4k Sunburn nicriaut. N. B. MASSER, I. XV1LVERT. &"' SUNBURF, OCTOBER 22, 1870. As we calmly review the result of the 'flection on 'Tuesday of last week, we nre ' jnnre nnd more convinced that this county ' -.3 thoroughly Republican in principle, and hoi. tha pniintt? iii tf ncrnllv lest through ,hu .nnfbv of the members of the. Rcnub- I licnu party. Some four hundred Heubli- casualties of the campaign most deeply to can voters are annually inissinu from the ,H" resretted nru the defeat of S henck. of polls, who try to justify themselves in this j olli". ""'I Morrell. of the Seventeenth dis uedeet of duty, on the cronnd that wc arc , lrk'1 1,1 ,1lis State. They xv.-to both able defeated nt cverv election. If they would : n(t zealous iliampiuns of protection, and take into consideration that they themselves; li've both bceu beaten by very small ma fia :hec?3 rf det't, probr.bly the result ' j"nf s. in eloS distr ct. The loss nf their would' bd ,'nrtereht. Since the last election i services in the coming contest on tin- tarilV wc have heard many express regret for 1 question wor.ld be a public calamity, but tluir n.'gligcncu in allowing our County ! ns il is ot'&'i that their adversaries owe f ,i1.iii.i..iw r to bn defeated. To some I their temporary triumph to frauds which raws Democrats even have regretted vot- I nig for their candidate, for they now only j begin to sec that they wiredrawn into the i position m wlncli they Iinve lone. much ine.-diis of the C uirt House King, nnd arc j s-rvice. If they make a successful Trying dear for the whistle. AVe endeavor- ' contest for their seats the reimrtcd Demo v l'to explain, before tho election, the gi-1 cratie Congressional victories from the -antic debt the. Ring were imposing upon j tts voting in October will bo so nearly :be lax-paji'i-s of this county, and showed ' counterbalanced by Democratic losses that aii tho records of Democratic auditors ; but I the Demo.T.itic net gain can scarcely exceed n many ii.inocrats were incredulous, and oii.-i'.ici'ed it tin electioneering scheme, ;iir . did not heed our adiix uitions. Many loo, did not believe the existence of such filling, Wc xvi rc sincere in oar motives in exposing the manner in xvhieh the Uini! conducted alliiirs, and considered it a jjivat wrong. We would ask '"nil who did not deem it v.orth xvlitlo lo cx.iir.ir.e the. matter. o take up the records of the county ind ! examine them closely, and sec what j become ot the enormous amount ol tn:;is i we are l aying, and see who do"? control I of the county, and watch their; movements r.v.d 'wire-pulling lo keep in li'e e those of ihe King. Tax payers will, no doubt, be astonish ?d, on an (xaininatiou of the records, lo I'.n l that the county expenses were some I,:o''-!' 1:,st y;u' t,i;,n U,ev w,'rc nine years ago. Also mat wnue me coim '.y expt uses of last year amounted t- JCO. tf.v.l still there remained in the hands of collectors s:;'.l,t.W uncollected, as report ed b the enxtutv auilitors. which amount would have nearly paid the same expenses :is tat year, un-.l that the King have levied undiuiditional tax of 1.00'J, niaklae th. lolal iiiiiouut of tax for the current year to t ' eXp':!l'!'..d I" 'ir vb;ll e::peinieit no those who an bv them u; ;;id of I'Jl,- this kiiioimt is to be. lib!'1 to say, except King. We have no .. p Oi.i in heard of any intention of creeling any taken an active pari in politics, he was new county building, nor that there has elected to the Slate Legislative from Dau on p. freshet anywhere in the county 1 j.hin count v in ls4 1, was le-eieeud in IS 1" I ivi;';!it fuMi'ien:il bridges, li d' anything ; and again in is.")i. In is."," U, was elected else, thr.t requires an extra amount, more to the State Si nate and xvas chrscii speaker T :iu:i tin .it. sary expenses of the. eounty ' ars. 't he bitivy tr:--payers d at ll 'Ii.e. e;.ll adf.V set ;1 ei l. r .e- J i.cii- i i 1 1 1 v . and I previous yi v ho ri ii:n'ii. I bill il tla V I . i; I .I' .' I ;'. ' loee;it.;iie.ve would have In (11 ;.:i uvi la; ul 1 1 1 d' ;i!laii s. and a reibrm that v. 1 1 ; i , lniVi e i i-ed ll;e taxi s t be f dlic d prol r.i.Iy li:i(".- t'o. ii oii.-liil'.f. and that a '. -d iliiv's v uvi s Would heVe been made I V Mti "il'.e.' l!le I e .i.'ll. Ti; iv-iv :i-n of Mr. Huus-vkir has ' ,.""wl leJ lllog elic.ni. .ii iceut. a l.ti c may exp eL tn.il gr.-at e:l .i ts a.-e! -li'alev'i-cal mo. uieiit-i will be mail" bit ween Ibis, and in xi fall's election to r. tain in tlv iiiuty i flici s tneniliei's of ihe King. The leans are gciu rally laid by the most cx'e r:. need .1 t ! . e King who have made il a study, and who depend solely Upon elliec for a llvei;lioo'l. ' Hue l.iive managed even i hod oiiiei:., for il,.- last twenty jears aTl. nnd alt lo oili probably n it elected by , lie p-.-pb- 1 1 icy ic. tie- planning for ot hers, i.o.l til 0 I'.r-v them K'i s ii.ln the .".-lti'!l ! oi'dirk or depuix. i'l.ese wiiiic individu- . u! aic l.ov qcilv i'lhilant ovi r tie- late re- I mlt. and wi.l ro doubt, t'pp'y lie nisilves lo c x. r up lie. i:' li: .11.1 bl ii.!;..: ihe 1 p.e lo secure lu i rely 1 i pe Iv -i rti'i:.! tin; cleclioll li. thai rv la .- our 'or-i'", vi fill. C-l aver Wo will I'l.a-ieial .1 I- aiiil jUllge liil' illi I. .V-t: I K e 111). I; I. XM Cot . 1 X Tills oi x i v Di.'iih t:.xn. oi: Ki:rt'iu n xv V 1 I 'eiaoci atii' niajoi iiy au'aiiis'. ( Joy. ! u'v in 1-ii'.'. xvas oolJ; and iiLainsl It I'ael.. r IL ". for ' u-jr. s In lSTS, 11.'. At 'I. r 'a i' nt ',:. u M. el J" ale. lie .III. I.e. P K-p.. elv, II Vll.e .. A -I th.--1 I L I li Mi 111. i.l . I-1 I '.il:.'ii , o i i v-.'- la l h.iv. ! i. -1 I i i : .i. w I i I.. i. Is p.l. I in eii u ii. lee I li.lX. II r 1 ,, to AM 1 1 . e L -1, i I I. .1 I , II. I. .III' .. I I I .1.) I I . . ; I . . i ' : ... i w u , .j i i . ti. i . i JilUt.l - C kl.u .. '.I ' u - I I II. It 1 1 . s. i ..4. Ml. . 'i'ua he ill ConiTii will contain a wmk lutf majority of Rcpublic'in members. Th parly reining its present strength in Obln. Iowa and XeliriitkA, atul if it has lost two members in Indiana, nnd a few in Hum State. The losses however full far short of estimates, and there is no danger of a change in tliu political complexion of Coii nns. Tbe general policy of the ndminis t ration, has been endorsed, nnd lxermblienns have r nson for congratulation when tlu-v contrast the returns of this year with those "f thu IVcsid. nt iftl cnnipniirii of lSli! iS. The can be easily proven, it is not Improbable j H' they may both continue to occupy the j one i'i' two members. At the meeting of the Return Judges in Philadelphia on Thursday of last week, an attempt was made by armed Democra' c roughs to break up the meeting and set possession of the return pajn-rs. The as ! sault was unprovoked and outrageous. The ' p iliccdonc but little to prevent tho attempt. ( Ino nf llm .Tnibri.R n:imil C'ruvvforil licio-' ,l!ls.ulU(.(l liy a"r(lll,,h nall)Ml JoI)tl N,.1:,m, ....t illnl tlirou-li tin- m-i-k. f.r wl(U-li womitl he since died. Mayor Tox has issued a warrant against Win. 1. Mann Esq., ns an nccessorv to tho murder of Nolan, he , having, as alleged, advised Crawford to I shoot Xolan. He had a hearing In forc ! Judge Allison and was discharged, there being no evidence to criminate him. Warrants have als been issued by the Mayor agai.m Alder man M'Mnilin.IIoberl Lister Smith and John Ahern, for inciting to riot. Il is to ho hoped that Mayor Fox will investigate the ui!air thoroughly and impartially. Dkatii i" Tin: IIo.v. .Ii.irx C. Ki x KLl. The Hon. John C. Kunkle, died at his rtsideiiceat Ilarrisburg on Sunday Inst. Deceased xvas well known hr iiighotil the .State as a lawyer and statesman, lie was endow, d xvith rare, social, and mental qua'.iu; s. After b-ing admitted to the bar ruse rapidly in his position, and soon commanded a luerative practice. Having of that body ut ihe close of the liis; s.ssioil ot bis lei'iil. In lS."i4. and a-.'nin in I""'! l e "ms elect: d lo 'niir. .-s, uini diii iiig the. four yi ai .s ho speliiiil W.i.-liiiigtnil was I'i garde. 1 llll'oU.h onl the coui',1 rv ns one i I its ablest stales- men. n tire. t llllo Two ;it the N ill oni! Cajiit- In 1S.-.S Ill Voted his at- ll'oin public life, to ihe practice uid id his prolession. ars ago he was -tiiekeii down with para!sis. I'roni wliieii 'r i'in il h:s In tilth. He o 4 yi ars. li aviiuf a w il a:i ;g- d inolher. he never fully iv illi .1 at tin; age of . i wo children and onresioii:il Votr. The fallowing is the oflleial Congn-s siou i. vote in mis district. s.n V'ii:i; eoi x rv. J. P.. I'acln r, M4i maj. K. ti. Scott. 1J4I. INtdS" lOf.VTY. J. R. l'aeker, lsj. maj. K. (i. Scull. 1 l-.'t. DAfl'lIlN i (Jl'.V IV. J. R. l'.ick r, .".i'.iY luaj. ;. li. Scott. iWT. NOltTlIf.Ml'.l.KT.ANK I IHW IV :;ns. S. 1 litis1 I. 1!. Packer, :;'.i. 11111. li. t;. seott. :;joi. ,M M.XTl A l M t i X .1. P.. Packer, II. (I. Scott. X', III U K X'i l'-".lo. li'..'. rv in nil-: uii 't.i ,1. P.. 1-1. Pick r. . s0,', P. I'i. 1 lo;'. i1 a it v. .4. 'ill 'l ovi ::v or STul.lN Ilui;r.s ANIi nilieer 1 1. II. "-IHC:i"l el', -, r W i. .s. I; l ee V e i ,l.a ii ". ci i x. s, ,, ,, . ;i ...:i-. IMie 1 aiioil;. r p,,i;. I ll-.l I. aril, of ' U lo I .. .111.1 !-l. s .- -. I ', --li ,. 1 1 Il ia -. I- I .01. Ill, l-ll bid belli , M -nt. io M .: II... ma ry county l a., an. I il.s '.'. air and N- i a loi -il r...n ' ..! Ill b , : , V .I-- I'.ua i in I'M.- .1 .1.'. !!" ' i.i il..s 1 1 I :,': '. I . . 1 1 1 .. . . .V i.;. i.r i a h i j r , . ''is. . . , I .11 I I, .-i,, -aill I ' I r o I II . I III I I I M i . 1 1 i . i i-ni - I.l I I- s.'llllg , ,11.1.1 .in n .illi.i 1. lion- r- I', in at' K. in : i- . -n ' .1 II.. Il I . 1 I O" ' 1 il. . "-I sl,, , I I II HllOlll th. .1 i.i . . .1.1 M . Mi. il I I i,,. i , - l II I:., lil III II"' I lie l ,ie. 'I 1- t J I H- " i i ,1. ills .-I ! I" h. I - I 1. A I, II II III I . , I I v . II -l . lil ! i -li.i... ,. l it. i. .1 Ii-.iiii I-, lo" I !i"u l d in s, 1,, k; I - . ,i in i n. oi r -iin:-' i I ' 'I , al i i.u.- a leas- ti-t i' III. Illl I I .. ill I I' I .l .1 ... 111 II ' I i in .iki i.i 11 -1 lu at II. W I. II In : .!.. p-.;.i l. li il -I III 1 1 1.1 . " 1 ' . I.l. .1 tvl. . I- lii. i - o 1, . I . ..i i. .. Hi- i 1 ' ll I . .1 ii. Hi I b I '. I II ,1 II. I. 1 .1 .1 11,1 . -lie I I ' .1.. I I 4 I 41... .((.. It -I'I il .It II .i..l i 1 1 .. I 1 1 I ' .1 . m ' lo 4 1 . i I III , I I nl I. i ii I I . HM.I . s,..,t..i I I I I I (.1 H " " aatkajk1 m.rn up a ma i niaaa.iaiiiik n ' 'j'i.iik.iaki' nm THE T.ATtf Kl ECTIONS. The following is a list, of the members of Congress elected on Tuesday of 'aft xveck. In our own Statu tho Jemocr.its gain six members and lose, twothe deli tifUion, tlu'f. font, stands 13 Jlepublicaus tu 11 lleiiiociata i rKNSSYLVAMA. 1. Simu,l J. fiincWJ, re-elerted. S. .). V. (rci'ly, viec t has. O'Neill. U. Leoimiil Myers, re-ch-t-tcil. 4. Win. I). Kelly, re-clecti-d, ii. A. C. Ihiriiie'r. vii e J. . 1,'eatHug. li. '. .1. Ark-tr, vice John ll. Utile: 7. V. TiiM'n.i-nil, re-e-lei-teil. 5. . l.nwrtnr CVIj, reclccteib H. Oliver .T. Ptekev. rc eh-cteil. 10. J. XV. Kllibiui-r, vice II. L. Cuke. It. Ji hn 11. Slorinn. vice ). M. Van Aukrn. l. b. D. HhiH-iimkor, Viec U. M". Uooduant. la. I ly.ii.es .Xlereu-, s-u-eli-etfil. 14. John H. acker, rc-clccteil. 15. It. J. Aif.'i'il, ro-eleetcrl. lti. U. '. Mtitr, vlie (lohii Ccssnn. 17. ,: .11 SHvr. vloc P. J. Morrell. If. Jf. Slurieonl, vice XX'. 11. Armstrong. IU. I. XX". triitii ld. re-eleotpfl. IM. ,S,inid (irijltlh. viee C. XV. Gitllllan. Sit. ll. J. I-viler, viee John Cuvoilu. Jin-. P. Neulcy. reelecteil. f 'VTloV'vin , . . ouio I 1. .iiron F. IVrry, vice J'tter II". Stricter. '2. Jul) K. Mevenpim, le-elceted. I a. f.CHi I). CnmMl. vice Itohert ('. fSehenek. ' 4. J. f .l'(Vy, pinli., vlei" Win. Lawrence. t 5. riiiricjt L. hlmiini, vice lli. JfOicM. li. John A. Sinilli, re-eleeleil. ' 7. httin'l Shell. oibiiisier. vim James J. XX'inuns, ! S. Jnlm Heally. re eltetwl. i l li nlc- Vnster. viec h'Juurd '. IMtkimon I 10. P.. D. IVi k. ic-cleeled. 11. John T. XVli-en, re-electi'd. YWiW. I'lid Trump, rc rlected. Hi. (i'i onjc 11'. .'Ainiiii. re-elcclcil. Ik. James Mniiiiie. viec Marlie XVelkcr. I'i. Win. .sM .oiu'Ue. viee Kiiakiin II. Moore. Hi. John A. bullion, noU. re-cleeleU. 17. Jaculi A. Anililer, re-tlceted. IS. William 11. 1'iisnii, re-e'ieeted. James A. (iiiriicld, re-cleeted. INIUASA. 1. ll'm. '. .V.7:, re-elected. J- V'i7i,it ''. h'-rr, le-elcelal. :i n'i(;:n,n .V i.;iu. rc-i lccted. 4. J.ii n !. Wi.Mii, vice (ieorgi! XV. Julian. .i. .l.ilin ('"liai 'i. ic-c'cctcd. li. '.mi'.i J'. I'mirhm. re-elected. 7. Manlon . Muit-u.i, vice (iinleive S. Orlli. S .l i, iirs 1'. '1 Mier, ic-ciceteit. It. J. !'. C. Mi.'iiiks, ic elected, in- Wil iua XX 'i.:i. in;-, ic-eleeted. 11. J:ii-r l'..c.:rl, rc iM-ct.-d. lov.. t. flcnrge XX". Ni'Cic.iiy. rc-cleei ;'d. V. A. H. Ci lull, viei, XViiliaiii ."iivih. I" . XVm t' (slinrt tT n.) s ii e W. Smi.m1i. li. XV. li. 1 iirlieie. vice Win. II. A' iMill. 4. M cli.-mi M. XV.iidcit. vice XV. I.. I.mihrl !;. A. l-"i:t ii k XX I'li iU' i'. ic clccii il. ti. J:kck"im Urr, vice I li.o icy l'liiie rey M'HHASl; . Jidiii Tall'c, ic elcclel. IXcinocrats in 'M.'.V. Il--p. e.iia. iiin. mi; Man: i.rs.AK-i;K. f lK-m. The followiiiL' is a corrected list of the member of the next Legislature h:ate. 1 XV. XV. XX'iitl. P.. 1? II. Ili!l!n-r. lt, v s .. xx . iii-ii-..-v, n. J 1). -X. Nat'ii'. i. 4 In iiriri- l. ulinell. U. .') II. .). Ui..i.k.-. K. J. B. XX'aifrl, U. IS A. I-. Miln-r. H. 1'J C. M. Iliiiii-an, P. JU lliiani Kin-llav, P. il K. II. I'.-liiken. P. Hel l V F.Vnll. U. . f, Ji-e" XV. Knitlil, P. 7 Kl. AUiii-ht, 1. j Pr. ('lawliiiil, P. llan v XX'l.ite. li. XViii.".. Walla.-. -, P. H .1. Del'uv Davi-. P. . Win. M. Ran. lull. I). 'J4 A. A. I'liinaiii, P. In X. li. Hriiaillua.l, P. -" Tlioinin- llnwanl. I. II 1'. XI. U-li ihniit, C. II. Anilei'iii, I!. 1'.' tani'l (i. TnriiiT. P. li J. S. liiil an, li. I.i A. II. t).Iiifl--:e.l, K. "T .lanie- Kerr. U. I I X. II. Pill. P. '-IS liai ri-mi AIU n, U. 1". ( '. Ii. llael.aliM-. P. -'. II. H. Pelnuiel.-r, li. lii P..vii M iciiiiia. It. I lioii-K or .ir.i-iir.-rs i vTivr.-i. Centre. Meik. P. I ll'tt! M".tt.i'r. i.i - l-a.l'alil. 1 S. I. I I Ipsnll. II. ! 1 P. ( li. XV. M'li.iH.III. P. ' '. ''!. ;; s.iiniii-i .in-eiiii, p. l 'llm i xvini. en Kiiii.ti, i:. . Wi'li ll'l Pllll'eV, it. (', .1 K. Xi ..'lev. P. 7 li..l..-:l .liih-l-nll. . S XV. I.. Mar-hall. II. ;i i. a eiuiL: ev. P. M j i;. u. vi.iini.' i:. II Miii'i XI. Hat-r. ii. I-.' .I-.'in I. nil. hi. !I. III .Ii 'in Piiiiih.-ll. K. 1 1 .l.il'ii ( l.iinl, H. l.X Ailani Ailniuht. Ii. Pi XX in. V. Mnilh. li. IT J. A. ( aiii hell. P. is .l.uni- Mi.lcr, li. .1. 'liuu. 1 I:!aC III ll-lcr, P. AUinfiiH't. 1 P. N. XV hue, I!. VI .l .lni il. Kerr, K. ; Henry Wai ner. li. ' tlut" 'ittH't. Iin H. 1. i.li-.', P. I IhK'j.l,;,,. 1 A. t . ; .ah. n. e ,1, l,ii r. I'o-ei.i, ). lit : e iiV. 1 YVMHI I.l i, p. .V.V. ; 1 (i.-.irire W. Sl irr. Ii. J N. I.. Xli,,ir, II. r.K't'e. 1 T. H. .Si l atl-rly. P. I 'rtvU Vn an. I '- rni. 1 P. II. XiiUiki-n. I'. '.' lien. XV. Pkiiiiier, P. (;.::. 1 li. A. M'l,..iiii ',j P. limit i.;i.'.-.-i. M:j;it nod 'Jn,:t,i. 1 II. .1. M'.Xlei r. P ! l:iir.ili.iin li.ilili-r, P 4 J.-lm S. liolili, li. ,'i X!. :-. l''i:iiih:vys, ii..,.o...- '..-1 ,li l.ll.l', li Jel l - 'I' v .or, Ii. .tn,, t''"tt'J. 1 (ii- I. 1' it I .-V. P. VA icr- 'l.'i- il il...Mi'if'". 1 I 'e I. in lii'i'inali.U. J W. X. llki-v, II. .; xv. ' . s-'i ......I,, a. . "'" r. ' ! n-.i S...vt. 1 11. K. Sa.an, P j 'i in-, xrxiiiiieii, n :i A. M. Full. hi, li. l'l-'ll..T. 1 Hi-in-v M Illl-le. Il '.' (i,-,i Wliit-iiii, U ii J .lia I". Wi H, li 4 A H i:-i o-le', Ii l.elm imt. 1 .- Mai i-r, 11. 1 .l.malha-i 7. i I.e. U p. I' Wi-li iil. K. I.H -th y.Vi-'. 1 A I. in XX.ii.lioi-r, P ... 'i.-n-a I. P. -i II .XI F'll P . . li -11- r 1 1 -,,-,. -;''' i i: -i. . i .. i: '..-.- XV '.:.,:,., I . -x . . P. -, in- l.imes li. X , l.ii. IVrh-V Ihi' l-. li. ::!,. ..i- r- P... ! s r. l a , . . ;' . I.u l'. .-- a..-.v i'- -i . i; . i'i.... I . '1.-1,1 if, ft,, uit l, li. Sntti .'ir. I f- iiiiii- t 'A ik.iti, P .Mill I lllllll.illg-, l ' " .'fell i ' e.L.in, li ''' -J- ' -I -I I .I..1 -eiy, 0 .- u iv.-r li Xbni-K, I) rfX',TlX.,iirf,,H. I. I Si III lii-l li.il I-ill, Il i' nl I H !!. Ii.a-i, P 'fthll,ljr itlnt. 1 . P l'l ir.i li ll I'I' ! kl I Xi M i , , I k I I in '. XYAtt SIlnN. tuk romron vvkbuno. London1, Oct. ltl.--Special to the New York World. Your special nt Roulogno Bends word tout the report from all quar ters between Tours uud tho Channel aro that the i'reiich levies are everywhere inak ina bend anainst the Germans, and display ing the greatest coolness, bravct' nnd skill in their encounters with the enemy. Tho whole country is up in arms, and not n day passes without assault upon tho posts And detachments of the enemy, who no longer venture about the country in small bodies, but exercise the greatest caution in all their ojierations. Engagements have taken place within the irnst few days at Cherisy, near Dreux, in the department of the .Euro and Loire, at Kilos les Audulys, six miles from (laillou station, on the ltoncu railway, nnd nt La C.ki.. Ui A ..I.l.. Ilil :i. i'M.,ni I li-l..aliu i t lit: .jl. .ilium, il -I'll il I in iiiini u.ik..."., ' were constantly reinforced, and bore the l-'ivue'n down by their weight of numbers, -No quarter xvas shown, and xvounded ; bayoneted when tin y 11:11. Women hurled j missiles from tin; houses on the heads of j the invaders. The sacrilice of life xvas , awful. j The Grain! Duke of Mecklenburg xvept i at the slaughter, and, refusing to order an I assault, begged the French commander to capitulate in the name ot humanity. i lie snletidid i-l.is works of. lohclins and on the Limoges road, in each of which the imm.cmon neiwccni.iat piaccnn.l lavana Germans xvore ba.lly bcatem In the latter was interru,.ted till to-dy. An extrnordi. engagement, which occurred on Thursday, i ry rise ol two rivers ...undated the .., , U.e Gemiansto the number of lx-lwwii V""" V.,,e l,,u f1,,l.wn.v ,Kt"U 8.WI0 U.IW0, wciv attacked enrly in the were located and the depots, trains, pns mornire., just before da vbreak, in the forest j Kim-n,nnd bouses all disappeared, of LsCsr-uidierc, by a force of about 10,000 Iwo thousand nersons are said to have Gardes Mobile i.nd'lronps of the line of U.e n lo?t- 0:xnage to property was Army of the Doiro. Thev were badly pos- enormous, ted, nnd were taken pnriwll.. by surprise, - but fought xvith considerable determination Tok tiif. Ambuicas. until they were taken in the Dank by the 10MMK 111111,11, right wing ol" the nssaulting French, when The. School Hoard of this borough have linding themselves oulmanicuvcred and in just succeeded in grading their Schools, danger of being surrounded, as they sup- Although they have not accomplished all posed by a superior force, they sought to tu.y desire, yet they have taken several retreat through the town of La Ferte. The steps in advance. The Schools have herc inliabitsnts, aided by a small body of tolbrc been only divided into two grades; franc-tireurs, had harrica'.cd Ihe main one called primary, the other secondary, street and resisted the Germans with stub- In tho primary department, children from born fury until the main body of tho pur- 8jx to thirteen were taught, (as xvcll as tin: suing French, having turned the hills of number of scholars, and tne various Kotliay, fell upon them iiirain, cut their branches would permit.) from lcurniinr rctreatingcoluinii.sin t wo, nnd driving them their letters up thron-rli the various classes towards La Cahetiere on the one side nnd ; of :i'i, eb, ib, oh, spelling, leading, lirst, sc the steep acclivity of Les Baratins on the cond and third reader, elements of Gram other, captured or dispersed the whole n.er. Arithmetic, Geography, Ac, but ow force. Desertions f.'oui the German armies, ing to the great number of scholars and both before Paris and in the provinces, arc the grent range of lessons, the children taking on a great scale. received but one lesson per day and many London, Oct. 17. Special lo the X. I of then, not that. The secondary taught Y. M'oWi.j soissons capitulated only j the advanced in branches. The gnat dif alter the most terrible destruction of lile ficillly appredctided by the Hoard was in and properly. Three hundred and fifty the crossing of the railroad, but came to houses were laid in ashes. The I'r.issians the conclusion that it was only a bugbear, ciicouiite.ed a desperate resistance from and not as dangerous to have tne children the .National Guard, lighting hand to hand , cross the railroad, ns for thciil to bo riding in the streets, and capturing one part of ; and ruuutng and jumping on th-.-. cars an ihe city house by house. , xvi; obsetve daily a great many of them on They were driven back through the thecals, and tiiey decide.l to make a pri burniiie city four nun s in succession, but mary school in each district, and a second the liiiiudries, mills and relincries xvero dc- too large, and gives the children ull an op slroyed. portunitv ot rapid proliciencv in their stu THO'. Ufa jiliTir Ti,.. i.. 'i- i... .... c.i i ... A.K.VXt.V. Illlltll 1 1,.1111, Ull I 11111111,11 , completed the work of driving the tier . mans from their investing positions south -m,i .vi .a' i'.,.. The French advanced, under cover of a tremendous cannonadein three columns, upon C'hcvilly, N-vres and Longival. The I'lii, , ill,, ,,, i i r. I 'i-i (' "i-niiii l i ! i u i mm i l' ii i i i , lt ovei H,.MHj m killed, wounded and pnsouers, and large supphes. j TUK ADVANCE OX TufltS. I London, Oct. IT. Advices from Tours I say the capture ol Orleans had a very de pressing ciicct. 'i he conduct of the in- hiiliitanls nl' the captured city is said to to have been adnii'.-abic. The defeat is at- tribunal entirely to the defective arms sup - I lied to the tireiirs and Nationals. The I'riisians have crossed the Loire and iniirelied inward Tours. On this be coming kii e.vii nil tin- departments of the giix'erniiieiit iviiv in a si. itc if consternation, and tin- cxeiieineiit of ihe ollleials is indes cribable. Hooks, papers, an I ull ollicial documents and insignia wi re hurriedly put togctln r and nu ki,t away into places of supposed seclirily. Large dctacliiiK-nts nf tireiirs and Na tionals were hurried oil in the direction of Orleans and immediately followed by a sirong body of chasseurs do Vincciiucs, also m rui'tf for Orleans. The Southern l'aiiroad depot was immediately U'sicgcd by families Iron, tin- city eager to escape. :ai I'KP.XY's n.xn i.i: si .ui r.xr.is. Maiui-.nih no, Oct. 17, via Loudon, o,.',,,!',. 17.I..V balluon which it-ft l'aris at 7 o'clock this inorniug. with lour passed- ; l; ivonng to c ml net wit Ii tne publi.-dh.rs gers and ixvo sacks olm.iils, aligiited here , "'ii leading -s'.ei u paper. "1 am hu nt 1 o'clock Ibis ainraooii. M. (.odanl. 1 pressed" said he with ynuri-stablishmeut ; Ihe aeronaut, ivports Hint Paris is still , 't rciiiinds me of that of li. 1'. Koxxa.ll courageous. A butle occurred mi S.uur- -'o., of Nexv York, xx ill. only this distiuc dav, the l-'iih, within the xvalls, xx herein '". you ask n gi. , it deal of money tbr a IKksi I'riissians wer. killed. , lii'el advertising, and they give a great deal I THU Klll-.Nl It FI lil'.T. Lomion, Oct. 17. The Trench lleel is , ngiiiii nss.'iiib.ing oil lliu.kii'k. This l.n l, I ciiuptcd xvith the unexpected lii rival ot n j tniiadron in the North se;t, causes Ihe (b r maiis to ugain remove Hie liglils and re store the turpi dm s and other obstacles in , the lllln. Till' sipiailiou ill the Noilh Nil is accoiiipiiilied by llal-biitlouieil bunts. I The tieriiiaiift appr. heii.l mist hiif. I A M A I K UK sli:OK. ! Tor its, Oet. 17.--A1I the di parlnn nts xvitlun one hundred kilmiu ir s of tin t in - my have been declared in a stale of siege, 1 aiid will be required to organize a inilii.ivy ' c.illllililtee of dcletis... TIIK 111-:; I ST HA TTI.l-'.. Nothing ollicial h is In ch rn-uvnl fr n i 1 1., aiiii.se. n i n oni in g eaeii n! In r le a i I .i 1". I1- . A ,.l- .ll lull., I-. I l ii.in ii.. A ii- nu b tn in N w i' i im Si ..mi. uti I'll, ill. H ll'e Call'"' 'II III. oil .1 Mill . S.-Illl s a in i. -l I'd ix in ii ii. ii-. -V thick l-'g pi , x..ii. -I .... i i.i Tei- i;.,.'.ii- s-.ii-j.i.-, ,1. M uu a . I. kl. .1 i.i I HI I -I. l'.ri;i .ix, O, i. H. l ir n my i.f lb- ,l I .' ; : I . W 11. .'I I I ll'l III- '.11.11 I'iiU. ..I M, i kit iibinc m g I -k-hi. go.ikiO , al, .1. t lue l ' H ps lias i i k I :.. N.-i ll.. in I -I X I.i l.- and Y ul . W I I piol'liblx be ll,, kll. lig P l. , XX ill U- e- ll Illl I a kk in I I'I il. A I I lie . I ll "k... .. i:ia II k line ol 1 oil.. 1 i - nie tin llew liliie.ile.li I-i t Ui- Tui- n rib east ol J'.ll .. l.iiXImX, ( lit. I. V ' 1. 1' i,a .li, r - li I-j i - i la iinp.iiiaiii a no .inn . in- nl 1 1 ii Tn .1. i ii-i a 'no u i in, ii g In lake ll; llllliall ill III In. .ll. II log btlHull tin U III .' ll ilU. ll.ia-1 .-'I. to i l. i, I li ii -oillx nitii -i i ii" 'l-il -I , iin.1 Au .i.i k 1. -IL I.' Oil I -! .. -I. I ,1. Hut I t k, o, t. Ik, Tin A'i lo . ' ail-i ni H .l a st rim ll l.S lllll- lllk ll I XI lull ll.-M ! l .1 III I Ull illl l.ixi i.l C-e I i. 'I- I . I iX ill J Hell (be I. ll, I llijk IIH ip -' "II I 'I'ki l l-'l.t i ll 'I- I n,. hi llii liii. k i-l I I lie i I" l i in ul. ill -I II. I I. Ill III U.e I ll'l ,1 A ll II' I' ll 'HI til .... Ill I. . 1 ... i all Illl I, ll. I. , .tik . I . i n I i. in. I i X I n. no In l ,1 ll.ll .1 W k I I ll. , ill e-l .1. , ,i ..in hi -i.m i n- I i , , nl , ,,,,, i ,, nil I t l i... a) ,- III 1.1 , I .1.1 I I -ll'l , I 1 I- I I ' "I ' lit It .1- -I, .1 .1,114,-14 1 ' k 111 I l ... i ll. I a .i ill 4' I t t'is --I , 1-14, - ii a I l.- l l,k.l I I ll.K I 'Ik.', .1 I I U l4l Ii.... .. i I . ... i.l. I l l l, k.'ia, 1-141 la I Ii '1-4 ritm ct r.i. TmrrriLn rrrnniCAKft. IlATAKA, Oct. 10. Cnptnin General dc Rodftn tins issued fin order lilicratiiig two thousand npprenticcd ncprose captured from sluvcis in tho yciirs 1."), lHOti, and 1807. STEAMSHIP LOST. The French mail steamer Inricn lias been lost fifteen miles lo the windward ol Guantnnnmo. All hands saved. On Fridsy night there xvasa Severe Hur ricane in the bay. I hit slight dnmagc was done, however, to X'tssels nnd the iiropcrly In the city. Trees were prostrated, but no houses. Tn the country, groxviugennennd other crops were damaged. C1SASTKH AT MATANZAS. A hurricane has also occurred at Matnn zns, xvith most disastrous eflcets. tami- . .. , . . . and third grade in both northern and southern division, so that scholars may have lo go cross the railroad, yet they have arranged the schools, thai but very lew must cross the railroad and none of the primary or small scholars. Tin y have ' also established a High school and procttr- cd an excellent teacher for it. Hytliissys- torn of grading they sec morn uniformity in the branches taught in each grade, re- lievc the primary schools of a larno liuin- her, xvhere tlie Mihools have been cnlirelv dies, besides inciting them to a more dili gent application to their .studies. Thev ... 1... 1. B l , '. .1 1 tion. Already the jtoard of I'ireetcrs see i the nilvautaui and thoiiuh some of the 1 !1'1! ' !1 j , ! it 't M'f' ol . 1 ' ' M ' u'rm " a. '' "y out their plans as lin y are sat:hl', that the children will earn in. iru this .-ehool vearthau ever has been tan.d.l then, uu- j, t, , w understand th.-y I design vstaMishinjr another -rade nex'i winter, and advance the grade ol'tlie 1 1 ii li school. The thanks of tne c.iinniiuiity are due lo the present Hoard for their iudela tiL'Ueal'le elliirts in this direction. Wo kn iw tho labors devolving on the limu'd, ami this Hoard has held more n.eeiiiies. ' and have taken more tiu., already tin.' pre sent school year than any previous 1 nn,l ever held ihe whole year, and we under stand that all the members aro prompt in their nttelidancc. I HID. Al -i-t i.'-ing Agencies. One ot I he mo.-1 reliable establishments of this character, is thai of John Hooper C o., of New York, whose name has lmig been the synoiivme f.if inlerg. ity nnd li ancial responsibility, has jubt been mer.i d with the younger but not less favorably known house of (i. 1'. Howell (Jo. The succi ss of the last named liriu has be, n something unparailed in the history ot the business. Wc lately heard of an anecdote nlaled oi a traveling representative, ot a xvcil- , known p Heiit niedicine linn who was inixa i.-.sing ii.ra little inouev. ' This i-, the impression that many obtain and n.it without justice, fur although Messrs Woxvcll V -'o., have uexercliiimed to be able to insert mix ell isuniits in News papers at lower prices lbau the publishers xvoiild in eept front cipially ivsi.nisible ad x'i nisei s w ho fi.riii.--h a similar uni.iunt of patronage, yet iu ibis last clau-e h.-s imi.-li I Ihi-ir si;, ee-s. Tor soine u-.ir lln y have bi 11 the largest customers of li.os! of ihe i. cxxkp.ipi is published iu ihel'niii il Males. Tin ir Aiiieiii-au Nexvspaper llirect iry w Inch i c .needed by all pct.s-Mi-i coiiim -lenl to pass Hiilgiiiut upon such a wmk, to be on nil c liiijil. te volume of il s t harael i r i xer i-sui-d in tli.s or any other country,, in iv In- found on the sta-lx'es of evvry -i i iiiineiit a.lxi nisi r. 1 las l. i n. has lor s i.ne years Uh n c n- ii. 1. d t i Ik- Ihe Ii a-laig i siMli:nh,;iu nl . us kiie I i, i Aim uea. .nd Hi.j ahs n-pii. ii i.f J. 1 1 i ip r ix t ' i., mi - i,f in,, t w ut!, ,, , XX lii. ll e Ul.. I XX, til lUstice Is- i-,., ,l their I.Xa. pl.c , s th, an tu :l p..,,ttout u- ii, .,,). X aoee i -I .ill i nop, '. lln;-s. Mole II..IU In,.- lliollvilid .V l!e 1 i III T. rio.iii a.s nie ii 1 1 ixnl te .ul.ii ly ami kwpi i-u hie ul in. li olli-. s xx Inch itiv lis .ileil iu Hie N- Ynik llllliS Hllllillllg, Ni. -i ' ,X. 41 I'ol. II w, and xv.- .in iul-ii uie.l il. it tie u-e-i:'- nl .is-,-i.iiilk nut limit's thee no'iin, . I'.l e nl iiliX l-.lll- s 'l.i. ir i l.il,,.t ,,. i;' i Inot ill i-Msli III-, . t ur pall "Ilk I .III lllxx ,Hk l- kllle i f lih-l ing ii liu-i I .-hi p p, i ns ii I. I Iii i, I,., lie -i l.i'll .ll Illl 1-llllC Ol Ml - I, It ..I,!! .X. t ' i , xx Iii i.i xi i tin x bapik ii to U iii i vx oik and xx iiil 1 1 1, ,i, the iii xx fioiu ii iin.-. Ill MIX VX' XI, i 111 I , 111 ll i. i ns i -'.''.-I""l lli'll-i Ul III, ' k X II, It l Jil.lSl l inn III Tlikskl l, .ld lull , Ul. 1 l l, .11411 Tllloll l.t x .sp.ipt la. i.. I I r in ii i ,e-l Ih :t I i, l,-, --lalil i d nuiiii r mi. I In in ni t li ii. xx .i.l.. ngi. hi ItV leull lie li n liu .1 ., .,l i, m li-ml Xtl le III lilt i .-l.il l.lal.i kl X .li . Tin ) t' U 4 l d lit 11 in U I , Ill lUlU, I x.i) li.ill Ii -ill a. 4 a;, n.,1 I i ll. iiili.tl'i k'...l to I ik ; In ir ipi tiiia,) A , li -ai I. a bi - n a. - ti ii, .ir -I . ,. ka hili . X a , in ll i .ii tio.ti J,.... I in ..- I I ti no I a ... liu Uti .ii 4i. k I tli Tinu.l mull hi nil-' Xi l l ll ma i-l ! I 1 1 iv lliiikil lki.4l)-. I.u ll,i.. - 4-a .1 V'o 1104 II, ll a a n n ! la. 4i r I. i4 -lia- nt ii I -k ,i, 4. 4 WW M....4 .ill ll I I l'l -I I 4 li - 14 l-.v-i tii4. U - . Ht4l.,'l4tU I' Him aj kxlblk xjlalUjJ It Ua.lii it?tal I rart'.oulHis of a terrible carthquHku I which occuried several weeks npo nt 15a- I lung, on the conlliirs ol'ThiV-t, China and Htirmah. have reached England, after hav I ing traveled long i i letters written by tho missionaries stationed hi that Tegion. " Tho whole town wns levelled, nnd half the popula'. ion killed or bruised. The "largo and spltiidid" Lnmnscrai, inhabited by 3000 Lamac, fell with a crash. The Chinese oflleial reports, which Dr. Chauvenu tells iw are a little exagirpralcd, estimate the hiss of human lire at 413 Lama prfrsts. 07 soldiers, nnd 2S12 "common people." This earthquake extended so far, in a scries of shocks, as to block with debris the im perial highway from l'ikin to Lhn'sca. On I bat line, il is stated, n mountain xvas pros trated nnd a new one raised. "A WosDKiinr Mkdicat. Sciente," may well be npnli. d to ,'. H'lVfo, " Hal mm of Wild clem,, it is m arly half a century since this remarkable remedy xvas introduced to the public, and yet the immediate nnd enviable reputation which it gained by its wonderful cures of coughs, colds, whooping cough. sre throat, inllu enza, consumpton. and nil bronchial com plaints, is to this day fully sustained. UXKIVAbLKD YET. "Itlood will tell V" say the horse fanciers estimating the en durance of a line animal ; nnd the motto is a good one, ouide of the sporting world. A pure nrliclc mti insic.illy good -must llist'llli-!- nil i.nmii,.lili.,, ..t..nll.. 'i-i... success of Udolpho Wolfe's Aronntio ! Schiedam Schnapps has induced the maun-' fieture of an hundred imitations; but in! the uniivalle.l sale i.rhix inanuliicluie.wliilc j others have achieved if at all but a scanty success may be found the public: npprc- eiatiou of a pure and wholesome bevera"o ; ... . .,... " I . " 111 ' I ilflU Abbf itif llirnti ... ..... IISTATi: K HIMJAN HOTS, I..-, li- il I.ewir Mnliiuii y Tnv. le-hip, IIii uim I. "sll'l ll K i lu-i-eliy L'iven that leltern nf Ail iii'tii-trali,i:i havieir In-en tTal.ti-il ti tin ii'i 1. i-iL'ii,-I, en the iftai.-nt XX ihiam li,,t, ),. nl b..w, r .X; ili .i-inv tnwiii-liii-. ili-ei-.i-i- l. .Mi iK-i-.-inin kmrnnnr I li.--u -: v. hnlelMeil to mi l m t it ', an- i...iii it, in. ii,.- iiiuni-iliate i-ayiii.-nt, oi.l Hi. .vi- h.iviair rl-iiiiis to pre-i-nl lln-iii .lulv aullu-i iz,-, for m it'i-ni.-.t. JOHN rNDKIlCdlll.ni. A -1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i -1 ratur. I.owor M ihiniiY t-.-p., 0,l. -JJ, l.To-iit. ttcporl ol" -l Irnt alioual Baut or Ntiii"nr i;.-"itof tin-e.iii liii. hi ol"--Tlie l'iit N.,tl..nal I! ink n!' .--.lu'earv,"' nt the c.n-e of 1-tiViiit I elober Mil. ls?i. ' I.e.iii' ;oi.l 'li-eoant-i ...J'JI'.i.ll-i 21 ... 'Jii.';. noil oil ... ."ii i.i mi i no ; 1 . li' i:i. I- In ."i-inv I ireillation... I I". S. 1 J tin 1 to -i.vaiv Pepifrits ; " a-i 1 si.-eui'iti " i li.in l ! Ol'i.-r .-t .rU. I!.... U ..;i I M, .;!., 7no no ll.s.Vi ill I'.:.- l.-.cn lie I . aii.e..' a:el A-!.ti . rve JU.IT'.I VI LT.V.il l,., :;i..M; M f.',:.I irj li.'.' ll mi L'.iio is i.uis I'I :;-j.-i s :.'.'. i s:, ll. in r oo l.'-Tl i;s.o.i.i on :;,':: ir. : P.ie fr .rn ela, i- Naii.eul Ii,,i,k- I " " '! :i. r Hank-an,l llai;k,-r-.. . ' Il.lllkilli: iin'.Ke ! lulu I- lie.ii I'tate, I'liiiiilui-e an 1 ll- t, ir.i ; f.invit I'A'i'.-n-.- .' .'.'.' TaM-i l'.ii.t I'n.t.'-t Aei'iiiial Ca-!i Iii-ins, im-iiiiliin; Ktainp liiiis nl nth, r N .it to' i.u ll.-iks Vr u-ti.i'i il e in i-t-n -v. i; ii-: 1 1. Ii ii i; N'iek eK ; . l.-g ll T.-1I.1--I' Net-" I.I A Ii.' LIT I IIS. Capital Ht'i"k p.-.i I in fii'l.tmu 0:1 Mit-l-'a- fun I 'Ju-.TS. 5ii ! P: ..-iiiiiil. Ii.veliaiii..-, Int. Ti-t, mi I t'rniit :t'i. l.-i-i 4'.i.;'.71 'i 1 I N .li.eial K.oui eiie'.ii'iliuii inu t.iu - in-' lTT.-l -a e-l ' Stale liaiii, eiiealat i.ia uiit-t.ui'l'a ... i'..s."i ".I i:vi I -a-N 1'ni ii I :i.-r;i is ;;i.:i-n j 1 '.' C"l! i.i. 1 1:; i :..i--.- r- : I'i livi'lual il.-pi.-it-.... I'nil.- l l-'al.-r. P. pii-il. Pei.-.-i - in c. j. i ;-!. I o-i-lra-ii-n a--e-.af . P.ii- lo Natiiili-il I' .li'. P.i i- to etlier Hank aa lag n:. :js,-y.: i: STATF. OF IM -,,:-V;.',- '"I V : C'li'MV i-r " ; i v. i:; i.Avn. si t. I, ,-.;'ll 1 '. .t. ri-.-k.-r. ';:;. i-r i' "'l he l'ir-l Nat'.-.-i-il H oik el S mti ;rv. ' ! i,.t,!v -v..-.,r tl'.lt III" :'-.. v -'!-'!. l.- '. i- t file, I-i la . I, -t - I lev ka.i.i l.-.'ge :n. ! ii.- i- ,. l-s :!:-I.l :-. .1. PtrKl.r. Ci.s't'.-r i- I'.-i-nl. I a-,1 s-,v.T". t . I,. :',;, n, . f,.: liii .!;.' i!"i '. :, A. I- . Is;,i. is.g.n-.i.i k. wii.vi'.nr. n, i'..t. I'nrr ;-t Attit : .I'i'iN 11 X S. I XVXI. I. (,!:i:!'-(,f -;iT. xvm. m. in a i;:.i ..i.i.:..; ' '"' ,1. 1!. 1" Xi KF II. J Se.n'i'iry, 1 1, t. l. ;, !--;. I-AIUS S' B-'HTK'Y I l l'.S! .1 MIX FA I'LIKA, 7tS Arelt Stn-it. Mi l-IV nl th- 11 -.',.. .- tw 'til a i I s; 1, Mi (-. ,s., . e . ; 1, l'llll. XPI'I.I'IM A, Iuijiorti-r. Maii'ifa ! i... ;-.,a l p;-.,'.er iu all U:i-ls a'!-l ttu.iiiiy ul I'AM V l i I!S Kill' La. ' a s' mi, I CI,., I.-, i,'.-- XV. a r. 1! ix Ing i n'aig -!, n- no ! ! I a-.. I l-in-i-.e - I no-'I-l .-in I r.u n ,i, e i,,;,, i lii; i . i'i i;;ir i. aii-l ll uuig, i..i...!t,- I a x -iy ! ; . ;, li t a --1.111:1. nl nl .ill tin ,liil I-. i.t !,e. ; el 1 ' ti i .-. Ir,. la l.rt li oil- in fur. :ia 1 a ,ii- I..: ; i 'i, .n m.t !, ui l.y t:-e in-i-t -ki. inl w-HKiii t . I v,-:i 1 i ... 1 iiaiiy iiixa i,iv ini-u.l- i.i N... i!i-iai'-,-r';,ii,l aa I ii-ij.ii . tti i-,,,in,ivs, tn e.tii at , .i .aaai n-x .-r large an I li. aat-lul a, -i.it;,,, : ; ,, l'iny I- in-. l--r 1.0,1 .-s ,ii, l li'iMn li. I ;,ei ii. I. niiii.,'l lo -ell at ll- Imv pi'l.i - ;: ;my et!i I . -. . -l.l'i'.u Hea-e ill He- eily. XI r'lll'k XX alTalltl' I. N I ini-repri- :.t itlnii- t-- i ! t - I,-. .0 'II N I' XIiniiX. TIs Ar. li ,-ir el, I'l.i . I !,l.i. I i.-l. .'.'. ls;o ;;,. KliW OKOCEUY Sl'Olltl Ol'EAED! '1 Illl I Mn I. I-, t I, .IV I ,1-1 .'t,..!l II MNIU UY, I'T.N '.. a- i.. - :,-..!.i !.. i ,:' i: ......I-, .ng .- i . tr , t-1 ii i 1 1 Ul.. MiiiiiMi-i-k, . n I i-. I., 1 l'l 111.: , . , , I. I ll .. I , , ', Mi. li-. II x.ai: j..-l .., ... I li. - u---!-, I i ,' .- . i -i i i .,.!.. i l i i i in; in- i a at li i . at - I I .... I.l .1 1 ll . I.l - I 11, - ' ' ' - I ,-.oi i i.i . ! I, , i 1 ., ii. ..i.i I. : -, , j u. i. . i i . ,i. J XXII s V XM'YKK I tel. .' i, s? I-If. t I. Oil! 1X11 t ISSTII III Ht 11; Mil AMI 1 'i M I I U' i.oolis, i.i i 1 1 k i I i t i -i. 1 a i-i MlltTUAM 1 A I it HI Hlol' I IM'S. la. MM , ., i lv J II. II, i.. t a.uU Mn. I, L. '. I XI..L.-I, MM-l I.V, t Wk. , l,i-i,l i-iiini ial,i -I- .iin I.i . 1. 1. i, .i l, ,i r O.n-g i.i.i . I . . -i I. i , i .! ,- , I mI IL, - I.. . j . ..I ii-.i- In ii-i i , ,1, I il . i, ,1,1 In. 1 1. ( . .1- la. .4. te 111 ' . .iin I liu I i. I 1 I 111 I.. NOll r I ., Il'el. HI. JilIM IIO 1 1 It I i..n bt f.i a..) ..... -' " XX a la .1 I I-l , 4 I K . I , 4 I 4 I . I i ... t. f.l . A I' I I. I . . I x... ,i. ... i, tu 11.1 ll'ii a I i .jjpfito !'.ttri-.rf.jr'ji',s. Dobbins 1X4 VECETABLEuit A Dolor and Dressing that wilt cot Et-m the Hair r Injur the L'cd, It makes Hair soft and Eiio, rcritring its natural color wh l out dyeing, Ly.' imparting a healthy n'id - vigorous growth. IT H ALTOGETHER CSLIRtAi; CTEE2. 425 Nartl St., KftL TvIqo Sl.00, larga Lotties. SOLO tVERVWHERE None genuir.o without my sig' iifure. and I put tny nmie to ?'0 poods that are not of surprising rxc- llenn.- " F.Xl.L A M) XV, N rv;,. MILLINERY GOCDS, Snutli Knuilh Hre.-l, below Hie 1! illnmil, SUX15UUV, l'KNN'A. The vreent im.i ..r en lies. K:xAS.w n, i.,. ''"'''"I'le iy!e ri-qnin- tin- m..-t rtri-sv i-it-.hu u '", "" ,lu' "'''n 1,1 or',,'r "1"'P f-.-n'-i- witli ti:,- tiiin-. '1 lie h iiiilsoim-lv niniyi-.l linly. -m s. paunter n'.nnir the Mri-et with n pn-ttv uini lat.-t- fashion Imt npnn her lienrl, t !n.,-, ; itn,,.iv,, BWilllur Millln,.i- .... P..,,,, I, c. ... ,. ' I I - - " . ' I' l l. H' llMV I'll' I V. K. It., cat its to ileae :in I niti-Cv . ,..r i eii-tuiiv i". In her Ptore iir- i,iin- oi tin- !;,t.--t iiiDiii-n in niiuini-ry mmt, itcii n UOXXETS, HATrS, F1J.VM V., I S.ish Rililioim, (iru.iin.-i.U. Fi.,t!i, i-, I" ,.,, , I nil. I nuim-rniis other iii.ii.-.n l i.h- i , .. .. . all iiiel t.-e them a? iln-v have I ii lii.,.n i... eeiVL-il. M. I,. LUt. U-t. 2, 1ST0. "7Y Tr. i.i::z--. c VINEGAE ii, i r Dtar t 'frlrn-. i t o l!uu:.. i ... , Hi what a:: - s 7; ? thft ...::: ::. v .-. ;; l f a r j c v c r Ha': of I'niir I'm:, XX'Liir--Hnl 12c ll:" I.i';LiirH 1- ' 1:.. i 1. p. . L'.-ia.- tu,u-, 1 , ir.f" :.i:,jrtT: ," &c, I'. t'.r'.a'ci -.(.bj a: .'. rv.Ia.l-. t-.- 1 ;. f:uiat...i ;...t.V! 1 1 - i . !.,.. . f : 1.1,1 ill All liiieile S-;:. I.i. ;.. i;:::vx r i.:.o..'s j ; .. 1 , : . .. (..vi m; 1 ui :-i iv. ....... . i.,.1,; r. I ... I. ... I- -!l, l ,.;:.! I, I. . i.i 1 ..; t : : of I: ell 13 ; U J l' . : 1 ..-.;. t:1 i a .d rva.L.a . . .. v '.'.. ll'.i) v .... ; .. . : ..... -. : f.3 l.ai.J i.- : v .:.-:r.-. ; ' cll.r !..-:,?.; ..: . I- 'i-' r l 1-1 li::...:- 'it1. ' I liMi, :a-,; V...li. i J .!e , . . . III-.,.. ) . .. l.i:i... i : , ..- i. ...;.. f... . . ....... a . I.l-.'-.- i i ,..-.-.t-u to . r:.:.i'..-5 I -i e -.- i - a 1 . 1 I. . '. I 1 (. it i 1.1., la t- ::. , f! . ' eai l;.o i.i-.- : ' -I ' t..: rat. . ri.r. :.-. . C . L la j-ur..... ti..-. . r I I l.-ir -l- i I -,r. . I. I-.;., i. a:. 1.- c. i . TIN, 'I'll iii- ..' .1 '' .. . . t f I -11. ill, in. I.. I ;,i..- .: - -. - i : !.::.; I... I ! r I . . .. .. I...- l '..-, ..; :..': i ' -.' ,;. '..; .'. xx i. ::'":. ...... i . . -. i. i..4U.',-ijit.l.- I , . .1,1. ' j ' t- :- V7 Ait di;Vv,i;;j:j ami ... 1 1 i loin mi: mm i- m vtiiixr riill.s i.,.,t, I M -. i,- i, ,. ,.i, o . ' ; II. At ll.nr t., Ki Ua M,.r-- Murlti'l SI rf cl, Stiuliiir , I'ii. Tin- l-'.i.ii-i.i'.- N w ing Mai-lilne rLnnl . in,-- m i! !r I'i -r Ih .iiiI V i.li-l tluliiln.tty 1 Ik lag Oi '- ' 1" oni.) s.,-..j; .Xl.u liiiu imw ui'.i-ri.l ,i I , .' I ,-. Till: AliV.W ta.i:s I I. A I x I li ll It 4 - .1 .nlj i-t.ng I i ll .1, la la - . .' e.g. . I- r I he tail -i. Mil. I.ik ll 4 I. - ' 1 ' 'ti ,. t..t,. I. ii, ,1.4 -at. ll m i i,, iii iu. w.ii.il. r ,.f 40 I -. ' .1 I, . 1,1, - 1 .1- ll t, Ik, I t .1 ll . ! . . . I I ! ll -i 'I.l.t .ill I lli .ll'l I ih.l. . . ''i'i -.li. 1 1. ai m i U 1. 1 1. 1 4 i ah. i i , ai i r. . . a -i, i .u,i i,.H i; . s.iii.. ii.. li I,," I iu -, . il,, ,1 I, . a I., .: 1 ) ,l, - 1 1-1. - - -i v .i I - Mlii,- ; i i j - ii.. . i i . ; - ll. l'l .1.1 I.f 111 it I. II 11 ..... I I . ... .... 4--. I i. l. t..tt . I .' II" ' i-.l ' I ll ll I' 'I-, Ii I . n I ' . I I I- . Iirrj Ittitul. almull llui' " i i x; i i.. i 1. 1 -1 1 1 ' i 1 1 ' . -. ....... , i. ll I !.i- ,-. ) . 'i. ii la lh- 1 1 1 , .1, . nl r ... el 1 . . I I. ... , II., I .1 ... I l. X ...I lib i X an. .u. Il-t-ii, ' ' a .. k. no t ii ui'ii: I oit iioxx ii. ll ll.ii a -1 '! l- ' . It . I la, 1 1 ,11.. I A .' il I., 1.1 a , I 1 1-. . . - i.li. .11 . ' ) I ii It XI ,. I i.. I. - .. i , ,. a ' , -il. 4 4 l- , I ail I ." . , Xa '1 1 1 i kl I i ' , ,i . I I. ... I (. i I 'll ,, i akl I -W ..' - k .il ...I. .., J k- i I -,, . a. 1 . k l.aul ll illijl . I . I .1 I- . i.l" XX r '!!'! I . . x, . i r i " ' i i .I i .i .iii i .. i i.. i i -. . a - lli Iti'M I (. 'I' '' ' - ' - , ,i. . I I -k.a 1 I . - . . II , I i al, I a I a i.. . , a, , . in K III! in U I k .t.i.i-i l' '.'. i i'""" m fl? I t ri ml h r: ,..'.' ' ( ,- '.; y . :1? '4 -.--4j l.i ,, 4 ..! t.W