APRIL 30, 1870. 1 IXDEKpTnie Northern Democracy nro to be pitied. The y wore true to the South 1 ,lnringthcwar,butthe South n6tv turns ) gainst them. The negro, Be usual, makes 1 the trouble. Road tho following, from thu V AuRUsta (Ga.) ConstUutionalist, of recent duto : "Largo fragments of the o-called Democracy of tho Northern States show n ' great tendency to wear tho old clothes of WetiVt?rn. Weary of battling for prin- ci'pi"lcJr evince a hypocritical desire tq r ' nbnuiloulhc high ground of tho white man's party by socking to out-radical tho Radicals n tiio mrro nuestion. This Is the supreme Vim v ..w '--ft a of folly. In Uic first place they will sell . their souls in vain. They will get no negro votes to speak of ; and, secondly, they make It impossible for -disgusted Republicans to become Democrats. If men aro to choso between two mongrel parties, they will ad here to a bold and scccessful faction rather than desert to a pusillanimously weak one. When Democracy shall have become a socond edition of Radicalism, no tuanwho once admired it need mourn over its disso- on. I 111) IUUUW uu .... ..... - respondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, of the 24th Inst., is drawing out some telling facts, and if it does not come to final suc cess tho time spent is not entire lost. Tho merits nud demerits of a tariff for protec tion to the workshops of tho United Swtcs are being brought out ns they never wore before. Pennsylvania is begiuning to make hcrsulf felt as n mighty power. At every point in the bill her interests arc set forth by various members in a manner that com mand respect if their counsels are not heed ed. There has yet beon no conclusion reached by the delegation as to their final course upon the bill. They are resisting as well as they can every proposition to re duce tho rates, but with very poor success. The five-traders have been buny for several years sowing the seeds of a crop that is now being harvested In the threatened overthrow o f the barriers that have for. the last eight or ten years been erected between tho pau per labor of Europe and American industry, and ns gold recedes to bar tho tariffis to bo reduced ns rapidly. Among tho most vigorous tuiil convincing brief speeches industry in nlmost every branch of trade and manufactures, by exempting capital from liabilities which heretofore have acted as a restraint on investments. Tho fol lowing is tho text of the law : lie it enarted, That from and after tho passage of this act it shall be lawful for nny person or persons to loan money to any in dividual, firm, association or corporation doing business in this Commonwealth, upon agreement to receive a sharo of the profits of such business as compensation for tho money so loaned in liou of interest ; and such agrcement.or the reception of profits under such agreement shall not render tho person or persons making such loans liable of a co-partner in such ousiness to other creditors of such individual, Arm, associa tion or corporation except ns to tho money so loaned : Provided That such agreement for loan made shall be in writing, and that this act shall not apply to any loan mndo by a member of any such firm association or corporation, or to one who holds him self, out as such, fund shall not be con strued to repeal or atrect nny portionpf the, law relating to special partnership': lVo vidtd however, That any person solonuing money under this act shall not hold him self out as a general portlier, sobs to induce cah Ikon Gen. Camekox. -ru Pacific railroad bill, author- niuy to issue its bonds for f tho road, and to secure - binds tho company 'icau iron. This f 'material was Gen. Cameron, was inserted notion of tho inly shall be Mured from In this shape Thursday of . Cameron tuuity that f Pennsyl Oel, ever iiergetic, 'loin the ia bill, i-"UV lew aid 370 of association or corporation, to whom the said loan snail be made made tor Pennsylvania have been those of ' credit to bo given to any party or parties lownsenu, is.enoy ami enkc. , Air. Townsend, in answer to the gentle men from the prairies Stales, who are con tinunll charging Pennsylvania with impos ing a tux upon their agriculture and their agricultural implements, said : I propose to show you how shi taxes them. In 1804 every agricultural implement warehouse in tho great west had to pay from S.'KHJ to !?3o0 a ton on the steel used in making these agricultural implements. Two years later Pennsylvania established steel works, and from that time to the proecnt she has bean able to improve upon the manufacture of that article, so that the article of steel has been brought down until tho men of the prairie Suites to-day can buy the steel that enters into their hoes and shovels, their plows Bud harrows, at one-third less, gold value, than formerly, and steel rails have come down from 133 to 75 per ton, gold value, and American works can supply tho American market. That is the way in which Pennsylvania taxes tho great West. , . -, Mr. Cake said I move at tho end of lino three hundred and tweuty-four to add the following words : "And in addition to the duty imposed all majmcr of'sorap-irou ten per cenx. an vamocm." Mr, this nmciicrmaai4-ill compel that cl' iron fraudulently designated as scran "a, which is worth in the market nearly twice I Tiik Price of Coal. The Pottsville Miners'1 Journal, referring to the suspen sion of work in the Schuykill coal regions, gives the following important information and advice to consumers : The object of the suspension is to compel the miners to reduce the basis for 1870 conform with the reductions taking place almost everywhere in transition state to a gold basis. The suspension, therefore, is not increase but to reduce the price of coal. Tho consumers abroad deed not pay any higher prices for coal. If the suspension succeeds, tho prices of coal on the seaboard will be reduced, and if it should fail and work be resumed aizain in a short time, tho prices would fall below what coal is now .selling nt in less than a week. Consumers abroad need not, therefore, bo uneasy about tho price of coal. AVe make these remarks to caution consumers, because we sec an evident intention on the part of some scribblers and speculators who are writing in-tho city papers and sending telegrams to these Tinners to run un tho nrices of coal. Chairmr.w if possible, in tho cities. Tlic r.etiiucuieal Council. With a council composed of fullv Ann as, much as pig-iron, to pay a little more, j half Italian prelates, no wonder that the duty than tho true scrap-iron of com- Infallibility dogma was carried (as it is merce. I cannot believe that Congress is 8id to have been). Tho number of votes willing to perpetuate a fraud that has in the Kcumenical Council for the difl'ereut worked its way into our Tariff laws and is i conmnesoi Europe (we omit the American growing into the most demoralizing pro-' vote, which is supposed to be under Italian Iniluenoe , is stated bv the Pone's oflicial organ, tho Obwrfalorc liomano, to be ns follows : Itulv 270 Ralglnni Greeec Holland Portugal....'. Iiussia Oeorgia. u ;veimislanccs !r rttob. done, .. c ... 5 ... 4 .. a ... l ..5U0 " " . of the case, is perhaps t bc. ,-, it will almosi ccruuuj; meet tho con- Tlnfna tllG eurrenco of the Ileus, "aUcrs nuba.n amcuutm-m, . ...... law aud order" in ceor ... - portions after it has been so fully exposed The gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Dawes) unfairly slated, when discussing this matter on Tuesday nicrht. that evi dence of this fraud only came from i F ranee 84 -ort in Pennsylvania, and would not Austria ond llunb'y.. 43 'h0 "1?,0, pt,,'mit !",? ? thc" i iiiuufur;::::: 5s -mall portion of tho heavy Germany iu v ot iron invoiced European Turkey 13 Total , as"-can. Switzerland 8 as scrap unu -j - - . n Ulere nro Primates from other reaches Philadelphia. , i80 t0 'or!d in attendance, and it is xeiicy-i. - - th0 8ub- Thouu. ve t it i. as kite, Bin of nsi'vc 61 rr C". a Means is in itscii a re- t " nlul vUroeau 'V" nnmie Mmnfi Kllln Her Fonr Little Children and Aged Mother. Baltimorb, April 21. A horrible trage dy occurred in this city this afternoon about 4 o'clock. Mrs. Catharine Marsh, residing with her mother, father and four young children, at No Ofl Central avenue, proceed to school No 13, where her son James, eight years of ago was a pupil. She called him into the yard, enticed him behind a shed and cut his throat with a kuife, which she borrowed a few minutes before from a neighboring shop. She then went home hurriedly, and there killed her three remaining children, Wil liam, aged 6 years : Mary, nged 5 years, and (Jporge, aged 4 years, in tho same manner. All three of them appear to have expired almost instantly. The poor crea ture next attacked her aged mother, who is fatally injured, and cannot recover. At the coroner's iuqucst this evening tho testimony went to show that Mrs. Marsh is hopelessly insane. Mrs. Nelly Dyer the mother of Mrs. Marsh, made an ante-mortem statement. .She says her daughter came into thc houso excited, and went into tho yard, where two of the children wero playing, and killed them, and then cut thc throat of tho elder of the three in the room in tho house where she (Mr. Dwyer) was. Mrs Marsh then rushed upon Tier mother. Mrs. Dwyer says she could not prevent the catastrophe, as she was paralyzed with horror at thc sight of the children gasping for breath. She said that there was no cause for the tinged'. Mrs. Marsh was always a fond and all'eclionato daughter and mother, and was remarkably careful with her children,rare!y trusting them with other persons even temporarily. Mrs. Marsh was arrested this evening and taken to the police .headquarters. She is tho wife of a barber uamcd Win. Marsh, formerly ot this city, who left about a year ago, aud is now said to be in New York. The murder has created intense excitement here, aud thousauds of persons have visited the scene this evening. TKKRini?K"t KASII. " A Flook of tiie CAriTOL Builoiko of Virginia Gives Way A Large Number of Persons Killed and Injured. Richmond, Va., April 27. A terrible calamity occurred here this morning. The lloor of the court of appeals, iu the State eapitol, gave way anil precipitated hun dreds, gathered therein to hear the deci sion in the mayoralty case of Ellison vs. Calhoun, upon the conservative caucus then sitting in the hall of the House of Delegates below. It is impossible to ascer tain the extent of the injuries nt this hour. Among the killed aro P. II. Aylett, a distinguished lawyer ; Dr. J. B. Brock,1" reporter on tho hivnurtr and J&cttntintr ; Samuel .baton, clerK to il.tyor Calioon ; Captain W. A. Charters, cheil'of lire de nartmcut; N. II. Howard, lawyer; Ash ljcvy, a Richmond merchant ; Charles Watson, of the Danville railroad ; Hugh Hutchison aud lx.'ris N. Webb, of this city ; Mr. tkiholicld, a brother of General Schofield ; P. II. Murry, Jr., iSunator Bland, (colored), and Powhattau Hobbcrts. It is supposed that twenty members of the e.."jslaturi:.are kiiwd and wouuded. Tho Tmimift f.0lut f appeals Bll escaped h roJ t tfr(-'?yiernor Wells was badly in- jiiicu. it. jx. L in nrl lot.. . jv. un Culiouu mil vornltv Cflsu wk mtnrnfl .1 a Mahon and Judge Meredith were also badly lllll't- A I.. lit ....n 1.. .1 J "uuu" ..... .iMiniit-.i iw.i-iiii were hurt hurt V law, rei reduction quite ,i,.,.tinii nn nir stand wncn iuo lV,eatc their .mnil It- II CUlllW""-" i-" 1.. votes member 1. . ,1 n resuscitating it for another year, , .whlch th house ... t.-.-i-- iTt'.n. The INCOME TAX 1 . ... n. AA incomO taS as ainondmoni w i.i upon the fact that -;, absent tne muj i -o - -Kin xh 1 think they will make a bill ...III nt-l TCTl Lll V will' reverse the vote . i imiiluet. Ac. Wr mUU -x April 20. T'lm'is now an immlncnt-an almost vices received and tciegrapi' i i. more stnrw n '"f V"" ..." n j ----- . . . , ... nt riie ueuuutMi- T7. ......i,i..nt 'I lie cvealesl fieue- meut prevails. Hundreds ot persons .lie on eapitol square, weeping the dead aud dying are brought from the lluilU io Wlke, 9ir.t unhurt. aRhoughonthe court room lloor at the tune. nvmlillea. was v. na' . ' ...... nlrr.lrun below ' i a iiiviKioii. i..n;rr inn am .' ... i nnftti . m' vote, mem- 1U u . .inst the ngbt J" . - .L.rc OVer 10, W0,uw P" V? " ; : ...n h. These, with their bersespre eu a luuu.rt luJUl0 ofonc c, ull ovw eyV.ne and other North. n collect rt ,aiin. in this we "'u of another about l,,Wu;V,,y . "'m L formidable force. ",.n the incomes oi - .... 1.,i..,,iniorte( . from wmcu , iu ..... ...wif i. t o .UJ" . T,fr flA vote on nnn-ron Front Wttxhiugtoiu AVasiiixoton, April '-J'" i..,t .iir.-n-d bv Senator Lai month ; " , h. Northern Pacitic Railroad bill, prp- expected on l vidig that in the wnUruei.uu ... u. j. ' ; railroad America.. ...... ,,., CsaPcaband Ohio Kaifroad Ca THE CHESAPEAKE A.I OHIO , , nAILKOAII Is complstl tiid mnniiiK from RICriMOND, VA., to tho eclebruted WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, In Wkst VinoiiA, 227 mllos. It U bring rapidly extended to the Ohio River, 200 miles further, muklng In nil 437 nillei. In Its progrcM Westward, It penetrates nnd opens tip to market thc Wonderful Coal ncpoMlta of tho Knnnwhtt ICckIoii lit West Virginia. And thus brings the su perior nnd abundant Conls.of thnt section Into communication ith the Iron Ores of Virginia nnd Ohio, and Western, South Western nnd Kustcrit Dii.rkctti. When completed It will connect thc superior harbor fiieilitlt s of thc Chesapeake Buy with rc liuUe nnvlgntlon "on the Ohio River, nnd thus with thc cntiro system of Rnllrond nnd Water transportation of the great West and Sonth Wcst. It will make n short, ensy, ehonp nnd favora ble route from the West to the Sen, and will commnud a large share of the enormous freights seeking transportation to thc eoiifct. It will thus become one of the most Important, and profitable East nnd West Trunk Lines of Railroad in the. country, and command a trade of immense value. The completed portion of the Ro.nd Is doing a Prolidiblo nnd Increasing IIiihIiiosh, nnd is fully equal iu value to the whole amount of the mortgage upon tho entire Line ($15,000, 000.) The loan of the Chcanpakc and Ohio Railroad Company, being FniRT Moiitoage upon the en tire Line, property nnd equipments, worth when completed nt least $300,000,000, is therefore one 3f tho most substantial, conservative, and relia ble Railroad Loans ever ollurcd in the market, nnd Is peculiarly ndapted to thc wants of Inventor and CnpitaliNts, . Who desire to nuiko their luvettmeiitswith the most satisfactory assurance of positive and undoubted Nccurlty. Thc Bunds arc iu denominations of M.OOO, 300, uml 10O, aud may be hnd COUPON or REGISTERED. Interest Six per cent, per annum, payable May 1st aud November let. I'riucipiil nnd Interest payable in Ciold iu the t it ol Xew York. Price 90 nnd accrued Interest in Currency, at which prico they pay nearly Seven per cent. In GOLD on their cost. All Government Bonds nud other Securities dealt at the Stock Exchange, received In ex change, at their full market value, and Bonds sent to all parts of thc country, free of Exprees charges. They can be obtained by ordering direct from us or through any responsible Bank or Banker iu any part of the country. ft'ISK & HATCH, llaillei.. ..!., riinmphlets nnd full Information furnish ed upon application In person or by Mail. April 30, 1870. 8t. MAY, 1870. THE BEST TET I , THE CHEAPEST TET l! Oak Hall Enlarged anil Improved. Its Stock the Dent ever Made. Its Prices the Lowest Possible. . ' IMMENSE PREPARATIONS , For tho present Bprlng aud Summer. ALL MANNER OF ' . FINE CLOTHING READY-MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. NEV FABRICS. NEW STYLES. . " SURE "FITS" FOR ALL ' CLOTHING, Durable & Cheap. DRESS & BUSINESS SUITS, . Elegant A Cheap. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, IteautiCnl A Cheap. ALL WARRASTEn TO WEAK. Oaii Hat.l OakIIai.j. Oak Hai.i. Hai.i. m t Oak Hai l All Cth Pt. from Market to Minor. Oak Nam. Oak Halt. 0 rs r . ii... niiauirir.rc & imwn 61Z :,. uak hall os. 530, r.S.', 5114, uM, Oak Hai.i, Oak IUli, Market t. A: 1, B, S, 7, t, Oak IIali. South Sixth St. WANAMAKER & BROWN, April 80. 4t. FAMILY SIEVI NG MAC IIIM;S. OPENING OF THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. I J very body can have n machine at n small cx li peuse. Tho Grover nnd Baker machines, celebrated for beauty nnd elasticity of stitch, perfection and simplicity. The Singer Family .Sewing machine Considered the best sewing machines In exis tence. These machines have Just been opened, nnd arc oll'. rcd fen- sale by Miss. C. DA1,1L'S, lycnt. lust met ions in scwintr on these machines, will be niven gratis to nil purchasers. Orders promptly tilled hv nddrcsslni;. Miss."c. HAUL'S, agent. Market Street, Sunbnry Pa,, GO to Sloureci J)issiuircr"s for biantilul llics (il.iU(ls. t UpUJI. A splendid assortment of Cloths and Cassi iiicrcs, ut Mooie .S: Dissingi-r's. up:.';!. Mooro & l)in- . upsa. NEW MLLXlXM DRESS MAKING AND PATTERN CUTTING. - . THE .adi4 of Sunlmryand rWrtitynrolnvitsd to the new MILLINERY STORE, Just opcu ed by MISS L. -VEISER, Market fctrect, next door to Gcnrht'ft's confec tionary store, 8UN1SURY, PA., whers a lartrc as sortment of Millinery Goods and Trimmliiss have Just been opened. NOTIONS, such ns HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, nnd a variety or other articles. In connection with the Millinery buincs slin will carry on the DRESS MAKINdnnd HTTlNo In nil Its branches. Also the cutliuij of PAT TERNS of every description. Having selected tho most fashionable (roods iu the city markets, and havlnjr had considerable experience iu the Millinery nnd Dress Making bu siness, I nm Solicitous of illliiur orders, and invite ull to nive me a trial, as 1 sell my goods nt great ly reduced prices for cash. , Remember tho place, one door west of Ocir hcurt's Confectionery store, Market street, tun bury, Vi. MISS L. WEISEU. Suubury, l'a., April 10, 1870. SPRING MILLiTeRV. Just optming of BOSMITS AXI HATS In SPRING STYLES, nt MIhh L. -KhiMAler'M Sloro, Market Square, SUNBCRT. The latest rhilndclphia uud New York stvles of MILLINRY GOODS, 1 JON NETS, HATS, FRAMES, French nnd American Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Collars, CulTr,, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, nnd Nrltiong of every vurlctv, and in fai t everything that is kept iu a Millinery clorc. Gent's C'ollnrs, Cutis, Neckties, llnndkerchlefs, fee, &c, Ac. Having just opened this lat ere and irraud as sortmeiit of goods, the ladies uiud thc pull!:.; geuerally ure invited to call and examine for themselves. L. Slllct-LER. Suubury, April 10, 1870. AY Mii:iti: to ui:t tiii:.iii FOR FINE GUOCEU1F.S, Oo to WKITZKI. l'.ltOTiiKflfe. SLGAUS, I'KAS,. tur i r.r., CALICOES of every variety nt singer's. MOORE & PISS1NGER have the bet Dclalns. J npo. Moore & DiMiiger's. uil:i. variety of Lawns ut GJ.O to Moore & Dlssingcr's for White Goods, X and tj.-t the heft. npS;S. Alarue stock of ITo'lery A Notions it Disslngcr's. I iil,-. i ii una larpcis, a li ment nt Moore A Di-.-lnf; np at Moore nit. cucr.a utsuit- ap' :;. EADY-MADE Clotlil.iK, n lurnu stock, ou.1 - liu.til ut Mwiro 1 " a J . i ... .. .J - - - ii- ' MILLIXCi! .UILLI.G!I THE subscribers having taken possession of the Sunbury Strain Mills, on Walnut -tnrt, nnd having rejiaircd the same, are no-.v prepared to manutacttuer all brands of FLOUR AND FEED. They respectfully invite the citizens of tlii.n viciuily to give thein a trial, ns their facilities lo make the best cjuality are equal to any iu tliu State. Their present retail prices ure : M'hcat Flour, per barrel, $(', ,0 Corn Meal, per cu t. u 51 ' Huckwlieat Flour, per cwt. . :i '". Rye Chop, " 50 Rve A Cum, " :'r, Oats A Corn Chop, " " .-, White Middlings, " 2 Shoits, " " I.' in! Hrnn, ' 1 1:0 Corn, per bush. 1 1(1 O.lts, " t;.j Orders are respect fully solicited and will re ceive prompt attention. ' MOYERAKOLU. Sunbury, March II, 187D.-tf. hoot axd sikk: manufacturer. rrWE undrndgnuJ informs the, citizens of 1111 I bury and vicinity, that lu has opened a .-hop at Ids residence, 011 Arch itreel, near the pub. 10 school liou.-c, where he will tnaniUaetare to order, nil kinds ui HOOTS AND bllULo of the be.-t ma terial. Repairing done at thcrt notice. Orlers are r.'spvetfully solicited. ,IARE1 1II(II'.L. fcaubiny", March 'J, lS70.-liui. VAMAIILE IJOifii: A.E l7T, Iu the llorough of SUXBUUY, OHVre:! at Irlito Kalr, a- I manif ' ' "' "' 1 ) L CK ALPACAS or the best quality, cheap, J llt MoorcDwsg'jfl4. KX':.:.. . ... 1 J' Jk6-JJW'-'" EML Wli.Vi.r.1'. cannot be excelled. blicts, . s-j- .,,..... a. ijisaiiigerv t m. i a 1 - - , fOORE A PISSING? K Keep li.u, illliiS . .. 1 . . .. . . t U.. l.,nm,.,llT n'll ..1)111 ru inucs, : be U!iCt, Uie same i 00 ' """V";.-lfi(,n The cou.se ; Alnorica ores exclusively, is an . iidiutti n .cnim.'iii , t hilt tie sa tiate is pretty sou . - 1 1MM1T1I1S ll.lLU'-L'-ti-. 1.-' Aa nelH T I It I il 1 1 II I v r.,. , ... 1. :i 1 Alntilin ' thick they aro wrs . . ftlliml tvc derived over UttJ.uu". ,.f , ' ivc un to IU treaty bupuum .... - , ai. u i . - - ,iavc .v-t and must De - - ,.,. 0 udvautaso wviic ru-. - -? , .,..,.. srty that niivmsv.. r . ,n M.ir ci,artfw that they must use American n". "--"-, ,,.. For a very choice .rtlcl. o, .--OTllERS. For CRANBF.RRIE. rnrn ,SVT C DR1EP KKL-ITS, FINE CllEEfeK, ALL KINDS OF SO AW, ji . 1 1 .iri w nruca iiul-vM .iiwiion oi uuiv . " i. - ...:i.u t wv luivnti v-..-r tieau uuu - ;- -.t,nM,nUhrouKli-1 -" .-,,,, iowa (Mr. Allis.m) ; m 1 1-" ' ",vv. -'..- 1 view ot Hie tu vaic.,- l8 UUe or nouiviou--r:- , . : lt one-half,u? proi. " , nM in order to keep a ,..m,trv.aiiawil",u'v ,., M Mgouri w "" :". .. .,. n,.,i Kivir 1 1 Ueuil.es, sharii watcu 011 . 1 .1 '... Iill'llll'll M t ttll t T w l'OTATOES, BEAN 3, ,u fact, cvorythln.hUhe.nroa,,, 6tuers cidedly IX-mocralic nffli.Uic,, calls "con - , jJJJ1 0 (i,racl lnn this) Mr. Kel-in- to front,- and rrv;-fn lu-" " . . i thai 1 . :..i,-il. T int tin. Ir mi wis. . - i ;t nr nunc IVoiU x. -V , Jxlai.wd thc ohiect .of U nmetulment when he ted the amendment tunt to the chairman of tho committee, and he approved it. I ...:..i. ;,,.l in utate the reason for it. in The S venteciuii "..u ; . ". " . '.", ti., was a clause . .!..!. i.iu i..-.,lriuarkrs. oil tin to BtauuM. TT- . lwnWm ot May, in ' ti.iv.M-, fTh""r;U'CUth and Vourleent! i'KXl. .h"pa,ch. T e j SKta Wd of Sth &tt Knd i SS XlW1"?'BUt.ini hescrouiments'from ! f, ,d to tl.U couuiry, rem led at first j part They have manage - ,och choice iroill iij;."o". .imiiitiv". vtj.i-i! KAMI 1. 1 .nnnufactured evpeessiy at VcltwJ'i Mill. CllOf, 'pi ROCER1ES of nil kinds, constaullj KH , "It. .W'. I j JOPULAU PRICES. I roruLAK I'UICK. THE PRICES OF THE NEW SPUING AND fTMMI-n GOOJ, AT Titt m MMOTII CASH STOKE, MARKET SQUARE, Adi'rcs Smdiury. March 3, l'o. Q1 i-VKN'SYA'ARE. a lino itrsortmem LM--iiiroi- s. at Moon np'-".. VulunMe I'iourlus "' wJc' T '..Lia'aM't X. or.ur, ..... , .h .., aoi.s lor wi.n.y AUo a sp.cmii.l tion. Sly r. my busiiu'.-s I A1KY ,it the Mill. Anvone wUhini; sueh properly, I ' UKaUlo ltiad.oid Co., l'a. April - 1ST0. !!m. AUo, hUNBVUY, PA. Tltroal Ttnnes.we. "What tho use o '"-,": , ,,, " 7. Vvo of lVnnylviia. That darkry ? Vlqasant or un as. u , - , , wwl saill y tiling nUoi is that thc Constitution of tho L uited Mates, v as an 1Vinlsyi Van.a except m lU, rifteeuth AtuendmeiU J i of TlZi the black man a a uu, Mre o gentleman from IVnn- touT jt, of llw seventh miUlf.tcture all the rights of such. l ;Uit . b.,y 1 10 f Br,.ttt Statoof . cl.ro .cl , l 1 for nclivc service j biro uthattl .,. ,.,xfn 1 n nut'SL.wu ' - r-T. - - . it'.l..1tnno oi niu .'j ... -i a ,t nr. nil ....si- tin UT( IV. C'OBNiucKWUEAT MEAL. COAL OIL, TIWFOKTIUS PKTROl.l'-L m r..wV, THE LARGEST AND MOST rOMPLLlh NEW SPUING ..-li. C old crS'jr' Kciuir.-.. hm;u-.l!;.- u , nciilcct often re,.ris in an iiietn- il.ie LuiiC lii-ase. Bnuws'a buoN.Hik'. will lao-t invaiiabl; relief. For Krone! CatMirh. r.tnfntnplivc STOCK OFi Pis.c.theyhavca. so ' tUe:.i Tiicrui's jj.m: mi 11. 1 in-. Asthma, nud Throat .. .. I !.. .1... u ko remote to the very heart ot tne , t.x11HC. ami 1 ua ..".-- - . HUn cienllV oiniiiou, .... lu.s We liau "" Indian country tn.-ot her witu tho movement, already tied that he 1 will ( his votes. t-piMiin anainst ...t.ier to Co with It-and you n-ainhtit." " There ! uo use ti.o tide, lt is can't H-..1 iron has been brou; " i i I. ' . 1 .....11 i. . .. In nf Amen- J le roan - , , , . 1 I "' ;ned:l will T to Ihath- go ; . u. .. ..resents that Wale, 1 I . , Rim has ho ahle IO KU .... " , lt.it 1 iuu:il nuaiu tiv a uepresiiiiii Tiif the centle- ix l ull me " , 1 t r . . 1 1 -, I Oi.iuil l.l.H Lll ll..... 1 .... ..... :.. 1 .lister. 11 " ilia i"t t 1 ....,,,,,,! sen now uutif i, ,,.1,P1,r i-urrelit i... m nl this comnr. ...... unlikely, jmw" V " " i TJLw ho desire, tho prosperity o . - MM will ha tbVl upon , o'utry can object to . . i...r kiM..-iiil . .'is ation tint 1 he same maciiu..v cause .i llf me n-e, ny""' V"", " rhiuiucis, buade, he facillc railroa;L horllm,,t ,. Ln.nps, Uu u p. Cl -) , oht on agniiiM i 1 c., n;i i j WFITZEL UROTII1-U8, louutrv. All 1 de- , . . ..t tl., Suubury. iov.o, ou.-.vp.'t .. 1 i AN I tilKJl'S Maryland AWAKK.-Thx Maryland W,UithisSuai.m i-u.idl aU,and tl ej I IB t. lVllt'4-lrt of .. .. . , i'. ....Klvani i. when no lWtt t 1 mo 0 II 1 tot 4.. II. .tukllt. .....if 1... more-. Ho can ia. - ' - rom reiiusy. . ;;. v- tlmt ,w cussimj nsuoiis t- . hn ,.en. Ki.oiua in e.'' . . ,l(-iv 0110 .:... t Jin 1 v linn uintin j il.n Kiiiir extra it in advanco ol luriner ran 1 uiai. " , ... V." . the oiut reso utiou is It, in . ...lu1,ii.ii tvntii expense hue by which liw joiuv w uii:lM' tJ ... t iiii. 1 1 , t.U. i-urried ii.rouj;"i " i .... ..f tbo mint wriotlS cotllhcts et till- I hoilht 10 IH. t.iru ..,..!. ......L ex- 01 ouu " . .... .... r,i... n.i.i.itiun 01 any ,1-1.1 - , . ,,. .. the Mate sh-xvs "' ' mirt while ltepubliean vob rs. 1 H u u V fc .. .i iuu't ixiinb 1 in:.,.,!. IVnmcrats c.mot poll ov.-r ,. v ,vhi. h will maVe lh Mat 11 1 )' , ":ik ,y whole country, . .. .. .1... r..i .nt . i. a.is. I lUOll . 1 . h-.uvvs 111 taM'l 01 1.0. l Lr-tus have Urn in exigence throughout the watf, and political dub. are now tonn- wc all can lWlt. rcsotirct. o tne var - - , mU do that. Iiui 1 y ' ' V lt" 0 n.rvwnt n while iv'O ho ha t't?"1 l" ,vl ,.f the mont setious conlhcts V1' lulled with Ihe savajjes ot tho plains. The tioveriiiueut is determined to put a to the wholesale Hiniilinii 011 the l 1..V..0.H. frontier, known us the "r reo ?. . .. The Scrctnrv of tho Treasury liiidin.,' the Heveiiue lK rtment uuiible to votriii hurvcillance over the whole Iron- .1 j nil... Ill'' has issued Mil oruir u.- tUT. I vote for Pennsylvania , ( 1 r ,..((U Ml.xUv. nnd If but 1 IV iicccxaiy. Ul loro.ii i -1-.--- - . ... i.,u: 'lhis break tin de.U which . .. rho . ... . ;.i iu...., ti... fi.iuhiuartirs lor .. , 1VT. l vublW.S ''-:,.lk wnthM r,ceive.l ' . .... , .. ,...n.,..ii niuni ii-''j " 1 - - . . ... ii... 1. ..i-ii.u. .1 is. ruckcr, 1 1,1 n.o i nieiiin-i . I V t v. - - -0"1. . . Uu nmeudnieiit to I i.il'i tkllUlllllllt " 1 .. of the ttiiieudinent was -J ' KlrrlM, n,,,, . . ....i..t. .vkatini' wine, preiiareU iv. noowv, (Sueecs-or in W. A. lleunett,) vn CHEMIST, lla. J.U opcu!d frU ui.U uMO.tui.ul .4 I aud fielins, una Kepv Hll "V fc,TMMl-lt EVER OFFERED ix this M-vr.Ki'.T : AND AT lMtICl 1W u to prr coMpr. rrnoN out on r. ..,.i. tku' and roiuihti'iy PWiirth!(-ttUU'.i':l' .t-1; alucU I I.. . ...1 ll V I i...alll'l. I.kl'll 111 I'm j I , III...H- - . . I - 11., I . . 1.11 11.11111. II . I. tlw I tt 1 . . 1 1 1 c 1. 1 . 1 1 lil e l u vcry urlide ot ment in it meets I ,..,,, ... ,,,, jrUVu. OS- re- piouptue WlV H.I.U) AND n.l lU FXTHAC18. trlleieai larejii un MX 1-1 found ou . l uuci 1, l. unusually luia tun all lMMi-.n nts are coniU5 t' tl.U cntry ixt.aoiMU..iry niurs. tin Monday -1,,: k:..ai,.hip City of liiooUlyn, arrived at New York with l.-JJl l aen-cii, ana u . waled that ut'.u'i uamov of ihu hm' h.tv UU- ihiimIh-w t-HKt;-.t tr noviiitl w.W ..ad. iUitwem W.diu.'day and Monday t;,..e wireb.'twfen ilht uud niuu ihou,.u,d atru.d at NVw Y01U. Many of tin 111 w. re Kiu!;i.h and Scotch, Bil l a lar;;o t ..itii.ii ol litem uro J?li to YtrJuU U tarul. .....la following compl'.nantaryim lur ... a -.11 i1. unrrLil -1; :. "'the K.,;-n iruiuiuii t tl.o t h.el.hv- Ifcmi ,,tt utv i.ti.iir. Adini'itl l'oru rbuy that aft . . v 1.. ..all the t.four rcaiicj-i. oi ). . -jiouso 01 ublo iirj-uiiieiii "!" lhtt 1HIU the ntuutum tiltc l ol l;epfcUtullVc litani, ou ,i-...i.;,.,.ii..i. on , , ,..... - - InlilV. l llti. J ,,o worthy " "V ,0 ,"a llou- a tho duly on PU irw. -V". li.uir.--l- II. picker, tin " wu I ... ;......J.;i.V.. L,..i into ilUlw lin t u iu..ii.,.i --- - - . , ' ..I tl..- ,, tho departm. nt U to U"' ,. o . .1....' .. It .... 1... w.. ..Ulv "J h.iiy v. ua.. t.. i, ' t0 tiie cliaroo t.... : ,..iU... ii v i'r mo " : .t....... 1 v i,.,i...inw Au.ricu nd utiaraiitw h ' u"':1.,li,va for aJ Freehand nuh tt.ul niml iiuahUcy urn m aiu R y w-rl.ahvA.NH-e., . .. : o,.,.a Perch U,,4-JWllv:;i tliat U four 1 1;;'. r '",1 .'. ii-. 1 1 .lrii-'.-iiv yean. old. 1 en.l.r.ieei ful ch. genuiuc l wh.. h. ut u." :. " ' ' voUl'lr;-""V lllicv ... . . .1 , ... l.-il 11IU UJ ' j r m it iu i'Ti uiurcd w ;' ud....i.t tu",.V1' MA ra-l;r :. : 1 1 l ,..,.i ivi.ii.aiu in cabin ut the Him', having ho .UU 1 1 char-e ... a .uuloi-ma... -".VuSu ,l- On. .da had a lull loiuph.m lit ol UaU. u. U lu r of Admiral Uowuu. ou U ul tho Nav 1 inuiiu. ut. .how. ..: 11. All. II tAlft. KPKlNuANUMWFIlMVL MIVH 4TI UMtHHIOHI. -i vIil'ltY. I'tuu 4.. MalUa i"'! - I Wood Tull. Ni'. ioid . . 4. ; . ...... ,.,..1 ivini Hrulie. c. PATENT MKl.UTNFS. Ed..aeh.4 ah the uu4 ,puUr l'r...all. j ll.d.. ul uiiiuuurti. , , , I Ik t..u''- ...i..u. CI1U. 4lll Till' l U.l T NPl'H rr SllH( oN I u h . U.i n. 111 ihe 0110 and two-r-ul cm ar i U r: .1 tMidor t b mouiil ( f I'.xlT Ccit. ; l lhui c ll C' 'l liikki ' I 1 tho an. unit i.f nut , Mild lbs lltv CtlM lopi I U. k..a I ) I'.iJ kui.tUttV vf v.ie il .lUr. Ihe ,..!i il.iv-n.ut coin arv a A ! u U t t'i iiui nuwuni ul kit'.y cviit i ;i 1 1 -I rr li.vr (. u; V., Kil l in. hi 1 1 , 1 1 tl... 411. .'btutiv du.lti. udiu .. .... 1 . . ll.O Ui4l'l..ill. i.n!.r t-.ii.tf r:,,."di.uul by ntuvnl to mo' - . - , lil ll 1.1 uud Will iu out R . ' T " Ou .UU '' Th, iii.Ul, .vu. or.he r..lu-.l Male, w 1 UMak.-.. oi.lh,. Ili.t ol Ju,:i'. '' iV,rk aii 1 ..,.i..d. to forward tlw " " li...ltu ll th..roiil,iH. oy p.- , , .lu. Mio(vi..it,d i..r u. i"!y '1 1 ........... av;., nttii.U-. .. t"' ,.l,vervtam.l will U. r.;.p.uv l :'u ut- lirrwa wt.iiit wo v hot t iv.Ul upou .,.(u j-iuiiuur 1 . ..... ..ul uiun - - - I.u.b uf".t"-"t frttuMiiii i, I - A )u.l - jlM,..MMl.l.uu. ' .. I..I..U. al. ;iu, PulOt tlii.tiitriil, l'ralei, .o.ui.t. nurd i.y u.y. IM POUTED AN1 .WIFI'.l.'AN JiOMF-'sTIC ANP iiouEKi.EriNi; i;oolv, OF EVFBV PF.'-f R1PTIUN. c.viirr.Ts, AT LOWER rUU '-f T1I VN Erit. CLOTH AND ITUSIlUNt-i ILrAHt. ML NT la STOCKED 1 I'll LINLST VAUU-.li. MV (.UOJLUV AS1 lil'BKXVAHB JjLI'AUTMKNT 1-4 t'OMl'LLTL IX STOt-'K Al WllUoul l'ai-l f"r 10W oftlieT.wli'-S '"l"' ..1.-...:. V, I twin, are ue.v... -l!r s'lretn olil.iin the .1 ''- . . m-OWN-SBHONCllIALTEOClll. koi.p rvRiivwiiKi-.r. Nov. 13, ISO'... Hi"-. txu: 's ;i VTO;i:'' VINL OrKNINCi. .s-unlitry Hoof, W.e"'t " jOWlllil, ... ,'ivhivi: Vl'FElt AND bliwt. t...e.- ST OKK, Iu the elegant now room rec-ct.tly Ceorgo lhl-lit, Y.v, MVKKET STUEET. SCSbTKV, 77 LEATlitK built by PA. CiLNT'H tiilLAT STOCK. r.m.n piiivit: r.''l'1- TIIK VKIIY (ioi.i) nucv Ail fiu'-tu"- ,'rul" ... . ...... l,.v Uru .uUcW4 Wll Ii"-" " . ' a.c iii.oiui... iiur.i .'7 ..- .., ,a. i. i.iiei uli.l ull.rl h."! -- . . Ill 1 r". - PIUCES cauuul fad " 4tt) 1UE K iii :.i.-i ,.t t'.ie II. - .1 1 kaihh; I wi)iiy AW", m ii,.ina ii". MaiLcl. . , "'". . V..... I.U ,h.lu llel.ll..U ..... nil. 1N.rr.iliu ill '""" wi.iv.i i.V 1 Ml.11.1U., I i"..""- - . r-l , ... ......... l.l.l. 1 W 1 w - - - - OllllS. kklttO "M1 l.ot.u' i'olUl. tl.u.l.u' O""' iual U. luiulb'l. N IU, livi wt, l'"" IUli lu.u,lW, n "Ui,,vX -i t'-'v iliu,iuM ...U.ofli.v U-"ri)U u. ,, tlinu j , 4Uu y "'I t lU U'P I MUMI , A rtTi ol ll III llwir wo..". J " ,.i ujeiit. oer ic...j v. r . ..,. or i.i V.I OM.OIU '." 1,, il.o hrv . r ii... duly - .-. , .. uii.i ...."- - - . . .1 would t '" " "iiy oU.U-w ' "'' luruuhu. J ia- . ..V. .lli.J hbU ti.iaia. t nut ui , t" - . -. .i. .,..y uar iu k.,t . , n. .I. l!l Of M .! 1. uic, uy - - - u ... , 1 M 1 1 M I Ail u. '"' .. ... .. ... ... .,1. ui UL.UU Uuuwi Ije Null, Ac, &c C4II ai4 Ui couiu--. d that llw MAM- ' . . : 1. liilnl lllilll! ,ui.-io"'. - .l''a . . rs rhv.'! i'.r...M-.w io.. ...... l. l.-" . L, .! ti I " f., , 4..J ' . , ,..mM m.,.4 iU l-- . M.J.Hl.111"" . . .... ... iv. V ii'iiua 7 . . ,, ..1 iu U ... M ... .1. 1 1 1... -il ...tm I. . . 1 .4 ... v .-, . t, ,s IN 1 .1. 1 4 IV IU IIH Hi. r iKvi ui .i.w i- -- V . . , 1 . . . .. . .... , ' III J put, ----- ,.U wili l."ld al . I Ull ...,11k 11 eau ... . . ;r ro blloEUMvLU.S. -W ll..u to ll.e U"c hue uf . tr I- I I'l'U'lt BOOT A1' boll. FOhTloN AM' POMfKlU'. ud gurl i"- uf 1 1 .k Mill Wc " h' l "u',, 1 ' I 1-lu.w.... J. . AV. I 1 uuta.),A,...l. w-:'.'' " """ ' ' hi. Ill IMII llOl. r iiii T ". VASM.l I.V I Li- MT-PI IN . . t . . , . u lti,' ll I"' M v I'.'l. t 1,1 ll. l.'i iw,; " in y 1. ii.iitM i NiiUH. ' . - .1. I ' - I II- 4 M .4 . . .1 . -' .l.ai. 4, WU. 1. ' , Ul.-HI t 1 ' r..7.:,; .... ''.:'i't: r,:4. i: ,. 1- .. 1 V, I ' .....,..iUiii.j mi"1 .1 -I . "I"''. l,4.W- ' 4 .I.U.I. Lt '"-id l. tl " , W. ' r r 1. v 4 i..i . ! II I ll" i'. hUj, UUiu4 tU a I 'pt' .i CI I iUWthl if 'i I : I w I. . ,-t , - "' 1 I... 1 .1 .:. ,: il . i I .11 i.i w. 1 iUy. 'U'. l .., .1 1-' I' y '" mm. r- .(,1 tl. f t'i I - ll.. V tfcllll.Lll OA 1 .1 ..U .111 i.i H.'iH fur maUl I ".U4WT ul U Jo, whuU , iUt. nwut im u' ''". lM . ... ..u. ...'' ,U" .1 L iL-it.''U i.viu ii i . ... ,utfii". w ", -, --v : t.i. .. I -;.'.' ,U4 I