Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 07, 1871, Image 3

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    SUNBURT, JANUARY 7, 1870.
i i . I'-. ' I I!
lUillroivd Tim Table.
Buffalo Kx. l'v IM m
t.ri " " W' m
Mill " 11:16 pm
I0ri 12 05 ft m
lErleMdll I'Vfl
4 A tn
M p M
him Ira "
Kris Ex
rmlgrsut Train Wwt krrlvM at 11-00 a.
If I Arrf
-.r,K..r. at 1I t ml At Scnburr Swam
' 4:40 p ml
I tftl ptn
Imiw .iir.uil A. M I JJ and 0:J P. M.
rHK oi u4r-ll:ll A. M -. USW snd 11SJ6 P. M
Utm iaii.iii.-fu. M. :. anil 10 V. M.
-trriw u J)a(-:' A. M., 4:40 and T:4S P. M.
Gbo. Pi BoTTKi-t A Co., 40 Tark P.oW, N. Y ,
B. M. Pitmtson.t. Co., 87 Ttk, N. T.,
V7. Vf. SnAttfi! &. Co., Tribune Bul'dlncs. N. T.,
ara tho toll- nirents for this papr la that city.
Jtotnl Affairs.
Tub ('ROVER A MAKER and tho 6INUEK
KKW1NQ MACHINES arc acknowledged su
perior to nnv other now manufactured. Miss
C. Daliiis, Market street, this place, 13 the ngcut j
fur the sulo of them in this and adjoining couu- ;
tics. Instruttloiis la scwlui: given free of charge j ll'f)' had crawled Into an enormous stocking and
to nil purchasers. A lot aliviiys.on hand. Call ; were filling their pockets with caudy, when sud
md usainine them. " j ,lf,,y 0"18 "ff'y llnP "f Satan, with tall and
, ,. horns erect, appeared ami was sewing tbcra up
A Valcablb vacant Lot, located m George- . ,,...
.'town, Northumberland county, Ta., is offcred .for :
.sale on reasonable terms
' j
till be given. Apply at this office.
Wurs yon get to Smibury, go to L.M. Yodar's
Offlec and pet Insured In the Mclro":itau Life
Insurance Company of New York.
Tub parade or the P. O. S. of A., a Northum
berland on the 2ith ull., was a suecesful ulTilr.
Camps from some five or six places vere repre
sented. The dinner given by Cam No. 143, is
highly spoken of by those ho pnrt'k of their
- . o . ' .
A i.ipr.r :i1c of ccreonal proncy iil take
place at Georgetown, this county, Friday, the j
'0th inst, Those who d'hirc valita'e farm stock j
nnd I npleiiicnts, will please take n'ice of posters j
put up, printed at this oilice.
TATAt. AcciDMT.-On Tuesd.ynorn!nr l;iht. j
n. the hands on the gravel tmla ' the I '. If. A ,
W. railroad were loading cars u r Keed s Ma- .
una. me earui (jau , ...... .v, y ...... . ..... ,
I'i'Lpr iirti. oi n .iu.u.n..i ... . ......
his Injuries In the ai'iernoon on t sam.i day.
iNJfl'.rn. Mr. l.hari Vouiiglesp'ifelu'r 0:1
the N. ('. Ual'.road, was onng bet-.v.'e;i tha
buinners of cais. In th- lower ya. at this placo,
in the
and scv.-n-'y l'" l- Wt
happy to t-t.iti- that he has so fcrc.-;oVcrvd i.s to
i.l'.:nd to basi'i
Tur. ( iii'i.'o Ball on tha tvit? of tlic C0;h
lilt., at i'.i: Mivi:'.'w IUII, wa uite a sureCH.
CaliiM drt-ssrs weiv g. iHTuIly tn by b"th lajios
and g.T.t;.?t;ir:.
Wr. arc hiformej that MrlarUa (i.iss, of
I'pper Ausa'tn township, kll a hn;-, about a
wt.'U ago, twer.ty months o! whic'i weighed
lii'.l poii'id. Mr. (I. ss pew bi ra'K u- fat
an I gmernlly manages have cue
e'j'iT.IIv t Wi;;;h about O'ii) .il ls.
b'in l"r. On Wt.'i.ief.', s.'ine four rr
Cue freight on on the Shaken l)i isioa ran
i!l the track at Snydtrliiwa 1 wire pntly c.f
tvitualiy wr.-ked. Mr. II. iln. agent for Mr.
ucng'.ing, of Potisvi'le, waijure.l ab.n.t t!'e
head. His o'..:i.ii r.rt not C:le:v.l dau;;orou.
JawaRV, 1ST;. 1.. a'.nr Policies and
don't 1. 1 a lire catch youthout Insurance.
Yire Insurance (jiven to anvoiinl in sole. il
the iim-t reliable eompaul y L. M. Y''U'r.
iig.a:t, S n.linrr, 1'a.
Tup passenger tra'.u on Shamr.kiu Vaiiey , iit'-t'.catea liU fwd without tho aid of teeth,
railroad broke down abjut miles above fer.y. Altogether, It was one of thc most happy gath
dettowo, 011 Monday monili ft. The car-, were '"' cvor v ",J thi place.
Hli -d w'Mh ji:ienger toend I ..nit at this !
1 !ai.v, but wc are happy tate t.o injury was ;
liriiic to any of them. ASe-.i
1 .His.- n! the break down, tra
td i-e'.era! hours in cuiiseq'e.
axle was the
in v'us dctuin-
l.;n. Mo-t of our iee ho have been filled
vhh exeelleot Ice. 'Ihin few places on the
l ivor wlii-ivlee tan be pn d as ecouoniically
...s her.-, and yet oar ice d s get better prices
than tho-e id our nelginj; towns, or (it
'Philadelphia. Some cutting man would
make money by consolidi the business nnd
s.r:.i:i; h'c at lower iate.
lutKAKT . nc.-e can be any '
iljuut iu t-ari to the 1'.) progrcss of the
lisiiiioiiaty, wc refer thctical to the New
Veal 's Addresses Irsucd f h- two organs of
thepaiiyin this place, abused "nigger"
himself would uot feel tluier.tei with the
lloi.srs Dkownko. Oday of last week,
11 team belonging to Mr. Ji Arnold, of L'pper
Augusta tou..hlp, was tntally diottned in
the river nl this place, hnold was hauling
li" i'h .ni the iImt and his son u ill) the
team ; the boy. iu ill. via the ice, drove into
11 holu uhere the h e has tak.-a out ou the
.diy previous, a id was mll.'iently strong to
bear a team, much tha s plunged into it,
the buy escaping bj Ju;. All inToits to
rescue the team were un.ful. Tho horses
were valuable, and Mr. bus sustained a
hcv Inks which he is il't to btur.
rr.KsosAU-Col. Isaatuiklibtrger, of the
I", b. army, alio has nouioiied Iu Arizona I
for seieral years past, 4 at this place on
1'ie Jit'i ult., ac .miu paly his faiuily, ho ,
are Mow ! their 9 as fi leads iu ihla j
Mciuuy. Will e In lovi,re slopping with :
the fAinl'y of lion. J. Iker. Ihit'olouel.
i . oiir'lit liio remit. 11s otaiu Kotheriuel, of
l.tlllu M.ih.uoy, w.lh I'll wus killed tt
1 be Apa.'hes lodiaus, It 11, 0.1 t l.e "V.'.i of
Jj.v, LUiS.
I .ltd. diction of ll:,e.Mlcth.uhur.h
1, , .. .. 1 i.,i... ' l ....
tu-k p!a. 0 on LI11 l.tinsiSs '..'ah t.'.l.
' I
l.i t, i f heiui.loD eit)l. v. sir. Mii'Ikcu, .
j...l if of the ehiireb, i t,' The "i rcni'inlii I
tiers imy s.e.ina tci.ral k'ils I
..riiu... is. is pi4.h4, ihe day sal eve,
1.1. Aa tudi.iiUdiii VK) is as 1 1 imply '
:.q... ...1.4 I y the wi Die ehuie! duiltm J
l ie t..k JHS-SK..IS, m. I fhuu t. Hat dJdl- I
'..I- I i.ic uf Iibt I . ( w:l for the II'k r.
..iiiwv iuvii'i.ijh,ii,ii. tuts,
. .a ch i one of lb ll'-'emirs la His see- I
llv i f v.i .t.t v, e 1 1 u sitflcd suliis'y 1
,ai ioiu.U.s .1 11.41 a. ..u Iu IU s I iscs
- -
! urn in I.' - - Nl In l:i I ips.lii.sii ,
( S04I la any
,.. ..s, sre . w d-
'tf U lbs t .UAs p.ais ty W. k.
I.'i Us 1 V'-- " Vul Mr. hl -J.
luib ;.s U J si f,u,s s'aUsul
ii 'M'i su 1 . As bs shis Uit
... W.I lV css.s tut I'.j.s M 4
I.s .1 4Ui iisl l 1a.- Wkl li.s lsl
ma .s. Hus '. I (.4 IWsif wmisi
ii s' w-U wi' 'k c 1 us u,...ii-t.i
11 ul 1 . t s wi.wi IS U4
I I US 1SU.S (SMMliS ! .
Over a ton of candy was Hold and consuinod In
tliU place during the Christmas featlvltlM. Of
thU amount about oos half tun n distributed
tmoiiK the flnuday flobool scholars, together
with books and otbor tinohjeetioiablo
While the old foil: hare an rdoa that turkey and
mince pic" are essential to the proper obsorvsocs
or the dny, the young fry have unfortunately
boon educated In th bollof that Christmas tree
weighed down with candlea ara absolutely Indls
pecsibla. The unsuspecting yon tin oava been
accustomed to lock upon the Sunday School
room, on Christmas colabrutlon, aa a aecond
l'arndlso, where the youthfol AJamlto are
tempted by modern Eve, not with apples but
with sugar plume and every variety of sweets
thnt human Ingenuity ran dor lee to luro the in
nocent to the destruction of health aud good
Trees and serpent have besjn wprshlrptd by
Idolatrous nations, nltnort, It 'might be suld,
froiu the flrft creation of man until the
prfpct-t ti:nc but the serpent was a veritable
snake In Bhiipo and form, not a storking Dllcd
with ladlscstibi sweet. Out of thn' eight or
nine rnndrad youths who ate
' Of the fruit of thnt unforbidden tre.
Whose Heertentxi taste brought ;xrirt In tho (isvr'f
Anil all our woe,"
It Is estimated that tit lrast five hundred lind
frightful dreams Rtd restless uights. Quite a
number in their troubled dreams Imagined that
not)blil). on(1 D(!Ctrt.. Two
hundred headaches nnd three hundred disordered
stomachs the, next day was only a matter of
That 04,000 During the holidays, as the
young wero discussing the relative merits of
their handsome presents and the cost thereof,
our fnrmcrs ami luborlng nieu were looking for
ward to discover how that Si'4,000 Comity tax Is
to be txpended. Yet none, as fur ns we can
learn, have found out the secret workings of the
Ring to gain the desired information. A ma
chine has been invented by a prominent Demo
crat of Lower Aaeiutn, (as will be seen by a
communication In another column) which, it Is
Imped win l,.ad to an trpnt of the workings of
tha Rinj, aud why it Is necessary to levy a tax
nf one per cent, to defray the county cxpecs?s,
i nmnuiitWiiT In Sir.J ITI 10 wlipn nvnr &?A 00(1 rn
mni nncoc,.teJ on duplicul,5 of the previulls
; anA .( ,s rcqiilrcj
pny thc roim(y of wh(.n Ul(,
nmount rf(jnirl.j fr y,rcyUm years did lmt reach
j half that amount ; and why it will no;v require I
, e'.M.ocu i..r ami yet none, or the money
borrowed to bulid the Coin t House hus been paid,
; uor cvi'n the iuivrest on that amount I We hope
' the Young Democrat of hower Augusta will have
I t!l- maclilnc repaired, so that the tax payers of
t:ie Ciiiiity will not beany longer h f; in the daik
I as to where the money goes which is collected
: from them air.iually.
A ri.::s.vNT ArrAiu lioLDEN WriiiJiso. On j
R.itiii-!..- ov::ifii hft, lhi children and grand- I
children of fico. WVUer, Eq., and lady, of this i
place, togi thii with a iarg-: number of pursoual '
friends, called (it his residence to celebrate the I
anniversary oi'lhulr gohl'-n wedding. Is appears j
that the Squire had received no notice, and was j
quite at a losi to know what it meant, lis the !
house was living tilled with bis ohildren and mi-
. nitrous frleudr ; and when the matter was cx
I plained in Eiiiie iippropiiats congratulatory ro
1 tuurks by the Rev. Mr. Jlemperly, he nnd his
lady were much affected at seeing themselves
'surrounded by tliilr liiends en tho fiftieth atini
; versary of tlu-ir wed-i'mg day. Numerous sub
, et.uillnl gills left with thein, whie'.i arc no
i doubt highly appreciate!, 'iho uil' passr-l .!T
very '..' Several atnuring In. I.l. nu oe
lUiied during Ihh plea.iant g.ither'.i-g, which
: created much merriment umong thein, waMhat
1 in wiiieh .i ci-tietii in prevented the Squire with
j a very handsome gnld tooth-pick, when to his
' s'.npiie'- l.e was informed that thc Squire had long
A. 1 . M. lh! following persons wero in
: stalled, on the SUh Hit., us ijliccra of Elysliurg
! Lodge, A. Y. M., for the ensuiug term : J. !hip
! mnii, VV. M. j Samuel Mutehler, S. J . j Dr. L-
ltubbius, J.W.j Dr. Jos. Kobbius, Treas. i Miuo'u
j V ought, Secy. ; I.rael Kondiannnnr, J. D. j Isaac
! Baringer, K. D. ; Ashier Ely, Puisuivant j Henry
( Y'agcr, Tyler, After the iustallutiou the retii'mg
I W, Matter, It. A. HeigMiessi r, on behalf of the
Lougc, pre-et ted to . J. Ltwis, of Mt. Carmel,
j a beautiful gold-headed cane, in an appropriate
addicts, which was responded to by the Kev. M.
i tet of Ml. Cannei, in his Usual eloquent nian
I ncr. After the presentation a number of ladles
Wi:re ccoited to tho hail, and the Eastern Star
"Vgrce conferred upon them. The party then
a.ijourue l to house (,f Mrs. liulieh, wliere a
eumptuou supper was in waiting, to which
uinpio juitice was ckue by all pietenl. After a
social chut for uu l.our or two, Ihe. party sepa- j
rated, all highly pleaded with the entertainment, j
Killed. Mr. . Uieely, a brukeman on a coal j
train on the L. A 1). K.iihoad, was killed on
Saturday night lust, above Danville, while ,,
act of going oer Ihe train. It i supposed that
he stepped upou leu uud fell undwr the cttis, and
wus crushed and mangled iu such a inauucr that
be ill a tuert lime afterwards.
Anotiikk Mr. Fredurlck Fugely, well known
iu this place, and lirakeuian ou the ( iiieiunnatl
freight tialu 011 ihe Noilhein Central Uuilway,
was found dead ou lop of a car tit Murysville, on
fe.tluid.iy night last. It is supposed that his
death was caused by hit LuiJ mikluga bridge Yorlt Haveu. Ilia reiiuun were t.tki u to
l'ullcrson, Juniata Co., where hi parents usido.
Ma. En Maim, uf NuHhumbeilauJ, has
latc:y iein.. I l.i, MatutuotU biul aud Shoe
stoit to C B. tinlili's, ou l'iecu slrtel,
next Uoor to the Post Olllm, where ttu will be
found selling boot, ;mi .hues at greatly rducei
A rnrs ulght school Is held In lbs huuday
ferltool bouse of the Episeoj al church eTsy Mou-
day uud KrlJay tveuiu.
boys who ttlUi.d
rhn..l iliirln., 11. u rm ....i i...i.u, k i
. T . . . .
okUr hoUlrelo Improve Iu rain;. willing,
M . ill. 11. 1. I . .S .. k t..U 1 - I . .. . . . 1 . ..... .
s.Lool 1 he'. 4 In lb same pities viy totlunjuj
At J o'clock, r. x.
C.isiXMtS ds) was . nsially obssiv lathis
pUc as a lioliUy. All baslutss places Mere
close I in 'i.s. Vaiii of I In day. Tu liuus(ih.t
daili k.o J .y wss vWUy, ui low.ds eveuln iuu le.l. 1 bs piiist l gisiuj (asluul
getitiuiiy t.iixrvsi, and luaiiy bsatlBsltsnss
si g'sJd.usd our (u
usast si.Jo) u.rLIt t
ni.y isuiiluus, au4 lbs
lud.i't4 Iu, Tits i.'.
lislJ Uel, llmt "C'biUlu.os Cw.bSS but OUi'S 4
)C4I,'' 4S Uoubl.ess fi-.asul!i vltsisj (m H-
.s sul (lisvgaut 1 suj Usis Wsts, tsr-
i u.K.t Um Js isi4 su.psy nsds Us
Uwiuiuf ru.'b),. iLiu su; wiksr Jsjf li. Ls
'!. A "Jol I fi UU.S" IS f UV44II) fulllSssl
li uscltisiaiy .i'4, issliiss Us l4
bl c)..)U.e i si. 4 pi"4 . s Ualril ail ltll
k.isi 6u oi IU. w UsJ, svasl sSK4Utal
"t.i I.4 ' Ik I ct il lk U '4S-
I -t H.oi.1 ss-ui., istslUil 4 Is t4l4 11
(i4 4 bvs's swl .i4.; bl '4
llus" U.U i s U1, b4 4l-4 list IstM b
ik.ssi I1114 ik si U4i til I
(lle.portrid by A. IT. Brlcc, Est)
Cociti PnocPBCif Mi. fiUKBvjnr, Jusnary J,
171. Tho Conrt of Qnarter Bafslonn of Nor
thomborland conr.ty, c mvcnol al 10 o'clock, A.
M. His ITonor Judge Jordan and till Associates,
Bhtpmao and Nicely, present. The Constables,
as usual, swore to tbelr serorsl returns from the
different boroughs and townships of the county.
Tha Constable do not very often worry them
selves much. In hunting up tippling houses, bawdy
resorts, Ac. It Is an unpleasant, nlthounh a
sworn duty. Hence, they usually return that
they know of no such resorts, while wo see on
Sunday, very often, men staggering around
drunk, and even boys la a drunken condition.
The Court ordered onrly In tho day that a Ann
of25ba Impose 1 upou each an I every absent
Juror, nnd directed the Clerk to place the fiue in
the hands of tho Sheriff for collection.
The commission of Joseph Nicely as Associate
Judge, for five' years, was read in open Couit.
Thc commission of Jacob Lciseurlng us Register
A F.ucorder, for three years, was also rea l. It
may tn n .nutter of Information to some to statu
thst Associate Jndgt s serve for five years, and
rccatve the sum of Ij.OO per day for each day's
services in Court.
Com Tt S. TV. Seller, John P. Summers and
TVm. Lawrciicc. Conspiracy to Indict malicious
ly. True bill last Sessions. Case tried, nnd
defendants found not guilty. Jacob Crcltrcr,
prosjculor, directed to pay the costs. It will be
remembered that some time since, Jacob Crelt
er, of Milton, was found guilty of selling liu,uor
to miners, ou Sunday, Ac, and convicted. He
then had those arrested who Informed on him,
for conspiracy, which resulted as above.
Com vs Frederick Kloppe.sllck and Mrs. Kiop
perslick. Assault and battery. True bill at
August Sessi ins. A'c.'e iVcjcyti entered as to
Mrs. Klopperslick. Jury returned a verdict of
notgui'.ly. The Court directed Win. Fritz and
Frederick Kloppersllck each to pay one half tho
Com vs 'Wiloam Eleglcr. For. and has.
Hound over In ("00 to next Sessions.
Com vs George Marshall. For. and has.
Bound over la f 300 to next Sessions.
The Court appointed us Tipstaves for the first
week, Samuel Mantz, 'William Pursel and Philip
Frank ; for second week, Jacob Cubln nnd (ic.o.
Rood; for thlrJ week, Charles Martin and Se
baetian Boughncr.
Com vs Strait Krigbtum. Perjury. True bill
01 Xovirnber Sessions. Special plea of Insanity
put in. Karah L."s becu in Jail for some, time,
and it appears lia UC mad. A' .'.V Voiyf
cutered, and the county ."or the CJSts.
Coin vs iViillarn Fritz, John Sweitzer, Casper
Siveitzernnd Charles Fritz. FeloulOi,.' ussault.
True bill November S' sslons.
Com vs .Ta'ob Scltoek. Himihide. True, bill
at November Sessions. At the instance, of de
fendant's counsel continued to m:.t term, March,
LST1. TMf r,ic will be remembered us the one
which resulted i i the death of Mathew Kearney
a', the house of the above name I Scbock, some
time In the summer. The authorities. If proper,
might as wl discharge the prisoner from custo
dy. When a homh ide case is continued from
one term to another, or when a new trial is
granted la each a case, you very rarely witness a
conviction of the accused. It would b' a saving
nf much reciotu t'.ina and of miieli of ihe peo
ples' money. As it is, n large amount is fliche.l
out of th'j County Treasury tvery Court for
crimiual cases, very many of which are too con
temptible nnd moan to have an audience iu the
Court of justice. Very ollcu some of the mo-t
hiding cases of criminality are recognized aud
returned by r.ome of thc Justices of the Peace In
the county, and ail this kind of thing consumes
time, and Is disgusting to the belter sense of the
community. A large number of petty cases of
assault and battery, Ac, could he tried before n
Jastice, nil i a ;ii:y of eix, according to a late
Act of .V-.:mbly. It has g. t to be so now l.ia;
a week Is hardly long enough '.o gc; through wiiu
the criminal busiuros in this county.
Ti tspir, Jan. C, 171.
Com vs Vi'iillam I'rii., John Sweitzer. Casper
Swei'.zer and Char! :s Frilz. reloiiiou:- assault.
Thc jury returned a Verdict of guilty ns to all of
the defendants except John Sweitzer. The sen
tence of the Court is that Wm. Fritz pay a line
of $41) to the ue of the county, that Casper
Sweitzer pay a fine of and Charles Fritz a
Hue of Sin.
Com vs Elias Shadlc Larceny. True bill.
Jury returned u verdict of guilty on thn second
count of indictment. This man Shndlc has been
arraigned on several dlMl-rent Indictments, one of
which is for rape, two for larceny, otic for alter
ing counterfeit money, and two for larceny of
swine and hellers. He seems to be Into crime up
to his eyebrows, uud for a young muu has been
very successful.
Com vs Daniel Price, n.i'm David Powell.
House breaking and larceny. True bill. Ver
dict guilty, tcutenecd to pay a tine or f "), costs
of prosecution, return propel ty, and undergo an
iiiiprisoumei.t i.t separate and solitary confine
ment at labor iu the St.ite Penitentiary for the
Eastern liitiict of lVntiylva:.ia, for the period
of two and three months.
A nighl session was held to try some petty
crimiuul cases, mott of which are not worthy of
notice. It seems that snuc men Would tight lor
a Ove ceut piece or a diluk cf whiskey, nud tlteu
try the case In cuutt.
Vrr.Mi.siuT, Jan. 4, l-71.
Com vs Isnc Dcrgltelser. Assault and bat
tery. True bill. Defendant not guilty. Prose
tutor, Richard Cooper, aud the defeu.lant each
to pay onr hulf the co.-ls.
Com v Jacob Grass. Assault an l luttery.
True bill. Juiy rtturned veidlct of not guilt),
aud Uud tli.C ho was Insane at the lime the ol
fence wus eoniii.itted, nnd ncitilt Mm on that
giwuud. Il was ordticd by the l ouit he be
taken to the Pennsylvania Slate I.tiiiutle Aitlnui,
and kept there at tin enpense of the county tu
long as be shall continue, to be of unusual mind ;
aud the Court itUo Hard lbs ..tin J.tcb
'irass, ut thc Ham of tho commissi t. of the of
fuee, was legally settled In the Iloroujh of Nor
Ihuitibrrluiid. Coin vs Wl.!i.,in Truth Robbrr. True bill.
July Klutiicd vn di 4 of luiceuy an I rot if i..b
hcty. Coin vs Iaae E tUe. Larceny. No ltd. Coun
ty for costs.
Com v Ja-ob Craw.'jrJ. Aisat.ll aud Ltuiy
True b.ll. Not gu'.ty, and the ( r..cui ,r, Faa
tij Cramer sad iKfcndaiit h pay IL co.ts. This
Is tin n.s ('. foiu wi.o rcljiii from a tsnu
ufrY,tIii ) Peu.tuuiUijr fioitt this conaty,
f .r biKliwsy lobbciy lu lb uppr end of ih
souuiy ttirs ytai sk-o.
Cow v Jacob CtfuiJ.JU.LtiT. Tru till.
Jai) Ittumtd Vtrdlel of io gul.l)'.
IsiUI V JutB U"ldll 'ls uUn. N4
bill. Pros.ulr, Cli Wolf, 14 t.ii.
Com ss ihtliAid lop.r ul AUs. ku.M.u -R.iblx.y,
Dokwd kin la at .-
Cum is Jukis Ct4i:( luaiiMt
wslsr fklss ilci.s. liu buh CubiUiwdla
ball Vstslou.
( urn Uaul K JL 4 J.ok
kuibs M.luijti y u4 aiui,) 4liu)iU
Vuv. Tra bl. I al Usl feMtlabS Vsidisl w4, and 4lud44) U m b. us sswis.
I'wji rt4 Mriil.- rijai. tia kill.
Jul I IvIVlulJ k I4.( Ui n4 WI.I. fluMSIS-
Ut, lks.u. A. thUS, k4 Jshi,4t.l, M,k In
Cl mis i h vts.
lflS' Skt r4.IUs,l VsstSI fl .1
k'-"i ad . s4 JMsss. A t. . Wwlb.
Tpnnnn.n CAMnrrr. rartinpa onn of the most
torrhYn caeualtios hist line yet taken placu In
Lewlsbnrg, occurred to-day, about 11 o'c'ock,
A. M, A tnatber of carpenters wore aegaged In
making somo rejiairs to the roof of Music Hall,
and In order to fiici'.ltniothe work, had erected a
scaffold inside extending from the floor tn thn
ceiling some forty or more feet high. While
engaged In their work, thc entire?- scaffold fell
with a terrible crash, precipitating the men to
the door, the timber fulling upon them. Mr. Ja-
eoD (jmii.M, ol hast Hnll.ilo, b id his. neck broken,
and of course ilitant!y expired. Mr. Jackson
M'hauu'biin fell across the back of a bench, and
a piece of timber fell upon him. The extent of
his Injuria Is not positively known as ire goto
press, but they are severe. Ills son laines was
terribly crushed, and hi case l cjilicnl. Mr.
Lewis K. Jones bad his b g broken below the
knee, and was bruised iu the sld". The extent
of liis inlnrn il injuihn is irot yet ascertained.
Mr. (ii, tiler was n:i expel icnee.d iMipcnti.(.aving
superintended the carpenter work of tho llerdie
House, In Williamspoi t.) nboiit 5.1 .years uf aire,
and was highly respected. LevUhv.-g Vftronieir,
Dee. no. .'...
Tag PnnftiM. The Panoramic Exhibition of
llunyan's lnnuoi tal work, " Tim Pilgrim's Pro
gress,'' came off in the. Mnsonh Hall during tho
past week. There wen: liny-four paintings, de
signed and executed by artists of more than ordi
nary nbllity. It Is not often that wc have an
exhibition so fascinating to the eye, nnd so use
ful in its moral effects. The exhibition gave
great satisfaction to all who witnessed It. On
Wednesday evening the Hall was not ns full as
it should hnvi) been. The rowdyism of Ihe hoys,
on the previous evening, Was disgraceful, but
was suppressed 011 this evening by the autho
rities. -- .
Tim Milton car works arc now manufacturing
refrigerator cars for the l'acllic railroad. This
enterprising manufacturing company is now fur
nishing cars for many of the pilueipul railtoad
lines In the country ; their business is fioustantly
extending, and no doubt their profit? nre increas
ing. There is room, wc should think, for many
more such establishments. New railroads ara
being bui'u every year, while the business on the
old roads is annually increasing, causing a con
stant demand for new cars, fuubnry is essen
tially a railroad town ; wc may any that rail
roading Is our chief, if not cur only business,
and yet with every element, of success ut hand,
no parties here have undertaken car building,
which is so closely allied to railroading. Our
citizens should not rest until we have a first class
car building establishment here, put in operation
either by cur own capital, or by parties from
elsewhere induced to go into the business, by
demonstrating to them thc advan'agi' of our !o-
0. -'ioc. Py next at this time we shall have
fiv railror.'.'s diverging from this point, running
ucrth, sotltn, north-. '"st, east, 11:1 1 so itli-west,
and wc will not have the f-." be'.alit of the c
roads unless manufactures aeompvy thciri -aud ;
the manufacture most closely connected with
railroads is car-buildiug. (i'.i-e.'rj. j
Masomi-Il.u.i..-. We understand that the large I
exhibition room of thc Masonic Hall will be con- I
verted into offices, Ac. Peihaps this is the best I
thing that could be done under the I
stances. It might have been an open .question, I
whether the. Hall belonged, practically, to the j
legal owners or lessees of the building, or to u set j
of rowdy boys, who frequently tool; possession. J
No exhi'iitiju should ever be allowed in any hall
or public place, w ithout a police ollieer to keep 1
order and nrrc.-t oll'eiider.i.
- -
(For tiik AwntHMN.)
A li.'t.tif s WrnniNu in' Si siiL-itv. Just at this ;
time so many of our young folks seem to he so
intent 0:1 lonning "liie tic t lint binds," that a i
wed. lint: f' c:-.,'m..-y would probablv attract lit- !
tie allenlioc, bin. o,i the general principle that 1
we most appreciate what b hzr'."-1. to obtain, a
g ild'-n wei' llioj-. ;r tin e. I. ..f t, tK i 1. '
ii'nilvennry of tmirricj ".,',., should interest u .
all. With. uu pr, liii,,.i, ; :!,,.,,. wr wu;
1. vc btic.'.y the litctt iu the c-- referred to:
'v. Geoiif.' W,--e-er and Mba Barbara Oswald.
wrtc m.irried filly years ago last New Year's
Fve., by the Itev. Father Sliind. I. and 011 the af-
leriioon and evening ol Saturday last, their child
ren, grandelilldrcn, and a lm'st of li lends as
sembled at Ihe ie.-i.ei:ce of Mr. Wei-er, 1111 Market
street, to participate in the general jov of such
an occasion. Vour r. it lers can ca-ily imagine
how swiftly flew the hours away, undHill went
merry as a ninrri.tge bell," as" the scenes and
persons of other day's were passed ill review, or
realities of the present and future's prospect
were discussed. They can also imagine 1 lit.- maiiv
kind icmetiibiaiiees of ihe no longer votilhrul
couple, in thu way of "golden" gills, but they
probaoly would not ititaeine, witliout mv assist
ance, that at about !l o'clock in the evening, Mr.
unit .Mrs. Wclstf were led upon the lloor, as It)
days of yore, where, after listening to an nffecl
ing address and prayer from their pastor. Rev.
.i. W. Hemperly, they received tho heart v hand
shukintr and waim eotnrralulations of all present.
At a later hour the company separated, all high
ly pleased Willi this kind of wediliue;, whose oc
elli rence so much resembles anc.els' visits. K.
io isit Ih MiiiKluy N-lioiN nuil !e
UrligioiiHly llditli tl.
At lb? invitiiilon i.ra frienJ, a few S.ibh.ith's
ago, we vi-ite, Ihe I.uilieiiin Mtn.lny u liool nl
this place, and w v were milch plea-ed w ith the re
su'l of the vi-il. The school ut tnrhe I to hilt, jj.mhI
o'. I wot king chinch, is th.. !:iri.est in Ihe place,
coiiipii-ing a colleeiloti of chiiilreit, and . Voting
men and trills, iintiil.eiing iu till -t'-o. I'n.ler the
Ul'cl 1-:II uf iln presetil s npel i 11 lelnl.l III , W II 1
h. acted in that c.pai iiy for the last sileral the school iueica-cil so raj.ld y thai an i n
largimeut of the h oitiice became neee.-s.irv,
wLjvli w.t-.,i.,i ;;,-t summer. '1 li .s,
..ho hsVC not )it visited Ibis reiiuioiis institution
would be :ttotiish. .1 at thcnetiviiv prevuilim. iln
ling ehMl hours anions those who have disit.le
restedly taken charge of the alt. ndatils. Pa
rents w ho tin. iniliili rent in re.-aid to n lleloii'
III ill els, and those w ho prefer wluling away their
tune on ihe It In pl.iees a here loo iiitu hot
It Is wasted d'iriiiu '.hcweel , mlk,t improve I
niorelly aiul religiously, by iihug Uu busy
fc.ii of icligioits ti.-trueiioii. a.,, I i;i. ic witness
ing the t'tfnt Icing m:i,e for the religion-. 'nelt
ol their chlldien by ilisinie.rrted pmiiet wlm
t a.'lt t belli pliliclples w hieli ul.'lle .1:1 save th. 111
I nun llio toil la-shin of nur nil n. ., un.l I '.id
In. Ill I , letup. n il a 11: 1 eteru i li.ip) ,1,, ... t,,t
lllosl ileialtineiil . M.i .,
Wl.iib is U'.s'.ilic. Ilolti the l.ule .,( . ho-
I. ir. 1 1 ! r sti.ral bii.nliid l.l'le i.lelihts"
are rang! 4 in, one nl,.,i n. oil,,:, m Ii. re
IV ) are lai.'.t iiiiitr. rfj.'sks, 1' ... 1 he : .ng
f-.w , ol , en ,,'t:n iron' h, t i Us-y ult, tan.-.
tllleil HVeel tollg, il uiulhr 1 1 Ulli.o.
II. . i.t r. veil v 1 t i,n . r-1!. 1 lion, "As in, ihi.
Is b. I.t ll.e V ...Itie l." Uo'l Hull il Iheil Iu.
I uu iic; uds it; "i lb, I. r li'oii. iu-.i . u, nou.
HoW Ui..lty lipp.lllilly If ule, I, I lilt: ones j
... IL !', n pivi ti. 11. o i,, ii, 1 1 v t.u..
I p.'U Itolll ll.e fall Ili .MV l.f 1 11. 11. .!.)-', 1 ,r
II..-U iciig, wins hatoin II. an upon iti.ijg plui.,,,.
Illtopte .o,e wiu h.,,,. ,. , ,u Vl
urn. el.. 1 I . in.-l.u I il, nil 0 01. is hi M11 i)
hny sV ull do. ij luu. h pi ,i. c.11.11, t t .t .
io, I upon 1U111. M.,v inei, ti,!,,.) to a iUh
..Uu, U I llirll lulu s li ., r I (jlritl
Ma. l.t.Moa, tin 1 1 i., ct.inpti. tN. .,,uu.
i lsli i,( oii .U;u.l4 I 1 11.111,1, I t ui... blue,
is LI. h, wuiu. wouu I up, t.l at I .,,.4 u,n- I,
IU,. thus
I 1 'Ol I !.,, ri 11,0111,1411,,
lo VI vilS.l t I .I.H...I.I tlivain,
I ll lllliM'lals l vwU.IU
III IkUI.IJ .i ,1.1, ill
Tbci,sli. Yt, luKiu.-rai..,l
.ucr Aut t.m anil ,4 luii, 11 i', anj u,4
llltilt lit I'a.kllS SU. Ntetl, ,. f,Jl 94
IL SuUlM 4alu. Aug s ,.. II, If
Uuimi si all. So ill I up i,J 1. 1 , 1
iiM-l) I Ss,l, Stu'l ) ,ul .. t)
A du .,uili, iti. i. I. b..utliu,M ,k
I u 4ou 111.41.S .1 ... ii..iu v. 41 ta.i4.,
Ai lutuii.j. I14 nuidi, 1.1, 1 ,. iu,u , 4
I ... l ...!. SOI 1 1. S.I, 4, .4 lUo,M J
" lull t.4l hi.4, ' L i, 1.4 joa. Is,. , 4
.ill . t.jvsl.
Iljll.k lol l,,,,..), f lu,H b,tS,4 I
W 1 I 4 ik u... a, 4.iki 44 k it
ri..l 1st b..lit.. H 1 IV u-tt 1. 11 t i il.,
sins ut, lli.i ,.,4
ll.S 11 I.t. I.." I,. ,,, l,t t. ,
4fisw.4M.ot, d si.i . be s ..o,
ItsvS,; IS
inn r.k i.s, rn
Rtishie Notice.
A intiiiiiAm.n RKsmrncn, located on n-ir. ef the
principal streets In tho Ilorough of Bunbury, Is
offorod for sale on tho most reasonable terras;
Apply at this office.
fisMD, IK You CAs't Oo. If rcqneted, TVar.v
maker A Prown will send samples of their goods,
prices Mid rules (or self-measure, to any one out
of Philadelphia t nnd guarantee a fit iu such
cases, and satisfaction In nil respects.
A tifrt. was fotight nt Memphis, between Alex
ander Hholt and John S. Nott, In which Nntt was
shot and Shott was not. In this case It was bet
ter to be Shod than Nott. It Was reported that
Not was not shot but Shott swears he shot Nott,
which either proves that the shot Shott shot at
Nott was not shot, or that Nott Is shot, but not
withstanding all thli, Thus. G. Nott on Fourth
street, Stnibnry, keeps. a largo assortment of.
cloths, ami casslmcra, and makes up splendid
suits for gentlemen. , -
Canaut Birds, Gages , &o., ut Llghtner's.
No Improvements luiVc been noticed, as much
ns those coutlunnlly made by our tailors. There
is scarce a month passes Viut what there is some
new style introduced which is nt onco followed
up by J. E. Smlck, Merchant Tailor, on Fourth
street, who appears to be always ou thc wnleh.
Ills haudsome stock of goods together with his
latest style of cutting and making up garments
cannot help hut draw custom.. The amount of
worn tunic 1 out is a strong evidence that he Is
doing an excellent business.
(.'nMfi.ETB suits of the very best and most fash
ionable goods are made up in J. F. Scluiflcr's
Merchant Tailoring establishment, opposite the
Central Hotel. I bey are cut to suit customers,
nnd always attracted great attention when worn
on the street, cither hern or elsewhere. Mr.
.Sehn tier's art of cutting has never been surpassed
in litis part of the country, and is constantly
drawing a host of custom.
Tin: new styles of hats at S. Faust's store are
admired by everybody. Hu keeps a splendid as
sortment to select from, and all of good quality
and the latest ft vies.
Fl its. A choice lot of Fancy Fuib for ladies
and children, Just received fmm New Toil;, at
C. Ii. Weitzel A: Co.
Mii'F. .Something new, Gay's Patent Muff,
for sale at ('. 11. Weilzel & Co. Call and sco
l'Mr.;ti:t.Ls. The Storm Kin,?; and Httrglar
Proof I'mbrclla, with Patent Lock Runner, ut
C. 11. Wcitz.1 & Co.
PlANl'S A Nil (.UiUVNS Ptllcl'.S Itf.llt t The
best Pianos and Omans made iu New York and
lioiton, are now sold by H. B. Mas.-er .it -JU to 5U
per cent, less than they can be had from any or Irresponsible mamifael uteri.
These iniliuiiicnts are warranted for five years.
Ci.osin'; riti. Ks or 11p.ll.tves Ht;.u,
Ti.rU Siiir'-, l' v. 3 o'elocK,
.Tan ti,. "y 1, 1671.
10 s.
r. m.
11 "?H
' of 'X'
t JO'.,
107' 4
111' ;
" " "li.", new
" " 'i',7. "
" ' 'OS
" r.'s, 10 4o's
I'. S. 30 Va i- Il per cent. Cv
I nion l'aeilic It. It. 1st M. Uonds.
Central I'aeilie H. 11
I'nioii l'aeilic hand (irant ll.iinls.
- A
IItlKHI OF YOl'TH. A ircntluinan who:
Mill, red for years from Nervous Debility.
Pel mat .11 e Decay, and nil the elleets of youthful
1 ':.,!',-rei i.m, w ill, rot the sake of sulVei ing (iti
, inanity, oen l tree 10 all who need it. the recipe '
and tli're.'tioii for lin.l.inu' the simple remedy by I
: which lit was cured, ..iilcrcin wishing to protii 1
: l.v the a.'.vorh . r's experience can do so by ad- J
1 dressing, in perfci-; conlUletic?. j
No. 43 Cedar ftl't-'t, New or!.. j
j Nov. 10, 1S70. 1y. ;
I rpo CONSUMPT1VKS. The advertiser, bar.
1 .1. ing been permanently cured of that dread 1
j disease, Consumption, by" a simple remedy, is I
anxious to make known to his fellow sulli rers :
ll.e means of cure. To all w ho desire It, he will ;
: send ii copy of the prescription used (free of 1
charge). Willi the tlircctiot s for preparing and '
Using Ihe same, which they will lind a st 111: (.'i nn
p.nt CiiNst MPi ioN, Asthma, liitos.'iiiTis, dec. j
Parties wishing the prescription will please ad- ,'
dress Hey. KDWAKI) A. WIl.fON.
I '.." South Second Street, Wiiliamsburgh, N. Y. ;
Nov. ly, 1K70. ly.
For thc K. lief and Cure of the Krring and 1
I I'ufortiinnte. on Principles of Christian Phibin- !
1 thropy. J-'ssays ou the Krrors of Youth, and the
I Follies of Age, In relation to Maiiiiiaoe and So- ;
j i hl Fvtis, th sanitary aid for the iifllitre., ;
' Sent free. In se.le I euveots. Address, HOW-:
i Alili ASSOCIATION, Uox P, Pl.ijadclldiiu. I
j l'1' mny7,'70-Jy.
t rpilOSE WHO A K F. SICK, or Afflicted with ;
j JL any chronic dittlcttlty, should w ithout delay j
j write for Dr. Hamilton's New Treatise, tent free ;
' to anv address. j
I P. O. Ilox 4.U5-.'. New York Citv. i
I Nov. M, IS70.-U. " 1
Ou the g7th nil., at the residence f Mr. J. 11.
Coiilev, Suiibiti v, by It. v. S. J. Mtlliken, assisted
by Itev. W. W,' Kvans, Mr. Wm. K. Chlstm t,
of l'.euovo. Pa., to Mi. KiTillK A. Ml mi l's
II.. I oil, of LtwUlown, Pa.
At the 1 tillicriui I'arvve, 111 isuiiuiiry, Dec,
".'itb, by Itev. W eriy, Mr. Di sjamis
F., of I ewer Augusta, 10 Miss t 1 saA
li lltMllli r, of Nollhlllitbet hind.
On the UHtli u!t.,:il the residence of Mr. Is.iluh
dossier, Sun'ittry, P.i., by H. v. I'. S.,
Mr. Josn ii Kirt.rKit, nf I pn-r Auuusu, to Mt.s
1-M l A It klllisna, ol M1.1111..L1.I, l a.
Ill ILIs pbice, on the 1st it, si., I y Rev. W. W,
Kvans, Mr. P.nsr siAimi orr in Mt. l.oi i.t
M ti in, ull ol ruiilnti ) .
I 1 I. oner 1.1.1. .1 la low listilp. J .1111:11) hi, U,!,
II VLKU I' h., 11 i.ii.l .1.11 all. 1. 1' of too. A. a 11. 1
U lwvi'4 lloppir, a get ') in,. nil., nut ii uai. ,
Iu Ibw . lin e, on 1 .,, lh. X I lii-h,
M... 1 .U WlH III W f lr li, f.ll. I 01 II 1, l.. .
Wci.ct, ue, sj )iar, II l.e t.ll.t alt J tfi il.n..
iXx't Virrcrr
i - - .
fcuubsiry S.ruiu ,V. lrtiluv .'taj-lst-l. !
, 1
I'usss. t U S.kKi Ml Mil S utlllSots.
' l.,lk..4 bobs Wltilti M VI
11. .1 A mix I, tut. r I 40
o il . SJ
h 1 00
litis, ( a4 I 4 , ,
l..l Au.ici, Viul4i,sl task I 00
" " " " balist .... S XI
1 I'oin 4Jtl, ptr !.,... 4
b. tin. N.i t'oik A)
! i'ui.t) .I,..' hull 41
I ... - P r I 4. i. J) 1
I tit A IS Dl t 1 U I, 1 4 1 'I, IMd, 4t
i .' 4 M'.u .u ..,') 1 4 j
V.ui. u ... . s' i '
I h'- .i H. i
.. a-n W ii.u I nb, - I1. . t'
' 'ti-al '' II'
' , S
t-i.-U M..4 . 1
X svslitta 1 Lttlti It
I" 4 t " " I 11
t'..l K, " I l
l. ti.., " i,.4i ... IVAIS
II " 1J
.... 1 , . 1 1.4 I . I 4 1 . .. . W .. I
' I . . :.. t, " , . .1 . .1
' I I. , I ,- fi, " )t, I 4 .
" U - si .s 14
" sw..,.,., .. J
'IS, st tftiss " I
LrseltuvvHUHii nnrl Itloouistltura; Kci.ll
Monday, July lUth, 187,).
Iavn. A.M.iP.M.IA.M.P.M.iP.M.
Lacknrtt u.a,
West Pittstcft,
Kin.'ston. ,t )
0 1
SO) 5
85', 5
121 8
I 00
1 01
1 115
1 SJ7
I 4S
a 00
3 10
a no
7 or.
7 14
3 60.10
4 00 'li)
W.-UaiTX te'H1
4 15
7 4.V1)
Plymouth June,
llick'a Kerry,
Hench Haven,
Willow (irovc,
Uriar Creek,
l.ltne lii lg.,
MO 4
4 5110 6
4 r.TJ
a 1:1'
H ",t
9 (i1
II t)o!
9 IV
V 2ri
0 .ill'
y :c
9 4:1
in m
5 5o;
ti CIS
0 iiU
10 1H
hi 8.1
North'd, (arrive.) 10 4"i:.n 5:.
A.M. P. M.
j Northumberland, 10 KB 5 tlo'
' Cameron, 1 I 5 K7
I Chuiuskv, I : r, 1! i'
' Danville", 11 O'J S U
' Catawissa, i fi 11:
i liupcrt, 1'2 'J'.b 0 16
liioomshurg, 'u 35' ti as:.
! F.spy. 11 40 0 111
I Lime P,idg, t! 4 )
; Uriar Creek, ! li 150 A. M.i
Willow Grove, 1 i li rV - '
I Berwick, 12 Oh C f,S 0 lu:
I Bench Haven, IL' OS 7 05 C
I Hick's Ferry, 13 hi li SO
I ',.)., ! I
fhlikshlnoy, jo Jr 7 25 0 i5
; Hunlock's, 1-' 7 40 7 00 P.M.'
i Nanticoke, 1 0". 7 IS 7 10 ;
I'lymoutli, 1 17 8 Oli 7 ii.S 11 110 P. M
1 flvmouth June, i j 7 ;;o 11 Co
Maltby, ; 7 47 11 V, 4 17
; Wyoming, 1 40 U 7 5'4 11 HO 4 23
Mist Pitts'.on, ' 1 S 40 H 00 11 117 4 SS
i Pittstoii, l 00 h 4o s or, 11 47 4
; Lnvknwanna, . S Mi H hi 11 r.o 4 40
I Tayloniilc, ' ) 01 8 84 l'i f.7 4 .V)
i llellevu", i i M In! 8 SO 12 IS 4 M
Scrai.toii, (ariive): 2 1 V !l io S 36 hi ilJ 5 05
.'si. ..
i-'iMf. sf
lVTo. 802 Chestnut &trcct, Phi:udcipnia
Now otl'i-r their entire importation rf
These flood'-, f re-lily arrived from Lor.don,
Paris, Vienna A: llorne, many of thein entire')'
new 10 this city, have been cxpreisly mails for
their retail sale?, in every form cf Ornament and
L'se that Ail aud Taste can devise, in
bT.ONi'.i'., MAl'.IM.Tl, CRYSTAL, Pt'KCF.LAIN,
GOLD, SI1.VK1'.. Lt.ATHr.ll. IVOKV,
TOilT"l-il: SHF.LL, Ac.
and are ii'.'.v rcad'i fo I he-iiispeetleti of '.! who
w.U r.r.'or v 1 1" ;, :. their M A III.I.F. SToHF,
n2 cin.irN;x.5T Piiii.ADiii.rniA
J. r.. tV (c,
Aug. 27. Dec. 10. ".".1.
rv. Wat ::tv f- L:roti::iA
1 A V? u7TI7"i7"QC!
-'cT FLreirt.' ' Thousanda
f. r i:il:i n',::''.ri 'w'oai.
w 3 I'll 1 1 Fn i - '-
S ? : WHAT AR" THtVf r'5
r 2
E. C Z
si. S- .
r- n '
' -J
1 2 5
S I ?
t. 3
m c t;
tuet Ann : ut a v.l:
t C r ft N U Y U t I H l r n f
il?t Poor llr.n;, , .'i.l.l.i . i 1 ii .u
1 uJ l.';.;:o I lii'i'V , J s.i.w. ;t
tn.J t I'.e-r-tl..: t:.te, rll. ! " Tut. c p t';-
tts," l.i-sli.nrc." t:., II ct ',r..t l' lplir ca to
0: t-r.;.cr.s rt t-.A rr.ln, t i.t 1 t r ' tree It' cerate, r'-so
f oni ll.e Ntot hootn : r.'l t'fri.f 1 elfleri.'n, frco
ll'lilu nil Aterhelle Kl tun: I: nly. 'Il:cne 11:3
lih'I'AT hl.lldll ITItll li.tC 11.! A 1.1 l h
I. It IMJ I'UIM'li'l.iln I r. r: ;.. .., r 1 J
hiljtr-l'.r . I I'.. : j -l. .. . 1 - : . . .. i.'' ;.o't. n.,-.t
luattir r-it- ftr. ll.e I : c. 1 1. 1 l'" , ii.c.i.. a.
Nop. nun m.ii-.'. .- tv e jit:i,-rs i.iwri.l--j ot s1:
lion e .1 r.-ii . .11 .. 1 ;: t. v- :t.
till) :.. l-o 1 .v.r f. r n 1 i . aru'. I r :.t t
l'.j U:i 1 li. l.i il-ii.e. J I; 1 .. .1.1 1 is. .1 . r
o'.luf l.a-s . ,i '.''.-' 11. . ::.;.- L-t. w t j.i.l.-j
,.o. nt . I fs; ;. -.
I l.i' lultk'M I l rv ll.llLl l I hft:: .4
I '.III II wd 4.1.".. I, II I t ft 1: , t I' 1 I il: t'e.lit..,
Ill III. 11., l.i-11-11 1, i.l 1.1 4 Inn 1 11 it 11 111 l'i 11 I t
llltt-u.i m t I I !: e I; 1, 11 1', I til 1 , 1. 1 ill. 1-1 1, III. J
Limbic:-. I... I. II I'll. 1 I . .. l .1111:: .
Id. t u. I. h. i li... a.. ' t I, t.l hi I
ttiuu.t. t.-.'j i,i .. . ' ii '...-: y .f.u. I... -t
41 II. Uit'.-ite tl,::ii- .
ie ii-ii i-'i r..!:'t.",
1. la , ft. I . " 111!.. ., liiL.-,l, I , , 1 1 lt
I -i, I ... . . I ; :.i.i.f 1 r ' . -.
Isl I 1 . W . '. I . ., a ' ., . ,,ir..l -,
' - ' - '. ' -1. - . ll.e !:.. 1 ..! .r .
I 1.1 t.'a f'.f '.sli :.'.-. J t II. I I f ' t-
. '..11 !.- I'.. ., 1 ' I I . i . -.
" j . .1 . a-.. 1 t 1 .. , 1 r
; . .1 t 1 r -. I ' UI a 1 i I 1 : 1 ; : ,4. I
s ' s ...'I. I . . . u 1 I. ( 1 1 i. ,, 4. i
I. 4. I'. .' . . ' ' . . I 'It I 4 . ... .1 . .
I t 1 r is I N .-, l-ls,li,i,i .1 I , ' 1.1
l.ui-'.ri 1 1 1 - 1 1 . 1 .
I 4!. :. .....,'.. ' I..!,..,. J y . ... ',.
t!4.. U. 1. w . '.. ! . I .. . I . -4. . II. .1
S-.4 !! II 'O . 1 t .1- . 14 .-
t I.L 1.1 , . . , 4 . . . . . ' .1 ...I, .l-i.." t,
I-!1 1.1)1.' I I I I .!. v .li ,1-,
t. ht. Ml... .-.'
,..141 1 C...I
ti.s-., I... .,.
I s. I'
''"' t.i. . 4 .-' 1 . ili.
t. Mini i. ,. .. . , 1 t ,, 1 .t. .... 1 4
t-4 .1, ,4 I- ... s .t i s ,11 il,,!,
t -4 -! 11.1.441 , ' t - , V .4 4 t .1 ,t..J
t-11 t-a u . t. two. 1 1 . i . . .... 1 1 .
I'tV lll f 1 I ' Mt. Vt,. I.l,
ti 4.4-t s I. ... . . , .,.'...,
tlt.Jl-'S l. I . I .1, 1 t.. , I v I 1 .'
it- t.l. 4.. I sf.-kl . .11,.-., ...
t- . tJI . 4J ... ... .,.
t .1..: .11. lis 1.. I.... hi iit.i,
14.., ,Lt .-4 1.14 1 ltsWt4W. I ti,.
tS44 St 4-4 X 1 .4. ,'- I.l.
(ITtVtb ( All I 'I. I 'si l 9 I'll I.t.
rimm im!!M
ki mm . - u -j
uusmiaiutt trrtiitiM'tiA. ,
Nil t It II 1, it I.l I , 1st i.. I! , (,-,li...,t u
L.1.1 l it ifti. ia I i.t-.. a.,L 11. It. 4
1.1 1., ,, li.ii.i, 1.1. f. 1 ti, t. t t.i cf ti..
4 I'lll.l, h II. Ml I I I XM.I, I.t I44 H I. ., 1. 1
it 14, W4 , W.s. I Lt ttsttt, ,,Jpt,( l,
'kiwi'. It, ...I 4....1. u. k-, ... t l
, , I.,, .1.1. I I It , I t,. .) It,ltlt4 I4
Hill fhhw ...I t .4, .1 4 4 1
4t uk ! Ut- I,
itl.u h)a
lsaif ss II, UH i
W9 .
Jssw ArrJtr'i 4T i;vi,
. nr.:-H' li.vrri itilAtv. iv.v
Market H,Uii, flUXIi i.Y", .Ti'a.,
Just ct-:ne.1, n4srg. ne'oitni.'iit o.'
consisting cf the latest styles of plain nm' jlaia
goods, in nil their n rletles.
UrtM TrlmnnlttH, Kmlipoltlcilcis,
A o '.NBKAi asm r.irxi. rr
I JtAAjilW Ui.4.. lUUJ...
(Icnta' Collars, N.ic'.t-tien, ll.tlf-hoSH, llaa.lki r
e.hlels an,! (j hives,
Perfumurv, 'J ol tl Ri.sps, Heir Bnisbi.ComV ,
An Invitation Is exteslsd to all la nl! and s
eilre bartrnlTis.
Bunbury, V 5, 170.
: .u'iib sniFir is. Titowno
' Fire, I. If tvI .1ii:i'il
I or
! n:iMi i a ni-:rtTt,
' N. American, Philadelphia, Assets, t'd,7iSd,.'',r;i
, F.titerprise, " "
: Matihntlan, New fork, " l.lii'.S.livil
; N. Ainericiiii " " 8n-j,r7o
: l.orlllard, ' " l,0o0.t.U
I Vonkers & N. Toik ". ' SS.'.HO
' Hanover, " " 7.1C.OOO
Inipcrhtl. London, " H.OOO.OOa
I veoining, Muurv, " 6,501.(100
i Franklin' Philadelphia, " .Vi.r).7;;l
, Home, New Vork, " 4.5Hi!(i8
: Hartford, Hartford, " ii, 544,10
: Phccntx. " " l.C:7,010
Travelers, s . . l.y.1,007
Farmers Ins. Co., Tor-, " V.'i'.liH'
; N. British A Mercantile " - ' l,Si;S,2'.'-t
Comiiicree, New York, " KolMOii
, Norwich, Norwich, " loS.VIt'l
New Kuglnnd Mi.lunl Lit" , " 7,.'100,ooo
"i nrs .I.,e4 nr.. .... a iv.,.i. . i-. 1
cleanses the lungs, a:;,) ..,i,,t iri.,: jii, ihns mw
say the ciuf of lie' eercr-ivf ..
HETH W. KOW I.K ,V S(i'.'. P oiirie..te, j;.o,;t s
iiol.l by Jniris:s .on! . e . ,';.-"' s ,:,
1 None ffcnuinc itLles. si ;:,e l ). Urnd.
.Voitliorn (enlritl Knilxniy.
WIN'i'Hr. A I! II A N'fjk'M LNT.
N" tin I nfter Dec. 4th, 1170, train w!!l run
as fot.nws !
T..'" ".bury nt 1..15 a. in., nrtlvi e.l
ilalgua h.iO p. 111., Syracuse t!.l,o p. vr.., I'oclW
ti r 4.4.1 p. III., liuliulo S.45 p. 111 . Si'ispetision
Jlridge 9. SO p. 111.. Niagara Fails '.1.0.1 i. 111.
Leave Stinbury - at hiiii p. tu. ttr h iiiiia atd
Pull'ulo via Frie P.aliw;iy fro, 11 L.:r.:ra.
Leave Stinbury .it 0.4 ) p. in. for Whllaiusport.
Leave Sur.b'irv nt S.H.1 a. m., t rrive at lTarr'.s
burg 5.1 a. m.. Hnltiniore 9.15 a. in.. Philadel
phia y.30 a. 111., Washington cit l.l'J r. 11.
Leave Sunbury ill 11.05 a. to.! avri'-i; it' Har
rlsbu'g 1.1'.' j . i;i., l-(u;i i 1 nor .- . p. t'.iuu
delphia S.'uo p. 11., WtshitigtT.u 1.00 p. in.
Leave Snnl.iiry. I i mo . in., urriie m Jl.-.:ri.--burg
1.00 p, 111.," Wasbiueton 0.45 p. ir..
Lea' " ""it 11 bury at W h.i a. in., ttirivc ut Hnrris
but if b'.MO a. 111., Vt ashilitttoit 7.00 a. m.
ilalhitiori. uecommodittion leaves Sun bur'' USA
a. in., arrhe t.t Ilari'shing 7.S15 a. in., lia'.l'trioie
IS. 10 p. in.
Leave S; iil-v.ry nt 1.40 p. ir., n :! s 111.
kin C.6i p. rn.. Sit. Cernicl d.1 I p. u
Leave rt'snnary ;.A.:coi-,i:i.),li.tii ; ;j .-,
in , arhve at lijun.i i.Iu l.t) - n
Leave Carniel nt H.0.1 a. m., strivs ut
bh.imnkln S--'"-' s, tn., Sui.buiy u..H a. m.
Leave Shamos n ( Accominoae.tiCL,; at 2.45 p.
m., arrive ut .Sin bury 4.00 p. 111.
F-xpress leaves thill v Leaving on Sunday, runs
North only to Willittmsport .
Ail otlnr trtiliti leave daily, except 'vmdnvs.
A. Fiski ' I n. Si. YoiMi'
(icu'l. tittlh, l'ien'1 l'ssP.'- A't.,
ITarr.,.b,irg. Pi. Kali moii-, Md.
Thiid Street, next door to Junction Hotel,
An entire oo' stock of all kinJt i f Groscrlet,
comprising ot
1 ritll-
llaiim, Mioultlfrit,
and in faet everything usttallv kept In a Orocery
Having "ni opened these (roods, Ihe pt.biic ars
invited to call and cxauiiim llieiu. U is i,.y J.
tcrmlitution pi sell cheap for iash, j fctiyuit.s
Call be inu la by cxauouiii); before pert lmshiK
o, t. c.', tsT.i-tr. and ui.Ti;ii .iTTu.i7ky
I.nUli' lloiiiii'tm nuil Halt,
F isiiii'SAi i.k MiLii.iniT Goods, otNtruij-T,
have Just been ojneJ V
mis 1,. wj:iri s SToar,
Mu'l'e'. "-'.reet, one d r wc! 1 f Ce Isi'.'. 1.1.
ftx 1 loiu rv '.o-o,
.:m;i-i:v, r...
1 ,. 1.1 o"! .ivl.-s of Di.s, Trimii, iiitrt, French
' U'l.l A' 1 ! i'-.lll l.oWilt, Luces, Itii,l,.u:t, ,..,j;
l.o i, I Is : a .1 -, I'o'l us, full., J.miia OloV-s,
an 1 a l.trL' laia-l) ol ol lit r ui 1 ..-lus.
hi 10 meet ton wub the Mi..iiniy biih:?s, ,.
do is on 1 !,e
ill all lit hi tt 11 : lis., aVo the
, cfi iiMi !: i'.vi ri:i;s
C' . Vell d, , Hj IN 11.
Tns la-H-. s of Mm' -ii v 1,4 !. y sre t
da. v in ;it-4 lo ft.; uaS nSA'!.!tt liaf tttiiuafs
Ml MM l hi. 1 HI It,
( 1 ,'r.v Vuru v, 1 1 K ,f n u, ,, M.ut, lUr
K.011 .11 , , '( IV u ,.. il, l i
, sl'MlI I'.Y, I'.I.,
w iiui.rsAi hi: i liii :r
1 1 tuii.ii.
1 4 o 1
I 1.1 ileal
I'.il'I 1! IT Al l. KIM'i,
t f A I K ' l" 1, 1 ,
AXi I'Al'KH HMit ioll ii.i . tlii
AXl'MuL.; U L'I i, t UV 1st.
hlUU Dr ill. hi bl I'HIhl UN lilt
ih I 1 tl 'it II Ai'l Al
1 bo ' ; 1 " lull j 1
klVKf (J lllltlKVUCl 4ttj AVD HiH
I Mil sT M I it, ot poolt 1ST
I U fcMill kslut.t,
k i.itif.O I ?a, lit.l l
I !! lit MsgtlitUit) ltkttttr,iS)'t.
N1 ii I h ri i ' ... . .st tb.i .tiiUt4.t.t
tm. 1 -k t.i., 4 X iu t's -.'t 4 t'..
il Sl.l, i.i i .1 . 1. . I l u t.i M.Ai.i,
t'.ll4 All4tttl tt.4t I ) 4!S.tlt4
A). I I t..., tu'..log It., en - U It. t. I. tl I
.l,lo Is, .is I a .. t lu I.. I - It 4 m
St. 4 IL'tt l. i..( tli I. i ..kl It., tl v tth
I I.SU.tkl
I Mliton'iiu,
, ,, A - i. ur.
t W(it"l. 'tlkS.ltlo -ti