Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 28, 1871, Image 1

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KM'Ii WILVEBT, Proprietor,
maiskh's sunjiiKos, xamcrt tuukita,
At 91.50 In Atlvnnee.
Itjiot paid within 6 Month (.
IMbteHpllon taktn for Uu than eta Month.
CwmCTBn with this establishment Is nn eten
stveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of
plain and fancy tvpe equal to any establishment
In the interior of the State, for which the piitron
ajre of the public Is respectfully solicited.
' fiq 4 Pq :cs,1 S'co! 1 sj
8-2"- !l 0 '. b-W H.ti l.'i.w
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Oris wwk 1.00
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l-tnt11hel In 1H.10. (
i Xew Scrtva, Vol. a, No. 45.
1 Old Keriea, Vol. SI, .. W.
1 - ja s
Law, Snnbury, Va. All professional btisl
id! Intrusted to his care will receive prompt at
tention in this and adjoining counties. Can be
consulted both In English and German. Also,
District Attorney of Northumberland county.
No. 144 Fot'RTH Atbkub,
Notary Public,
riltehuu;, F.
Jan. 15. 1S70. 1y.
JO. n.lRKlF, A CO, Market Street,
Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
Pocket Bonks, Dairies, Ac.
SP. WOIiTKRTOV, Attorner at I,aw.
Market Square. SUN HI." KY, PA. Profession
al burlness in this and ad)oiuiur counties prompt
ly atts'.'dcd to.
pvJl. A. K. KiVIDCE. respvt fully nn
XJ) noimees himself as Physician and Surgeon
' to the rit Irene of Snnbury and vicinity, having lo
' rated himself permanently on Market street, near
ly opposite the Knirmouut Hotel, where he enn
aeroutnltsd nt all hours when not professionally
uKc;d. nplJ-t-ly
-rpKKTII! TEETH ! J. N. CKh.asi.NtiKK,
X S'.tnreon Dentist, SUNUURY, PA. All work
rarefuliy attended toand warranted. Am thank
ful to all for the kindness extended toward mo
ay giving me their patronage in the past,
aiid hope a continuance ami Increase of the same.
W'Ofliec, first door east of Adams' Express
Offlee. apllO-09
GW. Zir.GEER. Attorney at Law, north
side of Public Square, one door cit of
the old Bank buildinc, SL'NBURY, PA. Collec
tions and all professional business promptly at
tended to hi the courts of Northumberland and
ndjoininir eonnties. sept 1 5-l'0
Sf. ItRICE, Attorney nt Law, Bunbary,
j! V I'a. OlHee in comer room np stairs, of
llnupt's New Bnl'.riinir, formerly occupied by G.
W. itatipt, E.-q. Celleetions of claims, writinirs,
and all kinls of lezal business aUeuded to care
fully and with dispatch. Arrit 2,'70 !y.
CA. RE1MEX'VER, Attorncv at
Law, bUNBUKY, PA. All business en-
trtisied to his care attended to promptly and with
diligence. apl27-67
J NO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney nt Law,
fUNBVRY, PA. Collections and all pio
festinnal hiiciness promptly attended to. meh31-lt
c. j. Kt;ira. L. n. rase.
BRINKS A KANE, AttorncTS and Coun
sellors at Law, SUNBL'RY, PA. Offiee on
Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E.
Railroad Depot, in the building; lately occupied
by F. LiiKiirus, Eq. Collections and all profess
ional business promptly attended to in Northum
berland aud adjolnine counties. apilO-tii
-rjOYER WOIVCRTOS, Attorneys
at Law, on second flour In Hi'mlil's new
juildin. Sl'NBL'RY, PA. 8. B. Boyer and W.
J. Wolvertna reaectfully announce that they
have entered into co-partnership in the practice of
l heir profehtioa in Northumberland and adjoin
ing coantics. Consult jlious can be had in the
(Jermaa laupjasje. ap!4-tit
HB. MANSKK, Attorney nt Law, bCN-
BL'KY, PA. Collections attended 'o in
t be counties of Northumherlaad, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. aplliMi'J
K(M ar.(&:i.LKU Oi KONKHACH,
Attorneys at Law, SL'NBL'KY, PA. )f
llce iu Haupt'i new building, second door. En
tiance an Msrket Bquare. )an4-6S
VA EENTI S E UIETE, Wholesale and Re
tail dwilr ia eery variety of
(I J-P1.H WHARr.)
Hf" Orders solicited avd filled with promntness
m despatch. waTli-60
J (-hippws and WhoIele and til Ieier in
(lowss wsiKr.)
l-JT"6ole Ai4its, wsntward, at the na'.k)!wtet
I.lap Clay CohI. JanVW rt
Ofti.-w with Ma4, Tasmi.t A Co.,
Or I'm left at !W.U A Bro's .,nf1 !rt
iti-t, will rsoeie. prompt attention. Country
Jn. 8, IhTI. It
r SUKY, PSNN'A. R-prwl: Faniers'
Mmui Fihj lnnrai" Co., York, Pa. j Camber
land Va.irv Mutual Protective Co. ; Nw turk
Huiual Lites Girarl Lifeof Plilla.,and Hartfurd,
CiMin., General Aceileut.
's Jbiihiintj, Mirket Squnri,
Sr-namT, Pa.,
IB prepared to df a'.l kinds of work pertaining
t iV'it ist ry. Pa keeps constantly on hand
u large attortmraj of Teeth, and other Dental
nuiiTisI, from which he will lie able to select,
and met the wants of his ftistimen.
All work w.urented to give satisfaction, or e'.se
the inoin-f ft inied.
Tue very t-t Mouth Wash aud Tooth-Powder
k' 1 Oil iuirt.
H i. iriei-Htns are the naiusrom Irons for
whru lr In worked for the last twelve year,
bniihtiiy, April -I, lOS.
. .... . ,
rp'S.L un.lri.iBl litvii.c fwnrr H
1 haiB vd RisefWiiMte Fl.Ol R A liKAiN
li.ide, is prrpre1 in (apply r.iuiilics auhllie
-in:..r roR canh.
I f, tt i aai Nut, eoniUnlly tin hand, flraio
lusfii iaehsnae lorl'oal.
J. M. CalWLl.APER.
oau, Jan. 15, M7U. tf.
jico. ktsirxAS. iiiourtoH umi,
lire, l it. a4 ArrtdriU
KHiri44 v m ini,
(uirHlPh R I'Kk-lSUII,
lean, fMladelj bi, Assol, J,7J,VI
I .Hi "
Miasm in. Sew Tik,
S. rr..-m
I rulIKi I,
liitN U h"
1. 1. ! !!, J onl a,
I .... , M ,
r 1 or P:i i ul.
II . us Seal ..,
I l'" t, Hi ll .J,
I I. ..,
I l "
till 1 . Vui,
i. r u .,u A VI c . . . 1.
I iiumiIK, M ft t -',
la. ' u. ... k,
I 11U M; l Llle,
1 ... l.j
j is.,
4,'nll lSJ
It ."..Vrfl
Mi.,. Mil
.M .!
I (.")'
W-vi I i
- .i i.v
as M
jotcls aH iifatanrants.
nVEK HOl'NE. Third Street, nt the
depot, SUN BURY, PA., Wm. RBFer. pro
prietor. Warm menls served np nt nil hours.
Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con
stantly on hand and served in every style. The
best of wines hiuI liquors at the liar.
-TTamiliCH will be supplied with oysters
done up in any stvlc, by leaving orders nt the
Bar. l.-ov..'70-ly.
Chetnut Street, a few doors from the Dpot.
BrxntrHT, Ta.,
HAS open a Restaurant and Eating House,
for the accommodation ofthe public.
Warm meals can be had nil ho urs. All kinds of
trame, tish, &c, sorved up at short notice, nie
bai issupiied with the bestliquor in market. No
pain spared to please, and terms moderate.
Snnbury, Siqilomber, 4lh IMUd. ly.
JOSEPH B A CHER Informs the citizens of Suti
bnrv and the public generally, that h has
opened a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above
place. The bct of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors
will be kept. Alto Oysters, Ac, constantly serT
ed up to customers.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Nurth'd
County, Pa., at the Station ofthe N. C. R. W.
Choice wines and cigars at the bar.
The tabled supplied with the best the market
affords. Good s.tabtlng pufl n cut rve ostlers.
KLEl'K NF.R. Pjoiirh-tor, Nos. Si J nnd 814
Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, $2 per day. Ue respectfully solicits your
X MAN, Proprietor, Front Street, between
Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Bunbury, Pa.
Sept. 1S70. ly.
l'roinielor, Corner of Market & Second
Streets, opposite the Court House, Snnbury,
Pa. MayU'8,'70.
THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor,
Snnbury St., west 8HAMOKIN, TENN'A.
Meals served at all hours, St short notice. The
bct of Liquor at the Bar. The Table is sup
plied with the best and latest iu the markets. At
tentive servants. Terms moderate. Palranage
LOU IS 11 U M M EL, Proprietor,
Commerce Kt., bHAMOKIS, PEN.VA.
Having just retltted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of the public, is now pn pared t
Bervt ".lis friends wiih the best lefreslununts, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt
Corner of Pennsylvania Ave. and 6th street
Washington, D. C,
IS located within a few squares of the United
States Capitol aud other public buildings,
street cam pa the Hotel every three minutes.
A Hotel, Restaurant, and other modern improve
ments have lately been added, making this one
of Hi mnt-t pleasant nnd n'.ti active Hotels Iu
Oct. 8, 157.-8in. Proprietors
.The best BEER and all kinds of Mall Liquers
on Tap. Call and be refrcshod.
Aug. 27,1870.
E. B. BURNH AM. Proprietor, Corner Lacka
wanna and Franklin Aenue, Scranton, Pa., op
posite Delaware, Lackawanna Western Depot.
Free carriages to convey cnwti to and from
Depot. Mar. L'6, '70.-ly.
A'ot. 720, 7ii, 7.M 727 Vim St.,
Centrally loiatl, connecting with a'l the City
Pasenger Railwsy Cars, fnirn all the
Depots in the City.
VvrtTtt-wt Ace mmo.latlonsi Ftor Tr
tllern. Gmad Vonal and Instrumental Coneertsevery
evening in the Summer and
Winter rtaideu.
f&'Chrhetrinn Cvncrrt Et iry Afttrnnon..g
rre i.amks' HrsTra ant the but of
RErKr.snwuiTS eFKve.n.
Oflle of J. Valrr's Fountain Tark Brewery.
Jor.s 4. ISTCI.-lj.
. 1 . JES...J-L J -Jit
1. 1 Q t O It STORE!
Second f tret, oj posile the Court House, SUN
Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers
aud others, tliit he has on h.nd, and will eon
stantiv kee) all kinds of
Consistinit of Pure Brandic: Coguiac, Cherry,
Giivcr, Koehellean l Otaid.
hkis: Pnre Rye t'opef-IMtillel, "lo"n
falela, Apple and Ni et.t'-.
Wine. Champagne Wine, Bherry, Port and
Crab CMer, ( l,amp ifiie Cider, N. t. Rum,
Brown Stout and Sent eh Ale.
And all other Liquors whleli euu be foan l In
the 1 ity inaikels, hii h wul b solil at Whole
sale and Retail. IA11V alliele gil iranlcd as
1 rem
hi.-1. Also, a i iru" )t ot ut-MUUiia
' . io .FS, alw.i?. on hand
1- llnlei. ,ii.i til Hllen.lrd lo. and .hl,r
4 r NfFF.
Kunbnrv, July . ly.
11 ill II UillE MO HE,
J. II, t'uiilf), A t o.
nAK reeeivd new ttSMirtiiwiu of all kinds of
II, 1 larr, t'ulleiy, Me. lell.t. VI uol, .,
of a .1 eV.eilpii.uM. A ...H. .ton Maker' Male
iuU, li.ili, ll'.ui, bilm. AU, ell kind of
Le..liwr "r ' ai.4 hud ller'. Eer.
tiling in I l.t II n... line .-an Im IouiiU
a ill te old a io x, . ..u ha l.nii lit ul any ull.ur
c.labiiil.uieul -.ulliasouu'.i. (.all ui thsil
but,ni,l.e. II, IWU.
nour m mior.
M iSt r At II ht.ll.
rpilF. uucd hln nr.i.4 su.ip oa
1 ll.O.I Slli.l, U4t y o II" telill.ll
II. it1, : 1.1 i.i.ttiui In. nil kluda (
ii.inlH tMi ell.irS l 1' l.,irl ili. Ilis
.1 . k ., ,. H.U ,vl ) U I '.'.I') ! II. UK. I .
II ,.1. l..l U... I I' 11 ol I..S i4dt Ui.l iu
l -llliti l.l iiu, bt aol tui. 411. 1 iwniii.
1. 1 ! 11 . .u.h. lo l.l.iUl.l..v'lUlll.-
I 1.4 I jl. U ! lu.lli I I i .411 . 4
l4lalU tl
Bt-ltfk, 4 1. I IkUlli O.tli.l..,.
I 11I1, l.n.4l. u. Il I'. ... ' Iiii ' l shilt
laulik -. K'l t I tiant IH I
lui.uit, ji. i 11, im.i.
li.,i.i e-il'
1 ti.
L I I III II I 4l-4o
U....I 41 Vlu..i k I'a.n.
ittbt bbfrtisctncttts.
ALL Wall Paper und Border, sold by" mc Mil
be trimmed ready for use,
..rJ?"; ,:
which I have the exclusive right to tire iu Bunliitrv
and vicinity.
Bavo money, time nnd labor, by buying of
Dealer in Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music,
Ac, Ac, Ac.
Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality.
Itlank. Mrmoruiidum & Iunn BuokH
in endless variety, Just received.
BOOK BINDING done to order. Persons will
save expense by leaving their orders for binding
with uic.
of all sizes, cut lroin the Moulding at terv Inw
fcc, &c, &c.
A large nnd well selected stock of Toys nl way
on haud. Anything not on hand promptly 01
dered. Bargains for cash. Call at
Book Store,
Sign of Foley' Gold Pen, Market Square, S:ie
bury. Pa.
Bunbury, Augun 6th, 1S70.
7IS Arch Street, Middle of the Bloek. he4wceii
7th and Hth Streets, Smith Bide,
Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds
a'ld quality of
For Ladies' and Children's Wear.
Having enlarged, remodeled nnd Improved tin
old and favorable known FLR EMPORIUM",
and haviiiK imported a very laree mid pplcudi-i
assortment of all the dillerent kinds of Furs fr vn
first hands in Europe, and have had them
np by the most skillful woikmen, I would r. r.
pect fully invite my friends of Northumberland
and adjacent counties, to call and examine niv
very large and beauliful ast-ortment of
Furs, for Lmliea and Children. I am determin -d
to sell at a low prices as auy other respectable
nousa in the city. All Furs warranted. No
misrepresentations to effect vales.
718 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Oct. 22, 1870-Sm.
mm l. nitii,ER,
Her largo assortment of
millinery goods,
bonnets and hats,
Ribhokb, Feathers, Flowers, Laces.
A lartfC variety of trimmed and um l imine I
Hals, Ladies' and children's Hosiery, hem
stitched lace and linen Handkerchiefs, kid aud
lisie Gloves, Corsets, dre buttons, iruipure
I li.eM. TrimrM. lmltM1 (Melttio and t'.mee -
lor bow and sashes, in (treat variety. Real and
Imitation hair cIiikiuhm, frizes, cans uud Itch
es. A large assortment of
ZcrllTKS, (ii'klilKTUWM VoOL, Ac.
An ondleo variety af Notions ami Koods
nsaally kept in mrl-o!as luilllnery siore.
GeliU' Collars, Cults, Neckties, Haudker-
ebi.k, Jk.c.
Thecitiaeasof aunhury aud t'luity, treuerally,
are invited to vail aud ue this spleunid ass.ul
uienl. L. MIl-eil.KR.
Bunbury, Oct. t, 1S70.
punt red 11 r.n.
Manurai'torad to order at
Npraro tlrrf, .Snabar), IVnn'it,
UIMT.CTFUI.I.V Inform M old 1 iiMorner
and the eilifens ireneralU , that he is una
111 inuf.ielnriiiK llOU l S A Mlol h t Die iollua.
h: ran t, rr. ole up of the best material, u 1
Calf Skin (pei'ifnl) Hoots,
(eed 41
French Calf "
!,nr or weroeeo).
'I liii.liii Mlnkaxi rrikin nn l Ia
aeciirdintf to iim.
A.l oik warranted.
The rri.'ee of repairltir are also reduced.
euntiiiry, July , I "TO.
4.I1M UIKIII.K fcllOl.
The old K'iinuri.l'li(i uf lb luwn.
U.eliuu in h. i4l, but l lb 4ii time
eouti.lri ibal lb liniilily IrulU maiii i-4,.m.4-ln
i"'k.u auU.iuk U141OI1 tin' au uu. uiuforts
b.e au.oiiiit of t4tiU)i au I
Ju,l iai-..ty t.ais ai(i. 1 li.ii.a my buain.
raieir Iu llos .l4.'u half U.y I.i.iiimu llo. l.i
l.l, !. I l m.I ll.. H li ll.u.r l. UUI lii -
a .v iiiui .l .v, 41. 1 10. 1. 1 aitrr ulkl.i, uu I ap ... d
ti l. ilp blue jle..ll.lli 111.1,4111 It L in
.4. 1.1 11. ii 1 lulu ml by il. u.uUlf I ... I ..(
l4l Ul.lll4l H-.IW. ll4tU I l4t,. hAf.f ttll)'
if. m y lit II. I i . niiili.oti ' a..4
tii ..I'll,' Hi pulold llil.'.v,! I..1.H1 l-ulltiiy
4III..IUIO uul '..tlot. of I u. )..' !t.! .
ii i4 ly Ij tL4 ti i ad ei4 IUi Isua ti4
tl..i'.4..1 lio.i- im iv .
t k.t. ttb.M tw4 1 1.4., iul ia I... tit .
1 I"1 " ' I4 .) 1,4.1, I 1 lk, ll.llU.m o(
1 alt . I Infill, I k -if Il4lj .111 )ou, li4i..pui4
Kl.l. t. Jt tot, ..I I4.I..IMW, ,.'l.. l I 4l
1 it. ILa lull 4. .1, . 11-11.' ,11111. Hi " ....
I 'll'1 ot 1,1.1 I4..4 .) I'i u.t lit 4lou.t.
j W .11 k l i I
j I.,,., ,,.,, 1
1 a, 04..,
.' .., 0 4 . '- I 1
t i o4, uul ,k .' lo i skatci ON
..lit U 4U t 4 ei.ll
It was wliile the American Army was
fieezinir nnd Marvin!? nt V'alli'V Kuriv. nml
the Jii-itish was rioting nnd luxuriatini; in ther etithnsiastieally, grasping his liaud ;
riiiladeliihia, that a lame dirty, boog.'trly I 'your lather's spirit npuiks in you. He
lookino lellow, walking ts ill) it milch, ap- j died on the hattlo-lield with those senli
proaehed iw northern outpost ofthe Royal I menls in his heart ; and I freely give you
forces, nnd. with a simple, idiotic lan:;h i luy on'y sou and hope to the glorious
and leer, announced his intention of etile'r- j .'Hbo which his blood and that of thou
ing the city and Inking tlic lirilish General
"luueed r-tlien 1 sliall lie unilrrthc. ne-
cessily of arreMing'yoti !" taid a young su-
1, 1. ...7.. ' e ' .. ..
ballern, -a inking tit some of his compan
ions, and assuming a serious air.
4 Ho I hel he !"' laulied tho idiot.; 'just
you try it, main, an
' Wl'iv. mv irood f How. what would von
do?" "
4J.0i" exclaimed the
oilier, drawine;
himsolf tin with an air of defi;
defiance ; 4 w hy,
I'd tell the "Teat General Wasliinotou.'
'Then 1 am afraid to venture on your
arrest. So pass on you wiil probably find
General How prcimre'd to receive you."
The idiot suddenly looked troubled,
glancing about hint warily and suspicious-
ly, as it be feared lie might meet the gene-
ral he was so boldly going to capture,' but
finally hobbled oil" toward the city. Willi
some such silly dialogue he got past thedif-
it-rent sentries, who seeiu. d to j;iv. him no
thought beyond the amusement of the time.
By night he was fairly in the lowu, and
kept 011 his wav, sometimes humming
enutclies of tild songs, and iu general not
noticed much by any. Through one streit
to anotiier he coiilintied to hobble forward,
till he came to one of no great length, con
tabling a block of three-story, respectable
looking houses, which might be occupied
by persons in middling circumstances.
This street was not lighted, ami Appeared
descried, so that when he stopped before
0110. of t lie ilwrliinoH bo v:is not. uori'oi veil.
.. . . . 0 . 1
lie knocked at the t;nor, 11ml a woman s 1
head nptieared at tho second-story window. I
Won't vou give lue sonietliing to cat '
1 ma'am ? I'm m arly stai ved !" said the id- j
lot. '
' Yes, poor feiluw replied tho woman !
j in a kindiy tunc ; ' in a minute I will hand
i you something.'
; on iifier a lower sbuifer was ptishid
a little back, and a hand, containing some
i bread and incut. w::s thrust out.
I 'Moihi-rl' said a low voice.
j 'Givcioue heaven!' exclaimed .'. c fe-
j male within, iu an aoitr.ted tone.
' J lush !' returned the beggar, in a guard
ed wiusper.
Iu a moment after the door was thrown
' Yes, r.ia'ar.t thank you-1 don't care if
I do,' said the beggar, as if in reply to au
invitation to come in. ill, the same lime
c rowing Ihc threshold, with an ai pearauce luu ll,!ill(,i' f Ids escape. Immediately
of deep humility. 1 niter, the whole party left in hat tc, liit
The inonient'the door closed behind him, ! ti"'f ateninjr Mrs. Kugglcb with sub.-eipieut
the man or; ped his crutch und threw bis j vengeance, for harboring, concealing, and
arms around the other, fairly subbing. conniving ntthe escape of a rebel spy, even
4 Mother ! dear, dear moilier !" though the man was her son.
William!' exclaimed the otbrr, pic;.-,- j hen fully satisllcd that nil the soldiers
ing Urn ragged mendicant to her heart ; j ilai1 K011-', young Kugglcs attempted to re
4 .ih, my dour, dear i.iiam 1 what is the . Ulm 1,1,0 'da inotlx r's dwelling by the way
inctuing of this ? and how is it 1 bud you : hsul hut iu again displacing the in this sad pli.hl ?' i hrieks for this purpose, oucof Ibem slipped
1 Have passed the British lines iu tins 1
disguise, playing tlie lool to tho si-ntnes.
But tell me how' jou are, deauniiither, and
how you fare iu ihe:e trutibloiis linn s V
' ludifi'erently well, my son. The British
are our master here, but s i far 1 have lit
tle to complain of in the. way of personal
treatment. Provisions are scarce aud high.
and only by the strictest economy shall I
be able to fix e through, if they continue to !
.. .1 . : e. 1 .. i
ic.aui ii.eiscssiou 01 uie euy any coii.siuera-
ble length of lime. Your bister Mary is at !
your L ucie's in Delaware, and will deeply j
regret that she has missed this opportuni-
4 And are vou all alone, mother ?'
.X'.. . '!.'.. ,0. 1. ,-....iO I -.1 i
j to o A.o-iip. riioeiueii UlU liuaiu- j
nig with me.' ,iuisiooii wuii a iigiir in her liaud, und
4 Do they belong to the tinny?" inquired : '",11,lr-d dumb and moiionkfs with a com
the youns: man, quickly and uncaMiy ; 'and 1 mingling -of fear, surprise, and curiosity,
are they iiow iu the house ?' The young man continued to speak as he
4 No. they appear to be private gentle- 1 descended, and hurriedly went on to nar
inc'i of some means, and neither of them is ! lalu a" t'11' had occurred, concluding with
within at present. But you look troubled ' l,'u l',lr;'1 "1 the soldiers, and his escape
have you anything to l. ae, my son ?' ! into the loft above.
'If detected, 1 may be hung as a spy.' 'Thank (iod, it is in my yower to aid
'Good heavens I' t xeluiineij tbe mother, :
m alarm ; 'ymi terrify me 1 A in vou hero
without permission V without a pass ?'
' Yen - did I not hay I played the fool to
the sentries, and so got pahl them ?'
4 But 1 thought that was for your own
amusement. Ou, William, if you should
be discovered ! Why did you vetiluio ill
this ucspcrir.o manner f
1 couid not g.t a pass, and I was so
aiivioui. to see you und Mary that 1 lesolv
ed to risk all.
'tjuick, then, citne up slairs, let us fix
a place at once, before 1111) thing happens !'
Both hastened up stairs to tbe thud sto
ry, and, atier considering several places,
decided that the loll close under the roof
liliglu be the best for the ciueeahili III, as
tin: trap d'Mir leading to il could be fasten
ed Ulid. 1 Heath, IhlIi wmild I. lot I ) Limd
a s .itch ; w bile ll.e y.iillig man. If pi. se.l
Cuuid cseiipe lit the roof, Mini, by 111. alls of
a b'1 g eoj e, tasiiin d to the cbiiiiii. y, cmild
lowet hiuia.ll iutu filler ibeymd or lb.'
SUV.'I. 'Ibis would Hot il.sllie bis i-.i' n-,
but il wilt lb.- I si pi ill the tw-ii.mlil lliii.k
ul, Ulid Ml Vol to ri li.b r bulb leu l. illllll uf
il. ticti'ill and ll.e ai 1 nui colli, on. 11. e.
Having pi' HI. led the rop. , the lilnl In r has
till. .1 to biing up it quaimty ul loud,
winch Iu r in In .'an to .by. nir v. lib a 1.1
t llnilxh. H 1 1 : 1 1 tile t. .1 he bad lold lol Ull
Irtilh, vtbeii, in lb.- 1 1. .11. 1. l. r of a 1 'jg ir,
he bad iln !.ii.. I, on,.. I 111 4 UU- bnO. 1
llig oil kllll 4U 'I1.
'lulu In. v, .1 l ining hi loolbi r pltid
Il III IS lib tpl. it I. ilia 1 I l.llig ll.e ui loy l,l
aK.y f'.iii , tn ttl. ,eli bo b.t i be d 4
l .i 111. .I.llll C iilllll..lnll, .10,1 0 be
li td l. U on a Im' av1' '' Ha an it,. i n
the Vni.ii i. 1 1.1. 1 .1- 1 it lid .. ;.'. .1 .i su
luli' li 11 11. 1 sii.l. 1 l ie Cat 1 4,1,1 , Ins Iti .id r
I M.
. I) r.i l".' in 1) . to..! Ih. Hi-
L.i I l.o .1 11 1 u 1.. a
on , a i l, ml .. 01 il,.- 1 .M1.111. 11
1. 1 III. , L.t 1 p. 1. 1 It . 0 I..,..
. .. t 1.14' . 1; .1. ,. .1. 1.1 ,,n
ll.l It I'll
e ... c-.ll I
di. .! ; e. Li'..
lj , ..1. 1 i.i.v l a I .1 I I ...
at III, 1.1, . I I ... -I . 1. ...I. I
I 1 I . .. I I., 11
I k I
I 1 III,
e I l 11
'1 I ill. ' 1
i I I..
1. I
.: d
b ly t", IL. 1
1 ai. . . 1.1
. I' ii L 1
I, in
11 .alio
. .. 11,(1 a '.
11.. ,
d .t,
M .
ai 1 -.1
I 11,
1.1. '
.1., I
ut .
... 111.
il. a
' ti
lt, in
..... 1.
1. r a i. tt "!
.1 I. l 0 . 4-1
, 1 1. 1 1 1,
.l i... ., .
I 1
.1 ..... 4 1I..1 i.. .il.
' I .u 1. . ... .1 a.l
und if it is God's will that a 1 mul eliall
rule over tliis liroud cotilitielit, not a singlu
truo heart will live to lot-1 tho opiirefmiou
aud dcgrachttion. Etc that time, tlcnr 1110
tlior, I i'or ouo shall be Ihvj oiiU the rtacli tif
earthly monarch.'
God bless you, William 1' cried 1 lie mo-
sands oi others lias lialloweil.'
J'or si veral days the intrepid young o(
er remained concealed
neath his
' iiol Iter's roof, his presence supposed to be
! l ii.tti ti i.i.l.r 1. 1 !...
known only to themselves. But on eveii'
ing, near the end of his furlough, when he
was U-giiining to think about preparing
for his secret departure, an olliccr with six
men appeared tit the door, and said he had
I orders to arrest one William Kugglcs, sup-
1 l'sed to be somewhere in the dwelling.
I . ' hy, that is my son !' said the widow,
I ' Great trepidation.
: 's" tti'ich the more likely that he should
; ',0 'lL'rc then,' was the unl'eeliug reply.
j 'And for what would you arrest him?
j and what w ould bedoue with him it found?'
1 'We shall take him as a spy, and, if found
! gU'Hy ' he will be hung of course, as every
I'ursed rebel should be. Here, Badger and
j tVileot, guard the back door ; you, Bent
"d Walters, begin the search ; and you,
j Janes and Johnson, remain where you are.
Gharri now, all of you 1 Ltit the follow be
: takl1.' 'diyo if possible but, alive or dead,
''t)i he taken. 'ov, good woman, if
lm is 111 house, of which we are very
strongly assured, let him appear and Bave
! yourself much trouble, otherwise tho con
sequences ue upon your own tieao,'
it you think my son is in tbe liouee,
soarcli to your heart's content !' returned
the mother, externally calm, iuternally
Aud lorwilh the search betruu.
Meantime the young lieutenant, who hs.d
1 1 1- . . . ,.- , .
u' euougu 10 couipreiieuu ins uanger,
had set aboui. alli.etiug his escape, but uol
uuogciuci-111 tne maniiet nrsi lntetuieu. Jte
W4JI,t ,iUt 011 the roof, it is lrue,aud tied tbe
long rope to the chimney, casting one end
down toward the street, 'but this only for a
hhutl. He bad seen that the bricks ofthe
dividing wall between the house occupied
by his mother and one of tin; two adjoiniu
buildiugs, bad been loosely put up under
the ridge-pole, nad his ptvteul debigu was
to remove a few of these, crowd through
into the lol't of the o.her house, and then
replace tiiem. 'Ibis purpose he ejected be-
1 lore i iie soldiers searching lor lain came up
! Hour enough to bear the little lioi.c be was
j compelled to make. The open trap-door
1 of Hie roof, and the rope around the ciiim
: ney, served in mislead them, as he. had
I hoped ; and it was with a feeling of intense
. satisfaction tiiat he heard them announce
a,m "Ll nown inrougli an open trap-doo'
upon the tloor below, making- a loud noise.
auiiiieuiaieiy auer a iignt Uashed up
through the opening, aud a timid female
voice demanded who was there.
'Lady,' he began, in a gentle tone, cal
culated to reassure his fair bearer, 'be not
alarmed. 1 am a friend in distrct-s, Hie son
of your next door neighbor, lam limited
lts 11 .l'y l,y British soldiers, and, if found,
mv lilii ve i 1 1 1 ... .'. ...ei. ....I It'......, ..:...
j 11 juucaiiiiui.
,,u,i ,or '''id's sake pity my poor mother,
ad nsist mo for lier sake. I
He presented himself at the ojieniup; to
the loft, mill boldly descended tho steps
leading down from it, directly before the
hlilv. 11 Mivoet lu.onliriit nll ..c I.
J . - -.v, 'm...i.u tji'.i v rif;iiwi.u(
n. h'r were the lirst words ot the pirl,
poken with iv look and feeliin' ofsviinmthv
that made the heart of the soldier bound
with M range emotions.
She Ihen went on to tell him that a cousin
from New Jersey, about his size and build,
nnd looking not unlike bitu, mc then on a
visit to the family, baviug 11 pass from
General Howe. 'J'hib pass she had that
i evening Ixen looking at, and by accident
il u now iu ucr jiosset.siou, tue cousin
having gone out with the rent of the family,
and torgottcu it.
'Tnkeit and lly, ami may Cod jireservo
you !' she said. 'I can arrange it wild my
K:nsuiai',' she continued ; '1 cau have lost
if, and he can easily procure another.'
She burried him down laii, throw ing 1
it cioaK over ins shoulder 011 the way,
n iii.'l. she iin-ihud upon bis wearing, say
in.; it had belonged to it diCe.lse.1 br.ithtl',
nnd he can reiuru it iu any future time.
Sio tin 11 h:il-icd to get the pane, which
tiln-p!a d in his liaii.i, nnd urged him to
g i al once.
'If I i-ould fcec my lilolher fur . Iliotucllt 1'
he lid.
no leave all to ine-I will explain
all in In r tpt Mbilu )ou can, Ih'Iiit it ia
I. 1.1 late.' iii ll.avni hie, switt lady !'
he .ml, inq uUiVcly . unig ln r band mid
i.iiii long il wiih Iii hp. l mi! u.-vi r t"r
V l "'
'llin Uel llliuute hu Hll gone. Ho l
i .i(d. And U uo In lit d.-. lataliuli, l.o
II. v.rd.d l.'i'grl tho evtit-l tjiil who te
ll u 1 1 him in hi ln.lir of nl. Veal
an. r, tin) liniinud wile ul tii i.eiul ltur'i;'t
h .1 m.iuy a iiiii.i In a 1 dl. 1 li II 1 I In r im
iu in 1 i- m. . uii ilh 1. 1111 kl.u ii .1, tlo 11 a
l.un1 1 I ler'ili to II 1. ui I hi t . .lit 1111 11 1 4! 1 my.
I nil) tti' 1 1 1 I a t'lllttt 'l'rikiiwrl
I', t ul lite l'ut.
Al a lai,;'- uu tin,! . 1 f ll-o ni'-sl pinii.i.
u 1.1 1 li,. Ii ul N. 4 , ..1 k, p . . I.. a.. 10
in 1 1 .a iati r oi lb.' uli'.nii hi ul il.o i. in
.i,l pituri'l Ibl I'll' . Ibl lo.'I'.MIII
1 .11.. l I It 1 nil I It.' l-l Will,
L,., 01, l." uu liui 1.4 n-t.r llo
: " ,.l I. .1... II, ll.e I1.. 41I I14I HI,
ui,..e) l 4-n ih l;o,; ai 1 .-1 11.1 j 111.
I I'll I J.u... Il, .. bill 111 . I . I lltUl,!
lit I. ' I . I . 1 1 il 4.. I l ll.'IU tl.ltli'lll
II Ul 11.0 M.I'.1 1U1.I1 .'I Ibw ll.--l llit.lisl
,.. ; I I , ol ll.u h"l ul, tl li e l.t d't 'l lb. I
1 .u.i.i.,' m l-taiii.a S io . in I I. 4
I I 1 1 . 1 I. 1 ll.i v Ul 1 1.1 .) ill II. '1 l.v till'
uu ..I mI .iIi I. a lott lu n.iil.i.4u
lilxirties which arc the pride and glory of
our own country liberty of the press', lib
erty of sieech. liberty of worship, liberty of;
assembling, It was an iron despotism '
which, to the scaudal of tho Christum I
Church, insisted on persecution as n duly, I
set the ckample of persecution to other Ca- j
tholie countries, nnd, wherever it could i
make itself obeyed, maintained the obliga- j
tion of rcpressiug heresy by the Utw of:
force. I
Take a single example ofthe manner in ;
which tho government was administered. ,
An American lady, an acquaintance of
mine, a resident in Rome for several years, '
was summoned one momiag to appear lie- ;
fare the police of that city. She apX'Hivd, j
accompanied by tho Aitiericau Consul.
44 You are charged," eaij the police ma- ;
gist rate, 41 with having sent money to Flo- j
reiiee, fo bo employed in founding a Pro- I
tcbtant orphan asylum. What do y t say ?" ;
14 1 did send money for that purpose," was :
tho lady's answer. 44 1 did not ak for it ; '
it was brought to 1110 by some ladies, who '
requested me to forward'it to Florence, and 1
I did so ; and I Utko tho liberty to say it is
no afliiir of yours." " Of that you are not
to judge," replied the magistrate. " See :
that you never repeat the oll'ense." Such,
was the government which, to the great '
joy ofthe Roman people, and the SiUislkc- !
tion of the friends of liberty, everywhere, i
has been overthrown.. Was it worthy I
put this question to this assembly was
such a government worthy to subsist eveu ;
for an hour ? 1
And yet there re those who protest i
against this change American citizens, 1
nnd excellent people among them, who lend
their names to a public remonstrance 1
against admitting the people of Home to
the liberties which we enjoy. My friends,
is there a single oue of these libc rtie which
is uot us dear to you as the liht of day, i
aud the free air of heaven ? The liberty of
public worship, would you give it up with- i
out a mortal struggle ? Tbe liberty ofdis-1
cussing, openly in conversation, or by ;
means of the pr. ss, iu books or in new-spa- j
pers, every question which iuterests the
welfare of our race a liberty of which
the. pior Romans were not allowed even the ;
shadow. j
My friends, I respect profound rt-ligtous ;
convictions wherever 1 meet them. 1 ho- j
nor a good life wherever 1 sec it, aud 1 find
1111 11 of saintly lives in every religious deuo- .
1nin.1l ion. But when I hear it aUirmed that '
thete is a natural alliance between despo-
tiiin aud Cbristinnily, lhat the ucceasury ;
proj) and support of religion is the law of ',
force, and that (he Christian Church should
be so organized that its head slmll be an ,
absolute temporal monarch, eurrouuded by '
a population compelled to be bis slaves, I 1
must say to those who make this assertion, !
whatever be their personal worth, thalibeir .
doctrine dishonors Christianity, that it
brings scandal upon religion, and bias- .
phonics the holy and gracious memory of I
the Savior of the world. I
I.'icrtsl Agswern-
A ladv noticed a bov anriuklitig tall on
tho sidewalk to lake oil' the ice, cud re- !
marked to a friend, poiutiug to tbe bait :
' Sow that's benevolence."
44 Xo it ain't, said the bey, somewhat in
dignant ; 44 it's salt."
to when u lady asked her servant g'rl if
the hired man cleaned ofl' tho snow, with
alacrity she replied :
"No uia'am ; he used a shovel."
The sunt' literal turn of miu.l which we
bave been illustrating is sometimes used in
tentionally and perhaps a little maliciously,
and thus becomes the property of wit in
stead of blunder. Thus we hear of a very
roiiie and iniprecsi-ve getilleirun who said
to a youth in the fctiwt :
44 Boy, may I inquire where Robinson's
drug store is
"Certainly, sir," replied the boy, very
44 Weil, sir," said the gentleman, after
waiting a while, " where is it V"
" I have not the Last idea, your honor,
sni.1 the urchin.
There was another boy who was accost
ed by nu eccentric middle sued lady with :
" Boy I want to go to Lovcr street."
' Weil, nia'atc," said the boy, 44 why
don't you go thou V
.One day al lake Ceorge, a party of rcii
tl. iii. n trolling among the beautiful islauds
on the lakes wiih bad luck, epied a little
fellow with a red shirt and a at raw hat,
dangling a line over the side of a bout.
44 Hallo, boy," said oue of them, "what
are you doing V
44 Fishing," came tbe answer.
44 Wed, of course," suid the geutknian,
44 but what do you catch y
" Fish, you lWl ; what do you 'sp? V"
44 Hid any of you ever aee au elephant
skin ?" inquired u Uaehtr of an lufart
" 1 have, crclaimcil one.
44 W hero V" asked iho teacher.
14 On the elephant," said the boy, laugh
ing. Sometimes this eortof wit dcgeucraU or
rises, a iho ciiee mav be. iu luiiuiiu. 11
whin Flora point. d ivtisively to the bvy
uiasKi 111 1 .nun 111 1110 kk V, saying :
" I wonder where tlx ate clouds aiejjoiuj(."
and her brollmr replied :
" J think they are goiuu to ihuutter."
Also ".Iii; Ibllowing dialog utt :
"Hallo, there I iiow do you soil your
wood Y"
" By the cord."
44 liuw l.nig but it te rut , "
44 Four Hit."
44 1 mean bow lung ha it Ucu since you
cut ill"'
" No loiie, r than if is now."
And alat Fairuk O Tlyini ae
k"'li Milli hi collar and b.'oiu ttdly It"
criminid, aud was iliW.gnaiilly askid by
ink uiliivr :
" Ftiiek O FIynti, how long ) you
wear a fcbirt V"
" I Mtiiiy i i-ht uiih. s, sir."
Tin reiuiiid .me f an iio.uu.-e a I... h l
said l bate u.i iiire. I luililly I h illiain
uu i, Ni ,..ik, Mini.- a
t ciaiii..r.i-ly ( ..:.;;. .J by tli.ipk. pi r.
"Have yun any bile 1 , 1 4 1 at Tr Mid it.)
IVlllill) 111 111,
"A pli nl J 4-rliin nl. Hit p iu, sir.
Ft. ry i.inu ami tyny i)U. i b ib.ap
il in il... intiki 1, r."
" An- lb. ) ilian
" i 'i U ..(, .r "
"'II.. 11," a.i.l l. f ' y Mian, Milli
t r. 41 KUtiiy " .11 bad tu I tut nits on,
i"( )vii exi-tl it."
,-. . . .
ilr llulra u It.
1 bei'tr o'v t .il.t , uf ra it rHiUletr.l
lilt li.t air It-it In. I f' tui i.j a. 1.1. 1. I l.t rt tf ult'it pall.. yi
ttKii a Li ro pt' I14I ",4 inn,.' iu l,o ui ) ul
U, 1. in.. 4 1 1. ly a nil- (. 1 1 . 1 1 in it
I l Ml Il-i-ll W4IOI HO.. MU l l l l.4tW II I
I'.i.iM. I fit unit ait i"l I . j, 1 ly (o . ail
1 I, t bo I, a t -l t .1.1 to 1 1 1.) 1 l . ol i
I ,il 1 , t a I I-14 1 j c I all) a. 1. . 1 0 . l.viv
small bubbles when the ice is thin. It is
probably air excluded In the process of
crystalizaiiun, and when there is atided
oil sundry gases formed from decayi
matter in the wuier, it amounts during the
winter to aeoiisideiab:e qtnmtiiy. ,uch
solleelions ol'Hir. like the bubble iu aspirt
levil, are in a very unpasv conditiou, and
are rapidly translerred from one place to
another on any casual disturbance of tbe
level, giving rise to one of tbe numerous
noises which are always more or less hi.ol
ouahtke covered with ice -at least, ,
liHod always to aitribute to this cause a
peculiar groaning sound which was vtrv
cotnmon, Now, if there should bo any
casual inequality in the lower sueiaee of
the ice, the air will naturally colled there,
and if it is above 'Ai deg. F., which in j
far as it consists of evoled gns it probably
will be iucreuced by tbawiin;. A duine
shapwl cavity will tlius be gradually for
med, which will llually reach the surface ;
air wiil escape from below, and the surface
water, of which there is almost alv.ay
more or less after the snow has fallen, wiil
run down from above wearing the little
jogged channels which are characteristic
of uir-holi s. Tho w hole thing will then
after a while freeze up again, lc:ui ig an
indication of where the air-hole has been in
the dillerent color of the freshly-tbriiieu ice.
I have tried several such airhole with an
axe when lirst formed, and bavo always
found them to lead to such a bone-shaped
cavity. I remember on one occasion au
otter frequenting a large air-hole which re
mained open for some time, and which
musl have becu from a mile and a half .o
two miles distant frem the nsarest open
water. How did he reach it ? for no otter
can travel that distanc under water with
out access to air. Tho Indians say that
they will goto greater distance still under
the ice, nnd that they always find air ther
It is likely enough lhat there may be mauy
such doiuu-shaped cavities, winch bava
uot yet reached, and may never reach,
the surface as air-holes, but oue would
imagine tbe air they coutain to be net of
the most wholesome character. However,
this ollordid Ire juent that air hole for
about a week, which it certainly did not
reach by tiavlin on the ice, and thought it
had a few chances ff breathing there in
the daytime at any rate, it contrived dur
ing Unit period to elude the snares of at
w hite man and an ludian, who wasted a
good deal of time, iu looking after it.
So far, the process of the formation of
airholes, if I am riht iu my txplauaiiou,
is intelligible enough ; but sometimes ttity
are formed in a manner which is ti'llieult to
uccouut for. Upon one occasion I bud
crofcscd tho lake lo a friend's bouse, ttbout
four milts oil', ami we had delertniued to
start together next morning to our nearest
town, but I had to go home first. I lirst
went over by daylight, when there certain
ly was nothing unusual in the apptprauco
of tbe at, w Inch might be four or live inch
es thick at tbe time, with a slight sprink
liug of wettisb snow on it. 1 returned
home kbotti eleven at night, and, n it was
bright starlight, w ilh only a few iiontiug
cloud.1, I should have noticed any chauge ;
but 1 came straight across, and saw noth
ing to ultract attention; bat when I crossed
ugaiu at daylight iu the morning, in one
part ofthe lake the whole surface was co
vered with air-holes there tuusliu've been
hundreds of them. At lirst J gave them a
rather wide benh, but 011 approaching one
to examix'e 'I, Z found it frozeu up again,
the cIckv i'.'o in tho bole, w'tb very lew in-di'-t'liiViD
of the charaetcriolic jagged edges,
buing the only sign that there had been uu
open uii'-holo there during the night. I
hud no axe with me lo try whether they
were connected with any cavity, but tbe
appearance was as if holes of from two to
live or six inches iu diameter had been
punched through the ice. Of course we
attributed it to electricity, as people will do
uuy thing which they do uot otherwise un und 1 have never becu able to
jiive auy more iutelligible explanation of
the phenomenon. There ce.rtaiuly bad
becu koine liiint sheet lightuibg thftt night,
a very unusual thing iu winter ; but what
connection, if auy, there may have Uen
between the Iwo tbiugs, 1 cannot tell.
iVom NuUm. Jojix Langtox.
ArRoros ofthe recent elections, the fol
lowing is capital and w ill be especially re
sidled by gentlemen who have b'en unsuc
cessful in their aspirations for ollice :
Iu one of the towns of Vcmsylvitnia the
freeman bad for many years deposited their
volea solidly for the Democratic candidates.
Such a thing a a W big or Republican was
uukuowu, prior to the Cram und Seymour
campaign. At that time, however, the
politicians of uu adiaei-iil township thought
it an opportune uccatiou to attempt lLa
I eublialuneul, 111 that town, of a Republi
can oigauizalioii. To this cud they per
suaded a certain Mr. Crctit, who bad
receully settled there, to become their cau
diduUi lor kouio minor cilice, hoping to
piiM lue lor hiu afi w vole under the t.upu
uiiiiy of the pi ut name of tnunt, uudtbus
to get au euteiii'g wedo in the l-xul uuuiis
of the loMindiip.
The Juy ol election arrived, but Mr.
Crvcu waa unable to gel lo ll.e pulls by
r.-oauu of siekuess. Iu due time the re
turn) were published and Mr. (ire. u had
juai mu vuU, Chagrined at Ibis, and an
uoJ by iLtf aecuMiiuu that he had voted
lor Liuiaveff, be aiiii'iuueed lhat il tho er
i.U Mho bad voted for bun would come lor
ward and luaao athdavil to the bu t be
Mould regard lulu Milli a suit of clothe. A
lew luoruuiy afterward a burly, stupid
look ing Ft nuaylvuuu l'ul.htt.uii tailed
II pou air. Unru, and abruptly rviuarktd ;
"1 vant dat suit of clove."
"Au I" id Mr. l.rtra, "thin you M
the Uo Volrd lur 1 ue 1"
" Vab, I'm tful luait."
"Ai )om uhig to make an aill.lavii cf
il Y"
"Yah, I to 'tm "
Ml. Uroi u a. euiiii .110. d by ll. iuU'Ut-
yr. Ill VuUf, Mi li I to iho ul thi! Jli.l.i
4 Ihc aet,ao4 the ri.iuu4 alh.Ut.1 a : atu r al.i. li tin-1 1 .il.. wiio u(
t La' J and , ui-it I 1 li e de p. uu nl.
vj dtlnl.1. 4 Ma Ml In. hi lo Iv tell, v
d II in 1m: uiipU ataiilo. M i. hit . a.ufil,
and .. ,'. l 1 1 Uaiii thai Ma intuitu.!
ivliU. u ki eit iu li e t.jbl.ip, ll at l.e UoUbiuuu IU puobi 4itiut
4 u.atu I iaj O'.uike. itMttv-r,al l.-ll
log h M.4 . ' Nod, my l.ui. I, )n l.ato
)ourM.ii4 iiuit. , jui toj
H!. u II iittu )"U i t too 1 14 ue 1"
" V usi .' 1 v iuu Jet r"
"Ai.1 yo t4 I ki Ui k uu u ib4 '
"ti l " 1 be, !)', kl-4 ttilli ale
la i.kio i l U c i),. ' 0. it I I-,. ) 4 , I
i.,.in 14 ,i i 11 it .( J. kit I"
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V i. Mil 4 l.tU.H.I 'f Uot t ylkl'll'l
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