V limbnfjr. "mtriran. SCTN13URY, MAUCfl 26,"T87T Railroad Time Table a. r. p. w. v.nt. I r. r. n. it wi. nutt'nloa K I've i Hi m'T'rln Stall I've 6:20 m 1-lrle " " -aoiiiWinlriM " 3 46pm Mnll " 11:4ft m.Kric E " T:Uuui trio Mail, "11'2ipmt limlRMiit Train West arrive at 1100 a. ra. SItAIUOlUN DIVISION N. O It. W. Lrtot jln-luc Huu'.uryat Hot) mAtSuntnirr Pits, am " " titWpml " 1:20 pm EifTHiLE, nA!I,ITafTwi!Ii:!-BAME 8. IL Irate Sunbury '.J2S A. M SbM and T P. M. ilnnX nl Suitbvrv 11.35 A. M., u:20 stid 1105 P. M. l.faw DjnriHV 10:46 A. M. 6:3(1 Mill 10 l. tl. ' y4rr(tf a( Danville 0:10 A. M., 4:40 suit T:t6 1. M. Kv. K. W. lunar will preach In thn St. John' Methodist F.picopM Church, on Rutday, March 7th, morning and evening. Pioeoni hiiva made, their npperirnnc nnd A number have been captured by tome of the uports ir.en In this acclion. Robins and blue blidi) have also made their appearance- In this vicinity. GAnnr.N Sr.KDS. A general assortment of fresh Garden Seeds have Jut been opened at Dr. , Moody Pino; torc, Market Rqitarg. All who wish good and reliable seeds will please cull. Tub members of tbo. Presbyterian congrega tion of this place, have given a call to tho Rev. Samuel J. Mulllngcr, of Tuac.irnra. Traih.i Ii:taiko. Tlio Erie mall train and Buffalo Evprrs.i going routh, on Ilia Northern Central Rah way, were detained several hour on Tuesday night hist, near Georgetown, on ac count of a wreck of coal dumps. To it;u SrsPcuiiiKitB. Those of our subscri bers who intend changing their place of residence on thn coming first of April, will oblige us by Fending 4i3 timely notica whero they want their paper directed to. Please state where you move from as well as where you move to. A little care In this respect will t invent tultlake an save trouble. S-r.inntsa ArntAT. Wo learn that a stabbing mTray occurred at Northumberland on Ihursdny of htt week. Two men, named Nick Phillips is n J a' Mr. C-liigcrich", had-an iiltercatlon nt oiyj of the hotel In t'.'.nt ilaec,wlirn Oln'ei Ich drew a hnif: mid c:t a gash of about fix lnehe along; the I'n'mh and one on the arm of Phillips. Phil lips bird profusely, and was taken tot'.ic. ellleeof Dr. !. K. Prio.-tly, wh-re his wounds were dress cd. The wounds are not considered dmerviu iniil the patient is fa:.t rcc svrrlng. As l.ioviri; time it iipproachin nnd furniture will be in demand, wu advice all who are in want to rail i :i !!. I.. Jloudc ih:iHl, In the i Masonic Hall tmililln, and procure some of his laicft ttylc I'liruit lie lias a full assortment to delect from, fjnfis, I,r..i:ij;e.', C-halrs, Sidtboaids, and i:i f:iet evci j I'.ii!:,' iii'.'d.vl la Hie furniture line, which i. all !' the i.it.v-t rtyic and sold at reasona ble r. !;. He is ai" prepa 1 to do u.i Icrtakiur: l'i nil Itt branches at th.! L'ut'ft tint ice. In t'.i .: lit b twee-i J. II. Flr-her and Jonathan ' R-.-it, in t'a : C'.iui t of Common Pie til of fny.ler cuuty, t iken up to tli'i i?:iire:nu Omit by up-I p-il by Il.-'.tz, fu C'jlil r-nJ-i'l th.-ir cT-eislon ! a f,-w days t-di-;!uis.-i:ig the npp.Ml. This de.iiio.i i'.t.ih'.ihe thi sale an I .title of the' y. '.in i:i-ve 1'eiry, &-., on the Seli-iF',-tove side, ; m V.ritz. Ai'ter the wr.-e'e t.f t'ue nt.'n.u boa' j ri-lu-r lvfiHel ti lake buck the property ut.der j .tlie con lii ions of t'..c agri:i".n..-ni , w'c'.e.i liuitz i ..-.jal -ii le i he was bo tud to do, aeeor li ig I ) hU i.otiee, th it In would do so. The S.tpreine Court in di.- iai.-. the aj'peal cempe'.s' Iiei'.z to take ; ih.' pro.-ty.. ; I Mr. t'v:-..-.t;:t.. : learn that th- ton n of V't. : .(.'artin! i- Mirrivg up In i'o) 1 earn-1 t. A la rye : n i ::' - i:f hiiil.liii:--' an goii.gup an.! i-v, .-rj tiling looks lu.-ly la the way i.f iuipruVvincM. The Vt. C.ir::i--1 Il. tl is liiul.-rgoing a i'ivral vor-l-aulVig. W. ikmcii are already ;.t or',: rcno- 1 v.. tl i, i'.-. v.h..'. b.iluiiu!. A U iliding'aml Sav- ; ! : .i. 1 a t 1 A -i.it ,!! l.as l.itely b.-eu lor n, d al ii:' i.hiih will no doub! ail in .ich i:i 1 i..,.l: .: i:.i;a. 'loi-i.t :. 'i'his a;H eiati.-.i cr i g.n i ! .. ; af.fday r.!.;!.t lat, wbc.i a'.'or.l even : liiii'i.-- : -. ,: :- w. i.: taken. 1 he hi. ares i-oi.1 : at t ". and II at !t lir t me, ticg. The ciilleers '; ..l"t i.f .!.;.; u-.:iic!;.t!o:i are: Pa.-lu-iit, J. 11. t 1 ;;::ii j Vie i'.v.-i l .-i.t, l).;il J. L-v is ; Tiea 1 ::.t, l.-.il.ih i'L-g.-l 1 1 !-- i-; ?..-eret aiy, Holh- i :: t A-; lil..if, lli-n.'y Hiii, V. l'.io.i an I t 'i.i : i v .- lie l aid. i -. i. !. .-i.As. U:i ..lai liy night la;t, Mi.'s l.";;a'i d. liviii d her li-aure ou "'.ils,"' iu i.iit l!oa-e. he fore a n-'.,-;!, thoUirh u.it a a. i ge airla-iii ,, ii!i., r th'- nUr) i-.-t of the tHunbury l a;n. MIsr. Logan U a liiily of about ;l, an! I 'prep if--, e'ng r.p;"-.ir.-,n' e. Mie, .. l..iiid.Mii,ie 'y, .i:f not gaudily dr, .-..d in h'a.-k, devoid of tl..- lUii.r.i.ery, uieh in i.i-luonable ludi- Is r ia-:i --.'.t'l-.te I lor t:ute. 11. r Voice, llaj'.ig'u ..ot of the i-ii'...,;v l, Hi,, clrar, and h r enuuela ;! d'. tiaet. lit r tliealiie.il valr.ing t-:ia!ili- l l.er t'j tlir.i'.v ja: t inniigh of the luaiiin ri.-in of '.ii - -tag," ii.to h -r i.-'-t'.;r -,t-j :a.,he her l.-lineati'.'iis -if ehniiit t-r i'ltere-iling. lb r sahje. I wae one tli.it ati'or 1 a aid : .-cope for le-r o'.vers, which Mi - li in i-1 i i .s-u-li a manner as to ;.1I' n i a in an- lie i t as t.1 ;e ia-li v lio i. Mi.-j. Logan gave In r lady ( i -: : li fn:i. i-xei'.l.-ut advice, not for getting i-.i-n.1 i. .-f.il hiut for thclr admirer of -.I.-: i ppo.-iie x. nlie i iii favor of tvoiiiaa suf l':..gL, ..a l iii'.ahi the li,;!:! of Voting would be an import.: -.t tp In indicating tho lights of .voia.-.i an I pi.o -lug them i i their proper sphere. r...-ir:.-; .-tui L'ti'iii:, No. lilt, KM'juit op j i'i.iim, of I his I'laee, cell Prated their lirst an- j litwrwiry, i i th.-ir hail, on Wellies lay evening i 'a-t. Al u n i i j In aru largo number ot ladles, . it ives mid laini.ies uf Hie numbers of the or.h r , i-seiiiblt- I i.i tlm hall. About 8.'.j o'elaek, K n i - 'it , Th. d. h. feiiiiniioii, inaugurated the eo-laal-i.lti.-. of the tlililg ill a ! relll.llks, tat i,,g tlie t,l'j--cl no t piirpo-e of lli.-ir ei.ib.ing together. Tho tirau I itil yai-.; Ko-ig" -.is then n'.aig. aller which, !i-tii t Depty Cliaaillor, l. M. Re. ii', i'.iVc a bi-l ,ry of tho nilgai and n' gia- ol lie i.iiitr, it piiiieiple anl object. He 1 .! I th .t r.v-teiu Mar l.oiig,- wu tilt- Ur.-l ,".:.! I in 1'ie -o i-.lv, and slueo it luttll l'.i-i.i, ,-n'i.il oilier I.o Igi ei o oig.tiiizt l,nii 1 now thi ol lit niiiubt ,t I a rue seven bun Irod mmiiliei it Hit i.,:nlj.-rliip 1.1 lai tit -to unud:re I over l!', la.j.l ail l liieiober . H '.'W f i.oed by K .1. I.i, A. N. li.l-.-c, in a few r.-itiuk in ula- 1 i ti m i i : 1. 1 I. a n la ill it . id J -i t- U u. Juo. K. i ,. . I Up' U t i i. l.lic lilt i ,i'' i, i-1 l j l t i th 1 h 'aji ,.- u. i -. bat in. i' :y nu I ''it-1 iyl . lbs oi ler progr.D- l, l I Upo.l Kll' U'lblp, ! i.t -'"' I I ' : I ltiii i.ro I l hyths. I .tlu-ata ulall 1 r.-ailV I.e., ho -., I i I'U ' l tl 'J uuj llrli.lllill . ,..ii.,'. II . i..i u ,, ero I UlleJ i . i e n. 4 i it : j . .ku. DjiI -k Ih inter .1 1,,: .Ji ....,,,', tho a ,uo II I tll.-I.MlrA pel' I . i.. ... ,.l 1 :,. Afli lav kI' ,' .-l lato I. i.i I.t I !.,'.. jut ytnliaUiiMI a I I j ",l.... "I I' linl.i, , ..ti arvtl ,,l 1 l.o Ltlt'a-i, ul la tlvuliig ii i, , .1. i la " . il,l cj -1 Uu.ii'.' . ' .t l ill, ti la li I f'Jljatt Ul'll. I I. ' . I H i t l l I !' lt41UIUt,t uf It . 1 ,u ; 11 4 . .it t ,') '( tl' 111 ! .4 t -l.il I; II. st ls .1 Court ProcvKxIIag. Mafrh Term, 1871. ncrottTED nr a. k. uniw., rq. SnunURT, March 17, 170. George On nut r Gectntoliin ft Eheot. On mo tion Judtrijirnt entered In favor of plnlntlff f jr llio anm of $100.00. . Kissiim A Qundnkcr vs Ootner A Dltncr. On motion Judgment entaredin f.iTor ofplntutilT far $100.42. FniriAT, March 13 1870. Commonwealth vs Pnmucl Pyeri. Bawdy Iloiise. Entered ball per Ira T. Clement la tlio inn of (500.00 for trial nt AngnRt Term. Court nd'nurued till Mondny', March 51, 1S70. at 10 o'clock. Monday, March 81, H70. Court m"t nt 10 o'clock A. M. Judge Jordan, Shlpmnn nud Nicely in their cut. Commonwealth vs Sylvester Myert and Joseph linker. On motion Judgment entered In favor of plaintiff for fSOO.Oq, Com r Sylyestor Myers, Mary Myers and Jo seph linker. On tiiofinn Julgmcnt entered In f.ivor of plaintiff for MeO.00. John Bowen vs J. 1 M'Glauchlln On motion i Judgment cntei'ed In favor of plaintiff for 8010.03. i Sarah Lntsha Adm'x of Michael l.nt-ha, ilec'd J va Ilenry Latsha. On motion judgment ititjred j In favor orpluhitllTfor8117G. Joseph Yenger, adm'r of John Feasor, dee' J, ' v Joseph Ryan and Win. Ryan. On motion ; Judument entered In favor of plalntHffor $135.C0 John-Olenney, for OJ Ed'izv Andrew lirogan. On motion Judgment entered In favor of plaintiff forSSS2.70. tVm. liurkenblnn vs Jame Sot.tt and P. Lewis. On motion J Jd'uiei,t entered in favor of plaintiff for$SU.S0, for want of nn appearance. E. V. Bright Vi John3ey Shaffer. On motion Ju lirment entered In favor of plaintiff fur 9459.C0. Davi l Billnian va Cameron township. On mo tion J 'tdgmcnt entered in favor of plaint iff for f I, 740.7i Nathan Loudenslcg-r v J. T. Eljiin. -ShsrllTs return read In open court and approved. Samuel Mantz nu 1 Jacub Cable uppolutcd Cun st ibles for tblj w?tk. Sheriff lleUir cama Into Court antl acknowl edged thn following deoj polls : bheriir Ileiler to Georgo U.tkcr. Deed for a lot ofground in the borough of Milton, nu I known n tuu Milto.l Brewery property, sold as the pro perty of Wm. li. Saaiuan, for t!;a sum of 3,H5.V 0J. Same to J. V. Shu'.tc and Samuel Lees. Deed for two lots of ground in Delaware township, con taining two acres. Bold as the property of Iivgh Holmes, for the sum of $170.00. Same to Amos VaMiue. Deed for twulracts of land in .Shamoklu town-hp, one containing 200 acres and the other 75 acre, for the turn of ill, 7 J5.C0. Sold as the propel ty ol Geo. llcckei t. Same to Win. I. Greuuuugli. Doe I for 77 & S 10 pcrchca with buildings, (Super -PhOrphatc Factory of Turriugton & Ho.lgltlns) ami with" right of way ucro: 8 lauds of Johu li. Leuktr, la Sunhury. for the sum of 1 1,500. Same to Nathan l.oudenoiager. Doe l for a lot. of ground and building tucreuu lu Jacksoutwp., containing lii.C'JI) siiuure feet. Sold u the prop eityof John F. Eliling, for $1,000.. Ou motion Joseph Roth, Juror, was cxcao4 from this CoUit. Ou motion Henry Vat Gaskin, Juror, was ex cused. On motion Charles Gulp was excused from nerving as Juror. lteuben Foulk, Ex'r vs. Charles MTherson. Ou luc.'.ou Judgment entered fui tli74,M for want of an ap; earuneo. Sauuiel A. Beigitre-fer vs. Benjamin Wolver toii. On i::-tiuu J ajgaiunl entered in lavor of pl.ilallll' fur the rum gf t'J.t. . lieigstrenser ifc Hail vs. H'i,j.m!.i Wo'.veiton. Ou motion Jadguicnl entered in favor of p laiuliifs for 5.'.j,L;.i.' .WiUia il Eiiftis and El'uibtth his wife and others vs. The Trevoitou Coal audit. U. Co. Un in.itioa levy an i Ii; r n it-Ui-ju in this i"a.-e set aside by consent. Ti'. -o.l -r- Neil -A t'j. s. Ir r.-driok DiLner. Ots UKiliiiu j'.ub'iiieut catered in favor of plaintiff ttr flHI',,:i, Court a 'J.ujr-.cl tl'i 1.' o'clock P. M. CoUit in-1 at l,1.. uV'.oik as per adjournment. A. M. U:ine s J. ieailau i'.itk. On motion j.i.lgi.i-.-::! in favor of plaietil! for flOS.SJ. llagh P. Shcli '! 1'. t. r liageu'.-ieh. Ou mo tlm j.i-lg.s-.uci.t .,. tired la favor of plulut'.if for Uio.io. Mary trn.-l, by ber nest friend D. II. Diicibach, vj Wi.i. D. Erii-t. Knpieiia in Divorce awarded. The ii;ni-.e.- an I inhabitant ! of Suiibury vs Elizabeth Wiiivrt Mi d:a d Wilvert and Emanuel ,Vil,it. Aelioifoiio-overy on Mechanics Lien lor laying pavciuent, under Act of Assemb y of ! April 2, l-ij-.l, an 1 Uolougli Ordinances of lSCtS i ' lit. T!u.--e pa) ::iu:iU were laid iu la07, nu I en. I tered up again -t I lie property, and the owners or rcpule.1 i.-.vi.ein have re-i-te-.I tlu-ir l ayments. I 1 Tills ca. e was trie I daring of .Moudiiy and ' . I'.iesday, an I o:i Tuesday th:: J .try c.mio iu with j a verdict in favor ut tins Horoagli. i Cuiut a .ljour.j.iifiit til! 7 'it o'clock P. M. j j Ti til AV, March "J'J, 1510, i John ii. I. -nker A. Co. vs Henry Haas. Pi.iiu-1 . lil'.ii o.-i inotioa I'er.ailti-d t-j lake money ou of , , i""i:.'. ou above ea-e on plea of Tend. r. ! j i Jul'.n M'l'aia'.iid M Charles Shell and Jonas Shell, udiu'is ol John Shell. Jtidu'mcnt iu fa . of : ! ol plaintiff l' r the Mini of t-l.lO aud cots. .'. P. t-haltx an I Samuel Sees vs Hugh Hi laies. : We li.e-d iv, M.,ieh :iJ, tixed for tho reading of Mr-rill's ittjiu la above cast, i.t which tluia it ; Was upi-loved. I B.i:o-.-;,; -jftr.il, ba;y v Dr. J. B. )Ia.6ir. Ac j ti'iu o.i Jteeh mie.' Lijn for pavement ou Bro.id 1 way. Yei I.e.; ia favor of Hiu lioroiigh. Sani'le'i Wagner v Oeorgo H.-ekerl. fliciiff paid iato Court ill.fjil, in thi. cae. W liM-'sDAY, Mau-hCS, IS" ). Btisel.t Il.ir.it vnSuiiuel Ja.r.t. Jud0meut iu fav.;- ..fplaii t.il foi G7 VI. A. T. li -hei hmi.icl Janet. O.i motion J" i..oroi p.a.auii ior luesaiu I ofJll-j.tl.V J. ti. W. lleui ig vi J. P. Shultz. A'-U in cf Trover and Conversion. . IsJi AM.iTlos ur Ornci:ii.-TOii Moa lay i-von- j lug last, tho uUi.cn of Foil Aa,'il-t.l Kueaiup. liaiit, No. l id, 1. O. vi O. F., ut this place, wt-ro I liisialic I tl reive during the r.nsul.ig teim, by P. P., S. ii. llojer, acting u Claud I'airl.iieh ; I P. C. P., II. CiemcLt, ai ling a til and Hili Prleui j P.iirUreh W. 8. Klio Us, actiuif a (jrau 1 li.-uior War bn p. C. P., C.J. Uruut-i, acting u fiiaud Junior Wurdi-u au l P. C. P-. Cam. P. j fx i.liolti, acting va Grand b'-iihe. The cltka.r ! iii-lul'.iJ are ut foiloji Chief i'.ittiarcli, Lm'l 1 Wl. villi llig'.t 1'iiLif, Alex. Mautl i Senior ' Warden, Jacob Kliipman Juulor W'aideu, J. M- ! B - itlndoiiicw i TiJ'iir, Val. Diflii beiibe, A. X. U't limit Evuliuel, Uliain llau Oul.ld t. nt Inoi. Jacob lU-iiii Uol.ta, Calvlu Wondeock ' I Fn I Wuteli, Jauie faria Steeud Watch, Jaae K.i.11 I bil l W aleb, W. 8. Ruod i l ouilh i VVuUlliJulu A, ii ,lcri Gj4rJ of lUt Tul I .. ... . ..' ... ... . r,itt ,ivor lf. w. vivnn. Tn Uueauip- uioi.l U a wry i r..i .oiidawu ait 4 U rapid I) lnei.lluj In lltail,b fcl l itsMii biial u al U'. ktii at M r X D...I l'.l,Jl 111 lta'H--.' b liilliy. ' be p. lee bltkl.llj L'-tU llMlkci U'JlltO (,.J,l li Is, Ij.ltil l'4ll bj pail'lUatd lU'O 1 plilM 1UHI a iu a old ihuj un labia hiautib ioi-.iiu, i 4 a fit i"vai titciiur ti.... T It "iu u..o uf uuf priuiutt.l ia l.ii.i.ou, au l Jti,.., ..tn ) ou .1111.4 kwu kit, iil i .4 ..i y u.'.. Ui',11 Vi mo DiMiuar r - -attjilj - . i ( H'Jtt. Id iiwlii all n ju lv piu ji ti, Uuti , . Hi al irt la ? ikt. Tub following appolatmcntt hhvo been innst bv tho Cent ml rennsvlvntim Conference of tile M. E, Church, hi fwlrni dnringthe pttntrecif at4 Lcwlstowit, Pennsylvania I vrrrxiAsrsroRT nismwr. , , . Wmim.i.rt.Pl,.ntr.. W. Harden. Wllllamsport, Pluo street, W. Uardcn. ' Mulberry trce, " Pi rce Chapel, " Third street, Nowberry, Circuit, Dnbols and P.ocktown, Montonrsvlllo, Hugfct,KTll!e, Tlvola, Vtt S. Edwards. J. F. Oekermnn. J. P. Pidsgrovo. 13. C. Swallow. To bn supplied. J. r. Davis. J. A. Gere. E. M. Chllcoat. I. L. Chandler. t. T. Caddy. P. Oenrhnrt, J. 8. Comp. W. A. Honck, D. C. John, Hup. S. Crrightoii. J. Out'. O. Lai Jj, J. P. T ibli. I.. O. Heck. ji'A.Me'.lek. J. i. Moore. A.E.Taylor. . W. Langley. M. P. Crosthwalte. It. II. Coibum. A. M. Kcfter. J. T. Kothrnc!:, Sup. E. White. Mnncy, Wattontowo, Milton, LcwUburg, Mlflllnburif, SalludsburK, Liberty Valley, Jersey Shore, Jamestown, Great Island, Lock Haven, Salona, Ifeiaer, Renova, Wertpnrt, -Leldy, Rlnnnmnhoulng, Emporlnm, S. Crone, Vf. V. Ganoe. M. L. Drum. A. U. Hoover. Calc lonh, .V. L. Spottswood, President, n. A. Curran, Professor, Willlamsport Dickinson Seminary members of Mulberry Street Quarterly Coc- ference. i!vri.T.lt MStniCT. 8. Barneh, rr.r.siDiNQ EtDrn. Danville, Mahoning street, F. K,odjsoti. " Trinity street, A. M. CreiijV.on. Norlhilinberland, Washlngtonvilic, Bloomsburg, Espy and Light Rtrcul, Orungevil'.e, BcTttlek, B.-rwick Circuit, Blooml-igdahi, B. P. Mulilenbur Shlckblnnyi Wliite Haven, Hickory Run, Wce.therly, Haz'.vton, li. F. Sttv.-n?. n. Wilsoti, T. O. Clees. B. II. Creycr. W. M. Memlngcr. J. . Erown, I. Edwards. F. V: J'.'. H'e. if. Biittulu. King, one to be suppll.-d. II. B. Former. E. II. Yocum. W. C. lle.er. W. W. Reese. J. T. Wilton. V. E. Crever. Jeanesvllle and Audeiirie 1, E. T. Sivartz. t-J".v,1!hl,"i N. W. Colbnru, A. S. Bowman. II. G. Dill. H. S. MeuJenliuU. V. S. Buckingham. A. C. Cro-.thv.a'.te. P. F. Eyer. A. W. C. aver. J. V. Craig. P. B. M. Clunky. W. W. Evans. ,G. W. Miller. Catawisan, Klysburg, Shamokin, (-unlriilla, Mount, Curme', Ashland, Trevortnn, Snydertown, Sunbury, Scilnsgiove, I. II. Turrunco, Secretary of Peuna. Bible Society meiub.T of Trinity Quarterly Con franco. Ten Oiirttlt of bu t week, urge? upon it run 1- I ers, u visit to n ceuain ,-braneh" ectab'.li hment, j travelling through the country, nnd for the pre I sent ioeuted ut this place, to buy low pi iced I goods. These goods may be low priced, but we j do not bsliiVu, they are tho cheupe.it. The - : I branch stores are only e.tablinhei to last a mouth, j ! ut a place, and then remove fur enough off so ' ! they will not hear bf the many coitiu!r.iiita made of the Inferior article they sell. Wo would ud- : vise all our readers to patiuuize our own tt.rj j width are permniieir.ly IocuteJ here, aud keep the money la'circulatiuu among our own c'tizeus initeud i. f sending It elf to other plm-ssi Oar ui.'reiiaiits h.-iai i U'-julnte. lliclr ino:.cy among us and keep trade agoing, uii l should llu-y sell or. j inferior a;tklethey are rssponsible, end will Ik I found ready to m:i!; reparation, while these I branch concerns will oe found bun Ire Is of miies ! i'.vi:y trying to c'osc th; eyes of other cu.- touiera. Bi'oncN Dcath. The MiiUittau fays : Wm. A. Luthrop, a commercial traveler, representing the shoe house of Mnb'.e, Murry A Morgan, of New York, came to Ml ton, on S .tuid ly moriibig last, and put cp ut the V,V.,t Branch House. Wheu h left home he mud supposed to be lu usual good health, but on t'.io morning alter he arrived ut this phue, it was noticed that be acted very ftrangely, us though be was out of his right mind. He get little or no si-- p on Sundav night. ! having wan deed around the hotel n!i-.v.),t luce- santly during the night, and early on Monil.iv iil. irking ho lelt the house, and 'pasting aloiig I'pper Front street, at down on the porch in front of Mrs. Shannon's house, whero l.o al-ino.-l iii.-tantly expired. He was t.,ken to the U'e't Iireii.-li HoU.-e and a doctor summoned, i who, utier an e.iimiiia!i',':t, staled i. us lib ppin i"U that the ileceaM-d came to tils death from the cll.'.ts of a disease of tho heart. His friends were imme lialely telegraphed to, and on Tues day morning Mr. C. D. Luthrop came on and b id the remains of tho unfottunate man conveyed to New York. A Lrctti Fa' ACr.. Yeiter lay afternoon n the ' fa-t line of tho Northern Ceu'.ial railway a;i j proaeiie.I Clink's -Ferry, it was (lagged by the 1 Watehuiau who displayed the d inger i-igu.il. An . lui liry lato tin; cause ciieitel'the fact that a ' , large rock Wei'.-hlng about too toll bud be- ! come lonscuial Lou; one of -".he hi -h enh.inliiHnt-:, I about a 1'i.iiler of a uii'o above the Ferry, an 1 j 'bali-iid down on tho north track binding the 1 1 rail potisl Ii -rably, and Impeding thu I'.is-ng; of ' . ihn t: li.i. The cars were b u-ke 1 down toil.ei ' sw it'-h a:i I ran up o:i the other track for a thou j til tanee, when t'n-y were agala sw it -h -d on th.' no: Hi track. We learn that i:i ol b r to remove the rock, il was lie. e sary Io drill and hla-t It. , Th.' i.tteati.ei of tho walehunm,t.i,i.is dutle-, ti-i t iloult f.evcu.eU a iu tin-.-, avel k-i.t. The present o!t wtattier Uratli-r li i; d o-i raliroa I coaipanie, j the da:i:;er fio'.a s.i ies being inu.-h gre.it-r. 'i!:. j Th- itbvrs of the Northern C'Mral I. .ve a sutlieieiit uumhi r of Walehnu n ruiploje I tn ee that tho track are char, i.il give liolli-e w lien l here- is any d.iub'er. an Ulwj TtliraiA f ' ('.:.'J,-u'lit. Mouk Hiun. Dr. J. ti. M..ik'e,of thlj p!ace hal:;g fai'.i'lailh hl western 'piall, wh'a ii be had brought iu from Ml soinl ht fall, for rj ftorklng, an I all of which ill - I, bu t we-k re. Cfi.d one huiidre l an! twenty fiolli Cle.-n hui.', Noitll Caroliua. Halt of tl. em wnu forwarded Iu Meiirf, McGI 1 ami tiullck, of 1U ille, aud oiuo gWeii to Daniel P. (. urn I, u( L mr AllUJila. Tho.s kept by tbu Doctor commence I dying, and to picvei.t their tntir lota, he gave Iheii llbsity to tbllt fur i;.iiib1c, libh-ns'l rth.r aarly in tho v.iia. W hop ln iy b iureistf.il In In i'orU in rasloeK ll.ls ilgbUr. U'j-1 Willi HiJ.o Intel OMniU, mi l l i luo !" ami 1 1 t J'J iporks inu, useful bii.is. bkuUll limy 1'ioisigat d"i - i lb eu.lu asu, - tblaiu.tii aud. .poilimca uuy u. .vry cai. i ptu-ul lU.tr it,.-,, Cauu.. (ttlSIt pod Itlll li 'ld OU l.j lb old 11 J I Clf Will' Uid I loaf sals hill ami posting I Leu lu b'ts't nl. J lwBl)r. W aoiici.1 on. ol lues p -l un lu 1 14 ' Iti Co.nl lioni., lu fil pin t-t', a few il.')l '' A I II-'" - i "l It . 1.4 sa liuble, aud thty Houiw look U.4t'U ) ft1 iiit-l tb ' of II 1. l.a 1 I ltu. If ll-i , ti,l (I -U.1, 4I.I V i.htall tuii'l .f lstl H.JI tllniiliuu. I'h ' Avt ' - J b HID. it b pUi l Mli, I ut Hi u'ar un ki..... ul J .', au,s. iisui la Ilia last aul but.. . "b'l bit I - - -- - -. ' fT i l kl .i. .i. . r ... ''"enitrutic" of t.li" nid Lin w flrtt t..ken In'l.i. ' 'ii' Vy. He Sunday rlierpomi l . senslhlo conrtitio-i. by m,. r. d,.- ,,.' "' r.ml n.1,1. r,...a ..... . ,cl,.,llul ''''.was inii- .............. I,,.,e ,, I J.,. :,V"rr he, lid "oim seven ,'e or , ber of physicians v.crn in nitendaiicc . A iiiiiii uii'iti him J ii V, 1 u"1" tl10 bre nth lelt l,u ui;av. i-i. .iiiiw was horil l'i In tlio v?ar 1 hiii. inni ' rinnbiiiv. In. as c.m,c iiicnllv li H')'4 nnd h:is since icid -A lu: - ... MW.l'l, l.114lt. ..l. v cailiuiioiiKlv. me T'"1" " uicjiciiiu 1(ia ee(i,i,.. ,,., .r 1. 1.i ll.n Ihntnrli l.r, ,. . niOM 111 (lu v.'llll It tl.n lii aurancc bus Iness, r,om hot ft of vl sour, c b' has realized a cr.siderub!,. reve 'le At , ln time of 1,1s drntf, he was Y.xluS Phtlr- ' n rortlio U, S- l'e,i;., De.pai lnn.,,1. ,r. L V, ,1 had uvije aeiiu ili.tance and nnn cl', -a ' lor geuiai ty of di.po.:,!,,,,, ,, kitl hU., :!'" .: , v ";. ' no win inourii i;is um..neij uii.i. ii is auin-tcil f.iniilv celve thui-yinpi.thlef of tho eutiro coi,i.",...,.'ii i,.' thid their at hoar of aUielion. ' Tim tATK P. e,, -A appot,, m,,(1 f the iiciautou Medical boeiety ) , m..,,. 14th, i:l rel'aencii to tlie ileaili ol the' ,tu' I-,' Geo. W. Masser, ol this city. Dr. W. II ' ,i'i, President, in the chair. The death 0f Dr. M isi r bavin;: been announced In a few leeiin mill nn. prnpriutu reniarks by tho chair, on n.oiion t',c follov.'i ig gentlemen were apjioii,!...! a i-oinmitl'ce to report suitable re'Oiiilions expi ivsinn t'c seuli ments of the Society, to wit : DrS. j, j ti. ...,,,' 11. A. li aiton and (i. B. H .vd. rwoop, The foUonms; rc.iil!.is wi-ro n-ii,rle't nn.i lliianiaiouslv mlople 1 liy t.ie .'ncu-tv HmvlitJ, That this society lias lie.u-.l n(h pro found sorrow of tlie deccnne of ir I'rieii.l and pi-olessional broth.-r Dr. Geo. . M,is.-cr. Jictulm!, In te.-ti:i:"iiy of our r.).ei t for his tneuioiy, tiles,; resi.ilitloii be eiijiiiniiiiiealeii (o the fi-.inliy ot ;lr: d.-c-Us. d, with r;-pw fu; u:u-U-r iifotir heart fell tyuii.jtliies in th'-ir ud:. i jo, Jltsol '((.'. Th.-.l we au.-nd ih,: !a.,,.,-,l)i body, of our U-.-eeaacd Iricn-I and .-,. j.,tUl Var. lag tiic usual badge of mourning. y.V.-v.Vf..', That tW-c r, fi utio:i.-. t-.. r,.c.,. . ,., the uilni.tes of the Foei.iy, pv.! in pa- I pers of ilio i-ily, an I thiil u 1 I preieutu.l to t.ie lami.y-oi ui .i.-ve-,-.- : I (i. li. i! irn, M. !)., The Medical Sci:ty provided V.y b took general chaivJ l'i' the fua,;ral. Mn:, -f ft. Luke church, i llieiat ii-.-i-i II-v d o: I.! r. III! .lec.io::, re i li:.:; t Epln'i-.pal l'.i:'n-i:;l nn 1 m;.l.ing i:t lis c'.os.- ielii.lil.-4 nppro .ite to I the oce.u.ijn. ! P. King b::ly A quuit.lte oi mii'. is mil Win. Till I, aul Mes-rs. v.. C. It. i Dcrniiin and Mi-s E'.i&i th i-e, mug with qxtV;. , j lent tiiiite and go j.l effect t- pi -ces, ".lu,, ' lover of my soul ; k: me to thy bo.-om fy," u;:,i . "Caft thy burdi a on the Lor 1." A long pro"e- : j si. in foliowe l tin: remain- to th.' Danniore c -. j try. Th.- b-arcra w.re Drs. Tiiroup, lloirk-K-r, liouton, Squire, Ailuti, Lad.i, Duvij ard L j harJt.r .'."t? u'l.'- n lieimblUau, i:i..,'. j KtM.rii on T:tr. I'.Alt.no.'.T). The ,iea 1 body of I Jolm Kelly, a l-ibon-r ou the raliroa 1, re.-i '.an; in I Cl'mUm tuivdil,, wai f. n:.d.o:i Tuar-'i.i- inoni i l:ig of last week, rt D.ivi ;' iros-!ng,.i slwit d.. j tanee above by a liein of car., dining the i,:j,'.it. i Kelley was in th'.j U-irongb on Monday ivcai.n.'. and it Is said left I'r ho'iie some ih..t an ..-r tl'- Influence f.f l'.iiior. lie had thrown tip neartl:,: j sp, where his body was found, the li-pior cu j dent'.y haviio; made him tdek, and it i sn; p.ed j thiit lu.Uio cordition li-j fell or lai ldo-.m cpou j tho trcek. One leg, one aim and part of bk I head, wcro cut oil", .n Iriquet was hcl 1 upon j tlie body on Tuesday, and a vcrdh t of accident:-.! i death rendered. Mt,ney Lumiuury. Our Lot-ttI OsrjuMt-Iti's. ri.lfjii.iiiiNG La'er E 'er Saloons. Nititnnn A Lock-up hi tow-i. RAMfANr The yejeeted li''S!ie smIi-oih. Will nu .sTr.AtTitNitii The fireri-.n Pen 1, if proceedings are pushed neat court. Nu''.r R"a!I'.i.n i The r::i ; -.:id eros-inf s en : Market street. ' Tits Prcbyteriaii ji.-ii-sotiag", at this place, i rapidly up; ma -.-l:ii:g comi'letioa. It will be a neat .-tru.-r.ro. Tits snow d'snpj'cared rapidly cu the Un.un tatiiii during t!ia past week. No fears are f, It of a l! io i in this :-. -ctioii. The scj.rh-1 fe-cr is raging in ColumVa coiti:. ; ' ' NiiTAiiirs Priu.ic. F.uor. Tiller r.nl Owen M. Fowler, of Shamoki.i, tliis county, have been epiioil.tel Notaries Public, by io d'vary. A man who gives his children habits of indus try, provides lor them better than by giving theiu n loitnne. AfriXT.VTi in is a great. rr ene.ny to the face than saiall 1 ox, Tt::t "Hiift- Me Tight"' is Hi? name of a new J-i-kel which the ladles wear. The Jacket is iii.i.le iu a no'-cl iiianner, an I speak- for itM-lf, so HieiL.ls lo eUauce lo i'liunden tan.l Its mean- i li.,'. Wit. Cami:u:)n, Esii., Is about putting up a I mctt h irn in place o the om; lately d.iroyed by I tli" on his farm In low Milton. I Tut! A.Mi i-.K AN is acknowli-bre-l by all Will) I read it, to be Hie cheapest as well its the hut ' family Jo'..ru.il i,i thi rcitiou of country. The j anion:. t of n.-ws matter b- in'g c.pi.il to any of tlio higher-priced papers, while it contain-, a greater i v.ukty and i.I v.iy a the very i. t -t. 1- has nt I ways been, and I. now Hie pioue -r advocate of Hie I interest uf the ecu. muni; y in which il is iocaied. Oi.ivr I.- 'i.vs-. in h r IIo'.i..e, i i falnh'liy, , n S rei.i.irked taut "v b. a rl:--Wi'iii.iii, si. e Ii t ill., t iki. ki !n.; her.-' 0;,r i 1. e and say., th. ',f ::- I'.'ni-ll', (.M)..'. la" la tint .l.r. if- 'a. !; -l ire latai.i IV aw a b the -i.in (' t ! lot, l..ve y l litifil', ig her ia her ; r.ii- and opinion. I lor;.,-.- O.ive'j. i he alw.ivs ha I Honor, :a Ti.! I.. I; I , I -. 1 lias be. n re : i i r I i I Coa'a-il, 1, r t:la I 1 1 made an etll.-i nt, o'- a-i.l ha- given : .- i ra i tbip of I 1e iii is-!i i j Mi i-t 'I. Is. ' .'i Ili.l, I, ... ina le : I lali -t :i I h.- t no. lit-rlil'LI'i Mr. In ..It ive ii . I lie. by i-ar i.-r h i, I'd -. r, -.' !' in- -all -fa I ilif. -, s i .'Hu -or In Ma-,r I i l.-ceiw 111.- - t'bro.noH aul an I moulding-, ll li. ulli. r i : t"r , l a t flail'. i m,lt; i! In-lr-'ti.. i.t i 1 al kink : I Onvr l.o ts, in I, It t He, lu I' i I phle,:, l, i t ,.; I a I l.g 'l, I whole-sonic I, r' ei, a ' j fail, 1, , liable riil, ion;,' ' almtal'tial "I t-t b, 1 "ft raw Ik . , l.-i ,,ii 1 cr. ; when i-iiu ol t'.t (ornter iiothin-i but "if1' I b. i- l.l.l I -'l'- v ail. a, a.. itv I the f t," llll.t la,'', mi ! - I, i M,--i .,., I .1. hi la a I.' I, nn.. i t.i co ,., Hi" in' .r I i rem i kid that 1', t iiinrri. We c d sin- .a; ' Cli I III, lot nee t ll.. I i O-ivo advanced i,nv ' as ii t, .ii-vo s' li :! ulwuys lho,i;:,t n. " i.wstji is Titj, I 1. (,-sl ti ,lii'-'l "i. II. w i lea in this I'o'iip.ni-'i'i, w -et n, i vi-i t !,- i", ii ie . .' ii".sl a' I iiilifnl rs, rl i.- Iv'. . l'i illl. I ir,.,, ,,, ' ila ,nil, Illl, M II , I ..I M mi ni. Mdrl K."ii', A 'A In ' I i'-, ..ii I ar Ae. . M, (l t j( . u ,., l i.i 1, .. K.m't ..i I'. , nl J1411 i' li..n I o ,i. w u;. ;,vu . ol i.....,u , j .,,.., ,.4, r l a.u- .i j u , .,)... , r W .,,.,.i.. e an I .l .a- bio A-kii i' l-i - -.i, A I 10... 11 ! "i, W '-. I, aiil n !a. .i ,M 1 . , l.' li MiHUi l'i ,: if I t Hit ll, Ml I, tl, 1 .1 , l.s-:.lUl U-. I a"' ' H'-'t of l". ...It Jf "jIi I utMU l.ji u 1.1 tint U. I it 1. It to I-.1 p 1 ,1,11, 1 . I. l..k. lM t ' IU-1 1. 'I us I . S-! is 1 itltsl , It aUtBtt t U tt b II t.tu.b. tlHHK. Vmm or ri UAVc a lino., 40 6. Tmi'ft Btri-et, l'lm.Aiim.i'itu. 8 o'clock, p. u. Marcli :;.S !, 1H70. V. S. of 'ol... ' 'i'.'! ... ' '!..., ..innv hi vr ..ll:j::,' 1IJ .. l"i'( I ;s ,. l.i.'i;; I s I i..ir ..loM",' l'lbV . l - r ir -.'i in i " ':,, new " -(IT. ' II II 1,; " B's, 10 4 v!""""""" .U. S. 'J Ycpi ti per rent. Cv Due Comp. Int. Notes .". (old V.. ;. n"a;,:-v; -;-':-v;'-;;--;- . " "Vi l I'vcr ; .., ,1,1. ii. in .n. j)onns'ft:i Hti'J .eiiiriii ranne It. It ;j):;o Union Paclllc Land Grant Hoii.l..;7G.) Business Not! tint. fit) 775 Aaoof-n a (ft.D. TI:U expretslim nn mile a few days ago by one or Win. it. Miller's cuto- iner t, when he. was uskeil what was as good as gold, wliei, l;a replied that M'illcr M;.1 Ills Boi.H nnd Shoes so low tlntt tbu' dilllrcnce In pi ioes of other cf-tab 1-hmen's was far below ttu' jUemium on-gold. Miller h is good Mock mi l t(.I!s elj'-ap. To avoid taxes, go t Jacob f). Berk and pro. cure a f,i!innli!e m?t of c'cthlng. lfi g.,oJ4 lire of the be-t i1nali an I ,,'ind,! up so low that n larire umo::nt (u" ta.n will bu sav j.i ty Ifurlug your clothing of Mm.. IT-r wi:r always to found al bis shop on Ponrlli slrc-t. i 'D-w witli Hia t.-txea." ouvs Bill "Well ain't j I re lii-i ig my t ies," ...y To-n. '-IIow do vnu do it !" ,!,. ijjii. ..v -It, I tell you," s , 'imi, i T g to J, h , . -Kc'iaff-r an t prociuv nil my p:"u,i"'-' of hi. a a-i I t'ln-.-hy save cnongh to f.ay I all my t-ijc. Why ti.j dill'meaee in one suit! will ivy all r.iv tav.s (., houo nu 1 lot." ' Chillier r itis ilia ta.lo: ins chop oppo:,ltu thj ! Centra! II... tel. i I.illii .p c-.on th t ;, t , A.V.V MAP! A, .I'i'lunl.-r ol .loliu (.. an I I ich I Von J-ea i, moatliR an 1 :.!! .Ua. g-d 1 Jl'ciiorb. ittnosirj- ;r;tJa A SVyiUico Jlurie:. CC'KI'.rCTI V V liiiKlY ll (iffniNOIili m.,,. iilil.l- Cl.'oi. II, t (lnls, Wle: Willi: j Amii-.-i-. 10 ti i (Vi ..Ii! 7f, in! ir.) ...vj ..-!.; An I.-. Wietr , per riii I " b.u-r C a :: M Yoii.. -yiial 1 ms iri.-.l ii- Ma; ..!''' . ..-Ill',- IS U 1, i i la ir- VtiiTT .ri; per lia-.l I i 0') l'.-a He-i Iii'.ir.n riirns i: " .i.iiai". . H'i'-, p. ....','n :s d r Ih It . ia', : . :.,l . - .1 (1,1 1 I ' ( I :- io: ii- 'Jot: 10: la- ia i r I . rn i iHiIA?S!v ts to ! r..M-T AMI V i tat, L.-T. ts, March ls".-5. L.r K-. ' t R-p, i-ir.h li'th. ri.' til To came time Dec rent e v.c:t!is ttv su:i:s:. the F.r 'ors of V, -:i to N: ,: .' Iian.l I',., ill Slille-I "la.'orAr;-, r -eial !li.-, nnd llet'oitu- in rem: i,-. in; I il li a lu-lpit 'ill 11. 11 ait ill, i p.-. In - ot caul-.-,-. A, lre, ildWARD A.-hiM IAlluV Box. i'., Pliihab-iphi.,, p,. D. eemb.-r II, IsO'.i. 1 e. TT'IMOihi OK Ydt 711 - - :-'l ti-.a'i wl.-i I.,, ili.y 1 yoni !ii',r, in. in liaai iin i i i e an I ,li- Mill-re I for veai i --; . l'rcinatiire decay, a: tK. u I tli.-cr.tioii. w ii, j-,,,. K,i ,, i ty, send free to :UI w, i reetion for niak:i:.-ti.' i,.,-,. ,-, !v 1 eh lie mils l-:-e:. (ii!ler,T: wnVliiii, ; piniit In the I aiivi'l'tlsi-r s evoer em e can do l, :i l-1i, iiii;, m p.-rteet voi.il lenee, .b'ilN lii.HI-IN, li:i)!. tl'J-lyJ ft n c N'o. 4u' V hi nn-i-t, X. V. O CO O -a CI O -1 3 i 3 V "1 5 o I I I H 5 II. H 4. s '1 lit' I oiiti's-.iou-i u, Ul I l ill.lMlI D for lb- I, n. la , ttMli.l, nu I i4l.fi It le. .i.'h t it.. , i.'o' in t 1 1' ," ' ; 1 - I-i. it ! t.i .1 y I lee - I. lo i ' -.1 t-n 1 1-, il I ". ill fi eie it no t"ir ,t III 'i-..-; t'-, li p I !' 'I 1. .lit -el I A I Ir S l II tMI'l. '' Wl'Alli, l,. W . ..V . . i. I t lo tiii: i .i.iii la I'. II. I to Ini i.ltn i,ll t- "1.1 W 1.1. 1 't'l '. . I 'I.I II' I' '"I .'I . :l,lil ..nil 1 :) no W.fss l-j h-.-ol I:: "1 llllW (,., 1.,,,. ll.j'u t I I.T' a - - I. ot I. 'il .1 II I ', ' . lie I I -IH III Ol,' . I. . I 1 " I Hi - le. . II..'.. I 1 I '1 1 . o. un.l .1 it ! I" lit. '11 -ll.l I , ,. I '. 1 1., il HI.-.. I t. ,l. ti ll 11 I ll..l ill I... Hi ll, I I- l Ht I .1 .l '.' I i I I tll ll 4 .-. tui aru I tl I.J l I 1 1. I' I. Il.i la il h III. I.. ' 1 I t . 1 ir VI - III li. I ,U UH Sitl loit r 1 .li.tii 1 III 1 1 .1 .li 1 1( uni,. ' .. io. a, m i,i, t, . ;lt ni, u" I 4 e., 1 u I I Mil I till ill'' al a., I. 1 1.1 i.'iii'.n ni " U "' .. 1 1' i' y i.ij.4 a, 1 1 I... 1 l imi t I- tit. t' Inall. Itt V Ji '' ...I .11 I , I- .1, (.I . I ,, "l t ik i.. I I' Ulal.., It ... . A I. t I M I I S a. 1 ii , 4-., t.,.. lV.t.i laWo-ttMat) TN th" Fort Aiicu ta or Col. C.:k..' i TVfre - 'Ill Ol ! I Ti P.) f V. I". e.i C,,,,, '.'"TVM ).um itiu) t., riVK. 1-uvi.jVnr) " iV.Vr.r. a i.b pay .b.e I., in .i.lVy l-r.t-J!u.-,ts oflV.. Doll, rs junh. A so ,1,. ijunu ,I0D::E , K..ti, ,)," .i:i. phi, ill n Tor n 111 r c,., . ANti, Tl-n- oi- 'ami I i Lycomluir utid rvt,(r. co'i-it Apply to JCf.EPIl O. TRACT-. r7otll,n'.lini.i...l x-...., t P i. m , i nun a ,1 .o., i-i. Tell. V.Vi, 157.1.-iiiii. ' : j j ; j ' : ; ' ' I JCv7- Thi PST'VI V SVpji tiik-Mt,'fr-iil:'niri'1 ud e.Vjilnii ei-o by ftnrp'jhig Ihr ti.o, ,1 ri'.U Nrjar.'j owy Vitu!j:n-t Aocnt irnx. Cnutlnn !) sure von rft Penulrn Sunif). I'niiiiiiluii fr-.-c. J. p. DiNSMoitF.. I rdnniior, V' HI 1','V St.. New Yorif Sold by Uruiglsts eenn a!'y. ! IX i fcovEuxMKXT sr.cunrriE-' Triloa aurt Couiral TTtkcii'.o SI. R, nnST ZiOliTQAOE LOXDS, NO. 40 r.'.'T." TL'.D STESC?, , J ' ' ' ' --j-, f' A'D SnANGE ALL ISSCE-3 --' . . Oa tbo most reaaonable termi. GOLD UOL'OnT AND SOLO AT MARKET RATM. rilorks l.oi.ht and so'd n:'i eommlnslon only. Ace;i-i:it , leeeived and intern -l allowed cu daily be.Maiiees subject to cheek at .-ight. I'eh. Lii, 'T.l.-ly. ivtext7'.v:itYa' : i) ri ,v s 55 i;: n. 1. 1: 11 . This HUP; Com Shelter is ran to crUr .'v of cist iron, put together with i'i.ia ho th :t it can b. easl'y tahi-n apai'.. 1-t ri:'i', oely i'oi'r and n ball' ( I -., i-oaiU'.-is v-rc r.e.-i' ami ,-' inia'.-t, nni" not ni hi lialile to break or L'i-t ou of o'i ' -. li can he. la- '1 to i' lit'ilc. b.-ii'-h or chair, i ur,;e an,! sn: nl tai-j ;re l;.-!l.-, p,-: t'v e'ean bv it . without brcak'ni'i or even si-raiching lin.' irraiaa' at th . rata ol to ' bti'lic!s Dei- hour: and tl.)-. can he done bv a hoy 1'.' year of age. It sheds green coin C hni!c.) im rea li'.yas li;-, le-ivif!; the Li-aius whole, thus tecm-fig nue-tbird inofe corn tli-m if it ivcr-i cut nil'tlie cot,. i h -r--an- ihn... .:,. . utiif i.'tnre.t v. i . for ' Pop Coin." No. ti.-r Noi-Miein Co:-.,. 'Ji , ineii' ii i :: 1. 1. No. U, for li-t-e or ont! e.u C oin, i'","' i-'S to nrN.i. r.ouNcii, tavi.ios, Noiln'd Co., Pa. a. Fel. ff:iu S'O'i'ji'i'oi--,;. EARLY ROSS, VANDF.RVEP.n FfiLDLING. At".. ft-;., a.:, fte. . . large lot fer s-i! t,-v TiENJ. noriNr.n. i a o , Ih'.-'.h'd Co'iiit v, .('a. F-jh. '.'a, ,'). I'. S..3'..sr.j.tYr.K.'i.' T IF. nii.k-i .-iuiM'.l As-i-;.'int Assess.-.r f. r 1 1..- T I bivi.-iim. Nth I'i-liiet, Pa., wPl 1'ii-ct thn J'.ople at the followi c times an I ; la- .-' f a t!ir. plll'po.-e uf receit ini; tilt- Ineonle lo-tni-ir. far lsi.t'. And I'-ceite application for l-ii-eio-es, taxes on Hold aul I'.nted Watdies, I'arriages. valiad nt Sii-.U nnd upward-!, and fiold and tiiwr Piaio, l,.r 170: At .1. lialon Smiili's, J ickso.i twp., March lo. M Hc:.ry C. Vi.di. r'.s. W.islilnglou tw p., Maieh At .1 dm II. H-kt's, ft-; erM :li ii-.v, Mai, !i 17. At llenrv li. Wi-av r . Ticvorion, M,ii,-ii U. Al his ollii-e, curlier ul it I and ( he.-tni:t H:e.!, S iiit. ii v. li oni .M uch 1-t to .March let li, un.l March t to M aith t.pt, 1ST). Ail pcioiis in t t i, like application for Llivuts c-o-h year, no lualier how inng they have b.'CJ lii I'l-i li-.-S. I'.--, r.s a-e rceire.l to attend on tho days unite I. Peru uis eniia'ei In any kind of oiisiiit s', are i'-p.iii-' I in n ai.- r.'firns. (in ilct.iit). of i:ico:: e to no-, wh'ttar th- v r-eeive bhmk or not. PHILIP M. fell IN DEL. Awistant Assessor, ;: I Pivi-ion, I 'th Di-tr'et, Pa. : t, i..iry, F b. :y. l.ir.i. WM. W. JIOORY, ,3 ,eees-or lo W. A. Bennett,) D It C H li I S T AND CHEMIST, .l.'arlit Miti;ifc, Sl'XKt'K", Va., lI.-. j i-t open-. I a fre.-h an 1 f.'.l as.-oiti-.iei.l id tilil (,S .1 ill .1IIIDI IMA, -: -1 - -: i i i - - -. 1 iiiiy and f. 1 :, --, and ke; t .-. - .a..-.. Hi- s'"e'. wi'l .la'aivi i,-: 'I y :ir;c.e ol merit In Medi- . 1 .I'.O i .is nv.y rr . V tl ' . j.ut .- -.n l : n.i.- '1 t'l Old. -i-i .!' M In ;n r.rr.: tli los) ! CTE. .; i'ly I.-.r j aul etukricc I.. i'i-.i-i 1 on ii li. -t-c' i-i A.ie..i.ua ii'.i 1 t-uiLUu ' l- ii i: it I , 1 ..- v. Clm.i P ich i Vi'.i.id 11 e 1 I . I ..' , ...'. .11 ST MI C1CIN-.- ". '- p I'll .r l p.k.itliE ol t , I ' un 1 Ch? vi.ig Ttorcco of kill, ' till" :tvi, , V is ' !,, f'tiatt 1. . I 1. -. 1.1 I t . a:. le- t'M :' A.i-.. I... . -i' if I . l ... U'.- 't y 11: I, '11, . ?!.!. I- . I I .'C 1'.- I. . I. III. I Kit ' I"-. a I j; - 1: I ' I, t u.. . ' b .1 . . I..jl I i j y urn ,. I i3l f'".'U.t I . W. Mk '.lT' II i I- 1 1-.-, ll .'1 A '.( r.t tUkl, 'pi.. .11.,; ni, I 1. 1 nit 1 k l1 e '( 1 . 1. : it ,t. 1 , ""si 4. ' KHU' I or. A ZTv I . u v. M. Imi-,1 l. lill-eit: ! t,. li. i I,;. Ileorgc !';; l-Ch.-i'rs Lio ; E-l-.fl- ,'.! jmb'jrlaa I, ;f, ;t. r.j t'mh-ilnn W.i lit. iV.-tont I Oeu. Iii-;t, ".'rtiiiin ii-1-i...a ;, J'Ki-bct.;. I.T,av.:.li..iv, I W. I! ,c,er, " j Mu.-M- l.'i.l", ii.-va:, i CalV.il-:.. y.r.ily. tl...;,ii.::!a, j Fran' is HarV-v. . ...i I iM'Tji 1-rii-, V it h-A:n ! Ap,li"et:,ri r-ni ti!;. ' I tO tL'.! (llLirOi,! !.!;! '. : lr I C. A. f.r.i I Diie'.iu,-. .;,,, Mm-liu U. O..J.. I I 111 ,s tr.-l Lvcemir :i:ii. ; ! v:nv v..i.Tf:A;i v.-. fv.r. Tvr. nr t and f:r-.vrr-r I "f5ECACK. hot,'. tn-i.lo ot C: j Ji.i a:.J eTiay t-vt l.'.i- .. :..-. j-, ! j. !we- m.-iii'icr, tl:ej in.n wit ii gi". iiM'.i.iiu : v. . , ii..i i. ;.. or i m ir I tht iai e lth ot'i! r W.a. -s. .gu'.. J We di ir. to ii:.-rv.i tl: r.ilsoft ! r.-II:.l, ii li.::';' !ir?-;.l-.-Ce-.. -. I ttav 1 :::, . t i lower thiui fori-... '. . 1 1 i Oo f Ilirt ir:;. ..f lS-cw aw. : (A-.fi Jiv.Hl.-j Wiii.-l.es (.'?.? in,t ; crr::r '.'Ate:! : "i i tr Fj'i.i i.vi c ,u. Wc'icnd -inwic ' with thj hiii to cu'l the T h.''-'-s i -,v 'a!':' t nrr pint-.. by i "iiuiiisoiii in c.j..cci on (.cl'v.-rs, in; I rriM.e-a ri t; ..... .'.. v. ,(..,..' jf, niter It i -, ;.: jv; sdtli, iii'd ...d !Vr, it pi ,o v-iil cv: he- !: i,.- THi-. :;ii:,i;v. .'IV. It! WelirtVcseM tl,.-,a:.-,s c." ti.- W-.!- ' express, mill to cvei v r'-it. -m ':. '.i"' by uriinproie,l ni tl oj of p..c:!f. , s:i f'-'.y Mo any iii-t-mce. 1"t. , .hcv V ,..-,.nii .i an i i.-n liorits , ai! ; .:a : to l'.'i-' per cent, by li i.,. ii,..-r.-e.-iis. i i.-o noi vimi-i- . . ic-.a -i,a. ; i our D-.-M-rlptivo Price L!-t. )'. c-' e t :-t , lerert l::-:ii-, t.y tr'-Xl una --i.ia'y o;" I i ;.i-'-s, ith priees of it li. '" I V.'lien yon v, ;-ite i'r a ; rii .3 ii-: i -. ..t vc ; -;:ii,-i.b:jiuljr.si..j:.i.i- l.y,:a:s. Ac!d:es, : iu fall, TIO'.rD e: CO., ,?evre:, r n'u! i-r.vcr-:::'!'-:, ! . N. !l u:i;r.a-.T:.-, Ne.-.v Vv.k. D-c. 1 i, '.;;. 'nn., . 1 f7A - O"- '.:' HI CAmsiiO i U. Mrt '.c Word uwoi Mr.gie Bar-julun tt thi MAMMOTH CASH S TOT, 2 OF ."KijUei Manure, Suuljsjr, TSKi'in- "'tlttUB MY ItK fOCMD lill BUST SELj-CTI-j: cu Ai'E5x Assoiii-.Mi:;,-!1 c.f iJoi-1i tn tho CLi All hint Go;.: J cuttr tant !y j.:o;-,"rj. C'riU atiil sec n-J x:t:uiuo f ;r yir.oStivL-n. OILCLOTHS, dv.y ( icons, ii.-.nir-v.'.r.", QUEr.:'?T'ii:i:, CUDAU T7AUK, ViTLLO'tV Yi'ALiE, 1IAT.S AND CAVS, I'OOIS AUSIIOil s . sXlt, rLsxr:r., tiroccrlos cX ilypij JcsicrJ;i(l03i 1 1 AL'-O, ' Dius, iiudioiL'Cc, ri'.if.i ji'.'?, rciivtti-.iii.t lye S'.u'T.-i, S c., 5.C. CASSIMEitL.5 AXU CLOTilo Or ALT. I.INiH. C.ill r.B.l 'jj citiviticd- t'.mt t'. it Air Is tiiO Etd;; .0 It; v:. v. D"; Al.m .t C. Pryiieiaa 1 S.c , utei.-'.il a' , .'I.' .nit. :, t. ,.i rl, ila ni .' io-. ,ttd l'i - in an. 'lit :' :.t lo.-, la'. ',. , i . - . lb. tit-.-, on Mai hi t r"'pi...c , 1 nry, '.-. over l un k's Hui', w t.ie i .-. lie. "a'.lt i ki . Ml !: mi.-, a h -ii ii. ' pi-,Mell. .u..; n.,..i.'eU Dvt.. 1 J' .. ''Ia JS. a .irLi:rij i'.i WAiii-?t!i.r:. a mammoth siic:: or oooro, mi-:ui.;ia:;t T.Mi.o;tix.. F.-iViF, Tiiir.o St., O.vi. Dj-itt ""i.ov Vitw-ixi Sr., Ct .Mii 1.-. , I a. , J. M. Zjri.l.Li'., r. ofi. ;.-?. rni'.vcii l.Nor.iiii caimkki. CLf'Tlli Ok' 11VEW FISD, VIlSMXi".:, A Ll kinds, riNtTiT nr. tui j, tx:NLi;.; va- i'.lL i Y. r-ai-o- Iery -jU ili J l-li l I I I ai .. .' :: , I - I 1 ' 1 '.t.i. ... t-dli iiri t' ll, ..1 I' Cast ' riTRNi'jlIINij C( ..l. j. -1 I - 'III l.ll 1 .. 'j,- Lt .' v.i . .. i.t .' ..: 1 '. , . . 1 1.1. I -.,i ,1.1 !k'ol tl. s. ' t in: '. Niiiin,..; ' -it 1.! VL, S ....) us. ! iry.Pu f ic. ,.tt r t 1 1 -i.. Th r 1 11, . . 4 ...1 b' 1 t 11 .1 ) , tl Jt.i. I , t V. J. 4iliuluttralar' Nviltx. NUlb 1. .. I. u,:-. li su -u k '.I I la I I. Tltrl of ! u I Hit ill '.'I I ' 1' ' "' I III. -It. I ,. I '.. .' U I. 1. . l' . I. I, I t i , .1 .1 - ' ' - - . .1, ' ii .. .I ... .1 1, I' ... ' ' ' -l i I . I I l ... ' ' " -. " ' I ) '. . . , -I i'y vtum), if a, ItAJ, . 1 C I .1 a. r.