Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 14, 1871, Image 3

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    J&mlmrg American,
"ijNBUHT, JANUAIiy li, 170.
I. ,. ! 1.
Itnilroad Time Tnlilc.
PiilTUo F.x. l'vo MM DiiKrle Mull 1t 4 PC m
fii 11 lo w m Rlin'm " " iitipn
Mill " ibltjpm Eric Ex " c:iu i ni
Drill MuH, 120X tn
Emigrant Train West Arrives nt 11 4M m.
rtAiioitiTf mvTsiox n. r, ur.
JSnnhur at
11 :V) i ml At Sunlmry 0 fc a m
Bimi, r. r.
Im-m AmAnrv :SS A. M i S M ami t:2) l. M.
Arrlix at Suniurf H :30 A. ill., t: ami U:nfl P. M
Jaiw DanvilUf 10:15 A. M. 11:31) mid ID I'. M.
Arrxvt at Dairlio-sidO A. St., 4:4, nud 7:45 P. M.
Cso. T. Kowiii.t. Co., 40 Park Row, N. I.,
3. il. PuTTi-sa-.u. & Co., 87 Park Eow, N. Y.,
W. 7. 6n'iri!vt Co.,Tilbuno HutUUm's. N". Y.,
arc tha :!o necnts for this paper In that city.
iuxrciil Affairs.
-.- i
if. "INO MACHINES ore nckiiowli-dircd mi-'
pe-'ir to any other now iiii;uiir,ictiired. Miss;
O P-xIlm, Market ettcct, this flaee, U the agent i
i :r i.he nale of them iu tliU mid com:- .
. w. Inlrnetlon ia cwln? (riven five of elianse
4.s nV. p.'.ie'.iaseis. A lot iilwuy on baud,
und e-".a'.niiie them.
A Vavvaclu vacant Lot, located In Ceorsre- 1
town, Northumberland eounty, Pa., is nfj'-rf 1 f -r
ah! on rcii8r.:n!.tem. An IiidUput.-ib'.e title
vill DC given. Zipp y i,l tins olllec.
..... . . .. .
- pearauee.
A inMlinj of the ifte ,.m Fire Etm'iie Company ! Cynm TTolTa and Jnrob Hoff.i vs Peter S.lland
v..:i he held in the Endue floUMj U fPrLlav), (.y. J'.id.L-mei.t entere.l for SKIO.I'J ar want of
.jtVr.v-, at 7 oVVck. i ,,,, a, peamm-e.
' Mr. K. 1!."w:,sthrovii out of a b:i --.'.v 1 "'"'ifon Helm vs Solomon Miller. i Ang.
wltl'f .vivitijr tltrouRli the streets of Slmmoktn,
"0 ?,'.!.'... v t'veu'.ii'- hut. and fractured hU col- .
.'t: I'jiie. i
The vor.ilicr, daiii' last we.-k mid part of t!ii,
va, ol a really wh.tiy nature. On Sunday, we ,
11 -i't fall of mow, and durlnit the I'-ac (
l att of the week the jhic or f ieij;h-b"!i xva
uni-don nil aides. On Thurs lay the weather
.,:, to Moderate, when the sound, of the .
bellr: a;;ain vaui-hed into thjilhii ill; .tancc. j
: S- A Grand l.imur wiii bo fcivc by the I.a- 1
dies of the?.. JohuV M. E. Church of Mnbnry. i
Va..ou Welnesdav, Febru.irv S'.'d, ISil, to ui.-t :
t , ! o- .. v o llm.M-.lJ'a .1.1 1 .We on the
Ill laiji? m.mtj to a debt ilae ou tlio
Ch'.reh ; and they x-. ill en leavor to u bill .
Eventhln.' to be bid at a (jrst-e!as hotels wilj
be u'iveu (c.c"i't!ii'.' the wines, &e.)
X'.e have no dnuht that tbev will f.teeef.1 hi
n:' -.i'i.. t avii fonin.r ellorts la eat" rinj; to tt
puh'.i''.' taste.
Tb-" fo'iowlmt I'llleeis of! lie Air-'i-ta Fanners'
iia.1 ll'iitleulliii i-ts' A.-.-oeiation, elected on
t'.i :.!t nit : 1': -! lent, Ene.aiek : Vlee-l'l-e-'alent.
J"hn .Sterner ; Seerete.ry, Pr. IT. K.
Myers ; (;.,r. .". eivtaiy. XV. W. I!oiiii,i. i Trea-
mrcr, Cw.rjc t.aul i'i ire-keepci'. P. I.ereh.
We le i.-n that a unmlicr cf weiis, In,
irneolH . I n the pa.-t w e.'... and lii.t wal-.r
la'.e 'Mi ls of the tov. a l.a hoeome a tearee
i.riic.. . '.'ii'.h au ..ecr.riviicc has not taken piace
!:i this to. mi Mil kill till" I'veolie.t of r-oui of.
i uf ' .-; cltienf.
At a'l e'.'.'tio'.i held tit the Noii7.unberl.uid Co. :
Neiio'iil Baiiii of Shaui-jkin, on lbs 11th in-t.,
be :..i!.'-7:ii:r r.-oll were :l;n en J i r---: f to
t.-rve Hi - im snil.:' jear s F. W. Po::, :.'!.. XV. T.
.'.!..: t, ':':..'!., !t;.","iicid!."r, Wi. M.-iitel'us,
i!ii A. ou i, II. my II 'User. Jolia ii. Dotity, Ati-
i;.'-.v l' nnd 1 :ae May.
- -
Car r..';;i!ljors of the i'd.-ns' lave treated
tV ..!'"'.vc to a ie"v power pii-r, and threaten
: :i lo cu'.ar::..- their sifct, Leii'ST tliein. e'.'.es
in..:-.- : , lo " bI-.Ii i'iv"ii:u" ..l.ton:; t'ne . ni
I'. ia:..- v.l; ii in'; ci uie d-.u, up, to lin ir l.o-'...:-.
XX- v.i-u .11.. in pr.".-i lit y p. cuniai '.'.y,
.;it :.-..'.;tii-;il'y v, e ho '.". to ?ec ;liem dnunu d as
i! t ' i.t iloaw Ii'.n:;.
. .
The r. .7 .S .ir 1' or PI; et ts of the At
. '".i: aaiatii n r-'nil. ;; a' 1 A: t.oeia-.-i
, f this p'a 'e, were eletvu at the oriranlai
lion ni-iiin;: h.-iil'-n th! Kl-t ult., to aerve for
t' - ns'.i:ir ; i Ira T. C'. -ncnt, II. V. Pr.-e-,
.. myV;. :i.. nt. p.. !'-yer, Jacob f-Ki -.
, , N. !'. !.".. !;. r, N. V. M..t. SumuO F.iu.-t,
':-.. :.-r! !' II. V- re. Th- l-'ird then i leeted
:"... t'..:7n. iiiL- .leii- ,.r ihsy.'isr : Pr-.-.-M-nt,
i. I.:".: ti.i Seut;U Jne"') 5;ij la.'ii j
: . . . ury iene nt ; :"..i;i. r, Ii. 'J. iioycr.
. ..
tl. !'.-: am. V i i.t: l::iWM!". A team of one
;: .r . i : I n - n i'.c, '.'. a to lo ic; aeh A
P:- .. ol "no -, hi ''''e ".hteiLjli the i.-e on the
;;.cr, n r'.at.rdey birt, nnd .'eie Iro.'Mie 1. Mr.
, ii .ii I tih -l.a ii. one ol tl. limi, was liull.iiis
a '. ' i I of llour. 1 ..u'try. Ac, to this lace, and
. : 1 1, , h. ;.i 11. 1V1 ry on tin' on'.)-
:lte -'.,. ..lili: ::. -r, nb 1 it 1J o'clock, A. M.,
, ol pi ." -e-n d nivriy h 1 If v.. y over, when the
-..n and t -a III bp l.e tlir- II. I'.Hlies lrom
-1: i 'A t- l'.eie-ci, h..t b -fi-l.: tl.ey
li-.l i' - -.
-' ei I: l.o.l
. t ihe t- Oil i d..' acil. Ml".
,f I.: I :'.o' . . .."a J . i dl.iWUitl".-,
: e, -:l.:' so i t'.i"niy tn'.n't. --c
i.-.l from 1,4 pvri!ou position,
on , f i'...' Cor and poii.try were
; n tl'-.t Mr. ni,. b o h l ad 1 life
, -f ;:-, t!:o -and dollar. it!ie-l
'.','l!i ult., v Mr. J. i-.hlpiiiaii,
1 ,i;
V.'e 7
,.n tin.'
'1 !.. II 111 V" e-c..p shows l-otv I'.U'-ll II
. .. I....J had. 11 1.111,1, V, l" in-ili'e
el i- ni-, of a Miliar, aiU Lllui ei..-
in.. ..'. .1 e v 1 ne i'i.. .
ni I'i id. y i . iln,' 1 mt, man 111:1,1''. J.m.i
l.i-n- w..s ... ... i.l.iily 1.,., I.--1 Ihr. ' U.e .
:ll. III 1. ., 1.1: 10. ni toi .,1 I Kll lij oil Hie ;
1. . I,. ..., I... ..k.i 1! his :.."! an I ini 'li and frac- 1
leii'i: I.., -La 1, l-i llii? I.b iu't.inlly. A lar"e
' ..'. '.v I 'in- 1 i'l the l..i' k 'ail ' f hi bead. It
. e 1 I 1 ."Mi. li'.l, uj.- -v.l.ii ,' on 1 1...
I , . .. . .1 ,( h t the ,-m". 111 r of tl..- 1 j-iim: 1 'am
i. t ..b.iv.i- him, be Wo ,':in; bt by t in) mil :
, .. 1 ; .10. :, ihroii.i I' C tin .ben. He " en
I ,. vv . v I . 1 ' ..,'. ill, , v. 1., ri .e wait n, 11 J ;ii all
. .- ; ...j, - j ,,; in, r. rf ml.... A 1. tier,
I I 1 .... end ('.,:!.., ri :, of bioaus-
t-.W,, V 1 , .,e;,,!,, hi, .Oil, V 1,7 U .lloVAt'il
. :. ,t I,- I, 1 1.. -ii 11. .m if: 1 . ir.', hu I m. it h.
.... I
. I I IL.I.I ill Vj, .,, it.Kd U ill
i.:ay '. let 1 j. I 1 ', i."-J
o Vl 11,011 l , H 1 li I e J, ... 1,.. J f
j oy a .n...v,., I bv I oi .u.l 1
I J al. ll , ' .... t 1. '. i 4 '
.. ! 1 .... s . '.Ui. a".v i...t I
.' .' . to
g U).i
I'i. I.....' "
. ... .11 I. .1
1, ttl l... ll ... I
. I, ..I J , '
i b i. . . i. .
t b; ... ;
, I t I :., i . .. I
I -v . .
I'I I'.I"
' '
I. '
I l. 1 i. .. . . ...
. I jf Ill .- Mi. i'i. . i
i i ..i, 1 4 . H. , -I-
i Ui.-w ) i
I I , I I . ...M ....
A e , 1 ! I , ,
. , , a I .1. ,. ,., I.,
.'it , I. .., J liillil I. .
-I l .' It..., ...J
....I.I 1 ti i,.v.-(li Itl
' 4 i if
A. 11 4'
(Rcportad by A. N. Brlce, Kq.)
Cocr.T Pnocmnrtias. FiirnAT, Jan. 6, 1571.
Com to B. B. Hoyor.-gAjrravtitoil assault and hut
tor j an J assault nod batter;. By leave (f Court
continued to next term of Quarter Sessions.
Com ?e Joseph Conrnd. Cliargo of rcmovlriK
personal property stlth Intent to defraud credi
tors. Conrad brought Into Cotirt by Ills ball,
George WeWer, and delivered into the cuitody of
tlio Sheriff.
Muscat, Jau. 9, 1ST1.
Court met ut 10 o'clock, A. u. Judges all
Daniel Dunkleberi;er V8 Punlol Stetirer. Judg
ment entered rg.iinst defendant for 15 for
Jacob n 'Ijtel & Co. vs 1X9. ITcib fc Co. On
motion judgment entered for il.21J.I7 for Want
of nil Appearance.
Henry Hcplcr v Henry Kelrcr, Jos. N. Porter,
arid Dletzmnn. Ou motion, judgment entered
for want of an nppun runes fur "fi.Mil.fj5 v. ith oostn.
Win. L. Graver vs 1). P. Hc'-b & Co. On mo
tion, Judgment entered Tor flOJ.GJ for want of
an nppcti ranee.
Win. ItanR nnd Detwciler vs Jamts S-?"tt.
Jiidirnient entered for fcl'24.85.
j,,,,,, F. ),,,,,.;, v, (;,.;,., K -liter. Jnd.-mcnt
ulU.rc,j for $U7..V) ft.r want of tli v pea ranee,
j,,,,, T. (Vt vs js...oh. Judretit
n,,tered for S'K'1.70 for witnl of an appearand..
ch.,rcs r. l.Ulie v Xornmn (.levei-.iul.-Jud
IK,.lt Ci:t.:re4 lor $7J0 for want of u;i upiv.-ar-
J. M. K.iilmer. A.'t.. va CaM'er Seh oil. Kule
ci.tered to lmw hm why ball lu this case
should not hi forfeited.
IanW Fry vi William Herring. Judgment
... .,..1 a..r... r... .;-.-o r.. ..r
' "
l5'mmou 111 cs. Ju,'-V I'-t'ii nr i
v',r,r",t In favor of dotemlant. Counsel for d
uu.iaia exce,.i to uie eiiar:;u oi i ne i mm ;
move that the same b- fllci with the uviJencc :
auJ n,ldc ,nlrt uf tUo r,C(,r(1. j
L. s. vs Fi.UIlUHn FoUst.-Jiidg. '
Inrllt ,-,. wal,t ofa ,,k i thc Sll. nf j
j,.,ltl j, vyilvard vs Margaret Wilvard. Ou
,.,tIon. ,,,.,., ,,. ,,WnTM .;.rt. .
i:iuiio:i. nn i1 -;s ei ina'n; in vnm' irritmcn.
E1!la Laports V!) J(. p. d Uavid H,l. 1
jd;;ineui entered for $113.41 for want ofitB up-
P"f - r r I
1Vi1""" VotMH for charter of lueorporat. on ,
f"r M,"":" 1J,!I''R '''":1 S?vi.i.v' Fund As.iocki-
tlon of Miltoti. Publiea Hon having been made,
. , , ,,
11 directed that tue fame be recorded and U ,
Charles Kichuit.-Judict entered for the sum
lEsnAT, Jan lr), 1S71 . I
John Humriiel, Administrator of If.iae Beld'.c-
.... ,,,. ., ,., ,
spaeh, .lech, vs John XX. Hope well and Sol. ,
Weiser. Jmlnient entered for SlS.S.1.1. :
diaries Uojjic V K.i.'ie it Co. No. TO Jan. T.,
l7. Sammoms in af-un.'it. The facts in this '
cafe lie in tne iie'.i;l.!orl.iH.d ol the p.,iet town o! ,
Trevoiton. lloylj woiked for Kline & Co., In ,
bumintt ehareoal. He was employed t-n wcikn
, ,, .. , .
e.l i. cun-eol tl.. JJperw,t!;. Pelea .ai.U are
wii'.lrg lo pay S"'.00 per dry. The d;- nte was
in lel'eien. L- '.j the .illlVienee of amount in tbev:
two rtva: '
... . ,. .
u:i)."i.siAT, Jan. 4l, P.1. !
f-.h .'ii.f lUKcr cams into Court tiud ii'-'UuoXvi.
e !(;ed V'.ie folhin in;J i'..".'.!s :
,.,!..! 15. Hell !' to Jvha Raaa, F.-.-lv A Co., !
. ., . ..
for propel ty in fi'aaiiiokin, amotiutm to fMi,
old as the property of Henry Walters.
f ame to A. M. Mill for u tract oi rou'i.l eo'a; -I ncr" in Zvibc luwinblp, told us .'.ue
j.ropeiiy of David Morgan and Lyaiau S. Weaver,
f.-r IliO fa ni of
' 1 ) del. a 11.1.1-", Tacy A Co.. for two
triitti of land iu L'l per Aua-ta tow.i--;ip., hold
us tin: property ol John K. i.:,.;r, l--i ill., rtua of
S..n e to A. ?. f'li'.l, for a tract of ro'.iul con
t:.ui;!i ; ll'j a-ro, -li'.nitr in . n,.e tow iis.i.;', s.nd
as the propctty of Pavtd Mor."iu and 1 y.nan S.
XX'eaVer, for the nun of ? loo.
b to Sulil.U!)- fiavitijt l'an and;
As o.-lation, for the one half of lot No. M, situate
in Siinhury, m,'.1 as :V.o :i ; city of Wm. IV.-.'.i.n,
fr th? F'.mi of i.'-1.
Same to I'.b-h.'ir.l Ii. polity, for a lot of jri'oiind
in, half as lie property of J 'i.a J.
ii h. r, lo; the s,:m of
aiuc t" J .-el h Evi rat, for a U t of jurovnd in
the r.or. ;;;.h of Mei'.wemvil'.e, soid us the pro
, :ty of ,1. M. I riiia. for the i-nin of J.H.
-inc.' to l.Miarl li. ln.iity, for a 1 it of pro.ii-.J
in tin U-'tou-h of isiaiino!- in. 6."
'.l.e liuner
ty of John J. Eilicr, fir the sum cf i'UJ.
? to XVil.h.ui l'.-.c l, fur a lot of ground in
'i'n lor'.on, sold ;o ihe .i.'i city of i'avl l Morgan
and l.y man !?. Weaier, for the sum ol .'-l'J.
An hew M, Pa-t-.'.kk vs Win. I.. I; llVndein,
witli notice toCh.ul- s llelfc i-tein, Ur
is, J.,a. I'., l. s. L :rc Fe-'ia
j u ! -un :il , .'.'.. i'.'s, No v. '!'., 1.-07.
lUmr : il -'i 1. ".'.t.
to revive
V . il -t
; ii.! it.. El.-,! ni hi V- !'. i .i ,inln lli ndiichs. ;
No. vi. A n u-t T., 1-C7. Sitiiuiioti, ii: Cove-
r ii.t. ".".-.!."t iu fa-.- t ".in i.f !..;.;': il.nin;;'.
On .:: "1 : , I .'. : t-i. 1 lol.Mv c i ;;.-( v, l,y j .: 1
iu ' i :!. " ! ma l-j enter, d witl.o. I c t ..
( 1
. liotie s I'line .V C ... -.Simmons in
a-snni-it. No. U '. Jan. '1., 1-117. X' .V.e.t iu
lavjr ot ll" )lv i. i -;17j.
t lia.'ej Cu'l- y Jain, i Art r, John P.-nsyl,
J..h!i C. N'. C' Aueu-t 1'., l-n7,
Pi. i tin-i.t. P1..1--I.. I ill, lie.
1 it.-t lk.uL ol N, ilhuiubeihiiij v A.
C. .'unp-un. -. r. No. ilii, Jan. T-, IS". 1.
J .i 'fluent ciiti-i.,1 bydefitiltfoi fi'.PJ.of.foI ant
ot t,M ai p.-.ira:."e.
- -
( oiiucil I'roei'i'iliiii;.
January 1711.
C.em '.1 nu t. A- '. L.:i, . thi i,i. ,:, in tl.
.hull, ihe cnt : -1 leu,. !.;, li 1. , v , (1 ood
r. Ii II 11, , lb, v. r, ll dirl a. h, Vnull,
Pi Im, ol 1 . 1 1.0 . la i u .,.1 ,,n 1 a i roied.
1 . in lu 1 1 . .- on I a . me Ji iuiji, Em nil ui ', ,L'.,
H...-I-. I I . I , wall i 1 ,n,i on I 1' 1- 1 i . , t , fur-
ni-l..n 1 . la, ., s I...1..VV '.' 1 . I I.i, !., 1 lain - ;
li fan le 5 J-.. t 1. n ; ; ', v. tuluoU llialli ; 1 I I
1 ; '-'111' .' il'-il 1 11 i..l., viilh bi.i- l.'..t ;
I ".mail i .Uit e-,u i I b. ,0111 ; 1 iteo .p khuw
J J... ..- i;..ii.ii-il,l.i., fl .v c, .'..I II i 4 .,
t.l b 1 1. t -.
On uiotioii, th 1. p... I wi. 1 uu l:l, un.l ll,
II "ne 1 i.t : .. 1. 1,,, ., 1 ,. ( e ;u nl alii nit )
,., i . 1. si 1-: 1 lo ; ... I .. . l:.c f .. l. t .: le . mi,
....1.1 I.
17. 1 -I'.-n I.i" l I f. :i ihe Mil. ...!) fl...l
1 1 -. ' - ' '
" 1
v, I.- .l
, 1.
I Ll.
.L 1 C
c lo I.,
I . .
I. : ,
I ,
-, P..
'. '!
",fl,.. t-l n,
. .... I .... I'
i, I I " "...
. I 1. il ..
I lo ).,.,! I.I
, -I I -,l .
I ... 1
I I-
t. .. ., II .
i l" 1 I. -' l'l
j ' ' u
.'.'... .
j - 1 - 11 .
i ......... i.
1 j , j
j I, Ii . I I I., l.i
I '.' '
.11.. 1,1
' . I', V
U I..V. .
. I 11. I
1 1 l.l...
. , . I .
ml : I.
" ' ' ' I . - 1 .'. . I. , 1 1 ... I. II ..., it 4 1. .1., I
, I .. 1 ..... I ...... 1 . 1 , , .lli.l I . Ii. - A J ... II ,il 1
t ... A t.i.l.. I.IOU lu,, . J .
' II It, 44, ' I ls l MH ti in liti
day of Jannnry, 1871, and rotitluno nt tlio plea-
aure of tlio liurgen and Connrll.
(Cloned) J. M. Cti.w Ai.I.Mir.H, I
O. W. H.MiTit. I Com.
E. M. Di.ciiKii.
To this an addition lew proposed, and nceepted
by tUo Cornell "Thrtt the. r.iie'nn or 1 !-! C ir.
rlnttes iliall not bu lake'i lieymvl t!i, l!.r.-'v:b
limits, except In e iRe of liie : t!ie l i.e Company
to have tV) rso of the lower room, the upper
room b'dnj: reervcd fur t lie Comic:',;."
Conimunleatloii revolved from Km'l Wilveit,
PL, on behalf of the (Jo ed Intent Fire Coinpary,
wbleh wan read.
On motion, I ho proportion of Rnnbury S. F.
Co. was laid over until next meeting.
On motion, Itenolved. tliattbo Borough Treaeu
rcr 1)3 rerpiested to npply tint fund money re
ceived by Mm to the payment of notes duo for
Blcaiu Fire Knirlne.
On motion, Heo!ve1, thi.t an old. T f .r .?S1 b :
pranted to Sti'llmry f leam Fire Co., to defray
expenses id' ehaiter. coal, ami oilier cypeiii-ef :
Incurred by tiin to Jantiiirv 1, 1SU, in full. 1
On motion, order ri'ited in fiver of W. I. i
Creenonuli for n3 b3, on ifemmt ot Horoimh
debt to him, to be MfuJ in payniei.t of !ii t.ivi'!..
On mot;.,,.. n,o!v..-.l, tl.-.i t!,.. SopervUor be
In-triiete-l i i do no vnaee ?.-:try wurlt on the !
Flr:eti t!i!i viot -r. .
On ii.-.tiua, a iJoTiriit 1.
J. E. TynuixoTON, Cork
ir.4'.nr...E,,.....U5.-i(i) leaei.e.-. Louv.ty
Ir.'it't lie of N.'iit'UiPberlaiid county, eonvi i,r,l in -
the Pr.liytei!au chinch, nt ShainoKiii, ou the '
l'Jth ult., County Ciiprriutendiiit lilpniiiu, pre- ;
ciilllO)-. I'hp ri-.Vl...lil.l.u .lltlll .r ll... B..V..I .1 .l-.v.
were quite iuterotlmr. and thoic atundin,' were
m-,...'Z .
hiirhly pleasi-i villi tlio fxereiws.
l..,v r.e..i,o;....u ... .i .i... 1
6''ssion : j
r, ., ... . , ,
--'"""u-i: ri, v , , , '
co&a ;
nt Mt,,) Ml rl... l.wrlmH tvU ..m. :
... . ' V . . : :
I'lpnien iu n s cmmci.-i", aim eonuruiea l lie .n vi- ;
mvri'-ie opinion m in im n. i, r.;
Jl mi",v ,ln. clevatin-,' t,.e standi. rd ot Inat ruction ;
7,WiW, That all tca.'-'.era almnM attent lt
sessions and b interested in the fm-ce,. of this (
mc:yis of prolessi,,:,al nnpi ..veiiient. ,
r . , nt .. .....
fe.j- Ihe "iTreWnr" ii: 'iheio -elveV aMen Un
Institute, i.i.d in allowing the teaclier of
"'ffi 1 .'it'lleviue; onr pabllc ;-l .,
b(! mosl caic;e,:t inM,m,,et ia uprooliim -rc-
judice and blumry, uiiJ iiieulcnlin- wi.-.e ,u,.
'vl ,r-" v'u d-l'iecate ail Heal and tec-
tarhni iiiflacuce iu the waiia-aui-nt of our
- 1 , ' ''; ' " "V;!1
Jit'tulml, l Hat we niapj.r..v
I'n: inordi.iete
attention eiven to!.e:nati il siulio lathe
m''ct of l.ioroti-h attainu.eut., ia the I-.ti.n-li
laii'-Uae, and Iiainri.l ren-uei s.
y.v,-,.;,-,.-,;. That we earn.-.-tl.v eommen.'. to th"
nttenliou of dircetor- Ihe of rndi .1
N, ndls!iiif the c-tni-Ii.-hinent uf i.ia.nmr ;
'; " vi:if ."' ;'.!:J 'ii!!-! rural di-tiief
to I'C follow. -I in I in; - Iv th'j i.-ta.ihn.-.-nl ol
j p, Schools and Ac.i.lemi-
,'tuicjj. That our thnuk.. are emki' nt'y de-
f'-i vi'a ,"''- 1;".v!' Cou.ny t., Voik e..uu-
t .'. the utiliri: "LT iiisti u I .1" of the inMit.r.e.
,.,,.," ,-.- hat e t nder -t.r thanks I . I' of.
Hu:!. of Pittsburi.'. for hU pieuiai.t and pr.."i:.i-
Ive in uu.-tioii in iihieiit .in. Mi I P.i.m ta.'.,;p,
a" ' ""' "'"'ccssfal;y ert.-rt.ilii-
in-.iL itive'i oa We tnes.l iv cveninii1.
.,..: .., T,...l 0.. t!.a!,k! a-.a to K".
II. my llonik, of the Si'.ool In-j ;,rl:i, .-nt, !.,r his
pr. -enc.' and eneoiiraieim-ni.
J'-'f'f- 'H'" '' eoinmcd the euertry of our
County hupeiliilelidcnt m seeurna' instrLetoi and
V.'eWvft, That ctr tlianks nre also tendered to
the Priiieipat and stu Units of the liil, iivuooi
cud Mr. lioileuback and his school, foi the niiisle
fnnii-hc.t dnrini; the ses-noti.
H:mlivil, Tin ;t wo acknowledge onr i;i h-I te.l
tu is to Prof. Poyle, ol tins ! unnn'-, f.r i.i-.iiv.e-tn.
i ei'..r. dui'inL' iitr present -e.sion.
J.::v'.rrlt That our Ibanlit lire! Iieo bv teii'lered
to the 'liusteei of the l'u -I yii ri.iu Iniieh ot
S'im nioUbi. lor tlielr lilieialliy in jtiiinj;
nu !n-nce rooni, lor the I! c o; the 1 .-I ;l i.i-
1.-s'j!i:::!, Tli.'t our tli.itiks are .1 ie t
''.s C.
Maitx. an I ihe ether citht ns of ,;::.i:;:.'l.:ii wlu
c-utti luiiscU lady l.-aelierb I
of ch.u e.
A. 1). Oku, 1
J. b. Sav.iu.i:, '.'..).
A. L. it, )
The'.'; o-i Permanent Ccitiii.'.it." re
ported that til- time of me.-:':.,' (or bn-i i..-s.
shall be the fourth Saturday of .I.m-nuy, H71.
and ihat th? plnee of iiieitlm; be at :7i;nl '..i v.
(1. XV. llowr.r., "
.. IS. Mill,
A. .1. tlALLA iiilli;, J. CuoU
l. d. Mil I r.::,
!. A. Hay,
The ipie-ilon as to when mid where the :u t
tsei-ioa of the In-iitute should he held, was ii .i
t the ilec'ioii of the County oVj.l. K--cest of
ten in.i'.ui'.'S was then declared, nft-r whiih a
mathematical problem was propounded, which
was the means of considerable diseUK.-ion and iu-
struct ion. The minulci were th.11 r. :,d and a-
,,-ovtd, when the C..ntv bup-rinteml'-nt male
11 '
sonic t.oii'snme alii .:'. 1-at... r.tiuitlis lu-t.-re
w. I. .oni. l.'. '(- .'Home. I'ar Home." when th
, 11 . i - 1 an. 0:1 uiiu-.i'i urns., nu-
.,,.,,' 0,,.,. " '
1 !-T 01' Tt A'.liei.s .'.Ml ATTI NDA" VE.
! The niiuiber nnncv-d lo c.icli name iuuieat-.:
the da ill utteLi'a'U
LTi'liM ...ii:ta.
J. M. .'.., "'., -1 I). W. Coper, 8
levvr:; Afoi'siA.
.m".-s p. H.-ri.h.i;, 11 J. . Miller. C
p. s ni.!;', -. j. p. Knt, :
T. Ha 1.. n, 1 A. V. t.'auii "-'-1. -11
N. W. Snyder, 'i
C. IL Veairer, 5
il.oui.u li. Vuun', i M.r. ie Luuver, &
' No'. ,11, S
1 ,' ')',;!''''' 5
; .1, l.a A. Mniw, 5
Annie Mi-Eii.-cc, 5
Hri !.', t F. K.-llv, 5
IlicLcl E. Il. vitt. 5
XX . O. KitI',', 5
Annie E. Mali tm b
A. J. (ii.liieb, r. f
Marv Mclloua.d, i
liiiiiri I Keai ucy, 5
Cir.'ie ll.ijes, 1 J. 11. Hu.hi, 4
lirviiii.ih r.
JAC iisoN.
Aaua Loiiill, i.':i
E. P. Earl., 4 J J. A I inn, i.
J. M. ilwvc, i'i '7. E. Iioiiliiiuu, '.
J. . A:.i..!J, ti.
I t i ll.
Ii nin U.akly, a
n e, u HAllASUl
A 1.. f.l t ih, 1 J. M. Lcnkcr, S
A ..a tJa-.isi, i T. T. IbeUiit, 3
I 1 .i ll, i
I 11 t rs,v n t b no. 0.1 oil.
' o. XV. I! ,u,, i M. . MlJ.lii,
I Inlbii.
, -. m.i v n ... 1. .. a .'s : , xv. i.ungnigit, i
. XI,,. M 0. :..;, -I J. L. Hull, .
I M 1 iH iri. HOIil t ull.
I W. V. iii.Lt ...10, i IS. li ltw l, ft
i r i iirJrt low - t.r
' : : r l' l 1 ., -I li.. i. .1 I lm)',
X it. .... J 14.. .1,, S XI . It, I 1, i
X". . . 11. . 1 , ,, j r. iu.' -i a
J ...... Xv i.( J.u ti. aM.I, 8
d ...l-li Iral.l.l.Mll.
M.ii A 1 1 ii.iv. a J i.,, 4
xi . J, . a. i 1 11,1, , a i,. i'n,.i i.i
ll ll il...' l, I ,..w J . (I
III I l . l' - l Ij
1 , i, r 1:, 1 a 1 1, . , 1 i 1.1 1 4
vX 1 . I.. . , s " V, il il. V I..,, a
I XV . 1 1 J ..4, t W.J kl"ji, l.uis, I
' 4"ll i -Un. I
wt m 9mw I
' p. v,'. V n . '
a.:1.::-- t L l.S ! Ol V ll O ' I't'..- ! 1
r. X- .. !' !
Hiiii'Uie . !i -I"! t, D . II Mi! er, ij
Kile Hiymht:, rf I:. I-. Hrlee,
A. Alexander, C ,1. XV, AleMiirlrio, 3
. I'L'nilVT.
V,. . Fal::aer, 8
. Vt'. VmidnVi.nder, ft M. A . T!ttKe!, ft
J. A. Heed, .
H'.UMUiilM UOllO'.'OII.
I!. T. Owi n, ft I. 1,. mivMirc, S
XV. (i. XVeaver, 5 t). A. Ilanlv, 5
XV. E. Deihler, Mary Haup", 6
K. A. Huiink, 5 Mary A. Hay, 5
Heiihen lioileuback, 5 .1. li. ISati'liie, 5
John K. llaaH, 'A John llenlauier, 4
A. li. Oir, lKiihelhi MeP.lieee, ft
'f nr'mtrille. None. Wnsliincion, None. XVut
aontowu Borifb, ' ni . Zeibe, None.
J. ? ,h:i.
Williie..'l,,n .:;l;e, 1
vv ''' W, 5, W. V. . Wary, a
r'-" ToWnmiih..
Anthony Cll'pl-'. - l'.t:!'l; nearly, 3
, , J.'wi:i; ai or :i.i.
J ' " V MwkLvtarv
. ...'''''
V.'e ' :.-l bi
1 f Vie
a sed eeeil- i... "U . . n r. . I nt I m nut i.,e
y.- ..!: A M '. P..- ii Mueiieemoyer, while
c-i:; :... I ia iioio.'.iii: n l-u ironi a tied, was j
i !,,- t,, t. and log p.,-,ed over j
,is head crtihiii!t it hi fli-M-kintf -.-laniier and
lililimr him alino-( in.-lnui iy. lie h :iv. n wii'e
and seven ehilclren. it .i,'....:it(.i'M Ikrn'.n.
.- -. A
riii'T ahmi i. nrv.. a coi rePiM i, i, ii. m.iu
the lollo-.v'i tr Item, from M...i:l Carmel to the 1
utile! .:n 7. ot ,:o-t wei-;
():i ii: .'my ni ;li, H.c. "i-illi, some feo nid:'e! !
o.illi-d nt tli- biiu:ii;u li'iiiw f Wm. ftiov. mi'i 1
! H'riiu z cXS;: v'
V'. . ..K.-i-y
sliol- l i ! -lt ti :tinl wju. uw ,j m,
i,,,,,,.,. A ilt j.-,., ,.n.,,, . (i,ven Kelce. Tb
nl,,..V!, ,..,.,,, ,,(...,. ..,.! muo w.:s i he workin-
. ,,..,-,1,., , (;.,, ,. Phojes, on ihe ' black le-'
N,u ith-iandh', tl.U mode ,,f imin.ide-
l ,V-Vf ia.'l-i C oVulc Cu:"nii ' "'" '
i,..t Wlvk ylrt.vt i'onner fell and broke
her leu'. On the nmc d iv. a boy. Jamea Moo-
'".'V'i ..'''Vi'v'" v-fl ' Iri"ln . in' had ,
,,,,,,, .,t i'j,'.'. ..'uVv. VliloU one man ivasMnit
,,,,1,J,1',:! I'o'v ue"i"l ' t""
N ,,,, eVinis a.v ail l'innin.' the new v.,.'
, . ,v iHlr, 'p i,.-v . h. ii in Iwi-
u,,,.,,,,,,, , . , . , . . , .1 s,il;,; on lb- Hub.
!; . , .;,, ,- - ,,.. ......i ,. , ii,.,,,
1 ?'o , r k ! " '
m:t; Tois
..... ii.:- , mat wl.i'.e
iv . i..y . . - ...i o ii-i.o". ; - a t s. ami ni.i -L U.oa
iioi; 'i in i'n. w ,i . , not re-t onr
clain:-- to ; :;tr-n.;'.... i'n tliis :.!;.:ie. hut i-.piaily ..n
the I. let cur vl Mi1m i.i hUpei ! a.i.v, ii!.' I loi nil.'.- to U : b-i I i.i the Slat." i.
IVr.tisy.v.'j.ia. XX'.i..; in k- r A liro.i u, r?i:o'n i.'.i.l
Jl:iik'"l tire. 'Is, l'liila.!el.'uia.
. - - -r.nt
'i A mi hi. xn.
inECiii j ax: iS.
M l. T I'li.-ii'-li it any wonder that we are
burdened with hii;!i tax.--, when the fact U
km n t lia' liiiadre-ls of dollars of money belont;-
imr lo ii:e Imv - li---a cnl!--r-ted ir.ul in1.
iq'i o(e'".!
.-I it. i lor and eiiihezz'e I j
I v sonie of tin. i.oioh. ; i fii.'iaiis ( And sueli, l t
iita infill me I, i- t lc laet. i hat do our Coun
cils no en liy allouin' raeh a stale of a Hairs f.
c.i-t ! Vi'hy allow i ',. -. t'ii::.;s to he covreil
iii and eonc. -aic I, this picv i'ti:i' Ihe tax-pay. rs
from ha-nvilu" nnvlirn ot li,e In la pin otaia-
tiou and at.-'. i a-i .on of i io:i'v - e .lle t.-d t hi i
I i lon-v - -.II.- t.-d I h. .
haiellny li-t b'.'ij tb"- aeemmts ot Ihe olheers ,
ini.lned end l-clilnh -d ever, ye-ir. , is dona in i
au. ronery ,.--.l.:l. 1 , .. n. -. ; - v.t in :. laet I ...w.
Ii.t.-ie-tel can -re lio v tl,. n- n.oi y I' cxj-ii I-" . ' I
Thi- i- H
s.i . .:, hi i'is-.'i.Jl"ii..v
t liim.ii: s'.iii-t aecomitaln in
ii;':i 1 .- I '17.ll
and u 7 ai ol il
tdm- ill.. I !!.' U;n
' .:'. v tiii- th
The reeord- in
-l tlllllllall-b. Ol
1 '
nd :
o w l ! i n
re in
thin, s t., 0.
Il'lil. -tv f
. id it 1 1
A...1 1
A Tax-Pavki:.
We would siiL'ire-t. a-a for t'.iir-evil,
the pa.-s":'.i;'.' of an lo t by the I.t :;'. -lat lie, i rohi
l.'.I ioo th" i-.i'l. ete... ofa -imilo dollar by Ihe
HoroiiL'li uutliorities, until Ihe nce-vanis of tie-je-.-vlo'is
year have been :ikI :ti ;l and pu'.-ll-h".!
to that the lax-p.'.y-i.. can ot-e bow their money
has been e.iii.l. !.
In tin" ii. t yla. ", ri ike it a penal oil- re" in
nay oll'n'-i to collect, mid li'sbu; t ieney without
until. irity of law, and allow no oilicer ti"" col
lect ar ! .li-b'.ir.-.- n:oi:i ' hiiig silllleicut
bail for the faltb.'ai iei foiia.inee of ids duty.
We have tiux- ami n;r.;!u itr red tliesa matters.
Iutmrunci" is oli.'ii the parent of vice, nnd those
who prefer ;1 ,ikec.-.o to li'.lil mint put up Willi
the coiiice neni c nnd snil r lor tlicii' lolly.
iiuiUf's Tubli'.
Tim: El. tit. O .nio.-..i, M.wazinu. Sewc'.i &
Mi.n-i", hi mi;,., id.
. Th Jai.-i .ey ..."imb' r of tbh- lo.c p rio Ihal
is i.-e. ',e I. 11 I - :-1 11 I I tra.-e t'i ill' that till.-
".'.: e
no "Ifi il..: and few c .pi.ils in thc
w.11: .to, eiCI'.-ii ot ill no. lo,' ... .,-
,...,... ....... , . '-,..'
'.. ,'" " ' " '' ' '"I '
a a 1 ti-
'."''- ''
:.ei- art i-s-
whole nt.'nb r i-a- fa. ' :r.ei.! thi
e ; : 17.11 of :n .1." 'I ll i,.u-tr,,l
..' l!"!"'"V ." bl .l.l.'. f- I a I a v.mi. an ! I. -.ill.
t fa l r - ill".::l- t .r c i'i-. h- N.iv'-in . I' and
tirai i i
.".t Ir -e to all ne v
j ',,., , j.'t
, . ,. .,
M.-o.l i Ci., il i..-
., 1"H
: !.vr ::x s , .1 111.
1'. 1 U
t..n. M.o
Ti.l li."il.iy cat. 1 :,lt.;
i-.r.'e I I ie. y i...;r ; ,
.111. 1 la- fin b n.e t .e
i.l'.l-1 : .,i .ai .10 .1 in n
ii''- '!- ' ' ' '" ' '"
. .,:t .. ;:. is 1. 1 1 I..,- 7.n
in.'i :l: "':,': "ien" - w li '
Journal lias bei-n .-n-
ot It s .' .M"ll . ,
'i .; an I ll in U.,m.-l
: j-.i ; an, 1 1 1,.- 1 .ie . 1 1 - - -1
- i.i I':- vvor, I. 'I'.i-
., rely f r t l..-n- i i . ni
' i ,r, a i me. b ,1 v.-
tn-b-l A n--: ii n ait-
, i-t-t !..r . veil d'.iv 1. . -. v
.m : i .. 11 life. - f". . , -nd
1'ilt lll'V,! I. -fore .it. !. ' d.
I'. IS -Ittel, led the ,. lb' ,' .1.
. day' h i, e mvi e I 1! 1 ;l
i. 'll v ';!! n ;
i h i I ..t,."l lo
'I'll.- I, e -I
of "" l' V'e: v
!.'.', tl. t
v hi.
. n l.l , . - c,v:-t I lea. y , f , ,- in 1 1
' r -.. Iv to s i;.;.-. 1 a ,, e' li' l ela--1
p i!-, r. an 1 it i . '..,. "ill..., ol I !,.
' Sv a ip. -r ,1 a-"' ,,; the f . .i' .-. - at ll
: l.i 1 i.ill I o J 1 ,1 I .' In r 1-
I w.-il; . J rir.t il v h -'i by the , -j
Itt-.'uv. a'tl-ti in I in .-h ,:, ..! I
l L'. I .. ii . I vv , e a - f. .,.11 .1 . . . . ,
! t'no . ): th : . :,ni.
'.-I. lit I
n lu i a -ri
i Si": ins "u's XI ox mi v, f ,. .), n
I 1 1 r: v i. : I pt-.i-i. v : ii
i ... V . i . .. .-'..' ,
'1 .... I,, .-ill". tl' v . i . ...
i'. nu i.i , i I ne J in..,, i . , n
1 1. '1 I '!..,,- I, i i .. I .
I l'.i.W i K.n. I "1 I .. ..I. , . .
. ; I : . .,n I.... , ; I
.Xo.ll,. ,., J. ,. , . ." :
S.1I l en . l ; V, i .) , I l .. . :.,
'iu- it I. ,i -i a li . . ,
U." C .,1 v., I. I', ll
st!. Ilea ii-
S . 7r .' .''
i . l ;
1 1, a jo 1
1' ,ll I ", Oil '
i , I I ll
V I e. J I ...
.o I I i V .. -.
1, b I I.-.
..I'. II. '.. I .
'... 1 '-1 K
-. " x.
I l-
In- to t i '
Ik a lo, .
I. 1".
,' I
ii ,'
..I t II ' v
X . i I . .
, I J V.
, . . . , i. t . , . .- l ., ...II. e .
! , .... i. ,i I i In ... ' i I . o. . . , ., m,.- I.
i i b- i i. i u i ("i"iiwi
lst.ivi'ul iv' l
A woum,". i!i Bi:o r.f , lnk.,.t-..t ni ona of the M reels In tl.a llorotigh of fianbtiry, Is
otf red f ir salo on tlio tooft loaonbie t' i nia.
il ply at t'rs 'iHe.
A m-i T. wi fotiirht at Me:nihlf , between Alct
nnder Shoit and John H. Nntt, In (vhieh Ko'.t wm
chot. nnil t-hott wai not. In thle ense It wa bet
ter to be Ri;ott than Nott. It w.i reported that
Not w is not alio! but fchott aweurs Ix abut N'ott,
xrhleh either provm t'nit the shot fcliott allot at
Nott was not nliot, or that Nott ia flint, but not
ttilhstuii, id! thiK, Tbos. C. N'olt on Fourth
street, Sanbmy, keeps a laiije aRsnrtiiient of
clotlia, and v,u sinu-.ra, and iiiiikc.l tip ppluudid
suits for ucntlemeii.
Piano H.tooi.s. A now nnd hamlsomo arllele,
cover" 1 "M'l hair e'oth and re., preen nnd red,
Jut reeeivel, nnd for sale Very cheap by If. I(.
Mas' .T. i'l ii":, C-ii.
The lirtnei'M' se.l'.j ot' Enota mil fl;r...s at
W. 11. .X!';!U r" Exeelsior t'Unv, during tie: Un'.i
''y. "' every ore by sar;-' !--. IV. x after b.t
"' eiri I led. -t welli.d Mr. Miller ilill keeping
up (lie Iai:;e-t in town. Ha has I'.eain
I'.;.: ni he 1 1 the Very lic:i In inar-
!:-t, and a" c' fie :...le,t ii)h-.
r:AN3 ami Oihians. The fuhferiber, a cent
ior the be-t Pi. mm and Organs In the world, will
..u,,,-.,, t, .,. t Ik-mi f..r live vear and f ell the
vr tli-m any traveiimr iiL'ent cell ulford them, flat
ilr-ta meker emi-ivy nu Mieli uiteuu. 11. B.
TriiNiNc ,v New Leaf. This 1? the time
for mnki.iv' resolutions. Almost every one, in
- - - -
t,,r" ov,'r 11 "' w 1 ',r '"r ' ani.e.- twelve
iii-.', loin u-.o i i. -soni-s arc us ynen.uui ub
',UJ-J 'n " ' heap boardinj; ln.'.if"'. Pi intent peo-
p e dc!-imlne to av..i t debt j extravasnnt pe-.tdc
rr v-,, d.,
::r:,rrT ;::iT::f
' "l w
Sanburv. where Loo Is of the latent stvle i, made
Tilt n w styles of h its at . Fu list's store are
aduiire l by everybody. He kci p l splendid as-
soitnient I s-luet from, and all of pood ipualily
a'n.1 the late.-t styles.
Fru.s.---. ehoiee lot of rancv I'urs for ladies
and chihlicn, ju.-t received from New York, lit
C. H. Wcitzel A: Co.
Mi-Fl-x. Somclliliiir new. Gay's P.ifnt Mall',
for fale at C. U. Weltiel A Co. fall and see
Vmsii:Ki.i.a. The Storm Kins an.l liarirhir
i'lool- r:iili:i'!:i. with Patent i.o-k Ituninr, at
I'. !t. XV..I.- i t o.
t.osiv.-i h.i. r.- or De.n.iv
'I'm i i;u .fTHr.rr, P:iji vol.: n u
.!:; airv II, liTt.
I', s. i;v of "mi
" " 'ni
" " T,5
" " "l7'i, new
" " 'IT.
" "ns
" r.".. i;-t".."s
17. ei. il l Y' ar ii p..i" ecu'-. ( y.
iV miii., 1M S.
-'i o'eioen, l". M.
no-; n;-;
h-'4 I. i.i
ins:i; l'.vv
II'S-:. IIIS'.
In.-i , 107! .
!' TV lo
l'--;., ios-','
loT . ,'
ii.'i, ll"V
nun, iu.:;
Id ...
I'lliOl! I'.O
t ert -a! P.
lo5 ! 7
i:. P.. i-t M. U'uid-.. ::ii vni
- u. i: i'io
I'nion Pai-itl" Lend (iraat ll nnls.. :',no
-.-,,.,, ,no ,,- v..i":-lt ..... .1..,.. ... wi...
fa ,..;,.,, ,,. v,.,.. .,, Xcrvi .us Dihiitv,
p. 1.11!1..ll-u U,,..iw".,d ah the ell -els of M-nti.rnl
;;' ',,. v.u . , .. ;.,.
;,,.;1,;t -,. ...,, ....... ,., , , it, ,. ,,., ,
I ...,. ,:i.-.-f.,..i for itnikim: tin- simoh: leme'i tv
. , , ,, i ., , , .,.,,. ,,.i.i..,., , ,.V..n'i
j ,lv ,.. .v. .,.,,"' ..-rieii-e' can doso l.y ad-
I ,'., I ,,..,..,...,,'. ...
II ! II. O i I 'I- ,
So. IJ Cellar Irln ct, -Seiv X o:.;.
v. 19. Wo. Iv.
jri.u , ON'SCMPTIVES. Tin- n.'v. rti-er, h.iv- .
1 -4. inn been permanently cured of that
i.-e-i-e. Co'isnnij-'ioK, by a simple r-nn.',, i
inxi.-n- to make known to hi- f.lln". snie-r.-i-.
t Ie- mean - of ere. Toiillv.h. di--ir i: , he '.il.i
-end a eoov of ihe prescription u-ed ( t'r. e of
el:. ire. . ). Willi tb" ilire-tioiis for prep.n he;- and m,. .-.ami", n 1.1-1. they 11 HI lnnl a si 111: ( i m:
l-ol, I . t- -1 ION. Ali,:. linoN' wis. .v.-.
l'liiie-- '. 'n 1:1:.' il.e pn -. rin; ion -m.I p-.i-.:nj-dr.
-s 11, v. ri'W'A'ili A. Wil tdV.
I.'..", S-.::t!i S-(- uii -.1 reul , 'o iiliam-'ei 1, N. Y7.
Nn. p.i. 1S7.I. ly.
nOV,".r.f SXNITAKY AID SS( t 1 ATI" IN'.
For the K II. fan! ., I th" l-.i:l,... and
I '' ol: l'l-hleipies of I iiii-ti.m I'lda'l-
1 in opy. 1'.-- iys ou tie Error of X' will, 111: I I v
Follies of A::e. In relation to M Mint and So-
1 M. l' n.. ith sanitary aid for the aflllt.c .
S.-ct free, in sea'i d eii.n.. es. .;iilres. IIOXX'.
Alii .X.-fOCJATlON, Pox P, Philadc'idiia
l'a. may7,".'J ly.
On Nov. !i. bv the li v. X". in. W. I'is X!r
I riiAKl.r.:? PaI'i., .'.I blittii...kin, l'a., to Mi:.., Ann ::
v. I.,..:... o .
I "'' ,
Ou l-'ee. 14, by I':,. '
v... r.-..
x ,,.1V ;,.j.z ,, p,.,t 'li, v. -r'o.i. I ,., lo Mi-s
I .dAiti" P. lit :. van. ol t-...i'.arv. 1'...
Oil .l.ui. i.t the Autmtii 11. til, bv t!ie!M.
I v, in. ... i.v.ins, an. '..."lii.i. v.. .-n.iio
, vil-s lanu j. oissi.x, o- in ,11 .lunnrv, 1,1,
' lu Lower Amia-in, in.-, -.'ith, l-.'i, ... In.'
j .e-il.-i,,-.. oft', !'.:;.'.- :'..'.l. r, by liev. (i ore.:.
1 1. en.-ii. "...', M 1 . Jm x W. ins ii. 111 r, oi XX ie....i"-
1 ., , , i ., A.,, v XV INN, of Loner A,,-,,, 'a.
Oa the '.'It., nt.
S. 111. ,!ii .1.14 to
by F. 11. C.eiei, Mr. 1 i'.ii,
Ml:. Ft ANNA l'l XX, l.oia ol
it i:'.l. t.ei, I'.i.
1 At . ."a l.titb. i.i ii P:,r-"i,ai;". 4 in lint v i ll... on
1 tin. "Jltli nil., by 11 v. .1 icon I . XX'amp,,-,., xir.
: 1 1 i .-i... i: XI ixii u, of 17 v-b n :-, m XI , A xx r p.
I M int un i". ,i A m h. i v i p., ". I .::!.-1 r eon ii y.
1 i i.i 1 1., ill i, : .. I, , ' ',. -.:,,. XI .- btvii i M n
l.l".., l.l '1'UI il".., t. ,xiw X.MI LU 1 111 XI 1 , ot l.'Vl :
tttp. On ihe .".ill in-t., bv the same. Mr. Wm. XI.
li xi. to Xtn. A smi. M. XVrici max. hoi h ,.f t a;i
b.l ui.,.
A I I. .r low i
XI ni I iv, 1 1
: I in-t ., M.
J.iio, I:',.. i
l.!Xo.,il l,".Hi,
I I .' v. ai -, 1 1 lie n: i, ..
Xi XI un li mi. on ll..- l.l
i y .1 . v .
int., xi r:v .us
".' ,
-, ail' d
! iv
;.i iv! ;i;,V:;"'v..
Suuliury .iii in .V I'riiiliii-t 'I.irl.i l.
,1, its i In ice '''hit. XV ;e ..I. ..
I .".' l
I I '
Ai.. , : , tl ,,1-i .
I' 1-, (
1- I .VI.
II I ..
I" I
I x
i, i, Cm ii I
l A
r .
... H.
I '
"1....m, '
" ll
" i-u.,..
itaar 4 ttuw-yi twfm
. ..
and tlia
Whieh wo are carrying necciiiltHtM our ooru
mcneiiii; AT ONCU
Wo oiler our eiithe st it of
1 17! v far the ti..ri!'i"t m linen amr .,A iimii.
l't.OOOBttdae Cvt.-t,
Mcn'a Vct,
0,600 Overcoat!
x-fi-si rn.o ci..'.i.-.'fle:.i.,
i,wj u' y .iii"i-r,
ii,';J-J linjn: ?et.;,
m,o:.' i l. ii'ai.'eri's T;
: All r.f the tiet kind of Clothhii; (..u l f i v.-.v d'V
bll.ib.e ei.-U l, f ..l iia.l it.i.i,iiv, Ii:;iLt; I
i our imeien-e hix-.-tory
B'll.dli.v- from
, u-i-'-m.t.
j to loit
UiaB any wo nave ev r 1,-lorc c'o..-. S'j-ir i r.v
We will al'. o a.- tn j; -e -f 'u wo"'v l'
, h.e chumi..,,
if ? -?
ui.u uill w liiaKy I w 19 A
' Vfn will out i-'oser tiien ever, mid itiva toe people
(Jur Mo. k is imn-.'i: e (.V) p. lower tlnia
last years) ami all FJ.KS!!, ns il.e-.i (ire it
Alll'tnl! i 1- r l:s o.-t.
lint we will e.irry il, IT MUST 15 E SOLI).
1 he sale i! 1 cj'unn in.-."
.f!oii(3;i.v .Hci, riovfnlep 21.
hp 1 he f-.i' e.v-i p. r-.ti! i v.-rv
Hoy in Ph-'aielj ld i wno m I j.-.o.-i
L' "I ill
' et
ntty price i.- ' i'i'i .iv.l Irom ttii :'.
For this oe -a- ion ive h i", n ;..! . t - i ; s of
-men. an 1 v.-i . i. ; .tore." l.oni our C it'll
( -t. "'.. ami k-. p
-l.t villi l'J. A iltlt
: to parehasis or i. jt.
1 .t ilUOXVV,
. si
- I
ail.el. I: iln-i- W,.!,
Vh-.le HI...'
g. E. Cor. fcixth and
Nov. ".'It. 1s7i.
t'. U-. i...!-s S i..i";r t:f-;L. i.-!- t ..n
: i... . .V
' : i i I II
ICSlil'cri C
3f - ".ili'V AKil .' T V.IX 3
b i F A N C Y DRirJSC.ii?
II. .e ..1" l1',..-,' '1 1 m, ' ii i - . . . 7;-",i ,4
onl llltnfli' i.'.U":i i : r. .".'-"e. 1 r., ;;-. .i".-
ic.'.l t !c- :' its I . c ..a " - ," '.;-.". .-
i. ," "i f." iier;-.," .vi'., 1. i-.' i.v i :;'.r . i i,
.in.:.,... a..-.. '-.I c:.'i li.i i, .:.. '.,.-i? y .' .i.i , vlo
f. ..-a t:.e ' ...'..' I ... :.: .1 : , rfc of ..:.... . ii e
In. i.t nil .. but, i t , - '. c m .. ...... so- i:.
(iiil'.AT lit.lil'i' i'l i.i: t. i m:il X 1 11 ii
4.1 V . . t; pi: I M I i" i .. , , ei : . v . I
lr. 'j- r . ( t .- : .... i. i ...,.". . '. i-.l i- .-ev - .
r.::. ::::;...: r-1. ri;.. : .- , : . .: ,. 1.- .: v . . ..--.
I. j per. , n i i: 1 1... . ,1 ... la.u r . ....-:..., i. r
tl"'. cr '. r--l. eie. 1' ,:i" V. '.'
t t.O v...!'.. ; .l.i.ll., -.r..'. ' . k . - .-.!
t: j t... .1 a e i-t a . "o:i I.. ..s,l i- a c:
o.Iiir no in ... rv en.. . .:.;. . si.- l.i ..; ...ei.'a
fo::.t ...:.
I- in 1 .,:!;. ij'vni''! y rial ( iicuie 1' 1. k v. .;.
lis:., r.u.i lie.'.i. l-'i.v ,-'.i . i i v : i.
Itili.M-.ff, titi; ,11- .,, i.i.ti .-.(,-.-,k,; ii i ... i ,
l'l i.ti.i.. l i '. lii. i .'. I t . . !"-i ..-, -. b , '1
liil.U.K r. . 1 :lv. , s - . . ..:-.,.... . .-
Iu!. Sin U li' . i.i.l : '. "I.l.n.d
pi,.-,. :
. i i. . ,
.: ..
1 r.-
..lly.i, r
i: i
r : ii
1 ,
I.i ,
I ;, ",' li
i-l .. . : ...
i: i,i us., -i ,
rr. 1 ti- .!. 1 . .
;. 1 .- . wi I - -1 .
r- ' 'i ''
J IN, 'I'.X 1 ." v. I
ty.i ... I ... .. 1
., v I
i B
" i'
.11 !t. l lil
I w :.rn It ,,f I h
, 1. r.. t... l.u.i
; .is,
a . .
i j
j. ...'
, ..: a ni i . . i
. u: j iv." a' l I'i.t'cc;
u:acv ruo ice i: a ri: va: i
J N. U.
I. :, :,n , I ...
N i 1 un
II i ' I..
II. ... I , e i
l'.vc.,ln..i ...
If ... . to .
li i I
H : , .. i '..
I' o. i
It I..' . I I
it r. i' lih f it ii.xx ?i n
I- V
.. '.,1 t
. ;. i.. 4
i i
;: 1 1.. . I '.
H I,.. I it
li .
I l'll
1 Im, as
i. . '.y i " .
... , .. .. ii...,. .. .
m f N 11 I 11 i . I' 1. N N 'A.
N U N . i . i . i i "
it ..... u . i 1, 1 1 .... :
.ii Inn. J . '
,t..ut,,l. , il. I . J. I 1
I -I
ll 11 I., I llk.t'll,
14 I itXU Vll.i llll
ol li li, 4m vi iu m. 4, -.., ,
00 w.r
ifi fv
Sia V- ' .. . . . - '
i::Z - . :7
l -
'FAI L AM) V.'IKT.Vi'.
Kov Auri.ul c:
Mir;' u atp. aj-i-rt-s :;. r.r.
Market Kunnni, F, 1 " 7 . ; . ,',
J.iat ipe.Ti.l, mlt'ic;. a ;. ... .
CHOH'E lp.'' : ,
eonsl :1!m of t'.nbitut :; .'' ," .;,', .;i.4 4.,l.j
i;oo't, in ul tb'iir vai'tetii"..
Ir' Til !. (, r:t?i!:i-o?'.I-j'.
NOTJOV:', ' .
cs!srAi. Asa . tm .:. :
lai.ui;.3 xvo.)l;::j ()'.;
O 'uu' 'joiim.i, Ni!:-t', r; :; ...., I'.ri.i.n.
Chill'.; nnd;.
Perluu. ery, 'i'oiiet, V-.v, Uiu,!-.. ' ci;ih
rt?. An in-.i!:l;!,a Is tiit'-adej to a'.: to e.ul end v
(:ar': bar-tabH.
H.inlniry, Nov. K, 170.
i 7TTT11 "
, ACOil EU.'VMa:.-. .O-l'.-.,- !...':..
Tiro, f r i.-.rtd A4".'''-"?
n t r - -
;lNfc.JiA2JCH Awl. : jV
) r.r
I filCEE'.'JIIAX- .: r?'K".7,
: MATiiiiiT if : ::iii:T, s';.v:;::i:v, v..
- An-frVi !
I j. -.ti.nei-.'.
;. A-;e'S f '
' Maul:.. It in,
: N. A:M-iit,iU
- leu ii!ni I,
: v.-niieia :r.
N' To-
1 :
1 n
.1- I
lie nover.
' V- ."ii:-. -. .Vm.'-v,
1 ":;",k: r I": lad. ipiii-.,
Ho e, ,V".v r.K,
r.i 'l' r-1, Li-'t.'vd'i,
l'l '!::.. "
V. ''. . .', A 71: r-' i ."i 0
( i.-oimv-i'..... S'c.v Vosl:,
N'.-r-.i i' h, .orei'-!i.
New iinland M leal 1.1 fr.
!".: i "i
: . ,-' '.-i'-
.ion.; "U
The mfV! V pvi-o';- run1--.-' l-
ami ex'i-is.u .c i .,. ny snap! . jijc t: ... : . !
!TA?i-ns"s Ows ViTi'trt-o Ar:: '-: :.".'.
Cnnl tnn. " s-.-o via r"- PrrnvirM .'-'.., ....
p.jlnn., . t. .... ..... ...... .... 1..., .... . .
N'.i. a ll.'V St.. N. v Xorit.
feuld by lrutiiaia ifcuerul.j'
Xorlin'ru (.ciii ru I "it?iv.a,
wini r.ii :'iM7".ii7N y.
rv; n"l IV. -. ... 17
KJ as fuiiO'A.. :
ti-.-.i ".:
t : -,.47 ;.:..: , ' . i . ",--.. . . vli
is.:?; '.-'.'i ' i" , : 7 -.":." r..i- ... -i..
la ". ' :.! .. t". 1' . ;..;vra an.'.
i).-.".'".'.. vi.. :': -'il.'" v .: .10 l-'.l.o--
1. ..- . 7: y . i r : . v -. f.r '"- .1. " .- J:t
? -i;-ni .'' :,.
y, j ... :. 1 .:, , a. n... ;.i ii e : 1 ' 1 : ii-
b'lr-i ! 1". a. :!.. 11.: I'vmr ; l. i 5 u. 1 n, , .!:..ijji.
J I la y ".M a. 111.. Wa-him ion city l.i'l ;. 'n.
Leave . "-anbury at 1 1 .1 5 a. :n ..' a ;".'..'. at Har-ri-bar-;
1 .V. p. tin. ih.hii. .-,v iki-', p l'bila
li -.j-bii ".;..', p. n... XVast.i:,-.! ..u loa-n p. m.
L: itve Siinbary. nl .0 ... 1.1., a'i;i'.: c". liarrit
buist I.I"! p. ri..' Win hln'-.ton ' la 11. t.i.
Le i.', anbury at P.'.u.',;.. at Ilarr'.s-:-Wi
'.Mi ' a. 111.. Wi.-:i!nuto:i 7. IV a. 1...
1.'.!t!i'r... ::--nmodati'-;'. 'wm .7i..n.;-v J-C8
ni.. -irti'.-,. nt I.i 1 1 '.-o'.i'-e; ..-ia a. L-i , :.'al'"t:i'.ro
1 ..;.o p. in.
S.lAM.-rl 1 -i 1 i":Slf).
r.'.s rvi 'ii: .
Lea'.".- Sun'. 1 rv at 4 40 p.. m.. arrive l shi0i
1.1". p. '! ., Mt. (. ail.,.-. i-t p. in.
i.e.'-. :. ..i.i.'.i :' ( A :i: . , 1 7.a,.i u'. llSUu.
til., aniv;at !... p. la.
w:. im.o-:".
I.e... v.. (.'arm"! ' "... .'1 ft. T., u
S.. .:,..... t, 'a u. 11 .. fun l.urv 'J. ii a. 1...
J. . A. :ni. 7.n, ,'.ci e. n: .. : i. ":,. ..I '.If. p.
1 :., '.i'l'..- . t S.v' l.y I'm p. m.
I.v.-r- I -'. d : 1 v . 1 ". ,1 '. on --.':., .l' , : ul i
Ail Mb- r lr.:it!
.. K. I i nr.
i!..:.v. eiv
!i.. !
Gen'l P..
"- i ili.ys.
. Ma.
Tl l:.i :-ii'-. t. n-t door to J'inctlor. ilo'cl,
isL'MJLl'.Y, l'EM N'A.
An entire ucv i,..-1; of mi kiiuU of Grwte'iLi,
rompii-.ibtr of
'::. ..!:.
.' r.n
. il. -...ins
i:tiif4, MltonldPl'S,
I ;
' I
il .;..i'
mil; it
t . -1
. . - I e . ,
J i.i
,, t '
;amvs ANi'i ee.
;'A!.!. AND WINTl'.!: Mli.l.I.VL):?.'
I.-Ai.ic.-: SJo.iiiclH i.utl lii:t!,
Pis!., .vylll " Ml' I.IM I.t l;cn:,-, pr-..' AiiT,
li..'.'e -i ... I l
:.. x i'.isnr. vToki.,
M..;k .tm ' . ,r w -i , f Co.. .;' "jca-
let eei . y !.. ',
slNlll'llV, 1'A.
Th,. !.,tet -'. ,-t P: IV ."''v.
" I Xi- r I. 1 .wer-. 1. . , r" e.-ii-
1 , -, ( .... , n . i ,, s. t - , .' ' v . a s' ivies,
I .i l.ii; v i '..'" ' 1 "' ar... -.
lu i-iii.ii-. ii. 'i v nu in: .'lii.l I m 1; . ci, 'i
, 1 r . - i ' ' .-
imr-.s m.:;p i. ash nviiN'ti.
CLTllXti l'F I'ATIL.IN'j
::ic i
.1 X V !'.' 1
., i. . , .
.f. i
J -v:; i.i I". , i'a .
11 : ' I I i i ; '. .
a. i . o i. r..
. Cf A I 1. l.'NLb
XV 1
I .!
.'. l
I .IID Hi "illk'l-Alll.M i -u ll 1. . .', lit", 'll.
t . I
i i ' - , . i
.,.., i i i i i i4
. . , ., . . . u.. si,
t ...... i , 1., .t-
rtiju H.i.iMH,
4 1 S- !
't t !- 9 '
I .
I I! '111!" I l