Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 22, 1870, Image 1

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M TVSUBE&O JETTOt iatctidat bt
UTtTIi WILVEBT, Proprietor,
At 91.B0 In Advanoe.
II not paid within 6 Months tJ3.
u2?r;OTU IoVri of m (Ao Month.
Ocwrnonrn with thin establishment to an orten
1tNEW JOB OFFICE, eoutalnlng a variety of
Eluin and fancy typ toal to any establishment
i tb InUrior of the State, for which the patron
mk of the public to respectfully solicited.
TEItKMIAII MX YD Kit, Attorney at
I Law. Sunburv. Pa. All professional busi
ness intrusted to his earo will receive prompt nt- '
tentlon In this and arfjolntnjr connties. Can be
consulted both In Eiigllf-h and German. Alio,
District Attnruev of Northumberland county.
Notary Public,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Jan. 15, 1870.-
GEO. IIILI-. Attorney at La, SUNBU
RY, PA. Will attend to all professional
onslness In this and and adjoining counties. Can
be consulted la the English aud German lan
guages. JO. BIAKKI.K CO, Market Btrest,
Dealers In Drug", Medicines, Paints, OI',
mass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
Pocket Rooks, Dairies, &e.
SP. WOLVERTOS, Attorney at Law.
. Market Square, SUXBURY.PA. Profession
al business lu this aud adjoining counties prompt
y attended to.
DR. A. It. S.lVIOfJE, respectfully an
nounces himself as Phynlclan and Snreeon
to tlie citizens of Sunbnryand vicinity, having lo
r...t..4 Mnmnlftiermanentlv on Market street, near-
Iv opposite the Falrmouut notel, where he can
be consulted at all hours when not professionally
cngqg'-d. ap'.34-ly
rpKHTII 1 TEF.TIIl J. N. i.rv(.ai.NUtK,
1 m.,,, nenrtitt.SUKuURY. PA. All work
rnrifullv utten-iel to and warranted. Am thank
ful to all for the kindness extend
by plvlng me their p.itronago t
a'u'l hope" a continuance aud Ineren
Ollice, first door east of Aa
rd me
e same.
GXV. ZIEGEER, Attorney at Law, north
si te of Public Square, one door ear,t ol
the old Bank building, SUNBURY, PA. Collec
tions and all professional business promptly at
tended to in the courts of Northumberland and
adjoining counties. sept 15-00
A BRICE, Attorney at Law, Banbury,
Pa. Oifii e In corner room up stairs, of
lUupfs New BulMins, formerly occupied by G.
W. Haupt, Eq. Collections of claims, writing',
and all kia la of legal business a'ten le i to eire
fullv and with dispatch. April 2,'7J-ly.
CA. REIMEVKWDER, Attorney at
Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en
trusted to hU care attended to promptly an 1 with
diligence. apl'J7-C7
JXO. II AY' CI.E3IEST, Attorney at Law,
SUNBURY, PA. Collections and all lro
f esulrm-al bivduess promptly attended to. inchSl-CO
BRIIXER i ISA WE, Attorneys and Coun
sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. OUlee on
Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E.
Railroad Depot, lu the bniUlng lately occupied
by F. Luzirus, Esq. Colloctions and all profess
ional bubiuess promptly attended to la Northum
berland and adjoining counties. ap! 10-09
at Law, on second floor In Bright' new
r.n.r si -KT!RY. PA. S. B. BoverandW.
J. Woi'verthii respectfully announce that th-y
have entered Into eo -partnership in the practice of
their piofesbiou iu Northumberland aud adjoin
ing counties. Consultations can be had iu the
O "rmju Iftng-tage. P 4
HU. MASSEll, Attorney at Law, SUN-
BURY, PA. Collections attended to la
the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,'ur. Columbia aud Lycoming. npUii-0'J
Xt Attorneys at Ln.w, BUNUURY, PA. Of
tice in tiaiipt's new building, second tiuor. En
trance on Market Square. jan4 OS
fTALCXTI.VE DIETZ, Wholesale aud Re
V tail desier iu every variety of
(urPEii wnAiir.)
I??- Orders solicited and flUed with promptness
and despatch. inaylU-bO
J Shippers aud Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu
l-iT Sole Agents, westward, at the celebrate 1
Henry Clay Coal. janlO 00
OrricB wtm Haas, Fauelt & Co.,
Orders left at Sealho'.ti & Bro's Market
Street, will receive prompt attention. Country
custom rosp. etfa ly soile.ted.
Jan. 8, 17'J. tf.
JAIC1I hllll'MAX.
; BURY, PENN'A. Represents: Farmers'
Mutual File Insurance Co., York, Pa. ; Cumber
land Valley Mutual Protective Co. New York
Mutual Lil'e; Guard Lite uf l'hlla., aud Hartford,
Conn., General Accident.
In S'.nijOft'i Uuildimj, Mirktt Suart,
ScsufKT, Pa.,
IS ; renare 1 to do all kinds of work pertaining
to 'i-atistry. He keeps constantly on hand
a ii:b assortment of Teeth, and other Dental
r.ii.t trial, from which he will he able to select,
and meet the wai.ts of bis customers.
A:i work win ranted to giv ati.fctl jn, or else
th .no.i-y ref in ted.
The very b--l Mouthwash auiTooth-Powders
kr;t ou hall I.
ills reference ar th numerous patrons
w'.mm he h is worked f r the last twelve ysars
ribuiy, A?ril li, li4.
It Dew. it's Bill II.', Market 8vi Bunbury.
VI.L kin Is of nn nt Shoe mads to order
Vimu 111 ls"t Ultiial thai t ia b prucur
el. Krptlrlu don kl hurl Bulic.
it, p ti'ii;iy " ic.tsd.
J ! !. liT
m:;v tow wnn.
rtvi? TilsMl'i.t ik "7",'; h '
1 , :-!.. .t" ! r-"t ,!t
i !-. "
or i , ri 1 ii - 1 1 j
(,, u... w
U I-'
Ul St OK i OU .
tut if roil ctau.
F- H -v ml N ;l, ennU9: ou U.4- eirU
,.y. J iu- IV UTJ.-tf.
M r.lllY MUtiu.i; VIH1.
. I -,
.1 L..V1 txeuM in m
-i I' ..i, ,.i 4 1
U I tu'ol'U
l .ul l. u i- l I'-.
M tltll I I.
ly 1 . .1.. 1 itu.lSi l
irtnVltrA In 1S40. )
$oUh tint) cslitnrants.
t'AH MEli IIOI'SK, Mt. Carinel,
, CHARLKS CULP, Ptcprletnr. A
Pleasant Hummer Report. ulus well-known
Mouse, Is refitted aud repaired, will furnish the
best of accommodations to travelers and perma
nent boarders. Un account of Its location it pos
sesses peculiar attractions as a summer resort.
July 3, 1809. ly.
Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot.
Sl'NDURY, Pa.,
AS open a Restaurant and Eatlnjr House,
for the accommodation ofthe public.
Warm meals can be had all hours. All kinds of
(fame, tiah, Ac, served up at short notice. His
bar is supplied with the bestliquor in market. No
pains spared to ple-ise, and terms moderate.
Banbury, September, 4lh 1800. ly.
JOSEPn BACIIF.R informs the citizens of Sun
burv and the puhlic generally, that he has
opened" a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above
place. The best of Lager Boer, and Malt Liquors
will be kept. Also Oysters, Stc, constantly serv
ed up to customers.
WALD. Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
County, Pa., at the Station ofthe N. C. R. W.
Choice wines aud cigars at the bar.
1 he table if supplied with the best the market
affords. Good stabliug aud attentive ostlers.
AM.IK.IIKW HOUSE, Nos. 813 und
814. Market Street, above eighth, PIIILA
DELl'llIA. Terms, $i per day. We respectful
ly solicit your patrounge.
X. MAN, Proprietor, I ront Street, between
Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Suubury, l'a.
Sept. !J4, l7d. ly.
y V Proprietor, Corner of Market tfc Second
Streets, opposite the Court House, S anbury,
Pa. MayU3,'7a
TilOMAS A. II ALL. Proprietor.
B inbnry St., wt S11AMOKIN, PEN VA.
Meals serve 1 at ail hoi.r, at short notice. The
best ot Liquors ut the The Tab;e is sap
plied with the best and latest iu the inui ki ts. At
tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patranage,
LOU.S HUMMEL. Proprietor,
Commerce St., hllAMOKlN, PENN'A.
Having j. 1st refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of the pub ic, Is now prepared to
serve 'jls friends with the best icfrchmeuts, and
fresh Lager iSevr, A.e, Poller, and ull other malt
The best BEER and all kind of Malt Liquors
on Tap. Call and ua rtfrcshed.
Aug. 27, 1S70.
aiTkaTvamxa y'aei.ey- house,
E. U. bUKMI.VM, Proprietor, Comer Lacka
wanna and Franklin Avenues, hcrniiinu, l'a., o
posite Delaware, Liokawanna X Western Depot.
r"ree carrU-gcs tu convey yue.-ts to and from
Depot. Mar. L6, '7J.-ly.
A spleudli assortment of Cloths and ("fissi
mcres, ut Mooie Si, Dissiugei's. ny'i.i.
it LACKTLPACTSof the best quality, cheap,
) ut Moore .K Dibsinyir'. ap;!3.
OORE & DISSINGEIt have the best Pelalns.
aj u.
1 RESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of Sun
V bury and vicinity, that he will bake to
order all kinds of
Famlles are supplied with FRESH BREAD,
Twist, Rolls, Rusk, Tea Huus, Ate., and also
kept on baud aud manufactured out of tha best
All orders left nt his Shop In Market Square,
ouc door east cr Miss Auna Painter's Millinery
Store, or ut his Bakery on Spruce Street, between
Front and Secoud streets, vni meet with prompt
with Cakes, Ice-Cream, c, at the shortest
Orders are respectfully solicited.
Bunbury, Dec. 12, 1808.
bt men
TT Is the only Fireplace neater that has a per-
J. feci Top Feedar, and free from pulling or ei
plosions, or emttllug gas Into tne apartment.
It U the nuly Fireplace lleutur with the patent
Diagonal Mairaaiua by which greater lliumiiiat-
lug power i obtained, the epaiiment the Stove in
In, more etlectually wanueii, ana tue urine re
lieved ofthe reat weight of th coal in th reser
voir. It Is th only Firenlac Healer that Is a Per
feet Self-Feeler ami b;i burner, ouly r'qalre
lillhiir oucu in twentv-fonr hours.
it is the only Fireplace Heater with perfect
sil'iine- and d inii'iior grate.
It Is llm only Fin Heater with the deep
base, giing uhiiul u.l room tor u.he., and with
out reirleiiug the grate liable to baru out.
In fuel it u the treat Baltimore fir
f rluea Healer, tail rovd and Ictu.liluYel ud
for : Lioiiil'it t pei lectiou.
lliUU CO., .'J and 11 LIGHT BTRF.ET,
UuUiuiore, M l
For sal by CHA8. 1). GENTHLU, Baubary,
P iu'h-
Jan. 1870. tf.
AlUl'HTtt OIL. YAltU.
In Cpper Aiixiist.i.a ljolniiig Vier' Lbn Kilns,
at lb J .imliiiu ul li. nlmui"iu VKy
bluv. C'ti-ui.t, IK, Broken, Lump, aul
whl.-h will I, pro"i t'y Jollvenlla any 1H cl
l!i I .irMiro, h-.iil, oy, or !. luny-
1' ..i t. i. 1 iy lUo ii, iiu'l, t eUl lurai i 1
be i " 1 .
(iu i-f .l W'nUi,''iiln ehng for .vil.
A I "I li 'r'l s lue y.rl. or l III I '
hi-..,). ..f J e U.ik. o l F "iilU t lil, ba'-i"iiy,
i'i , l.l rcvslv eioinil iiuii"-i.
J oil O. UKt'K,
! utu. ovbua.
B iuli .ry, FidMsrj I, ISM.
o( UM lutita,
WE tit llli Kims, II i. kprlu,
(Ul4M, IkullS, Clip.,
L-N M-k.i to- r te
h! i, llir-h J",
HU 'A Mill MSinRV A Il A-- l I !-" -...i
i'. It 4', i 1 ' I
W Lav doslnel and manufactured a larga
stock of tha
Which we warrant to b
In all respect.
Our preparations for
the present season
have been on the lar
gest and most libe
ral scale, and our
present stock is
as superior to
any former
one as our
former ones
have been
quality, of
the gre'ost
to those
variety, and up
of other
. house.
to the very latest
fashion and style
Embracing every
ining essential to a
gentlemen's toilet and
Good of our own impor
tation: the newest and
beat fabrios of English.
French, German, and
Home Manufacture.
The most skillful
cutters In Philadel
phia, "Style" and
food workman-
amp. a pep- i'-S
ieot nt guar
anteed, with
aatiaf to
tion in all
other re
made up in the
most elegant man
ner, end securing the
qualities of durability
and strongth, so deaira-
bio in Childrens' Cloth
iJ4 ing. We have made
peoiai eiiuris iu
this department,
and ask special
attention to our
stock. Twon-
fjf ty-flve styles
-&VV- of little
Chestnut StXCOATS
Holfe Mitel
HS x )TE.
Br our ystem f Self-Measurement,
easily nndorstood. re enable customer
to send their orders iu such a way a to
B ECU HE AS OOOD f XT a though
the, -una themselves to our Establish
ment. Ou Improred Fule foi .Self-Measurement,
Sample and Price ent when re
given to adl order, with ',U ARANTEE
of entire satiafaction. '
618 and 820 Chettnut Street.
rnir.inrt.pui t.
yyi.k niTTr.ns.
' ar
' 'ilAl'l '1 w
Joe autv l
0F SrEEIt'S WINE with II -a
tat tlis
111 . -I.l,
aui mo.tKs'.U'jlbTo-i.'ajl li ii-i hi l i-.iWci
Th tt Is alw.iyn t!;e
TU Held, CaiW u4 F.joI u.c I la
A. PtruvUu U .rW, I'Uaiiio.;.. . .
t..ot, V. i. 4 I'bciif b o U, I . , o. .. . i
HivUoiUer lUil U-iJt 4. U.-.
bu4 iviulU Ul'Jl
11 1 A L T 11 V li I V I N U
eiU,,ii'- Tu lui4it
f lh !'-, ! " a, 4
J 1UaB15 UWl
jlclctt offrri.
H" YOU SIIOl l.l) G1.T MAR.
If von shonM ever get mnrricd, John,
I'll tell von what to do
Go get a little tenement,
Just big enough Tor two.
And one spare room for compsny,
And one spare bed within it
And If you bgln love's life aright,
You'd bi tter thus beglu it.
In furniture be moderate, John,
And let the stnired chair wait.
On" loiikl'ig-g'ass wl,i do for both
Yo'irself und loving mute.
And llrns-els, too. and other things
Which m'lKes a line nppeuratice,
If vnn ran belter afford it. they
Will look better a year heuce.
Borne think they mnst have pictures, John,
hnpcrh und cot!y too.
Your wire will r-e a picture, John,
Let that fitllce fur yon.
Remember what the wise man said,
A te-it nn.l love within It,
Is b'-tter thnn a splendid house,
With bickerings every minute.
And one word as to cookine, John
Your wife cu" d" the befd i
for love, to m:ike the biscuit rise,
In better far thnn yeast.
No m itter If each iIhv ymi don't
Il'ing tnrkev to your table
T-1 1 rclicti b-ttcr hv-and by.
When you arc better i.ble.
For nil yon buy pny money, John
Monev ttnit very day ;
If yon would hive your life run smooth,
There Is no better way.
A notn to pay i nn tnr'y tli'ng
If thlntr yo'.i choose to call It,
When it hangs over a man who has
No money in Ills wallet.
And now, when yon are married, John,
Don't try to npe the rch s
It look them a toilsome year,
To iralu their envi. il niche.
An I if on hnii'd gain the summit, John,
Look well to yojr beginning,
And then you nil ymi win repay,
The toil and care of winning.
&alc3 & Sltctttcs.
S YOr KOIY SO Y 31. 1. XOV ltl'-AI.
r.trenla wlio lead a virtuous life, who sin
eerely uuard to retain a gimd clear con
seienee, anil lie honorably before i'd and
men, have as one of llieir highest ainia of
lite to make their children happy. There
is no sacril ie too jin-at which tliry will
not. cheerfully make, in order to secure
their welfare, and for which they deserve
from their neighbors the highest considera
tion and prune.
liut unfortunately many of the parents
nowa-daya tako wronsi steps to secure the
future happituss of their chiidren, by their
example of extra vaiiancc of dress. iiiimIh uf
living, and arrogant pride. con9idi rini it
bi low llieir dionii v for the husband to
work inure liimseif. irmt-md of boaKtiin;
nl.oiil. hikI the wife t do hi r housework
to a o render extent alone instead of rocking
in the chair, uud idling tho timo otln-r-wise,
der'.'udinj ou si-rvants. and conlinu
ally coiiijilninii; of their tardiness aud
This common praetic? amonu the higher
and middte eludes of society makes the
bupropion on the mind of the youiii; that
they must oive serious attention to outward
appearance, tln' must ue uressed well oy
all means, and If tin y want anything for
their bodily comfort tiiey do not like their
parents, commend to he waited on, aud
this is the lirst. litlal step in their life ; they
become depending beings aud never will lie.
self-relying, which is the safest, prop of
success iu life.
The siime false pride, and even laziness,
that so lirmly ni-stU s in the bi sam of so
many parents, makes tln-in say, our sou
shah not be u farmer, a medial. ic or a sea-
( faring man. No. that is too bard work.
j and besides that, he has too much brain
tor that ; he must study and become a
doctor, or a lawyer, u book keeper or a
Our dear daughter cannot do a thing in
' the bouse, for she has so much to It arn,
ib, siths reading and riling. Ignoring
gc.vraphy, she must bain French, lttiu
aii'l (.uvek ; she must draw in colors, she
j muni play u tl e piano and guitar, aud
I sin:: well, aud if piu-siblc, learn also fancy
i H. w in and embroidei v.
tvi i he s ins go to ai-hiei!, many of them
n.iil they are twcnty-f..ur ye-r of age,'
! the paivuts tooting the bids. At List they
gel diplomas or are admitted to the bar, or
i ceriincati s that they know book-keeping
and aiat the prcliimnaiu of merchandis
i in1.:- !
r.ut. alas, ymtig dot-tor are nt at a
. .liM-oUiii . Ha ir cbanct s lor a n uumeralive i
practice is very meagre; and as fur law- ,
: th. re are inure lawytrs than clients,
'liook-ki t s is and cli i ks arc as plentiful as
Can-ida lliiMl. s, It is Hie h tldi st work to
gel a Munition, and if one is obtained the v is small that nuly a baro living can
he ..biuKi. d, and if by a line lucky
chaiiee a uo-'d looting is oblained, that
ciii k "r bo .k-k.-ept r can only cxpicl to
l lite of p .verly I the cud ot h.s
I li
h i
lei. . i
daughter is a' i fu" grown, lu r
i inui ual hi-i.hl liiiri'. bin h r in-
iii.u nice is very pal.
lilld sill) kel III
t i it i :er ir nn a vi r weak ein si ; le r t:n i
, l.ui 1 1, hs. h. r inaiiii' I gr;u elul, her coil-
v. i ri .ua: piwt i i ;i),r.iiin : ; ! ipi ibs 1 -.i l in noil ttr.tW leiitliiN, hikI
l. a . .1 I. ol. in. oil Hie pi-ili '. ll i li-il-ur
li in il one ol Ihe ..ling d- la , ouug
laelk. liook ki I I' Mild I Ills. Who III
ll i I.I I H -lli I i CI I Hi- II J. laillk ib-ll llljll-
l l
i C "ll.
,1 ol.llg l.l'I.V
If , tie l-l I
ll d
i at e
n. i
ii a
i .it i
.1 . .in. ii .ov i.ei pin,.'. '.' n. i, r
..ii.- a. i i" , t "i tittii I
,i ii i. , k.n ... tl .t I it ai .1 l .
k , - lll, II I ll "l i ' I I I .Ut ll HI" "I
,- . '. . , i i v ii m I ii l.ih'.i , and kin- ik a.. i
pi. t i l lv till it"J I 1 lh . A ale I IU ol" r
1 lie 1 1 ik i;ipo,iil, d loll..iiid bin Ihe Im1
fun. i.e lulp he run gel, to do tho o-'kilig,
ll"ll.k'i'pillkli 'd 4ll Mii'H hi inland
wi.e, L'ud -I' iil h Uilp MU-1 cu'auusltuf
is I he a a ul i me int ct I rqil'llv si
it. W
i . ,t i
.i ii i i
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ii. ii
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ol ain
. 10. ll'
.1.,- .
. a -Ik
..- .. d
I oil it
ni l.
i '
- i.
"I lnivc no trouble with mv cliildreu exnnip1 ofliutniUty lx-f ;"e C1, uf indus
nnd m rvitnt girlo," reninrka a pfuiu, neatly try ami tciiivninut' in tlicir imnlo nflivintr.
tlri'srd, tinnsumiiiLr tnitldle-nud laily ; . The tiluincr mid more, utmasumiii!; llu v
"every otic of my bovs had to Iwirn a trade,
and keep gtendy nt it. Yt u m.idu tueiu a ;
preatmt ol the Ixiard liocause we could al- li arn a trade, and cneouragu theiu to be-t'-Til
Unit, but tliey bad to clolho tliuni- come uuiaUriiiculmiiics.
selves. As for niy liirls I only pave theru And let your dauohlera learn pructicnllv
a good plain education. I did not even the art of conking an I lei.isi keeping, llm't
let them liarn to piav on the tiiano, for they may retVin health and crow phyaieal-
several reasons. First, bccsiuso they bad
to help do the housework ; they are excel
lent cooks ; they are quick nt washing and
ironing, and they can scrub nicely, aud
being accustomed to it, they have the
atn-ngth to do it without getting tired.
Another reason why I did not allow them
to learn to play on tho piano, is, because
they may marry a man who may not bo
able to buy a piano, and besides that when
they oucu get married they have to look
nfler their house a Hairs ; get to have child
ren, they will have music tnotgh without
a piano. These are my views. I know
they are not popular, but I sec that we get
along far pleasanter than our neighbor
who have danchlers who know a great
ninny relincd things, but arc dependent on
others to do their work."
A joung, energetic mechanic was lucky
enough to marry a daughter of that house;
lie brings ins young wile to Ins new home,
which consist of only a few moms plainly
furiii-.licd. but everything looks tKat aud
'"'What have we for breakfast V he ask
ed a"eeliountely.
"llnsh, biscuits and co,Tee,."
"Hash and biscuits ? You frightened
me ; I have had enough hush and biscuits
in the boarding house. ' They repair to
the table, its snowy white lines," the polish
ed cutlery, the steaming hash w ith its in
viting liavor, th'i tender biscuits, the but
t r crowned with its little, bit of ice, the
nice cotl'ee and c renin, all have such an in
viting appearance that hc husbaud sits
down, tasles of tho hash and biscuits
"Ah !" exclaims he, "this hash aud bis
cuit is diiii rciit from the boarding-house
hash and their stoue-like biscuits ; but why
don't you cat ?"
"1 cannot cat a bite if you do not 3iy a
prayer with me at lirst. "My good mother
learned me to make this hash and biscuit,
but she also learned to pray and give
thanksgiving to (rid. In my pMixnis' house
we alwas prayed before we partook of a
meal. Do. my dear, the same, you will
make me s happy."
t'ui' k a lightning the husband laid down
the cuiauaries, clasped his hands together
and lifted his tearful ycs heavenward and
pi aved from the inmost rec.sses of his
! heart :
"I thank Thee. Heavenly Father, that
Thou hast bkssed me with a good wife.
Make me worthy of hi r. Mess us both
with continued gond health ; watch over
us with thy patenlal kiudtass; keep us in
the path of righteousness, that we may
fill till our mission on earth honorably in
sight aud tho sight of our fellow-men.
"Vou pray well," said hi wife, for a
new beginner."
"It is the aim of my life whatever I do
to u.l well, and hoj to improve in praying.
You have turned my attention to he. thank
ful to liod (in the many blessings that He
so bountifully showi rs upon us. Wo will
both of us be good, will wo nut ?" asked
the husband earnestly.
"Vis, we will be just like parents, cheer
ful, industrious, self-rclyiug, charitable
and saving."
"That is my view of life, but I must be
otf to my work. Shall I advertise for a
girl V"
"No," was the prompt reply : "Mother
says that a servant girl costs per week,
wages, board, and what she wastes, at
lean si(i dollara that w ould be m arly one
third of your weekly earnings. Thank
tiou, I can do w ithout a servant girl, and
save that, much to my darling husband."
There is a parting kis lelwi-en which
two hearts are forever blended into one.
Years pass awav, and six pledges of love.
now sil al liie dining table, each rosy aud
the very picture of health, and tho happy
1 mother shows no signs of fatigue. As she
! Serves tlm nomi meal the father gives the
I sign, the cliildreu clasp their hand aud
follow in the prayer of their parents.
I "Husband you do not eal us heartily as
usual, and seem lest iu thought; what is
the maiu r V You never had any secrets
l which I could nut share."
I "Vis," answered the luii'.:ind. "I have
iing on my mind. Mv employers
are in a critical condition. A'l the part
i ners lived high, divw loo much from the
i business, and now Ibev are. forced to sell
' out. The It w thousand dollars that 1 have
i laid up. are not sutlU ietit ; if I cu'd make
a loan of several tleiueaud dollars. 1 could
buy out the entire i oucern at a great bar
gain, uud. under my management, it would
i )ield a large income, ami iis our family is
: a growing one, it would be desirable, and
IH-Bid.t, uiai, i count, ny-nnil by, take my
.os in bukiiiess, leant tln-iu the trade, anil
this would be excellent in the future."
"Father wiil let you Imvo the money.
I I. li., III! I nil iim l.. ........ I . . .
I I i -1...; '"i
tn mi me v niitiiiiiiB nun i ueiii, anil Vou
lu ver took ihe lime ; now let us vimi tliein
with all the children, and you, or if ,.u
will ail-iw me, I will ask theiu to liau v,,n
the money you need.
" Von are aUv.i clear and cmniirehi n-
ivi ," olion vi d inn InistKiiul alUctiouately.
"I Will iillitW JO li- Sllggi kllou.o i
Tin re wii a gay time at the old folks', '
When the ii:ill. liter Willi her exi Inplai v'
na.iiiiid, and liK-ir well lnourht up cliil.p
imi at iiit it. 'I he Chriktma Tr e wu m
ki.e-iitiitl lion, and irandt.iihir juiu,
iiii'Hil .l.ui In). "Evi r luiug i ull right,"
k.iul he. " k 'li in law ik a capital . '
l.i.l , bill there is ollf tiling I'l.ll U I Hot 1
like, be I. .m lit UT llW.'l lil III.' ll fiv if.-- I i Ii e! llioro la' belly toward Iniu if I
colli. I 1'ehtb I' li.OI U l.l"l."
I'.n ii. i ,"' I'vclaiimd the r,
"c u.d 1 and my bu.nai.d t ik lu y,n U;
pin. He oil l'il.iii.k i"
I , l l.i.ii'l ," be. "Ttt.ilikk In ihe
Ibii. ii- t of till Ihe wild, ll " com, ,,y
el, i. i.e 1. 1 kilotv lnvk.,1 lliul I am 4 .,d
i hi iil.ill t bilV out the tUbUkhllu iit
wu ii. rvotikly ti lled, and ruidil) i;riiiiu,t.
"Ve. m il"r "" you can huia lun
lli.,iiiii. tiol. il auh-itil inlt rt ; 1 d m i
wuiii )- 11 r n ili , piki bMi inu cred.l Hi vo ir
h i .I., ui. I - a ie. d ii 'I pu it .i l t uk Pi
t,.i. .ir , n in't iroMil .iiiii ,I, ii t l,,,,
ll .1 I b II -i III l 4 ) 41 It M I.I '' t 14'
ii . . . I..., ,. I i . nn) )...iii' .1'). 1 uel
li.) . It ' ll.ll ll-'l . ., Ill .1-11.1 l , -l t
., . . , .1 . I I .1 .It I. p 1 1. 1 , 'I - I -ill e
, ,, ,i .I,,.... in I n,.i in-1 ll.ii. ,.ir
.. . ,1 l.i. .1- ) II '1 !..! l 4ti III
., .... .. .1 ... .I.l'l.,'. ,!,.
. . . , i , - I. I " . ,1,1.- II . I l.t .1 - 1
( Xew Si'i-le. Vol. . 'o. S2.
1 Old Merle, Vol. SO, S: 4H.
live, the Im'Uit it will bo for litem hikI lla ir !
elnliireti ; hud let llieir fiiu, hv an imanfl,
lv stroll1', to lui enabled to fullill the duties
of wife aud mother and be a helpmate, tin !
God has ordained. The fashions of our '
day spoil, and the penalty is a life of misery ,
without issue aud an early grave. AUitnn
ojitintum inmniu it is Well to profit by the j
mailings ol others.
Cham ber maids.
Against nil chamliermaids. of whutso- :
ever age or nationality, I launch tho curad
of haehelonloin I IV-enusn :
They alway put the pillows at tho opo- !
site Hid of th" bed from the iras burner, s- :
that whiie .ii rind and smoke before sleep
ing, (as is the ancient and honored custom
of bachelors.! ymi have to hold your book
aloft, in and uncomfortable position, tj
keep the light from dazzling your eyes. i
Whvil they find the pillow removed to1
the other end of tho Is-d in the morning, '
they reieivc not the suggcMion in a friendly
spirit, but clorying in their absolute
sovereignty, and unpitying your helpless-.
ness. they make the bed just as it was 1
originally, and gloat in secret over the pang
their tyranny will cause yon. Always after
that, when they find you have transported
the pillows, they uudoyoiir work, and thus
defy vou and seek to embitter the life that
(iod hath giveu you.
If tliey cannot gel tin: light in an inconve- ,
nicnl positiou any other way, they move
the Ul.
If you pull your trunk out sit inches
from" the wall, "so that the. lid will slay up
when you open it, they always shove that
trunk luck again. They do it on purpos--.
If you want thespittoon in a certain snot,
where it w ill be handy, they don't. And
so they moye it.
Tliey always put your boots into inacces
sible places They ehiellv enjoy depositing
litem as far under the lied as ihe wall will
permit. It is because this compels you to
get down in an uuoigiiiiied ultitu.i" and
make wild sweeps for them in the dark with
the boot-jaek. and swear.
They a!was put the match box in some
other place. Tliey hunt up a new place
for it every day, and put a bottle, or other ;
ircrishable glass thing where ti e box stood
before. This is to cause you to break that
gla?s thing, groping in the dark, and get
yourself into trouble.
They are forever and ever moving the
furniture. When you comcin, in the night,
you can calculate on finding the bureau
where the wardrobe was in the morning.
And when you go nut in tho morning, if
you leave Jia slopbucket by the door and
the rocking chair by the window, you will
fall over the rockiltg'.bair and yu wiil pro
ceed to ihe window ind sit down in the
blop-hucket when you return at night.
This wiil di-just you. Tin y like that.
No matter where you put an thing, tle-v
are not going to let ft stay ih.-ie. They will
take it and move it the' lirst chance they
gel. It is tin ir nature. And bis, .Us it
givis tln iii pit iisure to l menu and con
trary this way.
Tliey would die if they couldn't bo vil
lians. They always save up all the old scraps
of printed rubbish you throw on the lloor
and stack them tip nn ti e table, and then
staitthe tire with your valuable manu
scripts. If there is any one particular old
scrap that you are more dow n on than any
other, and w hich you gradually wear yoiir
life out trying to i..t rid of, you may take
all pains you possibly can in that "direc
tion, but it won't be of any us. , because
they will alwavs bring that old scrap back
and put it in the same old place again every
time. It dots them good.
Aud they use more hair oil than any six
men. If charged with purloining the
same, they lie about it. What do tle-y rare
about a hereafter ? Absolutely nothing.
If on leave jour key in your door for
convenience sake, they will carry it dow n
I ,., ,, .... ... ..,,.,. ,,.,.; .
the ollice and
ti... ..e: 1...I..... it t.. ti... ......!- rri.....
prouctyour i.roptrty from tbievis, but
actually they . it U:eause they want you
in Irani p back down stairs aili r it w ln-n
I .
voueomo lioiiie uri.l, or put you to the
tumble of sending a waiter for it, which
waiter w id cxiM-ci you to pay him some
thing, lu whieb case I suppose the de
graded crt aturts divide.
They keep a!w:M coming to make your
bed 1m lore you tet up, tbiis dei roving your
lest and inilicling agony t-n you. but alt, r
ou get u;i, they d in't c une any more 1.11
li.e iu xt tl.iy.
llu v .l i all ihe mean things tin v can
think of
and they d i litem out ol pure
ruvdl)i s. and nothing eie.
Chambermaid arc dead toe very human
I have cursed them in behalf of nut railed
f. iehi loiil-iiii. They tl. serve it. It I tan
g, l a lull through the leisl itnre abolishing
v.!i.taiiH.I'lli:i..l, 1 Uaatt to il l it.
1',1'SI.Ki r ov 1.. Wuii l mt.--li is lid by
good un 'Heal auliioi ity that I'n-rn is n it I. -n M e-'i'in r i-r Kill, ildtt of the
m.u.i.e vo-iNi.I' ll.ii human ltly
r,i;,l'. - li I 1. 1 I " me w aielel Iroiu ihe
l-.-lll llll 'll '" I
.tie. I by li. arty l.ui.lili r,
ii i 1 1 '
ik ki..i' ii l'1 I'
o ntrii man ol pr.iie.ptc
-. inn
rni'ikt d I'll,,
, I'd lU
i n .u.l '.tu:th I the ut in, in
1 lliil
h. l l
. The
ii, il. i . i ' V It un Itg l i nii. ii- k"
i , i!,e r- ii no ni lu'i.. tin n in.
4 in i'i in-'if ripitiU- probably
I 1
i,.- t h, i.iieil or i ii t ir e in lo
ii. .1 l i toe ii.iiiu.MH - and
, i. nt in. f. kkcll In ail lbn
I...H a 'I v iil I'" in mi Ili4l
Ct oii iw ' . a " H hc in i'l
n nn wl. il ll d al ll r
' l.i-.f.i i
loll-. 1
p.illu ii'.i'.' i
1 I Un 'Ion-
' lunik. r 1 1, :
' Uu.ii ,u a li ' h a
uk. U iv, r) go.k, niiinT
t, r. ,ti in.lil'gt . t' u l I
i, . i ov, h .1 0 .
sin ti 4 1 It. it l'
u a.i.l d
i i r ii.
.11, I I I'olllO
in t t imp f
..- I, 1 i- iw ' (
, , , I . I. -i.,.
I .1 On. ,
le .1 pi.- .
' II..,.. I
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i . i.
i' t i
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pull. 1. 1, 4
"i i,i,l,
lOLIan, or abont 100 Won!, make Squaw".
1 fiq 8 So.' 8 81 t SqlWoorKoo'Il r-;i
Ou we- K 1.00
Two wtinks l.W
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i.VO! M 4.00! fcUU.U.Otf.V.f"!
Thru " .00 8.50' 4.5)! t.0V, K.U0 li.Oi.i'a ixi
Four .W 4.50; 6.601 0.00 10.00 J
live " S.1J 6.00 0.5J, 7.00 1W.C0 17.00'iA.b')
til " a.OO B.75; 7.W: 8.00 U.00 iy.0!ii7.6'
'I wo mo' 8. Ho! 1.W b.5J W.U0 l&.0u;i0.'X o(.W
Throe ' 8.60' IJ.O- .4o l)Mi.iK'..f. j0i).lJ
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Mue " .Ii.0ifl0.00l3.00 1.,i.00.:).;j.uli,4.r.0j76.(.j
Ouc Year h.OOdU.OO lft.OJJto.uu-lo.O ;,bO.C0 I1W
TIio Cuiti(iitlou of France.
Froui the lurioJ of I lie First Cnnsulitu
N-ipoioou 1 to tlm Inillle tit' .etluu, ur-
render of ,'upoiuuu HI uud
lull ut lun
The Constitution of Aucust 4, 1502,
made Bonaparte First Consul fur lite, w.tii
power to appoint his succi ssur. It author
ized him to appoint his own benator. ami
reduced the Tribuuato from cue Luudrtii
to tit't v members.
Tho Const ulion of May 18, 1804, created
Uotiaoarte Emperor and his direct lineal
descendants of the ruale lino heirs of the
The Constitution of Februarys, 1813,
provided lor a regency.
The Constitution of April 0, 1814, revite'l
the fall of Bonaparte, and declared Iiui
Stanislas Xavier, brother of Louis XVI,
executed in 17y;i, King of France, under
i the titln of Louis the. XVIII.
I The Constitutional Charter of June 14,
I 1814, waslramed by a appointed
! by the new made Kiug. and ratilied not by
: the people, but by the allied Powers, who
then occupied l'aris. A Constitution f
. April 22. 11.1, passed during "the hundred
: du," declared Napoleon aga'.u Emperor,
Iiy the Constitution of dune illl, lttl.
the crown was again restored t Loui
XVIII, Hi the gift of Waterloo.
In l-25, Charles X came to the throne,
and reigned untd tno revolution of July,
, 1:W.
: Th Constitution of the 11th August,
l.-li'l, ratified the revolution and fixed lh
succession to the regal crown an Loui
l'hiilippe, the bead of the Orleans braucu
of the Bourbons.
' The Constitution made by the National
Assembly on the 4'.h of November, lr4f.
the fi uils of the. compulsory abdication of
Louis I'hillippe in the February previous,
terminated the Provisional (jovcrnment,
i-stablisbed a He public, and was the iirst
Constitution which pruvided for uuiveisal
still rage.
On the 2d of December. Louis Napoleon,
President of the I'epuhhc, having; over
thrown the Republic, huiiiiin. tied the peopid
to ratify the cnup d'tt it. The ralilicatiou
was promulgated on tho 21m of December.
The Couslituiiou of January 14, 18o2,
was the w .rk of the Senate, and provided
for the mainu nam e of Nupolecm iu tho
Presidency lor (-n years.
The C-inetitutiou of Decembers.", 1S.V2,
declared Napoleon Jimp; ror, and alidmenU
meiits since that time made uirc by tho
mere w id of tiic Linpemr until the 2d of
of Svplcmbi r, lSTl), when the battle of
.Sidnn put an end to the Lmpire and al
lowed the formation of another provisional
government, or raiher, Coiuuiiuoc of De
fense, at Paris. .
Art and Mi'iiic as Edcc ato?.3.
Trade and commerce, and aua
manual labor have their many and tiobio.
u.tcs ; but theru is 3,inietbing else in the,
world, and these should not he wielded with
a bigotry and exclusivciiess that crowd all
else to tin; wall. It has been so too long.
M itter-ol'-f-ie! people .-hould not havolourX
ulllsive sway. Too much delclelice ebtiUld
n it be pa'.u tliein u lu ll lhoy till tl UJ) their
in seat poetry, sneer al works of art as not
furnishing bread and butter to the table,
and nitiMc us not buying the baby a new
dress. I.e! I'ictn i nt their bread with lesa
biitli r. UiL-ti. or evi ii no btittt r. and uo
the mmiey s-iwd Ptvirds hanging a pietuit
on the walls ie nv a ml t'leii : and let the bab
have o'.u d:v less, or In dle .it all during
d-ig-davs, an 1 spend that extra in nicy in
concert tu lii.ts, or iews-lnrp.s, even, rather
than haw it i uiilsie. I 'l.iab-i '.al ism wer.j
the w.,ids only and tnithi'iii p. ligon, tlwN
might be soui shadow of excuse fur this
constant worship of the golden calf, aud thi
coiiliiiiiMl hanki t ;:.g ut'U r llm llcsh-puls of
Egpt ; but the body's desires are not tha
only things t i be consulted, and the spirit
will be made Ih tti r. and purer, and holier
by poetry, music and art. If wo were a
nation ot iniidcN. Ibis materialistic plea of
"un iiie-' could not he more unrelentingly
at every turn of liti-; in r the boy, almost
before iie is out of bis jackets and pantalet
tes, be told and retoal that getting monev
is tlm main object of life. Tho object of
life, looked at from the highest stand-point,
is happiness, and the concentration of our
purest aspirations and holiest powers in
building up :t character ami eunobling a
life that shall enable us to step upon tho
shores of (lie h'-xt w orld with conciousiie
that we have tamed the greeting of "Well
done, good and InUiil'ill servant."
The Wn kiiuk.sT Man Dk ad. John
Allt ii, n ! d l yeais ago as ihe "Wick
edest Man in New York," died at West
Perth. NiW York, some thus since', wheie
Lis father reside. John, it will be r, iin-m-It
red, ki pt a dance house and a drinking
saloon in Watt r strn t. and turned his es
tablishment into a place of tiiii'y prayer,
under the iuihience of several getitli-meu
connected with the Howard Mission.. Mori
th. in .1 ymr aro, be iin.vtii u.n a lirgn
brick bunding, winch be had ru led in,
K MiM'Velt tillil I'.Mllil s' reels, au i ki''l .k
grocery on ihe trui'i-l lloo.-. Ton upper
Stories he letileil t" I. tl, Al loot ho
ait, i!,l, d i i I . axel i-s, a' il pr , spired ; but
atli r the dent'i t.l lot, ,M,',', ls old haoii t,;
ill'ihlinig i,v, re.tni'' liiin. II.' hi ed 1,1 itl.e-lie-s
l-r it'.v iii"ii:t.. l revii i:s I i dc.iih,
at. l h..i si'.'.,: w .it i1 lioiil i.ooiU. In An
liisl. be wel.t to hit l.itl.ii'.t farm, und re
u.a,T, ,1 theie until I,:- ii 1 1 te. lie Icivca
i,n i 5p,.,,.i'ni ,.irn, d 1 1. in l.:j m l.i
ri ,iis U io r k.rt il pnrs-.i.i. Wl,:i iiiil
ing in 1 1 .1 kt-ielt M reel. I.e :.e -p:. in 1 y v iti d
ll,.- II iM 11 1 M o ,ii i' ..a ..i l IJeLUt'UU,
aud pr,.!i aa. J r lii.m.
In tl
... p.
, i e 'lirl r,'i i ut C ...i'Sj;-
HI .' ri l.i! In ,1 in,, y ser
, t Imi..: t It V i. 1 1. 1 i 1 I . r poor
l.b.e tl . y n I .ti w i t run
. r sun ,i,i a I m in lu i h u.d
i the win an t .ui k ti w it
I ii, W i. In bllig ll lioiil Iii r kl 1,1
i.u'li U rn inn !,. Wi.kt.
.,t ll. lk .1,
! in. i lui ..
I. ,t-l in 1 : '
in i a, ii , ili
l.i imn;.. .1 I
a. . inm ll.n .
Pi Hi.- l.i,,,
'1 In 11 be tliitlt I .ihi to ; t.Li" hi r, bill !i
Iii I I Up l si.i ol Imi d.khw itir btlWiilA
ll.i'iii, and nn s.'i.t il all our head.
'1 hi n he got i;il morn sury at this iiul
il, nl, and started i i ji,i,,i ,i .i t, but li s
In 41 14'ilei 4,'-.lll ll'T hfl I Sol lei lull
d .an. .i't t'H,: I, old !., hi'.r I ru t.i u
u, , ,n I lou inir 4 is in i. si t! i y t in b .I
wait r l i ii ll It iiiM o l 1 i.k.i t S4 4 il
WHS I, I I k t I , ' . I ill U..4 S.i I iUse;(
ae.l 'U . ' I..J .. .s. "
I 'l
III 1' I
I t I-,
I, . I
II. ll
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; islisli pals ut sli 7 i.l-.u'v.
oiU CUV l-ul Aiitt abJ ? I ' I
li, b) t. A I I'D ltv h Of I.
, ui
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i..,iii,t iutin (rus, I , 1
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