS join. Tiii.i Hash has been 1:007, :: to 'as. lilleen years with out ivpilr- " ii)$ renew?. I- " , i-'or :t ; ' :-'fiio "!".r, add larrp : Wftck Jw!"rj!y d.-.-JofCu 1 .'. V ..v. ' .;:..v.i:E or .i.i;;a"i.itKti, .nc.'t-r.t'.-i ... the. mnikou f"i' rjv: a.tot:-? is ap- r-.;t:hiiu we tr-iM that woV: i i,..t In as-s'.iii-!i too much in we.-.-'u: f.ti-'iif-. 1 1 i - I luoso n i: ii. r I i si il to fa. Ile'v :; rev -.1 at ruciTn r iuoe wi:u!i'i ;il .ail!. ' Uec-. r v.. "t in n-t'-tbi-c to 1 "'i i:rtl- i. i'tii a i. We hive tried rUett iheia nf.aiust t aiwa', - wiio the tiVv; fir? r. van ! V.'o L : tart, Ihui' e ; . i V, .! u iho .-'111.:;' ui'oloii of doli .i.i.i:'. " '.vhjch i I !.ob:i.!,!. and c- r.:.r.!ii at the v. iuviiteu o v:U iu vh iii'.?T t! 1 t iiv-: il i over and ov . en,' iiirmei" iu ih ao in in:; luitobL':; ion! 1 Norway '. als" :.vul jforo this r i:e is not lat ler. 1oiIcl.i1 il oreuiaiiicd arrant Rwiiidlo by maoy. any liu.e For ourselves we Wotihl not at i vi- i ..ul l lie pio e "i eoiooi.'ii ( r :r ; aiei li'oai ad ilia ial'ovir.ation VI' O.s;;-,,. ;t ; ; ) ,,v pP.lli VO tllllll '.ular'uie is on.y froai twvivy - u" V oMiirty i...-'ius to tli: liusiicts. m id r.l i'.vo , : t'lrve .vuH 5c-: per biu'i.i l the.i w liito or. I i. Vud el how many faruleia nitoa ed I lieu Menhir.; 'Jr., ?i !v,i he sold by it 1 (.- r-jIOONC. (ill IN Its' UiK mneis "y. '.il ioitij at the the. riti: :e..if r '!;o ' f. the .iii'-a' and rve lieuls in the : ;,! tt wiM.'d l e cloud ei mueii nioie lec'p.e"...! than it is. Ocf:isii.:'.!!s the vt inu r ;:' fcl'.iiie; ha Ve iieeli so t'avoralili i ll'.cc c-r.i s a& led to r.'-ndi t it u. ei .s;.-y aa-i .bmbilcfs adds co'.iah i able io ihi ir pi o.lic-tiv. u Ti.j toawious end fifcKiiu of ;'.e i;i-,,onl, till" ovhi; or spew in.; out ti'.i' roo'.s and i o.-in llu 'o ! t the ill io," v. iuos of l'i b .'.I'd .' 1 u :i, i rv -ei j..,i.,':v ...:;'. , iiu .'.. l'ae:i..f a r '! r uvci 111 .o:ai is 111.' v..;l i-, ,:! ,..,..r l';,. l. ; ivc- P,,,.;. te.e imc . i i!e ir 1 1 ih , :.o ! : '. . ., i;.i . , a .'.-! ..; 'Mi ci,. .;. l!:c mi,,; o oi hi. h ' a1 ip iiliel it. ,ti u 1. This i, I I -e- iaaii', r, .!.! uh - oi'd !..!; at os e. i.'.'i.'i: Wc h ie no d nor. i!i..t r,.!iui.' "!c Vt r 1 1 : -. 1 Up bv I t v; Ir. a. ill'.,' h.ill I'.-l ' . ' r badly lluMti o ! -tu- a tii' 1 1 I It '(,vro7i, .'I u,i', - Mr. v '-. late " out .; id,-, .s II io. .iuiv on 1 ., li c"' i Mil . . .' I.1.0 i !S D. ;i 1 01. rn'..'- :o .,',. ..' Ti o. 1 1 .: M - ic v . in I, is 1 !U ihc- enl..lni iu Ail-t di. i.o'v J in it.p'.i, 1 p. H 0 i.ia a f -. . k , ,. - ti i, 1 l.a 1 1 1, 1 I I., It I 1 ,1 I 0.1- .t r, 1 1. o 1 t I II. I li .1 ul 1. II, 1 II. e 1 1 In o . .. I 1 . t n I, b. i, 1. 1 I 1, Am HI li I' O.ll' 1 ill I 111) .. . 1.1. ,; I . 1 1 ... ,. oil 1 1 k.i. I t t I tttCC!!?. MAMMOTH CASH STOttE, MARKET SQUARE. BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWAKE, CEDARWAUE,; QUEEXSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Drugs, Paints, Oilaj&c. JU5T OPTINED A NEW ASSORTMENT FRF.CH FROM TKE nrr. DKY GOODS. BLANKETS, OVERCOATING, CASSIMERFS AND CLUTH3, LVD1ES' DRESS GOODS, BILKS AND 8I1.K FOFLINS, AITACAS, SHAT.-LS, Uh ev?r? kind of 'FoncioN and Domestic Dt Goods, GiTcerles or every XlnJ, Colfee, Teas, ttnar, Molssees. r:!i, Meat, tin! cver'thlne In tie G re cry !tue. HAP.nV.'.'PJ' of every dcriptlon an aa tiirliifs -variety of cutlory. QL' EE NSW ARE of every variety rnl qnaiity. BOOTS AMD SHOES of the best manufactures ia the Country. WALL PAPER aa extra assortment soluble, for any Rooms. NOTIONS of every dl.-criptinns. FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, TiiINTS and OILS of the b;;t quality. All of which will be told at the very LO'.VEST PRICES. A' ifte'e r""ils hiv.- eeen bounht for cash, tV' '. la. .ae . lopiircbiisers . ire offered, l.'.nl au.i e. inline i lie Jnoiirne fto. I. I!!. Y. ritXI.I.YU. S'.'.eb'.ey Nov. t'l, 1S70. DANIEL LV.sLlI.R. A.J. FILLER KXT11A GOOD BARGAINS .IiiKt opened at'l.e r.ore or Messrs. LRj-111-11 & MILLER, la Seo'.fs HaiMini: on QVEE?.' :JTr.'tET, N'OUTHUM 11EKLAN1), 1'ENN'A, A LAUGE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Coiicrrisinc ."H 111? Fall and Winter Ptyles cf l. i. la.-' Div-.' llnoils. Woolen Goods itc, Clnlhs, i asiiiirn :tr.c! d.-ic it ntr nfc o,o S eeiieraey. wh'.eh will ail be co!fl at it it bar--.iai. (ilKK-ElMES AND PROVISIONS. oi'a'l I.',::.'.-- and of every eiesei iiitii'.n. (tiieeusiiari', J tnsiiiarc auU Mil- BOOTS AND SHOES for Men, Women and Children. rj.Ol R AND FEED ofall kinds, la constantly Kept on h.oid. They will ali-o pureh.uo GRAIN OF ALL KIND.-, rt :r,-l.!l:ett i.,.i:i,et price, icn.l will nol:au5 ",,o In lm tli.ii:1. 'I lie pauoi .... tn'l'.efi io rail mid I'Xaiiiine our ' iiau e n-.rl nietit e t-or .1 ln-i.ire iin. 1.1.1-111 ei-. a l.rie. and b-.r. .pv e 'i ..ill , r tir eslal'li- U- Lr.rdltR A N.T.h A A 1 1 ' 1 ?cpt. 17 1? 7.;.-i. (..HAM) I I.I. OFENING or NEW SIC'IIK t.OODS. ,ite a-.'iiniei.l ol ,n). arc uc-w bring .I I ,1 MOOKE it lUssixtiKU-S STOKE, th.iii'.'- !!a.;.t.i ;, M.nk.t sn -el, tUNDl '.V. I'liN'.N'A. c .a.'.' n uf f I.' 1 Ti is am c. ; iv ..':: , ri:i ; A t.r.ctus, ii t, .v.. of ne.y ' ,1, :,'i....t., La 1 ' ' , . i.l '.- I'l. 1 in Ii... j I!t'U(l).11utl ilolltlui,, w-. oOu i'.!i.i..ii, t'n, 1-. 11.; c.i..s, 1 ill. 01 i.Lini i;n, . 1.1 a .it , W......Vtiie, 1.: c . u .ii r, Ac, ... I Ur otiil I rrd. 1.1 lin ir iiu! .1 Kilt. I k i.f 1! . 1 ':- . I e-lt I in Uh 1 i-l. . 11 a .. . ! 1 in y ut d, U-i iioiiid 1 j Iiu u up i'. I ii : no 11 1 .a o II k i 1 . M SJICI I'l !... t'l r pi. "Lie la!.-1 la r MuiiK' i H'-slNdl It. III l4.; n i-. 1 (-. 'Il , l l .1 I II T ;.'l..ii. .a A Iti It I I 1 I ' v i. 1 1 1 1 .1 f It,.. I. s I . Itt 1 i.l' ... ? CI I ' I 11 1 1 1 I I si , I vl l.S' I 1 1 ... l'i I l'i 1 li. I N .. e t : iu 1 1 1 b.11 li I a 1 1 , I : i. - t. a I I" 1 . ; 1 .1 . , . ml u Hlv, .l., ,tc THE 'tiVNUI'RY CATTLI AM-K COflPAKY. Ofpktf 8. S. Ton. Mjlmkbt PyiiiB, tcxmmt Ta. INSURE YOUR CATTLE 1 TlIK ONLY COMPANY THAT PAY PROM IT I. Y. THIS Company ry nil lof by all klmls of ncrMonH-bv leth, (pxeeptli.K In cne of cplilomlc,) by tlioft, At., Ac. They pny prompt ly. No red Inno proceedings tu outalu Jour money la cnnflo9. Look at the lii-t of Loie paM ltbla lx uionths by this company i M. llcnnlnircr, Biltibary, P. Hiliroit, NorlliuniburlanJ, 9. B. Dixlire, " Oconto Eckei t, " Cli.irifs HollohjMt. Caruiel. Eiismuk Sipplr, " Catharine Wnirner, Wiitsontown Geo. licit, Northumberland Jacob Snvdor, Bunbaiy, J. W. liasslur, " Minor ('arty, "iVwnvt, CutliHrlne Nlnrlr., Sharaokin, Frnncin Bivrlinr. Biitihury, Samuel Price. Oiicr Lehlirh, (38 83 .'.0 00 80 00 40 00 SO 00 40 00 B0 00 A ppl lent ion can be wade at the home ofilcaor to lUc dill'uronl Locid Atrcnl. C. J. HUUNER, rrnident. C. A. REiMRNSNYnrat, .S'if';i Snnburv. Director Solomon Stroll, Win. Ililnille, Clias. M.n tin Thomaa Bahly and John A. hiealer. December 11th. ly. Agricultural Implement!, HOK'8 Grain ltakct, Steel and Iron Garden lt;iWi. I.niur Anil 1) Itiinilln Knu.l.-s. Khnr els. Manure and liny Forks, tirass and CJ rain j rcvthcH, dralu tr.n!l'!, ( radto t inirers. Trace, ll;cal, Toniruc and Loir t'hninft, trind-stones, Kiuininn Mill Seivps of all sizes and kinds, a larjre asooitmcnt id' Red Wairon Haines, for flowing, Farm Bd!, Cultivator Teeth, lor snle by J. II. CONLEY CO. A OV.XTI.K.MAX'W AKD-ltOUE. A MA MMOTII STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING II0US2, Thip.d St., One Doou Below Mamkkt St., St'N'Bt'RY, Pa., J. M. ZIEGLER, Paoi'niRTOiu FHENCII & ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VESTINGS, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA- j l R1ETY. ; ! Embracing every rjoality and styles (ht the j New Voi and Philadelphia Markets afford, ; vhk'lt will '.eiaadi'iip to order by the best of work- I I mm, .n rsuled to lit and render eutire satisl'ae j lion.' MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. j The largft assortment in town. Embracing cvfrylhi'ic ff Gent lameu's wear of the late-t nvb-a. tall and tee my stock, alsothe luteal I fabhions, before ptrclmsiug elsewhere. I J. M., j I (suceassor to Thomas U. Nott,) I Thil l ft. .one door below M.irkcl, Suubury, Pa. J Kanfcaiv, .Jan. IS, 1S70. UKCin AM) FAM:Y C'.lHIiS. DAVID FRY, T r.SVF.CTFl'LLY inform the eltiiens of 8uu JlV bury and vicinity, -that he will bake to onler all kinds of CAKES foil RALLS, PARTIES, e. F.imil.js are supplied with FRESH bllEAD, Tnist, Hoi Is, Rio-k, Tea Huns, iVc, and also kept er. band and niaiiHluetuicd out of tho best All oraers left at his Shop in Market Square, oce door east of .Mies Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Spruce Street, between Front and Second streets, w ill meet w ith prompt attention. MALLS AND EVENING PARTIES supplied with Calies, Jce-Creum, c., ut the shortest notice. Ordsra are respectfully solleiiei. viYiu mi. i tatitvcry, Dec. U, 1SC8. Act, II. V AT TMH OLD PLACID ! rj'MtE n:beiitier nnnonnees to the citizens of j A. bitiibui v that, havimr iiiraia erected his I1H1ME ami i'AKE j KrfTABLlSMENT, r.a'ihe olu place, where it was recently dentroyed by, he is ."train prei.aivd to supply them with I all loads of Bread atd-C tikes, such as I BROWN USE AP MILK BREAD. Blii-.A!) BAKED on the HEARTH, I nnd a full line of FANCY CAKF9, Te Buns, lto:,s.uiil i wiyiji. Aio, an 01 iwOiiieeituu itries at ill. shop (el Third street. Hi vicar euinle- ed a lirt-t-plus3 baker from the e-iv, ho ii. pr m;ed to uive general satisfaction la hi- liuetf biiKiuena, and eVfiret-till to give him a lilul. B.-fud aud Otke delivered 10 customer every inoriiiiitr. ICE CREAM. An lee Cream Saloon has becu oiencd In eou nect'ioi! with the above biisine-s, and a Ladies' Saleon lilted up, where the txt Ice Cream will be served up every evening dmim the season. VM. II. 1IAA3. Sunbury, June 11, 1870. Ayer's Cathartic Pill3, ?yp all tho parpoies of a Laiatira Perlians 110 one inedi ems it uaiver-allv iv. ipiiicl tir eveiyli.tily a a ctiinill itur'wa- evr aav l.ijt -o uutiersal I. ad tjit I lato ate. iti teerv 'uaaley ;i:id anioiniT all .1.1--o , :'l I. lit lulU ic.U aent pilfjflliv J'tti. 1'ae itbi iua, te.i o:c is, Ut tl .tl. x iuo:v :e luiile ami I Or nmie eiK-e. ItiYC. reat'dy ncia any "-,J - .alter. I'llJM) who t.41 0 tr I h, kii'iw Hi a it rureit lae 11 ; lliu v 11 li t I1.00 uol, 101.01 a lire llieir nei.ilMtis .iitd li load-., an I nil knoiv tit a nil..! a .litf. ua e a itikt 4 tliat tl nuvei- I..IL tloellll iili Unit at tteli t"f lli i-..nii.ill'm. Wo It 11c Hiull'tiliiL ICM'ttl tltou- onlt . eel till-'ate J ul liieti-re-itarkubli' ect.e. 01 lad folluH in 1 'ii.l on.-., I ut .it' ll t nut. ate kituwu 111 net y n, unb'ni.ii 1 1, and iieoil liiulnu uieia. A-l i I:n lo .ill iti.'t itlld eitni.iliiitlv III all I'll. It lie; oiit.i.uuiiC nearer iMlontel ur any iteletei'ieus .1. uif, I'icv inuy lie laken null safely by anybody. '1 lieir s.i;.tr I'u.tliliiC ii'ti,et'ie. IIi.mii eier Iro-li and lu:.kes l!. n y,da.aik to I ikr.Mlt lu If-i.K (tuit ly v.'el.iLil 11 1 Iv.tiii r:m artitf fotat i:ieir uhi hi 'iity .u.uiiiiy. Thcv ioilo by la 'o i,iveel:;l l.trl.tea on Ihe nn," a il viscera W iini'v the bl I and sti-ncilaU it tt .'ultiiv s ti at .c eiti o e ilie n 'i.l ru lions 01 (ae il'iiua. n, Inni-ls ht ir, and niner tote'iiis 01' llio I" It , re .luictlil llivli' Irreai'lar ut Imu lt Itu-iUll an I b iit.-iv li cit, AlMtrever lli.-y t i -.1 . ui'h Uurittj 111011U is ate the ite.1 iti ixin of lliniilo dire tiiiiii mi) 4 1 veil in lite wripjier on li.O I111S, I ir IhS lolbllllilj COIUpliUIUS, Will. It IllSatl ftl: 1 t Uv rute : tr ISy.tirK.l4 ur ll(-lsll.ia. I.Ullrss. sirs. I.isj tsittr and wf I .irlil, Ctt-f c. 1 ad U' i..s. ,, it ! . Oily l.t .It iiiil.ttu lit sluia s -Ic .md re t o 1 11. 1... ttOiv l ata icinl .t tict. l'i I arr ruiHit4lnl an. I u- n.i ok sycci. l.'.ii-, 11 limss tf t.4.1 ta.i. Ilra44rtia, J .ustsaiifi t S4e.i'a tsis'tusi-a. sstltuciss) mI b.i.t IIiIIhii A tsi rrs. Umv sii.tato Un jco ill i.tii.l,, liissti in. i-.t '11 ..a -i-, 1 1 '.tile I ' w .li-j.ii (1-1 urn in t. iii.'iu il.j o 1 o 1 !. 1 .1 1 a In II rnu it It. I t li tii. ur lliarriiiaia, b it uao mad d l' t . I l'i. tl' 1 tr i'ilit-.l lit IfchfuttittMsiw. Wtsul. Ctr4rl. llol. irtttua ml ls Si'4il, k'A.i its ills ttiitM, k at"! I.itti.s, Uici stc.i .1 1 I.. ....ii, Issi.- 1. ss mijlii. . I t' t'litwc tiibtli.i iK I . I'.iiiiif l,i V. 1O1 si. -I. . ksiijs euntplautts I 1 lrii tl. . . 1 .. J" r 1 ..i 4 . t Naijrt.iti.4 i il i.i. I 1 . i ,1- o i v h ...1.1 Ut .ik$ -1 .'.. to t'lii it ir- ItH t ti, let; tittl d' M h4 l . 4 f ,..!. f 'l 0 , I. V ' U I. Ill ,t i, l.i n',. ,.lvtf , .1 a .. .1 .'.'i .1 I 1 mi. !.,! A ' i ttt'. t It C I . It'll II I'll. Sl.l'S.l.t., it II.',. m 11 1 'iiy. it S'i- ib I 1M t tut 1. Ml. .tl.l I I .1 .. .I-I'lf l. ,l,(.. .tfl, ,l-. I o i"ii o.ii . a .in.'. 1 n 1 0, 11 4 i... ' I't't. ... ifc. I .III- 1 1 1 I.' Ill ll'lui . 1 ...t. ! .1.1 .in 1 .... 1 ii.ui sliMf 14s. I if t U ij tl.lslllS i l. 1 1 U 4 I I utti i ( -ssss. I'. I. liVtf j UH ' hi I. t4s , t. a. 4. VI 411I.M, !.' U. IIPOS.IUI H A I1KSHIK, U tSI f t) II CVHe ur lloM t Hllo:n, Uf i'"Si Wsil.1,1 husia hunbaif. l I. I 11 It "I H I 4 I It. I'll .,, .. . 4 c '"i st li-l.. I l.'Jii Oldt( kl ll'.i s,o. U 1 I 11'. it II ! SU lla A 1 a zii 3 fMcal. BAI.T1MORC LOCK HOSPITAL. K8T AllUSnEn A8 A RF.FUHK FROM quack, ear. TUB ONLY PLACE WIIERE A CUBE CAN BE OBTAINED. an(J mM Ktftctlull Remj, In the Worli tlj fPriTllte DtooMM, We.ikne of the Buck or Limbs, btrieturea, Aflectiona of Kldnaya and Klaadcr, luvoluutary Uiaehargiw, impoiancy, General Debllily, Xervousueaa, Oyapepiy, Lan Ituor, Low Spirits, Coofuilon of Idnaa, Palpitn lion of the Heart, Timidity, Trenblh.g,Dlinuea of Sight or Ulddinaaa, Ditease of the Head, Throat, Noie or Skin, Aflcctkma of LlTer, Lunpa, Ktoinneli or Ilowels Ibese terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary irnotlce more fatal to their victims than the souk ot Syrens to tho Mariners w uu j or Ulysses, blightm their most briiuniit nope 50 00 , of nnticipalluus, rendering marriage, tc., bnpos- sa aa I ,iuic. 60 00 I tOVNOMEN 0 00 1 especially, who have become the victims of Soll 40 09 i tary Vice, that dreadful nud destructive habit B0 00 i which annually i weens to nn untimely itrave thousands of yonnif men of tho most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who niltht other- i me nave cnirnueea iiMeiuiiK cenaies wun me thunders of eloquence or waked to eestacy the living lyre, may call with full coiitldcuee. MARRIAGE. Married Fi rsons or 1'ouni; Men conteinplntlnK I marrlairc briii)t aware of physical weakness, or : iranlc debility, 'deformities, in-, speedily cured. I He who via ccs bimself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously cnntlde In his honor as a (;eiitle mnii, nml coiiHdvntly rely uoii his skill us a Pb- siclan ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, nnd full VLror Restored. ' This Distresslnic Atfertlon which renders Life miserable and lnarriairc hniossible is the penalty paid by the victims' of improper indulircnccs. I Younif pcrsonsare too apt to commit excesses from not belmr aware of tliedrcadfulronscqenccs ! that may ensue. Now, who that understands I the subject will pretend to deny that the Kiwcr 1 of procreation Is lost sooner by those falllinr into ! Improper habits than by the prudent I Besides ! belnd deprived t lie pleasures of hciilVny offcprinc, 1 the most serious anil destructive symptoms to both ; body und mind arise. The system becomes de 1 ranixed, the Physical and Mental Functions j Weakened. Loss of Procreative- Power, Nervous ! Irritability, Dyspepsia, Pa.lpiUt.lou itf the Heart, t Indiifcstlon, Constitutional Debility, a Waslimj of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. I OFFICE, NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET ! Loll hand side goliiK from Baltimore street, a few )or from tbe comer. Fail not to observe utiine and number. Letters must be raiid and contain a fcamp. The Doctor s Diplomas bane; In bis otllce. A CCRE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. No Murcurv or Nauseous Drugs, j DR.'JOHNSTON, ' Member of tlii KoynCollego of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent ' Colle'res in the United States, nnd the itrealer part of hose Ife has been pnut in the hospitals : of London, Pris, Philadelphia .void elsewhere, I has illeeted some of the most astonishini; rures that were tver known i many troubled with rinu im; in the bead and curs when asleep, treat nervousness, lielnif alarmed at sudden soands . baslifiiliiefs, Willi frequent blushlmr, attended sonu times with derangement of uiiud, were cured iiniucdiu.telr. I TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured ! themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary j habits, which ruin both body und mind, unlitting 1 them for cither business, study, society or mar- rlate. ! T uasE are some of the sad nnd mcluueholy I elleete produced by early habits of youth, via: ! Weukuess of the Buck und Limbs. Pains 111 the ! Back and Head. Dimness of Siirht, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, ! Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Diu'i'itlive I Functions, Jieneral Debility- Symptoms uf Con- sumption, iVc. j MKMaLia -The feaffVil ctfci'is on flee mind tuuehte be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con 1 fusion of Ideas. Dnprcsslon of Spirits, Evil ! Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Holitintc, Timidity, Ac, ure some of the evils produced. 1 Thocshmi.h of persons of ull aires tan now , j inlet what Is the cause of their dccliuiiiu; health, lofting their vigor, becoinini;, weak, pale, nervous . and eiaaeiateii, having a siuirular apearuHce ! about the eyes, cough and symptoms of cunsuiup I tion. YOUNG ME.V Who baTe Injured themselves by .1 certain prac tice in lulire;! in when alone, a habit frequently ; learned Ironi evil companions, or at school, the etti-cts of which arc nightly felt, even when I asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Impos sible, and deslrot s both 111 led und twdy, should ' apply iinmediateiy. What a pity that a young man, the hope of bis country, I lie darling "of his parents, should be ; snatched from ull prospects unci enjoyments of 1 life, by the consequence of deviutla tor, uy me coiibeiuuitcu Ol ucwituug liotll due path of nature and indulging In a certain secret I usdii. oucu persons u st, ot lore couiempiaiiug j MARRIAGE, I TcBeet tlnit a sound uilud and body are the most I noeeesarv requisites to promote ronuubial happi- itese. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes a weury tilgri:uage ; she prosjiert hourly duikciis to the view ; the mind l,coiuc shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly rellectlou, that the bappiucss of another becomes bliirhled with our own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of plrusiira tlitds that he has Unbilled the seeds of ' (Uis palnlul disease, it too olten luipK'its an ill-liiatd sense of shame, or dread of discovery, I deters lilni from applying to those who, from j education and rcspeetttbility, can ulone b. liieitd I him, delaying till llio constitutional symploni ut 'this horrid disease make their apicarauee, such as ulcerated sore IhriMit, diseased nose, noclnral pulus iu the head und limbs, di unless of siirlit, ' deafness, nodes on I lie shin bones und aims, blotches 1111 the head, face nud evaruutiUcs, pro ' gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the : palate of th.i iiioulh or Ihe Iioihh of the nose fall , in, and the vti'liiii of this uwlul disease becomes a b'.rrid object of .ci,uiujii.f ration, nil dculli puts a period to ItU divadful sulliiiug, by sending hliu lo ' that Undiscovered Country from whence. no traveller returns." ; It Is a iiieiaiit holy fact that thousands fall vic ' Uuis to this urrilile disease, owing to the un.-ki.l- fulness of lfnol.iut prtteiiders, who, by the use 1 of that " Deudiy Poison, Mercury," ruin the ; roustauliou aud make, ihe resl lus of life nilsera 1 bl.. STRANGERS , Trust not your lives, or hen Uh, In Ihe earn of the ma 11 v Unlearned nod Worthless Pretenders, desliliile of kuowledge, name tt" i lta'arur, Iiu ropy Dr. Jolinslou's aduali-i turjils, or style Iht iiiselves iu Ihc ue n..i,cii, rmuhir'y E lu. aie l I i.tns, Incapable ' Curing, lluy keep you , Iriliiug iiioulh alim uiiulti taking Iheii llllhy nud ; iniisouuiis ruuiitt..ds, or as long us ihe siualle.l lie call be .tmi.iitn-dt and ill ilespuir, ieuve you ullli rulisw! Ins UU lu .ibh over jour tal'iei, Uis apiun' nn ul, Jlr 1lol.nsl.1a is the only PI1y.lel.111 sdverll.ln.'. j lbs inUeuliuls ur diplomas ulwajs lisnt; In his : ultlcr. Ids remedies ur trealni. nl are uiiknoau lo all rubers, p. r j Kited fioin a life .piul in the liieul Itospil.ils ol Luco)!,., the lit. I lu Ibis country and a ittorr Pillule piaclue" lliuu an) ctUir I'liv.ii U.i iu lliu world. IMillM U N f OF UIK PKFbl. 1 Tits uiauy IliiiUsaiids cur. d al Ibis Inslilulluu )ur ull. 1 liar, and Ihe iiiiuuioits liuMiila.U l)ialii'tts iiloriiu'd by Dt. J'dtii.tuii, k am sc I lo lltv rt puitt is ul lui " i.u," " I ip. 'in, "ail utiuy oilier .iiti imlioi uf slmli liuit apiiacid a itu 4ad ah.tiu It-loir Ihe pulou , bi-.nlis his i'.iiiliiie, as a til 'i-itiau uf t it ii.ti-ur UI'd trsp .liSiUitll), la a suUliUul ,:utiiuuU' la lite ml! le I. kkl HloF ASHi tl II IUI V I I ItLi). Pn.utis 1 11 tun shuulil W Milti ului la ciu. cl' It'lj lltiir liUiisl.i Lis 111. uiitit.'a In tltr I'litiii. liig luut-bil, Jolllt VI, M. It. 1 IO lh aUliiut l.o. k llosj U4I, iS.iitoi.0.11, Ud. 1 iViUtasi) ii, i0 Ir. kl H II I t T bllOl. ' I'll I wuJ iia.d i.vilulif ludmbsilif t ni- ) A UH Vl fcJt) U4 lUtltil), lUst IU.) k.l 1 wrsut4 1 In m'l's huiS4.t.t(,uw lit uotis ul M"SI. ( t I " l.i IS Ik. I4'lua4. ' l'i- l "II st-.t 'III ! i' J tO ti.s imi4 "I II. . 1, I .... rivlt"!., si , u S..i..sli ul tiMs'i, ul Ik l"i.l p ill SI 4 ul lbs S.S4 1,111 ll S4' f 0tO ts I'.u If iir SCImishis sllf 1.11.11014:, I si 1. 1 1 iks;i 1 I ut imI u a.. 1 aio .s..4 kl IL.'( tkr. lull 11 I IK.I .' SO'll) I..I.I- i khtlfca awNftit. til I (ill M -If. NACIIINK NIIOP AND IRON FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIirvBACH & S0N9, Hnnbnry, I tun's, INFORM th public that they are pirpnrw to do all kinds or CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid or skillful mechanics, they are enabled ta execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, lu ner. satisfactory man- O rut en to null any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, or all sizes. - BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on baud. Also, THRESniNG MACHINES. Sunbury, June 18, 1870. CAU1NET M IKING AND TT 3ST ID E IR. T -A. B. L. RAUDENBUSH, Masonic Hall Buildings, SUNBURY, PA. PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, 8ofus nnd Lounges, Plain and Marble-Top Tables nud Bureaus, Spring and Cane seated C hairs of all grades. Rocking and KUelieu linlrsi, Otllce Chairs, Dining Tables, Sideboards and Sinks, Looking Glasses and Looking Glass plates of all sizes, nedstends, Mattresses, Bolsters, Pillows, Tow el R icks, Wasbstands, Cradles, Cribs, Children's Chairs, WINDOW SHADES of every color and quality. Window Shad fix ture and Tassels ol nil kinds. UNDERTAKING. Collins and Burial Catkets always kept 00 hand, or made to order ut the shortest notice. Tho uudciraVaed having bteu for years engag ed in the undertaking business In the citv of Philadelphia, is enabled to givu entire sutlsfac tiou to nil who wish anything iu this line. A splendid IIKARSE has been purchased for IiJDerars and persona! attendance giveu by W. 1. ROBERTS, Ageut. Oct. 8,J 870.-4 in. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! I A NEW NTOHE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM XEGELY HAVING opened a tiaw Furniture Stora at the above place, will constantly keep on hand, a large and select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch es, Laungcs Tables, Bureaus, t.aiie-fceated Chairs of nil grades, Itocklng and Kitchen 'hairs, Wash-tau(ln, Bedsteads, -.'al'icnesc, Cottage and Half Cottage, X ooking-Glasses, Window Shades, and in sl-ort, everything usually to be found In nny Well-kept Furniture S'ore, may be had at this establishment. Hoping, bv fair dealing and strict attention to hus'ueso, ') merit the patronage of the public. Aw invitation is extended to all desiring anything In the line of Furniture to call und cxainiue my slock. fiMlertakiug dona in all its branches. 1-0" Kepaiiin done ut short notite. JJFJ WM. NKGELY. Georgetown, June 11, '70,-ly. I.IMtlf.It AND I'LAMVU .TIILI,!. Third Street, adjoining Phila. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IliA T. 'CLEMENT, IS prepared to famish every description oflum ber required by the demands of the public Haviug ull the lalest improved machinery for iUKTiufaeturin;; Limber, he is now ready to till or ders uf all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, 'SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Tarn lug of every dencriptiou promptly executed. Also, A LAIIOK ASSORTMENT Or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac Ortlers promptly tilled, nnd shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. NTOVV: A TIN i:NTAHl.I.41I3IENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sl tl taJOK TO SMITU 4 OE1STUCB J HAVING purchased tie above veil known es tablishment, Mr. Kraute would respeetful- ) ly inloi in the public that he now has on baud a large assiri meiit of j I) ii U K 1 N G S TOVES, 1 peer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving ; Top, ( oniliinaiiuii, Susquehanna and others, j which arc so arranged as to he nsed for Coal or j Wood, and ate win runted lo H-rfonn sulisfaelori 1 Iv or 110 sale. HEATERS ofall kinds put up to 1 heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVE 1 of dillereiil kinds nl very low prices. ! Tinware of Every ItrtsrrtptVau kept constantly on hand. Koollng ami Spoiitlug i with the best material, done at tliori 11. 11 ice. I REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil nit I Lamps constantly ou bund. Japan ware of nil kind-.. Store cpposiltl Conluy's hardwaie store. 0ic lne a call. A. KItAl sE. apU't-ly M.MtlUV .M A It II 1. 1'. YARD. rtlIK llilder-igue.l having bouyht the eutlru 1 1. n. k of Itisinger A Taylor, wuiild luloiin 1 Ihe pub ic I bal be Is now ready lo do ull kinds of n m a m 1.1: noKU. In ou haiicl, and makes to order at SHOUT NOTICE- MouumicuI 1 llcuil-fktuuca. J or lV KUV srl a. . w . s' . All a .v il' I I it ill' !' 1 - H IHIIIlt AAII l.lIU P' I.Lfl Also.l diiule.y Po.ts witli Galvanized pipe uud all oilier leiieiiig 111 nerally us d 011 1 1 in, lei i.'. Ji'lt'i A. Tailor will uuitiiuue In llie eiiiplu) ui- ul, al th old .1.01,1 on M.i 1 kit bt..tuiibu. y . in.t y V OS nn: om.v htoi: urnioi r a I'tlET II THE (.RI'.iT llll.TI. ROME t lRI E IIEAIl tt, Bl UU'S ILLlMISATtO lifaMOND WA lil'KVEn. j wan 11 1 PAKl.GR AMI I II A M UK IIS Altf WARM tl) ' BY USE HUE. IT is lh unly tiriplut IKuur thai lu a mh li 1 1 I "p 1 11 h I , and Ins Ii out pullluk ui t ( . ' pu.iiiusi ul 11111111114 it' It. itpullllllUl. his lite only Kniplaiu ll.uler 4Ulli l.lritl lu.t.oiuul slsJSiim I') litt'iii l.hiiuiii.ii. ' .uk ut is t't'lullird llti ul llitjsiil lbs bints i ( iu, lit. ill ill fiu-illy uuitui.l, and Hi titulu hit. luted ul I iw s'.sjI Wviull wl lbs lual lu Hi issr I un. Il is Ike only flu p'e Is Pr ' l.j I kill I I'l uh I bt.u L.ttbsi, uu y ikiit kolas' 1 "i 1 l"ui I" 01 is. Ii t iu. 1.1) t'..p,..eo lli.uir wlik sile; lliu uli I il'titO'Ots l-le- Il i IL uu ) tVt.i 1 ti' II-a'.ir wtlk lbs in p ' kiss, 41114 b C'. u li i uebi-s, wu4 II H..I l.t.4 nt. Iut k1(tl lul.i lo butu .'Wl. 1 Ju I . I tl t. U k'il us'k'Usl Ht.litu lies 11. sin, H o't l .1.4 i i'i.( 11 i-i u4 Lluusl-I I " t ' ' l"f. ; itti4tio..4k4l llblll elliKCT. It tut... is, U4 Nml) Ulil II Islhlilklt, sul.t, ; fkuu'. i ..a t4, ,.y -if. Reeommended. nnd F.ndoracd by over ftcvca Hundred Doctor! DR. LAWRENCE'S Compound Fluid Extract ot EE O S TZ OOl ME GREAT HEALTH RESTORER I Not a Secret Quack Medicine Formula Around the Botllo. rREPAAF.D S01.ELT BY Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist. KOSKOO Strikes at tbe Root of Disease by PURIFYING TIIE BLOOD. Restoring tho Liver nnd Kidneys to a Healthy Action, nnd Invigorating Ihe Nervous System. This 1 tb Secret of Its Wonderful Success iu Curing Consumption In Us cnrlv stapes, Scrofula, Sy philis, Dyspepsia, Liver Coinpluiut, Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Affection, Eruptions of the Skin, Humors, Loss of Vigor, Discuses of Kiduey and Bladder, and all Diseases caused by a bad state of the Blood. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of Humor and Bad Taint, and restores the entire system to n healthy condition. It is beyond question the FINEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. Thousands have been changed by the rise of this Medicine from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, bcallhy, aud happy men and womeu. Invalids cannot hesitate to give It a trial. No medicine has obtained such a great reputa tion as this Justly aeleliraled coinpouud. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines. Editors, Druirtrists," Merchants, Ac, see K.OSKOO AL MANAC for this year. Price Cue Dollar rer Bottle. roit ix ut The Principal Driiggi'U in the United Stulas and British America. Dr. Lawuhnce'R Womam's Fbimid Cares all Diseases vceiilinr lo Feuiules. Nov. !:, 1S70.-1V. AVX. VV. SiOODT, n. IK, (Suceeesor to W. A. Bennett,) DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market Kquarc, Sl.VBlltV, Pa. Opened a fresh aud full assortment ot DItl'GiS AND IHEDHTNEN. unsurpassed Iu purity nnd freshness, aud kept constantly on hand. My slock will be fonnd complete in every article of merit in Medi- ciue. Physicians and Customer may ry muou J . . . . . . . ' proiuptuess and attention to orders. Just re ceived SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Fancy Article I My stock Is unusually large and embrace everything that can he found tut a Urst-clats Toilet Table, incl'..i'.iug Aiueiicuu nnd genuine French and English PERFUMERY, rorr.ades, Hair Oil, Ivory, ttalta Psreha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Fluir Tooth, Hail, Cloth und Paint Bri'shes, Ac TATENT MEDICINES. Embracing nil the most popular Preparations o the day, at mnnufacturers' prices. Pure Havana Eegare and Chew lug Tobasco of the best brands. Paints, Oila, til no, Glnscn, Patty, Yarniktiris, sic. All tny Tincturss. Syrups, OiUiinairts, Coral ei, und other preparation! are manufactured by iny self,aud from tbe lest luatenni he cau piocure iu Market. All my preparations as I have above lasscrlnd, are made from the be-t ni.ilei ial, and upou houor I niscil, lliey are of official strength. For medical purjioses, 1 keep ul. baud the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, thai 1 cau pi'ocuie. A full assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. The iitteiuioii of the ladies Is railed IS the Ingredients lo mauufaeiure wm lowers. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and couwince your o 11 uilud. Afler a iiuniher of year experience In Ihe practice of Medicine, he oilers bis Professional service, to the citizen of Siiubary. Private con sultations v ia be ba.t belweeu the hours of 10 and l i a. in., and 4 und .1 p. ia., ul his residence, In Bright 's btick row, second door from the east, Clieiluul etreet. WM. Vf. MOODT. Sunbury, Feb. 19, 1870. I'l.ORENt'E K E V I N ti 51 A V 1 1 1 N E. flMUS celebrate I Machine Is now nn exhibition 4 next ituur to Iviaustt s 1 lu aud olo blore, .Market Klrcet, Nunhury, Pa. The Florence Sewing Machine stand uarqual ltd for bcaiuv and diiriibiillv 1 being tbe best I F.iiuKy Sewing Machiu He tillered lo lice pub- lie. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED: It has self -adjusting trillion In Ih Shulll ; cba 1 'i;e- f"i Ihe various blilches while lh Tnaehiue I lu unit ion. p. Mii.lie. aie lite fctntdi r ofall fir htauty I an I llniib.lii lug ft 1 i l.c 011 1.. . I li .ill.', of I lie l ib. !c. Il sews h'l 1 an. I h"iivv filiilcs wilh iqu. 0 fa- tiny. Tin woe k w id Iced ruber liyhl ur left, i Rl us ion. Ill .Hid lapi l y. Nil d'llli itity rlnrr 1 i.'itci I ill . 1 wing arm. beaiy seitin.. lis mo j lions arr all p.wlliw 1 no sprin.s or rig w I. re's lu i;el mil nl outer. Tin lli-uiiii..r luins ' and o n 1 .iiv , linn and Ml I .1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 : 1 y . 1 li is 1 in ,1 mi B 1. :y .md i. ill last a Uf l lite. lorr) I'uunly k Iiu 11 Id Have Out. tiny Vl.oli'iio wairaiiUd lu sub.t ii, lisle ull weel.oui fui il. l 1. 1 iiu mi y Mitel. lne In ihe w.nld tl o I m ul' I lllikllili lll.'lo I lis II uliu II, I, li ullU tilling Iiu- 11 ti'.se In d In. an u Cud and 1 xuiiuu llii'iu, and lb .tlil i ol woik. v 1 i r 11 t in: l.' I'. 111 wl!. . l 1 V : .1" v.ii iiiiiu win . it 1 . .. It llelos, tills, I ..I. I., lii.ii lt, 'links, tui ll, II ac I", it 1 1 in is, iir , w 11 1.. ui 0 ot .1.. Il ni.ik. .1 l' .1 1. 1 .in I i"i il 011 a t ic I ul ucte i'l". h 1 (1 1 I ' 1 . tt. li M i' loiie is iiiiio-liiil with a t'-uipltt tsi uf l.uii., wilti.i.'l villa 1 It.t's'i' Itii) .,,.lilltl l,i t in li , SUl ll) kin U 'i it .11 iu .i I sc,4 k' 1 1 01 1.1 4. 1 Mai I.IUS On uu I I IlKud k. 1 1 uu kui.4 al l I mit Iiu W a i 1 1 it . into., A.i-.ot, i S.Hih' l. 1 I' 1, t ui.'ti uu4 kl 1 1 .41 1 uuit'. Oii l'i, l'it A KM. Tl( A I. II A l l 11 It uu ui ounui, . r. Alt Ordvit Itiaukfuily rvutit ftJid 4'iviuilly vawtiui4 ItU". Utl SI 4W4. J iMtAt A UMt'iiil1! W ' ih laet D . fjailrciiiis Reading Rnllron.l. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. , ,. ilonday, Nov. Itt, 1870. "SttEAT TRUNK LINK from the North aud 1 North-Wcst for I'hibidclnhhi. N. r n... lng, Pottsvilla, Tamnqau, Ashlnnd, Shaiunkla, ucunuuu, loeiuown, r-asinn, r.pnrat.1, Litis, Lancnsler, ColnmlS'a, Ac, Ac. Trains leave flarrisburg fur New York, as fol lows 1 At 3.10, 8.10,10.50 11. m..Biid li.50 d. at.. connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd arrl'-lng at New Fork ut 10.10 a.m., 3.50, 5.60 nJid 10.00 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars neennpany tbe 8. HI a. in., train without change. Returning 1 Leave New Fork at 9.00 a. in., 12.00 noon und 6.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.1$ a. m. nnd 3.U0 p. lu. ; Sleeping Curs accompany ing tho 6.00 p. in. from Now lurk without change. Leava llnrriebiirg for ReHilinj, Pottsville, Ta maqua, Minersvillc, Arhlund, Shamokin, A lien town and Philadelphia Ht 8.1(1 a. m. 2.50 und 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon nnd principal way stations! the 4.05 p.m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Fottsville, Schuvlkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuvlklil and Susquehanna Rallroud, leave Hnrilsburg at 11.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read lug for Allentown, Easion and New York at 5.00 10.30 a. iu., 1 3.4.1 Noon and 4.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York nl U.00 a. 111., U.OO noon nr.J O.OO p. m. and Alk-ntnwii at a. m. ia.24 noon, a.55, 4 HO and 8.45 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philidclplila at 7.d0 a. ui.. counuiug with similar train oa Eait Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading nt U.ii0 p. m., stopping at nil stations. Leave Pottsville at a.m. nnd 3.10 p. m. Heriidou ut 10.15 a. ir.'; Sh imokia at 5.40 and 11. U0 n. m. ; Ashland ul .05 u. in., and l'.5C noon; Mahanoy City ut 7..1i L.;'ni. nnd 1.3.1 p. :n Tamaquu ut H.ya n. m. ane '1 '.'.40 p. in. Tor Philadelphia, New York, Keac'.ag, Harrisburg, Ac Leave Pottsville via Schuvlkili ii'nd gusqne hanirn Railroad at 8.1.1 . m. fur Hai . isbnig, unc l!i.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Trrmniit. Reading Acconnr odatioii Train leav Potts villeat 5.4.ia.m., passes Reading at 7.o" a. in arriving at Philadelphia at lU.'-'O a. m., retarnirr leaver I'liilmlelplna at 4.4.1 p. m., pnssins Rear lug at 7.1:5 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville ut 9.10 p.m. rousiown a. eo iiiiioaation T rain leaves Putts towu ut 7.00 a. ni., returniug leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m Loiuinijia Railroad Trains leave Reading ut 7.20 a. ni., and 0.15 p. m. fur Lpurt.ta, Litii. Luticasler. Coliiiiibia. Ac Peikiomen Rail Road Trains leave Pcrkiomsn Junctional 7.4-1, y.uia. 3.0J an 1 5.30 p. iu. Retiiiiilim,leue Sehwenksviile at 7.00.8.'JU a. ut., PJ.50 noon . nd 1.3'J p. 111. c-onnucliug with similut trains on Reading Rail Colebrookdale Runroad T'rains leave Potteiown nt 8.40 a. 111., und O.iO p. m., reluming ieave.Mt. Pleasant nt 7.00 and 11. a. in., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad 1 lains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. m., K.u5and 6.0'J p. in. returning, leave Dowuington at U.5.1 a. in., PJ.45 noon and 5.15 p. m.couuectiiig w ith Biaiilar trains on Read ing Railroad. Ou Bunuuys : Leave New York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 n. iu. and 3.1.1 n. m.. (tbe 8.U0 a. in. tram running only to Reading:) leave Pottsville at . no a. in., leave Harrisburg, 3.10 a. m., and 4.05 p. in.j leave Alkutown ft j.4." p. in. leave Reading ut 7.15 a. ui. and 10.0.1 p. m. for Ilarrisliur, ut 5.00 a. m. for New York, and at tl.40 a. ta. uxd 4.25 p. m. for Phila lel'ii. Commutation, Mileage, Setisun, SchtKtl nnti Excursiou Tickets, to aud from all poiuts at re duced rates. Baggage checked through 1 IO11 Pounds Bujj gsgs allowed oach Passenger. ti. A. NICOLLS, Gcoeiul Su'.tei inlendent Philadelphia aud Eric Rnllroad. LISTER TIMS TABLE. On and after Monday, Nov. 1t, 1870, the Traini oa tha Phiiadelphl.i A H; i Rail "toad will raa as fbllow i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaTes Philadelphia, aonbtny, " ' arr at trie. 9.40 p m 4.55 a ir. 7.40 p iu Vl.M a 111 ti 40 p 111 7.40 11 in 9. Ml a m 4.35 p ui 7.50 p Hi , press Pbiladephla, 1 11 11 .. a....K,... Sunbury, " " an at File, aV.mlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Smibnrv, 44 arr al Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Mali Trcaia leaves Eric. 9.00 a lit " " Sanhiirv, l'i. eft am " ' arr at Phl'adelphla. 6..'.0 a m Ell aHprss leaves Erie, 9.0U y in " ' " Sniilmrv, UI.'Ji) a 111 " " arr ul Philadelphia, 5.3H p m Ximira Mall leases Lock Haven, 8.15 in " ' " Sunhurv, 11.(5 11 111 " " arr at PhiUde'ipiOft, 5 Sa p m Bulklo faprrs leaves Wiili..msport. VJ.35 a 111 " " Hir.ibury, 2.35 a 111 ' " arr at PViiind. Iphia, 9.40 a in Express, Mk'l uud Aceunn.Ki.lalion, east nud Vfesl, connect at Cry uti I il west bo;m I trains, and Mail ajid Aceomoii 'Musi enl 10 Irvnu iun with Oil Creek and A'li-tl.r'j v iiiver '..,ilr..:.,l. WV.'A. BALDWIN, Geu'l Siip'l. Lithananua und Itloosuivbur); Rails rouil. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PAtogNGKR TRAINS. Monday, July ISth. 18T0. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. bcraulon, 6 4. li 21 9 SO 5 3o 1 10 Bellevut, (i .'si 9 '- i 31 1 (1" Tayloriill, 0 57 9 12 43 1 15, 7 el 9 M b i3 1 17 Pitt-ton, '7 14 S 50 tO ill 0 93 1 1-5 West Piltstoo, 7 19 H I (I'M 45 Wyoming, 7 .'7 4 IX) 10 6 15 1 f.5 Malthy, , 10 li 21 2 10 Kingston, A st. . ,, - , -, . ... 2 IC W..Barre ( e'rs i 4 11 7 45 10 ! " Plvmouth JuucM I , 10 4 ' f. 40 Plymouth, j 7 .15 4 94 10 5 ; 6 4k Nanlicoke, 1 8 1.7 I 7 iki Hunlock's, J II' 7 07 Shickshinuy, S 29 4 tl 7 55 Hick's Ferrv, 8 43 7 40 lt. ai h Hava'u, 8 50 5 15 7 .Vt Herwiek. 8 57 5 22 8 00 Willow Grove, 9 b2 Briar Crrek, 1 9 ei ! ' l.lme ll.J,;, 1 9 15, 9 25 5 45 BUiiii-burg, (1 HO 5 5 1 Rupeit, I 9 1.4. 5 57 Ctilawista, 9 4 ti 11. Dun 1 Hi, U t ('. 24, pi IS Cnluvioii, pi Sitilh'd, (rr:i.) lit 4. 6 55 SOUTHWARD. A.M. P.M. , Notlliuuihcr uud, ' ( 'acnvroii, . I 'bill isk, I Duiiuilt, 1'iilawl.i.i, I Kupsit, I It I'u.iisl'Urt;, , t'l.v. I 1 o.''-'.', 1 II. si I is. k, . diu G'l'lu. ' IMU nk. Pi .1. u II iiso, link s liy, bitu kiLiuu), llun't.rk' I SuLOni k) 1 I' ii.i.ui a, ' I'l I llll'Ulll J I'l , I li in. 11. .11- h I si Vl Itni is U 1 lo, IV 1. unliif , ' Patkttia. I'l.. neu, l.ik.s.... I it nt ill a, tin. 4.IU1.MW, (simti DAWK r DWl M", hur I (! II e M1....4 'M.tii' Iut I uu4 i -. l-l. Who li .1 Ci ct li. V I t . I. V .i A )is.u(i 1 I. -1 i-.'4i I1' ( km k It t f . I S t.. I Wfi A I 'tut it. .t" s.ktWkl f is. 10 5 '.a 5 .: h ;,'j 11 12 ft 44 12 Vt II 14 '-W 4 14 II J5 4 21 11 ta !J C I-' e i a. M .. kV tt ci ia I f i. 7 eh 1 '.0 U l a ic ! j ;J in t Tl'i T on r M 1 uv a t i" , I U III 1 m 11 in f 1 T ju II 10 -1 a a ta T o 1 1 ih 4 1 i 7 17 11 -1 i I 1 IH tl 1 Ml II it" 4 t 1 I t i I i n II ..T '. : I &f tl i.s 7 1 1 l.i II !V t i ' I 14 '- II ot 4 1 in Mi k it r I II 9 l l.lll' ti l','. I 4I1I..I l. A I iknl .r 1 "I Us l fsPM l4 tH ! I, ' : M isMsA. labs i )OUkt '' M Msei .s t S. Ct. I 41 14 I A tia A f.Maa My rt4!" 1 iuMi .j4 m y ftc- i t " .vttNuiij ilnhivv 4Nf t y-J, K--'l.U sawV r I II . 1 .si. , I. 'I t.i k M ti . t