aiitro-Glycrrinfi Is Cprlne (the sweet pf in lat) nnd nitric and tuil--is. The tirocces of mannnirtvtro .simple. Take, for instam-o, ono onn-I of glycerine and ten pounds of ( ho 'ncKIs nnd plnee them In a proper vcmuI. Tho sulphuric mid opcr.ilos on the nst of the m:tw, extracts nil aqueous matter, while the nitre sinks to tho bottom of tho vessel anl joins With the olycerino whoso destine carries it there nt Mice. Tho result is an olcpfiinous substance not tinliko enstor-oil incolor.lml rat':er more than this, which,on licin, washed and thoroughly cluatmpd from such pai ticks of sulphuric acid as may have remained, is nitro-frlyecrinc. Kitro-plyeevUie strikes in all directions when it explodes ; but the preatcst force is always turned toward that point oflVrinp; tl-.o Vrealest resistance. Thus, if you sli'Hild explode a liiass of tho "oil" (which is "sbort" for uitro-glyecrinejin the centre jnn room, tint treat force of tho etc; 'iOs'.;'i would be downward, in the diy iv'ion of the door. A cartridge submerged and bavins for its Mse a rock, would net ni 'sl fcicii'ly on the rock, although it w ould a ?o displace Uio water. - I All I'uhaua 1 wor carries his boots vm- tier V.ia unn wl.en Le poiscoui tinfr. putting tluni on w'.aii iiu rvt'chcs the g.'ite, and tiuroby 8.iiiii the p'jlish. fliticithuial. A Pl'.OVKK OX FA1 TESTING CATLLE. Mr. lii'Hi S. 1 lasting?, who is 'one of the innling drovers from Vermont in surmlying c.itl'.e lor the Boston market, gave his ex perience find observation in rebtion to liittviiinji stock at a late nicetinij of the Cnadinia County Farmers' Club, lie said the inn4n objeet of the liirmer was to ct Hie ni'if t out oi his fodder. It docs not pay to feed strain to a poor creature, one ti: it does not .take on flesh rapidly. Far Mum .. ill do hi tter to dispose of such stock t'. r what it will briuT, and procure aniina's -tin iiiiii eeiiiv iiiiiiiiu .t , of C'Hid s vie. ?Ie believed that one-half of the gr.tlrt fed was wasted by not Wing ; Kd to "ooil cattle. Anotner important point is, tanners no not lecit neavy ejiougn. Jlo would ctKimicVice with as much feed as they could bear at lirst, nnd then increase. In i'eeding twelve quarts of meal the lasL ; lour quarts are worth twice ns much ns the tiret lour for lattenine; purposes. S.omu I'ani.cio conipliiiii that they do not get pay ' i'or the crnin they feed tint-, "lint he had j noticed that it was only those who fed light that thus complained. "Whether the ani- : mal vas to bo led n short or a Ions' time, he would recommend heavy feeding. -Mr. I Ilj'iiii'.'s saiil lie knew of nothing better ! than cm me il. Tin; cob -Is .worth but. little, if any thing. Those persons of whom lie peivhased fat stock, who were the most successful and made it the most profitable, j werj whi fed meal largely-. Jfa far- ! nn i' has petaf xs or other roots it i we'd ; tnoiigh to iced these in, but a farmer wi.l do lv tier to cxciiatiL'e s une of bis roots 1" corn, than to Red roots nltoge'jiiii'. It ' is iuijirf.i'it, to feed regularly and not too' often, as the slock v. iil cat and lie down .val ruminate. It is hi iter to feed cattle but Have time a day, and she(;i but ouce. 1 Sri'i:i:l'i;o.-i'iiA i k. Could you I me with the recipe for making bone dust or l'ho:ne-niade fcU)n'rphosplate," with bones ' nnd sulphuric acid ' I have all theneccs Siivies,bnt would iike to know the quantities. , the length of lime the boiii should be left in, and whether they arc rendered soluble, ! &l "OAl):;TF.H. ! I Farmers who havo tried the homo mamif.ictiirc of superphosphate of lime i':vn bo. les have generaliy found that it b'c.s not t av i' the trouble, fixtures, 'ie.. bi siil. Is the probability of not having .so i.-ooil an aiiicle as is made on a large sea!-', by 11. -n who h:vc long studied t lie process, tiiiil l.oiv to save material. The Lou '.i .:u!.i, be I'nu ground or Vi-dwd to . granules ; add abouL half tho weight of the ; i. 'He ' used, lirst diluted with two or tiavc ti.nes its oulk of water. The mixing h done ' gnidortlly. in tubs, le ill's or vats. The : "loif-. to be iirst ino!..;e:ied wilh water, ' :i 1 purlioiw of tho acid are apl..d, ihe ma:.--) must be thoroughly, .. :. : r.Vvrrnl days are rc'itiired f u-the ni of the process varying with . . granules of the bones, lrcipH'iicy ati'ui of ncid, thoroughness, of The linissis theh leiidi iid oft a, i'1: rritiir. ,y ei'ou:i to apply, by mixing w ith plas 1 i , ei:ied coal'.'s, s il, dry peat. o. c.iel ('.: m , i : ; r rard the modes ol working down !io!ies or .round born s, ly mixing '.!i ii "..iie:iL.iig tnjiuure, ami with a '' 1 in to t'.Lsi.i 1) the g;ts, so as to a i'ii ! co!iMnst, ns mtlch. belter for iMi i.i larui pr..c;Uc. Honrs ground to i-m'i d w'.iii cnrili, and wi.-t and inn mod with toantiiv, will make a .:h teivl;' r. Ih-okto hii .es li'.iv lie re- v. I .1 vine way :LV.!i il,. l a: lequir.' Ion; ;rr ine.- vo n i. i Crfii.vNl huil.j i.i ci-.ri'r.n'.. ales ll.e Tii.-r. are Jlo.le oi' t s.a.l'.l j'lga'e'il than ilie re easily pr ill the 'Xortli ii. rant ri.n lis a:; 1 St. it.-. '' o.'.l in tin: i part i.l'Au. list. h( ti ,' il is l;j .', the sifplus n.ay be c'.it t-lci.-h, and inaile. into in.'hc- long, cut square mi atbl 'blifjiiely on tl'.i- top, may be pianu .l at mi. v. in iin.l, in a l enmv tri in h ,i, and as Imig us l, ipoi-, ,1. or t 1 ' a d ill u til . hi lio- J.'olil till.." !. p". '.h,v:i ii . I e.i r Hid i i:. si. en ; v. ..-) :. 1ivi an . . Ill-C i.i-. 'I II if. itn lii s:i ait in the uvui 'i Ill ll.l' t'-' li' lite cat t ll should 1; d Vi I V I'.-inlV I . iK o ponicii-r, i.r . . I. It is ; i , i round the li.e.ei: ( uTl ran I i il"lir w iib a by .j'.in.piii ' tin r i: t!i it lilt to no tli's iii Viilltiugall i, 11.1; id rtitlais, lls Urll ;is tltr 'io :mi.i. Wh' u (lie I mi- i caitli was lalx. i. iV.t.i tri'iii'li is ri pla.'rd aud the stll'i'le" leVrl il, I.Ui ris ol'iarh rllltl:" I ll.l l e aliuve tin Mii iaro, 1 !!. i '. 1 1 1 i 1 1 .-. at',' In.iilr an,) plauti d ill S' I t ' ! I 1 1 s hi alter t I', 'iliig ri.ols air pitshi , .mi aiiiin", i, oil In imv c-i ! I i atin r ". '' tittitui. a.e wi il-roi.i, ,. At el..' y ar ',11:11. pi old p'anl Iran tlir tunc id plaatui;.', ha i.ilV w ill lv us s'.rnn ; ;n ilii- . ;ir !a u tin- ttiir.., s. t ...ii 1.1 11 pi. aj i.i t r.d I' I.I- I. 11 I : i" iUv t. r m i tit; ' Vs. IV . i;tv :!lr f I III. I It. II ' :'' a- a w in ; tin r; I ' l l ".- m- in.. I' .'u li I in ii. ;i, i i . . . i oi ..-t. I. ml b) r, ii, ,n ; la o il- I ,1.1a I. :'.Ih r, il' to I :,! .1 I llll'l I ll" ll i " llll 'l I t I II I I sc. , , civ ll'lll". 111 III. I., I li ' d i. ri a i : t' im.i.tli . f I, I. al I, .1 l!..' V. I 1 I..-.! r ...c I' I ioi I' olnlic. n ii.!,!i..!, 1 i il i ii : t lo . 1 I : ; i v a I. . fi i. ill i 11 1 , a I lb. I I. III. 't !. hi nam i' -n ... I ,i IV a i ll . n l . ia,.- I m, i.iy I I ii, I .1 I M -v t l I kl fftcMtal. ft A f. TIM OK K LOCK HOSPITAL,. EST A U l.l old ED Al UFFiTGF, FLOM ocackeiiy. TIIE OXLY PLACE WHERE A C UR E CA X BE V 1 TA IS ED. Oil. .Tomntson the most Certain, S ecdy nnd most Elici t mil Kcmcdy in tho World lor ml I mate Diseases, vcakntss nr tho ISiu k or Limb.-, Strictures, AtTcctinns of Kidticvs nnd Madder, Involuntary Discharges, Impolency, f.i ncral Debility, Nervousness,' Dy"pcp-y, l."ii gnor, I. )'. .pints, t collision ol Ideas, I iilpita-l lion cf thcllcitrt. Timidity. Trembling: Dlnnicr of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Il"ad, Throat, !;cso or Skin, Anc'dions of Liver, Lungs, Stomach el Dowels these terrible Diso. dels niisiiig Trotn tin; Solitary Habits cf Youth those, eco-rct uiul .solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the Bong ol Syrcni to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rcuderlng, marriage, iSie., l;nii.3 eiMe. lOVNd MEN er.peci.tlly, Who hnvc become, the victims of 8"li t.ny Vice, that dreadful mid deMi active habit which nnnually sweep tu nn untimely grave thousands of voting men of the most exalted talents ami brilliant Inlelli et, win hilu'l.t. other wlff. have entranced liMeninif Senatei with the tlir.mlerj of elniiienee or waked to ecfliicy the Hviiiir lyre, may e-ill with full confidence. MARMAtifi. MarrieJ Peveons or Yorm.- .Men ciinteini'latirrj; m:rrinpe, belnj; aware of physical weakness, or p.inlc debility, ileformitl-s, :c., speeilily cured. lie y lui U:ieca luiiiJi ll nn ler me care 01 Jr. ,i. may reli:;i oiu-!y eonllde in his honor as a (ri'tille, dud eoiuideiitiy rely uoon bis skill usa I'hy rici'in. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immc.lliitoly (.'nti d, nnd full Viiror l!itoril. This Pistrpsflnsr Alleetion which renders J-ife mlfernble and marriage iTiiposslble is- the penally paid by the victims 6l improper indulgences, youiiir iersmis arc too apt to commit, i nccscs from not belnir aware of t hedp'adfnl conseieiices that may ensue. Now. who that lindei'tands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of tiicrealion Is lost sooner by those falllinr Into Improper habits than by the prudent t beside bdiif deprived the pleasures of healthy ollVprimr, tin! niosf serious and destna l ;ve symptoms to hot h bodv nnd mind arise. The svteni becomes de ruined, tiie l'hysical and Mental Functions Weakened, boss of l'roeieativc rower. Nervous Irritability, Uysprpsia, l'alp'iiation of the Heart, l..a;.r...-tl..'.. lli'liilllv. n Waslilltr I'lC r millC. COU1II1. 1. OI1M1 1 11 1 H lOO , lui.-.i .i.ivi li.vah. OFFICE, NO. T, SOUTH FREfEr.TCK STREET I.eft hand side iroimr from Ualtiinorestreet. a low i doors from the corner. Failuyt to observe name nnd number. j Letters must be paid and contain n stump. The 1 )oct or s lMplomas leorg In hi oiuce. A Cllii: WAJMAXTF.I) IN TWO DAYS. NoMurcurv or Nauseous Drills. Klt.'jOllNSTO'N, Member ( f theKovn Collme of Surgeons, Lon don, tiniiliinied from one of the most eminent j Collc-vs in the United States, and the greater; part of wboic He has been spent iu the hospitals j of London, l'ris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has cltected some of tiie most astonishing cures j that were ever known ; niany troubled Willi ring- ing" luad iin.l cars when iisleeif, great nervousness, being nlaniieil at sudden sounds biishful'ier-s, with frc'iuint liliishing, ntt n le.l eoiu. limes wiiii derangeiiiLiit of luiinl, w ere cured ; iuuneiiiaTelv. TAKE FAKTi'CTLAU NOTICE. Dr. 3. addnsses all those who have injured tlieiiiseive-. by iinpi'o'r indulgeiiee and soiil.iry h;.l'its. whieli ruin both bodv and mind, untitling them lor business, study, society or mar- j ri.ige. I 'l iir-r. nic some of the sad and melancholy i (llicts produced by early habits of youth, viz: ' ViuliiiV!" ol the liacl; and Limbs. Pains in Ihe j P..ieli ami Head, lUmneis of sight, Loss of .Mas- ealnr Power, Paliatalion of the Heart, Hysiiepsv, j Nervous in liability, Derangement of Digustixe ; Functions, (ieuerai Debility, L;ymploliih of Con sumption. iV.e. Mi:xrii.i.v The fearful effects on the mind j are iiilieh to be dreaded Lost: of Mehiorv, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil- . Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-District, j ' Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some of the j I evils produced. ; j Tnoi sands of pirsons of nil aires can nr.w . ! Judge what U the cause of their dei lining health, : losing their ior, becoming, we-iU, pale, n-rvous ' . and emaciated, having a singular appearance ; ul'out the eye.., cough and syinptuius ol eonsitmp- ' . tion. i VOCNO MEN i Who hav injured Ihemsch e by a eeit.iin prac tice indulged in when alone, a I... I'll fieiiueiitly learned from evil companion, oral school, the ' eti.vts of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, und it not cured, renders marriage impos- sihic, and destroys both luiii.l and body, should ; apply inuiKiluiKiy. What a pity that a young man, the hope of bis count ry, the dariiie of his parents, should be snatehe l from nil prospects and enjoyments of I life. 1 y the con-cipirnce of deviating from the i path ol nature end indulging In a certain secret j '.i"u. t ni.ii I'virmii" .mi .--i, i'i iuh; lutitLiiiiiiauni: MAIiKIAtiE, relict that a sound mind and body are the tno-t iiecesiary reiiulsit.-s lo promote connubial happi ness. l,,deed wirliuiit the-e, the journey through Hie i.'Ceonii;i a weary ilgriniage ; tue prospect i hourly darkens to the view j tin mind becomes shadowed wilh dc.p;iir and lillcd with thcinelan l (dlo;v r.tleciion. that the Italil.ine.s of uiml b.-r hw'eomi s blLhte.l with our own. I i ' I'IEAE OF IMPRUDENCE. j When the tuisgi.i le i and Imprudent votary of i pleasure lin.l- l.e b as Imbibed the seed's of t'uis i aiutiil disease, il too often happen,, that an ill-lina d scii.-e of sl.aine, or dread of iliscoM-rv, il. ti r., him Iroiu Kl plying to tho-e who. from i d . atlon an I ; p.ctabil'uy, can i.lonc lu fi ieii lj l.iai, ib laying till ll.e constitutional .-viiiMumj i I lt:.s in-Hid i.isi uiake 1 Ilea nppeaianec, such . c- u' surt' throat, diseased no:.e, uoelural p. las in head and lia.'.s, illinness ot sight, ; a al'ia---', n:,des oa the shin and nriiis, 1 i Ii lies on I he In ad, lace and c.t i . mlti.s, )ao-gr.-'ing wilh I'riglit fi;! riphliiy, till at la-t the ; i late of the luoui li or t he I i of I l,e no.-e fall in. and ll.e lilial of till awdil .ii- 'O-e beeoilles i boiria objeet of i..i.inii.-er.n;..ii, lill death puis a p-iiol to bis lir-ailli.l se d'ei'iiig, be (ending l.ll't lo " tuat I ntti.-eowi dCniiiiti v IVam w hencii i lie. Hai "I lltUllls. II la. l...l fact ti'iills inds fall .ic I ins I 1 1 !;,. iii-, a sc. o ing lo t lie .lliskill- 1 t a.:.-oi' Kin-rant ( ictiiiieir, ilio, byibe iisii ..f t!"l De...tly Piiiri.u, M.-rcurj,"' "n.iii the "i .-t.'.iaiun and make tkeix-i lue of litV iuii la- L-'t RANliLllS Trust not your live-, or l. -alib, in the care of thr i i a v I ii'. aiii. d and Woitblc-s Pictendcr-, ! ! a ale of knowledge, li one or e'a. 'racier, Who e.-py I'r. .lol.irtiia's ndi ili-eli:e::l-, or st!e la i-.- . - i i tile lli 'A -1 1 a ! 'i I'-. I "gllla ri V F.d ilea ted ''!: I I ..I I '! 1 '.. as, ia, .ip.ib: of I 'iii i-'g, 'In y k-ep you I i "Hi li alter i.e. alii iking their li,l!i ioel iiioiis c-.tiii nun or as long ibe saiallest 'I. lined, nnd i l d -pair, jou ( U 11 ll I "Id l in .'.IV I h. alth to si ill inelil . h owrour gaili.ig ois- .1 ton . i!, an ils or Oll'y I'll) : i. I 111 llibertlslllg. Iiplota.i., ulw ayn ban,', iu 111. t rca' m.'iit are unknown In till I. i , 1 1 I i i l l ola a lite i-1 .i 1,1 iu th i great 1 '! !- .a ' ii.e e, ilie In t In this country and iiii-' iii'i ie "Pinal., Pr.o liia:" III .u any le I 'b i' ia t ' World. iM'iPFM.NT OF 'I HI'. Plill.-S. 'lie lii.iliy I la II -a. ll.l eillid at tiii ll.rlilllti''u ii mi r , ii, und I'm ii lui' ioin iinp.ii Lint lc .1 t l . I ,1 . ., pet ii in l ) Dr. Ji.lill-l"ll :l - I I t ll I ...I I, is ol lie ' Mill," " ll" a. ".11 111. II. oilier p.lp.'l-, IlilOifol In' !l i.. .i .1 I . . ,,l. I a. .In b, tale III.' I'Ul'iir, . i. t s I l'i ,n.g at .1 ill III ll lii.lll III I lal ' r i I i .ii ii ; . , li, a .Hi i, oi ij.i Hani"' a- ..l"..l. t. si.r. lnl' v.-l'.s si : I'll.V ft l''"' i I' b ail I Is ; art. '.i'i.i d ' H , In. la-lil ill loll, III l'i'' loo"""" l..i,v 1.1 li .i I N.M I I l . M- I1' to. ia.lil ill loll. Ill 111' l"ll'li"s Jl !.ilt:...i. ii I .', Is I. .. V l..a II il, il..lln'0'",i ' iii.- 1 1 . II turn ullurut I ut I rune ' II il h Ii I. k llak. . M . I uiul b"" ...4 uni ii ii ...I', si "' f I it l i k F"'k., .! ,'" I ,...1 ... o. I " IU" 11 ' I I ... I I...'.... ""' I ' ' I- h I.e. of '! ' I ..I I. I - , I, .(, .11 ' J. If " . Mid I II I ... HI. M I I a; w 111. t ' ' -yATCHMAKF.K AND,. Cornet -of Third F u ct nnd Market Pqunro, In Miller's Hone Bnlldin-ri fcl'NDtllV, PA. watciii:s, n.'ift of the most celebra'cd niakiis, rnnststins of the How.g-.t, Ai :i .V.,. V.-.v'S.i.lcloii. Tnicv & ('.. WilU'iem, llaitlet, W. Elleiy, ami nil prudes of the V.lirln Ill's A'so. sole .',rnt for the eidcbrated PAl I. F.UI TUN Watch, in Uoldvir Silver Case, at low prices. SILYEH-WAUb FCI1 WEDDING rUKSEN'TS, of entirelv new dcsiirns. Solid Silver Table nnd T"ii Spoons, butter Knives. Forks, c astors, lee I'itehcrs, Fruit 'end Cake baskets, Syrup Muirs, Hatter Dishes, mid everything In Hi Silverware line at. low p'-lcej. .1KWLLHY,. A fine lot of lMi Hint's. Also ft tine selection of liohl mill Jut Jewelry of ail i! er',ptl.ns. Oold nnd Silver Chains, at low. jirlees. . - GOLD FP.XS. Fine Gobt Pens, hi Col l. Silver nnd 15ttWcr Cases, of Iho celebrated make by lluilniau und ftcwart. CLOCKS. A full iiMoi tnient or 8 dny and 30 hour Clocks, ct tr.w prices. Also, Sole Accnt for the. celet.raleilTerrected Speetacles.-warranted to SUT entire satisfaction. Watches, Clocks nn Jewelry repaired und warranted. , . . , All orders promptly attended to at the shortest notice. " Siinbuiy. Sept. ft, ISfiS. ISAAC M STAl'ITtH, W A T H K S A X I J I. l' No. 148 North Second St ., cor of Quarry, l'HIbADE.I'HIA. An nssortment of Watches, Jewelry, Sllvernnd Tlated Ware ronsliinlly on hand. :rii-p:ili:ine of Watches and Jewelry prompt lv nllendid to. . " Aiiirn-t, 14. 1 .. ly. 'ftUHincrn unlr tlt fOoobs. JIII-MM KY AXD I'AXCY XCMV Ol'EX. ;ois Fall Hurt Winter Mats aaitl ISoiiurta. A line selection of Plush, Velvet and Satin Hat?. A large and elegant assortment of all the novelties in ready trimmed Hats and bonnets. Also, nn nssorament of DRY GOODS. mr.uoxs. floweus & tkatheus Of TllK 1.A-1T..-T l'AUIS KAS1IIONS. Everv article la tlie Milliuery line as well us NOTIONS, KMiiHoinr.nir.s, EDolNOS. LACES. llANDKF.Kl II1EFS. PEiaU.MEIilF.S. STATION'EEY, &C, of the bet oualitv can be procured at reasonable rat' s. Desirous of pleasing the public, I hav selected an us if 11:1 1 large assortment of the be- good, in Hie citv market, to which 1 invite the at tention of my cu-toincrs and others. Call and see them, as it is no trouble to show goods. M. L. (iOSLFP Oct.:;0-0!) -Ith St., below S. V. & P. it. n. FAIL AXB WIXTI.n WOODS AT PIUCES LOWER THAN EVEU. MISS M. L. LAZAltl'S has Just returned from Philadelphia with a large and chuice selection of Full and Winter goods, including, CALICOES, .MUS1.IXS, i;illixos. FIXE FLAXXKI.S, cnixoi.ixi:, wit; ax I (.. Skirts of all sizes, Ladies' and (u-::tlcmciis Silk,' Kid and Lisle Thread Cloves, Hosiery. Dress Tiiininings in variety. Heal Laces, 11LACK tatOSCilJAIX AXD (iEAClL SILKS; Velvets cat bias. Vchet Ribbons S it'.ns. black ..phvi-s and Yarns and Kcph.'T knit good-, Toweling. Napkins, Table-linen, Lents' Ladies Handki rcliii is. Scarfs. I'aney Kviim antl Toilet Articles, Tidv Canvass and Canvas p.itt-rn, Figure 1 Linens, Tarlatans w hile and colored. Also, an assortment of fashionable HATS, FKATIIEKS AND 1!IH1!0NS, Sash Ribbons. Ac. She is ageiil for Switches and Hair brails. Perfumery and a large vaiiety of ,;! IUU Paucy article: M. L. LAZ AtlUS. Nov. n, 'on. Tho I.HiO!t 1'hII ami Winter .tlilll nery XovoMii'K. MISS L. SIIISSLEIt, Market f tnctj Sl'NUl UY, Penii'i'., nAVINt'i Just r.tuincd from Pliiladelphl.i with a large and varii l stock of .Mil. LI NK KY (it.iODS."of the lalfst Hylcs. HOXXETS, HATS, lllllliOXS, IT.OWEllS, ti:atheis, &C. f F::sl.iomil; Dress Ik.tlon-, Lae.-s, C'ol-:.-, anil all I., of Also, n great variety Ti Imniiii-'s Dr.-ss mi l d lais, Fiiibri'idei iw Ef; Fancy No' ions. Fl'lis AXD Ti lt TJIIMMIXOS, Woolen Ooods, ,Ve. Old Lady's Dress Caps, Hosiery, tilove-, I. lai n Cutis and Collars. Milliueiy in all lis l,..u a las promptly intended to. Thankful far pa-t patronage, she hopes to so licit a co'itiiiuaniv id the same. The nubile is invited to call. Olc.a'l 'a Louisa sins; LER. FALL NEW JUES GOODS Foil AND W1XTEU. All. nit: I.ITT.-T SI VI I s, MM Ulli: HI.A4K. Mm Let s-iiutv, Sl'NJlUI.Y, P.nii'a., HASJat i.-ue. a I'.c-h ,,ss,,umi nt f t t.a I, i, .1, Piuiev Dress (iooda from Hie lal'gi-1 i i' li-lirneiits in i'liiladelpbia. Dl'.I. AINI . , I. p c.S, PtiPl.lNS, CALI CDS, Id. I ss .-M.KS.idl.K POPLINS, Mi'lUMNii I. DUDS, Sli.-. ling-. M..-..I... 1. 1 11. ' and Childrcns' II. CI", I' ''..-I- ,'-.lls, rs- 1 1 1 mi m i r.uiliroiilcricM L.o e . , ( ,.,, , H ill Ikerchlefs, tiloM-s, H -Mi. II.. op Skin., Hopkins' Idiptie SI. ll t , and l.adi. s' of iN.ia ilex a i4ioii. Pal ! '-. Si.a a .. at bala.iills. l'lald WooU-ll si''.i.-, I'.r.akla-I fliawls, Wuolill s ail. an I l aps for W.iiiiiii and ll'ldiell. !' :-' i 'f, N !.-ti.-s, 11 ill' lio.M-, I' :I . i etS,..ip Hair, C.. ml,. KAIL bl.A CK. it 1 M.'.l. 'I'll! l HtW UUiHtS M OI IO. '1 i . ii ii a ! m I ii I r t ' '''.; I. f M ut t Square, U Juul't of the ll ulo.a I, M NllFltV, I'A., 'I ' I 1 1 II V int. .mi. In r tia. n U an I tin) 1 l I .be I n Inn. I a l..i -is W of I 1.1 M tM, i,liji AS l SOI U., I I. lab,.'., I lllw-till, till I Wla' ei'l Skill. iU l-"l"r !..!.p l.ll.lls, l.l 1 1 I. UVIII,H, t It A I U i III M Mli. f, tail I... I -a I.. I .-I I. .da 4ii I to ..V''i .a .... ., I I li - 1 , A- i i .A l . , ai a I. l.l I . .i.i U"i S' I ti. I : a , I , l., r a. I.e. . I .1 I - I . . i 11 , .1 t I..I 4 ' ll'M 1,1' itlt(0U9. OliK NEW I'umily Nov Ins Jlnelitno. The Superior Merits of THE "SIXOER" MAVHI-XE8 niernll others, for either Family nr Mntinfnc t'uiina purposes, me so we'd stab:bhed nnd o e;.".i-,'r.v'iy mind. ted, that nn enumeration of their i. dative excel icuccs is no lonpcr considered neecB- oi a new Family machine. Which h is b"en brought to perfection, repnrrtlesB' of llto., labor or cxpime, is now conlldentlv pre sent."', to the public ns Incoinpnrlbly (hv bi'f't .SVw iitg Maehint in erielaice.- The muchlne iu riueetlon U Sinqjlr, Comjmrt, Durnhk and Ikav.tiful. Ii is qtilcr, llrlit ruiialn mid camiblc of per forming a rniujc aiul rnrietu neper hrfnrt uttsmptetl vptm a tii'nlc mi7iiit, nsluir cither 311k, Twist, iiincn or couoii 1 nre.iii, nnd si w mKWltli equal facility the very (inelL and coarsest materials, nnd Hi'Mlilinr.bctwecTi the two cxtri tnes, In the mot beautitiii nnd ci'lutantial ninnncr. Its nt tach'.maits for .llcifiniii'i, UrniiUnn, Corilinii. Tw',iiin, Quitting, I-iHintt, Trhn.iinq, JliiuHmi, re., nre novel and pract! nl, and ha vu been In vented nnd iii'justed especially for I his machine. im w ocsn'ii.i oi i lie i nnpie, l seOH, nnit fopn av 1'oailii"; Tops and Cabim t Cases. nccullaV to the niiichiuis inanufaciarcd tv ll:is Cotmui'iv. hnve ncen prepared tor cnclosmit the new Ma ehinc. A fain Idci, however, can nt best he ronveved tlnomrh the medium of u necessarily linpted ad vertisement ; nnd we therefore nrne everv person In quest of n Pewlns Machine by nil nicons to examine nnd test, if they can possibly do so, nil the icaiiinir rival machines heiore inaklni" n pur chase. A seleetioa can flicn be inadr unilei stand linrly. branches or nutnclcs for snpplyine; the " Siiierer" luaclilnes will be found ill nearly every city or town throughout the civilized world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhibited, and any information promptly furnished. Or cum icat ions may be addressed to THE SIXG K 11 MA X U FACTUM X G CO 4V Uiiou'W.w, Ni.w Yoiik. Pill LA I)' A OFFICE MO Chestnut Ft. .Mies. iir.v.i. i.aki:, kiiamoki.v, SOLE AliENT FOU NOllTIFD. CO. J'" Persons who desire the above Machines, at Snnburv an I vicinltv, can obtain them from Miss CAROLINA DAL1US, Market St., Sun bury, Pa., who is authorized to make falc for tliein. April 10, 1!1, ly. ; IC A X I I K X I X u FALL AXD AVIXTEK GOODS, at the cheap ciish Store of JOHN ECKMAN it CO., S. V. corner dth and Market Sts., Sunbury, Pa. "ITIIF.RF. will be foil u I one of the largest T cheiipest and best selected apartinctit of Dry Goods evej- brougl.t to this place. A largo fclection of coons, coiiiprisiiig cvenlhing in ALAPACAS, ALAPACA POPLINS. All Wool U"p-, English and French Merinos, changeable Lustres-. A large Invoice cf SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, j ii-1 opened which for nuility, style, and price and iinciitiallcd, alsoall tiie latest styles of water-proof lot Ladies' suits, Hoopskirts in great variety. A full line of H.ncry, Gloves and No tions. A full n.-?ortnient of GEXTS FMXIxIllXa GOODS comprising everything iu French li. avers, French Cassimeres, Doeskin and all choice makes of Casstincrs. to the lowest grades. Also, Blanket:', Satele-ls, Looking Glasses, Wood and Willow-ware, Hardware, Nailti, Glai-s, Oils, Putty, Drug i, Salt, Fish, etc. Hals mill :iiH, li( :ml Miocs. Our stock of Shoes are tnitde expressly lor our own sales anil are guaranteed. We would call the paitieiilarnttention ofthose needing CARPETS, to our large and eveellenl apartment, whit h have been sclirtcd with care liol-l. "s regards ipnility nnd style and are oM'ercd at prices which we cuuralit." to give satisfaction. Particular attention paid to the selection of our Groceries and Spices, and we keep none but the be-t. We have d. lerinlned that iptality and price wiil be an object for evervbodv to call at the Store ot ' .lollN LCKMAN , CO. Sunbury, Nov. 1", Im.'.i. COI.DKX (iHTS. PARENTS TO FAM1I.1FS. FATHER TO DAUGHTER. MOTHER TO SON, 1 1 F. NT I. EM A N TO LA Dl ES. "TfHEN the light has left the house, incino- T T rial-, Mich as the.,e compound their inter est. BF.RGSTRF.SSER'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or oval Pictures, udlultteii to be the best in this, ta'ction of country and no superior in the State, Constantly increasing demand and great experience in thi". style of tnlnlat lire give us facilities and better thau any establif Innctit out side of large cities. PAINTINGS, CI 1 ROM OS, PIC TIT.C3 AND A LRU MS, Home views tak"ii. oval frames, (;;u and other Frames for sale. Framing of Pieiurei, done to order. J. 11. lir.RGSTKF.SSEirs Gallery, !!1 ft., 'i doors above the Keystone House. Suiibury Sept. lth, lSC't. ly, t'lutnge of Iropriolor.?iii. rilHE stock and livtnres of t'.e Livery Stable L. formerly owned by T. Medaw, has been pur chased by J.'.M. ISarllioloniew, who has added new horse., and is adding other couifoi table con veniences. He intend' to make it a Mnb'.c that cannot be excelled nnyw here out-idc the city. Thcbe-tof liilingaiid dri'.ing horses on hand ready to serve customers. The patronage of the public ia respectfully solicited. J. M. BARTHOLOMEW. Jatib'.iry, Aug. 1 1. 1 .. ly. CltOVHK il IMIillU'S rrtsr i'i:i:Mir.i i:i..sri- stitch jWMILV SEW IXC MAC 11 IX ES. ' I'oixi.s or i:m.i:i.i.i:m i:. BF..1UTY and elasticity ofl'titeh. Using both threads iPrcctly f.. an the spools. No fas tening of seam by hand and no a-ting of tinea I. -s doing all kind, of Work done by otlc r Sewing .Machines. These nan ki'io execute the in. .s I beautiful ii ii.l peiiuaneiit F.tubroidery and uoi k. The Hlghe-i Premium" nt all the fairs und ex hibition of 111.' In'itcd Slates and Euroc have been awarded Hie Grovcr i: linker Sewing .Ma chines, ami the wirk done ly them, wherever exhibited In competition. Hh 4'arollui HiiIIiim, Aoiit, M'idtt Strut, ii(iii .t li (ii-oiiif, SttiiLuri, Vmii 'n., has J list iccilved il large lot of Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch Machines, which arc otli re I lor al.: on ic i-"iable terms. Kmbr lid.-i y mid any oi liain.'i t i' c.litia' can be re- ute I oil lle..e M i i bines. .'o liiiiiiiv hull! I be Mil la ail one, a tiny will - V tiiuu und lii'ilny. I -" P ei a i residing I i the Coal P. gioii can bi. .ill the e lXi. ll. lit Machine of Ml. Belli. Lake, Sll.illiokill, Pa., bo U illllliori. I to lliaki) .air ..r tliein. isii'.i. J'llll.ADEI .I'lll V .iHtl'J. w i i. i. i i' r. u h . Howell l llourkr, iiiwrn T i tin or I'AI'I R lUNGINl.S AND WINDOW HI ADHS, Sain llooiii. Cor. FouiO: aud MaiU.l Sl. I'llll.AI'l I. I'lll I. f o ., Cor. 1 w. m Hind uu I S mmlii Stt. .Vim Sl;!it H(iy lt'iy, ';l oi'fouii Jiilt, o, i, u m i. O H UM llil It. AN f E urc bill.' II. in. S' i , II ub , hpi I lies, I ..H. li a, i .ll, V. A. ., . iy .. I.S Sl.M k i o.n. kr At ii. ab.ily, M .! U Ixl, l'J I Ml I III st It V 11 1; W M V 1.. Pi. I m. G .li. i , , V I HI tlkl 111- li lo.J, M4lksl IMO. .. I . '. .i, . I'.. Ia I 1. uu 1 I I..... ii 1. " M , I ' I .... a., v. '.. " S .1' . .ill--, ,. I I I M. ll Ii li '- U'p 4-4 I .. . ll'.a..4l 'f .1 t ' M HI liM fftttimfitrittttrs. Iiti.MftER AXD PI.A.NtNU HI ILLS. Third Stroct, Mljolnlng Phlbi. ,t Erie R. R., tiro siimires jNorin ot mo uenirni iioiet, BUSnURY, PA. Jit A T. CLEMENT, 18 prepnred to furnish every description of lum ber required by tho demnuds of the rmblie. Having nil the latest Improved machinery for mnnufaoturlnR Limber, he in trow ready to 1111 or ders of all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING? POORS, 8UUTTERS, 8ASIJ, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, I.fUtOE ASSOHTMriST OF BILL . LUMBER. HEMLOCK nnd PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, &r. Orders promptly lillud, nnd shipped by Ruilrnnd or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dccl!)-GS:lv NK1V I'AKRIAVr, AXI BldiUY MANUFACTORY. rilHE suhncribcr respectfully Informs the citi L zens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, that he has oVieiieil a Shllll 111 Rot. Rtrnhhl Illnnbcitlhal,r.n Kiiildin; on Costnut street. Sunbury, l'n., where he keeps constantly on hand, und manufneturcs IU OIII'T, CARRIAGES, BUGCYS, SULKYS, if., Of the. latest Stvl llllll till- l.esl innlnvl .l Repairing or' Wugons, Curringcs, &c., done at the shortest, notici.. Persons in want of line Buggies nnd Carriages, nic iciiuchieu 10 can oeiorcpurcnapingeisewtii'ro. II. C. R0US1I. Sunbury, July II, 18(18. ly. hoot ami sium MANUFACTURER. rpHE unde'rsignsil Informs the citizens of Sun 1. bury and vicinity, that he has opened u shop at his residence, on Arch street, near the public school hotifc, n here he. will manufacture to order, all kinds of LOOTS AND iiIIOF.3 of the best ma terial. ' Repairing done at short Notice. Orders arc respectfully Folicited. JARED BROSIOUS. September, 11, 1S09 ly. NEW MACHINE SHOP AND IRON I OtMM. Y, Geo. ItolirbiK'h A Sou, SUN1IURY, PA., INFORM the public that thev'have established a MACHINE Sill', in connection with their FOUNDRY. They have nap plied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and lloring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they arc enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, iu u satisfactory man ner. Having enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry, they ate ready to execute nil kinds of CASTINGS. rnloH to suit nuy Stove. 11RAS8 CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated forthclrsiiic riority, have been slid further Improved, and will always be-kept on hand. ALSO THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, Sept. IS, ist',0. ! M'AV IJOOT AM) SHOi: NT(I!!I1. .MARKET SQUARE, AV.'t 'our to Jly.-rt'j't rhotmjriqih Cutlery. 1oots and Shoes constantly kept on hand, made J up of the best material. Ibdng a practical mechanic, lie will MAKE UP TO ORDER any kind of Hoots or Shoes desired, out of the best Slock In the markets. Rejiarinii ilotie ueatlv and at short notice. KONY DRUFFNER. AiiL'tist Tth, IM',0. S'l'OVK A- Tl. KSTAI.l.l.NKSIF.XT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Al.FHEI) KllAl'SE, riojirirtcr. Ll n l.ssoa To smith a i;i:m'iii:u.J T TAVING iurchased the abovew. il known es- 11 tabiisiitnciit, Mr. Krait'e would respect I nl i ly iuforiu the' pubiie that he now ha. on hand a i large assort inei.t of j b'OOKIN'll STOVES, , Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving ' T"), Couibinalion, Stis.picbaiina nu.l ethers, hich are so arranged .is to be used for Coal or Wood, und are warranted to pel for in satisfaetot i : ly or no .ale.. I! HATERS of nil kinds put up to beat nun or moro rooms. I1KA1ING SIOVJ.s of dilfi'tetit kinds at Very low prices. TiuwHre ot" i:erj- DoNcriptiou kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done al short notice. IIKYAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oi! and Lamps constantly on baud. Japan ware of all kinds. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. Kit AUS E. npll.'1-ly TIIK OXI.V STOVE VVITHOIT A I'AI I.T IS TIIK KKAT ItAI.TI- ji!E rntr.rtiAt K u i:i r.if , p, i v, n ' s ILLUMINATED DIAMOND GAS BURNER, tr wun ii PARLOR AND CHAMBERS ARE WARMED RY ONE FILE. IT i the only Fireplace Heater tbat has n per fect Top lecder, and free from pulling or ex plosions, or cm it I ing a iuVo t he apartment. It is the only Fireplace Healer with the patu.t Diagonal Magazine by v ich greater Illuminat ing power in obtained, the iipailmcht the Stove is in, nn, re filial tiially wanned, and Hie Grate Re lie'.ej of thy ,51 cut wei ght of the co..l in the re. cr voir. It Is the only Fin p'ace Healer that Is 11 Per fect Sel I'-Feeder and b t-e b anicr, only rcpiirrii tilling once iu tweuty-tour hours. It is the only Fireplace Heater with pel fed sitting and dumping grate. ' It Is the only Fireplace Heater with the deep base, cuing tibuii lanl hmuii for ashes, and with out .rendering the urate liable to burn out. Ill fa t it is the great original Baltimore Fire place llealiT, improved and re-lmpioVed nnd brouirbt to perfection. B11IU iV; CO., UU and 41 LIGHT STREET, Baltimore, Mil, For mile by CHAS. Ii. GENTHER, Sunbury, 1'eiin'a. Jan. JsTi). tf. MAKKET Sl'AltE, SUN 111' It V; PA. All Klei wish 11 good lecture of Ihunsclvc or Iiii ud, HnMifd in liny st vle, should not lall to call at It V l.lil. Y'S, u it is, uiihoul 11 if.ul.l, one of the bc'l placi Iu thi fi'lion of coiiiilivio I'lueare giMij pil lule ot all) kind. Pi lee rang ing Irani 'J e,. ni picture lor f 1 to a pleliuv uorth tlld. tiling )oiir little children, an I If he c .111111 I li. t 11 g.Nid picture of lb. an, Hale Hu be 110 Use (ly ing rbt-u here. Hi nig old pliturrs If .loll Uh to hav theiu fiilaii;cd uu I have tin in OulshrJ In the be. I mid lat '.-t linpiuitd l)le. Flt.VMES AXD AI.I1UMS con. Inlil ly on h ind, cheater lb in the cheals 1, I .11,1, !iCI .MHI Mill 1. Ullllll 1 illll.llll U, Hill. l Oil b put up 1.1 onbr, or old Iii tbe tn k. ! Alillliln 111 Iho .i of plcllllr, fiiilln, i j ulijtlila in my I ma ol bu.liu m.l be larul.hed ul In tin) lull re. I of tvery out- U1.1l n,a) j t il1, nut I loii i;uiiriiiili In nil c.i. i. j tall Im III Imtlnit )ulir Kolk" il. 10 here. I Iballklul I r p l.l I. ll. l., 1 Ue.ile, by lli.lie.t ' di 4.1n aud I lolli4lo-ia lli buftllii l, lo i..ul4ili I lis t4lll. All lu Hal lull U ll.lll l'i iiii U mi ui 11 ui iiiotlu li lo Hi j.. I. Mil, a 111 r ill . noou m mm lit. fl'IIK UliJ. I.I..I.4. ..l..k' iiiUia.JI.I. 1 Ui f ,iH. k Hindi...-, Infi ll... Ho) t Uik-ii o 4i.bui , lii U li. p. 1, a lai. I ll . kt, t'li. li.l, ttiuk l..V, il .llura, 'l., ,LOll) il)U il so, I, nl II., la-l u.oa ala. l.l... Iljlli.i' l-.ll.U4 S., 'a l.l kl Kuul.41 , til It. ci, I U1 1.1 .114 of I ll, He' ' L.lll-J U Jlk H ! lll...l.. I . i .1 I si ' I t - W tlUH Is4 I llli ll li -, K lo.l'l ! I m.t lltul".il .l.l...-. I, ii- ".. . r. l m 1 1 1 u ll.iil.tiit 4, P . ., tat fshsccllttncons. NEW UOODM EVERT DESCRIPTION, AT HENRY PETERS, On Third St .,one door below the I.nthernn Church, SUNBURY, PENN'A. JUST opened ft lnrpo nssortment of HRY GOODS, such ns Cloths, Cnsslmercs.Cnllcocs, Muslins, &e.. which nro sold chrwrcr "f.fn tt. Also, n variety of Notions, ljudershirtB, Draw ers, inns nnu v nps. ladies' Woolen goods, Ac. GROCERIES AXD RROVISIOXS ot all kinds, inch as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL Oil, Molnsscs, Syrups, Mackerel, Lord, Ha ms, . Nuts, Dried mid canned Fruits, France, ; Raisins, Cheese, nnd Crackers, and In fact everything usually kspt In the Grocery Unn Hums, Fish, Conl Oil, Crockcry-wnrc, Quecnswnre, Ghiss-wnre, Willow-ware, &c, The best FLOUR nnd MEAL In the Tobacco, Cigars, nnd nnd a variety of NOTIONS. ALSO! All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. liOOTS AXD SHOES, Having enlarged my Store room nnd filled It with the latest styles of new goods. I would so licit the palronage ol the public tiud will cudca. vor to please nil. Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods.- t-? viiu nuu examine my stock, and satisfy yourselves. HENRY THTERS. Snnbnry, Nov. 13, 1S09. JF.T EVERYBODY KNOW THAT ON AND AFTFll jri'XK- 17th r 11 1 1 1 x u , lit tho M A M MOTH S T O It K , EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Everything will then be reduced to the rerv i.owKST ruur. ion cashi ONE PRICE nn:l that tho. LOWEST REAR THIS IN MIND. .II. Y. FRIL1NG. Sunbury, Mav 22, ISCil. VaJ3s UMBCNUM i j IIONUM Jt a If . - " -. -3 .t . -. 1- V."- ftl'l.l It'N l'OHT CUAl'E WIXK, Used by the Hundreds of Congregations for Church or Communion purpose. Aho Exrr.i.M'NTi'oit L.imrs ami Wi'aki.v naifa'Ns in Usn v 1 x k v a iins, x r.w j v. its p. v. SPEER S PORT GRAPE WINE! Four Yi'iU'K (!41. rpiilp justly celebrated native Wine Is made A. from the juice of tiie Oporto Grape, raised iu this com. try. Its Invaluable Tonic ami SruKM.rniM! Paopi:i:Tirs. are utistii parsed by any other native Wine. Be ing the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Spccr'iiown personal supervision. Its puilty and genuineness are guaranteed. The yoiitiiri-t child may partak" of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may u-e it to advantage. It Is particularly li.-nelicial to Hie aged and debili tated, and suited to tlie various ailments that alllet the weaker sex. It is, in everv respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. INVALIDS USE SPEERS PORT GRAPE WINE. FEMALES USE S PEERS PORT (.RAPE WINE. WEAKLY PERSONS FIND A BEN FIT BY ITS USE.. Specr's Wines in Hosp'.t ill ur prefure l to other Wines. Sold by Druggists generally, vhn also sull Specr's Standard Wine Hitters. Trade supplied by all wholesale Dealers. S'-e that the Signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic N. J , is over the cork of each bottle A Sl'EF.R'S Vineyard. New Jersey. Otliee. No. 2111 Broadway New Yolk. Oct. lstt;).' Iy. E,CALDWELLdC- jr.vvr.i. i:its. Ami IMPORTERS, oi ciiostiiiit f.irot t, riiniin:4:iiu. Kia:r osi.v J'litST-CI.ASS (JOOliS. AN IMMENSE YAK11MY OF GOLD WATCHES, DIA MOV PS, JEWELRY. silver ware, wedding -silver. plated ware. clocks. 1rovzfs. foreign fancy goods, F INF. PAINTINGS, iVc. Ae. All persons, desiring really line uiticli relia ble bi ipialily nud miHlciiile in price, nre certain to be pleased by our cxeei'dingly large und .varied colli-, tion. Our slock ii kept aluays ftch l.y ad III ions I10111 lirst source. Our store is pronounce I one oflbn most elegant luthewotld; and any panic visiting 1 he city tire loiduilly Invited lo call 11 ad Inspect il nl ilu ir leisure, Jan. 22, liTO. ly. .n. . ;iiimiiiTf ( oiilV'ft Ioihtj, To)H A I'm 1 1 More, MARKET ST., SUNbl RV, PA. coxncri'ivnty ot-mi. aaw. j v ot yvi.ii y ii:si iiii'Tiny. (toVei'AN'I I.Y oil baud und for f ile nl Ilie J uliove claim. linn lit ill bull.-. lie und retail, al n ,i..aiali!c prii v. He l Iiaililil.iel ill big nil kind, of Colili .-lioiie. rU Iu keep up it lull usMiitiuuul t bu ll are ...Id ut low rul. Tobacco, I, li-.r. K lioio iy, ui. ,,( ull kind, :fnd a nihil) i. uiticli, till of Mbli h ut oik It il .ale and let. ill. tf" iieiiiiiubir Ibe iniiiie und place, J M. C. liE till All f, Maikel el., 3 doiiu il u l.)ou'. Msrr. M pll'i lil llt.lH l iltli ltl. UK.l K V HVM i:il, Iu l' p. r Ah. ii.I.i ii.Ij-.iuiiiii S, U. 1 I l'o Ki 1.., al llo Jiiio Imu of ll,, iiii a.. 'klu ullri ti Hole, I l,..i,,ll, -, Bl. lill, Lump, a, nud I. I M K Ji U II X K It id A I. t a ll hid b' I J. .,1, li i III U pail f -A'. m .v. .ts." v ti..' b l. ..Ii ut H1I.I1JI , , ul . l . 1 I. iid b tU. i.i .d, .'i-l UU" ..! U 4. 11 I ad Viult lAm U l-i cui. 4,1 01 1. 1. 1. 11 l ) '!. ' 'l" ' U.,.ul J 11. lu.k.ou t . lit, ai.t-m), a, , ni l loi-x 1 n .oi. u Jlinllii Ml k, i.m oitM t.lM.I I , . J.H I'l'O IJailroabs. Korthcrn Central Itatlmij FALL AJIRANGEMENT. ON nnd after Nov. 1.1, 180, trains will leare tsUXBURY.jis follows. LEAVE NORTHWARD. 6.20 A. M., Dally fr Wiiiinm.tu.rf n.n ecpt Bunilny.,) for Elmlrn, Cnnnn duiirun, Roeheeter, nutfatoe, Niimura ull, Buepcnslon Bridfo nnd the t anada. 3.45 P.M., Dully (except 8nn,l,) for Elmlra. Elmlrii ,lar'"e Knilway from 6.40 P. M., Dully (except Buniav,) f,jr wil liainport LEAVE 80UTHWARD. Hi! .M' D"llv fur Baltlmore.nnd Vahlngton. O.JO A. M., Snnbury Accoininodation. 11.45 A. M, Daily (except Sundav", ) for Balti more, Philadelphia nud Washington. 11.85. P. M., Dally (except 8uudays.)lor Harris burg, connecting with Cincinnati Expr-ss for Baltimore, Philadelphia nnd Washington. A. R. Fkre. En. P. Vorso, Gcn'l. Sup't., CienT Paseu'r Ag't., HarriBburg, Pn. llalllnnrcj Ui. I.nrkavviiiiiiu nud Illoonisburi; Ruil. ronil. ON nnd after Moudar, Dec. Cth, 1S0O, Pu enger Truitu will run ns follews : SOUTHWARD. A. M. P. M A. M. 1 9.20 0.52 10.20 . M. 7.1.1 7.-I-S 8.1? Leave Fcrantoti, 7.00 " Pittston, 7.:iK ' Kingston, S.00 " Khickshiimv, 8.55 " Rupert, ' JO.Di " Da.nville, 10.42 Arr. NortU'd., 11.20 4.00 4.:!J 5.00 CIO 7.4D ' 8.10 8.45 NORTUWARD, A. M. P. M. A. M. V. M ' Leave North d., 11.80 " Danville, 7.05 4.110 5.05 Rupert, 7.1i5 Shlcksl'lnny, H..r5 Kingston, ' 11.50 Pittston, 10.2D 8.25 8.50 11.25 K.OO 2.4 5 Ii.11 and I Arr. Scritnton, 10.53 S.i 1 rains lenving scranton nt 7.00 a. in. .. .11., 1 on ui. 1 111 ..01 1 il 11 HI o ci 11111,1 vvuii 1 ranis on P. iJ-l. R. It. for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash ington, vVilliamsport. Lock Haven, Plttsbutg and est. Trains arriving ut Scrailtoii at R.55 n. ni. connecting wilh trains at New York at u..i p. n, ' Philiideiphiii ut 4.40 p. 111. '' TraiiiMirriving nt Seruntnii at 10.50 a. n . and 3.1S p. ni., connect with traiu for Great Iii aid und West. At Rupert with Ciittawissa Railroad for Ta maciia. Milton, etc. At Pittston with Lehigh Yalicv Railroad for Tunkhaniioek, Waverlv, rte. DA VID T. HOUND. Sup't. Kingston, Pa., Iln!iiig Kailriia:. W I N T F. R A P. R A N ti E M E N T. Mtiwhty, DtCih.hc? idh. lSi',11. f 'I'.t.AI 1 Kl N K LINE from ,!. N'o,th , North-West for P 1 adclidiln. N". Y.. R. Ing. Poltfiille, Tainu1ui,, Ashland. Sliaiiii-ki'.' l.ciiaiion, .Mlcntown, Lastoii, Ephnita, Lit:. 1. ni'east. r, Columbia, etc., .Vc, 'I'raiiis li-iive Ilarri.biir or M-vv Vol';. a;- f .-':-lows: At 5.:;.",, s.ltfa.'m., PJ.-.n 1.001. 2. b."i p. 111., toiiiiecting ith similar 'i'i..;:is in tl... Pennsylvania Railroad, and .-nriii:- :,t , w York at 12.15 noon, ii.40, C.aii im,j ,. m. rcsicetively. Mii-plnji Cars :n .-ompanv lli 5.:;.1 a. im. and 12.20 noon trains withoi.t licniLC Returning: L.aV.'Nuv York al '.1.0 I i,. in., 12.0.) noon and a.C.l p. in., Philad. I; bla at S.I 5 . in. and ll.HJ p. tu. ; MecpiiiL' Cars acaoinp; av ing the It.oi) n. ni. 5.00 j.. in. t rains lioin N,--,v Vork vi it limit change. Leave Harilsbtirg for Ri-nding. Pottsvilis. '':, ma iua, Mincrville, Ashland. Sliaun kin. Pine lilove, Allciilown and Philad. 'Itdiia at is.lil a. n. a"'' 4.10 ji. in., sto ping nt l.e'ianoii and " r '., ""1 i 1 1 1 1; 111 l.eaaili .11 a ll'l rilieipal way stiitiotis ; the 4.1o p. 111.. train Ttin.g for 1'hhndclphia, IVttsvil!c und Co- 1 tie j coiinia liiiul.ia only. 1 or Polt.-vido, Sel.uvlkili Haven and A'.ibui a, ia Sehuylkiil an.l 'i.C'iialll ii.iriKin. leave i la rrisiiini; at I p. t Wa.v Passenger 1 rain leaves 1'lii.a- 'd i....' a. in., cimiiect ing with similar 1 ra.ia an E t eiitia. laiilroad. r. t in nin liom l: p. in., .topi Ing at all 'tations. at b.l Lii'.vi Pottsvii:,. at ii. lit. li.oo.i. i.i, a;,,) iu. Hci at li.:;u a. m.. M.aiia.l.ln at a. la an I 10.40 it. in.; Aslilaiid at :.i;.i ;,. ti... an d i ..: o la.oll ; Tatca.pla nl .:.:! a. In. at, '.'.,. p r Tor l'lii'ailelpliia and New Votk. Leave Potlsviiic via Schni Ikill ; ha:. i. a R.-.i.r.'.nl at s.laii. m. .-ril M.'-j'l a. in. fi.r Pine Grove and 'l'n Rcailiag Act omii..idation Train villi- :u a.-iOii. m., pusses Rending arriving nt Philadelphia al lti.';o a. . b 'at. I'. : I , In.. . I leaves l laai'li Iplita at 1.4.1 p. in.. lug i-l 7.40 p.m. arrivii.g at IN ttsvi.:,. ut ii.;. la . ' 1 roll-tow n Accotniiioiiaiio town at f,.;:, a. m ril.irnin Tri.i lcav .- 1 . 1 "l .ale 1 at 4.(M p. tu, Coimubia Ilal!ri'.".d 1 rains 1 7.15 it, in., and 11. 15 p. m. r,,r ill V.' Ilea,! E Lit! Lancaster, 'olumbiu. iVc. Pcrkioiiieii II. .ii Ii. .id 'l iaips le; Junction at m., :,t ;;.i o Kl talliiaL', Iciive Sel.Vci.k -villi- I'el'ki d p. la. a. la.. ia on al , ;.i...r Is. 4a i, ooti connecting Kcuilmg liatl Road. ( olebliM.kdalc Jl.ii'.ioad Trai ls have i t1.-'..wi at '.'.to a. in., and l'i,2U . i;i., l,.r.Ml. Pica at. i 7.00 mill 11.25 a. in., connecting villi limilar trains on Reading Raiiioiid. Chester Valley Railroad Train leave IliiilL'e port at K'M a. an, 2.i'5aiHl 5.02 p. in. n im nin-, have Do li'nmton i.t a. m 12.45 i.oo.i ai.d 5. 15 p, in. iniilicaltg v. it li trains on Reading Rail load. On Mindajs : Leave Ni w York ,.s 5.0.' p. m., Phitade'p-bia nt s.t-0 a. m. an t p. ;u (:a-. S.OOa. m. trai'i rtliilii-.ig oti'v to; ) kaa I'ottsville s.ii.1 a. in., JlurVis'iuiv, 5.1.5 a. in., and 4.III.. la. and Reading at 7.15 a. m. nn ! 10.05 p. in. lor Harrisburg. ut 7.'.:; a. in. p.i New York, uiul ill y. 10 n. iu., and 4.5 p. tu. l..r I'hilailera. t oinniiitatlon, M'.'eage. 1 Excursion Tickets, nt reduce all points, Haggage ibeelo'd through '.l-ae.l, School ill'..! rates to a'jd fn 'al 101' Founds ll.ig- gage a.iiiue 1 ctieli P;ts.-ci!.'. r. G. . NiCol.I.S. General t-n; i nl -ii 1. t. s? lauhuol I How I. out. Hum .to-Torcil. fy2as JUST piiblishi d, a li. a c l il n ol iVJSr DR. Cl I.V1.RW l l.l.'.- i 111. n.i; V- TI-.D ESSAY ill I he In (without iiii'.iiclm ) of Si : a, i nn i. no: i, i r Scmiiial Weakness, la"l'o t , i v Si mi i i..i I Li s cs, I Mf'oTKM'V, Meiitai and I'l y-i il lucap.icii , Iiiiptdimi-iits to Mariiiie.c, tic., tibo, l'u. I'MI'TloM, lll'll.ll'sv, and I'lli, illdllecj by c ll'-hnliilgrncc oriual evtravai: nice. J-- " Price, In a scaled envelop,., i niv It i ems. 1 he celebrated mil hor, in I hi- a lu.'a.'. ble i - '.iy, ideally di inoiistrutcs flora a tl.iaiy jeais' ,;,',-. eessfiil pi a. lice, that the aia i iiiin coii-i -ia ia - s of M-ll iibiise may be radically cur. 1 uul,,'i.i t ' ,,. dangcjoiis use ol Internal u.,- 11, ii., or i! - ; i calioi. of Ibe ktiile ; poiuliia: ,a,i ., 1 1 1 . . I , ,.i , aa lit once simple, cci tain, an i 1,, , t a , . I., i.., of bti h i ii. ry ullen r. im t., .-.ti, i , I, I I - . a dllioll inn v be, liinyt ure b in . at ih lalelv, mid 1 ..a H.'t-.a '1 1 ;'- iT 1M l.ectiiie sh uild l e i.i Ha- I...:,,!- .a IV. lt Volltll lllal fVcIV ll-. I,, II, ll.e 1.111,1. Sclil Under seal, ia a Vl.'ii, i a i . 1. I a, t . :.-v uddii , Wi,if, on n , : i o s'v , , i t ,.r I . o p.l t.iinw. Also, Dr. I .i, 1 1. . " 's Ma, . a. liiiide,'' piicc 25 ia nl. A.I i, - il I' a :.. , I II . J. C. I I'M .'v i i ' , 127 Ikiwi i v, Ni w mi,, I'. . ; .il. . I.. I,;.- i Nov, 111,' iMitl. ly. ( IIOKIl I III I I' A HtMll i WI. ffi T ii i: i: s. He m J Ml u h u v r . UFA 1,1 K In I tan und Oiaaiia lit I I ll ' ., w i ! lUllll.ll llo III III. III. m I, , - a. a Salsa lli III Ull lllal I'll'.l rlil'.. Hal , , I I 1 I 1 I ad kill I.. A!.", ."l'i "t-l'i i , law au.l P'.'l.l". ti ll dcu .ladt i I .id km I'. ' l.k.l 'u 1 1 if S. IV I; L ICi if t Mil II N I II rl MIMINi,, Ac, Ac. A4dl.- III SJ. I-. .11 S I It. V. Ml.. ., S, III. .. ! f. H. - ! , slli.ib. . I. . .1 I.i .... I..: .1 1 4 lll.i.1 ls,,ll.t- I ll. In.,,,..,., . M . I .,., '. li. I 'Ir ( ,4iNi,i. It, ll. r lU . , .i. . I'mIuU, UiU, Ar. till. .. i f la. .!. I ' . I I i I'll, V.I I'll, . IL., l I ''li' 0'H la. I 4 Ur' l .1.1 Vl.1.1"' i , V.i. U.o., U...I., ,l.l"l-ll''' .1 . ll ". l'" UUlo 1 i.- at I. H Jr. I t .. I . 4 l' . .. I p. I I- I"'