IMliaiXJW.,'.JWlllCT1 unburn American. B. MASSER, W1LVERT. tdllari. TKAirr.itAJit'B Uti.r.. Tempemnce nuu tlu'oiiybout the State have, with very Ren ctal unaiiimit., i'c.iii bh cd in an effort to procure the j,wir,a of iho Mil for tho regu lation cl" the sale of iu1xii-hling liquors, mi what is popularly known as ''local op tion." Tho bill provides Hint the question, whether licetiso shall he yraiiti'il In any township, ward, or borough, shall ho la three, years, at the regular p'.ection, sub- i.i'tllcvl t't the, people, when ballots shnll bo "voted, inscribed "for license," "ugainl li-fci'n.-R ;" and if it shall bo found that a ma jority of the votes cast arc n.cnlnst license, then it -hall ho unlawful for the judges, or oilier officers,' to license to any person or persons within this teriitory described to Ki-ll intoxicating liquors to be vtr.otl as a bev erage iu any v;ny whatever ; but if tho niajinty of tho voles cast shall he in favor 'of license, ther. the existing license law in force nt the timo tho vote was taken 'ohall remain in force, uud the question, whether Ik tbe kniiato, on Saturday, tbe Houbb joint resolution authorising tho division of 600.000 seres of 'land . granted by tho United States to tho Statu of Oregon for common school purpose, was passed. A Joint resolution offered by Mr. Pomcroy authorizing tho President to station nt the port of New York one or moro naval ves sels b convey bivndstufl's and supplies con tributed by people, of the I'niled States to Fiance and Prussia for the destitute, and suffering people in thosa countries, jiavo. rise to an animated debate, tho feelings of Senators oil the subject, wo give u brief synopsis of what was said : Mr. Ilownrd moved to strike out all tcfevenco to Prussia-. Wo Were net nd vised that there was any destitution there, tierinnny had "seemed so far to be able to "paddle" her own canoe." "We. hud no rea son to coucludo that they d ' ired any as sistance. Jilr. Stewart said larce amounts had been raised in this country for tier many. Mr. Schurz suggested that f'C Idea w:is to makn no invidious chstinetion. Mr. Howard regarded it as rather an I anomalous slate of nlliiirs form' to besend I iiivj supplies to foreign countries at war. During our war with Rebels no European j nation sent us nnyupplies. Mr. Pomcroy said they had sent ns the i men to llht our battles." Mr. C'oiiklinir said thorn was nothing to make us discriminate in this ins tier be- A creat many of our poopla would desire to send their contributions to the willows of Cer- JKF.AT rinE at otrrn jutts. in nu. SO Iwelllngs Itnmcd. T1IIUTY FAMILIES HOMELESS. Iom 9150,000. decided adversely or favorable to tho tern perauco reform, may bo submitted every tlwccii France and (Jermany tlnco years. This bill, was, on Monday 1 titrO.t ' 1,V " f I- KmitH ff T'l 1 i 1.1 ill 1- , - i T I many. phia, chairman of tho Committee ou ice j n'tm Dovvard did not desire to be mis a:id Immoralitv in th.' House, f.-oia that nndrrstond. His Hvmpatldes from tint committee, v.i'h a recommendation that it I "rst iul been with l russia ; he passed. The Pvr.uo IT. nr. Vndcr the judici ous financial manngcinei'.t of tho national no ministration, the public debt, continue:; to decrease monthly. Tho ofiicial state ment for the month of January, shows a reduction during that month of upwards of four million dollars, un.I that the decrease shim March 1, 1S70 has been $110,31)1,1170 17. PiMtu'neut bankers in London leave writ ten to "Washington bankers e" tho subject He would withdraw his amendment. Mr. Fovlr said sympathies were with tho -Buttering people, of both countries. Dcit a: to the (iovcrumcnt of Germany ho had lit i It'd to seo where it hatl thowu" any : -sympathy for us in our ginifrglc. Mr. Stewart remarked that Germany J had Liken our bonds when other nations would 'uot.'and had thus given us humus i to carry on the war. Mr. Fowler. They dororvod no credit I for Hint. 'They were only smarter than I other people, i! ud they got nn exorbitant I rate, oi' interest. I Mr. Scli'ir. said it was undeniable, and I'lmntno, Feb. 7. This momlncf a terriblo cnnllagratjon broke out in South Pittsburg, cauauvn tremendous lo.-s nnd rciideriug dorens of families homeless. Tho lire broke out about live o'clock, in a stable lx'lonins to Mr. s indicating i Jiioliniil? Sr., located on Lliesuiut alley, uetivocii x liirn ami iourin streets. When discovered the llames hail Gained considerable headway, and tho current of air, going at tho time, soou swept them to the ml joining building. The' Mechanics' and "Walton. Hose Companies arrived as soon as possible, but owing to the long distance they had to come, iho fioiy element was almost beyond control. Tho flames spread from tho stables to the machine shops and locomotive works of Smith & Parker, running from Chestnut alley to llinghain street. Tho building, which was R huge three-story frame, soon fell a prey to the llames and the shops were entirely destroyed. There was stock for fourteen locomotives in the building at tho time. liy this lime the wind became no strong that it drove the (lames in every direction. Dwelling after dwelling was devoured, and in nn hour nearly the whole square bound ed by Carson, iJinghani and Third and Fourth si reels was a huc nius of llames. Many families escaped only with their live:-. Xotwitlistandiiig the manner in which the flames spread, strange to say wc have not heard of a singlo person being hurl. In nil about twenty dwellings were re duced to ashes. Most of these were two story brick, although many wevo frame tenements. "In sonic of the. houees lived two or thieo l'anii ics. About half of the TLKKIKLG ItAIMlOAII AC I. BtJST rorcmKf.Erpirc, N". Y., Feb. 7. Tlio following particulars of a terriblo railroad accident at Hen Hamburg, on the Hudson Hiver railroad, have been received. An oil train bound north caught fire near tho biidzo at that place at a late hour last night. The express train came along and ran into tho oil train, catching Are also. The oil train, set tire to tho bridire, and the rnrrbined weight of the two trains broke tbe b't'dne in two and tho cars fell through in a inaf3 of wreck anJ confusion. (Seve ral persons, nna-ble io get out of the cars when the crash "occurred, wero burned to death or drowned. . . The enginccr,couductor and brakeinan of tho express train arc known to bo killed. Tho seeno at track is fearful. A- corps of physicians from this city have arrived to' at tend the wounded and dying. Three sleep imi cars are among those destroyed. Eight een persons arc known to have bsen -killed outright, and many more are injured. No names have yet been ascertained. SKI.'OXD dispatch Auia.n-y, N. Y., Feb. 7. A dispatch has been received in this city from Mesr. O lUien, ltoche nnd Prince, members of the Legislature, who were de tained b- the disastrous accident which oc curred on the 1-Iudr.on llivcr railroad, near Poughkocpfao., laet night. These gcntlu-man-oseaped without injury, hut the safety of other Assembly men who wero on the express train when the aecideut took pluco is uncertain. A report i current in tho city that tele grams have been received from tho scene of disaster, stating that upwards of twenty bodies have not yet been identilicd. and 11 ft ecu more are jet partially imbedded iu the debris. The work of removing the bodies was taking place when tho lafct dis patch left. (Jreat excitement prevails in this city ovir the news. 1IEXRY T. IIEI,nnI.D'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA Component farts f lultl Kxtract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catnnba Grnpe Jules. For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Billon Affec tions, Slelc or Nertoim llemlnelie, CostivencsJ, eln, Purely Vegetable, containing no Marcury, Minerals or ltilutcrluus lh-us. OF A Foxf.s, savs the. Miners' Journal, arc very plenty in tlu; vicinity of Pottsvllle, Pa., These l'llls re the inoit dcllgbtfnlly plensant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, ets. There 1b nothing more acceptable to the stomach. Tbcy (jive tone, and cauf e neither nausea nor trrlpnliur l'ains. They arc coiiirocd of tbe Jlm rt imjrnUeiiti!. After u few dnys' use of them, such an luvleoratlon or tbe entire sv tem takes place ns to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. II. T. llelmbolirs Com pound Flpld Kxtract Catawba Onipe Pill arc not, from the fuel that unrar-eoated l'llls do not diss ivc, hut pass tbrouitli tbe slo maeh without d'lfs.Jviiur, oonso,uontly io not produce the desired Tbe Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant ir. Mastc and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-couted. l'rlco flliy cents per eox HENRY T. IIF.I.MltOI,IS HIGHLT COJfCESTKATEU COMPOUND Fluid Extract NnrNMpurillit Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, 'Sore Eyes, Poro 1-egs, Sore Mouth, Sure Head, Hroncbitis, Bklu lMsrasca, Salt Khemn, Cankers, HunniiiKs from the Ear, While Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous A '.lections, foilc. (ticket, tilamlulur awel'i-inii-s, Mirht 8wchc,: lla-h, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Ehi umutlsm, Dyspepsia, and all discuses thaliiavc been establisLcd In the system lor years, new z&mmM -m-QTm S. ITerr.feldor bavin" just openetl a first class establi ditr.eiUn- Moom la'ssingcr's llulldings Third Street, below Market, between Market ?.nd tho Po-t Ui'U.e, Respectfully iuvitos the public to call and examine his mammoth f leck f FORMED, BOYS, ASD CUILDltEX. Wt' Hi llcinn prcpaii( expref sly for the aboro Com plaints. Its blood-purfybi!; properties aic irrcater than anv oilier preparation til' Barsuoaiilla. It Jcivi's thc cotnplexiou a clear nndhcuHhv cnhir oeeiiiianto succiaided in removing t he most ( mo piescnc wuncv, ntnt sportsmen aie ftl,d restores tb Puticnt to a pt ue of Health and l'unlv. t or t'untyln? the lilood, removini; all valuable portion of -their household goods. ! Having many e.vcitti'2 chases niter poor Tho names were the eked about half past i reynard. Kveryor.e eaptttn-.d entitles the light oVloek, nnd there is' now no further j hicky man t-i a bottnly if live dollars which dainnge by them. j also adds to theiutcrcst of the chase. !? .'"s.,u'nimo conuagraiion at, least Tlrr w.r "io minister to a mind .1 Jiivipnt,, -i K , -riivmii "Svrnn n. (lis pro- dLi.ens in the neighborhood have kindly i u.ululi.Solutiou of nlu .-Mh of Irnu, provided shelter for the sut ercrs. whi, .j, givi S pl reiigth and vigor to the whole I chronic coiibtilutiunal diseases aii-oi!r from an , Impurs state of the Wood, and the only reliable j and ttrTcctual knoMii remedy for the cure of pains I and awellim; of tbe l!oni, l lceratiins of tbe i Throat und Lvg. Klotehes, T'iinplcs on tbe Face, ! Eryoipelus and nil s.:aiy eruptions of tla skin, ! and t,cautiljing the complctioa. Price, II I0 per liotiie. of the Alabama question iu which they as scrl tha' ih.e I'riii.-ili 'governtiHiit ar ' ati.iou-i to come t a final adjustment, i lieved that we. would he sueooostiil, they which they have no doubt will soon tnka place. In such nn event the new U. 'Kituts win linn a veaoy nmrKeim r-nisiui. . fchould have been nasswl .t. nnrn. . , . , " ' ,.i . , . I It was deplorable to bring into a qnr- A pl.t f.-.r consummating a "big steal,' , tknl o( (l ,,nJnt ftll(1 1M,bIe charity a discus- 2-e:iching nearly half a niiilon, was discov- , sion of tho nature which has sprung up. ereil hy Congress, last week, and frustrated. Mr, Stunner said it was a dillieH' mnt- lt ll.ot- ,.,,r. !,r,r,u.i,f, , , n f.-irn,l .f I ttT for llinl for 1U1 V A IKOl iM 11 tO decide ' . c. ., . ., , c", . ... : to which wo owed most Franco or tier .liiiriiuiiuu iv u., id uie p:i on y u ;i ,i u nil class of men, had a contract for ear-yiug the. mails between Uluh and the Pacilic, .nd m lias ever since been going for "extras'' ii,iiiim ,r it,,, bw.., i., it.. w ,f..r. i ' ,r : '-""' ' ". i evidence was on tilo in the Mate Depart- ri Tl,n 1,, ,.. r,,l7 , :,,; e . efc ,,, ...c-reuy n-ioriug uiu miuu I ment that the Germans had sympathised it i,; thmmiit it will amount tc floO.OOO, on I with tho I. nion duniv' the rebiilion. If Uvldeh tlu'-r.. i n n:n1 inksnn.. ii. .. i , . i . . i .... , i. i- . ' . y lliey nao uni syoipatoiAeo wuii u-r niio Lie It is thought to be the work of an ineeti diarv. althoUL-h it is assorted bv koiiio that ;m!d not hayo hou-ht our IkmkIs. I it broku out in the machine shops just ad- Mr. Casserly thought the resolution of ' i,Vnvn,f ib,. ht ibl... Tim i.n,.P.,i .'.i.ini.m ir. l'omeroy was a graretui one ana loinmg llie stable, l lie general uniuion however, i.', il originated in the stable, and that it was caused by tho torch of the incendiary. From Fn.wr.-Tbe revictualing of Paris is going on to the full extent that"' ircum stauces w ill allow, but. lb'- dittresr, within hvith a looseners. On the last day of the session of Cuiigros, his abettors snak ed a resolution through that, body which hadbtcn prepared by tho tricky .Teiv. Black, which made it incumbent on the IVstmater (icnoral to pay C'hoipeiming's 'claims. Ir. Dawes, a vigilant ivepublican 'leader of tl'.e House, recently uueartl-.ed the. eousplr icy, iind last week expose, 1 il 'and scattered it l" iho winds. Thaeou.-pi-lators to deplete the tr?!tcttry will ha'-u to try nt'ien. Cfi.v.NO'T) TK.jl'KiirrnRs. The. propric tuisof I,-omsbi:rg HjuI'imu have become '.h-j pnreiiascrs of the Montour A huricm olliee at Dan ille, nnd will immediately eou 4r,l the publication of f bet journal. They purposi. j.ui.iin.: i i i.u eiigit.e. aLd leaking other i:i:pro. cn:cuta in the ollicc. V.'e wish theui su;c:"s if their enterprise. many ; but why consider this? Hharity i city is !;, great. The Fm-ssians began know; no persons, no discriminations. j to provide" for the restoratim. of the railwavs The resolution was then pa.-sed. j nnd the provisioning of tho capital the This resolution is nn eminently proper moment the Armistice was coueludcd ; and humane movement, and wo hop i- mU J1,'0 r"lIinff--tock was found to bo in a . . , ,, , T. wivtched condition, nnd lnadoquatcd to may be vigorously f-.'Lowed up. It is tin- ., t tlll. de.c.ands made for tho Iranspor possible to estimate the dsmage dour, in Htionof supplies. I'aris consequently suf a thickly populated count rr, bv the enl'ore- ; ei"5 for want of food, and is still partly sup- cd eufpressiou of indtisirv" and it is only 1,; ",i,,h 'y tlio Weniiarjs. , . ., , Ihe I reticb army of tho Fast may be too prolmb.e. that exterior aid alone can ! snlfl ,,.lV(. n1lllsi wft3(,(1 toexlstns.mor save tens of thotwiiids of Frenchmen from cani.".ed body. All the members who have starvation. In tho humane work oi" relief made their appearance on wisst soil aro the United Mates should do their full share, 1 l"".'""' ' -titi-al hands, and have dis- I i ,. vitili'i"i,i-itt oivimir IU11FI1L,II U1V III li Io its natural viitor. TOTi SALE. rj-WO VAU'ARIF, LOTS on the corner of .S Second and Cbesimtl slreots, iu Ihe Ho Miiitli of Suiibury, on which there are erected a lrre diretltnir bonsj. snWs and onlbuiidiug. The., late ut Hugh Hellas, dec"d. The ana r oniy iieeus u suii organieanou oi , ,,f n,,,.,,,. p,.s;,..,w'. (he proposed movemeut and a clear expla- j inthix of tho French ihtoS;vit.erland, liow "at. in ot its necessity to secure liberal con- ever, still conimucs, and is likely to ci-ase Lribmions from the ample stores of Ameri- ! ""'i' wllc" l,!e ' (,,,tirc allliy pf iJl'"- 'lin- x. ,. ,. , , ! chart are prisonors. ca. No uidercnec of sympathy in regard ... .,' .....,.,;,. ... . n1v IMmi. ; came to m. i. ioiki. 'j lie gardens of l.i; .(, ;i Ai I' mt l((uUt ia! ..'' a:i:t(i, pilblf bed by Cie. P. ff ilowell it Co., lmsbc' ii ibiiCL0i iou vivLh' of sixteen b-iiu! ifully printed p:'gep. The tJuztfi. is invahir.b'e to jiri'.er-'. 'i'ei'in-;, a yf.r ; s-hi.lo cvpies, 5 t-. Addtvss to o. P. H.iweli, "o.i. 4'):iuiUl, Park How, Xew "i ink. Ci:iat i-'i.ixdj. A Midden rise in iho liver Tjber in the t 'ity of lhnne, recently caused the inundation of n lnv,;'1 portion, uf the ci' v. .,rat.y of i!:,- I'ne d i loio-', je..elry shops, Ac., vr ie euiii. ly submerged with ail tle ir content. The lns is imnien'e. About two t!ioa:ind ratniliei were made Loin, -le--4 and will n . ! able t,) re-otcupy their honica f, r .-ome time. Tt:i: Sriiivu K, i.i-. A l ill has been introduced iu 1 1 Senate branch of '.he f tale l.eo'l .LtllllV: providing for a return to ll.e o!i sysiei i of ho! !'.ng '.ii city, bor o'lgb, ward a'.' t t eri.-'ii; elietioin in ihu jpii.ig i f l! : y 'i. , lie- ll.od 1'iiday HI Nl.ii'eii.; and li.vug t!ic t'.i! lie i.jifoe (I n -ot.e. of ''.' to parties to tho present quarrel should re tard the collection of the propohed supplies. The (.SermaM tl.cnitelves are t'.oing their be' t to feci', starving Frenchnirn, and we '.lo could not grant aid to any nation which has a btrongi r claim upon our a sistanco then that which sent ns armi' s and fleets to ensure the success of our Revo lutionary traggV. Kim; 1U)t;C:;y in Paii.adi i.i-h v. (.hie of the bolJeat and hist plified rob beries ever perpetrated in Philadolpbia wan committed ou Thur'-day iii''t it the KiiMuuton lian!., t'o'i, Pea.i btivet, Six'.ecntli Ward. Iu the afternoon, about live o'clock, a man dressed in the uniform of a policeman, culled at the bank and ak ed to see the ca..h:cr, Mr. William Me 'uu-i.'-ll. He was idiown oi' tho (.a-dri '.s room, t'of' thern be infoiui, d Vr. M.t'oii ne!l that the police authorities had receiv-i-d" iulorniatioii that the bank would ho 1-i'bVd during the night, and he had bo il detailed by Lieut, t'l.irke, of the 10th li triek 1 oliee, to c.l'.ltiou the ofllcers, and ho rug'.'estcil Ihitt ihe watchman should be iu-t-truet' d to i .i ii iv; greater vigilaiico. The man then U It. Mr. Mel 'otuicll then si ut for tho w.itehui! n, , J, ,i,u Uoliu'-s and Thomas Murphy. When tlav Htipoaivnl Ie- .'it i!ed llie ease I ) tlielil, told iheir to L'e. 11ENRT T. HF.l.MPOtti'S CONrrVTIIATEIl FLUD EXTRACT libC'tlt . THE GKCAT D1UKETH;, has enrad every cacc of Dir.lie'.oo in which it hns been civen. Irritation of .tin. neck of t!ie Mad der and inlliiuution of this Kidneys, I'lcrrnliou of the Kidneys and Bli'ddcr, retention of Fi lnc, Diseases of the prostrate Uttoiil, St,ine in tho Illaihier, Caleului-, liravel, liiickctut-t Deposit, j nnd Mueou or Milky Dischargee, a-nt for Eu- I leeoiea ana iji-iicmic ' uiiMiiiuioiis oi uowi it-4iw, Also, a but on Market strcl, in tlie Uoroimb : attended with the following symptoms: I mils of s:u!,nry, on which there arc dweliinir house, ' position I o exertion, J.o of Power. Loss of Me table and outbuihtns. Inquire ut tbe otlice of inory. DiUlculty of Ureal hint:. Weak Nerve-, " 8. V. W tH. EHTON, i 'l'remlilinjr. Horror of Disease, Wakefnlr.e -B, Feb. 11, l'jTl.-tf. AdiuinUlrutor. ! Dimness ol Vi-lmi, l ain in the B:trk, Hi t Jfaii,!.-, . j Fluibinir of llie llodv. Drvne.'j of tbe Skin, F.niii- X',r i:!,,,.. nn,1 rvl ! lion on the face, pa'lld I', V,uveial i.n. w i irnu mill x tvu oioiii i laitiate ol the Muscular svstcm, etc. Uecl by persons from the ages cf eighteen to twenty-five, and frora thlrty-tive. to Hfty-flve or In the ilccliue or chauuc of life; after confine ment or labor paius ; bedwetliug in children. TUUNKS, VALISES, &c, &c. His Tieady Made Clothing are all mado to his own order, in tlv: latest style of fashioi. and best manner of workmanship, .and equal to custom work. IX HATS ft CAPS AND GKXTS" FURNISHINC dOUDS, he keeps a large assortment of all tho leading styles, and fashions, and has made ar rangements to receive uew Goods from the city every week. HE WILL SELL ALL HIS GOODS AT THE LOVEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Anv person in need of anything in his liro will (hid it to their inter;- .t to give bini u ! call and hear his prices before purchasirg elsewhere. ITIIEIEIIVEIBEZI THE PLACE. Ie,v I il S. u Wa- !'i vrt.KiA" I' l ! ! i .i . :r t te 1. ,1 i: u: ! on Hi- : pavcttieiit, wc !., .-,.! i.ti..;!, lu io s 'Ui li da i! i,i iho ItO I'll I t O ICiif. ha 1 a.i I 'itniitin-'. In tie t.ev iv". .'i.rd ag..:;ut i at v . it ! brink" ii t" the ai d el, i ! -, h ft il ( llie v I. n adc any at- p: elitist .1. Tile of- o iii.-tit'i'i .u wl.. a i ,1 up lh ir bu-iiue.j.1 li.r the V.t'.v llilic'l t 1. charge of tho ll.e I. ,1 t littitl 1 r.t.;. ii I. : Vi oi I , V, i L ih.i .i .i, e s. in I! i'o-, V i- it, .V.l:l i II 11)1 I '!! , .mill , 1 li-, I- Il ' -1 i. A 1 1 II i 1 , t I' . ',.( .!. p, .ii i I i I 'i; r . C.l, 1 ! -.1. in '.III. CI Cm .ten, M tlel.l t) ! nt of the t ) 1'ail in I, it 1 p rii i in ll. s I o S.IV I.,' it , I n ' .ik t.. I .me. " i i.f.r, v - , ji, ; ,i .1 Wi :. a 1 i I'- i i si Ml !.!; 1 L I. . Tl . U ,ii ... i.l v l t I. up i i V 1 t .o . l I I I. I , ' ' 1. I 11 , 1,1 M."t , J,.!.. Vl, Il 4 the I. Of .A ll.o I ..a H eil to I e h v ., v t-r.- ; 'I , , i ,. il'il i ,. ( i i in ii. 'IT f i unit. A (i v, .- . I O I I I' II I ,ikt 'I M II l ' I M ,u i bv nni 1 I uhir. t r- i ; , ' . i II v III, o . -t I f ill ' l l t hi! I' I III I I Ii I I " d I' 'V .1.1 I I . eel I. iiiv n'l i '.t I mi I ' l Ii, III mi i hi f.. ' ,e ,ii V nlu Mi lis I' , let llrtl lli ml Wl Ii ;t' i I u I,, ii II i,i , tl i , I III IU ,1 , lie 1 J II . t'l ,1 III tlie t II 1,1 1 lie, nu ll t'l- I , nn ii w , t, i i, v ' i at hait' list is'-Vi ii ,i l ti 1 l.,'..l ti to!' .'.l !l!IH u ).. I i.- o m. t ' i on n. , ... ,i, .,l.,l llie o il ", ,' I w .iU 1: l.i II .-, :i i.y 1... 1.1. o .i' '' An.'ilit.r i-i ii. llti i ll.;u . (. I , man, pjn'3, hi..! in," ii,l an I lie i.i ,- IV. i. I ' mi l t : 1. .1 ' i : i r i' i .it u ! . 'll.'l.l,;il." i .' -I-i. U if a' it, r vll I.l. l l I III..', ll 'hill .1 W I , l - I I. .it : ll'l'e.l 1,1 Cm : u v;.Vl t l,,li W le 1,, , I ,,ll his M I if ll.- .- W it. hlil ill . it) eti. iioii(i. i no gardens ot an- cressoin aro much injureil. 1'iiiler the fort ail Llii' hoii.-es were damaged by the Gor man Mil lis. excepting those purposely (Jo liiolished. At the b"r;innili!; of the invest liu ut many people continued to ride close up to the plateau on which Fort Monlilu alerian stand ;. Tho whole country now, W llll the exception ol a tew slielti tl jilaces, bears the iippearanee of a howling wilder-1 H"sk. ! Althoueli the French Army of Paris aro j prisoners of war, tli" h . ! 1 ii r.s will remain within llie walib 'f the city till tho close i f i the armistice. As a consequence j her ei uiuiiths to Ii I'd remains the same as I before the capitulation. One of the con-J ditinne of tin sui'i'i'lider U in tinit no rmul j shall he Mippiicd Pu is Iron. Iho tlislriets j d by llie tie. iiiim ermiee, it liillm.s ".hut all .-ui'iii' S must bo Lronl.t troin ! poinu iintsiile ot thai reei.ui of country, j '1 ilel'e i.1 ll heavv la II of snow at this ! writiii';, i-.-ii lerin,' it almost m'.po'-.siblo to I oet aid lor the 'larviiio inhabitants of the ; villa around Fort Mout du Valerian! Etvrueiio iiiieuipts are making, however, j as ihe M-oplu ui'- in a uojh rate coi'ditiou. A war contribution .f eii'.t uvliiona j sterliii',' (. Ji,ii(iO,tij,tj lot.-, been lcaeil uihiii j Paris uud must he by the lil'.h oi'i Vb- j rii.iry. The bmubaiihueut of Helt'ort is still ijoin I on i 'I he i'uiii, di cree of the j'Jih January is; 111 lilll lll.e.l. I The I'rosiaiis have .H-eupied the t'!wn ol I.ontio s.uuii, i-, tlU chief town iu ihe Io- i p. II -1 1 1 li-ll l uf llie ilura. 1 Pi ilet io, i.'ainier'1's nnd Finaijya l1 r i'i a l rive I a. l'or.le;l'l., f.rt.n I'.H'i. i Mueh anarchy is K iuiiini; to La devel-' oei-l am .!!; the French people, ut.J Litis 1 ii .peei ii!-, the case in Paris. 1 Toe I'leli et of .'. ii,( on M,,ll.l-, le vi"W it i-,.!- ., !'(.:, th Hi ,vi K llooi-.s, c.ll k. tv. tiii :t.vro. Corner of Fourth and Market Strett, FPXBVKT, PF.NX'A, H.ts jnt opened a Fiour and Feed Store, where hn wiii kci C'in-ianlly on band, a asvntinefit ot tbe bet brands of FLOUK, PF.KI) OF EVf.ltY DESCRIPTION. I'lsTATOt.S. Flit," IT, 1HTTKH, E(KiS, and VF.GF.TAWI.E3 of all kind', nt the vc-y lowest market prices. Sin. bury, Feb. 11, fi.l.-tf. RTHAT S.OGW. rpilE und "i-tlL'iiet hereby tivc notice that tin y 1 Ciiii'.ht t' in the f,iiUchunna river, ou lietwcrn Market isrptare and the Post Ollhe, Sunbury, Pa urv.7.1 ;"Kr:ni:i!. Iirlriiiioll's Extinct Uiicba is I:i, and lUoort pni ilyiiit:, nnd cures nil (Hc:im! uii-jnn I'ioiii habits of dissipation, nnd rrr-fes and iai Uences in Life, hnpnrilles of tliu Hlood, etc.. j eupersedinc copaiba in artectations for which it Is nurd, nnd syphilitic uilections in lh"fe dis ruses used lu connee'iou with IIvliu hold's R'e I Waeli. I J. A DIES. t In manv atTcalnlions peculiar to l adirj.-'he j Extract Hnehu Is nneqieiie t tiy any othur "tn.t- I ny as In chloiwls or rct'-ntion, lirei;iilai-iiy, i j p.iinfulness or suppression of cnetoninry cvat 'ia- I tioii", ulcerated or sehirns state of ' liu ''leriis, j i.euciiri niea or nues, ficrar.v. e.eo j.iv i. awswBWataw ijawwsanaaiBwwasttiiw " I -as" '. .ywr--T ' n A Tin A T aTCi I f Tl fl n a s i Diillllilli. A i DRXSAsm i i t e i IS"? AT GOO Ti l 1 NEW YOIMv STOIt-E. -iiio: J. iniiary. iii.u ioi o: roiuni ioi;s, usiv maikcl. '1 he oniu-rs are r.-.iiui,l,-,l tu toi ii'.ird, prove pi-.i!,"itv, t-ay cbarpes, mirf lit SO l1,9,Oc,.t the v.u-i I eo.n j lake lurin iiwuy, ibvinic tbi-y I ot aceordia:' ! .' l.n I eonmlaiat Incident lirlhcse;:. whell.r indicernhm or hablt of dUsipi'.inn. It i scribed extensively hi-ihe nio-t eminent I eians nnd midwivc tor rnteet)!r, nnd di eoiiMituiions, ol'oip i,e-jc,'s and all nues (.otei ed with hlv of the abo 'e ilistuscs or tympteii: We iropo.o to sell for 30 days coinmetiein.' S.VTiHiOAV. Decern1" r 1T. HTi rfottetioa i t l.i at a to ill per cent, tor cash. Our Moek ot 1-oi, ejn mil 1 iunn r', ! IVv .insinc i (to,i,i, embraces SILK-1. DKKSS t;iK)S, 1,1 X KN. il ei! KKY. lil.oV MS WHI I K pre-1 UOODS, LACES & PMHKOD.I EUIES, 1 . DIES A tl UN I l" M UlliW All II. A!.., piirst- ; 1'F.fF.r. 11. s.nydki;, DAM l'l. l. A l'CUA. Loner Auirusla, Fvb. II, 1 S71.-at. PUBLIC BALE o- Vnliixblr Eerwil Proper y. Will be said on the premises of John Fry, iu l'l .per Aiii'iisM t"l'., Xorth',1 eo r!y. Pa., on '1 I LD.VV, MAUI 11 14. lsTl.lbe foliowiug pro perl y, to nil : 'I'll re i 1Ule!i Comm. one of which is fieri , .1 Two-Horse Wiiiron, Sleds, I'lorr, HairuMs, Cultivator-', one t uiiiu,' K.i., ll.iy Forks, Kukrs, ,e. A It .k of live Mn.i. 1IUIKH01 1) FCUNITl KF. One r.uiiaii. Tables, i.l.air-, Hcucbes, linrre'.f, Hotter l bin ii, mill oiliri- ai '.l Ija too iniiuciouo lo ii, run,, n. Ainu, llye ah I ! -ii 1'i.t.iliMS. iSale lo coiiiuh'U' e at WloVliM-k. it. 111., of sail da", linen the coa llti.en vlll le inaJe known by JOHN IKY, A. J. Sikoti. Auctioneer. Feb. 11, IV. 1.-51. .1-1 s'- V' Ti. l.')iia.l.M30l.I)"6 EXTRACT UCC1U' f'l'RES DISEAirK.f AK131M FKOM IMI'KV I)EN( l, HABITS OF DleSII'ATIOX, ETC., In ull their status, at little expense, little, or uo cbuUL;e iu dill , no inconvenience. uitU no epo sure. It r.uircs a fieiiucnt desire, ii'id "iiei I si rtnirt li to I'rlae.te, tln rrby removing Obstiue. I ti"it, I'lev iiiu' a n I l uring Slrieiures of thd ; I'letlira, Allaying 1'iiiti and Iiitlaiii.ition. so fiv ! Hin'iii in this claw of i!iscae; .n.d u-vpelliui' nil i I'liironous uuillcr. I '1 1 1. u -a n i Ik who l.iirc'lieoi l., vKtiins of In , eiiini rtoit ih'moiis, and who hare paid heavy I fee lot e cured in u hort time, have leutnl t'.uy i , lian- been deceived, and that the "I'oinm" h;o, 1 1 by the use of 'ponerl'ul nftriiiL'cut.--," been lt ii d up in i l.o Mp.ii ni, lo break out in a icoic aprra- i : l.ile.l ti riii, mid 'i ibap! iill'r MarriaL'e. , I re lleliubold'.', FvimU ItiicUu ful' u.l Alice- i : lions anil lli-c.isi i ol tbe t'ni uy Oii;;in, r belli- i er rvUalnij ia Mai or feiiiale, from wh.itcwr ; ' oriuiii.aiui.'. and no matter how loin; st.indiio;. i I Piiie, one ilullar uud Uny eeinn per botilv. ! Our stock of Foreien and 1'omeplic Drv (iooils is very larsc, and with a vtvc to a icia to st le'.'.ue so l uv that ..da. j apeccly ilipiiiial ol it, we have M.l;;s..l) IlttW , ii'l li.e I this is miqucMionably ll.o lime forjrrcat baraini i;i i'-ry 0 We oCcr Elcached Muslins ittlie ?6Ucy Four quarter ICeiv York mills. 0 its., per yard ; four iii.n -per yard ; four ter Davoe, '(.! cis., per yard ; Frui; .-f il-- 1 1 1 i 1 1 S'lupi-r Idem, 18 ct., jn-r yard : liili rn mpcr I i, :u. M foui:h Hioo Fly, IU its., per yard ; four fourth So"ial I.. tit. C'oveiury, 12 ci.s., per yard ; f Coventry cts.. per y.t:,i. msicvrfip-ir , III -af.a. i irrarjSaSiiaOsacssu fc.- wii L't I c .1 I ; ; r bun- r -"v sv "t ol '. !iO, a M', ' e f - . .Ill .l ,, e rill I . J r.l I He. '1 be t: riiiiu r.. .il- !;i Fiaiue hat. ii oi-,!. re, to ni'.-:.,'n fi.'in a at.i.t . u- ror-h p of lb proa W bile the ilo IijUj arc ) l i.'t. M1I f. .Meuil r i f lie1 ."ieriiiii, iit w ho nrrivt d at U nit aii f.oiu I -,i ii-,, lel,-,ra'( hi d lo t tti i, ii i I ol a. I 1 1. 1' lie in I :i i li 1 1, i n Moll, i;i y nulit, ii ill live .f the ;tl of .Initial) ui.UV t i i It , tor. i ,a,,i iijlie t'.ioiis !; In i .,.e; . l l...! o uli Hie pniu n h a of ui;'trvil ..imai. I s t I I ll..- I 111 I .1 M 11 III. l I ' ll A li l '. i i l i. I t. K. oil' I., I lb I l.".l 'l'l , 1 1 1 ii",.i ; I ll.e i ll.,' V I I I. . "1 . 1 11 t ;,,l I. V". I il h- i t I Mult MO M 4 la ei -nn, tiling lo aJ nt llnili r ll.e ao.ii ol UI.I..III. Hi. i'uli K'.tiill li.llll. -' I . I in. li no, i.i tue t 1 1 1 . 1 1 i, lie; l.iiu i' 1 1.. I .iit,l l.i It. I,i ; tin.l i !t (, i i . l," in p. n i l... iit ,li4lll Vt' ili-I Is I 1 on ; p mi i r 'pi.llj. 'i he I i I ' lil .e iii - j i I il. j.. ...Is i, pi, , i . u 4. , l ll .1,0 I' I I : l.i lo. n i a. . i .' ,t t I I ,i. I ii a "I I. . I II li. I 4-1 ill , I 1 1 1 : I. .11, 1 i. .i.i. ll. ll I tl I I II I ' -e I I a. I I i.l ll. I 'I .1 1. 1 t 1 V i it i , i "iii i 'i 1. hi is i.i. . . i n. lo III .1 1 II ' I I. I 'V I l I.i V I " J. 1 l.'t. ! '' .v I ml a i. in '.it. I l n III I., ' Sl . I. Oil II ill I I . .1, I. ,1.1 , 1.1- I 111, I ll II i'o I ...... Ill II 11 Hi .ii" L i "ui i n i ii i i.i i l . I t ll.t. tli ill' II. I '.III ll.e I 'J, 'V 'III I I I I f . I'll, It, , i 1.1, 'lie' ' t, " ill." lie H I. 'I, . I.U III', l'l !!! I IK U lino ill i .Hill,.' , , f.l I III ' I I H I (.., ' 1 .1 III I' 111' . -I ...I l.l"l I ll, i .ll ! "til I l.t t . uli I ,.l l' i l.f it Li t li Si. , I . il I ill 'I. ll ' 1 ill l 'ltl I I 1,1...., f -i. ....! I it.. I. .. I I . i i ii. i i I it i,. l"i I lis lioM in tela i I in i i m . i. I f i o It i .In,. . I .o -ii -si I,.,' f M i i l ie lis I. l o !' I I it no l l K. ) "I. l I. I Ii, MU, I ... .1 .. II.. II .1 I. I I i lot ti ; i,i. I I " j i.ji. I ..tliu. "t j U L I., i i.i .iMi. I ai It ,"VlKl .' ll I it, I l"l ll, - I I" ,.!, ,.. I.) I .. . .1, ii ,; 4 'III il. ' lo tell t I . I.i .1 ..o. I I I . I , I .. i.., I r , . ui .1 ii. - ... i ,.. i ,i'i I j j . t , . l iu I I . l I .. t 1 1 i 1 1 1 1. ! I ) (. i, I ii i. , .. . I V I , . ..I.iiii i iv li ,i i.ov iC-t1 t l-l I j l u .1 I, l .1.1 ' loll pill II U l 'l- l.ltle I I ,. .- Mi ii. 1 1.... n I I, h in ii ii i. n, ii.,io," h I l.n I'.. "4 i. l ii, ai till vW READY-MADE Jtlto The Laruest Stock tho Finest Good ; A XlheNcwrUStjlti; aOL licit rbaruilrr. t I D A I JxLvV?rk.ran- Cc.y rute.f' jj h,p;the moinursmflnt, -rrCrf8trl price, ko., tent V AvMrfe trto lo any part of JtU America, and gooj fiti. X? ataW Gtnt' F urnlhng GuutJi, Wfappeiii u ll J - tu a ..ii 8y wnuor rr vi an i 11 XUi'.J.Uall.iei. lUUdtrllt .MS.,M.a. VVkll. vvf at yy 4luniakiii j - it i t i I,. - - t OAK HALL, IMIILADr.LriUA. 1j llKNSV T. llSI.MtlOLlVi IMl'Ri'VED RUtE WASH ' eniiuit lid Miriei5e. in il V .! e Wu-h, aii.l will l . f'-tii I tl.c ou.y c't-i'itlc leuii-l,v ia i-icry i,t,.-i,-i, ' ol l '..I..1HOI1S AtiCelioil. It c....-ri'V I'.eilii ut' n 1: i : 1 1 : , "t, hi-, ttjiitic li.iii-i, Iii.l,ii.i'. iuii 1 ol lie- I in .nn-'. .is M uiliiaee, il-., dii! K.-.l-, nr - .ml I , if ri I ,,i, , III'., , l.i-l,, ; Mt-ili 'i'.il, 'i, i, U. yiii i.. ol fi,'.ii. or l-kiii, l'i"l Hi,- .and n'l .iii-o.i .- f.r lie H ! il v,s in uiui t in , . . a in e d t ie-lo-'n tue i kin tu it tie ol , il .l v a d n,! .1, ii u I li.jj,, 4 i e 1,1 i.nied 1: i I li V :l-".'I I i lit.: tN-- of 111. il I U Ii .11 ilel' J nit. I lu .iu I ei . i ll.e fit .il'ni ;iil, I IV l- 1 Davie. W .'-enln per yard ; four fourth Nashua 1.1, j" c. n:s Nitbliiia I!. IS cents per yard ; lour fourth Atlantic A., hi e. m , Apoleton 1'. 121 ccniv per vard : four I'oiirth ltuliau 'ii ',:i:,i V.'. ll.irnsbun.', 11 cetils pt r yatd : llarrixl'iirj In cut- p.-: yanl Mieelin.' tij cents per yard ; it lilrachcd U'a thatn, M, i:.,-' " c. cd Cabot, ii cents tu r vard. l'.leaehed Canton Flannels from 15 to ii ; L'ubU ae.l.i 1 iii : Wool and Cotton Flannels, from ii to 10 ; all Vi Wool Flannels i.T to .V ; liiiiiTbum"., io lo ','t ; X'uVui.;, t 'nloii'l I a in hi ies PJ; ( !iilieiw line to lit. LADIKS' FALMoiiAl.sKlKTS 7"i to Si.tM. LA DILV 1 1II.T SKlli l S, from ? i.'" ir t i - i in t ' Cmt.ui ' 1 ih.l.l.eV Fj lo i-s ; . i io I'.ipi r i . 'i.i i;. io nl: tut ii-. .i.i. I.ADIl'." I!AL!.V-, IV, i COTTON illiiuatic 2tK yard f-pm ls. fi cu ; '"an a JoO yard r;. la, s v:- ; .ioIj, S i1. ; t'Liik's t. . '1'. all I'vlors, H els ; Mar A'.p.u.i l'.'.ii.U m:vr sixnuiv i!iNi:t ii;.i:rs, NiNiirv i n loM pllillO S' lluleH Kid (.!i V, Ji.i t.MVl s, ."I. Il. All '.!.' UlJ Ll te i Si haii 'e. In luithtioti to ll.o al. ci ili tl hi lenie in lie . ii...k. I. Me biami ;ii toll line vl llll l-li V , l'lll'.ei.i lu' ' i lie -1. n .ilit, , il '1 II. . Hi' ipioUlllol 1 U) ' II ' i. ttoulit nil i -j i it'.'i i t i i Mil'AAMia.V Kill UIiUVMS AI,K, CUl.iMi::. ' il .i l'i- iil'liAl'l.i pa) liillilt amtiLtii UiiU .uiltilltt i. ! iK-T It ft Hk' 11.1. Hi .lut-olf It --! t .ifcli 1 lift Mtltg Blli. i.lli ii .1 IU II ill! UU i. 'ill II 1 - 1 v i", ! ." i H t i u- ! i il. i" it t r..l Al l .I' i I ll..- jpl r i iii.i-)U.c-.tltl 4 iitifcti lii'. vtia.iiic'i'1, ivM.iL,,; ,i .ill t li C 'l'l I"1 tll'ila lU I'UatiLl.t ul ll'MlMIt , 5ate- 1 t Iv aiii't K lilt .t y I In' ' ,i i ii i iti t '.c u-. "ii 1 1 iu ii.c: I I H ui'- a it i t i, 1 c u '.i Ui !u In I el . ll,. I . I. I'!. ! U U .Hi i il.l i.i Ifli tr , U . a, i.f t t It i 111 IV N'.ilMV, Ii II I 1 4 .1 li I. 1 - ; i ."U I i I'lii'jn'" i f i v- I 1 1 1 1 u tf t 'i, u 1 1 i ii j ll lilt Itt'llt '( 4" l'.it!"ll, t. I I.l V'.iiK'llMi I . ........ ... i.. ....... .. . 1 Mi if I)i p I." i.l P.-r. ti ..rt iMf 'ii t.'ii. . L.i:. a iim)n li s. iimut'u;i.ti'''i-l - vi i j'oi i nvm tv-'."'ifv''iu m I i.i, u, e ,i- ... . I iiDlli.S, ' ! ' .') , I' ll, CLOTHS AN D CASS1M wi i :s j I 1. 1, .11, ia mi I IL '.II I l t, iill'l h.iNl i nihi-ia, Xi'iion . , iu .1 i . .i , Cl'T lull 1. 1., ul ., iiu l'i 'a. 1 1 in. li il, I.l, let- J, e.lUl.i'l U' .io '.l. -tf-l. l'l i.iil,e. ! . .1 1 .ll Di, I e.ll.-l. l I nil i.i I, e .ei i , Sen I 1 n lii', III l'l K ill i. , It. I i 1.4 i M 'I l 'i. i jii -i . 1 1 -. i i ..I, i i- ,1 l. o , l.l-.l . 1,1 -I lt.( . ll .It. I , I .1,, III, I 1 1 I!., ii ir nitee l i I,, t t It ,le 0 .1 l . 1 r .111 1.1. ... I u, , I l 1(114- I....U Iko i I I t'Fi 1 "1. Afll I in 'it u 1 : ft i I 1 1 , .1. 'it. I flit i, I I i t .1 I I i i.e llll I'. 'I i I I I I II ft I.l I, ill' Ik. I. 1 ll III. I , . I I'. 1 1. 1 II u n.t ' it i i l. .. , ti . , i ti. . i ., ,.l ai i 1 1 ' w. h. iill'l lim i u. u.l, j iv iua iv ti I i-i' in i ,. a i i ,i ii , i I i, i. i . I h. ., t , ( . i . t I if ,t i.l , HI I I t S ' I . a.i . I a i I i, bl .1 ,i,t 1 I. I.. ...w ... n . l 1 I I i.,. I ...I I u .1.1. I I, MvIimI'uM l.i MUlua '. 1 u itnullrfu. I K'.l I, I ., ,l,j ill.-.., .,. I I I I 1 I i, .1 i I., I a ... I , .. i.l, ...... li ... Ulf i ... . l . 111,. U.l,, I-, .i it, W i "i ' . i i H i. .... .. . .. j l., i l ' . i 1 1. 1 . , . il Ii l t. ..... ..I l.'ftL. , N i .1 u I'. II I lit i it .ii. . . 1 1. I , iM - . i i ,, 1 1 ,i. i. i ,...1,' m... i m it 4 I1, ! Ma) I, lK' llrlKhl' v lliitliliu. Jl. I I a I. I . il ill ll a i, i i in. I , II. i I II j . I u t ,' , 11 i U I elm I, ,i,int'i. r.- I H I s ' "' ' I I ' k MiM, . I . . ' I'. I ...... . . VI I 'lit' I.' It lo. ,Ii, III ..I. . fcuwlb lllllH hlt'VVl, tvlllft Mat kil, I'l.llmli U'Ul i. I U I lis t 111 Si 11 1. 1 , . . . M 1 11 i ' it v i i I .III. . I i i.i in .. VI V i . i , 1 i i I I . il. it I I i i . ? t i I I, ii.k ii u i i. . i ., 1 1 i i a t .i 4 .1 a V