SUNBUUY, JVNtl AMY 1, lSTl DSMOCJtA'JY ON TIU; iUiUACU Tlu" tinterri3ed lnirth Wnrd crowd of Phila tklphta were present nt the nsfcnibUng of the Stole Legiflnture 10 presn the chum of John Ahem for sersennt-nt-nrtiw, but not-wltlit-t-uiding they thrvate.ned m.ny of the. Senators, they 'failed JVnntnrs lltieknlew, rtriken r.rrl Findlay litul tho courage to rjppose them. After their defeat the rrowd sought Mr. Biukulevv to do him bndilv harm, find not finding him, went to the hotel of Messrs. Tctrikeu and I-' indlay, mid assaulted them in their room, benting the Somerset Senator, and tiritv; n. pistol eliot at the Senator from llurit'itigdnii, the hall entering the wall near his bedside. They were guilty of other outrages. The sequel show s that in the Senate at least the ";atig" are powerless fir evil, vlmlcver else they may be rkewlienv. lovod. -Judire Kclley tireslded, nnd Hon. Lrtwrewio J. Hcta. of Heading, acted na fciecrplary. IIou. John Cessna, who Arrived hero to ifii? from llarrislmrg, nud Wio as w ith Covniln when he died, gave anftceouut dl'l ia hst moment. It was agreed that Mes.siv,, Mercnr, OiUillan, rhelpw, find ,' ..i of d-jlcr-.t:-'-?!. stonKl rrweed to 't'!'.r,-lvau'..i t iittesul the funeral. II. ey wi'h Vpsher and Varuhorne, of Missouri, IVutlcy, of Ohio, aud Hoots, of Arkansas, will constitute a committee, of 1 he House to attend the funeral in ttcoord nnco with the resolution of Hon. O. J. l)iekey, adopted by the House. .luoVe Kclley will announce the death In the J louse, but the time has not been de termined upon for doing it. Tho Congres sional Committees will leave to-night for Loekport, l'unnsylvaiua, Mr. Covode's late residence. rrnui l'.uropc. mr. io.ybakdmk.nt of . pa ms houses ox PIRK. Loxnox, .Tan. 8. (Specie 1 to the 2T. 1. HiraltL) Telegrams from Versailles to the London Twkh to-day say the American Consul has been permitted to leave l'aris, and has arrived here. The Prussian guns could easily shell the city. ItiMSin IVui.s are on fire apparently. - , - . . ; , . ! There, has not been much tiring to-day. A suspexsiox of -miners took place in ! TI)C 1.-ri.nrn ri.(i0nbt at Notre Dame do tho Coal Kegiou ou Tuesday last. It will ' Ch tin nit was oeeiiicd by the Prussians, uot continue longer than is required to ar- and it-s lire turned against the French, range prices for' 1ST 1. At Shamofcin a ' There are. no appoarr.nees of a sortie. The t.L in..;... to .. I l russ'an 108808 ,u,e " Unille:int. 11111 I 'I HI VI IIIU V. TA I.VpllVkl 'I Ml w i I An cuthusiastic admirer of Frank Blair writes to the Mfctouri JRrimblican thr.t Ulair ought by all nieuns to bo elected United State Senator, because a large ma jority of th Confederate soldier prefer him. There was a doublu marriage, In fun. at a social gathering in- Albany on New Year's Eire, but the young witc bare made a serlon matter of It by Insisting that the marriafmi nro just ua legal as though cemented by a runl minister, inas much as tbsy have niadoa public acknow ledgement of their wish and iutention to take each oilier "for better or worso" Ju the presence of witnesses. The California supreme court decides that tho fourteenth and fifteenth amend ments do not abrogate tho state law pro hibiting Chiuese testimony against white men. TO THE tVKAK, THE AVOItX, AND THE Wkatiy, the Editor of the l!ntmJernrtkr says. "We can most unhesitatingly recom mend the Peruvian Syrup a protected so iation of the protoxide, of iron, to all tho weary, having richly experienced its heno lils. It possesses all the qualities claimed for it by its proprietor. (For the Ainrr'min.) MIXYNII'AI. IMYriRS. tfr. OiUy (lammoii nttemU n Mrctiiitj of the ultra Democra.-y of A'ueth 'tinherlHH-J CiinrnuU jm Aiuliug of th Frotrtiling. aimedbij that .Viir; J'uttr Thonnvul Dollar St-hemt ltmarlm of Yt 0,-aml 1'nMcnt amt DfimtyTwklrnt, etc. Bemokmy tiv onr spckslion know notfita ftbont tho?o I" ' It I rot fer tbcm to knowthat la onr Icsliot t"," npj onr next .tiiilge. " An.l It Iz our 'chel biznle to know who hall liav our role at ths next elctksuon," an sered tho eornrel. " Bel(les,' cried Zeptmnliih glmrp "wtmt 12 tho menolo nr Inrin on a hurry tut. whilo io Uri an amount rem iln ancoliectld t" ' Whut rto joo want with t !f,000 for the enr rent yenrt" xclulincd John A. Wnke j " yoo bir no brldRas to build not mnny repair to make ; no extraordinary oxponses and yut yoo oerposo s nd llslinol lievvy lax I" ''And thin It i-rn for Pi'lutlng t what hat tho Conmy spun for It ?" nskt the knrprcl. "Wood J'oo Imv lis l)!nv vnnr Iniinpct for no thin it T" e.l ik'ilatri Prl-DiV, lq.. ttio nkrnhut and loklc skrihvuv thu Nm tiitnntei lioid ltinir. "Tho hull thlni; Ixad d swindle!'' filed the knrprel i unit with this vulirar remark the obtocwe man wins ;:iit Icevin the mom with lilr. cotnpntiiniis, when our prc?uinitlve J ud'c crg t klaiineil : " Stop, my frends ! Wt will how yon another stntenn-nt." " 1) n Fleh st.itcment !" ciled the corprct. " Wc will show toc a statement lit the next eleeUshen !" And the duii'nshen departid In dl?cnrt. rtern wuz a dliu:n;ny ! It wuz plain that we were goln t. loose lare;ft propoifheu uv the BARGAINS ! ! BARGAINS ! ! BRY GCOBS, AJV THE NEW YORK STOUE, We proposo to sell for IiO days commencing SATURDAY. Deecuher 17, lc70, at a reduction of 15 to 21) per cent, for cash. Jur stock of Foreign and Pomeslic l)rv (roods, embraces SILKS. i:ss (it )OLS, I.IN KX. 1IOSIF.I1V. r.l.oA'JN. M lll i'l: GOODS, LACES & E.MIJKODILKIKS, LA 1)1 ES AGENT'S LMEHV AKE. Also, IjAJDTES5 QQAJJi AMU Our stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods is very large, and with a view to a speedy disposal of it." we have MARKED DOWN nil the prices to a ligurc so low that tins is uuciucMionabiy ttie tune tor great bargains in Dry (mods. We offer Bleached Muslins at the following low figures, Four quarter New York mills, 20 cts., per yard ', four quartet Wnmsutta, 'JO ets., per yanl ; lour quarter jJavoe. -0 els., per yard ; i' nut ol the l.noni, in cts., per yam ; necomtnendod and KodorAeil by Tr Seren ITandrcd Doctors t DU. LAWRKXCE'S Cump.iUiul Flnlt rrtraet of KOSKOOl Tin; uiavr HEALTH RESTOHEBl Hot the buttio. ler:nn!H Aroniid hnlnnoiii Toto in the County inr the ohtnne i Mill Semper Idem. 18 cts., per var 1 : 2 II il! Semper Idem, 10 cts., per deloL'aslK'li wici, had ji-t depaitid wuz utile in ' f,.,,,!, $wn Vy 13 t.ts n-t yanj ; f,,u,. f,,mtl. Social L. 121 cts., per vard ( ovetury, la cts., per yani ; j Coventry cts.. per yard. ply anydemand forcoal that may take place, j and one or two collieries continue to work ; in Schuylkill county if they can sell coc.l. A lurg'i portion of the men in Schnylkill county are opposed to the fciupeusicn, aud i they w ill work as soon :is a basis is tixed , for 187 1 and there is a demand for coal. ; The men in Schuylkill county cinnrt le! kept idle if there is a chanc-; to work nt j i'uir prices. i State Tkeasukke. The contest for ; State Treasurer was prohahly the meet i quiet that has occurred for many year?, j On Tuesday evening llobtrt W. M:icl:-y received a majority of the Republican votes ' in caucus on the lirst ballot, as fjilows : ! Robert AW Maekcy, tiore F. Hull', (i. Dawsou Colca;ai M. IL Taggart, Thu nomiualiou v,;: r.itiiinl, and Mr. .lackey w;:s Ic'tcd on AVcduesday la jont convwuliya. I Ir. Hackcy made a good Suae Trcasaar during the yce.r when b." hell that oiilcr, ntul wc feel satisfied that l.c v. ill not disap. point thot-e who have fgain placed Ll;.i in that responsible position. Dea j ji ok a Motiii:it tF ihe Li'.oisla TriiiC. lion. Joseph A. Campbell, mem ber of llu House of Reiu'e-t nt.itivcs fio::j the Seventeenth disiriel, l'hilailelpLla, died at his reMdciieis in German town, about half-past live o'clock on Wodi:eid.iy uiora ing last, of consumption. Slxti:nc!;u to in-: lli'Mi. 1 1. yd Brlt t ii c-mvictwd at the latl term el' cev.a in Lc Mj;u,g County of :vai filer iu li.-L de giie, for killing Jacob liav, tli metion for f new triid was denied, inc pri jiier beu'.enrt.'. mi ii.e !Lli inst., t .i be l.u:i '. TT1K I'lliltTIXU OX THE LOUIE. London', Jan. '.). Tho 3Vie' special correspondent with the army of 1'rince Frederick Charles describes' the (!;',htiug ah,.ig the Loire, in the loivnt of A'cudnmc and at Montoirc. on the tiih ins-t.. and says that the French retreated to the westward. The me.': l'russians are following them, With l:'.t;e resistance. 8 9 1 en unanimously .'.'l-I-O-AI. OKOEUMAX PI;-OM-:n. I.oxi'OV, Jan. 0. The German' captur ed by the French are sent to the Inland of OYron, ou the west coast of France, op pcfite the mouth of the Charonte. Many llouapartist ageuts have been ar rested m France. I'K'UlTtM OS THE I.OIttK. I.riMo.f, Jan. 0. The TimuS fpnchtl c a respondent with the army of 1'iinee Frederick Charles, describes the lighting along the Loire, in the lbrcfd of Vcndoiue and at Montoirc, on the lith inst.,and bays that the French retreated to tho westward. U'hi! l'rus.sians arc ibliowini; thetn and meet villi little resistance. Lvc.ns Jan. 0. A detachnient of 25,('O0 tvoups. l;e.' just quitted this city in routr ibr i iu- crniy of JiourhaUi, now lying Lefore Relll'i't, v, ith which they will form a co operation in a united attack on the German forces within the tity. Rj-kles Jan. .). It is d.T.nieil highly jirol able in this city that llie German gov ernment, will s:,..i:tiy ifSUi: hu i.r.ler for a uew war lean of eight million tlialcrs. SPAIN. M.VUian. Jan. 'J. Adriees jnfl btu received i:i this city containing the startil'.r.; aud ii'artniiv: intel'.ience tl'.e.t tlie Republican party ha'.e broken out iu full and iusiirrcc'.i.'iU in tie; town of Ji.iinia, iu the jfiovinee of Grenada. It is i.l'j stated thai the insurgents have hiken fall movement and are coheentialing their .vniKd strength in the town, with ihe view uf taking the I'el.t and assuming the oll'eii- control n Important seekiln ii. Nnt ilhstaiellil the snporiilck inichcr uv the korn-Jnoicc ieh they had lmbilied, iho stern realhiis r.v t lie nitehnoashen hnst upon the mental v'uheu uv the Rins. and e.ieh lndivitlooul menibcr rj ikulatid : ' What shall lie done 1" After n enn-iih rahle paure, nnd no one enmin to the reskew, the presumptive Ju.ttre called on i tnc for reniavlis tiearinir onto the jiieent emer- I iendr. Tlnilerli 1 liad ion nertmani'd the itirtv ! i ,fi,i'L- uv tlio Yniiiiill.l Klolid 1 ..m . .L r.i v I ! felt some conipiinckshciiK er. tn whitewnsliiii some ! things ivieti 1 had eeii tliat nile. Hut , taliin a ' serri. In draft from the Husk wieh I carried, I lin i tospeek. This thiui; wu, Iimn-wr, iu my ease, eri-ier Red than done however, l.y meaiM nv a , vice-like t'rasp onto the chair unit table, 1 event- ', ehnonHy iirrnv nt an creekt poselier : wleh feet I licin aceouipii-iied. 1 spoke iz fo!er: j ' My frciirl"," ted L tiul iicU wieh affcet yoo as n party Cabal, are common to nil Oenuv kratie Hmcs. the uivat itraiibuk to our aim I ?. tliat the people hav no t lit 11 in tin. The t root It I i;:. my trends, that our puny U Imuki u t with! r'i;:Md to politikie honest. !,- fir pritiipic, ive ! liave hmir done without i 'out . My trends, it iz j nitli voocz with the rest uv tho party yoo hav yard ; tour four fourth Tammknv Hai.l, BcvnrRT, Lat. . t Lonir. ., Jan :J, 1HT1. J ITallolnJy ! My line " hnvu fullnn onto plea sant plnees'' 1 I have irotten iimonirthelJemok rasy uv Northumberland, nud urn, fur he pre sent. 12 one uv theiiiselves. Tiny are uv the coiij. .uiial stamp evry one uy them lieln n lni pirsrnaslieu uv the lja! Oemo!;rat they havin, to a wonderful extent, that prl.oollar Uarrack ler uv renuine Deniokrasy. vir... that or.konker. able allinity for limirbin nnd tMli which enables the troo lleniokrut to adapt hisselfto polityklc cxijemies iz soon e. they iK'eur. My Northum berland fiends are precisely uv this stamp the oil! si's I'i'.l county taxashen lieiiiir the ob'ccVts wieh tlieir teiiia-1'..inl.i-rs ufler. Lit no skeptie s:iv that ties prais" uv my new frends iz I'ulsoui : thosr w ho hav ,vr t lem. nt our mee in j.v i ues- , ,irnl, vol. j.olttykle coats no oitci as to utterly spuoie x ; Clark's O. X. T. all colors, 8 cts ; !Star Alpaca Braids, 0 yards U cents day nlte last, meilered into a happi mood. only , C.clo..d the oos.-ihlitv uv '.'Urminln their miii- 1 J Pavoo, 23 cents per yard ; four fourth Nashua F, JO cents K-r yard ; four fourth Mashua 1J. 13 cents j)er yard ; four fourth Atlantic A.. It! cent per yard; four fourth Apileton 1 12$ ceil 1 8 Jier yard ; four fourth Indian Orchard W, 12 cents jier yard ; jj JIarrisburg, 11 cents )vr yard ; : llarrisburg lu cents jht yard; '2 I'.leacneJ L" licit Mieet.iug U2 cents jier yard ; 2) Llrached W aUham, blieetiug -13 cents per yard ; Bleach ed Cabot, 22 cents jier yard. Bleached Canton FliMinels from l"i to J2 ; Unbleached Canton Flannels from 12 to 12 ; M'ool and Ci'tton 1 i.mucK from 22 to -to ; nil Word tlaiincls. 2o t till; Ked nil AVool Flannels 23 to 33 ; Gingham, 2") to 33 ; 'licking, 13 to 28 ; Paper Cambrics, 12j; (.'olored Cambrics 12; Calii os fmc ( topj1. LAD1FS' BALMORAL SKI ItTS To to .'..(n). LAUIKS- FFLT tJKlUTS, from SH.00. to 4.00. LADIFS" SJIALLS, from SI. 23 to 12.30. run mm H' u:i.r v.r Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist. It O S fi. U 4 ' Ptrik'-i at tin; Hoot of Hin-ftse by V V P. 1 F Y 1 N fl T II K i! J. O O U . stiHtntr the Liver nnd Kidneys to u II '.n! thy Aetioi), :iutl Iitvig-iratinir the Nervoaa ThU la ihe Scorit of it- Wumlei fa! In C'.uim; AVillimatic 200 yard spools. 3 cts ; C'oatrs 200 vard kjiooIs, H cts : Clark's 2O0 yard Consiuuptiou in its early sta"s, . rofula tv. phills, Dy-j i ,-jiu, L'.i -r (.'otopluift, Cliioni'.' Hhruuiati; in, Xeunili'ia, Nervous Atl.-ction, l;.ni.tions of the Skin, llamoi'-. Loss ef Vi'or. I!5v:ise4 of Ki.ln-y and Bladder, tunl nil Diseases caused 'uy a had Mate of tl'.i- flloo.l. i It tlK.roie.'hlx ! and li el 'l'aii.t. i a heulihy i.,; Vi iikmIi s every l'C.-t"lCB til i of II, on. ;' tT-'.'.".l. tc s'uh can riU'lv uppresiiMlc the nieny poii'.ykle and soslnl v'uehoes uv t lie tilt ra Demokrasy uv Noilhuiiihirland. Hut, ah'is ! our joy on that memorable nite. wiiz sad lently nud rnlh'lssly . 1;;,. cii. uv our frreef comin from a quar ter from v.i''h we lei t expe.etift it. Tho oceM'.en and the maimer thereof tviiz uz fo'.lers. to wil : Thest iitel bi.'.uiss uv lln; nuvt'.n wuz undid, and we wuz ili '.'ibei.ii'.n wall closed doors afl-r th far!. on uv Ihe. troo Ilemokray, we wuz takin gwce c.i'iu'.'l together, ever and anon lutirieatin our mental I'aenHics with coopyus drafts uv the invi;or::tin eorpl w icli we carried in our ttaskd. I u.r lli.iiid President was in u statu uv blisstul r.'site'.iienl ; Ihe lieputy wuz in the same, con-oi-li. ii ; our I:..j:ortld Kink v.'.iz drawiuupa lieiiiokratie b.i'..o,i c hr t i.v the County tax.-s for the c'vo. in voir i and our ireum;'tive tiu dl'.hr.e for t'roer Awirt'.Ma, onr next .i.-:slant nal culler. ho ainoiiii' voo haz been at innv time so honest ez to shorn u bribe or an otlis I My fiends, 1 can rend yoor miser in your respec- j tive feeehers ! Hut, my fiends, ez to the hlirnlss , under disku.-slien. The county olUc, as yoo well know, lire yoor bet. Im'.t. Hy thoe olii-cs yoo inrreee t lie number uv houses in yoor loca lity. .: it any o.u 's Idz lis- v. hether" the luxe pay for tlnni. or yoo iu other word", my trends, what iz tec ili'ler'ncc, te a troo l'eiuo krat, whether vnor private pickius are the pro perty uv the people or tie- proceeds uv hone.-t , labor ai.d iawdahle rxerslien f My frends, the ' iiusi hen wtih ymi now, i How shall yoo retain ' the olllscs. TliU ixtheiveitequefeheii." Hut, li t nietell yoo. )oor juospeekts, to say thelect. are I cloudy. Tbe pci.ji.e no longer trul yoo net ! even vour own facksheu. Voo h iv so lon eiie 1 "Wolf! Wolf!" that voo can find none to b BEST SIXTFFX P.OXF COHSKTS, NINETY CENTS, ALEXANDRA KID GLOVES ALL COLORS, $?M. It is bevond fi'iesti-i TliK WOULD. i Thousand hale been '.his Medicine from w,.i lures, to sli'one;, lici : Is women. iu i-'i.r r 1'. Jiiscplnne S. nmlefs Kid Gloves, 62.: F.niprcss Kid Gloves, SI. 23. Videtti e Kid Gloves, frl.OO. All tlie Kid Gloves are rmranti ed, il'tliey rip another pair uivm in cxcliaime. In audition to tlie above quotations upon onr domestic stock which is ex celled ly none in this market, wo. would call especial attention to our department em braciii;: a full lino of HOSIERY, c inm; . vicki , and d r; .iv n. n ana Invr.lids c.iniio. I t.',lai0 t . .-s o Nonied'cirf p ,.i,u.:j,. .; .j. ri j "a a' ''.lv t'..;.;lva'..'. C-.-.0,., CJL.OTPIS -zVjS"JD OASSIMEEES Frou JS I l.'rj ror. ti.s flivsielai'f . C.i; .luibj-e, our noiin-rLVs rai. ami oui ueueiiuian. ; K.VI, ,.,, Tu p,.,,,, Wi ,, ,1,!,,. .,,,. Vl)r, I'li .!.. Kt.p, (our tlexilde iikrobnt and n.kal 1 nnmh'er-tlie people itU voo to Kivc place' to whipper-in.) were ail in n stmt uv cxosive i j, men, and this b: pieciyely what yoo do not i.iiaini. .inn mi. . " '". no mi - ..i H- i want lo do. :ow to accemphsli voor purpo.s,.s. , tfouituiilt's. AM- Irooi th- dratts wieb we had jn ,i,.tiatice uv the Ihidikle partv and .the honest , l dr'i.l.t, we iVt ttti'l v .- lick! the reins in our mcl.- j M.rks.u v yoor own, voo mu"-t perceed r7. fi 1 ' We eon.-lito.e,:d tlie L.ns.'. and ez si. I, bad , b.isKirs.'.v,' liio.-s.-ei all; three diMinekt set- u.v ! 1 bmir ::'ven laws to tin' N.irlh.imberland Heniok- rri;,.;i;;s. ..oititMi,!.. 1 bv a dUllrent state- inent uv li e euuniv exii. aditures s la .'he D. nio- j kratie deetriks wiiere eddika-ben iz spar.-e. iro- . claim me prinsiiKMn uv tree, ii.itmt uv tlie i nVer, tind u wliite man's sroveriiine'.i. and uc- ; company the huil with a riatunif nt r present in i ;l... ntoiilk.'r ill ini.l.r.. l.iiilt it-. I r.-n-tt.i .1...... :.. i i in- o-iirM i. on in-. , il-. ...... ci,..,. ivii-fs, r.v tin. ulien von ejnv.m ; Flannels nnd PilankeU, Notions. Cariiets and Oil Cloths. We make :i speciality in j Carpet, and have now, in stock a full line of all radoB and qualities very low in price. I ; i I Our Dress Good Department includes very choice selections, in British and French 1 Fabrics. , .'Terelia ,l 'i AC for ihii j- rMOMAt.S iiwi; Id- ine .--.., su Ue l't'loo Oiic Xs5iitr- Pit irt(!o. ra- v. l.y. t';e t;:v sent the hu l thi 'iks that we County iu the l..i the i.iaj.ei'.y uv filler onr l-.-id. I r.' bevviiv , we uv fou:e do not i oj .re- ; ri't unied In. '.d tlie lleiiiekrasy and the I' uv onr polity!.'.- h.ind ; and J lb" itarlv li::; blind ennd' to ' :n. on this nile. our ltinir wiu I we guarantee to be superior in every respect to and brand in this mark' t. A' ( r mu that h ive not the price nivenin the'above list will bj I'IFTEEN TO TW N i"Y l'J'ii CENT OFF FOP. CAs-JI. The riiii"';jal t'."i: ti mi:: v.r i'l tie- fr.ite A'.n-.'e .. '. It."' T)r.. I.-v. iJlStt.SC l Nt v. .'., ,.ir l i i.-lv man's Ii rrir) (V1 teVm h id be -n phuced and who WUJ5 there lo ,ir(.strik l01.t. (.(,vkaMien haz made tonic pro- llrialit'n Nc. rtuiMfii: c. it. w iin zF i, .v ., ?IarUt Mrrrl , .' ni:1i:r.r, Va. iilse at .this i ' t.J va ei'. iii.:e!i ils the i; v vovi'.v ite.l by arehial part d In On M.)i;d..y Ibai. John C..y. ofConeiess from ihe 21 a Utu Male, accotnpunictl by lii j v sons, ti;'.i--ed ihronuli lliicitv West Chci-ler. jilacud h's suns pany with Mim. de, tnember net of i!.:. le and two ei ';; 't lo L pou .ai l'1 In .; tin ;v he iu a school. :uiii, in I'oui Cmikle, risiuriv.'d to this .elided iln.ri'.y iVom which tl 'I'll V'.'C 'ived i.-i te;i ll aporlt'.ncc to a cctisf iptenccs his 1 1! y, bow el: Dy the " .il ni:.jlit prwnaiev u i '.ttrbaui ,'ern; tie e if i vi ne.! 'f act in :i i.t in the n. al- incr:'.;-:e rather s they !.).'.. 1. 1 to ibi:r A.'i.'om- .i.eipiiiL' ll. I nilcil complained ol a -.ttrilmted it lo a e i!d, as city last nihl on the liar lu.ntaU'i'; train, i.eiiaiiL' .Stales i'otel. JI. iu the throat, hut he had c.yieiieiieid the same .-.cti.sii .oil oti previous -occasions. lie part"' k of a hearty supper, aa.l prev.oiis to ili: -in:: Ivli word at the oliieo that he m .n.'eu t l. caiied tliis. iiurnlno in time Ibr tho in;:: to IJaltlniue, a.-, lie intended ritmtiin to Wasiiinzt on. At a hule lieliire live o'clock this mi. mile; he was called, hut icin. irked as he was Hot leelilie. el'V v -li he Wo;'dd not t;o on that train. lr.. Cot. 'do (ie-ii 'il to send lor a piiys.ei.i:!, bin he .-.. io it va not necessary, as he would soon I."- belter. Upon his hecomiiio u i.rsc lJr. eseoi r was iiiinmoiied, nnd aiii.'i1 atti ndin r to the batii iiii of Ins lcci. tipply in"; a musiar 1 pi..- li r, lino ailinuiis..-1'ie. ine n.e. ssary iiu-il.'.'i'ii -i, was about leevniu the room, when Mr. '.ovode said he wa- d inj, and . red i:i ;i few 11101.HIU-. -Hon. Joiili t c.-sii.i, was occupy in:; the adjouun,' r join, the d iclor and Mrs. Covode iv r the oiiiy poi sons ut at the nine ol his di a'li. Tlie remains, will be t.iLen to ( lie, us itirr,'. Weeiinoi'eland ctiiiiy, lor ii.icrinn.t. Jlai cttil'iiry J '',. 1 ,-pi-ci..! Di ; .it ' pi.-';., f. .."' (irenada faid to t.i:i:;p.'et"d a:,d i.i ;a;r..'. ".: .'i; . e;;.! ni'.leh u:n -asi.jess ij li It i y I-.. ti:.t! :ir . V.r, tho t is haw Liii'leij!:: lo l e tali '. . r, v. 1 thai, nlla a .-l l. .Vi:;;-..ii i.:: -, Jat;. 1 1. O.J Miuday u'ejht ihe German hatlerie.-, to tlie souill ol' Paris opened ail iucrcascd and t .Tilii: (ire on the foils. Many of the sl.i ils which have been liivd have liilluii in side ti.e fori.-, where I hoy must, from the in .1 .-nit lido of their calibre, have caii-ed li..ii'i'.d havoc l.o'NUoN', Jan. 11. Ti '":::i!ns ju-t received in this city :iu ;o.u:e ; l.o' ucclipaliotl of llavru by the Genii. .u Ui.o s. lh Lii'ei are not i;iveii. and the rumor receive hut lililc credit, till IL it i n -1 I'.iitirmution 111 .s m. 'j li-Aii.i.i:-, Jan. 11, The American cuu.sui left this elty cn roisi; lo.' London '-''1 Sunday evening. Previous t- ins dcpaitinv. he had an inler-vi-'W with Uisiuaivk, hut what patsed at the 1. lectio .; has not heell made public. .'! :.:'; r '. ashhi.n.- is well. It is stated ti.iie nr.' fcti.l l.'i'J Americans iviualu la.' in Paris. 1 li-A!l.l I Jail. 1 . Advices have hei-ii r.. .i ivi.d iii lids c'l v f.vm. the Pni-s- Th aiuiy at r. nl. . i .1; thai in the i n-a.:i !o ; II .11 1 t"lii"lller Viii.i .-1 'lit tl of lii;ltort, "11 , '. he 1 '1 -i.;n sil. ei ss l'ielieh po-llion, t.ll.l l.i'.ili ui-tl'lel, n1. w hich took e, situated a Saturday al'iei was coiaplele. pn- be; d 1 in,' .1 I 1. .... IM , 1 ,b -11 i ,1 ArliUiional -fo 'i!t.e TI A Id;! I L lio, . r. ached hi ic in ' from I'.ili.-i.! !;-l,:.t and .1 ' . h. .1. ty ciiinj lain. .I -l' ' till l 11 1: 04 iu the 1 i; ,-i. tl. !L. .-1 i.ii.hne.!.., w! i le Vi .1- t '.. 11 j .1 .1 in t1. 1 ii , s: '.ill ; I;....'. 'il.. ; ..';.; till!.. ; . 1 1 ! t .:d h'-.i ii. 1' !!- - 1 !' ill. I a r . Hl'ii l 'I "J U1.1M' v. hi 1 ' .i . N I...' o I .1 .1 ;.,' e ...d "M-l. ! . u. ' Jan a ". .1 tie 11 1. .; . k. I iti.d 1 w i .;- -.:.,!-.! 1 1 .i 1 . . I -..' I . d. II , : . o 1 In I'd 1... Ii.. .11 .1 h.. I An i fi tilui's. S De::!!. - 1 ; rniaii c I 1 v Li .'.ii. 111 111 US V. 1. I. t.aui-.y be o' hlVe idle i'.d I ell 1 1.1 '. 1 i.h whom k 11 and t ie IKl'er d :' "i-.;"iu -n1 s i:--'.i.i ii lv.iiii :... , hi wl.'i ; 'li Mil 1 1 p been was :'.,' d '. 1 I'.' hae 1 , uprose our deerecs '. '1 r only no uue. viri iioe'ip niii'ii.-lu'n sh.-.od meet a 1 lliiini, ia uv triumph 1 Our worthv (Iraiul l'lisident had ri-ev p. is.; an rtetie.!. anient . wnen a louu Hnoeii wun heir 1 a' th- clf'r uv Ihet ounsel lliamher. 'i'l.e liopoi'tid Klerk wuz iliieeled to open the doe-r. hiiinej:' 'y upon wieh a I'ppari.-I.en tnleicd ti.e room iu tlie tdi.ipo uv thn female; and d iiu.ailel lioit'lay i :r.-I -, -la'iu tiny It. I in.; l.i pt the ( oniieil with meiii'i.'rs uv th" I'lir. a : 1 llvii Tli-y me-i nof be i oni.i n,n i.I h,e deneoidi I a b. -nti f, on- u -sb ;.'.!. an. I 111 u di '-s. a.'d n not.; f..r In r poor hu hand. '1 lie vi UiJi abie I -lienlalor uv I iie Finn nee IVp.iriment t.. -'.! -;i '. and 1 ' tli:. I ii w.17. too bad lltai loo Una n i the 1 ui. ell I'.ei.l- h id already b.-en x- p.-u '! 1 t'.u pii : i tit.-, and lie wuz oppo.l to i n iy : i;i.-t!.-r ot.t'.ay !or sh ll purposes. 'I be Oc'ih' fl tieile iti.-.ered lb-it bolid.i v pr.-sctil-h-t'l loin.- been pro-.u'i: ed and licit they Wood hai ; them :nu! remarkl addi-hnelly : 1 Had initio ye mat v r proinUn. ye null sii aijK . u ! l'-.i.i nsf t.'J..'! Can't jo be ull. r . lot I in n i l.a "that now '' ! Wh-t: .l-i yoo it. ran I'' akt i he n;i 1 l.oili.nio, vanelv tr'tti tor-ootn a oneott-ented li- itre. What do I m ine " ej.iknlaliil th"! irate fe in.i'e ; " an ils ye'd be nil iter in ikin b.'iave thai ye don't kte.'-v ' ll.d-iy D'liianyi m nunc.-.. e proini-cd me, or I'll ta yc wid'u in the I'l'.b'.i.' ; i hiii she a. s ye for her own ! I know nl! about ; ye. ltlti:.'. and how the mon -y uv tlie ta-piiyi-r h? i .piudi .1. ai.d the rlll.' kept amoi...' yi by , tn-' i oriot : - inin. I'm not ti e Itu; that's not I i.-etits I. ere, b.-uiura ! and I'll iiav mine thai sir He, be j ibeir, ! Ve i..:ld snl'.iilK-eu, )c !" 'I l.e ;!i .ut uv l.av i 1 on.' in the atroiu'ct pi IU ! uv V.nt'; laud l. niokray ''.'.l in the ' street--., waz loo m:ieh for onr Lotli nio, and lie I foilen-I hi b"-eitin slu into the passage. Alter I n short eonialtasiieii, thn b"llii;e.retit fcui bie dc- ' patf-.l ; an.! oi:-.- iinni-ypi! iiior.i.i-l reliirned lo ! I lie I ..i.asii Cb.unb t, hi. I t.tid U Ihe luipui'tt'l Kl. rk : "Mike in entry uv not -ty doiiarr. i.uder the b i ' It: i'i ii-.tN' i v iluio.i' -i ' No sto, put ' it nud r the !t".l uv Mim-fi i.isuii'i Iti.m-.' " ; And lb" worthy M,ribe..t ibovn with llieiiir uv : ou who wit possessed uv a, tlirurixr-bied Ueuio- ! kr.-iic eoti-'iieuet. ! 'I ti it iiit'e ep:.oe spoke Vientlli'S (Z to I he s I.-I.. I tit. I poiil;. I.!.- 1.111..1 uv our l.-iidi-rs in i;eti r.i! t.ttl e'. I loonilni'll onto it, the ipieselu u If. !n niy in'tud : it f'.wr t'fy ; f.'.'.'v. I'.'i't ti l': it , ii' Hi' l tin- S'lnil' ttiitii'i'l't'tu !" i-i '. imi .( t" Well "Z lull) lieipi lili! i I Willi I lie w, el, im mill instii. clxti, uv Vi.-din.-! I leniokra -i , I Ii l c.inviii.-.t lb.. I ooi' i huuil -i i.ia.l l oainy I I i - v . - -.r -i.-- oloe c.l i'l- in-- J i:;l 'I i. t o. a.' uv tl.i- lii. '; lent b.. via p.,sc i ov.-r. c " i pr. -1 1 n i p l i e J 'idt'e laoicl an auj it: .:. I t. V '..-li V 11 c.i nie I v. ' a.o'l.i-r l.tloek, be-.; :ii I i.iu iur. heard al liie iioor. irress. procinlui tiie prinsiH'U uv free trade and j liolitykle vkiility. not nieaslieniu the nmu'er, and exhibit u stateiiient sliowiii the pro;ri;roil Hail oper- uv ,iu. (.,.., cl settcry : and ia tin; KadiUic , dei'j-triiiS, ndvoi ale piotci-ki-hi.ii. aiid exhibit no ' I sta'enieiit at nil. Dou!)!li-s it will be trubbei- ; i funic to carry so many sets uv prim-ipe's but : it hiuhnt our party haz b-.m doiu for the last 1 thirty yens, tsekondiy. cudevvor by i-vry nueiis i in yo.-r power to I y up or uoolrali.e. t!e; ilelco.i i s'nin Wi.'il liliz lisl'e lo-u':'o'. I!y I ll"-e l-lv.llS yoo ' i an .- cure iiiitalc r lease uv o'.li.-.. It y tUe'e siL'iis - 1 oo Konhi r.' .'Xf?":f if HISil limn M&mi FALL a i t. '.h vixr. of fs vJ'jffTEIi The i -iiioiit soTi-r r.. l'irst ?;:itioiiiJ Piitik !" Ki:n fiuvv. V: r. ,s';." JOH'. VCKMAX & C fii "cror tl bet : e'.ii;. . I ill tin :: '.rni.m .i t' ' At the eoiikhi i-heti uv in'..; uv than!;-, WUZ i m i-le-ii : an I tlie follerin re tin- tjei-s'lti'.l, M iiz p i Mov.;d bv Hi- Hotter tin f. koii l 'd by '.:;e t.t-iiid Pre Ike cbiiv r.ui'.ark.r, a d onto nil- by akl.i.l-o!o"-divn. embo.blyin i-id vo.inanitii',i;y. ' prc-umptive Jud";.', -i lent, and JEWELERS, No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Ilavivir 1 ai'L'. lv inerea-ed their Vt.ATl'.t) WAT.L li.-pai'.ti,'iit, call i-pi il-;'.ot.fc, ('rp't nnil Vurpet h-.iiis nt th vi.ry !ov.ert prices, nt i:e!,' ".c.a - .'ti'.i.-o, Th it in tlie opinion uv this Piintr. the exijensi" ii v t lie times demand prompt and itc-ci-tve ael.Mteu ; llial in order .to rei.iiu our boid uv tbi; county olli-cs, il iz neccsary limt I'd.- Kinr t'al! b.i U onto thet'.me-houort'.l llemo Kr.itic. i.i-l'.m uv a.hiplin our piiiipeis to thn locality: that iz it ! lie' known ic-situ uvtlte .eop!e tliat wc "die :,i e lo boia--; lii.-n. it be ll. ...Vi.. ft. .t ii lr 1.. i.t, ....!....) t.i by c.vry means at our ii:,:".-.! ; and further, PLATED SPOONS. FORKS. LADL ES. ti cit-.l i.ttcnli 'ii l ) thr ir f-tock ot eiLvr.n plated goods, eotiiin-in, bi-si P-k lbdr iHtial line r.f F Wares of hi. h pi tides, a mo.-i i-.mplcw i.s.-oit tin-tit of TA ltl.Ii W Alt lis, n.ATi:il ON' WHTTTl METJ I. reliable in qieiiity. mid oik rcii ai cveee.llu ,' 1 pile's. A I'i. 11 bee ef I "MP.UKr.I.AS, 11 OS 1 1'. t.i ovr.s .aid I nf every lirsot.'p'i'.rn. N0TK1V: I'., '..t.i .tl .v ( jW Huts HUfl ClI'lU, l:fl(4 Hint SflOI'S). c. ii sircnvoou clfoit be in ide lo I itr up nil dis-a- tisti.'l bat inllo.ieti-lt'.d (the ip.-mli- , toor to be Unowii i-z M ;pc. otis Ii.jin ; and ' th it by these, nil 1 other land ah e means, we con- ' tideittiy b"!ieve that we. the Itbn;. hall still be. able to hooilwink the people, uiid retain our hold i uv tiie futility iillisM. ' Kinu' adiuiiicl. ; Olhl'.y GAMMON, ) rirtr.-poiiuder uv te l'o'.ll vkle I k.i.'iii'iii v, and Uitale Veu-.ler uv ! sieh i.ikkers z iz drinkl by ' i'!iis I'linokr.iis. Lr'i. St-nf-tV.iri, Wo. 0 V.'.-.;e TINE TAPXiE CUTLEVtY, ir it Uii Mh. m.d (tirni-to i:i null Ictu M-ts. mil en in expressly made for tl '-I ill slur.!" de 7 US O! li'.!-evooi and Wiilnul C.fe. All mioils sold on tlu-ir oivu merits price-, ulluclie l in plain li.'ui'c to ijaeli January, 11, 1S71. 1 v. I id W Fek llai'divnre, .Ntiil-., I at ! I inii'le. I Country Vuduee tall. in I'. - Vi i ,:nau . Co Il'h, , .in. ui rv. c en in exe.iatiee at i:.' A C'i 'rvui.'c.rti.' i lt'lurt of 'I'ir.t iilionul Jtuiik of iiiuUurj." ,f t he 1. 1 .ii.l it iuii of "The First N'nlioniil ta.t il.- I 1.1 '. 1 1 t.n 1 I ..le '. i I ! I tir.i x i ' n i- :.l I'll f I'!-- hi. iv. ! i"i;-k d ii il io .1 1 i i li. I nr I, .n llie.l oil. l.ol ! iv :.!.-!" lolli.l .1 W ,, Itlf re., I t.i.' I. i. - II I. M tlo teiod tl Ml. I. . k'tt j.t il no, Vad - f . . ; i l.i- A I'i d 1 i : 1 d I:. t- i ; '.oil. d v k . I h. . i..' , . .1. I 11. tl, ' -ile HI I . otjm-.l i .in. 1 1. -. . ,ei ii i. ;i .,:u .,v i : he th' aim,-, .u ;. I !' in- - I... i - I'd i i I t. al .t tn ii" ei. II.. In , . I ' in n. . a ei a .i l 1 1 1 1 li tl l 1 In il.l t Hi I It" I lb k le-rt Mile . ii . r tl . r lb . an I .tli . lbpo.t Hoik of Me.biiiv," iu tin. Hceeiuber U'Mlb, I-ill', I'K-Ul'I.i KS. l.oan- nnd discount-- t'. SI. lil'tld- lo .o-tiit't'ii-. .1 niui li. s. holl'l.- to .-V '-'ll ll'i.-l! " .... I -,!.... ... Oi!,. r Si I.-. I! mJ . ai.. I M ! Itlc Ir i:u P. icvtii;! ; i.e.! .T.'.,t- line lie. ii .,t'i. i- N.u , l i : -a i ii .t-k an 1 I., IV!" II...I-C, i'i!i-r li .ii I -t , I u: i... ... . .... 1 ii.- 1 . O'e r- :.t l.," a-c- an l '.: pai i Pi.ilel .. it I ,i-b I! tn-, tt tiinf .1,.... ... Iti I eio.c of busiucii- ii.'.i.OTl I','! .'Oll.ol.O 0.1 .'iJ.'.-Kl DO T.'o in ! 1,-.". J oil it Old. "..iv;. . he-eri 1 ukel ri ts r.' it 1 1. 4-',i .1 i S ,1 in ,1 ll n.k- Ki., f !. -. Ni.i 1'i.V'M f.i -1 v. A Oulor and Dressing that wi'l not Ham tho Hair or Injure tL Iload. It makes Hair soil uu J Cue, restoring its natural color without dye'iit;, hy imiiurliu-; a healthy a a 1 vijjoreus gror.'th. IT IS ALT JGF niEil MM AM' OTIILIL ri.s4iirD "Mir ut J. II p .urivii, 426 liorll Eililii S!., Pl:. I'llco fl.O.i, UrjO bottlin. 0L0 EVERYWHERE None peiinino without my niejeuture, nd 1 ul ii i y u into to i n gondii that are uot ol'burriusiiuvj exevlleuee. l.'otl't f-..'Ki'l tin- ('iitMitr T'ofi M'l J-,.0,-y, J), . we ori n: .i!i'N lit KM AX iv. i i i. l it am- i' m .;!;i: i I l i.V, l l AN't. AT l'A! I'm; ."AJ.M. '1 in: New 3Lasoiik' 'JViimlo Loan, Uearii;"; 7 H-IO Iiilernl, 11" ' - i'i-' I attir live ar.a v .:' . , i-, v'(.t. i -'. , Interest iVjnbli' .luri'lj tuiil Si'j.t. 1- .i;-i-un I, in.. I Mili be lm-l io Tli.- II -U in- to 3? i: vv c; o r5 s el V K V 1) Ll s; .'' ,i; r r- ' r i IIIlMU'i I'll I'i' ils. OiiTJ-lrix.,- i:-:...rl e'i. .. ".h, ,t c T t SI -'. a ! - : :,t c ' i i"i-::.-:.ce :, ::.-.(.- t:,-,-:, ... .. 'm -, .v.. n ..-n .:r -i- I ! fi A ,.-i.i - ..' .v.':; -. l . . .-, il; ...!-;. i. iie : e-'d' -I.' (, .- v. . ;i:t .:.; ;s .-; yj, I ' k 1 . -t.-'. t; s. i -!'$. vpa. !. t ::. ''!,.:..,-. .. : . .. v :,. -. '.-, '.: -V:'-. I'i; i. : i ! r tit .. !'i ; ll... a..-. ' : - -t. C, ,-, i i'i . ... - ....) i.- . : !! I.' '.11 i -. n i. -:, . , a - - e- 1 '': '' tV: .i'l V ,' U. ' .'':'' T. .. . . ... i. 1 ; .. r : I.' ' -. M-s . . i i .-. ,. : '-'!'-A;.: .-iini:-. ti v: - -, e .....,,, ., ... , . i in. ! . . -.-..I : ... ' ' - -- '"- i '' :' " v rVo: -v.i, :""(' :. -I : - x. 1 1- - - . .- ,- . ., : ; nit-.i. -. I a '.' V ; '111 !:. i !; Iil..t(! : ri.' I', ifiii v . 1 i l.rp. : '" l . . (i i ' i ..' '-'.... r -. - 1': I .1 K , 1,.., .-. : ( e. i $' '.' wa ; i V. I ll - :.d pud, ' , z a d.-l. -:i in 1 be V . 1. 1 in -,," t....-, ,.. a It: ,1 1 ,11. 1 , , I. II, I '.II I s;i i V 1..KI I tl i i,i,:,.' 'l in h, 1 i-i- .f. uu in . i . i . ; i oi ll II HIV V in al. 1 le i.llr'1O!.10!l i, til I 1 r. -I. m. M i. U li i lb .en t th- hu I If nl. I'i I I I!, I ill. I l. i .11...,., I ). II. I. ! I M II.ITItS. t l.i ii"..!-, e-t. 10 SlueLt IIou i i.miU T! .! Mn.-i, I' Iplilu. 1.1 Mltlt SuU UII loui- 111 1 ,-OI. ! . -4 1 ,.lel I lie ill 1 I our I', i 111 1,1 III. !.. i - I., no I I i .t, M, I . , u 1. V i ! is- I .1 th i 1 i 1 i i i,t i I i. ii i . I. .le., l-l i,. i ... I ,i. hi . I I I ( t ,i- i- a out i,i ,.i i e.Joi., .. I'--' - Hl.llo iri "i " ii i ii , ' l : ei ii l :: ...i I ::: :i I ., n t I.,, VI ..i.I ( , . i. i I I .hi M I I .1.1. 1 1 ;. -n i. 4 IMIM I N III III I 1 31 ii imiiotli Ut)v)t Nc Shuo Store "I III .111.1 1 It. I . e. H t- ,,if, . 1.,, ( . ,, I 4't . I IL, Pe.l I'l'l , , N'd.lilt Mill 1.1. AM' 1 s , I t j..u. : A t I ; i i et. . JNO. I.. SI ii i. t '.'.:.n KM l i lt ni 'i i i t Mo,' ,,.,A .tleliL;, Soiiili leulli Hire I, tn lun tljrUfl. I'hiluili l.l.l.t. ' I I ' I ! I ' I' V i.ti.i. M V . i s lM a ' i i i I . l II. I lo il.. I I hi. Ml I HI - , lb- i ,!. 'I! . -i i I. i I it Ih I. I ,1 H in Jl.d I., 1 1,1 1,1 I ' I '. I' l l I . I i .1 I I I ' : t. l- i'l .1. . h, I. ' 1 li I.I . dl' . I . no ill ll ll H I ii ' Ion. I ' Il.e Ibil I ll ' I , iHlv. lull liltUkf) r Ito.l. 1 i I I n.ti. , Willi i.. . l., U. I h In. i.m I if :i,,.. ii ,u il. il oa ,i.4 o n A i .... W ., . I 'i ..i iyi tit i .1 i i o.;. ii . il,. I i, i i i ii .o.h I . t .it '. J l I l 1.1 ' J. I' ti h r. i l.i Ut:, Vti . i . i. .... . i i- 1 1 t' i.I S ll l- IV M I I I r i, II W ll I ... K ll ... tt, 1.1, I.... 1, 1 . l, .-'!. I . - I . t l Ui M I .I i... . t I J till.. . - in i ii.. r I, 1 1. I l i i 1, I li. . l. II..) ... U l I.I '..I I I . I 1 ..I I, 1.1 V- I" It Mi.. W " . . I-- M 'I I , II,., I -1 to I S .' ' I " ' I t -I i '.. I. !.. lit k . ie -.- 1 . tl.. I ,.. I. -I I..IJ . I I .Ik, l,l. ', I 1 I . ... I M ...... 1' i-l V . I. M 1 I : i i t . I . I7'. I... it .' .. i t i ii ..a i L I. I. i. I.V, ..... I . I .1 ) ... .-. t ir I tl I II l ll t t SSI HI LIS! I UlM 11 AMi I't'Ml -IK i.i'i'l I'M fdii t n. I i 4 mot mini in mi i nt. N1 'I O U ' , ,... . l . ....U, f. ' I' ... I ... ' '' i, 4 l.i l b.4 ni l. . 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