Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 23, 1870, Image 3

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    sititea American.
"SCNBURT, APRIL 23, 1870.
RnllroiMl Time Tables.
' TTO. U. W.-Ko.t. .1 P.-fc- w. n. K
Buffaloe K.x I've n. F.r.M. 1 I've
w ill 11:45 m Erie En "
KriaMall. "llpml
6:2i) II m
3:4ft p m
8:4flp m
Emigrant Train west arrive at 11:00 a. m.
Lettn I arrire
Kunhury at U-00 m At Sunbury 10:45 am
:00pmi MP"
mvilie, nmmk wilies-bam 1. 1.
leave Sunhuru 6:J A. M iS:M and t P. M.
Jrritw m-Sunburv 11:3 A. M., 6:30 inyi j P. M.
.lasttt Dni.(-10:t5 A. M. S0 snd 10 P. M.
.arrive at DenefMe 0:10 A. M., 4:40 and 7:45 P. M.
Latiso or A Corner Stone. The corner ston
of the Ocrman Reformed and Lutheran ctmrdi
near Reed's Btntlon, In Shamokln township, wi!
be Inld on Sunday, May 1st, nt 10 o'clock, A. M
Several minsters from abroad are expected t
participate in the cercmenies. The public ar
tuviled ta atteud.
Free Lecture. Mr. ' Egbert Hasard will dc
liver a. free lecture on, Thursday evening next
April 28th, In Masonic Hall, Sunbury. Subject
"Woman's Rights." A cordial Invitation Is ei
fended to all to be present and hear tbl subjei
discussed from a new stand-point.
( LECTrim Postponrd. Fred. Ponclass' Lei
iure on "Composito Nationality," in the Mason:
jHall, has been postponed until oeXt-Fritay cvci
ing, April 20th, on account of Mr. Douglass b
ing unable to reach here .in time to fill the nj
pointmcnt stated in our Inst issue.
A Lock-VP is much needed in this town. TA
have heard of a number of complaints lately .
depredations being committed at nights by parti
' under the influence of "benzine." If wo had
lock-up many of these characters could be pine
behind lock and key,and many of the annoyanc
now existing, prevented.
Eastp.h. Last Sunday (Easter) was obscrv
In this place, by appropriate sermons in all t
churches. Although the weather being l
pleasant and rainy during most of the day, t
churches were well filled.
David Fry, Esq., who purchased the old Pr
-vtorian church, at this place, paid the balnt
of the purchase money over to the Trustees,
Wednesday of last week. Mr. Fry intends
Improve the lecture room fir his tnsincss imc
. We arc requested to stato that no Spec
Court will be livid on, the first Monday In .M
next, ah was uunounced. Jurors who taVe k'
drawn for that need not attend.
Mbsm:s. Guison A Ftkman are making a 1'
display nt their Boot aud ShicSiare on Mar'
street. Their stock is laree ar.d tfle. assortm
of the best qValify. , They Rre young men
serving of success ;lhe public are invitee
call and see their eiocl;.
At a nicetim; of 'he congregation of St. M
thew's Protestant Episcopal chnrcb, held
Monday, April 18th, the following persons
elected as the Vestry for the ensuing year i
,T. Grant, O. B. Youngman, T. J. Ilainer, J.. 1
Clement, G. W. Smith, YVm. I. rtenoufiii i
N. Ferrcc, Light nor.
Tna following bill relating to certain conntlee
of the western judicial district of f OD.njlvanln,
and of some ImportiiDca to tbo citizens, thereof,
was Introduced Into tho ITouso of Representa
tives at "Washington, on tho 12lh Inst., by Repre
sentative, Hon. Win, II. Armstrong, and was
read twice, referred to the Committee on tho Ju
diciary, aud ordered to be printed.
He it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Jttprt
imtatirci of the United State of America in. 'Jen
great ateembled, That all process, in all nctions
and prosecutions, aud nil Judloial proceedings at
law or In equity, which shall hereafter arise, and
in which the defendant or defcudants shall reside
In any of the. following counties of the western
district of'Pcnnajlvnnia, viz t Wyoming, Union,
Northumberland, Montour, Bradford, '1 impi, Ly
coming, Snyder, Centre, Clearfield, Cliutnn.
Cnmcron aud Potter, shall be Issued from and
returnable to tho courts of sat district, to bo
holden nt Wllliatnport, ami, itetj'thcr with all
suits, prosecutions, or buines lior.fore beguu,
pending and undetermined, hi Isliitr from any of
the said counties, ahull lie heard or tried there
only; unless Willi the consent of paitlus, the
court shall dtreitt tho. samo-to bp heard or tried
at the court to bo fccldeu at Pittsburg or Eric,
iu said district.
The Wiikkler Thocpe. This troupe exhibited
at this place, Some six weeks ago, but it being
an inclement cvenlug.thuy have consented to give
two of their parlor cutertalumcut iu the Masonic
Hull, on this Saturday and Monday evening next.
Their performances are highly spoken of by our
exchanges. The Pottsvillo .V,nert' Journal says
of thefa i. .
We do not fell InelinKI to notice favorably tho
majority of traveling ;lroupiw, for they are too
often trashy end vulvar, l.ut in the cine of tho
Wheeler T eotpe'thet iraye Its first entertainment
in Union Hall last evenlug, and will give Its last
to-night wiih, an ct:tiru change of programme,
wo must say that It is one of tte ruast pleasing
parlor entertainments we ever witnessed, chaste
and amusing.. Ndlliinn Is saiduMd.iiiH' that would
otrend the n.ost fastidious. We would commend it
as one which nny lairytan attend, and trust that
the troupe will have a 110 audience to-night.
" ti i"
A Word in tour Ear? -Onlv- a Whispkh.
We suppose there is scarcely a contry:ueWspa
per in the land thut has not few siifcHsriliers
who devour each weekly issue jiilh, eitteruess
as tjjoy do their dully food nndVc f.o are
devoid of principle as to allow themselves to
run years behind in the payment of their
subscription, paying not the slightest attention
to the bill they receive tinlcs it mav bo to
anathematize the pi Inter for his impudence in
asking lor his own. Wo have a few sueh .sub
scribers, whose names have been carried forward
from yexr ta year under tho (we fear insane) idi-a
that in some moment of honesty they would pay.
But we intend uo longer to Indulge iu such dr.cains,
but will try if publishing their names in our col
umns will have nny ellect, as wo know that it
Hatters some persons to havetheir names Iu print
under such circumstances. So kind but forgetful
friends pardon us, say ten or a dozen nf vou, if
we give you a prominence you do not deserve.
Ifourpuper is not worlji the paltry sum of two
dollars nyear, pa wiiat you owe and we will
cbw rfully discou'tinnc to deliver ft to von, as our
paying list U good and constantly 'increasing,
mid wo do not- require dummies' to give Ub a
chance to boast our circulation. -M.'MuM'im.
The above Is our case prclscly, and i;c shall
net upon the same principle, neighbor.
Faukcus'. axd. IIoRTiciiLTCitisTs' Society.
At(il.STAViLl.n, ftii, April 10, IS70.
The Antfls-;a Fnrnv' hnl.HijrtirurVuVisU As
ichitiou i.:et, nud r.'f.s culirj to Jitlcr fcv the
.vldcnt. ' . ...., . I
V'-fimes of l ist meeting read nndk aj pyed. !
vponding Secretaries were instructed to wend j
dozen of each variety of eggs recommend- t
M meeting. Some of the seeds procured
vivresponding Secretaries weiedi.-trihtited. I
Brahma egg were presented the So- I
Jotting. Now U the time to camphorfura.
Mud Is as plenty now ai dust was hist week.
Tor trees are putting forth their tefcder lcafes
of hope.
We saw couple of men trying to force the
season a Tew days ago by wearing straw hats.
A rsw days moro and grass butter will bo In
the market.
Didn't the eggs suffer on Sunday We think
they did.
.Summer U cumlug on apace, aud lco-creaui,
etc.,ywlll on to lit onlar.
Lf.aT ),clng 6ver, our tewn bolles hurry from
gravotO gay.
House cleaning is now In season, aud our tidy
housekeepers are bars nt work.
Bronze gaiters will be Worn this summer, when
brown or dark gray dresses ure worn.
Good ns dumb bulls and much more to the
purpose cienn one's hoots after such weather as
wc havp had within the puBt few iays.
Kvertt other boy yon meet who has attained
the advanced age of fifteen summers is cudeavor
Ingto raiso a moustache.
Juvenile anglers arc employing themselves.
The exteut of th-nr cateh is generally a cold,
and very often, when they go home, a good spank
ng. . . , ., ...
Thr grass is diilj puttiog ott a liruilcr green,
and one may sny that the time ofhiiibi, blossoms,
singing birds, and the reueral cf vcctnlvlc life,
has fairly come- , ......
Violets arc Jn their glory now, clothed lu pur
ple, seated On throne of emerald, enshrouded In
au aimospheie of fi agrauee to whose exquisite
swcetr.ess no words can give expression.
Democratic politicians are ulready button
holing their friends fir support nt next full's
election. Plans art alto'being laid by tte "Ring"
to defeat some of tho hoinrl.lJcmocr:its at the
primary election, and have tbir uw,n favorites
placed upon the ticJ-ct. . What it g'eilous time
the "Ring" will hnra wheu orce They get all the
offices iu the coui ty.
C'LOSlNO 1'HIOKS Of DnllATrN fc PflO., 41 8
TlIIUI) SyilEKT, PltlLSDELl'HIA. u o'clock, P. H
April 13th, J 870.
V. 8. C'sef '81
" 'm
' ' '01
" " 'l)5.......
" " '05, new
" " 'C7, "
, 'C'i
" S's, 10-0's ;
U. S. GO Year 0 per cent. Cy
Due Gump. Int. Notes ."
Silver - ..
Union Pneill.: It. ft. 1st M. Bonds.,
Central Pacific R. 11.'......'... j915
Union Pacific Land Gru,it'iioiid..!7rt.ri
I.1 1.1. !i !
lll', IH
; j io iio'
!110 i IIO14
!llli lUJi
I ! i
113 11315
10f (110
!815 f5
At Harrtsburg, on the l'Jth lust., by Jtev. W. O.
Owen, at the residence of the bride's parent, Mr.
tlKMsn KitKuiALM, of Sunbary, und Miis
Emma Hrrri .efinohh, of Harrisburg.
In this p!uce, on the 18th in.-t., alter a linger
ing illness of that fell dctiov;r, 1 oii4Utiiption,
Mrs. SUSAN A. ARTKR, wife of Mr. James M.
Artel', aged oU feuis, $ liionVus uvJ,.J du-.
Farev ell, djur sister, God h:is called thee home,
'Jo J )in the loved ones thut have gone before,
The conflict's o'er, thy work on earth is done,
Thy suH'cringi ended thou so meekly boru.
We would not call the back our Go! kn"W best
Wke.a tkee he called to Join tho angelic throng,
I ttiun our guardian upget hover near
And .fculde our wanderir.g footsteps to yon hcaten-
ly Home, t
At Snumown, ontlielO'ii
HAFEB.aged about CS years.
Suubury truin V Produce .Market.
connscTLT wtrKi.T nr gkkinqer a bro.
f "Banner of Light" of April lti; 1S70.
"A 'pI rvtruordioary."
To the American People, Jjrit.timi : I am
cotniuUsioued to procure the name and address
of cvt ry person in the U tilted States who takes a
friendly interest in' Woman's Enfranchisement.
In order la gGirrilc, this roil of honor, I hereby
request every such T--tiou, Immediately on read
ing tliis nnnounceiteu:, without wailing long
enough to forget or nefeltel it, to take pen and
ink, write the name nu t address legibly, und for
ward the same to me by mail; postage puid, a
trifling cost which you will nut be-rrudg 'to 11 Aryrtilr sending !ti ouc eji elope
all the names in a latnily, a village 'nr associa
tion, will lender a helpful service. Three thou
sand American newspapers will oblige 11 brother
editor by generally printing this card ic thf-it
coluiur.s. The purjiose of tlii registration ,is t
know to. irhom to setjd luir.oita'ut ilotumeits.
Friends cf the cause arc urged to repond so
simultaneously that their letters shall tly hither
like a snovr storm. Sign ut once, and the day
will come v.Jicn your children and children's
children will be proud othe record.
Fraternally, ,
TuiMruJitt! Til: on,
' Editor cl iho trMeneni'mt.
Ecx 2V8T, New I'urk City.
Urais Choice White Wheat
Bct Amber, Wiuter
iViru.... ,
AJats, (o'-l lb..)
l!et Amber, Winter, per sai
t . .. fc.i,-
Corn Meal, per c-wt.,
BiTiitr. Sew York ;:r.
-i" .Pennsylvania lioll
Fous Per -lover.
Meats Diuri.Lcef, per lb
Suiohud !wt:iu
J.Altf) per lo
Tisu Salt Wtiit I'inli, ))V lb
Trout ... "
I resh Shad Turnips, per buaLci...
Potatwta "
Onion ' "
Pf-ans, " buai-. ... .,
Ilcmlnv "
I)n: El) FnviTS Dried Apples, per lb
" Peaches, "
" Cherries, "
" Blackberries....
" Raspberries
Giirvs Am i s per barrel
tl 20
. 1
o uO
....10.''' -18
1 'J5
. ..1:!f'i,H
7.Vrt 00
At A
op the ,
Haupt's Building, SUXBUET,..
V. H. WIJTZF.L, Proprietor.
A N nnp.iralled stock of Dry Goods just pur
XV. chased In the titw York market, at the
lowest flgnres, U now oir.-red ut prices lower thuu
goods were ever sold for in Sunbui v, consUtitig pf
SILKS,. , "
of tho ''.leaX (ifality and sitpef'.or lustre and finish,
JAl'ANlj: SILKS, du. j
IRISH POPLINS In great variety f,r spring '
suits. '
The celebrated P.iiffalo llrand of
The lt-.aver brand, H1.I-. liniheJ lilaek, pun; '
Uiack, WLI41: and Colored A!a -it. EukIUU '
and French Jii-!i.iuiiu.'j. I'reticli M mIiios. Km- '
iiruss Cloths and l'(.i;iiiia. &:lk u1 Wool ro'.Ii 1 1
j Popiills. Printed Itul y'.'jtlu iil'j-W.Joi I'eljii,,. .
u-laiidC-1 'I raveling I'ress Fi.bries. Silk aiwl 1
1 wool Mixtures for .Suits. Fluid Poplin u-l '
J'iagonals. A complete assortment rf ;
Fancy t'asslmeres,
j Cloths of all description,
' Bulinornl rtkiits,
1 nuts, ,
.wiuuuH, ... 1 ;
, i Hosier'-,
CARPETS Brunscll, Tap-wiry, Ingrain, Hall
and Stair. " 1
These are but an outli:i of the extensive and
Varied Stock at the New York store, to which the
attention of the community is cordially invited.
Call und examine lli'.-m, if you wish to form
a correct estimate of their supei ior i;iulily.
Ptices-ns IjW us tel'ore the war.
Country producu taken in rtl'iiins for
goods. . C. 11. WEI'1EL. ,
March SO, 1S70.-1; . !
'N the F.:rt A-.iru-ta or Col. Cake's addition to I
. the Koroutrh of Knnbni-v. Prices from TWO
m:Nii.'i-.i) t-. 1 ivE m''."iiii-;i) ikklakm, i
pa; a'.;le-'iH i.-.nnlhlv iiistai.lnieitt-f of Ton Dol'-n t
cavil. Also, the l'UUR HOi'SK in N01 thumber
land. suitable for a filst-elnss hotel. Also, TlUi
bcr land in Lycoming and Centre counties.
Northumberland, N'orth'd Co., Pa.
Feb. 2C, lSTO.-oin.
S II V M O K I X C O A I. 1 It A I V. .
SiiamoKin, April l'J.
.i'l.t lor eek eudmg April lfilh
ler law ucporl
--It'. Cirf.
7.!iun o:;
"..i,hii oa
I House and Hi'oov tor Sale. Any peiso- ;
wishing a good horse and buggy, will pleac call '
j at the Drug Store of Dr. Moody, Market Sijuaro,
Aixmr.NT. On the ICth inst., lil!e a t
and his wife ncr? nrivlng in a the fe
011 the opposit- ct the riv.r m.Vn;..outc.
the liver bcicir kih, and. thci-Cad bet ween II
town and the Ferry being under wat.-r, the sir
'-urrent carried horse, bv.ggy and inmate d.
into the deep water. The lady came near dro
lug. The horse was dr.mned. .tt,,)io.. af nf
Tins is the season d'iriiig which the p
amuse themselves, and at the same lime j-ia
their desire for t:ain, by destroying the. iii
Both law and pui.lic opinion have been Iron
to bear upon the tusk of putting 11 stop to!
wanton and incx tisa'j'e kaHt, but they seenM"
;iau' little itlcct. Yet we would not have f'11'
.ippli. utioii of private inilueiiee in favor of '-:c
oil Is ! tvase. Kv.-n-man, woman and c:'J
!.;: a circle of inlhi.-Lc.-, and we ho'.o tr tr-l
exe:1 tint i:;:'.u. - w.j pn.ect 'l.o f:a'hertd
Wiife &r 'from uniiectss.i'y slaughter.
Wk learn (hat Hon. A. J jrd.m, hasteeu chosen
President of (lie Kiinbury Cattle Insuramc CptS
paiiy. :.t a recent inei ling (if the board of Direc
tors. The Company Juive il.:.i!ued a charter nli.u 0f jraits cf rji.iract'r, is one of that class
through the l.rgl auihorwiiij; heni to ! 0f Jews, known n,s '.ho "Canul Jut," ofrcu seen
y: choa,
sjtii, ueiyiifenr of The ,f!;ct(( found another '
friend to assist in .'.ndica'.iii-- him cf pulling up
the "branch store," w ho gives c' er.thc signature '
of Henry llerinaii. a bols'.crud u;i s-.ntemrnt pf 11 :
conrersatiriu .lha.-he- savs iook J'kire between
himself miC us. We Lave never met nny person
by Ibat naKOthat we know of, nor did any such
conversaUou ever take place between us or any
one els.?. 1 l is Henry llennau claims to Ic the
manager 01 lhc. New X r-rk Brnuch, und U we
have learned siiio bis effort to give us a. tpeii-
raise a capital s:.vt rr tu e.'r.OO tc i'lOP.OOO.
They are now or, a' under the new charter
and the election cf h'.i Honor Judf'C Jordan, as
I'resident, Is a strong indication that they are
iu earnest. Hi? name will give additional strength
und assures u'l of the perfect reliability of the
Company. They are iintuiing rapidly and are
doing a prosperous business.
, H1011 Watlr. A heavy rain set In on Sunday
iiiomiug last and poiitinmd until Monday cveu
ing. The creekn and oilier ktieuuu in tWs i
lMiiity,were considerably swullro-. Thekjimokin
day and
creek rose very rapidly on M
height as to cause trn iw la":(i i to C'crllow
The wat.-r In the Suscuchanna also rose to Hourly
the height of lkc fiinhet lu 1S08. tin Moudav
ft pm' at the rae of t vo Inches to "he I oar, and
cci-.tlrfl until Tuts lay afternoon when it began
to abate, rausipg some feais that the wuler
would overllow parts of our town, but fortunate
ly the eiiib.tiikii'-n's kipt us J:ifeetly seeure.
Theic being only u i'ov 1-,'t iuuudutvd ul lie Okt
tkirts, tiiiised 1 the ba.i water of the Staiuoklu
creek, and e are happy to Male, 110 tcrioiia
damage was ,1 me lh..t we li :Ud of. We regret
to b ain, however, that some of ur neighboring
touus Uibng the river were less futuiialc. At
Willl.inispi.ii iiml l.oeU Haven the water was
fci:'h-r than hi l'Jt'j. l.uie liorlion of lhe
va were, ami considerable damage
June ta I n. 1 uly. "(be f:inal Was ;re.aly da
maged ('''wren till, phieeuud WillUinipoil. The
rMr ilbvla.m Wi;;i.,ni. rt and Eluiira is re
jsot. I lu liu been I illy damaged, so that DO
trains 'm' rai oir it lor a day or two. Koulh
if us we have i..,i Kjrm l of any uiutuiUI d.iuia
w ah ll.s 1 e. pu-u ol cluing aay frLCi
4I0HK Ibti b-tnka ol it. nt-tr.
. Anoint Atuix i.r f.J . m m A Mixiiu Boss
Klliri'. 1 1 wli de i.;i-i. .uw'i was e.IU
k tl Li I 1- . r . ! . l lie- .lll.uiUerniilit tf Hit:
i.i Lliulil 1.-U..I, r ol Pat in tlilus, onl.Kls
at t. D. s.--'frtr A, (Va feilvtr t'rrfk Col.
in l) , at ' uai aiul4. I , I (UUUUlS, o fr tS
Late Uu i.ti! to 4..ila.4l, are all -fUulUlly
aa Inllottai Mr Hui'.t 1 .' bit h u iu II
roving through t'.c country offe:irj; "'he:vp
Coo(a" for sale, which class of Je' s i.a"e al vays
I been looked upon as 11. )t reing utove suspicion,
eveji by their ov. n sti, who are of a better class
and. have fcccoma better citi.ens. Wo wero nut
a litile eurpiurcd, however, to see Metsrs.
Bumbcrgtr t would even allow tlu-ir
nuu "Friday" to violaje the commandment
which I hey quoted a few iveckS ago, with such
impunity. Aud a tc our uughy.r cf the Ga:,tte,
we Kfre. t.v:j:cd.! ha'. he l as ullov.ed him
self to nsoiia'.o with that k'lil nf company for
the sake of securing half priced Jots. A thia
"branch" bus departed and most likely a platted
on probably a more favorite spot, we would 11 J
uionish our neighbor to be more cautious iu the
future, ana r.voij ial.luK Into Miottu-r sui'a v.n
erri.-. We shall c.erlook this minhap, belie ing
it to be accidental oa his part.
Am ArciDEsr On Mouduy eveuing la-t ao
P. I. Huckeubtrg Ks'., aud his wife were coining
to this place from Seliusgrore, they met with an
aecldeut which came very near proving s,rious
In lis coiiwiiiei re. Their mode of conv. yance
was 11 hota: and buy, and nt the point below
Noithimlnl.i'id known as the l'iistn'Vs,"tome
p.iitka had lvd up it lull, nut of 4he taLks i xteu 1
ing across the n iul, mm, being tvo fe. t above
the ground, It foriiud au tidy toll gate, for
w hich Mr. Haekeiihei'K was umI The
li.nao ou coining to the rupe nido a leap and
ilearej It, but (he front wheel, of the Lug.'.
a'.MUL the r-ipeuud the ioiicasaioi threw Loth
Mr. and !. Havkeiiherg out of the biu'i-y, Mr.
II, UUiug. uuda-i lh' Mrce und Mia. II. falling
so Hut oi.e cf ll.e wliitln p..nv t over lo r U.i.l.
For.uuately Mr. II. I. id ici u c of lulud lu cill
totis bwel'i l-.pus he w.i. falling, ni,J the
horae Wf. Well (lain.. I und oUjcl Ihv I,
i-lae the UUH pi Hie act i.leiit might luvrlvt-u As it us, Mis. II. wua ludly Lrud
about Hie I,, ad eiul altviuljuia, uu
11 nuW.ia.ouiluM) ttt.ll. 'J he ft.) li'h
ha.lll.a ac.ld.nt v..,, pioiupily iul, lu rc.eul
diaetuielo ulhcis Lj utigLt le tt-ui.i. al.ui
lha aull.e r.'rtj und If lbs fH Jt U f, i,
ii.rucu 11 win ouiy l 4
'X nl it liieiiitii-i-t.
H. K. Myers, and approved by the
C the. Cori-esnonrliiiir K.inrit,.rl..d h.
ud for. four pounds Alside Clover, j Ml et' L Itih-mexts. H. 0. Masscr has Jctt
"V' '-o B'cet nt J.crLh'a (jriiii-h rihoi'. Vav ! icutlvfid a nc supply of Violins, Accordcons,
Hanjoqf, Tnui'jorenes, musical boxes and musi
cal iiia'r.uintyfts,
.v Cii .-RT Oi:r.K Just received and for
sale by it. li. Xn. -.
A sri iiAN-.i C''ict t r. it
by il. B. Masser.
Tiik test Piano made, unj vurranti:." for five
years, will we sold by 11. H. Massfr fvepty per
cent, less than any piano -( cijiml m-;t Unit can
be h ui froiL ;i..y ira-. elit.g agent.
. m:v ussoriincnt of Violin Strings, new style
01 Moi.Mitigs, Ac. Just received by H. B. Masser.
CuttoMos am otiilk Paintins A new lot
u.-t received from New York by II. 11. Masscr,
at very reduced pi ices.
C! aii hex Ski'.di. A general asortiv.ent o!- frch
liard.-u Seeds havii ist hfer rp. ned at Dr.
Moody's D"S s'ctc, Mailet Sjuare. AU who
"Ish ;.; j.J i.uj ixliabla soeds will plcafe call.
1'kec.r .lll t,-a ivecting of thc.Sunb.ury Steam
i'ciiy uiu Towjioat Company, in, the nfTice of
Ih ' . r .V: Wolvertou, Thursday cveiiin-neM, U'Sth
lust,,, for the election of pormai'.ei't. oflleers.
full t.iteiidauce of members is.requested. ,
W. J. WVii.i liitoj., Kocr'yfro Vat.
fill; for sale a lin.iiel qnacti
ty et No. ) Slrawlicrry Plants. All orders 10m
inunic.ted to Jolin Eckmaii A Co., Sunbury, Pa.,
wiil be promptly tilled, with plants fresh from
(he ground. Price '.'5 ets. per dozen.
It. P. W. IUusiiAliT.
It ia astonishing what an Iiuirclm- amount of
V.-au;irnl foods is being olH-ued nt the Dry tiooj
i,!-d ( r cry (ere of M m & DUsiugir at such
loir, prices.
I l Uiin HE of every description Is contlantly
sold at 13. L. Itaiidenhusb Store in Miuo.iic Hall
build'ng, at i-os. reasonable prices. - It Is the
pl.e.v to make a good seleeliou us he has an
immense uahortmeut.
funic good mothers still have their
They do not kuow
.H'h cjlicaper and better they could clothe
t a Uak Hall.
n. The Sunbury Lyceum jilfcr a reward
. r..- .1... :..u u I.. .1.....
W IOI -..l, Will. II1IS 1IV--.11 HIV
1),V ua Monday lust, annouii .lug FrcJ.
l(l Vl'he lecture will b;- delivered 3u Friday,
rcetlV ' abiuct Urguns have Just been
Thesi'11' -'ulc S'ore of 11., li. Masser.
and ut ke "J4!-1 f ''-v
lu ccfcn'i'- f c-i nd l aud 'Cans taken
To na:ii; nuie last jear
(ji),"i"-S Oii I
'.Hi.GIT O'J
....trt.loy ti:: !
The PEItrrvi N S Kl P inaltestliPWi nVstrnnii,
end extols illseasc liy uiiti!)iug the blood wttu
Nituiik'.-j Own trrir.iiiNO AotxT-litON.
Caution. 'le sure vnn c-f feruvinn Siirvp
Pamphlets fi ve. J. p. DISSMoHK. prcn letor,
No. IVv St.. New Vrli.
hold by lirugKists generally.
M OICDS 451" lll l:it:.
O' N the Errors of Youth and the Folli.-s of g".
In relation t- Marriage ami tfoeijl J'.u',
' w"tb a ft. lpitr .orttie t-i-rtirr nfi untoitii
i it.tie. iiciit in :-' ale.l letter eu'elo) is, t'nc of
! charge. Address. ilOWAKD ASSOCIATION,'
! box, P., Pbiladolphla. Pa.
Dc-cmhcr 1 1. UO.1. 1y.
' .lli Millercd for
Premature decay, alid t:c cil'ecls of youthful in,
; discretion, wdl, "for the sake ol'sutfeiirg r.tiinani
1 ty, scud lieu to nil who need, 'lit re. ipe and di-
nation for makimrthe tiii'ilf liinedy by which
j he was cured. Sull'.reh wirhing to profit by the
j udvcri.si2;''ii e V-pcrieucc can do so bv addressing,
in ferff t fcilidenvc. JOHN Otl DEN,
I Ma5,'0'.--'.y No. 42 Cedar street, N. Y. 1
.YOUTH. A g.''j wi.o
vcats ironi i r 'r us li oi.i v-
linoia nut. Con trul lui"illc It. It.
7. IV
the inott n d-v.iit It t'ri;..
D 1
Taiiis nr ."M-s! k.iit ivn r: . . .-i. . T" H"- of ib Mv' , ,':...,. .. S!'1'11'111-' "adc home,
-.imi, ,IU
Virtues, Vices, tpleudcr. ai-d Crimes of tlie
City of Paris. py Jairee MrCabc, Jr., Na
tional rubllahic;', Co., Fuihidelphhi.
This Is the title of (he most roinph tc andatlrac
tive b.H.koftbe day, lsur,l by the 'Nuttonal
PubhahinirConipaii)," of Plilladelphlu. hut
largo vWuiua) of over sight hwixtrnl u'.s magni
li.eiitl; 111" trul.d w.tli o:.e bundled und lllty
live engra . ings, l.v the best Prein b arliats, an l
tioui the ri m ni-r who knows Pari. well.
It la ab- 11 blue, and (.1 terUluliig lu a Iii, It degree, besidea foul .tilll'l" a VuSt alio lllll i I llialruc-
11011, it abounds In bil liant and' IhrilUiikf Uvaerip.
tioll'.of thedalker tides t.f Fulalali lile. The
reader is carried lulo the dark i.iualld tpurlcis
.f 111.. It ... l.i. l ,r. M...I 1. I..I....I I ... .1 .
- - , .... ... -u..i.t j mo 1 11.. ...
houseanrthe sad ebiidri n of poverty: 11m! U.l lwuUlifuh laual s Mat tloie. 1 hey ure
1 n
K 1
, Sloiks bought aud sold on comiu:...n only.
Accounts received and ititeryst allowed on dailv
tallancts sul tt c'..i :!: at sight.
I cb. ".0.-iy.
It Al 4. Its
SIM1 1 ll-i HiS I'll ATE t)F EIM F
111131' -e
M'i: ixt;
I Ujt.'lS of g.'iil'.emeu's Hats have
l.i.i' ul. 1,' (tif ll.t l-ttrj ta ol t'-..t o l..a nui) kl 1 lu li lU.-ll lalta au llit lha iim4 la it. a ul .liu I
tit. v...,t 1), au.l mi.An pt.aiu, ibiSStJt 1 of J '' ' lvl Ii4iiilvie sttdaugei intut).
. U I . l.i u Ui l'i polula l.o w .a aito'. ( j '"""
ilia It.j I ! tt.itie ioe ittitiiuttj lu 1fco Ninafsl'tii lt.aosu. sl.aus of our tub-
i.-il wit l iui.11 eiui iiiiimui wj, 1 -'. 1 ... r uwuiin i.j a.-am
U t l,.i.i,.ii lo lit .1 uu 1 I .ui,4 the iMe
liolid l.orreltn and oneelia ,.f Kit- J.i.. .,.i,c
iv portiuyed with perfe, trtiihfiiluex; the ter
riblr iiytsid hu h it e of all t.lui. h..a ui.ule iu
lieii.L t.Mi.ty, abovu wiJL'i li ataillliig (Igor 1
Malilllu an. I lis gabtlcs, with the Volii.liioiia
Cuit .U't are (noiiebt home to bun 1 11 lid the loud
It-y.-K of III'- c.ii tile icpl.-duci-d With gleat
aeetirury. 'I he b.H.k la, Indeed, Paris hi to
Ki... mil, auu ia us ullia.iite und spit r I" I he
1. .1J. raa tl e .t it.. ;i 1.1 ibe Aiaeiii .111 vl.l..r.
Hut iilllor U Aellt I illj. uUlly uu II. r In. .a"
Willi bull our tte 11. try 111,11 ii.n.ltil Ibi-'utilt.a
alU.,t-l I lie dlal.4IUiUa and telltl.l.tiluua of ilia
olid u( Mr. 1 k'-t) cil) 1 bur ia Ibe book valuable imly ur Ua
at u.itiiuiiiil 4U4I111.:.. i ia bum lull i.likc Ita
hl.t01l.4l I11alru.ll.111, 40, 1 uo vu S. aaca-
a. ,g li IlLiul) should l.tll lit I, tta i(
tin llua. It la li. l. U tip iu ita.Uill UlU 1 4ltO
I'bllul.tu, 4u( u HUH utfJ4tiia ett-iually a
b. t.iuall). Aiu Utai 4aia lliuailliluNie vl lllU
Uim W.-ik, Wt i,t4 !.. a ul l.diUH I kite,
ls Iktl , tu hoi, i it . k4 iktloud -lltau ttuul
r uui.1 Lit gitie it t ii-uie Liniuti.l an I tuct t
f it eniLmt lu Ilia ait u( tui4.ll-. U tt m14
uuiy it) eubtt'i i iiwit,
j. a 1 1 i t 11,14 1 1 ti 1 1 tt ii 1 t .i iUt
it.t i'oti 4t t-.u I I kla iluti uiiiij, le
i.tttbiit. 1 lit! ui a tt.kl. l'ie il-tl an
tuq .1 e t tide y,,. 1 t lk tetAit, Ue lasu.t
t-4 a)fc.-h mi Itt-y k-H t l.toi i,
VI 1 ttui at t r ' 4:. 1 t.i it. lets i, t
tt, lull 1: ..tul , b J" tl. i" it u, tu 1 a utttu'-vi u
ike ti'a,i Aiu.) t'l He lu-.i..u.. 1 use tte
ti t. ol Itite luiiit. tl.u4ii le
111 I 1 ui.l 4' U - -
WUh I -vi tout 4 iu ILe Autkltts futiu llnut
t I .e It- data 14.1 U ll.ttu.clit. itk Ifeiiu
I 1 iii'tttr.iM, tu I I hi 1 mil not t ai..f ),.1t ,iU.
' I IS lluUI'eft ItUUklM t, , IwUuJ lu
11. .!.). t't.e u. nut eu4 n't V t,ut will
u atu n asu nr mi afoaai I b tl.m.u
buig I.Upj It 41 ut 1L4I the t4.laia y a liia tutl
t.f H Ala. L't t Itul' I., ! Uvtlo I U.Lp,
I -,f ll.ti. L 1.1 ll.a 1I..1U . 1, m I . . L ti .-..1
I.j IL. At...,.... a.a. -..I..- .... 1 , ' ' T-w.-f .--,,, .,
-'lll'. Xttt III S. Il'.ill, .! -tLj .UUll, t.y '' 1l" Hu...l.g l....ueU Li4,4,
tttu4 le u),t) lltie luiuit by- k ..l ie t ..i..,it.t '"ti ' " C-t", i lo.i 4t un-'liWiu ika nt 04
dttuu)! ike )wi. Jt.l lu.i.e ilti )44 tu til sj te. t.lg e lk ,uijii Aa -ulu.titl i,4
Il, .u4 Ua tti.t,ie kt l ... k .s. u , iit.tLiu.. tut veu.4 le Us W
U.iu,! e .nt a.i,su4 eeitl Iks tui ii ulet.ia " ('i" tiuii 11 1.1 it
Situ.u.tu .u4 Ud,'.l U II. twi ll, lu t. '- vl tU ewlUti IU... .tttlbi.a.ut,
t4ia li t.4 eu4t i.J j 'ua.uee.ti kt I .iteuu. ue i-t-e U lUe ttei. k tl ibf iitut
I til la".., I iiimII ' 1, 1 leii
ways on l'"' Vi.ritly to ai from ab
the ilatCal.Y' louataully airitlug at
uo woitdieau'V MUUr' ul " u
unit fVy Ue atljs ao mitu too
Ujid.and l.-yV' u"l" bul X'" bc,t "
ai icUa U im 'J ' lje r-ly on a ,-ood
ia Utedcd it tnr.a ft ibl.tliUltlll. All
I ti a to be tw'iWuct.t.
Ct.kallH 1,il
book or pliaiiiltllr. u ''' k"'J '
the very beat l4uV"u l"""l 'y. an I lu
i.tabi .tiiiKbt. B.V .kl4l'
Itcu ill (itlil of V'k1! "' lltJlWjll4lt,
thollld Ll l t'urkl of tbla.JtaylpliuU,
l.lUos. elt lu Ikl Am Ull Ak
lui tatUU'U.1,1 1
1. Ik k tllll lttHlu'bl"l'u"' J.
ip fetl.ioimble tuuJ'l--,, "4klui(
Utu out ul tlti ,,, 1 ' '-i'" V
"1 tK. ... , . . t
lift ef'tH ft.
ke lies iutttl.4. r-eiin tiu.i.
toiHu.ul ul t '.-U
tit. a,,... - l . 4 . . 1"4.tu, 1, t 1
it.Iflil u "u '"J. ..e,e
Tim 4 onlfuelvow ol'uti luvulitl.
IJI'IH.ISIIFI) for the bcnt-tlt of yoiini; mfu
uu I ullu it w ho sutler IroiH iicrvoua 1, biliiy
i i ts., supplying the menus of selt rare; vVritt,-i
I liy who cured kiiuKelfi ftirtta. nt f te en K..
I 11- .i? sist paid, diret te.l en .el, in', Addit a
I St 1 HA! 111. MAVl-Allt, lirooklyii, N. , '
I Dee. I'.'l, lM'J. 61110S.
j rpuiiisH.'.M'riVK.rt. Th AdttiilterriiiT.
1 luc; !h-ii irtt ,ie,l lo hr.ilt Ii in n fuw wei ka,
byavei) siiuplu rriiit-dv, alter bat 111:; tullned
acVcral y.ara with a at. v. re I tilt tf arleclbiii, and
1 (bat dread dltettae, I onallllil't i.111 In aiuioua lti
! 111:1 k e kiiowu lo his fell" -audi rut the uituut o
I '' o all I-h . iL -lr; li, )., will t.-nd a t .ipv nf ,e
1 pie.t npllou u. J (lite 1.1 , It.n ), Willi In, uh,v.
' 11. ma for pr. p.unii; ai.d ulni I l.o ..Hue, ubl, h
, III. y W III till I a at l.k l UK lull I tisal MI'TluS,
I AalllUl "tu'. HUM, lie. I Im t.ll. e t.fll,,. m,.
intuit 111 t1.uu.u4 ll.a I'rttt 1 ipiioii ia t.b.u. ui
the nil,, I, I, mi l tpitad wbl. li fcc
chic. 11,1 I 1 l.e on., In . I. le j uh I be Iii'uat4iiy
1111I. n 1 ill 11 y hit 1 . it.t .1 y, at it will it, t 1, ,
lll'l bll.u', ttlt-t l-lutl b!'.
I'.illiit wulili.L' the 4..-,il.i.ii will lai(
uJdlt-aa, 111, t Mill . UIIBON,
XVIIII.lUlablllL', KlU(1 I oklll v, .It oik.
M.ti,' I.
1 a mi 1 its t
ts ,;i:.vm; y.n 11 1 ;;.P or
torn, Out, I'tilu.oi'u, Wheat nuil
ADD Tv TUP HI' rill". V I". Vol IS foil.,
1 4 J.i.lii lout and l.eoiioiiiie4i uiodi ol
i M A N I ' 1 1 1 N ( i .
: lie! tl. ' .1 ' ue 1 t Mr'.iy ll.e III t n t-. 11,
j Ot.Jll 1 1 lti tl .. I i"l I's a'l t "t .1 III . ; . . 1 1 1 .
I K-'tp io'-.r t.-ii lite f: .a a, . ...t .,-.'.
I M iK, t,. r l..n I I 1..1..1H ir.iile, .
1 '1 I 1 s. 1 ..... .,1' ,-....-t. ,.
ero -, I-. I r.n u that I' .ui. It's K.i ll..iie Phot
phate 11 I I"' .1' 1 ' a b I upon I y r.i 1 leia.
fellii. li: luipniM' I an I tsl.ii. t.nd 'A itrrautrd
for i'.i I A4.i--I.tunl D' In V :u rail) .
II V I (i II tf H ,
if M i 1 1 ! I l'.
4tr. ., . .;it . 1, i. :.i t't A.inuf,
1 II'. Ill I III -Much
uit mm: 1. 1. 1. H.
1 f
, 1 1,
... -. ... MU.J(
toU, ll4S .It.ulu It, I 1-4 l
a kuoebd.e of i. u. v "t1'1
bttti l4i t U k. 1 .
My -bl)citi5cinniU.
' II I l l. Il I.- ltb (lit U Hi tl a tart Ul
lull of llr tint a leu J- it 1 I ll.e to 11,1 Mi , t .
lui UwtlJ ua.
tttuk, Ike k-niiti. ,
lit Kll. lAAA) ( ,
' a I al 1 I f
" lltl.
i.air4tiug ruul tut W'.i"tiiia' 4tt't.Miiuu wiil
I U et 4 nt i'.tn its nt t. iii4t tttU't.4, tu 1
I win., t.o, ,t tlau 1 ', - e "I loiiue iu la' 1 . 1
' e4iutt ,t,t .iii.,t. att.ttt.iiittt.1 iu ii Ul 1.4.
I Ul I ka. . Anttt' au4 isut44i
1 1 nit. 1'i.a ta I oa ..t'.ii, v pw'i. tt eU4it 1,
! U..I .t 4 g Ue U.iUtlti k4t It. uu Wi4 aliivc
I et anl kute au4 I ue ait lift ai ) tlttnttU, u.(
.1.411 tt tU l.4l..4 UmUI .t..) I ,4, '.,. J.,,
Ibt taUtt It Uu la-411 ,4s p. Vl ,...
I -
1 V I Al! VIM I t..
ute 1 1 Ii
'I bit H11I1. 1
li.ui, 1 ai i1Hi, ii.. 1 a
14.UV Ml
Lu 'I 1 p . 1, I- "
U'4 41 ; lui,., (., ' . .
t4U It l.-tltot'l ,i t I '
"T ' t I 141. .., ...
l- .ul ,.),.
"t I I'll I .tt ;.(" , , .
I'-ill b Uitl.t I 4 1 , .
t'"l t -II u I ',..1 . 1 .
"tt .''-lot ui. lt i ,
l II ..
II" ala lti. ..
' ' ' l p t ..tu " V,
's . f.,, j. ,
l"l W
I't J Isn -1'
Un.u , . i k ,
tlti,, y t f .!
a , toil it 1 tu Lt
' a 1 . I ."ir 41 I 4
I ; .. I, .11 I
I ,,. ' I . 1.I1 I II
I .1..
1 . - 1 y .1,
1 .
s !
.LI 1
I.. I f t
.... , A
! .
I I ) I IC I 'I
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral;
For TJIseaeei of the) Throat n4 Xitincw, '
uoh as Coughs, Coldss .Whooping
Oough, BronnhJtte,' Ar.sK, j '
nud Consumption. " " '
Prrahlv never before In tho whole hl'tory
edieirte, lies anjtliiiiK won so widely and sodoep?
upbn the conlldeiiee of maiiklud, as ttua exeebs-i
f .11 wly fru pidnionnry Coini.ltiints. Through r. I rt. :
sarijs 'of years,. r.Btl anutoe mwt of tlie race or-,
nun it lets risi u' liirher if."'! hitrher In tlieir estim.
tioir, nii it has becoii.o II-'. tier known. Its uniform
eriio-iiel-T and poWei 40 crtr, ttm arlous afl'iMioi' s
of Wit: limns ami Uir at havj uia.te il known a r.
liublij proleiaor uyaiu-.t Uieiu. Vt M.le adapted ti
luiller fornn ufibiease ami to youns; ptoliben, It is
nt the same time, the most effectual ruriy tbai nia
betciveu for iiii:iient ouaii'iipliiiu, aiiu! liie ou
L.Ti iis ntreelioiis ,.t tbu lltl o.'it and tmij.s-. As a f
vision iiirsiutt sudden knacks of r?rotr. i' ti".ikl
be teiil on I1.1111I 111 every l.uiiily, and .'iiucnl at
are sometimes stibjc-t lo colds mid eonmis.,
eh-mlil I e provided w ilh tli' Rntklota for taem.
AllllO'lW-1! settled 'oMHIIIM'"l is llK'UCill
c.itvtuK', si, II yreut iiuoibevs of c .e-s wluue
c.t-o M'i'iiied seitlefl, t'.ivt been conpfalch- ci:0
and tlie p.ttitfnJ rntun'Sil ti tonnd health b t
linni frit" vf. Ho eomtilvte Is it nitt.
ever tin; disc:-., 1' s ol the l.uuzs titei '! liroat. '.'tt
the nio-ti.hflnafi' unbent vield to it M ben n'fiv
p.jj els.i ivjiiid I'toc'li lb j:n, under tiie ChHrsy '
turrit Uu:)' .sti1.' .ute and dic'ipM-ar. '
ttn- rt ""il i'uU.n . . qS.cee Cr:1 grroijt tf
Uct:.' 1 lio ir'.t.
-latiiua 11 ti .'aye rvl'eveJ, and oReu wool
cto-ed ly iu
' fiiim.hat hi isne;-al!v ei:-,.e, by taVtne '
f Jirrr;! I'i fifitnt In .-.mail :ind t''.-"0,uent d('se
'."-o ;:.-,.-,' a. 0 ilJ viiiaet Known titatwe rp
nr.i iiuli K ll.e eiyiiiir :Uf ol ttietirhjn1, onto 01
lh.f" assnni the puWus tint, in W4litif4 U'l f
lliu:aitai.jeii. - -
Ay or s Ague Qui"
For r'r.vcr btiJ, Asoo, InMJr'f.tfM; T
Chill Fever, r.oin'tlcr.t Fsmr, Do.
Aue, rorioJ' or Bilious 1'nrer,
aid indeed nil tha nffoctioiiB which a)'
' from muluriod.3, marsh, of m.a-U..
1 poisons.
A i its n.nnr Imuliea, It does Citm, snd does
fad. CoTiiinitiif lieitler Arsenic, Qiiiuii4,Bia n'
Z':u nor.iny i';iiu:ral or poisotioii'. s-ubsu-wlut'-ver,
:c r. I'ttite biiio-es nny p:iti,nt.
.liv.iii.ei auo i.'upL'iaaUi Citl'jls cures imueuirun, hvo IceraMv beyond account, uivi se
.vitiiout n parallel in the litsinry of Ar.ip n.cdi
i nv pride is r:iii,led by the a.-imowlt dement
receive ul" IJ.e roii"al curea fn'ot:l,d in obst
c.vses, and . licic jilier ronioilles had wholly fi
Cnscelunair'.'t cronp, ritfior rokld'nt it
travellinc tlu-oinrh miasniatie., M-i!t h'
tecteil l.y lukiiiK the AOX-H CUJCJt d,.ii.
For l.irvr f'orntiffiln.a. arisinp from tor
of the Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, tliiuu
the Liver into healthy activity.
For Itilinus liisorders and Liver Comptauv
an oxenllent remedy, producine; -manv tri
Uifo-kabte euros, where other inediitnesbsd
Prepared by D11. .1. C. Avkr & Co., Pi
and Annlvtienl Chemists, Lowell, tVassJ, aj
all routi-J the world.
MICK, tl.00 PER B0TJ
March UG, lS70.-ly.. . .
Timtb St., Ont. Dook Ullow M
Sr., ScNiii'iiY, Pa.,
J. M. ZlKCll.l-Il. Pm.fitiKTou.
CLOTHS CI f.i i i'V lilNlt, YESTJNOS,
K1NLS, FIN!..:':- ClfAin-.L'NDLEV.'i V,
l"tiiLr:'.'i"tr ev.rv ij-.i.i'ite aiidktvles il.t
New York 111,. 1 Philnd-lplihi Mnrketj ." y
whieh will l.'e ma, Icup to order by tlie besli.f .j ,
men, waiiaiil.-d to lit and renjer tntii .Js;.w
Tlie laigetl ussortiw i:t In t-owja. Ln.Lia,
eveiythiiiK of Oeu'.lamen's vc&- Kt' 'nc la
styles. I til end my ,;,t 1., .io'.ho is
1'anliioi.S, Uut'tite pMvh.l: -111.- t'.Sew h'T".
.1. M. ZU- ttLtP.,
(sueeeiior to Thomas (i. Noll,)
Third st., one door bclov. Mnvl tt. Sutibuty,.
Sui.burv, dan. 1.1, 170.
fl'J!. XV. tlOOI.V,
(Ktu cesser to V'.A. Jt'jmtV.) i'
i 1: c u u i "s r ..v!' .11. .tiii.
nrUct Sniian:, li'MltKY, ius ci't-u':--1 .1 f v1! aiid -iJ.4uaorl'.ite
ii:t4 t.'."s ;; ;.:mis.ij s.
;:'--iii;,as-,-d :;i pulty and !V( shtiesJ, ned 1 t
con-tiitit v i": Imii. I. His stock will til-ways I";
!oi:ud complete ia t .c.'".' ailltie : merit Vi Slec'
''ne. '
1 I.Vsi.-ia'.i ur.d C:,-' ers tnay rciv i:po:i
prollll.'II,i.;S 1.1! d af.e'.ttio.l to HlMCls. j Ujt r.
bul.lli AND I-Ll ll) KXTISACTS.
I'iifj' Afti-U'"i !
Mv stoc'.i is unns. uilly l.ivuv und '.ir.i,r,. r.,.
' everything that c:in be baui'-i .-tl h lirst-cb.s',
I'oiiet 'J'uble, including ttiivwi; .and feuuuit
, l'nxcl' i.' J. Marli.-h
1 1 p. k l' i" m 1. r,i,
1 oiii-nb-s. Hail Oil. Iv..ry. li-.itt 1 Per. ha
and Horn Combs, Toil -t ".its. Hair Tooth. NaiL
Cloth and Paint lintohcs, kv.-.
tiiTI-x-'i- in-iif -rx-i-s .it i.t 'ttt .s e.-.".
1'niliracinc; all Ihc 1110-t popek r I' rc; .1 '.o-js c'
the day, at. !!.:."! ul;i. uv." ' . 1 1 i . , .
Pure Havana Cc;-a.". I L-.m'
die best bruuiia. ....
laiiitf, 4iv. ;ino, luss, fullj,
a :ll'Miit-s, Ac.
All niv rin. 'turf. Syrup-, Ointm.-its. Cerate;
1111. 1 ul her iii i'.iratioi - .,ie in, iiial'.o tin, ;1 by my.
seltaiid fioiu Iho b.-l li.:iteii..l be c.u: procure iu
Ma rift.
A I'ti r nine y,vi:," expt r;. ice in the practice of
Me. lb i::c, l.e wi;l licv ,, v. t- bi- w bolt- :.!!. l.non
to bis -ton . .in 1 to iie ( iiMi'iilMMNi, op
ALL PIM.M'UllTlO.Ni tl.. t lb.- Pliy,:.!..l;. -n.,T
favor l.iin vt it b,
All my pic aratii.ii.s as I l,:t".s i n .- rs"cr"'d,'
.ire uiatie from I lie bvt u.a ! :! an.! up ,u L0.10!
I a-.-eit, tl.. -y arc of :r -: 1. ".i.ri b.
F..r 1111 .II- .tl ' 1 , jscn, I Ivn p on ban I the wry
best '
V IM.r.-, l.;:.VN:;rt AND M,.CyP.,
tat 1 1 .1:1 ; it.v'ir.-.
11. f.: r. p;ir. l.a:l;i.' t,!s..ii ;c al'.and couvi..-?e
. 11 r 0.1 ti
M. W. MOdKY.
Himhurv, Pt b. 10, ism.
I'-CO ,'(
1115 , JIOOl' Millt rS,
HOPKIV-i "OWN M Mil.'.
IN all I lu. New Sot iir? M I'lii, 1 1 I :,t: . V.t. 1
and I bil lren ; tie; .,;".4 1 ...''t '.1
ti.l ii 1 oiniiit utl i,i 1 -imi-i i,, , v iu-..,.iui;
CHl;.-i: IS ! ll' lsi.lM ! t.t.l l -''' .1,..;
uiarLid d" 11 .0 (inld al p.. r j ui..1..i , .,10 ..
s-t.-t pries l.s.i t It 111 they t-.,u b. ul! , il...
1111 il i;uM rt 'Mm s to tb .i p.,;i, .,n l j..., ,., u .
l it Ibtiv.Vt p: b e una 1 , .tr . ,.tl. (C,
I lie li : i-'. iu i'iiila.ti 1 I ia to cm -,1mi- inib.n .',,
lo Oil! 1 II loi n 1 s, ,111, 1 11, iu l.ilf ii .uj ;i t;ltll,
. ill, m I :.l .11 I .,,- ut Hi,- 1,1, i'i f.t .i-p., 1,.
4-i.-. i'l .1 Iv.tll til ll.t li.M Ul.1,.1 ; t-.-, '
fe fully ;. i'l. .'i.ili d oy .ill I. 1 1 ,,iii,
I 1 - tit 1. bit pll.l-. Ill, I' Mi.Hs, 114;,
M ..!..', :tt 7, -I'l, .V.I, .V eo, ?l', . k., s.",, -j .
! .HO At to -il.
II 11, .I-111.1, Uitlih id 1 1 r-i .,t ..I, '''I, :.
bH, t I I'll, Ac. lillL.i. tup. I 1 ,1 I I, lull N ,, ten
l'it.'i. ill "f r'.lu '1 I ti .,111 H.0,1, .a II inn,,
diicc.l i :i 1 al l '.'S it fi.ti'd 1 1 fin ti l ,,
iV,c, ,vt., t.i . ini, 11,111 ;.isi.
li. Well' t I'oltelt al tit, red 'ted -.' ', 1
' A ..
'lb. 111,. u'a I Hot - 1 lltlu.' C.,i-l :t j! I'i, iu
(111. ..I ll'.ilt r .'. .'O, A" Ac ill.. Iv . p.unl
N .1' A tin -I l I..-I , C, I., lain a ,, 1. ,u ,
'.'1 l : ' fi "o 1 . r 1 .i:V, ,n , ':i t t . , 1 1,
'l .ii - t . .It j 1. pot.. .11.. 1 1 it .in 1 :, ei 1,
and I ! u le li 1 1. Ic, .i, ul ,it.,t (.
I .,1 I, s li ! .11., I II. 1..11 I' .w l':-. t'Ul;
t m' I 01 tt I (', I ill a. 1 1 i i V. , I ' .-l.f. . .
VM. t. HiiPKlVrt
s,. niM' 1., (, pi...-a,,i.i,u.
ll.ub IJ, I t7u. - on,.
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11 lortiiMs
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lil I ' I'liM li
I H i , S -ul.' I I, 1 t
1 1 is 11.
tt t it. i , I I Hit! ktl ,
1 4 I. U ill llSH t VI. l-lti t a. , V ui t.....'
a .i .4 I I : ..1. .. !i , 4 t't'-.t, k i- ,1 1., I . , , t
I I'-- It iiiu ki4 nit i li-, 1
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