Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 07, 1871, Image 2

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imbutij American,
h. bvusir,
s. wntnrr. ".
TNEURY, 7a XVAKTf-y," 1871.
Mnxc'cr runt Ltr-iiFLArvuK.-'The
Houea orcmtxtM 1 n'TutsJiy Inst, by elect
4ojJu. il. Webb,' of Hrtu'.f("r,l, Speaker;
James L. riil (Jo Clerk ; Edward G. Le
A3iUtant Clerk John A. Small l'.ssidtn,
'Clerk ; T. V'. iu, G. W. Hohey,
Isaac Morehead, U. F. Eberly, J. 51. lio
tliue arid Charles Su'nuiierlle'.il Transcrib
ing Clerks; Ym. Ovms, Scrgmnt nt-Arnisj
Willi usual subordinates.
lu the Sonata Win. A. Wallace was cho
sen Speaker ; Jacob Zeiglcr Chief Clerk ;
Timo'.hy A. bluan and Win. P. l'uivy
Ast. Clerks ; with the usual number of
other officers.
The anuual tncBsage of tiovinvir Geary
nas transmitted to the Logis'aUivo on
:7e;ltK'sd iy last.
The Governor j;ivcs a general review of
tho affairs of the Stale, and touches upon
a number of important to; ies connected
willi tho public welfare, and we commend
the message to the thoughtful attention of
our readers. In regard to the finances of
the Slate the Governor makes a satisfactory
report. lie says that every demand
upou the Treasury for ordinary anil other
expenses has been promptly paid, and the
public debt materially reduced, so that a
public confidence in the securities of the
Common wealth has been inspired which
enables them to command tho highest pro
ruium ia the market. On the 13th cf Jauu-!
pry, 1807, tho total indebtedness of the j
State was 37,704,409 77. Since then and
up to November 30, 1870, the sum of v,- j
C'Ji.TvT b7 has beou paid. Tins reduction !
diuiug the yearsnding November 30, 1S70, j
in l,7U-2,t7y 0". . I
lie favors the calling of a'tcn volition to I
rcvife the Statu constitution, nud make j
fcuch AmendmeuU as an enlightened pub- j
lie sentiment demands.
The prosperous couditiou of our common j
school system is alluded to in the message,
uud a number of suestion for its tin-j
provenur.t are o'ercd. A satisfactory ex-
Libit of t'.ic nfi'airs of the schools tlr so!- j
diers' orphans is alio mr-Jo. ;
In regard to the question i f protection
for home industry the views of the Gover-:
nor are sound, and he advances some un-
answerablj arguments against the free-1
trade heresy that wc commend to ihe notice j
of the so-called revenue reformers. The1
"IieiUlion Chinee" does not meet with the
approval of the Governor, especially when !
he cutties in the shape of a coolie uuder j
t:outroet for a term of years, and restric
tive laws that will utay the further impor-1
tatiou of this kiud of labor are recmvnnen-1
AN litiusuv.l number of tires havo occur
red during the 'last week or two. llich
uiociiland Ilavrkouburg, Vhignia ; Pouoh
keepsie, liev-hester p.ud -Hudson, X. V.,
and 2iev York City ; Cornwall and St.
T'koxaa, Canada ; -D;iltimore, MiUliu and
other jiloces, have beeu visited by fires
involving the i-estructiuu of a !a:-ge amount,
of prapeity, besides iu two instances
Kkhtnor.d aud St. Thooiitv . less cf life
rn.riicuhrs of the T:':i!nioud fr?. W'-ulu
be found in isue. Fleht perr :r.. iu all ; er
ialied in tno Sootwocl II .'til
AxdTiimt jst'.-piixtioy. At a mot-ting ;
of the General Council of the W. 13. A. held ;
at Taiiiaqua a few weeks ago, il. was re- '
solved that a general suspension take place '
on the. 10th The Miiiirs' Journal a,
paper ihat is well acquainted with the
v.-urkiuga of corporations in the Mining j
Regions, than any oth-jr referring to the j
subject says : j
'The suspension ordered on the lCth.if it '
bhnuld take pia-e throughout n'.l the He- ;
gtoas, will not hu of long durati-m. It was '
ouly acquiesced in touia'u auothcraticnipt :
to unite all the Itegions - und the cIkiikvs
lire decide'.' Iy ngainst Mich a iymiII, siinplv ;
Wcaiiso-thu Wyoming lieti'i'i is now jnuc- i
t'caliy con'-ohi-d by CurpiuationH, and t ho
Corpo! will not reorganize ihe basis
yrim-lple. The nun will have, eitlur to
h ave or ;i to woik i1k-i; soon us they did
lualyur. As liie uiai Ul been fully!
supplied tin: pr.seiil year, wliile several
ho viei.j fiUu.lii! idle froln 4 to
5 iu linns, ft, '.lie market i.tiii bo supp.ivd
i'lnnl these'Coiup.iuIeS Working tor I rr
0 weks in lTJ.
rias: av Mirn.i-. A tlefctruotivo f:r
oexurred at MiiHin, Jun'mla county, on
Saturday night la-, viv,!i U s ild destroy
d pio;iaiyt ih nii.uii'. i( . -ji n. m.m
Tuiny cue of '.he princip i ! 1'iiiMiii ;s of ll.u
iow u weru c iie n. -I i::cl.i liu ; )! ! I'el
loi's Hall, .-.i.d I'.-d M-.-nV IJail, a piinting
Oil" i Mid the l'i:i in 1! del. 1'iliiiu.i and
cugines Wi le t. the p'. u'e oil t'.eiad.
road from i.' r r.
SoMK paH i s ll.e ,K u .it i f the 1U-
p'lhlieau l -uiy iu i- ie$'i on it"-Cin-ioii,
w!,lo o'hvrs b!a in him f.r t'.te duhal
ill the I'll'tl " 'l'al lliatliel in J'l.l'.l
tlelpoia. iuioii inusf I f a lid. i I'ul nun,
it lie i'u 11 i thii i:e;.u!'iie:i!i.s iu i'hil.i
Uelpl(!4 ouc il.iy, lake I: l ii ,'t- l.e Tl.i U.f
I'l il, und lh -'..v il.e Mali.' iut ( tl.e haiiJj (
(lit iJiiti; ..:.' . '((.; . yn,' Jt ,t,!jf) (
Till. V'.ll OIU .V 'tCS1 ..!.((, .if khullt
that lliu '.iliK.e nij-pW ' ttlilhlai'll ; t i! Ilia li.ll' ( lir il.'J'.'.
'ill I (l.s, a,' ill kt I.' .'..I 1 11 y i . lo
il.K u.u.-i i j Id 17 '-n t .i. ii t it
yuiUi) !ut )im 1 iijui ): MwlaillH
Citaav i;l ..i.t... at. 1 1 , I l'o I ul u; r
Ut Uf 'I', n . ;.:, ,.l J. .(.:.: l
It nil l.'.la ol'.e 4 7J ', 1 i 4 J..
rvaac lit t .iii..i..i.,w . I .' , i , j i .m
Tint I wi u ( ,.. ! i : .t.!.i.. i j
tl j i... . . to t i i :. d if i it,
o il lit i'liailHi', M il u M N i
li. I. I, lo.l.i.lUi i-.i . .. kt, .1 U , I u
l('uaJlil..v lii( .. .; ... k 1., .iij 1 , ,
I m n. It .1 ll
!.!, til U ll l m:.u.
' .l t,'1' ' i - - i -. U ..i t.
1 t I. I ' K lit l
tu4.r a i'..r -.t.,lri I .tw 1.1
4 t) iw' i : .. ivw4 U U;o'
Tno new tariff act wlikh' was passed at
th last session of Congress, and went into
etfect ot the 1st of January, makes many
cbaagfes iuv the 'revenue. Among tho most
Important changes arc tho following: Tens
from tt 15 cents ; coiTee, from S to 3 cts.
neYr ugar, frotu 3J to i cents sugar
abovo Mo, 7, from 1 lo 3 cents ; refined su
gar, from C to 4 cents ; cano molasses, from
8 to 5 cents ; brandy, from S3 to 82 ; liquors
from 2.50 to S2 per proof gallon ; wool,
from 30 per cent, to 11 and 10 cents ; steel
railway bars, from 2 and 10 per cent, to
1 J cents ; pig iron, from 89 to 87 ; cast and
wrought scrap nru each increased $1 per
ton. Fifty-two articles, mostly drugs, are
placed on tho free liit ; and the taritf upon
forty reduced.
This shows what a Republican Congress
lias accomplished for the benefit of tho la
boring classes. Any one can readily sec
that these reductions arc correct and arc
calculated to benefit tho poorer class of
people. The dut on iron, we think, should
have bcin rctaiuud for a few years longer.
A bill was introduced by our Congress
man, Hon. J. B. Packer, on the 19th ult.,
to place tea and c'olVee un tho free list,
which will meet with favor, no doubt, with
every one, as all must admit that it is good
policy to redueo the tariff on all produc
tions which we are not able to raise on our
owu soil, and arc imported. Articles which
are produced by fair own people, should
receive encouragement and protection from
tho government at all times, by placing a
duty upon tlnj foreign article.
Tint Mkthodixt Ciu ncn. The statis
tics of tlis Methodist Episcopal church, re
cently published, . report 0,193 traveling
preacheis an iucreaso of 303 over last
year ; 11,401 local preachers ; 1,173,099
full members-an increase of 58,8S7, and
194,035 probationers an increase of 9,809.
It ii evident, that, as usual, a very large
proportion of the probationers cease to be
come full members. There are 13,373
churches - an increase of 1,324, or of 3
every day of the year. Thnro has been a
decrease of the membership in the Maine, i
Georgia, Holston, (Tennessee), I.ouisiaua
and St. Louis Conferences, tome of which ,
show that the Northern Methodists within
their bounds arc unsuccessfully competing
with the Southern and Colored Methodist
Churches. Hut other Southern Conferen
cesa Alabama, North ftnd South Caro- j
Una, Mississippi aud Texas show a grati-!
fying increase. During the sis years from :
lSti.l there has been a steady increase in
the number of infant baptisms reported :
from 32.891 to 50,433. There are 10,912
Sunday schools, with 1SP,412 officers, and '
1,221,393 scholars- nn iuerease of 4,81. j
D?ctcut-tio:i ofLil'c ami Properly iu ;
Riclimontl. ,
Richmond. Dec. 25. Last night was '
the eoldc St felt here for thirteen years, and '
a dreadful one for the calamity which oc
curred. The grouud was covered with
hard, frozen snow, and the thermometer
stood at 4 di gi-ees. I
At a quarter pat two o'clock this morn- 1
ing, jusias the porter commenced waken
ing passengers tor the Southern train, tho
Spotswood Hotel was discovered to be on
(iro in tlui lower dour. An eft'trt was im
mediately made to wake the guests, and
the scene became indescribable. Men were
rushing about trying to save their baggage,
au.t the women, nearly naked and bare
tooted, lleeing into tl'e "now-covered
s're" ts.
The iti.tni niiii'3 were promptly on ;
hand, but water being frozen, it was some
times before it could be thrown on the build
ing. In twenty minutes the Haines spread
to such an extent that escape by the stair
case was cut off. The guests then com
menced leaping from the windows, and ;
lowering themselves by ropes made from i
blankets into the streets. I". P. Clark, of:
Philadelphia, the steward of tho hotel, ,
jumped from a third story w indow, receiving
mortal injuries. ;
Thi uiot painful scene of the disaster
was the appearance f Mrs. Emily (.'orne-
nelius,of Uaitiniore, tho housekeeper, at a
window on tho lifih try, with one or two
other ladies, -scrcamiivg for help.
The lire compauies' leadei-s were pul up,
but failed by two stories to reach the win
dow. V' bile the tiremeu worn inakinsj ef
forts to lengthen Ihe lad lers tho crying
women disappeared iu the thick smoke and
were lost, the room brightening up a uio- '
I'.i. nt aftir with the llauiis.
I'p to noon to-day tho only persons
bin le d whose names are known are Kras
mus Kom, clerk of Llbhy Prison during
tl:e war, Mrs. Emily Cornelius, house
kct per, h ho haves a family in ltaliimoro ;
aiiniel W. llobir.viii, clei k Willi Kapcr A
r.ilher, and Samuel Ilines, clerk with
Mclhiscr Ai 'o.
The rci.'hittr of th! hotel was destroyed,
and its is impossible to say what strangers
wen' lo-t, though it is aiipposi-d several
h ivc pciisln ii, as there are about a d".en
uiii l iinied trunks of patties from New
V"ik and i In r N.'iili. ia ci'.i, -..
It is a le t eeable fct thai the lire, after
ih-ll'"' ill'.' t!ie bl'-lk. left oae store mi 1 1 10
iMini r, 1 1 io same luiildiu thai topped the
ei'Uihl-ialioll at toe il.uualion of It ich
lllolifl. The weather as s i intensely cold thai
tin- telegiaph wires in front ot the buiniii
hi) Idlli; Wire eound wild ie-.. hi!e ihe
lilt- w.ih rigiiii' ttu tire Mi am. is v.eio en
ea'ud in ii e an inch t!ii I:.
Aiii'd ;-tl.'J.' i inaik able t Si api w as that
of A. I.'. SittiVr, Il.e laU I'liuler, ttho
wax la Iho I .ui'li Hi n ,, unit i a, ape t by
tl i' 1 1 J 1 1 ' i li ail w lildii.v i iii ni' e to isioibov
criilec lllltll lie li'al llut th.' :j.ou!il ale,
l!i'. it ;h baill) Ininii d.
flu' l ' ii ii spmi.t, i, i of ti," N'cv Vrnk
JJ, ( I t' II. u rn it I) t ai a i d. f he i.i ala In t
U'! t I.V i' il"li.iu, and Ihe .a. In a had ti
tt!k l'i:tfji'l OVtr I hu ali itv t ' I ...ill thel-
1 hu total li'i- bl liiV ia -'i Hl.lnli', lilaUIrd
tm i'.y la Noi tin l it vox paio a
1 lie f di i viti aig au lii 'i'.il liainia of
4 I "'Hla tt Ii an kn .vt n i h i .o l . oi bin o-
d I .1. alh la la.' !- 'iwo "I II. dt I : II
A lioiii.'ib, iiKi lit il r il.e y a i it i .i in t t'l lliu
"'i.,:i loi ii''n,' . II. faio, il
1 '.in 1 1, i . V i , l iiHt i sum ui iil n i nl,
and J. l I u i ', lot ii j i' i I r.c nilli-
II II I l I 'Oi l.
, n H i i 1' itl o il.e Hie ti n ri ai pinr
l1..'. t I a lo .ii ul i l (l.e U jt f M liidt'M a,
n i't-il I , It ir, uli i U.iuiij papvr
( ilo a... i pati ItU'l till OU 111 lli ul out of
ll. j tint l'i li-l l.e lill latlainl . Il.u IttiiKt.
II. t . J..tlS.t. 1, fl l.4-l-l!l.-, Uithiak
I . U 4 1 f l...i'.u i'l Audit i I initial
I' H II IU pu-IIK til llW k'Ulllt litl JU
I lit: l ttt loin lir i f ilm 'i nii) Un.4
i'a ..l-.l. 14) il ( ink ll 1411.11
A Nm on kit I .kt .1. Litl L
fii.v I m.,i 14 inid u tla U..i.iii
1 ,. I
I I M ll ll....k 11 4 I I ll ti.,.
t u. '!.. li Jf v I WUl f
n,tiui4tiii,( i.'oi ii 14,.
U, 4 lU !
IPON, Dec. SI. A Herald Kpecial
telegram from Paris, dated on the 20th of
December, says : Prussian shells havo been
thrown into the northern portion of Paris
from tho neighborhood, of Itainey, tho guns
ranging 7,000 yards distance.
Special telegrams for tho JTcrafit from
Germany, dated at Carlsruhe on the 30th
lust., announce the following intelligence :
An attiek on two tif tho Paris forte will
occur almost immediately according to tho
present plans of tho Prussians. Shells will
bo thrown at interims into the suburbs of
Belleville, Villetto and tho faubourg St.
Antoine. Operations on tho Loire havo
been suspended nbjiost altogether. No
thing iiae been done by the Germans In
that quarter for a fortnight past.
Prince Hohcnlohe and Gen.
havo been appointed Supremo C'hicft, or
Commanders of the Prussian artillery.
KcinforcemuiiM tO tlio tierman army arc
arriving rapidly la front of Paris. Up to
the present the force of the besieging troops
has been incrrwwdfcy at leant lOCl.OUO effec
tive men, which tattkcB tho line of circnui
vallntimi inclmto nbout 450,000. With
even this number of men, however, tho
line, by reason of its grotvt expansion thro'
recent sorties, is very thin at many points.
LoK&ox, Dec. 31. Tho intensely cold
weather causes fearful mortality among
the German wounded. Nearly all the oc
cupants of fiftv-six carriages filled with
soldiers wounded at the assault upon Bel
fort on the 21st December were frozen to
death before the train reached Chaenoifl.
A dispatch from Besancou report that
another unsuccessful assault has bcun made
by the Germans eu tho fortifications of
lielfort, in which the befcieger lotst 1,400
in killed nnd wounded.
Vkiisaikles, Dec. 29. Everything is
ready for a bombardment on a most terri
fic scale, simultaneously from the semi
circles west of Paris.
death OF GEXtliA-L TRIM.
... T , ,
"A AsiiiNe-ros:., .Tuji. 1. An otlicial cable
a , 1 J il p. f I
v;-rl.V,'V .1 . .
Madrid, states that General Prim died last
nigh, at 11 o'clock, from tho wound in his
shoulder and iirin. The Cortes, on learn-
uij; 01 tne event, uiiaiiimousiv voieti iuu
found sensation of grief, and everywhere
great indignation is manifested, against Ins
assassins. ... . , ,.
i w ici'iioi cm 11111111:1 . Kiiiuiio,, o, .unu- ,
rid have nearly all surrendered their arms, j
111 obedience to the order o the Governor j
(H'lierul of Madrid. Perlect tranquility
prevails 111 ine capuai aim inrougnoui xno ;
piotiutt.. .
R V MO n ED l'MiAli KM TS.
A severe ongasomeut is reported 011 tho
2d nt I)elle, in the department of Haul
lthin, near lk-lfurt. Mo particulars are
A despatch from Lillie reports that vajrue
rumors tiro current there of a battle 011 the
2d between the towns of .Sapingues aud
Bapaune, in which there were heavy losses
on both Bides. The Prussians arc said to
have been defeated along the whole line.
KING AMADF.IS AT M A I) 11 1 1 1.
Kinff Amadous made hid entry into!
Madrid on Mouday and wan received most '
enthusiastically by the people. J
Londox, Jan. 4. More reliable infor
mation has been received as to tho move
ments of tho French Army of tho North
under General Faidherbe. It appears to
navo nccupieu me luwus 01 Aeuiel anil
ISriaiieourl. after triiliiiir resistance from !
tho tiennans. The town of Ervillers and j
i5enat;nei were also carrieu iiy tne i lencli
auer nam hciiiiiil;. i no losaes were neavv i
on buth sides.
Or THE ro.MUATtIMK r i
OK I'AHH. I, via London, Jan. -I. The j
bombardment of the forts on the east side -
of Paris continues with such elleet Ihat
only Fort Noj.Tent now replies to the Ger
man firm".
Death or .Mui-slutl lVi:n. i
The violent death of Juan Prim, Gener
al, Governor of Madrid, Governor General
vf (.'uba, Marquis de Ins Castellejos, ('omit !
of Reus, Muiif-ier of War, ,iud alniost tho j
Warwick of Spanish polities, is a inuro ini- j
portant event than any othei- su purely i
nersonal that has happened in Spain since j
Isabella's Ihht. And though wo cannot j
anticipate its consequences certainly, il !
eannoi fail to have results. Tho future
marshal was bom at Pens, Deeenibn- 0, '
1S14. His family were s far from having
the hidalgo fcirain that his birth always
militated against his preferment, lie cuter- j
ed tiie army, and dashed his maiden sword
in In-half of Maria Christian, recent, in !
1.!.'J-:J7, and was promoted therei n-. He
whs implicated iu the !:tia'Sa reMliun !
f 1S-11 anaili.-t Esparluro, and Ited to
France, from win-ace he returned the licit
ear and was chosen deputy to tho l-Vnles. !
He yelit into opposition with tint lueen-'
mother and not up uceil'ul rebellion, by ;
which he won his countsliip and yeueraley. i
Then, in a contest between tin- people, and
thri'iie, he was equally avoided by both ;
for former dupliciiv, uiul, under iho able
administration of N'arvai ., he was impri
s.iiicl and hliliM-quenll y i xiled. He fought
with the Turks uaiust liiiasia, iu the!
Criun a ; wait ivralled to the 1 1. ilea in!
I8.M, und held liimlv to the pr ireaista
parly. H was a leading yeii.-rul in the
wai aaiiiNt Morocco iu Inv.m'iO, uiul won
his iiiurqiiivttc by his fcueei xsl'iil braverv.
Seiit out with the pauitli coiuiiiu'eiit to!
Mexico a e.'H- later, Mi l pl o!llied the I oni- '
m unl-iii chief, he sictiiiiy laiboiin d Ihe
I'l-eiu h pohcy and'-lled with fku.tiiic, !
and reiiii'iied muIi Ins troop, touching at ,
N'-w Y"i!(. I
'l'br. e yen i-t, afli r hi ri lurn the M.inpiia '
waaniiiii in oppoailioit and unpln-ali d in,
a coiiiir.u y, lof ninth he aiideit d it )eui I
exile. ft tliiiiin by 'tii,al, he lid the
ll'iital I ill IV, lllllii'd t'l hle the fln.illi
iM-iiii.kiiu kinder one ci..n, uiul a year
..Ii T iiioiiM il uuothi'l' liliaiiet i .l il inoiir- I
Itelli u, lor mI.uIi he lied lo Fn-lainl l'w I
i.tla lalel' he ali. i it. in tint iiintl,!! in y
ll.ul U.ilii lla, und b. ciiine .liii:a.j
ft i' "I hi- ai d t ai'iain Guiu and limi
ul kUiai III ttH bl.l llu! leiill, . In ull n lliu
Hilt I li liili j t Vi lli Up I i llai I. ill. 1. Ii-' un
Sun. I.i y u il.e (,i no , ut t .11 iha-i 1,4,
ai In led In am-i'ieil .tU :iu and I 1111I it
lie it line, I'iiiii h.i, h id Uadii. p ill Hu J
llioii. 1 .,i, , tl.c lliiuiie, itn I ml
linili) Hi. ill one i 1. ia on iiill.l, Hiliii.a,
1. lit a.i4i i II. Hill ,u lull r i4 Il.u I into
Win II he t'"uM l ikti uiol hul l, Mini I'lu.leu
ll) Inn h.'f.'. He w a. n In in id in. Hi) Mini
Hit 4 1 uet'oiiiphaliiiit nl l 4'iil'ill'iUa U ) oml
Ui t ; U4I414IIV 4liw mil liiiut;lil) 11 11
. ti.'iloua. W hilt) l.ti ll k t .1 hia It 1 oi l
aleiita Li'-v i . 1 1 't. HUiu t"uh Ui ho, I.
U a lilil'.l: ll'"l i.f 4 Uili .ii un
I.I Mil l,iual 1. tall la t;4. vl, 4lol IllUa,
l-rf a, iit.,e tl.o u i.iol4 'l kluf
HI llUlil. tl .oll.
Tut. Au'iitttii lull 41 in
,iiii l i m.
I ti !!. kill. Ull
Ult ( kill llilll lll U I !",.
Uwl m ilia il I at 1,1.1 in ,, ,f K4ii'
Li' . i..l Uata liil. , 11 ) islw I.i. a, t u
I lo i4i.,l.lil, Aulti4 l.4a)l4ta UilUlj
H al li J I 4ll lu ( i. all , tt o il. Ui inaa.
Llj k.llaJ, do i tilln.ii, 1 '111 J ,1,1. Udi f
vol tat ya, I I, I a l"' i",,.,! I
ill al ltt-ai. t,
powers to l no government formed by AU- j wtt.k. Tho taumX VM or,K. j n,roll;;u '
niiral lii)cte. j from one side to the other of the inonntain. !
Maiiuid Dec. d0, via Lond m, Dec. ol. ,ius mMni! rri,nc.. uiul I mi v. This won- i
1 lie ileatu ot l'ntu has produced a pro- .n.rni ;...i..r ..r,,,r,.,-i,. i.., ;
CAMl'liCLL, formerly Chief of
Police of Harrisburg, died on Christmas
Andrew Johnson says, he can forgive
tho rebels for -everything except for car
rying off his "tailor shears."
Salen, Westmoreland county, has a six
legged pig. All the legs aro used whilo
Mr John II. Oiuh, senior editor of
tho Clinton Democrat, died nt theresidonco
of Mr. C. W. Batcholder, in Lock Haven,
on Wedesday Dec. 21st of ulcctation of tho
The total quantity of ptg Iron made in
tho United States last year had a greater
valun by 83,000,000 than all tho gold nnd
silver produced by the country dutiug tho
-same time.
TitET say there is a woman in Ebons
btirgso cleanly that sho rubs tho dirt off
the tire-wood before ahe puts it into the
tovo. Johnstown, always (ealous of tho
county seat, tries to beat ibis by claiming
that Oiey hnvo a woman down there, who
pulls tho growing beets out every morning
and washes the soil otl them
Akdrew JohKson says.before ho would
no into Grant's Cabinet in 1872, or any
other time, ho would get a situation as as
sistant hog-driver. It is rarely that tastes
and nualilications are found so throughly
combined as In this instance.
Georgia has in nil probability gone
Democratic: by 11 large majority. Vivo
Democratic Congressmen havo been elect
ed, aud the other two will require au of
ficial count before it can be decided. The
little yellow Ku Klux hand bills seem lo
have succeeded.
Indiana is emphatically a railroad State.
Out of ninoly-lhree counties in the State,
seventy-one are crossed by one or more rail
roads. A Household IJemedy. No family
bhould be with out some eilicacioiis remedy
for the cure of affections, so universally
prevalent, as coughs, ..-olds, sore throat,
whooping cough and croup sonic remedy,
F;,.i. ,..?k.. ,L .r..
II 1411,11 1.1111 f, llll.'! '41 Hi! Oiiltf CVIIV
"' certian. Dr. WistarS JSulsum 01
ir,-M fi.erv nmt,s... .ir;,i,,-..iJ,
Motnt Cenis Tunxkl Completed.
ij-ji: ti... tunnel is nearlv riehr miles
jonj, . ;t jiaW)t.s undej three mountains, '
amf its cost was 170.UH0.000 francs, low i
,va ru6 lflvms, paid to the workmen. I
It is thought thai one thousand men were i
km,;d bv t.xpl,lllioll, an, the fllUin ,,f xu(:lis ;
(luii ng the thirteen vears of the work, l
u..xtn wasnot used, and perforators driven
)V comnressed air wero used to boro tho
rock at tho rati; of nine feet a day. The !
TtS wnn,e emirS
of peace. In case of war between France
aud Italy it would bo useless to either na
tion, for at eithor end it could be easily
made impassible. Armies would have to
cross the Alps as did Hannibal and tho
first Napoleon. The success of ihe under
taking will pvo additional cue
to similar enterprises.
j'jtto !i)l'.criiiXJ"ii3ii5. !
SQ'i UiiIkhI Slrrrl. i
riiu.iuiri.i'iii.v. Dee. IS, ISiiL
Tlie Annua! Mei ting of the Stin kholders of I
above named Cumpanr, mi l un eierilia nf 1)!- !
reeturs tn serve tiie i.
ulns yi'-ii', will be hel l :
)AY, the lOlh dav i,t
t iin-ir niliee, on TITSDAY
J ANL'AHY, A. !., 1ST1. ut Vi uVifr'.i, M. '
Transfer lionUj will hi: elesci fivui Jauanrv '
10 1UI11.
C. R. I.IXr3AY, Pnerctary.
New Masonic Temple Loan, j
Il4'riii 7 M-1 iiloro(, j
nedeeinaUIo after five (.'0 and within tweiity-ooe !
(VI) year... I
luterest I'nj iiblc .41 art ft uixl Sept. ;
'Hie Bonds orn rtyi.-teri'.l, an ! will be itnv
sjii.-b ii mil.
:t in 1
10 J-otrtli TVrAtrret, j
KtocUi nuu;Ut anal SolJ oj om ;
tlo! t and finvei niiieiil tiniiiit and "ld. Ac. :
cnum ifftifi d and fiiti-it-t uili.iie t, nil.jcct lo i
bi'l.t flial'is.
Jan. T, "7t Vib. il. "iO.
t'ltit r.s Ki.ii ( rt
T no: !
Mammoth Boot A; Shoe Store
Vl. MIl.l.FIt, '
Ill C. It. hnulliV Ii. ii 111, (jili-en Sire I, oat di.iir
r.t-t ut iiie f'e.i oui.-. , ;
Miliflll .MllK.ltl.AMl, t'l SWL j
Fur Kliiiint ll.ioU, no I" F i Miller'a ll. c.l and
Mine Mole. I In y are mid, l,n fulfill ri.
l or Frt iieli ( nil , t,i I'.i Mi'.it-r,, r i,!y
lU lo (fit l er pair.
For II.hi, Mm. and liailria, nt l.m.vt -.ui.i.
W i'U-i, no lo hit Miliei , mi 1,'ae. ii Mr.-tl.
Ker u.l klliiia of liaiu 11... u and fcli"C, i all al
Ell Mlilefa.
For I . H. .' l. llil tllenU.a t, C llaf rfxt yil-
III' Ml III 1.1 Mi l' I-.
I'm all km. I. of' t l.ildi. ii'. f-hi d, u And i.
ultiluc Fd Mfler'a l.ilC ttaanrllnebl.
I'ki' HiiilUint; l.l '.In! 11. M l und riliuc ' uir. rail
and i t 1..I l n li t a atut It lielorr :n ,
il u ttlalt u yd tll.l-. ., ul llu
lioti-al u. ..
Jli. J, 'il-hep. 9, l.-l.
I'ittlutli lithitt uiul I rtt- IlitliruuJ.
M'1 1 It JIM,. 'l Altf I..
On ali I .11. r M.iiiJm. .. '-I.i ii. -
'I iuiio on i. I'li.uili iphu A L'U lUil Hud ttl.l
lu'. I ':.. l
W i W Will
M ill fi iii liai.. I'i.oa.l, otU.
a I , ui
I a in
1 ID p IU
M '.'" 4 Ul
" " illllllllt.
" 411 al f .If
l li. Lap. ! 11. I'll. .4 Ii I l.U,
' ' ' .iiiii.iit,
' " ail i.i I ih,
I 11.1a .miii 1'i.iU.lall Lu.
" " 41 4l I. - a llatiil,
Mti, T4ii l.-it. Lii.-,
" " ' inbi.rt,
' " ll ki Fl.ila I.IJ U.4.
li I tpu.a Utiw I iu,,
" " on al I iou.( ma,
l.iu,ii4 w.i: iut 1 1 k iuu.,
' ' ai.wi!,
M " w al I'm,
I,.. t i4 r IC"' '" W 1. ..i.iL
"tt '1 .Lb..!,,'
I' all kl I 4 -I I .,
li in l III j
4 m! f m
t il lit j
I M t w
li u t in
4 k 4 all
I Vi U 111
I I i-1 4) Ml
k jo k ut
I I U4 la)
k-J i U,
U 44 ta
al kt
U an
fllv44, Wall 4uJ i'lallj4, aaai au
a-i, o.i,.. I al I - r a - ' ' f"a-1 lil ..,
. .1 Mad 4i k,4 -w aaai at,
vok l'u I i' 4 ko..i.u fc"' K.i-'-i
I i 1 t f
1 Iiiia nntfti o'lintoiinjil u-o t niiiiiilnliiil 1'itl
Wo propose to sell for 80 days commencing SATURDAY -December" 17, 1870, at a
reduction of 15 to 20 per cent, for cash. Our Stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry
Our stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Ooods Is very large, and with a view to a
speedy disposal of it, we havo MARKED DOWN all tho prices to a figure so low that
this is unquestionably tho timo for great bargains in Dry Goods.
Wc offer Bleached Muslins at the following low figures,
Four mifirti r Npw York mills. 20 et.. nor vftrd : four nuaftel Wamsutta. 'JO ct..
per yard ; four quarter Davoe. 20 cts., per yard ; Fruit of tho Loom, 18 cts., per yard ;
ilill" Semper Idnni, 18 cts., per yard ; J Hill Semper Idem, IU cts., per yard; four
fourth wioo 1 ly, 13 cts., per yard ; lour fourth Social l,. 12) cta.f per yam ; lour tourtlt
Coveutry, 12 cis., per yard ; Coventry 8 cts.. peryard.
1 1 Davoe. 28 oents ppr yard ; four fourth Nashua" E,'20 crnts per yard ; four fourth
Nashua U. 18 cents per yard ; foiir fourth Atlantic A., 10 cents per yard ; four fourth
Apnleton P. 124 cents nor yard : four fourth Indian Orchard W, 12 cents per yard ; I
illarmbunr. 11 cents tier yard : i Harrisbure
Sheeting 02 cents per yard -, 2$ Hlracbed Walthaiu, Sheeting 43 cents peryard ; Bleach
ed Cabot, 22 cenls per yard. '
Pleached Canton Flannels from 15 to 22 ; Unbleached Canton' Flannels from 12 to
20 : Wool and Cotton Flannels, from 221 to 40 ; all Wool tiannels. 2o to CO ; Red all
Wool Flannels 2") to 5"i ; Ginghams, 23 to 55
t.olorect l,amiii its j-j; Calicos lioc o to 121.
LADIES' FELT SKIUT.S. from S3.00, lo 4.00.
LADIES' SHALIS, from 51.25 to 12.50,
Willimatic 2i0 yard spools. 5 els ; Coalcs
spools, t cts : i;iark s u. -n . 1. all colors, a cts ; star Alpaca urauis, o yarns v cenis.
.ToM'iihinQ Suninlrss Kid Glovrs. ?i?.2.ri ;
Gloves, S 1.00. All the Kid Gloves aro guaranteed, if they rip another pair given in
exchange. In addition to tho above quotations upon our domestic stock which is ex
celled by none in this market, wo would call especial attention to our department em
Uracing a lull line 01 iiUMtlU t
X r V.M .VJ
Flannels and lilankets, Xotions, Carpets
Carpet, and have now, in stock a full line of
includes very
we guarantee to be superior in every Tespeet
that have not tho prion given iu th.- above litt
A Oolor and Dressing that will not Eura
tlis Hair or Injure tha Head.
It makes Hair soft and Cuo, restoring
its natural color without dyeing, by
imparting a licultliy and vigorous
T;s?rks oult nT J. B. roDi.xs,
426 Koilli Eilitli St., PiiMa.
Frloe $1.G0, largo bottles.
Nona jrenuiuo without my t-ignalurc,
nd I put my namo to no goods that
r not of mirpawiiig fxcelleuco.
sr A S II,
700 ItHOAUM AT, y. V.
:JUI Orders tliunkfully rocoived and
promptly cxecutod.
l'-i .'Mri-r l.l--i'n.
i.i KMA A CO.
A H'lL LINE r.f
JOHN Ia'KMA.V a cos.
Gr. ceiir, the iml .ill 1 cliea; ''l in tin rnarki-t,
nt iV t'i'l,
il-t lulli, Cnret himI iti itrt iltitln
al tin Vfiy lot-t j'lii'ra, ,il A Co'a
i kiieni X On'.
of i triy ilat. itril"'l, l
Halt) Nutl iipa,
Itwl4aall Miora,
at l.ikll.all ik C'u'f.
hUii IVaia, Wfwl V..i
ni l Willow. Wair, kl
K kUi4li A ( ..
S.,lt, M.h, .V..-.,
al tikniu A C'i.
Mat ilmn, Nti!i,
I ; i iirr I'm ii - U,
11 lu tra liai't't al
Eeku.411 4 Cv'a.
It'l i H'V jialC,
Ji'll.N If KM If to ,
, 'oittii I'oi urn Ar M tkki-i Siiiin
k L N b l h V , flNS'A., P. . ii, laid.
JU. I .hi. ill II i III.,
lUVt liktM fSK or llik ki.iv Vwn
h. huk Trull kirtrl, Liluw
Urki, l'lilU4lbiai.
ktl lUf kal biltaj k tllal t.a.t U .1 . kf I I
laiifiie, 1 .14k 11 tu.tal I
l"l fi tk.a...l t,i fu att'M "i.l t-ll
I n a I 'kt. t .H tml tll ui.i. i, a. -1- I
li li "wlttlMi i.e .ilii. ilbittt v' IhI i n)
aw kit fwl, wiaiaiiall4 Mutt
t.f iti t.t u4 ..i,.t... fct.ta. ! kl..
U- 1 . a..4tial Int. a
iti k.i,aa.t I" ulll I k""l U-auil,
J,U. L l lta 4 li.
fviiati I t ' kt ai
10 cents-per yard; 2J Rlcacned Utica
.; Ticking, 13 to 28; Paper Cambrics, 12J;
200 yard ttpools, 8 cts ; Clark's 200 yard
Tiniwrmi Kid Gloves. $1.25. Yidettce Kid
C A ftftTlVTT R F,S
Vi.Vo"!3 l.lVlJJX.LiO
and Oil Cloths. W'a make a speciality in
all grades and qualities very low iu price.
choice selections, in British and French
to and brand in thw market. All
ItrilitN o Utiifiitiis, Xnrhcl Nlrool, SunJuiry, I'll.
Ifoot, Shoe, Trusiit I.oatlior
rinding Store For Sufi-.
rpilK UiUorMiriii'd oIT'-ts for .iln th'1
A. nami!il ftore, on tonus riMsnnaliV.
a ail
. Anv
pfrfon who desiips to tiincn in tho h'Hlne.i,
will lind It to their iidiniil:i,'C to pureliase my
6:oi-k. It him nil b rn piireliuo'd fom I lie
nfaet'iriT". nnd of the be-t iniikc,
I it 'ill now retail poinds a
10 to Ifi r.;-r rent. AIV NCR ON COST,
lin In? di'l'Tiuiiicd to cio? uiv kiiriiitsi Ii v April
1M, 1ST1.
ellicle l an nt van-emiTt w ith the
nmniifaeinreis of nil ItVHHEit .(K)lii, lean
hp!I them elienper IhrJ- tan lie lKinjtht of
rhiladolphia Jobber.
Pon'l forL'.'l th. plarp nnd that von em avc
ONE Mu.VlHS' TVAUF.S by buying your
aud hUoi-5 ut DC il .)' f)l , at llui H'i;iiial'ir.
Simbiirj-, Do. 17, '70-If.
Tho rir! XatioiiJil Hank oF Sii-j-
.T-t'TK V. is heril v ;:ivi n the rjnlar an.
mini elivlinn r.t Dircelins of " I lie Fir.-I
' Nullnnnl Banlt i,f Siin'r.iry, I'.i.," will be Ii-!1
j on TuriMiiy, the ("J-liti) twpiity-fniiilh ilay el
i J.iiinnry, A. II., 171, nt the II.uikIiii; Tioiiic in
, lh lliro:ii;h of t-nnbliiy, l'n., biteen the hnnri
1 of 10 o'cli'ek, A. M., nnd 11 u'eluck, r. M., r.f rail
day, in necuritaucj vi'.h ine pi'mi.-iniia of ihe
Aet cl U.nijtre".
P. .1. rAC'KEIt, Caliiel.
buu'oiiry, r.i.t Pee. 17, l-iO.-Gi.
x r. x u o o i s
1: V E 11 V 1 Ii S C II I r T 1 O X ,
On Tlilrd &t.,une d-wr below ihn I.iitkci'uu Church,
Jl'ST openet a larn n'oitm.-nt of fiFtY
UOOPr, neh at Clnthn, 'afimeie'..l'nlleoei,
.Muxiius, c, w liieli arc aold cheaper than ever.
A I- o, a variety of Notion", L"iiitcrhirts, Pruw-cr-,
liaU and C'api.
giwcmuks A.h ruovisioxs
of nil kiieli, bii.-h n
Oil, M il.ixeii, !j rupn, Maekcrcl, Lard.lluma,
lltK, lii,d and canned FruiH, I'liliien,
liainili, film' if, mid fraekfl", uud
iu (a I es ' i y I In 1 1 uanally Lept
In I he lii.H-Liy Iiiid
H.iuit, Fi'll, I oal Oil,
Crockery me, (Jun naw.ire,
iiita-vi ttrt , V illt; ti -tt are, iter.,
Ibr l.ral FUl.K uud MEAL iu I ho
Cibaeaj, t 'Ijjara, mil Hi.d it Vamly of
AI SO ; ,! kin It 01 I :iliud Frui., al Ihe
U,w.l j,;'i ;c t.
II -t vina tuUiricr l my hlora room und nllnf il
it lh llm l.lli tl al tlra ot new Ijuvdt. J nul I to
il, il Itn- p4lrou.ikc ul I li t'l.bile itiid milt audif
t or in plcu al'.
( .ninny tl,.dui- Ukcn lu rtehaue fir lion,!..
('t ail uud at'tuilo 111) black, Dud aatialt
S..ubuijl, N .v.
ft INK If ITTt K.
V'Olfii: u lirul) tlitu thai lli Annual
1 4.1 ir.iiou 01 n aiii 01 Ji.iu ijjcia or un Buu. 111 i.i. me Hull Aaix'i.illou, 41 I lakti p ait
IIOMU I , PKi . i!ili, If i'J, l ll a olll. ul .
F., t.' , lu lit lJ,,loU;li ol feuubuiy.
Ullai I iiuitia ul It . ui. and 14 Hi 1 I ta.4
aa. L I luiiuui .e H,
Ihc lii, tl. kt(. kl. II. At.uiiou.
- 1 1 Olll ( tfthlUI III l
niKXtll AXl lUMVf t.lK.l'S
1-1 itlij (4dr, full 1 piurj ai li t
Ml IttllA.M lAllult fclliU'
liiou. ti. nuir,
ktaf I ) U. Ha k, I tfU'tlt klia.l, l-ila
kl'kkVkr, I'kiaN'A.
iMLl lltta Wl.ll tlctll fallit"t".t' l, ,,iti4
tt aa f tmlai, aid ml at I1 '-vif ... ai.J
aa41 at Ita al'l 1.4 l... k. .'.I iut IU 1
cut ky U lt Ul.ti ' I'. Ui.Hl
aa.l..w.ul ll'a l) 'if I.
k.a4 kl tlu
ataak ut Mat- If 4 wtlv
a t kl . it
Ubj Abbtttiscmttrts.
aod tho
VTbWh w ro carr.ylp nccctsitatcs onr com-
' ' AT ON GiV
We offer our eiiUrt ntfk of
(By fr tbe lnrgc.t we tia'-i trtr l.a.J) exbrsclnj
10,000 BiislnciisC'oiiH,
lS.CJO Mfn fftiitu,
- 1A.U00 Mini's VimiU,
r. r .
4,ee'J Il(.yn' J nl;rt,
0,500 Hoys' PantH,
y.UOt ClilUlnn's Sulln.
AU oftl.e best kiti.l ofClotliimr aiul of tve.ry do-
.i.inM.,rU1 11 'i qnaiiiy, flllinif
our ImiiiPiisc f ix -Hory
Biilidhics from
to lu.'t
tliAil nny we hnvc ever before offered uml.-r sr.y
We wilt fell tt ns to disyose of .100,000 worth of
if we hnvc to
cult of ni
eVlTV L'nrillfllt tin In nl tl.n l.n...
infill-turn, uiul to make Uiis a
We will cut c.t ever, nnd i;ivc Hi" pcoi-it."
Our Mock is U'iiciiic (.Ml per cent. Imvertlin'
last yens) tl nil Kltl'.MJ, ,,s th.-v Great
Aiiiful Nile Clear u out.
But W will laT eiirrv II IT lllT in- cm r.
,r, . " ill".
will r.teiiLiiec
lay .Mn-iiiiio' x
ovembfr 21,
and be follo-ir I -j, .l!nrp, njl, .rT yhm
liny in IVul.ifl'pl.ia u ho Mill I'tireiiasi! ,lt
it 11 V laicr ian:.", ,. t IV.... tt.:. ........
For tli. oicii'i , J,ave n Im-e f
aleMiien, mi 1 fl r-i if, ire? frm niir ('iiiiiii"
l)partui)'iit. !-fc- Hi; i.i,, n at il' ; and kvvn
open in tlirs eveufc . i ail'md ",Mkin.'u !,
i.jipoi tiinity ; S.,j::.v t,:-,m umil lii. Av .it
fuiieited, !itll,':-t: ,i j.ii i.-l,.,-,. i,r m,t.
VAN. Ki;i! A lllfOW ,
f k
Wb-:.,-!! of
3. H. Cor. Sixf.i.t K-.trl.rt StiVMi, fliil.nlcl-
Xi.v. cr., i-T ). I ' '"''
itrcommeiii:! ,iui Uy
oier KcvrA'nu'lrvrt Itt lirs!
'"i',"i " i iriini I
I'ri have :i
?! r-i i fore? fr
i-r o
I IK A I.'
'nit F.Mraet of
k: o o i
'1.1. IT
i;i-to;:ki: :
X..'t a Seer-1 ii'i.n
I r. J. J. l. '.V;
Strike a-. '.
v v i: i f v ;
It".tolillU '.lie I.ivi
Aelii'ii, un 1 I.
Thii b l'.ie S. r:A
1.1 I.V I V
L. isr.i',;i' f I.. 'ii:!-1.
li 4) O
t of Pi'.e.'iie by
Till: IJLiKil).
Hiding to n IT.'. i'.i by
'' the Ni rv..i:
Won! ifa! S'..,,,. i;l
Consuniption in i:
jdiiUi. li'pi
Ni rv.
Fn:.iion of
of Vlj;ir, Pi-e.'-is
ii-i oi:ij '
on. iNin,
A !!.!.-; i.:i.
in. lln;ii,i:.-. I..,.t
In": n:i.J li a l J-r, a:i c.'i'i.,'-.l i
!t th'Toulilv t r..
and Had Taint! i;li
1 licalihy ruuJitii n
i -t:.te of tin- ;;,,o 1.
' v.-r.v 1,;t,,I of ii:, r
1'- tiie i-iitii'i.' iii 1, -in I..
Il 1 bl-VO.1,1 r,l!';s
1 1 L 11 Lni.'l .
Th on "sands tiavv
Ibis Mclieine IV010
l.iri-, to !roii, h
Inva.i ! cannot I
No mi'.'lieinn liai
b'lnui d by I l.e n-. ,.f
i-ickiy, -nil.-riiii; cr.-a.
and h.ij py .u,
to jjivc it a trial.
d aiii-h a ureal r. pi l i
J eoiiipoiiud.
llou a ilua juilly c
ia Pit iin . F liior.,
, tie KdfrKoti A l.-
From I'hyi.riaii,
lirnimisli , Mrreh:
MASAI, fir un. vt
1 Trice u 1
lr rr llolllo.
! r
'he t'lliU'd Statu 111;
1 ic I.
I 1 in I'liiieipiil Prnj:
i Hu
Pit. I.i.w 111 m r.'a
'! Fall.Mi ( Ull
ii.f-aia iH-i-iiiini 1
Ni v. Hi, Ivo -y
I t lltl hl tV.
.1. M..IIAUllli
W, I'lmppii inik
H F M .WiKI F,
. it iut Inn tt ai t. .iy t
n i t.
ILn-l, f. r whit 'i
FM 11 ill "ihl
1 Hu.
f put: bin of 11, n
1 1.11 h in 1 lu t. r
didcit lull al I I'l-
uUI irrcha pimiipl
"V. k.
ITU 14.11
IN I LU It'l it.
'4 II..- K i ll.... J,
IJNVA Ml'il 1 mil
'I til. ) I 1 I ."li I 1
ni - -II 4 II ll l
r.i 1, 1 I a 1 1 . a .loi
. 4 I It Hi at, I .1
l oi' 1 I .11 win. 1, et.i
li. I.. I. "t.i 1, 1 1, j
Mil I, I.. I.. 4 lit ,-.
'i.i 1 un an k.i
I a. 1 r T T a I
Si t fl'1'4
tt ,Ull F' Mill.
I It. ni. ttul a 1
Uiaiatia ti)ii. i'i,ii
toi ll. alt.l la o
Hunt." l.t Ii ih
j tain lu. a'l'i'ti I ba
I.. 1 -u I ti ur -u I"
1 1.1 jt. I I b" k nf
I 1 J ..41 j,.O..I, o
I . ll ll . l.lll. I'1'.lll lu l..
. mint vi bt 1 .i.i
' 1.0 I,, li, b i ll u
; iiowki
. J li Wt
kik loii..... Iii
al t aaiot'.4t i4l
t ad ai'4 ll'
f. it.J
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