'-if v. . Making Love. Making loro in Uio most expensive of of nil amusements. Tho flirtation of" orJi imrv oo ml life, is n eoiiiiiarativeJy harmless nuil unimnnrtutit utirsnit i but the down Tifht. aei ions business of lilukillS lovo i nbout the cosllic.it ncmpatiou. tu' wlnYh-ftl man can ilr.vote himself. In ether niuiisc-nr-nts a man may rstirnato his protrtjile outlay ; in maViiiR love lio iwT kiiuvws whon'Jipi tuny Mori. -Tis.reiison,. Iirjitv tlence, his sJ'.f-wr.itvol, and comivon ee'ivio. nil desert. Mm tit once, lie is nn more innster of Ma own tu lions lliantlic iiti'.ueky lnort'il who permit himself to hn mefmer iatil on a public platfi-vni, anil then prr l'orms a eerios of lu.licrona actions for thn tv.uns.'incr.t of ft nrir.nins ru.tlier.fc. A power so impalpable a: tlio,on'.'e. of a pai' of bluo cyrs will nialto the duiutictt find most olip'liiiatQ of lumwii Ivnrs ret up his himl legs and Blrivo. to render himself plcnfiiiii; to its c.v!:r arJ 'onnrntoi'. It is i Ida hiloiiFC '.c;-iro in pl.To tvWch cc-sts tho love-iiir.icer si much. J Is fr iots nil .th v considm-ati.iv.s. He will n'li'i-t his luisinoos, oH'totl hi v. frlorti!;;, nuarrcl villi his relative a, iv.kI pcr.ciil!y make l.im self ilisiii't'i cable1 ail for t he ?:il:e of Ih!-! 0:10 yirrson. 'Then, thr. ir.unmr.rnblc dcl!ci.)Ti:i pk-asuros of Ll.uidcPliiic Election; tho It t t.crfi, the nmmj.-monts about tlx; rustic nnet-tiflu-u. t!-.!,' lisr ndonvms adoiilcd in that coiTi'sp'v.iiit'ncv, tho Koctvt Iclcuvaphic: 1 nals ;;t from the open window in the , inooii';i.;bt, tho cnid,' pri-iur.itioiis for 1 mcctltifr, the stolen, rime!;, niixiou"-, ccM.i-1 tio inti'rvit v-s, the t'ii'.:'liviiv oml o:i'-l'il i lariin.2. the reilontcil vows and pk'd;;c!, tho f;ir-olV plus w in chin'co. the lu i i . and 1 fears and oV.iidita of th'r tlivioe fo'lly, for the impalpabk! tn n;:nres tho lover is plad to throw up 1 "nt; i."T.oh!i! f.tid material leu- ; fits which llj'Mrrs as t'oo o:iio''."iii.Ttii''ive ; i nor oau ha look other-vise, than with serin: j on t lie Mis-'ostiocu raid is um.vl of pruil.-i,' How :.royn.B'x-;Au"rCAj'Triin. :.ioi.-1 key" nve pretty eoumu 11, yet as all the lam- j iks are n mnrLibly euiniiii., ha.-i it over 1 oceured to I lie reader how t hoy are laUen Y 1 Pitl'nl! -will take a lion, nud tho fjn.whnJ 1 monarch will, nl'tir a few days, starvation, I dart into a cii.-1 containing i' "!, and thus ! be secured. Hut liovm'eir.oni.'yLier.r...l i r The ape family resembles mau. They vo't oesiv.v hitnwii, 'JVy lave liiUor-r attd fail. Ui l:ii-oiu-ana oMv.v-.ar thJ natives 1 make fi.Tineni'.-il heer of which the monkeys arc iMM-kuwl'ly fond. Aware of loi, the ; natives ? t i tl'e parts of the A-rct l:-'- . tp'etiti A l:y the monkeys, and 0:1 t'r poti'id talal asl'.cs i'uii of (lUlein;: lienor. , A" i'onn as thi iin!i!:"v v and 'a:;li.-s il . ln mt-i:; loud e-rio? of ioy that so.-n aLtrivt ! his comrade?:. 'J'he.i ;oi 01 A- bt":hr. .. . '. j in a id'.art tii.ie the beasts hhov. r-:l ucju.-:.: of into::!c:i'i'in. 'ilu a tb iic;n.is a ar. ! The '.'iv win) come too la to t i"'!. i'oi'ul.-d 'scape. Tl'.e th'iul.'ci'S a: t 'u lar c;oiir !o , hi: difturl"'d by llnMn. and apparently lake them i'i;r larger sj'ieies of th,:it own pc.ius, , The in ;:roi-s"taka sn..,i up, a:v! Ihesub. ;'n i to weep and cover theui with maudlin kUscv. Wi-.rn a i.c iro te.kes one by toe j Land to lead l.ini oil", the ih avest monkey : will tdhiy to tho one v.h thus I'.nds a s:ip-, port, ana endeavor to ;:o also. Another wid ;rr.i;p at him, and so on, i:n'.:i the Rro l"aves a Hue ol ton or a do,en tipsy inoukoys. When Anally brcvdt. to the ! vit'.:'"-. tlioy are R'.'cuicly caia!. and prad- ' nrilly rohi-r down ; but f.irr.voorUuve dtiyj a ir.idaaily tlinwiiisiutij; Kiippt,v u-itnuor i given them so r.s to ecoiieilo them by de-grci-a to their stale of captivity. A t.Y.NfeisTKST T!"ii'i .Ma:;. 1 The .i;:rUi ..'i.fj'.io' tells thio ; tiry off tempi! unco c-'p'.ain : An incident was ro ct.n.iy related in t lie. life of a sa captain, v. ho c ' t'-oiiir and oariiesi li'i I'm'' rc:-oc-i in'; ;h 10 1 oi iKloMi'atino (!ni,,; t--j . uiik-s c;m-i linn to uiako nuy saeiiiiee. of peia: !ii:M".' profit r.itlu r liian.-rtn'ti'dv to hivor. y eiiv 'let.. :i oi hi;. t!i" ui .-ti'iiuir, fie h.tp; eo.al. a w ' yi r.r.- a ." fr'atrt 1 i-u::. in the Yi.-1 Indie to M ri'.ii ;.e: v,-mi1. ivii'ii il'.e s a -ii lor hi; prod 11 '. -f ih.'t ! e-u - 1 a-', iu.'t V I i ' . 1 i : 1 1 1 !-i . a . 1'. . ; of 1'n.i. ii o as oai-red : i 1. .1 lmi..l-o:r.o pi :, i ;;t. p .vi,:; : 1. 1' -til- -t a .-av 'it at v liet-ai. it '. I'.o ; 'o'l.a' 'aar h 'o'l.a' lihi; '. )a ; - t:ee w iie. 1 - not pi ; na. tie-' ant- to t! it- ;,, .'hi 1 I .Cod. V -ta: la. '., ta. :-i .1 ''itri. of a 1. J.'t.r ' I . : l ,' . 1 iocl.a aij fi .-ii f" ! 1 i.S at. .-lo l l-l Ihl - :-Afi.v5c!tv:iI. I tl 1 i -11 1 .et 11. 1 .-til '.it if t'. lot ''. li..' I . I .1 I ' I I 1 I it f.l ... . .1' 1 1. Il II. J .1 . ., .1 e, 1 in .11 . I ' I itneows. M A UK O T H C A ft II STORE, M A It K E T SQUARE'. is orrrrtTso BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, UUOCEIUES, 1IARD.VARE, CEDAHWAP.E,' QUEKNSWAKE, XOOTS & SHOES, Drugs, raiata, OilsJ&e. JUST Ol'EyED A NE'.V AfSOKTMtST FRESH FROM THE CTT. t "r y goods. bla":;ets, OVERCOAT iXG, cvsiiMrnrs and clotus, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BILKS A XT) BILK -POPLINS, ALPACAS, SIIA'WLS, T. U'a evert uind of Foui:i'jN a nx) Domestic Drt Gcous. Gioecrl-s rTi vciy kiaj, e'ui.'i-c, 1'c.is. fbiE.vr, Miji.iirts. Fisli, Mint, Kii-.l cTcrytblaj in ;Ii (irocry '.'.no. i!.;:!v,r.i: rr everv j;cr. -11 an. I an Mldli'Si luiuty of cut :;. L' LENS WARS of every variety nud quality AND SHOEs of the uctt manufactures in t! .1 ic WALL PAVER an extra assortment suKai-le 1 -.ay Ili'cni'-. NOTIONS of every ilif eriptloas. FltES-II DUUGS AND MEDICINES, points ;.ed eill.S or the bet aality. All of vhirii v.ul te sold at tLe very LOWEST PRICES. A" tiii-fe 'ooii have bcfT. bought for essh, ipei'ial in.l'.iceaii ins 10 ur.iuiS'.ii-s are offoieJ. Call mid exau.iiie le.e Jnmicest Stock. IB. V. I'Ril.lXU. Sriiburv Nov. fttb. D70. I) MEL LI'S!! Ell. A. J. MILLER j:xtka good bargain's Jasl opened at the !-torc rf .Mi-,r.,-. Ll'Sliril & MILLER, in :' .: Bulldi.: 011 Q". 'Ei-'.' : TLEET, iir;ii:Ki:i.AXi, pknx a, A lai-g :: asoi:tmi-:nt of DRY i)iS, r..i-.!' :.ll tl. r 1 ; '.il l Vv'inti-r Ftylr" r.f leu I..- ( ;..l.'ir, :ep' 1 i . --v.er.i.;y. rent leui.iais. 1. . Die- , I.., ,'. :-l C '.n. -e-u l,ii li w'.ll l.-'l.t i In; :. at. l ' AM) ...1 ,.fc; GI10C f i-. 1. ! 1-' lOVIMON'S. ilea'Iilplloll. jKoi-iirttt;;!'!' Gi,'.,siitiro uud Htl- !v. 'Waiv. r-.OT.-i AND SHOES .'! i. V.. a:.-, 1 ,ia-l Ch'.'.dren. vi.oc;: L.-i; a". t'- 1.: A I all kli .'..1, ! consvmt'.y '-!. 'I Ii wi.l -..i- -. par-huso MX KX ALL iilNHS, :a.o'ot priie, ai-J wiil el-jam I 1 is ..r t sr ir.t .;e.t to fail :i i'. rvanil'ie our I 1 11. eat nl 11- .! bet; r ,.1 become e.,:,!, e.-.l IM. werlhuu else u-'i u' o- i 1 1 I s;. s . nn t in;. .1- ela e ill .t 1.1 Mi.IR X Mil M-.i .d.tsp.. 17, "grand :s7 r'A-i.I. OPENING 1 r 1' T. W STOliC. GOODS. n ?S. iiT.it te n.i..."A kI' f" . '' ' 'law ncr-f; ue I ! t Mow;:!: a i!i-.M;ri: - .shi:e, I H.ujiMf tt :.r 1 ll:i , ') 11U1I Nlcl!, iti', I'LN'.'A. .-. la .. ! -I'd I ::! S, Dl'.l-'-.'J l.eo.: !.- v. S 1 !., La I. t '.li' i A ' I' .1 ) ..in:, in Iti it.l-Mu.lo S loli.iuif. V.'. 1 II ,.. I -. I ' . I .... .o 1 l: !..., I 1. , e. . . , . ,',-. t .-. 1 1 - -1 1 tf , I l lif tii I (' il. i:.. 1 ... : . u 1 tt . 1 I "i 11 a. 1 il, 1 , 1 1 - ) !. M'l 1.1 1 l-i 1. i.r 1: Mllll. I 1..IU I'-I-'I I IV I- UI...I si 1 1. N 4. II '1' . : j f , 1. ; ". ' ' . . ..... . . i ' ji . . f IMI III.'. . . .. 1 1 . 1 1 : . . . . I I . -, M 11 I 1 l.l.i - I I . w I ' ll. ; till. Hi, " 1 I . S'. ... I . ' ... .1 I .1 .1 I . ... !! 1 . I. ' 1 . I 1 c t I I. 4 i ' I 111. I'teluts, tills, Mil -t.i' t I 1 1. . I l- . . 4 " . ... i . , t... . i j dilisftlbttcairs. TUB NVKlirRY t'ATTILK INSdK A1SCE COMPANY. Orricn 8. E. Con. Matikkt Squark, Soubwby Pa. INSURE YOUR CATTLE 1 THE O.M.Y C'OJIPAW Y THAT PAYS PROMPTLY. rpniS Company pnys nil lnfle by all kinds of .1. nooldiMits lijr denth, (except lug In rate of ri'ltlrinici!,) tv tlii'ft, fec, &c. They (in; prompt ly. No red tape procceiiiug to olitatn your liionry In enf e of loss. Lock nt the lift of Loinoa pnld within tlx niontlis hy tliis compniiy'i M. llcnnlnirpr. Sunbnrv. 133 S3 I). llilert, Nerthumburland, M 00 H. B. Dnil.'O, " SO 00 (ii'Oiiro KrUert, " 40 00 Cbsrles Holich.Mt. Cnrmel. 80 00 KiiKfltus SiJM'le, " 40 tK) C'ntliiirinn Wiener, Vntontowi 4rt 00 (to. licit, Niirtlinintierlnnd 60 00 .IiieobSnvdcr, Stuibiiry, S3 !)3 .1. V. HnVsler, " 50 00 Minor Cndv, Dowavt, CO 00 Ctithiilire 'MurtiS, Hlmmokln, 40 00 Train is Huclier. Bunbnrv, 60 00 S.inmcl I'ripo, I'ppor l.cliiab, 60 00 Al'P'iieatlou onii be made at tbctiome olllecor to I be dill'ient Local Aurnt. C. J. JfKl'NKU. rrtsitlcnt. V. A. P.raMENSNvnER, ('.!. Smiliurv. DiriH'tnih Solomon Stroll, Win. Hriudlc, Chiis. Mania Tlininas Baldy and Jobu A. bliisslcr. l.icciinbcr lit U. ly. Agriculturul liiipIciuriilN, nOF.'S Grain liakcf, Stoel mid Iron Caidcn Italics, Loner and I) Handle spades, Sr-ov 1 :r, Mannri' ami liny j-oiks, iinis nnn io:on S-ytbcn, (train I'mdlV:', 'rndic I'iniri i!". 1 race, Kicast, Tonirnc and Ln-: t'liainp, eli ind-Rtoncs, 1 anaiiip: lill Si-ivc of all fizc rd kinds, a lame assoi taunt of Kcd W'airon ItaniCf, for Plowiii!;. rami Bells, ('nHivntor Tcctli, for nale by T. 11. CUNLEY & CO. A GliXTMiJIAS'S tVAKlt-KORI-:. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MEKCIIANT TA1LORINU HOUS?., ThiupSt., One Hook Dr.r.ow Matikct Sr., Su-MiniY, Pa., J. M. ZIKCiLEU, Piioi niETon. rUKXCII it EXfiLTSlI CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EYl'UY K TND, VKSTINUS, ALL KINDS, FINEST GliADES, ENULEHS VA RIETY. Eailuacing every quality and ftylc tbat tho I Si iork and rlukelilpliia Markets nflurd, which wiil be tnndcup to order by the best of work men, wurrantcd to lit and lender entire satisfac tion. MEN S rUUXlSIIIXG GOODS. The largest afortmriit hi town. Embracing everything of ticntlnmcu's wear of the latest sty'.rs. Call and s.v my tocU, ulsothe latest f.'.bhioLE, before psrohasii! el: cwhere. " .1. M. ZIEGLER, (euccof ir to Thomas (. Nott,) Thirl ft., one ii"a- below Market, Snnbury, P. fc'iiibuiy, Jan. K, is 70. bri:ai axj i.cy cakes. DAVID r.HT, 7 EPrF.CTFl'I.l.Y jnfonr.s thecitisensof Suu- A.V bury iiiicl vicinity, that ho will bake to outer all kim-ol CAKES FOR BALL". ''ARTIES, Ac. Fani'Ses a-c supplied wbti FKI11 BREAD, Tist, KolU, it'.ik, Tea Buns, iV:c, and also krpt on hand and niuiiKlacUucd out of the best materialt. All orders li f. at his Sboii in Market Square, one door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at his llakcrv on Spruce Street, betwe Front ami becimd streets, will meet Willi prompt 1 attention. BALLS AND EVENING PARTIES supplied with ( V1.-.-S, Iee.-Crcam, iic, at tho shortest notice. Oiiiers are refpectfully eoiiaited- DAVID FRY. Sunhury, Dec. 12, ISG3. A;AI-V AT TIIK U1.X PLACE. T IIE sub-.ci'iber announces to the citizens of bunbury that, having acain erected his niil. lt unci CAKC CSTABLIf MCN.'f, j cn the old i!acc, where it was recently destroyed , j by f're. lie is again prepared to supply tLcui with '. I ?;I kind" of Pr, and Cukes, suib as ; UROWN J'.Ki: l. I ; MILK BREAD, I BREAK BAKED on the HEARTH, 1 lr.nl n f.il line of FANCY CAKES, Tea Buns, i I n.'i'.i aad 'i'i-i?. AN", all kinds el' Confection- ' ,.-!'- a: l.i- f li'ip on Third -treat. 1 I l'-.i-'bu" ' inokoi I a I'o-t-'-'u-s baker from the c a . la ; pr. pa--, d to .-; general salislaction . i'l In-, line of biibineM, and de-iircs all to give hiui : a 1 1 i.-il. I i l'.' ei, I and Cukes oiivered to customers every j lUiaaiing. ! ICE CP. F.AM. ! I An lee Cream Saloon has been opened in con- ) I rection with the above business, and a Ladies' falcon titled up, wlire the best tee ('renin will I be served up every evening diiroiic the sfumiii. Wit. H. II A AS. ; Buiibury, June 11, I0T1). Ayer's Hair Vigor, Fcr restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A thesiitipr Aslii'h is Ht oueo firei'iihle. hcaUiiV, KIlJ etVia-li'rt! for ieeiiu tl..' hair. 'ai. V or j'e, hair it ;....; ro'i'i i to wj ori.i.a cw'u' U'iWi tfii yt-'ii uio' fi '.'.'o..j ' $ro!i 'I la linir U ti.i l- .iN-r.' .-,"!., x 1 eiid, f.iliu;r lifttr oherkeil, nt:.l bUl-la-.s ,('e?a, th.iujli U' t m!v.A)s, euieil 1 . l.i 11 o , ,'o Lii: ran iw-toie tin hi',' h. re tl.o (ii!!.. !. .) uio ilestrovtal, ' r the plan l-i 11! . I'pl.ieJ Rial ilcey a i. H it Nil h as rem. nil ran he meil l.o' 1 M li.lnes.t .y ll.i-t n j' lii at ion, l.,.: i;;i i t' l'oiilin tl.o hair iilll ft I H ' 1 V m li- n.eat it will k a i it 1 led 11 uii I tigoiou. aiM-..iul Uv) twit piiN.'Hl Il u I. air I lioni tmaitij ii'.iy (-)' i.iIIih-: oil', ami I o-iitiy 1 n wot L.ilillie.-. Free I'l. 1, 1 il.u.,0 tl. l. torioii H1I.-.1.11.. 1 wlii.li IH.' K-1 soil!. I J leJilir.itioUl liul yi-liilli 1111 I 1 .1 .1 mi lo tl.o ..tii, the ir tsu lit In.', lut l.ar.u it. It Msutt.l loci 1 lor a HAIR DRESSING, a a.' I o rai t e leu:.. I t l il; it! (- nil but ilt'", . j v.. 1. 1 1 1 , u:.4 y 'luLle. it ilock I l.l-le ;. ( co. I t lo. J Ion ; on I'.j liu.i , (. is iu' lull. It l i.liv kO'l U lulilol jiiloioe. 'icaieil I y Ui. J. C. Ajtr id, Cj.i I'll V 111 tl - Ak tl I1K SL I 'HI MIS) I, KiWlll, II.UK. fill' 'SI II l it. !..', H, J im"-iii's a iitsnir, M4SI II A. k Its in itiHim i ! ii tit-.. I'SStit I l klj-llt .l. tukl-Uif l I. kn. it I '4 Sk-u u.. n Ik ui i.t I .. II. I. l!u.lt!.!tLt.4 t. bl-..l i i... -i. i . i i tu.it s- t -i.-t is ... ii i ui i . t it i . i. ( Oil II M tltl M. NN' It tt . .. ! It ... i .Lit, ll.l l , l.l.f , 2 BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. E8TABLISITED A8 A BKTUSE FROM ejX'ACKEHY. TBS ONLY PLACE WHERE A CVIiE CAN BE OBTAINED. Vn. Johhtsoh lias aiscotered Oi most Certain, Bpecdy and most Effectual Remedy In the World for all Private Diseases, Wcaknasn of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary Dlscharpen, Impotency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyipcppy, Lau crnnr. Low Pnlrits. Confusion of Mcus, Pulplta- tlon of the Heart, Tlmldltv, Tremblings, Dimness of Slfrht or Giddiness, liscaee of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lunirs, Stomach or Bowels these tcrriblo Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those sccrot and solitary practices more fatal td their victims than the sonir ot Byrcns to the Mariners of UIvsfcs, blhrhtinj: their moet brilliant hopes nf anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, impos sible. tOUNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an uutitnely grave thousands of ynnnir men of the most exalted talt-nts and brilliant intellect, wno migui omer wife have entranced lineniuc Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ec6tacy the liviuj: lvre, may call with full confidence. M AltKIAtiE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriapc, being nwarc of physical weakness, or ganic debilitv, deformities, fee., speedily cured. Ho who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely uoon his jkill as a Phv- eiciiin. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Atl'cctiou which renders Life miserable.'! ml marriage Impossible is the penalty paid byilie victims of improper Indulgences. Young pcrsoiiR are 100 npi iu i-i'imni. txits- from not being aware of the drcndtul eonscqenccs that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny Uiat' the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Improper habits than by tte prudent T Besides being deprived the plcasmesof healthy oll'spring, the most serious and desi rnctive symptoms to both body luid mind arise. The system teeames de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of l'roeieative Tower, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Iiidiircstion, C institutional Debility, a Wasting of tin. Fiauie, Cough, Consumption, Decay and li.ih. OFFICE. NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe uame ul( iuim,0v Letters must be laid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his olllce. ! A CIFE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. No Mureurv or Nuiisrnns Drugo. I DR."JHH.sJ'ON, ! item her cf theHoyaCollofc of Surgeons, Lon i don, Graduated from on-r if the most eminent Colleges in the I'niled Siatis, and the greater ! j.nrt of w hose lie has been Bont in the hospitals ' of London, l'rls, I'bilc.deliitia and elsewhere, ' has etfi-el I somcrf t'.'.c niol istonishinsr cures I that were ever known ; many trmblcd with ring ! lnjr in the hi nd and ears whui asleep, great i nervousness, beiu alarmed siddrn somiuIs i baslifiilness, wbh f-e;uent tlu.-ting, attended I sometimes vi:h derangement of tniol', were cured ! iiumediatelv. I TAKH PARTICULAR NOTICE. ! Dr. J. aililrcsscs all those who ha-c iujurcd i themselves by improper iudulucuce ami solitary ! haliils. wliL-li ruin both body and mini. Uilitting j them for cither business, study, society 01 niar- ria'.'e. Tnif-'R arc some of the sad and nielnmJioly i-d'ects produced by early habits of youth, i, : ; Weakness of the Back and Lliiihs. Pains in he ! Back and Head. Dimness of Sight, Lost- of Mi I culiir t'ower, Palpitation of the Heart, jKeixipsv, Nervous Irri'abilitv, Derangement o: Li,'c;,tivt j functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con- sumption, tVc. Mestai.ia The f-arful efftcts on the mind are much to be dmuied Loss r.f Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of ospirils, Evil FoicbodinL's, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, iVc, are some of the evils prniluci-u. TilorsAsns of persons of ull ages can now jlldu'e what is the cause of th"ir declining health, losing ibcir vigor, becoming, w eak, pale, uervjus and emaciated, having a Bingular appearunoe about the e)es, cough aud symptoms of consump tion. YOUM3 MEN Who'have injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged In when alone, a habit frcquinily learned from evil companions, or at school, the Mtlo-'s of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, mid if not cured, renders marriage impos sible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should he snalebed from all prospects and enjoyments of Hie, loathe cousciin nee of dovlatiug from -t tie pattiul ual ure aia'. iiidiilg'ut; iu a eertoiii secret Imbil. Such persons mi st, before coutemplati'.ig MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind ned l odv are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, he journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the, pros; eft hourly darkens to the view; Ibe mind 1 ecoiues sha. lowed Willi de-pair and tilled with the uteluu choly retlcetiou, 1l1.1t I lie happiuuas of unuthcr becomes bliu'lited with uiirowu. DISEASE OF 1MPKUDESCE. AVhen the mi-giilih'd mid imprudent votary of rlcastiie Ibid that lie has Imbibed the seeds of I hie p.i.i fi'l iIim-.im-. it too ol't.'ii happens Unit au ! ill-timed sen-e of rl-ame, or dread of discovery, ' . deter liiiu from applvii g to tl.oso who, from ' I'da. ntion and r.-speelabilliy, can alone I efiU u. bini, di'luying till the constitutional symptoms it ' thit. horrid ili-cac niake their apifaialu-c, tu.ll i as llli. 1.1 Oil fore throat, di.eu-cd nose, iioetinul 1 pubis in the bend and I1111U, ll.niiie-s of sini, ! ileiil'iu.. 11 mI.-s on the shin bones and am, ' u.ji. nr. on ,,,c m- .u, .a-.. 10 m i-.,. v..m . . gniug wi'h li-igbtlul rapidity, till lit la.t I ho -aiaic 01 lilt' lllillllll ill nil l.uili-n I'l tun II. .nt i.ti. i ; ill, 1111. 1 the victim of this awful disease bi-ciiu.'S 1 a In. Hid ol'ji-'-t of ciiiiiiii.i'iuii..n, till death puts j a pciii .l to bin dreadful sulUiing, by unjiug 1 I linn to "thai I iidiiicovurcd Cuuntry liom heuee , 110 truvclli r ilium.. ' It is a nn lani lioly fact that thuusands full ! . tiui- lo l!u- l.-l iil.lt- (li-cnt , o iitg to Ilu -t'liskitl-! fnliiti.. nf imioiunl pniemlfrs, hu, b) the u: j of ibut ' Deadly I'oii-oii, M.-ivurv," rum the cou.Utulluu und lsuke the rvsitlus of life ini.tiu , tic. i M KANtitUS Tiutt uot your li, or he.-iltb, Iu the cant of the ni.tny I nl -in m l ; . n l .11 llik". I'lel-'inli 14, ili -l.i n 1.: nl kitovt li ttle, iiauie or t-li.il.o t. r, li.t i-.'j y lr, .I"1.ii.Iiii's a.lvci liht-uti ul, or ilo In ...-.o . 01 li.t- in ..ut 1., itgiti.n.y 1 liuuii'd l'liv-i'-.:ni, i.u-.. ..I'le t.f t .111114, lin y L.i p 'i4 tl .h... i i-...I Ii nil.-. lU'.utlt l.i L 11.. lln o tJ.li.y .111. 1 I'l'i-.ji'uii. v 'in j "lin.i ., 01 a. I. .114 to lite .uuil'.t-i l I. 1 .111 I-.- u'.i. until, ..hi 111 d-nair, Ic.tU' "U unit 1 11. 11. -I Iii .nth Ij .ilt ton )oui kuiliu .1..- U ) 'itlill.l' III. i . J i oi-i 11 It tlwuul) I'litslruu a4t vrt uiug. 1 1 cit ;i in i: ! ,r dipii.ui.K .ilu it. liung in In. Willi- c. III. 1 1 l.lt li.t ll lli-Ui. till Ulf tl. .lli.Wll In ull ill.it., I II I .lit U 1 1 ., H I ill- .Hlll III III! f I'-HI b.'rpll it, if l.'.l....-, 111.. II. .1 111 II 1. Ill II. I) Uli. I a in it t vuu.itti "1'nt.tlv I'l. 11 lit e" tliuu auy uiu. r l'li 11 t.m in U.u i.i!i. INlMiltM-.MKN I t'K lilt . IfidS. Ibtlu.tliV ill' 'U.. ill. I. lUlrduttlii. Iti.lilul'on 1 i.itr uliir )t.ir, uu.l ilit- iiuoit mtt. Iuip.n int bio K i-11 1 U-t tti.i'it. j 1 tut in ii l.i 1 ir. Ji'l.ifl.iu, taitu. . 1 t 1 lilt it 1 . ilu. u Ilu; " hun," " t up 'ti.'.lul In tit) t.Ui.l i-.l., I. -In.-. u UI1I1U lull p. ..I. nil aud J--.ill I ' l"l' li.t: p.. I'll. . I.. 1 . I 1 9 . 1. 01. 1 1 11 u a tl. 1. in ut 111 t.l 1 1. ttui li 1 ttn l 1 ; 1 oi l i, it a .iiiL'. 11 ul iiu.tiut.iii. Ij U.. j'" . il. SKIS l.lrl-'Ask S tl'l I I'll V Ct 111 lb t "ii. wiiliii tl..-u'.t 1- 1 -uli. iii.tr la duvet lnr' 1 1.1 ir It uit 1-. In. 1 1 .10 ui inn, 11. 1 l.r I a tin. 11, ui.fi..i. JullS VI J.UISjIt.N. SI i. I i'l ti.i b.ll it., iti U W II. j I.4I, U-l-u". U 1 titt4i I.'. I.g.-l,. l VI Mi l l MIDI', 'pilt uu-ltn it.itlu!lt lul..i null.. .nt 1 it i.t ul Suiikfi) -t.4 ...ol, Ik. I IU) Isle ' , at4 t MK.Tllor, Is ('Ail's byl.Jn.j i.ti tl.. built) etJe t-f Us.k.l Il (tl4l. I u ll-Ml t I. 'l.M U.S Iulu4 I, .. II.. I . ko' t .u.l.iil tl t bl Hit l.tl t .., .ik kji-ttw.1, At -, .1 V JO.. .1. ul I.U1I, li.t It -! 11. .it tuil ul I'.t Hi iu4tl . K U I ..I I luu Iu IU t f I.HI Ml-I tllif Ul ilkiLg, it.ii ot u4. t 1 1 Ut bttt ul Iftst m l lu.ni ell.l.i tu -y. M ls 'tS S t-H .'.4 t .li.lt ui III I-. LlllsluSU I tt.l. Sl ts -tl LJ VII . lt4-US fi HutAuS l k4 auufitrturas. W .JJOl. .i Mill.. MACHINE SHOP AND IRON FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACJI & SONS, Sanbtirj-, t en'a, rtFORM the ptibllc that they nr prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shcp In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, la a satisfactory man ner. Urates to suit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on baud. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Snnbury, Juno 18, 1870. CABINET MAKINU . AND XT 3ST ID E II T Ji. iriia B. li. RAUDENBUSII, Masonic Hall Buildings, SUXBURY, TA. PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, Sofas and Lounges, Plain and Marble-Top Tables and Uureaus, bprinsr and Luna seated Chairs of all gradcB. Rocking mid Kitchen Chair, OBlce Chairs, Dining Tables, Sideboards and Sinks, Looking Glasses and Looking Glass plates of all sizes. Bedsteads, Mattresses, Bolsters, Pillows, Tow el Hacks, Washstauds, Cradles, Cribs, Children's Chairs, WINDOW SHADES of every color and quality. Window Shade fix tures and Tat.-clB of all kinds. UNDERTAKING. Coffins and Burial Caskets always kept ou hand, or made to order at the shortest notice. The undersigned having been for years engag ed In the uude.rtuking business in the city of Philadelphia, is ei aided to give entire satisfuc- tiou to all wlio wisli anything in tins line. A splendid HEARSE has been purchased for funerals and personal attendance given hv W. P. ROBERTS, Agent. 'Oct. 8, lR70.-4m. FURNITURE ! F U 112s ITU KE 1 1 A NEW STORK AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM N EG ELY HAVING opened a now Furniture Store st the ubo e plii"c, w ill constantly keep on baud, a large ur.d select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising of Tarigr and Chamber Suits; Conch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Cane-Sea'.cd Chairs of nil grade. Rocking and Kitchen Chairs, Washstauds, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage, Lookiug-Glasses, Window Shade, and in short, everything usually to be fotniM in any well-kept Furniture Store, may be luid at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict attention to 'Limine, to merit tho patronngenf the public. An invitation is extended to all desiring anything ir. the line of Furniture to cull and examine my stink. I ixlortaking done In all Its branches. ST rtepairiD' doue at short notice. EJ WM. NEGELY. Georgetown, June II, '70.'-ly. IX'.MBillt AXD -fAKIXU MI M.S. Third Street, adjoining Pli'.la. A Erie R. R., two Squares 'North of the Central Hole!, SCNUL'RY, PA. IRA T. ljLEMET, IS prepared to famish every iVscriptlon of Hig her re tmed bv the denin-'ds of the public. llavintr all the latest imt.oved machinery for manufacturing Limber, Wi now ready to till or ders .f all kinds of FI.OOUINC, S1DI"V, DOORS. SHUTTERS, SASH, BLIV'3 5IOCLDINGS, TE nAVAS, BRACKETS, and all'kinds o Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every jescription prouiitly executed. Alstj, A I.AIIGE ASOKTMi:iT 07 RILL LUMBER. HEM-OCR and VINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Jrdcrs promptl tilled, and shipped by Rnilroud jr ethernise. I!IA T. CLEMENT. tecla-l'.Sily NT V K A TIN V. S T A H 1 . 1 S 1 1 .n E .' T. MARKET STREET, SUNUUUY, I'A. AJ.FRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sCCCKStOH TO SMITH OKNTUIll.J HAVING purchased the above well kuown es tablishment, Mr. Krause wou'd respectful ly inform the public that he uow has vn baud a large .insorluient "f COOKING STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Duft, Regulator or Revolving Top, Coiiibiuatlou, Susquehanna and others, which arc o arraiuvd as to be u.ed fur Coal or , w 4 .,.,.., v ,,,,' Kal,., H- tilled tu perdu in tat'tfactoi 1- I I'.US of uli kiteis pill up to heat one or more ruoius. llr.A'I ISG SH)La of tli'li ii'iit kinds nt very low pii. is. Tiust urt ol' l-iscrj' lacrl!llou kept fiMii-liuitly on hand. RH.lng and t-poii'..og I ulili l ne lie.t mau ri.il, done at short uu'.iie. ItK.I'AIRING tiliiiiiled to with d.spmcb. Coal . Oil uud Lump t'liusiunily on i-.tnJ. Japan ware , nf all kiii'l-t. Store opposite Couley't lir-tware . ttoie. Give uis a call. A. KK.il oH. 1 .!24 ly ' Mil It V 91 Alt tl LE YAltlk. i ; rpilF. iiinlrignej hating bi-ugltt the tn'.ire , i 1 lock ol l'i..i.iu't r .v 'I uv lor, would Inform ! ths .ub.ic that tin i now rt-a.iv to do tl. k.uJt of r5TV Jl -S.il II i.r. SI S It IS. IT. Hat ou hit ml. and u-akes to order at MIOHT Nu l U B Mouuiueiitu & llrisd-Kloura, or HSuV sill e. DOOa AND WIXJiOW HLI.S A '., iiio-lviy l'"it t.tlli lialvaiiiitd pipe an I j ilnilu-r It -iieiiij ct iiil.tllv tt.e I on I ciiivuri. t ; J.-I.n Alu.'i'i "ill ii.uliiuis in the uipiwtiu. "t. ' attliscidtuudoi) XUik.l bi.,Buiiler. mu) ui j nn. om.v mow: miuoi r a ru i.r i Tin: uiuiat iiii.ii. nout 1 1 II t l'l. At fc 111 A l l K, li 1 11 II ' s ILI.UWIH A Tbl liUVONU HI WUU'H rillLoU ASH tlUl.IBk.IU OAs ta'KMK. ARC WAkMKU UV ONE IHtS. IT It lis oi' i..l i ., 1 1 i hi-; It Iti t'.-r I ltd', hut a , si ll i, ..i.-: t o in- a pi.m.14 ui ts II ..iu ,:.t t Oil I li.t tti u. I lilt bl. 1, t... . 1. I II. I -.411 II. . M Llli U.a ('IISI ..h.u..I Mt''" I) li 1 b I'lt'-tltl 1. 1 t ... iu -1 1. pottci It ul.Uo.t4, Hit. dim 1 1 UK 11 1 l. lo is lit, 111 n l.lt.. I u-t.l t fculttii-l. nil I li.t tn.il. He ll. 11 J .il ll ;mI ts.,l.l ul Ibt eoal IU 111 IWl luir U .t l t oil iitl-Ute llul.l llitl It lu ll. IS. 1 I., lit ul k4te tuiuti, i-u') its.uos H .1., uu.t tu I m ut) li ul 4. ..nt. Ii t Hi. u..U l,.....i i.4ltr sillU .' I Mil 1 1 ku I lino 1 litis 1 t. lut urn! t in j 1 1 lleltr tt.lS l -.'tu I. ..1 , kll It. .l. 'llU'il ! 1 I o lllill: A I ItU uul I. 1,1. I UJ 1 ll. Oll 11 .1 .t Iu l-i-l 11 U-ll 111 In. I It tt lilt, .il-l l.l.l..l lU 111.. -It H t; ..t lo-lit. I - 1 -... 4 4ul 11 liui "4 su4 'l. la ..U. l"-u itiku a in . td ui ii Liu li r ti hi k r. IViVtil ii.n'-W'i 1 l.l,u....t, U4 ruistk 1 uii- utoiiuu, s-.u..,, -tu' I.H i, IS.U.- W s' teMntl. ADDRESS TO TUB Nervovsj aad Debilitated, WHOSE SCFFERINGS HAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AMD WHOSE CASKS REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If yos are suffering, or have suffered, from In voluntary discharge, what effect does produce upon your general hoalth t Do you ol weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Docs a littlo extra ex ertlou produce palpitation of the heart J Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order t Is your nrine some times thick, milky er flocky, or hi it ropy oa set tling I Or does a thick skura rise to the top ? Or Is it ft sediment at the bottom sftcr it has stood awhile 1 Do you have spells ot short brenthinor or dvsnepslnt Are your bowels con stipated! Do you have spells of fainting, or rvabes of Wood to the head? Is your menory impaired t Is your miud constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull listless, moping, tired of company, of life! Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody I Dees any littlo thing make you start and Jump I Is your sleep broken or restless! Is the lustre ot your eye as brilliant t Tho blosm on your cheek as bright! Do yon enjoy yourself In society as well! Da you pursue your business with, the same energy 1 Do you feel as much conndence iu yourself! Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy ! If so, do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights 1 Tour back weak, your kuees weak, and Iisto but little appetite, and yon attrihute this to dyspepsia or liver-eoinplalm 1 Now, reader, tslf-abuso, venereal dissases bad ly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when In perfect health, make the man. Did yoa ever think that those hold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are always those whose jenorative organs are iu perfect halth I You never hear such men ejmpla'n of being me'.aaeboly, or nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed la butiuess; they don't b..ofr,e sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleasant In the company of ladles, and look you and them right la the fuo nous of your downcast looks or any other ineauness about them. I do not msan those who keep the organs inflated by ruunlug to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with an 'or. Boy many men, 'from badly cured dlseasts, from the effects of seif-abute aud eoettes, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has 'reduced the general system so rcurh as to induce almott every oC'er dlseate Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal aeetion, sui cide, aud a'.suost every other form of disease which humanity Is heir lo aad Ibe real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, an have doctored far all but the right one. DISEASE'S OF THESE SRC1ANS REQUIRE THE TSE OF DIURETIC. UCLXBOLU'H FLUID EXTRACT Hl'CUl' It lbs gnt diomle, and is a esrt.m ear fsr ths ditsaMS ef ths ULADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVIL, Pom ORGANIC WtAKNri, FEMALE COMFLAINTS, OKNCRAL DIHIUTT. aud a'l J.ittM of Ike Uituaiy Orsnt, htlhtr (tl.tiiiK Iu Mule or tsiuals, ficui wbutttsr rsuis oiiiusl.ut, ard ti Boiltsr lif tn- loii staaa I ls. If ao liMtiasnt It tabu, lud t, Cui'suusjilion or lutauiiy Bisy estwt. Cat tk tu4 h!tu4 srs tatottd fiuia lbs tuurtst, Au4 Ike k.a'lS sud titppiutst, ss4 lht u( fotlti ty, dsysa U apva promt I u" 'S'ltl's lo.t. II. T. IIKI MBOI l, UrsNlil, ItH kic-aJsty, Ms Te l, ss4 IU lusth link It . r-Vi.Ut 1 1', HlK K 1UM Swti s, ti I bMt ts lui H st), 4. ixit4 u u) s-14 4 !I4 .u s.hs-ss bs'-ust Jui.s wf ta stl l.l4 .l,tl, -.t I.I t..t Sl t- l..u.l.sl kststte, stvl l-aus-l, leading Kullroad. WINTER ARRANGE WENT. IWtiy, Nov. let, 1870. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the Norfh smd North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., &. lng, Pettsvllls, Tamacma, Ashland, Shaniokm, I-ebnnon, Allentown, Enston, Ephratn, XJUtv Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave llarrisburg for New York, as fos lows i At S.10, i.ll),10.50 a. m.,nnd 8.50 p. ., connecting srlth similar Trains on ths Pennsylvania RailrMtd, and arriving at New Yerk at lUilO a. m., 8.50, 5.50 and 10.00 p ra, respectively. Sleeping Cars aceompauy the 8.10 a. m., train without change. Ruturntogt Leave New York art t.00 a. m., 18.00 uoon and 6.00 p. m., Philadelphia at MS a. m. and 8.80 p. m. Sleeping Care accompany ing the 6.00 p. m. train from New York without change. Leave Hnrrlsburg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta maqua, Minersville, Ashland, Shamokln, Allentown and :Phllndelpfcla at S:i0 . m. 2.50 and 4.05 p. m., stopping t Lebanon and principal way. stotious t the 4.05 p. m., traia connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave llarrlnburg at 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rest" Ing for Allentown, Enston and New York at 5.00. 10.80a.m., 12.45 Noon and 4.45. in. Returning, leave New York nt 9.00 a. m., 112.00 noon aud 5.00 p. tn. and Allentown at 7.5iO a. tu. 114.85 uoon, 2.f 5, 4 120 and 8.45 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia st 7.30 a. m.. conncctluR with similar trnin on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.20 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 8.00 n. Jin. and 3.10 p. in. Herndon nt 10.15 a. ni., Shamokin ut 5.40 anij 11.20 a. m. ( Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and 12&C noonj Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. m. nnd l.aa p. m Tainuqua nt 8.83 a. m. and 2.40 p. in. for Philadelphia, New Toik, Reading, Hanlsburg. .tc. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill nnd StiS'ine hiinna Railroad nt 8.15 a. Bi. for Iliirrisburg, aud 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Treinont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts, villcnt 5.40 a. m.. passes Reading at 7.S0 a. m. arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves ruiiaiieipina at 4.4a p. in., passing Head ing at 7.25 p.m. arriving at Pottsville at 9.10 p.m. l'ottttown Accommodation Train leaves Potts towu at 7.00 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. iu Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m., and 0.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litis, Laucnstcr. Columbia, Ac. Perklomcn Rail Road Trains leave Prrkiounen Junctional 7.45, 9.05a. m..nt 3.00 and 5.H0p. m. Rcturnlne, leave fichwenksville at 7.1HI.S.20 a. r.i., 12.50 noon and 4.30 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colnbrookdalc Railroad Trains leave Pottstuwn at U.40 a. in., and 0.20 p. m., returning leave Mt. .Pleasant at 7.0(1 and 11.25 a. in., connectiug with similar trains on Reading Railroad. CheBler Valley Railroad I rains leave bridge port at 8.30 a. m., 2.05and 5.02 p. ra. returning, leave Dowuington at 8.55 a. in., 12.45 noon nuri 5.15 p. ui. couuecling with similar trains on Uend iug Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New Toik nt 5.00 p. ra., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. in., (the 8.00 a. m. tram running only to Reading;) leave Pottsvilleat s.UOa. m., leave' llarrisburg,' 8.10a. m.. and 4.05 p. in.; leave Allentown nt s.45 p. m. lee Reading at 7.15 a. m. aud 10.0.'. p. ui. for llarrisburg, ut 5.00 a. in. for New York, and at 0.40 a. ni. aud 4.25 p. in. fur Philnilei'a. Commutatlou, stileugc, Seabon, School and Excursion Tickets, to aad from ail points at re duced rates. Baggage cheeked rtiroujh : 100 pounds Bug gags aiiowsd each I'ussenger. . A. NICOLLS, (i vittiat fesn je . inteiidt lit Philadelphia ami Erie Itallroud. WINTER TIME TABLE. On sd after Monday, Nov. 21t, 1S70, the Traint on the Philadelphia A Erie Rait Roud will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadeiobia, MIllDUiy, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadrphla, " " " Sunbury, " " art at Eric, Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " Snnbury, " " arr st Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Wait Train leaves l.rie, " " " tiiiiiburv, " " arr at Tliliade'lpliU, -Erie Express lenves K.rie. ' Sunburv. " " a-r at Phila !.:. hl.i, Elmlra Mall leaves Lock Haven, 9 4n p m 4 .51) 7.40 p 111 12.20 a in U.40 p iu 7.4il a in 9.30 u in 4. !'.5 p ui 7.i0 p ir. 9 00 a ii. I. ' t'.'i a m ti.oo a in U.do p ni 10.20 a ir 5.8.1 p n: 5. 1.', a w II. 05 a iu ft.lio p m 12 u.' a in 2.85 a n 0. tu a in , c.o-t nnd " " " Sunburv. I ' " arr ut Philade'vlili, ! "tin fTnlrt liTHf... l.-i. v.- V 1 1 t i it - pi i rt. " ' " Sunburv, " " arr at Pl.i.a.l.'lphia, Express, Mail and Aciou.mot'.atio West, connect nt ory anil all wet-l li 'im l tiiiuiH, and Mail and Atvuni dai on eifl at lvvii,;-iiu wiih'Olt Cieelt aud Al'ni.!ienv liivcr K:.;!;-...: I. WM. A. li.tl.HWlN. ticll'l S;l't. Latkaaauna stud Itlooiubur j Ituil routl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PAFSENCBR TUMNS. Vtouday. Jb:.v lth, 1HT.1. HO I'l HWAKl. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. T V terantoa, Re'.'ievue, Taylorville, lekawauna, 1'ilttlon, We. 1 P.lltton, Wyoiuinj;, Mailer, Kinetlou, .Vt j st. W.-Harre e'rt Plyiiioatli June., Plyniuutti, Nanlicokv, lluni.H'k's, etliick.liinuy, ll.ik's Keiry, lle.ieh Itaven, Hei wick, Willow Grove, Briar Creek, l.iuie Ill.ljt, Ruioiu.ibuiK, Htipeit, I'alaw.tsa, H.tavilla, Chills. St, Csii.tron, Tiertb'd, ) 4) a '-j V 5 S ' 1 to C .'1 II -' '1 .i'l t OS , i; v 12 5 -fj 1 i ; 7 t'5 ".' 5 1 5 M 1 '.'? 7 14 3 JJ to k ll 0:1 I :! 7 IU l' 5 li HI 1 4.1 ' 7 27 4 0O 10 C 15 1 55 ! 10 " ti 21 -' i"- . 4 15 7 45 If) S 6 85 1( . I ; 1 4 4 ' I 7 55 4 34 hi 5 4t i st; : 7 00 1 14 ' : 1" 1 a 2.1 4 7 2.'. Mil '7 4" S VI 5 15 7 .'..' is: 1 22 i no v t'2 -ti i1. 0 i'. a 5 4 5 t lie '1 5 1 a 8 5 :.: . 4.i 0 02 lo 1 6 2i lo IS l.i 2. 10 4". 55 Leave. A.M. V M N'orkliitiiitwi tnj, Csii.sroii, (Kn....t, li.tut.: t, I uia.iia, ku-cii. Iiiuuiuitiuiir, I 1 . I 111; Rl l.'t, til ill I let A, .1 u ti.vx, H.iu S. ti.utk llmin. II t s It. i, S)U'fSli..Ukl, L" M 4 I" 5 : i s '. 12 el 14 1 14 U I J IJ tl 14 I ' 5 1 I' lluiile. k't. NlU.tr. tc, I' multl'i, I t lliu.llt J.ul , I Oil u li, 1 I I. h.Ht i ' ii... um' t At! .lt.liS. list, u, Ltit.tttii 1 ., 4. 1 t, lit K-ll. ,f -l ll, ( tl'lt . 7 Ii 1 u 1 7 I' M r lo I I 4. II I'M .11 i'l! 1 1 I U tl 'Ili v. 1. . 1. 1 . li s 4 ' t fc, t . S 1 V I t l-l I It I'. IlAV ill 1 hi. I s I', ( Ill In tluuit A I Atal (Wk Itt I t.i t SI l t. - St (1 . 1 1 . M I I is A I'.i.u t tli 1 1 0 , I- .t -i I- t-. I 41 I -SI H it 1 (I In 1 I ItU k Jit l I 4 I t ttU 1 1 , s.tts.l t 4 L tint t.w.f .1 v . : ! t t 4 . 1 , 1 1. . )! t-l . 1I1.1. ti I'., l. t I t.g. .. At ..Ct... I, .1.4 M, tj. i .KM, Lt.lt. I Ol. , '. tV- . ttl St SSSSVa4.lv- Wl.ll L...t I. .4 . (,0.tt 4 (o MSWV. lit 'Hi M, s4 -S I