Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 11, 1871, Image 1

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SM'L WILVEBT, Proprietor,
At M.50 In AlTnc.
II not paid within 8 Months 3.
Bvbteription taki for leu than tix Month.
CfWwiTE! with this establishment Is nn esrten
etveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing n vnrlety of
olsln nnd fnncy type equal to any c4ablihaienl
In tlio Inturlor of the State, for which the patron
age of the public Is rcspectfally iolicitcd.
ryv-jj i " -
Lnw, Sunbiiry, Pit. All iirofuseinaal huol
1NI Intrtistc.l to his cure will receive prompt nt
teutlnn In till and nrtjnliiini! counties. Can be
conmltci'i both In English nnd Oerninn. Alio,
District Attorney of Northumberland county.
No. 144 Fochto atewvb.
Hotnrv Public.
rittrtuif , Pa.
Jitn. is, l7U. ly.
Ji. MAUKI.r, .1- CO, Market Street,
Dealer In T)rtig, MeJIrlRiw, Pnlntv Oil,
Glass, Varnishes Uqners, Tobareo, Clgui,
Pocket Books. Dairies, ..
Sp U ' HRTOK, Attorney at Law.
. Mri:e. Square. SL N'Bl.'llY.PA. l'rolession
i'i W'' ness In this aud adjoining couutie proiupt
' attended to.
uTaTh. SAVIDGK, respectfully an.
nounccs himself as Physician and Surjreon
to the eltiiiensof Sunbiiry nnd vicinity, having lo
.ented himself permanently on Market street, near
ly opposite the Fnlnnount Hotel, where he can
"oceoiiiulted ut all hours when not professionally
tnsagsd. apl'M-ly
X Burjrenn Dentist, Sl'XP.URY. I'A. All work
nrefully attended to and warranted. Am thank
ful to nl'l for the kindness extended toward me
by (riving me their patronage in the past,
aud a continuance and iuerense of the same.
I-fiT Otllce, Uit door east of Adams' Kvpress
Otlice. apllU-CU
, Z1EGEER. Attorney nt Law, north
VT side of Public Square,
one noor e;it 01
tin, old Hank buildinir. SLNBLUY, FA. l.ollec-
tliins and all professional business promptly at
tended to in the courts of Northumberland and
adjninim; counties. sept 15-116
X. It It IC E, Attorney at Law, Suubury.
Jl Pa. Olllce in comer room np stairs, nt
H aupt's New Huthlinic, formerly occupied by G.
Vi. llaupt, Ef. Collections of claims, writings,
snd all kinds of lesal business a'tended to evre
rully aud w ith dispatch. April 3,'70-ly.
CA. KEI ME' WWII EH, Attorney at
Lnw, BL'NBUKY, PA. Alt business en
trusted to his care attended to promptly and with
dllisen-e. apl7-7
KO. K AY CT.EMEXT, Attorney ut Law,
fcLNulKlf. PA. Collections and all pro
fessional business promptly attended lo. mrhill-Uli j
i. iiHt Nr.n.
Jtlti'XEU KANE, Attorneys and Coun-
sellors at Law. Sl'NBl'RY, PA. Ottlc on
Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E.
Railroad Depot, in the buildinir lately occupied
toy F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and all profess
ional business promptly attended to la Northum
'oerlaud and adjoining counting. aplltMiW
. n. botrr. w. i. woi.ver.Tos
at Law, second Door In Riiht's new
Wldlnp, PUNUL'RY, PA. S. M. Boyer nnd W.
J. Wolverton respectfully announce that they
have entered intoeo-partnership in the practice ot
their profelou in Northumberland and adjoin
inir eoxntles. Consaltutious can be had In the
German lauguave. apl4-B8
HB. MANSER, Attorney at Lnw. Sl'S-
BtJRY, PA. Collections attended to in
the counties of Northumberland, I'nlon, Snyder.
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apll'l-O'.l
Attorneys at Law, SCNUVKY, PA. Of
ic iu Haupt's new building, second Uoor. En
trauee on Market 8quare. Jaut-CS
TAEE!S'TIE DIETZ, Wholesale and Re
V tail dealer In every variety of
(vrrH wHAKr.)
Order selieited a'ld filled with promptness
and dcspairh. mayl j-oO
J Shippers and Wholesale aad Retail Dealer in
(lowru wninr.
J-ifSols Agents, westward, at th !ebrated
Henry Clay Coal. janlW 06
Nuuburjr I'ts.
rpiIE best r,f ilillni; nnd ilrlving horses always
X. on I. mi I to erv customers. Hotel, for vtlilcles.
w I I rr: ivc rotupt alleuliou.
Vnv. . IB'.O.
.J WOII Nllir.MA!V.
T BURY, TF.NN'A. Repie.snt.: FArmer'
Mutual I'i.e Iumae Co., York, Pa. I Citmber-
land Valley Mutua' Vr'wtive Co. i New VolU i
Mutual Life; ,i:ard 1 .It of i'Ui'.a., and Uartford,
( onu., Coue.ral Accident.
u .Si'mo't'4 lluildiwj, Market &"uar,
hrsM ar, Pa.,
18 pirpnre l to do a'.I kind of work psitalnlnc
to Dentistry. He ke eou.taully on hand
-Mitmt ol 1 cth, un I oiuer IVni il
Uiateiml, fioin wliicli h will h aide tu se.eet,
mil meet II. u w.iiii. ul e.l.l'Plliei..
Ail k w in. intU lo gi .lifuctiun, ur
lh money re.,n It4.
Ihr wiy bel M.ialU Wu.ll ud I'oolU-Powdei
ki l l i i I, ti I.
II . i, !i rei.ei ale Hie nunirinu ptrons for
Al.ati I,. U.ia w nke.t l r i, l.i.l iweiv )ui.
Mint- iy, A-ei lv..
I.W OU. V Wtl.
It an In 11 1 '''" loiiii'l"! Ib ('!
,,!,, . w.ih hi. mi. .., Lot H .Wdtt l
lilt', I. plipuel 10 M' I l Idllll'le WltUH.U
t I UI III Nl OE I Oil.,
lit hi f and Nut , eoi,.i.tiiily ou hand, (iiaia
l i.,. iu t l o (
J. M
b..ul .r. Jan. IS, IMO
. an a. Iiiunriel Baa
lire, Life ul ei4ul
-iui'M ii run,
XUUKtl feiiu.r:j, M'suntir, Y..
( i m f ivih litrkittviin.
4ui.uriU, f l,,U I :!,., 4.,.l, t1,7t,kVt
r nui 1 1 LB,
M.a't .Km,
H 4..i-..
I ........ I.
.... c, a
IUa .(.
.J .J.
,W. ii(
M r I '..,.
l.t'.i Mv
i4e !!, I.1.
It S,
II. .i: 4 I, II
I 'all,
I ', ( ' t',
N U u i Mv. 4,
M , i 'i, tiut U ,
in I'ai
1-. w
T:tn1lls.1iMl In 1HIO.
otcIs tmfc cstanrmtts.
HOOVEiriloi'ilE, Third BtreVt, nt the
depot. SL'NBL'KY, PA.. Wm. U:, pro
prietor. Warm meals served up nt all hours,
l'lsli. Fowls and, Game. -f re "h Oysters con
stantly on hand and ter-cd in every style. The
best of wines and liquors at the Bar.
FnmlllK ill be supplied with oysters
done up tu any style, by Icnvinp orders at the
Bar. tNin3'lJly,
Chestnut Btrcet, a few ioon from the Depot.
SvsmvttY, Pa.,
HAS open a Restaurant and Eating Houss,
for the accommoilation oft he public.
Warm nieali ran be had all ho urs. All kinds of
eanie, tlsh, Ac, se-.-ved np at short notice. His
bai Is supplied with the b:st liquor In m.trket. No
pain; spared to phase, and terms moderate.
Suubury, September, 4th 1s,1.v-
JOSEPH BAC'HERInforiiisthe citizens of Suu
bury nnd the public ir'iicrallv, that he as
opened" a LAGER BKl'.U SALOON nt the abovs
place. The best or Laufer Beer, nnd Malt Liquors
w ill bn kept. Also Oyster, 4c, constant! ssry
ed up to customers.
i WAI.D, Proprietor, Georctown N.nth'd
County, Pu., at the Station of the N. C. R. W.
Choice wines nnd cltrars at the bar.
'1 he table i-. supplied with the best tho market
atlbrds. Good 6tabliug and attentivejistlcrs
KI.KCKNEK, Paoprietor, Sos. hl'J nud U
Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, $2 per day. lie respectfully solicits your
MAN, Proprietor, Front Street, between
Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Sunbury, Pa.
Sept. 1STU. ly.
Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second
Streets, onposiw the Court House, Suubury,
Pa. Muy2S,'TU.
Till )M A3 A. II ALL, Proprietor.
Sur.bnry St., west 8I1A.MOKIN, PENVA.
Meals served lit all hours, nl short notice. Tho
best or Liquors at the Bar. The Table is sup
plied with thehenl ami latest In the markets. At
tentive servants. Term moderate. FatranHge
LOl'IS HUMMEL, Proprietor,
Conuncrr St., SH AMOKI.N, PhNN'A.
HuviiiK just rctltted the above Saloon ror the
nccoino la I ion of Urn public, Is now prepared l
curve '.lis friends with the best tefreshment.-,, end
fresh Laner Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt
Comer of Pennsylvania Ave. and 6tb streets
Washington, D. C,
T8 located within a lew squares of the United
I A States Capitol uud irthcr public buiidlns.
Streetcars pan the Hotel every three minutes.
A Hotel, Restaurant, aud other noderu improve
ments, have latvlv been added, inaklue; this one
of the mott pleutuul and
itlraelKc llolcis In
i Washington.
Oct. 8, lH70.-8m. Proprietors
The best BEER and all kinds of Malt Liquors
on Tup. Call and be refreshed. '
Au. 27, 1S70.
L ac kTwax X A VA I-I-lTiTlIOrNE,
E. B. BURNII AM, Proprietor, Corner Lacka
wanna aud Franklin Avenues, Seiantnn. Pa., op
posite Delaware, Lackawanna fc Western Depot.
Fire earrhigc to convey gueft to and from
Pspot. Mar. 3ti. '7t.-ly.
J. VALER'S vitif'.x ao hotel
A'oi. TiO, TJi, 7'-'4 727 Tin St.,
CentraV.y located, connecting with all the City
Passenger Railwny Cars, from all the
!cKta In the Ci'y.
Everllent AccoinmoltIon Tor Trn
vellerN. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts evsry
eveuiui; in the Summer aud
Winter Garten.
dp Onhettrion Concert Extry Afttrwnn.X
tit. i .adits' iiesrAt uAST tub best or
OOlce of J. Vuler's Founuiu Pain Brewery.
June 4, 1870.-ly.
.. i -j
E I l O 11 N T O R E I
Second P'rett, opposite the Court Honse, BUN
bl KT, PA.,
P. speetfully Iinltts the nttrntlon of Flallrs
and othris. ti'iat ha bus on hand, aud will cou-
j stan lv km pall kind of
rtr.KI(JN ANU IMlMt.nilc l-lVjt. uns,
Couil-tliiU Pure Braudicsi Couiae, Cherry,
01'lirei , Ili.i Ui;'! ard lllald.
Whl.kieii Pure live CiMa'er-'bUlllad, Moxco
hula, Apple au 1 Atctu..
Wins: Chainpstfiis Win, Snerry, Pmt and
( i.ib Cider, Chsii.pai;ii C'l.Lr, N. Z. Rum,
liibwu hioul nod reni h AU.
And all oltirlt Lliaor wlili li eau be found III
lbs i lly uu.ik u, wtneli mil be . ld l Whole
... uud Hilall. Exeiy uili.le gu.i i .ihL.'d a A iSA. a l.ire bd of iJtUIJollNo
and lb I I I.IH, alwav uu hand.
J tiiib pniii tlj uil. ii l.d ", ustlie
puliolme il II u.iy tuiU'iltlt
r: Krrir.
fciiiibmt, JaU I, Ivt'J ty.
Mi KIM till-: HI OHI'.,
J. II. I unit ), V u.
i it k lt vna:i.i'. si'Micitv, pa.,
AS H i ind a ut U.1...1UU in of t I kind, of
11 .tidaaie,, ll.ti4UI' I"" i
I ul u.i lie" ' ' "u, .u j i iai
, 1I4I1, llul-, Cm., .k.(. A mi, " kill uf
L,.alli.i b.ii.jkii'. and Sju4ki'. I.'0'
! tbu HI ll''. .lv llnreau Ih b"'l. I UiiU
' ill b dud a It. . ('IU I" bw 'kbt ' -) dl.l
iuli..iLUiul : l'. fi-Ui J. I ad tt4 iuu
t .
..buiy, IX ll.lSCil
ANt 1 al tutr It.
(hlii.i.ii butu-a (iut4 4
k"fi us
I II,,! .1..,, k.urt (11.11
l. t.nlial
II -!', it luiwn I l
u bull I AS (I klU'I
I .
i.l In ..i.. f'-.H rill kind ol
lu tl . .' t Ill
, k , , . .. Uwl. u.i,, iu iu
f klLtilifll ul lii4, c.-mal .nt'
awl tl 41 (i..i- '.
J,'1' I U011.4 I. H 11 lis-l (."lliou ! b' I. I)
. ' J'l'J 1 (.S b tl. til Hi., b !! bll-ll-4
J kl'l tl'L'l l' .U4... !.... I l-g
a. 11 I I"w " '" (-kS ' l
I',?' I '-. aal la4 IS4i l-.l.oa.v.
Jai l-.Mmsn.iii. Jl..i..., J....-I l..l
I.SII'HU 1 . i.ii ,.,u
(..u.4 ''Uul 1. 1 fia l'i f .l.l.l'l. 4
(t t !- l'l..i...'. ,',.4
Vu44 a"-" ( 't' uh4 I -
R v
iUia bbcttiscmcnts.
VLL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by mc fit
be trimmed ready for use,
ry tiik
which t have the sielusivs rtht to n in 9untur
and vicinity.
Save inuiify, time nnd labor, by buying f
Dealer In Books, Stationery. Wall Paper, Music,
vc., Ac., Ac.
Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality.
Illuuk, Memorandum A IuIioehtt
in endless variety, just received.
BOOK BINDIN'fj done to order. Person wi'l
save expense by leaving their orders for binditit;
with mc.
piCTi nr. riM.tir.s
of all sizes, cut from the Mouldim: nt very low
rates. OVAL i StiUARE FRAMES alrf.ijs i:i
i.e., Ac, &c.
A larfje and well select" I stock of Toysnlway
on ham'.. Anything not on h::id promptly oi
dered. Bargains .,r ihjIi. Call at
N. FERF.EE Ll.;r.TNr.P.'3
It iire,
SICS of Folsv's Gold Pen, Market Square, Siir
bury, F.
Eunbury, Angnst 8th, 1ST0.
71S Arch Street, Middle of the Block, between
7lh and Sth trtrect., South Side,
Importer, Manufactursr and Dealer lo M Mnds
and quaiity of
For Ladies and Children's Wear.
Hiving enlarged, reino e)"d and improved my
old and favorable known FI It EMI'OKM'M.
and having iunioited a very larifo and suleiidid
assort incut of nil the dilieietu kiud of Furs tnm
I tir.'t hands iu Europe, and have hid them made
np by tl;e most'.fu! woikinen, would res
pectfully invite my fiiemW of Northumberland
ami adlaeent conn. an, tu call and examine nv
very hirjru and beautii'al assoi tinent of Fancy '
Furs, Ladies and Children, i a u detenni:., il
to sell nt as low p'iees .i any rtiier ivpeetnb:e I
House In the ity. All I'urii wananlej. No!
rulbi vprebentatious to elteet alc.
718 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Oct. 2?, 170-Sm.
Her Inrirc asoitment of
Ribbons, Feathlhs, Flowers, Laces,
A larjic yarhdy of t ritnnie I an I lintrimir.ed
Huts, lliiflies' and idiitilicn'to Ih'vieiy, hem
stitched lace and ILiii dkerehleU, kid and
llnle tiloves, Crirr.elb, dress buitmis, aipuie
laces, fi iiiK'es, Indira' iii i klli r, and fancy i :M,oua
for bows aud bashes, in I'eat ai lily. Ileal and
Imitation hair i hL'uou., frizes, tuil and twitch
es. A lurt.0 uskortiueiil of
ZEPflYR, ( 1 1: II N A N TO H' S MOL,
An eulle variety of Notion a, id good
usually ket iu a (lot olum millinery :i're.
(jfUU' Collars, Clllla, Neeklies,
cliiefs, Thecititeifr Siinbuiy and vicinity, tener.tllv,
arc iuvttcd toeiiuud s e this .inena..! a:l
ment. L. MIIssi.ER.
Suubury, Oct. , lM.
nut . hi in :r.
Mauufaeturrd lo oidrr st
gkkatlv nt uu r.i ikici:?.
joiiv ii.vt:tt.
tiftur Nlrerl, Suubur), INmiii'm,
UtirftlFl I.I.V Inform hi ill euM.itiicr
alid tl ('P lt ( BelHTillV, llilll be. il HOW
inauufuctili.i n I.K'ilfc.v .llnKSiit theiiilloa
luK iau, mule up 1, 1 ti -. uiaierl .1, tl :
Calf Okiu (p- .'' dj
' ' (,rcdj
KrencU Culf
Woiutu'( hbt (('
t Ulidrcu' hli"-. In
1. a 11
'I i f M.'iirtd),
111 3 cl. tu
accuiiiiuii to tiu.
All utk a,.rr.u,u..
ItliMsi- hi I, I'
l b 1 ilr ol M-puiiiDi
TI T l Asll.
it iiltu ii'liin.t.
It'll Wll.VtH.
nobuiy, July 'J, -7' .
J. W. W A-lllNd'JoVS
Clllli lit Mill It MIOI'.
lha oid Hii,ij.n . 1I1 p 1 I 11, e
W dxtnli, lli I". I, I .' l I .. 1
rou.i lei lbl lliu no ni i...ii unjii
t ) tfc II lll .ul .11.. 1, I. .tl. u
.ml iU
i. autoiii'l ol t nm) ..I. 1
J.t i.iy t.rf 1 n
Itlal til tki ('i i' 1. ill ..l
hill, bat I l'l I'I 'I Hie U
111 y I. i.' 111 . 1
.lit.. Itiiia I. it
I mil .li ii
iuji alUi 4 i . uu I 1.'. i.l - Mi 1 1 1, I 1
Ik (ball) b.u art ni .u .li.l .1 I
a 1. I , i !
allll.i Hi. I
iu' bl llui (Uili ... 4 I 1 ll.u u ,'li lull, ul
lllut t.tlillul ll "d I .lul. I In ,,. )
hli 1.1 IS iuUl If I I i.'l.i.lmU I'.. I III. 1 I all I
I g vi. 14m ll J ul. i n l. ml 'w I.. 11. u u'.i.. )
awu'iui.. I' uui ui ii mu I ii l( (
l l lo l4( He " ull Ug4.U I Uui. livd
'I'i .1., 1 I'luit I'I Mo it-
t.iatf al,, a iwu 1 i . 1 , iu... 1. lb. u.,
,u .. i a ,!,i, 1. . 1 1 1 i I., u, . iu. , u k-i
ll.i uc.u. m lb )
, .ii4ii M
,.li ,
I u, au 1(1.1 ilj. )
I '
lb ban IW I-
.. ..i, 1.1 11.
hi. I IL. iu.
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ll' I
K I.
fn ul aii 1
It vlS W' '', U- 4 I
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i ll k.i 1 1 ... U; .. ... v. ,
1.1 4 i w - t I
1 A 1 t..n . , 11..1
1 I . I 1 . i u .
I uu
tyms&v Mr
."- t'-'-'.V.'i- -1?
gtltct J3octrg.
The followinif Is pronounced by the West
minister rtvitie to be the Duett Auierlcau pueui
ever w ritten : J
Within the sibcr realm of leafless tree,
Tho rutsut year inhaled the dreamy Mr,
Like Mime tanned rener in his hour id ease,
When all th Ueld are lying brown aud bare.
The cray barns, looking from their hstzy bills,
O er the dun waters widciiini; iu the vul,
Sent down the air reeliii); to the mills,
Ou the dull thunder of alternate flails,
All sight were mellowed and all sounds ub;)tied,
The hills seemed further aud streams suiik low,
A. iu a dieaiil the dis.ant woodman hewed
Hi water hij( with many a luuL'led blow.
The nmb.itt!ed fiuc.t. ere w hile armed with gold,
Their banner blight with every uuirtlal hue,
Now stood like miiiii sad, beaten bust of old,
Wilhdiawii ufar iu Time' ruinutest blue.
Oh sombre w iliK the vulture tried hit Uigat,
The dove scarce heaid his sijliiu luutu s coro
pUint; A;i4, like a slur sluw drnanini; In lha lik;bt.
The Tiling church vuoe seemed to pale and
The sentinel cock upon the hillside crew
Crw twice h nd all was .tiller than ksfor ;
Silent, till miine replying warden blew
His alien horn, and then was heard no nor.
Wbeie ent the jay, within the elm's tall crast,
Made carruluus trouble roaud bar uns)eded
An I where the oriole wuug her wa)lnr; tiat,
By every light wind like a senior swung ;
Where sum; the noisy martens of the aavoi,
The buy swallowi. circling ever near
Foi boding, as the rustic mind believes,
Au ear'y harvest and a pleuteous year,
Where every bird that waked the vacua! Crast,
bhuiik tin. sweet slumber fisiu its wiuga at
To worn the reaper of the rosy east
All now wns aiiulrs, empty aud forlorn.
A!on from out the rtuhble piped the qaall.
And croaked the ciow thro' all the dreary
pioom ;
Alone the phraont, dramming In the vale,
M.tde echo iu tne to Hie cottage loom.
There was no bud, no blo-nn apon the bowtrs,
The spiders moved their thin shrouds night by
niL-t.r ;
11. c Ihistli: down, the only ghoM of flowers.
Sailed slowlj by psed noiseless ont of sight.
Ami! all this, the centre of the scene,
The white-haired matren, with aioaotonnua
Piiej the swift wheal, and with her joyous meiti
Sat like fnte and watched the flilntf thread.
Sue had known sorrow. He had walked with
Oft supped nnd broke with her the ashen crast,
Anil in the dead ie.iVr. .till ! e herd the stir
Of liii, thick mental traidng in tho dust.
While yet her eheek was bright with Summer
hi on in.
Her country summoned and .he gave her all,
And twe e r !or.! lo lir his sah plnme
Re g.ive the sword lo met ujion the wall.
Re-cave the sword, but not the hand that drew
And struck fur liberty the iljiug hlow ;
Nor him wb.i. to his sire an. I country true,
Fell 'mid the rauV.4 ot the invading foe.
Long, but not loud, tl droning wheel went on
Like tho low murmur rf a hive at noon.
Lout:, but not loud, this memory of the gone
Uicaihed through bur tip a snd and tieruulou
At h '. the thread was snapped, her hed wat
bowed ;
Llle dropptd the distaff throuah her hands se
rene ;
And loving neighbor smoothed her careful
Willi lUelli and Winter elos the Auluiau
j 'I'leiiBc,' said a wihti'ul voice, 'tftre mc a
' flower. Tom is so fond of tinners.'
Din lliniisi'ii was ou her way to a
l Vu nd's, with it hoipui't of choice (lowers.
! She hlopted, ut this apiieal, nud lookiuv'
j down, saw a little, poorly-dud girl, ubout
twelve vears old.
! 'And who is Tom ?' asked Klla, touch-
i tJ.
I 'My little brother. He fell and hurt his
back, uud mw ho can't move himself ; the
; d.icl'ir ;) lie will never get well ; aud he
; docs w for tin writ so.'
; LlU ht-siuitvd for n, moment, but only
' fur it moment. To take a single (lower
1 li'otu her bopu. t would spoil it, au s rl' i tly
nail it tx'cu arraneii ; nml 11 was lor a
! friend, moreover, w ho was ubout lo bu
I married. Hut the pleading face of the
child, nud I ho thought of the sick brother,
, were more than hhe could U-iir. Miu re
1 iiieinU leil, ton, the word of Scripture, j
"liia.oii'ii.'li a ye have done it unto one of!
' tho leut of tlieiH', ye have do'ie it liulu mc'
t Mil' sell eled tin: lincxl lloiter iu the (Hupii t,
U lark'c, while lily, ami gave it In lliu child.
' llu in,' alio said,
I, 'put it in water, uud
long. And la-re,' ho
I, with gr.iUlti ooks,
v i k,.i.II il. .... I.. i.iiJ
1 a w ill keen ever
11. Mid,
ua tho cir
I 1.. il., I
.. 1: ....1... c... ...... 1.,.., 1.... ici... .1 .
M 1V1, III I., IUI ,,'UI V,"lll, IIWIV UU
mii lii, V .
I The child loii her, ndiling, 'Oh 1 won't
j Toll! lx) t I :nl . ' Hi d Irk . 1 .'ii.ipiH .(ted.
( Il wits not long kfoivj the il l! I thing
Hiiii hcii in i ion. ie. li v 1; 1 t, l.ut
I..0111, III tlie tup o 11,0 Imum', liH.kli. K"o
a tin ly llu h-kuru U Intnl.
"U mi, l.iay V
a.kej a wcuk
l mi 1 . 'I 111 ii fc'l.iU.
I lie (ia 1L1 r u I) in,' on a straw la d,
oil tlio Ihxil', uud bu I'H.Lid up, allilliii,
into l.ia 1 ' I i e.
Nt In 10, I nil,' (lid the aiatei', pnaluc
i;.J llu; i-al,. a. 'ilitae itl'u lliu HI) (.Hid
VU III", llui ll'.H led nil,' !iu ud'kd,
li hi. nl'l .lull) I I the Illy, Jul
l....k ul tl, . !'
1 0114 1)1 l.iirly gluli'iied h llh il. Khl.
In to (Uilahu hall l mm' III Ud, ck
1 l.ilinui, 'llh I WI14I 11 U.utv i a lu iu did
)ul g I II f It'll I I'll IkLllU'll as I'ai
mu. li I hiiu, and aiuiiui u suu a ho
Ii.iJ g;ui4 UJ bud, iu U.11 I aik ou In
, I- 'I
II I'inu il 1'U'ki,' lu Stld'xl, Weakly, a utiu , .1' 1 ii.w II ii'k u Huj
4041 I. I it tend, (;i"i I l) !'
1 ...I.. I'.l II III 4 l.'.lll.i.' .l"l .U,
'MUli 'iii. i ill I, and U (hall duo I un lllk! tl -'- hi )ui It mil Ltd inr
b ic u 11. II4I Mby d '14 I ) ui4v.1t )ttl
in t 'mt his . liaill, I Ul) 1 v
,l.t I l ie I I" 1,1 1 I'U li.'tll I II il
'i .U la. UU 4iid I k rtt (!. l...'
I n, i I 1. nt 1. "I I'.. niu'. I Ui
.1 11.
'Ent a little bit, dear, she begged. 'It
will ni'iku you feel better.'
1 don't think I shall ever be better,'
answered Tom.
The tears rolled down the (.islet's fare.
'l)ou'l talk so, Tom," sho sobU-d.
shan't eo. 1 tan't live without you. Who
will there be to care for me 5"
'I've been thinking,' said Tom, pravely,
'I think a p'out deal lyinr hero, thiil when
I nm none, liither will be difterrtit. Yon
know,' nnd here he drooped hio voic, tiuil
lookid cniTfnlly nrountl, ns if to see lest
any one should be listening, 'you know that
liither drinks ; nnd that's why he comes
home co lule, and says he can't u third to
send you lo school ; and why he is so cross;
and why. sometimes, he beats you '
Don't speak of it, dear,' said his sister.
'I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't for you.'
'Rut I do mind it, Lizzy ; and it breaks
my heart to lie here and see it. Rut some
times I think, when I die, father will be
ilillcrcut ; ho says he loves me. nnd it may
make him good, you sec. What is it the
Rible says Y 'Through much tribulation,'
Yes ! it is through 'much tribulation, we
wiu the crown. Vhnt was the verso we
learnt at school ? 1 keep forgetting. The
one nbottt being tired.'
'Oh ! I know, said Lizzy. 'Come unio
me nil ye that arc weary and heavy laden,
aud I will cjvc you rest.'
'Cnie unto rue,' repeated the brother.
He does not deceive, Lizzy. He will give
us lvfcl. He loves me nud you, too, aud he
will take care of us. He is going to give
me rest up iu heaven.'
Rut the sister was not to be comforted.
Tom was nil the world Ho her. To le
him was to lose everything.
The day wore on. Night crime. Tom
lay, looking at the lily, nml no one know
how many sweet thoughts il stigucsud to
hint. Now and then his sister stopped iu
her work, nnd came to see if he wanted
anything. He always thanked her with a
sweet smile.
'Fnther is late to night,' he said nt Inst,
when the darkness came ; aud he sighed.
'He will be here soon,' said Lizzy, utter
ing words of hope, in which she hardly
believed herself. 'Try to sleep a little,
So Tom, nt last fell off into a doze. Ten
o'clock came nnd yet no lather. Worn out
with fatigue and anxiety, Lizzy crept into
bed by her brother's side, nnd sauk to sleep
It was nearly midnight when the father
eatneiti. The noise woke Tom up. He
half raised on his elbow and looked around.
At that moment, the moon emerged from a
cloud, nnd its light, falling through the
window, lit up the sick boy's tnce with a
giory us of a seraph's.
The father started back, sobered at once.
It seemed to him ns if a linlo, direct from
heaven, encircled his child's head.
Father,' said Tom. 'come here please.'
The man went sollly to his son's bed
side, sank ou his knees, nnd took the lad's
hand tenderly in his own. He was awed.
'1W kind to Lizzy,' said Tom, wistfully,
looking into his lather's face. 'She won't
Lave anyone but you, when I am dead,
father. "Let her go to scfioul again, please,
she is so fond of school '
'Oh 1 my son. my son,' interrupted the
now penitent father, bursting into sobs.
You will get well yet '
'I will never get well,' said Tom 'Hut
don't cry, father. ? shall see mother, you
know. Am! by-nnd-by.' nnd n strange
look came on his lace, a look of joy and
faith inexpressible, .'hy-aml-by, we'll all
meet again, shan't we V. Kiss mc, plense,
and then no to bed, or we'll Wake sister.'
The father, choking back his sobs, kissed
the hoy. 'I promise to be kind to Lizzy,'
he whi.scred. '."she shall gJ to school. 1
will never drink another itroi. As.God is
my witness,' he added, solemnly, '1 uever
.Torn took his little, thin nrms from
arouud his father's neck, where he had put
them for that last kiss, and then sunk back
on his pillow, exhausted.
'How sweet the (lower looks iu the moon
light,' thought Tom. 'What n hnppv boy
I am to have it 1 Aud to have lather
promise to be lvltor,'. lie went on, 'and to
say he'll love Lizzv, and that he'll r-end her
to school ' Aud then he forgot himself
iu sleep.
The night passed. Morning dawned, j
Lizzy woko ottore tne suu rivc. tier nrst
thought was of Tom,
'I've slept all niiiht,' she said, renroneh-
! full v. 'and I didn't mean to sleen five
niiuules I wonder if Tom wnuted me in the
niirlit. He must be better or he'd have
i lit irn better. As shu leaned over to
I look nt hint, I.iuv was startled by the
strange, vet beautiful look ou his face, a
look of divine lioy, as when a martyr bus
l'ii.ved Ihroui-h lire into everlasting rest.
lie would never suffer mote
The lily had doue il work. It had
sweetened tho last hours of the suffering
boy, suggesting inn e and beautiful thoughts;
aud when Klla lirousou called, early iu the
morning, to sec Lizzy, she found it lying on
the breast of the dead child, chiiped iu his
two, thin, waxen bands; uud she thought
of tho hlit s of I'aradikc, aud uf the saints
w ho held them, and of the weiili of Nrip
turn ugaiu, '11111811111111 as ye done it
Ulll ,mu 4,f iuu ictt,t of liicku.yu l.avo doun
, t ttiito mo.'
! , , t. , , , , ,
i A w t'er work even, had U-tu d-nelii.
" 'i r mil rvcii, 1
I fC hut word of loin were never li'lgol'
. I 11. I I .1..1.
' leil by Ilia lather, who, I1001 that lilghl,
lacillllo a rcP Allied IllilU. l.isny Weill In
kchnol, and. Inure tliull thai, never Ufiiill
henl a hill 1 1 Word al Inane.
.1 IU :uid J.l'ie U 1, lino great liieon.
, 'j j,, unwvt I.h her suiwrinr imu
xillnn, was
, ..(j,, ,,. ... . r . , l,itur. It
was imt
liiitiet. r-1 v n -it !. lbs I made KH.i eive
awuv. at eoii'c -ucillcci M the luiio,
! hiv.
As ye sow, so shall ye tap
i I.t' .W limine.
- f'(r0N't
. -my -
AH IMiUi I A Mtl.OO.
a this tki inor.
On arltiiMMUi 111 llm month of June,
IsTtl, a lady III deep limui liiu, and fullow.
. 1 .' 1 fi .. .' 1 ..1 . 1.. 1.. i.i
. ,y. v. 1 vvw i " : ::
Ii4p ned lo bu pt.diij at the lime, aud
inilU.'l by 1Ull1u.ll) I'lliowed U' 1 ill tu See
(ltla M t It ! J . .
I its
unal Wi'UliI tuauu. u ppmg up 10 u.e
luir aud a.l'lu(ii'i Ibe i'i".in.i"l, Mini
.4'ni'd in Ij pit st iii, (bu taid :
' -.ii, i4'i "ii uiml iii ! I lute In
I, x.i.i, uu liu nd. and am miul.l In oik "
lit t ia in. id al lur and llwliat lite thlhl,
a nil a luiii.lid b'.-s ' I tiui'.cl) and I il
k.l '4i-Ull bu was k 'niiabtl ur i ic U I ,
atti. a-' lmn in null a "U U'i', bul
.. ' !..,. I . ' a tltut 'i""'.li( t4 lt
("Int. I I' ui',u, ll.ill tUiltii' I" IU" 1'ltkvUl,
ui I , '
' III llU lltt II, ltl ' 4 lilt III vilMS,
taut a. i.t 1 I 1 .I '(l Inl ill lis f'1
. lu,. 1 b. , .r . ..1 tun! Lii t nilk I'1
2, So. 47.
SI, .o. 11.
ami soon n jmrse of two dollars was raised
uud placed in licr liurid.
"Mudnni," said tlie gi'titlemau who pnve
her tlio money, "why do you vome iu su
liKitis V It isn't a proix';- tilnce fot a iudy ;
nnd why are you driven to elicit a step V"
fcuiiiiiiK (( iioiui iiitii, yei. vairiPBi,i;
eyes upon the speaker with uu ex plebeian I
shall never forget, she replied :
"Sir, I know it isn't a proper place foe
me to be in, nnd you nsk why I uni driven
to this slop. I will tell you iu short wonls,"
pointinc; t a bottle behind the bur labeled
whiskey," liat is wlmt hits clmeu me
to this WiliSKr.v. I was once hajipy and j
surtolindcd by all the luxuries that wealth :
could procure, with u fund and indulgent
husband. Rut in un cnl hour Ue was
templed, and not possessing the will to re-1
sist that temptation, fell, aud in one short 1
year my dream of happiness was over, my '
happy home forever brnkeu nud dueolatcd, ,
and the kind husband and the wealth some
called mine, lost, lost, never to return, and
all by the accursed wine cup. Y'ou see '
before you only a wreck of my foltner self
homeless una IncnuiiH, Willi nothing h it
me iu this world but this little child." Aud i
wecpinc bitterly, she aflectionately caressed
the goldeu curls that shaded a tnce ol ex-1
quisito loveliness. Keguining her compo- j
sure, and turning to the proprietor of slut
saloon, she continued :
"Sir, the reason I occasionally enter a
place like this is to implore those who deal J
in the deadly poison to desist, to stop a
business that spreads desolation, ruin, j
poverty and starvation Think oue mo
ment of your own beloved oue, and then ',
imagine them iu the situation I am in. I :
apH-al to your nature, 1 appeal to your:
heart, for 1 know you possess a kind one,
to retire from a busincasso ruinous to your '
patrons. Did you know that the money
jou receive in exchange for the vile stuif;
you sell across this bar, is the same as
taking the bread from the mouths of the :
faimnhing wives aud children of yout cus
tomers T That it strips the clothes from ;
their backs, deprive them of nil the com- j
forts of hfe, and throws uuhappiuciss, '
misery, crime and . desolation into their'
once happy homes V Oh, sir, I implore, i
!x betel) and pray you lc retire from a buti- !
tiess you blush to owu you arc engaged in
before your lidlow men, a'Kt 'i'ntcr a busi-;
uess that will uot only be profitable lo your
self, but your fellow crcalutes also. Please
excuse me if I have spoken too plainly, but
1 could not help it when 1 thovght of the
misery uud utihappincis it lias caused
"Madam. I am not offended," lie an-
swered, iu a voice tremulous with emotion,
"but thank you from uiyhtart for what you
have said."
. .." . .. ... . ,.
Xew Ncrlen, Vol.
Old Nericn, Vol.
-...,-. uiiiu .uiB ""'Thomas Menkintr. keener of the flree
mother'8 hand, "here's a gentleman who
wants mc to sing 'Little Bessie' for bin.
Shall 1 do itV"
"Y'es, darling, if they wish you to."
They nil joined in the request, aud, plac
ing her in n chair she sang a sweet childish
voice, the following beautiful song
"Oat In the gloomy night tadly I roam j
I have no mother dear, no pica. ant bom j
Nobody cures for mc, no out: would cry,
Even If poor little Kettle should die.
Weary and tire'1 I've been wandering all day,
A.klii( for work, but I'm too aim, 1 1 they Kay :
Un the damp praund I inui-t no lay my bead,
father' a drunkard, and mother i dead.
We were o happy till father drank ruia,
Then all our aorrow and trouble beuu ;
Mother itrew pale and wept every day
Baby and 1 were loo hungry to play.
K'owly they fuded 'till one summer nigbl
Found their dead face all eileul nnd u hit
1 hen with bij; tear (lowly dropping I (aid;
Fathar' a drunkard, aud ajuiUer ia dead.
Oh, If the temperane men only would flnl
Poor wretched hither and laik very kind ;
If lliey would Mop him from drinking why tba,
I rkuuld be o very happy nuin.
I lt too lute, tvuiperniici. men I pieaie try t
Or pour little ltcssie m it-t toon duive und dl ;
All the day Iouk I've hi en beaiut lor bread,
Va.her' a drunkard, aud mother i dead."
The scene I shall never forget to my dy
ing day, nnd the sweet cadence of her mu
sical voice still rings in my ears, and eveiy
word of the song, ns it dropicd from her
lips, sunk-deep into the hearts of those
imihcred arouud her. With her golden
curls falling carelessly around her little
shoulders, her lace f ulmost elherinl heuu-
ml Ini.kiii.. an triiKiiii..ivntiil fi.iiHib.iit.
u. ulMm ,, lni.n aruUIU
uuiut, her Ueautitul eves
i i : . - , . .
lighted up with a light that seemed noi of
this earth, formed a picture worthy of the
eii of a pott or pniuicrt although statue
of purity nnd innocence. The untinished
games of billiards were laid by, the cards
thrown aside, the unemptied giuss remain
ed uMn the counter, and all passed near,
some with curiosity, some with sadness,
and some with pity beaming from their
eves, entranced with the musical video aud
. beauty of a child, who seemed better I'I I j
j bu with angels above tluin ill such a place.
' At the close of the smig mauy were wc
I iug men who hud not shed a tear fur
: years, uow wept like 11 child. One young
! mau w ho had resisted with scorn the plead
1 iug of a loviug iiiulher and dear friends to
i lead a better life, to desist from a coiirsu
that was wasting his fortune and ruining
, his health, now approached the child, and
I takilig her bunds while tears streamed
dow 11 his pale ctuitfcs, exclaimed with Uot p
etmilioii :
cg.hI ble
saved uto I
blest you, my little angel, you have
10 liniii rum and ili'rii 110111
Kiverly and 11 di tiukiud giaw. If there
. Mete ever angels 011 eaitli you nre one ; UoU
1 blest you. IukI bless lull." and placing a
bill ill ti e Land of the mother, said, "pU use
acctnt this In do ut a tiki 11 ..f my record
! and ealceiii, for your tittle giri has dune me
I a kilidueS no wenllll t ail ver repsv. And
reiiU'iubt-r wheuever you ari 111 aunt you
1 will ever Hud a true friend," si tlu mum)
1 tune eiviiij hi r his bame tin) addn ss.
l iiLina lu r ihll'1 bv the hand the luriad lo
g.i, but pHUkiug al the dour, sund :
j "tnai bltta you, gelllllliieu. and pirn as
,1... i....,iiii ii.....L..r 1
; (I IV (( (IIW II. l U.II ,n, ,iu .', j-.w. n,M
1 lilcintli woman fnr tne kiutlutsa au4
i i.iiiiUy )nu have slmwu ht r," and brfnre
anv ( Uu could rvply, she ass "i'.
I iiliiioiMurul miiiuttteiitiii'd wtii.U
I was L last brkill by the (("plirtor st
. iU-ia 4
.. . . . s -a.
iieMtifiufii, mat taiiy is rmnt, ami 1
. u- ui giut of ahi.k.y, n4 u
W -,.4,.a-, ((., k ..It
any of )u 1 Mailt auy inure )nu a til havu lo
Uu 1st a Inre." ,
"And 1 hav driiiik my last gluts o
whikkvy." said t you(( ntait alio had l"OiI
lavu tiivtu up i (. 1 1 . t lj Lv)oiid the riai h
nl ihuae alio had daH aunil in hi atl
fate - that Us taut, ino lu to eitr 1 A 1 nt.
't htiie it a uiuiik or(t'n.aUia 14 4it
lily ia'" 4 llie TtinU if llmr. a' d al
,.ci Ut tl iiuelnu I tbll vi"l iu '") l. tnit
; iw 1
la) B'liUltltll. It Inl lll U" I'I lltt t
i.l "II
c 1 nui I 4 ili"iu, aud nrU'tiu baitn t tteis
tJJed U I. t
TlUS I'I I I W"4'l, lha of lb tul'ful
, I.-... II.. ki....... l.. 1... t tu.l a.a.
l.ulu lint Sil4li) ( ita Kaa IU lad, d k-
10 Linos, or about 100 Words, uioJies !i'-
. 1 Bq 3 Rq a 8'i' 4 q ew Ucol I tni
One wo-k l.oo S.oo a.Vj; h.qo 5.1.. im; !. f
Two weeks 1.50 S.Oo 3.5, 4.0O H.tiO 1 1. do l 'c
Three " 2.00 8.V .5o a.on oo rj..w-,
Four " S.6 .ro s.5o e.oo to.oo b.j:ii.
Flvo " S.? a.50, ?.nuta..iT.isi':.v.i'
W ' if -oo .r ' U.u.ii3.i)u;n.o;iJ7.'o
Two mo' 1.2.5 7.50 . I. Ot, 15.noso.tKi lid.. ..
Three" .. H.0c .) WMi So.0.;,.. 4o.U
Bil " 6.0H- W.OJ 11.00 I'J.UO'.-t.Ui! u. . f. i ;
Nine " e.iio io.U'J i'J.oj lS.ic'iri.iKHi, a 75 i
One Tear S.ou lij.wi r,.0u Uj.00.lo.0w Wj.tO t i.t :
is now engaged in an honorable btminess
Wnuld to Heaven that ladv could Imve.
goue into every hamlet, and town and citv
throughout our country, nud met with tl.
same eheeriug result.
Yes, it is the mothers aud wives, Htid
sisters of the drunkard that tun tell what
whiskey has done sud is doiu. You need
not follow hiiu to the sumptnous and bril
liant palace erected by King Alcohol at:d
his conlederste to hire him tr.un the pa;:,
of virtue and usefulness, to that of n.ia
nud tiisgrace. You need not follow him
when his tnotivv is toi.e and he is thrift
liom the most lusliioiiable resort to thos
less respectable. You need not lollow hiru
to the lowest det.s of crime and iniquity,
ps be daily reels home or li s in the nut er
in n condition lower than the brutes of tl e
field. No .' but follow him to the place I o
calls home, and tho hollow cheeks, ti.t;
dimmed eyes, the tear that rolls tlowu ti c
patient, careworn face of the forsaken wif,
and the cries of the starving childruu. tuil
their own story iu a lau jUAo iuuspr .-,iblu
iu words.
lViiMsj lviutitt') iMart Lu kehoola.
Concerning the first schools in Pennsyl
vania u correspondent of the I'hilndulphi
I'nxs writes : On the 20lh day of October,
A. I. the Frovinciul Council, heldiu
Philadelphia, William Penn, Proprietor
and Governor, recorded the following
minute, which we transcribe exactly as we
tind it : "The Govrn and Provil Council
having taken into their Serious Considera
tion the great necessity there is of a School
Master tor ye lusttielioii St Sober Educa
tion of Youth in the towne of Philadelphia,
Sent for Enoch (lower, an inhabitant of the
Said Towne, who for twenty Yenr past
hath been exercised iu that cii,-cj nnd Im
ploynient in England, to whom bavin?
Communicated their Minds, he Embraced
it upou thvse following Terms : to Lea i no
to read English is by the 0.uarler. to learn
to read, Write nnd Cast nccot Hs by tlio
Quarter; fur Hoarding a Schollcr, that is
lo say, lyct, Wnnhirig', fudging & Scool
ing, Tetm pounds for oift whole year."
The above record is thean-liert to be" found
in reference to the rue of schbv's in tho
Colonial Archieves of lYtinfvlvn'rn.-
"At a co'. ncil held at Piiilfrt'-.-lnhia v
. 37th ofye 11th mouth. 1W3. was presented :
: A Law proposed for Mjkeing of Several
: Sorts of Rooks, for the use of Persons in
I this Province." "Proposed that care be
T"n ft,bout '!? Learning aud Instruction
.rolUh. t0,iv l : "!l 'i'"'1 'f Arts and
?"'" Lnder date of August 1, A.
: D. 10J3, we hud another cutry ; touching
' the f-eneral subject, which rends thus :
, School in the towne of Philadelphia, betn
called before the Lt. Gov aud Council, was
told that hco iintst not . stetpe Sehoole wit-
j out Licence. Ansrcd f.'uit he& was willing
i to Comply, and tnl'e1 Licence ; wns there
. fore to procure n te'titicate of his ahilitie,
i Learning and di.:Ce;.ce, frotu tho Iuhtibi
1 tants of note in tl..s tov, ivj, by the Siiteeuth
( instant, iu order to the a Licence,
( which ho promised Indue." -t'nder ('eta
i of February 12, 17s7-S, a pitition wns
i presented : " "Au a Couut.i, Held tttt
: Philadelphia die Sahatti, by S'linuel Car-
iienter, Edward Sbippeu. Anthony Mortis,
litiiies ll'ox : david Lloyd, South
j bee & John Jones.," nnked the lib"rty to
establish a school, "w here poor linldren
; may bo freely maintained, taught & t !u
: cated in good Literature, until they are lit
j to put out appixutices, &c, in behalf of
themselves & the rest, of the people called
Quakers," &c, &e. "The l-rovenKT and
: Council doe grant this petition aa Josired."
I A Sailo;:'s Dicitirrio.v or a D.'.xcb.
1 Ilaven't had any fun with the laiullub
i bers till Thursday niylit, nt a dance. When
! 1 arrived in the cabin found 'em under way
on a Spanish dance. Took my station in
line w ith Susan Tucker fell back and
tilled, then shot ahead two fathoms haul
ed up on the tarbmird tack to let another
craft pass, aud came stem nn soother sail,
sM.;e her, and bore round against thc'auii,
and fell in with another sail iu stll chase.
Passed twenty sail on same course, and
1 w hen half across to the nther shore, dropt
' nslert. fell back couldn't till, so let
nuciior and iiiiuieii up tor repairs. JSeXD
itilo the current Ly s
l""K.,.V, ,., .
-..wti!lion, but didn't make nnicli fiadway
shot ahead with lietsey staiV, nnd sail
ed over to the other cinst. look n turp
opposite ran abreast twice towards other
crufts, and back astern 114.11 tihived
1 round to starboard pased near partner's
' lights, nnd made sail lor lierlh. 'Tnird
time ran it c it to poit to the
tune of the temp st, the YaiAeo tar's
favorite 1'roceedln j alon up coast ac
cording to the regular ...d- rnf s iiht"-
Uuc ulieud a'air rot'oJvd to then imj
iiifi udveraary yiud-r.n:i by yurd-aMiio-t-fd
iisiern with the whole B.piadron, in tr
fular order of sailing, Sally 0011; all tb
lime mand'tiveriiig and y-iaking Biennis
hen under full suil. I'.oa'.iy anchored
' after a lnuvy squall.
t'ltVKI.TY TO AM vl U.S. The Society
fiir the ritveiitioii of i;rin liy to Aiiiiia!
I" riiiladelphia, held ila annual uivetiii
lat Thursday night a . ki The alien
dance a quite Is 'ge and ninth iiilereat
was manilrsu il. Kfr.iiu f. tvirtepusi
fled, and I. h. I hate .mt il aa ''i
The ytarW reiHut wa ready b' VV.
I'oiU-r II siali s that during liO the re
ceiptt from iil 1 1 ti"ii, di'iiiili' Mt, etc.,
aumutitrd to t ij JO, and the ?xu i,,h
luri t, iiiilud n c an ium klnietit ol Jl 1 "1 t(.
reps) the loan frmn donaimii Inllt. l, n t l.
i7. 11. ) iiiring ihe 1'iitt )iar c ui
l'.aijs, rt-pr ti Ming (ii.-s t a. of 1 iui ity to
ai'imals were sntrrud Upni. llui li.ais i f
the Nntiely. CI lint itli. lj iituub.r, 1 '.S
vre f -r uvei lading, utvrw it kuiis, or oiti
ill iv in j (mi. ir inii'it. aid '. Ir ikui;
lame, . re, 0 ' . ii, or I ra llv li d lnn
'1 i at iii'ii it the t'l ittv upon the iuHi
plaiutt thai were brnUM lo It Uolne It
llfWli tu the fnlliiif liu t'liiiinaiy : It.ul
fen nt eiUeiit'u or a .1 nf . l-tal fenit'iy,
lit) Aktt i t'llsinUrt iml fiiU ld, V 1 unilii I
out txiniUinit. Kt ; a arm i i:il, IK ;
court led nil n.ilii t, I I'I , pn aei ulniu, ;IT ;
fi'uvn limit, Vi ; ptndin.', 4 ;a4 vnuii
ISIS, It Auiulig Ilia ii.iitu ilea; !.
Ut-ii iliti k.'d or driivii inl i 1,1 11 etiiiit ii.
dining h att yar ate bleeding nf tall. I
Uf"f tl.Ujiit(i 1114, tbu a inn ol mu1..
uiuw ln.ll d-M and nil II. bit, J. but nl
ilruiii't. uad bitr m di . )si4. iu
tl l 1 vallla ill tuugblar h "Uvt, 11.UA
llirj nl taltt t, (U
V r Vinuisi it m. mi mu
lo ,iv ""mi I' 1 il v in i",-. I. 1
III. !, I t v. f 14 lbs lui 1 1 1, . t
1 Ua f'-il 0 ihi'i am 1 Mi. li C 1 11 ' t
I 4 114 (ill) an I lit 1 - I
. 1 lil) nui; . 1 1
Alull il. Lit U. li.l l,itl
Aloillt. bl iikili.l 1 l I .i"'l. "'
A fm 4 (l4 t 4s i(t
1 SMI W(,ti M r-nA v I , . , . . ,' 7 . ' , . . .' "Lit I . 7. i 1 I . 7. T 1. .T ...77 jI -..1 I ,j i. . Ilj . ...T .1 1 .J.
U -.. 4111.. ,. ' ,"