nnbnrii American v STOBURY, APRIL 30, 1870. Rnllrond Tlno Table. . N. O. B. W.-Kaat. 1 P. It. K. R. R.-WMt. ' Itnffiiloo E I've 2:16 a in Trie Mnll l're 6:20 m Jvrie . " ,",. KlrnlM'1 " 8:41 pm Miil " ll:4K ain ErloEx " C:40pm Erie Mnll, "ll:pml Emigrant Train west arrlvei fit 11:00 V tn. SftAMOKIN DIVISION N. C II. W. Jaw .1 Arrivt Sunbury at 12:nn fn At Sunlmry ' 10:45 m " " 4:00 pm! ," 3:30 pm DANVILLE, HAZLETOhTfiLKES-BAM R. R. tsavc Sunburn 5:2S A. M 0:50 and T P. M. Arrivt at Simian 11:M A. M.. 6:20 and 11:05 P. M. Iaw DanviUe 10:41 A. M. 6:30 and 10 P. M. Arrivt at DanviUe 0:10 A. SI., 4:40 and 7:45 P. M. total $ fairs. W'k notion Ihnt preparations nre buitiff iimde to commence t lie brick work on tbe.New Freabjtc rlau chnrcli, on Mnrkct Square . Wokkmkm nre cngnged In putting up the foun dation of Mr. Henry Ilnnpt's building on Market Street. - Rev. Mb. Lioutser, has resigned his charge nt Danville. . Tuk hop of Young Bachelor's on Tuesday even ing last, passed off very pleasantly, Tiik nctf goods Jnst opening at Moody's Drug Store, arc attracting the attontion of every passer by. His Store is being filled tip with n large as sortment of Drugs and Fancy Goods. See adver tisement in another column. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Sun bury Lumber Company, held on Monday last, Win. M. Rockefeller, Esq., was elected President of the Company, to fill the vacancy of E. Y. Bright, defeased. Mr. John Bowen was chosen .Superintendent. Hon-. Em Super has returned home to Lewis burg. Ills health has been much benefitted by his sojourn in tho South. LAiifii: Train. A train arrived nt this place, on the '.Ust., which came over the -P. &. E. Rail road, consisting of fi? long cars loaded with lum ber, nnd 50 empty long cars. The mammoth truin was drawn over the road by Engine No. 1101, in charge of Samuel Cherry, Engineer, and Hubert W. Adams, Fireman. Conductor of the train Mr. David U. Henry. This is probably the largest train of cars that passed over that roud since it has been built. tVtiit.Kiit Shamokin a few days ago, w cchauccd to visit Mr. James Seibert's Iec Cream Saloon, and were pleased to find it the best fitted up Saloon outside of the city. Mr. Seibeit has lately renovated his who'.ej establishment, nnd fitted it up in a grand style. Having erected a Soda Fountain at a great expense, the people of that borough will be blessed during the hot sum mer season with cool and palatable drinks. Those who visit Shamokn w ill find this Saloon one of the niof t pleasant resorts in that town. W'r. are happy to learn that the citizens of the county arc beginning to take an interest in hav ing a Map of the county got up in good style. We are Informed thai Mr. Cummings has already procured nearly enough subscribers to warrant him in undertaking the work. We would further suggest that these Maps be introduced in all the schools, as ivs have no doubt they will be of vast benefit to scholars who are new beginners in geography, its it will give them abetter iusight at the commencement of tho study ofthnt im portant branch of education. O'Bhiks'b Uuam) Cauavan and Mammoth Mesaokuii-.. On Saturday, May 7lh, olir eitl Z"us are, to be favored with tin opportunity of "ing this Monster Meuiij-'ciie, wluci for ex tern and variety rare and euij iignted bensts and beautifully pluinaged birds cannot be surpassed in this or any other country. Mr. O'biieu has for several mo:il!is been engaged in fitting out one of the must complete and Varied collections of tho animal kingdom, ever placed upou exhibi tion in this country, and with a desire to make it nn exhibition purely moral in its tone and teach ing, announces that there will be no eiivwn per formance allowed with it, thus uU'ording all a chance of visiting the richest collection of singu lar and pictures'iuc marvels of uuini.ited nature. Conveying the must uwe-iuspiiiug nud ivouder evoking illustration of creative wisdom seen on the earth since the days of Noah. Couueeted with this Menagerie are three elephants, a herd of camels and ys massive dens of savage and sub jugated beasts .in.l beautiful birds. As a free evidence of the v.-.stuess ot this Caravan and Menageries ail are respcetfuliy invited to witness the gnui 1 piwcessiou on ti:e uioruing of the day of exhibition, v line Eastern and regal pomp of elephants, c.uneis, tableaux ears, chariots, animal den completes a ion, words cannot convey, l.euieuiber the day, Saturday, May 'itli. - . - S.u Case o' Dkoivmng. Wc learn that on Tuesday last Johu Mniiik, of this borough, aud another mull, w h,e uumu we have uul learned, vi ere drowned iu Sluucy creek. Tho purlieulars of the accident, us we. lim n tlieui, are as follows. Mr. Mauek, iu company with lliiee others, uuder lotik to run u rait dowu the creek fioui llughe. illeto Muuey. Coming to u oehute" hit Im creek where it was cuoloiuury to run one log through at a time, It w.i. sag, .t, 4 ili.it, u-. the creek ws much swollen, the whole rait could bo put through at once. The ell nt was made to do o; and in order l' reuder asi tanee Muuek and two others of the party got iutou skill, which capsized iu paioing through the scuutc, and but one of the pally iu the skill' was suved, Mauck und one of his comrade (whose name. Is uid to bo lluudiTauii) being drowned, btiaugo to say, the one lioa sated could uot awiiu, while the Hun li,i Ian dro ucd vurcood w limners. The one who Mas.iVed oHli ilyli oar to Mamklo help Mm out, but was I old to save hiuuelf, l hit I lie (Mauek) was all right, liiililediulely niter lio. ha went dowu, and his body was iitio- nuently I .aud abuui u n,;v. juw u i,c ,in. hia feel slaking out of ihu wuler mi I his head lodged ilisoiueWiu.il. Mr. .Mau.-k seiVed during tho war Iu Co. 11, "ill Ite-t. Ta. VoU., uud resided at I ul.'ulowu, where lie U-ve 4 wila aud two 1 hil ilieu I J luourii III lUswu.., lUtl ton.Aiio Vlik,4Uuu uML. HH.- ihu llilid i.uii4l ivptut mJ IhUt'oinpuuy 111 Jll.l itcell I llbll-lli d, n 1 tile tlllilill dl.ii l, n 111 il.. l at mice lallifai li.ijr lo Ihu Iik aliuUtt is uud (,'al,l) ll.l( lo ltd Mllo feel UU ll.lnu.l u ,t ul iie iinpiulruo uli id our Male. Wluii lliia I. .,ift roinpl 'l' d, ui It lu i l piuUibl) will U. Hill. la tin lull I iul' luuuliis.jil 111 tuutliluto au illipoll.tlll Hk 111 olil.liUoU, uu(u u tw i ujjl.iud lioin iiuricul i'ihiI lleljs, bt lar us i. i 1. 1 .it I suit" ulc cum 1 1 ui d, Hit 'Ul u( wt jo. jj i oli.... I. 4 h ! ur ll'4 aud Ulo.iu.4 tl.. ni.xl uuijuiovi iil.ili oii, may bgiiil.i. ai..; I i laplt )!-. w I i ! 4 44l of Ihu l.ul II, , I II.. Il L.li.l. I'l 141 lolll(h) ..ui uliii. U,.o. I l oil. . ul Oj Itui 4 lili K-1, iii ti. Jul iiiioikr. A It. ) 4i I. In .1, .,. a.i!, b -l t'4 Kit 14 Ikbl. I .in el, 4U 4 Ui. W lau.ll, tliVtfc Wto 4IM lAOVU but i.-' ll .(.. JlillUu. ( o ij V.Ui f t III I .1 l of It. I ... I Is I I !i-!. 1 . U..1.,U . . . "I J u 1 I S. I II In. Hi Alt Iu- all u iloi. Iki.l.. It o li.. i, y.i i . ii, .. ti i 9 .it I ...14 ii.nl, t mi4'li'l , li , l l II-. S U, ll; .! .4ii ii.ii ti . .4.m In li.o4 jii l.m.'S U l lv i full "!.., ,u i.l , l I1I..I14) 1.1 I 'I ' I l I ivl II. i l' i t Conflagration in BtrNnuBT Lobs rKOBAntt 135,000. dur town was tho sceno of one of th moat dlnastrous contkgmtlpna nn Monday even Ing last, that has evcr.occurred In this neighbor hood. About 94 o'elook fire was dtecoxered Is suing from the roof of Painter's frame bulldlngj on Market Square, above Third utreet. The lower part being occupied by Boncy DrolThcr's Boot nnd Shoe store, and the tipper part by 8. Byerty's Photograph Gallery. Unfortunately no fire en glno was brought Into service, ns thcy.wcro all out of repair, owing to the neglect of the Borough authorities to build engine houses to sholtor and keep them In order, nnd tho companies feeling themselves unable to build at their own expense The Ore after reaching tho roof, spread, rapidly. Lines were formed nnd buckets brought Into sorviee, but proved insufficient to extinguish tho flames. Tho flro soon communicated with the two ndjacent Painter's buildings, one of which waB occupied as a dwelling, nnd tho other ns a Notion storo by Miss Annie Fnlutcr, and n room by Mr. Ditvld Fry's bakery. At tills point Miss L. Shissler's property, ndjoiuing, was in emi nent clangor, requiring extraordinary exertions lo savo It. The men who were on the roof nro deserving of great credit for tho gallant services rendered, as through them nnd tho aid of a saw mill pump from Ira T. Clement's mills, tho whole square, extending to tho Court House, was, no aoitbt, saved from destruction. This building was on fire a number of times, nnd only by some of the men risking themselves until their faces were scorched by the intense heat, did they succeed In extinguishing. the flames. On tho east side of the building whfcro the fire originated, a frame building occupied by Messrs. Steele & Bro., as a butcher shop, caught fire and was soon enveloped in llanies. From this build ing the lire communicated with tho large three story brick building on the corner of Market and Third streets, owned by A. M. Le Vinos, Esq., which was occupied by Misses Borrel, as n board ing house. The lower room being occupied by Mr. J. B. Haas, ns a Confectionery nnd Fruit store. From this building, n block of framo buildings, extending to the end of the lot along Third street to tho Masouio Hall wcro consumed. These build ings were occupied by Mr. Wm. Haas' bakery j ITenry Fagely's butcher shop ; J. B. Bergstres scr's Photograph Gallery j Wm. Hoover's Gro cery, and the Keystone Hotel, kept by Messrs. Vandyke & Wenk. At this juncture telegraphic despatches were sent to all the neighboring towns for fire engines. About 13 o'clock the "Good Will" Company, from Northumberland, arrived on the ground, but their engine being also out of repair, they were nnnblo to do the service they could have done, had their cngino been in good condi tion. The members of the company have the thanks of our citizens for their promptness nnd exertions In. assisting ns to save our property. By this time the Heroine of the "Good Intent" Company was brought out, but owing to the want of proper ho?e, was Ineffective to a great extent. The heat from these frame buildings was in tense, scorching the houses on the opposite side of the street, aud at the Masonic Hall set fire to the cornice a number of times which was promptly extinguished by several persons, who risked them selves out on the edge of the roof with buckets of water, and placing wet carpets over it, thereby saving the building. Altogether nine buildings were eutirely consumed, Involving a loss of pro bably $25,000.. The losses sustained nie ns follcfvs: Miss Painter, Ives $3,000.' No iuburnucc. 8. Bycrly, loss about f 1,500. Insured ill the York Insurance Company for $1,000. K. ProfTucr, loss about 51,500. Insured hi the Lycoming Insurance Company for $1,100. Steele & Bro loss about $50. Misses Borrel, loss ioOO. No insurance. J. B. Haas, loss $100. Insured lu Wyoming Company. n. :u. j. e vinos, ioss aennt fli.UlKJ. In.ureJ in Columbia Insurance Company for $2,000. Henry Fagely, loss $SJ0. Insured in ToUs ville Mutual Fire Insurance Company for $700. Wm. Haas, loss $1,000. Insured for $000. J. B. Bergstresser, loss $1,500. No insurance. Vandyke & Wenk, loss $5,000. Insured in Pottsville Mutual Insurance Company for $'.',700. Masonic Hall Association, loss $500, fully in sured. Miss Shissler, loss about $1,500. Insured in full. INCII1ENTS, AC. Among thoso who performed most valuable ser vices at Miss Shissler's dwelling and the Masonic Hall, that we notlccd.and who deserve u special crejit for their ludoinitable perseveraneu in check ing the llaineSjWere Earnest Starklotl'.Gco. Gclscr, Ira T. Clement, David Rcimcr. of Northumber land, Pinion Sides, Edward Gibson, T. S. Sliun nou, Henry I. Burlier, Ellas Brosloas and several others whose names we did not learn. We regret to learn that In carrying out furni ture nnd goods from the buildings destroyed, some evil designed persons were busy in stealing and carrying off goods, &c Many of them are knowu, and some, we regret to suv, have been considered above suspicion, but in tins evil hour allowed themselves to be tempted to add further to the distress of the uufurtunate. We would udviM) all such lo return the goods taken before exposure of their conduct is made. While the lire was raging nt its bright, we noticed several hundred persons standing around, some with tin Ir urnis fulued, looking upon the tire with jjreat complacency. Many of them were young men, who were unwilling even to lend a helping lm,i i Ilagl,ls; water, while we noticed some of our oldest eltlzeus hi ranks W illi ih( ir sleeves rolled up, and even u number of ladles, exerting Iheiiuelves to their utmost, luexiliiguUh the nuiueB, To in, U appeared ridiculous," 4 looked as though many of the present generation had Vastly degenerated, und Hint they relied upon their senior, fr labor uul proleelioii, while thiyuru iu U futl ,igr .( iji0. vui:u llit-se nKit and Iutliui ulUeiis deserve thank lor their efforts to cheek the conllagrallou, h.iuiu hoiild criiii.on Hi,, checks of every young in.m who refused lo ait. HI TUotU j. After removing jj.kkU out of Hie K. v.touo llolrl, several Joium men seetirej . barrel of whi.Wey of wluea ihsy apnnd o make free u-c, ituj tiller I hey ba.mii under ! liirtuuuee of Hie iLjuor, we regret Iu learu, ulleu.,.t. d lo eie.iie a uiMiiili.uut) Willi our neighbor of Nor thumberland, wlioemud lulu uul showed llielr g.Hxl Willi by aiding lo nve our low u. 1 hi w.i. wit uuliayu wUnli nut olhccis wle Celiuiullu lor, lu uul mriaiiug lbs ll.ill.l,n uud lotklug Ihnu I upui ue. It iliaiigei. am la U lil UtaUd ! b.f ivu.li ilng u Valuable uivtenb) a nt of ' low.iu., , ,,., uUr uijjjmg i-uiu, ' " hlng liiiiu puiiUUdlbu bvll tl 1 will Ihi fo II,, i.pulallou u( uul lowu. w uoiii. i, iu. fhma.u.hu ihai iiw Kuml.llii! l,,, ,llyi)f j.ultt,,l(U k4l) kl" llu"' ihlwUfcll lis. ,u,l, u ,, 1,4 A,. I i.u.y l.iliU.iuiti.i.iik.mu. lii.u,-,,! hciu.aud , III .1 i,. in) of lt.it B,i,, lll 41.. ui, l4 B lUtt si4iw ti.Ui. (4 u iw.uiul; l I.J.U4. lU III U Wbl ilUg tltloa ti( bll4 M. iUh lui bvn.jf j ui, fiui ,uu kuj wim. lla, in J.iJ4, .oi,, ii,, llUIlt.M Hi llf I .AlU.UJ (f 4llil,U V,, lUi... ,li II.. i.uuu, .,,it 1W it,i,k4 4t, Ijliot , i lo,!,.. IJ Hju.Jlu bl M'. lII.WM, 4 tun.: ul,4i) l.ai ln.Um .iu. i our ) U..II.S ll,., Il-vll k .u.. tu I 1.11.(1 ! ..... t IJ Jl I- Sl Mii.... -tmlf u4 IWII jl-l W are Indebted to the Hon. CB. Buckalow.fof tho following aynopsla of the bills for North umberland county, pawed by, the t-egislature during tte Inte session. Ao act to authorlM the Bunbury I.uinber Company to borrow money. An act relative to tho fees of Notaries Public la Northumberland county. ; , '.Au net to incorporate the Mount Carmel 8av lugs Bunk. ' - , A supplement to act entitled "an act to au thorize tho purelmso and erection of ft Poor House for the township and borough of Mount Carmel." ' ' An act to exempt Milton Town Hull and Market nouso in the borough of Milton, Northumberland county, from taxation. A supplement to an act to authorize the Gov ernor to Incorporate a company to erect n bridge over the Susquehanna river nt Milton, approved April 6th, 1S30. A supplement to tho act Incorporating Watson town Bridge Company. (Vetoed.) A further supplement to nn net for tho better securing of tho wages of labor In certain counties of this Commonwealth, approved March 30th, 1S59. (Extended tho same to Northumberland county.) An act relative to elections lu tho borough of Milton. An act to lucorporato the Watsontown boot, shoe und leather Manufacturing Company. An net to prevent horses, cuttle, tnulc.s, sheep or swine from rnnuing nt largo lu Turbut town ship, Northumberland county. Au net to nuthorio nnd require the School Directors of Turbut tow nship, Northumberland county, to levy and collect an additional tux. An act to Incorporate the Northumberland Iron Company. An net giving a bounty on fox, mink and pole eat scalps in tho county of Northumberland. An net to authorize tho borough of Shaiuoklu, lu the county of Northumberland, to borrow money and Increase the rate of'tnxution. An act regulating the election of Councllmcn in tho several boroughs of Northumberland county, and defining their powers in the exteu. Bion of borough limits. An net to Incorporate the Sunbury Steam Ferry and Tow-Boat Company. An ac, to authorize the Trustees of First Pres byterian church of Bunbury, to sell and convey real estate. An act authorizing the Burgess and Council of the Jiorough of Sunbury lu Northumhuid county, t'l open nnd extend Second and Fourth streets iu said borough. Au uct relating to elections iu the borough of Sunbury. An act authorizing the Sunlmry Cuttle Insur ance Company to connect with their present charter a joint stock capital, and Issue certificates stock therefor, and extending its powers to issu. ing policies of insurance against loss by fire on all kinds of buildings, merchandize, ite. The bill to divide the borough of Shamokin Into two wards, nud to regulate elections therein, also passed both Houses. Ot n neighbors of the Democrat are becoming terribly exercised about publishing the county affairs In any other paper besides the Democrat. They insist that it shall not be done, uud ut the same time boast woflderfully of their large elren U'.tiuii. Thcycveu claim double the circulation of the i .'t.iMTican. Neighbors wc must call you to order. Everybody knows the fact that the Demo, erat Is only circulated among a certain portiou of the Democrats, und that the others utterly rifuse to recognize it as n true Democratic Jour nal. But as the "Sunljury King" is fast diminish ing, the editors are compelled to do something to keep up appearance, and now resort toexuggeru tions ofthelr subscription list, thinking they can gull the community and retain the printing of the county exclusively for their paper, niwl Ih -icby compel those who desire to have the county news to patronize them or do without it. Don't be so vain neighbors as to think that everybody wants to read your paper. We venture to say that about half of your present subscribers do not read the Democrat from one month to another, and merely take It for fear they might be considered out or the "Sunbury King." As for the borough affairs, wo would state that the editors cannot shut the eyes of their readers ou that score, as they generally read all matters pertaining to this borough iu that paper as well as in the lie. publican papers, and for which theeditors never failed to get well paid for. Certainly their pcuu rioUB disposition would uot allow them to print anything gratis. We have previously stated that we did not expect any of the county atronagc, but we desire lo have It published In papers of both parties, mau act of Justice to those who have to ray for it. A nril. Having a deep sense of the great service rendered by citizens of Sunbury, in saving my property from destruction by tire, on Mondav nk'ht, 2.".th inst., and penetrated with sincere gratitude for myself and for my mother, earnest uud luif'eighed thanks are hereby expressed and tendered lo all those persons w ho, nt Imminent peril, and with almost superhuman resolution and ellorl labored In our behalf. Adjoining the building in which tho flro ori ginated, subject to the intense Ileal from the many structures consumed t on fire from lime to time, and for hour, coiiliiiuully liable to be de stroyed, my building is, nevertheless, saved, w ith comparatively small damage! together Willi my stock of Milleiny goods, trimmings and dry good. And, w hile to-day I am enabled to con duct my biislnes as lieretofoni, under the old roof, lu the old home with my mother, I fully realize the extent of my obligation, and seek III vain for appropriate word to convey my grati tude to the brave, uiuulllsh citizens' lo whom I owe so much. 1.1 il' IS A MIlSisLfclt. auubury, April I'tlih, WO. Lditui'i Table. Tub Unv'a Kbikmi rant Mir. The May uuinlier ol nil. Mau'iizlne Is u beautiful one, and bii-alhing ol the sprm. It -rKe, double. Fu.h lou I late i as frch and rb h.y volored u a tulip bed and we olcrvc Unit ihi luiiailu l, itu one uud even two mouth ahead of it coleiu,..,.,!. lies In the fii.hlons. Then there I u be.iiiuliil collage eeue, "The Uuiurn of lb. bwnllow," and appropriate engraviutf railed 'liutenng fintwiliopt." The liierary matter of Ihi Mima Hint) 1 ulw.i) of a uTttir ili.mw l. r. 1 1, loilc Ihi luouth are both 41kd uud uh,n hiug. And lliere I. uu article by Mr, r'wuuy II. Feudjio, u Koutheru lady, giving iier i peiuuiee 1,1 hi.uu of tin k -8411, who ui ml Lo Ihu 1110 hi I liluem Mivniil, Hi., 1 all bouvkeeir will Uud. lu view ol IheeomiiiK ( I,, num. in, p.uileiilaiiy hit, rcliuu. The ladle will lie alto ,lcau4 will. Uiu paiun. lor tp 111 tuMuuic, uu4 in. van. la. for Ihu Woikl.ihlo. And Ihi) idiloilul bring willlcuby a 1-. ly fr l.i.li. , m paMii uluil.v uUr.,, inc. I'ul.lialnd by Ika.-oii A tVl. r..ii, ' JIU Walnut licet, I'liil.id. Iphu. file IJ.5UW jioir Iwl.UU ul... Include u !.ir, tle.i l m,jr,i ni. K..ur roi,. 0. ti coiu. u( gl-44), )v 1 1, l.4,l)' r ii.i.d'f an. I " lio ..i.,i,,,) tici.. iuu l'.l" (n u, mm muruviiiii ), l.oo. eUutpl. vuple. H ivul. l.ol.' Ll" ll.u.k ThU old l.bubl. wc ii.,,llac, w hi, U w. h.t. Ii..iuull u.4U4 loi U -.tUniili . . I.uiily ju4g.4iue, ti.il ii.uli,l,.lu II Ij.ll.i.ti.l i, uUlioa . Uou.l...H tieaiuaia. 1 Uu U.i) uuii.Ui U hiUhI wwu 1uU, u.iaili.e., Ac. It liliiiUi u V lb. kiglku.4 ui.lu ubj lll ul IUUUl. Mi i At lmt Mt.i - II M. M.c !. Jui lMi4 a ), .apoiy uf VlullUi, 4evul4M.US, tt.l.J.M, I tluhsKtlt! tl4ui ' Wi.4 UiWtt' sl UIiwum.m. I Ma KlutiuU ftiti, ilafiiil ku4 r Bnslncs ntlcts. - Uons An Booot fob SAM-s-Any . person wishing a good horse and buguy, m please call at the Drug Store of Dr. Moody, Market Bqunre. WH nre rifiacctieil to state that 3. B. Berg stresseriwlU ateur rodin to carry oil Photo graphing, In a fBWsy when orders, which wcro left witu mm before tho flro, will be tilled. Mr. J. F ScruFFER Is now making up the lntost Spring and Summer styles of suits for gentlemen which, for beauty and fit, are not ex celled anywhere. Mr. Schn'ffer, we nro happy to say, keeps up with tho times. Nnw AnniVAL of Goons. Messrs. Eckiimn & Co., nre now opeuing their splendid assortment of Store Goods on the corner of Fourth nnd Market Streets. Their stock Is very heavy which will bo sold at reduced prices. Advertisement next week. Tim new styles of Hats just opened by S. Faust nrc going off rapidly. They nro beautiful, durable and of a better style than formerly. All w ho wish to get something to wear that looks well,should get one of Faust's Hats. They are a great Improvement. A GiiAnn Brn-wvo The most imposing structure on Market St., If not In the whole city of Philadelphia, Is Oak Hall since its enlarge ment. Taking In nil its six stories it covers 71,570 square feet. TllR TiIlANDKST CoMllINtTION of pr'lZOS 0VCr awarded ut any exhibition, to any exhibitor, for any goods whatever exhibited, was awarded to the Howe Machine Company, and their Prest. dent, F.llas Howe, Jr. : the Imperial Prlzo the Cross of the I.egion of Honor a Gold Medal, the highest prize within the gift of the Jury, being the result of the evident excellence of the "Howe." J. H. Enui.R, has Just received his new stock of Spring nnd Summer Goods, a full assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Carpet-Chain, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Groceries, Fish, Queens ware, Cednrwarc, Boots ond Shoes, Huts and Wall Paper, which will be sold at greatly reduced price for cash nud eouutry produce, nt corner of Fourth and Market street, Sunbury. St. NEiy Cabinet Oiiuans Just received nnd for sale by II. B. Mnsscr. A BECONn-HAwn CaUluot Organ for sale cheap, by II. B. Majsor. Tim best P-lnno made, and warranted for five years, will be sold by H. B. Masscr twenty per cent, less than any piano of equal merit that can be had from any traveling ngcut. A new assortment of Violin String, new style of Mouldings, &c, just received by II. B. Masscr. CiuiOMoi and OTiimi Paintins. A new lot just received from New York by H. B. Masscr, nt very reduced prices. Tuk subscriber offers for sale a limited quanti ty of No. 1 Strawberry Plants. All orders com municated to John Eckman & Co., Sunbury, Pa., will bo promptly filled, with plants fresh from the grouud. Price 85 cts. per dozen. It. D. W. B.YHNIIAnT. Ft'iiNiTi'iiE of every description is constantly sold at Ii. L. Uaudcnbush Store in Masonic Hall building, ut most reasonable prices. It Is the place to make n good selection as ho has an immense assortment. New style of Cabinet Organs have Just lcn received at the Music .store of II. B. Manser. These organs will be sold ut less than city prices, and are wariuntcd. Second liund organs taken in exchange. Boots and Shoes arc constantly arriving at the Excelsior store of W. H. Miller. But it is no wonder any longer why he 6ells so mnuy hoots and shoes, for he keeps none bnt the best ou hand, and those buyiug cau always rely ou n good articles being fiiruiohe'd at his establishment. All is needed is a trial nt Millar's to be convinced. Tiir fashionable tailoring establishment of J O. Beck still maintains its reputation of making up fashionable garments at low rates. Mr. 11. being one of the substantial business men in our town, has given him the advantage of acquiring a knowledge of the tastes of its cilizous, und ho never fuils to please his customers Tun world moves nnd so docs Mr. John E. Snilek, the fashiouuble tailor ou Fourth street, w ho lias received another large and stylish as sortment of spring goods for gentlemen's suits. Mr. Smiek keel s moving with the world, always reudy to furnish his cusU'.mi'is 'with anything new lu the markets. Call nnd examine his new stock Just opened. L'i.osiso l'mcKS or DkIUvkn t Huo., 10 S Tlltllll StKUKT, riULADELl'llU. U o'clock, T. M, April 27lh, 1ST0. V. S. C's of 'SI " " 'UJ " ' '(il " ' '1,5 " " 'CI, new 1T, " " " 'fiS '.' Vs, 1040's U.'S. HO Yeur tl ier cent. Cy I)ue 'iiii. Int. Notes (iold Wlver 110V llfi; 1H 7h .11.";-, I 113'V llilli ny' in ! 1U" U'J.'i I lt;':' ll','l, j iu"t, ! ui7'i iomi; i 1 : 114V 1HV IDS ;llt) WIS STS Union I'ncille It. K. 1st M. Bonds t entnil rueille H. H (f.' (l:l(l I'niou l'ucille Laud tiriuit Bonds..: 700 ?J0 In Lower Aujjusta, on the 211 Inst., on her road home from n iieiKliboriui; store, of apoplexy Mrs. CATIIEHINE (iAL L, wile of l'hliip linui, vtiin, u lllOlllll unn anvs. i Mother tiniil lived with her husband 58 years, i and '.'U days. HorUcuiu is lo him epeeinlly a j painful loo-, tinea he U almost bilud, an I there, fore needed 'her sweet word of sympathy In ' order to bear lip under his afllletlou. Uul wo I hope hi lo i her eternal Kaiii. i i Mbiiry l.rMiu dt 1'ruUute Murkvl. COIUIECTH ,...m,t uk oKUINUkH 4 UUO. (in.vlN-('li, , lie While Wheuv.... Ile.l Amber, Wililer turn Mv Ouls, (J) lb..) Itc.i Amber, Miiitar, per aek... " barrel . Corn Mnl, jt-r cut., Uitvni-N. Vwik l'enii)aiiU K,i ' Foos -I'i r t, u ., Mnii. lii, i, ,r, j,r lit BU.-.lteJ klull.m " tllli I.tkii -r lb iM- "...li Vt'Uita Vi.U, lr IV... .'..,'.'.','.' " lioul t b4 " I" It, til.ud Vf..tm.-Turnip,, ,u.l,ci'.'..'.'..... f.alnea 'I.I..U . Iuu, buktt ,. lixutiuy, Iaiau l ama- "Jik4 Appiw, m " fv.i.i.., " I I., iik, " ttwku.iu " k-M,ii I ... 1 '3 ' 14 I i .... 1 (Hi fM j ....I V I t oo : . . 3 on : to to i ; yalxi 1 .id. i j ! t.MiiH ; i H ' ! I I -, I a II .. ri.i i J... , J. I,.,iti I ' w Iiaaaa Aft-i aa i,i)ri .. . ii M II M U H I lull, I kuam.4ia, A)uu I4 a v 1 . a . OS the F.rTors of'Youth and the Follies of Age, in relation to Marriage nnd Social F.vils, with a helping hand for tho erring and, unfortu nate. Sent In scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box, P., Philadelphia, Pa. December 11, ISCt). 1y. I pillions OF YOUTH. A geiitlenmn who i suffered for ycais from Nervous Debility Premature deraty, and tlio cll'ecls of youthful iu, discretion, will, for the suko of suffering humani ty, send free to all who need, the recipe nnd di nttlon for milking tho Blmpln remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit bv tin: advertiser's experience can do so hv addressing, I In perfect conlideiicp, . .JOHN OC.DF.N, I MayS.'oMy No. 42 Cednr street, N. Y. I T(i fonfcttKionft oTau Invnllil. PU1U.1S1IF.D for tho benefit of young men and others who sufler from nervous Debility cts., supplying Hie mentis of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself; nnd sent free on re ccsving a post paid, directed envelope Address, . Nathaniel matfaik, Brookivn, n. y. Dec. 25, ISO'J. limos. rpo CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, hav .JL ing been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with n severe lung nlfectlon, nud thatdrend disease, Consumption is nnxions to mako known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To nil who desire it, he will send n copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing nnd using tho same, which they will find n si:itK Cukr von CoNsi. vrTioN, Asthma BuoNCiirns, etc. The object of the ad vertiser in sending the Prescription is tn benefit the allicted, nnd spread Information which he conceives to be Invaluable ; nnd he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, ns it will cost thcin nothing, and prove blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Kuv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. May8,'mi.-ly. Sclu JCbbcrtiscmcnfg. BAXKER9 AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES futon nnd Central Pacific It. It. FIRST MORTGAGE BOXDS, NO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, I'hiludclpliln. JU Y, SELL AND EXCHANGE ALL ISSUES OF f. S. UODS, Ou the most reasonable terms. i I GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD AT" liYitiF.T ; IUTE9, COUPOSS CASHED. Stocks bought and sold on commission only. Accounts received and Interest allowed on daily baltances subject to cheek at sight. Feb. !, '70.-1 v. TTin remedy does not dry up a CouRti ; bnt loossnslt, cleanses the lunfrs, and allays Irrttaiion, thus rtmei. ing M com of the complaint. I FOWI.E k 80S, Proprietors, Boston bold by draiTKlBU ami dealers (fenerally. I gsnuiua uiaeai shjued 1, girrrs. j TUWX LOTS roil SALE I IN the Fort Aujrutii or Col. Cake's addition to I the H'.ronifh of'giinbiirv. Prices from TWO : lll'MHtEO to FIVE m'NDIil'.I) DuJ.LAKS, ' payable in iimuthlv installuients of Ten Hollars each. Also, the limit IKU'SK In Northuiiil.er- I and, suitable for a tiit-clas hotel. Also, Tim- j her land in Lycoming and Centre counties. j Apply to JOSEPH O. T11ACV. . N'orthmnberliind, Nortli'd Co., l'.i. ' J'CO. .0, ISTO.-Uiu. H VI .II'H HAW 15 OXK Ul'ER-lMIOSI'IIATK OF LIME i SPUING 1870. IIHMtltsj INCIIEAKE Vlll lt chop .! lorn. Out, 'n0, Hluat uutl lirHNM, ADD TO TUB rEBTlUTY Of VOl'K SOIL, Hy a Judieloiu aa Econonilcal mode of MA NT It IXC, Keep your soil free Iron, ,,! Make your laud pcruiaucutiv ferili- Rralll. Over MXTEEN y.ar. of roi.,i.lllt u,, oh crop, bus proven thai It.uMi,-, n! . I ' ' uepeuded u,Hm ' '' lif Highly Improvcl and 8ittjarj varialll,. lor Sale by Aitrieullural Healer B,erallv l il ll A NU, ' MAXLKAtTI UEIiit. OlIJc, No. WJ South Ul.,wu.e Avtmi, u i nilLAlitLIUA. 1113 nooi hunt i ii. 1119 lltlKI IA "OWN MAKK, In an III ew hprlng Style., f, I and 1 Lil.lr. i, , .i...T... .i... ' . 1 and I Uil.lnn i ibv uuaiiit u..j .... d.., Sinn. .11 i ,, ' . 'iu-l r.v.,iiii,tl!,., ilieniwi, ,., ' "'""'"'M I nii in., ik Mill prler li- li., U, miua uiir i,..,. y rau lj ki,.i.., 111, I II !.il. .le.'lln. t..tt lj,.l ... i le.. ll.4llu ..Ue.....,e4V -ifo. T .,,,' latiui.llu I'tiiUOcli.i.la u, ai ,7. ,L . , i lUeiu luil ajkauu ol ,iw u.4u,M ,, ' l.u.,., iu adtauoo ui Ilia livU luik.i . ,' . In. KilU m i.iul.iuJ L Mil . u. It.m.ly l . . . uiua 'Ul l. : . - -i s m,n u, iiiHw " V Ik 111. XI.. a. UUAlU 11 . llo.l 444 kliU,u I'm. I. .i l,i . J ,..,., mii. in,,. (,.,, 4 n,uu( t I 4.41 I, vl il.UU 1 .1 li .... - i i ll :, (4uw4 1WMt II Wj t al ,(, t.. 4 ftuw j i BeHayen&Br.q. reo. ;:o, to.-iy. 4 1 mm m nn ' . r U I lbo... , lil.il, (iHlug C,i., ,J i , (l I.. I 4.H-.I tti.. I i. ........ rl'' ' ... ..... i . .--) llMl . ItoM i 4 I J l. lu II UU I.I lull. . ... 1 ' '.u U J Ail UIU41 - .- H-I-" I. il; 1 IU..4 V. , HMWI .U I.M..U u4. i: U44V, 14,,.) Vi 1 1 MtlW I.Ualvi..,,.,. 1,. .,",'' -'-O. .-.,Tr... J- rv N Iv S... - 1 a-J i - fc-4r- '-rA."a -v 1 j-' - a i i MONSTER MBmiiaKRIE. AND STI'JCTLY "n-.r !..i:oBST Avn most complete prnooi. nt t1, Murv. U .if Hie Ailtmnl Wovi.l ..v-'f ivi-m."1,! fnr I ba 'ililli-dlloii ol'tlw Public. The llaro Tr'?ftta-.rei of iJntaro In I , i Viiq.lTIC EXPOS1TIOX! A-1 -rxMiiTfil frnm rvrrr Ounrtrof the (Unti. n 1ho Cf-iih(n'fl Cojiuriiftn 'will proFH t rvvry riit'-on a HuiiilUt't nf W'ornlor, i'ui'ir:ichis ? U 'lri. H, every Animal Hin I HI id known to cxM. Tito nttrifTn In Ihls Mfiiaperlo wlllbr n mnrl-nl 1"".. pro y.; nf n t t'l nm'iy rt'spocis ovrr th VBrto?i:t cxmI'miIoh i !i t h ivo dpoii A' 'ffi In vnis pnqt, mul ir now ti uvctit'"-, ni') LMpi'flnliy iiutablo for lliu munemtic niimlttip ami j ;irj Vft'Mttlt H uf SAVAGE AH1 SIJBJUSATrD BEASTS, And tfic Brilliant Array nr MAGNIFICENT BIRDS ! T'm rl"Vft!oi tone that will porvn,r!f th'- ni't'Tfalnrrnt nit'itl I'UJEM.Y MOIiAIi V. XII JJJU 'ION . Crtllllut full to Miet't with tllG t ritlr npprnvrtt nf Ihc rnlif. To jrlv iU- i reaioii rcnptM!tubUlty to tho Grand Kntifrtnlnm;nu 1ST C OIROTJS 0 1 pmilttrd wirh II, Innnrslifipfi or form, hut tt nr" wlrh ft pi-oial vIpw to adnilnt-.tcr to dm Rrnwtnc v ttlrc lor llittill'Wnal Amnon-ncnls ntrl Fji-iIii itln; I'l nro (levoi'l of ltnpurij urrouudlngn ami Utmoiuli Tlio iiUotlt.il pacn of flits AdvortltmfTit wl'l on- nit of t pun nl ttt'priipfion or Uiu rhk't iiMifti'tin )' Hriii'n(;t'niid i oHwiion, ivlilrh f-niMl'ii'. proj:ttn, ihc untillmest ;oN(ilihSS Ol' ANIM NTI i'l'l.K ever Klvi'n t) lle limnun v.ya tocoufciupliitt, Ontrnl riRurn la thla IP TITH f-innt r.Ionlifint. "MOUTL,," nnohlP rtr tit j Jlflit'nit'i ii tii Script n :'i' '1 i.in I'lH-fi'in;' ; F'h 1 it I'nttvc f ( i-vlon, otuI tn known to T a 'l tircrtf.-rit KKi)hit:it t i fxistcitci-. .tj- tiii-t huae MoTHti'r is t-xtiiblffl ttio vory tin," full tfrwii Anint in Mcplinnt, lJitlV the .minllcHt AtVlciiti Klcnhnnt cvrr V.ni rotintrr. laT i'I.E 1M 1,1 , 1 (rr.'nl, vry Foclnl InltorlntiToonrM' with tlo f'1.11 i!i'iThnn a pnrtlc.l:ir fondn'1!'. 'I hsc Klt i BjaiuUt.wU btistt.pe'cimcuif thi ir kind li A vnry rarn AnlmRl, -A- LIVING- C And ono upldom P"on m cnptivltv, hr.hr in , Minn ff"it for O'ltrk'ti's Mi iiui i lr. Th I'd rroai urc 1 rionbtlfH Hip II orne Writ, aud onaUvo of liitcrior Alilca. I?J THE DENS OF WILL Am mormons Afvlrnn nnd Aalnti ii ih! It riizil iu ii Titrprn, lLenpii m aiMiernrH, lfyeiuiN. Jteiira und i Wi . and n ull comiuiuuctl, T HE A. T'l till h M-'mTri' rnnnln tlin M.nt Mi"Mll -it e,i-t: III ft 1H ' ''! placed on Klnliiihni t-tili'-r i i i-Hi ..i or Ai)i 'ii-ii. iVir'i:ular nitoTHlon is li.vii.-d t.. ti.U tlrn! .1 Coll.'rrion of t?ift AlarvoH of tliO rf':ithri'd 'I rU- whii-i. iui:i)siM:ltd. " ,Hllt'i4'-,"!1 V Dip. Innroit ntnl Anoi hm- pjt r-if!nT nn Miner In Uiu VBHt f uriierl'iir ot tn flPS, l?-jt;io of which hc.ir hucIi crrrn:;! ';anl" ri'sf miiin'irti tn tho Unlives ul Ctntrtil Airicn, lint f t v i ::i wrll bd wvm ti ttus " (:. il tin ; luik.'' A rilENOMRVAI, RCKXK n llm r.nt rlftiumonts will b tiio Thi iliiug lt'l;ltla ot'tim vriru tcj: FIEIICK T.!C". THJLi:5 AXD LEOPAKDS! AHtiunpH t!ic n;il nr''S of tlicpn firthnnl.- ?. n-i iHViX.-t'o-f U;iv. Im'hii dlM-lpllih'.l to.iO(iU(i:Uoii of do.-!!;; v, a-fon. 4 islutifr md inn;n--,tid t iieo jit-ill mi; pi!rl'"ri!iic. -.-! tl.o llnivo .Vilinnl lipii r U luMrut.:iV'j An Interluu'o of MERRYMOMEHTG J- or Wu. purpose of imt!;Vlri t m " T - J',V. q ' ,w wrl a lUv "Uiiluiva "M -n-iT ( .1 vivri," , ill bv. t.ium.iii--lnc i:.iujiLf:.ii L-:lorn vf TUB MOX ULIY On tliuli Dliiiluullve rni:le. ecnc full if Croliquo l.t.l,..ll ,lios. Other PKlttMil.ins t ll-ptay llio irsl!-. .f il.-i . i,,r.f . t 'ci'v i'l I'M I "veil. Vi wi.-. ii,.. Klcannl Triinieil II,ii M',l'ie Vni. y Trieli roulea ui.alin. r r.'IU, II ll-U A Ulllltll U .11 ..tl U, i(. .lr. Xx-of. WIIITAKEn, I '10 fiinii-il Alrlemi Explorer, an. I fno i f tlir- m- .1 ei.'i, ,t Z.,,':r.M.li.-r l il.,y, v.!l (l.vril.e l-l riaMilc unit '"rieut i.M'in, r, tha vui iom Animut and lilrU. THE Ef.TREC PnOCCSSION! T'iro,i"h t!ie r.rlnelpnl mreel on l a mnr!iln er 1 lnl.i. llo.l I .,', will lie ni l. In to: ,,.. Iiy t!ie l,r..:'ll ill-1. Ux or .MulK-.-nt ,l.:eiirl li. e, -iry lo rrm I, MT.'n.'f t :. ii. . ,.l i wi o .1,: en yi-ii.i.k-nr, i,n. atli-.t.,- ., n ,lt. ei.'.. ii.'M-r i.i loi-,, lui( , ... , i i.i- Anu'il.-i. i I ,,mi t. Hiiier. ( hail.il, Animal l':ti;r nud Tnblenux f uriuuuiii.y iin.rijii Ji-l.ii.l st. l.uiiln- i;, il.r- ', ' '." . II ;r,- 1, ii , I 11,.' I.leiliuillHlillll( nrilfU. il...inl- rr,i-.i.. -.tlv t. lui-. BlUi-l. .1 I In, ,f ke. ) !.. nl a l. t.i r i -t lo Oil.-, f,t,-v -..rt 1 1- r .-Iii,-e .ill.-, Ai Ol,- Till'. .Ill ., vlll r i.i ,l-i i i.- i..ninr Mii:a.ii-li.ii4 Mil.mrv I. am. , I , y; , ' ; ' ": -.'er in oiihii-i ....... i , .i, . i M. i. , 1. 1 1: : i ,i i v ' it I! ti .i i , i i u l'avi!i..n with i frnirr I'nlra I1' ', y 1-lui-1. ...I A i r.. in aal....u rt:ul JHii. tXKl2iTI3M3 AFfCr.r.OON A NlQHL Dtiuivupru tu X MUil f tk'i Uw-fc, am Atlir.SKlaii C lilldi t n uiuii r 10 yiais Tier I'll nr (.. ly '-o I I.i l.r. (' i ui'i ii.. !. a, i r . fc .h ii' ( in r tin- i t , fail -t.m 1 it t, .I' -',, W'.n. n .1" j I AT Mrmmm SlMJrKV, SATURDAY, MAY 7t!i, 1870 si:lls(jrovi:, Friday, may .iii, SIIAMOKLV, MONDAY, MAY Dili, " klMIIIU Hlltlil i: VHI. . 'I'lli: un ! "'i" ' b.iii' ii l..ilil Hia null 4 . I I'. .. , ' I-,'"', a. mil litliint U n,bii. IU-1 U u -a i i. I" d.J all kiu-l -f4, tlltllll I. WIMIH. r-l'-fil a.4l i Mil li fc MmMrila al II 1 .., .-, - ' niik. liiH.AMwixiW'Hlsi , r.M,.i.., 1-1 5'-U4t , , , f ...... 7t 4 i .,, . .. " k.4 i , .. i II t. , 4 41. '. 4 I UU-1 . u. - 1 I I 1 1 ' , a ii. i-..i-a f-r" rv N r' -T, ft S. " I - 1 liivl V T JR. "V- w ' 11 '"" w t.' i , t i i ... ... .( ,iSfS?'!v Mlli . l i. .. ;W. t nttncrv '.'.ir nrc of th M v frr.rc of th M.-n H7MKEYS ! lli-anfile. In,n,enii r . i,i- ,i M .My Vent 9 4 Villa '19. V"Ml i''."3, ,, l4 i-i, .e . J. 1 , i.i. I'lUXli AMlhl MilfcU M I M.J li K li Y (j (K)lis l-Al l iiT l VI I PUWIM l. un, auUU, I i WjjI), Im a,.i W.a .:im li4Vila, It k it , 1 HI ti Ul si,a, l.Ait H"", al 4 ,i..vla.-.lu.,.,l v( ;;,miuv., llw)!1 ' 114., I I lu.nl - Vl- I ' " ... . If ..ui. ti ! t,l. i. u.t . . I I I . "v' ' - . : a -k ' 1 ni-i in rim'. '-1, t. I iu uu,, iiiwi , H. 4-41 w . i 4 .w s4... vl i.wi... , 4 Ik. . Um will MUM ,..i oi 4i. 4 ui I IbbWi1! Il it l-w 4 wait !.i.U, . 4.HM 1 uu.. .. l -ul. i4 4 ttt 1 M..I li o til - , l l. ''4 k Ml Auil Hi .... (". ut S ( ... .. , 1, tv4U.ii t.u. latt .al , . .... & 4-tb.ifc .... ., : i . . 2 I ' .,. , ! , .1 I I f ' ' " 1 . . . I, ! .i,l'- 1 . V, -.4-" 1 til .... 4 ' I. . i , III 1 ' U-ia