UbreIIrtttcoit. Wing A way Your Uricf. 'c cm sin- away our ctir?s 'rnsii-r limn vi enn rmson tin-In nwp.y. fj'ui; in tlio morning. Tiic birds nro tlio i-nt-iit-st to sing. 'J"m' iu-a more without cue than uny tiling else I kt;ov of. !iiif in tlio rvi-niiigl l-siuiu is tit.i lust lliini; Hint robins do. iYln.ii tin-y liuvo done tln ir daily work, k!i.,u tlu-y have down tin ir In a I flittht and picket! un "their Lift nvn-Hel of of fond, ntul cl.-ansod tUvir hills oh a kuan kin of tiboiio'h. uu a ton-twi.', tl.cy tung ona birtisl 01 inuia.:. i ku-w mey , si. ..i. aii.inli.i ll.l it. 'l'lll'V lil'iMUl InilKlt- ! i PIVl ( Bill li I ' J . - - , forth Soi'.K'liuati i:i the tiiuht tliey I avals ! forlli ill fcin-iiliLI, and htoji nudiii'lily lifter tlm liist note, star K.I bv tin ir own voice. ; Oil ! thiit wo mLlit nius; j vi-muc aud mom- j in, nnd let snug tuuuli s ju ail the way i through. I As I was returning from the country (lie j other evnin.; hetween ii and 7 o'clock, Ixar ing a b.iski.-i of ilowei. 1 met a wmi Uiat w is. apparently, the; tender of a urn ui. lie looked bri.-k and uiurur all over I IK- bad worked the entire day, ami lw bud j the aip aninee ( f a mun tlial would not ! nftitid of work. Hu wn walking ou, with i lilit sii'ii, and siiiuii'.iT 'o biiuself us be jiass. il di-wit ttu- stivt-t, tli"Un!i be La 1 been working :be w bole day, and umrly I the vvbo'.i; wc.-k. Wero iL not that iny ; pill! tii'-iiii'ii-i always cmiik! Iuj la'.e, I tii iuld h.ive j;iv-. n him a lare allotiurut of my Mov I Jf bo ha. I :ioi been out oi' hi-;ht when the idea ueeunetl t. tiic I uwu!U have b'.iikd htm and Ktid, "lla-.c you worked ail day V '"Of course I have,", be would have said. "Are you niu:iii:- V "Ofeour.-e 1 am." '-Then take thee.; 11 nv- : ers l'.oine and Jye theiii to your wile and ' tell her what a lilcjfin the has in you !'' 1 Oh ! thai we eo;ld put soivs under cur ; burdens. Oh I that we could exlrnel '.lie j sense of sorrow by son. Then tlu s-e i things wouiil not poison so much, fcin iu ' thu house. Teach your children to it;. 1 When troubles count. t;o at hen -vii ,i soih.s. 'hi u arlel'iRi-iv,!, si;); tlieiu d'-ivc. Lift voics of ; raise, a. iin.,t eerec. 1'raUe ; (.ioti by hinging ; tl.al will iill you abnvo ' Lria'sol' c-;y f a t. Atleuiiit it. They si 1 4 in Ik-li'. u ; a:id am 1114 God's ieif!o . U.jn e:ulh ; i .:i-is lue aiipropri.ile l.iu-1 guujw of Ciirisiian feelin-,'. Ma .:.. -. j Anpfai.i Lovt; -Max. It is jvru-ctly I n 'uural Uiat u;en s-hou d have uiifriuidfy j ;.L-iiius toward wild beasts, and that the l hi.siiucl jf .seitjireservaMon shouul Uadi mm to dc'roy thein. liul it is shoekin:' I ibat use nil and domestic animals should I tremble and !'v nt bis nnjirostcb, or that they all a:d su-il-rand pi tUh throie;h his I cruelty. ..:: :;.i. .i. u:u,.,.i, ,.rl t hai in.i. la:;t 't "i a ti ilae and a sij.n '' a 1 v. ieked heart l take i.ieasr.re iu torn.-, n:- j in,; aniua'.U and iu;ikii th.-tu sailer. It : is. indeed, itiiei.rl.-tiaa. '' Alnio.it all do-nii-stie aiiimai.i arc r.-r., trail v a'ieeti. !'.',..- : tb.ey lo-.e u.ar,. to ;.ii.u-n.-d to 1 and sm.v tl.eir li rim- . in w.iys tl.a! ofieii iill .!'.!, eiil and lilMi uel've. i!, fit ad of tr iii.i" ; :'.:,im:ils by cruelty tihin-o, i-i;:u W'iu!-1 ;.-.'tt tii-ia kin .!:;, ttii'vCiionatoiy. be v.-o'ti-l '' iiu.- ,1:i- i ar- lis ii til..- k', .;deti rtre, tlii. km ' ef :;a iill!. re r.nd ;:::d tdofid by his suojeels. IIlNO liilAM'I I, 'X Ji'.)ME ' "ict u' I'.iuaiaifl, tiie o.ul and li'oeva1 .Kim of Italy, made, his et. lie into tl-c city of liuaie ou .-i-i.iirdny 'a-ii, '.lie last day of the jear. l!e wai- iiee- u.paiiu -i !. bis .'iriiiei J.il ministers, lie i nu.red qiiie'. ty and. with out, any unusal display -ind.,cd r.ln-ost uiiaiii)oun..ed. That'wa's lit- inteiuior.. -.lb; did not wish, out oi tespeei t ) tiie l'-ipe, to bine lea.d ileiiio!.:.tnition. lb- l..ok up his residence of course in the Qitiruu l, ami v.-ill tiie'ce it the priuciiial r..yl v .--;' ':: '' lac ICiii- uesnrvi siili ii-iaor tor ti.ii.i .;'.u-' the i, o 11j!v l'ather. lb- i.aea CN.l-p, .tea Cioy;::G rou ijocr.- Many - f the lieb looking soups owe tin ir at'ivie-ivo aoi i ir anee to I una d n-;.;.r, v l.j. I; is ; ;e; :'m -I as follows : I'm tii-ve tab1 s-v.o i.-'-i! ..fii.-ow n su i.ir ii:ul at: :.iii;ee -.i' !.:!; . a ti:-.il fryiiiL' pan :.i:d s. L . .vi r -iu. I r. . .rea'a i . ally ui.ii! it iv !'a bii.iit I.i-ovvim- .' a -, add half a pint of water b iil, and s'.iiu, a:.-l win a col I '.' iltle f ir us . A-i i ;-. ti..- ,;n..i at .l:.eri l. a. aAliiill.niCfti?. C'ABl.HtT .U lK.'Vi; AND 'CJ 1ST 3D ttJZrJOU.TTZI&CZ ll.is inii.- Mali Rui.dmo, SUNBUIiY, PA. rARLoR AND ClI A.VHKi: iofaf atel Loioii'v. P'-iin an '. Tsvl SJ.il i-.: us. i ( s-..tc4 Villi ..I';... .. !Cic-i; ; !:; .! .i ituit, OfS.f ii. . I ::': T.1' ' ' ' '"' '- I' ''" r-''!e- !. V. i . r ...... r. li.w., T - ?! ''i'V ' ' " "''' 1 '-"! ' s t j w ol uvviy c.i. .! ar 1 i -i::(v. !... :..i.!t (. til- s ai. I T. . ol a,. . C's.i-- --S'. n r in e. I-..;.' . . I , , , , . i m i i. . . i . i ... i. .1 r. t , 4V '....!, ..r v..-).- ;u ..i ;. . ;,t ii,c !.i..u-t ir.-... e. To.- !. i ' . I . i. i i . . . . f. i- '. 1 ia i li- :..;.' i , ' v f . I'i.ii i'!' I '. - a i I i- .. , .'..;,if. UjI t . ... :. . , i: . A s; .... I 1 . : !i ' ' -.: . s t f-i - ' ' 1 .' I ' ''' ''" A..n.t. - r '.I. 1 I ; I I ' I " ' 1 two ..li'lti si , .- ',,. I I j -1. 1 - . i. i,... . i I ' ' .11 , I V . tisrtlhtnfona. XtTiTi "at'th iToiu r iTa i i;. fllllE subscriber announce to tlio cltircna of JL Bunbtiry that, having again erected his HitV.AI) Mkid (Aki: ESTABL.16Ml'.NT, 01 the M place, where. It wna rerently destroyed In tire, tie i again prepared lo supply tlieiu with .iii kind of Hmid und Cube, aucli im bliOWN KRF.vD, SULK. HKFAD, BKEAD BAKF.P on the HRARTH, and a fu'! line of FANCY CAKK3. Tea Huns, H an t Twisia. A'ci. all kinds 01 Coiifertiou ttlkv lit his shop on Thlid street. kj.vli.ir put iifivr 1 it Hr-a. class baker from the r - ,ty, lie is pivpui-ed to (five general satisfaction l-.i lib Hue of busiue, und desires all to give lilm Ui ei'l niii 0-jJis (if'.'.verej to cuntouier. every moi'iiiiur. ICE CUE AM. An lec Ci'ivmi (iuiooii lias K-eii opptK-il In con luiriiou Willi tiie i.Love bn-H.ef", un.t a La-lies' tiali'u-.i tilt -d up, wln-ri- ll.e bi-hl lv C'le-.uii will b- fivi veJ up every cv.niiw J;iri;m the nennou. W1I. 11. H A At?. Bit'ibliiy. .Iini 11. llSTJ. shop ti mos VOV X Hit v. ttEO. KOIIHUACII & SOXS, Kuubui', Ivmu'u, 1NFOUM t':e pu!i!:c tb.it tr.ey arc preparcn lo Jo u!l kin of t.'ASTiXUS, iil haviuu U-1J.-.I n ii.-w .M.u!iiae blmi in rouiiertlnti Willi their Fyji-.iiry. :i:.J li.ive siippli.-il lln-aielves Willi New J.iille. I'lieiiii.r ant liortll il:ielii:iii:. with tin-l:ili-Kt bnirov.'-ii'.':itn. Willi the ai.i of skillful tcelainli , they are eaublod lo exceato all order hi'.; WOr.K OK IJKPAHtlXO, t'l -t ra:-.;-1.' jr'.vca tbein, In a catbfactory wm inr. Tf.uN C--j.L'.Vi.Vii. I'..r i':--i.-!ic or UUr kal'.i- 1; I'.-JAf..' t'Ao'i IN PL.-rvV-i. t,!rraCv -.-i. :-. I,.-v.! !. i Mill ita (IS, Ac. i- .1 'J fur their n i We iuita'ov.-!, an, I The ill k !-'.:;'; ir V-. t o.i J... :ii r. r;;:;v.:';;i.; uaciuk. Saul-iir.'-. J n.e !, u M A il U O T II CASH STOUK, m U A R X i T SQl'lRI. m ornmM BARGAIN'S DRY GOODS, t, UOC'ERIE-J, UiHDWAhK, (KiiiHWARt, JUEEXSH'AR, BOOTS li-nOES, Di, Stint, OiiJtc. CTTT. l unrtiOo). ! 1H.ANK2TS, 0VEK' ATlVi, LADIES- DUKS A IF AC A?, IIAWL5, 'ah trj k'cA trf ! l'llHRtsr AMU Dotwrtij Im iivtr. i nsr1 i f fiv k'li4, I Ceff.e. I T.. Sloi, r.t, M-t. ' ' d eTtythit (( in tl. (ttwrrt line. J I H Ait'iWAl.K of vry sfrptio ! j "' -- i' ty of -it-rry. i t. .. i ? A' h i of rwry v.iUiy iu 1 SJH '.Ity. ' -..' f AND s.loifo I'tlwrWia HriMitlctuir : '. ( .1.1- 1 t'. aii ettr it()ieM MtV f i , .11 ... n.;;;i-:.i ..ii.t-i! tiis. . , f ,..' '( i Gs Mrtl UK, PjllT ; :. ' .... ..1 a., l-l q..4,.t,. J A.i of w!..' t Will t ..id 4 lw 9T9 ! : A tHe- . i-io iia, t.ittfr .'S, ;.... ,n I... rin-i- In ( ,.-, C .!. J ' 1 r 1 1! OH- 1 1' T";s , !:. Tf. flUMIfl. H i;.hr l . V-.. 1.V. w. f. v . wirr.ii., fi'fr ct I'. ; - il- . A a. 1 H a T.- V. .,. ,.,''.(.. -. - v mi t-l fu- rail- I : I I -.. - i. o ' ,t,.. ' " ' ' ' . . ".I. I I.. , II li l I I,. ; ' i' - - . "i i -' ! i t" i , . ' . . ' a r ' :. .... .- im. 0'.i- !' ' 1 ... I .iSii-.i li i u II. ne Ii, . -.. ... I1", a . bt'Ski i: a t o. "-1 ". -. IT I r. -J.t ?.Xt.! M MM. I! f i' ' ,n , , r ' I 1 -. ...lie., ',, . , .- o r. I I : .'. i i i. i a i i i.t if tti I I r . i f t '. I" . - i . . I , ,i -1 ,,i l. ' ) ' M ' l' . o Ijiii, h i'i '"'.:., t III, i ! ' ,f m , -i ' "f . " '. - ft: t. s II .1 I -' I t .A '.'I t oi I I 1 i 'I . . I . I I K K -I i, i ii ( , i ; .. .t r. hrtlhncoits. TIIK NIMtl liY 4'ATTt.l'. I.Nllt- WVK VOMVXW. Ot rior 8. F.. ('on. M aukkt Sijcahr, Bi'viu ky Pa. insuim: you u cattle i Till-: OM.V t tMIIMXV THAT I'AVSi PKOHI'TLY. rilHIS Coniputiy viy nil lose hy nil kinds of .1. neeiilentt) t-y dentil, (exeejitiiig in cnne of fp'nleiiiie-) liy theft, Ac, Ac. They my iromrt ly. No r I iaw priieeeilins to obtain your money in ruse of Ins. 1 Look at the list of Losses paid "vlihln tx months by thin company i M. TTonnintrer, Snnbury, I), llilnert, Northnmburlnnd, S. . podifo, " (leorire Kekert, " Clinrlen Ibilleli.Mt. Carmel. F.n-Htu? 8ippU, " Cntliiirliic Wnirner, VntBonto" (teo. lleit, Noilhutnberluriit Jneob 8n vder, Sunbury, J. W. HiiKsler, " Minor (iidy, Dewnrt, Catharine Mnrtz, Slmmokln, Fninein llneher. Simbnry, Sii ni uel Priee, Upper Lebith, $33 S3 ft ) 00 80 00 40 00 SO 00 40 00 40 00 60 00 33 33 60 00 CO 00 40 00 50 00 j 50 00 ! Appliention run be inii.l.- nt the tiomo oflieeor to the dill'ercnt Local Airentp. C.J. BKrXF.R. rrttiJrnt. C. A. RrivBYSNYnrw Vr'y. 8anbnr.v. Directors Solomon Stroll. Win. liriiulle, Clius. Martin Tliomai" Hnldy aud Jol-.n A. F4iisler. December 11th. ly. Mn Annn 1'aintrt, AGENT for tbo sale of E. Rntterlek f: Co's t'Al'EH PATTERNS of UAKMLNTS, for Ladies, oy, Mtd Little Children. LadicH' Dru TrliiiiuiuM. Collum, Gloves, Corfcts, Shirt Bosoms, Kaibroidcrics, Knlllings, Veils, Full line of Gent's Paper Collins and Cuffs, I.s lies' and Children's Hosier), Stumped Work, .i li.vrs. Lnilnoideiy and Worsted l'attcrut. j-gtitehiiii; and Bruldimt neatly done. Jg ANNA PAINTER, BrlflitV IlnilJing, Market Street, Siuiburv, Ta. Juur 1, 1H70. ' Agricultural luijilciuontw, OE'S Grain Rakef, Strel and Iron Garden l!ake. Lonir and I) Handle Spades, Shov els, Manure and Hay Forks, Grnss mill Grain S ytlies, Gniiii Crml;es. Cradle Finsers, Trace, llirjst, Tonirne and Lnir ( hnins, GriiKl-stones, Fkiininit Mill Stives of all sizes nnd kinds, a Inrjre assortinent of l'e.l Varou Hauirs, for Plowing, Farm Utile, Cultivator Teeth, for Rale J. 11. CON LEV CO. MQlOli W T OKK1 CIIRIST1A.N tir.rp. 1 IWeoiirl Street, opposite the Court House, m-n-j tn r. , i .... Rsn-cl fully iiivi('-s the attention of Krtmieis ! -.i I other, that he bus on hand, and will rnn ! munllv keep u 1 1 kin. Is of i FflREIGN AM) DOMESTIC LIQl'ORS, I Consi-iimr of 1'iire Hraiiili.s: Con'au-, Cheiry, ', Uinrr. Uorhc'ik nnd Klnnl. Whiskies: Pure jive vC'-,per-'istilled, Mo'u fnhelii, Apple and Nectar. PC UK HOLLAND GIN ! Wir: Champagne Wiue, SheriT, Port anil Claret. Club Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Raui, Brown Stout ami Scol.-li .Mr. STUil AC11 AND A!t W1TEK5, Ami ali otlirrs l.iiioi's which run be. fonnil In the iiy markets, liirh will he bi.1,1 at Whole file aad Retail. Every urlicle "iiaraiileed us r-pr-enti-d. Also, a hir'c lot of DEMIJOHNS ! ii.l 11;'I 1 LI S, iilw.ivs oa hand. Oi'ilrrs prompt It uttendeil and public painmajir, iv.peci fully boliciled C NF.FF. anbury, July , 1SH'.). ly. A 0 R A X D i" A LL" Ol'KX IX G or XKW STORE tiOODS. A compirte assoiimcat of oo.ln ure now heing ut m Mottt f: r-isi:;t;KK-s stohe, HJli' HulidiiiL'. Market 5-tr.rl, hi MUKV, PE.XX'A. Consisllnj of fK IItH AND CAPS! MKUr.S. DRESS GOODS, j 1st f t,t- i;f i-v.-i'V vai'.i tv. Nnlloi:, Ladlen' Siia.vis, (jriit' K o i n'.s Uiujj Wjoli-a 11 .o k ' i. Ci-pi is. Oil C.utL, fi;ih oiiorEKii-.s, Qimti, WH'ow-Ware, G,,iswure, Ac, 4c. C'd at' l see I he! r well selected fctoek of the er lutcst styles., fresh from the eastern cities. Price are low. i nn arc ueiennuieu iu fceiqj up tbrii old motto ot Ql'iriC til.ES AMI r5i.il. L PuoriTS. All kinds of country produce taken In ctMUe fji plaids. MOORF A DISSIXGER. rVpt. 24, 1T0. Ayer's Sarr.apariiia. tft flHII'lHir 1MK lilUU, ''"lie rri-iitati'in tbi- ft--t-ii.iil iiie-lii'iiie i-i'j'.i-, i. il. i ivi J irom its l ine-, many i-f whi.h are tuiiv lliai'vcllnu-. luveli-i.-' ea-es nt' seroliiliius ills. ia.-e, wbeie the system sti'iaeil satuniteil Willi cor upturn, have bt i ii p. i iii. .1 aail ini i bv ii. S'-;-.l'tint. iifiC'-tions ainl lllsol'iler; , w i. It'll w el'i' a t Ki iva'eil l Hie s.-rnlio liitlS I'llilllllniliaLUitl IIUOl f"V vir? paiutiilly i-.Dii.-liiiir. have n.en lailii-alty l -ot a i i Mi' li o il iiiiiiil.i.i s iu alii:,, t i-vri'V -Ci t nil HI Ihi- i i.liliTi l-. Ill .1 the public seal, i ll need 10 IS' liillil'l.l.'ll ll Us It'll..'., til' ll.CS, inliil.a.s pi.i.-na i-nn,' ni Mir iim-t il-'-Ini, live w i: ir- ni our rare, onen, this lin ri u ami titil'i It (nt ml I'l'tl'eoiar.int-in liiiiti'i-ii.lia'- liie i-mi' lilulinu, sn 1 i i :U- tii.'allai k ol ,'iii.u li'n. in l. a .lili.-i ar-, 'i-";ti ith'S a ' ii I'ii I'll ni il. ihi' ni.'!-. A train. II 1- llf.l, II I . . la In . .'.I in c l: HI Hi . 1.- Ii.illl !Im bi.ilv.nlid l ii'tne l.o .-' .!il. ii"-a I..M, nqii.lly ih-itl.iu ' ' in In i I I a - h.S'.iu . ..ii'ir., i tlla'l till UtO i ""s in il al In tin- I Her. tuber I -1 I ' nr.. li t n--:,-. iu l!:e btllk or -. i I in Pa- iii-r, in- it A ,iwm I' I I 111'.. II. 1,1 f ail l:, it. uf I'.,' I.'ii p. . J ii tr e the im'i-- I : I i ! .. 'llv nl lui.. .sir-ir,iii-,'jiir is it.! ii f. a 1 1 r i a. io .- if ii.nt- i l ilt-ense . -..ii . I.I I: 1 1 1 1 w itli lie li I!.... ill;; Kiltl. - " I- .! l id - .Ii '.. i. -In I, ami, at . - . ilm i. - : i: .s.tus.ir.lim.. ,r;...i,i,' tf.if ur t 'i-"iqn inr, ' I U i.i,. , ..,.l Hiai, y.-ir.for-iii ni, ., I in ., iiii-l l. i' . hi I in i. ni- - . ; s. ,..;,,..,. . .1,-,- , i- . ui Die il. -I luriu-i, .is irt-t mi.t. ltritHt ..I.., i.H. I'l'i.'- 'My, f ill ili.;i., ..I -., i', ..,'. ,u . i-i Hie ii iij. u. "I' -i. t.i -. i i Ic ii i i, i.l II.' ; ' j ' ; -, ! J ' i l '( r . l o. .ii ana .v-i'eii-oi '.-nvrs iu Oiiitisli a I11114 I -re l. i-.i.Hiii-.liiir I. I 'ii u li e ' "1- Ht. ale lii.tlmiu I-. in v im-.i., iiie. I .i, i nhliiiii. . i:.e i' Ha- in, 1 1 a ! . ill t in i'ii ililll,l. run,, , An ii rr II l,i,i if ti t ing i'ii i in i' , null tiiimif ii: ,. , e.uii. I. 'I, -ill I lit i i , ii-i. i ioiih. a. b i ' 'I IH !- .HiHi' t I'..- 1. V I. ..i i- a:.- I I., I,,., I to. ,n I: It uiitiiint ,i ,,( ' i -1 I . . ... i- I i'ii ..n. i I 111 I I, III ' I . I.il III II. II. I I Umith, I ui .oi.. r . . wif. , ... .i,i 'i, i. , i i i' ii i. iii'l.i.iu i ir. i . .i I I'. IK H. Il-tillt I. l . I il .. Il.ll II 'Ii Ii On Ii I.i I ' I i II. u It.A lP 1111- I t 1. H ,..! le. Ii.-lifill llii'l llsi'l1 i'i ll-l' -..I. I... t iliiliulii ,ont 4 I'lifm, ill hi-, ri ll, a ii.. i. i.i, a m iia irin.,1 ip. i f rnia, I ai. I , ll.e a,l. iihI, I llmluiii. w.tl H,i, ii,,ii .iiitlil . -I. U. ..lUU'li K.I III ll.Utlil H 4. f 4 It K U IT tM 4 llt.,Ull, W, . .' i.i,- (i.i. li.( I4nmiia. fi .ni ii .Ill il It- -ill I ' I I.l t. Ill UK. Mi" i. ;s, ' ( I.i a I i 1 M , 1. .11,1 Hi.. 141.1 I I I si .1. A I' .1 '1 1.1 I -I. , 4. 4 I 1- 'I ii.t tix i i UALTinonn lock iiosriTAi.. E8TABL18ITET) A8 A RF.FCGE FROM gUACKEBY. TILE ONLY rLAtE WHERE A CUJiE CAN BE OBTAINED. Dn. Joiintboh has discovered the most Certain, Speedy nnd most Elli-ctnal Remedy In the World for cli Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and nimbler, Involuntary Discharges, Impotcncy, General Debility, Nervousness, DysK-py, Lan guor, Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpita tion of the Heart. Timidity, Trcmbllturs, Dimness of Sitlit or Giddiness, tllsensc of tho Head, Throat , Noso or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lunirs, Stomach or Bowels these trrribln Disorders arisimr from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret nnd solitary prartlrrs more fatal to their vh-tlins than the song ol Syrens to the Mariners of Clysses, blitthlinsr their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering murri.ige, Ac, Impos sible. OCNG MEN esprelnlly, wlio have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely trrave thousands of vonmr men of the most exulted talents and brilliant Intellect, who iiilcht othcr I wise have entranced listciilmr Senates with the thiiiidrin of rloinn nee or wiikrd to ecstaey the living Ivrc, may rail with full eonlidenee. i ' MAHR1AGK. "l:irriril PtrT-ns or Vomer Men contemilntin!T j mairiaire, briiiit aware "f physical weakness, or I panic ih bility, JctiM-mllir., -., spi-edily cared. He who places hiin-rlf tiniler ihc care of Dr. J. ' niiiv rcli-'ioiislv ran II de in his honor ns a gentle man, and confidently rely noon his skill us? Phv sieiaii. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and fufl Viiror Reatorcu. This Distrcfshi"; Allectlon which renders Life miserable and marr'uiire Impossible is the penalty paid by the victims ol improper indulgences. ! Younsr persons are too apt to cnnimit excesses from not bcinir aware of 4he die Ifnl ennseqenees i that may ensue. Now, who that understands j the subject will pretend to deny Hint the power i of procreation is lost sooner by those fallinir into I improper habits than by the prudent I Besides i beinjr deprived the, pleasures of heultViy ntVspiinir, . the most serious and destructive symptom to both body nnd mind in i-e. The system becomes de I runted, the Physical and Mental Functions j Weakened. Loss of I' roe era I he. Power, Nervous ! Irritability. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, ' Jndii'cstio'n, Con-titutionnl Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and : Death. OFFICE, NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET Lett hand side oini: from Baltimore treet, a tew doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name nnd number. 1 Letters must be paid and contain a stump. The Doctor's Diplomas hanv; In his otllee. ' A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. ; No Mnreui v or Nauseous Drugs. DR." JOHNSTON, I Mem 1 rr of tlieRoyuCollege of Surgeons, Lon : don, Graduated from one of the most eminent I Colleges in the United States, and the greater ' part of w hose ife has been spent iu the hospitals I London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has clle-tcd so...v ..r tim must astonishing cures tl.i.l "tic ovvr lomwu many t fnn IiIimI Willi iliii:- liii; ill the head nnd ears when asleep, irreiit ' nervousness, lieinir alann"d at sudden simnds bashtiiliii-ss, wit'n frequent bliisbinir, attended siiiiieliincs with dtraiigenieiit of niiud, were cured imiucliiiteiv. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured "themselves I y improper Indulgence and solitary ; haliils, which ruin both body and mind, uutiltin them for either business, study, society or mur ; riiuro. i These arc some of the sad nnd melancholy j cllicts produced by early habits of youth, viz: , V.'eakness of the Back and Limbs. Pains in the Back nnd Head. DimiiC'S of Sijrht, Loss of Mns i CiiliH- l'ii'i-r. Palpitation of tile Heart, Dygprpsy, NeiVoas Irritabiilty, Derunijeiiie.iit of Diu, dive Funi" ions, General Debility, Symptoms of Cou ! siit'ipllou, iV". ! Mustai.ly The fearful etfects on the mind I are much t bs dreaded Loss of Memory, Con ! fusion of IJeas, Deprission of Spirils, Evll I Toi-'Oiliniri. .-Vi'isioH o Society, Self-Distrust, I Love of -siilkrde, Timidiiy, Ac., ure some of the i evils profni'-efl. ' Tiioi'SAMis of persons of all aes can now : ju.lc what i the cause of their decliuin health, li.-siu their vior, bceua-iau. weak, p.lie, ii-.-rvous iiii.l cin.H'iii'iid, having a singular appearance about the eyes, coah .01 I symptoms ot cousump- I tion. ; vurxi; men Who have injured thrtnsi-ivet by a ren.ibi prae ; t'.ee lnJiilii.'.l in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, oral school, the edicts of which are niithtly felt, eveu when asleep, hi) 1 if nol rure.l, rt-ndrrs murriau impos sib:e, and destroy both mind auJ body, should apply inimc.liutciy. ! What a pity that a young man, the hope of his j country, the darliui; of his pallets, sluuild be j sualchv.l fror.i all proect and enjoyments ot life, by the consequence of divialiai; from the 1 rath of nature and in-lrlvlnz In nt-ertuin secret habil. Bucli jya-sr, MV'v, before loir.umplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and hodv are the most I necessary iv-uuisites to luoiiiirfn cinmiljial banni- , ncss. linleeil witlumt trfse.tlie loiirnry tlirough life becomes u weary pilgrimage i the pro.-iK-cl hourly darkens to tue view; the mini lei-nines shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly leDt-eiiiin, Uiat the 'lappiu -ss of uaoihcr becomes bliirhtc I wiih oiirowu. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided -And Imrn udeul votary of pleasure Ull-ls (hat he has imbibed the set Is of this puiill'dl disease, il tun often happens t It t a.i : 111-tiiiie.l sense ot shame, or dread ol discovery, ! deters him from applying to those who, frum : education an1 respectabiiit y, cau alone belrieiiu ! liiui, delaying ti.l (her 'iistitiilional symptoms ot , thiit lion id disease make their appcaianee, se, h ; as ulecratid mfc lliroal, ilireiiD. l im.-e, iincluial : V ains i.i the U-'a 1 and liiul.i, tiiiuiiees of sight, deafness, nodes on ihe s'lia bones and arms, . Idoti l-.es on t lie head, fare and rvireniities, pro-gre-sing witli i'rigbifiil rai i.ii-.; , till at lust the palate of t!l-i liioiah or t'..o bones of tho nose fall ia, and the tlit'm of tlos awful disease beeoine i n lioirid objiiet i',f roiroe'M railun. I'll death puis ill period to his ilrrudliil Mitt'i ling, ty seiidinr, I him lo that t'iiJi.overeit Country IVoia wheuce ; tin I ravclli" ret in ns." It Is u melancholy fai t tint thousands fall vic 1 thus to this terrible disrAi"-, owing t the uuskitl ) fulness of l-.-noiabt pretenders, who, by the cse I of that "lreudlv Poison, Mercury," ruin the eoustiiutiuu aud make the le.ijuo of life mUsia . bin. I STKANiiEKU , Tru.t n t your Hies, or h.-s'th, in the car.-of kin many Li..i.in i' l and Vnitul-- I'n i.-n lei, tles.aale of kuotvle.li;., u line ol ehalaeter, wliu ropy Dr. Jobii.t' .r u iM-ri ieiueiis, or tylr In iii-e! v in the new i.T ri-gu!..r y E iueated l'hysiri.i'H, iin ai able of i tin ,t;, ihov keep yoa : triiiii'g lit ia li it I icr iiu.nl li I i king Hi. 'r lilt hy an I piiisoiifiu enuipoaii-l i, or .is I'-Hi; us Ihu stiiutlrail f i-t. ot be iitl.tiiie t, au-l la 1. spall, le.ivu you Willi I nil-e l lieailU lo sih uet yeur 4lliHK ills. a oiiit luehl . In. J.iliti-i.iii is tin o!y Plivslcianadvertikiug. ' Hi. ei 'dciilial or dip. onus ulways lull,; iu hi . olll.-e. I His ii iiu. lie or treitlmenl are uukuowu u nil otliiis, po p. Hid Itiitii u life H-iit in Ilia grrul li.is pit .i : ol Km i'ii', Hie ih. i iu lln eoaiiliy and a in. in- ii.'niti I'ii. .ie l'iui'i." lluu uy oii.ir l'ln-ii i.tu iu the woii I. ISDiiltbKMl S f cF TIIE Pl.F.SS. The ill. iv t'.i -i.s.n, !, eltnd.it Ho. Inst.tuli-iu Year utter Jen, ai., ih,. iniiiiii.iii, liiiu.ilu hiot ,,-nl III eiuli lit i it.. i iiie.ll. lb. Joliii.loli, vt il in -.. 1 i. lite l.'p all i. h! I Ihi ' San," I lip. i, ' nit 1 lii.i., -llit-i ip. t-., lioll. ut Willi li I. .. il. u i an .,.,lii In Ion- the p.ili.ie, In s. 1- . U. il.t i l.,ii it 4 i nl ..-ilia ti i I' eh.ti i. (ir all I I. - ,.l. .it t il. , a .uttt.Ulil liMiituI, lo IliC it lb. i 1. I. Ms l"-Ktii s' rr i'i iv ( i i.i.iv I'i 1...1.. WHIlhi .lloll I l-.i p.trl.eii'.,r la dllirt lui; lltnl lelUi to lo. tn.i ,l n i. i. in i in b.l:,, iitj. iit.tt.u.r, jnllS S. J il s 1 1 V . i. I i t'i Ha loi.. I., l.pa.l, tlA liiyotv. M J. .'ilJal I i, I U. -I,. WW 'Ii ll MIOI- '1 Mir .iu ,in I i.i-. Iiu- luf-,1 i . Ik. . ill l.S.) UI.J LUI, 11, ll.l lit) Il4l u i.s ol k i t . ii.4 mi: v i Mtt'i', III IkWl t L..i. I.i n I It Iu of il Ik. i IU. , ot U i 1.4- I . I i-l I' III ii , l i 4 , U. .1 '. I 4 I lo i I .11 I ... Im Samifactirrcrs. LllMHER AND PI.AKIXCI MILLS. Third Street, '(idlolnirij; Tliiln. A KrVo B. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, 8UNBURY, PA. IP A T. CLEMENT, IS prepnred to furnish every description of lum ber required Tiy the demands of the public. Havini! all the latest Improved machinery for maniifncturlnir Limber, he is now ready to till or ders fall kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every dcscrlpt ion promptly executed. Also, A LAUOK ASSOHTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK nud PINE. Also, Shingles, Tleksts, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. decl'l-fiSily NTOVF. A TIX r.STABI,IMIJIF,T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sUCCKSSOR TO SMITH ORNTllKll.J TTAVTNO purchased the above well known es- 1.JL tabllshinent, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inlorin the public that he now lias on hand a lai',e assortinent of UOUK1AU MUVliS, Speei-'s Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Com'i ina inn, ;Siisr(iieh:imm and others, which tire so arranged a" to te used for Coal or Wood, nil ii are wntruiiiid toperlorin satisluctoi i lv or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds pm. u.ptf lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'ercnt kinds nt very low prices. Tiuwiirp or livery lONrritlon keyH constantly on hand. Roollng and Sporting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to wii'h riispur'ch. Coal Oil and Lnmpc constantly on hand. Japan ware of all kinds. 'Store opposite Conlev's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. apl24-ly J. VALER'S WIXTr.R GiRDKA AMI IIOTKI. Ao. 720, 72'J, 72 1 & 727 Vine St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER QAr"dEN HOTEL, (ON Ttt Et ROrKA-t 1-LAN) Centrally located, eonnecting with all the City I'ussenger Railway Cars, from all the De)ots in the City, lixcellout AccommoUatiunsi lor Tra vellers. Grand Voeal and Instrumental Concerts ovary evening in the Summer ami Winter Garden. GaS" Orcht; slrion Concert Ei'jry Afttrnoon. riNn lames' ukstai'iiant nn- iirst or Otllee of J. Vaier's Fountain Park Brewery. Tune -1, lS73.-ly. DANIEL LESIIE A. . MH.LKIl. EXTRA GOOD BARGAIXS Just opened at the store of Messrs. LESIIEU & MILLEli, In Scott's Building on QUEEN STREET, NORTHUMBERLAND, PEXX'A, A LARGE ASSOUTMEXT OF niti (ioons, Comprising all the Fall nnd Winter Styles of Ladies' Dress Goods. Woolen Gools Ac, Cloths, Ciissinu-res and Geiitletnens' Goods generally, which will all be sold at great bargains. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of all kinds and of every descilption. iJoccusHJiro, (ilassHurc aud 1TI-low-lYuro. BOOTS AND PITOES for Men, Women and Children. TLOUR AND FEED of all klu-ls. is constantly j kept ou hand. They will also purchufte j GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, at the highest market price, and will eiuhange I goods for Grain. The public are Invited to csll and evnmine our ' extensive assortment of G.-o-ls hi-fnr p'-.n-hasing elsewhere, and become convinced that (roods can be bought lower than rlsew here at oiir establish ment. LF.5IIF.R A MILLER. - NoilhM, Ppt. 17, S70.-1 y. FRESH ARRIVAL or Kirtnj( und Simiiiipr (nodit! MISS ELI ABETn I AZ AKUS uniioiiiii to the pub ieth.it sbehas Misi rec!vrd, at hvr store iu Dewart's Bailding, a large supply of j THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, ' trimmed and uuti'.mmed, aud of all eulors, ! ! eluding (he ! NF.OPOLITAN, the latest nj most fashionable thing ot in hls. Also, CHILDREN'S MATS, for girls aud toys, i Flowers of the latest and haadsome-i styles. Sash Kitibou. plain and Bgurrd. Ls lir's Spencers. Lace CoUn, Linen I'.'lars in4 Culfs foi Ladies and Children, ('rnchel collar. Necktie, for La.l'.es ami t-eul's latest t:. 5iik ! il k l.i'ps, a sapi : ii'T aii'n-'e. Glioes including Ki Is, aii-t Ladies' Hm-kskln gloves. Hiiiiilkerehiefs. All kiiiiln nt Trimmings. Emiiioi lri y Pallet iu. Hosiery for Ladies, Gent's mid Child n-u. Nats, Pipae aud ietuu triuimiiigt TRIMXINai SILKS, j Chignons, Zephyn and Tarns, and a r.r,l variety of Motions. Titans fill for pint patiomiga, sku hipa that the iila'itY of hv.r p.vuls will r.ierit eortiii'iarire of the same. Kl.lMiMH LAZ VRl . SiiuburY, May 7, 187,l.-tf. i Jt. ('. (.T.AItll AltT'.l t ou(-rl luufT , Tojs r'rult Wlor, M.tKKKT ST., SUMIUItY, PA. co vrti rioxr; r or ai t. Kivrs. OuNSTAN HA ''ii uaml and for mI at kbs abovii stnblisliineul ui oU iies.iis aud rtiail, ul rratiili.tblr pliers. He is ii'. inur.ii-l'iiirx 'I kinds rf Corfeet!. - i.ia to kesp up a Lll miiiil'iunl slia li urr aoM a l lo i n' Tobacco, Si gars, Slutinncry, Nuka uf 14'.! I n l. and a variety uf ullier ailielrt, all i f vfaa U mc oltrie l wholrsuli- an. I retail. w-if' Rrniriiibar (ha name und p' ire. if J I M. C. GKAIill Ut l', j Maik'l Si., Joo Waal of L-ou's ttiuYe. I stpilta iiioro.ii it'll 1. 1. 1 it v . MilF uii tviiu-l haniig beru ban,s. ... it at 1 Die Ilia I.l I If ill. 11 til ,' R . 1-1 r to I 4 I. .. rn In Ilm Sr Hul.-llu ou Ik. id kllnl, nl n- hi 1. c4 it. .11 1, t, tl'Mil TtV, PFSN I , W lie, s he .'I ruiaiuua Iu I . ks 1: ui at Iwi t liiloie. It. 4 pine4 w.i I4U44 a lisioia, In.iu .tin gem pi. 1 ui .a On it ( 1 I -1 ai w - ni li I.s 1. Ui iikt k'.ur lui 1 In. I.i 11 . 411 1 if hi- ciiint'l g. I a.ssl ieiuiaoilli4Ui,tLt.-i4Wi.lbauou,s iii-Iba- r II, le. , iS.-njoil pirian-4 if ) 04 wi.h la) (litin lu.ai I 411 1 lu t lis ui tunU4 III Ik kwl aud laloak UnpioW I .11 at, 1 niAMt-.s AMI .Vi lli MS .,i..l ll.l ) Hit k ill I, rli...pi 111 .11 III, I ll.4 s( I. 1 I, l,.r "I I ai I V 4 i...l II .ut. 1 01 1, , li . 1 . pa ap lu .11 1, 1 , 1.1 ..In, it t .1.. k t I.i 1.4 il Hit! I "I pi. t i.l 4, li ,,l,. , ..I . 't , . -if 'U '1,1 11,1 "I II 1' lllll l I l. I it I I, 1 l I ..I I.. I I III, nl. ink ft ..- 1, IIU II. .1 II. ' , 0, I . k 1 . 1 1 I 11 it.lt, I la a-i t'4.1. 1 . I I11 I" I killing Jul I i ik lull lai.ln.t II. .. klu. I' I -i III o. I 4. I.., l I. .i .-l li t .1,4 4t4 I "ti I - a. I'i t .ti. s In , .-k.1 1" u Iu. .-ii.. .1 ii. . ii-.it. .. k .4im4.4 li 40 l a in u.i. 4 I 1- ,s v U.011 . .4 14 j--. i. (cbfcal. ADDRESS TO TUB Sicrvonsi anil Debllltntcd, WHOSE SUFFERINGS nAVF. BEEN PRO TRACT F.D FROM niDDEN CAUSES, AND. WHOSE CASES REQCIRE PROMrT TREATMENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If you aro sufX-riug, or have sntTercd, from in voluntary dlsrharije, w hat clrect does produce upon your general health f Do you el weak, debilitated, easily tired f Docs u little extra ex ertion produce palpitation of the heart ? Dors your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order I Is your urine some times thick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy on set tling ? Or does a thick skutn ri-e to the top ( Oris it a sediment at the rcfttom after it lias stood awhile 7 Do ou have, spells oi short . . . ', k M . ... , . ureuu.inp or uys, ipsia 1 ,.n- ;um uoi-i eon- j villi.' ul S.40 a. In., pi. -i s 1: eii-i !t, 7.;;,) , m. s-.ipa-.cdl Do you have spells of faiHtirr- rr- I arriving nt Phil.-nl. pliia at l'V.ti u. m., rrturaing . I'.u' es Pnil.'iie Ij liia at ..r, i., hi., p.-sshis- r.-acl- rushes of tlood to the henat ?s your inenory i lug if. T.2. p.m. nrrivaig nt I. tt ill.- at i.., p.m. iir.paircd I Is vour mind constantly dwelling on IMttslowti Am-aiino ial: .11 Trai'i .1 av. -s IVt-.s-' j town at v.Oilai, p'., i-i 1, r.:--' lt.ies i'luladeip'.iia, this subject ? Do you feel dull li.-tless, inoi'iug, i at 4.ini p. 111 tired of company, of life! Do you wish to be j -.t'n,. left alone, to get nway from i-vi-nbo.lv I Does j Lanea-aer. Columbia. K'.r. any little thing make you start mi l Jump ? U J.,!. your sleep broken or restless ! is the lustre nl u "ii . n-v ki -., ... ,.. i l your eye us brilliant I The bloim on your clink asbrl"ht? Doyoueniov yourself in soeietv ns , , well! Do you pursue your business with the samecneru, ? Do you feci as much eonlidenee s in yourself T Aie your spirits riuu ana iiag!;ine given to fits of melancholy 1 if so. do not lay it to your lier or dyspepsia. Have you restless uiglits ? Your back weak, your kuees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-compiaiiu 1 Now, render, ssif-abuse, vncrcul difen'es bad ,, , , cured, and sexual excises, are all capable i-f iy prodiicinr a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, delimit, energetic, persevcrinc, sucrcs!iu business-men nro always those whose generative organs are lu perfect health l1 You never hear DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, such ...en eomplain of being melancholy, or! ,tart Nu. Kl'.Tiai'aV. Vh. , ,. .. , ., , . -.. Opened n fresh .ind full iisirtit'.eiit ol neiTotisr.ess, of palpitation of the heart. Hiey ,Kl .!i AX I 31 f.HU J Xtjkt, am nerer afiwid they cauuot succeed In bueincv, j tjnsiirp:isi:cl In purity nr.d rr.-shn.-ss, and" kert they don't become sad and discouraged ; tlu-y coiistanlly nr. I-and. My Mock will'alway In; : round complete in cverv article of nuin. in Medi are always polite and pleasant in the company j cine. of ladies, and look you and them r'.ht iu the ' T1?'"' 0--ri''t- tm-.y rely upor. ' 1 1 promptness and allniniou to orders. Just K-- fucs none of vour downcast loks or anv oilier ; ceiled meauintf. about them. I dr. not m.-.n those whe j b0LID AN0 Y L"I: EXTKACl S. keo the organs latHied hy runuins lo ;. Fnrn-y Ai-tirU-n! ThJse will not only rain t.eir titutlon.. but ; f t ", 1 also thoss they do fcj.lnsss with and 'ir. ; Toiiet Table, incln lii g A .aiii an nn.t geuuiiu t Freneb and Fnglifh j VKRF t M E R Y , I Pomades. Hair Oil. Ivory. Oi.tu P-retu W..,v' How many men. floss, bailv cu: d dlsessn, a-td Hnra Cmnba, 1 nilet Soa;-, Hair To. : h. Nui'. Cloth aud l'ii'uit Bni'-bes, a... ff.nn tint e'cts of s.f-i. rise and cresses, hsvc I rVTF.NT M l-'l '"( 1 N F bionsiht about that ststo of weakness in ll-iie ' r, .... . ... , riiihr.ii-.ag a.; the most i,,-,a ,-- ,-, p.,t'4;nts i organs that ha reJaced the gnirl syrti-iB so the day, at liiantiOirt 1: e.r ' -re-iv .... , . .1 .- Pure Havana Pegaie and 1 lu i. Tob trco r r much as to iii4uce ii'-niost iTeiy otbi-r disease the bett braiajs. ' r'-or. Idiocy, lunacy, pra''., spinal nfeitio-.., sut- ' cid. and lrn t every ot.er fm-ni of disease I . ' , , , ,: 1 Weh humanlly 1 heir to-.nd the i.il ca.st- of i the liO'.hie aaairea'.v et s:iptrts l, and have 1 ' doctored for U bat the r kjnt ii.e. D:SAr GF ItiSii OHdk yti R I QUI t THE fft or DimiTlC. NELnnnLO'ii FLUID IXTKAC'T mem' Ia the irisatl diuretic, aad a ettaiei r ftr th.RM.Mortb. ML A DDLS, KIDNCYi, GRAVEL, I bOIHY ORGANIC WEAKNbSS, FKMALK COM PL AlNTh, liI.NF.RiL DIB1LITY. ud all dlarsfr of tho VMnary Organs, hehr rl..l.n iu tUlu 01 Fs.ba'.r, floiil t, t c 1 cau.e orirtiiiatiuit, aud tio aistttr uf bo lot-g skas l i(. If ria :tt ritnt . l.mll. In, ffoi ktatplioil or li iaii.lf iH4 casus. Oai Bat and h..Kl are jpp..i.. I f .'iti the t.-aicM. ait l the haalih and l.a 1 1 ii.444. ao t H at uf Poalsi.ly, dt;ia I aarfu j I n a. t uts ol a is : rtuitjy. II. T. HllaUUI b, bmalal, iH h.n.J, s Tik, 4 lot koulh I'stb hi , Pbi 1 k a, Pa Pllli K l i 1 i i. a , ui holt a lot M 4s 1.11I 1 1 u. I 414HM. bo 4 h U.u.g.ii, itoisk as a. m a t st vii MS 4-.4S s la tl.a4 .-..l - .-., ik fa. tlia.-t t.1 t iki'iiMi Ut.l,4t, 44 ItcHdiiiK Kallrouu. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Nov. lt, 1870. G REAT TRUNK LINE from the North and Nortb-Vct for Philadelphia, N. T., R.-nrt-Ing, Pottsvlllc, Tamnqua, Ashlunil, Hiauirkin, Lebanon, Alletitown, Easton, Ephratn, LitilL Lancaster, (. oliiinbia, lAcc., tfce. Trains leave llnrrisburg for New York, as foW lowsi At 3.111, s.lo,io.r,0a. m.,nnd a.fiUp.m.. connecting with simitar Trains on the Pennsylvania U-.illr.nid, .-.ul arriving ut Now lork at 10. lo u. iu.. .i.ri r,.r,ii .,1,1 01 u,, r n respectively. -sieepi.," Cars aceoinpuay the 3.10 a. m., train nithont rh.-inirc. Kuturiiiag! l eave New Y01 k at fl.!ld a. m, 1-2.U0 uoon mill 6.00 p. in., Philadelphia nt S.13 a. in. und ll.Hu p. m. t Sleupi.iii Cars .ie,'.,ii,;,iiT. ing the 5.(10 p. m. train irom Sew York without clianir-. Leave Hariishnrg for Reading, Pottsvlpe, Ta tiiinpia, Mincrsville, Asblund, Shainokin, Allentown nnd Philadelphia nt S.ltl a. 111. li.iiu und 4.0fi p. 111., stopping nt. Lebimon nnd piiiicipnl wuv s!i'l-ii;s : f.,, 4. ( ft p. m.. ttan ronneetiiig for Piiihuh-lj hl.i, TtMtsvlllc nn I Co lumbia only. For Pottsvlllc, S 'l.itvlkill Haven and Auburn, via Si h-.ivlkiil and ktisiuchanua Railroad, lea"e llarrisbnrir ul -J.-ltl p. m. East Pennsylvaniii Ituilroad (:-iiliis li-eve Read Ing Tor Allrntoivn, Easton iml New York alft.UO. lU.UUn.iii.,1U.4'i N' -oii ad -.-l5p. m. Returning, leave New Yoik at IMrti n. 'in., VJ.V) noon and 5.IHI p. m. and AlKutowii m 7.0 a. hi. IU Si5 noon, 2.ri5, 4 -Jo and . m, Way Pnssengcr Truii; h tiv,:, Plin.-idclphln at I. 110 n. m.. ronuertiu.; wifii .dmihir train on East Pinna. Railroad, rrtiiiiim-: I10111 Jicudiiigul b.'l p. III., Mopping at all stations. Leave Potlsiillc at U.on a. u. aud "AO p. m. Ili'indon ul 10.15 a. m., Sbaniokln ut ."i.-jaaiid II. 20a. m.; Ashland at Tallin, in., ui,i'.''05. niHiiij Mulianoy City nt 7..'1 :i. 111. mid 1.B5 p. '10 Tumiiipiti at. n.;j a. m. mil 2.4) p. m. fm Philadcldiia. New York. Keai'.ia-r, llurrisburr;', IX I . Lrnve Piittsville via Schuvil.iit nd foifn-.e hum. 11 llailtaail al ti.laa. 111. 'lor llarii -biiig, iiu," 12.05 in i ni. 0r Pine (,;, ,i0 , '' 101-11 n t . l! i;.,,r i ,., .,. 1. . : .. . :.. , .... r. .. s. ... i-o.o -i-i i.aiil ll'll.is IOIIS. , Rn uriiing,ieme h- hw "iiksville at 7.0H.N.2.) a. 111., i 1--Iiu ""onvnd I. Hop. m. coiiueeting with iiuiiar ' imlna 1.1111111, Kail Rmd. ! ColebiookJaie Raiiroad Trains leave Potstnwn "t '.'.40 11. in.. .-Old ti.-.'O .. 1,0, rit-aining leave Mt ' Pleasant at 7. Oil ui. I II. 2.5 a. in., i-oinuriii.i: w iih i ;' ' " K;.nltnir I atlroatl. Chester Vulliy Railroad ! rams leave .nidac- port at s.Stl a. in.. 2.n', a 11 I ."i.l'-J 11. 111. letarnitiir. leave Dow iiuigtnn at ii..'ia a. in., l.'.-lS noon line. 5. IS p. 111. ciU'iicCiu'.' iih .-iniiiar traiiii! 011 Read ing Kail road. hi Sundays : Leave New York nt 5.0'J p. in.. Philadelphi.i ut S.oii a. in. and o.l'i p. m.. (ihe 8.01) a. m. t. on rintainf ovly to R' ailing:; have Pottsvillent s.'.ioa. 1 1.. Irav.. ilarri.liiir", H.lOu. 111., ami 4.00 p. ni.; leave Alb ut.... ,1 ut a.4r, p. ; u-ii.e i.eu.lillg ill ..! a. III. nil. I lO.b.i p. III. i-j. ' liuri itL-urg. ut ...(! a. 111. lor N ,. Yoiv, and at 9.40u. m. and 4.2a p ir. f ir Tiilladei a. j m'i .1. in. ami 1.-.1 p ir. l. r t u.M'irl a. - j Commutation. Miie.iji-, S.-.is, :i, tclu r E'xcui-sio:i Ti kela, to anil final all j oint dllri,, riltl. ' ol sn3 oiiits at re- , Baggage cheeVr.l tlin uch : 100 Pound i Eag- i3.'3 l.l,.r.,f;u tati u i ,is:.n . A. NIC OLLS. Gonial tL-iifr-i itit.-ii-h ut W.M. IT. n'itfrlfV, 31. S., (Successor to V.'. A. i nm :t.) ; liiits, Oi!j, t.Iiio, il;';..t-, rp.it-; 'l-iiitM-, Ai-. All mv Tiltct li-es. Si nips, 1 llhlui.-liti ( Vl'ale- ail., ,hrr rr.p.iol; e ;;.,,;;.pl. ; ; p!.' ,, iy. elf.and from thueM mtttrial Ik. can pn.ri.re i! Maikrt. j A.I my pii r-iraliritm us I l-ave nl.-v ;is.it- 1. ; sic m.k it I'i'oailliibest laaieii.:, ,( ,,;., ,,, ' I asseit, Ctrl an r.f iiflici i, t r, 1. 1 1 li . For med' al pve.o-. s, I kee- on h:.u l vlie T, r best I WINES. II" NDirS AND I'tJl'i.KS. that I can pr -ciiuv I A fa I a-soii uieiii pf ; AV. Y i.jo.it AND yuTloVH. The intention o' the ladi.'S is rail. 1 to th: intte lietits (,1 nrinifsi-uir wiv ib.nrr. 1 Before purehBi.B,' !si-w turr, ca.l an 1 rewiiicc ' your fwn u.i'j.t. j Altera niKiib.'r of v.'ir' 1 p. retire in th . praetir of Me licbe. hi- ..tl'.-r hi P.-i.fe.i..fal rervie.s to Ihe cit-ns of Buubiiry. Prifat eon. siiilaln.ns cau I-i-ha t S-' tW'-eu il-e hour-of in an.l 12 a 111. . 11:1, Is nu t .', p. 'U.. Ht his rr4i1l.-t.ee. I I" Blight's t'riek iw, mil ,oor trom tin- i-asi, i C hi Hi, at -tri-e' . I i 1 M. W. .'.( 1 ; 1 1 1 1 Y . 1 Sar.liiiry, Ft'i. , JS70. ; a. (;i: !i.i Mi's u ;;:5-::Ci.i . ' A MAMVi 'IT! STt b K ( '.' ( .( ' 'ii--. ; M tin. il A S lj"A 1 I.i !( I'm 1,. 1 : 1TIKOM-..(ilU-.K.1: 1:1:1... m- MAI.kl.l- , Sr., M.Mii h v, r. , J. M. lr.'.I H, - : ,: I'RKM'IIA holil.Wl t".'MM! i;i:-, CLi -I IIS 1 1 F E I Ii' KINl'.Vi .IV'.-. s.l. KINU, VINES J .Il 1'1 .S, KMl i : .- Ult!. a -Ing f e-tjaa ;-v 1.-. !:.',- ii..,i n,- tmbr Sr ' ik 4.1 I'I .nt.-., I,:., M , III- Il lirm.i I ll i I . 1 1,.- I On i 1, luvn, vtauat.lej to k 4:1 1 nu i . . nior i.ioi.i,' liou. ' MKX'S 1 I ls'lUIMi tiiM.li-. The l..i'-t it"-'" I'-l.l 1.1 I. 11 l iul-, eii-tUbln. of In' a '.. . t ,i:l ah I f.,.tl,.il., U'l"l. I si ,rll Wear o! I I.-' I ln stock, :,.-il. .. t ,.l. k 1 "i . '' ' J. M. ll I.l I.H, T 1.. V :i I . 4 '.I 1 , 1, l , 1 , '.u r 4 . ', 1 ( ll 11..01 Tb'r 1 .1," ..- -I " h u.i. Ill, ,l.,n. I'i ITKNUTU.' IT liM l l kk: : A i Moid a r I (U r 1: VI Ml AViV i. 4 . J 1 . . , , fa H Sh I I.) ;rii'.t;rnn v I jan.l.'p, N . W II I I II WIN." o,, ,.! ,t 1 I r 1.4 , t al It , 1, 1 u.i 10 ... ' 4 .4' l 41.4 ti-- 1 I 1 I ' ." -f I'"' I, I "... I t I. ... I -h i- I" o I K, p.. , t., J 11. 1 1 . . .,..1 hi ..-1 41- i .ii la iv I -I 1 - b. 1. . I .1 II- , . ,-. i.i 1 .' I k ..... ', 1 I .' 1 I - ( ., ... ,t.. Oil ,. IIU Ol I 1. !. "i I Wi -I . 4 I litiri laii.Uk, I . - ' a Oa tt II Ill I III . 1 I ' S IU I ..I I. .. li s . . kk ..I. I , . .r I . 1, 1 . 1. t. .1. I . 1 I 1 1. -(l k -..I... . . .1 -. ll.. 1 .. . . ' ., I 1 1 ...... t I. 1 . . i n ' ' 1 h . I ( lilllllt 4U OIU 1. 1 i 'l i i . ; it v i i, i , , , f. I !' I . I , t . . 4, 4 Jil.Ul.1 .V. 4.tt,t 4MI. M .Hm I. LJ.I, I k llllt t a V i ., i. . "tVi'i rr a ctj. i u. ... . . , . a )..i . ... I tea. W a . 1. 1 ' t I '.. u I j J i i i 4, 1.1) HI I I.l 1 .- ll i I , klu la r rial ; ) at-.. S.I I".!.. kk. 4o4 fck4 44 u4 4 i'ia4M4as . atita. (Y H U W :r 4 I'u 1 as-4 f4 M bH 'Matahiai'l B. T ISi 'abvlr. It