tap f:. . ii..'it''. TLVir.T. EJItur. SUXTlCtriVr.EBUUAKY 4. 1871. I'eaccI PzACtcl Tho nows from ihn eciitjnf wnr is of tho most stnrt'in charac ter. Tliero is fSev.rcrly n doubt ti:at the timet bloody find ilrvnetaHns war of modern times i nt nn end. King; tViiilani line heeu every. hero etiecrtsful and Traiita Is bro ken tn) J prostrate. The tcrir.s of capitulation nnd KncnJir agreed upon by BiBiv.atvk aud Jules Favre ni' Tint. Tlic c-.'-ssinn by France to Hernm ny of tho two prov or Alaaco and Lor- .. &coni t'rotcetton TIt C'oniarloa Ago. k Ocrasionally from history "c mil a sin pie fu-t which tlrivi'8 homo tho arguments r. fa whole library of discussion, and such t one wo have now for Pennsylvania. In tho early part of the toiirlecnlh cen tury manufactures In England wr.ro strng ulihii thmuali n very feeble nnd precarious infancy. Shu witnl'i-d tlicu whnt wo want tioiv-'prolection ami she sot it. Ltt us U'll how. In V.i-19. Prince Edward "f England, af terwards Kinu Edward III, married the Princess Philippa of llnitiniilt. From her biography wo condense, in the homely but tersu nnd forcible; lanoilne of 1 lie old chro nicler, the story of protection iu England live hundred years npo : "I must tell vou," ear s this quaint his torian, Whnt'Quwn Philippa did for the srood and tare of nil tho people of England. She knew that in her own country the peo ple, were mane, rich by inanutucturinii cloth, and sho thmiL-ht the same occupation I would he good for the English, so she sent 1 ... ... ..." .. :.. -a rri A , ... II UVI! l'l it il'illl ttl'il.et III ilium..'. xhi cession .foic colony whicli nni i,a, v..,,,,,- !,, .,l,il, l,n (old l.tllall It Willi Ji. I II Ill II IU, 1 ll.- ." has liui jet been i.tsiu:ited now held by 'that it he will conic to England with tin: I- t , - i ..r .i..,.,. J' 1'3 uce. Third. The imv.vnt by Fi uicu to Ger many of tern liiiiiiirt.il millions of I'niucs as a i:i,mey inile.niriity, and finally an uiicoa Uition::! capitulation of Paris. tn;? county inJ a,.. i mime servant nnd aniircnlicrs of his mri-ti-ry nnd with his goods and chattels, nnd with any dvorsatid fullers who may be inclined willingly to necoinnnry him "oeyiiud the seas and exercise their mysteries in the kingdom of Fivjland, tlx y sl'iall have letters r.fjiw 'crffon and azdti'.mve in their, sed'e- Kit lf." i The hi'iprnnher ctf.rs on : ' 'NVo.v, I oan i not tell yi.a whet In r or not I his John Kcmpe j accepted liie (Queen's invitation ; Imt if he mil nut. sonic fine flsr? ilul : ami in the axi I.'ol.n'ty. llio C'or.l oiviatioiis in havD. cf l.iiu vl'.-.ib. i.iadt: S'.n '.i iu iuiuici.sj ci 1 1 ma. .veil ' n;r oi oar ow n cilizens nrc n.'t nware of its ! rear liH'i a manufactory wa s. t up in Ser vant, iivtinortious. I.a' t w-i !; v. e t,i:')i:lH il i wich, and workmen wi nt to live there, and j tins O'-uitly, iiniidcil to us by a cat opera tor, vh;.-;i a:o)eais (m examination tj lr.;vo hei-n otiiy a partial il c::ibraj hri than t.f the co.u i:l:ippcd fimn tli'i ivi u. The f.hipt'e.na from iliis cvr.uty now ivacii over a uiiili.-n of tw ; ir uniiwni, as wi'l he g.-.-n by I - - followin; Btnt.aiur.i lro'ii "in- c..Il. -.ty of ili S-':u;..i 'i l:r;-at. wlin.lustly remarks thi.t ''t'.;L' eon i trade has b. c iiik o"c of the must inij.oi-.ar.;. ii" .- the !ea'"ii; purte.it of old .i' c.tca c:;pt luiitureH binp- Xorihiitubt riand." T in itiisj i.-.iuc a.iiie, amoe;.. mi'ii- pees and o..iei., win am 'lint to a sum lit tic sh-rt of three n.iilions of ila'l.irj. A oni'i . r;- .-Oct .k. I rnirhbor I! 1.4"." . t i if:!. I, ill las' '::' qii'tt; an '.nor m r-'prn-tin'' tin; lo- V'l o.ii sliipiiients of sonatiii'iivrland .'' i''- 1 '''. it ISO. 1 1 ; 1 tons, fi.ixonlv iiiu:uJti tin: tonnage of the N. C H. .", .t i -1,! totis of which wcru sent westward, tho i'oiniiaidi'r was klivtrcu to the i. tfc 11. i. K. u) s;o east. -i.e co ! iril toeir cintli. They were ol'len cheered and en-j I ("an aired by a visit from tiitir Kin and Qncen : and those visits were cr.ind Iloli- I day limes for the people of Norwich, for j i hey iii' d to have tournaments, and great i fi a".!!'.!!' and rejoiciii'.'s, in which their no ; b'.tM isiiors took a share. 'Elessed be the ; memory of Kiln Eil'"nrd the T!iivd. an?'. i l'hiiipi'a of IPiinaull, his (Jn-en, who 'vW. j i invented ci itln s.' writt s an opt muni. ; mi : !y this he ineant that thiM'.i;h tlieir l.i id ' and activn cxenion-j the Enlirdi people . iii. learned to make cloth." ; So nine h for the start of English manu i factum's. All the lordly fortunes of the I nianufactiirir.i' jirinces of Eritain rest on this one! net, proinptid by tl.e irood heart aud clear heatl of a kind, sensible woman, j who "protected and assisted"' the Flemish , adventurers. ' Vl.., .Iwl .... .,, I'..- T....l...l II. . i.., iS'lle'! M IKII Ulll B" llli'tll I"! J.llpl.lll'l m.i: llllll- ,:rcti years apo win no tne same lor tins country now. Let them ginuy t''c re-c- rd who ca:i. J'rtt. r p.ia n n fallen. Tho C'nplt nXrA Ion I o the tlrrmapi on I'ri'lii). COMPLETE CAPITULATION'. Londox, Jan. 23. Ftirllu-r dispntclu have, been received from Vcrsaihi s to-tlay, with reference to the capitulation of Paris. THE THUM OK THE f,L RKKDEIt ns dictated by Uisnvrek nrv nt follows : First. The. cesflion by Franco ' to Oer ninny the two provinces of AUaee nud Lo raiue. St'cond. The ce ssion of one colony, now held by France. Third. The payment by Franco to Ger many of 200.0tKJ,000 of fiHiies us a money indemnity ; nnd. Finally. The uac(idifioual capitulutiou of the city itself. M. Jules Favreand General IJeaufiid ar rived at Versailles from Paris on Friday, w hen the capitulation was finally conclud ed after a Ion and earnest cuiniiUatioii at headquarters. The terms of the capitula tion arc so framed ns to extend to nud be bindim; on the whole of Frnnce.and the en tire French nation is placed under obliga tion for the fulfilment. It laJies ctlecl to d,.y. TKiiTTXT AN i) SATISFACTOKY AOItKEMKKT VKiisAir.T.i-x. .Tan. 2". Evenin.-Coutit Eisinarek nud M. Jules Favre have been in consultation during the. greater part of this alternoon, and the result of their confer ence is now oilicially stated to be a perfect and satisfactory agreement for the capitu lation of Paris. The conditions have been accepted as be in;j entirely adapted to the wishes of the French plenipotentiary, and the terms oj the Mimiidcr have been sejn- dered him to quit her presence, since he persisted in Urpinj? tier to consent to tho dienu mbei iiient of F ranee. UErORTED BPICIDB OT tRE V.BTrBtlCAJT CHIEF. I)MiON, Jan. 80. Oambotta, head of the Bordeaux branch of the French Gov crunient, is reported to havo committed suicide. CtTtTTOPrnw. The extension ofth Ont awissn liailroad pas s throueluin old fort, on latiil U'loniiu to A ml row Eves, not far from the mouth of Muncy Creek. In ex cflvaUn; throu;.;h it, quite a number of small stono fln!-iilrt(;es, Indian potte ry, and ioois, supposed to nave Wen used in mate nisi it. Were unearthed. Curiosilv seekers have been busy in (ratherinjj everything in the shnne of Indian relices that laive ben DlsmJH f. PiHtft THE RcviCTUALr.u;u j turned up by tho plow nnd scrnber. Ve all coxsiDEn Iiiox tho cmboeli in I ment of strength nnd nower. but how few IKt'KDEU. VEr.eATLLiM. Jau. 30. The distress Paris is very great, end tho destruction of ! urc aware thnt it is this same clement in the railways lnipedcj the reviclunlhng of i the system, that pives us strenclh vif;or, tho city. TIms Uermuns are nieiniwhile and that nn insutllcieney of it causa weak supplying articles of first necessity from ness nntl debility. The Peruvian Syrup, a their own clorea. j protoxide of iron, is prepared expressly to riioviiOAsronwAnDi:oFROoF.nMAXT. j PP'y vitalizinti tdement. Hitssfli, Jan.. '50. Immense nuantitii 9 ' Twextt-FIVE cars loaded with tears of provisions are beiuc forwarded'to Paris, ', nnJ silk r oa tu wy rio" - Fraucis- and )reat ej'orts are I'cinj! inaiie to restoro . -i , . i . . i. i in i;iiii unit ii.ii. i'iiiui i. t ni.iniiii , , ,i .i . , .. i a str.teincnl showui;' ti'e coal sinnnienis cl , , .,. ti.,. .,. ..i,,.,:,! .., T d by the authorized parties. General the railways. The Soissoiis line will be re paired iu i'.iriy-eiht hours, and tho direct route iu eiht days. l'HANcii a Brcron. The capitulation of Paris has cnused a feeling of stupor in tho north of France. THE EMPEItOR AND DISMAKCK TO KETUIeK TO OEIt.M.VNT. London. Jan. 3112:30 A. M. Count I l'isiiiarck will leave France after the nieet i ui of National Assembly at Enrdenux. The early return of the Emperor to Berlin 1 w expected. There it a report that he will start in-day (Tuesday), but it is not jet authenticated. rASSPOUT REOVT..VTION9. The Germans will enforce riid passport regulations duriu the armistice. HOW THE JlttMIsTKE IS RECEIVED. Lim e, Jau. 30. The armistice has as tounded the people of the North of France, ' thiaii;h the ffcueral impression is rather . favorable than oll'.erwise. There U a feel ; iiiL of uncertainty as to the future, nnd a : tli-sire to wait far the conditions of pence betore deciding upon plans for the Intuie. ' It iti iv p rtcd that liie tierniiina have in vested Abbeville notwithstanding the ur , inistice. i j nr: new roRTt ortE cabinet. j Ltsnos Jan. 30. The Marquis Uenviia ! is entleuvoritii! to complete tho formation i ol the new Cabinet. The liishop of js'ysn ' has witudra.Mi from the Ministry. j OAMUI2TTA AND FA VKE. i EoiiDUAfX, Jan. 30.- (.Tamhetta for- ii itespatch bv lelev'rapli to-day to Titk Lutheran ch.'rch, Frcpbnra, Snvder county, lias a new hell, weighinij 2,01") pounds. It will bo dedicated on Sunday ucxt. OP A HEW 0&Q7Em STOEB I B. ner2fe1der bavinjr just opened n first class establishment in Moore & Plsslngfj:!! Buildings Third Street, below Market, between Market Square aud the PofttCUce, Hespectfully invites tho public to call and examine bis mammoth stock of Jn t v-uiily lor IrVJ nre fis toliows Z. i, n r it l:. n. u., tit:;.TM.io " " L. V. it. K., 8,.-.", ;.eV I . V.-oM, via. x. c. n. v; .'.;i..-i.eri .P.O. IT ?ni"ltivc Voting. The .ciate on Monday, nhuost unani- ri.oO'-ilv linvsi'it Mr. Hai k.iii-w's sv90ioi of Tio correct shipments for Xorthnmber- r-itttiiiv.. . tin..- nM.iiit. n nii i. the selection of school directors throughout the Common wealth, ami '.he bill will doubt lejis Ik' concui r- il iu by the llcuc. This bill provides that wlieiievcr tw o or nice ier soos are to be dio.sen in a district for the same term of service cacli voter may nive l;.s v ile 1 1 one. or more candidates ; that is, when two directors are to be chosen he may c.ive one vote to each or two vi 'es to one whet: three, nre to bo chosen he may nive uiie vote to each, or two votes to one and one to another ; iu the case of four he may pvu one vote to each, two voles to one ; incase of one vole to each, two lo C.leli t l' lli.tr, tin., (..ittoli .0' tuo, or six to one. This will inauuratti an ui- GoT,!r) OS ii 6r,.CT, Total fur isn Coal r.iin'!);; hir, hrc-wc ms of the ni"!. t S-n'.-v't.Mit. if 'lot ihv lending pursuit oi'o'.u IVorihmni.triai.d. Aho'r'i" t'Uiui'i of I!-.'.- en'ire r. i : : t -.eile , . .i-iocL of the ( onn trv L laiee'i f''nm our county. Tiie statis lies :( si c'i't at an i'.ierc;.i. as this Miou'd 11 ; i.i.' t.V. I i ' i'imii i j i nipiir CL.l'iiiiiiloi!. l'.if y;-.-iin no 'hilv.1 tj iveeiee the proper credit. Inn ii .'. ' Veil ilia p-.pcrs of rival couniivb niv n 'vr'iiu i:s ctnaeUv. It is lo be b C.i t!::' 1, ;''!-,t nt iyi'.o-jf, wi'll !,;s U-Ual c.tu i"'.- '.:nd re rV- ; s wiiu as m.tirh pndeoi r-Ml.-.Iy ;r, f.:i. tvi'.l mnki 'he cmivt linn, f'.' ' rt-'-r Hi Mieh a ;i ;::: a .1 the - '.".in a: , wili b? eoctiiate.i f.ifnr.tl near. . ; tiiviy l.etv Ti'fInyome Tax Ii'i:r::. the ir.ioa.ital.'U' eiiei::y of from this Siati1, the 1 i 1 niir -rep-.'a'.iiii ill? ta; on in mv Lie niiiC I !::;.. y I'v iac 1.LD. -Through H-::alor eoii, ;k!ac'd bv him, s, has l a.-.-cil f.ihow ill1 vole : VIA iti!;!e.:.'.: C.V:, ! c' F.ovKv ofTtX- oi I'n-r. ; ! e.'' ii i:t-i toi nn :iv. iiaard, Buek , Car; t ulcr, e.asstiv, i'. I'eiil ni. Flauaunn, ..it: it". (' Maryland i.aniiit hi U.-i' ii'11. PoaieiMV, I.ee. ?.'.. St i ..-art, ki!-n. uiiimcr. Thuimau, Ti aiLn;! Viekirs and lu.; - ij;; P.rown! f.rd, ! ( :. , Me.f. :: to'.:, V.' nntl novel .s,tt.iii in the selee- : lion ol our school boa ids throughout the , L'oiiiiiionv.vaiili, j which there can be no ' pos-s'lile (inpl.iinl on the pail of the mi ; u.. i:y, ami no hitler pariisan action u j result. This will be liie liist step, success ful! taki'ii. iu thcciliiit which Mr. Buck jalt w hist'ir years e.uiustiy inaiie. lo in I cor;.oi;'.te the free voiiu reforin in our i general election laws. If the people arc ; e n iinoit il with the system as app:U:d to : i.lir t d'li atii 1 iii intt 't -Is, llietltMiv wiii pr i'.ably be It It alal inaiiili sit d lor its e-x-, tension to ail iiilerifts, of whatever p.iliti j t":l importance. It is a laet worthy of uote that eiiy Republican on the ."senate rloor spoke ami voted Hr tins reform bill, ; and that the only oppiisilion which it en- c-.ioio led came from the leuioeialie side ; of the chamber. lseaulort nrrived trom Paris, in company i wilh M. Favre this morn'iin:. He is pre-! sent for the purpose of arramiin,!; the inino- i details ot the surreinier wt t en. . on Mollfcc. 'THE REPfPIAC RECOONIZED. PiEitr.tN", .Tan. i:T.--A liispaleh has ar rived from A'ersnilles, which stales that nn interview is in jirort ss U'twu ii C ount B smarek iiiitl M. Favre for the puiposis of c "lieludin ; the ner itialions lor peace be tween Fiance and ( iermaiiy. ALSACL' AND I.OItltAINi: CEDED. The basis on which Bismarck treats for peace includes the cession by France to Prussia of the entire province of Alsace and a portion of the. province of Lorraine. iicrmany recognizes ine r reneu licpuu- : lie in liie in 1:0111111011, an.i ine terms wiu ii i M Pavre, l Versailles, rcoucsliin; him IC Im illy concluded will is l.etwecn "'' j l.renli the sileiiee maintained by the Pa Cie.oian l.mpire and the National Itepunii- ! can Governnient of France. ! It W also stated that Favre has accepted the entire terms aa proposed by Bismarck, and that the loiii delayed peaeo- negotia tions havu at last Ix-ch perfectetl nntl broi.i;ht to a sati sfaetory conclusion. Much satisfat:tioii is manifested iu till circles throughout the city nt the news. The poorer classes who have suliercd most by the late heavy drafts made on their number. for the purpose of recruiting the ranks of the German army exhibit the wildest enthusiasm and delight. The joy lelt t: the news tbr.l th.e war is Un toe silence matiitniiicu oy ine rails Government ; lo suite the name of the minuter whose coming to iiordenux has been announced, ami liie motives of the delay in his movements, and to ive precise , information respecting the condition of j Paris. ! Demonstrations have occurred in 'several French towns against both the arm is Ike and the mutilation of France. ! The Municipality of Lyons appears to maintain its resistance to the Germans, aud has scut a deputation to Bordeaux to uino liie I'.tloption of geueial measures for the saiiK! object. KNOX IMT, FARM ABE NURSERIES, on nr. adv. Our tifw Descriptive anil lllnr trnt 'it Catalesnc. I witli Price 1UI for tlio Soring of 1ST1, conuitdag fpifntiiiuy roioren C4Uromosi of the Martha (White Concord) Ginpc, pronoiinenl by J. Knos niut otlicru the most vnlnntile grape protlucetl einee Ibu Intioduc tion of the Conrorj ; ami t lie Jncundii (Our Xo. TOO") Strawberry, witli ricsc-riiitinn of all the IfaiUns VHritic of Small Fraiu. ne-w nnd old, witti rti roftions for plantinir. jriotving, oni bantling uuni, nnil now wo nmKo irom 91,000 to 82,000 per Acre 1 with the Jiiciinda Strnwlierry. It Ii rery han 1 ' iomo nnd valinthlo book, putti-u up at a heavy expensf. and will be tmA. to all Hpp'.icuul fn j cloilug 10 c:il. ! FLOnilRS. Our Tci-riptiTc r-it.ilogn. of Tto, Ottn-l!oiie- nnt Ho Idla! Flimts, fchrahs. Kvr rcrerii", i'tr., cint:iiii.r. drsei iitions of ninny irf and I hcaiitif.il I'iunts, is also ifady, siul will be sent to nil applicant for 'i tvnt. i H. ('L'M.MT!fl A CO., Sucr.?or to J. Kni'K. rch.4.lS7l-l:n. Pitt-bare, Pa. w. s. niiOAii?. j. r--!trK HA48. tir k. itiioins co., y aiETAII. nSAI.itK OF ANTHRACITK COAL, tsUNtiURT, PKNN'A. OfFicn wnn H4AS, Fm.r it Co., Orders left t Bessholtz t Bro's., oflke Market Stri'Pt, will rvriTe prompt itttciuien. Couutry eii"tnm rcs)wtfullv solicitcj. K' h. 4. lTl tr. Illif fok men-, feora, and childue. TjjS"! k il fj'"' "i TRUNKS, VALISES, &c, &c. His T?cady Made Clothin are all made to h's own order, in the latest, t,lyle of fashion and best manuer of workmanship, and equal to custom work. IX HATS A CAPS AND GENTS' FURNISHING WHUW, he keeps a lare assortment of all the leadins styles, and fashions, nnd has made ar rangements lo receive ne w Uoods irom tne.city every wceK. HE WILL SELL ALL HIS GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. where SLT-.UliNDKIt AS- over is ircveval, f.mt -.lieexiu.lieiauce ot the The foal Mim-rs' Stride, people llndsyent in si.iin- and iniithful amilami. dan. 31.-Tl.e president of' rreeluis, whicii are seen Hint heard every-I ,,, . . 1,,, .. r.'i.. t tot: .1 im 111 tt-111; jjimiu vi a ,.,,. .,;? j.o- nublislied a call to llio coal oiierators of the .Vhuylkiil region lo meet in Fluladclpbia on '1 Inusday uexi. All operators, whether connected with the local trade associations or not, are earnestly invited lobe pr. scut, as measurts 01 tin greatest nnpirtance to the grlicivl 11 too win c uiie Oe-loiv lite meetii';- lllli t OA I. Oi'iaiAlOUS- OAlllKUINO. A.-:;la.1), Jan. ;!!. n particulars can OF PATUS orFit.IALLV NelfNt KD. H'aMu.vutds, dan. ii!. Secretary Fish ha.; reeelv et the lullottin t"lceram from Atr. Mor.ui, cn.iii.e d'.Ui aiivs at J.ond jn, January ''! -A. M.:--"The (. i iuan 11111-ba.-.satior bile ln.s oilit.-ially iiit'ornad me lh.it the capilidalion t.i' all 1 he 1'inn t. i- nud an anoi' tiee of three w, t k by land and W READY-MADE Oar A iLUiniiivi. Tho Laraest Stock Tth8 Finest Goods; Tlic Xcwe st Styles ; JbfJL Workman- Easy rules for AMn.thm Custom Work is of the very bst character. 6fii wa-o.iot it about ei-ht irei a k iat ; tiu had onvuruiii the nhject of the meet- evcJiini', at ei 11O1 s, by t. mint Ihsmaik and M.Jules lavie. 'llieainiy ol l-.tris remain priMim-rs of war lo the city ". b i! :t isn.it hnov.ii whether they are In be dis- ariiit il or leeei red. not. .so tiei.iii L'lllilll lU'l ll!-tli tl axe tit In. en thioks il n.i- 111.: of coal 'i 1 r.tlurs of til.' Sehuikili re fiioii. whicli is to be held ill Philadelphia, ..11 'Finn -tiny. It is genera :!y supposed thai il is for ihe purpose of making an aiiiiciiiiie r'niinncnn-ut wilh tlu iuiners nnii to a'n.it'- the !! pension. Molliiu has been o.vc, '.11 .1 1': :.K-se In fit. r M"r"!t. in"-; .1 I ) Tl.e .V pas- I I A bid p id J.:' di".v Sc tl. ' n il: r,'. 1 rs M.-CV . iL.:v:,V .e!i, ,1 II. l.'iai.t, .. e r. ' ! a . 1... i.ir. oi.v.aaii. ; li.a.iiu. liow- l.ii'.jo, M-.rriii I .'..i-. y, .-awver, Mcai'iis. 'i ip- I ree Trade mimI I'rotcriioa llif l;iiV-i-Oace. The Philadelphia l'n.-n s:ys : Ireland, ;th a ;."i'lilalloii of .i,."iiJti,lKJO lias lo.oUO, 11.1 acrt s of arable IimmI, 1110; t ol it naturai- poil.int that the i.tet that I lie armistice ex- , .;11( n-ardiil.' the action I lie toinral teiidst.il the sea should be made known as ; , ,liu..i! ol the W . 11. A., which has Ucu witlely :li possible. 1 m st sV'.on at Pittston. The. pioect dilis 1 mil probably be ptitj.lsl.cU 111 a tlay or tto. I Tin; onleis for ccitl slill continue meagre. ! l-n-oic-s of all kind is cMriiiicly 1i.1t, itciaily that which is h'rictiy itleii- II l.l.;!'.:-. til;. 1 .and . t J". Ol HIT dnl'- :s (iv Cue : ..vi of the leh ti -An : d l-.r oil a- .1 .i-r p'o. he '.it.-1 '. V. tale l-el-iuili. whli a population j '."), O"o. has hut 0. lHMJ acres, paie- : liy n un c poor. Vet Ireland il is . :. aci'i inili;; to the "tli-mal pbilofi- ! is "over-populated ;" and it eel- i the coiiiiii v IV-Mii n hieli lie 11 lite to I .).!. .:ary ami starvation -that star- j va'.iuti v.iiah has, v.itliui a tpiaiter of a I ci ntiiry tallied oil humlreds o' tho'i-ands ' oi their it ll'tt-ei.i.,lr un 11. i'.t ho. 1111. hotr- !, tlurilie ii:i tins tuna U eli ailvatic- ; . I:--!' I e. . 1 tlay by ll t e:'V. ! 1 l-e.-.i f l ow ill r -. :i '. t i..ift-1. .;e. and : i tut 1 1 . 1 1 1 , -.'i'' Ji.-ea' .. il I V ill ,l!:.!t fee lt..ile. :. . r I a L'tiroi"; a. i.-.i v. . r, nil,. Jli luliiiii, liy lv re t,l J.s rahv u i.iei:, I I ' 1 . l.iitd. ' fJ', BIsMAltK L Atii-IKS Ills I'Ol N T--L' A 'I l'ft, A 'J'lON MDANS i't:.e i:. lAixnoN, Jan. i7.-- Special to the New York Worltl.j JI. 1'avi'e was 111 contt-n uce ii h liisiiiark at mieiuiht, and the ial Id eal lied hit point, an,) the capitulaiioii ; invol ves j eace, the ccsmoii of Alace anil j (iiTiuan l.onaiiie ami part ofiho lleet, a money indemnity to lie u.w.iulccd by the : liuuiii'ipalities, a portinu of liie tit rmaii ! r.nny lo return home ami the war is to ; cease. Il is necessary that t nne territory ; be retained to":i-eiiie the lull.liiiit lit ol the mo- tiheo Kit.) ihe coal tratle. the papti tlirot";boui the region, with ihe t xct pli hi of one, are ber.lilil tin: leaders ot the W'orkiiieiucirs IJeiit voleut Ass'ieiati ni, itttriliulin the stoppage iiiitl thee ium-ijiI 'Ii'i. misery entirely to that combination, an. I calling loudly upon the members in iv iioiiuee il now and forever. Nome te w feel lisposed to aei'ept the proposition, but tlie measurement, Drices. &.O.. sent free to any part of "i America, and good fits. (ireatcKt Varie ty. Boys &. '.'liililrra's Wear at astonishing y low prices war 1. and more proK-.t-it. ui- d. 'hv !M- 1 I'ellolil l , ami c:u:iii'l id l'l Versilied 1 licit: I ! I." ' . I.I.. oil ill I '. ' -';'. 1. t :. -Tl-. e mi,.i'.U-, i unan-i "11 t .,:eh ..u iti ten in Ihe - hi 1:1 i .it. of i;.i ... .1..1I a- a ' ll It is a A I i .11 I- I'll 1 hi 1 :t l: I ' II i"i .Ii i t : 1 1.- iioi'i-v. o! .lie lalidtil ibvoi-iiii d 1 anil h is .tl I ho s illle 'l'l ;..f -o 1 111 iehi d her 0 a..' '.he ini'-t pi'oilnelite 1 v .-.i;.;..ii Is the it, 11- II the a. tin. III. No U.o 1 .1.0. 1 w . leh limn tail h- 1... 1:1 ittl lie Jl.i .e.ili.v . A .It (l.r. t I U h.islrati lii.l:-! .. 1 - ...r, lr '.r- mi., 11.. ..in as an 1 x.iio;-!-' ( .1 11. , u : W c I thi ll. .. ! .11-1 .an- : s a !- iii. I a A I tv oar i ll.- lhe . - k , -i . 1 . II illiri I CllUU"! ) IIIIIIIIV t'J iiiv III.7.VI.IVI'II. compact. I lie: .M-ihilt s are to be sent Inline ; ' J r J unit the (ieiiuau arn.v is to eiilcr Paris.! " " The Liui.cror will reiuru iiiiuiediaieiy to . A Xova St otia (eiiius has mvenled a iifi-hn. ! stove pipe damper that renla.i; itsolt by a A ol Ni it. Of wai: IllXD. j thertnoiiietcr. I.tMii), Jan. ;S. liisuatrU, on .lanuarv The tiermans of llallimore ci libratrd the 1, visited Favre. who hail come to e r- 1 capitulation ol fans hy maiiiua procecsiou saillts. An hour nth rwaid a council of. war was In Iti, at which the lliuperor William, the Crown Prince, Ueiit rals Mo, ike, liouil a..tl Vull ll.ioii and (.'ollut li: -ii'-.irk were prtst i.1. At il conclusion iilei'.ln r colii't lt lice- took plat e bclucm lli.s- ( mailt no. I l .ivn , and tin; latter leiui lied l l !'.i:i .. In ihe at lelii'inli, alicr reeeivnii; a con lit ilia ti-ai ol the la 'fi. ol lilt- d..-1 11 1 Uiln.vs ill the t. ii'li., I, Favre it till ui-il lo crsaiilcs, 'il, 1 ( 11 lilt- lit M U 1 V le- Uilled llcL'ollilllons s rh 11;-, 111. 11 . 'I here has been no corn i-poudclifi; be twtt ti lit u l ailU liiMil.tikiu li-ulti lo ihe pte.inoi.utlt 3 of peace. nn; i. mi si ui' nit: AitMisin r. The .n . of ibis iiioriiiiej; publisln-s tlie l'.'S'ow in-.. : - 1.1. s. vita. is, J in. 'JO. -Am armistice I 'll Ik , II a.'iei .1 llpi'll, u iiicll Is to 1 ,, il.l in. 1. 1, ,1.. in i to tin- wii il. o) r.ain-e. I h, i',' a a co ,tl a-ilali 'O lop.iiis last ni-ni, .11 .i tl.e i,. ,iimr' 1, 1 ili'iinis it ii I -Icuis oi in. II tiilitude Will. .11 tlie WA..S W,u- p.unii) in aid. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers &. Under-Wear of all kinds for all sea "ViTv vvnue . WW shlrts a Specialty OAK HALL, Sixth & 1'arket Cti PHILADELPHIA. Anv piTs ui in need of aRvthhi-r iu h:s line will find il to their inter st call and hear his prices before purchasm-.; elsewhere. to -fivi hi- 3R,lZlvL-12Zymii:l THE PLAC'i i;t.twccti Market Squate and the Past Odice, Punhury, Pa. S. IIFaZFAiME:i. BARGAINS ! ! BAE0-AI1S ! ! IN' DRY OOS, at th:e : w yoek stoee, We propose to sell for reduction i t l i to -'o pi r . 1 oil". cniVrsees ' ) day? C'liiuueiiciti.' S.VTI" ltl. Y. Deceinlv-r 17. l"7i, at .1 nt. I a- cash. (I n- stoel: ot t ofeii'n "lid I loin. ' a- th e IMl-s ;t)( !'s, t.in -. i;oiKUV. til.tiv' ks. ', IM ; : 1 . -A 1 ) K ,'o ( . i I N I 'S I " N I K i I A 1 i 1 1 . AS-, t.t'OJH, I.ACi:.S& LMKUOlUKltlt; J t. ' " a vo w s i ! tv to Our stock of Foreign an 1 Doiii' stie rrv ("toi l's is vi rv ia:-ee, and w illi sveiih disp-'Kil ef it. we h.!c M AKtKl 1'O'iVN nil the i.rict 9 t..a lis tire ll.is is liiiijuestii.uabiy tl.e time for j.".-t.-ii bargains in I'ry (roods. Wo oucr Bleached Muslins stthe fo!!c?7ii!g jo iiiTrcs pour ri-irter New York mills. "JO cts.. per var ! ; four ipiirti r V ao't-iii 1 1 , .-. piryird; four ipiarti r Da oe. -jo tis., p. r yard ', Fruit of the Loom, is p- r 1 1 ill Seinni-r Iilet'i. is i-tt.., per ard ; i 11 ill Setnp-r Idem, Pi e!.. p( r ."r. yar, f, loiii tli Mum l iy, i.lcts., per yard ; l'-i:r ii iir'.l. ," Coventry, 1 cts., per yard ; j Coventry cts.. per nit I., i-'i ct., p-. r ard. ar.l .3 rl fO !.'!U'.h in Pi;s vi v vi.- a . -. a .1 1 11 -'1 v. .11. i-l-i ( d ! ; .11 1 m -1. a 1 , c, r 11. ' .isv oi 1 !u ii, I ii.- AH. I- , il 111, tit .! 1 ' II 11, "IU I l.v Mr r..: it, 1 1 1, nun. 'ii 1- lit t il nil Is. I In- li, 1 111 ill around I'.u.s ul ! 1 I . - ' of I'. ( I C Y 1 , 1 1 im ( . i.i 1 'i 1 t . ..... .1 1 ii Ak'. I .1 1 ' I Ii s t it'.i 0. V . 1 r, t l.... t d w iiii , r 1 1 .1 1. 1. oi, t ail t "III I . Jli l.' u li , a. . it ia 1,; , I I . , II .1," . jll'.-l .1 1 I 1. .IS II"'. I ".I. ' '' I It 1 lb.il 111. '. .. I I. "I I It.. I, . t ' it 01 ' 1 1 I1-1 to 1 1. Ill ll I l'l I I tl.l I..-. 1 I. ' e ' .t ;. 1 ihi ' 1 '-II MO' I I 1 lu ll . ii. A . I'.'O tt hit 'i t alia 1 1 I . '1: v l I.. '. .1 ' It ,i.e I.' 1 il tl . at in 1 11 1. . i , i. I 1 til i l tl.e 1 H ut.UMANs o' t I I V Till". V 11;- til.l.i.s, .l.iii. '.''. II , 11 etipii il Ihe lul l ti ll A. M. lo On. I 1.1 St II -1 CI. I. Md.lt jnl 11; AKs. i In i io tr' en . ii.. hi ' l' Pai is, i'i i pt Hit Na110i.nl ttrafil, :-n n uiler linn anus. The ill llllr I 1 C I ai'lt , a o'l I 1 la 11.1 1 1 111. "- - lo dt t Il.l I 't f-1 I It I VI. ln'. '.. 1 .. l..., Jan - i. Id P. M. The I' 11 , it. ,1111 l as unl Ihti lollottoii; Ot t. it' It I 1 Ihe I. III). I, All.ll-l i . - ' 1 l. U I I s, , ,n. J.I i I'. M :,,K li.l.t all itii.i. ine l"l' lion; Wnk. was .l.td. 1 in li , li..Ua uii.l Mobota ,ir.) lo he I. U.ln t in I .11 Is ll , isoltt I o Mill'. l,e a.l,'lial (ill. II, I Mi l llli'l, illltt. the twaltili 11. ill... ft out. 1. i "tiiijt..l I hi; I ,1 1'. t'.ti ta it to. lilt Hit t l. il, lull Mil U 'le M'iltl Itlltlutlt.a - t ti tl.: ttitt.a 1, II. el. i. , I. (lit ,V III' lltl .atliili; 1 , i 1 I. iini.ii I 1 1 un 1 1 . 1 1 1 a ,1, 1 'i , in it I lilit.l.t. .V I lot' allnlia lo Hit; II, id ,10 I. "I" ll, ' I., nll.l, I I. lit, I I I t 11 it I , 1 I'lj-oatll, 1 1 I til I ' .... I I It a... i In I le a lo I t I "III p.ill I ' .11.4 ( I l"l with torches and music. (ieiu ral Sickles hits eiven a grand State b-iiiipiet to the iiiuish Cation t aud I )i jdo inati Corps. It leriiiiniilcii by the conclusion ol an important neeotiaiieu between the L'uiled Ma es and Spnin. The eols-rnor o roona, in his anntliil message, recomiiieiids a Wiir of 1 stlcrmiua tern aeaiiir t tin- A pat he 1m ha es. unl taeois, the employment nt voluniei is lor that pur pose. Tin: 1 iiiMiii i rs nf the 1.1'Wisbur Centre and Tvronc raiho.i 1 have loliii'iciietd Iik ii iiii ; Ihe road al a..' I'eiin's creek, fir the purpose o ;'cltio4 Ihin.s into shapt for the wink tO'oll lilt- luuiit l. '1 II i: 1 1 1 1 ip'.s of the P, l:liv alii. I Stale 'I'. io 1 rant t-Si-ci' I V lust i-ar wt iv Mjuii,. .1 1 I'l l the cxj i a lituri i"j ?i. l'l . I.V A MA 1 lids over l.l " 10 allilillil) tli I he tale, 1 dllt .1: toll llllti lllaill lei ill.t 1 I I i.e 01 I alis nl ' lie tli e ,om .1 M.i ,la I 3. (is Saturday luik, a limn iiaun-il Adam Pt tt is, a tliy oods aud lauev ticiv kn-pt-r III 1 1, 11 1 Isbni ', l ieaiitf no loilsil liisaui li'oiii it ii:.ioiu t t an ,111 nt. lie tt as I iki 11 In the llisalit- A- llllll, I. it'll si a. a ill ! Ins till, III. II sin- 1st .Lilt- a 1 it. 114 IK. un. If. 'lilK ll. It'll It. ..Its. 10 it, te I Itii r. 'l I 1 till. s. 1 . l'l I' I 'ot I V . ll I Ooll.l. I o, j',!. .lit .11 S asioi, 1 n. Alar a icioiis r -l W lilii t a had In 1 11 1 X llnh.i d tin' Illd.ia -.t I, I lilt le It 11 Ii il Ihe 1 1 4 1 1 a t .illllil.llo l'l' tin pi-..-e. nttoii, ail lite joey niitlt nd a vi iii l ol iml 't.ui. Jvv' s lll'.ii.i i; 1 v , u iiot ii ioiin PI. i!a lb 1 1, In. 1 lo! '.' h .il. I t i ni.iial, ttas h"l and sia.tl in Si tv Vmk, la -I link, bv Ihe I 1 1 la I ll"l"l e'll loll ;!, kll "V 11 lis ' lb ill) Hie li'.o k -inn li. " t In y mic i,itii,l,iu .1la1l101l.ini; aalo'.n tth.lill.t lal.il ahol ttaallltil II I "1 HV ll..lll kl.l, d "li ildt ," II !t tt in ail ii , I ) U .il. 0. Ittiii nit 1 I lie la .id Will, 11 l".''.., Il l'.tllV la ll'. II, .t VI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I 1 1 ' .1 t '., ' I 'i.it.lt t ij I,.., 1 .tt, 1 I a, a V 1 ur oi I .t 1 miii ', vt 1 1 rt tl' it 1 m alsttit talon i I. on .tilo I ..in ,. ul l'l.. tit ( h. t 1, 1 1 1 .1111 1 a in. ( .1 1 1 d .a 1-11,1 "I Iii, 11 pi ,s IU Hilt, ti.l 1 lilj llial , .U Jill 'II,. Ihi i, lltt 01U la. S,,,ia i l j I, li'a I tltid mi l llm 1 tt'Oil ,ilt,, , ,aa I Ik .11 I Li IRI JEVEI.EJIS. No. 002 Cheatnut Street, Philailelphia. ll.Hil r 1.1'ITf ilicr-:iM .1 lli il l'l. I I t V WW. tr; ... 1,11. nl, tail -t i.d .ill' iiliiiu In It,. 11 l. l i, ,,l SILVER PLATED O00ES, fo;iipt.in, linllia I'n-ir i.au.il llin ( f:rr .ite nf liiu'ii uoi li-', 11 iiio-l f iinl'Uti ..s... 1 1.1 , f Tini.v 11 inns, l'l. VTKtl 11 N WlllTK MFTA1., . 'f in .(.in :. ...1 1 'Uii -,t t tre itiith ) l PLa'i tO iPOOfii FORKS.. LADLES, id 1 J l'HViv 5S ,ir,t per yard : four fourth Nashua P, 'JO cents per :-. t : t'.tir Nashua lf. Is cents per yard ; f, utr I' aii'' !i At! i tit if A . l'l iviiih p r v. ml ; h.m- ' Applet on P. I'. cents j-i yard : Hmrf mriii Indi 1:1 hi h 11 I W. !' i.is ;.r. t ! . 1! in isl.iii ::, 11 cinis .t r aid ; i llari isl m ,i ,-,-nts per yard; L';. 1 : .: : I I '.. -lieei tuj li ; cents pi r 1 ar.l ; - lil-aehfl W.i thai a. Shet tiaj; !", cent-, j eryar . . i'.t nl Cal'-'t. -'-' ci n's j ei- ar.l. HI, ,11 'a .1 1 ':i"!"ii Flannels from 1 "1 to -JJ ; Fnb'e.v. In d Cnt"n Fl it luls !'r , ia !J . 'ii ; .. il mi. I Cotton Fl imi-ls, fr.-m '.'.'( t . H' ; aii W "! daunt Is. - t- ; fl. I a. Wt.-( r.auiii Is -'.i t 1 "i"i ; ( 1 i:e-!,a,i'.'.. ' to ,"i"i , Tit kiie;, lo lo 'JS ; l'a;,t r t Main '. s. 1 Coli.ri d Cainbties 1;!: (''ii;.-'--! hoe ti to l'i. J.ADIKV l!Ai.Mwli Al,sK!;lS7'. I lij.dil. l.ADiFS- JT.I.T SIC litis, fiem S'i.Oo. to 4.00. LAl'lMv MI ALUS, f.o-o ?! i " 1 Fi..vt GO. ilhmaiic J,)o var, Is, s 1 is ; I ai ','s SIOO . ., I () N. T. n It i-i-l.' ah Co,) yard spools, , t ,s ; .:ar Alp n a H els ; lir.u.ls, iti:-s f sixi fun i;,).i:i'i)!;si:i's ninkpv ( i:n t-. ALKXAM1U.V KIU UM1YKS AM. CULUllS. .v v IHI. tti'ifi. .-1 in It ,-.,! ii .1 . . FIN I. TA 1,1. II CUT LEU Y, . , t 111 . 1 1, a o ld , . . .111 I Ml 11 Ii !i I, i i. , a "i ci ,1, . 1 hi I u - ... I ,',' I l' l'' I I, Is" I .1 1 1 III i ,1 ,s. i hila- -st audi Kid CloV, a. i. .'. ; Fii'l -i I iiov a. S l.l "I. A 1 1 I In- Kid l.t'iti's ale ;'ii i : i.d 1 i'i li.ui"e. Ill 1, odd, hi t- the al.i ve 'pl"t:n 1 s ,-t-l!. .1 bv n lie 111 t'.t.s in u la 1. tve u tail. I 1 al. isp, 1 laeill il lll.l hue 1, 1 IIO'IFI.V, KM C! 01 s. si r l I la v rip are il !n , I olil' ih Hit a. I, a .tl nt'a Illi, II lo mil' k tt I,., 1 , il l n I ' 1 t, .1 1 ti ' ; 1 , li, li l a la t .t, tl t.l l'l ,.ll.,'.D C'KOTIIS AND CA.SSIMKI TAIt, Wi: HITHII ru SALK, AT .New .Musonle 'IVuiplo l.ouii, llratrlu 7 A-it lulrra(, Hi Itau.ulet klltl l-. (S .lij will., at ltul) ,M V .1 1 ..... iulrrrl l'itMtla Mori-It utl 1 1 I tt it44 U Ft unit ' ti l 1, 1 I N"'i 'If , in tt". k a ( 1 1 t have Our D.v:?G.n'1 D.'i rtT-t i;.:! tu. a 'lai 1 11.: c: , ! , I Jr idt an I V.'. i, pi toil, 1 VTV l' . ie2 S.L'Ct'wHS, III L'l.t The p.lLr.t j. t I'll I Mill' ' l'l 'H' an, t I ,", Ol i'V lb tl Im V. le I III. 1 1 1 ' 1 ' ' l.'i tt Ii III I.. i I. I nl I 1 ui; 1 it 1 . 1 ... w.a 1 1 Ui , 111 I . 1 Il ia il.l I K N in t f t I I r 'I III. tl.lt, Ull't lu I. i If.llam.i, .1 I ' lie I 1 I 4 II DEjf&vEN&Bna 40 ..,U Tin I iiwi, l'ltlU4.liltli. a(utW ttatatlll aVHal bultl M (WaU (. P. Will I I A lltUlil'n rt lluililliti, Marki I ki r I. u nUm ; . lUV 1. ie.lt tf. . . I I M Jk ., 'VI l till. N I '.V klf .1 a. aiaitiii li-alli viri'l, li'hh tvluH Fill I t 1 111 t 1 t II H I 1 kit I I il A.N i 1 lllli. an.s I 1 i 1 I It". . . ivim in ni M Hi i.' 1 j.., - 1 1 l All nil Mil 1' 1 r t. I 1 1 4 0 .i,,,l II. ' . ... I I Ull ol ' O I I .1 K , U'.'l I, l.l.t ., t l. . t .- t l ,1 I l I., . . I o . I .1.1 I nil I. I 'ttk '1 I . r 1. IL. . ... . I 'a I lla t , .. C.I.. .1 I II U ii, I tl" i HI. I ' a. , I ' Murkvl, I'l.il i ll.liH, , . ,j . , .. 1 .. . ... VI, ; t. ... . i. .... I a . , i- V ' ' -.... a I , a. ' . V -. 1 it I . I , I a, (. I I. I , t ll I .11 . l 1 1. Ill I t 1 . I I t , .1 , I .1 I I 1 I. Ill II. tl Malaa-talat. I I - t I I I V s 1 'II, 1 1.I1, t. a I, A . .1 I. I 1 . 1 i I.. , . I I 0. I l. 1 I S. a II.. , 1 .. t I. -ti . ... I I ll.- I , ..... l ... I a ( f 1 iii i, .. 4 1 t . I I 1. . ,. 1 t. I I 1 . I ' ,1 I I. 1 f ii 11011 1, tii nd 1 ( , V ..,,. . , ..,..,... 1 .. 11 4 i 1 . 1. 1 , I . I - 1 e i, , ,. , . I a .! I-. 1--.I Is l... .11. U In. kl aaxtli'f NN II, 1 Ill il 1 . , ., 1. 1 lit tit. t 1 l,.f I'J ll, . . the ii j .... I in 1 a I ' aVl UoKl. WU i 4 a 4 '. i k ia) ul Hl e..ia, Ptjl'frl fax Hi. I ll., I. U I. 11. n . I- 1