igririiitrul. , Tha CaltlTa! mrley. " We have received many Icttere asking In formation about barley, and we conclude thnt, attracted by the comparatively hlfrh priori which haw prevailed for ft fuw year vvwt, many who have hitherto paid no at enrion to thie trop are intending to raise t. They had better do eo on ft email scale t Ami. Oar climate is not as favorable for arley ns it is for oats and wheat. We annot obtain a Rood crop unless the ground tdry, clean, and rich. It seldom docs roll on recently inverted sod. Its best lace in rotation is after a highly manured nd thoroughly cultivated corn crop. The est crops are obtained on a rather heavy vicarious loam, jn-ovidtd it has been loroughly pulveriacd during the preced ii; summer and autumn. But as thin is ,'lilom the enso, the soils that usually gives ic beSt medium crops arc those of a lighter nd warm character or sandy loams. 1 ) 1 1 J ! 1 1 1 ii Vxa cm.', wit nnwln JKIIU'V OI1UUIU I3J1 1IJ CI.L1W r very late say the moment the ground I fit to work in'tho spring, or not until the cavy spring rains are over. AVe have had he best success in sowing very early, say he first of April ; but. good crops are rcqucn'Jy obtained when sown as late as he middle of May. Much depends upon ho season. If wo have heavy raius soon fftcr the barley is sown, and then before he plants cover the ground, dry weather ts in, the surface of the soil becomes lakcd, and the crop suffers. A crop sown mmeuiately after the spring rains, as soon is the land is in a condition to work, com nences to grow rapidly at once, and often loos better than a crop sown two weeks rlicr but not as well as a crop sown a pouth earlier. If the soil is rich and has vn'nowed the fall previous, sow ns early ' work" without clogging. vuley is going to dfcfi, the stx-row ' call the our-rowed (though Mngas four-rowed barley), i because, it brings bushel more than ,.' barley is grown i. ... . i - iiu uvu-runeu is -illy on strong, per bushel, aud ill yield more advantage, of owed, which 'leat, and we t on us at e can get ' time tho ehcls per t is 801VU required, from 1 $ bush d it ion, varies crop, , but ovimis r fifty son, ive ise ho jri- New Method m ... iixo.-AU van Hutchinson, os.ristol, in this e, lias receutly patented a process for ing fruit trees from limbs. Mr. Hutch n claims that by this method such fruit ing limbs ns may be conveniently spar ;au be transformed into independent b, that will continue bearing from the vcar. regularly, ns before. The pro fs as follows: Into the limb which is u (led for the future tree, small roots grafted, or in some way insetted under bark just above where the limb is to be f..:vrcd. Such limbs arc required to be from one to two inches in diameter. Below thofcc roots the inaiich is girdled.- A email box filled with earth is uiolos.nl about the limb iu a position to embrace these roots. Dunns: the summer these roots grow and ''o connection is formed with the limb ive. The following fall and box will be i with roots, when the limb may be from the parent stock nnd bet in the und. It is claimed that the next year i new tree will bear fruit just as though ad not been severed from the original 'asu the Trees. It is a good time to .'pe and wash the trees washing alono . do if scraping was dimo lust autumn, t should have been. There is nothing whale-oil sonp aud water fur this pur , in the proportion of a pound of soap , bucket of water, s;ty four gallons, s well applied .with a still' broom or h will dislodge all the vcrmiu conceal a the bark, crevices, &c, but it will J no cluV'ct upon tlte curculin however a.4 it may bo. We have found it to be ih to every othir insect, and has an iu t; ting elli'ct upon the tree itself, 'his application, made only half as n-g as above, sprinkled over rose-bushes 1 destroy all the cucmics infestiug the noes of (lowers. When To Work. Tho Ameriran riciilttirlft is "down"' upon the practice -ome farmers of rising iu tha early morn ; aud woikingan hourr to before brenk t, on the ground that the air so early in day if dark; dump and uuw holes. mid. vmimouds that the breakfast bhould be ;i-n iH-foro going into the la id, then the will have ia-cuinc puriliid and dried by niciuling Min. V c do not know about lioahh, but for the comfort of the thing vote fur early labor. We ought to say a ever, this is' our theory, not our pruc- !-:r.i!No. MioirU hi k-pl five from iss uud wri'ds, nml tliC soil be kept Iihwi, Miscellaneous. iitfiWTii.- In lS.'.l Klutiiv.'ton, J'a,,foii cil of l!ni houses. Now it hint Miu- hi ot'-.',(xXJ iuui L-oiituiiiK four tliuri lics, ni hotel., uti a Jritlin ollice. 'YVlmt ilo vou nioiiu liy it rat ami iliu !" sniil a husband to Lit nngry wilo. onk ut Carlo nnd Kitty asln ii on the ' ; 1 wish uk-i lived half us icuxi'bly 1 Si tin it m ives." St.iL,,'' auid tlit- Uly ' "lie tlii lll toi tL- atiif see ,v ilu-y w lU 8j;rot'." Vt a scn iiuilu us were gi4iv homo a ' i vi llains siuiv, Mn litiird tin- lidlowinjj eliiulu ol a kxuliini utitl swaiu, w hii li w I tho cur.ohtty to take dowu at ri'iicd hiui : t'Ut I wllr KksfoUlllUlCSpOUt, Ab4 li.tb fu a)i sii;Iks Ml h.ait II ImU lue a da And Uit ttw, ult IntT I'lUiS, s.ts (ur fully, b..i( aay, tiKss su4 ina U tin Uc lai Sl gulu( uu u,j liu, Alt His smn, iih, tw 4 ." lust at UiU liutant a Uxsl lack fu w u tU wiuJj, au4 h4 i.'slu mw lU staia. i"ut fiM! Itromi-ir.-li. nrrmt irr4 i'luUi'i M"i.4u iiim t:ni Um ifc'."''i" ioii.ii. tula and iiu ii-7,fJ'"t' "d.Hr trr at m" 4 "I I't i. l '. .1 1 -S i l. d II,,, .. " tl. . It.- .1 1, 1 ! Mild a "I but '" tl. S) .1 I tcblcal. BAliTIHORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A RF.FUOK FROM yCACKERT. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE.CAN BE OBTAINED. ' Da. Johxtbok hat discovered the most Certnln, Speedy nnd moot KH'eetnnl Remedy In tho World Tor nil Private Diseases, Weakness of the Muck or Limb), Stricture, Affcctlons of Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, lmpotcney, Qenenvl Debility, Nervousness, Dyspopsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Valpita tion of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Noee or 8kln, Affections of Liver, Lnngs, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Ilablts of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal te tbelr victims than the song ol Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, etc., Impos sible. 1 OUNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Mcc, mat drcniliui nna acstructivo nana which nnnnnlly sweeps to nn untimely grnvo thousands of ynnnc men of tho most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have ontrnnccd listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecBtncy the living lyre, may call with full conlldcnce. MAKltlAUE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating murriiigc, being nwure of physical weakness, or ganic debility, deformities, &e.., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. 3. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle man, nud conlldcutly rely unou his skill as a Phy sician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection wliich renders Life miserable and mnrrlagclni)OSBlblc is the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences. Young" persons a re too npt to commit excesses .from not bcingaware of thedreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who thnt understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those falllnir Into Improper habits than iy i no prurient ( hcskics being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, tho most serious nnd dest rucl Ive symptoms to hot It body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical nnd Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procrcative Power, Nervous Irritability, liysprpsui, ratpitntion oi tne Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay nud Death. OFFICE, NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a lew doors from he corner. Full not to observe name and number. Letters, must be paid nnd contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang In his office. A CC3RK WARRANTED" IN TWO DAYS. No Murcurv or Nauseous Drugs. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of IheRoya College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of tho most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whoso Ifc has been spent in the hospitals of London, Fris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected 6ome of the most astonishing cures that were ever known s many troubled with ring ing in the head and cars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds bnshfiilncss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes w ith derangement of nilud, were cured j Imliiediiitelv TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses ull those who have Injured themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, eociety or mar riage. These are some of tho sad and melancholy c fleets produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back nud Limbs, Pains lu the inAck nud Head, Dimneus of Sight, Loss of Mus- V.Cl ,'Ower, Palpitation of the H iart, Dyspcpsv, 'Ability, Rvi. ! umptlon, a. MtlNTiLLT 1 ne icnrim cueeis un iuu uuuu are much t be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Vorebodhigs, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c, are eoms of the evils produced. TuovBASDs of persons of all ages can now Judnc what Is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and cmacuited, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough und symptoms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain prne tlep Inilillirt'ri in when alone, a habit freuucntly lesrrd fni evil conipuuions, or at school, the when tuTSiHUMi are uiglitiy leu, even wncii If not cured, renders mnrrlnne lmpos. sible, uud destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. W hat u pity thut a young man, the hope of his count rv, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from nil prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating lioin tne path of nature aud indulging in a certain secret habit. (?ueu iwrsons mi'kt, oi iore couieiupiaiing MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and hotly arc the most necessary requisites to promote connulilul happi ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage i the prospect hourly darkens to the view i the inlud becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly relleetion, that the happlucss of nuother becomes hlit'lited with ourowu. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure llnils that be has Imbibed the seeds of tins painful disease, It loo oiteu nnppcus iuui iui ill-timed seuse of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education nud rcsiieelaliility, can alone befriend him, delnvlng till the constitutional symptom ot this horrid disease ninke their nppcurauce, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased uoe, nocturul pains In the head and limbs, dimness of slglit, deafness, nodes on the slim bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro- I ...1,. IVI.,1.. .'..I .....i.lii.. till mi ln.it tilt. lulate of the mouth or the boms of the nose fall in, nud the victim of this iiwful disease becomes a lion id object of couiiniscrallou, till death puts a period to his dreadful f iitlV-ilng, by sending him to " that I'udiseoverpd Country from wheues no traveller returns." It is a mcluueuoly fact that thousands full vic tims to Ibis terrible disease, owing to t lie unskiil fulness of liriiorunl pretenders, who, by the use of thut " Deudlv Poison. Mercurv," ruin the eonstimtiou and make the rcjidue of life misera ble. STRANGERS Trust not your lives, or health, In ths rare of the many Unlearned and Worthies rrclouucre, dolllute of knowledge, naiuo ur ehitructer, who enpy Dr. Joliustiurs uihiitlseiiiciil or style llu inselves III the newiaier, regularly Educated PliVhicUiis, lucuulile ol Curing, they keep you trililng miiulh after mtiiitb taking their llltby uud p.il.-oiKMi. ciiiniounils, or us Imig bs the smallest f. e eau lw r buined, Wul lu duspair, leave you it It riilurd health to sigh over your galllug dls appiilutioi nt. Dr. JuLiistoii U Ihr only l'liysh win advertising. His treih;iiiuii or diploma always bang lu bis Ollbf. His remedies or treatment ara uukuowu l'all iilhi rs, pre red frulil a life st lu the great huspilaU of F.ur..., Ilui tlr.t lu this country aud a mors rxtenslvu Private rratlic" luuu auy other Puysli-kau iu tha oild. INDOKhtME.NT OF THE PRESS. Ths many thousand rurrd at Ibis lii.lltullou v.-r n.r imf. u,l Ilia numerous Import" BillUl.a IU aUlu:4.l. I SKIM lHbEAF. IPEEDILY t'l H'0- Ptr.ia anting .s.ul4 b, rrtuui ; U. U.ir Ututs to b'' "''",ViUjl 1 -JX M 1 ill tits nairiaM w--rbtuais 11, liU. Agrlftaltwrsil lasylcMV1' SMaU au4 ,am u'iu fl. Vulk.. tii " is, Hsm aa i'J r' a.'tltu, IH41H Ci'H"i I' Jla Il'i't '! SiuM, 1.aaa4 Ltl iaius, 7 r.xntu. ta.'l T. , Ui kasuHaicut of t4 It 1 J !( IWA'lal k . 1 41 U IH l - ,,u : tl tatll U. (V Ij.ak-i, i-. . 1. . 1 il. 1 , .. i ..i.u.. a-1 f. . ki.. I- a. It, .,. I..... klM toxt.iw ! .. 1 I ' I.IIU1M d SvSl.l t ' ' "-II. I lipcrullims imrurmuany "r,":' ItucMcd by lUv n is.rtrrsui iu - 'irr,"auil iiuiiiv i4U-r w r., aiiu. --.7 hs appeared uuia and atf 'lu l-fois l"1' In.ld.s his .Ui.Uii. as a g. i.lbumu "I "" " and n-iuslbilii,, U a .ullbU , T. B. RIIANIVOX, "YyfATCIIMAKER AND JEWELER, Corner of Third Street and Market (Square, In Miller's Stone Building; SUNBURY, PA. WATCHES, tf7Zf$ f th" most celebrnted makers, ii lJ-'io consisting of the Howard, Ap Ki3SWCa.pleton, Tracy A Co., Wnlthem, Bnrtlet, W. Ellery, and all grades of the Elgin Ill's make. Also, sole Agent for the celebrated PAUL BRI TON Watch, In Gold or Silver Case, at low price. BILVER-WARE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS, of entirely new designs. Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Forks, Castors, Ice Pitchers, Fruit, nnd Cake Baskets, Syrup Mugs, Butter Dishes, and everything In the Silverware ' line at low prices. JEWELRY. A One lot of 18k Rings. Also a flue selection of Gold and Jut Jewelry of all descriptions. Gold aud Silver Chains, nt low prices. GOLD PENS. Fine Gold Pens, In Gold, Silver and Rubber Cases, of the celebrated muko by Huffman nud Stewart. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 8 day and SO hour Clocks, at low prices. Also, Solo Agent for the celebrated Perfected Spcctuclcs.-wniTantcd to give entire satisfaction. Watches, Clocks nud Jewelry repaired and warranted. All orders promptly attended to at the shortest notice. Snnhnry, Sept. S, 13C3. ISAAC K NTAIIFFEK, WATCHES ASBJEWELIIV, No. 148 North Second St., cor of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Stiver and Plated Ware constantly on baud. J Repairing of Watches nnd Jewelry prompt ly attended to. " August, 14, 1S0O. ly. fftilifntrs nnfc rji jtfoobs. rxvt. asiT wTxt xiT7joon AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. MISS M. L. LAZARUS has Just returned from Philadelphia with a large nnd choice selection of Fall and Winter goods, iucludlug, CALICOES, MUSLINS, DRILLINGS, FINE FLANNELS, CRINOLINE, WIG AN Hood Skirts of all bItios. Ladies' nud Gentlcmeu's i Silk, Kkl and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Trimmings in variety, Ileal Laces, BLACK GROSGUATN AND GEAC1L SILKS, Velvets cut bins, Velvet Ribbons, Satins, black colored Zephvrs nnd Yarns and Rcphyr knit Kcpliyr goods, Toweling, Napkins, Table-linen, Geuts' Ladies Handkerchiefs, Scarfs. I Funcj- NonpM and Toilet Ar Helen, Tidy Canvass nnd Canvas patterns, Figured I Linens, Tarlatans white nnd colored. Also, an ' assorttneut of fashionable j HATS, FEATHER AND RIBBONS, Sasli Ribbons, &c. She is agent for Switches and ' Hair brails. Perfumery nud a largo variety of Notions aud Fancy articles. I M. L LA 2 "r." Nov.JVJCJL- - riauliooU How L.it, How Ucsstoifed. JUST lmblished, a ucw edition of - ! - - ...... ..'.T . I DR. CL l. l-.ltv lli. o . r-i.r. !.--TED F.S8AY on tho radical cto-c (without medicine) of Si-kiimatoiiikea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Los ses, Imfothncv, Mental nnd Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc., ulso, Con st vrTioN, F.IMI.F.I-8Y, and I its, induced by self-mdulgcnco or sexual extravagance. t-?" Price, In a sealed euvelope, ouly C cents. The celebrated author, lu thlsadmliublc essay, clcar.y demonstrates from a thirty years sue. ee" il t'riictice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dMKMnus use of Internal medlclue or tho appli cation of the knife; pointing our a mode of cure iutom - e simple, certom, "a eeua lymm i r iiw ii cuc.ry lumivi, : dition may be, may cure tilmsclt cheaply, prt vatelv, and rtwliroJIl. . tjfl Tbl, Lwture should bo In the hands or every youth nnd every man iu tho land. k..i. niuler seal, iu a yi' ".i.., ....j address, txid, on reooirt of (It er I., or two post stands. Also, Dr. Cverwc 's " Marriage tiulde " price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, t.uiut, ince t.AS J-C. i;UNECO., 127 Bowerv. New York, Post-Otllce Box 4,086 Nov. 13,' 180V. ly. PATENT FAMILY roilN SlIEU E It . This l'ttlc Corn Bhellcr U made entirely of cost Iron, put together with screws so that it can be osllv taken annrt. It weighs only four and a li-ilf Y4K ) pounds, is very neat und compact, and not at all liable to break or get out or order. t can bo fastened to a table, bench or chair. Large nnd small cars are shelled perfectly cleau by It, i.r.iLliii' or eveu scratching the grams, nt the rate of 2', to 8 bushels per hour ) uud this i... liv ii bov 13 years of age. It shells ir'reen coru (boiled) us readily as rii, leuying the grains whole, thus securing one-third more corn tunn ll w werVu"" J""; , v. , There are three sues manufactured i No. 1, for "Pop Corn." No. 3, for Northern Corn, 2's Inches. No. 8, for large or Southern Coru, a.'. lllr''.. Apply to BENJ. BOI1NER, Psxlnos, North'd Co., Pa. Feb. 28, 18T0.-3m. NEW DUKSS GOODS l'OR TALL AM) AVIXTER. ALL TIIK l.ATKST STYLES, HISS KATE 11 LACK, Market Sipiare, Sl'NUt'RY, Penu'u., AS Just oix lad a fresh asortinent of the "T T 1a most f.KliiiiualjIe Fancy Dress Goods from I lie largest c-l.iMi.-!iuu ut. in j'liiUdt lphia. DELAINES, AI.APACA8, POPl.lNS.CALI COS, 1U1S M1.KS, SILK 1'OPLIXS, MOI KMSG GOODS, SliM-tlugs, Muilius, LudUV und C'hlldrens' HAT'S, Feullur., Ribbon, lre Irlmuiluga, l'mbrolurrlrsi Ijiee Vrll, CorM'ts, llaiidkerchiefs, tilotes, llo.Ufy, Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' F.llptlu bklrls, uud Ladies' Goods of every dcM-riplinu. Fitlslev's Khaw Is at baitfiilus. Plaid Woolen elmwl, llreakrisl Hul, Woolen ekarl. uud t ip. lor Woinuu -mid I hlldren, Omit.' C11M..1., Seek -ties, Hulf ho, llsndker t hb f. ami liliiii s. I'eil'iumry, Tullrl Boars, Hair Brushes, I'muua, etc KA 1 1 Dl.. U K tet. no, lsott. Titinnnu (uooiin sn .ono.. MUsj A w st m I'.lut.r, BoulU side of Market a.Uure, doers tt of tha tUllHMd, M'.NUl'HV, I'A., ! t.M'F.CTn I.I.Y l.f..ris tssr frl ' I'ub.u that .Ii. b.. a a.t a t ftUuAs and tha IION, kibUoas, I aers, lrw Uulutis, LrluulAia mud Wt IU I VftlllUig Liblutf Ituur IslKll, bi 1. 11. 1 kiuuiM;a iHAfk: IHIWiliNiilJ, lUtCwiK, (l.k vi.m., rt., Z A Uiss aM.imi.t l I ajW's aa4 t..H. wa J l -"" U-ii.wi tl Ad'""""1-'. ,1 ' ti 1 to ssMMt l Uis N"'S"'il'l(, U4lt.i W vm4 m Vr'l t bi.. ii.a tUttWa nm'9 4 Ut M ai.um. a.s t ..... 1 1 . ....,..i . ,.i 1 u. kua i. l. .,.!,: ..i. j l. II. Is bl.M.1, M , i.l.t.k. ILS L.... at tba ult SJ $ftl5fcllttf03. TUB RVNDIIRT CATTLB INSint. ANCE COMPACT. Orrwi 8. K. Con. Mabhbt Squabb, BcKmraT Pa. INSURE YOUR CATTLE I THE OXLY COMPANY THAT PAYS PROMPTLY. rpniS Company pays all losses by all kinds of X accidents by death, (excepting to case of epidemics,) by theft, Ac., Ac. They pay prompt ly. No red tups proceedings to obtain your money in ease of loss. Look nt the list of Losses paid within six ... 1 V. V. II I uiou.ub uj mis companyt M. IIcBnlnger, Bunhnry, D. Hllgcrt, Northumberland. 8. B. Dodge, " 38 88 50 00 80 00 40 00 80 00 40 00 46 00 SO 00 88 83 50 00 00 00 40 00 50 00 50 00 George Ecko.rt, " Charles Bollch.Mt. Carmel. Eusstus Sipple, Cuthnrhie Wagner, Watsontown, Geo. licit, Northumberland, Jacob Snvder, Sunbury, J. W. Bnsslcr, Minor Oidy, Dc.wart, Catharine Marts, Shnmokln, Francis Bueher. Suuburv, Samuel Price, Upper Lehigh, Application can ho made at the horn office or to the dillercnt Local Agents. C J. BKL'NER, Pretidmt. C. A. Reimfnsntdkk, Ste'y, Sunbnry. Directors Solomon Stroll, Wm. Brlndle, Chas. Martin Thomas Buldy and John A. Shisslcr. December 11th. ly. UHAM) OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, at the cheap cash Store of JOHN ECKMAN A CO., 8. W. corner 4th and Market Bts., Sunbury, Pa. WHERE will bo found one of the largest cheapest nud best selected apartment of Dry Goods, ever brought to this place. A largo selection of imfcss GOODS, comprising everything in ALAPACA8, ALAPACA POPLINS. All Wool Reps, English and Freuch Merinos, changeable Lustres. A large Invoice of ' 61IAWL8 AND CLOAKINGS, Just opened which for quality, style nnd price and unequalled, also all tin latest styles of water-proof for Ladies' suits, Iloopsklrts In great variety. A full line of Hosery, Gloves aad No tions. A full assortment of GENT'S FUHNISllIXa GOODS comprising everything In French Beavers, French Cassimeres, Doeskin aud nil choice makes of Ciissimcrs to tho lowest grndes. Also, Blankets, Satchels, Looking Glasses, Wood and Willow-ware, Hardware, Nulls, Glass, Oils, Putty, Drugs, Salt, Fish.ctc. lints anil f'nps, Boots) and Miocn. Our stock of Shoes are made expressly for our own sales and arc guaranteed. Wc would call the particular attention ofthoso ncciliiur CARPETS, to onr large nnd excellent apartment, which have been selected with care J ... 7 ...ii... i . . i j ir i 5 ootb ".S regains quuuiy ana svyic ana arc uuereu ut prices which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Particular attention paid to the selection of our Groceries aud Spices, and we keep none but the best. Wc have determined that quality and price will be an object for everybody to call at the Store ol t.iixr rf 'I7if iv J. i'ri Suubury, Nov. 13, ISCu. GOLDEN GIFTS. PARENTS TO FAMILIES, FATHER TO DAUGHTER, MOTHER TO SON, GENTLEMAN TO LADIES. "VT-JIENthe light has left the house, mcmo 1 y rials, such as these compound their inter est. BERGSTRESSER'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or oval Pictures, admitted to be the best In this section of country and no superior In the State. Constantly increasing demand and great experience in this style of miniature give us faculties and better tuan uny cstuoiisumcui out side of large cities. PAINTING8, CHROMOS, PICTURES AND AL.ULS17, Home views taken, oval frames, Gilt and other Frames for sale, Framing of Pictures done to r,l,.s. J. H. It K lt 1KT KKSS K It B UtlUerV. 3d St., 2 doors ntove tne ncysioue jiouse. Sunbury Sept. ISlh, Wt 1 .V; CliHuge ofProprletombip.' rpiIE stock and fixtures of the Livery Stable L formerlv owned by T. McGaw, has been pur chased by J. M. Bartholomew, who has added new horses, ami is aiming oiuer comiorimne r venieuces. He Intends to make It a stable that csiiuol be excelled anywhere outside the city. The best of riding und driving horses on baud ready to serve customers. The patronage of the public Is respectfully solicited. 1 J. M. BARTHOLOMEW. Junbury, Aug. 14, 1WJ. ly. HMi W. MOODY, (Successor to W. A. Bennett,) DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market Nqnare, Sl'.VBl'RY, Ia Has just ojieued a fresh and full assortment ol IHU ft AKI WEOICIXES. unsurpassed In purity nud freshness, nnd kept constantly on hand. His stock will always be found complete iu every' article of merit lu Medi- Physlclans and Customers may rcf; promptness aud utteution to orders, i upon usl re- ceivca SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Fancy Article I Mv stock Is unusually large and embraces everything that can lie found on a tlrsl-clnss Toilet J aoie, meiuuiug awviumu fcvM-v French aud English PERFUMERY, v,, .,!.. TlalrOU. lvorv. uutta rrcna 00a and Hotu Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, ClolU aud Palut UrusUes, Aic. PATENT MEDICINES. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, ul manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana Segare and Chewlug Tobacco of the best brands. lMlut, Oil. (.Inc. tilana, l'alty, V arnisnes, wr All niv Tinctures, fiyruiw. Ointments, Cf rates. and other prejwrutloiis are mauufnetured by my. svlf.and from the be.t material he can procure In After ulne years' exiierieni-e 111 tne practice 01 Medicine, he lll Uw aevoie ins wnnie aiieuimu to bis store, and to I lie to.MruiniiiAU ui ALL PUKSt KIPlTUia mat me ruysieiuus may favor hlin wlib, ...,.ri All in V lireparulions as 1 on.e " are made iroiu me o. muir,.--. -- - I U..11I, they are or wincii" For medical i"r "i ' h" . WINES, BRAS DIM u livumb, ihut I eun tiroeur. Be for purehuslDti elsewhere call aan eonvmcs your vwu mlud. WM. W. MOODY. Bunbury, Too. 19, lf. rillLAPKU'lUA ALL PAPKH llewrll k Urke, IrtO'J, kUrCTt'MSUS Of fAPtBlliNOING A"0 WINDOW HADES, kulrt KiMius. Cm. rtllisuit alsrkut Ma, rSfitAi'iti-niu. fai lory, Cut. 1 wwutr-tUod aud Sausoui Hts. An .vyf wry Xiy, of Pur com MuA. Oil. si. I U" loiTHiiktM, " 1 1 f K f sslllu aiua, U, II uU, Sprhifs, m,. . icry UIS SHimI tUKll IU. ktlubtUS, MmtV SO, IW 1 i iwc. twi 4 it UI, ss.i.4 IKON. 1 kois A U'gs tst4 ! rU mI iT ... 11... hJ. sW4 4 wa, sUt., .lwi. ls.i. lKlls. VUl, Mssmmis, mmtfitrittmv. LUMBER AHD PXAMIXCI HILLS. Third Btrsct, adjoining FhiU. A ttrto R. TL, two Squares North of tin Central Hotel, BUNBURT, FA. ISA T. "CLEMENT, 18 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having alt the latest improved machfutry for manufacturing Lunber, be is bow ready to nil or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, BIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASn, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAROB ASSOBTMEST 01 BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickett, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. rise. IRA t . CLEMENT. dccl9-68:ly SEW CARRIAGE AND Bl'GGY MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the citi zens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he Uas openea a shop in Sol. Stroh's Blucksmltbshop Building on Ccstnut street, Suubury, Pa., where ho keeps constantly on hand, and manufactures to order, CARRIAGES, BUGGTS, 8ULKYS, Ac, of the latest style and the best material. Repairing of Wagous, Carriages, Ac., done at the shortest notice. Persons in want of fine Buggies and Carriages, are requested to call before purchasing elsewhere. II. C. ROUSU. Bunbury, July 11, 1808. ly. BOOT AXD SHOE MANUFACTURER. rjnriE undersigned Informs the citizens of Sun JL bury and vicinity, that he has opened a shop nt his residence, on Arch street, near the public school house, where he will manufacture to order, all kluds of BOOTS AND sllOES of the best ma terial. Repairing done at short Notice. Orders are respectfully solicited. JARED BROSIOUS. September, 11, 1809 ly. NEW MACHINE SHOP Ann IUOX FOl'XDRY, Geo. Robrbach Son, BUNBURT, PA., INFORM the public that they have established a MACHINE SHOP, in connection wlthjlicir FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, .they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. Having enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS. Grates to unit any Stove. BRA8S CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their supe riority, have been still further improved, and will always bo kept on baud. ALSO THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, Sept. 18, ISO'J. KEH BOOT AXD SHOE STORE. JMARKET SQUARE, Xttt Door to JJytrly't rhoiograjih Gallery. Boots and Shoes constantly kept on band, made up of the best material, licing a practical mcchuulc, he will MAKE UP TO ORDER any kind of Roots or Shoes desired, out of the best Stock ill the markets. Kcparliig done neatly und nt short notice. RON Y DRUFFNER. August 7th, 1SC9. STOVE fc TI.N ESTABLISHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KKAUSE, Proprietor. sL'Ct ESSOK TO SMITH t OKNTUEK.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would rcsjicctful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large ossortmcnt of COOKING STOVES, Sneer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wrwwl nml n r vi minted to perforin satisfactori ly or uo sale. Tl EATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'ereiit kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Icfcrltiois kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best muterinl, done ut r nort notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil and Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of all kinds. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. a. mi a Lot. apl!M-ly THE OXLY STOVE WITIIOl'T A FAl'ET IS THE GREAT IIAI.TI MORE t'IRElfEACE HEATER, BIBB'S ILLUMINATED DIAMOND GAS BURNER. bt wuicn PARLOR A5D CHAMBERS ARE WARMED BY ONE FIRE. TT Is the only Flrepluce Heater that bus a per. X feet Top Feeder, and iree irom puiuug-or ex nloslous. or enutliui; gas Into the upartmeut. It IS tile only r in'piuec UTOiwr .uu inc j'mvu. Diaironal Maifiizlue by which greater Uluiuluut- Inir tmwer is obtained, the Hiiarlmeul the (stove Is In, more etl'ectuully wanned, aud the Grate Re lieved Ol tue grvut weiglH 01 iuv twi iu im.,' voir. It Is the oulv Fireplace Heater thut Is a rer feet Seir-Feedrr and base burner, only re)uircs ailing once lu twenty-four hours. It l the only Firepiuce Heater with perfe't li'iinv ..ii.l iluiniiliis; unite. It Is the ouly fireplace iieaier wnu iu urcp base, imiiiu abiiuduut room lor asnes, auu nu out reudcring the grate liable to burn out. In fuel It is the ureal orminal nuiiiiuore rirr place Heater, Improved and re-improvrd aud brought to prrfectlou. iT 1 11 11 V ivi vi ,.,! II l.ffillT 8THLET. " lialtlmore, Md For sale by CHAS. UF.NTHEK, Suubury fenn'tt. ian.'J-h 1870. tf. BVERLY'S. MAilkKT StJUAUE, SUNBUUV, l'A All who wish a nod picture of themselve or friends, uul.hsd In any style, should not Ull to full at liYKKLY'S, a It k, all bout a doubt, out of lbs best plates In tills sri-tloa of country to firocure (uud pUlurrs of any klud. Prices ruug. ug from tl gent pu lures far II to apbluis worth JO. BrhiK your lltlls i-hlldrrn, aud If hi ("auaot art good Xtur 01 1 Usui, tbcra U1 im no mm try in elsua here. brlim old fli turrs If tan wish to have Ibem eulaiKd aud have tueia tutsbed hi tha best aud latest UuprotaJ slyia. F NAMES AND Al.lll'a uosiuil oa haud. rkrafssr lhaa lbs ckaaprM tilll, HiMuud at d V slant Muulu'viM, whlth 111 La nut wit lu order, of sold lit lb slbk. Aaytkluij ut tha way if ploturM, frames, o aaythlug lu llua of buluM UI ba luruuftcd at rat la IU iiikicm 01 t ry una iua wm rail, aad aaAUlatluta uantitlvr4 Mt an aaa lall ImiIims suttlua lour ttufk 4m aUs-whssa Ttuukfut fa w4 (atuis. I alis, by k ul dMliuas aud iwilimi la ta.luws, lu eutiiiuua lbs 1.1WL An lukttu Is smh4mI Iu all In i ss Irul, as suf auw la u Wm 'iiiihn. himu, HOOK MIlM. T Mitt wadsniuasd, Wailff sttlai4 tU brill Iim fu Hui Bu4ug, lut'xuts Ik tui aal wri.taal as Is w.Usn PawfkisU. BUuk ltu.As. U As., la si Mi aVUui, al ta wl iumi till uit. tutu, si iUuU4 N. w. l iaM ss4 ! , l4 t4imii a4 aiiiia- ul al twt.iliiH au.a u sa U a-) itu.,u. lM It st VkkiUM l ku-k Imiii4 mimi 11 .. ulli wwil aiiik" '. t li it. a. . tit) I I IK tfs'rWfewa, r4 IA HEW GOODS 0 EVERY DESCRIPTION. AT HENRY PETERS, On Third St., one door below the Lutheran Oharch, BUNBURY, PENN'A. JC8T opened a larga assortment of DRY GOODS, inch as Cloths, Cassimeres, Calicoes, musims, etc., wnicn art sola cneaper tuan ever. Also, a variety sf Notions, Undershirts, Draw- i, uais ana iaps. LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS, Ac. GROCERIES AND PRO VISIONS of all kluds, such as SUGARS, COFFEE8, TEA8, SPICES, COAL Oil. Molasses .Syrups, Mackerel, Laid.Hams, Nuts, Dried and canned l?rults, Trnncs, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and In fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line nams, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Queenswart, Glass-ware,. Willow-ware, Ac., The best FLOUR and MEAL In the Tobacco, Cigars, and nnd a Variety of NOTIONS. ALSO i All kinds of Canned Fruit, at tl, lowest prices. BOOTS AND SHOES, navlng enlarged my Btore room and filled It 1th the latest styles of new goods. 1 would so licit the patronage of the public and will endea vor to please all. Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods. l-if' Cull and examine hit Stock, aud satisfy yourselves. HENRT PETERS. Bunbury, Not. 13, 1869. LET EVERYBODT KNOW THAT ON AND AFTER Jl'XE 17ili, FRILING, at the MAMMOTH ST ORE) CASH. EXCLUSIVELY FOR Everything will then be reduced to the very LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH t ONE PRICE and that the LOWEST BEAR THl 8 IN MfND. n. T. FRILING. Snnbnry, May 22, 18C9. Ayers Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, auob. aa Coughs, Colds, Whooping Couch. Bronohraa. and Oonaumption. Probnblv naver before In the whole hlstorv of medicine, has anything won so widely and sodesply upon me connuenee or mamma, as mis exceneai remedy for pulmonary coiuptaints. Through a lona series "of yenrs, and anions; most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher In their estima tion, as It has become better known. Its uniform character aad power to cure the various affections of the lungs aud thmnt, have made it known as a re liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disoase and to young children, It Is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for inciniont consumption, and the dan gerous affectious of the throat and lungs. As a pro- vision against sudden attacks of C'ro-p, it should be kept on band in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject- to colds aud coughs, all should be iirovidcd with this antidote for tlieim Although settled t'oniumntion is thought In curable, still great numbers of cases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and tho patient restored to sound henllh by the Cherry feeloral. So complete is its hiaslsry over the disorders of tha Lungs and Throat, Hint the most obstinate of there yield to it. When noth ing else could reach them, under the Cherry I'c toral they subside end disappear. Singer and I'uMic Sptakeri Had great pro tection from it. Atihma is always relieved and often wholly eurcd by it. Brvnehitit is generally cured by taking tha Cherry l'ertoral In small and frequent doses. 60 generally are Us virtues known that w need not publish the certificates of thorn here, or do mora than assura tha public, that Its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Anne, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever. Remittent Fever, Dumb A-frue, Periodical or Bilious Fever, AO., and indeed all tha affections which ansa from malarious, marsh, or miaamatio poisons. As Its name Implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, (juinine, Bismuth, -Zinc, nor any other mineral or Misouous substance whatever, It in nowise injures any patient. The Dumber and importance or its cures in tlx ague dis tricts, are literally bevond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague inedieine, Our pride Is gratified by tho acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected la obstinate cases, and where other remedies bad wholly faded. ITnacclimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro tected by taking the AOVS CI SB daily. For Liver Complaint, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders aud Liver Complaints, it la an excellent remedy, producing many truly re msrkable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Da. J. C. Aran A Co., Practical and Analvtlcal Chemists, Lowell, Maee., and sold all round "the world. mice,. $1.00 rxn aoxxLB. March 26, lS70.-ly. J.E.CAL0WELL&C- JEWEMIUN, And IMPORTERS, 00a i'hesitnut Ntreet, rblladelpbl Kier osi.r lillST-C'LASS GO0lS. AN IMMENsK VARIETY OF Q OLD WATCHES, DIAMOM'K, JEWE1.RT, 01LVKK WARE, WEDDING SILVER. PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, BRONZES. FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, Ac. Ac. All persons, desiring really Due articles relia ble lu quality and moderate In price, are rcrlulu to tie pleased by onr exeeedlugly large and varied collection. Our slock Is krpt always fresh by adJill.ius from Srst sources. Our store Is pronounced one of the most elegant lu the world and any parties visiting the city are cordially luviicd to eaU end luspeM it at their leisure. Juu. S3, HJTp.-jy. H. '. ur.AHll ART t afertleueo, T t'rwlt Klere. MARKET ST., BtNBl KY, FA. COXFfCTIo.VlK T oy Alt K!St. to s or xriu r vint JUiTiox. sONTANT.Y o haud and fur sale at the V abuts rsieiilisbutcul al wftlls.AU aud rvlall, al ra4iuable prUes. Its Is uuu u lad u rni ill kluds of oufecrloue. rti te k.ip up full aasortiuvul Uhh are sold at low rats. ItdMi-co, sWgrs, elallwitry, Nuts of all kluds, and tui uf utki-r aiileUa, all of bu.h are Olbifr.1 huUsala and retail. Imf Kuiucailer lb ssstt and place. . f-l M.t. UtAarliltTT kluik.l St., I Jums eisat vf Lyosi' ktore. s(lM Ats.isrAtroii. vauu MCK A U art II, la lrr Aa(usta,ad)ulltif WtUti's I-Ism Kilas. st Its eaauiusi U lu Lii-ia Vall suuiuad. evs, ( Usaat, Ss. Biuesv, Lauip, f. ea4 L I if K b t' 1 N K U VOXU wVUk U ke Musui4ly mUf4 U a. Il m4.4 W We ra Ud, sj-sie ler u tt.'Itf'ail kia-lsUk-i U A.tiiJU.sU st laid, at tUel.ii H,pl J k. wa r-' , it-ai;, h,.ui,ae...r.H;apr(g tuitut iei 1. 111 Northern Central Railway. FALL ARRANGEMENT 1EAVS KOBTmVABD. 6.20 A. M., Daily for Wllilamsport. Dully (ex eept Sundays,) for Elmlra, Cannn. "lgua, Rochester, Bnflliloe, Klnaam Canada n'l0a nd" ,n M5'-M- 'Untrorvri.'!irni IMIUKS. 8.40 P. M., Dally (except Sundays.) for Wtl lbimsport. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.15 A. M., Dally for Baltlmore,and Washington. 5.20 A. M.. Sunbury Accommodation. 11.45 A .M, Dolly (except Sundavs.) for BaUl- more, Philadelphia and Washington. 11.85. P. M., Dally (except 8undavs,)for Hurrls- burg, connecting with Cincinnati Express for Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington. A. R. run. Ed. 8. Yotno, Geu'l. Sup't., Gen'l Passen'r Ag't., Hurrlsbtirg, Pa. Bullinore, Md. . .... . . Lscusnsnua ana Itlooinuburc; Hull road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, April 11th, 1870. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M.jA.M. Scrauton, 7 20 8 40l' 9 15 Bellcvuc, 7 25 8 45i 9 20 Taylorvllle, 7 82 8 ftS, 9 27 Lackawanna, 7 40 4 03i 9 85 Browu's Switch, 7 45 4 00 9 40 Plttston, 7 50 4 12 9 45 West Pittston, 7 55 u 4 17 9 50 Wyoming, 8 02 4 241 9 67 Mnltby, 8 00 4 28 10 04 Hancock's, 8 11 4 30 ! 10 00 Kingston, 8 20 4 401 10 25 Plymouth June., 8 20 4 46 10 85 Plymouth, 8 30 4 60 10 40 Avondale, 8 30 5 00 Nantlcoke, . 8 47 5 08 Hunlock's, 8 55 6 15 Shickshlnnv, 9 10i 5 50 Hick's Ferry, 9 24 6 08 Beach Haven, 9 82 j 0 20 Berwick, 9 42 6 30 Briar Creek, 9 50l 6 89 Lime Ridge, 10 00 0 50 Espy, 10 10 7 03 Blooiniwuifc-, 10 17 7 10 Rupert, 10 25 7 20 OitnwUsa, 10 30 7 25 Danville, 10 55 7 50 Chulasky, 11 05 8 00 Cameron, 11 12 8 07 North'd, (arrive.) 11 35 8 25 p.m.'P.m: a sol 5 35' 6 42i 5 50 5 551 0 001 6 05 e 121 6 19' 8 21; 8 ljj 8 20 8 23 8 88 8 43' 8 48 8 54 9 00 9 09 9 11 9 IS NORTHWARD. Leave. IA.M.P.M.I Northumberland, 6 40; 4 15 Cnmeron, 0 58; 4 33 Chulasky, 7 05 4 40 Danville, 7 15 4 60 Cntawlssa, 7 40i 5 15 Rupert, 7 45' 5 20 Bloomsburg, 7 53 5 23 Espy, 8 00; 6 85 Lime Ridge, 8 10 5 4.V llil ir i'ro. W M SO ' R ".V Berwick, 8 80 6 05 Beach Haven, 8 40: 6 20 Hick's Ferrv, 8 in, C 28 Shickshlnnv, 9 10 6 68 Hunlock's, 9 24 7 13 Nantlcoke, 9 31; 7 21 A.M. .P. M. P.M.' Avoudale, 9 80 7 28 1 . Plymouth, 9 48 7 38 7 30 1 00; Plymouth June., 9 53 7 43; 7 84 1 04 Kiugnlon, 10 10! 7 55 7 45 1 15 6 45 Hancock's, 10 12' 7 57; 7 47, 1 17! 6 47 Slaltby, 1 10 17 8 03: 7 52: 1 221 C 52 Wyoming, 1 10 22! 8 07 8 02 1 27: 57 West Pittston, 10 21! 8 14; 8 09! 1 84 7 04 Pittston, 10 34i 8 19' 8 14 1 44! 7 09 Brown's Switch, 10 89, 8 23 8 19 1 40 7 14 Lucknwauua, 10 43 8 27! 8 23 1 5o' 7 18 Taylorvllle, 10 53! 8 89 8 33 2 02, 7 29 Bellcvuc, 11 00 8 40; 8 40; 2 10 7 3d beranton, (arrive), 11 05; 8 50 8 451 2 15 7 40 CoNNiCTiONS. At Nnrthumbcrlaud, trains leaving Scrantou ut 7.20 a. in. nud 3.40 p. in. connect with Northern Central trains, ariiviug at lUrrUbur at 2.3(1 p. m. and 5.05 t hi liiti.-ii: 111 7.00 p. m. nnd 9.00 11. iu. ' M trains connect vhi, v. S 1. truiiis iui uiiui. sport, Lock Haven, Oil City, Erla, und points west. .-o cniiuge 01 curs between .orthuintier lnnd und ltalliumre (going south) or Eric (going west). Trains leaving Plymouth nt 7.30 a. m. nnd 1.00 p. 111. connect with trulua on D., L., & W. R. R. going cast, arriving ut New Nork at 3.40 and ld.OO p. in.; going west, arriving at Uincbumtou ut 11.37 a. 111. und 6.25 p. 111., Syracuse 9.45 p. m., and Oswego ut 11.10 p.m. Cio.su connection Is made with Albany & tnsiuclmnna trains for all Intermediate points, arriving nt Albany 9.00 p. m. The above trains for New York niid western connections, also conuect with trains on D. V II. Canal Co's It. R. for Dickson, Olyphunt, Arch bald, Curboudale and Houevdule. DAVID T. BOUND, Sup't. ltvadiug Itullroisd. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Arril 18ft, 1870. C1REAT TRUNK LINE from the North ant X North-West for Philadelphia. N. Y.. Beai lug, Pwttsville, Tuuu,ua, Aslilaud, bhuuieklu. I. eLiuuon, Aiieuiewn, taston, t-ptirata, Lilic, LuucnKter, Columbia, i-e., Jtc. '1 ruins leave llorri.burg lor New Tork, as fol-' lowst At 6.35, b.10 a.m., 12.20 noon, aud 2.05 p. ui.,couuecting with similar Trains on the Peuusvlvuula Railroad, and arriving at New York ill 1315 uoou, 8.40, 0.50 aud 10.00 pm reiectively. bleeping Cars accompany tbe 5.85 a. ui. anil 12.20 uoou tralus without change. Returning 1 Leave New York. at 9.00 a. ui., 12.00 noon and 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia al 8.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. 1 Klecplug Cars accompany ing the 9.00 a. m. 6.00 p. ut. tralus from New York nit hunt change. Leuve HnrrUbiirg for Reading, Pottsvllle, Ta maquu, MiuersvUle, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine (irove, Allentoan aud Philadelphia at 8.10 a. 111. 2.1,5 uud 4.10 p. 111., stopping at Lebanon and the piiuelpul way stailnus ; the 4.10 p. ui., train connecting fur Philadelphia, Pottsvllle and Co lumbia Only. For Pottsvllle, Scfcuylklll Haven aud Auburn, via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna Railrwtd, leave Hnrrisburg nt 3.40 p. m. Way Pusscuger Trahi leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., couuectlug with similar train on East Penua. Railroad, rvturulug from Rcadlug al o.3j p. m., stopping at all statious. 1-ave Pottsvllle al 6.40, 9.00 a. in. and 2.45 p. m. lleradou at 9.80 a. m., Shamokin at 6.40 aud 10.40 a. ni. 1 Ashland at 7.05 a. m., aad 12.30 uoeq t Tamtitna at 8.33 a. lu. and t.20 f. in. for PblUtdclpbta aud New York. Leave Puitsville via Schuylkill aad. 8ustie-. hauna Railroad al 8.15 a. m. for Harrlsburg, aud II. 30 a. iu. for Pine Uruve aud Treutuol. Iteadlag Accuiumodsliou Train leaves Polls. villa al 5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 1.30 a. 111. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. nt., reluming UaveS fVtadelphla at 6.15 p. lu., passing Krad lug at 8.00 p.m. arrlvlug al Pulls ills at 9.40 p.m. Puti.iuwu Accommudulioa Tralu leaves Polls- tuwa al 6.t5 s. u., rtlurulng leaves Philadelphia al 4 00 p. ut. Columbia Railroad Tralus leave Reading al T. 15 a. m., aud ) p. ni. for Kphrala, Litis, Ijiuca.ter, lolumMa, Ac. PcrklumsM Kali Road Trains leave Perklninrn Jumliuu at V.UO a. ui., at l oo aad I M . ui Kttuiulug, leave Biheeuksvlile al 8.15 a. ni., 12.45 iioou ruuaeitlug llh s.rtillsi IraUts ou Readlug IUI Road. lul.bruoidale Railroad Tralus Wave rte n at 9 40 s. im , sad M p. ui., fur Ml. Plu.aut I vo aud yv.ii a. ui . eeuurittug auk similar trulus urn Unadiug Itallioad. tbirsiuy hUli iud Tralus Wave Binlgs Miit al a. ut., KOasad 6 OK p. ' iciuiumn, leave liuauingtou al I la 1 10-46 a-u and 5. Up. iu. cuuuevlluf with lialus V Jta. lUlliuaJ. Ia uuJ)s 1 l-ss kew Yvia a. 109 p. ni , Pklla4liliia illWt. sm. aud I II p. su.. (lbs UU a. at. (ralu rukbUi( uuly o sU4iu,j Late pu4iHle u9 a. us., Ilantsberf, 4 s lu., aud 19 f. us. aad sUadiaf el 1 He. . sad o o y. ut. hi tiatitoautg, al f a. ut. I" Sisj Iwk, aad al W a. u... mtilNf ut. Ivi fl.lls.Ut s. tuwiaaUlb, MllMga, Inns, IWbaeJ aad I ssuisumi I ,:u, al isis4 tatas le aad t ail r-iMt. tufvse fkethsd lliueki )0 fwuads Bg asas eU'ed ea.li Fsssssam. ' U. A. aiO lll.. SeuS'al fw,i,U4M.I. cilia, 4,0. A iris, u i Oite satkts'el li4 li, ( l t-il. Ink tut, s4 I ui.,t.w4 t;, M i-s s M.iia. eikMSMa, s,e.n.aal,M,-Vi.t.fO, l.t - .r 1. w i . 1 1 . " . ', w 11, i.Ll ill, f.t. 1. iT