bcflluncoiia. nnufiidurcrs. . SAiW-n . L. ...... 1 S.T Proui the Qerrauotown Toh'rnph. Gibltt Soup. Tho RiMcls muni bo well cleaned and Binned, put thorn into somo tronc veal or pravy broth, will, almllots very five. (J real caro mul bo lukeii to keep tlio stock wi'll-skinimcd , when pro perty itewed, put Iu a wineglass of Miulrriti, alt, pepper, and mnce, gifted fine, and a little lemon acid. When the rawne.es of the wine ami lemon is gone so that no flavor predominates, pour it iuto a turetn Had servo hot to table. A Swiss Soup. Boil three pounds of potatoes, inasli them well, and add slowly some Rood broth, sufficient for the tareen. Let these boil together, then add somo spinach, a little parsley, lemon, thyme and engo all chopped fine. l?oil altogether live minutes ; pepper and salt to tnst Junt before taking it off the tiro to serve add two well beaten eggs. Bread Muffins. Take four slices i f baker's bread, and cut niT nil the erupt. T.ir thorn in n mm mid iwutr lioiliii' witoe over them, but barely enough to soak them ' B brilliant Intellect, vvl.o mivrht nthcr 11 . , ,., .. , was huve entranced listening Senates with the well. Cover tho bread, and alter it has ; .Vun.K-U of eloquence or waked to ecstaey tho stoou an nour, uraw 011 uie water, ana stir the soaked bread till it is a smooth mass ; then mix in two ta'jlespoon'.'uls of sifted Hour, and a ha'.f-pint of milk. . Having beaten two eggs very light, stir theiii gradually into the mixture. Urease some niunin rings : set mem on a inn gnuine, and poor into each a portion of t lie mix- j ture. llako them brown; send them to ta bio hot ; pull them open with jour I'm- I gets, and spread on butter. Thev will lu found an excellent sett of nmlliu, very light and nice. Rrrroi.iKo WniTK Flannel. To re store tho origiuul appearance of white flan nel which has turned yellowish by lying for a long time or by wear, soak for an hour in a Weill; solution of bisilllihite of soda, tlicu add a little dilute muriatic acid, etlr wcl: and cover tho vessel or twenty min-t'es V'ter t',U l iko tli It niii.-l our i linn KtS. A.tu l.i:S, l.lkc tlie llama I out, rinse 1:1 polity ! solt wator, and dry in the sun. 1'hfs tlauntl will be purely white. Soke Mouths. for sore mouths, either in human beings or animals, no application i equal to tannin, which should always be kept in tho house for that purpose. A lit tle of tlio j o'vcIlt, spriiiklcd on the im'.ini ed or src t-pols, will cui't' a'.uwst iui:i:edi aiely. To Kkmove Motes fhom the Eyz. Take a h"rsvh:tir :-l u ':.'.: it so as to leave a l.vip, IT r,x.u can be Even, place tlic loop f.ir in ih. i vc ps popsil'le, then ci' a; toe eye, r.nd roll tV.e I all r n.r.id a lew times, draw cut the hair, and the mote wiil probably be found on it. Another dud r.'.uch simpler and easier way to re move uit't'-s from tlio eve. is the t:d-fah-cd wtv ot'diawiu.', villi the lingers, the upper oye-'.hU . far as pos;b:o'Avr tlw und-.T ami ll.i. 11, while it is held, blow ing tlu: u::m t!ior.)itgliiy. We never knew a person t- try tills for tho tlrst time with out laughing at it ; but yet it very raivly fails t' iviiiovo ordinary motes und spt-cks fiom Hie eye. A Da rt key Swah owino A Rat. A is'ew Orleans householder, disturbed bv an aged darkey whoeai.li day seated him self on his pui 1 wt nt to sleep in the bun, v.'.lh upuiinod hi:: 1, open mouth and protiiijioUb btior.-, toucif.'h J she w.-ttld l; , tin CNpuuncnt. t :,r iws purpoM- kIio pro cured a small l itxj i-i ice a:.d Jiopd it into tho hiH'e oriKce !l..:t served asai.ibo's if. nth. It !lia,)')e;iiod like abbot, i.nl, with a cotijLih aihi sinnt. Saiubn tl.nttd to hi feet. "I'th hi: criod, as ihe ice st nt vii.len i!sn:!.il;rou.J hiss-omarli. "Wliat dis ''' and his .'loyei cluiciied nervously lilt' tiftlicttd parts.--Jt.sl. li.011 some 1 no cried mil in the house tli.n a l.i; rut hid run down i';:i!e l;:i:.iV throat. 'I l is idti.-d tvri'.'r to hi. -9 p.iln. He p.Pvd on the o.iinpii lie i.u.l cried lustiiy for help, "i-'or God, mi.-.-.u". he's fn.iuin cml'n 1110. I Keis him. C)!i, oniiy, his Kili'u me,"' anil the wh'.o "l lhe d.irUvy's cvs protruded l;ke sai; and tl.o c,.uu!sej ai.d an f.'i:'!u 1 Hue th..-.,d that iv.tl pain was fc.roti.uly iil.ai.ecd by liis imaginary terr"r. '"Oil, uol.y. I.o.v he do jump and ki.k ubo. .1.,'' a:id .uiilvi aua'.n .ive himsi ll up to a :.iiX'.Mii,t' i;ii::i lil.itl 'ii. "Drink: warm water, I 'no!e omi. and ilrow 11 him," ti.e lady si.c l.d. Without a iiiniueiifs hcMt iiioii Sain M:.rLd for the water pluj?. lie turned on ilie ciahl. and Hie water started. Sam -Jwil I.U lips to the nozzle U:.lil i,i .,:,' pu.lld out olio illi 111- tlal l ij.i.MoM. "i; or J 1 yo',1 leel UoW, Unci.- ain 'C the lady iinjiiiad as .-am '..-.' red back to his , at. "I gtii .s he s di ;.v..e.l. tu:i..-us ; but !u re's that's liou-bin.- dis chile ; hc'.v's daL rat jjtviuo t ) gt-t oufn d.ire 'r" 'i'heiv is a food fc'.ory of a will knov.n birt .ir ul.ov.as boLiend by the iuiportu n.U. i -f iw.. i!!i-'.'ot-ii l-ii-l,:i; iady eanvas f,:':i'"i'.M''.,V' work, finally, in" or !r to f?. 1 1 10 1 i 1.11 1 1., r-lii: lie 10, l.e ol e.liioli Kllil 1 am : -I..11I.1S, '.l.c a ii.i'inhi r, has to i t ue a ne .y .a caiseipieiioe at' laliuj iti 11- i.itt ! n t. 1 1:,.' 1, s' iiuptud ir i.'.vu, I. !.! . A..-.. ' i 1.. it, 1 , ' I.. . 1 on .'lia I . 1 s U 1 a do a . .1. we l.aiv ul I ton f 1 ':i y, a'ld c.i.l :l I 1' h's.-.l 1. 1 :1a r "ii ii-." '.....I ;:., I '.. . ', ' I . ' I I. to I. r ! . I'.. 1. 1 ; i i il. .1 I . . I .1 , 'I I I Mfc ' t. ... i -.' ' , . . i ; . U : . , j I I . itcMc;ti. s BlI.TIJIOItr. LOCK IIOSriTAIi. ESTABLISH:!) AS A RI'.FUUE FKOM QUACKKKY. THE ONLY TLACE WIIEBE A CVIiE CAN BE OBTAINED. Dr. Johntso lm discovered the. most Cci tain, 8pecdy und most Effort mil Itemi'dy In tlio World for nil Private Ti?en?es, Weakness of tho Buc k or Limbs, Strictures, Alfectiniis of Kidney and Bladder, Involuntary Uischurges, Impotoncy, General Pibilitv, Nervousness," Dyspepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitn tion of the IJenit, Tim id it v, Trembling, Dimness of BiifUt or Giddiness, i)ieasa of the Ilcud, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising; from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret nud solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song ol Pyrctis to tho Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their must brilliant hope of anticipations, rendering marriage, fcc, impos sible. IOUSG MEM especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, Unit dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of younij men of the most exa'ted thunders of eloquence or waked to testacy living lyre, may cail with full couudeuce. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, or ganic debility, deformities, &e., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously conlide In his honor as a gentle- , . .,. . h,,..,w p,.iv n,,n hisskiii i-iiv bieiun. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Viiror l.estorcrt. This Di-treing Atlection which renders Life misei able an J marriage Impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper lu tulirences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from M't being aware of the dreadful cou.cqenccs that may ensue. Now, who that understands tlve subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling Into lmvrouer habits tluin ry tue prurient c uesues being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring the most serious uud destructive symptoms to both D"" , Vf runired, the Physical and Mental If unctions Weakened. Loss of I'rocreatlvo Power. Servous Irrltabilitv. liyspepsla. Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Conr-titutionul Debility, a Wui-ting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. OFFICE, NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET Lett hand side going from Haltlinore street, a lew doors from the coruer. Fail not to observe uu me Hint number. LeUeia must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's ploMm.is bang in hi otllee. A CL'RE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Mo Murcurv or Nauseous Drugs. DK.JOH.TON. i Member of theLoyu College of burgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the nw't eminent Colleges in the United Kates, and the greater part of whose ife has been spent ia the hospitals of London, Pus, Philadelphia and elsewhere, lias etleeted some of the mo.-t astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing in the head ami ears wheu asleep, treat nei vmisiiess, being alarmed at sa l leu Joan Is bus holiness, with frequent blushing, intended Fo:iictiine with derangement of uiiud, werucured iiauiediatelv. I TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. I Dr. J. addresses nil thosu who have iujured themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, untitling them tor either busiue.-s, ttu ly, soeicty or uiar- ! lrtii are some of the sad and melancholy , elleels produced by early habits of youth, viz: ! Weakness of the Back uud Limbs. Pains in the 1 Hack and Head. Dimness of sight, Loss of Mus : culur Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, . Nervous Irritability, Derangement ot Digestive Fuuitious, Geuetul Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, &.C. Mrs tally The fearful erTects on the mind are much 10 be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spoils, Evii I'ivtu.Jiugs, Aversion to Society, t;if-listrast, L'rve of SoiitJde, Timidity, Ac, are some of tae e iis produced. Tuot sani.s of persons of u!l ages can now judge what is the cause of their deeming health, loth g their vigm, becoming, we;ic, pale, nervous and emaciated, naving a singular appearance abuat the eyes, cough and symptoms oi consump tion. VOUN Mr"N' Who have iniMicl tlieiuselvts by a certain prae-t:.-e ii'da'gi d in when ul"in a habit frequently learm-il lr.'iu e 11 coiiipa'.ious, or at school, the elleeij of which are uiglitiy felt, eleu hell asle' ;'. i.i.d it' not cure. I, ren ters marriage impos sible, :.ud lovs hulh laiud and body, lioaid up ly imiai dii.teiy. , hat a pay that a young man. the hope of his country, tlx d.o'iing of Ins parents, should be snatcmd from iul rospecH and eaj'iymenls of iio', L'V the ceiiseii:e!iee ot deviating from the p.ilti ol nature and indulging in a cerlaiu sei-rel liabit. each persons mi s r. before eunlempiatiug j MAP.RIAi.iE, rclleet that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites lo pi ounrte canimLail happi uevs. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgriuage the pro.-p.cl hourly d.nkiiis loih" iew; the mind I'eeonies liulowed wilh ib - air and lllie I with the melan choly ielleeti.Mi.Ili.it the happiu.'ss ol another lieeoiiies biiehn 1 wuh ourowti. j DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. 1 When the misguided uud i:npnn!-!it votary of ple.i.-uic li:' .s th..' he h..- imiobed lite seeds of tbi- 1 ai'.i.'i! diseasv, it loo iiu:i h..l''eiis that uu il. limed set.se ol sU..liie, ordrc.i.1 of discovery, Jt urs hi. a from up! hu.g lo those who, from i.!ueutiou anil respeeUoijat y, i-an alone belVieiid I li .in, dci.i it g till tie- eon.- lit a: imail synij loins ot 1 tl..s horrid ili-eiie i.,.ilce their .ippearauce. ui'b us Ulcer..!. d sole thloal, di-ease I lio.-e, llottuial paitis in the I. tad and liail.s, diniaess ot sight, Icafntss, , ,ai 1 It, rhin holies an 1 anas, tdoli he.- lai lie: head. Inc. an I e!l -holies, pl'o- gre--:ug w t!i hi; l.tl'al rapi.l.ty, li.l at ia I the , .....o- "I l tie i.io.al. i r tin I. - ..I lh. no-e la.l ai.d :!ie e-iiai i.f t tii- a lai di-i .i-e In c anes a l'o::il o' j. ei ul e inuiis' aation, loi dealh p its a s.'e I to :os dieadllli sail lo.g, !) selliilig i.a.i I i "th it I. lid.-e'OereCoaiitiy I'.oai wUeiua; l.o t .. .e... 1 n lul i.s." 11 J he in-:...! fact that tho';- o. I- fall Vie. Ill - I . I 'l la:.'' e I..-. I.e. o A i.,g lo IMe '.I'l-l.lo- . . i . o. i..'i"l.,d p, ele .d I s, I .le, I y llic u e : l'. , " ...,1 l'ol"li, .Meieai j I ..la lUe ci. ia.::at,'.d iii..ive ihe r--i iac ol tifjuiiscia- MIUXt.ERS y .r liv. -, or h'.- ttlli, in the cart-of lh I. ai aed uii-l W.'iin o i'r. leaders, i a- a-. Ige, ii.ii.ii- .a ill, net r, wi.o J ea. t..!(', a lie. I : -an -ots, ol slv.u 1 I l-l I t I t.iv I , I I. . . . . lie - . I 1 -, I . , I .1 1' 1 i ..I. 1 . .-, i .. . ..'... .11 ..I ig, I ... ') k )"' i a ' i .i'. . in ' a . I .ki.,. ui ,i I..I.H uiil .-; in I-, I Mug i i:.e si.ial tt I ' I o.e I, .li.l lo il- I'JO, li .lu .'4 " I lb to b U olvl Jiul fci.ll.i ills- i . 'li .1, ..rll.-hig. . . i .! ; ui.. .i.av b.uit; ::i lo .. ! .! 1 1 . .1 i t o r U' '. 'l l ' a I i. I .o l II .in ., oil- -pii.l Hi lite tr..t .. j I , ... I . . II.:., eo . I... u.. I . .: . :'.... IV. i. . " li... j "' . . i ... i. . .. t i : iiii. i a: i . .-. ... .- i :, , ... i .1 ii.. oil '.' a . . . . I . .. . . i . , -.1 ' i . . i I ' . I". J ' i.i. '. . I i:. " .1 o.," " 1 i ... , , . . i. . . i I '' ' '. .'. I .' I!. I , . . . l . , I U . .-::. . I 1 . -1 '.. 1 . t 1-. I M I' ' I hi " ... I. , I , l ..l .11 I ' do I . . . . i a .i , . . S . 'd I . , a a, i-. i . ! . i , I I . i . , i . . . . . .. i . i i ,,(...! Il- j e . 1 . f I ' 1 I I 'I'. I Till! KUXBUnV CATTLE IXStlX. ClM'K COMPANY. Omrr ?. E. Con. MnKrt Swamc, PuKiitmT Pa. INSUItK YOUI5 CATTLE I Tin: ox i. v o.tim;; v that pays PltOJIPTIY. rpiUS Company pays all losses by all kinds of .l nrcidentj by dentil, (execpilng In ease of epidemics,) by theft, ifee., &e. They pay prompt ly. No rod tape proceeding to oblulu your money In case of loss. Look nt tho list of Losses paid vlthlu six months by this company 1 , M. Hcniilnger, Suubiiry, 133 3a P. llilgert, Northumberland, 60 00 8. b. Dodge, " St 00 George. Hckert, " 40 00 Charles Holich.Mt. Carmel. 80 00 Eusstus Sipplc, " 40 00 Catharlno Wagner, Wotsontown 4H 00 Geo. licit, Northumberland 60 00 Jacob Snvdcr, bunbury, 8H S3 J. W. Ha'ssler, ' 60 00 Minor Cudv, Dewart, 60 00 Catharine Mart., Phnmoktd, 40 00 Francis Hucher. Sunburv, 60 00 Samuel Price, Upper Lehigh, 60 00 Application can be made at the horn ofllce or to the duTcrent Locul Agents. C. J. BHUNKR, rrtnUmt. C. A. RntMESSNYiiEH, Ser'y, Bunbury. Directors Solomon Stroh, Win. Brlndle, Chas. Martin Thomas Baldy und John A. 8hlsler. December 11th. ly. Philadulpliiu uud Erie Itailroatl. , SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, May 80th, 1870, the Traim on the Philadelphia & Erl Rail Road will run us follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia. " " 8'inbuiy, " " arrutErie, Erie E press leaves Phlladcphla, 10.20 p m 6.40 a m 7.40 p m 10.50 a in 6. 'JO p in 7 25 a m 7.50 a lu 8.45 p in 7. VJ0 p m 1.1W p m 2.45 p m 8.50 a in 11. SO p in " " " Punbury, " ' on at Erie, Elmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " arr nt Lock Haven, Ball Eaptle Mall leaves W iillamsport, " " " arr ut LK'k Haver' EASTWARD. Mnil Trin leaves Erie. " Siinburv, arr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " 8;bury, " arr at Philadelphia, Elmlia Vail lraves Wllleumsport. ' Siinburv, ' " arr ut Phi's leiphla, Bu.Talo Eipre-s leaves Wldlamsport, " " Sunburv, ' ' orr at Phllal "lphla, ltulJ E.uf'.e Mall leaves Lock Haven. " " " arr at Wiliia-nport, Bui Eagle Ex. leaves Lock Haven, " " " hit at Willliunspoit, Express, Mail and Accomol.it ion, tt.20 a m U.oil a hi 10.05 a m C.U0 p in U.45 a in T1.40 a in .50 p m 12.5 a m S.10 a in 9.i5 a m U.o5 a in 1-.50 p m y.y5 p in 10. ao p in cast and west, connect at Cory and all west bound trains, and Mail and Accomodation east at Irvinetou with Oil Creek ai"4 Allegheny River Railroad. WM. A. BALDWIN, (ini'l 3up:t. Xorllirrii CViilrul ICallway. bL'MMEB ARUANeiKM ENT. ON and alter June lg, 1S70. traius leaves bUNBUKV, as follows LEAVE NORTHWARD. 5.40 A. Dally for Williamsport. Daily (cx cept Sundays.) for Klmlru, Cauau daigua, Rochester, BulTaloe, Niegaru Fulls, Suspension Hiidge and 'he Canada. 8.45 P. V., Daily (except Sundays.) for Elmirn, mid BulEuoe via Eri Railway from Eimira. .20 P. M., Daily- (except Sund ivs.) for Wil liamsport. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. ' 2.15 M., Daily for Baltiinore.aud Washington. I. i.lo A. !., Erie Express. 111.45 A. M, Daily (except Sundays.) for balll I more, Phila le'pb.U and Washington. II. 25. P. M., Dailv (except Sun1avs,)fir Harris- burg, eonne'ting with Cincinnati Express for Ralliinore, Philadelphia and WushiDgtou. . U. Fiskr. Kr- s- Yorso, Ucn'l. Sup't., teu'l ras.-en r Ag t., Harrlsburg, Pa. Ball more, Md. j l.iiugo of l'roprietorsliip. fMHE-toelc and fixtures of the Livery Stable ! X formerly owned by T. Mcliuw, has been pur ' vliase l by J.'M. Bartholomew, who has added i new horses, and Is adding other comfortable con j veiiieii' cs. He intends to make it a stable that i ?:,nuot be excelled auvwhere outside the city. The best of riding und driving horses on hand mi ly t o serve customers. '1 he patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. ' J. M. BARTHOLOMEW. Juiibury, Aug. 11, ISri'J. ly. LKU'OU .TOIlll! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN- I BURY, PA., I lie-pcctfally invites the attention of Retailers ' mi l other-, that he has on hand, and will con ! slant lv keep nil kinds of FOKEIliN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, I t'onsi-ting of Pure Brandies: CogulaC, Cherry, j Ginger, P.oehellean l OtarL Whi-kies: Pure Itye I'opper-llistiileJ, Monon g ibela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and 1 Clalct. I Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Float and Keoli-h Ale. STUM ACI1 AM) BAR BITTERS, I And all other Lb:i"r which can he found In ; the city muikets which will be sold at Whole 1 sale ail. I Retail. Ev.ry article guaranteed ns repi.-enlel. Also, a larg lot of DEMIJOHNS ! and P.liT'l I. Ft, always on ban l. Orilcrs proni lit att.-n led oi smblic ' piiroiiage respiciijliy soiii ilej r. w.vv. Sunbury, July H. lWJ.ly. i Ayor's Hair Vigor, I for restoring Cray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which U Hi once ngi eenlle, liealiliy, ttiol elleitutj for 'i e-ert iiij( tl.a liuir. I'u hd or gray hair is soon rn(y to Ul original colur unh the yot$ ami firihntH of youth. I'ii in lotir ia iliiik- cue. I, falling hair ihuelej, uml tmM-li- (itnoi, lloiugfi not ttlways, ciilii lv il, a,.., , ui I, i ii; iuu leslum Ilia I u.i alio ia, (lu I'olli.'lvi mio ile.niiyi'il, i f ll.s L'!. in It iilrooliii-il l. li.l uciaseil. sdili renin il 'u lo aiivct tor I ia.. Ly this .-j pin kl inn. lo-ieai loiili i the hil l' Willi asty e-Oi-.' il uillke, , it . uu niol V Igllull. o a-i , uu Mill l lelrlil ll.u l.a.f 11 iiu.o Ioiiiiii r'iuy ut luliiiij olt, au. lollM ,,,, ,y -1! I' lit I'alillilSS. tic Il on l!o,.,i ill Iflui iullS tulisUUi't W I. I'll in i kit so.no ., pu. ul Ion J.in'i iuu aid! li. i.,.'.i, ., tl.u lour, ilia i-;or iuu . .ly I., ii in but uwt Laiui ti. Il wul.4 t i iui a HAiu nnn.SsSiNf Uoil.,ii tlni mij l, loon I nt ilrtiiuLI. to iUlii.UI U l.lol' I'll Uo( ll)C, It (1'M.e til t.i.1 wl.na i .ui Liu, u4 -t la-1 l.t.j uU 1 1. w Lull . K-llb II IiiU luM ln lJ a ,'i-til .l iluu.s. hejurej Ly pr, J. C. Ar 1 Co., J'4'1Ul U A4tll 4t. ( ItiUlllS, i(vtn, T. ft. SnAXNOX, yATCTfMAKKR AND JIWILEB, Corner of Third Street atiil MnrliRl Bnunr. hi Miller's Stone Bnlldlugt BUNBURY, PA. WATCHES, jfVT?S3H of tho most eclcbrntci makers, 'l f-eTv. cnlsth'it of tho Howard, Ap 4ftrf j. pleton, Tracy Co.. Walthem, Uartlci, W. Ellcry, and all grades of tbe Elgin Ill's make. Also, sole Agent for the celebrated PAUL BRI TON Watch, lu Oold or Silver Case, at low prices. B1LVER-WARE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS, of entirely new design. 8olld Silver Table and Tea Simons, Butter Knives, Forks, Castors, Ice Pitchers, Fruit and Cake Baskets, Syrup Mugs, Butter Dishes, and everything In the Silverware line at low prices. JEWELRY. A fine lot of 18k Rings. Also a fine selection of Gold and Jut Jewelry of nil descriptions. Oold aud Silver Chains, at low prices. GOLD TENS. Fine Oold Pens, in Gold, Silver and Rubber Cases, of the celebrated make by Huffman and Stewart. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 8 day and 30 hour Clocks, at low prices. Also, Sole Agent for the celebrated Perfected Spectucles.-wafrunted to give entire satisfaction. Watches, Clocks aud Jewelry repaired aud warranted. All orders promptly attended to at th shortest notice. , R'lubnrv, Sept. 5, 180S. klUUmcrn anb )rn oobs. FRESH A1UUVAL or Nprlns and Summer Goods ! MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to the public that fhe has Just received, ut her store In Dewart s Building, u large supply 01 THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, trimmed and untrlmmcd, and of all colors, In cluding th NE0P0L1TAN, the latest and most fashionable thing out la hats Alo, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Flowsrs nf the 1atet and handsomest styles. Sash Ribbous, plain and uVured. Ludie's Spencers, Lace Colars, Linen Colars and Culfs Tor Ladies and Children, t roenei collars. Neckties for Ladies and Gent's latest styles. Silk Sack Lnoo. a sutierior niticle. Gloves iuc'uding Kids, aud Ladies' Buckskin gloves. lluiidUerchiefs. All kinds of TriininiiiL'S Enibroi lerv Patterns. Hosiery for Ladles, Gent's und Children. Nats, Pique aud pique trimmings. TRIMMING SILKS, Chignons, Zephyrs aud Yams, and a general variety of Notions. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes that the uua.ity of her goods w iil merit a continuance ...e L I f , OL-TII llVlPI'rf Ol llie same. i ui .e ei. i ... ....- -.' Sunbury, May 7, ISTO.-t;'. IKF.SN GOODS AX1) .OTEO.S. ALL TUB LiTRST, SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES At MISS KATE BLACK'S STOKE, Market Square, SUNBURY, Penn'a., TTASlUBt opened a freeh a'-sortinent of the jL-L most fashionable Fancy Dress Goods from the largest eMablishincuts in Philadelphia. Ire TrimiiiinsM, lluibroidcrlcsi NOTIONS. A. 0ENR111L ASSOKTMEST. Gents' Collurs, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toiiet Sonps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. Cull aud ci.n.iiue this spleulid assortment. KATE BLACK. Sl'HIXU MIL.LINE11Y Just opening of BDN'k'E 1 U A X I U ATS In SPRING STYLES, at KImw I.. KhisNlcr's Ntorc, Market Square, SUNBURY. The latest Philadelphia and New York styles ot MILLINRY GOODS, BONNETS, HATS, FRAMES, French and American Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Collars, Cutfs. Gloves. Handkerchiefs, and Notions of every variety, and lu fact everything that is kept in ii Millinery Store. Gent's Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac, Ac. Having Just opened this large and grand as. sortuiciit of gools, the ladies and the public generaliv are invited to cad und examine for themselves, tuubury, April 10, 1S70. L. SlilbSLEK. SPUING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS. LATEST STYLES llONXIlT.S AMI HATS, which, for beauty, luve never been excelled. FRAMES, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, LACES, Ribbous, aud a general assortment of NOTIONS. Everything that ran be wished for In the Mil linery Hue can I procured at MISS M. L. GOSSLER'S Store, on Fourth street, below the tt. V. A P. K. R. Call and eiamlue her Stock. Sunbury, Apiil 2H, 1S70. WW MILLIXEItY MTOKKI UI'.ESS MAKING AND TATTERN I CUTTING. ' riHE Ladles of Sunbury and vlrinltv are invited i 1 to the new MlI.LINi-1. Y STORE, Just opcu 1 ed by MISS 1 WEISEU, Market street, next door to Gearhart's confec tionary .tore, nU VH'KY, PA., 11 here a lurgs s soiiu.ent ol Mioiuiy uoo U ai" Trimming, have J4-I be- u opeuej. NUfiONS, sueli as UASDKtKCHlEtB, GLOVES, COLLARS, 1 Slid a Variety ul other articlrs. ' !u eonaselio'i w.l'i lbs MO laery hulue, she i.l cany on Ihe DKta M KlNi, uud HT I lMi in nil its bi.itiel.es. Al-i lUe culiiuK ol I'A l 1 HUNS ol eveiy di cii lion, It.ivit.i' seit'ete.l tho hoi I f.,hioii.iti!e goals In Ibai lly in .1 ken, su l hallllil had C.'ll.l let il. rnp. lli l.ee iu Ihe Jl:..o.. r .iu. Dle.s Making t4 silo 1 uiii oiieil"ii. ol U.liii or iels, and lovils all In 1 1 w 1'" trial, u 1 XII my .esU al great ly le luee I nets lor tull. llciue'i'lK 1 tl.u p. .ie, on door t of llear nu l . t uuUel.u4.iry tor, Muiktl slruel, kuu b il), V MIM L. Wflhill e.n.bui p4., Apill 14, li.o. 11 iiti A 111: Ft i oui:, ' J. U.t uUy,4tt M. MAUKtT SlUtET, bUNllUUV, PA., Hit i..elil 4 ui 4toilmui ut H kluiUuf llald'l.is, CullKI), MeeUsUli' Tuo s, Xt., ill a.i I. ..'nj 11 .o. Aisu W(u ilsk.l's ll. iu'.. II ibs, It. .us, B-kJ. A so. ail iin l, uf L4..1I0 r luf kii.u.aWi's au4 iiII'M I. t.i I 1 lu IU. II .K SI IS ll.ri'4 Im lotiul bull 1. I 1 1, 11 1 .s i4u is. is 1.1 ui 4i.x ,4u,r S4l ' UI.4..U !u IttS SU44.I.. t 4U4 MS ltll I". ...tji) l',o ,, WJ I' Jl MIUKK, a 4ss ak.i.i,l al M . sv IJ 4 I'IMli ,l S 4 .4 LUItlBI.n ANI PLANIXO MILLS. Third Ptict, adlolnlnir Phlla. A Erla R. R., two d X . P iV. iy a l T?i D4uuivn iiiHtii hi me rui.ru 1 iiuiui, EUNBURY, PA. ITtA T. CLEMENT, 15 firepnrcd to farnNh every descrl)tlon of Inm bcr rcqulrd by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improve! machinery for manufacturing Lnnber, he la now ready to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORINO, BIDING, DOORS, 8HUtTER3, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE. RANDA8, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn In); of every description promptly executed. Also, A IJUtdR AHSOIlTMKNT C BILL LtTTMBER. TIEMLOCK aud PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lnthe, Ae. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Rnilrnnd or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dee HI f.lv MTOVIl ! TI. USTAIILISIIMUXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. successor to smith a gentuer.J HAVTN'O purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krauso would respectful ly inform the public that he now has 011 baud a large assort ment of UUUK1SU STUVIIS, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Ton, Combination, Siisqiichuumi and others, w hich are so arranged us to be used for Coal or v ood, und are warranted to perlonn satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kind put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware ol Ktrry HcHcripl Ion kept constantly on hand. Rooting uud Spouting with the be t material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil and Lumps constantly on hand. Japan ware of all kinds. Storo opposite Coulcy's hardware store. Give me a call. A.'KUAUSE. ap4-ly . j. vTiTe rs nilTUR JAItl)KX AM) IIOTI'.L .Vol. 7S0, 722, 724 A 727 Tinj Ut., PHILADELPHIA. "WINTER G aTdEX II OTKL, (ON Till EfKOl-HAN I'l.AM) Centrally located, cunnc'tlng with all the City Passenger Railway Cars, from all the Depots in the City. I'.xccllout Accoiiimodat iouH Tor Tra vellers. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts evsry evening in the Summer uud Winter Garden. tltf Ontiestrion Concert Eiiry Afternonn.f FINK I.AU1F9' I'.KSTAUIIAST TI1R Bl'ST OF IlEFUKslIMENTS 8EKVr.ll. Ofllce of J. Vaier'a Fouutaiu Park Brewery. June 4, liTJ.-ly. K K V UOOIIH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 4.T HENRY PETERS, Ou Tk'.rd Et.,one door below the I.utseruu Chnrch, SUNBURY, PENN'A. JI'ST opened a largs aortmcr.t of TK1" GOOI 'S, such :: Cloths, Gi-sinu res. Calicoes, Muslins, Ac., which are sold cheaper than ever. Al.o, a variety of Notions, Undershirts, Draw ers, Hats and' Caps. LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS, Ac. G1C0CE11IES AND PRO VISIONS of all kindn, such as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL Oil, Molassi-s, Syrups, Mackerel. L ird.Hams, Nuts, Dried and canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and lu fact everything usually kept in the Grocrv line Hams, Fish, Co.il Oil, Crockery-ware, Queen-' ware, Glass-ware, WiLow-w are, Ac., Tk best FLOUR and MEAL in the Tobacco, Cigars, an 1 and u variety of NOTION'S. ALSO : All k!u.i3 of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. LOOTS AND SHOES. Having enlarged my Store room and H'VI it with the latest styics of new coo.K. I wouul so licit the patronage cf the pub.ic aud wiil endea vor to pleiine ull. Country Produce taksn In exchange for Goods. I ff Call and examine uiy stock, and satisfy yourselves. HENRY PF.TERS. Sunbury, Nov.JS, ISf.fl C. iK Alt HART'S Confectionery, Toys A Fruit Store, Jl.iRIiET ST., SUNBURY, PA. COSFJUCTIOXERY OF ait. kt.vd.v. ru ys vy kvkh r Dzsvitirni v. CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment ut wholesale and retail, ut reasonable prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Conf-cli. me rit's to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rules. Tobacco, Scgars, Ftatlonery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of 01 her uiticles, all of which are offered wholesale and retail. tf Remember the name and place. M. c. geakhartT" Murk"t St., 3 doors west of Lyon's Store. septl9-ts rilOTUGKtril tVil.LF.KY. riDIE undersigned having heeu burned out ut 1 the late lute disastrous lire has opened a Gallery in the New Building 011 Third Street, ou the buruej dlstiict. SUNBURY, PENN'A., Where be will continue 10 t..ke ) let ires as hers lofoie. His prices will raiiL-c us otb re, liom two gem pictures for $1 to a pn-iuiu w rih tuo. Bring your nine elil divti, and if he cami"t i" t a gisid picture ol them, theiu will he 110 use try ing eisewhcre. 1). ilk old pictures If you wish to have them enlarged uu I h ive theiu ti 111-bet lu the best uud Ule.l 1 111 1 loved sly.s. FRAMES AND AUSl'MS constant. y 011 u.iud, che i e: th tii lh-che.ip.-sl. Gil, Rosrwoo I ui d Wu.n..t M.ni d.us, u uieU i.l be put up to or lei, or .0. I in Hie stlek. Auitliiug iu lh) way of pi. 'taics, '. ,11ns, or niiMliii.ii la 111 v .n.e 01 lia-i.'s- vui b" t'11.0 Iu l ul rates lo the interest of eiery one tli.il 111 Call, und ...li.fnel "U g l.uiinls. I lu an rases. Call brims hiving juir Woik done ,' here. I Thankful for pi-t fa"i, I de-:re, b Inmost dea iiiKs uud p.aii lio-.s lu bu-liie,, I e. LI 1.014 lh sums. Au Iniil.iiioii is m.'iid.d In ail to give 111 a trial, a my luolto is to pirate. Jan , sTj. KUtEULV. ; FARMEIU I EXAMINE AND Ul V ! 7U Orl.;liiul, llauslt' !leiu4 TllO Pilkl llW I'OSK I'llMMll.lIC M.Ur. I All otlisis .il I 11 I ill au. j lltlt.M'ss It A W II O .N E fcupar IIiuUmI f LIsu. TALL, &UDUEI1 TO TOB Kervons and Debilitated, Wn08E EtTFFERINaS HAVES BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HTDDEN CAU8E9, AND WHOSE CASKS REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If yon ra suffering, or have suffered, from In voluntary discharge, what effect does produce upon your general health? Do you fe wuk, debilitated, easily tired I Docs a little extra ex ertion produce palpitation of tho heart I Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order t Is your urine some times thick, ml.ky r llocky, or is It ropy on set tling? Or does a thick skum rise to the top? Or is It a sedimui.t ut the bottom after It bus stood awhile 1 Do you have spells ot short breathing or dyspepsia 1 Are your bowels con stipated 1 Do you have spells of fainting, or untie? of blood to tho head? Is your mcnory tired of company, of life ? Do you wish to bo left alone, to pet away from everybody! Does any little thing make you start and Jump t Is your sleep broken or restless J Is the lustre ot your eye as brilliant f The bloim on your cheek given to tits of inelancho y I If so. do not lay It to your 1Wt or dyrpepsla. Have you restless nights f Your back weak, your knce weak, and have bat lilt e appetite, iial you attribute this 10 dyspepsia or iivcr-couiplaia. T Now, reader, sc'f-nbuse, venereal diseases bad- ly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of j llt iRrri,br)r t a.0 p. m. unA 5 ' m un pr-idaeing a weakiiess of the generative organs. : Baltimore at 7.00 p. m. and 9.00 a. m. Same , ,, 1 trains connect w.th P. A E. train for Wiilhun 1 h" orpins of geucratHiii, when m perfect hea.th, fI,0,.,, j,ofk Haven, Oil City, Erie, and points ma.e the man. Did vou ever think that those lS!' --hunge of cars between Northaniber- , land and Bailimoie (going south) or Erie (goiug bold, dell int, energetic, perrevering, successful j we-t). buMncs.-men are ulwavs those whose gene.ative I Ta!nlaviriK Berwick at 6.15 a. M. connect. 1 Willi train on 1). L. & W. R. R. going east, ar- nigausure in perfect ha'.th ? You uever hear riving ut new York at I!. U : going wett, arriving such nun complain of being melancholy, or ! fL1" yM ooniiec- i ; t:on is made h ,tn A.oaiiy & Siisquchaniia tvaius n.'i vousness. of palpitation of the heart. They for ail Intermediate points, arriving at Aibuny .... , , . . 1 at .o0 p. m. are never uiruid th-y cannot succeed in business , Tr,lhl !r.ivi.,e :;rthun,b-rland at 10.15 a. m. they don't becom.! sad and discouraged t they 1 connects at ficrar.tou W.th I. L. A W. Kxprosa for New York, arriving at 9.U0 p. rn i a so witii re a.ways pome and p.eas.iat lu the company , m.ill for the west, arriving at Biughau.tou ti.U of ladies, and look vo'i and thm right hi the I'; m- 141 tyiacus. VJ.45 p. m., and ut Oswego 11. 10 r. m. face noiu of your ilitwueust looks or any e ther The iihov trains for New York und western meanness about tUeui. I do not mean those who ,,nIln,;l''i,,,i6I',"v,0 "'"n-ct with trains on 1. & II. Cai.nl Co's R. P.. lor Dickton, O.y hai.t, Aich kep the organs Infl-ited by rur.uiug to cxcuss. 1 baid, Curboinlale and Hor.e'dale. ,, ., . , . ,11 . . . . 1 r-treet t'urs to uud from Wi.kos-liiine connect These will not only r:.l:i their constitutions, but wil ull also those they do bi'.sinep with anH 'or. ' 7 u" " ' "'""' ' i.P.EAT TRUNK LINE from the North and from the ciK ct-t of self-abuse and excesses, have VJ North est lor l'h:ia lei iiia, N. Y.. l'.iad- brought about that state of weakness in those ' Liwe,'".! uJ?"Vl' ,MLU"'' Bhi'r' W:"' ' Leb.iiio.1, Ai.eutnwu, Lastou, Lpnrata, Lu.z, oiainis that has rclared the general system so , Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, A:. .... , .. j- '1 ruins leave Harnsbarg tor New York, as fol- much us ta l:i t..c almost every , H .r dissan ' i0Wi . At 5.5Si s lU( b , 11U , p m id.oev, Inaacv, para'vsis, si-inul iecti.:i, sul- Coiiuecting Villi sii:.t.ar 1iia. ou the Pcuusylvan!.i Kailroal, uud arriving fct NuW cile, und aliy-M every fther form of disease ,ult at U'.lo imii, ..ro, ui.d U uo p m. whl.'h humnnity is h- ir to and the real caii'e of respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany tlio J 5. .a I rum wilhiut change, the trouble searce'y ever fuspecjed, and have i Ri turning: l.ave New York at 9.00 a. m, doctore I for all but the tight oneT ' I "Y"?' P' - y- a. ui. and d.vO p. m. ; Sieejuag tais aceouij auv- ! lug 10 5.00 p. ui. ;rii;i j! j;u jfyj-j, I without cliauiie. ! Leave Harii-barg for Rc:i ling, Pattvii'e, Ta DIsEASES OF THI tE ORGANS RRv,L IKS ; uuujua, Mmeisviiie, AshUa l, fc!.a:aukiu, THE USE OK Diuitmc. II K I. M B ) 1. I ' N FLUID EXTRACT llllill I' ' Is the tieal diuretic, and I. a reilulu cure lor j th diseases of the ULADl'ER, Kll-NRYN iillUl'L, M;OlY CRi.ANlC WEAUMSS, KEMALE complain rs, (ienlual PEUI'.l'l Y. an I ull .:i..a.si'f th. U.n.rv Organ., lnt'..r " ' ki- Hot ia M'. or I's.iiule, fioai li .1 v. . eu oliiuatilig, and I 1 lioitter of h w 1. n ; ta" ' If u.i li c I ne I ! tn .ut I I... C.m.i.'i. 11 1 or ,.i.i ni v 111 .) 1 i. i. ti,ii U ti ". I b . I ai SUp o. . f.o.u II. , .. oe'is, Ull 1 I..C I.l j lh .:,) b. I lue s, and lh .1 ol P stsi ly, J, p, 1. I. uiiii I lOUILl US of IS.iut. t U..J. II. T. llt.ll'lH Iv, I'rwifkUl, sui H,",t,.,, s,a y W . .1.4 ' -"lU I SI , Put udi I U.4, 14 Pllll I - l l i k. ., i t i . . I V, Jl ll.u 1 I,, u.) . I ik.s 1 1'; I 1 ...u... ,.:.k Lackawanna and Bloomaburg IlaU. roads STJlOrER AlrHASQEMENT 0T PAS3SNC1UI TRAINS. Monday, July 18th. 1971 80UTHWARD. . A.M. P.M. A.M. 'P.M. Srranton, Bellevue, Taylorvllle, Lncknwunntt, Plttston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Mult by, Hancock's, Kingston, Plymouth June., Plymouth, Avondale, Nunticoke, Hunlmk's, Shickshinny, Hick's Ferry, Beach Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Ulooinnburg, Rupert, Oituwlssa, Danville, Chulasky, 2 'W 8 H5 V 181 5 80 9 ao 5 8.1 7 vr, 7 H'i 1 40' 5 43 ft M a hi 7 4H 8 60 g 4.5 0 Ottl 7 6 'J tt Ml' C8, 8 Ou X 671 a 15 lu M ft VI 110 t)7i 4' I 20 4 40 1(1 25 ft lT 10 1,5 55 4 20 1U 40 7 Uu 8 21 8 40 8 47 7 15 T 25 0 01 4 43 7 5oi 8 0V1 8 is; 8 21 0 10 W.i 5 07 9 S3 9 4) 5 14 9 50 10 Oil 5 85 5 41 5 41) 6 50 6 10 10 07 10 15 10 SO 10 45 10 55 11 00 Cameron, North'd, (arrive.) 11 2o 8 S5 KORTI1YVARD. Leave. ,A.M. P.M. Northumberland, 10 15: 4 15 Camernu, I 4 i;t Chulusky, 4 40 Danville, 10 45! 4 5u Cutawissa, 11 Oil' 5 15 Rupert, 11 141 5 iu Rioom&burg, 11 241 5 28 : Espy. 11 ao 5 5! Lime Ridge, 5 44 A. V Briai Creek, 5 511 Berwick, 11 R5 6 05 6 15 Beach Haven, 12 03 6 15 ti 16 ! Hick's Ferry, li 10 6 i'S ft 10 1 Shickshinny, 12 40 6 5:; b 45 Hunlock's, 7 c7 7 iai Nanliroke, 7 15, 7 us 1 Avondale, ' p. y I P ymonth, 1 17 7 SO, 7 25 1' I P ymonth June., i 7 M0 lo rr, Kingston, 1 30 7 45 7 45 11 00: Hancock's, I 7 40 11 111 Maltby, 7 50 u ls Wyoming, 1 40 7 57; 8 00 11 24 ! West Piltston, 8 (4 8 07 11 ;12 1 Pitt-ton, 1 50 8 (J 8 14 11 4J Lackawanna, 8 17 8 21! 11 W , Taylnrviile, 8 i M Kli 1U l5 Bellevue, 8 I U 8 40 l'J U Scranton, (arrive) 2 15 8 40 8 45 12 20 I I il STREET CARS LEAVE WILKES B ARRE TO I Connect with Trams leaviug Kiugatou, us fol- i lows : For Scranton, 7.20 a. m. I Ntth'd 7.53 a. m. 10.40 " I 103 p. Q. I 7.00 ' I Consections.. At Northmiberlsnd, trains leaving Scrniiton st 7.20 a. in. and ii L5 p. m. roiltlvst K'ith Vm l hsn. C.i.1,.1 - .....!..' DAVID T. BOUND, Sup't. Heading IWiilroud. FALL A R R A N G E M E N T. .lfnn,7i; , r.th 1Til j aiii-uiiiss ana 1 unaae pa:a al hie a. in. j 2.o0 aud 410 p. 111., stoppiag at Leb un.n and I principal a stations; U.i- 4.1,1 p.m.. tisiu I eouucctiiig lor I'Uilade.prna, Potisvioe uud Co ) iumbia nn.y. For Poitsi..e, bel.uvlkill liaveu 1 and A lib uru, via s.eh'jy.ki.1 uu i bas.piel.4uuti l.anioau, nave JlarrisLiuig ul u.40 p. ui. Last t'cnasy.vama K.n. ie.nl tiaini V..ve liea,. J lug for Alleuiowu, Kastou uud N York ..I 7. ! lu.iu 10.45a. m., un I 4.l5p. 111. Rjt.irai 1-, livo , New link at a. 00 a. 111 , U uu h .."l and 6.00 p, j ui. und Ailei.toa u al 7.u a. iu. '.5 uoou, 4.J aii'l 0.4.1 '. IU. y Passenger Tn.W leaves Phl.ailelphla al 7.oU a. til.. Ce'tlULCtlL ...til SIU1I1111 11- .! 1 011 K.1,1 l'euua. liliioad. rilurmug Iiuu Keaai .k at 6.5. I p- m., stopping ut all n..!i'i-. Leave I'otisnoe ut 5.4j. u.,ua. m. nn ! 2.51' p. ! in. Il-iuiou ai iJ.uii 4. m., bliaank n ut 5.4.' an! 1 U.i 5 a. ui. ; Aslu.iud i.l T.ji a. u... mi l 1. .. a ;""'' i Mal.auoy lay t 7.M .1. ..1. an I 17 p. u. , laiiuiua ul 8...0 a. 111. nr.J p. iu. far ! 1 I'U aud .Nm . ,'. I Lialc I 'lt-io e via t-eli .yl'.iill a: i fa.-io ; fcai'i.u Luiirea.tut a. If, u. 11.. '.. 1 I Is. 1 ..-.!i.i and, i ,o. no. 1., ior riur iin.ve ana I leim :.l. l.i.idu-g Aii'i 11.11 a L.tioi .r.oii a-.v. Pitts. I .e 'o-iJ a. lit., 1 -j-i, U. .1 ,i.. ut T.u s. in. srnv.ii ut l'lii.adi-. h:a ut 1 ..:., 4. 1:1., r 1...1.!: ; le,.ef I'lii.adcl; h:j t 5. lip. 11 . .ss'.i.t l.e: 1,. ..I S ou 1 ui. uililu ut 1 . lt loe ul li. I.. 1 U. t'olt-lou Acce a.ll.ou. tl. a I 1..II1 li.,i p. It. too.l ul t.'-i a. Ul., I1lL11.ll u- leaii I I 10... 1, 1 ;.i ut I. "el 1 . IU liauuibu iUii.loiid Tu::.s lssv l.ei.J. v ,. j -''. " ,'' ' ' ' I !"'. ' lattiittsler, I ii.iiiiili'a Ac. I'oli m I.-.1: li'.ad l ia'.'S .. l'-: J ,1.1 liou ai 7. lo, y oia. ui., .'. o. si .1 1 1 1. . i. 1 .1 ..1 i.l ,.1. in- ti 114, t.u , ,i i, ... 1 II 11 ..1 I l- ' '"" " '- 1 l I 1:1. e .1 .. e. , .... el I. ..a s 1 1. .i...l'.i h J.,,1 J. 1 I .. il'lo.k.U U..I i . '.ol I ... ,4 .. Jl . . -t i 4 u ., uur t. .0 j 1, , i,i. 1 , . v ! 1, I o-.ui.i 7 1.1 ai. I 1 1 . I ., 1 1. 1. b . a .... . .,1 1. .1,1,4 1 u i ...a j; . .1 .. : 1 1 1 1. 1 4 ,1 1...: ; j i ... , r. c ..kin 1 1 t" a.,, ui.,; ii 1 i , . 1 11. ni.io. i, ... l 1 1 i.a tl. U ..I t I 4 lii , I- I I . 1 J ' l' i'. 111. . "U..ieia..' ufi :i:....i i4... w- l.-s Istia.. I, i-u cua..;. s 1 l.r4i ,iis 1 .04 1--1 p u. , ; I I1L4 111 I lo 4 ,lll. Ul 41.1 if' I . IU-. (I U . II. I .ill I.l li.lk O. I I" ).e I I P' tUt !.. Ul t- 41 4 III , . . I " 1 ' 1 1 . II. , ..U 1 I.l.' p. Ul ,..'' ' ' ii- . Ill '.U., l-lvi...l.!' 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U. -I I 1 I - . :: I ... . .. 1. 1 1 .. ,..t l 1 . . . 4 1 ... !. i. 1 1'44 is .d fl.ol K Uk iu i.i... ri ' i H si' r t r, 1 1: ' . 1 1 , . ,i . .4. 41 ..k i 1 . . i 1 ,i .,i.ii' i 1,1 1. t I. ''' " 444T4 . a. , 4 41 i I 14 l ktNJ D.H'.'l IV t . tM II j its fiuvis au I uf I 1 il.. (i.ILl . . ,41, U I.J '' -I I ' ' ; I .,.l -, u I I I. - k' ill I . J- I.' , l" t I 1 r h a t a 1 e r . 1 s. i-i, s.ui 1 1 1 .1 l l'ti.f Jl'4lk4S1 . I jtak tat i4 Iksv tsl, 4 I - I I I.. 4 I " s ... .ull , 'L,,.(4 ! !''' .4 ' I War .