gnnlmrii gntcvitnit. ! H. B. WASSfcR, E. WILVKRT. J Rdltofti. SUNBUHY, MXRC1I2(J, 1870. ' T.jcroHK or Democratic Rascality At i:i,KCTibNH. Tho testimony In tho lIft nioruMVntt contested clfetlon crtse, ;T(iv imder investigatioii by a SennlollAr Com- "millee; i fiiRtoniiy; such vrtfi:'1ity on the y'hiludelpliiu Democracy ns should make iitmoRt men retort. H hits locn proven that "RciToati'M' were brought on from Xcw York, nnd. raid S-5 per man, who went from or.o tlceliou plaeu to another, where the Democrats had tho election offi cers, and voted the full Democratic ticket. SVvrrril of nun wcro obtained ns tvit iicr;.TH. nnd in the course of their "investi ...'.'.;, detailed the whole Infamous pro how ngenta catno on to 2scw v.-lanv t'i-v were brought on to riiih- ; i L'l ' """ J w.. - n .i. .11, in thOi h . train how t iev rere . iivif.iHi ... .-- j xvl to (Hflcron- polling .p.ncos -how they were given the difiorent names , , - vuh e hieh they were to vole at the dif- j tccn kept in pron ever since a, a mt r0:vi.t pl -cs, c But all this is nothing ! tllc ? ollt on Wllh.,1,t r.r.v. Thero is not an JnteUi,ient cUIm , the lcwt proapect pT 3:.s ever bemg ,,,.,wh ,vhodoesn.H know that the Domocracy ! cJ fjf ,,"9 cr" .fusl,c,! ,n l,t ,s hnv ; I en rr.etifng this villainy f.r years i ?fy WS P 5 1 10 , ar?' m the larVi cities. In Xcw York they ! Wl ' r en,hletna?ic of Justice, if make no secret of it, and every body know j -tcd lLwe ot a" 'i0uld bo 'twJ 0,1 Us .that !Io;TmriU was elooted Go-crnor of that, "cu" tr'tate, and tha Electors wrested froiu Gen. j jCDOB strong, of Philadelphia, who was tJrant, t" fraudulent voting. Rut if our , nominated by the p'rewdent and continued 'i:isiiluti'U3 are t;)be preserved it is time i by the. Senate, an Associate Justice (if the such pnwedmgs tw arrested. inu iBiiauai-iu M. E. CL-irch ,ii session during tho ras : cek at roi!sv.lle,lhe committee appointed 11 COU.CL nua isi l tu. oei.iuk,.j of the American r.nd Fore'mn Christian T mon, reported that the work of the asso- 'df.tion represented by Dr. Butler became ! every year more important, uecauso ot tuo i rapid uiereasa m tlio membership ana ! priesthood of Romanism, and its bold and ' aggressive movements in this country to proselyte the children of Protestants and to break down our public school tyttem. That ' some ide-a'of this increase may be had wo i , , ,, . . J p.i,-e tne to lowing olafmeiit": l r c r 'In tho hletime of men now iivmc, , . ..... , iV)muii:fm was of no account in the Lintud .Staies. In tlie year 1800 he had 1 bishop, lOo priests and 00,000 adherents; but to- d? aecordirc to the most reliable statis tics available Home has in, this country (as the growth of only seventy years) 7 archbishops, M bishops, 3,o00 priests, 4, 4Co churches, 49 ecclesiastical institutions (with 013 clerical students), 20 rolbges, : 12S monasteries, 3S0 nannerics, 131 high schools for girls, flit asylums, 20 hospitals, 3d periodicals. (5 bcinir monthlies, 2 semi monthlies and 20 weeklies It in German, 1 in French, and the remahukr in the English language). She lias, aho, 18 Catho'iie bock slores, a publication society, and probably a little over 4,01)0,000 adhcr eiii:;. Such U her strength to-day. "There ?.re thus more llonianista ia this country than hi Ji-u1uj.1j -4 of Dublin. 0:;'.y forty yea r3 ngb he llo manists were to the general population of this country as 1 to 29 ; to-day thry are as 1 to 4 and still they come."' j Deaf and Du.mii. Wo have received the Annual Iteport of the Board of Direc- tors of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb for ISO1.). But or.o serious easj ofsk'lincss occurred in, the Institution during the past y,ur which, counidcring the number of pupils, is remarkable, and hIiows that great euro less been taken to p -.serve !.c.lth. On tho 1st January, there were iu the Institution 184 i's 1C1 hoys and 80 girls. During thy .year tUere vera received 2t hoys and 18 ;, and discharged 20 boys and 20 girls, "'iing on tho 1st January, 1870,'boys 1 giris T -iu nil ISO pupils. Of these 'i n ::vc stippori'.-d by. the State of l.-nusyl-'v i.l.i ; Jl by Xcw Jersey . 4 hy Delaware ; P ' y tie ", friends, ,: hy the Instniiiioii ; 2 j-'.-h .a ;-shi;'s. The progn ss of the pupil h ., l eeii cr u.i'ieii'lahle, and tho t aeh.-rs 'id o'licers havo discharged their duties in ti siuisl'.ti.i r- mamv.-r. MH act p:s-.rd by the Iloi.e, ou Tuec-' , the 17tli. l ilairrsbui-i'. to nrevent -I'm u-l.l'ng and. lotterkt, enacts that all gaii.h'ers Khali he fined not more than flOoO ivl i iipi isoned not over live yi ats, and all !'!' is of tmca I he siuue. Lottery dc.ll ei. . ui'ish.iLl- iii the s."mc way, but pii.vr. isti ,-: of ili in i- iSe!i pu-1. Con. s! il.l. s iu". hargerj with the. duty ofv.atoh i f rsiieh games, and j.uni: hod f .; ueg 'leet ; nnd keepers of hoiels, inns and iv '.a..r:iiitsiire fori i.hlen, under s wrc pi nal t'us, from it'lo-.ving games in tVir h .us.. s. 'llie lei , tiyes of ih who loic are i liable 1 to sue and leeovir in any court Ci'retutd. il..: net ie v,u',ie full j.nd very sirlir.'. nt Mr. Brvi-:!.-. the cloud .c". i. ' .r f,. . . iibs.ihsippi, mad., at, uh;,, ep,, e!i in the Sena'.- on Wednesday 1.I-.1 en tho (Jeorji.i bill. It luwnj l-. U U, ;..,. l.nolVU tlut le! Houid s;k.i.;, tho .,. ,Kvr3 lVt l ,1ul heueqiiit,,,! himself iiui.j,,; ,,:!4llL4. I;s i t Mirpi",.) hi, la aivn. A con. h; or h i t ol lb,- ',.,, i tpeaKihg of,!,,, llut, , ' " '"u '.ic-t'r. si.lent in the chair, t-. the D.,i,,.f K,.,.hekv, sll P,(, v.le i.;1L,,l i:Uls aii",., , 'J" " ""' " Mo:, one Nim u,,-, eui.i, , ,u, lx.,r,N.tJ ,,ui,.nl0 i't the i; .ti, ti..,,, ,4l! ,., liiKlvt MiKu-1 l.wjU, ui-(j of IV V 'A Tl.e ( U.o ..f il,.- 1! O kl. ll lil Jl .111- 11 . '..He ' "V ;" ''" 'u i.!, n, ,r li ,, 1 '''" ""I 'tn I. r, I u tua f r i . , . ill,, I i,,,.,, i, .1 li ei.. wait I t eii I -. ci I '11 Ik ' . rV't uv l .!.. HI t. to ' to th .1. . 'I1M1 ' ' '" I. r lit t Ii I .1 Ut. i.!e Ut to lU "ii,,i ,u. U ' k I: ". W -'V I 't l .1 lIotnB or RETPQB. The. t"orty-Becond Annual Report of the Managers of the House of Refuge is before us. The number of white children admitted elurius 1809 was 204209 boys 'nftd C5 girls. Discharged during same period, 373 of whom 315 wcro boys' and 59 gitls. Average age of boys admitted, 14 ; of girls, 14 f Average number of inmates during the year, 471 ; greatest number at any one time, C40. Earnings by boys, 828,80971). The average daily attendance in the school forhoyswns 347 ; in the schools for girls, 84. Deduct ing the earnings of the inmates, the coat of mninlncam j cr cttjiita, was $71 99. The general health of the institution has been excellent, only one death having occurred iw twenty-six numtlw. The report of the mniinccnient is such as to give cause for pride in th'm great public chanty. They have a curious way of administer ing justice in Xcw York. One would al most infer from thttir mode of dealing out "law,'? that criminals were to be protected, , . . ... i . . . " mosu woo u toiUi,i...uu, ,....,( .. . . i .... i was robbed then, Uuvc months fto, by rt a! 1 aK 1.. .... i Suprenic Court of the United States, pT? ! scnted his commission to the Court, at Wnshincton, on Monday week, when the WMtlllmiaiHtcrt.d; and hc took w ,M ,L A DISOR ACXIXL sceno took place in the j Senate chamber at Ilarribburg, on Friday j afier the adjournment, between Senators I JNag!1, oi I'luiaaeiptita, ana iinuerman, oi 15uc::s. comity. I here had been sonic ill fueling between them, and petting into a coutroversy,blows were exchanged, until other Senators interfered and put a stop to the right. They are both democrats. ,. T.-"""". . Generiil CMincroii'M Sjtoecli. , ., , , , . r , , ., ,, , , The Philadelphia .cd'.rr holds that such , n r ' . . iipeechcs as General Cameron s on the p ro- . .. , r ilcii e Kicui t-iieet icu Lii.ien ...ine, ui inc i nationa. credit than all the impractical and ! theoretical plans which are not based upon positive knowledge. We quote the follow- ing from Tlie LcJjer of Friday ; I "Senator Cameron's lute speech embodies 'a deal ol'subetautiul information on Ponn- sylvania's gieat staple, anthracite and bitu- - , t i. , . . ... .i ,-, , . . . t " 1 : . '. "u " TV u,hu , fu,, u,, , ..uo that will bo read with interest and , struc .on by men o fill parties. SswcU bpeec hes, pointing to the great resources ot , . ,..,, t.-v. wiir.-nbct. t.M, tin... n .!, i in aid of the National credit mid the re funding l'lhe. debt at a "lower rate of in terest, us all thy voluminous talk on the various financial measuies based on mer. fT.irfcc. Capitalists who have money to invest have little regard for the idle decla mation covering large promises. They want most to learn on whs.i rv..u.. ii n noun a whole voiuine laboring to demonstrate how a gallon may be crammed iuto a quart bottle. '..Mr. Cameron's speech on coal is the best in aid jf the funding project of Secre tary Boutweli yet made. Cannot Fomeen- terprihing member from the South keetrthe i ... 1 1 i ., , , . . . . uau in inoiiou oy as lorcioiy pivseiitin : tin value an I importance of thegreat st pies of that region t and some others do as much tor the great drained by the Miesis sippi V which, iu its vast resources of bivadsttill's and provisions, is capable of feeding half the civilized world. Ion: bonds and slirrt. bjads. and t.igh rates and low rates of interest, with. sinking funds, or no sinking funds, ar j tho nourishes that but po nt t t the bubstauce. If we must have talk let us have a few more -speeches lieu that from Senator Cameron." A St.vtk of War in- The .Sor ni. Senator Drake yesterday (says the HW. iutjton i'ltrnnkk) propohes, as an amend ment to the pending Georgia bill, a provi sion tiiat, when it is necessary toseud trocps t tsupress outrages and insurrections hi the ' .nth, the expense shall be levied on the inhabitants of the counties where the di.s turh.uiees occur. This, In; maintained, was the only iupmis by whi:'li the loi.liii.jht maraudings : n l murlers of Kuklux Klan can he prevailed. T.ui rehel ci l.'.elis theln- .elv.,s would thus Iveotne guar.uuoiM of : .i.e pf aee. . A letter it litl ulegtM io were rend to the Senate from Governor lloldeii, of North Cyrolina in width he ile laivd that an in surrection existed in a portion of that Slate which made it necessary that (he President should he empowered' to Miopciul t!,(. .. Vf.s i.-'.rof.i in the lnstu-r. eti juary dis tricts. .Mv. Tiotiihu!! ) rOT. ,i!ii. ( i', the piepo si'ioll 'niois;i-oiib ;"' but Mr. D.itke ih' clare.l that it could not be squ. lehed by ail adjective. Several Senators expri.-.ed tli. ir iil. 'tiou that a st. .to of lliiii .s'. v. ......i i.i . ,.e .7IIHU r. oiir-iiig eil v nnd cl'i- en lit le.-l',:iitnii to ciiahlo o,iti-a.'i H Upon I'uioii men to bo repnsed and pu vel.te.J l.y the military. h i a and painfull f iet that in-.ny parts of tl L. South iiim far from being n a st t ' I'; e.iee and pi:r:ii. ss. In many oiiiji, i u Males tiildiiL'lil ..iin-a-.'iM of the iens',,,1 KuKliiN ar.. 1.. punt. In several of (he Si files pai t,.e and iiifurn-cii'.u eist. 'I h.i crisis calls fir prompt ami le eisive iueau:vs ul. the i art ol Cu'u-res and th ulite. A Hill liar t. i'itro.liKc.1 in tl.e .imi lit ll:.llihtli:rr. lalive totlie IV i!l IVllitlt.V.. It author.! h Jin I, , !n ea-cM.'f,oiiv, .im it!iiil'!e witli'ilealli. 1-. i.-rilera vttdiet llml I I ioner hhnll 1 1.-.;tr .lentil. r IH'iV In' i.n riH .ii. il n lend luhorfM itlel ill "Hot e thai, lil'u en yea ri, or ll.e natural lile. No I'tlkoll. r to he . item,, t, (lelltll, toilet th jury kh,t! o .1. lei niiiie, 'i'ho bill ha lt D "'Ml J.r.'K..(l Of ,'UKI j. I'm: urn rohj i.iH' k!nM tlm '"''" "f ( I'.ur il.ii "on h x.iiiou of .,'.i.fiil i" n , s -j iluiUdr jilaiiiU I1 "'"f t Ul'u lliin (iuicut -liiiit. tuv Mll.r kit 'll. r lite h.iiis Uhomiu -hlli'. "r fall, in, otl.eiii,- hil, In. k. lialilrtei i to lit. vent hut Inr.l ti .furj. .'i'lli i V .'h ori .t il ; ii.un tlm !' -.ia-. I Oil. i llt Itcl.llt I hi In. ii I .ll'. r. Ilot.lli .11 U iltOlf " ' ' a M", .,Li.m mil h Jt''' )o..ll,. ri.. i,.... i. .11.1.11. i.t .J'',, Htn.,1 '..(. It .all l ,4.l) V)ti H .r I. .1,, I. U4UHflH ltU "'l'l .l.y tl.. J ll.jU.4ou U ki H'a' i'"1 Ul.., From the Plymonth Btnr nf the ettrt tost, MlRDF.n I PLYMOUTH Arrest or the Murderer. About B o'clock on Friday evening the citizens of Plymouth' wero shocked by the announcement that a brutal murder had liecn committed in the public house of John Jessup, nt thc4fcwcr end of the borough. AVe immediately repaired to the scene, and there, weltering in his blood, lay the vietim, Everett Van Loon, stri'tehed upon a lounge, who but a few short hours before was in tho i'ullblooni of heallh-now cold in death. The murdered man was about, 35 years .. ' ' of ane. unmarried. Ho was a son ot ex-i sheriil' Van loon of this county, a sientle man esteemed for his urbanity of character and usefulness. - t.,. .., I... ...'i...'. !-.!.... THE SlURDEKHR, thick-s. t Irishman, with a bull dog look. I about 3(i years of a-e. lie has a wile and ; f.hil".ln..n liiin.r i the old countrv. ' JUL .) Cill?5 Ul ilu. ill: 11.13 ii 1IU illl'l i , ,. . . . . . . .1 .In .1.,. ee children living in the old country. ' t nni.nati and St. I.oms t is the has been in this country some twelve , ' oHm aban dant supply ot coa, of the fifteen ware, and is a miner by oqeupa- quality at a niorl...l,te cost- hut for n. lie- formerly worked on the Plank f'lhe m.t be to-dsy the m.'Uiuniet u id above Wilkes-liarre, but nt the time mg and distributing centre of iron, uwclm- He rv liftee tion i. ..i .1.! , i i I.,-. i - I1U L'lllllllllLLI'U LUIS Ifl UUll I1III1UUL ,1 da , i" ! I., v .i. .n He feemed to be perfectly callous of his j situaiion and talked freely with those j arotmd him of the murder as though it was ! of but lililo. cousequeiicc, and laid the 'l'"og oi i r .a ... . . v .hor.ltuko William Jessup, a son .of the ! .icago, . Danvillo and A ice in ;s. 1 l is hotel k.iM-r 1 r,v"1 ,l"'r,s r'i' 11 '-'road s"ction ot cumtry AmtFr,r the xuhbeheu. ! -UI the host coal in Illinois After the perpetration of the horrible ! ;'M -'c.,;k nnner which are inex deed. Calla-h' r made his wavo the second ; h'tustil, le mid cheapy w k d, J ij eld onnl story r the lions and se.reled Uitoself in team wh.C. tlie b,s j.g iron h n a e h a closet behind the bed. where be was ar- out coking ; and all the Nermiilion count j' rested by ollicer .William Hrowu, nsvsU-d client for domest c y u ns by one or two private ciib.en. 'lie wm) Over tliij r..l, too, tlit c Kil of Krail Huirclied but tho weapon with which he 1 M. . coiuiiy, I 'd., m ill.n liable had committed the decd-a pistol-had M"'","""'-1 it within a few hours been secreted. "f C ,;ea:4o-tl.e .hstat ec beinir UJ 'Pi,.. niVu-. r l i.'i ,rrfMt in h.-iivriiKr i miles U s than hy any oth. i route. 1 lumh the j )ou ! him before the Justice. st easier were excilcil lliron in cxecoic lyincu law upu.. ',- , ,. . : him. But the ollicers kept the crowd back ! valuably a clmrc.tal iron ; and u ore than with much d'nliculty. and finally succeeded in obtaining a hearing. Gallagher was pretty routrhlv handled i after thH amdr by a brother of the murdered I man, who, testified to the fact, and stated ! that he was so exasperated at the murder of his brotlier that lie could not control his oi ins on feelings. tf r-mmvr w,9 cenveved to Wilkes-! i.lrre .,,,.1 loilced in i-iil bv ollicer Brown assisted by A. J. Case. Henry Gabriel. ! William Jessup, William S. Nogle, and t.,i. o Vti.c I rt,. (t. n,n ..;.,.,. r, i,- I acknowledged liiiuseil guilty ot the crime, but t.yd he had heicl no malice against the decas?d and could not account for his shoot ing him. Three Yeurtt' ICritih ICxportw. An official statement of the declared value of. British and Irish exports, to for eign countries, and colonies, in the year eliding December, ISO!), compared wit li the concsponding periods of the years lKi'-T and 1S0S, communicates some cuiiotw and in teresting results. The little island of Heli goland in the N(U Lh German Ocean, re ceived only X'110 of such exports in ISO!), ua.i.nb iius i against 104111 lsos; but Australia, which took lb itk-h and Irish goods to theamount (il4 uoo i.ilSiiT, increased her ptir- , ; b lU:J)oUOi0()0 iu is,;s, and Btuillllel up nearly ' 13,500,HK in ISO!), lr ,., ... . , ; , .' ,' ,,. . . ?lero ia a great iiiereiise ; set oil, however, by a large decline in tho British exports to India aud British America. For exani- plu, the exports to the British dominions in I Asia were only i21,."i0O,O0U iu lOU aaainst i '27,000,000 in 1S07, and there is a falling ott of over u milliuit atiillujt in the uxp.trts to British America (West Indies, ecc., in cluded) iu ISO!) as coiui)ai:eil.ili,,npis" - sessioiw is ep.l,-7!).010 in the year 1S07 ; iV.),it01,!i21 in 18 W, and .L"4rtj)l)t,alii in sOU-nearly two millions sterliull' iu ISO!). . Jlie. return ot British export to the United Statut shows a .considerable in- j create in the iast yeur. Jt is nn follows : I Ati'tic I'oiv .v...iy,,!,w5 in,5t:;.iici 'ji.ti.u.tho ' ' " S... .l.liiW.J.i;! 1.1T."i.S;:s a.uH,;;;tn laciuc runs .,j..,,..j i1ii,'J)1 u-ii.i r.i 21,sr.MJr. C5.i;:;.m,t 1 '"Beiore this time n-.-xt year-pi rhaps In Bussia the figures nr - e.i,4.i!) :,).! iu i )t'',"v "l'xt harv. si a new railroad will he aguinst t:i,"Jll,LiJ- in isr.7 Thero is'an iu- " Ir'"" cllil":, Danvilie, cr-ased amount of British esiions in Hel l " " in give th city a couliiiuous air t .Sweden, Dcinark, nus-ai, 'Holland audi1''1" r",r ai1 l" Lvaiisville, on the Ohio Belgium ; a falling uri, as un dii be exoeel- l',u''"1'" VNU'U s ' "i;,is nearer to Chicago ed i'roiii the political' Jiud liiiaucial troubles, j 1 (";llr" ts !'-v "10 J !1'u"i' '-'--atr;il. in Spain ; the came in.J'o! ti.-ai. ;ul tl-l! j "Siartit.g i.t Chiei.go, tlti iu-w road runs expu: ta:i,iii it!' British produce! and maun- i m a southerly liii cifon ti. ar the Indiana faetures in ISC!) ainoiint to .Lo. ll.i.gij - line through an i-!d and wealth agricultural agi.'iiU i.' t.Sii.",."."iJ iu l'-'OT. To the Papal ' portion of the Slate. For mucli of its ports in the Mediterranean, Turkey, and ' course, the road pursues the' 'Old Hubbard Bgypt there .was a law in. iviiseol exports ! Trail." which was long since skirted with last year, with a general decrease iu those i !l hue of thriving towns and villages. More to South Ameiiea. To Prance, the ex- ' than one tliird of its route is directly over ' jior'.s, which were uver.fl2;ui)tl,(N).) iu ls.iT. ' vast lields of tint best in Illinois, and , h.ul come down to XI l.oDOjO.h) 1M isilp, where it crosses into Indiana it passes which is evidence that C.hdi n's rt5te-mi.t thr ilgh e.s tensive dep sits of iron ore. It1 free trade, mi le iutes-na-iuiial by the also brings within a few hours' ride of Anglo-l'ivneii treaties, had not -.w.i'ied well i ( 'hieag.t the l e'ebrated Br;tzii coal tields ofi tor L'tiglaud. A,-. -ei;. ral rele, the British i '"diana, which furnish (lie U st, coal for ' exports to the cili.iiial posH.ssi ,ui f olu.r l neinufaclniv of iroij y. t .lis.vyeivd iu the 1 couulriis had e-.iisider:,h!y fallen oh in ! West. l;. inc. L ui: UMa:.s iu that ven -v. i pended over V.'l Vein- ev- V.'I.O'l.i.lM) wit). .'.. I '. -" ot .-i ii uomit is !.' i;t :;;).i . 7.17 uiJ, "in in. ii or niii.t," hv nlu IUum 1 o: u?. ,A t'f's;,.'.1 '!' S;u'' ofS'.utli Ciii-oilu.t ; tilkell 111 lN.'l lus j,-t lleell IHiKlu liuhiie, Iroui n lueli it a;. ars tlut U,.. iu p.,,,,,,1 ' htioiiU u... v .i,;,,, j.. i.,,.,,,,,,. , t J,tHov, r v. ! .it ,t w,sm 'i l,e;v are nssl.otvi. l.y 'I,.:, ,., -, ) l fS ttlle l.l:li. ol ...i :i j, .-, ,.,v , .,.:.(.. lein there an inen-iiv .d'jsi.; ,v,i, ,, al,, ' 1 1 1 1 ll IL'S ' I ' i ii i (it'll, . . iile gro i i ut' i mi i v ii ,i i imi u . i. " " " i aroiu i K .1... : terllbiiort , ,, .r..i;.s0 iltll populaliou - ll.e 10. I . .n tlH. t h ,rt.-,t.,aiHl-i.-t U-ilig 0 ... lis;., : 1 1 1 , Xlll , I t'V ry .me ofttie iiieiiu. or tli..j win-V ih,. who,.,, try if-nir t( retiiore iiuniei'. UtitlsliivetiiniK. cvliiliil- lug ana,, me,. ,,.rl reiife- of .'.o.xl ; -,liiuj..r i ... i. ... . .. ... .... .... . , , ,,, , ,.,.,, P"li. il.ili, in to- t ;" tiiU .-.( fLUst. Ill" eliliie liuiulte.' oi n n.; "in i h L'l mi, I in,,, ., ..I ;.. .i. . si..,,. ; . . , iii.1,7;. ,,., , ,, ! .'!' VI'11'-'1 '' '."- -u " ".,. m i ." '. J.I. Tl.e i,,,,lrof ttl.iu, l .1.. I.. I U l w, , ... ,,. . ,. ... I ,i, i,i. i i , ... in 1 si.,, Hi"' iie.-ro hke iii.-e.tiiu. u i ., vi ' - Vlim .; l'"f.t :t.;.i, .,1 t'.iarle.t,,,,, u ,., u, 11'1;' '".llo.lrtl. ,.s ,t... I; whites, J), ( '...e. ,,s..s,v t,.,7l,.t ,,, ai.7 , e. "I h, Tin: rM.. KriuuU A Wuik.-r ti . . ' I " ""'t ii.u ., slant nililll I . . . I .. '.l.lliloll. cil.lli.l U- I.., i,,. ,1 I " 1 I;''. lo'r.,,., ihetlut) u ,srio,u,(, ,y 1'1'HV or proxy. All,,,.,, L . o NT""V ""lsl''u ''U"lh. me mho ' vv ; 'vi,,ii" tii.iiitiv i.i u.w o.l t.i ion,, il,lr ,l4uu,.rtl, , . t it I, I.. ... . i . . . . .ir en. it tw lull. . lit ( mi. . ' ilujlc "'...ii I., it) foiij,, Uu ui.iitly U.N J""-".sl (. Nov, IJie,.,,,!,.,!.,,, k" i t I wik lo. ft ximII ,j ., I g l 4 UuH I" ot. 1 . II e....." U, u u nn ... ,.i ... .1 . fi"! 11.. Ink, m I.i. h ,UI. . 4nniu ,wf ttlll, t, it ) ttlilu ,j M.u ollll l,.,l iu llu III. I lit: til, II I, I II 4l La. t O. .1 . . ... - , .. . il. . k : .i..t-i.i tji'ivi,'. i.ioi. 4rcat Coal Traffic Over the Chlengo, nanvllle and Vlacenaes It all road. ClUCAOO TO HE THE & AKtTFACTtnrNO Centrk or- the West. Chicajo is the Railroad City or tho West, and not of tho West alone, but of the world. Her growth without a parallel in this or any Other country, is duo entirely to her railroads. From a hamlet of seventy souls in 1830 she has risen to a great city of 300,000 people in 1870. From a business of a single store, which wns all she could claim fori v vears ago, she lias grown to be the fourth city of the Union in trade her wholesale trade in 1SC9 amounting to not less than jMl.VG.'M, 000. Her trade in lumber and train ex- rw.n.l. Hint- .f nniT ntlw.f .lltr tl'llill, llkl. v' .. 3 V""1 , 'j vniueoi ner uvu hiocs uinaKui in iouu n.n g0.VU0,0U0. Only in her manufactures does Chicago to he inconsiderable city C tS 000.00) biiiiL' all nlu. realized from that ' 01,0 thl"PJ "J,?"1" r fm" tnh " advance ot 1 f.U burg t iiiciiniati and St. Lotus, nud.that is t ie erv. rolling stocks lor ratlroaus, ami a , " , . . , , . thousand minor articles tor the entire , ,,..,,.. oilunatily tlus great a n.1 i " Y "" ami henceforth to bos ippliect by this coal has been known but four or live years, the iron made 'r in it is nearly as :S,0OO,00U have alivaily teen invested in furnaces ami nillinii mills i.iat. will jjet their supply lioin theso nizil mines. 1 he coal Is. conceded tho best t making iron hitherto discovered m America. Willi these great advantages at her com . n""- ) !"VV" r,,i" trit it m . n vim 1 faeturers' supplies than any other city in 1 1110 v:orui ; wun a greater superaouiiiiancc of food than anv oilier city ' iu the world ; surrounded by States which at no distant day will I ave a population possess- inr irreater wealth than niy agricultural district of equal extent in the world ; ai.d now with a supply of ch.'ap fuel for manu facturing, equal to the best in the world, Chic io will not be long iu assuming that iiooition for which mi lure- seems to have de- I signed her as the chief central manufac turing city of this continent. Will llii. new road be a success ? Will l il boinlu, w hich are now being marketed to complete' the road and equipment, be a ! good and prolitablo investment V hailioails have mailo Chicago ; anil she in turn has made a handsome prolit for all the railroads radiating from her ns a cen ter. I-ct the diets of a half a dozen older Illinois roads tell their plain but simply story. The old Galena Uailroad obtains its business from twenty square milos of teiritory to each mile of road. The liixnii Air-I.lne .... from 2! mnrH nii!e The Chicago, Hur. it liuiiicy - from 2 , mit uc inilcii TheChici,,.-., H. 1. au.l l.i:i;c. liua. !'. pi ire mil. Thel'tii., ilt. H...I r.t. Lihim.. l.-.a. Sx. -itunre n.ilcn The lil.noU C nt'l ( liio. lir.) - fruitl -l .imre m.b These ate well known to be amonir the i .... i tlu e umtrv. Iiut ueithi r .l 'tin m ) - ' iu- cialitv. The Ch'n-ago Dunviile and 'in- Lu.isL u.Liiur 1'. nils in il... f j" TrTir ! StiU( i,lV11 Territory as any other' roaVl 'W'lVio ;ite, nod it draws its busiii. s fV...,, II1UCI1 iar'cr t Mil e I her ot'llii.r.. ..I.I..,. roads. The editor..)' the C.-,V.,Vo Tr huvr. who is entirely fun, imr vi:!i ti. eharae.ter and capacity of tlie eoiuUrv it ir.iv.Tses, speaks in a late number of Ii.m journal (Dec. 27) of this new ro.ul. and its importance, to Chi- i cago, in the loilowin,' exolielt i,.rnw CUl S. e ill niisoti for .siiunosiii.r ! otln i wise linn ih it tin; i- .-ii!, w lion.r m ' j.lete.l lo l).livilie. iin.l C',ii"eti .1 v. itll tile! ; T. rre M.iute an. I Miausville Uoii.1. making, .".i.f.i.;t ut e ct'iitiiiii lino IV nn C'liieago u ' l.VMi.sviil , nf ',) ii,;i, .s in letigl li, will )iour : a iru.le ii.tothis . ilylitti.. 1,'sm itma thitt , l.y the Illinois I Vntr.i!. lt .:is.s ll.rouvli cjiiilly ii.f.o.l ..uutrv, ami very little of t;.j .io,lue's of .he loV.-r JJO lilil. s of eoiuitiy il l.-.nei.,!., all, c.uU.-ols have ever ,':teh. ,l this in n!;, t. The t.1:ll I iron i.u.Miii ,,s of th,. r,,:nl must Le li.'.-ny from tlie start, Mi. I l.;,-.' Ira.le in grrn, cll.-n. Logs .iu-,1 fruit. v.;:i sei li tlie l iua, ;et. to he .'eii f..r liuu her nu rel aiiilis , gr, eera luf ! ling ma teria!, salt r..-!i, liiiiuluiv, iVwt. (iur 1ju.: lit sf tin n Lav.' I., en iiv.r'i l . the fouling advantages ol' till great an. I va!n ilile am ry of irailo rnuiiin- ( !,,, il. l.oun.l.iry Ul'.' hi,'neen 'Illinois ami Illiliinil, from Lake Miclii'.e.n to the Don river. Jt i.s tiiiin they La. I iiwakeinil tip, m w,r. nu.kiiig liu ir .re.:t rations to transact tin ir in-tv LusiiiisK, ii hii h, in a f.-iv iiiotitliH, will le jMiin iiig into lln ir h: nL,.'' If I Ilia UVW roilil L.'7ill ttiil, t LllsilU s , nual to that of llie old. r and let roads in illois, il w.-l'ld lie bliorl no, I nu. 'I'KfU 'iiahly bud noiiou.y t..r llie I'.inioinif to ..iin. i miy inner man a rf u. ruf ".. . Aecoidiuly no p:iini (.1- exiM.iio ia .pilled tl .iilie AtUiliahlu (I o ul luioiios mid duiahihty to nil of the lru. lure J mid on ilu i niuplir. 'hi Woik il ia l(!i,V(( M ill U, . : iii tt i' i.i.l Iii iho country. "i'!ii sl lioi II.) Is tt 111 Ih. .. lilting s, till roiid . ..III.. . Is jueiuv lo tho fact mill hot oil,! inc. .iinid. r.iLI.. I ottll tt III. Ull .III. I. lllll Iho (hi. f ay U tho i "Vl l'4ll I'l'l'"' ''tOt M'Clioll ul ..M..,V ' M'l.l llu. i. u will, (he nl,,, ( Vrisj ulI . I.'t.lli.tillc, mi.) tiJ tUK ot tiic t'U.'l 'I liu h..ii.l. . (l. hi i,f il.i it, w road MllloilllUlll IhttHKt.!.. Il' i, K),lll. t,f Hlotll IIVMI . 1U, (.i I... ii, i uM, (.,. my nh V'r.l I Iiiioi, .fc,.i,. lu 1()) Mjt;jt, , vllul tl. ,M,, Mt- w, bit, ...el II I jii.l uiMt ip,.u, r I Iho ni.te i. mil til. .il I. tut n.iitili. liUl ,(,, i, ,. ll.i II 'in,.4 In ....ui,i, ... , i I., ll.u xlik ul ! llu... lit (iut.l, A Um tit ft I i.u litaiti i.r II ( tl t. I. , a.i UL., t 't. ; w l.t's"itil i L l.u m.i. i..,, K.oW.u. Ilu.tiv 4 ia- iiatt'i JL !! j , ..M4(1 iUu.l 'IWl, Mi Tta IVIIAInK Region. Mahanot Citt, Miirch 21. At a largo meeting of tlie Tamaqua and Port Carbon tainerj, held on Friday and Saturday last, It wns decided to resist the proposed re dacllon of wages to (.1.00 basis, and if tho operators attempt to put it into operation on April 1. as now coutcmplated,n general strike will bo the result. The following collieries in this district are now in operation : Focht, Whittakcr & Co., "OeoeitU (rant,". .Maplo IMIe, M. Nicholas, Knickerbocker, G. AV. Cole, Coal Company, Hill Harris (re sumed to-day). Greenwood Shaft, No. 1, and Wlietstono Loan, in the Tamarpia region, have resum ed within a few days. In tlie Mine Hiil region the following col leries arc uow hi operation : T. Garretson. Ijiiwrenee, Market & Co., Taylor I'ast & Iindsey Helli'listcin, Enterprise, Excelsior, Trevorton liurnside. Frank Gowen, Ren Franklin, Clinton, Henry Clay, May Pat terson,' Wolf Creek, Diamond, Kear, Anstry & C., John ,Woodlingr, Glen dower, East Pine Knot, Henry Heil, JJaycr & Rro., Repnher Manimotli. Colliery, St. Clair Shaft G. Vv'. Jnhirs Essile Colliery, J. J. Dotey&Co,. J. C. Oliver & Co., Eagle X Illl Shaft, Harris, Williams & Co., ledger Vein Colliery, Hume & Glassmier, Gale Nein Colliery and F. Do Socarraz Swjtl Creek Cv.liiery. KltrVITIKH. A Roston publisher has made 810,000 by publishing "Shoo Fly." Flour is four dollars a barrel and beef ten cents a pound in Minnesotit.-- Tho New York imports of tea now amount to about t' 1 2,000.0'. .10 annually. Over 1500 bills and resolutions have beet) introduced in Congress this astsiou. ' Eight million horses arc owned in the United States. A Missionary rcnorts from China that j the population of that country lias been j greatly over-csiimated. Instead of having - ' " ' . , "" '".i . 4W,OW.O0) populaUon there nro p.robably I int over oi),tiOO,OOU. Ho adds that the i lato wars have wouderfu Iv diiiiiuishcd tho people, 1 l,t. united pta j ork arc about t tani-forte makers of New to start a cct-orcraiive so ciety with a capital of 200,000. Three hundred bushel of clover seed were shipped to New York from Luhigh county last wci.k. The walls ofSebastopol havo been com pletely restored, aud upward of three hun dred houses built iu place of thoso dettrov- ed by the botub-trdmciut. Detroit has packed 22, S3i hog3 this soa bot', against i J,2'J last year. T.he St. Paul "empty elevator" contains 50,00.) bushels of when',. In one of the public schools of this county the teacher asked the question lately, for : what is tlax used ? when instantly, every girl'shand was ut), "Formukinj w'utcrj'ji'lx, j was the unanimous answer,. I Noirnu;Miu:!:LAN& County Coal! litADic. Nearly nil the collieries in ouri r.M'i'.n hiivn l'ehon.eil wnrV llanil tbe rM ! terms rtf 1X00, but upon the fust of next t month the reduced vote as agreed upon at! the Pottsville nieeling will be introduced. If the miners accept this, tin; works will go on. if .i'it , another suspensioh will take place. It is to be hoped that the two par tics will agree to discontinue wsrby making cone "ssions. SlMmokiii JfcrulJ. 'I here is a frightful rumor that Paris has decreed the f.neittlit '"coal-scuttle" hood piece .to take the place of tliu present diminutive, lnoj arrangement worn by lovely woman. It tiwtis out that Captain Eyra, of the ' Bombay, and murderer of the "larger part ' U ! i frtWi f V ' ' ! f il: VWl!l;i.iSi'.aviE"''viXl.,.M tiniteeted bv his nnveriil.ii nl (Vain li,.in.r .aouiiiii to trial, i uey seem to he an amUl.le f imily, who seem fi think ail Jiv. s worth! ;ss excepting thoso of nativ. born: En jlvthmen. The death of a Cliiu imtin. a ; Japan,.) oi a uero i.s with Miem a matt, r j of iniliili reiice, while that of a ship' crew ' of Americans is a matter of coiieratulaiion I in society, thes" 1 wo d. Serve the. gallows.! Th.i world could well afford to see tlie breed '. extinct. At the meeting of the "Dem i :ratie Ass .-ciatiou.- of Philadelphia. In Id list S.itur day evening, John Cochran, Esp, the ! speaker of the cyening. urjed upon the i Deiiiociacy the coucilaation of the negro I vote, showing hy .statistics that the only hope fir sii-eess for that party lay in oh- tins vote, cr at least a part of it Ti:ft."'-AN"rs have Loen rliangeil hv tho iiso of Term i in Syniji (a irotoxide of iron; from we.tlc. sickly. Mini ring creator, to strong, Ik nlt'iy, iin.l happy men un.l Women, and inwiU.lf. caniif.t reamonably het.ilate to civoit trial. For DiP.u paiii aud UcUlity it i II npi eiiie. No Ilf .titti-oiN'i ! ;y ClIE.VTINO ! A tunt Ii.'ttle lull of lr. tja Catarrh .if.,. Keinedy i.s lircxuveil froni on. fueKiige, ana tlm proprietor oilers s r .viii, Wind font cnsi'of Catiirrli M liieh he cannot cur-. Sold bv drtiggisis, nr said sixty cents t.. Ih-. It. V. rier.v. Uullilo, X. V., uiiil reet ive it l.y mail. Xottvithvtauflliig tli: inahv articles ad vertised to cure C'otiMinilitioli, we do not ' l.elieve win n Ce 'it.'il to., crtl; he cured. ! llllt We do know of hull. Ir.ils of eases where iK i-sons were suppose !,! i he gull', dug unde r ' that lit Utl dis, use, w ho Lave Leeomt! .. r-j feetly v.-ll aud lohust lioin tlip ife of; S;.. . i-t.; l't.rt drape Wine Many tiui. s ! p f.j.le f..r years wio-l. and last (lie from I din, ;i.. of Kidney's or tilands, when they! i . . . . . i ., one s.ip,.. .seo io nave miki wer.. ir.-ai. it lor ; t instiuii.ti .i. A long eoul.niijd iitl'. t iioii i of tlu ki ys, hiuv. v, r, may eveiitaally ! slllt III t 'I.S4tt.I.tloll.. S' leer's Win ii.s. (I ii'.ei.'. nr takdi with a i-i k!i raw i l''., or new ini'.k, .lt.'V, Las liecn found tnliu an i cxeel'e iit r. mi dy, and lias the li ut:Ui,iti of reii.l. riu'.' avriiet cur.. f,.r foiisuoii'liou. ! Tliu wipu certainly rontain" v.duahl.i , propertied Ut our .l.ysielan pud lp.valiiW , trv it To u L id ol'iliu-itit. ; TtX. f.KH T.t UK MITIti: I'M'iit Sum I . u'iK ai. Kutus' r, Asra,il:llrrTir Mr i r.,.-,i. I... ' . . ' PIUS (n.oifc, Visl, IMh, s;.l. I Wl'l I,' 111 mi I 111 ', III h.'i',..'.,w, nn lin -,ll, i ( iti of Ail l : . 1S7.., I.i l.r ,r ., i.e. sai. Hi il in.ijr u.,t In fi.Mii l, acl.ou i.f II e .'...-I oil A"..,r, ir.aliu In il.j ai- .-M l.'UI iti! ateU nr lu luaU ami nb niiu t hi t.'O'eii tl. Y. Wi'iK V81 I l.t R. '. r I UU I'i., 'uu).ii,l4. l nrli W, 1 !) t v - . Kxi'lllta Imut.Jlata allullKi.. aa ' elUi. IKti.l. Ill ai. lucur. ,I.ln I, una !',... K.iilVI III...., UUI. TM'iIU Illl u, I lnoii.L, tl,u isf r" .".. '..i... a .a , , I ..i 1 1 1 11. 1 taaife .AliAl a ea .1 aa 1 . 1 t 1 kIS.illln. I H ki'L Ai l. k,.. i-.j. : Ij i .... l t,i, I .1 .1 ,ii i I . li I (t.t. ...lilt ', ...I, 0. "! "kl.l. Ml . I is, U..II,) tu-ut a..i 1 1.... ,u ii.,.i, i ,. i 1....- u titu it I, lo. i, at t'N.1 I . k. .Ilo , I... li. .. t. i'i '4., iii .a. (i i. UHwvt S jl.tist'ill t. 1 li t i (..i.t ktaa l, l"K ifcbcrtiscmcnts. GRAND OPENING or n NEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE, Ilaupt'i nulldlns, SUN'BCBY, C. n. WEITZr.I., Proprietor. A N tinimrnlirrt ntnrk of Dry (looild lut ptir- J.X. c.luihuil in llio Now York uiiukct, ut Hie lowest ilnim. U i.oivoir, prices lower thun goods wero over old for In SiuinurT, coti'UUnj; of SILKS, orths bunt quality nnd anpprlor lastrs and flnhti, ucli as GU03 GRAIN, ULACK EXTRA HRAVY COUD, JAPANESE SILKS, &e. IRISH POPLINS 111 (trciit Vurloty for uprlug BUita. The eclcbrnted Buiralo Rrnod of BLACK ALPACAS, The Beaver brnud, Silk Cuiahcd BInck, pure Mohairs. ltltick, W'l.Uo and Colored Alpacns. Enirllnh nnd F)"ncli Hniiitinzln'?. Frenrli Merino'. Kui- pri-BB im u anil ropuiiB. own nn.i ooi rouea uid Travelli.y; Dress Fabric?.. Silk and wool Mixturen lor buitf. Pin Id Poi'llns and UiuijonalB.' A cmnpletc ass! t uienl of MOURNING GOODS, FLANNELS, WHITE BLANKETS, TABLE-COVERS. JEANS, TWEEDS, HE PELL ANTS, Fancy Catlmerca', Ciotbs of nil dc'crif tion, Balmoral Sklitu, Prii;tn, Pelaln"", tiiiu-himi, tiuen, Ilandlierslileffl, MjhllilB, li()lcrv, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, ' CARPETS BrufBcll, Tapestry, Ingrain, H.ill I inl&tair. ! The?e are bv.t an outline ef thn extensive and i ... stock nt Hie New York store to which Uia X.Uonf i. .m.m,T Is coJd'y iLvUei Cull an I examine them, if von w'n-h to fcrin n correct estimate of lUeir mperior quality. l'.ice? r. low a;- befine tlie war. l-if Cour try produce lakeu In ntchaiiC" for gouts. C. U. WEITZLL. March 20, 18T0.-ly: L ac it a vi'.ti x t lrTiTi.Kii"l : o s;iT, K. H. Ut.'IiNIIAM. 1'ioprict. r, ( ornor l.acku Wtiiin.i nn. I Fran;, In Avenues, S-'enuiton, P.i., j pi. situ DeliKVare, Laeitiwanna it Western liepr.i. Free e.trTiagcs to couvey t;iieft to ami liuai ta.! Depot. Marca t, . J.-iy. "n.i"u's I R A W BONE jsUPEU-PHOSrilATK OF LIME, MARK SPUING FAKMXltH! ! cupasx vot H ei'.or or ! wra' "-ts l'otii.oes, Wheat u.l Grasw, is wr.r.!. as ! ADD TO TiTF. FF.itTILtTT OF YOflt SOIL, j j I!y a Jii,1'.ci e-.s nnt ncnieinloal t io le of t j ' MANURING. ; fiet the value, nf out'oy tl.e li.ft friii.'n. lilit.iin lii'ttM li'.'.e 1 4M.-4 un.l Ik.. i.'r ui-iia. 1 ' Keep' i-i 1 'five fitin le-xio'is wee. ft. I j Make your lan l pcrniaiien.t y .V:li.e. ; Over SlXlT.r.N y.r of eo-i-te' t life, oi all ; ; er.ii, proven t'eit E inx'a'' U'W 11,'ini VI, o I i ll ile may he ilepcmtcl npoa ly Fa: ii.m. . j l V Hiich'.y Tinpiove t an t Han V.'arraM-1. j Fur Bale ttv Airiiea'.t.irtl f)e ilera ir inera'.'.t . 13 A l' ii ' A ti O Si H, j i.i .a.-, e r .' -1 1'lvr-ii.", OXr?, No. J0 Fonth (tM-.Tarj Aet.a?, I rim.Ar.Ki.u: a. ; .'fa I eh Si lsro.-tini. j Ayer'3 Hair vigoi For restoring Cray L'air (o Us natural Vitality and Color. A (Ireiiii: vliieh lit once niti eealil', iieullLy, un.l ( for j.rrscrt tl. j ;l:a!r. Fini'. l or j:s't hair ti; too:t ro ui i to itj orij:n;' iy':r vili th? ".j.s.t tn.ri fi'f :hncs of you''; 'I'liiu lutir is thi l.- mm mwl eric;!, failing Lair flicciv-.l, i.t. I l.i.".,! ne.'? often, though i;lJt r!way cured . by IH le.c. Nothing tHU restore tl.e hair whera tho follielet nro doKtrot ..!. . ,1.- .... . ... . . " I ()- U0 Hill II t 11 . 11 1 !1,. .n,l , I, ,,,,.. I lint sueli ns reniaiu cttn In fated for I nsefuUie.ia hv this i pnlicatii n. lu-lond of fouling tho hair t, idi u paMy n .i! liient. it will ksep it ( ,'itui vigor jii. Its OvWrsuf.ial U4J wiil pietet.t llio IVoni turning pray o. I'.iliirg oil", r.a.l conscqiii'iitly prevent 1 i.hl.a.-. 1'rre from tlioso deleterious suh.sln.ieci whi.h luako miiiir pivpnraliou.i danceroit.M it-i I iu.iurioin to iho hair, tin; N'icor cr.u only henelit but not liana it. If wiiuieel merely lor tt HAIR. DRESSING, nothing dsn pan ho found eo uVmihUo. Containing neither oil nor dye1, it does uot soil whitu (tiad.rie, aud yet lts loug ou the liuir, git in it a rich luMre mid u grutclul j crfutno. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical amd Akaltticai. Chi .Mi.ii, LOW11LL, MASS. B tl.OO. M.u.h 1113 :C, ts?J.-ly. IIOOI Ml lit I H, 1113 Hol'iil.Vb "OWN MAKE. IN all He. New tV-in iin.l I Iii. I.rii i in.' ; H:y't, fnt l.a th', t,r I i i lit i.i. I I ... .. . I M III, Il t : . ret urn -u. I'i. :..., ( ,,;;., jj, . (ul.Pi.s i.i I k,-i v r.oi.iin. r. I tOllM.IS'! " J.,. 1'ir i U...W!',.' .ir i , ,. in ii s. I J to 'I I m .1 o ... if. ..... lt., m, .j ui!,, I Ut.i 1. ut.: I 1. 1- inn t.i ih. I .ui. I, an I f r. i . I h !:c . .( inn )r u aj.. Wu kuc I'm Hiil II I -I I.I I'M ;er. Ill l In lill.i tlt.i III ell uit ' uir I'U.i.iut i, urn! i.t.t. i..k l.l ia uiui.e, I Iticu fat uui ik' ul ih, i.turn Ii a....i, j Li.U, 1. 1 a ,, llu- l,oi I m.,11.. I ; li,, u ttlll ' Ik fully a..x'i . t. l nl n,i iiuum.i tunt. .l.tiiii, y If pii.... l ..i bkiil, li. i (.. ii Mi.., tt 1 1, sj, ii i, i j, i 1 1, h.., i. t..Un. C'.'.r.. ! ..I 11. I. . JV at 11, I J flvarli It ... i ' i , .( f I "ti iu l"H 1 1 i.. ,i i Iiwi.ln .'!.. I f fi ..I lu.v.l o,. l U; , .' 0. I.'.,! ,iv ,i, l, ',, lo Ill I J OO W Vk.!,, cot... lij, .( ih. I fif. ;.nj, :. I,.. . 1 1, ,i j.i, A.- at, t-. i ..I ai....iti..l i . i . U I , 1 1 (si I tl I ul It'. I' l "I l. 'il k I ..I 4 It-l I,, H Hi'J I.. , I Ail ilt.i iiui. i . . . .. i , ... - 1.1. ! I i .. I'. ... l k o aa t to i I tt I. 1 l-i I II "a . a iti. lah aal I i - r - - --- ... i i Rfc,Dt tt VI I II. ..I p l a IN, I tk.. OFFICK OF FlfSK A HAT II, BANKERS AXI) DEALF.RB IN GOVEKN- MENT BKCLRITIE8. Na. S Nassau EiiiErr, New Touk. Telii-nary, K.lh, lt70. Tho rcinarknUlo miceus wlilcli nttnnJod our nof,'otlwtlon of the Urnus of the P.vcir if ) K"-,t0An Compant and the Wcsteks.PaoiW0 P.AiLnoAD C'OMl'Asr, nnd tlm vopularitv mid credit which thcuo Lonnt liava malntulnftd In th markets, both lu this country nud Euirpe, Lnro ahown Unit tho Flrr.t Murtjrnga rinnd.i of wlely located and honorahly-ninnnccd Enllimdo nro proinftly riwt;nl2ed nnd roudily t.iken ns tho mo?t Bnltable, Fafe, niid tulvnntagioiiB form of In vestment, yelldlnn more liberal income tlmn can herealli'i budurived from Govei uim lit Dutnly., and available to take their plar-c. Assured that, In the selection and negntMl-oa of superior Railroad I.onn, v.c arc meetiiiL-it great public want, nnd rcnderlne rt le i-ei- vlco both t.t the hoMi r of Cap'tla end t V.t. ( prenf National worln of !nt r.inl ln.provv!i:ci:t whoso intrinsic merit niH svlbivitiiil char-icWr entitle tlicm to tho ere of (apltal n nl the crriti ileuce of Investors we now offer with rpc'al confidence uui satisfaction FIK3T MOr.TOAOS liONDS op rr.K CnKSAPEAKE AND OHIO UAILROAD CO. 77i Chttnp'itit ami (io RnUroaJ, connect In . the Atlantic cont runt the M!tg,jifictit lininr . f the Chc?af e!.tse Bay w'tl. tho Ohio I'.ivi r m a j.olnt of reliiihle Jiavisatlon, an 1 tlni.s, with tlie entire Itallroarl pytcm iin.l water trnrnpo-tat!..;i of tlie great West nnrl Sontli-wet, f'oiins the uddiiionul Tast nnd Vtrt Trsji.Ji l.lilO, ro laipen.tlv..; .lcainn le 1 for the mo.L.tloi. of the lmmci;c nr. 1 ra;ie!'y tri'wiiu; trnifpoitatlim between the Al'c.ntic (.ealmar.t and F.ircpc on the one han't, n:i I tl.e e'.eit pvo. (liieing regions of the Ohio n:ut Missis'j ;-,l V.ilt iyt oa t'.u ot'ir. The Importtincp of tSil Kop.d ti u uow outlet from tho W'vxl to tho , nni;nin.'S it into onn ol ti con-c.p... e-, nnd Insnics to it an exle!i:.hc tluon-'i ti..'"' -I from the day of !l9 enu.p'etion j tvl.i e. in ti c I develofimnnt of the extensive i.i;rirn't:ii al an 1 j inhieral rei ourcs r, Virginia nnd tVet-Vli uicia, j it pivpofsen, along Its own line, the caMncnti of i larg.i and piolltntilc local leiM!..-. I Tims tha treat hit. rc-.u, Loth gencrnl an t ! local, which demand the viiii.:. tiuii of tin- (.'f.KSU'KAKK AMI Olllo lUllllOAO to tlie '!.',. i River, nlfur.t the nr. t c'larantee of it ti er, ..; and vnln, and render it f!i litosl i'.i. pcrtiliit uixl HtiltsCun;i:i3 Il:t!r i: j ftiiterprlxo now in itroreMN in tlsw j Country. j Its Miperioiity tu a-i Ka:t end West ir:.l". a', I . the pronihe ef an lrmneno and Mil: it. e to. t . ' awaiting its (, ti.m, have drawn t.. it tic ;.! -j .tentloa mid co-oi'cra'ii ii ef prominent .r ;i t j Hai'ioa l men of th! t'ity of foiru! .i-idga.evt .e: l Known inteu'iity, v. tin. e fe.m.c.-t.oii nl. it, tt t'other with that of nutrient oh;.i in ;" h.i"..;:. meu of Virginia and West Viv'i .i i, in-;!-.-.- : 'nersctio, huiion.h'.e, nut i'. '. - !':-.; :..:.;; nci:t. T'ie r.i'i. I It rotnji'.cte I a;. I i.i '1 enttn-: !',. Hi.h:n: n.-1 t i ll.e re!.diri-t.--l W; ii.. !','. Ml'i ii.t'S. of Wc. t Virginia, :.'.7 mile . ,.n I Hi, rein til. '.'OJ III i 'C:. ( an IV v.; ti..!:;. ci :i I ; ;,( l tu i, j eompii ted, to e, in il to 1'ic j i. ; I r m'.ie.H re. the Ohio liter : 1. cr v.;.:.:. a-. :' of V'.'! I: w. S.iivly river. l:.o ar il, (iti 1 15. u.i.t- li-..i-,v V tl -It 1 l-l ai,' !' v p!. i. i t. .i L! i . ; v.. ; Ohio i.:i K:-::' uei.y t. t'.'.- ..;.l. v.;.',:. v (..niicct tin' liiCMijxiLhe u.xf. ?- ojstiro rti: ;iro;t-.l sv-.lemso . i ? ! : t : .i:e tVKt Lit ''JtKltV.t, :s'.!. I''ie., a-i t!-.: C!:i:-..- . l in. long t'.:- I .--.I -V..I ; ;;- i..:.i nii.'i S'rtt i.ii- V If. V I ll'i!; :, pi: I:, .t u t . -Mf j:owe.r!'..l ai eountrv i a; 1 tlr.'i ' ei ,- '...,,,:,( tire an. ! H ad ..ii I work :. : M . t'i- mort-.'au 1 Th 't'i of int. .N.IiV'.l or lo.i i t ; . tie- I.oaa li . i;r .l ee rafdt, Illl i.i era m rf ItiO. ::o. -.r..:v i! b- irs i. I I , i.- tc !! T'i an t :n. .y 1.,. 1 I M.,t ' c re-:' ia l',i i-: p: : I, Hi- f-r.-tt:: "ii't ,11 till-1 , t..-:i!-r '.'lie e.i , n:.. ti. a ::: !y n:i tli.' t !...!.' ,. t a-i 1 i I l. .1 ' all 1 l!.v U t. i.-r I ..-.viii r or hi .it; '.', The ll.i-.: e' .ms v..', 1,1.., r.t i 'i'oiii.Oii i .i u..; :.. i::v:i.:r Ih'iiri'i." jc:. !,:cgi.sicici : tl'llii.. v. til i'Oll- jt tins) at:ic!;:." Kvultlfi-cc! pOliS lil'tllclK-d," in. r! ,,. I let hy I'ei v. .-.iii.l, W. i; r-'iits i. -i -i i. Th have tlu'i Jy j rars t, u.iiy 1'., I ', vltti hit 'i t i.t : . I. ( ill). Il.t a f. l:i J 1,1 t. , Vol I,. e:ll I m ,', 1 . r , an. nun fn.ei Nut, ii,h. r 1, 1m.,.. 1 inter. -1 p..t.,l.:e in );.,;.; t il,e i ,iy i if). : I N. llie iii.i'H'i U m. il i'i .t it insy i ,t,c t:., pi i--.;. i.f Kite 'i . : ti. :.n i .v.. r f...i ,.( ! i.. 1 of oar fi u n ! t.o .. V'.t'-'M l'..ii.if ii.i.'.-, . i i January mi l Jul. :,i, I ., :. . l I . I I, . nett 1. . In "4 a. I, In.. ui nl i-i .i to 1. ', ' -j, ,.! i- t.f il,,, ..,!.'.' nl .l!:r.-i.'!.t :. l ii I 1 1, l.iu.u is i ciii,'i I", a n tt i.lf ll , : entire Line i.f II..' I;.,.i, i ,.i , ; .11 i.i Iii vi r, niti, ttit- . ,ni u. i.t , r ! .li t I toj j...,i n. I,. . , , Il II ,1 I, I I' I .1,. , M-ikii.,' r.ia I i tiJi ,., , , .. I I.. r i I.f r. I, .ii i,,, i , , i',,. ..I (H.c tear alt. r tl.r- . t; ,. ,! ih. t:,,, I e ', . I I.. I. , I i , 1 , . . -1 t..i 1 Ii I.e. I l,i.if i . i t f ; ,i -J i,i t, i. li,- n.. 1 1. , , : i It ,. in n , , ; t.... n .1 l I t I,', il i.,:i, , l .. : t," i i.i.ij f.ikf u.1,1 (.;:. .. Ol III, Hi, ,, If. fl ,,,' ',' , I I'd , l I i ,', i,; i ft. I ..i. I Lu)'. I,:.. I ".' i,. rli.t:., uii I I Vit .. , '; 'li - v. ,. I.. Uf ui, I udikv Ii I'i '. I'H ll..,l J . f I ,. A i.ti.iu i i u . , i, , i , I . I. MHti ... I .... I . , ...1,1 . I i , . 'I 1 lu.ltt p. .( it)., , i., I, i . ,- I'I I nee . Ili Ik., "I 11.1. i ... . t I ) i I al .via n pint n.1 lU 4 J ,( V t . j 1 1 . i . , i , ; ) , r i -w. !,,(; I I .... .... i r. i ' ' 'i . , l.'ll, i i. HIV i b..i. k 4. f J us. i .t. , tU rs,a. i.i ' II K-H t