Sunburn meritaiu 3UNBUUY, FEimUAUT 11,1870. H" Itallroad Tim TI1m. KAST. I WK3T. DvidVtUl En. !' tnlflrlc Mitll l it liM ft m t',110 ' " li):90 m K.lmlrn " " t-M p m " ll:l p ni'l'.rla K " CaMpui Brio Mill, " ia ml tntiot Tihn Weil arrival nt 11:00 a. m. RMAMPK1N T'lVlSKfV N O R. W. leJh 4tw SitKiburv t 11 jo ni, A t Sunbury tiium " " 40 p ml " tVOUpai tjj4 Vuntotril-ija A. M t 3:H n1 IW P. M. jjrrti-r (ll S. il(ur-11!K A. M., 6) Slid IV P. M Itaw UtnHirtvM A M. ISO mil 10 1". M. Irriw a Un.ii.llf i:10 A.M., 4: mid T:4 l. At. Gko. I'. Kowki.l & Co., 40 l'nvk Row, N. Y., tt. M. rtTn.Miii.L A Co., S7 Park K'W, N. Y., Htld W. W. 6n..m'K ft Co., Tribune Itulliltngii. N. T., hto tlio so't f3Mit j for tills paper In tliut city. HA- I Liff Stccal .Affairs. Tb GKOYEK A BAKER nnd tUa BINGER EVIN(i MACHINES nrc ficknoiTlc "i;cd su perior to tiny other notr iiiiiiinfiicturcd. Miss . Pnllim, Miuket street, this place, is the ageut for tlio sale of them la this nml adjoining coun ties. Instructions In e wlDg Riven free of chnrre lo nil purchasers. A lot altvayi ou hand. Call tad examine ilium. CM n iiflnlit'or of Northumberland are nboiit ereetiuii a school houso which scarcely be impassed by any la central Pennsylvania. . "A" if, rcirrct lo (date that the Hon. Alexander i,in!;i,ii, President Judc of this District, has htien ..untitled lo lii room lor fe.veral weeks pat-ton account cf neverc. sickness. It Is hoped, how ever, that he will speedily recover o ha way he le to attend to bnsiues. Coumittkp. haiUa Weaver, noticed in our last issue, as luiTiug stolen money from Messrs. (Alison ,t 1'iiriiian'a sl.ue s'.ore, m the -Pth u'.t., was arrested on Weduesday uiornlni; last while ' fleepinjr. In Hie depot at this phicu, ami commit- ) ted to pi Won. j A VROTKAfTru meeting lias been In progress ! at the ll'.ish llaplist church, near SiiyJurtowji. cveial weeks past. A spirited awakcnlnir has takeu place in that vicinily, and a lnrsc number have come forward and given themselves over to Christ's church. The meeting has been conduct- j el by Ucv. J. F. Hush, pastor ofilie church, nud i Key. (ieo. J. Ilrenslntrer, of this place. j I'limts vl-him; Wishiiimn city v.i'.l bear in ! mind that the 1st. James Hotel, mar the Capitol, i olio of the most pleasant places to Flop at lu j that city. See card on llrst putce of this paper. ! Kxi i:i:-ios tickets to Richmond and return i (j'-cd for o i d.'.js are i.sitf so! I by J. Uliipinau, ! ucut at this place, at K'Catly reduced l'i. .ell. j Mpssns. (). Kr.r.n A: Huo., of Lower Angus- j !a, have b -conic tlio purchasers of J. H. Kn;el"s j -lore in place, w !io will continue tho bu.-l- j v.' fs at the old Hand. . j Vi'n notice that the Masonic Hall U about bein ( c iavcite.l into n.'lUcs. V al o learn .that the ! V,-..-i.e -tit otiiec is to be reiiHvtd to cue of the j romns. j Si:vi:i:.m. valuable 'ipcrtics in this place have j lately ch.nn.vd propsictois. Tie firay pro-, jicrty, on stitcl, owne-.l by Mr. tavidi;c. i lias been pai 'li .sc 1 by Alexander ISoyd, E j., for the sum of ill 5J j I'ul'H i rto. 'I'l.e baeiti lit of tho liaptiot church, at W.'.t-.outuwn, will b- de.licatcd to Al- i in i tit v (io I, on fund ir, the L'i'th inst. I'istin- ! usii' 1 c'.eiL' I'len will be present. The public is j cor.liailv iavitcd lo attend. 1 Tub brick yard owned by UenJ. llmdiicks at '. the lower end of, has been ptucha.-ed by ' John 11., Km)., of this place. Mi? mt'ce tluil F. B. Hover, lt., of this' place, was on ii'c tl u of Henry lvceue, Eq., ud- milled to i lactic, i i.l the v.uioiis courts o! I'hi'.a- j il. I; Ida. .:r. Bo,vr is on ' of our mot iiidustri- j n.iM an 1, perseveri.ii; lawyers ia thi Fretiou of' the St-it . Our friends who may have canes in city cjit f ir t.ial, will tlnd it an advantage io caipi y him. I i: notice that Mi-s Caroline I'u M us. Jiaf takeu Kicncy fr t';e loiue-,tte Sewlnj; Maehines. t'l- I .1, a lo.o'lii , are eon-idcre.l llit-cl.4ts, and i;'a l to T'lV'l la y have fallen Into such j . I Ii.iii.U to be 1. t ro,h;c". in t'j'; com- I ! Vi:.. ('.Mnoiiiiiic ;lioii of a "Studei:!," In lom ii'ci (!; : ui, oi tl.e -xticiM-s of IVofisiotr llrown's , .-I", in, r.eei.tly held io tlie (. airt House, has ! oii'ii ivc-ivi d, but without the n.mi.' of tlio wrl- : r. tioaie ji,.;tc:is of the article ale v.ol obee. ! ilo id le, ihi i our rult not to pnblbh avoiiy-. o.:- ailicl. s uoi-t nee -.iri be a.llicied to. j 'I in: a lo-l o iinoic I junior ! i ui . I, in! to b : ,1 ill V i t of ihe iKitivcrtf oar expense, and ,., Ion the ap -Hallon o tlielln" In Br ' ; i.iipw.l i,i-y ..ti-picl m of b!lu-clf beilij; l.l e ..;, ionic 1 I.. Ill the c .h n l ruco. His i I ., y, ic i il ii.!. i lon.-hiM il a rich joke when i.-j 1,,'iyei , ill I ! t Uel il. ' 14 i i oit ami I'ixii bt"i i. -Mr, 1'.. W. i u-t,ii.' ; i .i .in, all i" i ..' tuan, itiat he :, ... I a a'. I l-'n I "' . , .' ,,-ner of i .'I. , t i II I I .1 111 II si 1 1" I , L. l " t ic b t lu in J !' i .li b.- pro. .11. .1, I ( I y Variety. . .u. . , .. ., IV r. ' , .v. 'I !ei I . .. . ! 1 1 .i 1 1 - li. in .1, 111 It ... I 1 . .t til.! a i l v o.,1!. bis ,. " . '. ..,..11,1.. at 1'. . ..v.t If k !! ., , : i : i ..i i ... ..,. ,,.,; ..ii i, in. . . , . I. .IN, tt 1 li . ... .1 . I blilbllotf ..i.lij iio tp. - ''"... In -t I'.n .. It ..... ' .! . i . . .i 1 ii . , lo 1.1c l i l'. I 1 1 I ...... if ' ii... ..o ini.i.ii.. i ii.. i ii.. i vi 1. 1 i I ii r . . . ' i i . . . n . IO s , U I ,e .. ,1 . I... , . t la I ... ' "I .. I :' ' i It: i l-i.l ii a ic L ,:!.- i , i ,it . .1 I .. . ' ! i . i i I w I. ! o i, lo lo I . . ,. .'i .... ...i I ,:, ., I , ,u U ... I u . ( , ., .... ii,.. , .. . 1 . ..I I It. I .1 ... . k I. i .1- . I . i ' . .-.'I ,'l . ' - 1 . 1 i i. i in i . . . , . I i ..... . I I.., C I.. I ! ,. .Ilk ' I 1 . 1 1 I ' k ... a i I. .... i i . , I .... 1 1. u . , ' I . il . . . I : . .1 I . . I. I Hi , . a.. I . .i i i . 1 1 . .. i i. I l . . k. t b . ., i.l I. l... .,.l U ..... I ,. '. ft . . ... II . ; I .1 . ... I I.I , . I, . l.. . .... . I , .11... . . . ... .. I . o ' I I II I. SI I ... I ... . I . i-.i . I. . I ..I ..... I ... I I . I . . I . . I- . . ' ' : - " ' , . ... .4, ak I ' I " "I tr.-t ' I . l. I' .1 I ) . Am CLormnr. Qosslpors bare been kept Tery bn.y daring1 the bi.t week In regard to an elopemeet which lately occurred In our town. The parties ycre ft Mr. Paul May, Ocr rtiRn tiMiinstnr and ostler, and Mre. Mary IUel, wifo of Charlce Itsel, restaurant keeper In this place. It appears that eight mouths ee;o the par ties becuno nciunlntel with each other, and from that time matters did not go as smoothly In Mr. 1 1 eel's family ns before., Mrs. Itzlo finding fault constantly with her loubniid ou the most trltlintr uiatters, accusing him of Infidelity, Ac. She node fre jv.eiit cJicurc s to be. away from homo, and became cnrclcfj, nej;lcetlnj; her family, find her husband during a hard spell of sickness. About three weeks ac;o nlic told her husband she was going to Baltimore with her eon, ou a visit to friends, and promised to return In a week. As fdic did not return at tin appointed time, Mr. Itzsl wrote to Baltimore, nnd found that she had loft there on tho day appointed lo como lioroc, and tlmtshe had proceeded as far ns Hurrisbur where she met May by nppoinlmciit.from whence they proecedud westward. Since then It has been discovered that she had converted a number of articles belonging to the family Into money, nnd helped May to cloihine, n:.l nUo taken money from her husband at dill'enait tiine, besides run ning up bills at stores for poods which hud been given lo May to be carried away with hiui lu his trunk, fleecing her husband as much ns possible, while, at the same time riMendini; that kwns nbnsivc to her. The plot was evidently laid long airofor an clopcnient. She took with hisMheiron 1y child, a buy nboiit 11 years of nifc, lcavini; her husband without n clue as to their whereabouts. It Is however supposed that they Intend locating somewhere near Columbus, Ohio, or In the State of Michigan, where they will sick enjoyment with their Ill-Gotten means from her husband. Mr. Itzul, who Is an Industrious nnd respected irer.llt man. is takinir the matter very coolly, and thinks it the most fortunate affair that could have befallen him, as far us bhe is concerned. Mad I)oo. Wo have bserjuforined by TV. S. Snyder, of Upper Aiii;ut.i towiuhip, that a spot ted hound passed his place on the Uth of Peccm ber last, and bit Hire; does, one beloneinirto Mr. 8. Kilaud, Rail two to Mr. Snyder. Mr. Snyder immediate!) dispatched one of his dot;, but the other beini; a Newfoundland, and a peat favo rite of the family, ho kept him tied for two weeks. Tiic dog not show im; any symptoms of hydrophobia during that time, he left him run as UMfil. A few day- alter he bit one of thn chil dren, but no attention was paid to it. On Satur day last he bit another of the children on the arm, but fortunately the clothing was too thick to do any injury. In the nlViru jou, Mr. Leeser pass ed will' two clop., when he sprain; at them, and lit both, which was sometime; unusual, and Inch aroused suspicion that all van not ri'lit, but he thought he would let him run until morn in' befure lie would fasten bin). That uilit the family were awakei.ej by the doe a'.teiupliui: ts force himself into ihc house by runuiug against the door nnd windows. Mr. pnyder aroo and watched bis movements, nnd found that the diy had the worst form oi spa-ins, fiot'.iins and bit in;; cvciyth'.r.i; he camo lu contact with, lie then pt bis pm. and slu t the do from an up per win loiv. Mr. Snyder state that the dog made evety cfioit t j p. t ut the cattle in the tta h!e, which be had the precaution to shut up ro curcly In the evening, lie describes the spasms of the doi; ns leing terrible in tho extreme. He also states that fas dog that had bitten lis dogs had travelled ul far us tli Mithunoys before he was killed. Any person having .the lean suspicion of their slock or dogs hn ingbeeu bitten, had better kill tl.em at once, nnd not run the ri-U Mr. d'T did. Mr. Snyder was in town on Tuesday last, consulting wl'h our phy sicians in to the course to pursue in regard lo the case of the first of Ids children that was bitten. The .V;.'(i.rr' of last week, fny : Wc have known of the circumstance alluded to lu the fol lowing extract, but refrained from giving it pub licity until an Investigation had been made. But as the mailer has not into the public piints, we can barm no one by giving it to our readers. We umlcrnlaiid that Mr. S.ivi.lgc has obeoined 'bail, and wo tru-t ho M ill clear cvcrythlmr up : "The j.'..t s.rys that Samuel A. Savidge, a meinlier of tin. bar of .N'oi t ll'iincei l.ui.l county, has been holm I over by C kited ,l.itc Cwiilinib sioner fraiif. lli.'c.lle on Hie charge of pissing force I or Rltcicd oliliearnins ol the I'uilcd States with intent to defraud. Defendant was the attorney for Mary Miller, whose son, Abra ham, was ki,!c l in the war, and was authorized to act for her ill procuring her pen-Ion money. 'I I. nllciMtinn is that he old lined from the post oliiiv lioyoi iiiueut checks, which were made pay able to her older, and IoilViI the endorsements upon tlicin, tbereliy obtaining th money and re t linicg tiie n.osl of It until a check torn small amount t "ii into the hands of Mr-. Miller, which si t re foot un inquiry ij at resulted in diseove: -lug t hat check-, to the iiinoai.l of about had I.e. c forwarded to her and paid. It is further al le.lged that alter this alio received t ijll from the accuse. 1, and ie;uoiar.t.y imule h'T mark to a re ceipt neknou ledging payiKciil of al! monies due hor by deli ii, I, int. A Nkw A hii aniiement. The Ring have become soini what troubled in retard to getting the Au ditor's Ki.port lu shape for Ihe eu ol the public. They am at a lo how lo manag to account lor hat '.H,lHi0. The tli'.i.ixio n orte.l in hist year's r, ir'. as remniniiig la tliu I.. in Is of tax collec tors, anil the la ving of another lav of 10 nuilsoii the d dlar, .1 akliiif ov. r ?.'i4,(Kjtl inoie, b i- f..t to beau eicpna.u on llu ii ban Is. Fu ry ertnrt Is be ing made to i i',,Vcn up 11. in matter. Kvcii a piominciit wonlu l-c I'ep'ib'.leu. li consii'.tel Weekly as lo the CI'IiIm. '.o Im Ill-sued to help llienl oat of their diiciiin. i. ., el ie h.i4 u!so li. i n broa'.t a'. iul .i. I . lie. I e n ! .lain lor l'i. lie t c.nnp.i! e,y. I ho'..- f.. ti. . I'li'T Aaga-I.i, has b.-.-ii e- n-ullod li ie k'll.l I. tiling way lo rew ird lln. m1 I lev '-oni Ihe U., if be .iteeet 1 ill;l.:,i'.i. 1 1 1 Ibis 111 linli, nth ill ilr ol lln. ' K'' g' ol "i ll I".' I boit. 'I ui. 1 ir ,..- . I ih. P. u of A. oil l!u 'id In: I., ll 111 l.o , I. M I,,- a Kiel) anal. . l... ill i.s I,. 1 , iii....e I . ii I i 1 1 . k e 11 '.a- ii. I an. I .11,1 ' I...I 111, I V ''...lie fl . Ill nl Ii I I Hi, II .t Ihi- ;;i.4i..i 14 a -ii. I.y lliu I am;. .- il.a. I r :.!l il tl.e c . . I , . l!i .Mi.i.,11 l.ii Y. - I..:1 "Il tli k I. Will t- j Hit. V C. It. W. I,a..w.i I. il 1,1 ..'..4 c I l 'i' . M Cl.ll Ollt' 4,1 I I. V ll.l.ll II V C illl k 'II, - ..i. loop. al" Ill p . t I I l!, .1 ...... .Ion. i . .1 . i... u id I Will . . ..r.. .1 i 1 we ..le .(....oil. I .114 4 1 1... - i in. .a. in i.ii a : . Iltloii..' I .111:11 I ' - i.l, S!. . ,11 . .r t 11 1 to 1 0.1 W 1 1 let M ., I II. 11,1- I I Ol.l 1 ,.l .1 .. 41 i.i.ii.'..r ..-1 in. ltil t I. t III O. to ll, tt I l.l Ck I II . i..i . i , I l a. i ollll I. -I , l.o .,. in. i.i i I V I ... A. Il I.. i'. M, 1 .1.1 .It in l II- ' 1.11 .., un is I. . II. .'f-o I III. 1 1 Ilia I M . II. .I..e l. . ..loli-'t, Ii. , I . :, I ... 1 1 1 Ii .. 4 ..! 11 ...1 .11,. n... I r . I I.. II ..I OU II: II.. I .1114 a.. , "I I r...l'.t. . iv 4.1.1. 1 aj , . 4, la 11 la 11. p.... 4, loi 4 I .1.1- 4.11. Mat' Ion . II H ', , ' I.... .. ' . t -.1. I . i.i... a .s . .' II.. il.-l I 1. J. I .... If. ,) . 1 1. 1 1... 1 . ...I. il I I. I J ,', a. a a . 1 I.. I , I It. J 4,1 I If l'i . 14 II 41. l.l.. , - '.-' , tl a l tt'.d-t 4 , - I I. 1 I ' 4, 4 .l I ' i ' I . ' . a. .. . a It I..I....U ,1. ... ' I . , I'. HI I I I ..... 4. v I .. t . . .. t t I, I, I. a ' 1 ' t t. . ., 4 . , .. .. .1 It I i .' . 4, i.i a Ul a ... ,. . , I il . ! I 1st I t -II. ,.. I i I l f I 1.41 . IO I .4 .a I A a I.i I I 111 tl I. Usl k M tub Kstonrs ois Pttttiaii auf. The Order of the Knights of Pythias Is becoming so widely iirrend and rrosp(.ron that tho p-iblie bav a reasonable cnilrjsity to know something of Its character. Tho ritual was first written and the order worknd ilnrlnn tho war t a bond of union between Rrrny nfflrern. Afierlbewar cloned It was ro-wrltten, niodifitd aud thfown open to the people nml hs spread rapidly, par ticularly In thn last two yearn in the Eastern States. Its work and intent lire, very simular to those of the Mnsoule ,ier. Pounded on friend ship, with the famous tale of Damon and Pythias as their exumpla, the members aim lo relievo the suffering, succor tho unfortunate, caro for tho sick, bury the dead, and give sympathy and ma terial aid to tho widows and orphans of each other. There are now nearly threo hundred ac tive lodges In this State, and one In this town. Tho complete regalia consists of a military bat with plumes, a scarlet velveteen sah with silver filnge, an apron of black velvet h:ind-o;ne1y trimmed In silver, with the emblem of the cr ier, a knight s helmet with the visor down, the let ters K. P. uud the initials of the officer, nnd a sword with elegiintly wrought hilt and scarlet scabbard, the hilt and trimmings; being ttold for the uLUcers and silver for the knig'.it uud each blade benrlnsr the. name of Hie wearer. They have also some complete, suits of light armor, very curious to look on ttici-a days. The effects of deceased soldiers of the bite war are now la possesion of the Adjutant General's Department at Harrisbni, and may be obtained by relations or friends on application. Among the list published in tho Ilarrisbui g Telegraph we liud the following, who, we ore Informed, were from this county i Uartlctt, C'hnrles, 103d Pennsylvania volun teers empty purse. No cine to residence. ltellows, John, company 1). Uth Pennylvania regiment ItWament, comb, Inkstand, two pipes, pocket book coiitninimrtwo medals, ring, button, key, two songs and three postage stamps. No clue to residence. Fichcr, Peter Y., company C, 111st Penn'a volunteers mittens, comb, yen and case, Mtki.. Testament, pock, i boo e..ut:iii.ln papers nnd pens. Mrs. 11. urn ah 1 ishur (wife) resided ut ShuuioUiu, Pa. Roasted Goat. A jjout helongimj to a f .mily in the Seventh ward was lu the habit ot usin a neighbor's bake oven as a state-room, where he found com l iable shelter ut liiylit from the winter blasts. On Tuesday evening the owner -of the oven had occasion to use it, and went to work, partially tillln; it with wood, which he kindied, and theu wcut into the hou -e. On returning again hi compiiny with his wile, who carried th bread and pies which had I ceil prepared for t lie oven, their olfactories were ov ercome with an odor vastly o'ilerctiVfi em Hint arising from burning hemlo "k. It vns fine of burning I'.csh, nnd, O ! horrors, could it !.e one ol the children I The very thought caused one lond sereeeh of agony, followed by a lively Keraieliing among the coals and ashes in the ov en. At lasf the man drew forth the cause of the oicitemcnt, the black and charred carcass of Mrs. MeToy's goat. The affair created much merri ment in Jin neighborhood, while Mrs. McCoy be wails the lss of her pet. 5.' V.Vjiiii.'.Vuu. Am Editor is the man who reads tho newspa pers, writes articles ou any ti'bject, talks to all who call, is blamed for a hundred things which are nobody's business but his own, heli-j to gi t into otllee (who forget all about It aftcrwardsl and finiuanily (jets cheated out of half his earn ings. He works and does more to build up a town than uny other body, and the old foeios are I beue.l'tt'.ed thereby j yet I hey will sny that the ed it in paper is of no account, will not advertise or take the paper, tut will burrow it. Fiii jt Ti'.Ens and Oiui'E ViNP.s. We refer on r readers to the adv rtlseisi ant of Messrs. Ctiin mings A Co., if .Vittsburg. Those of our eis who nrc ir. want of grape vines, fruit trees, Ac, can get a superior article to those presented by travelling agents, uud at greatly reduced prl cus. The new grape Martha, or wl'ue Concord, the best white jjrapn grown In the country, Is furnished by Messrs. Ciiuimli.;;j A Co. Persuns can be supplied at nursery prices, t leaving their orders with H. R. Masser, who is tlu duly ap pointed agent for this place. CoiTPsiiondeiic-o. M r. CiiiMr.l., Keh. S, 1371. Miissiis. Ehitoiis i Our little town U ciccej Inoly dull, there Uint; no business ol nny coiise Hiienee Xrunsneted. The rc.uiiipliou of the coi hrieii it wislied tor. hy the business wci und citizeim iri'iien.lly, Imt there nrc no iiiimediute prospects of a hlart. No person here appears to know hat win done at the inceilni; of ihe irrand council of W. H. A., ut rutslon, and we nrc ciiial!y Ignorant of the piueciaiiin.'s of the opera tor in riiiladciphia. Wli never ii'mle ol it 111 fare they have each resolved ! 1 adopt, H in earnestly liop.-d lliat It may result lu steady Work, and ii reason. ilile eomiK usatioii for the nunc. Our young; men me iuiluied Willi a military I irlt really ii;prUlii(r, Ihero lielni; to com p.mie of militia. 1 he one command.'.! h Cupt. ,1. M. John, Ihe other I.y dipt. '1 hotna Sloitou, Loih of ivlioiii held eoiiiui-ion In the "lail on iieiiaulnes," und urn well calculated lo impait Hie reipiUite knott'ledu'e lo their several coiu Ilian.U to lllako lliein etllelrlit.!! u Col 111 1 Hand liclnj it 1 lied hv mjiiio of Hie youii! men, and to judte I.y the lali iil llint ieiii.Hud in the i xpci iiueiil, tt e'havc uo doiihU ot ill sin cuss, "col'." Aroi hTft, V., Feh. 0, 1371. AuirK't l rarmei'i and lloiiicu'lural A.Kic- I l!n 11. ct, and opened, Willi 1'ieil itnl, K. Line. 1 iKk, In chair. I Mr. W, V. Iloiulni; presented hiiuccounls for j . Itleiiicnt. I Ou in. Hou 1111 An !il in..' Coininiltce of I Inc.. v ... nppuii.led, to lcoii itl ihe next inoiill 'y in -. 1110'. Ilic cniinitlce appoiiil,-1 tteie J. H. I 'link, L I.. Ircoit, 1 ..j., at,. I John Slein. r. in no. II I.v II. K. My.-i, Mr. W. t . II. nil- i ll,' tta eo 11 r i.e I fioni 1 :i) iiieiit i f one dollar ..-..I nu t e. nu. III. id- v Will, li In. h id scut lal fL : iii; l.i J4.. ilk, Koehe.le., X. ,t ant Utter li. ..1 I fi'.ln ll. j .t p .., .,-iii i 1 w.n ii I I.y Mr. I ImU, un l di ci.i.4.1 .10 ana eon, re,. iliic to Ihr leimlnij of onu II ii. i' it ii, I .i 1 he pin ,c of r ,.i 1 11101,1 1114 it 11 ll t, u U,t .v.e. t ..." . j e. ii i:ciiAiuu IO 4l H I . lit '.. Ho UO. 1 of W. W, H. lliillK, a I'Olnli.ltletl of ll.t . c uu u , 11.. d l.J I. 1 el I 0 14 .po.lllout) i. In Hi' I o Itit- , ... u- ; ol al l lol. I oiiiiiiIIIci J, r'. ; l.ei.'i.. It . V . ll .III J. . ,1K. t! . . W , . II,. , II I 14 l.l. I ll. I lu.loM ill).', tt 1.. I, .. .lo.. . A' ..'. I 1.4 I, 1 l.v.l.l.t ol ll.t a I... I .1' 11. I.. I..I.I ol, ll 11 I K. 1 ,j f rUl y I.i ".III. .1 II Ii,' I I.e VI .1 if. '. H . . 1 1 -. I ..... (ic at. a . It I. lan.. , M hi. ll , 1. . ... 1 II. 1 I.i I.. .rl I., il. K. I Mi. , 1 ' 11 t, . li 1 r . . S. M.i -I I . V . . li. ,1t. . 1 ( 1. I ,t.,l I l Lit 1 ,i...i, Is. . io.L. tt , .ui. 1 ..j ...., 1, .,1 ..... 1 1 I Hie . ...I..1. lit o.i l,,. :,.L. . Ho. .' II. ai. Hit ll ...I II, l .tale, I. .III. I I.U. II. I... I,,.,I. . i, I,, n.t I It.l.k'l I K 4 , .1 .1 la) , l.ui Hi d..) I. I. I., tl, al t K. Vi II K. Mimt, H' tt. 'I I.e 4 I i . j I .in in ii it ii it ill it.. . I .1 1 lis t t ma .III 4, . I ' t. 44.IO' 4 . . I eluUiUHitllletl, U tt tViii.a imt.uii i.i,.i.l, ' livf'it. iK I- .. ', .1 il. 1,1 II. v (,.L.I...'al la I, o.) tl K I... ..I, a..,, latt, t t l.a aa.4.4 Iw t" ii, i. ..... -I ..- I. i. ,i.i.. i ll t l o.i.i.i.ii i, i. , ta.i at4 4i l,. I. a.. 4...i tt-it , .i, 1 a ,. it. . I ul It t.- I .. t 1 I il.o la. i, .,1.4, 10..1 I ...I l t.l .1 a 1 . 4 i ai. I a, I Li I l la .1 I a I . I t u ). ..., a . I IL i i. ... a I .u . it.l i . t ll . ,i. t ' ..I !...., 1 1. ... i .a . t I lata., . . I' ll,, I... .la O. I. ... ,L..4.t... 4t4 ..'a . , a .1 . .1' .. . ... U it, ,1 a a. ...'a.l ll.-.a U.4...,l 4., I'..t.i.l, ttl. .. L .... . I , a I l I. i a a !.. .. .1, ., !.. , I a . a I :. . . ail. 1 1 in l. , . t t.l ilt.,1 4.1 .-l 4, . .al tlit-.t, if .. 1 L. .a V'. 1 H.I I l t-1;..! It. U -a . ,.4a A I I i Trlnl I.Ut lor Adjournal or.ri. ' Mov.'lriy, I'cit' r !- 27, JiTl. Cntharlnr Oyidet vs O .'n-ge-Cniad. Edward Elsely vs Henry lliiunigiii'lner. Isaac. Mayor A Co. vs liiiininn .'w !!.:!ir. David Ainigst vs W'o Dunn, Tiionias lliiuii. ,f. AV. Fryllng Hon vs u i'l St ili-y ..irl l.ynvi Slab y, iiia wife, owner ci icputed owicr, and John SaMaman, contractor. Jacob 11. Hotter vs County of Northumberland. Jos H, Robert Slelvce, Jr., vs P.iobort McKce. J 1 Council VS Daniel Heeklny, Franl.-iin ( bilk. Joseph Clark, Hlnim T. (iay and Ira T Cle ment. Samuel Willi man vs Frederick Krebs. John llreslln Co. vs Thomas Gibbons, Oeorgo Winters vs Edward Kline. Herman Snyder vs John H Conrad. Catharine lieed, i t a!.. v Hie I atawissa R R Co. Thomas London vs J It Seller. Alice F. Hrown, Administratrix vs Jos W Cake. 8 1' Wotverton vs Jacob 1$ Masser. I M Cake vs J W Cake. Klaso Aj Bright vs Tim I.oenst Dale Coal Com pany. Tost, Smith .'c Co vs Hammer .V Co. Geo Troxel et nl vs Paul. I H. i-klev. Sheriff. Jno V ought. Endorsee vs l ane ,1 Sober. Robert, Graham vs 8 V Wolvertou, ndiu'u.istraf or ol II Hellas, dee'il. William Lewis vs .lames M ilor.e. Joseph Aider 'c C vs Terrenee Qninn. J B Riley vs John ( awl. y. S 1 Sliivmnkel's use. Jeremiah Savi.if'e. Jacob EineiieU vs Hiinm Yonn::. .Marcus Stroasevs Michael Fiaherty. I'cler Iiunkbi vs H E S!ie!leiilicrgcr. V .inimerniiui ct 1 vs V Klnc. v l'KiiT jfiions F in vomi.iv, Fi:n. !?7. J Houfs, Milton J li ii'tlioloirii w, SunVy i! 11 Kramer, Zerbo W Kiase, b'.i.iniol.iu tp So! linker, Turbiit ,W tbaricl, Jordou R llollcnbeek, Sham bo C M Smith, L Auiriist:i W Hl'.ird, do ;N Adam, W.i-hingtiui H Derk, Cliiilisriiailo ,'V Hoover, Siinbury W 1! Irwin, Mcl'.w v : A 'A'v uler, Jackson W K Seaman, Milton M Hohner, Jordan J A Plight. Chii'uue J Adam. Wnshiugtoii J liodenbaeb. Point J Andrew s, Chil'quo P Gebt, U. Mahanoy S I Hoiiseworth, L Au.j W 1' Donirul, Tuibut Jacob 11. Lilian. V.' Aug ,L K -kcrl, Noi thunibcr'd 1 It K line, Shaiiiokin bo 1". llilli nil, Watsiintown John Hans, Suiil.'.lry L Di limheller, W.islt'n jV A Lloyd, North'd S iinii. 1 Rciler, Ku .h Patrick (juiuu, Coal ,l)i nnirt Dou'iiev, Civil M W, E Eiuerlek, L Augusta , Jolni Doivioy, Coal JCRY L1ST FOR M ARCH TERM, 1ST1. 15RAN11 .Tl'llllllH. J Hollopcter, Ywitson'u I Fiiriuan, Snubnry .7 L feholy, do J IV.rk, Nort!'.'.r.i-.bcr'd G HarrUon, Stmburv .1 V Mania, Tub. itv'c J H MeCormiek, Mi'lt-.n II Hill. tp S Pei'per, Ml t unnel tp A A Ilim ', Coal J-ieo'i Sheets, Smibury (,' Tharp, (lo W Clark, Low AugusU'G V blicctr, North'd John Deppeu, Jaekaon 111 nl, (ti .J.'lm Diizler. Turbit. Ji Ib shler, Tin but II R Raker, .crbe Sol V.Vi.wr, siimfcery H E Adams, Jiliatu bo A J C.-ill.igher, SI.;, bo 1. Ammerman, do tp , W lerling, Mt Car l.o ir.AVJiilJiK OUKIIIIS. 11 Miller, Till but John Hoy, do T. liorclinrr, do W McVVillinms, Coal W Sterner, Dciiiwaro J liigney, Coal J bicruer, L Augusta Is '1 harp, Coal I) Hcih, Mt Carmcl bo II F Zimniei man do John Ciurk, Sham bo J Musgrove, Milton A Kerts, Chiliisqaipie F Dipnrr, phamokin Lj James K,.-ed. Rush Geo Mart, bnndury C D Chaniberlain, ileal J Wagner, Cameron J Freiirrirk.'i(iie Ibnid MurLft'i. Zcrue Wm Depjiin. Zerl.e S Muiehirr, Sham i.; Jacob Kline, do E M Kuclier, Sunbuiy U C MontL'oiiierv. Lewis S Smith, li. Mahanoy .1 Gauiiei S Uepuer, V,itsoiilovn'J..r;l ll-ioi'i-e, Sha io Lower Mah Mieliaei lialev. Coal Jaeol) Warner. Lewis Jl liownian, Joi Ian "k Im S .M.iriz. Milton .1 lleeber, Delawnie J 1) Kline, Sliai'.iokin fp John Hoy. Jr., 'J'urlint Win 0ei .:k, Turhut J '. al iwclt, Lewis R C l'rui", Tui'lmtvi'.le A'el', Mi, .in bo l! F Half. iilloi., II D Harr, do 'i M1e"li r, Tor! utviHe V I'.i.lei.if, Low Mah I A !'. ' -s-'.-iki -Ii . N hlaler, G I' Krohn, Sun! ur -' 11 li Leiseuriug, Sha T M White, Coal !) M lliuutigani. North Jos Sharpies., Kuli J II Reed, Shamokiu J R l'armur, Lewis K John, Mt C'arinol bo L Tit-orlU, S !ii in tp H Kiinston, l'tiilli:'i i e C Newhart, '1 uriiiit I" D..'lia, Mt Carmcl h II Slicker, Milton A darner, e.iui!i.-iiiaque 1'f.TiT ji i:"i 1. J SclirefCer, Poii t W 11 K. ehner, i c.vis U Camp, In lawarn H H W .lohn t 0111C, i'oiut aiohn 1! ..If. I. ui.-!.. VV.i-!.':,.i A (.J Haiipt, An;- S Dres lcr, t'o W L Ncshit, Chilli.s'.i'.ie I Vitceiil, Del.mai'. S F Fllia, Delaware David Kshhach, Turhut H Henry, Shamokiu bo .' II Pnvder, l'oint A T Lu lviic, Delawnie 11 l I'.-triimii. W.i-b'tit-(j Adaiiit, Jordan 'M ll 'im, isliann ki i Ip 8 TI Zlmii'cuiiH'i, 1. Alls .1 W l ai i,-f. or, h, C A Thus (irai.aui, Milton I. M .Morton, Milton J l'ox, blaiiimkiti tp V F...maii, L Aui;iit.t J IMneheiiV, Wdtiou'n J a" ! iillcr, D.-la'o Isaac lli!e, Lush , W . Kak-r. Zcrbe John Hopper, fiiinhury .1 Semi, Ml Carmcl tp Win Hess, Chilli ipiaiiic' V.'.'i.-cr, J'oint Wm Kirk, Vat:otit.nvn A llior,. r, Lower Mali Jos Johnson, Noith'd :J llooi . . Ml C.iruici ho 1:UhIih"H Entires. Thrown into Fits. TI ose wi.liim, a neat lltliui; garment made lu the most fashionable stylu, nnd cf li e vary hut material, would do weil to cull on J. K. firriek, on fc'ourih -tieet. Uunlmiy. N j one it ho li.. paiiooi.-d him l ui ackuowlediie lie hai no iir.(i"l ir In twn ni a cutter nnd mechanic. The immense tal of lloo' i nu i Short nt W. H. .Miller' Kveelsior St .n-, dnrin the Tlo'! ilays, took vvcry one by s.irpi is. p.os after 1 .is wa emptied, yet we find Mr. Miller stul keeping up the lalKi'st nupply in tow::. He hits it i:i i n rcplenl-hed liis ftoek it ith ti e ".ry be.i In mar k.-t, and all of the lule.-t tt lex. 1'uno Piis.i 1 A new and handsoni. arii;li, covered Willi huir clot'i and rp, srrwn nrt rni, Just received, nnd for a!o veiy cheap by II. B. Master. 1'rlce, Jo. I'litm M Ui:mn. The '!her, iifent for the best l'i.uiiw ami Oi Jin,, i.i l,e world, will iruar.iiitee tbcm for live y.- .r and srii lli.i chcip- rr than ttiiv tr.t.eiliiK 10;. l.l call alloid them, lint I llm elut. iiialei employ 1 ......I. Hi"iil. il. 11. j Masser. I TlIK I'AlltlllU' UVLIll oil. A tti.i Li.ill f,ar. t ini.-iK 'hi'-k-, wuim i'U l i!.u:.'i. -- 1. 1..0.1 ..inie I eiioii4,li to ilrlve to i.iiiik'l nu l (ii-nl. imio.ii;Ii ! i 1 wear to 1 Imreii, '. ! 1., w . v. t ... t ,.!.( I ) t :.uai:i.iler .V limn ,1, to ;i. , iy c 1 ..ui n. ..j:.lio., at but fouilcvil i1ul!ut4 a piece. I b.tlMJ I'lili'ls (.f li.iii 'I limit Sti.i 1 r, I'liii iiii!! 1 01 1. -.biuai , It". I. A I! 11 t. h. H't of 'M . . !!' ''. 1 1 . ill , " " '01 1 o- . li -1 I ! 111' li 1, u. 'in . I"'' ' t 'I.I, "...I ' 1 ' " " 'nt l.-'a ' I.i'. " ', 10 to', i '.. . 1 i i r. s. o Vt-ti u p.r .tii.i. 1 . .. . in-, in1; I. a . I Ill , III '. M'W .. li a Lit I 1.1 ..It I' . .1 It. 11. I I M. ll a 1. . a. . I C i.ll .1 I'... .U It. H ... I J U I' I' .. Hi I, .11 4 li a .1 H ...! ,.0 ...i .''Ft; 1iii.i.l,i nt 4 ..!., ..I I .' lol III t.alfl I. .11. I a.l I: A . . l.l ., ..I ll I' I .I lis Ol i . I.. I. ... a, I . 44 1. 1- L. .1, a ti. i i i.u t . i . i .. I. ' I .1 i.l f .! I ...4.1. I' J. 'II t ll. II III . I ; i . i .i 1 1 IK It. f I Vl I US I . t. mi vii-iiua i. I . .1 . . I . a. I a .1. i I'll ll t.t I. I ,1 ul a .J I !. ' , i . . I - . , t I .. I . , ,:. at II u i i... I. IW t ., k 4.1 . t.' i a .1 t I -a ,. I... Nt II . i ... i at. .4 A. Hal I . ' I t I : i .i t i.l I (.4, H li ,111 .al tt Ut. . 1 T TOWAF1) SANfTART AIT) ASSOCIATION. I. . A. For the Relief nml Cum of Ihe Erring and ' Ij illuminate, on I'nmipU s of Chrlsti in Pliibin Ibrr nv. Fs-eivs on tl.e lliiins of Yonlh. nml i.lm j Follies of Ale. hi relation fo M a iiiiiaof. nnd So ' tAt, Evir.s, with sinltiiry nld for the Hfllitre., I s '"' iVce. i i sealed envelopes, Address, lilV I .sRl) AisfliflATION'. box P. l'!iii..,lcli.hln. 1'a. Tiiny7.''i,'t-fy. a' Kmibiiiy 4ruin .V I'roiluco lurkcl. COHUF.CTEn WF.F.I5I.Y 11V ItlI.E A or.ltlXOlm. GiiAlN Choice TA'h'.l a Wheat Rest Amber, Winter...... .$1 M) ...1 40 .... HI ., 1 CO i oni , live , Oats, (:,.' lbs.) Best Amber, inter, per sack " " " " barrel Col n Meal, pi'f CWt., HlITTF.K New Yolk , Pi. niis.v! vania Roll Kilns Pi r b on ...4!i 1 00 H 11(1 ....i fiO If, 111 1 10 .!Js;.i Do .llifn l:.' Muais Dried Heel', per lb Smoked Mutton " Venison I aicii per lb I'l-H .,lt Wiiile FiaU, per lb " Trout Cod ' Fresh Shad Vi:oi;taiu,i;s Turnips, per bushel.,.. Potatoes " " Onions ' : Ibaiis, " iitiart Hominy, " " Duisu FaiiTJ Dried Apples, per tb. " reaches, " . " Cherries, " . " Hlaekberrirs " Raspberries OrtTN Avii.F.s per barrel .1.'. I .. 8 i .10 i 1 IX) 1 1 00 ! loH ia PJfo.M 1 'jotTi iai i li(i:i.-i I , pj i M i H ttofi'ifi I HI Dobbins TIM! VECETABLEKKlll A Golor and Brassing that will not Eurn tli e Hair or Injure the Head. Tt mates Hair soft nnd fine, restoring its natural color without dyeing, by imparting a hcoltliy and yicjorous growth. IT IS ALTOGETHER UNLIKE AM' 07EFJL rstrsRiD oslt tr . v. Pesniss, ' 426 Nortii EiEhtH St, Maila. 1rlea $1.00, largo bottk-s. SOLD EVERVWHERS. None frr.riuino without my f-ignaturfi, tnd I put my namo to no goods that ro not of surpassing excellence. K N O X TT"!" XV Itr.AUY. i 1 Our new Pescriplive and lllMstiat ' l Catrtloeruc, ; with I'ricc list for the. Spring of 1S71, coiitainiin: ' .p!'.'ndi(liy coloied j !iOitis of t!t' ?Iurili (tiVhiio '!ieord; firave. pronounced by J. Knox mi l others Ihe 1 t"..t talM-ililc :apc 'ro.ue.'d :ik'- the ii.troduc tioii of the Coueoid , and Hie 1 .1 u 11 .lit (-Our Xo. 70") i .1 rawberry, with descriptions of all the le.idln' , vari dies oi Small Fruits, new and old, with di i re. lions for plautiiiL', crowing, i.nd iiaiidmi; Ibcni, and l.-ttv we make from ttl.ottn to Vi.1M jut Arre ; with the Jueiinda Sllatl.rry. It is very hand ; sonic and valuable book, e;oUeu up at a lie ivy expense, and will be ient to all applicant! en ' -ij.-in 10 cents. Frov.i-.ns. Our 1 ice, -Ip.ivo Catalosrit.t of rto?i, C.rc.'u- house and Heddini; Plants. Shrubs, Kvcreieens, I etc, conlainin:: ('ocriptions of ininiy line an I beautiful l'l-ints, is a. no ready, and vti'.l be enl : to a!! applicant., lor .' eo.s. 11. Ill' 1 MI Nit .V Ot )., 1 biicce:ora to J. Knox, 1 FeV4.t!71-lm. l'it'st un-, K.i. n:it i:s i:r.xrci:ik AT THE llainmoth IJoot k Shoe Storo or m. i tin. m:k. In C. B. ftmitVi ltooir, (Jueen Stre't, cue uoo l ast of Ihe I'ost Olli -e, NORTII I' M UK!'. I. A N'i, I'l'.N' V A. Tor Llmii.i', o to 1111 Vlli. r's Ho. t and Sin btoie. Thi-v a iv mi ..I. Hot tail' at tt. For I riiu h Calf U ...i's, g.j to E'.l Miller's, only 4 J lo i U per pair. For Root 4, Slmea and Callers, nt lowest pic-i-lili prices, pi to Lii Mill, r'.-t, on lueeu Mnet. 1 or all k.mis of ( 11 111 Hoots am! hoes, call at Lll Miller's. ! or Liiditf' t'uui Overshuci, eec line nort 11,. in at Kli Millers. For all kind- of ' n'tt Sho"s, if.) rie l ex i.mine 111 Miller's lur.e :i i .-'iii"n . For an vl liiiiaT in Ihe L. o. 111.. I ! h e line, i.ill and t' l'.li .Miller's sim k beloie per. l.arin ; t isewhere if )ou wish to yet liisl-i'l.its, nl tl.e lowest pries. Jan. 7, l-P.p. 8, '70,-ly. To the I'oniniunity at Laro! il KSt.r. AT TI1F. ' R li G U LAVOfl." U w t!j:i f I ; t y piinlii-' 1 tin .Mirr t.)tl t L- 1... v.i'.l an 1 nl tin? li- :-f!..t"r lt".'t, . I , Ullk, 1 ill ll' I iilol I lli lli.,' , Ml J. I. AlU.r, .tint l'i Cl'llllllll III'' tI'l'M - ill lit put- i.l ...I m, ..-i. I ",,11, t' 1 Vi HI k r"ll , MAUKl.T S'l li! 1 T, MM.I 41 V, Vt 1. 111 l..i"'n;' -t ili'l-lu I uir. i.iiut ul-. w'.lli In lu. i. l fi ul' iU. lumi.ui , 1 j ru j .i.j 1 ,i u.. 11 ok .1 uitit 4 1 iw. fi Wi'i t.l r-l.t i 1. !'..i.iliM.i li l . 1.. m aid lll'i-li, , 1 1 1 in lil lit i. I 1 I 'ini j .'1 y . A - i . 1 1 1 1) v 1 1 t. in 1 .. in it" .j uiii-i 1 1 oi t i..t- I ik . 111 .1. , I u I .1 li. .nil! u laii. 1. .1 1 ,i I..!. 1 tit I. N. r. I I SHt. Hiil. i ' t , Jan. yi; oi j in im, at tai:, TlIK Sew MaiiuU 'IVnijiIe Loan, Itt uilwK 7 ll-Ki lutt rt t.1, ll U i.. ti hi aj'.. r lit' I .) en I mill u l. al) i n.' l.l) .' It. It'll ( I'ltynbir Murrlt rntil Ni'tl. .... 4 i. I !. ; ll . ..I.. I 1 . i it ai Kl '. ' v 4 I I- ll I 41 DEffisVEN&UUO. U ..alll l... I, I'kiluilt IktUltl. kluttk UwWftM MMtl flfM VN Ivtu WllntluUt - I a . . I I I . l. . . I .ill i . . .1 I .4 I. I . I I Mitt, llllll I I ' r I"-- '- ii... i.t i ii, . . .. i i .-1 . . . 1 , 1 , t I a. , i, .. ll.. la a. M i tt tout ",. t ttt I ' 'I l.ltj ll t f I'ttlll uo ii a or v i: K Y i) e y o r.irTio.v, 11 K.N JIy'I'I-TEKS, On Tb'.rd St., one door d-dow the I.utharan Church, r:.L-Ni;rjuv, prnn'a. TFRT opened fi lar' o:,o:-imert of T'llY GOOIIfi, such ns Cloths. Ca'!niei. i. Calieoiw, Miislini, A"., nhieii are sold el, cap. r '-hull ever. Al.o, a vari'.ly of Notions, t'ndersliirtrf, Draw ers, Hats and Caps. LADIES' WOOLEN ronr.?. An. anocEiUEs .yn i' no 7ioxs of all kinds, fiii.Ii ns SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, f-l'ICES, COAL Oil. Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard. Hums, Nuts, 'Vd and canned Fruhs, l'riinui, Rul.-ii. , V'iiee e, un 1 Craek'-rs, and in fact iverjlhing c-imlly ; in li..: Gr.'i- ty !!?;) Hii'ici, 1 Mi, Coal Oil, Cpvkcry-wnic, ti-'onswar. G'ass-waic. W "oliov-wave, ,tc, The best FLOCK afd-MEA 1. In tl-.J ToUic.a', and ni.. -i variety .f Milld'.sS. . inds of CatiueJ ALSO i All k loest price. Fruit, r.t tlio UOOTS AND SHOES. Having enlarged my lore. room mil filled It with the l-ite-t slyh: of new yoodfl. I would so licit the p;itronai;e of the pal-lie aud will endea vor to please nil. Conn try Pro luce taken m cxehanye for Good.". irl,"Cail uud exainiiie my sitock, and mitisfy voursilves. IIi".Kr FF.TKT'.S. SanVouy, Nov. la, Wt. A GFEAT riHIGAL DISCOVERY" Dr. WAr.::rr."s cnuircitriA YINEG-AB BITTEES a iiauuii.u.1 vi iirJUjajua c ... ; j r. ar t"f!.nenr t , lui i.i.ii.ii.e r.M. i ;iu... l.l.-.c ii WHAT ARE THEY? at - .i is.;-:.ji r' .,i'T ' V-J-...-.-- 11a. nn.1 il mL-d. in," V.t slot 1 1"," ...c, lail Hii 11: t'T'i !- r en to (lrunlrctiacfi reia, let nr.? n l.-ue Mi'li.lnc, laailc f.-al llic Vi'.o--.; l 1 ...l... C:.l.:'ri.!u. !rc r.ll A!."che!ie si : a.'ulunln. Tiiey arc tl.e ;:it:at ui. ');- i'v::in;::i neJ A LiF.t ;1VINU I'KIM'U'J.Saiv.tiVtt Lii,e..i..-r ir-l Llt li;olati.r ol" ll.e i.ylelii, tuilTirn eu iP. 1.1.:)-.I raatt'-T a:a'. ri -i.-rlu;' t'-e - -tJ tu r. r. ul,l.- cki.Ll'.i'-... .loy .rscn esai-l.o t.-se ii.i i u'.v...;. i.a.c 1: ja lo.'l re.Laiiort; ua ,'i. tK.'O vlUbs fi.-of vr.i .-.rir.' .! v .5, ;-. l':e Loac4 era ia.1 d..-..';. I 'i .f . , k - I other Z.'ZC G, 1 .::? v.. "polr t t i r I'tir liiMunntitlri y ttftii nutl (ioi'lt i - JtiiiiriiLw. 1; 1 1:..; 1- i.u '.!::' V..L1 -r, MJ t a.f.d i.nd ( ; .i'.'.:ii i.ii-. ! c ir. c ; vvrsia- -i J UlurtU 1 i-.t c i.tiit.n le : . - fi I. h-Ut.ll MilkMit CM. 2 i; f-' ; i: IV . I A : li 1 N V- . G S' zU , i v.i l.i liic .lOi-iiaTii, ji Civ !;.::..., ; oi.r ti I M.'.:.:i, r..;- it,; . . i s . j (i 1 :-t. r..l.'l'UT':r.l.. :i rt t'.c Ln;..s, T . . . :it 6, .. , U , t : t.10 k.u .Miln'f I j ' Hih. ' i i- .ort-tj V.w !ahii,r.c!i .i'ihiUU'? t1.. I 1 11 V . r -"".il Lc''-t .rj, lii,'i iciuUr tlifcji of lire ..;. c'-i-f; .x C '-:i; 1a XI i (i'o'.vf uli iirpr.r.i.u , iu-purtin iu--.v Vn e. X v to ino vJm.w sj .itf-;:,. 10:tivl lt.SLAr.!.l iUi-u.!i.-,7eU r ZMvaxu, I'U'li l tit t I'u;, i ic-in h, i uilI f. Foils, .t tuocl'.t. J.irsB-'V.uiiit., ; .! iUx-L. i t-ru' t , Ery.-i;t-elm, Itth, hcuriV, I Isr (.'.(.. ml: oi.s i.f lUc SUii., i:-.:v.r:a CL J I'H . .it.t:. (. t i;n; i-i. n, v. I a'.iivtr Mtuik.' ur Liti:r , 1Uit:v du v.p tiu.i CiH 1 i.-il out v'f ti.c bktvui ti a i-iIkti luiac Ly tii.i ut! c f tLn..- I'. i'T;. I'fiu bclllij lu ui U Ciit-t ; -rtiU c jiiv'.ar" ll.t nc.l I :crt 1 1 i!.t;r Ceiititivo eifect. CUat:80 Hie Vil.tit'il liloo'l vl oriWfT you ltd iij'puraicb bur-stin Crouch iUv Llu iv. i j, Ln; ti.-us or Si.rt.8 j cIvul- u w Ui u j t-u n .tlrnct. d id tlu.'fWi In t'..o Mi ir:; (.' i.!it.o it Vta it h "til, Bui ycur fcvliut will ti .l j u i:n. Ipp Uio blue', jnne and t!io h tlili oi" tl. pi i -n v. .:i ft :iov.-. 11 Nt TAlKiiudnti,r iU.-:s, lurK;la C;3 tyotv in cf t; j :;:.::' t!ov.: ;uv cu.xti-a.iy Ut.roy rJ an 1 rcinnvt d. l't. full r.lriN ii'Q, rt I laivr.ii'j' tl.e circular ar-jun-l ciuli .tflo, j ri.. tl t.i ijxt laa-tui-.,Lt i:i.j:uji,Ci..rui::., . aad 1. J.", Vt iri. t..r. I NAL1 & tc; PLvitfia und (I.'ii. ,iic;l, Jii J'rL.Ticlco, tal and 8i-uJ lit Couiuivitc t;trw't,t. New VorL, tr"t o!.n cr all Tr.iGc:r-:3 xsd vhm.hix UNIOH'lrllOTOGIlAPlI GALLERY 1 o s. it. it f. u ; s r 1: r s x r. n (ttrers great ind'iecment'. In those tvl o ..'fo him p-ili-onai;K Mix pl.-tiir.-a for fl.UO to all ttho call on hiM lli ini; e'uinlien to him he!i.. i'll el.-.-wl.ei I'. Itriii o!. pi. tine hettill 1 oloi .V enlarge the.M I". 1 rti'.iim; in my line done as Heal 114 can It K lie Is to .. i.e sali f.o lion ; laotlo, I.i ple.oF (.ll r 1 -, i.l ai d v. 'a In cl fi.ii.n e made lo 1 1,0 K 'l4 l..lll Vlil I I ,1 ih. i' m i nu i ns lln 4, M.tle. I'.tiitl cr, t ll. li ui. ii. i el '.it, .til. A I a' I .J, lo I.HI ( IJ l.itdicti' )rk TriiMitiiit.. ii..i, ! i l 1 I !l ll. I I'.i rl i ..i. I t . i , M . , .1 II'. Still . I . I - 11... I '. a t . ll.. ' . II is, J .... IwU 4 11 1. Wli tt I M I I. Mil. I IM l;V litii.U'.i. hlv. i hi . . ii. r I I W'l . . i . i.. .. Mil l. I . a a i ... la n. i t ... i ) 1 V I. I I I a ' '. I ir Vi'VlV i Hi Ml . ..ll I, , I'.I., I. 1. . . I ,. I 4. ........ i . L. I a, , ... I I I I I. .' I .. .. I . .a mt I ... t III. I . . I I.. SI I i.'.il I tt 1 1.4 la U N i ? - - mi ill i . - ? 8 ! 7 Mi i J Bin a " 1 Uz2 sJ -. S (- 'V ' nunnui-T, ii.-e. .t, ni". AttW W e ; 17 " 5 f tar.x AitE :.-or a tilt: i i i c-i v;irisr! pt s. II F A K C V DRINK.?!?! A leof Pool- IItiiii, Vt'liihk, y, 1'r.ii.l ssi'iril Fr '.J-.-fciSA Va'rX'A ileliine Manors i!o-l. .- l,r. l.-w l r-. ' . I f-- ir -" '1 t. neiuc the t..,,u. e.-.iic,l" T ir.cs-". -.riv-t:-- i t -4 vitFt?.i?' t. li., c .-i 1 ei '' i:s clic ip i.n tin' htall I it ',,,1 .. ,11 4- al I'll,! 1 O.i ,'1 4, ,11 :',, 1:1.1 ,4 '..I I li .0. P, .I..,-':.,..' . ... tfefi i:'i'.: 'i::.:!i''':::;::,'::.'::.:,:;:,V fL'd'i ' 1' .33 . . ... . i .i.i. t " ' . i . I.ll til , 1 . lit v on i ' I ill ip w IS. "ii- ii -i ! mi lu- - ,i: ' t' I ' l'U - i uiiMiihi' '-.h M.!;i;i.f h i!;i.ti, I'.'i-.'.ttki: ll. I 11-.' fti'ic. ' rL lllllli I 1, tall S N. I!. ..-Uif-s I..1 i.-tl. or-, ii l'.- lire tl . !- -at t I, II .an t. li It .1 l- il.-, . u. ' ! .il U. nut iitn . ,ii i-t. li. l.l- in..-1 i.i Mi. ii. .: f. M. .'.. tii. FALL AND WINTi:;: !Votv Arrival of doo.i.-i. AT nmti rs.vrr. M..:i'M r;-tis;,. Slaikjl Eia-irn, SO'LC'.Y, Ien Just oppned, a Jurg nssnrtiiienl of CHOICE Vf.Z8 Goon.1, Connoting of the latest styles Of plain niid ;!a!l toorts. In oil their varhtlrs. ! Ircs Trlninilarw, llniPrrolilt vli r.. NOTIONS, Ac. A ftiwMisr. asS':tmkkt. or LADIES' WOOLEN COOIJ. Gents' Collars, Nee'lr -'.! , L'a'.l'-hoso, H.inifk'-r chiefs nnd Gloie. Perfumery, Toilet Soapi, UalrErtul os'oni!.-., etc. An invitation Is ftstondo'l to all to eall and n C'.ire bairalns. Siiubury, Nov. 5, 1TT0. r.CKJii.A. A t O. A FI LL LINT. OF FALL & WINTEIX OOOBS at JOHN LXKMAX t'c CO S. Groceaim, tho best nuj elicapest In tlir. minki f, r.t Kek'ii in ite C'o'a. i )II-t lollr, Cnrprt and nrpct C'luii:i ' at tin very lowest prices, nt j Cckiuan i"; Co'a. ' UM13UETJ.A', i mil XOTIOXS Eckmun & Oo'ii. of every dicrlj.! in, st Hal ujiiI Cups, ItActit Siloes, ul Kckin iu it Co'u. fitonv-Ware, vTcod-Vare uj Vi'.!ov,-'A"ari--1 , Kckuiuu .v Co i. llardvrnre, Xnils, Salt, Fit-h, .to., at KcUmau A Cu". Country P-oduce tulien !u eTc'iaiire (it F krr r.n & Co'i. Lon't forget tt p'u:e, JOHN TCKMAN tk CO., COUIIER Jf'oI. Rrif AN U jfARKEf Tucura, HUNBLUY, ri'.NV'A. L'i t?.'S t. R C3l Tlin remn.lT "1e. noi drr r.p a ivncii : l.nt lnn.-.r?i. Cleanses the I'ltips, anil aUavs irnuiiou, luus ?t.vx'.. inn hc cum f Hie ronii'lu'iit. . SfcTII W. I'HWI r, Ik son. P,i,r.Tielor, P.T.toa fcyl I by dru;xis;s licit de ili-ts v'eiicraaT. I.'ane gcuuiuo uaicis u.'ned . iierrj. r Ar.uiv.M. of cods. f IZAISll'l ll 1. AZAT.L'S Jinn 'voces In pul. lie t .at '-lie lia-i lust recejt'eu. ul lmr ia He. .11 h a hirtfi! snj'l'ly cf TJJ'1'. 1.AT1ST ?TYI.i:.4 Ol" HATrf, -. -',! and 11' i:i:ru'eO. atil cf ail colon, la- ClUa .1; .l.w ii'.ortn.iiv.ra, tl.s latest Old mi tt IV -hioaa'.c l!im oat l hits Auw, ClilI.DililN'.-i HAT", for r'i'l-. and heys. F'.o'.t .'r; of tl. l::u- .vi I lun Uamn tas'.i it.uh'iiia. p'.aiu nun 1!' i; eac, is. I.ace I oinrs, i.iiicn tola' for I.adi.s and Cliil lien, ( 'roch ! ct! Ne.-iitl. i for l.:i.!:- :i!i,l ti.ut'- 1 '.fi'e i and CuiSk iri. t'.'.l sl.tlcj. . . UloV14 Silk f.lch. l.o.- ., 1 s o-a' a- i.-.-ic..'. inclnt'i.:- and l.a.l-.. bail.. l.;n ';'. v. ll.tlldk.-lelA'-'. A l littid" ot '1 l'.'air,in--i. Hiiiln-oi.lci -. laf.!9!t. li..-i. ry lor l.n.lies, Geiit't) and t hil,ir.:i.. y ..-hitttie ami p'niuc tiiiiitnr..cs. TIliM.MI.VG SU.hz, Chignons, Zephyr und Yarns, and a general vurieiy of Notions. Tiia'nhful for pal piiU'ona-re, Bhe Uopei thut the ipiaiitv cf her voo ls will nit ij' a p'liiiliinruioo of the mi ic. l.II!A!;KT:i I AZAHLri. OPENED ! Third fci ri i t. tii-Nt door to Junet'.nn Hotel, ; SCMU'liV, l'KNX'A. An tiiliro new tt.Ml; id' nl". Und., of Croeciitf, cenip: is'iifr oi Suyrj, ColT;c, Tia;, Jloliist'. Friilu, fim, ilauisi. Mioulil'r, nn i in fact c.ei Uiiu utaiil.y kept iu a Grocer ttoic II tvlns opi nr j ('..'? (t.KfcU, the -nVic nrc .uvl'ed to-, a. I and fMilcic.- AN !.'. V i IIIV t leiini.oi:ion to s. II ila- ip im s!i, no haraim can he laaoe ht cxmuiL't te-t ,re i'uvelia;'.ni; ci9.ttli4.1e. JAMUb 'A S DVICt'. oet i7o-tf. No. 003 Chetstr-ttt Brrcct, rUilftdclyh:a. 1 tl, r I'l.ATI I) W'MW r .1 at'. mH."." M their s ... k ot taTitVcn ri.ATi;r) cioodj, ou. Jul ine, I. - 1 l..i'ul l.-.e of llmo "l l: h , a l.l" t C ' ' I ' 1 1 C lifcr.. .meet il Ttiiu: w tin s, l'i. r r '. n w ii i t i' si i: tai.. . 'i i' a. In .,ii , , , i i I . 1' utrf.'.ol'v'l Iwtt PLATF.O bTOOfiS, FORrxS, LADLES, d,C- VINE TAllt.H oiiti.k: V, 1 1 I' I., 1 A i.i I,..! I i i, wii w iv n i: mii I ii lit I. .1.11. l llolllll'lt Ulill 111. t. I ....... ...i la. Sll Halts'. ,... tl I ., 'i.' u r Kli i Mui" I, ..' ,.l c i . ..s, ( .1. I'M. I li , I' V . ...... tl.a 1 1 1 1 1 s : i 4- l . IH. I 'li,liu AMI I I i t I Vl ' t. !.i-. I - aatl a. I I . . -K. M-, n P.! V. '7V i.V tu